Golf Babe

Bella Verde Golf Club

what is up guys check and say we are at this new golf course it’s called um what is it called bro Bella something or other Bella something or other um it used to be monabell and they tore it down because they put in Top Golf it’s down there and uh it’s only a N9 hole but it’s a Sunday we’re out here good friends with my boy Danny haven’t talked to him or I haven’t played with him in a while we’re going to kill it today right Dad we’re going to do something [Music] all right guys and we are off surprisingly Danny went straight not surprisingly but a up homie but he went down the middle and your boy a little bit to the right by them trees uh so we’ll see where we’re at damn Danielle drove everybody yeah get [Music] [Music] all right guys Salo hey we don’t hide it cuz we don’t drink white claws hey it’s Sunday morning H Sunday morning I feel like a I can’t say that cuz that’ll probably be cancelled you’re Hydra hyd I’m hydrating hydrating Hydra salute guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so Danny had his second no not his second I know the Tequila’s kicking in Tequila’s kicking in guys we’re going to do shots right now and we’re getting a little looser and the balls are St to fall into place yes sir who’s this a me oh did I out drive you yes you did [Music] all right guys we are at the ninth hole we’ve come to the end this was such a good time Danny thank you for coming out thank you thank you for having me he came out W wo w w so n ho car three it’s a tight race 135 yards see see what happens closest to the pin them the shade shade closest to the pin all right if not if not uh U you take a hit I mean not a hit a shot okay I was going to say by lunch but fck it shot shot shot shot shot [Music] [Music] shot all right guys that is it for us uh such a wonderful time do not forget to subscribe and like and hit the little bell wherever that fell is uh so you get more of our content and if you liked it thank you and if you don’t hey M Modo go to the next page guys keep scrolling keep scrolling all right guys God bless and enjoy your um Sunday Sunday or Monday Tuesday Wednesday whenever you look at this the rest of your day thank you

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