Golf Babe

ROOKIE Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – Summer Heat Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

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This is Hole 1-9 for Rookie Division and various winds – Summer Heat Tournament!

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Hello everybody welcome to this playr for rookie division with various wins before we have a close look at all the content make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications for those of you that do want to take the next step in your game and improve it even more scan the QR code that is here on the screen or use the link CLT you can find in the description down below that will take you to our platform where you can find all our premium guide checkpoint challenge tour play and tournament play last but not least the info box on the right hand side gives you the club distance adjustment elevation adjustment also ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there is always a plan behind it so let’s go to holdall number one for hole number one of the Waterfield stands we’re going to play with the driver that gives us the most power possible and this is going to be the extra mile I’m playing with a katana ball and I position myself to be at the very max line if you do have a headwin I do recommend to play with a power three ball in a tail win and a cross win a power two ball is just enough maximum distance with a 15% over adjustment and I’m using the 4 and 1 half bar Top Spin to get the ball at four down the fireway possible overpower will vary depending on what wind direction you do have of T all get down nicely on the farway and now we are focused and positioned for the second shot so the second shot here we’re playing with our wood club and here you can see I’m playing with the big dog which is honestly not as smart so the big dog as you see in the info box I’m actually going to do this one live and I’m going to change this one to play with a sniper and the reason the sniper would be better here is due to its ball guideline because then we can attack the pin in a much better way the big dog obviously gives you power and it allows you to never struggle with that and you can get yourself safely up there for a birdie but on a part four we always want to have the best possible chance for a drop and then the sniper is Mo is going to be massively better this is one of the weirder par uh like par force in the sense of even if it looks like we’re playing uphill this is actually playing with a lot of elevation so recommend to play plus 20 and through Club distance so whatever position you are between minimum and maximum distance is what you’re going to use with a 20% over adjustment hold number one this was on hole number two we are going to go for a rough bump the reason we’re going for the rough bump is because that is the best and most consistent way to attack the pin when we’re playing from the front e we are in um angle that might not be as uh perfect as it would be from the second and third T because from the second and third T we’re using the back end of the green to roll up and then to fall back down but here from front T we’re actually attacking the pin directly in a headwind or a direct cross when playing with a sniper from very close to mline and then from uh in Tailwinds we’re playing with a long Aron preferably the go even though it would be in lower level on many of your accounts then we play with the golet just because we do then have the 145 yards power so we can reach up to a favorable spot at the end of the rough line there now bouncing into the rough using minimum distance with a 30% elevation using um yeah whatever Back Spin that is needed to get the ball guideline to hold and the two right spin to remove myself as much as I can From the Rough line on right hole number two it’s a tricky part three which all of the part 3es of the Waterfield Sands are but this is definitely the one that I do believe we will see the most hole in one zone for hole number three this is going to be a very difficult part five to do anything else than an eagle on or let’s say like this it’s difficult to get an albatross getting a birdie is going to be very easy I must say because this is a long part five and as you can see here now there isn’t really much for us to do we are going to try to be as far up on this first farway or we’re going to try to use a lot of Top Spin and bounce over the rough and the sand there in the distance and get over to the final part of a farway if we do get to the final part of the farway then that’s going to obviously be a major advantage in terms of getting to the green and locking the eagle because once again this is an eagle only par five even if you would be having a straight Tailwind of T maximum distance with a 10% over adjustment and you can see that I’m playing this one in a controlled way over to the end of the farway island you can see as well that in the info box on the right hand side I do suggest a Berserker ball that’s a power five ball and the reason I do suggest that is due to the second shot to make that one easier sure you can play with a Titan Ball a power three power three ball and you can somewhat bounce over the rough and the sun like this and also using some curl to the left to get close to Green however though if you do have a power Fireball it will give you the possibility especially in tailin to actually carry directly over the rough and the sand directly and you do not have to mess around with the um you do not have to mess around by doing a technical shot like we’re doing here now but once again if you do not have a b Circ ball then fine then you are going to do what I’m doing in the video but at least I wanted to explain why I’m adding the Berserker ball in the in the info box instead of uh leaving it out and just going with a Titan Ball when you do play with a Titan ball or any other ball that doesn’t allow you to carry over as already said then we’re going to have a wedge to pin and this wedge is not going to be a gimme it’s still going to be a tough one I do recommend that if you do play EB school version It’s it should be playing plus 20% elevation with whatever Power Ball you’re using so in this case the a power three ball but once again a wedge from distance especially with wedges with a very poor ball guideline is going to be very difficult to be accurate with we will