Golf Babe

I Got My Wife Her Dream Golf Clubs!

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okay well today’s the big day madd’s getting some brand new clubs we’re going to head over to the PJ Superstore let’s go take a listen into what she thinks well we’re getting you new clubs medicine are you excited I am great what are you seeing nothing okay it’s actually not a t i mean wait are these the women’s clubs many there’s women’s sections here there’s definitely women’s clubs here somewhere we just got to figure out where they are here’s a thing though tell you something ladies clubs don’t work for me but we’re just looking at the clubs and then we’re going to put in different shafts for you but I also want you to try to swing a away Women’s Club to see like if you actually like that right now like these AI smokes are great shafts look really cool I want AI smokes cuz that’s what you have right along with like these we’re going to get you all these right here should I try this right here yeah I’m going to go talk to someone and see if we can figure out that but yeah at the PJ Super Store hopeful you guys are enjoying this video so far trying to get Madison dialed in on clubs do you know if we can use this hitting Bay yeah you’re up we up okay meet brother nice’s meet you brother we’re going to have Madison try out a bunch of different clubs if that’s possible do we it’s always possible okay do we like pick out the clubs and bring them in here you let me know what she wants I’ll put it together okay yeah um I think she wants to try the um the Paradigm uh AI smoke irons and then also the driver as well if we could do that yeah okay is that awesome thank you brother appreciate it thank you thank you like I said again she’s just the cobras that she’s hitting right now are great as far as like the Sha the shafts go but I just wanted to try out the women’s shafts just cuz she hasn’t she hasn’t really those in quite yet so we’re going to do our best to try to see if those are going to be a semi decent fit see that loation dang this is a great time for you to check out what is it called Lego Shar [Music] [Music] Wars oh that was so bad in my MTH what’s going on yep I know exactly the same exactly the same super consistent love it I mean you can crank your driver when you get when you get your driver moving you can Crank it like on that range it pains you probably hit that drive like 250 that last that last one you hit with Brad it was like 250 yards probably so I’m going to go put together a stick very close close as I can get to what you want and I’m going to have probably two or three different head options that we’ll try just swing we just have fun cool thank you so much thank you sir I’m telling you guys Madison’s game is actually quite impressive I don’t she’ll never admit it for some reason but I I always tell her every time she goes out and plays like she never practices she never really gets involved for except for like the first time when we when you first started like you were practicing a lot I just think it’s hard for me because I compare myself to like the Goa guys because that’s who I’m playing with and so you know when they when they get bogey they get mad at themselves but when I get bogey everyone’s like that’s amazing and so it’s kind of hard for me to like I’m try to tell them like I’ve been playing for 13 years you’ve been playing for one she’s already better than I was when I first started so but it is it is true I’m not just saying that cuz my wife I’m literally saying that cuz like you genuinely [Music] are see yeah I don’t like this no you just got to hey smooth smooth Tempo it feels weird in my hand I I do want you to like feel what it feels like to hit a good ball though too so like you can’t base it off of these first couple shots you got to base it off of like what it feels like when you truly hit a good shot she’s thinking this might be a little too stiff on the shaft I still wanted to hit a decent one just to see see that was pretty decently hit oh this makes me want to get fit again what the prime X X7 what the freak is this light like a lot light twice as light o yes it’s going to feel a little chunky but that’s all right yeah yeah that was better it’s just see that was much better Tempo did you feel like you hit that one pretty good yeah yeah so that one went one about 117 pretty decent contact better little better so this one is softer in flex and slightly lighter so it’s going to feel different in both regards it’s going to look the same but same thing subjective stuff tell me how it looks sounds feels I hate this I love [Music] it felt better we’re just looking for something that you can control when you start practicing with them yes that was great that felt good it was that was your best swing 120 130 the numbers yes yes this one lighter Flex so it’s a 5.0 you could say amature senior whatever and then it’s lighter weight so it’s 50 g whereas we’ve gone from 115 to 75 down the 50 the heads the fast model as well we want to get you as much speed as we can right right without effort right right this technically isn’t a woman or is that even a thing it is if you’re hitting it oh one like that that was it just tells you all you need to know now I may change L angle and and this is standard I have you 2° ight so okay oh you do interesting see your little pattern here and the white ball is right over there yeah when I put this towards a like 2° up right it’s going to that over yes so don’t freak out about that I just don’t have a head that has 2° so I can basically shank it but if this is right we don’t say the s word in here we don’t say the s word in here fastest ball speed by far MH and we we did that we lightened everything up it’s it’s got the right everything we need there it’s a good launch there carrying