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Wayne Rooney: My Euro 2004 journey | Episode 1

In a new series of Football Daily specials, Wayne Rooney recalls his incredible impact as an England teenager at Euro 2004. Rooney talks to Darren Fletcher about breaking into the England squad at the age of 17 and turning up to his first training camp with painted toenails.

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Wayne Rooney: My Euro 2004 | Episode 1

I woke up and clean and messed around and um painted me [Music] toils let’s kind of start with the fact that this was going to be your first International Tournament as a player but what was the first International Tournament where England were involved that really really grabbed a hold of you yeah I’d have to say you old 96 I think obviously being in England as well I was I think it was 10 at the time yeah I was 10 at the time and it was just the the excitement built around I always remember the the Dutch fans I think colum played the at anfield and the Dutch fans taking over and just this big sea of orange and um I was actually M cars I was going around around outside the stadium asking people if they need the cars maned and stuff like that so um and then obviously they give you a bit of money before the game then you go you don’t watch the cars but um yeah it was it was yo 96 it was the first tournament I remember so Gaza gets the goal against Scotland and I’ve got this Vision now of a young you out in the gardener on the street trying to put Colin hry on his backside just like he did yeah no I think obviously at the time gazin and chea for me the me two favorite players for England and watching them but you can feel the excitement obviously it was me first tournament really I remember in terms of of England and that excitement was was excellent and um going out trying to imitate what the players were doing and and there’s a really good field Factor as well across the country I think it’s only six years later that you’re 16 and you’re making your debut I mean we all kind of focus on the goal that you scored against Arsenal but you actually got an assist first time out didn’t you in Everton blue did I you did kind remember yeah well I think a lot of people think the Arsenal game was me debut and I played quite a few games before that um actually I started the first game of the season against Tottenham um that’s where the assist came in the August and then yeah played quite a few games i’ scored two goals before the Arsenal goal in the cup against rexam um so but my First Premier League goal was Arsenal so yeah um I played must have been 10 15 games before the Arsenal game yeah did you feel straight away this is this is me this is a bit of me I I belong here I’m ready or were there any thoughts in your mind of kind of a what’s what am I looking for it’s a it’s a welcome to the Premier League moment where everything kind of hits you or was it just something you kind of took into yeah no I felt I belong there and um I was on the bench against Southampton the season before um forever and and mo didn’t bring me on and um if you brought me on I think that would have been I would have been the youngest player in the club’s history um which at the time was Joe Roy but he didn’t bring me on and then we had blackb at home last game of the season and but I’ve been called up to England under 17 European championships and at the time I was devastated because I wanted to play for Everton in that last game of the season but I didn’t I went with with England um and then I obviously done the preseason with the first team and felt felt comfortable felt at home and and was ready really we get to England straight away but when you score the goal against Arsenal is that the biggest address in Rush that you had ever had at that point and and has it ever kind of been beaten yeah no it’s obviously different goals give you different feelings as well and depends on the game but scored me first goal for everon in the Premier League was was such a special moment and um yeah I’ve said many times that I wanted to score as a 16y old and always wanted to do it and that was my last game as a 16 year old as well I was 10 to 17 a few days later so yeah it was just a the celebrations and obviously a new ory family in the crowd as well and it was just a special moment so you watched the World Cup in 2002 and we’ve got a good team it’s hard to then comprehend that two years later you’re in there when you’re watching that tournament were you thinking this could be me in two years time can you afford to think that way have you got that that mindset at that stage not really I always you know wanted to play for England and loved watching the tournament it’s mad only um last year here um that realized that I played in the same qualifying campaign as David Sean and because he started the qualifying campaign I think for yo 2004 and then he retired or he got left out the squad whatever so I played the same we in the same qualifiers as as see which seems a bit mad um but yeah watching the tournaments then um rarely from 2002 from that World Cup everything fast forward would every went so much quicker than probably expected what did that feel like you know when it’s moving that quickly and everything’s kind of rushing around and you’ve moved from A to Z so quickly I mean that must be is it a whirlwind have you got time to ever sit and take a breath or do you just kind of get swept along with it get swept along with it really I suppose and um going from England under 17 the European championships to to then England 1 was was mad in play game the 21 we just bypassed all that and and went into the first team and I always remember mois um we went out to train he he come out and said oh you’ve been called off for England and I assumed I thought it was the 21s and and then he said no it was it was the first te which was was mad it was like didn’t expect it um and then I think s was experimenting