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England training squad named for Euro 2024 🏆 | Merse and Kaveh REACT to provisional team

Paul Merson and Kaveh Solhekol react to Gareth Southgate’s announcement of the provisional England squad for the Euro 2024.



well we did have a break so I did ask you two to Scythe the squad we’re going to come to that in just a moment because I know that that’s what’s clearly on Gare southgate’s mind he said you know he’d have rather it been simplified and almost he wanted to to announce those the 26 and no more but he didn’t he had to go with this 33 he also talked about that he’s got a lot of Youth in there he wants to see a lot of Youth so it’s kind of alluding to the fact that those are the players that won’t make that final 26 in terms of players that perhaps could have been in that 33 Reese James no one asked why he was n in there but Luke Shaw gets an odd when he’s injured ree James is fit and ready to play yeah I didn’t get that one I’m quite shocked I I think he’s one of the best in the business I know he’s had a long injury but you know Shaw’s been out a long time and yeah I’m quite shocked with that one because I think you know you got Kyle Walker who plays at right back but if you bring ree James as well it opens it up into playing a free at the back at sometimes we might want to play a free at the back against better teams you know and REE James is one of the best Wing backs of about and then it opens if he goes to right back you could put walker into the center half and then we might have to chase a game against someone and you got Walker’s Pace at the back but we got a right back you know I’m not sure about Trent Alexander at right back you know I’m not I think he’s an talented player I think his passing range of passes Second To None I think he’s the best passer in the whole of the country but I don’t think he’s a Defender at International level so I’m quite shocked with ar re James I’m really shocked it’s interesting actually when they announc that I mean I know GIS Sate said you know I just give them the names and they sort of slot them into the boxes but actually they sort of put Trent Alexander Arnold in the Midfield Department um is that way you’d prefer to see him as sort of going forward more like he was used by yeah it’s an OD one he’s played against some you know lesser country teams you know he’s not played against the crem that the creme in Midfield he’s played against teams where he’s going to have time on the ball you know it’s hard to judge you got to play against you know Tony Cruz and people like that do you know what I mean it C’s and pros and mudri mud who like you you go to get and they flick it around the corner but for me you got to get if he comes into a team get him on the ball he’s he’s the best passer in the in the country by in my opinion by a million miles range of passing he rang of passing is second to none and this is how good we are he probably won’t play and that’s why I keep on emphasizing how good this team this this squad is cuz you’re talking about as I said the best passer in the country by a million miles won’t get in the team thing is if if england are going to win the Euros as you said they’re going to have to do it without a left back because if you look at this squad the big problem is the left back position because okay Luke Shaw is in the squad but he’s injured uh Gare Southgate said he’s a long shot he’s up against it he’s missed a lot of football if he wasn’t the number one choice in his position uh we wouldn’t be giving him this extra time to try and prove that he’s fit but then you look at the other Defenders there’s no other left backs Ty Mitchell yeah Ty Mitchell from Crystal Palace he’s not in so you’re thinking Luke Shaw is probably not going to make it so England will have to rely on having Joe Gomez at left back or Kieran trippier now neither of those players are left backs you know they’re versatile Defenders who can play in that position so I think that could be a real problem position for England this summer yeah it’s interesting to see uh you know what they will do there you like I say Joe Gomez more of a I mean he has played across the whole back four actually for Liverpool but can you see him slotting into that left back role and and confident comfortable with that you know what it’ll be hard you know it will be hard and Gomez a good player I like Gomez you know Resurgence and he he can play right along the back for but then we’re talking we again we’re going to that level now we we’re talking about marking the best right winger in that country of the other team we’re playing the best out of everybody in that country then it’s different you know you’re playing for Liverpool and you’re playing at right back you’re playing against a left Winger he might be not even the best left Winger at that club he’s just playing at the time but you’re playing against the best in that Country and this is it’s like it’s the Olympics you see Olympics but football in the European it’s you know it’s you’re playing against there’s no weak there’s no weak link you know there’s no weak link everybody’s top draw and also England had the same problem of the World Cup in Russia in 2018 because Ashley Young was playing at left back so obviously G Southgate feels this is a situation he’s handled before where he’s got right backs to play at left back and he’s got Gomez and trippier who can do that this time around it looks like he’s going to have to sidee the forwards it feels like that he’s got 12 there at the moment you you yeah you say that I mean I put bellham and foden in Midfield yeah I think they might be two that are playing Midfield in my opinion I you know I think they play with rice in Midfield out out of the Midfield players only see Rice playing so them two have got to be in it do you know what I mean you don’t see kobby Mayu you think Adam Warton goes yeah I’m a big fan of Warton and Mayu mayu’s done great he’s playing at you know one of the biggest clubs in the world and thly deserves to be in it be interested to see Warton you know I think he’s a top draw player I think he’s been outstanding I was sitting just talking earlier and think be interested if he goes there and rips up training cuz this kid reminds me of a young Gareth Barry you know plays as old in Midfield play sees the pass very quickly he’s a dream for people to play like you know like your foden your bellinham your your sackers whoever plays on there he gets the ball and he goes bang and he plays that 5 10 yard pass through the lines very quickly and you you’ve seen eie and you’ve seen Alise say really really they’ve been outstanding but they’ve been outstanding because he gets the ball and he just goes bang and he gives you it and