Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: U.S. OPEN (FRI)

No Laying Up recap of Day 2 play at the 2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2. Presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today joh me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than [Music] most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no layup live show presented as always by our friends at High Noon Su here DJ Pi is here hello de greetings guys good to be with you another excellent excellent day out at Pinehurst fantastic day well maybe we’ll see we’ll see what big Randy has to say because he’s here with us on this Friday evening hello big hey guys great to be here uh excited to get some takes off this evening uh a lot to discuss a great leaderboard great golf course we might have some people popping in and out throughout the course of the night no matter the forecast though you can live like the sun’s always out with high noon hard Selter made with real spirits and real juice text some friends to get the plans going pick up a pack on the way high noon is 100 calories and no added sugar available in vodka Seltzer and Tequila seltzer are variety packs with crisp delicious flavors for every occasion Under the Sun guys I don’t know when there would be a raspberry occasion or a plum occasion but that’s what we’re on uh tonight uh we’re on both of those visit High nosp to find a pack near you high noon Suns up uh DJ I’m gonna throw it to you first what’s the highlight of the day uh hard to beat you know if we’re really drilling into the moments uh hard to beat Rory’s uh degreening on uh you know degreening and then chipping in that’s that’s about as good as it gets uh from a like Pinehurst experience standpoint so I I’ll go there Randy I I’ll leave the board mostly open for you highlights my uh my highlight listen I’m I’m gonna play it straight I think I think it’s fascinating weekend ahead with a young a youngish Phenom ludvig uh looks like he’s probably going to be a solo leader after 36 holes with a really interesting group of guys chasing him and honestly you could make a case we we’ll get into what we expect out of the course and the conditions this this weekend but I like is Sheffer out of it I I’m I’m struggling to figure out like who’s actually out of this tournament so I I think that’s really fun heading into Saturday could be our widest how far back is too far back ever I think so you know honestly some of these guys have missed a cut might not even be out of it uh the highlight of the day I mean it probably would have to be Franchesco Molinari making an ace to make the cut uh literally needing to make an ace to make the cut and actually doing it on his final hole very rarely do you get a ninth or 18th hole that is a part three where that could happen uh very rarely do they hole it uh and that happened today but the I mean the Highlight the biggest buzzworthy moment of the day was all three players the top three players in the world all missing left on five earlier and just making a complete mess of it and just like it it it it honestly you know we kind of joke about this sometimes of like oh that made me feel better about my own game but like watching them also fail miserably at that shot like on repeat for a couple of those guys was like okay well plyers is just that hard man it really is that hard and uh that was that was a big highlight that was like the most buzzworthy moment of the day that that happened so that that was fantastic what uh what do we we got a lot to chat about here but what what do we what’s a what’s a grade for Rory first we have a lot to chat about do we want to just go through what we have to chat about sure we can definitely do that Cody’s been putting together these agendas you know we gota get we got to get to these you know it’s you know it’s I’m I’m dealing with a laggy connection here I don’t know what’s going on with my video here we’re working through the problem do I look better I hope I look better at least but uh yeah we’re going to we’re going to grade Rory’s round we’re going to check in with the block party see what’s going on there we might get a little pop in for that uh we need to hear ry’s thoughts on Pinehurst we’re of course check in on the leaderboard we’re going to play our games how far back is too far back lingering and loitering bunch of other stuff we might get another guest pop in might get two more guest popins for all we know gon you know talk about some various um items that happened today we’re going to try to draft the winner we’re going to play a little game for that earlier I’m excited to to test this one out talk about some of the guys that missed the cut get to some listener questions uh as well but as the new kind of owner co-owner investor in the block party D I’m wondering uh kind of what do we what are we given Rory as a grade for today uh I would say be minus you know yesterday I thought was was an a A+ you know just like really really hard wouldn’t to follow up that’s that’s kind of been his his Mo in the majors is just like I’m gonna go you know take just tank one of these rounds and shoot myself out of it clearly did not have his best stuff today didn’t putt it very good today uh but still right there still hanging in Two Shots back like I think we’re in we’re in a great spot I think it was kind of a test he didn’t study for B minus type of type of thing what did uh s where were you at um yeah I think B minus is pretty good uh you know didn’t didn’t play himself out of it but I can’t tell if I’m just doing a pee in the potty congratulations to him you know it lfic lfic had an A A minus round today right and and Roy did go backwards it wasn’t overly overly difficult out there today and if he wants to win this thing you know probably needed to keep that thing around 70 that would I’d feel a lot better about his chances if he was sitting there but Randy what do you think I think I agree with that suly I you know I’m I kind of see both sides of it um listen if this is his bad round I I think it’s totally fine for his chances this weekend uh he’s hitting the ball great didn’t putt it well today I feel like that can come and go a little bit and so yeah I guess I’m in that B minus range uh it was it was okay it was fine he he didn’t lose a tournament you know what what happened at at the part why you guys so down this is the worst it’s going to be you guys fody you know what I was thinking it’s like you know you’re lining up a festival or something you know Friday’s gonna be the slowest day sure you know we’re not we’re not blowing it all out today well we got a couple fireworks people who bought tickets interested you know and then it’s mostly about taking care of the VIPs today they’re you know they’re going to get back home for the weekend so they can hang out with the family and then once you know Saturday Sunday we’ll turn it we’ll turn it up man it’s going to be great it’s especially hard coming off at Thursday because you know we we we decided to play a little EDM from the beginning just to get the Vibes up a little bit and then he just kind of kept it going and the EDM stayed on and then next thing you know like it became a big day so I I I was gonna you know I thought I would be a little let down today but overall I thought this was you know as as well as it could have gone Rel speaking and so I see you shaking your head and up there but like yesterday you were all in on Scotty like beating Rory today in that clearly didn’t happen like you gotta give you got to give the guy a little bit of credit here I do I’m just I’m laughing at this is the worst it’s gonna be just you sweet sweet summer child right like that’s it’s it could it could it could be worse trust me it could be worse it definitely can so we’ll see and I’m not at the block party I I want that to be very clear I I recognize it’s existence but I am I’m not attending I don’t plan to attend so I’m I’m hanging back here had his agent reach out to see if there were any guest passes floating around and we said I don’t think that’d be a good idea for anybody so he technically didn’t reach out but he did one of his Representatives we like oh just uh yeah Randy might be in town he was thinking about maybe swinging by nope nope nope nope guys I I do have somebody though our next guest that we have like you truly needs no introduction he’s a longtime supporter of the block party he was in it from the beginning without him it’s it’s truly the groundwork at some point in time we’re going to put on purple gloves and handle the sleeves off of his shirt that’s how important he is to this overall EST establishment usually he calls in live from Carol Gardens New York City this week he’s coming from the Short Hills area of New Jersey you can find him he spends his week days usually at the flushing metal pitching putt his weekends as a guest at the creek Club he’s a son of Steve and Peg brother to Stephen husband and Carson and this weekend making his appearance his debut the first time ever thanks to Little Pete as a father on Father’s Day weekend he’s a two time tour sauce world champion and the current nlu title belt holder uh he is our merar iaro and somebody who let a lot of people [Laughter] down Mahalo gentlemen Mahalo uh Cody thank you thank you for that until that driveby at the very end I I uh I’m happy to be here um I want to be very clear about a couple things first I never disowned the block party I’m thrilled that there’s a party going on I just didn’t feel like it was right for me to be planning it and and and it honestly it’s been very liberating and I’ve done a lot of reflecting since uh since Valhalla I felt like a slain Warrior myself after Valhalla and I took a lot of inspiration from Stephan shafley Xander’s father uh and and how I’m approaching this block party I think Stephan realized he needed to take a step back from Xander and I think I was holding Rory back and I need to step aside I don’t have pride of authorship over the block party I I I want it to thrive I want it to to go on uh even if I’m not planning it would love to attend all all of that is is true and I think it needed a kind of a fresh set of eyes from a day-to-day operation standpoint so I I got out of it and I’m I’m exploring what’s next you know I’ve been on a bit of a walkabout um trying to figure out how to spend some time I got some ideas exploring some other startups was able to play in a 36 hole Met Golf Association event yesterday you know kind of exploring my own golf career a little bit and I’m thinking about starting a health and wellness Retreat out here in the hills of New Jersey so I’ve been talking to Stefan about that um so yeah you know it’s it’s good to be here I de Cody I I wish you guys well I I do want to say that you know you got to be a steward of this party and I think it would be wise for you guys to remember that before you try to profit off of it prematurely I think s had some wise words for you these things can get out of hand uh and so I just want you to to proceed with caution but I am on a sincere note I’m [ __ ] fired up for Rory and uh I would love to come smash some ners with you guys this weekend if you’ll have me uh TC said it looks like you’re calling it from passages of Malibu uh which is a very deep cut really really really good stuff that is a deep cut uh Neil great to see you as always uh thank you for that that peaceful transfer of power I was worried we’re going to have a Eduardo Savin you better lawyer up [ __ ] I’m coming for the whole thing it’s not about money look at me I’m happy okay like I look like I could be in a block party right now I just you know I might be smoking some Meats in the back here at my in-law’s place come on you know I’m ready like you guys if you need me I’m here um but I you know I hope I have left it in caring stable hands and not with you know as TC said some private Equity goons that are trying to just support the VIPs I I didn’t like what I was hearing there at the beginning of the show yeah I mean I think that’s a shortsighted view from from TC you know I think I think there’s a realism involved here I think we’ve seen this in the world of pro golf that if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend like this is a you know a children’s book that we’re we’re reading here then then go ahead and do that but this is real adult stuff and we’ve this is a real business that we’re running and I think it’s time for some adults to get involved and T you know Cody and I have have been happy to to take up that mantle uh Neil we were just talking grades uh for for Rory what what did you think of his round today what impressed you what’ you like what you not like uh so I I kind of locked in on coverage this morning um a little later uh might have snug out and played Round Golf this morning as well uh which was great you