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Roy Keane FUMES after Scotland thrashed by Germany | Euro 2024

Hear from Andy Robertson, Steve Clarke, Julian Naglesmann and the ITV Panel following Germany’s opening day thrashing of Scotland.

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does that worry you as much as anything how poorly they played tonight yeah my worst fears were Germany get an LA goal and if they get on top of you they give you a hard time we did we did that we never got started never got a foothold never had a presence in the game give away a DA goal an avoidable goal then the roof caved in and then the guy getting sent up just before half time compounded all those problems we were miserable tonight you know I can’t really tell you how good the German team is because we were so bad yeah you know 51 which yester they’re a really good team let’s see how they Fair against a really good team as well you know I I I I’m so disappointed we we l ourselves down badly tonight it’s a continuation of Scotland’s form we said before the game they came into this in the worst form of any of the Euro teams and I’m afraid the harsh reality is they showed that didn’t they they did yeah um I genuinely thought that they would have um this is why I said at the start that they would have been a little bit more resilient um they would have been they would have had the two Center midfielders back closer to the back five they would have made it a lot more difficult they may have had someone like Chad Shay Evans Chay Adams I keep saying that Shay Adams getting closer to to to Cruz and stopping him at source and then getting closer and getting the right side of people like gundan because what we saw was in time and and when they’ve got time they really do punish you with these passes and the quality and the touch and musal and vers you’re you’re going to get punished they were second best in every aspect of the game physically tactically even mentally we’re talk we said before the game about being competitive there weren’t even that but also two goals on after 20 minutes a long way back to sending off obviously compounded everything they showed a little bit of fighting spirit in the second half as you would expect from Scotland but the difference in quality is chalk and cheese really they loed their dep Steve I know that you said beforehand you wanted the team to make a good account of themselves tonight but Germany made that pretty difficult to do didn’t they yeah I think they showed everybody that when it comes to competitive games already I thought Germany were outstanding and unfortunately we couldn’t match them Andy Robertson had said to us it was for him about the first half and decision making um what was your assessment of that obvious the first half ran away from us very quickly we didn’t give oursel a foothold in the game defensively we weren’t very good and with the ball we weren’t very good so the end result is a is a disappointing night and even more difficult to do when when Germany had so much possession but also trying to do that with 10 men yeah I thought the 10 men second half were mindful worked hard tried to limit the chances managed to Nick a goal disappointing to lose the the fifth goal in injury time but listen you can talk all day about goals what we need to do is still in front of us so that’s what we have to focus on yeah let’s talk about that actually and I guess how you ensure that this is not you know something that that affects the players mentally going into these next two really crucial matches no no now it’s all about reaction so let’s see how they react four points is still a Target obviously four points is a target I’ve said that from the start we didn’t get any tonight so Four Points next two games thanks for your time thanks Connie Andy talk to us about how much that one hurt tonight I mean it was a tough watch I’m guessing it was even tougher out there yeah um first half we just got it all wrong really didn’t really show up weren’t aggressive enough let good players on the ball and yeah they obviously had a game plan and we did and their game plan worked a million times better than than ours but it wasn’t because of the practice because we didn’t put it together on the pitch and when big occasions come like this you have to do that and unfortunately we didn’t do that first half second half look we’re down to 10 men I thought the lads dug in really well to be fair to them and you know we lose a sloppy goal at the end but you know you could have drawn the second half but it’s no consolation we’re well backed over here we know that we’ve got so many good supporters and yeah today was hugely disappointing but you’re playing against the H nation and it’s the first game and you don’t get much tougher than that but we have to bounce back quickly because there was a lot of things wrong about today and we have to sort it for um you know it’s quite a quick turnar around till Tuesday yeah we spoke before about the Step Up from the games that we’ve seen you know on the the friendly games at the end of The Campaign how do you do that really quickly to ensure that you get when we spoke about four points I guess that’s still the target well maybe it’s a reminder of how tough this tournament is obviously last time it was a lot different but this time you’re playing against world class teams and they showed that today their players their big players showed up and they were excellent all over the park and made it really difficult for us and had an answer for pretty much everything that we we had and um you know sometimes that happens but I think if we go in there and sit back down I don’t think you know we’ve played to our maximum and you have to do that against the pop one teams you have to do that so we have to dust ourselves down we’ve got now five days to sort ourself out and go again and it’ll be another tough Tas against Switzerland and we’ll take tomorrow to be angry at ourselves to be disappointed and then come Sunday we have to be positive and try and go again thanks and thank you Andre Robertson spoke at the end of the game and did a game plan it’s it’s well and good having a plan he said then we weren’t aggressive enough you have to be aggressive in the game of football when you’re up against opposition who are much stronger down here being being aggressive as part of a footballer well I love watching skillful players absolutely love it and the talent we saw with the the German players tonight because we’re given time it’s great to watch but my goodness when you’re playing football at this level you’ve got to hit people hit them properly hit them aggressively do it in the right way if you step off against them like Scotland did tonight and it’s no good talking after the game we a game plan it’s rubbish Andre Robertson it’s just it’s all just rubbish coming out you got you knew before the game what was at stake and after the game there no good going we’ll regroup and we’ll be angry tomorrow no you should be angry for a long time they spoke before the game about creating a history they creating history all right by playing as bad as that and letting their manager and supporters down but they’ve got to be aggressive in the right places that was Madness that tackle the penalty and the sending off of course of course you got to do the right but being aggressive as part of football football’s a physical game they didn’t lay a glove on them Andy Robertson was interviewed after the game and he said look it’s just a reminder of how difficult this tournament is they had one shot no shots on target they go again next Wednesday what can they do not just to pick up their confidence but to actually try and get something out of that game Al well they’ got they’ve got to get balls into the box and they’ve got to get forward they’ve got to get support to forward players whether it’s sh Adams I would think he’ll probably go along Shanklin now because he’s got to win the game shanklin’s probably the best finisher in the in the squad but there has to be a diff a completely different change in the mental approach to the game because I look I I felt I don’t know how the boys felt watching it I thought there was a you know a feeling there was no belief that they were going to get in from the game it was as if okay we’re going to sit back we’re going to take you know we’re going to hold the ball when we can but we’re not going to get forward with any real purpose it was as if right we’re going to have to defend we we’ll let Germany have a lot of possession the ball which they naturally would do but from Scotland’s point of view it should be slightly easier in my opinion because the opposition I don’t think will be of the same St the good opposition but I don’t think they’ll just be of the same standard as the Germans but there has to be more belief there has to be more forward passes forward and there has to be far more support getting forward absolutely all right I’m going to try and cheer Ally up that is US signing offer in Munich come on Ally don’t worry


