Golf Players

Scott Brown part 2 | on Celtic , rodgers , shay logan & messi #football #celticfc


um last season obviously you won a million trophies with Celtic last year was very very difficult and you talk about being on the bench a little bit um was that difficult and did you need you talking about you kind of needed to move on from that I mean it’s a club you’ve been there for 14 15 years whatever I love the club and I love everyone there I had some fantastic times and stuff that but all good things come to an end eventually and as I say is you don’t want overstay your welcome I’ve seen players at team and just stay about and part and parel and stuff that that you know they’re there but they’re only there just because of their name and that and I never really wanted to be one of them I always wanted to be the player that was playing on the park that was involved put up a challenge and even though the lads are 15 16 years younger than me can of run as much can of work as hard can of make sure that I’m staying fresh staying fit and playing playing just as well as what they can and until that time comes then but still even last season I felt like I could do that uh I enjoyed it and there’s always going to be a time especially at Celtic that you’re going to go on the bench you play too many games you’re getting that a little bit older than that it happens to everybody so when I was going to the bench I was always thinking what else I can be doing and my we brain works over time now and then and it takes a lot for it to work over time but it does and uh I was always looking to see what was next and for me I knew at the start of the Season it was make bre I won the 10 or I left then I seen Peter leaving I seen Lenny leaving and it’s two people that I’ve got really well with and I understood and I had a lot of love for as well and still keeping contact with them now and to see two people that you’ve walked alongside for years especially especially Peter as well H for them to go and then it was just probably the right time so everyone Club could have a fresh start new manager in new captain in new players com in and it just clear everyone out and sometimes it’s it’s good to get the old out and bring in the new so for me I didn’t want to be the one that stayed and yesterday I watched the famous clip um with you and Cosgrove I mean the shorts were a bit tight the short the shorts were B TI uh it’s just it’s just a classic tell me about about that and was that your reaction to the tackle obviously he got a red card for it didn’t he yeah uh your reaction your reaction was your reaction to the tackle or was it to the crowd going nuts what was it or was it just something you did without thinking about cuz it’s very funny I just tried to get people’s head and it was a young lad who came on for abin and I think it was his debut as well so it was a big lad too so I thought right we need to try and get to him some to I think I’ve teen a Bad Touch at the time so I’ve teen a Bad Touch tried to move the ball quite quick and he’s just lunged at me and nowhere near the ball is smashed but all the crowds cheered and I was like all right yeah and I got the ball smacked off the back of my head from what’s his name Logan or whatever he was sh Logan yeah yeah yeah so he smacked the ball off the back of my head and done a runner as he usually does and then uh all the crowd are cheering and I was like oh back up here we go again nice and fresh and it’s just something I do I get hit I get back up I go again and I’ve always enjoyed the bit of B between the fans myself other players as well and I enjoy the fight I enjoy winning games I enjoy trying to dominate my opponent trying to outsmart them outplay them and outrun them as well and it’s something that I’ve always done I know I’m not getting any younger the out running Parts getting extremely hard but that’s when we’ve got a a very young team as well here as well so they they work extremely hard for me as well and I’ve got no love to go forward so people like fary Tedy you’ve got Dean Campbell we’ve got o Joo as well that’s been brilliant we’ve got Johnny that what to go forward cre chances score goals going forward F the bits yeah yeah crack on me and Andy will stay at the backs so it’s a it’s a good combination to have we got a little bit experience in you’ve got down the middle you’ve got Joel you’ve got Andy you got myself that’s a little bit older then everywhere else we’ve got like young we’ve got legs we’ve got quality as well so the managers tried to bring the good people into the group you got remember football is only 15 16 17 years till you retire so you need to try and make the the most of your ability the young kids that are coming through always try and keep telling them it ends very very quickly and then you become a hybrid and you here to 5 6:00 at night the that the psychology of that moment with cos when you got up and you made fun of her I’m very interested in that I would imagine if you got up and went for him he would feel as if he won that yeah but the fact that you laugh after he would have felt even worse I’m learning I’ve learned I think a few years before that I would have probably tried to run for him and tried to be the big man then run down the tunnel but uh no it’s just learning it’s there’s no point me try to get SI he’s he’s got a right card there’s no point me trying to get in his face and that I’ve already won that battle so going to the next one but I’ve had some good running battles as well had bar Robson here as well who played with M Celtic too we had great you a big you big bust up with him did you just just in the game just just fights scraps everything then after the game the two like 5 five n m got the sent off here still bring that up to him so that it’s good to have you always play