know I got a lot of free time not having to play in the block party um so I I I I loved it on uh five s you referenced it earlier just Rory just taking his medicine as as Johnson Wagner said and just bumping it up over the green that was the most to turn that on and see those guys struggle in that same spot that I’ve been in countless times at Pinehurst was that when we play the Hickory match on tour sauce when we were both down there it was just we were down there for like 40 minutes playing ping pong and it’s like oh my God you can’t be there all three of them are there two of them make the mistake of trying to get cute and and I thought Rory made the grown-up decision of just bumping it over the green and t- putting and getting out of there with par it was it was awesome I thought his uh the other thing I noticed watching from then on is he it’s it he didn’t have his aame but it felt like his driver is still locked in and I think I said it during the PGA Championship that’s his superpower I remember at Augusta it’s like when his driver’s not there it’s like dude kind of cancel cancel it like it’s it’s just if he doesn’t have like his superpower it’s it’s a tough ask and I feel like he does have it this week so that makes me you know bullish I I I like kind of like what I saw I thought he grinded it out and stayed patient one guy one guy drove it better than him today as far as Strokes gain that was L big was the only guy yeah like that’s that’s to me you know that that pretty good spot he went backwards two strokes that’s you know obviously not ideal but I think if I had to give a grade I like your B minus I think I think B minus is a a good one like he’s you know hopefully they’re grading on a curve this week um you know like they did at Colombia and and we can bump that up to an A minus God I just sorry I was dealing with a tough connection but I’m back but just getting off like 900 PM I forget what time it was last night just Neil finally realizing that Rory was T1 was like that was just Cinema to me that was amazing I didn’t have my phone on he won it’s like yes all day and then I saw you guys just sullying my name dragging me through the mud after you know after I was grinding my nuts off for 36 holes uh it was tough man it was tough to see the guys that I thought I left left my my baby with I thought I left it in good hands and and you know Cody I don’t know when it got contentious man I don’t know why like I’m I’m not I’m not trying to take it back I don’t I don’t need the ownership you can have the ownership gentlemen well I I’m not even an owner here I’m just they brought me on I was brought over from the old command your command I will say there’s a couple things that you know cops have been called a couple times one time you didn’t pay Caterers uh you tried to bring over at Valhalla that’s what that that’s what that PE money was for you got supposed to solve those problems that’s why that’s why I left I’m happy to hear this tone with you now because this isn’t the way that it was a couple hours ago you you were talking lawyers you were talking about hey My Equity sh I didn’t even want to bring or scre there’s a lot of things you’re making statements hey you goons would be smart enough to Trop me out as a valuable figurehead when things get dicey this weekend this is a complete change tone from what you have Discovery we’re not we’re not in a deposition here that’s that’s scummy that’s scummy stuff right there come on people say stuff come on the moment I talk to Stephan I’m going to get my health and wellness thing I I my perspective has changed I’ve decided that that uh that don’t want that I I don’t want that fight I I want Roy to win that’s what I want here here well we look forward to watching you I’m sure we’ll have an update on the party as of tomorrow but I know you’re supposed to be off tonight we thank you for popping in Neil um you know I don’t even know where I don’t even know what side I stand on any of this I didn’t like how you were running the party I don’t like how these guys are running the party um I’m just G I think me and Randy just gonna be hanging out uh somewhere else just kind of Tak it in the Gulf as a as a good Randy it’s liberating you know not being there on site is liberating I think you you’ve been on to something these past couple years but uh but no I sincerely like what I saw from Rory I’m going to finish this nunar I’m going to get some Transcendental Meditation going uh just I’m a new man you know I’m I’m I’m I’m searching for my next project I might have to get heroic on LinkedIn start putting some heroic posts out there about how freed up I am now that I don’t have the block party looming over me uh but would love to come have some fun with you guys and smoke some Meats so gentlemen thanks for having me than you all right Randy uh it’s time to put you on the stand now um it’s been a wonderful 36 holes of the US Open you were not on the show last night um you know it’s time to talk a little Pinehurst you’re hard on the USGA every year you don’t ever like the setup please please please tell me you’ve enjoyed 36 holes of this tournament so far yeah I well I mean what are we talking about is is the course hard enough do I like how hard it is no it’s a little easy so far a lot of guys in red I mean if if there’s a 65 out there it’s too easy period point blank no nobody should be shooting 65 at a real US Open not my US Open I think I counted 20 two guys today under par and everybody’s telling me Randy wait for the weekend wait for the weekend I just I don’t trust the USGA to really get diabolical I I I think it might get a little bit crispier but I I’m not sure we’re headed towards you know the the winner being even par worse which is like my dream dream scenario so like it’s okay you know I can appreciate it’s it’s it’s a good golf course the guys have to hit good shots like yeah cool I I I understand all of that it’s just not as scary and it’s not as like uh fear inducing as I would like straight up I I I honestly I struggle to think of a golf course that can hold up this well with no wind like I don’t know like a setup in a golf course that could hold up better than this one has so far like I do think it’s scary as [ __ ] like I think those guys are terrified of going long and left and right of all these greens there’s nobody that’s not gotten their hand caught in the cookie jar on one of these holes uh I I I and that’s with no conditions for mother nature absolutely none and 93 degree Heat where like you have to be putting water on the greens or it literally becomes unplayable I also would just point out for the historical record there were no 65s today so just just be advised on on that front Hideki shot 66 66 I know I’m seeing a couple of AMS under part of it listen I I realize what I want we might not ever see it again and I’m trying to come to terms with that it’s it’s hard to it it’s hard to hold that standard but that’s that’s true what I want you know um so from that perspective it’s it’s not quite as difficult as I would like but um I I point well taken I’m not saying it’s an easy course I I’m just saying you know when I look at the board it’s it’s a lot of guys under par um but I do think that the course is playing well I think guys have to execute a lot of shots it’s it’s great runoffs like Solly this I recognize this is a dream dream Golf Course for I believe what you love about professional go and so I’m happy for you uh it’s it’s not quite there for me yet we’ll see this weekend maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised um but that’s that’s where I stand I can’t help feeling how I feel that’s fair that’s fair okay let’s just go a quick a quick round table here so Randy thinks it’s not too hard or it’s it’s correct is that right Randy thinks it’s not too hard too easy no too easy Ry thinks it’s too easy a little it’s a touch too easy de do you think it’s too easy I don’t think it’s too easy I don’t I don’t I don’t think I would fa very well out there Cody do you think it’s too easy no absolutely not come on big all right and Harry higs do you think do you think it was too easy absolutely he said his Wi-Fi sucks and I don’t know if he’s gonna be able to hear us but I believe it’s loading Harry are you there can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me oh yeah dang it okay yeah okay well his Wi-Fi does suck too much but Harry heg is trying to jump on and uh and tell us I’m I’m guessing that it was not too easy damn it I was really hoping to time that perfectly oh well okay we tried uh did you guys hear anything I didn’t of course we heard him fine the whole time apologize go ahead and talk buddy tell us about your day tell us about P yes sir yeah Randy it’s not too easy I don’t know why you’re smoking man Harry Harry I I’m what what happened the US Open when I was growing up it it used to be you know over par would win these championships sometimes do par matter people are better at golf now people are better at golf I don’t knowes should get more difficult harder I don’t know how you can make this one more difficult I truly don’t I truly don’t it would turn into a clown show if you made this Harry do you know how much fun now that I’m having to play it I would love that too yes thank you thank you like a clown show is literally all I want I know how you make it harder really it’s gonna be 95 degrees again uh I think they are close to the next two days we might get a clown show I hope so how uh Harry how how close to kind of the quote unquote The Edge did you did you feel like it is out there and and you know you said you don’t know how they can make it harder what what’s where are we going from here well it’s going to get harder I would assume um I didn’t think it was really awfully close to quote unquote the Edge I don’t know that I have a ton of experience with quote unquote The Edge um other than Bill Bill’s always on edge um but uh no I mean I thought it was fantastic uh I saw I think it was from today Roy’s quote about the shoty hit into eight where it needed to landed 146 uh if it lands 148 it’s over the green if it lands 144 it’s spins off potentially goes off the green um I mean that’s basically what it is there’s some holes you have I’d say a 5×5 and then a lot of holes you have kind of 3×3 2 by two where if you don’t land it there it’s not staying on the green and there’s really not a great side to be on any of the holes uh the hard part about is when you miss the green or even when you hit it on the green you know and it collects into a low area you have to you still although they are crazy fast and getting faster you still have to hit some of these putts uh chips or putts from off the green so hard so that you don’t look like a fool and leave it at your feet but then it just drifts off you know six8 10 feet away and then those six to 10 Footers are no fun to try to Hole I’ve also never ever seen and this might be a comment and a good job by the I guess the USGA I’ve never seen so many I don’t know how they figure this out but I’ve never seen so many putts uh like clearly on I don’t do the aim Point [ __ ] but clearly on a percent or percent a half 2% uh let’s say left to right with the grain going the other way I don’t know how they did that um it doesn’t make sense to me Gravity should take over and win um but yeah it was miserable trying to hold putts especially you know those ones for par sorry I missed part of this my my connection was not working great but what you walk off this you know not having a successful week what do you walk off and say like all right here’s what I what I could have should have done better or how I can get better to be able to compete on a stage like that what do you walk away being like ah there’s where I got exposed this week yeah uh I mean honestly it was just skills were I’d say slightly lacking um I don’t know if the numbers would bear it out but I thought I drove the ball well enough um and then just kind of like my touch and feel like go go back to Rory’s quote like if I’m trying to hit it 144 the damn thing has got to go 144 um yeah and I was just just a little bit off there and if a few Mis strikes um you know technical stuff I guess you’d say but I thought I thought pretty clearly um my goal for the week was to not I mean I haven’t played this kind of golf in a while uh and we don’t really play this kind of golf on the PJ tour and no uh offense to the corn fairy tour but I’ve certainly not played this golf you know the last six seven weeks um so my kind of goal was to just not be I guess wow or scared of any of the shots that you may have to hit and I did do a good job of that um but like you just your brain takes over a lot of times and bailes over to what you think is the safe side and then if you get that number wrong it’s not safe anymore um it’s it’s a great test I I even though