he gives you it before you get picked up you know usually players take one two three four touches and by the time they past it the player who’s dropped off have been connected and you got no chance of getting the ball he interests me he really does he could be he could be a little dark Al he could be dark you mentioned Elis say there because he could have been in the squad actually because France didn’t pick him did he he could have played for England as well so it interesting whether he could have gone for oh I’d be I’d have been phoning him up I think especially on the left what we’re talk but he’s not he ain’t play for France yeah well if he doesn’t want to play I won’t ring him would you have played for France but I’d be ringing him up going you know what the french manager had called you Zinedine zidan would you but he he’s not played he’s not play how many players I mean Ireland would have won a football match would they if if everybody was supposed to be Irish he’s French I mean I was playing against them everybody was IGN I mean everybody was English so you know for me I would go I’d have rung him up and go you can’t get in this French Squad you know come and play for us you know yeah he’s he’s lived over here I think he was born in England was he I might be wrong there if I am I apologize how important is it you know like that camaraderie that you’ve got with your domestic team to bring that into the international team as well that’s kind of important to to the lad’s a talent he’s a yeah he’s a flare player as I say you need that X Factor tournaments X factors win your tournaments not seven out of 10 seven out of 10 w’t when you when you’re a tournament it’s the X Factor and that’s what you was talking about about mbappe he has the X Factor he he does something on this big stage you know they do stuff that’s what you need you need them players you need them flare players you like fodm bellam you know whoever sacka they will do something out the ordinary and that’s what win tournaments you know what I think as well one of the stories of this squad is that I think G Southgate has sat down and thought look I’m going to have a provisional Squad of 33 I’m going to need to cut seven of the players now does he want to be cutting in two weeks time Jordan Henderson Marcus rashford Eric Dy uh Jaden Sancho players like that he’s probably thought no I don’t want to get them into the provisional Squad and then cut them because they’re experienced players instead I want to bring in some young players six or seven players who probably wouldn’t normally make an England squad but because they’re playing well because they’re fresh I want to have a look at them and perhaps one or maybe two of those players will impress so much over the next couple of weeks that they may be able to make it into the 26-man squad and the rest that I cut they’re going to half expect the fact that they’re going to be cut from the squad as well they’ll just be grateful for the experience of having been in such a big England squad and it will be good for them in the future but they’re not going to be throwing their prams out you throwing their toys out of the pram and going crazy if GTH Southgate sits down with them and says look I’m sorry you’re not going to Germany all right then I gave you the opportunity you’ve come up with the seven in fact you came up with more who doesn’t go out of those 33 who doesn’t go I don’t like this B cuz if I was sitting there I wouldn’t want it uh sor we’ve we’ve we’ve picked it and we I mean he done it very quickly I mean I mean that was quick I mean seriously I I think you know it’s difficult to say what will happen in training over the next couple of weeks but you’d have to say probably with the goalkeepers James Trafford would be up against it to make the final Squad and then Defenders you know maybe we’ve already mentioned Luke Shaw Gare Southgate had said it’s a long shot for him to be going then you’ve got names like dun perhaps uh do you think Shaw just throwing it out there if Shaw’s two weeks away do you still take him for The Knockout stages if you knew he could be fit in two weeks time because there’s 26 players you know all 26 players are play you’re doing this case because he’s the only he’s the only out and out left back in the squad and bear in mind they’ve actually got until June the 7th to make as many changes really yeah but even like the June the 7th even if he’s nowhere near fit then you near got another two weeks before the knockout stages so I’m thinking then do you think if he’s got half a chance of playing in The Knockout stages do you take him yeah instead of taking a number 26 who’s got I’ve got more chance to plan than them you know what I mean so what about what about James Madison because I know a lot of Spurs fans have been saying ever since he’s come back from his injury he’s been a little bit off it a little bit disappointing are you surprised that he’s made it I’m not surprised at the moment cuz I think you know it went he’s hot he’s hot and I think with what we’re looking for but you’ve got you you put eie down there I never put him down I never put no no that was just I possibility you think e goes you don’t carve says e no I’m not I’m not say I’m not saying he goes it’s just it’s just the list of possible he goes for me if you if you had out of him and Madison he goes to Germany I agree yeah he goes to Germany yeah I think he’s I I think’s Hest he’s the X Factor he’s the exactor you know he can do something and and other other teams won’t know a lot about him they won’t I I don’t know how you stop him he just just drops his shoulder like that so basically you both didn’t come up with many names that no he didn’t yeah I mean who did you you you you went Boeing why you why you blaming me I I like Boeing I think Boeing again I think Boeing will be unlucky I really do PA Mer’s I WR it down I can’t even spell them names so I don’t I wouldn’t even know how seriously oh look why so hard for G Southgate is oh honestly it’s so and he actually said g Southgate said this was the most complicated sport he’s had to pick and he doesn’t he doesn’t want this he wants to concentrate he wants and I think that’s why he’s you know him you know what he’s yeah he’s a nice Thro G he doesn’t that would have been hard to tell them free players you know and not just him I I’d like to think he made the phone call to ree James and Raheem Sterling you know people go oh Sterling ain’t been in the team but ster Sterling he proven proven one person he didn’t call was Ben White there was a question right at the end of the press conference there about Ben White and he said no haven’t spoken to him um as far as I’m aware I’ve had no further update that he’s changed his mind yeah I agree [Music]