have a chance though and with a perfect ball in this instance it’s going to be giving us a good chance to lock in the eagle because once again this is going to be Eagle only there will be like an insane amount of birdies compared to uh albatrosses here I don’t think I saw any Albatross uh or like I don’t think I’ve seen an albatross in this hole more than maybe one or two times and that has come from t play so hole number three very difficult Eagle should be your focus there isn’t many part 3s that I do believe play harder from the front T than what it does from the second and a 30 but hold number four of the Waterfield stands is one of them in my opinion and the reason for that is that when you do have lower level clubs you can obviously uh you can do this with high level clubs as well but you’re deciding to go either uh above the bunkers and attack the pin like I’m doing here in the video or you bounce before the bonkers the problem with bouncing before the Bonkers with lower level clubs is that you don’t really have any B guideline to follow and you also have that down slope which is causing a glitch roll many of the times with a long iron and if you you’re going to avoid that down slope you need to have a lot of Top Spin and then you come in too hot so my suggestion here is to use the guardian and all its backspin and attack the pin like I’m doing once again like in the video I need to aim a little bit further back when I do have the Back Spin I have here on a lowlevel guardian but for those of you that do have the max Back Spin which you do have with the guardian in a fairly um intermediate level and obviously all in the high levels as well then the max Back Spin there will definitely be a perfect way of attacking the pin with a decent chance for success of the hole in one take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament text guys for expert and master division summer heat tournament we are back with regular wind and a regular 18o tournament yes I call it a regular 18o tournament as it actually is put on an 18ho tournament week we are ready to jump on already for the qualifying round to do the ultimate tournament X guide for expert and master free to play and paid ball a place that’s goes the same for opening round and then obviously going into the weekend round so if you do want to give yourself the best possible chance to compete for a better spot that you normally do make sure to sign up at you have the link in the description down below you can also scan the QR code here on the screen that will take you to the pack package page where you can find all our packages don’t forget that we do have premium guides for checkpoint Challenge and tour Play Guide the only place that do have premium guides for all the game on so join several thousand others every season and improve your game for hole number five I will show you an aggressive route here because if we’re not going aggressive there is I would say no chance at all to have a shot for an Albatros I will explain how to play conservative at the end of the video here so I’m going to use all but one Top Spin bar with the big topper have in mind that you can play with other other club levels than just level four because it’s the Top Spin that we’re looking for not really the power adjustment is Max plus 20 and I’m aiming with a second bounce just above the rough line if I would be having Tailwind I would be add aiming a little bit lower into the rough to give myself room in terms of the extended ball guideline in a crosswind I would Aim so I you have approximately half a range of distance from the rough to the farway line the goal is to bounce on the farway into the rough and then stay on the farway island once again this is an aggressive Drive which requires a lot of focus but if you are getting there then you can either with your long iron or with your wood Club attack the PIN for an outside chance of on Albatross I’m not going to sit here and say that this is going to drop all the time by like quite the opposite this is going to drop very rarely but as always I do want to at least provide the playthrough so you can give yourself an ID on how to attack the albatross if you do want if you do have the balls to go for it so I’m using the backbone in this case I’m playing Max plus 10 if I would be playing with a wood Club I would be playing with the guardian because of its Back Spin and then I would be playing that one through Club distance or whatever distance I would be in between medium and maximum distance normally and plus 10 and you can see that we’re missing with a good one green square to the left which obviously is not ultimate but at least it’s an idea on how to attack it for an albatross so if you do want to play conservative and your only focus is an eagle basically the same as whole number three then we lay up on the very first farway before all the water and the off and then from there we are moving over to the right farway on the top right and we’re using then our big dog or we’re using a cataclysm if we do have that one unlocked because we do want to have a lot of curl and then we’re going to use somewhere between four to six bars of Top Spin all the left spin we can and all the left Cur we can and try to bounce ourself over to be close to Green even though that is a conservative way of playing that’s still a very difficult um difficult route to lock in the eagle so you will see a lot of players making a birdie here and there will be very few Tres whole number six we’re going to go down the right hand side and here I’m using a power one ball you don’t really need anything else here obviously can play with more of the finer balls if we would like to do that but I think as the whatfield SS doesn’t really allow us to um to play with more of the lower level balls I think this is a very welcome surpris surprise here on hold number six Max plus 10 and uh once again the goal is is to get the ball as far down the farway possible here now you can see I’m going a little bit shorter than intended but that’s actually not a bad IDE the that either because now the second show we’re going to be able to play our sniper we’re going to be very close to minimum distance but it’s going to be somewhere between minimum and medium distance always so what I’m going to do is that I’m going to use this little line that you can find in the rough that is where the blue ring is now approximately so I’m going to