a bit it was the one game he he um he changed the full team at half time and and we have FR Jefferson the squad which was good obviously being from Crux with where I’m from as well and we went to same school so that was obviously good and helped in terms of me me going and being around the first players yeah that was only four months since you scored the goal past David Seaman that’s how quick it was it was moving at the time when you were told by the manager that you were in what’s the first thing that you did did you go to an office and make a call I mean the I presume mobile phones exactly all over the place at that point yeah no I think I told me Mom and Dad and Colleen their parents and not was it really it didn’t not I was delighted I was buzzing the I was in England squad I the night before actually I was um I was in Colleen’s parents house and I was meeting up the next day and um I fell asleep in the afternoon and back then before kids I used to like to have a sleep in the afternoon and um I woke up and clean and messed around and um painted me to Nails what col like it was I don’t know what it was like a it was only like a see-through thing a bit of glitter on but I didn’t realize so I got in the shower went to bed got in the shower the next morning it only when I got to England I’d seen her so I’ve turned up with me toenails pained I think veryone looking and Happ me when we got in the shower after train and stuff must be think what is he doing so yeah anybody say anything no I don’t think anyone say that I went mad phone clean went mad but yes so that was me first him I can’t imagine that I bet you now somebody saying can you remember when he turned up with his toenails painted I bet that conversation it was a nightmare the first was a nightmare actually had that I took me boot from from bellfield um but took the wrong ones took Steve watton’s um boots and they was um about two SS or to Big so I actually trained in them for a couple days until man man arrived so the fair I think I slept in while it was a team meeting so the first ITP was absolute nightmare so many things happening but and obviously just excited for the game and delighted in the end get me D did Sven just leave you to it or did he take you to one side and and speak to you about not really because there was so many new players in the squad I think it was myself fry Jeffers Paul keski there was so many new players um in the squad cuz it was an experiment really which he was he was doing so we all knew he was going to change the team at half time and um I think I was the only one actually who who stayed in the squad for the next trip when we had qualifiers so um everyone was a bit anxious cuz they knew it was experiment but I was the one who stayed with the team then so um it’s a bit of a weird feeling because you’re half there on Mer but half there for sent to see what you can do so you a lot of the players knew the more likely not he probably wouldn’t be in the next Squad so you were 17 years and 111 days when you come on at Upton Park that made you at the time England’s youngest ever International did that did that mean something to you at the time yeah it was massive honor to to play for England and the whole day really I think um as I said before with me and frny and being from the same area went the same school so we put we both put um coaches on for literally the whole cruxord was was at the game and um from leaving from the school and stuff so and then we come on together front in Fry scor actually and so that was a great moment for the area as well 12 to two of us um doing that and well to to come on with such a massive honor and to play for England and and be part of it and then obviously the rest Carries On from there but that first game is always a special special night as you mentioned that you were the only one that stayed in the squad so having Franny Jeffers there for the first one would have been great but after that which of the players in the England squad were the ones that kind of took you under their wing and helped you settle in because obviously Franny wouldn’t have been there for the next one yeah no Stevie was great um obviously another at the time young young LA from Liverpool and so Stevie was great in terms of um settling in and then really I was I was comfortable again I felt comfortable um being in R Squad and um I very quickly got into the team and was starting all the games as well and you know we number nine for England um at the time so I very quickly settled in from that point of view and and once I was settled in I was Lely bubbly you know probably annoying to do the players but yeah Stevie was great um certainly the first year were you fine on the training pitch straight away with them because I’ve spoken to some players in the past who have said when you kind of get out there there’s that realization that this is an All-Star game and it takes a bit of settling in were you able to just go and be yourself right from the outside yeah I was fine I think I I scored a goal against I can’t remember it was David James or Paul Robinson and I think I’ve gone past a few players and chipped him and um all the players stood around clapping and stuff that was in me first you know few days of training um but yeah that’s where I felt at home um that’s where I was most comfortable on the pitch and on the training pitch so for me the more training sessions you just wanted to be on the training pitch training and play them and you’ve got people around you that have been there for the duration as well we’re sat here doing this today Paul Stratford’s here who’s been with you along the journey Colleen’s been with you right from the start you’ve got a close family around you as well having that support network that that you know you can trust that we’re there right from the very start how important is is that bubble for you to make it easier to achieve what you’ve been able to do yes it’s really important that’s