it kicked me Square in the mouth uh I did enjoy it what would you say you know as far as like you know we talk a lot on this show as as you know and as you have talked on this show about how to test the best players in the world what kind of test works best should they grow the rough should they grow more trees should they all all of that stuff where does this stack up as far as like what you think should be you know a test for the best players in the world do do you like seeing like this would you change things I don’t think any of it would come off as sour grapes if if it was to change things but I’m just curious what your takeaway was no yeah get rid of the rough have it to be where our balls are if you are off our balls are just going to roll further and further further and further away from the hole um and then the really the only thing that I can think of is what Pinehurst has here is at times kind of wild uh tons of slopes and and fast greens uh and then obviously firm them up and hopefully you get the weather that keeps them firm which we have and we will continue to have this week uh but and that’s all besides length but I don’t think length does anything anyway um guys fly the ball 325 plus yards uh anymore so it just really doesn’t matter that much uh yeah I mean I not to toot Pinehurst horn too much but this would be it I mean crazy crazy firm greens with a [ __ ] ton of slope um and then don’t be afraid to throw pins right on top of the slopes and and have us you know be be asked to hit it if you back to Rory if you have to hit at 144 like dude you got to hit it 144 that I think is a great examination um and there’s there’s a little bit of luck involved in in some of that too there’s probably a couple of guys that have hit at 145 or 146 and it’s stayed and others that have hit it 146 and it goes off the green they make double um but Luck’s okay to get involved every now and again what is the what’s the one hole out there that’s like just gives you nightmares like what’s what’s the scariest one six six six so hard six is six is the hardest golf ball I’ve ever seen in my entire life I was so worried we you have to like hit it you have to like flop ideally fade a four probably a four maybe a five iron I have a seven wood but it was going to go a little too long so we took a degree of Loft off my four iron to get it to go higher in the air to try to land it you have to land at like eight or nine on that green with some fade um and and hope it also bounces and then uh yesterday they moved the tea up a little bit so it was actually a pretty good number for a five iron but you still have to you know land it in there and that hole was giving me nightmares in the practice rounds giving me nightmares like I just I don’t want to play six I don’t want to play six I hit it 18 feet below the hole and then blew it like four and a half feet by and missed it so it’s just like even when you do get it on the freaking green um it’s still hard six is six is pretty brutal the par 3es are are extremely difficult nine nine is the only one I think is maybe two guys made freaking hole in ones on that hole today nine is the only one that’s uh maybe a little much I’m I’m really curious if they’re going to use the front left on nine or if they’re going to put uh two pins over on the right now that they use two up on the left um Nine’s a bit much what else yeah going down the leaderboard here yeah yeah yeah I mean TC and I have a lot in common I could certainly talk uh I we’re I’ve got plenty of time too where’re I think my whole family and my in-laws are out there watching this and uh they’re cooking Burgers um so I’ve got some time till dinner well that’s I was just getting ready to send you on your way because we got another guest coming in here as well I didn’t me didn’t mean to set you out but sorry i m at the beginning I couldn’t hear you as well but appreciate you popping on congrats on all your success great to see you back on the on the scene playing as well as you have and can’t wait to see what you got next coming for us man it’s been awesome to watch thank you very much cheers thanks Harry all right can I can I can I respond real quick please you’re rebuttal I I think he I think he used the word great I think he used the word fantastic I think like that’s not what I’m looking for I I’m looking for broken people mentally and he sure didn’t seem that so I think we can get a little harder I don’t I I I I was gonna try to work some kind of transition into this break and I couldn’t I got nothing I was going to go for you know for broken people things people you know the company that can put things back together muho Americas they are part of the mizuo Financial Group which is the 15th largest bank in the world mizuho Americas is a corporate and Investment Bank serving corporate and instit institutional clients they advise and fund businesses looking to go public raise money expand operations or connect with large investors they also help Finance large infrastructure projects that promote Civic Improvement so while you may not know the name mizuho you likely know many of the name brand companies that they have helped or the projects they have funded they’re the fastest growing uh region the Americas are the fastest growing region for mizuho globally uh while in the US muho name is not a household name in Japan and is one of the largest retail banks with branches or ATMs on nearly every corner it is a name worth knowing they’re also the title sponsor of the mizuo America’s open two years running here at Liberty National been doing some great things in golf specifically in the women’s game they’ve been supporting a lot of our LPGA content as well they’ve increased the the purse to three ion Dollar in that tournament they cover player accommodations they got a full Leadership Summit uh for young girls they’re just doing great things so big shout out to mizuho for more information if you’d like it again that’s I want to thank them for advising on the uh block party deal as well that was massive they put they were the ones that put that one together that would have been the transition damn it thank you d uh we have our gu for legal reasons that’s not true uh we got our guy that’s been on the ground Mr Kevin Van venberg spent the day again at the US open at Pinehurst he is calling in from the media center hello kbv how are you hello boys it’s always a pleasure to come join you on a Friday how uh how was your day what was the highlight of your day what did you see out there today it was hot and sweaty s uh you know what my highlight of my day Randy I did this for you and me I went and watch Phil play uh last couple holes and I thought a lot about uh kind of what Phil has meant to me over the years as a as a player as a jokester as a lunatic uh watched him you know 99 was kind of when I fell in love with golf in a lot of ways uh I remember watching it from you know the I think I said this on our recap pod the The Newsroom of the Great Falls Tribune and calling my dad in disappointment when Phil didn’t win and I watched him hit a shot on 17 likey hit back in the final round of 99 and then watched him drive it into the trees and try a wicked recovery shot on 18 and hit it into a branch and watch it drop down to his feet and took one of my favorite pictures of all time of him uh sort of standing there looking down at at all the the consequences of his choices uh and it was just kind of a kind of a little bit emotional moment for me I was like ah this is my guy Phil and man he’s done some done some [ __ ] over the years over the next decade but I don’t know that I would be here if it wasn’t for Phil and 2014 and 1999 and so I don’t think there’s any chance uh he’s coming back for 2029 when they come back here so it was sort of kind of like a little bit of a a hat tip send off to just to truly uh truly an American Life lived in many ways he has done some things I can can confirm that it does seem like what is he about to turn 54 or close to Turning 54 54 on Sunday being t-150 and shooting 15 over that that adds up that makes sense that makes more sense than winning one of these at 50 uh when he did three years ago right so it’s kind of of I don’t I’m not here to dunk on Phil’s Phil’s performance at all but it does seem like both with tiger and Phil we might be like we might be closing a chapter here quite quite soon he’s got exemptions for a while but I mean I don’t exemption runs out after next year for the US Open he’ll be at Oakmont uh but then you know the PGA US Open happened after the PGA when he won it uh so he’s this last next year is the last year of his exemption how do you guys feel that I mean yeah usj has their their special exemptions that they’ve they’ve given to Legends of the game throughout the years I got to I gotta imagine Phil’s in line for at least one of those if he wants one maybe maybe I mean they offered it to him then he didn’t have to take it when he won the PGA so I am sort of curious as to whether that offer will still be good uh after all the [ __ ] that’s coming gone since then uh who knows I mean the name of the lawsuit was Mickelson at all like it it it had his name on it right like I put the PJ tour though you know us was involved in like there were uh broke in on that yeah he’s definitely been [ __ ] talking to all the majors too for price fixing and such and who knows what’ll come out about that uh in the future I mean if it if it happens great if it doesn’t I think he’s sort of at peace with whatever uh has come and gone and I don’t know it was just kind of a a moment for me and for you Randy uh to sort of say you know audios to our guy at us opens Phil should see if he can keer a special exemption and I’m just looking at these future venues maybe like oh thank you guys that’s very nice but I’m going to actually use this 2031 at riff I’m going to I’ll see you guys then it’s almost like a major medical or you know something like that I love you know I was thinking KBB I’m glad you went out there because they were showing him a bit on the late afternoon sleepy coverage and uh I I I really think what I’m struggling off the top of my head was it the last time they were at shinok when when did he do the hitting the ball while it was still rolling I mean I I felt like that was no you’re right right sorry yeah that’s why I thought I was at shinok that that was kind of the end for Phil and US opens for me that that you know um metaphorically that closed the book uh we could get the true closing of the book next year perhaps um yeah he’s God what what a what a guy so many Runners up here so awesome did you get see any sorry ke did you get see any good golf today did you get anyone at the top of the leaderboard maybe uh maybe people want to hear about yeah I walked with LG a little bit uh and man like it’s just I think the one thing that keeps coming to my brain when I watch him it’s just how like unbelievably calm he seems like just it’s you know I don’t think it’s quite robotic that’s not right it’s just like a guy who’s just like nothing seems to stress him out all that much I watched him hit like a a great shot into the seventh or sorry not a great shot into the seventh kind of ended up 30 feet short and he just rolled great putt like up over Ridge to about three feet and knocked it in it was like no stress whatsoever like some of these things that keep guys are putting off greens I watch DJ make a mess of the same hole and it just I was like man I don’t know it might be L viic time I was thinking about this a lot today to Kev is like just because it looks like nothing’s going on nerve wise doesn’t mean there is nothing going on right he even alluded to that like he got asked about that I think yesterday or or today I forget when it was uh and he said I’m nervous every time I I play We Don’t See that right it does look incredibly easy when he does it but uh I I don’t know I’m I’m just I’m very curious to see how this is going to go right I I really could see lvic being a six-time major winner or I could see him being zero right I don’t it’s it’s really easy to give these things away at this point and gosh we’re going to learn a lot about him this weekend that went about as good as it possibly could have so far he’s at 26 of 28 Fairways while hitting it uh 300 over 300 yards on average that’s including the t-shots where he’s hitting irons he’s hitting 317 on the one that averaging 317 on the ones they measuring um and he’s hit 30 of 36 greens so far I guess my only push back there would be did did you learn anything when he shot 69 in the final round of the Masters I we learned a lot that day too like he just looked really [ __ ] good he did but get W shooting 69 the final round of the Masters and winning are two different things right I mean sure you know pressure about like what if he what if like the generational