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Alex Perez vs Tatsuro Taira Fight Night | UFC Expert Predictions, UFC Picks and Best Bets

Alex Perez vs Tatsuro Taira Fight Night predictions for June 15th, 2024

BetUS’s host Dave Ross and our UFC betting experts Kyle Purviance and Matty Betss preview the fight between Alex Perez vs Tatsuro Taira. They’ll also go over the latest UFC betting trends, best value MMA odds available, and share their UFC expert predictions.

In this video:
UFC Fight Night June 15th 0:00
UFC Betting Record 2:29
Prelims Picks 6:01
Josh Quinlan vs Adam Fugitt Fight Preview 8:48
Asu Almabayev vs Jose Johnson Fight Preview 12:40
Brady Hiestand vs Garrett Armfield Fight Preview 17:13
Timmy Cuamba vs Lucas Almeida Fight Preview 21:36
Douglas Silva de Andrade vs Miles Johns Fight Preview 26:07
Alex Perez vs Tatsuro Taira Fight Preview 30:47
UFC Q&A 37:21
UFC Best Bets June 15th 54:03

#PerezvsTaira #BetUSTV #ufcpicks

Connect with our hosts and experts on X:
Dave Ross: @DRossSports
Matty Betss: @MattyBetss
Kyle Purviance: @dfsbachelor

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the UFC show here on BET us America’s favorite sports book coprine Matty bets I am Dave Ross you all know the drill by now like subscribe to the YouTube channel get at us oh I’m sure you might have some questions today gentlemen we’re going to get to all the shenanigans that’s happened in the last 24 hours in the UFC for UFC 303 uh for Saudi Arabia card all of those things but we do have a I think a pretty intriguing Main Event coming up here Teto Tyra back in there against Alex Perez who’s kind of rejuvenated his career so we’ll get to that uh but Gentlemen let’s before we look ahead let’s look back to last week’s card and Kyle you’re still the man to beat here in the standings but I know the main event didn’t go your way and I know there was a lot of consternation gentlemen about the stoppage with Jared koner uh Kyle I’ll go right to you on that one with the main event look I I’ve seen worse stoppages but I can understand why people are like hey man it’s a five round Main Event you gotta let that fight go on yeah and sort of the pedigree of caner and the durability of him and he didn’t look over hurt to me he was going backwards and to your point we talked about before he did turn his back a little bit but it was a bit early but that’s nonetheless that had nothing to do with me just being completely horribly opposite I was due right I was due for like a massive crash right I had had this kind of stupid run and I was way too close to the Sun did I didn’t expect it to be as brutal like I thought for sure I’m taking you know I’m gonna take a blow here but I literally was opposite wrong on every single thing I said so sometimes it’s going to work that way it’s the game of punching and kicking and uh that’s what happens sometimes yeah it does and MADD I want to get your thoughts on the overall card as well what’s your biggest takeaway from last week had an air stoppage was horrible it was literally disgustingly bad I don’t care what anyone says man’s never been finished in this division literally threw a right hand two seconds before the stoppage and was protecting himself on the feet so if the ref was going to stop it he should have stopped at 10 seconds before that not when he did it was ridiculous so I was fur I was Furious about it um also when I have like Sorano by KO and he he out strikes him to the Head 130 to to one or something how is that fight not stopped how is that fight stopped and then can or not stopped and then the Canon ear fight stopped so I almost honestly I was going to text the group chat and say I’m done with bet and show I’m done with bet in MMA I’m I’m quitting I’m retiring that’s how pissed off I was about this past week’s card and I still don’t even know if I’m betting this weekend I’m I’m really upset about it I had the worst card ever and it’s just I’m just sick of the the inconsistencies between judges giving 3027 the fighter a another judge gives 3027 the fighter B that uh the referees not understanding when to stop fights and when not to it’s just it’s all crapshoot at this point it’s it’s really frustrating honestly it is and I look we hear your voice and and I can understand why because again we talk about it constantly on this program uh and certainly even online like it’s it’s hard to when you’re making Wagers take into account what we think the referee and the judges it’s really four people you have to to account for right the three judges and then the referee as well Maddie I know you reached out to the refin question uh any response because I I did see I think he said online I see you all I hear you it makes me be introspective if I’m paraphrasing to the point where I think he’s GNA go back and look at why he stopped it at that point did you get any response nothing I was trying to get him on the podcast too but it didn’t work out can I say something Maddie I’m really glad you didn’t dude you’re the man at this it would be a huge hole in the industry you know like I get I get I get to work with some like for me the Mount rushmor of guys in this business and I get to work with two of them right here um another one Cody saftic I don’t know if you Cody is the absolute man I mean he knows everything about fighting and you know we all get that and but yeah we would be missing a member of Mount Rush more if you did that so uh we’re happy you hung in there and it’s gonna get better to be clear I still haven’t decided I’m still contemplating you’re not retire we’re not letting it happen no we’re not letting you retire MADD you’re too young can’t retire we can’t you can’t do it yeah but again and I again Kyle well said I I’m with both you guys love love it and it is frustrating because we’ve all been on those sides but to have a card like that and Matty’s Point’s well taken you get one fight that should have been stopped one fight that should not have been stopped so it’s not only the judging now it’s the refering that you have to go into for some of these handicaps and it does make our jobs uh that much more difficult so again if you got questions uh we’ll try to do our best to answer those in the time that we have allotted today we’ve had more cancellations uh to this flight card as well in the pre preim so it’s taking away a couple of plays that I know that we had out there uh Anan beckov fight against Joshua van was one of those fights I think everybody was really excited to watch and now that fight uh has been scrapped as well that was just moments ago here before we came on the air but we do have one fight uh this is interesting uh Maddie because Jimmy flick is an interesting guy and looks like he loves to go to the ground and maybe that’s by Design are you looking for Jimmy flick to get on his back and do some damage from the ground again yeah I mean look he might get finished but it’s seven to one his only path to victory in my view as a submission we’ve seen him pull it off as an underdog you know he submitted Cody Duran he submitted Malcolm Gordon in his last fight guy just finds ways to pull these submissions out so I don’t think Nate Manis is that special um you know he just got submitted against teir will and beckov which you know T’s legit guy but I just just think that this this number is really really high it’s his only path to Victory anyways so I’m going to I’m going to sprinkle on it plus 700 that Jimmy flick gets Nate out of there via sub I I look again Kyle that’s the pathway right if you’re back at Jimmy flick here you do it the way mdy did and I know people gonna go oh that’s a long