Golf Players

#635 – Teddy’s Back In To The Origin Squad, Critta’s Insane Handshake Memory & UFC #302 Review

When will we ever learn our bye round footy lessons.

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00:00 – Eddy Was At A Bucks
06:49 – Mount Everest
14:40 – Tom’s Cat
21:18 – NSW Origin News
38:02 – Critta’s Handshakes
42:55 – Jurbo’s Old Losing Punishment
46:17 – NRL Review
1:03:29 – Benji’s Fiji Trip
1:10:48 – Tyson vs Paul Postponed
1:14:50 – UFC #302
1:26:44 – Congratulations Rupert
1:32:06 – Dribbles

you are listening to the hell sport [Music] podcast what’s up punters and dribblers welcome back so the hell sport podcast phone just fell off me chair home one qualified opinion and unwavering bias um back origin week baby origin week we got a live stream uh Wednesday night sebo and strey will be joining us how are you Edward you uh you have had a big week and uh in Byron yep you’re in your bounced out trackies yet to be released bounced out trackies um how are you feeling hurt yep just mate uh it just takes it out of here you know what I mean it just does you’re not getting any younger either I’m not getting any younger um I’m getting older Y which obviously that’s doesn’t help no um I like lack lack of sleep I got sleep I got good sleep but not not my usual nine a night so that just sets me back God you’re going to struggle with kids and I know it’s not the point but nine a night is just so much sleep [ __ ] that’s good stuff dude n a night and you’re in here winging I never win well you’re sorry I’ll I’ll rephrase that nine a night and you’re in here talking about how you didn’t get nine hours and you’re reflecting on that in somewhat of a despondent manner well it’s more that but it’s no but that’s not an isolation it’s not like it’s not like I’ve come in here say I didn’t get nine last night the bands on no no no of course not you had a big weekend you can get your nine yeah yeah I didn’t have a bucks on the weekend I just didn’t get nine out didn’t get fck rough night um M rough night rough we good day Brothers box nipped up to Barn were you Master of Ceremonies for the weekend like I got the vibe the energy you were putting out was like leading the dance here and I tell you who bought the Vibes the old boy oh of course did he he came up for the day for lunch and [ __ ] pump the boys up did he cuz we had a big one on Friday and then like Saturday’s always slow moving yeah I just kept it light touch get up there Friday have a barbecue rip in like no no like let’s go and play golf at [ __ ] 7 a.m. for [ __ ] 27 mil and all hate it like none of that [ __ ] cuz I know what people are like they always get first time fever they they go too hard and then they need the full morning like even up until 1:30 like lunch was at 2 there was people moving slowly you have to drink my brother my brother in particular was hurting bad yeah went to pick the old boy up from the airport dve him up there and he’s just like built throughout the day The Vibes it was hilarious he’s [ __ ] challenging people to skull offs and [ __ ] of the making everyone SC it was hilarious yeah it was [ __ ] like picking [ __ ] out one by one and then did he stay with the boys no he went home yeah right what back to he flew up he was in he was in the Hunter for a conference so he [ __ ] he drove down a city then flew for the day then flew back at night and stayed at my his sister’s flew back yeah that’s good yeah that’s good of him he um man it was [ __ ] it was good stuff very very good stuff couple of uh couple of funny videos floating around but we had a good time Y and then you’ve come back now what was it did you finish Shogun did you come back you slip into what last night do you know what I watched last night what like I watched 40 40 Vlog videos of some guy climbing Mount Everest that’s real boun SC [ __ ] like just on Tik Tok just [ __ ] fing in the next one oh my God like that I was like I was [ __ ] that’s bounced out [ __ ] that way you like you’re actually too [ __ ] to even think about what you want to watch I watched one I watched one episode of L with of um this show called High Country like some Aussie [ __ ] crime thing that was all right but I was like I can’t do that again I have to cuz I wasn’t paying attention cuz you just like you just start yourself [ __ ] your head flop down to your phone and then all of a sudden you’ve missed the best bits I to K rewinding at Ella got the shits I was like you know what you watch your own thing I’m just going to prop myself up in bed and watch this guy climb Everest which was [ __ ] interesting by the way dude Steph has Steph like I mean I don’t know if we’ve discussed this before like Bridgeton and then there’s some other [ __ ] Bridget in show she’s watching where it’s just like nobility [ __ ] for like 45 minutes each episode we’ve talked about this but I’m like it’s porn I’m like it’s in the living room and this is I’m like is this more bridon and she’s like oh no this is another one and it’s just princes and princesses or like Jukes and duchesses [ __ ] yeah there’s nothing hotter than rich people [ __ ] each other like it poor people poor people [ __ ] like y well they’re like [ __ ] in yeah that’s what I mean to it’s they’re like they’re [ __ ] in squala again hats off to women though they’ve been able to uh get it through the CBA that they watch porn at 7:00 in the living room they read it too yeah um and we’re like you know made to feel like Sick Puppies yeah exactly just sneaking off for one at the middle of the night when no one’s around well that’s when you’ve got to do it you got to wait till it’s the quiet of night they like kids are bed 7:30 put theu Bridget on some Cheeks getting riled in the [ __ ] in the library for 40 minutes yeah yeah that’s it tits out everywhere it’s full on you know it’s tits and it’s nips and it’s dicks and slits you know what I mean it’s all happening oh yeah I don’t know about dicks I haven’t seen a Bridget and Dick yet but I mean that’s on the bingo card you haven’t seen a dick yet I haven’t seen a bridg that’ll be hung be normalize small dicks on brid please give me a juk with a tiny cough yeah yeah yeah seriously and they probably [ __ ] for like 3 hours dude the sex scenes are so like I’m pretty sure in the one that was on yesterday there chick’s like losing a virginity in one of the most steamy sexy I’m like that’s not what that’s like yeah that’s not what that’s like yeah I mean yeah seriously I saw Ella had it on the other night some season 3 they’re in the carriage bloody and old mates playing around and it’s like the hottest thing of all time it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen this is [ __ ] this is not real life this is AB sir maybe I’m doing it wrong um bit bit of both I’d say yeah bit of both um don’t have those Bridget and fingers man no well all the Bridget and penises you know what I mean or tongue yeah anyway shout out to women you’ve snuck it through the cabin I um I respect it while you sit there and flick through ever’s videos yes were they good very good very just interesting have you seen the videos where like what like like the up and down between the camps you going to do and climatizing and Hawking from fck how [ __ ] uh jam-packed it gets at Hillary’s step or whatever the [ __ ] it is like just before the sumal the final summer where it’s just like it’s it’s actually it’s almost kind of gross I but it’s but like so this guy that did it he went he summoned it by himself the F of the summit stage by himself because it was windy like people that those people when they’re really busy days I think if it’s like a clear beautiful pretty much risk-free day but you can roll the dice a little bit and pig one it’s a bit right okay I’m trying to say yeah yeah so there are some Savages who will go when it’s a hairy day yeah but yeah and it’s the summer like all the footage Hees got of like climbing up to like the other camps looks pretty it looks okay it’s just like you’re about to say easy no as in not busy oh okay no [ __ ] doesn’t look like technical but it looks [ __ ] just not full respect to people who like to go and go to the edges of the earth and [ __ ] but like no thank you I’m and they’re up there for mon like a it takes like a month the whole thing does it cuz you got to go up and back you got to wait days you got to climatize you got to [ __ ] around like you need to goas camp and get used the whole so he’s up so his first day I think he gets to Catman de and he’s like buying [ __ ] he’s day 40 and he’s only just going up to camp for for the first time it typically takes 50 to 60 days oh so you got to be living up there in a [ __ ] tent freezing cold like you just rock up and climb it in a day oh yeah there’s just not any bit of that that’s enticing to me it’s funny the mentor the mindset of being like you know what I want to do climb to the highest point in the world like but also there’s an element of that and I think that the reality is a lot of people get caught out every year is that they want to go to Everest but they have no idea what that means and I reckon people get the shock of their lives yep get there and now you just freeze to death how about those ones where like there clim where it’s like there’s just dead bodies all over the [ __ ] thing cuz they can’t get I think half the I think half I think there’s like 330 people have died some that I was reading last night and at least 200 bodies are still there yeah and like there’s ones where it’s almost like a they become like landmarks that you go past there’s like a 1980s guy just like frozen in the ice that sits there and like you see him as you go past there’s like green man or something he’s like got a green jacket on can you find there was one there was one that I remember like fascinated me as a young boy which was in the newspaper where it was like an unseasonably warm period in um on Everest and so heaps of the ice melted and I think it was when they found Hillary’s body or some [ __ ] and they were trying to work out with it who’s the first person who climbed every so you know you’re so what you’re talking about is in 1924 the British so when when um [ __ ] old Maiden tenzig tenzig nor he was nepes and the new kway um Hillary Ed Hill Ed Hillary that was the ninth Expedition that the that the British tried to um climb Everest but there was the closest anyone ever got before that but may have done it I think it was in 1924 and they like did they get to the top and then died on the way back that was the that there that one bottom right they found his body 1999 that was the so that was mate you know I’m a bit of a freak I had that photo up in my [ __ ] room I was like cuz it just fascinated me I can’t which one the bottom right so is that is that the guy that went missing in 24 and they found him 9 so can you click on that one in the bottom right tobler that skier one’s also WD get second that one there that one is that Edmond Hillary so in the in the news Edmond Hillary didn’t die on the mountain he didn’t he no okay sorry so then I think maybe the thought Edmond Hillary was the first guy to do it your talking about so yeah so this is the one where they found in 1999 where they think did this guy die before he got to the top or after and they don’t know they don’t know they both they so the two the two set off and never never came back and they don’t know yeah so who is that do we have any name on um but how is that is that like skin peeling off or is that that if that’s that’s that guy’s not the guy then I think it’s been up he’s been up there for about 20 years and he’s used as like a marker on the trail they found that you get green boots huh Etc like the body of talking about the green boots guy yeah we’re not we’re talking about the photo that you’ve clicked on oh that one I don’t know who is no um that guy is the one who I’m pretty sure when they found him go to 1924 uh Everest Expedition and the names will come up up last night fascinating stuff yeah it is actually because they so if you actually look up Edmund Hillary and tenzig they go first confirmed 100% confirmed ex like uh Summit of Everest they might have been done before could have been done before for and that’s why Everest is cool in that when it had never been done but then when you see like a line of people doing it I’m like not as cool anymore guys espe you got Sher is carrying up and then grain boots why do they just leave grain boots there cuz they can’t get them off the mountain but like surely you can get them off cuz you can get people down from the top of the mountain do you know what I mean like if someone’s sick at the top of the mountain you getting down why can’t you just drag green boots not like you need to worry about his health because I don’t think how would you carry him down how would you carry anyone down do they carry people down yeah shers whack them on their back and [ __ ] do they yeah like I’m I’m almost certain I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure if you [ __ ] up like above 8,000 M you’re [ __ ] they’ll just leave you there I don’t think can we look into it the sherpers the sherpers aren’t going to carry they can they carry like well but then couldn’t you just drag well what’s the difference between like a heavy kit and a [ __ ] Frozen dude from the 80s the kid they take above 8,000 M wouldn’t be that heavy yeah I guess you’re right I’m like you know that I’m talking Death Zone [ __ ] here they can f they’ll get you down from like [ __ ] the other cams surely they reckon it’s like logistical complexities is the main reason why because like the dead bodies can weigh up to like 130 kg when they’re frozen heck D and be too hard use too many resources to bring so who is Green boots I’m looking into that now well green boots is um I just H him up so is he is green boots preserved yeah well within reason like what would be inside his body inside the his kit there his bones and [ __ ] cuz I mean the elements haven’t got to it like how long does this look at that look at that other guy’s thing like he hasn’t even broken down that’s what I’m trying to say so