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Boston Celtics NBA Finals Post-Game, GM2: Jayson Tatum, Holiday, Brown & Mazzulla on 2-0 vs. Mavs

Watch as Boston Celtics NBA Finals Post-Game, GM2: Jayson Tatum, Holiday, Brown & Mazzulla on 2-0 vs. Mavs

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[Music] the comment that was made yesterday um oh nice ringtone um I feel like people kind of took that out of context and and I’ve been hearing that uh I prefer JB over JT and um that’s not that’s not what that was um I like to praise my teammates I like to praise my teammates when they’re playing well and I feel like that’s what um I did my best to do um when I got here JT was the first person to text me um I already know that and both of them know how how I feel about them how I feel about them as players but to compare them is something that I would never do CU they’re two completely different players um as well as being on the same team and the things that they’ve done in this organization and the things that they’ve done again against me as an opponent um I feel like how they play together and how they work together is something that sacred and something that can’t be broken so just to address the comment yesterday I do not prefer one or the other I prefer both both of them are superstars and it’s being shown out here on on the biggest stage in the world questions please first question in the back right champ T Lunas ABS CBN News uh Drew how are you able to shred Dallas’s defense effectively cutting to the basket majority of the game and how do you feel when Kyrie gives up the ball when you guard him um again I don’t think I’m shredding the defense uh I think it’s more so JT and JB um especially tonight JT was getting into the paint and being double teamed and making the right plays out of it and um just finding me um you know just either being at the dunker being in the corner uh he has that Vision as a playmaker so um I would give that to them back left standing Drew uh kyri Thompson Boston Globe the buzzer beater that pton hit if he doesn’t hit that you guys are up six going into uh the fourth just as someone with your defensive chops what does that do to a defense when someone hits a shot like that at the end of a quarter well first I fou Kyrie and put him on the free throw line and I got my third foul so Payton came in for me so that’s uh I know I didn’t want to foul him but I’m kind kind of glad that I did and um the energy that Payton brings um him just having the balls to take that shot and uh he’s done it so many times uh this year where he’s um had had the courage to it and he’s knocked it in has been huge for us so it was definitely a confidence boost and um uh really just boosted us for for the rest of that game Shane on your right Shane Shane Yama Forbes I’m just curious you know what in your opinion drives the closeness and togetherness of this group is part of it the fact that everyone’s had to sacrifice a little bit of something um I think when you sacrifice together and you do something together it brings you closer uh I think being able to uh go through wins and losses and to build something me it means a lot so uh when you go through things like that I think it makes you closer and um I think that that’s what this team has done uh from from 1 to 15 somebody sacrificed something so uh it’s been great and the journey has been awesome but at the end of the day the job’s not done Jake over here on left Drew you praising JT’s ability to draw to and make the right read when you’re in the dunker going on the Baseline for him specifically compared to other ball handlers on your team what are you reading about his handle and what he’s doing to try to put yourself in the right position I think just trying to get into space uh and trying to uh be in his vision I know that sometimes when I drive and I might get stuck uh I need somebody to drift with me or to kind of be in space and be in my vision so I think for the most part I just try to stay in front of them um give him a good outlet and and he’s been making great reads on your right fifth row in the Jeff zot USA Today Drew I know lots of things probably factor into why a player is comfortable with a certain team um but I wanted to know maybe what influence Brad Stevens has had on you and with you and how you feel about playing in Boston and for the Celtics yeah when I first got traded here um he was obviously one of the first people that I talked to and I just think his positive nature he has this uh he’s kind of this kind soul um somebody who is has great energy about him so um every time that I talk to him and every time I see him he’s always been encouraging and this has been from the beginning so um it’s always nice to have somebody like that uh have your back and um again somebody like that in your corner in your organization Dave on the left on third row Drew if if jayen and Jason are the superstars on this team what’s your role and if you’re going to be the team’s leading scorer leading rebounder and shoot the highest percentage game two the finals why aren’t you a superstar as well I’m a utility guy I do whatever um I’m I’m I’m here to win I feel like they brought me here to win um and and I’ll do my best to do that um but at the end of the day this is this is their team and I know it’s probably just as much as my team as theirs but uh again I feel like I’ve talked about this before the pressure that they have on themselves to execute and to be great is a little bit different than than than my pressure um and again I’ve always uh been honest about that and how they always handled themselves has been something that’s been so honorable so um it’s just it’s it’s slightly different um they’re Superstars and and I’m here to support Rachel hey je um two games in to another NBA Finals uh you were up to0 in that one also but just very different teams so I’m I’m curious how this finals experience so far has