to win yeah no matter what you play to win you play for whether I was at Celtic whether I’m Aline whether I was at hips I play to win couldn’t care who was playing against if it was my best mate worst enemy I wa to get the best and I think that’s the way everyone should be football’s 90 minutes long after that well done Fair D we fought each other on the P but after that down the tunnel that done and dusty but for that 90 minutes everyone should have that Focus have that drive to go and win the game no matter what yeah you said I wanted a new challenge I wanted to prove everybody wrong like you don’t have anything to prove you’ve won a million trophies you always got points to prove to everyone to who though is it to the fans here to yourself yeah I think more to myself but I think it’s about understanding your body as well for me running is not a problem right running’s fine I enjoy running I enjoy working hard everyone now that’s coming through all the young Lads are starting to understand this is a Way Forward football is 88 minutes without the ball so you need to make sure you run hard you work hard for the others and that two minutes you run the ball that’s when you can influence the game so I think that that’s where I’ve kind of looked after myself a little bit better and understood and that’s probably since Brandon came in and got that whole focus on diet make sure you work hard you stay lean you stay in control of yourself as well and you can go and enjoy yourself that’s not a problem but you do that in in the right times and stuff that and now I’m no longer playing with Scotland so you get the international breaks off to go chill relax do whatever you want go play golf go drink do whatever you want to do but then you come back you make sure you’re ready to go again because You’ got another solid month for two month football well you talk about Brendan y uh obiously a huge influence on you you’ve had you’ve had many managers and coaches but Brendan is right up there um if Brendon had never arrived at Celtic and had had the influence he had on you what do you think would have happened to you i’ probably retired probably earlier really yeah I think the way Ronnie and stuff was and the way football was going at the time it wasn’t great B was a break for a air to everyone and the fans knew that I think everyone at the club as soon as you he walked in you were like this guy is proper and you’re like right we’re either going to be unbelievable oh this is going to be terrible and I was like right and to be fair and B B pulled me before anybody at the club and I went down to London met him Sat him down he asked what was wrong with the club I was like we don’t work hard enough in training lad didn’t fit enough and he was like that W be happening I was like all right I like this already then he show me how he’s going to build up training he started getting all his notes out and going through what he done at Liverpool how he got the best out of them and how he kept pushing them no matter what so I was like Jesus here we go this is this is how things work so he he was going in deep with that and just asked how long I could play for and I was like I think I was maybe what 29 30 at the time so I was like probably a year or two I like we’ll see I was like all right yeah I was like well and injuries you know what it’s like body slowly fall into bits and you might find something else so yeah my first game for Brandon I started left wing were in a friendly game he went oh BR just go in there and I just I I was injured before coming back so I was playing cat trck tell the lads so 3 4 weeks behind so I went on the part for 15 20 minutes and start my I was like looking going what am I do to here I was like I I remember used to be a tricky Winger at hims but on the left hand side he was like I just want you to cut in and play in the area and just make it like get the overload in the middle of the park and I was like yeah I could do that so atically just drifted into the middle of the park kept drifting in he was like right we’re gther we’re not going to start yet you just going to start here the next game okay so yeah he was he was quite good in how he done it and he was like I don’t want you sprinting here there everywhere he went I know you can run you don’t have to prove to me that you can run that’s not the problem but it’s discipline understanding the game working on uh where you should be understanding where the ball can go understand when you got space when you need to [ __ ] it on I was like right and he just like sh you videos working hard in training how he done stuff at Liverpool how he done stuff at Swansea and he talked you all through different ways means that we wanted to play football it wasn’t one shape fitted us it was he could put anybody in a team and we could work around that shape to bring the better whe had four stri in the part we can somehow merge it into a 4 2 31 we can play them in different areas and what you wanted to do it was like you’ve always got understand that you’re not always going to have your best team available so you have to work on 3 43 42 31 442 four 433 so he was like the understanding is we know how we play we know how we press we know when to press and it’s understanding who H and you look for the weakest player in the team and then you go after one and it’s five six 7 second press and start to learn small details and he hit us with the small stuff to start with and he started building us up and then it was like game knowledge how how you win games how you keep the ball possession based Club was huge but also attractive football at the same time not born not slow and he used to say the first couple of month he was like I’ll take all the hit was like my style My Style I want you to go back play with the goalie I want