green boots would be almost good to good for reanimation that’s what I’m talking about this could be some sort of like a ‘ 90s movie he could come back he could come back green birds dude imagine green birds knocking people off imagine climbing up the hill Mountain one day and being like where’s Green boots going he’s woken up and then like the rumor starts to swirl around as you know they can’t contact people in Camp four and then camp three cuz green boots is on a [ __ ] mission dude killing people taking Souls being like how dare you leave me up there you sucks as [ __ ] I’ve been up here since the 80s and every person he kills he gets stronger tell you what he he’s he’s also a time capsule in just fashion he didn’t like his gra Birds I’m not knocking it I’m saying it’s a time capsule in fashion Gra Bird’s blue pants like he’s very he looks like ’90s ‘ 80s era yeah green blue red yeah he does he definitely does anyway that’s what I did last night and I loved every second of it yeah you know what I’ve been dealing with right now um before we get into obviously some very important state of origin uh ructions my cat and reach out if you’re a vet has started just pissing all over the house I can’t smell so I don’t know how [ __ ] it is he’s pissed in two count him two Louis Vuitton handbags and ruined them I don’t know anything about them but Steph is [ __ ] furious pissed in a shoe box full of shoes pissed in another box full of Lego and pissed in uh a carpeted bedroom and I was sitting up on the couch just like [ __ ] in the space of the weekend in the space of since we’ve been back from Fiji why uh they say it could there’s a number of reason where that could be happening I took him to the vet and he was so ready to punch on with the vet the vet was like I can’t get him out of this cage thing he’s going to [ __ ] kill me he was like headbutting the [ __ ] side of the cage like let’s go um he said it could be anxiety from being like he wasn’t left by himself while we were in Fiji he was with my mother-in-law but like that could have a urinary tract infection something else but he was like the dent the dentist the vet was like I just think he’s anxious but I’m like I’ve always seen she he’s like we can give him some anti anxiety medication I’m like it’s a [ __ ] cat bro like are we seriously doing that well if you want him to stop pissing in the [ __ ] house you might have to I know they gave us this stuff called like some pheromones and you like you know you plug those scents like things into the wall and they like give us a nice smell to the house yeah you do that but it’s you can’t smell a thing that cats can and it recreates the scent that they get when they’re around siblings it’s meant to calm them down have you plugged them in I plugged it in I got it I got it last like Wednesday and then didn’t plug it in and then when I was on the couch on Friday or Saturday night I’m sitting there watching something probably Doom scrolling as well and he’s just [ __ ] hanging and then he jumps up onto the table he’s in my periphery I’m not paying that much attention he doesn’t look like anything wrong and then I just I only realize once I see his two back legs in Steph’s handbag and he’s got like his piss stce on I’m like oh [ __ ] knowing he’s already ruined one and I think Steph’s mom gave her like this one and then I’ve got get the [ __ ] out and there I’ve flicked him out he’s just sprayed piss all over the [ __ ] living room everywhere and it’s just like dude you’re we need to [ __ ] sort this thing out now Reach Out vets yeah or cat experts Cat Empire Cat Empire you could reach out doic cat doic cat uh Garfield yep um uh Cats the musical Cats the musical Catwoman yep she’d probably have something to say is there a cat man there should be that’s F sexist as [ __ ] well it is sexist as [ __ ] cuz Louis’s a boy lines are cats dude you know big cats Reach Out Lon King Tigs are cats this scary doesn’t it Tiger King yes Tiger King cat there was ocean age so there should be cat man there should be also uh cat uh R cat R cat yep cat her pillar and they do big they do the big uh those big yellow trucks it’s called cat for sure yeah no okay sure um the h g with the Hungry Caterpillar who ate through didn’t he eat heaps of leaves and got no no no he woke up well he was born hatched out of an egg then on Monday he had like an apple then Tuesday he had two plums Wednesday he had like three oranges or strawberries and then so on and so forth butterfly then well spoiler alert uh yeah he becomes a beautiful but beautiful butterfly yeah yeah yeah they talk about how fatty gets in there and I’m just wondering whether that is setting up kids for you know body dysmorphia too early cuz he becomes a big fat caterpillar after he eats like chocolate cake lollipops you know all manner of [ __ ] cheese and they’re like this caterpillar becomes a big fat [ __ ] yeah but the reward is you become a butter fly which is actually unrealistic you know are there are there big fat [ __ ] like slobs out there that think they’re going to become beautiful butterflies you eat as much as you want then just go to sleep for two weeks wake up and then yeah anyway all four lot lot for yeah it is it’s [ __ ] setting kids up for for failure so I will often change it to he becomes a just a very full caterpillar healthy satiated healthy has a good relationship with himself and his body and his selfworth um and then he becomes a butterfly is he beautiful well listen beauty is in the ey Beholder it’s not a big deal if he’s not to to some people he’s the [ __ ] ugly as [ __ ] but to a lot of people he’s beautiful and as long as he’s beautiful to himself then that’s all that really matters punters and dribblers moms and daddies podcast today brought to you by good day correct the greatest multivitamin of all time yeah of all time it is back in stock in a big big big big way ponent on the dribbling know that’s flying like hot cake it is flying and the only reason that I can come up with as to why it’s flying is because it works good news travels fast it works it’s blowing the socks off people yeah it’s blowing the knickers off people the singlets off people have you got a review for us you want me to get a review oh mate I love to hear the reviews you like our reviews the reviews are good I mean like you know of course we’re going to talk up our product I get that but obviously we’re doing it genuinely and sincerely but I like to hear from the punter and the dribbler about how they feel the product is working for them because they are the best [ __ ] yard stick literally okay here’s a good one after hearing about good day for a few for a few months on the pot I decided to get some of it shipped over to napia NZ a to our brothers and sisters over there to test it out for myself and I wasn’t disappointed having a Kido has just started school and another in the petri dish they call daycare soon as they got sick I would always get sick a weekend good day one got sick nothing the next week the other got sick again I got nothing a modern Miracle let alone having more energy throughout the day so I couldn’t recommend it more five stars bang bang bang bang be good to punters and dribblers the least you can do is have a crack and see how it works for you least you can do huge ruction Eddie what is a ruction I don’t know dude that’s why I said it but I like the sound of it huge ructions in state of origin over the weekend Dilly bags the ghost Dill Edwards he goes that’s a [ __ ] weird look he goes down Eddie with a quad cork who cked him he Wasing strain I think it is he was doing extras do you need to do extras in origin training you don’t do you need to do extras like you’re already playing I’d argue you should do less yeah you should just do like get the team humming keep your like extras fu [ __ ] relax with that [ __ ] did this happen in the mountains no can you they go to the mountains apparently they all got given like supercars to drive up to the mountains or some [ __ ] oh that’s a very working class I would have put them on a bu I know but put them on a gryan and get there I I know apparently it was real state-of-the-art [ __ ] like it was like Jake rocked up in a [ __ ] in a m I thought they were going up there on a grey hat no I think they all got given like nice cars to drive up anyway not the point you should not be doing extras in origin camp and I think that coming from two guys that know it just is disappointing that D now miss aden’s opportunity can I can I posit uh I guess a positive spin on it all posit a positive spin yeah and again I don’t even know if I’m speaking correctly here but James Tesco slips slips slipping back into that number one Jersey he’s he’s slippery he’s [ __ ] been playing pretty well Eddie yeah he has I’m disappointed for the ghost obviously yes but I don’t I’m also like to be honest like emotionally I feel nothing in that I’m like okay sweet next man up I I think with Dylan Edwards he although we all mourn uh not mourn but like disappointed for him because he’s he’s been very unlucky in a rep setting generally I mean he might have played on the wing for the kangaroos but he’s never got to taste the big one state of origin two yeah one time could argue two time Churchill medalist at least deservant of another one three prams and finally the big Fell’s given a [ __ ] job to do number one on the back he gets rid of a former captain and slips the sitting prime minister in the sitting yeah uh it’s it’s real Gillard r r yeah or it’s or [ __ ] go whitlam sort of [ __ ] yeah God save the thing cuz no one will save the Govern I mean we won’t we won’t get into the to you know you know what you know what we’re talking about you know Cody knows yeah Toad’s knows to yeah you know goth yeah reach out go um is he with us I’d say more valet goof rest inernal Heavenly peace anyway and it was all set up we’re going up to do a camp in the mountains is Dylan Edwards from the mountains he’s from penth foot of foot of um and we were going to play this dog football you know this like [ __ ] hard tough uncompromising foot of the mountains foot Blue Collar roll the sleighs up Blue Mountains workingclass rugby league that was what we were led to believe now the reality is and maybe why you’re thinking to yourself I feel nothing is because we’ve never seen Dylan Edwards play state of origin football and we don’t know what we’ve just lost we don’t know what we’ve lost or what we might have gained quite frankly because the reality is punters and dribblers state of origin is unlike anything else and some people [ __ ] warm to it like a duck to water they’re usually queenslanders unfortunately and others don’t um and there is unfortunately a New South Wales Gra graveyard of players that didn’t quite get it should have got it didn’t get it should have got it didn’t get it had the form to get it didn’t get it had the club form to get it had the club form to get it but Club form does it’s not origin it doesn’t always translate no it doesn’t you can have awful Club form and you can get origin which makes no sense but it does you know yeah now slips toes comes in and we know but we actually know that slips gets it he’s had he’s had a couple of Bad Games sure but he gets it on the hole so he’s gotten it in the past and in a period potentially or in a side I would rather where there was a couple of question marks where’s hindes at is his Lego okay is he up to it does he get it does he get it big [ __ ] question marks to be honest like I’ve just got to be completely honest huge [ __ ] question marks I want him to answer them I want him to answer the questions I’ve set out for him to answer but I do have a real genuine concern that when I get back the the answers Tom I need to Mark a lot of them yep okay he’s got the he’s got the questions he’s got the test he’s got the pen he’s been given his pen license he’s given given the opportunity to answer the questions he’s been given top to study time to study there are some curbal questions yeah there are this isn’t just a [ __ ] which you need to which you need to answer off the cuff there are you there’s no preparation for these ones you know what I’m saying no these are off the cuff it’s like one of the questions in there is uh 75th minute it’s [ __ ] we’re down by we’re down by four we’re down by four make something happen there’s also another interesting one in there um 75th minute scores are tied uh you have the ball on the fifth in the attacking 20 which kick do you put in like stuff like that 75th minute games tied we’re inside our own half we’ve just received the ball we now need five glorious rugby league tackles to set us up to give us a shot at a field goal to win it yep and there’s those other questions like um under paper pressure do you [ __ ] kick early in the set maybe on the third but you need to kick distance and you need to Nestle it down into the corner are you up to it or do you seven tackle set [ __ ] like that you know you’re kicking now apparently so you got to kick you got to kick them all yesi them all kicker goes down you’re up can you do it do you take the do you take the tea uh you know um [ __ ] fifth set defensive set on your line ref just won’t put the just six again six again six again do you dig in and get to te do you dig in for your mate do you hold your line do you yeah all these see they’re they’re the ones that are off the Cal so it’ll be interesting to see what he’s uh what he answers how he answers those questions are also you know there are some there there are some those questions are being posed to all debutants not specifically around like Drop goals and and you know how to ice a game but all debutants out there who haven’t all debutants are asked are asked questions uh yeah yeah they’re different obviously some are similar um but hindes I jwy jury’s out it just it just is that’s fine JW’s out that’s okay the jury doesn’t the jury being out isn’t necessarily A Bad Thing the jury’s just deliberating they might come back in and go flying colors yeah or they might come back and say OJ’s innocent you know what I mean yeah like the