Golf Players

30 Seconds to a Stronger Golf Swing

You need a strong upper body to get the most out of your Golf Swing 💣

That means this GOLFWOD is going to help you hit it further more often:


Asymmetry – 3 Sets

20 Split Stance Press
20 Split Stance Row
20 Impact Swings

All 10 each side, Bands or Cables.
We are looking at Core Stability and Upper Body output throughout so you can create force with incredible Balance and efficiency.

Strength – 6 Rounds

6 Shoulder Press @ 70-80% of 1 Rep Max

Rest as needed between Sets.
Overhead Strength in the middle of our power and strength focus for all round gains.
Look to work at the same weight as last weeks 6 x 4.
Foundational strength for body maintenance and longevity.

Power – 3 Sets

10 DBL DB/KB Push Press @ 7-8 RPE
10 DBL DB/KB Shrugs @ 9-10 RPE

Rest 90 seconds + between Sets
Explosive Reps for the Push Press as you use the ground and fire the whole body followed by heavy Shrugs to pressure the Shoulders and your Grip. Take ample rest and focus in on execution.

Beginner: 10kg/25lbs & 20kg/45lbs
Intermediate: 15kb/30lbs & 25kg/55lbs
Pro: 24kg/53lbs & 30kg/70lbs

Fatigue Sets

Reverse Fly
Front Raises
Alternating Bent Over Row

Hitting 1 Set per movement close to the point of failure. Maintain form and focus throughout and feel the growth happening. Select weights at around 7 RPE and expect 20+ Reps for each movement.

Cardio Finisher – For Time

Choose one Modality

500m Row or Ski
400m Run
1000m Bike

Challenge Score: Sub 1:45

Super high intensity, a sub 2 minute workout so this really is a sprint!


what delivers all of your power and speed into the club head and into your [Music] shut that’s right it’s the hands and arms through your grip we often talk about power through the legs and the Torso but if your upper body isn’t strong enough to deliver all of those forces into the shot you’re wasting distance and you’re wasting Club head speed when you train the upper body you’re maxing out your golf potential so use this full day of golf W training to improve your upper body play better golf for longer

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