that’s your life basically so I think if you look not everybody has it though do they you know there’s a lot of times you see that become fragmented over time yeah I think what you have is you have you you’re a football player and you in the public eye and Etc but you know the minute I come home and you know I’m here with me family me wife and kids or you know you’re going for meals with friends and stuff um that’s that’s your normality that’s your your life away from football which I’ve I’ve tended to keep pretty normal really um as much as I can do and yeah I’ve done people around me which um your love your family your friends who are really close and there’s not you know hundreds like I see young players now and you know when they go to a photo shoot or I’ve been there when some players are doing photo shooting there’s about 50 people with them and it’s like a box is on it’s crazy and and I look at and think you can’t have that many close friends it’s it’s crazy so um yeah just being quite normal and having them close family and friends around has always helped what about the first England goal then Macedonia yeah um I don’t know what the keeper was doing to be honest but I’d take it obviously it was um went up to M he’s he’s knocked it down for me and um I just thought I’d try I didn’t catch it well and um The Keeper made made the mess with really he should have saved it but it went in and and yeah me first goal and still got the a sign pitch in the house which all the players from that Squad signed and um again same as they haven’t go great moment and a great feeling to to score my first goal for the country do you keep stuff have you got yeah the stuff you keep up I think from from finals and obviously your medals and um like that gold as I said they told me like a big picture of me celebrating and the all signed so there’s things like that which you keeping um it’s good now obviously when the kids look back at that different things different moments to you key as well how satisfying was it even though you probably expected it to come based on how it was going for you how satisfying and and how does it feel when you you’re officially announced in your first tournament squad for Euro 2004 as you say at a time when everything was moving remarkably quickly in general yeah it was unbelievable feeling and um I think getting announced in it but then getting announced as the number nine as well um was such a huge honor obviously the sh before that um being number nine and and then obvious when you go to T England’s number nine was such a great feeling and um excited um just couldn’t wait for it to come around really and we done the warm up games um done one Old Trafford um might have been middles bro new somewhere somewhere like that but and I always remember them games beforeand done quite well and scored a few goals in them games and and played Iceland at Old Trafford um and yeah just excited to get caugh it was a bit weird before cuz obviously getting fitted off your suit and and then all of a sudden you get like a laptop a video recorder all just putting your room in half which is like what’s what’s what’s going on so that was a bit different um but yeah just just I always remember that flight going out there on the flight um and just thinking off you’re off to going by the time you come home you’ve either you know being part of something really special or you come home in disappointment I always think that’s a great aspect for a footballer that you can have what you want when you want but if somebody gives you something like that it’s it’s wonderful David Moyes used to say to me that when Bill kenri used to take the Everton players away he’d take them to a casino and if he gave them all 200 quid each to have a Gamble night they thought it was the best thing ever he said it was just the idea of just being given something that footballers love it yeah no I think for different tournaments you know it then it become more social media so it was even more like stuff there’s all kinds there there there’s PlayStations head like the big headphones there’s all honestly all kinds of stuff there which you couldn’t even fit in your bag here which you know companies are wanting you to wear them or use them so they get the advertisement with social media and I’m imagine now there’s it’s probably what fit your chaos it’ll be chaos now yeah um perfect time to ask this question and somebody’s been nagging at me to ask you this question you just said how nice it was to be named in the England squad is number nine so why eventually did you take number 10 madon right I think um obviously obvious I went grown up watching maradon B that type of player so in England growing up the the biggest player or the best player really was and cly as a forward was him being England’s number nine I think in the Premier League that was always always the case but I used to love you know the players in number 10 and especially manadon that was you know they were always the flare players and Mike la the time was number 10 and um vanoy when I went to Manchester United was number 10 and um I knew I got a chance if they left or Michael retired or didn’t get picked for England I was going to try and wear number 10 which I did eventually a b what was it like when you walk up the steps to get on the plane cuz now you know you’re really going do you sit there like really excited like your first holiday as a kid you know the fact you going to Euro 2004 you’re now there I felt terrible because Beck Beck picked the suit and um I’m not a big lover of WD in suits anyway never have been and he picked the suits and I put them on and did the these big flares and I was like what’s going on here like surely this can’t be what we’re wearing but beex obviously had that power at the time to pick what he wanted and that’s what he liked so that’s what we all have to wear and um so yeah I felt a bit like an idiot ear in the soup but yeah going up onto the plane