glove don’t fit you must quit the the jury’s [ __ ] up before yeah don’t worry about that now apparently Niko trained well on Saturday well he to because he hadn’t trained all week yeah so that’s that’s and again love niik happy for Nik but that is the that is a part like you you must you must be training well by Saturday yeah now James Tesco in but he what I’m trying to say is he provides stability where maybe there was a lot of risk James does yes yes slips slips provides more because cuz we know it’s like it’s more he can calm the farm it’s a cont yes yes yes he can he can calm the F calm the farm a little bit in the chaos in the fire otherwise we got a couple of we got new blos in there I’m like I don’t know if you can calm farm animals like and you know ree Robson has played state of origin footy for he’s done very well but is heex M PEX but is he a uh he’s not a Pex and pipes and brows um are you going to be a a Karma of farms in the origin cauldron yet I just don’t think so you’re not quite there yet you’re going to be you’re going to be just as [ __ ] freaked out within reason and respectfully than anyone else there’s not many Farm karmas there’s not mate there’s not there’s Teddy there’s Jake there’s Isaiah get him Isaiah Lui has the ability to calm Farms but he has the ability to set the barn on fire as well so like you don’t exactly no yeah um it’s it far far k a farm is it’s it’s it’s intuition you’re born with it a lot of the time you can you can learn it sometimes it’s just a look sometimes it’s just a look a knowing glance a pat on their head sometimes it’s just a calm [ __ ] slap on the ass do you get that you get that tuer from Crocodile Dundee thank you good you were looking at me and I was like you didn’t know this otherwise well you can’t be wearing a [ __ ] Merry F shirt you know have you going to marry F [ __ ] on sure do sh to Mar girls are playing ton not CH are they sha yep our girls planning on yeah a are you gone yep so totes ni boys supporting the girls like that we’re happy that Teddy like I’m I’m happy for Teddy obviously you feel bad for dill but like okay sweet it but this is this is about the calming of farms Tom and it just feels like we’re a bit frantic I feel a little bit well where as a state as a as a as a as a as a 1 like it’s been frantic [ __ ] this whole week it’s mean is Niko going to play what the [ __ ] doing with that bench now Dylan Edwards the ghost is now injured he was not the person we thought was not going to be there but now he bringing Tesco Gordon Talis on Triple M yesterday says that if he was Tesco he’d be embarrassed to come back into the side g a huge we love Gordy that’s that’s one of the great [ __ ] loads of [ __ ] I’ve ever heard in my life God Doo again on Triple another friend of the show dobo doesn’t think and he’s a he’s a new South Welshman grings a Queensland Doo he says he doesn’t think we should be able to pick Tesco cuz he wasn’t in the squad another absolutely horeshit [ __ ] call but gardi but they’re not the rules though Doo well exactly so what do you think’s not relevant no the rules are the rules he’s like well why do you pick a squad and you’re like because you don’t necessarily pick Tedesco if you aren’t picking as the First Choice fullback right like again it doesn’t matter what you think it’s what the rules are but what if a prop went down you’d have to bring in another prop outside of your [ __ ] 18 man put this way dber you’re not carrying an extra thir man no exactly in a squad no psycho [ __ ] it was Psycho [ __ ] but gy the cheek on that origin great but he’s talking [ __ ] though I know he is he’s talking mad [ __ ] he’s like I’d be embarrassed he’s not being legit which is why I respect the [ __ ] out of him because that’s genius yeah that’s that’s a good troll that’s like a like as soon as I read that I’m like that that [ __ ] trolling [ __ ] I wonder what it was like when they came back in it I mean look it wouldn’t be it wouldn’t have been without awkwardness or quiddity but only between him and M but M had already called him again you’d probably just be like yeah [ __ ] it like I get it you would get it on some level you’ve played you’ve played foot of your whole life you’re in teams you’re out of can’t play Forever well you can’t be picked forever well you definitely can’t play forever forever or be picked Forever both are true both are true so he would be you know I think that he would be relatively circumspect about the realities of rugby league football that being did and that being that you cannot play forever but you can have your you did reckon with that yeah you do you need to you need to wrestle with the with the with that and no one slips as well as I do I know he’s reckoned with it slips there’s a there’s a there’s a there’s a [ __ ] fly getting its Talons in me right now and I’m going I’m almost hit myself in the face dring uh a barfly is [ __ ] [ __ ] me dude I want to kill this [ __ ] so bad sorry they they they got a bit of nip about them in terms of not nip they’ got cheek well they got plenty of cheek but they got nip they like you don’t know I also don’t know why they’re here so often I don’t know what it is about this space that cultivates so many [ __ ] barflies I could guess but that would just be a guess what would the guess be did there some drinking done here from time to [Laughter] time that would be the guess um what are barflies after booze I think they’re the booze generally they like the sweetest stuff or well I don’t know I mean they’re alcoholics is it the pims they’re after well we don’t drink a lot of pims in here that’s why I’m asking well I mean they obviously they like their techie they like their Bailey see if I’m a butterfl I’m going to wear the B yeah I actually have we went through a fair bit on Thursday night that’s why I felt so awful on Friday were you [ __ ] on Friday well yeah like I came in here and I still stumped up well you weren’t in here so I didn’t know that’s know what you were like no no I was okay but like I wasn’t I felt rough was it was that Tiger Woods played no no no we sat here and did some work I got got got uh we got Brey for the boys what’s that called locks in a box dude Bagels get [ __ ] they were good real good stuff we all sat around we had locks in the Box uh what did we end up watching a bit of the test which we can get to test is [ __ ] good have you watched any it mus it would be I know but have you watched any of it I’ve been in a box right it’s been out for like longer than your time at the box so you may have watched it I don’t know you know so I understand you’ve been in a box but like it came out started the first time you asked me about it was like maybe a week and a half ago so you may have found time to watch it is what I’m saying box on the weekend no I know that I can tell the attitude the attitudes are [ __ ] oozing from your paws cuz you were at a box that’s why I didn’t watch it so back to origin Teddy’s good we like that I still am concerned and confused about what the [ __ ] happens R uh Maddy Burton and I mean we’ve kind of been there’s no developments but it must it must feel to you it’s increasingly feeling to me at least like they they think Isaiah Yo’s got a bit of seven about him surely not though no no no cam mckin is Boots dude I think it’s boots they think boots can be in the halves boots can play nine and it’s I only say can do centers I only say that because it was it was obvious to everyone that Brad fitler thought of Isaiah is a bit of a seven game in Adela last year he had probably had what 7,000 touches in the first half apparently that’s why uh m is starting with Isaiah on the bench because he wants niiko to be able to play halfback for at least some portion of the he needs first footy he needs to just be able to play without Isaiah getting in the way he needs first access footy yep first access to the footy yes uh as opposed to having it distributed slowly via Isaiah well it goes from dummy half to Isaiah then to someone else that might sound like I’m talking [ __ ] about Isaiah no he’s a great honest d boy and I got a lot of time for him I’m just saying that that sort of uh block man shape [ __ ] they were doing doesn’t it didn’t translate well for us in origin no that’s all I’m saying y I um I was reading the other day over the weekend you right what was that punch in the L like I [ __ ] it I went I went too much knuckle so you actually hurt yourself I was gone like that and then I just I knuckled it instead right so you hit a point like it was too you’re right yeah [Laughter] okay um [ __ ] Critter he’s memorized like 25 different handshakes oh my God isn’t that the most absurd amount of handshakes to remember dly mate LeBron James has like hundreds he’s like makes him up every team member he’s ever played with he like he’s played with like [ __ ] some stat played with her against like half the [ __ ] like the percentage of people Haven played the N 30% of everyone that’s ever played in the NBA yeah I respect that from crit but it’s dribbly as [ __ ] how long are these handshakes you see them after Tri like I know imagine that with every single [ __ ] on your team like like little dancers and [ __ ] like that hurt my shoulder imagine trying to do that oh that was my thought for origin night yeah we need every time something happens when to do like a full [Music] on but with like heaps of Blues references in it I didn’t know how you do that through a shake well you’d have to shake and sing maybe what who’s saying you can’t that’s what I’m saying Jo yeah or like I’m blue I’m blue you me like there those ones as well give me a hand Reach Out across the bow but like those ones where like they add like a [ __ ] click as well you know like they I’m [Laughter] blue yeah we there’s something we can we’ll try and work out a critter handshake I wouldn’t mind saying what what the kids are doing can we find there’s surely some footage of Critter there has to be yeah I’m trying to find he [ __ ] goes hard I remember peny had him and then now the dogs he’s got all m in there I’m sure he’s coming up with him at origin Camp so why is he why has he learned 25 is he slapping like the assistant coaches and [ __ ] no I think this is like just across his career oh right I read it’s part of his leadership style is that right that’s what I read I mean what does that mean well I think it’s a way of engaging with your teammates creating a bond now I mean like I don’t have we have them in the office that’s what I was I don’t know if I could be [ __ ] but like I’d like that but would you like that that’d be awesome okay was that something you’d like we got to listen to your staff the kids like this [ __ ] so this is this is him and um SU that no don’t po that’s just two of them okay nice I’m proud of him I think that’s great part of his leadership styled yeah I don’t know if you knew that but no well that’s what’s what’s what we’re hearing um oh but but on that though that shows that that crit has gone to another level this year you know the the first couple of years maybe the young he’s the new kid on the block now he’s out there [ __ ] as part of his leadership style well he has a leadership sty dabbing up well we don’t even have a leadership style no we’re old as [ __ ] our ership style is uh would be defined as laid from the front yeah set set the tone set the tone laid by example yeah and then and then like maybe don’t give as much in tell what you need and then we’ll do it again I’ll Ned’s kitchen I’ll everything we do yeah Allah Ros [Laughter] party he’s got a handshake with each of the Bulldog starting team and some New South Wales cut Reserve players plus you got to be prepared if someone comes up from cop you got you got to have a handshake for him well he would he would he would have dabbed out the boys that have come up at one point or another I don’t think he’s going to New South World’s Cup training you’re just like selecting something I mean is there some level of like autism there in terms of the ability to like remember all of those things like all those handshakes how the [ __ ] do you even do that you know like the guy who can fly over like Paris and then draw it you think that’s the same thing also it’s a rugby league equivalent Eddie do you disagree surely the way he says that he remembers each handshake is by making it unique and tailor to the player obviously so max King is got that offload so we have that offload action in the handshake and then me and Josh okar have had the same one ever since I first met him in origin Camp his one is the Jersey grab so we finish our handshake with that but that doesn’t explain how you remember them all all the like the leadup to the ending bit yeah exactly like so I Know How It Ends because Josh oakar does that and I can do that but like all the maybe it’s just not that hard to remember well we’ll find out we will is there anything like coming out of Queensland like that’s the thing that I don’t like they’re all just really quiet up there they used but is that maybe that’s bad I don’t know dude they seem settled I’m used to listening to them there’s always like an injury concern or you know in the in times going by they’ve always like there’s a threat of someone not playing yeah but that’s [ __ ] usually and it seems like that’s what we’re dealing with it’s always [ __ ] we’ve got [ __ ] upheaval we’re an emotional wreck as a state it’s not good is it well I I don’t know I don’t know if it’s good or not it doesn’t feel good doesn’t feel good have we ever Mo have we how often do we win when we’re emotional I mean playing emotional is never the ideal but we may not play emotionally but we the state feels emotional right now dude I was reading a thing about Jake trovich yeah uh skip when he was a kid if he didn’t win because he like there was they’re interviewing John and um [ __ ] what’s mama trich called again I apologize I can’t remember Mel I believe I apologize to mam trovich um John comes to us so easily because we got in a photo of the entire Melissa there we go um John son tomato Farm you get it uh they were they were so obsessed