Golf Players


Always love my annual round at pier Park as soon as I get back to Portland! This area has such a good disc golf scene and I am very happy to be able to share one of the best courses in the state here on my channel! 

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we are at one of my favorite courses on the west coast Pier Park can’t see the bask on whole one but Pier Park disc golf course I played here for the first time back in 2021 and loved it so much to return in 2022 only to find out it was in the winter layout but today it is back in the summer layout Ellie’s with me she flew in yesterday from Massachusetts and she’s never played the course before and she’s actually recovering from surgery still let’s show the scar for the Vlog scars she had a assyst in her wrist as you can see the scar there and then they had to do some tendon repair but she’s happier than ever to be back on the course now getting getting back to it and uh you know getting back into the swing of things with league and Casual rounds but we are right now is Saturday before the Portland open so we got a couple days before the tournament starts up so what better time than now to play one of the best courses in the area and uh let’s get right into it whole one [Music] I can’t remember the last time that I played a course where the first shot of the day was a roller but here we are that’s up there I turned it a little earlier than I thought hold that cut that’s better right at the basket right at the basket hit the pole that is8 feet away let’s go flippy girl as you can see we’re finally getting some sun poking through but it has been actually kind of like I don’t know constantly sprinkling for the last hour and a half or so and the Vlog and Rain just do not get along so very happy to see the sun shining and hopefully it’ll warm us up a little bit too go through all righty the dline MD Easy Money approach all right that’s my first time ever birdie in that hole so that’s cool I think I’m getting better at throwing rollers as the years go on on the dis golf pro is no surprise as it feels like every year we throw a lot on the golf courses and stuff and every year I get more comfortable with them all righty hold two typically this is like a sidearm around the corner to the right I don’t know I’m feeling the backhand today that should be pretty dang good all right babe wow that’s our new OTB Open disc P just came around the corner to see that my disc looked pretty dang good new baskets here uh last time I played here it’s always been machex and uh I thought always thought it was like a signature peer Park look but you know orange works too now I love to talk about my favorite holes around the country and certain regions of the country and I can’t say this is my favorite hole in Oregon because that belongs to whistler’s bend but my goodness is whole three here at Pier Park a special one just Beauty I love it there’s the basket let’s Chuck it all right looks like we’re sticking with the fiend all right stand still it is stand still Skywalker oh I didn’t trust it to go straight dang oh yeah that was awesome babe yeah it’s literally perfect skip look at you go thanks Nice Shot thank you I’m not going to say this is my last one cuz it might not be fade come on oh okay last one all righty midnight brow all righty hit it oh nice shot all right well that was a shot to be proud of right behind the hill there I’ve never played it in this pin so let’s see how it goes let’s try the sea line after one yeah these are slick te’s that’s not ideal ah too much turn that’s on the Dance Floor flexy no no definitely wow look at that Hill skip too bird putt felt good felt good nice P baby all right ho five I think we’re playing the B pin so 300 I’m just gonna take this md3 and just smoke it hard it’s hard higher don’t don’t yeah not all right at least got the up shot wow absolutely perfect nice putt good par all right hole six downhill 400 feet all righty Flex yeah it is what a shot oh man I didn’t trust it oh yeah miss it all right shot that can do it that could do it keep going left it just went straight the whole way one more oh yeah two more ah it’s too flippy but good shots coup Goods yeah I don’t really care about playing my first ones today but I haven’t really had a long putt chance yet so let’s see what we got not enough see that’s the problem step through it there it is right there see easy money oh never mind I’m wrong I’m lying to myself what do you got brother hole seven we got basket dead straight weird gaps but Mando right uh kind of late left don’t hit it just dead centered it and my hoodie hit me in the eye and that’s a good that’s a good chucking prey well I missed my Gap but it works oh there it is right there get in the air Big Air Big Air Big Air Big Air Big Air short get up oh get bed oh yeah yeah bend the knees you got it easy get through it yep that’s good ha ah late hit but that’s all right I’ll take it oh yeah come on just keep going though oh yeah good hit good hit I feel like that’s probably where I want to same result same result yeah MD oh this is actually a way trickier put than I thought I thought it was going to be like a simple heer but this is like a Hiser bomb not far enough that was a terrible effort that’s better ah all right ho 9 420 and uh this is a straight lace job right here with the didy one a it’s slippery teapad but that’s solid shot ah just get through oh look at it go though how did I do that oh my god well I’m just throwing it all arm with that teapad unfortunate but solid shot big Heiser yep wow we is that good very good Y no I knew I did that all right all right hold 10 one of my favorites right there kind of a multi-option fairway I think I really like how the turnover looks the middle Gap is more of like a flex sidearm but we’ll try that after love it that’s not far enough though yeah too much turn too early no too much higher there it is short could have told you that all right ho 11 uh it looks like it’s 380 long turnover yeah probably not far enough but I like the flight alrighty don’t hit it that was good what disc was that the tactic oh on the back I mean the the bleeping tactic oh see that running in oh oh I got big puted twice dude if you just trust it man I’m so close to getting it right just not high enough just fade out that’s fine got a bad all right bad oh I slipped again but it’s still turning it’s still turning it wanted to so bad and the Road Runner oops nice whole 14 one of the iconic holes on the course zoom in on the basket for you boom first time I came here I just like let’s just say straight up wasn’t good enough to hit that Gap so I parked it going sidearm turnover with this exact disc right here and that was three years ago so let’s see if my forehand is as good as it was three years ago because my backhand is way better stay up ah it’s just uh that disc used to be more over stable yep money I think this is Par Four Jared Black Guardian aliens he’s on the course right now he just texted me ah I didn’t put enough juice to get it to flip it’s trying stra yeah yeah that good one more yeah I was thinking about that one one more that’s too much flip come on bro you’re better than that I’m going to go make a shot that’s probably impossible a nope let me try it a little closer one of the other signer holes on the course there’s the basket and uh good luck getting to it clean all righty here we go dd1 is the perfect disc for this shot 450 the tightest tunnel in the forest too much turn ah no dude you’re just not throwing them right there it is no it still did it I mean yeah those are solid shots but good for tournament play I guess there he is a wild Jared Black in the forest hey there he is he’s going to Sprint over here called it called it he’s going to take the shirt off no he’s just fixing his necklace hey hi beautiful I haven’t seen you in a while since you was women and Dallas I’m going on a plane in the to he is hello going home so one thing about this course I’m sure a lot of people don’t know is that it’s got so it’s got a lot of neighborhoods around which isn’t always my favorite for disc golf courses unless I were to live in that neighborhood I guess but uh in 2020 Pierre Park was like freaking nationally famous in the dis golf world for a bad reason people were out here dis golfing during the lockdown and the residents came out with bolt cutters and cut the tops and cages right off off the baskets and it was just a naked pole with just a bunch of cut cages and baskets and it was a pretty controversial thing and quite the depressing sight to see when it was just a bunch of baskets just mangled o MD Nice Shot come on bro what are you doing what are you doing got it ho 16 without further Ado yeah definitely looks like 2 84 flip now yep got it got it got it yes ah oh my [Music] God God no cuz I don’t have another disc like that so just go ahead oh I hope you like that as much as I did finally got a good line with that md3 too low skip somehow skip somehow no just sticky grass yeah brand new Seine md4 yeah just low oh mil dude what is that like I know it went in but come on oh 7 looks to me like the perfect disc to throw the md3 again or perfect hole dude what are you doing it’s a good shot for 18 maybe ah okay FD baby oh wow nice putt there we go that’s mine all right made it to whole 18 good round Par Four basically throw it as far as you can bro there’s literally only one tree to hit and I hit it yeah good line nice oh Al righty I’ve landed in a very weird spot basket is up on the stump over there I’m sure you can see it I’m going to try a little md5 higher in the air and you got it bro same thing or better yeah just not good enough little bit finish on high note he ah nice strike nice so if you’re a pure Park Fan there are two more holes over the bridge in case you didn’t hear we’re going to go check them out hole 18 B I guess md3 time last time was a freaking money shot Heiser ah ah this is a good chance actually pin yeah yeah yeah yeah y y y no just parked it dang yeah baby that was a great rip Nice Shot do it for real dang it maybe drop drop drop ah man so good that’s terrible all right we’re done this is uh the last hole 18b and uh it’s time to show you guys something that I have not shown here on the Vlog and that is this which is a uh special release nobody’s seen them yet uh they just happen to make like a small batch sealine tilt now we’ve seen the EXO hard tilt we’ve seen The Meta tilt we’ve seen the Lux Vapor tilt and um first ever sea line tilt right here so let’s throw it how does she fly island green nothing better than a tilt for an island green high and wide ah not wide enough well I missed the island that’s money drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop oh D MD sod too far yeah dude if you would just throw it at the basket all right last one one make it count that looks great but it’s just too much Glide dang all right folks that’s going to do it for today’s video here at Pier Park featuring two brand new holes I’ve never even heard of but here they are and we just played them unfortunately no Aces on the board today but that’s all right but uh babe what do you think of the course I thought it was beautiful it was taxing and challenging my arm hurts a lot of fun beautiful forest trees and uh well manicured always pure Park it’s just like the paths are just perfect and the signage is great and the people are great thank you for watching like subscribe we’ll see you next time go Celtics


