Trying The Jim Venetos Golf Swing – Is Staying Still and Closed The Key To Good Golf?

I explore the Jim Venetos golf swing method. Using the videos found on Youtube I try out the fundamentals of the Jim Venetos or JVGA golf swing. I’m no expert, but I have an interest in exploring golf swing methods on Youtube and Jim Venetos is out there a lot. I am a lead hand dominate golfer (I’m right handed playing left handed golf) so I am draw to his philosophy that the lead side / lead arm is the engine of the golf swing.

If you have insight and or experience with the Jim Venetos golf swing please leave a comment below and let me know what you like or dislike about the swing method. I would love to hear your thoughts.


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welcome back to golf Quest everyone today I’m going to Tinker play around with the Jim vanettis golf swing I’ve seen this guy all over YouTube I’ve watched little Clips I’ve watched longer Clips I’ve watched a whole bunch and I got to say his method seems appealing now I’m going to say this up front I am not enrolled in his Online Academy so I know to do this proper Justice I would probably have to sign up go through his entire course but as I’ve said in the past I like free I like what I can gather off the internet probably has taken me into a very deep hole sometimes I feel like I’m in The Matrix trying to figure out this golf mess and it’s dark but that doesn’t stop me I keep pressing on so why Jim vetus well there’s a couple things that I really find appealing number one first and foremost he believes very strongly that the golf swing is controlled by your lead arm I am a lead arm dominant golfer so I play left-handed golf but I am right-handed I’ve had videos on this in the past so anything that connects my brain where the lead arm is dominant my ears kind of perk up and I listen a little bit more carefully Jim is a right-handed player but believes that his left arm is the best one to control the golf swing so I find it very interesting he also says that his method is Simple Man do I need simple he says it’s repeatable again I really like repeatable and of course he talks about you know are you tired of chunking are you tired of being inconsistent well yes yes and whatever else he says yes now he’s not the only one on YouTube who says these kind of things obviously and makes these kind of promises but coupled with some of the videos I’ve watched he’s just intriguing and not to mention he’s also a very intriguing kind of character he comes off kind of as a just a different kind of cat who you know just to the beat of his own drum and I like that so I’m interested in playing around with it I don’t know where it’s going to take me but I’m going to play around with it today I’m only going to make swings with my 56 degree wedge my sand wedge and the reason for that is because I’m just trying this for the first time and I want to start small Jim even talks about this how really when you go through his golf program you want to start small make small changes and build up I’m probably even going too fast with what I’m about to tempt today considering I have no formal training however I’m at least going to try to stti stay small in the terms of the golf club that I’m choosing if you’ve tried the vetus golf swing let us know in the comments below I’d love to hear your experience with it did you stick with it did it make a difference did it hinder your game whatever your experience let us know all right so like I said going to be using my 56 degree Sand Wedge for these shots just starting small so my understanding set up to the ball you’re going to Pivot onto your lead side and really get closed really closed and now I feel like my shoulders are pointing way from me to the left and my whole goal really is to maintain this closed position through impact and as Jim points out you know I feel like I’m going to go away that way but the way the arm swings it naturally is going to come back so I just really have to trust the swing which for it’s going to be hard to do considering I’ve been you know doing regular golf swings my entire life so it’s going to be hard to trust it but I think that’s what he preaches you know you really got to get into that closed position and then just kind of stay focused on Stillness and being closed that’s a pretty excellent start so a little background information if I was playing regularly I would expect my sand wed my 56 degree to go about 85 yards so that one I didn’t even try that hard and you know it’s one degree offline 92 yard carry uh little further than normal and I didn’t even feel like I swung hard all right pivot on my lead side keeping everything closed it’s a perfect little drawback look at that that’s unbelievable W those first two were pretty I’m going to set up a little flag here all right set up pivot closed lost that one to the left which is not my normal Miss but pretty good result anyway it’s going to be interesting to look at my swing as I’m doing because I feel like I’m Clos but it’s going to be interesting to look afterwards to analyze to see did I really maintain this closed position through impact because what I really want to feel is what I’m trying to feel anyways what I understand is I want to send the ball I want my my chest to be closed basically until my club gets to here in which case it’ll pull me up and through at least that’s my understanding that’s what I’m trying to accomplish so it’ll be interesting to see if that’s exactly what’s happening or not now as you’re watching if you have experience with this swing and you’ve tried it out and you know more about it please feel free to leave comments let me know if I’m doing something wrong or if my setup is good if if I’m following the things that I’m supposed to if I’m missing something I would love to it because I do want to understand this swing to the best of my ability all right pivot on my lead side maintain Stillness and Clos stance oh that’s really weird spin wow not sure why I’m getting that if that’s a misread or seems strange I’m really not putting effort into these this is just focused on the task which is staying closed which is hard enough to focus on so that one felt good good contact oh left again really low spin hm sometimes you get a little misread with the sky track so I’m not entirely sure that was right I don’t know it’s really easy really really easy [Music] I’m really surprised how far this is going I know my spin is down 4500 is not much for a wedge [Music] but for now some of you might be wondering what about the Eureka golf swing you know you’ve highlighted that on your channel what about that well just because I’m exploring this and playing around with the swing method doesn’t mean that I don’t think there’s Great Value in the Eureka golf swing however I think it would be a mistake to not explore this especially after what I’ve heard Jim say about the lead arm or lead shoulder controlling the GOL swing because that’s kind of already in my brain I can’t get around it that is the side that dominates my swing I feel like I have to listen my ears perk up when he says those things and so I feel like I have to at least entertain giving this swing a try if you’ve enjoyed this video please consider hitting the like button also consider subscribing so you don’t miss future content like this thanks for checking us out we’ll see you next time on golf Quest [Music] [Music]