comparison is like he’s driving it as long as like Davis Love I thir did and he’s like driving it as straight as Fred Funk did like of that sort of generation like that seems kind of unfair to do that and my point is like his floor is so crazy high like he drives it long incredibly straight and hits his iron CR like it is almost tough for him to not be around and in contention in these things right that’s kind of that’s more of my point than like hey let’s go see a close one gr this his third major he’s got 10 15 more before we start saying hey man it’s probably time you win one of these things not what I’m saying it’s just like no we’ve seen the floor it’s insanely High just like what is what is the shape of your career going to look like I I say we’re GNA learn this weekend but even if it doesn’t happen for him this weekend that doesn’t mean he’s not going to win five six Majors so it’s it’s freakish Talent uh we’re just going to see if he’s got Killer Instinct and I mean gosh he could [ __ ] go run away with this thing this weekend we’re we’re gonna do our auction a little later to see how much people are how much uh people are willing to put nuggets down on him to go go out and close this thing and win it this weekend uh one last thing that I did see today that I wanted to kind of talk about is uh Sam Sam baristo uh England’s Sam baristo left-hander he shot an 84 in the first round and he turned around today and shot a 67 and as that was sort of unfolding I went out and grabbed him as I watched him play his last two holes and and got him afterwards and shout out to Sam he said he’s a no layup podcast listener uh it’s the biggest turnaround from round one to round two according to Justin Ray in 40 years at the US Open to go 8467 obviously dude had no chance of making making the cut uh I would have had to shoot essentially like 69 or 50 but I think just loved that grind that the guy went out there and was like all right I his short game the first day was so incredibly bad he lost I think like almost seven stro or excuse me more than seven strokes I have in the piece uh seven strokes around the greens which was twice as many uh just about as anybody else which is [ __ ] insane uh and just to go out and like make a ton of B make make I think made five birdies six birdies today that was awesome like I he we chatted for a bit and he was like yeah I just kind of went last night and went to Chick-fil-A and then went to bed like that Chick-fil-A always cheers me up and so that I thought well this is a good thing to do and I’m gonna go uh go get it tomorrow and he was said he was kind of just still quite as nervous afraid he was gonna be like people gonna be what the [ __ ] is this guy doing here and he just played great birdi the fifth hole he knocked a thre it on the fifth hole and two puted for birdie which I’m sure Scotty orander would have loved to have done today uh so that was love the grind I mean when guys like JT and and DJ are like kind of shot a shitty round in the first round and and still ended up kind of going further backwards I think it says something about uh Sam that he went out and went low I I always Kev I know we’ve talked about this in the past but uh I have no idea what what Sam barstow’s uh career holds I don’t know where he’ll go from from from here but I love like identifying those Butterfly Effect moments you know like I remember asking ZB which who I think maybe you watched a little bit today as well like hey man do you remember like one shot one whole one round where your career just like flipped he’s like absolutely I remember like it was yesterday it was this round in Columbus I had this going on here’s what happened the day before I went and did this boom boom boom boom boom and he laid it all out like every round of this like random corn fairy event and just you know around like this for a guy like that is like probably kind of a middling you know European tour pro and it’s like now it’s like yeah maybe I you know put that one in my back pocket and I’m a different guy after this I just I love stories like that glad you glad you hunted him down if that happens D it’s on the fourth hole he drove it in the bunkers on the right and then from about two I think it was 218 he hit it to 8 feet made the putt uh from the Fairway bunker there so I think that if he wanted I said can you identify like one shot where kind of flipped and he was like oh yeah that that was the one where I was like okay we got it today that’s great so you got to watch a prodigious driver of the golf ball with length and accuracy uh ludvig oberg earlier you also got to see another one with prodigious length and accuracy Zack Blair I believe uh up there in the top 10 what’s it like watching him compete uh on this on this stage of play uh and be competitive in a US Open so if you’re the cooler I might truly be the heater because immediately when I rolled out and watched Zach play the first three holes he birdied the second hole just uh threw a beautiful iron in there to the exact safe part of the green when you got to come in from about 180 uh he’s just it’s you know he’s bunting it out there and the best that he can and he’s throwing some darts with his irons and he’s rolling you know when he misses the greens he’s kind of choosing to like all right can I put this and get it close or can I chip it and get it close it’s just fun to watch someone who play a totally different game I mean you got this guy you know this ball speed Guru Charlie Ryder uh who is you know hitting it like 200 miles an hour and he’s just completely like you know 15 20 Strokes worse than Zach and so it’s just so fun to see someone who cannot generate physically like that much speed still figure his way around this course Zach was the guy that like playing i’ played a lot of golf with him and it was it’s the the most obvious possible takeaway you can have from playing with a pro but it just like lightball moment of me like the ball’s just always moving towards the hole right like nothing is dramatic it’s not big draws big Fades chips aren’t like overly fancy swiping across it spinning the ball is just always like hunting the hole it’s incredibly simple but or he makes it look incredibly simple it’s quite complicated but uh to be able to yeah he’s in the top 10 T9 right now he got in the house at one 100 part today it’s just fantastic but like just hitting it like to the proper spots right on the first hole the other two guys you know Aaron Ry and and I think Thompson hit it in the bunker he misses it right on the right side has a kind of an easy putt right up to the to like a right a pin that he knew he could miss there and get it up and down was awesome I know Randy’s dying to ask about this guy we’re gonna get to him next but did you see my guy big tone out there at all today I did uh he was playing with uh ludvig and uh you know like I big tone just keeps making putts from various spots and doing doing some stuff I’ve not been a big big tone believer uh and it is like remarkable to me to watch uh ludvig hit it past him you know Randy because of course tone could get reach back and get that extra 30 yards whenever he really needs it got he just not willing to do it just yet uh but man like it’s it’s sensible game from Big tone you know would anyone be stunned if he won this I I’d be kind of stunned but I guess you can’t really be when he’s in the mix like this I’d be pretty stunned if he W it but 100% of respondents say they would be they would be stunned uh how the [ __ ] did he get that ball up and down on five today I was like I I went downstairs to get get my popcorn because I thought I was gonna be able to watch like n or 10 sick I came back I was like what he made a birdie already what uh big tone looks good man he’s he’s he’s grooving it honestly that would be that would be a thrill that’s kind of in the Bryson Camp of like ah whatever like just just give it to me I think that’d be really fun to watch you know for sure it’s almost every like there’s no one up there that’s enough of a heel for me to not want them to win I mean there’s some kind of boring story lines up there but like give me big tone give me Bryson we’ll talk Bryson here in a second did you get to watch any Bryson today Kev I did not get to watch Bryson today I you know Saturday is gonna be my day to to pick somebody and really uh Lo in Saturday’s always so fun at Theos open man it’s just it’s likely to be super hard it’s going to be chaotic and the crowds are going to be freaking Bonkers they’re going to be hopped up on barbecue and beer I’m amalan love it all right we’re going to send you on your way have a lovely Friday evening thank you so much for popping in and uh we look forward to we’ll be reading you tonight tomorrow is your is your yeah fil we’ll be should be up in a little bit so sounds great thanks Kev good night uh listen there is going to we have a long ways to go here in the United States open but next week you w you can witness insurmountable deits turn into Unforgettable victories at The Travelers Championship the Northeast one and only PGA Tour signature event final signature event of the year next week see Scotty Sheffer Rory Victor hin Patrick hlay returning Champion Keegan Bradley and other PJ tour stars in all four days of competition at close by at close uh by TPC River Highlands the excitement tees off June 19th through the 23rd for tickets and information visit Travelers championship. comom The Travelers Championship there’s only one uh again they got some big names Keegan ludvig Patrick Klay Rory Scotty Sher Victor hin Max hom Ricky Fowler what a bang bang bang run of events here’s next few weeks Travelers is sweet man fun Golf Course to watch too it’s very very different than this obviously but that that will be that’ll be a fun one yes um de I was pinged you on this one earlier and I was trying to like think about this is we’re watching Bryson on a happy hour today and I’m watching Bryson play golf and I’m not I’m not getting upset I’m not like like I’m not saying out loud like what a Chad I’m not getting frustrated at uh almost at anything he does I I’m I pinged you just to be like help me can you help me describe how Bryson has has gone from one of the most unlikable guys probably on tour to likable like is that is that fair is he is he cross that middle point of that of that Spectrum I I think he has for me it sounds like he has for you I think important to point out I’m sure a lot of people have felt this way about Bryson all along you know he does things his own way I love I love the hat I love the single length irons this guy’s a scientist he’s changing the game I’m sure people have always been in in the Bryson boat so I’m happy to make that distinction but for me personally I think it’s probably a little bit of absence makes the hard grow F right we don’t get to see him doing his thing all the time so anytime he does pop up it’s just fills my day with a little bit of a little bit of Joy I think that’s a big one uh you threw out the Hat the Hat changed everything it changed everything like just the highlights from Wingfoot I was like ah this dude and then you look at him now it’s like oh yeah like let’s go watch Bryson hit some golf balls this is incredible I also like I have no Insight here i’ I’ve not talked to Bryson I don’t really even talk to like that many people around Bryson or anything it just seems like a shred you know as you get older I think it’s easier to he just seems like he has a little more self-awareness and and fo on you know shame on me if I if he does or says something that you know runs contrary to that but it just seems like he’s at least taking a beat and just like let me let me think about what I’m about to say let me think about how I’m going to treat this person let me think about how I’m going to come across here rather than just like running at 150 mph like a bulldozer uh in whatever Direction he wants which is kind of like how he he tended to come across in in the past Randy any of this Jing with you where are you how were you on your Bryson journey I I I think it all makes sense you know he’s 30 years old now I I think the point about him maturing and and probably having more self-realization and just you know I I think that’s a very true thing I I think list I I I always just enjoyed his presence because he’s a unique guy and I think in the world of professional golf the more unique characters we can get the better and I think that’s been heightened as you said by um his absence week to week on the PJ tour so I I I think that absolutely tracks you kind of combine all those things and it’s really refreshing and and quite honestly it’s really nice to have him around and and and in the hunt and he’s playing good golf um yeah I I don’t really have a hot take here I I I Echo what you say which is I mean how far we’ve all