shot he’s not winning any other way right he he normally does not do enough off his back to to win if it hits the cards so it’s got kind of that feel of like man it’s either he gets the sub is probably going to get knocked out is that the way you see it too yeah and and again it’s this is another card where dogs are going to be barking and Nate Maness as a two to one favorite no that that’s just that’s something I can’t swallow you know just like I should not have swallow the Taco Bell tape studying at 11 o’clock terrible plan just a terrible plan and I just don’t think you’re going to be very successful in this game betting guys like Nate Maness at as two to1 favorites so take the path of Victory the dog give yourself better odds and uh hope the universe unfolds as it should right I mean that’s what we got to do kind of like it so you know Jimmy flick here is plus $4 do betting Underdog against Nate but I like the play for mat yeah is a six to one favorite like what the hell are we talking about why don’t I think that’s just that’s just no the answer is no every single time and and I think though the the point too here is that if you are gonna back Jimmy fck some people go well I’ll just take the four to one because it’s better enough no like the the only way he wins is the way that Maddie is gonna go by the uh down this road that’s via sub that’s what Jimmy flick does so I like the even the bigger value there at plus 700 for Maddie that is the only prelim fight officially because of the cancellations that we have Jimmy flick via sub here at plus 700 let’s get to the main card and K we’ll go right back to you here because we got Josh quinland get Adam fugit and you’ve got kind of two-way action here uh in this fight and one that you think it goes the distance but if you think quinnland gets it done he gets it done with the hands is that the way you see this playing out yeah and it’s uh I did the quinland by KO and and fuget fugg it I always just like to call him fugg it like hey my boy fogg’s on here I I feel it fug let’s go with it with that him and let’s let’s let’s call it what these are two low-level guys quinland is gonna be that he throws real hard he has legitimate power can he sustain it for three rounds doesn’t appear so it appears like there’s holes in the cardio when you flip it to the other side Adam fug here not very good we’ve seen him knocked out uh just last year year before uh we SE him seen him get subbed by Mike mot uh last June which has not aged well obviously we’ve seen that and it’s like look if he’s gonna win he’s going to try to take him down and kind of stay on top of him and neate uh quintland Power it’ll be a super low volume fight both guys will probably land less than 50 significant strikes and he’ll win it on the cards with the takedowns on the flip side if quin’s able to do this he’s going to have to catch him early because I don’t think it’s cardio holds up he’s not going to have the takedown game he’s not going to have the volume so it’s going to be those big shots that put fuget out so that’s why I did a half unit on The Knockout here at plus 175 and if Fugate gets it done I think it will be a slow grinding boring fight where he tries to control him on the ground and he wins by decision at plus 260 I see both Pathways here Maddie that Kyle sees and again I that’s the way I view quintland right he he wants to be all action he wants to keep the fight standing he wants to throw those hands and Adam’s going to try to get those take Downs do you see it playing out the same way yeah I I like the quinland by KO um but I ultimately stayed away from it I just didn’t like how Michael Morales took him to the third round against Adam fug get yeah so I that’s just the part that scares me a little bit you know I mean that was back in 2022 but you know yeah I just stayed away from the fight ultimately so that Kyle is your official kind of two-way play here is going to be quinland via KO half unit play there plus $75 and if you get win by decision at plus 260 so I like those value plays that you have at plus money you’ve been doing pretty well with those win by decision props correct yeah the win by decision props have been good and you know you got again you’re lemon booty and you’re hoping the judges get it right and you and you get a break in there there was one other thing I meant to say at the opening and I’d be remissed if I didn’t because you know we we see the records and like oh I had these great three weeks and so I went way up but it’s real this is sort of this is a team game and I think it’s really important to remember like the big parlay right that set me over the top 3671 the first leg of that was not a fighter I had an official play on in fact it was Dave Ross with Vanessa demopulos and then Maddie talked me into uh Nolan first round right and so those were the bases for that parlay and then I sprinkled some stuff that I liked and that’s what created it so it’s easy to say oh this guy got this and this guy got that but really I was talked in to you know Vanessa demopoulos was a plus 280 addition to that parlay which boosts your odds through the roof so uh I think it’s important to point that out before uh you know things are misunderstood if you will totally and again like we are like uh you know what do they say high tides raise All Ships we’re trying to uh get everybody and eventually we’re going to get there uh by the end of this calendar year and I’m with you Kyle I look at that as I’ve got my convictions I’ve got my handicaps but I am listening to you guys and we normally do kind of like a a show parlay if you will by the end of the day and I’m sure after this conversation you guys will walk me into another winner as you normally do each and every week so I’m excited for that uh let’s get to the next fight on the card and this one is interesting because uh Jose Johnson is a big lanky guy as you can see look at this he’s six feet tall 125 pounds I wish I was six feet tall uh and you look at the reach advantage that he’s got against Alma bab here at 71 inches to 65 so we know that ISU wants to get the fight down to the ground uh Maddie you’re looking for finishing potential here but you’re not on the Johnson side yet what do you see and how do you see this fight playing out yeah I think it’s just crazy this got six feet tall and makes 125 pounds H how is that possible I don’t know I look at it as he’s either gonna be just massive and get a finish or he’s going to get chinned or finished because of the weight cut so I was like I I’ll even lay the juice here atus 200 just for the fight not to go to the distance you know I don’t mind the play here kle because again we talked about it before we began the show here in bet us that Johnson gets taken down a lot and so I think he might be looking for ways to you know catch uh alab maybe in some sort of choke on the way down or something off his back and that that does that doesn’t happen sometimes you give up position maybe you can get ground and pounded out of there or submitted yourself how do you see the fight playing out cuz I’m leaning towards the long gangly Underdog here but I haven’t been able to fully get there yet yeah I’m look I’m sort of taking a swing at the fences here for what we just so Jose Johnson’s moving down from 135 to 125 he’s six feet tall I think that’s probably the tallest flyweight ever I I’m not 100% sure I think the previous one was someone like Luis smoka or something like 5’9 510 something like that dud six feet tall which is which is a little bit bizarre right also do we ever see just like dominant White about fights at flyweight