  1. So whistlers bend is my home course but I've always wondered why they haven't played a dgpt event at it yet

  2. As you know doubt understand, what you see at Pier Park didn't happen overnight!

    From its inception, there were challenges to be met – from angry neighbors ("Friends of Pier Park" petitioned the city to remove the course after its first year), to multiple redesigns to protect the flora and fauna, (read: neighbors – one of whom claimed to have been hit by discs so many times that concerned friends called the police to report abuse, then claiming that the investigating officer was hit by a disc, none of which could be corroborated, of course!), to the addition of rubber tee pads in circa 2004, to concrete tee pads in 2006 (I still want to find the perps who engraved their names into the hole 4 tee pad, whom I chased out of the park!) , landscaping, multiple pin placements, more landscaping, the winter layout, more landscaping, new pin placements, even more landscaping, new baskets, and the list goes on! No one person can claim to have been a part of it all, but everyone who volunteered are very much appreciated!

    On behalf of the dozens, if not hundreds of volunteers who have invested blood, sweat and tears into Pier Park Disc golf over the past 22 years, thank you for the compliments!!

    – Brian Riley

  3. Bro I can’t lie if I had a girl with curves like that plus a pretty face and she’s pretty decent at disc I’d be on a knee congrats man you found what 99% of us are after🤣💪

  4. I love how you've adopted finnish as a 2nd disc golf language 😀 I guess great job Niklas and co.!

  5. As someone who has played Pier like 500 times, it’s nice to know that a pro has trouble on most of these holes. It’s a toughy for sure

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