with footy all they did was play footy talk footy watch the footy shows and all that sort of [ __ ] but if the if Jake didn’t win on the weekend no one in the house was allowed to watch any the footy shows wait what yeah as in that’s a rule from John no from Jake he was like we can’t it’s like we can’t be enjoying ourselves he’s like a bit of a [ __ ] s mask is like [ __ ] apparently when he was during his career like for Manley early on like if they lost he wouldn’t leave their house he’s like I’ve gotten a bit more used to that now he’s like you know realizing it’s just footy hey but he I’ve heard stories about how nervous he gets before he told us yeah he told us he stops talking yeah but not this week he can’t stop talking not anymore no he can’t need him to talk God I hope they want a lot of games otherwise well they must have w a shitload like that’s obviously why he’s so good he’s like I need to watch The Fly show and he was the oldest as well wasn’t J so he’s like he sets the agenda he sets the agenda yeah that would be devastating though if you knew there was going to be a good episode on or you hope there was Rob was going to be on or they were doing Daredevil dudes and you’re like [ __ ] can’t watch it uh anyway listen live stream state of origin Wednesday Street Square it’s going to be a [ __ ] we’re going to win big money bets on the line again we were confident when we put those on weren we well we were’t a lots happened between then but that’s okay I’m still confident had the team come out yet surely no the team had come out team had definitely come out okay good me I’ll [ __ ] have a double check of that what are they now what are we playing now the great state of New South Wales still $205 no moving at the station land $177 I can’t remember the last time we were underdogs in game one it’s nice it is nice but I don’t know what it means what a [ __ ] weekend it was dude I’ll never I’ll never not never forgive myself because I think it’s important to forgive yourself right cuz we all make mistakes but I I’ll never forgive myself for not going underdogs all weekend or origin origin period Buy Round rugby league dogs it’s I tell you I tell you what this is except for the eels this blows my mind more than anything when this is probably the third year in a row that we’ve done about even and we’ve and we’ve gambled on Rugby League uh every game and every year the line’s the same you bet on The Underdogs CU that’s that’s it just that’s just what you do and what do I do I go [ __ ] dude look at that [ __ ] rooster side man that [ __ ] rooster side man dude that [ __ ] s man check out that stack that [ __ ] side man that’s [ __ ] stack side man like they’ll pump him he going to be [ __ ] he’s going to be [ __ ] dude how many TR [ __ ] how many TR be [ __ ] [ __ ] four but but like what’s the but what stop hang on stop Edward what’s the rule what’s the Insight listen to the rule what is the Insight mate Knights again I favorites and I was saying dogs I hate myself but the dogs man playing mate not playing kik’s injured that’s the point that’s why they win and not just win I mean the knights are also [ __ ] like the night suck and I hate myself and I’m betting on the dogs Panthers oh mate Cricket school no mate listen it’s the dragons dude they don’t have Ben Hunt next man up mate H man they never win with Ben Hunt man man listen to me man it’s all about defensive systems man they can [ __ ] defend they [ __ ] defend man they lock it down and you can’t Hey listen they lock it down you tell them you telling me that a s won’t score any points in the drags right they won’t score any points cuz pen defensive defensive systems you telling me that [ __ ] pamp won’t score one TR well you telling me that W scores one maybe he scores two still got Tera mate mate still got [ __ ] uh James Fisher Harris MOS Leota [ __ ] idiots [ __ ] idiots dragons of [ __ ] man [ __ ] outx is gone too mate uh and then you arrive at a position where you get uh favorite Underdog Underdog Underdog Underdog Underdog and the favorite was still one where some people were trying to say they wouldn’t win potentially but like you just the ears looked hot the ears looked hot I’m here to say it the ears looked hot to Tru Mitch Moses if if niik goes down no disrespect to Luke Ki who doesn’t love the state like he should but he shouldn’t go into what about this what about if it’s more like I’m just trying to work out what would be something that you could carry through that would would guarantee results under because yeah underdogs but then the Ys went Underdog yeah but they were like that you know they’re almost the exception that proves the rule and there there were sort of a spiritual Underdog but if you go an underdog every game you’re still ahead well you’re well ahead from five you’re literally four from five that’s that would have been the unit scooper [ __ ] me but you would have put the eels in yeah but you didn’t no I didn’t do any of it but it just it just but the eels Mitchell Moses the eels and Mitchell Moses Mitch Moses they look good yeah oh yeah well Mitch had us h under the collor Thursday night you did very hot under the collar starting to you know asking serious questions even even posed on Instagram yes around if n goes the legality of being able to bring Mitch Moses in Doo would have hated it should niiko hin be uh his body have having failed him now you can do that legally no legally you can so stiff [ __ ] Doo hasn’t happened probably a bit late now probably a bit late you’d you’d suggest probably bit late although it’s been done before of course it has g g g G been done I mean you I’ve heard stories about BLS getting like airlifted in didn’t even have their boots no they had Converse on I can’t remember who the [ __ ] player was but it was I’ve heard it happen no I’ve definitely heard some Yan about some BL but I can’t remember his name can’t remember yeah but it’s happened before it’s happened before there’s precedence yes um H when when did Joey get uh airlifted in in’ 05 when Trent B went down West Pack Chopper sort of stuff just dropping him off yeah I can’t remember uh well it was 05 I don’t remember how late was it Trent Barrett that went down yeah it was Trent I just said that my apologies didn’t hear that one of your eyes started flickering and I was more distracted by that one of your eyelids started shuttering help yeah it was it was real [ __ ] Panic stations on that left eyelid either way dude sharks they didn’t have a they they were they were troops down but they’re also not that good they’re also not that good and that’s the reality that’s the thing we got to face well not we but sharks fans I don’t care um the Newcastle Knights are an uninspiring rugby league team that fair to say like just uninspiring but the Bulldogs I I’m a I’m a dogs fan in I’m a dog Stan as the kids say I’m a Stan of the dogs you’re a Stan Stan is like a way of saying fan I don’t know that’s not very Australian no it’s yank it’s yank youth [ __ ] because we take [ __ ] off here we don’t add [ __ ] we shorten [ __ ] well I think Stan don’t go to the server station go the server no no I don’t think Stan’s an adding of anything it’s I think well you’re replacing an F with an st yeah but that’s not I think it’s about and I could be very wrong here and I I hope I am almost uh Stan of M&M’s my te’s G cold I’m wondering why Dear Stan he’s a Super Fan so it’s like I’m a Stan of this Stan originated from a combination of the words stalker and fan there you go so that’s not right what I was saying but it still makes sense stalker and fan the kids eh kids RZ I I only found out like literally five days ago we had this discussion last year I told you what Riz was last year I was asking people for AG no one could tell me the answer cap I told you that’s C dude I told you yeah literally five days ago no I told you last year Noz Dave was you like oh man like cool I can back you up we had that conversation last said Charisma and Di Dave was in here may he rest in Eternal Heavenly peace but for I been more than once yeah you CA big time for real for real for real for real why is it said twice almost said like a crash course dude we should get a young young C we heard that before yeah yeah um maybe you wouldn’t boys and no totes sort of does but he doesn’t as well he seems like he’s too cool for school a little bit totes CU totes country it’s sort of like you don’t want to having your own compost is cool you know what I mean yeah in tote country it’s about composting are you composting man yeah yeah you better be composting man are you growing any herbs on your window what’s your what’s your carbon footprint looking like man yeah I just like that you’re saying cap like instinctually now like that first one just came out no I know what I’m saying dude I’m [ __ ] I’m down sounded pretty natural so what’s No Cap mean no [ __ ] but like why lying not lying why so you [ __ ] don’t know what you’re talking about that’s why we don’t talk to them you’re just regurgitating with someone younger than you came up with and you don’t even know what it means I don’t know where it originated from well I won’t be getting a lesson off you then no that’s why I mean well I don’t even know if you wouldn’t or no we you always need to go for [ __ ] the origins of the term are uncertain but it is believed to have originated in hip-hop culture so it actually doesn’t really have at least from my brief Google search doesn’t look like it has a legitimate origin whatever um so the Bulldogs No Cap [ __ ] I’m a stand I’m a stand for the dogs no cap for real for real that’s all I’m saying like they’re a good rugby league side they are the most improved team in the competition not even close good to see Caldo working the boys up and in they’re looking good can definitely make the eight playing with a bit of grit Tom got a good side got good players yeah and they beat the knights [ __ ] the nights up rainy McDonald Jones Stadium Friday night I don’t know if there’s a more depressing place on Earth than their piss and Rain you’re a kns fan and you’re getting butt [ __ ] like remember when we went there and Manley beat the [ __ ] out of him Gio camra would be worse that’s that’s that is worse that is worse freezing cold sewage stinks like poo pumping away in the corner and your team’s losing you’re out in Bruce yeah like 30 minutes from civilization in a town that is hours from civilization like what are we going to call this suburb let’s call it Bruce yeah which was my granddad’s name so I don’t want to be too disparaging about that it’s not the name of a suburb though no it’s not I’m not [ __ ] on the word like it’s like imagine calling a suburb Tim yeah oh [ __ ] I got to go to Tim s for work where get some [ __ ] some groceries yeah uh I might get some fuel in Nancy yeah no that doesn’t it’s [ __ ] weird it’s weird [ __ ] it’s very camra yeah yeah well it is very camra you know everything’s too organized and pre-thought out like their roads and their roundabouts and [ __ ] I don’t want to go hiot on camera we no it’s just it’s just interesting to me that uh you know we went from calling suburbs wam Maloo to Bruce well that’s a woo sounds like an indigenous name exactly we went away that from what word SS like some [ __ ] pretty vanilla no offense to Bruce no straight up and down I much prefer the indigenous names for suburbs and [ __ ] I think everyone does Bruce is lame when we do talk rugby Le who’s it for for a good friend Bruce uh and the people of Bruce uh and also the people at Ko if your name’s Bruce and you don’t have KO you’re a [ __ ] you’re an idiot you definitely live in camra I’m why don’t we speak to all the brues listening yeah past and present because my my and wamu’s grandfather Bruce up there you know he’s up there with [ __ ] goof whitlam and the like resting in Eternal Heavenly peace Bruce if you’re hearing this right now and I know you are all bruers ask yourself if you love The Game rugby league and you don’t have K ask yourself why why is that what’s what’s fueling that decision yeah now if it’s about money you’re going to have to start making some sacrifices okay cut down on meals cut down on meals cut out breakfast because there’s a chance that maybe you’re carrying a few extra yeah and also breakfast isn’t necessary and this isn’t medical advice no it’s not breakfast is not necessary but it’s time to it’s time to start making sacrifices maybe you pack your own lunch yeah maybe you stay up till like 9:30 p.m. Sunday having an anxiety ATT meal prepping yeah okay that’s it Anything For the Love of the Game have like [ __ ] Uncle WAMU over here just sometimes he’ll just straight up bring a carrot in like he’s a horse or want a Santa’s reindeer bang get a carrot from woolies and get a big tub of humus the cheap one yeah you go all day on that you do start I will say the only the only side effect of of a lot of hummus my children can attest to this and my wife is that you do some absolutely heinous farts we get some bbos does that make that doesn’t sound like it’s going to smell any better to be honest just just try you’re going to have to try some [ __ ] this is like that the what’s it called the diet where you try things in your add and you take away or whatever it’s called see what works yeah go into woolies and and just P start pile up the fruit in the pockets when they pick you up when they pick you up just go what are you doing go identify as a child yeah stuff stuff some popery up your ass fruits uh fruit for kids but if you stuff some like poper some things that smell nice up your buom it might change the smell of your farts there’s options okay do you not agree with that I don’t I I think it’s worth investigating I think it’s worth looking at yeah of course I do uh that’s what you do to get C things like that yeah so dogs win they win well Newcastle ear an embarrassment to the league dogs have the second best defense in the league only after penth where do you learn that I want [ __ ] where do you reckon you learned that the systems the processes cam yeah s sir sir Aldo we’d be winning the we’d be coming