at 125 they always seem to be close greasy kind of decisions right unless someone catches a sub or something this alabev guy I went back and watched several of his fights and he gets a ton of takedowns but he can’t keep them down and I’ve watched two fights with Jose Johnson he was taken down four times and six times won both those fights on the judge’s scorecards because he’s good on the feet he’s gonna have the advantage on the feet when you get him down he’s got submissions he throws up submissions from his back he’s throwing elbows in attacking from the back Alma bayv he landed nine takedowns in his last win and only landed 44 significant strikes I think we’ve seen from the judges that’s not always going to play out here so if I think that I have a fight where well lay have taken down several times most likely uh Jose Johns has not has not been great at stuffing takedowns but I think he’ll be the more effective fighter on the feet he is moving down so he’s going to be in theory the bigger guy M the strength should help him get up even more alabay has showed me nothing to make me think he should be a minus 600 favorite so I could see a close greasy fight here where Johnson wins the exchanges on the feet does a little bit more attacking throws up subs from the back you know Banks a round or two here and you’re getting him to win by decision at 11 to one in a Flyway fight where I’m not sure either of these guys outside of the of the submission have the chance to put the other one away why not take a swing here I’m going to take the dog and I’m going to take him by decision at 11 to okay I like where we both y’all’s heads at I gotta tell you Kyle makes a lot of sense to me that alab is way overpriced here so I’m gonna take kind of a stab with both you guys in mind here give me a red button play on Johnson plus4 at plus 400 because I don’t know if he’ll get the decision but I think he’s got some finishing potential here too so I can see it going both ways if he doesn’t get the Finish Kyle’s going to be in play here and I think you’re going to have a live dog at Plus 11100 and Matty certainly the fight not to go the distance at minus $2 because I do think there’s going to be finishing potential and I like it from the Johnson side I really do I think that if somebody maybe gets a stoppage here before we hit the cards I kind of lean towards the Johnson side with that that gangly frame maybe catching alv on the way in here so I’m gonna red button that play and take Johnson here as a value play because I I agree with Kyle way overpriced to me on the yab bayv side so I’m going to play that at plus $4 with a red button play uh I know Kyle you’re not really excited about the Brady heistand Garrett Armfield fight because uh we hey we got to fill cards sometimes here at the UFC and they’re going to do it with this one uh none of us have an official play on this one uh okay we’re gonna do the yeah High there we go uh Kyle I start with you what what does not excite you about Brady High stand specifically well a couple things number one so I was already bummed that uh rram was taking off the card because and I hear people go well stinks cuz you can’t really use them in your parlay pieces and I’m like what the hell are you talking about I can’t wait to make parlays with that being the final leg at minus a th000 it gives me the ultimate hedge at the end right so I’m getting a six to1 dog so it’s an e the easiest hedge of all time right if you’re parl I know it pisses Maddie off because he’s but it is why would you don’t put a a last leg in there just to hedge it just leave it off yes yeah I do it’s for my mental health mathematically that makes no sense it makes me happy though like it gives me this feeling of Peace where I’m like look I know I can do this and no matter what it’s gonna work my way it’s just something I have to do to control my blood pressure control my emotions it just makes me happy so I was bummed about that right although and you know I do think it’s good that rram gets to fight no one wanted to fight him right it was really hard for him to find a fight in the top 15 so getting Robert Whitaker and Saudi Arabia is cool but I I’ll be fully transparent here when I’m tape studying the main card and going through some of the prelim fights that I like this was not on my list this was something that I just really I just kind of looked at the names and go oh yeah didn’t that guy fight Brad Katona and uh blah blah blah and that’s it and then I looked at the sheet about oh 15 minutes before the show and I go oh [ __ ] this fight’s on the main card and I didn’t realize that they added it here if I had the proverbial gun to my head you got a low volume wrestler in Brady highand you’ve got a guy who was shown his last fight a high higher volume Striker so what do you want to do here to me probably high stand by decision you I prefer the wrestlers over the strikers when you sort of get into these three round fights that you think will go to the cards because the grap you know when things get bad on the feet they can take them down and control half the round and that’ll most of the time give it you know give the get the judges attention if you will but I just had to stay completely stay away fight to go the distance I think makes a ton of sense um I don’t see either guy finishing him here but complete stay away for me yeah over two and half is Juiced by the way to Kyle’s Point here minus1 65 and then if it does hit the cards and I say this each and every week I normally want to be on the side of the dog high standand is the dog here plus a hour 60 But Maddy we know Armfield he is aggressive and he probably would love to keep the fight standing obviously Brady like to get it down to the ground you got any finishing potential on this one I know there’s no official plays for any of us on this yeah I like the fight the distance too I’m actually gonna let me live play Armfield by decision Dam Garrett Armfield by decision so what what what gives you on the Armfield side here you think he just outw works I mean Brad Katona looked good in his last fight I know he didn’t finish Jesse Butler and I know that’s not a a great opponent but you know if G I think Garett Armfield you know he outstruck Brad Katona 105 to 64 Katona was just spamming wrestling and take Downs I think this fight plays out similarly where he’s able to just do more damage across three rounds maybe give up some takedowns but just land more more shots so I’m GNA go what’s the number like plus 170 or so yeah for for Armfield via decision is going to be the official red button place we’ll get the BET us uh number uh ASAP find it right now Armfield by decision plus 190 yeah me up for that kind of like that uh by the way why does everybody hate Brad Katona I like I I was on him last week and I’m like yeah what what what what people don’t like that they they can’t beat him is that what the beef is because the dude outworks everybody that he fights I know he has a $7 betting favorite last week but I just don’t get that sometimes in our space of like oh I gotta watch another Brad Katona fight what we beat the guy you know he’s won a c couple uh ultimate fighters for a reason so I’m with you MD kind of that Armfield loss does not look that bad uh when we see the maturation process of Brad Katona 2.0 uh in his second search year in the UFC so I common opponents you can kind of get there and I think that’s how matd just got their plus a do 90 live bet here on Garrett Armfield via decision uh Tim Timothy kua’s back in there Timmy is gonna take on Lucas Al Madea and this feels like to me that we’ve got