and it was so relaxed what we used to do um the Kitman used to film everything um we films all on the plane and on the plane you’ve got it’s all behind the scenes stuff you’ve got me going every player the probably time to sleep in them I’m doing magic scks with the B probably used to annoy all the players and stuff and time to rest and sleep or um I just love being on the move and um yes we’ve got all that on the on the footage and um you got some really good stuff from behind scenes there seems to be quite a correlation between players like you who play the game like you being in the nicest possible way of pain in the backside behind the scenes and that is a compliment in a lot of ways but were you like that all the time Center of everything yeah um I was like in the hotels you finish training you go and have your lunch and some players go for the sleep and some players get massages um of the of the the massas we had there and um and yeah I was just constantly moving around and um probably annoying people and um and then I used to when I I get on for a massage I used to to be like three or four of us on the massage tables used to turn the lights off and and you know put cyct on or grease or whatever say like cuz they don’t normally have music on so I let’s watch a movie and do the cheesiest movies ever but I used to love them Used to Love musical so um I think the ls like what was going on here but yeah that’s just how I pass my time really brilliant I love it um now we spoke to Jamie carry there and I’ll quote him because we asked him who looked after you around the tournament and he said he was from Croy he didn’t need anybody looking after him is that how you felt yeah I was as I said before after like the first couple of squads I was I was fine I was I was cheeky and um yeah I’d answer back to people and and you wouldn’t you probably wouldn’t have thought I was 17 and so I I was at home I was settled um felt to had the voice which is important as well um and yeah so yeah was I was comfortable what was the reaction to the group then so you get France you get Switzerland and you get Croatia tough we know it was a tough group um and the European championships um traditionally really I’ve probably been a little bit harder than the World Cup in in the group stages because in the World Cup you you normally get one or two teams who you really should beat um in the European championships every team’s really difficult even you know you CAA a good team Switzerland a good team obviously France at the time um so you normally always get difficult games so and with the first game being France you know how important that game was to tr and start well obviously when we go on that we didn’t in terms of result but um then obviously the next two games we must win yeah yeah let’s focus on friends that was the first game defending European Champions world champions of 98 their starting lineup for the match when I saw it I’ll read it out bz lizarazu Galas teram sylvest Vieira Mele Perez zidan Trees gay HRI I mean that’s a lineup isn’t it yeah know there was great team and and I think performance-wise that’s one of our best that was one of the best performances as a team I felt against France obviously we went on and lost the game but thought we played really well in that game and and probably deserve to win the game was only you last few minutes of then comes up with two goals and and you lose the game um and I always remember so I think I would have got played the tournament if we won that game CU I went off it was 1 nil and I think they were preparing to give me the man of the match trophy um which which if I got that I would have back then player who had most man of the matches get to play the tournament I I would have ended up with that um but then sadan scores to and they give it to him so but yeah not a bad fell to movea is he really exactly but yeah no I think um looking at their St lineup I think you could be forgiven for for any young player maybe to think feel a little bit intimidated by the the amount of players they but I never felt that I have belief and confidence that we win the game and um and just wanted to really go and play and and sure what I could do at that level really can you remember what Sven said to you before you went out did he give you any personal advice or was it more of a colletive I think he realized quickly that I probably didn’t really you probably didn’t really need to do anything to calm me down or settle me down emotionally for the game um I think what it was it was Sven it was more Ray Clement at time um and Sammy Lee they come up to me before every game and say keep your head which used to warm me up even more because I used to think why cuz they they knew it was going to come so they used to keep your head and um but yeah that was it really nothing special no special instructions just what we worked on tactically you went ahead Frank Lampard scored um I remember I was in the stadium I I covered the tournament too and I remember thinking this is going to tell us a lot about just how well this team can do in this tournament based on the fact how difficult the starting game was that must be a really big moment for you as a group when you go ahead and all of us in it right now we”re started we’re on the Move we’ve got the lead here we go yeah it was obviously you go one n open and um we we felt comfortable I always felt we as a team we felt comfortable they weren’t really hurting us um and I think we looked at like the team if anything was going to go and score the second so obviously about the penalty with backs but um yeah and then I remember um Sven took me off and going on the on the sidelines and looking up the clock I think there was I can’t remember what it was but there W long left and um and then as soon as he get the free kick thinking it’s he’s going to score to then yeah and then obviously he did he he put it to the opp to David James Asad Jam gambled and and then the