been different from your first one uh yeah um well that we’re actually down to0 that was slightly slightly different uh but I think all I remember is a win yeah and that’s and and that’s all I I remember too is um so I think it’s a little different that uh again different team different setting different year um definitely having Co year it it was it was a bit weird but um I think being on this team the uh the journey to this point has been um has been great but we still know being up 20 means nothing um job’s not done and we have to do whatever it takes has it felt a lot different from you though being here a second time um yeah uh I would say maybe I’m a bit more comfortable you know um just knowing uh kind of the pressure and uh the atmosphere and um obviously what’s on the line uh this is this is a bit different second row in the center true during one of those extended timeouts in the second quarter it looked like you guys had a pretty tight huddle and a long huddle um what conversations do you remember from that huddle in particular or what kind of conversations are players having with each other when the game is kind of going back and forth yeah um you know in huddles like that it’s uh it’s intimate and it’s something that uh we kind of hold close and and and dear to ourselves so um I think in times like that encouraging each other um being able to police ourselves uh in times like that when we might be doing something that uh is uncharacteristic or even if we’re doing something great all those things are brought up in those moments uh to where we can um really just go out there and and do our best to win the game Chris over here on the left jury you mentioned you’re kind of brought here to win and the guys have all seemingly kind of look to you as the guy of the experience the guy that that knows what it takes how have you you know embraced that role and how has that role kind of manifested during you know the finals here as well man I I love my teammates um they’ve been here before they’ve been here before and they know what it takes and to to get to this point and um they’ve they’ve shown it you’ve seen them in the easn Conference Finals and you’ve seen them in the finals before um and we’re all determined as a team we all want this and um it’s something that it’s it’s Collective so I I won’t say that I do much or I talk much um I feel like I’m more of an action type of guy uh and I go out there and I’ll play hard as I can and do whatever the team needs for for us to win last question on your right second row Drew uh Derrik was in here and he said he was very grateful that you came in and sort of adapted the way you did cuz he said you could have come in here and said I’m Drew holiday and he would have just sort of accepted that that you were the allstar that’s coming in um was there a moment in the season where you felt that you guys as a team really clicked in terms of that chemistry or was it just sort of natural from the start um I think it was natural I think that uh they had chemistry and and some some things I had to figure out um but that just goes to show how great a teammates I have um there’s been times where I’ve struggled uh kind of figuring out my place or what I wanted or what I need to do to help the team win and Derrick’s been the person who has talked me through it um I’ve been point guards in all the teams and I’ve been uh shooting guards on on the team but but Derek is our point guard and he’s shown that the whole the whole season um but I would say that there are different times in the season where each guy is kind of come and talk to me about um how they felt and and how they saw the game and what I could do to help and all that and that’s helped me out tremendously uh getting to this point thank you okay we’ll take questions first question right here up front Nick turn over hey there Jaylen Nick alfield LEL media I asked you yesterday about Thursday’s crowd uh you know you challenge them again for tonight just want to get your thoughts on how they did I thought it was great um in moments where we uh where we gained some momentum um that helped us get over the hump so tonight we came out we didn’t shoot the ball well we was a little flat but I I feel like the crowd helped to stay in the game on your right second row Jaylen uh you see Drew have a performance like this where he gets his buckets basically just playing off of you guys he came in here and said um The Chemistry Between the team and him was Pretty Natural from the start and he credited you know you and the rest of his teammates for that how have you seen Drew grow into what is a new role for him this season and then be able to have a game like this in the finals Drew has been uh an example of just Excellence you know since he’s been here he’s uh his role has been different from what it was the last few years on Milwaukee and he’s been able to adapt you know not a lot of players not a lot of guys can do that be versatile play different roles and different styles and still have an effect on the game and Drew you know he just came in he wasn’t on the ball as much still guarded at a high level but became the corner three-point specialist and you know that’s just a testament to his greatness and tonight they wanted to emphasize loading up making us make the right reads over and over again and Drew had a lot of opportunities tonight and he took advantage um and he’s just a a hell of a player hell of a person great teammate and you know I credit the victory to him tonight he played well Jared back left Jared W the athletic yesterday Jason kid had the comments about you being the best player on the team seemed like everybody was kind of like we’re not taking the bait on you trying to split us up and drive a wedge and then today you and Jason combined for almost more assists than their entire team had so how do you guys like block out the outside noise we talked about this so many times but it seems like