Banger alert here I don’t know if I want to be on the side of kwamba here relative newcomer to the UFC and lay a $2 price tag but boys I see somebody’s lights being put out eventually I’m playing the under two and a half I’m Ling a little bit of juic here at a145 but KY you you see it differently you think this one might be Rock them sck robots and hit the cards this is this is the I learned this from mattye Betts I this this Theory which has been really good to me in this run I learned from M because everyone knows that right these two can be put away they want to put the other person away you don’t think these two camps know that and you don’t think they’re prepared for that and you don’t think the fighters get in there and say hey I’m going to have to feel this out out a little bit so I don’t get finished right so I don’t get finished by my opponent I know that he’s dangerous I’m not backing Timmy kowa as a two to one favorite that’s not going to happen Lucas almea he got knocked out in the first round by Andre fely we know that’s Andre fely right he’s either gonna be knocked out or get The Knockout early that’s Andre fely he was submitted by Pat sabatini which I’m not gonna necessarily hold that against him I think Pat sa I mean I sort of hold it against him but in terms of Kua eh and then he had the knockout so never went to the cards right in the UFC he never went to the cards I think I know that both camps know that I think Almeida will probably have the volume Advantage when you see his third round knockout over trano back in 2022 he did land 75 significant strikes 94 overall strikes Kua and his third round decision loss in his only fight against Oki back in February dude landed 33 significant strikes that’s not enough volume for me to back you as a two to1 favorite it’s just simply not so I’ll take the guy who I think will have the volume Edge um I hope he’ll be able to I don’t know that Kua will necessarily have the huge power to get him out super early like an Andre fely I think these two are a little bit cautious they’ve both lost they both need a win I think this gets the cards and the volume Edge in my view will be with Lucas almea so I’ll take it at plus 550 why the hell not there is value there Maddie you’re going to weigh some chalk here with the relative newcome and kwamba uh I just think that Almeida maybe that Chin’s not going to be able to hold up how do you see it playing out I think quaka win this fight a number of ways so I’m gonna I’m gonna surprisingly lay the juice here at minus 190 I mean Alid just he’s terrible but yeah Pat satini bro Pat satin’s got good grapp his eyes are so close to it to Pat satin’s eyes are like Mama drank right like Mama drank when she had P satini I’m just gonna say that yeah just I just don’t think I just can’t see you know I think I think kwam is actually a solid favorite here Sobe and again we talk about this too sometimes you can find Value in favorites and that’s what Matty’s going to play here that that kwamba maybe’s underpriced because the exposure the lack thereof in the UFC against a guy like Almeida we’ve seen it and maybe it’s more of a fade so I I see Matty side here too as well at minus1 90 I’m playing the under here Ling that juice atus 45 and then Kyle you’re just hoping man just just get to the cards and then some crazy things can happen we see every week yeah give me that and plus we’ve seen it time and time again guys you get knocked out in the first round and so you work on that not happening because that’s not a good look you don’t get a new contract when you’re constantly knocked out in the first round so that’s going to be things I think they’ll probably work on his defense they’ll probably work on you know tucking the chin when you throw your strikes these little things that they do in gyms and that’s how you make improvements he’s still only 33 years old so I would imagine he’s still making improvements mov in the gym and to me he’s got the volume Edge so if I have two guys who I think are probably going to keep this standing and I’ll H the volume Edge and I I think I have a guy who has shown that he throws more volume and I’m getting 550 you know it’s worth the swing right I I’m hoping because it’s UFC Apex we get the Close Quarters it’s not the Yum Center in Louisville that we get some Rockham zakum there and somebody goes to sleep before we get to two and a half rounds but uh those are our three official plays here uh going to lay it with Timmy uh for Maddie I’m going to play and lay it with the under and then I’ll Madea via decision at the big price point there for Kyle let’s get to the new co-main event of the evening Douglas Silva de Andra miles Simon you look at Miles Simon and uh miles John’s rather and Miles Simon I’m going back to Arizona college basketball miles John’s really nice record I’ve backed miles John’s before but guys my concern at this stage uh is that he’s become more of a decision fighter and deand dra he’s getting up there in age here at 38 years young but to me he’s the guy in a close proximity here at Apex is going to be looking to engage and maybe has more Pathways to Victory here so I’m going to take the small dog here plus a 10 because I kind of look at Deon dra and say I think he’s got three ways he can win might be able to get him out of there with hands certainly could submit him that the fight goes down to the ground and then if it hits the judge of scorecards and it’s close as I think it might be and the line already indicates it I think he’s got three ways miles John to me is he going to get a stoppage I don’t think so I think he’s got one way to win and that’s by decision Maddy how do you see playing out yeah I see it the same exact way I don’t understand why he’s a plus 10 dog 110 dog like I would make him a minus 130 favorite easily here um I just think the numbers wrong when you look at his losses in the USC I mean it’s say nmga medov lero Murphy Peter Yan Rob font like what what are we talking about here I don’t understand why this guy’s an underdog um maybe it’s you know maybe the age I don’t know I just I think Miles John could maybe catch him but I think that’s his really only way only path here I just I don’t understand why this guy’s the dog totally agree and and Kyle I know it’s you don’t have an official play on this one yet I wonder I think I probably am so this one so Dion Dr like F I love this guy okay and no one is going to look better in that octagon than this guy okay an absolute specimen the dude’s a beast the reason last night when I’m filling out my sheet I’m like God he has been off for like over a year and he is 38 years old now and you wonder you know father time is undefeated and Miles JNS is one of these guys I fade all the time because I can’t stand he’s super low volume so you wonder how how does this guy win fights like here’s his last three decision victories okay 25 significant strikes landed two takedowns six minutes of control time okay you can lose that fight easily against Dan arua 43 significant strikes two takedowns five minutes of control time against Morales 38 significant strikes landed two minutes of I mean this these are pathetic poultry numbers so but I’m like he finds for some reason the judges love this guy and so it makes me nervous but Dion dra is the man let’s I’m just going to take the money line too let’s live bet that at plus 110 like the more I just look at the Despicable tapology of Miles John’s like it just makes me sick the last time he landed more than 30 than 43 significant strikes in a fight and it’s the only time he’s ever done it in the UFC so in all these fights going