Golf Players

This Chipping Video Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE

In this video Forbes-Featured Instructor Eric Cogorno is joined by Golf Digest Top 7 Coach Martin Chuck…

To reveal a technique with your wedges that can completely revolutionalize your chips and pitches and help you shave 5-8 shots around the green.

Get 2024’s Best New Wedge For Amateur Golfers… the ONE Wedge, a High-Performance wedge from Golf Digest’s Top 7 Coach, Martin Chuck, that fixes the root cause of mis-hit pitch shots… from ANY LIE on the golf course.

ONE Wedge

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all right guys in today’s video we’re going to be teaching you a technique with your Sand Wedge that can completely revolutionize your chipping pitching and really all your wedge shots around the green I’m Eric agoro here with performance golf to my right now top 10 oh right teacher in the world Martin Chuck be very cool we’re glad to have Martin here to give some wedge secrets and some techniques that Martin has used with literally over 100,000 golfers in his golf schools and Martin I know when you’re teaching and I’m teaching we see a lot of the same issues that are causing should I should I show them go ahead we see we we see this look the divy knes I mean that was better than most of the shots we see yeah what we see is golfers come and they they’ll say hey I’m a six handicap I’m an eight handicap pretty good golfer but I can’t pitch it on the green yeah and and we see it all the time and I think some of the concepts Eric that kind of work for the full swing like power development hitting it far hitting flush iron shots from the Fairway don’t work here you see and why didn’t you tell me that 20 years ago when I was starting no no and I I struggled too as a kid you know I was a good ball Striker and this kind of had me freaked out and it was funny that you know when you learn and you know we’ve talked about this it’s interesting when you watch really good ball Strikers you’ll see the Tiger Woods Justin Thomas these guys will will get in their ball striking they’ll load up their golf swing you’ll see all this compression rotation and side Bend and they murder it and they you know they flush it where they’re looking crisp shots on their target line but around the green it’s a different move okay we see something a little different you watch tiger’s head Steve Stricker’s head Zack Johnson’s head burnard Langer’s head these are the guys that are like are my go-to references models for amazing pit shots and you start to see a behavior that looks different instead of the diving side bending and rotation that you’d see for big swings we see an event where the golfer gets they find their Arc height they find their radius and I just say you know tap tap structured lead arm good golf hands on there tap tap tap and then the event of striking this is more of a club down body up event when you track a good player’s head hitting a pit shot you’ll actually see their head come up and that blows golfers Minds because what are they all taught they got you know they all have to keep their head down now there’s truth to that but we need room for arms to pass through to brush the grass to collect the ball so the ball response so when a golfer is hitting a pit shot you know I’ll get these golfers that are the the knee divers right I even hate doing that and then I’ll say to those golfers hey let’s learn how to create some back swing length push away from the ground chest up head up letting the ball get in the way of that event and you start to see some really crisp shots that you know very the correct engagement Club Turf ball relationship for those good shots and when you slow-mo that you start seeing this relationship where this club is working down and out toward the ball and ground that Rel that contact but the player is standing up you know rotated looking at a shot rather than thinking that they have to do something you know staying down you know what’s been your experience yeah literally to a te so like when when you one of the videos you came out with a while ago you said that and I was watching it back it was it was a literal light bulb moment for me you said as the club goes down you go up and I was like oh what a brilliant line as the club goes down you go up my whole 20 years of playing I I never heard that before okay and I certainly was never trying to do it and you actually if you don’t mind if we kind of throw this in here too yeah know for sure you also gave a little visual with sort of the uh radius length from the shoulder to the ground yeah remember how we did that it’s been a while yeah no for sure so you know when you have I think this is such a good you know it’s interesting too there’s a couple of things too like we’ll have the golfers get in this this situation where they have you know and they’ll get into this this bad thing where they have this radius where this can’t where does this have to go and and we’re showing radius too Martin right like so like it’s kind of from the shoulder to the to the ground okay absolutely so that’s what those sticks are repr you know and and so totally there’s a radius lead arm down to the ground and we’ll get golfers with the ball too far back and you can see that radius is going to stab into the ground very little room for error okay so a couple things we’ll kind of get the radius a bit more neutral I always say put the golf ball somewhere in a narrow stance and now from here that radius still wants to hit the ground doesn’t it y so what do we have to do is this club is going down this lead shoulder my left shoulder goes up as I rotate and stand up through the strike so important you know and then you see like the hands aren’t flippy the thumbs are kind of on top and so this relationship of learning how to stand up properly and I want the golf I want your your fans to go look up uh Zach Johnson’s pitching technique on YouTube go look at Steve Stricker like that guy played the Canadian tour and I did and I’m telling you if he was in front of a oh was amazing if he was in front of a par five and two which he was regularly from here to there 20 y it was this perfect little narrow stance stood up beautiful