first if we defend wouldn’t uh something yeah something like that out defense is a is a literal [ __ ] poison listen I mean do do we do we do we celebrate the dragons for winning against the Panthers like I don’t know it’s good but it’s not nothing buddy it’s not nothing by round win it’s a by round Victory the Raiders now we’ll get this in about even there’s some some R there’s some things that happen there I was going to say ruction again I felt like maybe I was overusing it that I was I was in hysteric so that went down so F tough but I did get up I actually tobler’s had a great weekend on the punt my civilian weekend in the punt has been Divine not like his Divine CU he had a monster but I got alamot first TriCore I got Savage I got Whitehead got ra is Dub I got a nice win in the UFC things were going things were looking up for me on the weekend not on bad even though can you tell us about your bet tobler please yeah so at the pub yesterday hit a thre leer in the UFC multi so with the Kevin Holland fight Strickland and Islam what was that paying uh $11 so I had a built a bit of a kitty from that one then how what was what we going like Strickland decision like I had um Kevin Holland by KO or submission Strickland by points and then Islam by submission nice pay 11 bucks nice pulled out that L yeah we’ll get to that pulled out half of the winnings from that and then using some of those winnings I put on Cowboys head-to-head Braden Burns to score Scotty drink to score and Finny faki to score it’s 70 bucks and it hit [ __ ] o at the pub just a cheeky Sunday that’s very nice that is and it’s responsible gambling you know what I mean it’s like he’s he’s putting winnings back into it we like responsible success stories here don’t with it oh [ __ ] yeah it was on my Ned’s profile as well don’t try get don’t try get constant giving me [ __ ] try get well yeah like I mean one swallow doesn’t make a summer as that they say is that what they say fair enough how many swallowers don’t know bro not a [ __ ] bird guy puns and dribbles podcast always brought to you by Neds we shout out our good friends at Neds they bring you about even the number one betting show on planet Earth the betting show all other betting shows try to copy that’s right if you’re only listening to this Eddie was doing a h straight Street degeneration suck it across his uh joints oh he’s good uh he is very shout out to H not part of the just a shout out to if you were following along on the Ned’s profiles this week you would have seen me hitting civilian bets you would have seen tobler hitting civilian bets we don’t want you to follow tobler in fact we want you to unfollow toer but Neds is where you go if you like to have a punt thank you to Neds again once again for supporting everything we do here at Hell sport you win some you lose more for free and confidential support call the number on screen or visit the website now I don’t know Benji went Benji went on a mid-season holiday to fij did he they’ve lost like 10 straight games oh he’s got has he been getting ripped yeah yeah [ __ ] off he did B he said that he’s like I told everyone to have a holiday so all the staff everyone’s taken time off Shane Richardson was over in [ __ ] England everyone had time off no I get that but if you are getting pumped does it is there an argument to be made that you need to be getting down to business so his his argument at the end of the season when they win another spoon and he’s had 10 days off to go to Fiji and he’s not a 247 coach there’s a lot of f there when he his defense which I believe was made from a hammock while sipping on a pain a coll up collides up yeah uh was that sometimes a like a fresh perspective is what’s needed so getting everyone away and not thinking about Rugby League at all might actually help them come up with some ideas on how to win I don’t know how that works it seems counterintuitive like don’t think about anything but then like it’ll help you to there’s definitely Merit in having a break if you’re out a puff and your like fried but you shouldn’t be fried after 12 rounds should you maybe maybe not I don’t know you’re if you aren’t winning maybe you are and then he was talking about impr how common how common of this is this for [ __ ] to to [ __ ] off it’s never done like a coach there’s in but he’s like he’s like I could have gone to New Zealand I don’t think anyone would have given a [ __ ] he’s like I could have gone somewhere in Australia I don’t know if anyone would have cared it’s a fact that I’m [ __ ] you know you know a Fiji and bore getting massages and drinking penic coladas and getting you know interesting interesting it’s just stuff that’s can it’s cuz it’s PR giving yourself and and and it’s interesting as well cuz he actually knows how it works he’s like if I went to New Zealand no one would care yeah no one would because it’s it’s all in the spin yeah it’s all in the spin yeah you can you can you could go somewhere really nice and put the feet up and chill out in New Zealand and you could just hide behind on from send family whatever make some [ __ ] up you can’t get away with that you’re sucking on a p colada l in a hammock in Fiji you can’t you can’t sell that to the Jos at the market no and again all this stuff bug all this stuff comes into sharp focus when you’ve being handed your back your your second spoon third would this be the they want they already want two row two in a row yeah three spoons ain’t good no it’s not no it’s not um and they can we bring the scrap MK in how do you feel about it uh about the FG thing yes I think it’s fine be honest though like don’t just be don’t just be an apologist for your team uh yeah look I guess I’m not the best person to ask cuz I’m always going to like see through rosecolor glasses but I imagine the toll of like losing eight in a row go to Fiji BR put your feet up but so you aren’t concerned think like zero concerned but don’t you think after losing eight8 in a row it would imply that there’s work to be done no I don’t think I don’t think necessarily like we were just saying with Dylan Dylan Edwards uh doing extras is not always the answer I don’t think we did say that it’s smart of him to use our well Tom that’s more a question question for you cuz you you also took not to uh dissimilar over a break pH to Benji that’s true I did go away and how did you feel when you came yeah but we weren’t losing we were winning that’s true yeah we were winning not losing bro and and I had three holidays cancelled by my six children so I was like [ __ ] it and Eddie went to Mexico and I was super jealous so I went and [ __ ] but like you know again if you’re winning you can go on holidays but also just so just to be super clear about the Dylan Edwards thing I’m not I’m not saying that he should just like lay in bed in [ __ ] game all all Camp I’m not saying that I mean he shouldn’t be out kicking [ __ ] a thousand [ __ ] can drop goals and [ __ ] that’s that’s that’s dumb go and watch tape go and watch tape or go and watch shun yeah hang out boys Talk Shop talk tactics you don’t need to be like if he goes I’m going to go for a 50k run [ __ ] five times this week you’d be like that’s too much still now that’s also probably extreme cuz he probably isn’t saying but it’s evidence of doing extra being ridiculous well sure if you’re running 50ks but I do understand what you’re saying you’re being hyp hyperbolic I’m ramming it all the way up to show everyone that there is too much and that like you can work back from there and it still be too much to a point yeah obviously yeah by evidence of the fact that there is too much that exists then you know you also then have to put the the the family hat on say that Benji is also a father and a husband and a lover a good one I can imagine and that you know it’s not not all just about rugby league I I get that but again it’s that’s not the way of the world he’s but maybe he’s trying to change the world he’s using far too much logic maybe he’s trying to change the world man you can’t that’s not it’s not going to happen what do you mean he’s not allowed to try to change the world that’s what anyone would say he’s going to get sh before they change the world he’s going to get [ __ ] on by the Jos if he doesn’t if he turns this thing around great but it’s a bit of a risk he was also like cuz is going to get [ __ ] the [ __ ] on if they start let’s say they’re going to lose the next three games and they that’s all they’ll talk about put you under more pressure and does all the holidays good work it does well maybe he also needs maybe he just needs like ah like exhale because he knows he comes back and he gets pounded the see I don’t yeah again I don’t give a [ __ ] he’s done it but I think other people well they do it was in the [ __ ] papers all weekend there you go it’s around the same time that KN night a few of the knights players went to Barley last year well that and that was a big lie it was only Bradman best and they didn’t go they stayed back it was only Bradman best and he got a sleeve and he came back and scored two tries so maybe it works tiger dragons Friday night so we’ll see God that’s an anti [ __ ] me where’s that at uh not sure let me check Campbell town I don’t want to reveal too much either it’s at wind Stadium J Good Luck winning down there [ __ ] um you going to go no don’t want to reveal too much but we’ve got a monster stream coming up not this one obviously for origin but just one in June one in well it is June well coming up could have been July this month you’re right big stream coming up yeah you’re going to enjoy it you’re going to love it before we get into the UFC but fight Sports more generally Edward yes Mike Tyson Jake Paul yes that has been postponed has it yes because Mike Tyson of 60 years old Fame had a flare up in his ulcer that he has inside of his stomach when were they set to fight don’t know but an ulcer in his stomach is that like July 20 was when they were meant to fight and yeah but the doctor what is that can you what’s a stomach’s an uler stomach ulcer you had an ulcer in your mouth I wonder if they’re the same thing but it’s in your tongue it’s a sore that develops on the lining of the esophagus stomach or small intestine that sounds quite painful yeah dude but also like is it more of is a stomach also break in the tissue lining of the stomach is it something that happens more to alies cuz when you when you hear he’s got a stomach ulcer and he’s having complications again I don’t know if we’ve had this discussion but when you hear about someone having complications that seems like you’re an old person and it just reminds you that Jake Paul is 20 and Mike Tyson is 60 and like could he kill him is he 60 or is he 57 we round the [ __ ] up there yeah so he became naous and dizzy during a flight to Los Angeles last week attributed to the Ulsa flare up so the blade can’t even catch flights what what what might cause an ulcer to flare and how does it make you dizzy acids from food that you eat sometimes anti-inflam Tre medicines stress spicy food could make it work make it worse sorry well surely you’re not eating spicy meals when you got a stomach El thing that would be [ __ ] aw be the first Port would it you be drinking a lot of milk they affect people age 60 and over a lot more 60 and over a lot more yeah it it it is it’s it’s moments like this where you just go the fact that this fight was sanctioned is [ __ ] ridiculous and just another reminder that money speaks talks walks you can do whatever you want yeah essentially well glass bottom boats exist for a reason correct Tom correct people get [ __ ] on for the right price or [ __ ] or [ __ ] on you on you and well that’s way easier to get your head around though financially speaking like I’m going to need more to be pooed on than two poo on yes it’s it’s it’s actually counterintuitive to think that there’s people out there paying huge money to get pooed on it doesn’t make sense makes no sense no like I’d obviously want to like cover my face cover any like notable like birth marks and [ __ ] but if it’s like all right I want to get pooed on for a sizable amount you’d get pooed on no dude I’m saying I’d do it oh you do the but I’m not like I’d prefer to cover my cover my face if I’m walking in there you’d like to do it in Bal clava yep and cover your tat cover my that exactly cover things that you’re going to you know oh that’s Tom yeah I’ll be able to tell you’d still be well you know my body mate I could pick you with [ __ ] Bal clav on a mile away correct if you know if you know someone I know every inch of you exactly exactly but I mean I’d like to think that you’d tell me if you were [ __ ] on people for money yeah I me I’d happily share it with you I’d be like guess what dude you’d be like o why are you driving a Lamborghini I’d say well I’ve been pooing on shs and business is good I’m pulling on oil billionaires business is good Russian oligarchs yeah yeah rich people like flying me private I’m going over there I’m [ __ ] doing getting through four a [Applause] day you’d be F you’d make more money than anyone C no one shits more than you I’d be like one of those prize Bulls yeah UFC I um I just want to shout out Nicko price quickly who who beat Alex Moreno morono I was watching this poor old Alex was stuck in the mud was he he sucked but as they were walk he looked like he was in slow motion he was four weeks like four he took the fight on four weeks notice not nothing this is a Punch Yeah and his feet the way he was standing and walking it was weird was like he’s he’s like walking through mud as they were as as niiko price was walking to the ring Rogan anic and [ __ ] Cormier like well niiko this is a rematch n knocked him out in the second round their first fight but he popped for marijuana which back which at the time was like considered performance enhancing so it became a no contest or he got stripped to the win so I’m like okay so niik knocked him out last time then they’re like oh yeah and uh Niko was meant to be fighting this other guy but he came he only found out four weeks ago that Alex