all the way back to 19 31 13 48 34 38 43 against do Santos in August of 2021 miles Johns must have had the Special Sauce cuz he landed 80 ific strikes in a fight he got no takedowns in congratulations uh no miles John’s is such a can yeah I’m going with diand j i worry about the year off and I worry about the age a little bit but what I mean on what planet is Miles John’s favorite over anybody like who is he beaten who H he even lost he got submitted by John castanada he only landed 34 significant strikes that was in the third round I mean this guy doesn’t do anything in the Octagon so yeah I like I look at it the exact same way he’s won some and I’ve been on the John side in a couple of these and I go but I don’t know how I won that decision he’s a decision fighter I’m with you I think you guys have nailed the handicap as well we all see this the same way that the wrong guy’s favorite here should be de D although the age is a concern so I get Kyle’s point there but again I think he’s got three ways to win I think there’s only one for John’s that’s to hold on and hope he gets another favorable decision good price point here so we’re all taking the plus money here on the Deandra side and I I actually like it I know sometimes people oh when you’re all three together no normally when all three of us together and see it the same way that’s been pretty profitable for us so far this year so I’m happy that we all see this one the same way so red button play for Kyle we are all on the side of deand dra here at plus a doll10 guys I am actually very excited for the main event and maybe I’m the only one because I know we’re going to get to 303 here and Saudi Arabia and those fight cards here but and I’ve been on the Alex Perez side I had him against Matas Nicola last time out uh cash is a big dog there and I thought Perez we saw it in m fight fight like all right he’s getting his SE legs back he’s back and I took him that night to go over uh when everybody thought that fight would would be an underfight he starting to show you why Alex Perez was at one point really highly regarded but T Tyra man I you know House of the Rising Sun it’s a massive Step Up in competition for him so K I want to go to you first because I think you and I see this one differently here uh what leaned you towards the dog side here a nice price point for Alex Perez uh so I went back and watched quite a few tatsuro Tyra fights and you he is has slick Jiu-Jitsu when he’s on top his transition game is is really really good but his takedown game not so much I I don’t think he’s great at getting the takedowns so his path to me is he’s gonna have to be able to catch Perez and get him down and then try to submit him and then I look at Alex Perez and look I mean Alex Perez has fought in the who’s who in this division here’s his submission losses to Alexander Pantoja to Davidson Figo to Joseph Ben aitz way back in 2018 I just I would have all of those guys right now favored over tatsuo Tyro I’m sorry and I and I know Tyro is this young up and cominging guy but I just he doesn’t have a great ability to keep guys down when he gets on top of Alex Perez has F I mean even against Mia I that was a horribly boring fight M could put him out of there I think Alex Perez is the better Striker I think he’s the I think and again Tyra has been working on it that’ss who Tyra certainly been working his striking is much better than it was uh a few years ago there’s no doubt about that and he’s a young guy getting better so he’s always got that going for him but to me Alex Perez is just we’ve seen this too many times these younger guys coming up and fighting these top five Gatekeepers and they’re just not ready Alex Perez knows what’s coming he’s he knows how to withstand some of these things he’s got the experience and I and Alex Perez has a ground game Alex Perez has an excellent striking game and he knows how to fight these sort of greasy longer five round fights we’ll see if tatsuo Tyra does I think Alex Perez at plus 170 you can do a whole lot worse on this card as an underdog I gotta tell you uh Kyle makes great points here Maddie and I sometimes get and this is why I love to have these conversations I love Tyra via Sub in this spot but I I totally understand where Kyle’s coming from here on the opposite side and I guess my concern it’s my concern is not necessarily Main Event five round fight because it’s UFC Apex like if this is the Yum Center I’d be concerned about that because it’d be a different environment he’s so used to this environment here in Vegas that’s not going to be what concerns me what would concern me is if he can’t control Perez on the ground and I thought that was a really stute uh observation by Kyle that we saw that in the Mia fight that maai really couldn’t do that with Perez but that’s where I’m hoping that the improved hands maybe he does hurt Alex Perez and then when he’s got the wounded duck down that’s when he goes to work because I think Tyra is different level on the ground do you see it that same way with Tyra what’s the reservations if any here in this fight yeah I mean Kyle makes good points I think the one thing I would say is like yeah it’s pona yeah it’s Davidson figero I just didn’t like the fact that they were able to do it so quickly you know they both got first round Subs you’re giving a guy in toat Soro Tyra a lot of time he’s 25 minutes here yeah to find a submission and if Perez can’t get him out of there which I’m not ready I’m not sold on him getting him out early you know the Matas Nicola fight was impressive but Matas man he’s just one of those guys you can’t get a good read on and he just makes dumb decisions and I don’t know what it is with him um but I don’t believe tat sorar has ever been finished right he’s has he been finished the ‘s 15 15 and0 so he’s never been finished he’s there’s nothing that shows me his durability issues and although he might not have the best takedown ability I just feel like if he’s not getting finished early he’s going to have his opportunities and his chances to find something you know whether it’s like what Dave’s saying about getting his striking game going hurting him then sub him or maybe you know timeing a good takedown when you know when Perez is coming forward like I just feel like he’s gonna have ample opportunity to to find something um so I just like the number at plus 150 here I I do too and I gotta tell you like in this feels like a matd bets play you know next time that Tyra fights right he his hands are getting better he’s got a 5 in reach advantage against Perez and we know that’s what Perez is GNA want to do he’s gonna want to stand in trade I’m not ready to go there with a KO prop for Tyra here because I I don’t know that he trusts his hands enough yet against a striker like Perez certainly coming off the Nicola fight so I’m with that maybe they exchange but I I tell you I think Tyra I I don’t I don’t know if I’m ready to say champ and waiting but this is the level that I see for Tyra down the road and if the hands do improve he’s going to be a really tough out in this Division I think next year Kyle you’re not ready to get there yeah no Tatsu o Tyra by knockout is six to one oh wow I’m just because we know Perez wants to keep it up there and then you know maybe the age comes in and Tyra has been improving on his hands he has it’s feeling like that Bo nickel or Paul Craig by knockout typ of play right and which comes through at a big price just something I I don’t don’t have it on the sheet but something to consider six to1 over at bet us Tyra by knockout don’t hate it I’m not ready for this fight but