you’re showing on the court that you’re committed to that and how is playmaking kind of become a tool for you to really show your greatness yeah we got a lot of weapons on our team so we just got to trust you know trust what we’ve been doing all season long um trust our game plan um and we didn’t hit Shots tonight um I thought we had a bunch of Great Looks if you go back and look in the first in the first half Sam had a bunch of Great Looks um D had some looks that didn’t go down but we didn’t Panic we kept guarding we stayed in the game and we kept trusting it and we made enough tonight to win the game but you know we expect to shoot the ball better I’m going forward when we get on the row Gary in the center Jaylen Gary wash from Boston Globe um can you take us through the chase down block of PJ Washington you and uh Derek both converged and I think both got part of the ball uh what happened there what were you looking at and can you kind of touch on Derek’s impact and the blocks he makes and the defense and just the things he does yeah Derek is he’s been you know all defensive all season long um in that moment right there we make a tough Rim read know rims lead to transition um so we want to manage that a little bit better but you know it’s the playoffs you got to just get back and make a play and Derek white Derek white Sprints back you know I see they have an advantage I I Sprint back and was able to make a play there um but you know those are the type of plays that help you win games um and you know it’s just eort that’s what it comes down to Dave over here third row in the aisle Jaylen before Drew said anything to us postgame tonight he wanted to address us and basically say that a comment that he made the other day he felt like was taken out of context and he would never rank his teammates and he supports both you and Jason tum as Superstars how is kind of his perspective his wisdom or his voice been something that’s been welcome to this year’s group as you’ve succeeded to this point Drew is a great teammate um nothing short of that he’s brought Championship pedigree um to our team so nothing Drew says we question um Drew he comes in and he just is who he is he’s got that demeanor that killer-like mentality and uh we respect it you know what I mean he’s a great teammate and it’s just an honor to play next next to him Abby on the far right Jaylen you guys have held the Mavs under 100 in both of these games and then particularly in the second half tonight we did against Luca defensively how are you doing this um uh just like effort plays um I I think tonight we wasn’t as crisp defensively um it was a lot of miscommunications out there a lot of stuff that you know we gave up that we didn’t give up in the first game um so I think we got to be better um in that regard but I just think our effort has been the key you know just the mentality picking a guy up for a court um and stuff like that just wears on him over time but I I think we need to be more crisp going into the uh the next two games fourth r on the aisle over here on your left Jaylen on a night when shots aren’t falling how big was the buzzer beater that Peyton hit man that that that was incredible and uh I heard he like checked himself in the game too like he’s been he’s been hitting those shots all season long if you know if uh anybody’s been paying attention to he’s made I don’t know how many those at least three or four um so tonight he made it in the at the in the biggest of moments um but it’s just a example of what we do and have been doing all season long um and you know how you finish quarters is Big um and we didn’t finish that quarter great we got a lot of open looks um we gave up some it was some bad fouls one of them was mine foul Luca on the back cut um and then we me and JT got mixed communication on the switch look at how to three we got to finish quarters better but Payton checks himself in the game and and covers us a little bit by hitting the big time shot on your right second row shanee Shane forward Sports you kind of touched on it but what does it say about your composure as a team the fact that you’ve repeatedly answered run after run uh when things get tight in the series that’s the key that’s that’s majority of what the battle is is just managing your emotions how do you handle adversity you know and your your will and your perseverance you know everything isn’t going to go according to plan um I wouldn’t have I wouldn’t have hop that we shot I don’t even we seven for 23 from three um and and we had a few ilevis turnovers and fouls but you know you just effort makes up the difference and you know your your mindset we play I think we play harder than him tonight and I think that’s just going to be the key if we want to win we got to just be the harder playing Team Chris here on the left on second row hey J uh Chris Ryan with iHeart um when you have kind of had focus in regard to Luca and Kyrie in this series what’s been the the mindset in regard to making them work on both ends and how key has your depth been in regard to giving them multiple looks you know Luka had to worry tonight about getting his pocket picked a couple times what’s the focus been on that side that’s the key um just trying to wear on those guys be as physical as we possibly can full team effort um you know just keep just keep touching them um that’s it I I think that those guys are tremendously gifted offensively and they came out um swinging Luca came out in the first quarter we knew what he was going to do um we knew he was going to be aggressive but we just stayed with the game plan um we stayed um just consistent and we was able to turn him over a few times that helped us push the lead out media Jaylen you mentioned the defense that they’re showing you and Jason the extra bodies you know some of the crowds you’re seeing in the paint how much more equipped do you and you know Jason feeli to kind of handle that and make the