  1. France Squad- Maignan, Kounde, Saliba, Hernandez, Camavinga, Kante, Tchouameni, Zaire-Emery, Greizmann, Mbappe, Dembele….and England are the favorites???

  2. Merson talking shite. TAA isn’t an international defender? He’s won everything in club football at right back, youngest player ever to start 3 champions league finals, multiple 90+ point premier league seasons, one of the most creative players in the history of the premier league playing as a right back. If he was that inept at defending, surely his team wouldn’t have been so successful.

    He plays for a team that chooses to sacrifice him defensively to have him play higher up the pitch because he’s so good going forward. He’s played against the best players in the world and defended resolutely.

    If you don’t want your full backs crossing the half way line then fair enough, but all modern systems dictate that full backs play higher up. Trent’s by far the best we have in that.

  3. Why are they talking like international football is the hardest, the top leagues and champions league are higher level games. If players can handle that week in week out they are more than capable at international level

  4. Southgate will be gone after this tournament, unless he wins it, and hes done the job he was needed for; resetting the mentality of squad. People are quick to criticse but seem to forget the songs being sung about him in Russia, the feel good factor in the last euros that almost matched 96 and the fact we went toe to toe with france at the last world cup, easily the strongest national team. He has ia flaws of course, but you cant say he hasn't been good for the national team.

  5. Be interesting to see what this new generation of England players would have won with a decent manager.

  6. The best passer in the team wont get in the team….well maybe he should get in the team do you think.
    Right back maybe not, wing back definitely.
    Kobbie Mainoo, and Declan Rice in midfield with Bellingham as a No 10.
    Foden in midfield….NO.
    Dunk is a definite for me, he's a rock as long as he wears the right shoes.

  7. Here s my england starting XI

    Alexander Arnold

  8. Trent not good enough at international level but good enough against teams like city who would beat any international team. Madness he is one of the best footballers in the world.

  9. Let's be real about this England won't be winning nothing they will bottle it yet again don't get your hopes up

  10. Olise was born in Hammersmith, England and lived here all his life. His mother is French that is why he has played for France.

  11. Why are we pretending that a club team is worse than a national team? Clubs are better built teams than a national team

  12. Probably because the James family players have a history with kicking out, poor tackles, red cards and attitude maybe

  13. Merse just brushing over Mainoo just like that? well makes sense being a terrible pundit lmao.

  14. The irish comment was a cheap shot, when you really look into the true nationality of English squad players.

  15. The brain washing/ programming to get people to say this cat is the best passer on the country is profound


  16. Not taking Rashford to a knockout tournament is crazy. Dude is one of the best players on the counter attack. Would have been very handy.

  17. Surely Southgate needs to work things out with Benjamin White… surely… midfield is stacked, but the back looks weak

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