come I think you know I I always liked his weirdness just because it was something to talk about but it’s nice to see everybody kind of appreciating him for for who and what he is um rather than you know kind of getting annoyed and and picking at stuff I guess well I think you have to chalk this up as like a a guy that Liv made perfect sense for right I mean a different kind of environment a little bit more sheltered environment a team environment versus like he just did not fit in very well in the PGA Tour and like his Antics contributed greatly to that and he pissed a lot of people off by like quite justifiably along the along the way yet despite all that he was still a blast to watch and now it just like everything else in between it doesn’t piss me off nearly as much he’s not asking for third opinions on rulings uh you know he’s not like doing cheesy shout outs to sponsors as soon as he finishes up like there’s a you can keep continue down the list of all the the well-deserved um I don’t know flaws or or or sins golf sins if you will of Bryson and at the same time he’s always been entertained to watch but now I’m just like dude I just don’t have the energy to like dislike this guy and it just but that has come from like a clear change in how he’s approached media how he’s approached television remember when you get mad at the cameraman uh for like pointing the camera Adam just in between shots like why are you filming me in between shots like he just seems way more comfortable in his own skin he credits his equipment change in changing his life uh his outlook on life in general which is quite remarkable I mean makes sense because the driver sucked uh but it’s just it’s it’s it’s a amazing spot to be sitting here of like dude even to start the week one I had incredible trust in his game to be like oh he can play this golf course if you asked me four years ago like no [ __ ] way could he play Pinehurst like it’s going to eat him up and now it’s like dude he has turned into uh a proper golfer who has honed in and used the benefits of his of his length yet at the same time really increases iron accuracy maybe through clubs it shouldn’t be allowed but really good putter really good scorer hitting the right spots being very smart making clutch putts it’s just I I tip my I tip my regular looking hat at him and say you are you are an Entertainer and uh I’m excited to see what you do this weekend I think that has a lot of weight and not obviously this doesn’t have anything to do with his him as a person or his personality or anything like that but I I think if he had turned you know put on all that weight and just leaned fully into like I’m going to bomb and gouge and just become like a souped up corn fairy Tour player who’s winning on like real major venues that would have been like a different one to to stomach but the fact that he’s like he’s showing up at Augusta he’s showing up at the US Open he’s showing up at all these places that are like very very very proper golf courses and playing very very proper golf is also just like as a golf fan I’m like man that’s that’s awesome like I I you must issuing you know correcting a previous statement of mine Randy like you you do got to hand it to him you do got to hand it to him I that’s funny because he’s always been a proper golfer you know even even growing up the the USM the NCA title like that’s that’s what I always found really interesting is he’s always been a really successful Guy and um I I point taken about you know when he was just beefing up and and trying to do all that it was a bit of a um I don’t know a bit of a circus I guess but I guess I’m not surprised at the actual quality of his play because it’s like man he’s he’s like always been a really good golfer I I think it’s just fun um he doesn’t think about the game or it’s not the way I like to think about the game of golf but I I certainly do appreciate and I’m glad that there are a lot of different ways to go about the game I again I just think it boils down to in a in a world of of professional golf where things can look and sound exactly the same so often it’s it’s really nice to have people that buck Trends and so I really appreciate that part of him he was he made a b-roll video of him cooking shirtless uh cooking bacon shirtless in his own home during like there’s a lot of there’s a memory lay we could do a full three-part brys and deep dive we listen I’m not I’m I’m sure I’m not proud of some of the video stuff we put early days either you know but you know water Finds Its level you know and that’s I think like the YouTube stuff is like again if you spelled that out on paper I’d be like God this guy’s like G take this all away but like he’s leaned in he doesn’t care what anybody thinks and like I think he’s found his audience and I’m I’m happy for him in a in a like again at any point he also could come out and like kick a dog in the face or like do something do something crazy that would like be again kind of a shame on me moment but uh until that happens I’m people can change Randy and I’m I’m here for it you know yeah and not I mean not to get too serious or play psychoanalyst but he probably honestly like really loves doing that [ __ ] and and and it and it’s fulfilling maybe to a greater degree than like just tour life ever was so I’m sure that’s helping him get in a much better place mentally as well I kind of made was making the joke back in the uh in the in the really hating heart on Bry and Daisy he’s like the Nickelodeon golfer like it’s just if you just view everything he does as being for kids it makes it all make sense jumping in the pool like to to announce his new caddy and like the super zany stuff like but I feel like he probably is able to like relate to young kids a lot more like via YouTube than via like the very serious PGA tour right like that that makes more sense of being able to kind of uh Express himself uh in that way and and get something out of it so again credit to Bryson I would also shout out you know I know he didn’t write it today but KBB followed him at the Masters and kind of wrote about The Bryson experience as you know how things changed what’s it feel like following him at a at a major that’s that I still think very Rings very true uh to probably what we’re gonna see this week so you can find that on the website as well if you’re interested he’s T2 uh he is one shot behind ludvig uh Thomas dietry also sitting at T2 guys I’m just going to declare this now if dietre is still here tomorrow night we can go deep on him then how about is that sound fair because I don’t have a whole lot more to add other than uh I I said we we’ll put this in our footnote to see uh you know he’ll he was right there in the hunt at the 36 hole when kbv and I do our Deep dive five years from now looking back on 2024 I have a feeling Thomas tetri will get a mention but uh it just credit to him for putting himself in a good spot again you know whe whether he sticks around through tomorrow or kind of Fades um like three majors in a row now where he’s played some really good golf so hat tip there yeah no nothing snarky nothing but like hat tip at a boy you know IL go get it I wasn’t being snarky other than to say no I know right that’s all I got I got nothing else Bes heck of a putter so far this week exactly um he no hat Pat is sitting there at T2 as well one over par round uh for him today sitting there at 4 under and then Rory big tone and Matthew pavon pavon uh Bogi his last uh two holes the eighth and Ninth very difficult holes they were playing very difficult towards the end of the day uh to fall back into U TI for fifth at three under par sustainability models we worried about him uh before he buggy those last two holes as well because he’s been putting his ass off but only thing I’ll say on the the case for Pavone uh guy plays like really streaky Golf and when he finds it he tends to really really find it and when he doesn’t have it he really doesn’t have it go look at his results page it is a lot it’s kind of the Scott Stallings plan you know of like I love miscut miscut t65 third miscut miscut t 48 second you know and like so when it clicks for him he just seems very seems very streaky obviously likes hard golf courses one of Tory Pines uh so again I I don’t know that he would be my pick to win but I don’t think he’s gonna go shoot 80 or something either I love his golf swing too really really it did seem like he was getting Teensy bit exposed there on those last couple holes of not being able to hold some of those greens as it got firmer so I don’t know if I love uh he tried to hit like a little lower shot into eight which was his 17th hole and it went right over the green um and then nine that it just look I don’t know where you land that ball nine to get to that back pin but he tried to drop one down the Elevator Shaft and came up short but if you land that too far it runs all the way off the back like it just look like the harder this golf course got I do have a just a bit of concern with him going this weekend but um you guys want to play how far back is to far back you want to do our draft you want to do lingering loitering you want to get to some questions what’s what’s show okay let’s do our draft because I think that’s going to I think that’s going to answer a lot of these questions I think so too so we we came up with this little game going to play this I have a feeling this might be a constant uh in future Majors as well but everyone’s going to get $10 to spend okay $10 bid’s got to be in increments of$ one of course and we’re GNA kind of do this auction fantasy style where you got to nominate a player you can nominate him for any price out of your $10 uh and you have to you are we’re GNA draft for the winner so if blah blah if you know if DJ nominates ludvig for a dollar I have a feeling somebody’s gonna want to spend $2 on them somebody might want to spend three but you get 10 I don’t his knee Hur them we’ll see we’ll see but I’m throw the DJ first you can nominate whoever he wants uh you get the draft and we’re going to try we’re the goal is to get the winner of this tournament on your team and you got to see how much of your $10 you will to bet on a guy at the halfway point it’s because I know TC is listening it’s an auction not a draft that’s right well said uh I will take uh leig oberg for five dollar please whoa five that’s such a good number if it was four I would have got I might have thrown five out just to see if you would do it um so we’re talking he he’d be the first guy since of course Francis we met to win the US Open in his first start did yes and did you see the the note out there that uh he’s the first US Open rookie to hold a 36 hole lead since TC Chen which is I think is very interesting since he got to see that double chip from RTC at BARC when we played with him so he’s got Good Vibes you know going into the weekend uh I’m gonna let you have him for five unless my God I thought it was gonna cost me eight that’s amazing no I don’t think that’s I think that’s best use of your money but I could be wrong we’re I I can’t wait we’re going to learn a lot about young L big this weekend we are Randy you get to go next we’ve learned the answers are in the back of the book I think you guys are just not reading them I’m going to nominate Rory mroy for $3 I I want to see your cards I’ll you guys make de I’ll go four on him God I’m tempted to just honestly yeah I’ll go five okay I’m I’m I’m good there [Laughter] $6 $6 going once Cody what’s different about this time $6 going twice anybody I I no or DJ who who make make the case what’s what’s different this time uh a lot of experience we’ve seen it we saw it with Xander if Valhalla it takes a long time you know before the balls bounce your way Sol you know I’ve always said this you know winning is there’s a little bit of luck involved uh and I think the razor’s Edge is so much sharper this time and there’s so many little boys in the world of of prlf you heard Harry talking about it you know Rory Rory’s hit the 144 shot a lot more than these guys over the last 10 years he’s got a lot of experience in these us opens and this is a this is a real setup and he’s a real golfer there’s a couple of real golfers up there one I just got for five dollar which is incredible I didn’t in my defense I didn’t I didn’t know Cody would Cody adding $10 into this changes the models I might have I might have gone a different route there if I have known if I known Cody was getting in on this well tough [ __ ] now now [Laughter] anybody you can have them at six if you want them perfect thank you $6 I’m so excited about this selection thank you very much guys that’s a great deal um all right I will nominate who going to be left with you’re left with you’re gonna get dietry for a dollar congratulations I’m I’m gonna nominate Xander shafley [Music] for1 