right passes maybe not shoot as well as you want to but have like 12 assists or as many potential assist as you have in a game like this yeah and that’s just being patient um and you know you got a lot of um you got a lot of uh energy excitedness nerves when the game starts but sometimes you just got to be patient um and I got to the paint pretty much whenever I want it and you know I could be patient when I get there you know I had a few turnovers where I I had a little bit more time to wait for the defender to make a choice cuz uh those two-on-one reads are there um where you know you get to the paint the defender the big is coming you either kick it to the corner or if he drops down to the corner you kick it to the wing but you know don’t got to be in the rush just protect the ball make the great great decisions and trust your teammates and I think that’s what that’s what majority of this is and uh we did that enough tonight but I think we need to do it a little more going into Dallas thank you jayen thank you we’ll have uh Jason does Jason look to kind of handle some of the you know shooting struggles he’s having to start the series than two years ago you know against Golden State here with the passing and everything he else is he’s doing and how important was it having Drew in that dunker spot for him to have a little bit of an outlet there in that first half yeah uh you know before that I think the play of the game uh can’t go on notice the humility of our team is Payton shot at the end of the quarter and you see guys around the league pass up on that shot or fake like they want to take it and so that their their numbers don’t get uh you know messed up and uh he takes pride in taking that and that’s winning basketball so uh that’s the first and foremost that should have been the first question is the ability of our uh everybody on our team to do different things that lead to winning so uh I’m really tired of hearing about one guy or this guy or that guy and everybody trying to make it out to be um anything other than Celtic basketball and uh everybody that play stepped on that court tonight made winning plays on both ends of the floor it’s the most important thing and then to answer your question Jason makes greatness look easy he does it in a lot of different ways he does it on defense does it on rebounding does it on passing does it on screening um he’s a tremendous player and honored to coach him and he has the ability to affect the game in different ways we’re a different team but uh it takes everybody to do it that should answer everyone’s question Jake over here on the left side Joe that being said was there an emphasis for Jason to play more of a distributor role tonight it seemed like that was kind of his Personal Agenda out there the emphasis uh and where he’s grown over the last two years is to take what the defense has given him and learn to impact the game in many different ways and because of the type of team that we’ve had especially this year uh he’s seen a bunch of different coverages and he’s seen different matchups because teams have to match up with our and so coming into a game uh it’s kind of similar to a puzzle and he’s done a great job learning how to solve the puzzle and do different things tonight with the way that they were rotating and the way that they were defending the most important thing was making the right play at the rim and we were able to stay out of transition because our guys made that and so uh I thought he did a tremendous job doing what uh the game called for Dave over here on the left Joe you guys trailed at the end of the first quarter Luca at 13 Drew ends up outscoring Luca in quarters two through four what allowed you guys to get him going on offense and and obviously as you mentioned a lot of you guys can do a lot of different things for you but um when a guy like luuka has a going like that how how much of a boost is it to get an extra scoring Boost from a guy like Drew yeah I mean listen you got to take a look at um we gave up a 26o first quarter and then three 25 Point quarters in the 26-point first quarter we follow the three-point we messed up to two for one and follow the three-point shooter for three free throws Luca gets two shooting free throws we give up a transition basket to PJ Washington PJ Washington hits it above the break three that’s almost 70% of the points there so that like the game was going the way we wanted it to go outside of the things that we can control and um I thought our guys took the Poise and remained the mindset and the toughness to to understand that uh and then Drew you know it’s connected and that’s what people don’t realize is like every guy on our team can’t be at their best if this guy doesn’t do that so Jason’s facilitating jaylen’s decision-making that leads to Drew’s playmaking and the way that they’re defending us we have to make multiple plays we have to have multiple drives and uh I think Drew did a great job guys did a great job finding him he did a great job attacking Closeouts and then either kicking it back out for a second drive or getting um you know an open shot and then what he can do defensively uh it just goes back to everybody on the team uh Works to impact the game differently uh every single night Gary all the way in the middle Jo Gary was from Boston Globe on the the play that Tatum was blocked at The Rim Derek ran from the Mavericks in front of the Mavericks bench and caught Washington I mean that’s kind of that’s that was sick yeah it’s canny yeah I mean yeah we agree on that I mean what is it about him what I mean he just makes an intangible place he it’s the 27f footer to beat the shot clock like it just seems like he is so reliable I mean can touch on that oh yeah I mean I think it just comes back to he’s not defined by one thing he’s not a if you would to ask like he’s not a he’s just a little bit of everything he can handle pick and roll he can score on pick and