morona was going to be the fighter and I was like and I’ve watched niiko price fight before he’s pretty good like he’s pretty wild and I was like I wonder what the [ __ ] he’s paying and he was paying $36 and I’m like so you’re telling me he’s knocked this guy out the last time they fought and this guy’s coming on short notice 360 how’s that work was that a [ __ ] don’t know well yeah it was cuz I responsibly threw the bat at it and I had a nice little win well Alex looked like pure [ __ ] he looked like us after the first round he was even even in the first round I would argue it was like I can’t remember what the score was but it felt like it was three rounds it was straight rounds three round for no I mean that that uh all mate one all three just from like visually yeah yeah yeah I would have thought so although uh people think that [ __ ] got was dude that was absurd you know what they should do if I’m Dana White obviously he he’s uh he rules with an iron fist I’d be taken refs to do that and I’d be taken about the back judges judges just line up the skip bang roll him in just shoot shoot him and put him in the shoot him and [ __ ] what will give him an opportunity to explain himself before you shoot him though cuz like I want so we’ll just get to it all right uh Sean Strickland po can’t you can’t reward stupidity like no but five rounds it was a pretty [ __ ] fight but it was it was awful but largely I felt because Costa wasn’t engaging Strickland did not stop walking forward the whole 25 minutes like he did not stop it was just like he’s dude he’s he’s the [ __ ] Terminator he just walks with his hands up his bolt UPR right and he lifts his knees kick sh and Costa was like running run backwards like he never does that I was watching it on mute because I had family over and so I you know like I wasn’t hearing the commentry or what they picked her they um you know like uh Joe was said immediately he goes Sean will walk like this the whole time he won’t stop and he use very little energy and then he goes so Paul needs to try and like stop him from doing that because running backwards all time takes up a heap of energy he was he was gassed yeah he did nothing it was crazy but then like it was a from what I saw it was five rounds to nil to to Strickland and one guy had oh may maybe Costa in the fourth or third maybe but I would have had it five one judge had it uh Costa winning the first and then Strickland the other four second judge had Strickland winning all five and then Dave trelli this other judge had Costa winning the first four and then gave strick into the fifth round insane which like it just makes no sense made no sense at all it was [ __ ] some of those rounds in the first four it cost I think the second round was bad dude they had the strikes this like the the strike numbers there was one where he’ thrown 13 and and I think then Strickland had got like 40 [ __ ] significant strikes off like I I just it doesn’t it doesn’t I feel like I’m watching different fights like completely different fights when I hear scores like this it doesn’t and the fact that that judging called professional judges can be so uh unaligned yeah I know oh you sort of almost think they should be former Fighters as well they’re not like they don’t have to have even fought before I know it’s crazy to me it needs to be looked at it’s a it’s a real mess it’s a real mess maybe needs to be uh investigated there needs to be an investigation yeah uh personal inside joke that don’t wor I’m so glad I miss Kevin Holland dislocating that guy’s arm I watched every second of it and it was like we watched at the bolo great spot quiet there’s probably like 10 of us in there this in bar bar y I had H py with the biggest [ __ ] asked for double gravy and I got like one of the the Great Balls of it all time oh that’s nice it was unbelievable I also got cheeseburger spring rolls which were delicious wow uh and I was just working them in through the grave and it was like um it was the sounds coming out of people’s mouths when they were watching when we watching [ __ ] Holland do that was just what did it look like like what did his arm look like when it it looked like so it looked like so he pulls it in and then he gets it and you’re like oh no that’s it that’s it’s gone and then he can see and then the guy doesn’t tap and so Kevin’s like looking at the ref and then looking at him he’s like [ __ ] he’s not going to tap so I’m going to have to break his arm and then he like readjusts and just gets down and pulls his leg as well and just puts one of the great [ __ ] hurtings on this arm and then it’s like it’s like it’s like spaghetti and it’s going over the back like this way like this it’s going this way and then it’s just like fully like out like this basically like that it was about to like you would say pop out through the skin it would have been like a compound [ __ ] up the ra and rightly so sees what’s going on stops it and then when the guy sits up his arms all floppy he’s like so broken I’m like yeah it is mate same whatever yeah it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] he was pissed off that the ref stopped the fight but but then he tried to put weight on his arm and it just went yeah yeah and it went like that but the were commentators were saying sometimes you got to fight you’ve got to uh protect a fighter from themselves like just because you’re going to lay there until he snaps your arm in half doesn’t mean that you can fight on mate you not getting out of the arm bar it’s in super deep but then like and your arms now dislocated TJ Dilla disgusting TJ Dill Shaw fought uh Alain Sterling it was like one of those ones where he [ __ ] his shoulder in the camp he’s got he had really bad sh and didn’t tell anyone came in and like the first exchange his shoulder popped out and he just fought for like fought out the entire round with his shoulder out and they put it back in and then he got [ __ ] I think finished in the next round but he just like I mean obviously I think you stop it as well but the argument I guess from my figh would be like let me be the like I’ll keep going right but so in this case specifically he would just have snapped the arm clean in half and then the guy sits up and then you’re like well what do you want to fight with one arm it’s just like there’s a level of ridiculousness here Ridiculousness it was [ __ ] awful to watch it was it made me feel sick yeah I’m glad was horrific it was just the moment when he looks up at the ref cuz he’s like he’s got this armar and it’s like everyone else I would argue 99% of people tap then and he doesn’t and he looks at the ref ref’s like so he’s like all right there’s locks in for it it’s gnarly and this was after Holland got dropped huh Holland got dropped dropped first second and then the guy the guy jumped on him and he’s like whoop just flipped it around and then the bar it was crazy this is first round’s a [ __ ] genius fighter he an exciting fighter to watch anyway we then go to the main event Islam Dustin it looked like it was going to be over in the first [ __ ] minute it was a good fight it was a good fight F some dribblers and the [ __ ] punters and dribblers are like [ __ ] Islam so boring I’m like that was a good fight like obviously there are moments where wrestling happens and you’re not like it’s not the most dynamic like it’s not someone getting elbowed in the face but like if you have someone like Dustin who was able to actually either weather the storm or then get out of it it was a [ __ ] good fight same with vul and and Islam he got he got up a few times Dustin and that would had some fun exchanges he’s like yelling at him and [ __ ] it was he cut him the [ __ ] up that isam’s cut was bad yeah it was real bad dude I I think I saw somewhere after the fight they were saying like one of the judges again I I didn’t watch I was watching it semi closely cuz I had people over but like one of the judges had it 22 going into the fifth yeah I don’t it that it didn’t feel like that watching it no I I wouldn’t be if it went to the scorecards I don’t think that the other judges would have had it that way but still point is it was it was like a relatively close fight yes at least in rounds it was was a couple rounds the first was so clearly Islam yeah but the fact that he couldn’t get him done that was just though that’s probably like the most you’ve seen Islam be pushed from memory vog vog pushed him further vog pushed him I don’t know vog pushed him further I think he did he he probably had yeah I don’t know man he [ __ ] like you look at his face after that fight Dustin [ __ ] him up yeah well but like in the sense that vog finishes on top of him in the fifth he definitely gets two rounds so had him getting through yeah yeah Dustin got [ __ ] submitted this was more violent maybe this was probably more vient than get submitted at the end what minute did he get submitted in two what is that 242 yeah 242 remaining or 242 in whatever similar 242 into the yeah about half um tough no one really thought Dustin was going to win you hope everyone everyone watching was Pro Dustin at least that was in the pub and that you know most people in this country are pro Dustin I think everyone wanted the bridesmaid to to finally get married you know yeah 27 Dresses Katherine hle sort of stuff that’s exactly what I’m talking about Buddy exactly what I’m talking about although I think un like Katherine cuz she ends up getting married I believe so uh Dustin and he may he may yet he may Yet the movie not necessarily but he was indicating that he might but he has had a lot of fights and he’s pretty old yeah 35 not that old May whatever but listen he can say he can tell the kids for kib for a lightweight title lost but was in there for a [ __ ] lightweight title L three title fights four technically one was an interim well he won that one yes but he’s had four title fights but none of the UND disputes there’s the the reality to a lot of uh UFC inim belts now is that their serial box belts y unfortunately not worth the paper they’re written on yeah cuz the champ over there he’s just not fighting right now so we’re just going to hand one out to make it like so that we just don’t hold the division up essentially your belt is for the next blik to F to fight yeah exactly yeah it’s the number one cont be Hollow maybe it was hallay yeah um anyway [ __ ] if it is the end of Dustin he was he’s a good fight he was a fun fighter to watch big fan of his work huge fan like him and he bought it you know he bought it like after that first round I’m like oh this is going to be bad and he he got back on his feet and he started to play away I was on Islam round two submiss so after the first round I was like [ __ ] this thing could be on here but he he he fought he fought it the fight of fought manate the fight of fought one more thing before we get to some DRS okay unless there was anything you’ve forgotten can I be honest with you I came in with one thing what was that a hangover correct yeah yeah um I congratulations from you and I from the team from Hall sport from Shane Keith Productions at large to rert Murdoch who just got married for a fifth time did he yep can you go into the saved photos go into the saved photos on Hell Sports Instagram did he really why are these [ __ ] guys do this he was engaged last year to someone else I know someone else I know and they’ve got to like they’ve got to he’s 90 they’ve got to pay these things out I know it’s [ __ ] ridiculous if you’re his kids you’re going dad for [ __ ] sake mate I want to get some I think he’s they’ve already given their money they look at those sensible shoes look at those sensible shoes he’s wearing at his wedding oh my God no way former Fox and news C Champion only3 married 67y old Elena zover after a short engagement Moscow native introduced to Murdoch by his third wife Wendy Dan dude [ __ ] he used to she used to be married to uh the Abramovic who owned Chelsea Roman yeah is that his first wife I believe so is that right Dior but like serious just different name though she might have been marri a couple times she might be getting thrown well that’s what I mean right they all seem to be in this High Society sort of Billy sort of stuff the glass bottom boat territory over here it’s a [ __ ] good racket mate and people go yeah they SE prenups she’ll still get get a payout I’m not saying she’s going to get half his net worth but she will still get [ __ ] 50 on the way out you know what I mean for doing [ __ ] all well sucking for how long [ __ ] yeah for a year well maybe it doesn’t make much sense though does it it doesn’t make sense on his on his part look at those sensible shoes dude they’re so cute she’s at least you know stumped I mean she is 60 in fanty and still get around in heels imagine just hearing about your dad getting married again to some different woman even though I was engaged last year he’s go Dad calm down yeah can you [ __ ] get it together you old [ __ ] what are you doing but I’m happy for him this is a hell sport congratulations well this is a love story yeah it is don’t forget that I wonder what they come down the aisle to is it like an edge shearon you know what I mean like what music plays at a Billionaire’s wedding he he’s australi true ganga Jang out on the patio we something like that yeah yeah he’s just trying it hard man or uh is it um [ __ ] s Rock standing on sa ground or is it a bit more is it a bit more modern like 5 Seconds of Summer or Duo’s finest thirsty M thirsty MC take me back take me back to the or is it a remix of Mumbo number five and it’s wedding number five now you’re talking now you’re talking anyway that’s love you fall hard when you’re old though you do well literally because you [ __ ] can’t [ __ ] stand you know like you fall on everything they learn love old bles fall hard break hips and [ __ ] yeah they do so she’s the mother of Roman abramovic’s ex-wife okay it was her daughter that was married to him I some connection who did she used to be married to though I swear she was married to like a oligarch yeah oh her what’s her