penalty in which you know didn’t have to firstly we had sadan taken and secondly we had David James in goal I don’t think ever dive the right way for a penalty used I used to say to him all the time like how could you dive the wrong way every time so he’s massive as well yeah so we we more or less knew the game was dor soon as they got the pound kick yeah if I kind of take you back into that game two things stick out for me as an England fan when you zidan zidan and smash Lilian turam yeah no there was a few moments Ying um you have me phone I load message off me m on that with done and which it’s crazy that you know probably it’s few weeks before I was doing that we made where we lived and then you’re doing it again to then did you think about it beforeand if get the opportunity I’m going to instinctive yeah it just happened yeah and then Witham was probably a bit more premeditated um he said a few things before the game and um I just wanted to basically he didn’t know who was and I was too young to come to the tournament I shouldn’t be at the tournament so I always knew if I got an opportunity and I could leave one on them I would and did look him back and now it’s probably recard you get sent off but thankfully have V then days what did that feel like when you when you when you do the zidan pirouette and it works do you just then carry on or is there little moment in your mind where you think I don’t know honestly don’t know I think I’d stop actually make sure everybody had seen it I don’t know I’m Megan as well yeah I don’t um so Megan as well and um so yeah there was but it’s probably more after the game when you’re looking back and people are saiding your Clips are in and stuff stuff so at the time didn’t really think too much about him what about him though is it it when when you kind of think back on the players that you were fortunate enough to share the pitch with is he is he right there yeah does does him Messi and and Cristiano really different reasons obviously both zadan growing up was M of his goal in the Champions League final and his left off volley and um watching them play for many years um and then playing against him in just how easy things look to him both feet and his touch his control how he control games and the tempo of the game and um you know it was incredible really to be on the same pitch as him and him he won the game for France B looking back to to share a pitch with with such a a legend of the game was was incredible what was it like after because You’ done so well I mean the game was there I remember leaving the stadium conflicted because I was thinking kind of see what we can do but I’m wondering if he’s going to be the same old story again as as an England supporter what what were you all feeling like as a squad because you must have tried to take a lot of positives out of what happened yeah it was it was tough after the game remember the next morning actually so we go back to the hotel and everyone’s down and and always remember the next morning we were the lads who started the game we were all nice back and um and like talking about the game and and I think it was it was me actually who said well that’s gone so we’ve got two games left and we will win these two games we’re better than Switzerland we better than Catia we win the two gam so let’s look forward to them um so CU you can feel I could feel in probably being new to a tournament football like okay we got beat to France there’s no shame in that we move on and we’ve got these two games come up which we can win and they were big games big pressure games we had to win um but yeah but we couldn’t what we couldn’t do and afford to do was sit there and S feel sorry for ourselves do you think that’s because you didn’t have any scars from maybe yeah and um I was just excited for the next game to come and keep it coming um yeah so yeah probably and I think the other Lads who’ve been through previous tournaments maybe thinking there we go again and and stuff where I was actually thinking right we knew getting a win or even a draw against France at the time was positive results and but even a draw we would have had to go and win you know or at least get four points probably had the next two games so um I think it was like okay let’s go let’s forget about that game and move on and we’ve got two games left you mentioned that that David Beckham missed a penalty in the game he was Captain as well at the time what was he like as the England Captain youve said maybe the choice of Suits could have been better um than it was for that tournament but what was he like and what was your relationship like with him at that point be was brilliant um quiet um you know didn’t you know he went a shouting as a captain but you know you see his his order about him and his his character and experience with tournaments as well and yeah he he was great um as Captain and had other players around there and gy was more vocal if you like um from that point of view but yeah Beck was a really good captain and um got on really well um with with Beck just go to Madrid with C to to meet up with him in Victoria and to his house for males in London and stuff like that and um really helped me made me feel at home as well so I think just a normal guy I think obviously his status throughout the world is is huge you um but he had probably had three or four two three Four Lads in the Des come close to and I was close with backs I find that whole group fascinating cuz we kind of throw this statement of the golden generation around which is fine but it was just a really good collection of footballers if you think about it whether it was a golden generation or not it was a fantastic group the majority of which were probably the alpha male in their Club to to a large extent I’m just kind of wondering what the dynamic was like in there because you we say that David was the captain you said that Gary was was more vocal you’ve made the point that you were the one saying