be left of that and use a right Spin and get the ball to bounce in the rough and roll up to the green and the reason I’m going to do that with a rough bump here is because it doesn’t really allow me to go with Back Spin on the beginning of the green it will be very difficult to get any consistency with that 10% elevation true Club distance number a perfect ball it is and it’s going to bounce into the rough roll up the green and we’re so close just being a little bit under adjusted on this sh hole six in my opinion offers a good chance for an eagle on Waterfield Sands hole number seven this is a part three which looks really weird but it’s actually not as difficult as it looks and the reason for that is that playing on the right side or the left side the farway is somewhat sloped a little which will push the ball towards the pin it’s going to be however a very difficult one to get the correct speed but once you have found the correct speed it’s going to be a good chance for an ho in one here I’m playing from the Min line and I want to play with minimum distance with a 20% over adjustment all the s spin that I can and also a little bit of top SP outside wall left curl uh which yeah the curl will be so dependent on what wind direction we do have of T because the curl here is if we cannot use a side spin four or Aid spin five ball the curl is going to be a necessary part on every wind direction we have when it comes to playing from the front t on hole number seven so the outside wall curl is a little bit too much but you can see that the speed was good now it’s only to correct the curl by using a little bit less and then we do have a good chance for an hole in one hole number eight offers a good chance for an eagle in my opinion it’s still a tricky part four so it’s not something that will it’s not something that comes for free play with a power three wall here so we can reach easier in an easier way to the farway island on the right if you do have a headwind it’s going to require to you go with overpower or if you play with a power four or power five ball that won’t be anything that is necessary couple of Top Spin bars to right Spin and I’m going to make an adjustment of maximum distance with a 20% over adjustment here Center the ball and hit perfect the goal is to bounce on the fireway over the rough but to stay before the second rough line bounce on the fireway over the rough and it lands nicely and we are in perfect position for the the second shot second shot we play with a long iron from a distance even though this shot look like uphill I would rather uh see us playing it with a 10% downhill elevation the reason for that is that we want to use that extra elevation to cater to uh the wind push that we’re going to have which is pretty severe on this par 4 leave the ball guideline short of pin if you do not have a fully developed ball guid line here obviously playing with a gly level seven or better is going to be a major advantage because you do then have 4.5 ball guideline true Club distance so it’s going to be somewhere between medium and maximum distance of your club with a 10% elevation hit perfect and you’re going to have a good chance for a drop bounces nicely on the farway up towards the pin and we’re getting it dead n not really dead center but it’s still a drop and that’s all that counts on hole number nine now our focus should be to get over the farway on the left you can either use a club with a lot of power and bounce to the very uh far end of the farway which will then allow you to play with a long iron towards the pin or that you do lay up shorter and then you will see your yourself having a wood Club towards the pin it’s somewhat up to you to decide which way you want to go but I would say if you do have a headwind I would consider to lay up the shorter way because that will require uh the least amount of technical stuff regarding the drive but if we do have a tail win or a crosswind I would recommend to bounce over the rough patch there and land it on the farway on the top there and give yourself an easier chance for an albatross because if you are looking at the other part fights of the Waterfield Suns you will notice that this PL this whole plays insane like in insane amount more easier than the other two so the albatross here is most definitely in play if you do lay up short then we do have a sniper towards the pin and here obviously the higher level you have on your sniper the more power you have which is going to be better headwin needs to have the bll guideline through the hole a decent amount and the reason for that is obviously otherwise we will fall short which I unfortunately will do in the video what also needs to be said about this is that if you come in to hot there is a risk that you do roll uh further down the green and if you do that you could put yourself in a position where you do have an impossible pot as we used to call it which means that even if you go Max overpower you will still not reach adjustment 10% elevation through Club distance so in this instance I’m playing Max number numbers but in the video I’m not playing 10% I’m playing this one uh I’m playing this one 0% which is the reason why I’m coming short and you can see here now that we there’s two things we are not adjusting properly but also we’re not having the Bold guideline through the hole enough to allow the ball to roll towards the pin so again this part five offers different ways of attacking the attacking the pin at least by explanation so either a long Aron or wood club and the only thing to have in mind though if we go back to the drive not the only thing but one of the things to have in mind is to make sure to play with a driver that gives you enough power it’s a little bit too too Hefty of me to go with a quter back which do not really have that much power uh even though it has a good accuracy and a good ball guideline thank you so much everybody for watching this play through for rookie division with various wins if you do want to improve your game even more or scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to clomi Via the link in the description down below last but not least hit the thumbs up subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications those three things will help the channel immensely thank you once again for watching I wish you the best of luck in a gold Clash game

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