little spinning what shot one two you know rolled out peacefully with some spin on it done and I’m looking at at this like okay that’s how you do it right you know what I mean yeah and and what do you see with the people that come to your schools like say when they try and keep like when they try and stay down with their upper body and the club would run in the ground they do some other things so you know that ultimately you know we want to feel as though this chest can keep going okay so I always this this phrase I use all the time rotate and relocate okay so this is my body shared over both feet I’ve got my weight pressure my feet and I always tell people let’s keep things moving we’re never standing still over these and this is a mild little dance here too this little event but I’m rotating and relocating to let this club have some momentum as a club’s going down I’m standing up yeah gosh it’s good you know and so that’s a crisp shot that can run out to to you know hit some good shots and so the folks that struggle are always they’ve been indoctrinated to keep their head down they stare at the golf ball which is fine but then nothing moves and then now they have no room to have long arms to have this structure this gentle radius that we created a dress I tap the grass find that radius Club is never resting on the ground it’s always a something to where if this Turf fell into a hole my club wouldn’t move because my club’s never really on the ground it’s just barely flexing that grass okay and so since you’re finding a radius there’s tap tap tap now you’re in a situation where your whole goal is to feel though that you can sort of begin with the end in mind like I know where I’m going all these strikes are going to be in this position right here where I’m rotated looking at the Target and if we start that knowing that we’re going to energize this to this position now we’re going to have a reliable radius that has a better chance of the right interaction between grass ball and the face dude as always so freaking good two things on there I think it’s important if you’re watching to understand that when you hit a bad chip pitch shot and you may say to yourself I picked up on that in fact what may have happened is the exact opposite you stay down too much totally and the arms had to react to that absolutely so it’s like I hope that that’s sinking in of those two pieces like have to go together peanut butter and jelly you have to do the standing up to be able to allow your brain to do the unhinging right and lengthen and Martin in one of the other videos too I liked as a cue you were talking about sort of the thumb down yeah that’s the look we get that was pretty impressive we use that as the b roll I stayed down there right that exactly yeah so I love that I I start my golf school like this yeah so I try to break some of those you know those old famous things and so I’ll hit a golf I’ll say okay tell me if I lift my head up yeah you know and I clearly didn’t lift my head up I topped it nicely and the reason I topped it is cu I had this people are scratching their head there yeah my head’s down too much my arms are separated in the event of that you can’t see the suddenness of the elbows separating yeah and so you teach people how to create this length and learn how to move this comfortably long combination of Club arms with pivot they start to get a pretty reliable reaction off the face and as you start to get the feedback now you can start to save those fields and use them when you find appropriate situations in the golf course so just do one more Martin do that hold the finish with the thumbs down yep yep okay great so we’re feeling comfortably long finding a radius golf ball is in the middle of a of a narrow stance as the club goes down I’m standing up and then I hold my finish and what do you notice about those hands see that’s unhinged I think a lot of folks re they don’t realize that as we’re standing up to to have a club that is has greater reliability through the Impact Zone as we are traveling through here and I’m standing up guess what’s getting longer this relationship all the way up into a finish now that’s a stock pit shot you know on a fast scen downwind you know there’s all kinds of variations in you know that people can use for for you know variability as needed but this is a stock event that people have to be good at it’s one of the it’s the core thing we do day one at Golf Camp is to say okay narrow stance can you rotate and stand up and uncock your hands because that’s that’s Paramount that’s Cornerstone got to do it no arguments there so at my Camp day one that’s what people learn and then there’s variability you can do different things if you want to but that’s the thing you have to check the box in my opinion to be a good Striker Martin Chuck as always guys if you have a chance to go to one of Martin schools super highly recommend we’ll put that in the link down description down below key Concepts here when you’re trying to stay down too much through impact that’s going to cause you issues with the arms and wrist poor contact the best chippers and pitchers stand up how they make up for that distance is with the unhinging of the wrist right the ability for the club to go down I think just that little gentle standing up with the thumbs down into the follow through got a couple more videos coming we’re going to dive into more detail in here gold as always with Martin and next video we’re going to talk about this new one wedge a wedge that’s completely transformed my chipping and pitching I’m super excited if you guys to see that we’ll see you in the next video Martin thanks again appreciate thank


  1. I chip fairly well on a flat lie but have trouble if there is a fairly steep up hill lie. What can help? What stanch should be used?

  2. learnt more in 5 min of watching ur video than 25 years of trying to chip with lessons and watching thousands of youtube video's, first time hearing new phrases, create some backswing, push away from the ground, as the club goes down you go up, put the golf ball somewhere in a narrow stance, rotate and relocate, beautifully explained, thank you

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