three two one going sold I got him for $1 all right d you’re back up playing well Cody’s up Cody’s got a nominate now just think we live in a world where Xander wins two straight Majors just doesn’t make sense liter you know from a literary perspective right just not in this universe yeah this is uh no hat Pat I’m gonna go with $3 I’m feeling it he he got to be a little jealous after his buddy you know we always hear about what BFFs him and Xander are gotta be a little jealous there he knows he’s a stick Randy board here I don’t don’t want Pat for four bucks though rude Budgy I mean what are you gonna put all your nuggies on Tom c yeah we’re gonna give Cody Rory and Klay is like there a couple guys no there are a couple guys I really like what you say four he’s holding out on that Cory Connor you said three right I said three all right I’ll say three so it’s gonna take four all right you give him to me for four I mean I can only match it with four so yeah he doesn’t have it you don’t have the budget I love that so I have L and canl and I have a dollar left yes is is there Partnerships here can can we form l no absolutely not it’s already got too complicated uh okay so I have a dollar left I will take and I can’t believe there’s a world where he would go for a dollar because he’s a global Superstar Tom Kim for $1 it’s a nice play because I don’t I don’t think anybody’s gonna beat more than that you can have that all right you’re done I’m oh God see that’s that hedging on TC too because I have ludvig so he can’t be mad but I also so I got upside and downside on both sides all right ready what do you got I I’m willing to go um three on Hideki $3 on Hideki do I hear $ four $ four $4 four that’s a reach go ahead you can have that you could had it for for one or two I think you can have that he’s all yours uh I am going to take big tone for $1 okay no thanks going going sold Cody who you got uh have we done the big golfer yet we have not done the big golfer yet all right big golfer $2 I think ry’s gonna go hard here uh four it’s more money than I got buddy Mr Chris could get in I’ll go $6 on Bryson yeah hell yeah you could have have him for five te wow really wants to get out here watch his Reds game wow um then is it my turn to nominate or no it’s Cody’s turn to nominate not a lot L on the board what’s everybody’s bank at right now by the way uh you have four dollars Randy has seven and I have two okay DJ is out I’m gonna go um that damn it little bit further down here but I’m I’m gonna is anybody interested in a $1 Sergio play all yours thank you yeah I think that’s yours enjoy your time Randy’s gonna clean up here at the end of the draft I want to Splash the board it’s I don’t think you have a choice no one’s taking d no Wow Let’s see I’m GNA take Scotty for a dollar oh Adam Scott no sorry Sheffer all right I will take um or I will nominate I’ll take dietry for uh for $2 yeah you can have them okay all right you guys you guys figure this out and let’s get this moving all right my turn I’m guessing the only person that we got left so we got AE left Tim Ving Corey Connor ZB uh Billy Ho Xander see gone he’s gone he’s gone all right well we’re kind of screwed here but uh I’ll put the rest of my whole three doll hairs on this is going to good all I’m GNA put it on Adam Scott just because I want to get out of here okay all right Ry you got to name some names you only got two players yeah so give me Terrell okay give me uh Corey Connor okay give [Music] me got four more come on get holler at zv no I don’t need ZB give me lyns master jordo Jesus three more uh give me Colin give me CAM Smith okay and how many more one more uh pavon take the no I will take Cory Connor God nobody took pavon that’s crazy all right so DJ’s got just real quick sum DJ winning a US Open DJ’s got ludvig Klay and Tom Kim uh Cody has Rory Sergio and Adam Scott I’ve got Xander fenal Bryson and dri Randy has a Scotty Sheffer Hatton Conor spe morawa Smith and Cory and Cory con oh twoy conough all right that’s fun I mean that’s that’s good stuff now we’re we’re figured that one out as we go but uh I guess we gotta do that uh we gotta do that during a preview for like the Bri open or something does uh does that answer the question of how far back is too far back I mean if Scotty’s still in it then I I think so everyone’s still in the tournament still is in the tournament 10 shots separate ludvig from everybody else there’s a world where it’s totally diabolical this weekend and the winning score is around even and I can see somebody going out early tomorrow and hanging like a 67 and being there I I’m saying everybody has a chance I don’t disagree it’s so much freaking golf left so much golf left I don’t think Scotty’s going to win I think it’s probably worth he sucked dude he was so bad he played as bad as I can remember him playing definitely this year um no idea what to attribute it to nothing else to say other than like watching him [ __ ] up the fifth hole was just like maddening it was all the things we’ve praised him for all year long of like yeah he just doesn’t make mistakes he doesn’t do that he just has done all of that this week he’s been just very very somehow third in Strokes gain approach for the week 72 in putting like just truly ass putting all week uh and has not driven it very well he’s missed a ton of Fairways oh I’m showing 42nd in putting oh I think it’s trimmed down to the guys that made the cut now probably so he’s probably what I’m looking at on the on the Tour website but yeah that’s that’s probably I mean yeah he lost three 23 Strokes putting today I I just he’s too good he’ll I feel like he’s gonna have a bounce back it doesn’t look good it’s unfortunate but um I mean of guys that made the cut yeah he is third he’s third worst uh the only two guys that are worst Brooks kka and Jordan spe uh and then sah this one spot ahead of him Kea I I don’t know what the hell happened to him today he putted into a bunker on three from behind the green uh pitched it out to three feet and three puted it from there uh made a triple bogey he is he made the cut on the number um this is like this is the longest kka run we’ve like healthy kepka run that we’ve seen of bad play in Majors like I I kind of excuse him for the 2122 period where you know he was hurt and kind of searching for things obviously bounced back last year with second at the Masters and won the PGA we’ve never seen him not be a factor in Majors for an entire year and this is like five straight years not in the top 10 if he assume he doesn’t finish in the top 10 but uh I’ve always struggled to make a sense of Keating the majors you never know when it’s coming but that’s just a surprise that we’re you know five majors in a row on where this is been he’s been a complete non-factor so don’t know what to make of that yeah um highlights go ahead no I was just going to say it could be one of of those things you know I I don’t know golf’s so weird weird um Rory highlights Rory puted off the 17th green then went down and chipped it in uh that was fantastic um Bryson’s stuffing the wedge into 18 that was that was just freaking proper proper golf uh Bryson’s the one that again just kind of feels inevitable to me man he just feels like he’s not not gonna go anywhere not get flustered um he just he seems like he’s got some bad attention saw his chip in on on 15 was grotesque that was maybe the highlight of the day until Molinari uh made an ace what do you guys think of of the happy hour segment with uh major championship afternoon Friday with with Bryson coming in sep straa coming in with smiley from the five to six pm hour what were you guys thoughts on that I say two things one keep innovating keep trying things I appreciate it I’m I’m down for it that that’s that’s good don’t lose that two don’t ever need that style of of this again at a major championship is what I would say like two different like it’s just it’s a Razor’s Edge man you know you hit it 144 you’re on the green you hit a 146 and you’re [ __ ] dead uh and I think that the uh the idea of bringing players on The Telecast to talk about the exclusively the golf course talk about golf shots talk about how hard the six hole is playing talk about what club did you have in here what’s this guy facing that like wish I had more hands couldn’t give that more thumbs up I would watch that all day uh bringing in guys for just like a lame flaccid like prop comedy uh bit not what I need during the US Open so that that’s that’s my analysis that’s spot on I think that’s completely spot on it’s so this is where this is where I get really bummed out with everything that’s gone on with Phil because Phil absolutely should be part of the commentary team this weekend and he won’t be but his best role going forward at all these Majors play two round if you miss the cut like I want to hear Phil talk about the golf shots the course everything here here couldn’t agree more y I mean otherwise it was I don’t know didn’t I didn’t feel like I was waterboarded by commercials today you know it kind of jumping channels peacock all that stuff was not great but felt less of a disgrace than last year at Lac is the is the credit I’m willing to give NBC for that so and less other than ludvig you know I would say probably less exciting names in the afternoon the things always kind of Peter out once you get to that you know 30th hole Mark you’re kind of you’re kind of counting the hours a little bit depending if you don’t have like something miraculous happening on the golf course so again I’m I’m totally down guys try new stuff that’s great but like let’s let’s watch the golf let’s keep let’s let’s let’s be serious Randy happy hours but the I just don’t need like the props and the sleeves and the you know it’s like this week this week you want to do that at The Travelers like go totally it’s been great that’s been great in the Friday afternoon slot I just this is Major majors are different I don’t know um you gonna say something Cody yeah just what’s the difference like why are we on USA yesterday and then today we’re on NBC tomorrow we’re back on USA with uh like some NBC like it just feels like it’s there’s no real Rhythm or rhyme to how it’s laid out just I mean Olympic stuff I’m sure had something to do with with Thursday and USA is just cuz it’s in more households than Golf Channel it’s probably look I saw their numbers were super up so that’s a good sign at least for round one I don’t know uh I will say this after the the hole in one to make the cut this was a shot of the booth I thought it was awesome at the end I know everybody was kind of like uh how’s this going to work but I think kind of them buddying up the Twan it’s weird side by side like that I thought it’s been awesome I I think that’s been a solid solid energy you know kind of again it feels elevated they I feel like they’ve done an overall good job of elevating the championship that’s kind of all you can realistically ask I also you know you know I ride for brandle at at any given you know opportunity I I think brandle has been really fun I’m I’m very stoked for him this weekend I think he’s gonna be good in that in that chair he’s the closest thing we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to Johnny yep I think he’s taking it he’s taking it really seriously seems like his prep was great suly I loved the Pod that you guys did uh beforehand the preview pod so I I don’t know I’m I’m excited for that uh a& GC burner said should cat stop doing this yes I was surprised to hear that it uh him say afterward that it might be his last US Open I was surprised to hear that just because usually he doesn’t admit defeat until did he say that I missed I missed his quotes I was watching the it could it could or it couldn’t um be his last US Open you never know something along those lines options my thought on this is truly like what he got out of the early part of this week Charlie walking with him for PR rounds and getting to you know experience that like his kids have not been around for the success the highest success of his careers other than that 15th major like he’s probably soaking up whatever opportunity he gets to you know for his kid to see what influence he’s had on the game and and get to experience that in person that to me has to be the reason why he continues to do this because he’s not competitive he said for so many years I’m not going to play in these things if I don’t think I have a chance to win he knows he has no chance to win so I don’t I don’t think this can go on that much longer um I he always bangs on if he’s not going to put in the week to week and try to get himself reps to make him competitive then yeah I think he needs to stop doing this it’s it’s a bit of a sideshow and I hate that for Tiger like this afternoon me I don’t need to see him struggle to miss the cut like I’m kind