  1. Once you hear a German TV commentator be happy for Scotland's goal (headed in by their competitor!) you know you’re in a similar situation like Brazil in 2014…

  2. What annoys me about this is that souness doesn't care about the national team at all. "The guy they got sent off" he doesn't even know our players! Absolute bellend!

  3. we were rotten i would f clarke off the day , and this comedic parady o the fans is a pile o pish anaw , decades o this shite

  4. Scotland are total dog $hit and embarassment to this tournament.

    Should have let Malta, Faroe Islands or someone else have a go.

  5. Souness (the only Scottish pundit ) referring to Porteous as the guy sums up everything you need to know about itv coverage. They’ve not got a clue about Scottish football and it was lazy punditry

  6. This was Germany opening the tournament at home and was always going to happen men against boys. And i am Scottish I knew it would happen I thought it would be 6-0 before the game I didn’t think Scotland would score what natural goal scorer did they have playing none

  7. I just wonder if maybe the time has come for Steve Clarke to step aside, after the tournament of course.

    Davie Moyes is currently available, as is Paul Lambert, but that discussion is for another day.

  8. Souness loving sayind "the celtic captain sells himself," twice he says celtic captain……keane spot on ….plus craig Gordon is our best gk …..that kelly gunn awful …..raltson miles off it as not played enough …porteous a nutter (but same souness was an animal his tackle on George mckluskey) why not play 2 up top as 5 same as 10 ….Scotland are shite and if im wee gilmour Armstrong id tell clark to ram it ….11/4 no points i bet at start

  9. What did Roy Keane expect? I think he sometimes finds it hard to put himself in other players' mindset because he has such a winning mentality but honestly be realistic! I'm Scottish and I wasn't surprised by the score.

  10. I’m more fuming over that American VAR woman!
    It’s the Euros…who ever dreamed up this absolute spoiler needs sacking!
    As for Keane slating our Robbo…at least he made it to the first game you clown…
    Keane used the ‘small nation’ card like all the Rashfords, Vini’s and Saka’s combined!
    Greame Souness OBE. Roy Keane GOH (grumpy old hypocrite…

  11. When a Scottish player had the ball (a rare occasion), there were two or three Germans pressuring him. When a German player had the ball there were three or four Scottish players backing off.

  12. When Tiernay rejoiced after winning a goal kick in the fifth minute of play, I knew the game was gone.

  13. Souness sounds surprised.
    The only thing the Scots can look
    Forward to is England getting beat
    Thats it !,

  14. Souness showcasing his lack of knowledge or care of Scotland 'the guy getting sent off'. Couldn't remember his name? Not good at your job? Don't care? We see you.

  15. Souness is the typical brit pundit. This incapacity to recognize or understand the opposition forces and qualities to just say the usual "they were good because we were bad"

  16. I feel sorry for the Scottish fans I really do.
    Fk, if the team can't play well, at least give the fans something to shout for and be proud off.

  17. Is like Scotland will be like England. Because England will be/act it is a main Big…🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

  18. People forget we are Scotland. We are lucky to qualify and be here. Look at the depth of German squad on comparison

  19. Very very sad that a our older players like Souness have to indure such misery but we4e used to it.. we really are hurting now though absolutely right Roy Keane its rubbish lads its a disgrace really 😂 its no f***fair Jimmy

  20. Scotland are an extremely poor footballing nation. Very low quality. They play football like Australia,concrete boots all over the pitch with a rugby mentality. Wrong sport lads…

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