look it’s France we’re going to win the next two games a lot of people in there that would lay claim to leadership or it was a it was a real mix of of individuals who’d be prepared to stand up wasn’t it yeah and well just going before that is when it was obviously talk about the team going on strike and before yes the game in turkey and with the situation with r yeah and I remember I was in rest I think what has going on here like this is so strange and Shop stward never must have been involved in that I’m sure I can’t say too much but I’m sure he was um but yeah and remember all last happening and so I knew there was a lot of you know leaders in that rest room and um it was fine I’ve I heard many times about you know the clicks and the and I didn’t see them um at all I think I helped actually with you know cuz I go really good mates with Lampard with Ashley Cole um got on really well with Steven jard kiga the United Lads um so I was I think a help in that but if there was clicks it probably must have been a lot more before I come in to the team um cuz when I come in it w it went like them it’s an interesting aspect because we heard about that for so long didn’t we Liverpool plays over there Manchester United over there from from what I heard it was more the man united players and there was quite a lot of them and they’d be one end the table then you’d have the Arsenal players here cuz at the time it was a rry and and but I certainly when I good squ that wasn’t there and then the players be become so close to eventually when I was um Captain which I tried to bring in then different things to help um I felt that the the media should have been in the team Hotel the lead should have been in the hotel with the players and because they would have got insight and seen actually how much it means which then gett I spoke with G and when he come in as Eng man and he’s then taking that on which I feel has been a great success yeah it’s fascinating um were you able at that point in the cold light of day to assess how you felt you done personally in the game against France or were you just too concentrated on the on the bigger picture yeah as as I said the night of the game was frustrated and um disappointed um can you be pleased I think what I think what I’m can you be pleased on a personal level even though you’ve lost no I was I was fiercly frustrated because I got took off which I get obviously spend taking the game’s done as well and um was frustrated with that but then did you speak to him about that disappointed yeah I said why yeah so and again I was cheeky to Waring managers and you know I’d say if you leave me on the pitch with we don’t lose the game like that so which we knew that probably would have but um so yeah I want to play every minute of every game and but more disappointed in the end that you lose the game and um so that’s that evening you go back you have dinner you go to bed and then next day you um we’re by the pool and we’ve got the ice bat set up and um the other lads who didn’t didn’t play were doing a training session we were doing a recovery session and we were talking about theame game and it was like let’s move on we’ve got two tough games but we’re better than these two teams we’ll win and that Prov to be the case obviously yeah just to kind of wrap up this one because we’re going to move through the tournament but the France team that that I read out before we spoke about the match was kind of a combination of the new version and the one that won the World Cup in in 98 they were a little bit transitional but a load of great players when you think back about the the best International teams that you played against for England which one would stand out for you do you think well that team was was certainly up there um I think the Germany team as well was was really good in 2010 I think it was yeah they had a really good team they destroyed Brazil in the world no that was 2014 2014 yeah yeah but then I think they had players like hosel coming through Schwan just coming through they’ had that ridiculous under 21 side about six of the World Cup winning team yeah won the but yeah I’d say that France team was was probably the best team actually despite a last minute defeat they didn’t all end Doom and Gloom for England we’ played well at times and in Wayne Rooney we had a player who showed he could take on Europe’s best players and make it look like he was playing against his mates there’d be no room for error though in the second group match England moved on to play Switzerland knowing they needed to get their tournament going with a first win


  1. Rooney, the softly spoken “assassin”. Ultra aggressive on the pitch. Loveable teddy bear in interview.

  2. I am adamant had Rooney been fit all tournament it was a wrap. He was that good. In 2006 when he done his metartarsal v chelsea (i think) the country was genuinely in national mourning 😂

  3. Is his hair transplant a good recommendation for that sort of thing? I don't think so. Does it grow? Can he comb it?
    Sorry Wayne but when you are drawing so much attention to yourself, these questions will inevitably be asked.

  4. Loved the interview Rooneys genuinely Englands best player for me.

    Btw David James holds the record for most penalties saved in Premier League history (13)

  5. France was rubbish in that game only Zidane single handedly won the game, English people never mention French team were bad but Zidane was in a divine mode

  6. Colleen and her family have been with you from the start on the gravy train.
    They are all morally bankrupt, let their so called daughter, prostitute herself for a lifestyle for her and themselves.

  7. One of my first real football memories was Euro 2004, Rooney would've won the lot if he didn't get injured – outrageously good player

  8. “Minding cars”. Me and my mates used to do that at Maine Rd. We never actually minded them either.

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