it the furthest by far it’s going the furthest down range you’re getting it the most in the air all win Winn win so we started loser better best okay straight Miss yes wrong that I remember what Brad told me to hit the yeah I feel like you’re hitting the inside of the ball just a little bit did I still want 170 I want this to go 300 uh-huh don’t we all yes Matty good contact nice Maddie several days later the clubs have now arrived so obviously you can see right here I believe that’s the irons I don’t know if they were able to fit the whole entire driver in there and then of course Madison’s bag is also right there so we’re getting her fully decked out she should be coming down pretty soon she has not seen any of it so we’re going to get kind of her first reactions and kind of get her whole entire bag set up and then we’re going to go to the range we’re going to hit some balls we’re going to see how they fly I might swing a couple big shout out to callway callway you guys are amazing so glad that we’re partnered with you guys they got him here pretty quick can’t wait till she sees them and hits them dang okay well there’s at but first over here oh yeah that one’s on me I had to take out that dog and he’s uh he’s a lot he’s nice enough to not wake me up by brushing his teeth so he brushes his teeth down here oh my gosh there’s one for every Club that’s so much more than I have now right now I have like two slots it’s also a stand bag yes ma it is so does that mean so first take the strap off never leave the strap on then push it down wow look at that ready stand bag oh my gosh look how pretty it’s a carry bag yeah it looks really freaking cute so thank you Callaway yep we got hey Mr Beast we got MADD hooked on watching you she’s been watching every single one of your videos cuz I know you watch my videos I know you take the time to really sit down in your life and watch Matt sharf video cuz that’s I just it’s like his videos are truly really really good and now I’m convinced we need to buy febles yeah haven’t seing them in all the Walmarts uh I will try one and I might do a review I tried the new Mr febles bar oh clickbait oh title oh thumnail oh yeah I’ll probably get like 14 views all right get over here M I cannot it’s what a nice for we recycle what now I think these are just the irons and the wedges that’s my name Maddy Sharp oh wow how do I know what freaking club it is you have to take the wrapper off it’s probably good good good start Matt yes let your emotions flow honey I finally have my own 56 W I think I’m hormonal because why are tear Ducks starting to tear this is Matt these are mine yeah all right now I’m going to help her open some of these yeah it smells like an like a new book so now go put your new club in your bag [Music] okay we’re going to go put those in the car and then we’ll gu we’ll meet you we get Matt just told me Matt just told me to turn on the camera and walk inside so hey yo what’s up man yeah hold up wait a minute my name is Jeff can you have that sent to the house right now okay if it just arrived all right appreciate that brother all right see you bye okay should be here right about now what the no way there’s no way right there’s no way how we doing Kell you think this is my driver mat or do you think it’s like my hybrids only one way to find out is that what it is three hybrid it’s a four hybrid this says 3H but this says four you can move you can move this in here to put to forage I don’t know what all of these things mean I don’t have I don’t have anything that fancy let’s go okay anyway we’ll meet you at the course we’ve made it to the course a beautiful tribute as you guys know we are now members here which is pretty cool Maddie is grabbing her clubs I called up and they said that they had the grass out figured no better time to hit the range than when the grass is out so M’s going to hit some shots I’m just going to kind of just going to kind of chill little star of the show two I was going to pretend that you were like an assistant I was going to say two guava shakes but I don’t think a guava Shake is a thing so that’s what you were trying to say instead she said to guava so I’m going to warm up we start with your wedge duh this guy acts like I never played golf before it’s been about 7even months no it hasn’t I was euphemism for a long time not a good eism I I played a couple weeks ago first swing with the 56 nice still forward little forward press yep oh my gosh honey that’s so great my PE wedge that’s actually crazy how good that is it is the AI smoke callow Paradigm again we got these clubs specifically for her cuz you guys can see there’s a little bit more forgiveness yeah so I think it’s 2° upright I think this this is pretty it’s a pretty light shaft though yeah so we got the pretty light this a cipher yeah Cipher 55.0 so it’s it’s fairly light but I think with her swing speed this was the best that we saw that’s pretty good yeah oh my gosh she start swinging like that folks we are in trouble as a country or is yo we haven’t had set AIT we haven’t set a coherent sentence yet all right but that was beautiful sweetart do that same feeling where you feel like you’re swinging to that flag over there y oh those are so good dude I like those are really playable on the course oh my gosh honey that was an unbelievable swing here’s something that you guys didn’t know Matt and I used to film videos all the time together actually I think a lot of you do know that and we’re starting again I’m starting my golf Journey again I hate the fact that I have good clubs she’s going to actually start our own YouTube channel no so how many likes and views on this video for you to start your own YouTube channel golf YouTube channel that’s catered around your journey let’s say to break 80 or something say a number