I think there’s gonna be a fight very soon that Tyra’s gonna get a KO uh because I do think he’s starting to improve and again he’s got the size in this weight class that I think is going to be a real problem for other guys that want to keep the fight standing so a little bit Oppo here MD and are going to play Tyra here via sub and I do think that’s a good price point there plus a150 and get the other side here for the Perez side if we think to the experience and he is in a role like he’s looked even though he he didn’t beat M he looked I think he got his confidence back that he should be up there with the elite this division here for a guy that was used to be considered that in Alex Perez so I get the the the Kyle side here plus 70 on the dog okay we got a lot to get to here uh now that we’ve wrapped up the main card here and obviously UFC 33 it’s been crazy 24 hours it really has and you know I get it and people had been dming me and texting me like is Conor really hurt I’m like yeah he’s he’s hurt but because of what’s the injury I can’t find the injury I think it’s I I think it’s the leg but I’m not ready it’s not official because no they’re I think it’s a little bit more in between the legs is what I think it is but that’s just me so and look and I get it I said this to people when I was texting I was like look I get it Connor’s maybe the benefit of the doubt is gone at this stage but I do think it’s they say they’re going to Res reschedule the fight here for later on this year with Michael CH but they are officially out of 303 instead we get the rematch with Alex perara against Yuri prashka and guys I said it online I’ll say it right here I think it’s a better fight I mean I think from I get it it’s Connor right so everybody wants to watch Connor and so do I but from a purely fight perspective after what we just saw with proska against Alexander rocket he fought in the undercard of perara against Jamal Hill I’m really intrigued for the rematch now I guess the first question ask and Manny I’ll start with you is what can proska do differently this second time around against poon because kind of got in that corner and once he got in that corner it was lights out yeah I mean look I’m considering taking my entire life savings and every asset that I have and putting it on the fight to not go the distance because ah okay there’s really nothing that Yuri can do differently he’s kill or be killed even in the Alexander rockage fight he was very compromised and the guy just knows what he has to do to win it’s like you’re going to put yourself in danger to hopefully find the finish and I don’t see any grappling for the most part one guy is gonna be chined the other guy’s gonna win by a knockout that’s the only way I see the fight going five rounds of those two guys with limited grappling I just don’t see how that happens so yeah I will say if Yuri wins I think he’s gonna find a finish early and I’m telling you right now that would make a hell of a Trilogy for the UFC and a big money fight for both of them so I’m not putting I told myself I will not bet against Alex Pereira again so I’m not going to take Yuri here but Yuri is dangerous man like look how hurt he was in the rockage fight his leg was compromised he was getting tagged he still comes forward and he still finds finishes he just has to avoid that left hook which I don’t know how possible that is to do but I’ll tell you right now if that if he wins that fight it’s going to be an unbelievable Trilogy set up I got to tell you guys something tells me and again I was perara against Jamal Hill and I and I thought that he would use the leg kicks against Jamal coming off the ACL even more than he did but if you go back and watch that uh before and I know they you know Jamal saying oh it took the referee stopping it there and you know no no I’m fine in some weird is just a clown bro he he is he’s in denial he’s in a lot of denial about that fight because those leg kicks are what backed him up into that corner and then as as I’ve said you guys know this I think the left hook right now of Alex perara is the single most dominating feature in all of MMA right now used to be Conor McGregor’s left hook right left hand I think it right now it’s Alex peris but I think prashka this time around I don’t know how much he’s GNA study it because he’s an Art of War guy he really gets conceptualized into into fighting I think he’s not taking this fight unless he thinks there is something differently he can do Kyle I’m not exactly sure what it is but I’m banking on the fact that I think barashka is GNA be really live in this rematch yeah and we got to remember that first fight he was just coming off that really really bad shoulder injury so we’re not exactly sure how close to 100% he was but I don’t I’m done taking a striking match and not taking Alex paa I’m just not gonna do it can’t do it you cannot do it like when they they did the thing you know and that’s all it’s all sort of just like for show and silly but when he had the harder punch than Francis and ganu and you know like it’s time to really take that seriously because first of all this isn’t just some pal ogre who comes in and hits you with one punch is a world class kickboxer who beat Israel aagna twice in kickboxing which is no easy feet dominated kickboxing and then has come and become a two division champ in what two and a half three years in the MMA this is a supremely talented Striker probably the best pure Striker especially in the heavier classes you get away from you know some of the smaller guys who are great coaches and great Strikers I just don’t know how you fade Alex P and I don’t know how you don’t take it by knockout he’s not it’s not going to be a decision ision Pras is gonna be kill or be kill proba be killed one one of these days Pere is goingon to get a a guillotine might not be this fight but I’m telling you he has that in his Arsenal now he wants to use it but I just want to ask both of you something because there was nothing in the rockage fight that encouraged me to take Yuri in this fight like if anything even though he he was able to get a finish that fight made me like prayer more I’m like because he’s just getting hurt and I just don’t think he’s going to be able to survive that against Pereira like I just think Erie is just has no defensive responsibility that’s why I would literally if this fight goes the distance I’m just done betting MMA like I’m just out I’m finished I know nothing it’s not going it’s not going to the distance but what I see what I see and maybe I’m crazy and by the way I was on the on the praska side against rockage and I was nervous after that first round by the way I have a lot of respect for Al Alexander rockage he was coming off a long layoff to he looked good I’m gonna take him in his next fight but but I think that that proska power it’s not on the level of perara I don’t think anybody’s on Alex’s level there for poon but I will tell you this what I could see if you’re going how does prashka get it done I see something crazy like a spinning back fist like it takes a shot that Alex doesn’t see like he didn’t see the Izzy left coming right and elbow yeah that’s what I see point to that that knockout but remember P was about to put Izzy away again he was walking down he was walk was to putting it and he just got careless right he simply got care and osia very few PE and that’s what makes osia so special because there’s a very limited amount of people who would be able to see and land that punch in that storm and aagna is just fortunate enough to be one of them but uh don’t get it twisted it’s going