backstory Elena zukova she’s a painter Russian painter okay used to be married to Alexander zukov Uh Russian born British businessman zukov that name sounds familiar I don’t know why volov you’d be thinking of Alexander volov UFC F no I’m not no no might have been some of R anyway I’m I’m happy I’m happy for him do you Reon you still be doing the damn think in 93 I’d like to think I would be but look at his can we zoom in on his F please bit more bit more saying some things H done some things saying some things done some things um not a bad not a bad clim mate he’s he’s doing he’s doing the damn thing I’d love to be doing most powerful media magnet all time not bad from ad from Adel from Adel yeah w wild yeah wild and still out there 93 still kicking about still [ __ ] Maring still chopping still chopping dude and not chopping the composer doing some actual chopping I’m talking about I’m talking [Applause] about um yeah know what I’m talking about yeah know I’m getting you I’m getting you he’s got the he’s got the pan Tans on well he does he’s got the he’s wearing the pan Tans isn’t he he’s wearing the pan Tans on for extra grid he got the pant hands on he ain’t slipping No cuz you’ll never get up let’s go thinking you and I of you and F and eaning of you and F should get married and we have you you think about it nice l Yan Ying that’s a great Point well or or Ethan can just call his son Yuan yeah Yan Yuan Yan Ying Yuan Yuan but is it Ean Ying that’s his name now but if you had a son named Yuan not Y and Yuan Yu and Ying you could have Ying Ying or Yu and Yu you and Ying yeah cuz yuan’s a n whereas Ying isn’t isn’t historically a first name so you have Yan Ying would it be W EU u n Yuan yep although you could go y I think you’d be better if it was y e w i n apostrophe youan Yan Ying yeah because he’s a Sur he’s a son of a surfer he’s a son of a potential and I would say future World Champ well hopefully this year he got money on him um I do have money on him so do I that’ll be a long ter that’s a real long um you and Ying I like that but you have to say it’s pronounced you yeah you and my voice is [ __ ] you and you you and you I can’t you dude my voice is [ __ ] you there you go in that’s how you have to say his name like commentators have to say it that way like you know the correct it’s correct pronunciation for everything yeah it’s like if I want it to be you then no you got to say you first cuz is also going to serve Y and Ying no I’m saying that’s his first time Ying Ying Ying or is he Yu and Ying Ying Y no he’s y y y yeah y Ying no you in I thought you said you said ye e w i n that’s first so that’s y you that’s not in if it’s a if it’s just an N there’s no you you said okay now I’m just trying to clear this up cuz obviously I want to get this right y yeah e w w that’s the u i that’s the u n yeah apostrophe that’s it yeah so what would that sound like if you just said that word it would be you no it’s not in cuz there’s no G you’re only doing n so it’ll be Yan y yeah you why would you just go y because it’s funnier the pronunciation you have you make people go yeah but my NE I want it to be pronounced you and well Ying but then you also pronounce the Ying that way as well yeah well see that would anyway I thought that was funny but maybe maybe people don’t no I liked it I was just trying to get some clarification I was seeking clarification like you might what are you seeking right there mate uh a Bera right we’re still [Laughter] recording we’re still recording Show’s still going yeah I’m just going to jump on the competition next dribble what yeah good day boys uh forgetting my box to the crease dribbler here uh just a quick one I’m watching the Raiders Fish game and just one of the great Omen myths of ko week scoring at Ko Stadium Fame yeah just thought I’d uh share that one with you boys surprised you guys actually missed that one on the about even but yeah have a Cracker Boys I just thought I’d let you in on that one great miss soon it was a bad one and it was being played on KO exclusively it was a mistake I don’t you so you’ve really got to be thinking we ar we haven’t been doing much thinking this year to be honest we haven’t if we want to get Fair income how much thing can we been doing really very little very little thing you could argue almost none y you could we overthinking but not really thinking I mean thinking thinking no I can’t tell you how [ __ ] stoked I was when I saw that game went overs yeah I know I’m like of course of course buy a [ __ ] pubic ha by a point and a half yeah or was it yeah point and a half but that’s R League yeah yeah over’s always I know dude over’s always and don’t follow Seb he’s minus 7 he would yeah he’ll be bad be be be bad that’s 15 down the [ __ ] yeah three weeks ago he’d sworn off doing any triple or double Stakes for the rest of the season we got to find that clip not for the rest of the season forever yeah let’s find that we got to find that clip for the for the rest of his life and then he triples take the double like he weeks later he better be clipping that up himself well yeah but we we’ll find it we’ll find it if he doesn’t um anyway yeah and Omen missed we’re not thinking let’s move on Tom Eddie Cody totes uh tobler this is a tarom dribbler here of inclusivity fan uh wondering if we ever get a Willie berm Super Rugby wrapped just a small segment each round just talking about the Super Rugby it’s the nation’s game the Wes play for the nation and we support the nation respectfully uh I want to know your thoughts on that uh would love to hear a bit of Super Rugby chat regardless of how [ __ ] it is just uh get around the boys H Man Forever Brett Stewart Forever as well Ro will take it away mate you got 10 seconds mate I checked out a while ago when it was going to be the war’s Worst season ever I remember after the start that yeah that was it that was the r yeah after the start they had yeah I know I know shout out to uh Rugby World Cup hero Sam Carter whose season also came to an end yesterday or the day before what so Rebels go down they’re folded Rebels are folded they’re gone they’re done they’re folded they’re folded Rebels are folded they got humped by the the drewer as well 40 to 19 that’s nice nice way to go out there were we heard we heard Rumblings that the bromes and the wards were in big trouble carts are sitting pretty there with Twiggy forest and the Western Force there’s no way they’re going out of beers now they might be playing against themselves they might be doing internal trials Poss probabl possible probables because there’ll be no one else to play um I don’t really know though but when you get that Twiggy cash you’re right yeah you do yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but varet the Rebels varet rebels uh was good while at last goodw lasted was it we wish you all the best although you won’t exist anymore tell you what I tell you what you’ll see lot of people in tote country will be wearing like unironically Rebels merch in about 5 years yeah like the yeah t-shirts and Rebels hats and like a Nick fips Rebels J yeah yeah exactly shout out to him friend of the show but like or just a you know a Rebel’s dad hat or a scarf or something yeah a Rebel’s tote yeah you should try and get one before they go up in Valley they’ll be worth a shitload that’s actually a great shot it’ be like the Adelaide Rams yeah like that like that chick that I knew who started going for supporting rugby league and to support the Steelers who had already been kicked out of the competition and it blew my mind when I realized that was that was the case weird huh very weird anyway not the point we press on what brid did you go with uh Gman obviously what sort of burrito did you get I got beef huge huge yeah I’m not a beef guy I’m I’m usually a chicken guy and I just had beef on the mind dude we’ve got to go to that buffet and be Chad Townson the epicurian that was your idea make it happen and as a producer let’s do it let’s do I need I need to be taken place you need to do stuff say hey can we book it in for this day I want to book it in this day I’m content I’m content you just we you just carry me places and sit me down and I’ll do it I’ll find a day hope you’re hungry well you [ __ ] pick a day you need to tell me so I look can prepare yeah cuz I want to go chat on that thing yeah sounds good we’re going to go full Chad like that BOS guy Big John Big John dude his Chinese orders are so big job that he’s like a scrawny little [ __ ] isn’t he dude he’s fat as [ __ ] dude he’s like [ __ ] 300 Kil a bing him Chinese is something else you thinking beo yeah I think I’m thinking beo no chewing I can’t I can’t watch I can’t watch people chicken balls yeah sweet and sour chicken balls special fried rice Mongolian lamb sweet and sour chicken balls dude maybe get it up can we watch one I love watching them he’s got it down to his science he was in Australia recently as well oh was he Big John people love big [Music] John B oh it’s good [ __ ] shout out to good day dude it is keeping me alive like I’ve got so many like un like you know the the kids under the weather from daycare some guys like what aren’t you giving it to your kids I’m like I’m not giving a [ __ ] not giving good day my children children also I was devastated when I got in here I forgot to have it at home and I got in here and there’s none left I’m like we got to get some set up I’ve got one s it only arrived yesterday I mean it only arrived last week I know we got to get it sent up here y quick sticks cuz I’m out I got one more sash I got Al box at home thank God bring some in for you mate yeah I can do that of course you can you’re about to say no I was thinking about it I I know and then I was working out in my head like will I get more before I run out yes I would so I could and you should and I will and not to [ __ ] make it an ad but it’s but it’s made it’s meant today it’s made today hard it’s [ __ ] flying again it’s made today hard no but I’m just talking about not it’s it’s [ __ ] flying off the shelves again oh you mean it’s working it’s [ __ ] off it’s working it’s [ __ ] and vagina off and we’re doing our best we’re doing our best not to sell out again well well hopefully we won’t I’m not we literally ordered shitloads well yes we did and it’s and it’s but we are now ordering more more so so that but it’s like we thought we were chasing our tail effectively and because it’s so [ __ ] it’s working it’s working it’s not a bad problem to have but it’s just uh it works though the punter and the dribbling know it works yes they’re taking it and the good words because they’re taking it they’re like [ __ ] hell it’s going beyond the pter and the dribbler it’s going to the driblet it’s going to the to the MLS to like your grandl the dad lets here is Jesus what in the [ __ ] how did it get that loud you don’t need your headphones no on the back from got all the Chinese just a second got back from the airport yes Lo I’ll place an order for delivery please what you well I could I have a special Charming a special house Charming a plane Charming a house special fried rice an egg fried rice sweet and sour chicken balls sweet and sour pork balls shredded chili beef sweet and sour chicken Hong Kong style uh beef in black bean sauce uh could I have Kung poo prawns salt and chili King prawns salt and chili chicken CL por of chips mini pancake rolls roast duck Chinese style chips crackers thank you very much and a curry sauce cry uh Diet Coke please yes please9 lovely thank you very much and will around minutes hour 50 minutes to an hour that’s perfect thank you holiday B who is this fat [ __ ] Big John he just started putting up videos Chinese on a Sunday night whoever’s editing it is fantastic and they’re just like the cut every time he order something else it’s hilarious yeah that’s good stuff I like it that’s a like it’s a big order it’s a lot of Chinese I’d like to get spion on the podcast hos yeah well he again you want to talk like just respecting someone’s Evolution you know what I mean from hudos where he was like [ __ ] you know throwing bricks at people’s heads like that was you know he’s like bricking people and [ __ ] or like when you’re running away from someone and then you just take like you just change your shirt or some [ __ ] somehow and then come back it was it was doing yeah like uh it was like a straight hood hood logic Hood logic that’s what it was that’s what it was good memory um anyway sorry he was just on the screen uh one more dribble and we’re done I want to go back and watch his hos videos in a second H [ __ ] powerful he’s giving a [ __ ] hoodles he was selling hoodles merch and [ __ ] oh it’s good [ __ ] in regards to the uh stolen Palms do we not think a dribbler has knocked them off just to see EDD his jet black uh don’t understand why we have not considered this option they could be they do L around well they haven’t hadit seen one for a while Felix did send through the um he found it on the punters and dribblers the poll from Luke Madison what happened to the plants legitimately knocked off 1% tobler executes master plan 7% Eddie disposes of plants himself in order to dye hair 92 listen they voted for brexit too you know what I mean well the dri the pter doesn’t the punter and the dribbler didn’t yeah but the punter the dribbler generally I mean I don’t think that you can can’t trust their V well but I don’t think you can lump in the punters and dribblers and blame them for brexit no I’m saying that you can’t trust their vote all the time is what I’m saying Jesus Christ listen punish but I just want to apologize and need he turning on you guys now as well you’ve turned on everyone that works for you yeah and I’ll continue to and then you turn on the punter and the dribbler who [ __ ] y put burritos in your mouth yeah I will I will turn if I don’t like the outcome yeah it doesn’t go your way uh all right that’s us see you later see you live stream Wednesday night state of origin sebo Street uh and state politics Jac uh ja Jac full uh a few left um so hell sport. shop could you do just not talk anymore