maybe just make it unrealistic and it just won’t happen I just I don’t I don’t think PE seriously like I don’t people don’t there’s so many you would be surprised brother how many of you guys do you think like would genuinely watch that and be excited about that I’ll obviously be in all the videos probably because I’ll be filming all of them but I guarantee so many people would watch that you would you be if this I’m going to do something super unrealistic okay if this video got 500,000 and 50,000 likes then I would I would consider it I would do it just like they say on YouTube like Mr B says absolutely anything is possible and I have faith in you guys so like this video up share it with all your friends if we get this guys if we get this video 500,000 likes or whoa 500,000 views and 50,000 likes M will consider starting her own YouTube channel and she’ll play courses she’ll play this course she’ll play you know whatever and you guys will get to see that whole entire experience I think that would be crazy awesome oh my gosh if she plays like that she’ll break 80 in a week okay so how do you think the how do you like the club so far good I just did my nine iron I think I’m going to go to I think I’m going to go to my five iron okay that’s okay I got to figure out how to yeah you’ve never hit a five iron the long clubs are they’re they’re the toughest clubs to hit the long irons yes oh my go that wasn’t too bad bro you just hit that a country mile probably 170 Maddie oh my gosh yo you are insane okay honey you love hybrids is what I’ve heard I love hybrids because on par FES it’s driver hybrid it’s never anything else so it’s one of my most used clubs just because I can’t get irons as far as I can hybrids and you can’t take a driver off they’re way easier to swing too oh yeah this is going to be your Club [Music] I already know this going be once you figure this thing out I know this is going to be your Club IED that time yeah and you know why it was better here it was better that was so much worse hold this when you block it out right this this is what your swing looks like when you block it out right now you ready and you’ll finish like that you see that mhm so it’s it’s it’s okay if you want to play like a cut but like your finish is like you’re like this it’s like going that way yep the reason that that last swing was so good is cuz your hands went from here and when you came through the ball your hands were like this yeah did now you see where the club face is yeah so that just means that when you came through the ball your hands dropped here Dro and I hit that pretty low in a stinger but my hands were here at impact so try that same thing that I just did there and let your hands do a practice swing close yes see I started to draw a little bit m y there’s been so much rain here so they’ had to kind of close the course do some proper maintenance make sure everything’s okay so that they can get everybody back out here but I think the tribute I think they got the the course over there all done ready to go so we’re going to see if we can go play like a hole or two or something Madison’s out here this is not the driver that they sent me but this is a Callaway driver rogue rogue one just Rogue call Rogues that Rog One Star Wars movie yep yep careful all of this that you see that’s green right here is all a fairway so aim way left hit a great ball let’s get after it honey oh my goodness that where I should have aimed it’s the power of the Jedi that is a bomb you tell people how excited you are about this golf Journey that you’re going to start when you start your own channel when this video gets 500,000 views it’s possible if they get after yeah 500,000 though that’s we don’t have a video that has ever gone that big yeah I met want me to make a YouTube channel he’s been saying that for a long freaking time but I’m like bro you do enough YouTube for the both of us what are you thinking like pitching wedge cuz you haven’t we haven’t gauged your distances on your wedges so I would hit a pitching wedge but again we’re just out here to practice we’re not out here to score I was literally thinking about doing a nine but oh I think you can get a pitching wedge there I think I think I’m going to do a a 3/4 n and instead of a full swing PE okay because I’m more comfortable not going all the way back knock it out to park Dan remember your training hey that’s in play there’s another ball you’re good again guys we’re just out of here to practice so just wanted to focus up I feel like that would have went way long too honey oh my gosh I now grab your pitching wedge we’re going to try something grab your pitching wedge I got another ball did you see itce I saw it it was so freaking cool I got the whole thing now I want you to full swing this okay so don’t take anything off of it and aim left here so right now you’re aimed perfectly stand a little further away you’re a little close yep and pause at the top in a full swing yeah that’s still going to be long but the difference is sit sit sit you’re just on the back edge of the green so you see the small difference there no I’m excited this is going to be fun it’s going to be do my best to film film some more yeah Matt mdy content more alternate shots you know videos where I hit the driver and then she plays the rest of the hole and then days where she hits the driver and I play the rest of the holes we do alternate shots we do scrambles we do all sorts of cool couple stuff we just uh she really wants to get back into the game and now she’s got her own clubs custom fit to her and we’re playing a trip to Hawaii which Michael’s going to be going to and he’s going to film the whole entire thing and there’s going to be lots of great content coming your way from there and uh me and and M both love Hawaii so it’s going