to be very very difficult to knock out Alex paa very diff totally but that’s what I that’s the type of fight I see exactly the the you know not to go the the left hand route uh that we saw from Izzy that night but it could be some sort of a spinning back Fest an elbow that phara doesn’t see coming that’s the only way that I see CU if his eyes are open like they were against Jamal Hill he saw everything in front of him and there was no fear he walked down Jamal Hill and got him out of there with that left hand that I was on Jal Hill I felt so dumb as soon as they were walking down like I don’t know what I was even thinking they’re walking and I’m like am I stupid like this I was never more confident on the pahara side I was like I going win this killed me you know what really killed me in that fight is Jamal Hill came on my podcast looked me and Gilbert and moano in the eyes and has never been more confident and I I switched my pick because of that I should have never done it I should have never done it well heest could not believe it he should have wrestle like if he’s got the wrestling chops you do that but praska is not gonna do that he’s not gonna try to take down Alex barara so like Jamal Hill has got to look at it I think very differently you fight fire with fire with that guy for hosas is there ofas maybe there’s some rare instances of guys that can win that firefight but I don’t think Jamal Hill is that guy that’s for sure uh very quickly on the co-main now for you for UFC 303 and again I I hate this fight because I love this fight I’m a big Brian Ortega fan back to him last time out there had him on my show years ago he was my co-host for a show out there Anaheim at UFC 241 so I’m emotionally invested but good Lord Diego Lopez just looks like the future is arriving that fight is going to be so violent Kyle how do you see that one playing out in the co-main well look uh Brian Ortega is one of these guys who I’ve had the displeasure of underestimating and then I’ve sort of overestimated right like he he’s really really good and I like Brian Ortega a lot but my dude uh Lopez is my guy he’s my guy and uh he’s one of my favorite I’m really bummed that Josh van’s not on this fight card too because he’s another one of these young guys I really really like watching but Diego Lopez and I hear people say that he’s overrated and and and I’m like you’ve lost your damn mind I think Diego Lopez starches him I really do this is gonna really put him on the map and probably within next year Diego Lopez is gonna be fighting for a title he should be because he’s awesome I agree and to me on the T city Side here mie he’s gotta pull guard he’s got I mean like literally he’s got to throw up those triangles that that the old T City because if he fights hands with this kid he’s gonna get knocked out I don’t understand I I guess you know at the end of the day Lopez is a dog just because of the experience but I don’t think he’s I think I think Diego Lopez is better everywhere like I actually think he maybe even has better Jiu-Jitsu as far as finishing ability which is crazy say would be my one concern that would be good bro he’s that good and we know about his power on the feet he’s younger we saw we saw Brian Ortega get really hurt in that Yaya Rodriguez fight and then he was able to Rally problem is I don’t think he can rally against Lopez like that because then you’re playing his game too you know it’s like Yer Rodriguez had a glaring hole in the grappling and in the wrestling that hole is not going to be there so if this is just a standup fight I think it’s two Grapplers canceling each other out standup fight and I think Ortega gets chinned he’s older and I think Lopez is more power I kind of see it the same way Brian Ortega I hope you’re not watching because you know you’re still my guy but I will say this uh in all seriousness that’s exactly the way I see it playing out like to me T said he’s got to do something like I Can’t Fight Fire with this guy so I got to pull guard and hope I catch him because that that’s jits game is the only way that the Brian Ortega wins this fight I’m so intrigued by that fight but I think we’re all on the right side Lopez’s ground and pound is nasty it’s nasty if you pull guard you’re gonna get hit and elbowed in the face repeatedly I just he has to do that like that’s his only shot right yeah unless he’s able unless unless he can show you this is better wrestling if he can get the offensive takedowns and get some control going but that’s just such a dangerous game with him I just don’t see where he’s better I will say this and we’ll we’ll get the official breakdown here later on this month for UFC 303 when the numbers are out but as a as a dog right now with Lopez that feels like the right side to be on right now we’ll see if these numbers change before we actually get to 303 very quickly let’s go off against uh Robert Whitaker that’s going to be the new main event here for uh Saudi Arabia card Colum back to you what do you make of that because I’m a big Robert Whitaker fight fan but you know change of opponent now with with hamzad out of there what do you what do you see this one here very quickly yeah and this one appears to be a legitimate ill Dana White was pretty adamant like violently ill when he’s announcing this not like Connor who only wants to fight women and civilians in bars you know like if Conor was fighting a girl uh at 303 he’s in you know totally in but oh Michael Chandler I’ve got a phantom injury that no one’s allowed to know about like I I I cannot find what the actual injury is I I really cannot It’s gotta be the leg It’s gotta be does that make any sense no I think it’s I you know without being too crude it’s a big old case of whitis we’ll call it wasi he knows Chandler I think he’s a coward I think anyone who goes out and starts beating women when they have a degree in fighting I think you’re a coward and that’s what I think Conor McGregor is I think he’s one of the biggest loudmouth cowards that this sport has ever seen now he put the sport on the map he did a lot of great things he’s a lot of fun but he’s a coward plain and simple I think Conor McGregor is a coward uh and I think he knows that he’s also got a massive ego problem where he knows that he’s not the best anymore and Michael Chandler’s a dog and he probably and he had to sit there and hang out with Michael Chandler while they’re coaching he’s realizing I’m not gonna scare Michael Chandler and if they’re not scared to me I don’t want to fight him and that’s what I think of of Conor McGregor but the rram fight I’m looking forward to this so when you when you his only loss is to hamzat jayv right uh few years ago this dude just getting better this is another guy who’s going to be a future title Challenger nobody in the top 15 would take would fight him that’s why he was going to fight this uh can he was gonna fight this weekend as like a minus 1200 favorite yeah Robert Whitaker’s in trouble here I’ll be all over alisov um I’ll probably take him inside the distance uh I think he puts Robert Whitaker away Rob’s one of my guys Maddie but again and that’s this is why we love Robert Whitaker right he’ll fight anybody anytime doesn’t matter he’s saving the card you know and I get it that’s what Rob is he’s a pro so sometimes though you do look at matchups you go feels like the Alis off side is gonna be the right side to be on yeah I mean look we were probably gonna have to pay minus 200 on Hamza and I actually think you’re getting a guy that’s almost as good if not as good at plus 125 now as a dog that’s the way I look at it the only concerns