  1. Is your cat a male? Is it neutered? Could be spraying, and needs to be fixed. Or it's kidneys are fucked

  2. matty johns got called in but couldnt get a ticket on the last plane to wherever it was and the pilot overheard and let him sit on the floor in cockpit

  3. Full leisure suit, needs to be beige
    Haha cats are r soles, you're being punished for going away 😂
    Betting on WSL, especially the current format is crazy. A brazzo will win the stupid final at Lowers

  4. Vet girlfriend:

    “It can be medical issue such as early urinary infection, behavioural issue triggered by stress etc.

    Depends on the details. The frequency, volume and appearance of the pee. The cat's general demeanour.

    If he wasn't this cranky at the previous vet visits then that means highly likely it’s a medical issue.

    Calming meds need to be dispensed so a next visit can be arranged.”

    She continued…

    “Their body is quite sensitive to their emotional dysregulation. He might be depressed or anxious cuz the owner wasn't around or someone else new in the household feeding him etc. Or changes on the arrangement of litter tray etc can upset them too.

    Behavioural issue, depending on the cat, severity of the situation can be quite tricky to address. Some resolve itself a few days later. Some needs medication for facilitation.

    Trazodone is an antidepressant we normally use for animals with severe anxiety so if the symptoms persist it can be trialled out. But I'm sure that's up to their vet.”

  5. jeez that was so tough listening to a couple 30 somethings learning these "new" terms like no cap and rizz like years later 😢
    "oi what does no cap mean" hahahaha
    please NEVER say these words again boys far out

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