  1. You’re saying that you you’re not swing that hard, but to me it looks like you’re swinging out of your shoes. Jim states that you shouldn’t swing hard at all and focus on the stillness and staying closed through impact. To me it looks like you are not closed through impact but already in line with the target. Therefore your shots look straight rather than a draw shape?

  2. Im in Australia and did his course a couple of years ago. I went from 36 to 12 in 18 months, (66 yo now). Gave up golf in the 80s as my back was too sore and only took it up again after Jim saying it protects your back. It does.

    I tend to miss approach shots now, always to the right and dont know how to fix it. No pro here teaches it, so its a bit frustrating.
    As a result, handicap has gone out to 15, but playing to 18, I recon.
    When I was young, in the 80s I was a 27 handicap at best so I can say that Jims method works.
    Its not as easy as you think though. Ive spent many hours working on the swing path, takeaway etc in an attempt to get the ball to return to those draws I had 12 months ago.

    Also, whats that launch monitor you use please. Looks great

  3. Golf Test Dummy tested it for 2-3 months. (When you hit, don’t let the club be open to get a baby draw) 👍

  4. Aim a little left to the target when baby drawing. That’s what Jim taught me.

  5. This is crap! Let me know when every professional golfer sets up for every shot 45 degrees closed to the target 🤣 Good ball strikers can use this method to hook a ball around trees to get back in play, but it does nothing to help the average high handicapper. GTFO with this crap!

  6. Sooooo, either he is a low handicap golfer already, or this video sponsored by JVGA

  7. on the shots you had the baby fade, from teh overhead shot it looks as though your trail shoulder was activating just a bit too early. You also need to puul your trail foot back a little. I've been working on Jim's method now since the beginning of this year. My accuracy has improved, I've gained 25-30 metres with my driver. At the moment I'm working on Jim's chipping and pitching method to see if I can actually get a short game.

  8. I enrolled and completed Jim’s on-line course. Like you I am left handed and honestly never got comfortable with his set-up, perhaps I never completely understood it, which is entirely possible. In your video it appears you are closing your stance by bumping your hips forward. As I recall Jim teaches a slight turn inwards. Sounds minor but this is where his method is confusing. If the set up and ball position is not correct, you experience the same difficulty as with a traditional swing. I wanted it to work and on occasion it did but building consistency was never achieved. Perhaps I’ll try again.

  9. The swing at 8:50…. you're not closed enough, and the face of the club is open to the line. Remember, the face will look very closed because of the alignment process. It's easier if you line up like your normal swing, face to target, then close your stance, then regrip, not changing the face.

  10. Nice effort. Your initial positive results are indicators that the system works, the misses you had are indicators that you’d benefit from formally learning the system.
    I suggest being more closed in the set up, swinging easier in the downswing and signing up for my school so you can learn the system properly. 👊

  11. I watched you frame to frame. I was paying the most attention to your shoulders at impact. I think most of your swings had your shoulders fairly square to the target line, maybe a tiny bit closed or a tiny bit open but you looked pretty good to me. Can't help but wonder though if a little shorter backswing with wedges would help. If you could hit all your clubs the way you hit that wedge I think you could play very well with this swing. I have fooled around with it some and like the way it feels but have never committed to it. I will say that my driver is my biggest problem with this or any other swing. From all I've watched or read about him I believe Mr Venetos could really help. I have thought about joining up but to tell the truth, at my age I'm not sure I want to commit to a long term learning process. I kick it around a couple of times a week with some of my old friends for a nickel or two just for fun. But then again, maybe 78 really isn't too old to get better.

  12. I use this swing, I find ball position a little further back in my stance gives me the slight draw every time.

  13. I’ve been trying his swing for over a year and I love it, especially on irons. I do a little mix of JV and Moe Norman though. Lean left closed and stay still like JV, straight arms like Moe. Most consistent I’ve ever played. Since I’m over 50, it is great on my back.

  14. Ok never heard of Jim V but on my own I decided my right shoulder was too far towards the ball and causing me to cast the club out causing a out to in divot. Started pushing my right shoulder pushed back. Boom less fatties and a perfect straight divot

  15. I had a few 70's rounds using this swing. But, being it's golf, your brain will always figure out a way to screw it up😮. I'm doing more of a slap release swing now so I can use more hands.

  16. You've got great camera angles. Yes, the swing helps draw the ball especially for people that don't have good eye hand coordination. However
    testing it out is one thing reducing your score must be the objective.

    Stay Still.

    David E. Riley

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