I have is I guess it’s two weight cuts and a lot of traveling now for him to move around and I think that’s the only challenge I have here but we’ve already seen what happens when Robert Whitaker gets out physical we saw that in the DDP fight so I just think a scov is more dangerous than DDP on the ground and with submissions and he has a lot of power as well um now if this fight gets past like the second or third round then you know Whitaker could take over so but I was surpr I thought it was going to be a round to pick him um Whitaker is minus 150 I’m seeing minus 135 somewhere that range depending on the book I just been so high I scar off bro I I bet I’ve been taking his under 60 second prop in fights you know I’m like he’s gonna finish him in 60 seconds I took that in the warle Alves fight and I think it was in like 90 or two or minutes yeah yeah but War avas just went three rounds with Abus magam medov like that’s not that you know and Al scov made it look easy in two minutes you know so I get he hasn’t fought the best competition but the eye test is the ey test to me Whitaker Was preparing for chamay who’s very similar to alisov right alov preparing for a can so I guess the advantage there in preparation and knowing you know you know he hasn’t had a full Camp to prepare for a Robert Whitaker who’s an all-time great while Whitaker Was preparing for a guy who’s a little I think we could argue probably a slightly be slightly better version of alisov maybe not by a ton but slightly better so that would be the one maybe that’s why he’s the favorite right now cuz that’s the only way I I see it as maybe the preparation well the you’re right I mean this a Pros Pro here and Robert Whitaker and by the way we saw Justin Vegas chime in saying that Bobby Knuckles is going to destroy him I would love to see it by the way I’m gonna be on the other side but if I lose a bet to to Bobby Knuckles that’s money that’s fine by me that’s how much Affinity I have for the guy back in my Chicago days had him on before he was fighting y Romero yoel and Robert were both in my studio in Chicago at the United Center and this is talking about detailed Kyle like we’re having fun and you know yoel’s putting me in headlocks and once yoel goes in the other room uh Robert turns to me and goes hey Dave when he’s in here don’t ask me about the fight I don’t want to give away any secrets like he what this is like two weeks before the fight man and he’s like yel is having a blast Robert is locked in and focused and looking for any advantage he can get so L gr know that that you are fighting a Pros Pro to every sense of the word so that would be the one side where you go man this thing goes longer like Matty’s saying that’s maybe where Robert Whitaker might be able to shine uh let’s do yeah go ahead Matt you got anything else on that no I was gonna say it’s it is if you want experience and it’s probably a good number Whitaker is the side you know it’s just I would go Al SC off inside the distance if I’m gonna play him and again probably early right that that we look for that side here and later if you’re on the Bobby Knuckles side because yeah I don’t see him getting out the youngster here anytime soon uh let’s recap Our Best Bets here and again only one play on the undercard but Maddie you’re going to start off theight here with Jimmy flick and a nice number yeah I’m playing with house money on Jimmy flick here I had him by sub in the Malcolm Gordon fight um and he’s just he’s just one of those guys that finds ways to to pull off submission so I’m G lock that in at seven to one I’m gonna take the Jose Johnson fight to Noto the distance at minus 200 live bet Armfield by decision plus 190 I’m going with Timmy Kwo over Lucas Almeida money line minus 190 I’m going with Douglas I’m going with Douglas Silva de Andra on the money line I don’t think he should be the dog here and then we’re going tooro Tyra to finest sub plus 150 in the main event love it and you you guys talked me into the Johnson side here I’m gonna play on the money line because I know that Kyle’s got a uh the fight going the distance and mdy may be looking this thing to get done before we get to the cards but I do like the Johnson value there at that money line because I think both those things are options here but both to the Johnson side so I’ll play that at plus $4 gonna play for violence for Almeida and qua not ready to get there like matd is to lay the number here with kwamba but I think somebody’s going out more than likely it’s going to be Almeida uh I I’m with you on the Deandra side I think the wrong guy is favored here in the co-main event so going to play that at plus a do 10 and I do maybe I’m blinded here by tisur Tyra via sub at plus A50 but I do think he’s got future Champion waiting stuff and Alex Perez feels like a gatekeeper to me really good gatekeeper and a big step up here for Tyra but if Tyra can do what I think he’s going to evolve into this is his biggest stage to do it Kyle I know we’re Oppo and a couple and we’re with you on on a couple what do you like here in the main card my friend well we’re gonna just have to make that main event a shot BET right me against you too right we may as well we haven’t done it and I know I’m I’m taking the dog but I’ll just do one to one if if you guys want one to one boom boom boom shot bet done so we’ll add that there on that uh Dion dra we’re just I mean miles Johns we’re just hoping if especially just goes to the cards they lose this weird love for Miles JNS and his non-activity I just don’t get it Dion J for sure the Almeida one yeah a little bit of lemon booty here I just can’t get to kuat minus 190 and Almeida is the higher volume guy in my view so plus 550 and then the Johnson by decision again featherweight fight a flyweight fight one these are always greasy decisions right these are always close fights I’m getting 11 to one on a guy six feet tall and coming down a weight class like I I don’t hate that I think I got I think that’s really I’m gonna be watching that one with baited breath of course and then the quinland fugg it fight it’s either going to be quinland by knockout or fugg it by uh decision plus 160 plus 175 uh absolutely love it love the pronunciation guide there that’s that’s a good one Kyle I love that uh jent look forward to it each and every week Maddie so glad you didn’t hang up the Spurs don’t do it man we need you on the show each and every week man you’re it’s one for all all for one here yeah yeah no no bad be this weekend it’s all I’m asking in then do your job referees do your job judges why am I rooting for myself to lose a shot bet now fantastic thanks thanks mess with my head he messes with my head before every event I don’t know what I want to happen anymore he stresses me out shot bet is on the line do not forget to to subscribe like to the YouTube channel get at us each and every week we appreciate your questions as always so for Cal provance and matd Bets I’m Dave Ross cash some tickets we’ll see you next week right here on vet us [Music] [Music]


  1. In this video:
    UFC Fight Night June 15th 0:00
    UFC Betting Record 2:29
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    Josh Quinlan vs Adam Fugitt Fight Preview 8:48
    Asu Almabayev vs Jose Johnson Fight Preview 12:40
    Brady Hiestand vs Garrett Armfield Fight Preview 17:13
    Timmy Cuamba vs Lucas Almeida Fight Preview 21:36
    Douglas Silva de Andrade vs Miles Johns Fight Preview 26:07
    Alex Perez vs Tatsuro Taira Fight Preview 30:47
    UFC Q&A 37:21
    UFC Best Bets June 15th 54:03

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