to be a lot of fun first of all who doesn’t love Hawaii second of all good good women’s apparel 2025 is some of the best stuff I’ve ever seen in my life so that’s another reason why why I’m like if I’m wearing you know the good good woman’s apparel that’s coming out 2025 I want to be worthy to wear it grab your lowest lofted wedge do you have a 60° 56 52 okay so grab your 56 let’s hit this one first so that same thing that you were doing on the Range honey yep and now up just because it looks like it’s a down slope good so you want to read that you’re just going to break right to left here you don’t have to go too high yeah just a good shot go that just keeps on dialing it in yeah it’s okay first shot first little wedge chip back in a while that’s not bad you’re putting you’re on the green that’s better than most people can say so sometimes I’ll be there and I literally won’t hit the green so I don’t nothing wrong with that now this ball par three four this ball popped out yeah where the crap did it go bro yeah it popped out right here look at this no way this is actually not a bad shot that was such a how did this get here I’m just going to aim right for the cup maybe a little right stand for what are you yeah stand no no no no what are you doing stop just bug her off okay okay okay I’ll bug her off yeah so you saw something and didn’t tell me and see no this is your best shot that you had and you’re just on the back edge of the green oh this freaking Ball’s literally right in in the way how’s that even possible what if I don’t want to putt it well you’re putting it why would you chip that straight downhill but I still need to give a little ump yeah and it’s going to be breaking from left to right here yep so I’m going to aim a little bit left you’re going to be aiming right about there yep okay okay well could hit it a little enough not even close hey good news is you going to hit it again all right same thing aim at about the same spot much better you kind of pulled that good job aiming over there pulled that though yeah much better speed oh my gosh that goes hard great speed see so what is this like a triple boogey maybe you want to putt this one okay so you need to aim above that ball no not that much turn turn there’s a good putt with that ball that would be bogey nice this is for your bogey as well I should have thought more about the C yeah I would broke a lot all right this is fun I really I don’t want to do three balls a time I would like to do one ball at the time and then just we can just we can just play with one ball I just more so just wanted a little bit more practice for you but okay good start we’re going to keep this filming cting is like my problem and I think a lot of people have that same problem it’s always been kind of my like weak spot because you get frustrated really fast in high school and I’m sure even you know now everybody like when they would go on dates they would want to take you to mini golf right you hated that I just I actually had fun with you but mini golf was like my least favorite date because like the trampoline park take me to trampoline park trampoline park is so fun but like mini golf I just it gets to the point where I’m just hitting it just to hit it unless like a really cool mini put course that’s like really cool cuz they have like some fun ones but like the boring ones where I’m just like sweat sweating and dying I don’t know does anyone else feel that way that like M golf is very very big lowy overrated the thing is is if I play a really cool mini golf course then I’m like all right it’s different it’s a different when it’s like a really cool course yeah but there we’ve been to some ones where it literally is just like it’s like the worst thing I’ve ever been to now we would do that as a date because I have goals and aspirations in the golf world but like then it’s like bro I don’t even know your name all right remember aim left here now hold on before you swing slow down Focus don’t try to swing left just swing normal and she’s literally goated oh my gosh is that good though it it seems a little right honey it’s still rolling that is unbelievably good brother oh okay Al these are cute good good hats you can get for your girl 117 so now you can grab your nine iron unless you feel like you can hit a full pitching wedge that last one that you hit with the pitching wedge was great if you hit it just like that full again you can get pitching wedge there I’ll do PE wedge then cuz my last one was pretty far y it was 100 yard right yeah all right here we go Matty in the center of the Fairway just trying to hit this on the green here oh well [Music] wait oh it’s just short you want another one there you go but I believe you’re putting from there hopefully you guys are having yourselves a phenomenal day I know I am it’s also a great time to let you know about my Lego Shar Forest Channel if you have not heard about it I’ll have it linked in the top of the description I started a new Lego Channel and and it uh it’s been doing pretty well I just filmed another video that’s going to be going up pretty soon and then uh I’m going to be posting a lot more videos on here as well so stay tuned for that trying to hit 300,000 we’re almost there and we’re trying to get to 500,000 that’s the big goal so here we go look at this nice putt here something light for you it’s going to be breaking right to left so aim yeah I don’t I don’t mind that remember don’t be afraid to hit it a little hard but don’t sail [Music] it oh my gosh you hit that really hard that’s okay here putt this one go no no she says okay I’m literally back to where I started I might as well take a lap and just [Music] die go got too short yeah tap it in for 17 not that much downhill not that much down hill yeah right nope nope you what [Music]