roll he can stay spaced he’s not defined by scoring he rebounds he plays defense he can play pick and roll ball handler the pick and roll screener he’s had blocks on bigs and so he’s just another guy that’s selfless and wants to impact the game in any way that he can and it looks different every night and I think the thing about him is the confidence that he has to maybe go some possessions or half or you know because teams are guarding us differently his uh frequency can be impacted because of that at times but uh he just fights to impact the game in different ways John over on the right Joe John carrales Boston SP Journal when a team is shooting struggling shooting from three there might be a tendency to say okay we’re just going to drive it um but you guys contined to when you did drive it make those right reads despite that what kind of discipline does it take to not get into that that thing of like forcing missed layups that you keep talking about that could trigger another team’s run and to keep kicking it out and eventually a couple of huge threes fall down at the end yeah listen the most important thing is getting a good shot and not turning it over so when in the first half even though we’re missing our expected points per shot was was much higher than theirs and I liked every shot that we took and that’s the most important thing is take what the defense gives you whether it’s a layup or there and um and the second piece to that was our offensive rebounding and so I think we had an offensive rebounding rate in the first half of like 41% and uh died down in the second half but like when you’re not shooting it well you still want to make the right play so that it doesn’t impact the other end of the floor uh but you have to have um the offensive rebounding capacity to get extra possessions and I thought we did a really good job of that in the first half and had some timely ones in the second half Joe right here Joe V in the athletic uh did porzingis re aggravate the calf and what’s your concern level for him for game three no zero he’s good next question standing back left on two Joe hold on for the mic Joe kyri Thompson Boston Globe you touched on it briefly but the buzzer beater that porzingis that uh that Pritchard hit um huge shot his only make of the night what makes you trust him in those moments uh he’s has the humility and the self assist to not care if he misses it he practices it and has an understanding of how a shot like that can impact the uh end of a quarter and can impact the run that a team makes so that they had went on a run to end the quarter and I thought that shot kind of gave us a little bit of poise and a little bit of um you know momentum that we needed heading into the fourth quarter that was big time Tim last question here we got Dereck white coming in next you uh you sub pton in right before that was the plan for him to run up and take that shot uh yeah yeah he takes pride in it yes and you guys you pride yourself on process a lot as a team obviously in a night where you didn’t hit a lot of shots especially from Deep the offense kept moving you kept trusting the shots and you hit a couple late did you like the way you guys stuck with yeah trying you have to look at the other side of the coin if you get away from the discipline and doing what you’re doing in those situations it’s going to lead to other things and um I and it goes to the trust that the guys having each other and so uh as long as you’re taking great shots you have to trust the process on the back end of that you got to have your offensive rebounding rate to help you and when things aren’t going that way you have to keep them off the free throw line which you didn’t do a great job of um but we had three 25o quarters so usually happens is you have those empty possessions on the offensive end your defense starts to win or you start to mistrust the discipline of your spacing and your shot selection and you end up giving transition and getting crossmatched and so uh the guys trusted and stayed disciplined and we were able to stay out of crossmatches and we were able to kind of uh you know keep the game and uh the the way we wanted to play it thank you coach thanks Derek white will be up next back left first question Jared W the athletic uh when you were sitting at that Podium last time we were asking you about Jason kid’s comments about Jaylen and you said it was a smart thing for him to try to do to try to trve a wedge between you guys tonight you guys came out you combined for 19 assists made it pretty apparent you were going to try to move the ball as much as possible so what did you think of his attempt to try to do that and how do you feel like you guys responded on the court uh I think we responded really well uh you know they’re not the way they their their defense is setup and how much they’re loading up and converging at The Rim uh you know it just puts us in positions to um attack and and find the easy kickout read and um just to keep a you know the ball popping and things like that so we can get good to great shots um on each and every possession on your right Jake third row Jason were those reads something that you went into tonight anticipating a little bit premeditated or did you get out there and see it and then make a a kind of conscious switch flip in your head that I’m going to be spraying the ball tonight uh I mean every time I take a couple dribbl it’s like three people right there uh so you know we got a bunch of Shooters on our team and guys that can space the floor uh they kept leaving Drew open and so it wasn’t like I had to do anything spectacular uh it was just about finding an open guy Dave here on the left Jason Drew LED you guys in scoring tonight LED you guys in rebounding tonight you’re up 20 in the NBA Finals where would you guys be as a team without him uh good thing we don’t have to find out uh you know we’re very very fortunate to to have him and uh you know