you to play with a goalie put hand take all the flat and it was like like leadership yeah you start to get boed because every back pass you go back you come back out you go out you go up you come in and it’s like fans are like Bo and then you’re like one n up and they like all right yeah yeah this is all right you like two n then you like 3 n up then you 40 up and it’s circulating the ball bringing it out of trouble going down the other side can’t create anything nobody’s came out of space nobody’s over pressed and it’s can you find the pass and as soon as somebody comes a shape or as all disciplined it was like kill it he was like go for it so you would pull it somay an angle if teams were manm Mark and you would open up the middle of the pitch you would play his ideas were incredible he’s so far ahead of probably what we’ve ever had in Scotland and it showed with the dominance that we had over the and and and like the diligent pupil you wrote all of this down right and you have it in notebooks that you’re using here Single part of it thank you Uncle Brendon no but did I mean you well clearly you’ve you’ve given a brilliant description of just a little bit of of his no that’s that’s what so I speak to him he was like always remember it was like you remember what other coaches done what you enjoyed especially being a footballer it was like you remember things but it’s not Robbie W OB sessions yeah he was like you’re not here to entertain yourself I was like love that he was like you’re here to work hard he was like sometimes it’s going to be born sometimes it’s going to be hard he was like thought this is going to make this team good he was like you know come here to play five it was like those days at the window see that every now and then BR we can go and have a we five side comp nice chill day but we’re here to work to make sure that you understand the game the knowledge of the game the physical aspects work in the gym working your body fat working everything how are you in Prime condition for Saturday Thursday Saturday for Wednesday Saturday whenever you play and it was just about us Bing out result after result after result and it’s old as cliche in football but we only ever talked about one game ahe us we never talked about winning leags we never talked about playing Rangers we never talked about playing abine hars playing in Cup finals he was like what we talking about today Lads talking about playing mother willway and everyone’s like trying to talk to you and you’re talking to the press and the Press are going you play Rangers in two weeks time so how do you feel about that and we’d be like yeah so mother well was coming up and it was always based on your next game it should be you’re only as good as your next game the press all what to talk about big games semifinals coming up the Cup finals Champions League whatever it was at the time and he was like he all focused it was like you start talking about other things you lose track of the next game ahead of you and he used to battle you with that knowledge who you’re playing who you’re playing against understand what their shape is and it wasn’t overkilling videos it was in training this is how we’re going to break them down this is how we’re going to break them down and it just you bed into every single person this is your position you play off a hand he runs out there and I was like how do I write best one CH uh but for the crack I I I went through some of the players that you would have played against in European competition for Celtic right yep and I drew up a team right cuz this is this is my life and I just do these things right so I have a goalkeeper of Buon yep uh Kura and vanzar didn’t didn’t make it unfor make it bu uh the fullbacks are kafu and David ala oo uh Danny Alvis didn’t quite Danny Al did your Center has Nesta and bonucci it’s not bad that but it could have been humel Thiago Silva Rio Ferdinand the Midfield three and this is an attack it’s a 4-33 it’s an attacking you’re going for it I’m going for it you bringing name here yeah are I fancy my chances are out you fancy well yeah 50 I’ve got you coming off the bench for the last 10 so the Midfield three is Perlo zavi and inesta yeah the front three is Neymar Ronaldo and Messi you played against all of those now not in the team mbappe Sterling Giggs leowski Aguero Cavani Suarez Van Percy Rooney Thomas Muller Di Maria Robin Kaka that’s that was the life that you had yep I enjoyed that it was good fun it must have been for you a kick of the ball for 90 minutes was amazing but to play against I mean are you the guy type of guy to sit back and look back at or are you kind of looking forward because I mean you had some great results against some of these teams by the way obviously had some great results and to be fair we had to dig deep cuz they fantastic players still the best one I’ve ever played against n yeah he just turned and ran at me and I panicked and I thought the only way to stop him is to bring him down and I had to end up bringing him down quite a lot everyone say I understand how good Messi Ronaldo and that is but my position was me against inesta and it was one for one and him people even p p was 34 35 at the time couldn’t run but could boy could move his hips could keep the ball move it and it was all one paced but nobody could take the ball off he was incredible so these players that were in my position I appreciate more than anything I was never one to go and run and get a strip to go and say to them oh can I swap strips we after the game please so and always look up to them and give them that little bit of respect I wouldn’t speak to them in tunnel wouldn’t speak to them after the game wouldn’t help them up if I filed them on the floor leave them that was my way to try and get through the game 90 minutes and