of glad he missed it because I I don’t need to see him this weekend isn’t there a difference though between like you don’t need to see him on your TV and he needs to go away like I don’t think he’s hurting like I think he’s only raising all boats by being in the field and that’s where I’m like yo if you want to play man go play do whatever you want for the rest of your golf career I don’t I the TV’s going to show there and that’s where I’m like me personally I I think I’ve kind of dropped off unless he’s like actually in contention I don’t feel bad about saying like oh I just I’m I’m good I don’t I don’t really care what’s going on carve out the tiger you know peacock put him on peacock and treat him like any other guy on the main telecast you know it just when they they kind of tipped their hand too like Hey we’re gonna stick with tiger this afternoon see if he can make the cut I’m like yeah like I know yall are scraping the bottom of the barrel because you know I I’m not even sure did we see Zach on the on the telecast this afternoon like there there were some guys that would have been interesting to the tournament to watch I saw him bloating the [ __ ] once during playing through and then once all the other golfers were off the course uh it looked like and once we started our show it looked like they they showed him a couple shows which like if I could just you know Steelman this one it would be like hey guys we could show Zack Blair Tiger Woods uh to the to the nation here which one are we going to show here like I I see why Tiger Woods wins out there uh just because they won’t give Zack a chance he could be the next Tiger Woods for all we know but words I so I the game I don’t want to say the game doesn’t need tiger anymore because like if he would be competitive it’d be the greatest thing for golf as it always has been I don’t see that happening and I don’t think like I don’t think the game needs this version of tiger if that makes sense I don’t think we need there’s enough personalities going on he’s not he’s not like it’s not offensive to have him out there it’s not sad to watch it’s just like it just doesn’t do a whole lot for me personally I don’t know yeah but I would imagine if you’re taking your if you’re in Piner you’re taking your kids out to go watch golf and you got to see Tiger Woods hit two shots like yeah that’s something they will literally remember for the rest of the time which is where Randy I’m with you like give him a peacock stream and if you want to watch him there he is if he holds out does something crazy we’ll show him a couple times but I I don’t I I think we’re a very long ways away from saying like take your ball and go home we we’re good we don’t need you but I I think it’s like a you’re not going to be the centerpiece story anymore type of thing and I’m not telling them to go I’m just like asking I asked this for the Masters like dude do you want to keep doing this like are you getting something out of this right like how long do you want to do this because that’s I just don’t get the sense that he’s really enjoying a lot of this but could be wrong I think if he wasn’t he would stop doing it I mean he I think that’s on the horizon potentially I mean saying that in the press conference afterwards was surprising uh some other notables to miss the cut Dustin Johnson um I just he has three major exemptions left not counting the Masters he’s obviously in that for life but uh he’s got two US opens and one British left uh and that is it and he looks shockingly and disappointingly uncompetitive and irrelevant honestly um that that just came on faster and harder than I feel like it needed to I thought his game was going to age much more gracefully yeah I I mean he’s almost he’s what turning 40 game’s gotten younger you know it’s it’s not like he’s not that old no I I I mean I would certainly expect him to be a little better than this but I don’t think he should be like you know the favor to take down L vag or anything like that like I think this was I don’t know it also happens quicker when you only see him four times a year right yeah it’s just yeah just a bummer uh Justin Thomas missed cut by a mile I didn’t even see where he ended up I would say that one concerns me a little more than like that that sucks JT shot 7774 like that sucks what are what what’s going on what are we doing it’s bad side of the draw but um uh I mean his iron play was atrocious he lost five and a half shots with his iron Play It’s supposed to be uh his strength um yeah I don’t know I don’t know that’s a square one situation there he was kind of kind of somewhat trending coming in that’s kind of that’s the surprising part right it felt like uh the indicator there was that his iron play was kind of on its way up he had a good week uh with the irons at Memorial and yeah this is this is a huge wh he top 10th PGA last time out like I don’t know this was a shocker I I did not see that one coming to that to that depth bummed about Max yeah I I think he had this one probably circled for a while this seems like a really good setup for him and that that sucks to miss the cut here yep uh he missed havin missed as well he was a non-factor this week Z tus obviously still coming off the injury but he just a shell of himself he was 100 to one to win this week I mean it’s he’s been a complete complete non-factor that’s unfortunate uh any other names stick out to you guys uh cut misss that uh were especially noteworthy like that I well I I wasn’t necessarily expecting him to make the cut but I thought after his first round it would have been really cool to see Willie Mack make the cut uh he shot 77 today he’s in that plus 11 group or excuse me shot 80 sorry to be in the plus 11 bu shout out Vic shot 68 today I mean it was a 78 yesterday but he did bounce back strong the 68 missed the cut he only missed by one um which yeah the cut did late moved to moved to plus five uh late in the day this NBC had a lot of trouble estimating what the cut was going to be today despite it being pretty clear for most of the afternoon but uh anything else before we uh before we head to uh head to head to exit here Friday night Fridays are are the weirdest day of the US Open right you get so much energy that comes out on Thursday can Friday can feel a little sleepy at times uh and Saturday is going to be Banger everybody off one and kind of wait around all day and and get ready to send it it’s gonna be it’s gonna be great I’m very excited for tomorrow I’ll say miss when we’re going over the cut things uh props given Vic cuz he could have absolutely mailed it in but like improving a score by 10 I thought was really sweet as we continue to see what Vic actually unfolds to but de we’re talking about this internally Robert Rock like doesn’t play professional golf anymore kind of a full-time instructor was uh I think he came through qualifying at Walton Heath and had an awesome round yesterday shot 70 and then back that up with the 79 hate to see it but uh just another one of those like unique characters in the game of golf that’s that like we more of hasn’t played a major since 2019 uh his last like counting round on or like owgr type round on data golf was in October uh showed up and almost made the cut at the US Open or not I shouldn’t say almost I mean shot 79 today but shot even par yesterday which is better better than any of you chuckleheads could do better than any of you watching could do you know I didn’t get a start uh three amateurs made the cut so we we we do have a race for low am this weekend which is fun anybody that’s keeping tabs that’s gunar bruyne hope I’m saying that right Neil Shipley of course the M at the Masters and Luke Clanton are the three amers that will be playing uh this weekend R Randy you had your own uh little US Open uh this week you you had a hund whole hike this past Monday what are what are the highlights and low lights of that uh yeah we finished it which is listen that was that was goal one two three four five six and seven um it was a great day I went over to Washington DC this past Monday East pomac Golf Links the national links trust who we’ve we’ve done some stuff with them in the past great organization out of the nation’s capital they put it on um I had always heard about East pic Golf Links it’s it’s a wonderful piece of property situated on this peninsula right kind of in the midst of downtown it’s located between the pomac river and the Washington Channel you play the course you look around you can see uh what is it rean national airport folks are getting on TC and I for just calling it rean on one side you can see the the big jets taking off you look over on the other side uh you can see the the warf and off in the distance you know you got the the Dome of of Congress you got the Washington monuments everpresent you can get a peak of the Jefferson Memorial it’s just really cool area It’s a Wonderful public golf course they they do a ton um within the District of Columbia so my experience personally I it was I I was pretty nervous about it I’m not gonna lie just the sheer volume of golf I was really worried how my body was going to hold up not so much like being able to walk it more like my back and my knees and and just physically making that many golf swings um I can report my golf wasn’t good I I made three birdies in a 100 holes which listen that’s not a very good birdy percentage uh I had many more three putts and and doubles and whatnot but it it just was it it ended up being a great day um everybody was in good spirits the weather thank God could not have been better and it just was kind of the one of those days where it’s like a bunch of shared misery and that weirdly kind of uplifts you and and puts everybody in in this like mood and frame of mind that was just a lot of fun and then we CT it off with some pizza and beer um my my actual playing was I I had a tea in the ground like right at 6:30 in the morning which I was pretty proud of coming in from Denver the night before it it you know the twoh hour time difference um and then I think I finished like right before 8800m and did not take many breaks you know ate lunch on the Fly changeed shirt and socks at at a point but not like you know I’m sitting down for a half hour uh you’re pretty much on your feet and moving and it it truly felt like a very long walk just trying to advance a golf ball as I went um but awesome organization first class day shout out to National links trust they I think they the total raised was $275,000 which was well past their goal so um it it was a it was a great experience and for anybody that supported me and and pledged on on my walk thank you very much it it means a ton and certainly the NLT people um means a lot to them as well great stuff you man did you think about quitting uh no I never thought about quitting honestly and that was a credit to everything I said you know they the they had plenty of kind of food and snacks and drinks and and the company was great I linked up with these two guys uh Patrick and Billy and I I asked him many times through the day I’m like guys if you want me to like because they were kind of buddies and I was kind of the third man in and I was like if you guys are sick of me like please tell me it’s a long day like I can go play on my own or find another group but they were tremendous I loved walking with those guys I had some caddies come in and help me uh Patrick mcpadden guy named David Lee my buddy David Bain’s from high school they they all came out and were were walking with me and helping me out so it it truly was kind of a community and everybody was in it together which was a lot of fun that is fantastic big uh and as we go to play out we do have teach times for round three guys they are good if I may say starting with the last group out Bryson and ludvig oberg Patrick Klay and dietre I thought we were gonna get Klay and Rory I but that’s what I get for trying to predict what’s gonna happen because I get it wrong every time uh Tony F now the big tone and Rory at 313 and pavon T Hatton and Tom Kim OE and Xander at 240 Cory Connors and Tim Ving at 224 horel and ZB 2:13 uh late tea times tomorrow really late tea times so we’ll have a late show tomorrow but fantastic cannot wait for tomorrow afternoon it’s going to be it’s G to be musty stuff so good stuff that is the halfway point thank you so much for tuning in thank you to high noon thank you to mizuo thank you to Travelers Cody running the ones and twos big Randy DJ P Neil popping in for a bit kbv popping in for a bit Harry higs for popping in for a bit for AT&T uh fiber for figuring out my connection after a slow start we’re getting there we’re getting there baby uh appreciate everyone’s patience appreciate everyone tuning in here during major week uh we’ll see you back here tomorrow night and Sunday night cheers thanks for tuning in