he was excellent tonight Nick here in the front hey there Jason Nick y field L media building off of that um when you guys got through this offseason I heard a lot from Milwaukee fans the one grip about him was the defense is always there offense is there in the regular season tends to fade in the playoffs did you guys expect to get this offensive production from him at this point in the season uh yeah uh and you guys are smart enough to know the way our team is set up like we have so many talented guys um on both ends of the floor that it could be a number of of guys on a given night uh you know we we have a really talented team uh and you know that’s how we wion games standing in the back left Andrew Callahan Boston Herold uh Jason how much did you feel them adjust at either end tonight from game one yeah uh the way they started the game right uh they they were playing faster um you know you could tell that they wanted to shoot more threes um nobody from the neither team really shot the ball well from the three uh but you could tell that that was uh part of their their their plan um just to play faster and you know shoot more threes and and crash a glass a lot more as well any other questions Chris right over here how does it affect your mindset in knowing that you have all those weapons you know in a game like this where you’re getting blitzed you’re seeing guys come at you how do you how does it affect you knowing that you you don’t have to quot on go be the guy uh uh I mean it’s there different ways I guess to to phrase that you know it’s not all about scoring um you know I can beat a guy by you know rebounding and getting assists and and drawing attention right you know when I have the ball um in certain spots right I I draw so much attention um it’s not always I’m not always going to be the guy to get the shot uh but you know sometimes sacrificing uh being in those spots to to to make the play um that we get the best shot possible knowing that you know what they want to take away um in in their schemes and things like that uh so you know being the guy in different ways maybe you don’t score all the points but um you do all the things to you know put you guys in the best position to to win on your right John fourth row John corales Boston Sports Journal Jason what’s the journey been like to get to this this point here for you as a playmaker right like a couple couple years ago eay kind of challenged you to be more of a playmaker you accepted that you have grown into a person now that’s in the NBA finals and spotlights on you you could very easily try to score on a matchup that you can score against but you’re doing more and more of the playmaking how how have you grown as a player to get to a point on this stage that you’re still willing to to make what is known as the right play uh it’s it has a lot to do with that you know I’ve been here before and we didn’t win and it’s just like you know we’re so close to what we’re trying to accomplish uh why would I let my ego or or feel my need to score all the points get in the way of that um you know there are going to be times where you know I need to score and obviously I need to shoot better Godly um but you know really we always talk about do whatever it takes for however long it takes um and if I need to have 16 potential assists every single night and that’s what puts us in the best position to win and doesn’t mean I’m the leading score um by all means and you know if that gives us the best chance to win sign me up Gary in the middle Gary waser Boston Globe Jason can you take us through okay the dunk I don’t know if it was blocked you kind of miss it then the chase down from Jaylen and Derek like what did you see were you in position to see that play and how pivotal of a sequence was that uh that was a big time play um for you know those guys to get back uh I I I had fell on the ground um so as soon as I just turned my head and looked up I seen that they made a play at The Rim uh and you know that was big you know guys making winning plays at crucial times um on both ends of the floor uh last question here on the second row on the right hey Jason one more Drew question for you he came in here and said you guys have been a big help sort of helping him get acclimated here he mentioned that there were times throughout the season where you or other teammates would come up to him and say okay this is what you know I think I could need from you is there a point in time or or a moment that you remember withdrew that sort of you know everything really clicked or was that sort of just a natural you know Chemistry Between You guys throughout the season uh I think from a team aspect it’s just a it’s a natural process process um you there a lot that goes into you know joining a new team from personal standpoint and then you know you’ve been so used to a different organization now you come to a new team and having to learn you know uh personalities and and play style and things like that and uh you know I’ve had a relationship with Drew from you know few years ago we won a gold medal um so you know I would just I guess check in or you know um always reminded my guest that you know to be yourself and you know we’re going to need you in big moments obviously like tonight um you know not that maybe he didn’t need the reminder um but you know just letting him know um throughout the season that uh you know how much we value him and things like that thank you Jason concludes the session in here for tonight thanks [Music] oh


  1. Jrue holiday is a superstar too. And he came do the same capabilities as Tatum and brown. And don't forget he was drafted in the NBA. way before Tatum and brown.

  2. As a Mavs fan, I wanted Jrue in Dallas. I feel the dude has been underrated for a long time. I’m hoping to see the Mavs even the series, but hats off to this group (except Tingus Pingus) if they do win.

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