show that I gave them no respect on the par as soon as I went off the park i’ been fist pump and stuff that it’s just what I’ve done in football it’s what I’ve always done and kind of seen a lot of play we got beat 7even nothing once at Barcelona and I remember it was 5 n at half time or 40 at half time and there was four or five lad running sprinting up the tunnel to try and get Messi’s strip and I was losing my head and I’m looking and like oh Messi Messi please strip strip strip and I’m like so I went in lost the plot halftime it ended up coming out getting beat 70 after all didn’t really matter but at the end of the game they done the exact same and it’s amazing because you look back and you think I played against Messi played against Ronaldo played against inesta and stuff that but I never had the once to go ask him for this even though I wanted to but it just gave me that this is my thing and I don’t want to go up to you ask for your STP because you’re not going to ask me for my strip so until that happens then that’s not happening and I didn’t see Messi running in the tunnel to try and go bruny bruny can I swap strips for you please so that wasn’t happening so you all those guys you don’t have any strips belong to any of those guys I got one uh Scotland played France and we won one nil uh and I played against it was me and Alan Hutton played right back a joint venture at right back against anel and muda oh yeah and somehow after the game gave the Ki man stripping he was like oh do you want me to swap it with it I so like he somehow swapped an Ela and I think C maybe got me so I got an Ela one and years after as well I got a p one from I don’t know I don’t think it was it h p on one from Barcelona it wasn’t a match for one but I think it was like 17th strip that it came and gave the Ki man and I swapped after the game so that’s my claim to I could have had all these good strips on my wall Fortune your kids your kids when you know when your your Lads grow up they go for God’s sake where’s all our kids K made us a fortune here look F finally I mean the Euros watch it after doing TV work did you did you have a pain of of regret no no no the ls I had my time I had my show and as I say I’m not one to keep going on and keep going back and I’ll get a chance I’ll get a chance and I think if I was if I didn’t retire when Steve first came in I could have possibly still been in the squad playing probably not because you see the Midfield is very strong is Billy Gilmore the new Scott Brown he’s got a touch I don’t think you really want a Scott Brown in your team I think now the way football’s going it’s it’s going you want a b g in your team you want a k McGregor you want to jum again my partn the game’s kind of slowly fading away and football is becoming non contact you slowly touch some then the dive about the ground for 20 minutes and they get a f free kick and stuff that my game’s always been about winning balls tackle and driveing past their opponent and just trying to dominate more than anything and that’s slowly fading out the and it is getting better because it’s more Tempo it’s quicker and it’s getting more attractive to watch them tail in the old school fighting kicking the ball long and I’m not one for everyone kicking the ball long I want to play I want to understand I want to play football do what I want to do but I’m not going to be going to beat half the team you got again that’s going to put one in top corner for 30 years Cal McGregor’s going to turn on the ball going to be a man play and you got B who’s just going to keep the ball and keep it at Tempo and keep the ball moving so you got strength and depth that’s SC Squad that’s probably the best Scotland Squad in the last 20 years to have and we played in good Scotland Squad I had me Fair G Dan Fletch in the middle of the pack and had legs we we just never got to Euros so I’m a bit devastated I never made it to the Euros but I’m also delighted for the every single one of the ls good good say again Gilmore is very exciting again you could have played well if Celtics signed him again at Celtic that could have been it would have been a good partnership I could he could have time ear


  1. I loved Broony but it disappoints me that he accepted the need for diet and training from Rodgers but couldn't see that Ronny was asking for the same level of commitment.

  2. Hail Hail the Celtic ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

  3. The man every team and their supporters feared as they knew he took no prisoners but could do the job also required as a player and captain of Celtic HH ๐Ÿ€โญ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

  4. One of the greatest Captains ever to pull on Our famous Hoops. Hard as nails and true leader.HH๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชโ˜˜โœŠ

  5. Top guy broony leader Celtic legend and that's banded about like it's nothing now.
    But he sets the standard of that legend.
    And if folk remember the hibes interview he done .
    We all realete to him way that interview u knew he was one of the players that was banging doon rod Petrie door .
    As jc was in showing his 6pack to the players ๐Ÿ˜‚.
    Look at that a don't no interview and look where he is now .
    But even as that young lad he was switch on ask him a don't no .
    Southgate up watching trying to get him to go to boro .
    He's like that to the reporter you no more than me .
    We don't find that stuff out that was his partying shot ๐Ÿ˜‚.
    And thank God he ended up at paradise and Southgate went for a pizza ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Top class broony Bhoy ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿคโœ…๐ŸŽฏ๐Ÿ™โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ™

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