  1. Weird vibe tonight. Spent 4 minutes total talking Scottie the past two shows. Apologies? Unanimous pick to win, likely by 4+ shots? Be accountable.

  2. Soly on Ludvig “The floor is so crazy high. It’s almost tough for him not he around and in contention at one of these things”

    He literally missed the cut in the last “one of these things”

  3. Seriously talking about tiger voluntarily not playing when he finishes only 2 shots off the cut?? Wtf is wrong with you??

  4. Seriously talking about tiger voluntarily not playing when he finishes only 2 shots off the cut?? Wtf is wrong with you??

  5. Randy did say that he struggles with the fact that modern day golf doesn’t really hold up to the even par winning score that we used to see 10-20 years ago. I know what he wants to see, but I don’t think we’ll see that ever again

  6. I think you guys should cut the draft (auction) off at $5 / person. That didnt work so well.

  7. Randy is the type of person that wants the course dialed up to the point where it has to close for 6 months after the US Open to recover. Disgusting take. Straight to jail.

  8. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I only the Sky Sports feed. Wayne “Radar” Riley walking the 5th W Max and Rory/Xander/Schef group was epic!. Stories banter, basically saying max WTF are you doing…..

  9. Great stuff boys. Block Party shenanigans and the auction were all good ( didn’t get the auction but hey, I just like the banter!) but WHERE was Lingering or Loitering??
    You even announced it at the top and then pouff! nowhere to be seen…or heard! What happened?? My fave bit! Please. Do we get it on the Saturday. Confused but loyal. 😅

  10. It’s time to put Randy in time out again like we did last year. I really hope this course setup take is a bit. Otherwise his take is literally ridiculous.

  11. Why is anyone at this point still with Phil…., not only was he a moron decades back (Ryder Cup), he is also with LOV because he is addicted to gambling…., so…, why?

  12. Cody is the worst. Ruined the auction by jumping in and didn’t even want to finish. Chode.

  13. Scottie's driving accuracy was 85% and GIR was 72%. He had 17 two putts and one single putt. If he plays similar, makes some putts and lays up on the par 5s, a 65 is not out of the question and the course is easier in the morning,

  14. Love these boys, but there are 15 guys under par and if Randy is gonna say that’s not hard enough, you guys are far more intelligent than that. Also, need TC for these love shows. We need Mr. TC and DJ.

  15. You guys have lost all credibility with your comments on Tiger. I have not seen 3 stupider people on youtube unless I'm watch failarmy. Seriously. Tiger draws 30-50% of the potential viewers, and at least 40,000 more people to the tournament, plus he pulls women and minority viewers like NOBODY else. It looks to me like Tiger is actually pretty close to being able to win if he can just play 12 events next year and stop playing hilly golf courses. If he just plays the flat courses that don't have stacked fields, he will get at least 1 more win or have a few top 5 finishes. Waialae, John Deere, etc. His approach shots were not very good this week, and his putting touch on Thursday needed work. He can improve the iron approaches and his putting will come around if he plays more tournaments. EVERYONE wrote Tiger off 4 years ago and then he won the freaking Masters. Tiger is the #1 draw and the rest of the field can f*ck off. I'll watch Tiger struggle to make the cut all week long and go do something else on the weekend if he misses the cut. I literally know 20-25 people who ONLY WATCH IF TIGER IS PLAYING. When you're talking about TV coverage PGA events, this is EVERYTHING. Until that changes, the PGA needs Tiger to play. The current crop of PGA players is so vanilla its sickening. Mostly unwatchable. If LIV collapses or they merge with PGA this might lessen the need for Tiger to draw viewers, but we'll have to see.

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