  1. It would be amazing to watch Maddie play. I want my wife to start playing so watching someone that recently started would show how the game of golf is. Do it Maddie.

  2. Maddie I would watch your u tube journey Maddie you are a great beginner and you have a fantastic swing please please start your u tube Maddie ❤❤😊

  3. Well done coach Matt…her swing looks very natural and smooth, with golf becoming so popular with the younger generation I think there’s a huge opportunity to make a series where you coach beginner golfers or something because you’re doing something right 🤝

  4. My wife is good for a beginner but the clubs she got fitted for it seems like every shot go's the same distance drives me nuts lok

  5. Maddie playing with Paige and all the other lady golfers 🏌️‍♀️ on YouTube, taking lessons from them improving to at one point play against Matt and some of the goodgood guys (with a handicap) I think would make for a good channel.

    Just have to upload consistently even when golf gets hard and nothing goes right because that will always happen, to everyone.

  6. I absolutely would watch the heck out of her channel if she had one. You're both clearly charismatic, but in different ways that really complement each other. If you were her camera man, she'd have so much fun and be so natural at creating her content.

  7. If she's not up for her own dedicated channel, what about a shared channel with both of you? Would be a great way to separate your content Matt from her's/the together stuff, and it would be awesome to see more of the two of you. You're a fun couple to watch and hopefully you're encouraging other couples to golf together. My wife and I spend a lot of time on the golf course together and it's really great bonding time.

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