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Watch Sabercats’ 14U travel softball team discuss upcoming 2024 summer season during media day

CatchMark SportsNet’s Scott DeCamp sits down with a few Whitehall softball players to discuss the upcoming 2024 summer season during media day on Sun., June 9, 2024.

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oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] losing my mic here I’m Scott de camp with catchmark sportset uh good morning I guess it’s almost noon though good morning good afternoon good day whatever uh this is the SaberCats 14U morrisy travel softball media day that was a lot to get out um but we’re really happy to have our guests here today all of them on the team and the coaches Etc um this first segment of this podcast will be on three girls from Rana their their season’s still going so awesome congrats ladies on on keeping that rolling thanks and so yep and we have uh three freshman I guess sophomores to be so we have Sydney morresy hello hi hello uh Natalie Roselle hi hello and REE hermans hi you guys doing well yeah you guys get rest last night or are you still on adrenaline I’m still on adrenaline yeah me too you ready to pitch another 10 Innings or not you pitch what nine yesterday right yeah they might need you again on Tuesday yeah so we’ll see but um let’s start off with that I mean this isn’t a Rana softball thing but let that’s fresh that’s that’s what’s going on now with your high school season so what’s what are the emotions what what is that whole experience like oh my gosh it’s insane I’m still like in sh that we did it like with such a young team it’s crazy yeah I honestly once Emma got injured I never thought we would get this far like I know I shouldn’t have like thought that but I had my doubts and making it this far is incredible yeah like we this is probably like the least likely like year for us like that’s what I thought after Emma got hurt but we bounced back and we’re we’re playing for her so yeah yeah so for those who don’t know I think people know by now but yeah Emma Herman Jor all she was already a two-time all Stater y as a freshman and sophomore huge bat in the lineup to lose leader to lose even though she’s still around leading in different ways that kind of thing but you know she uh had a major knee injury and she’s already started she had her surgery and already start started rehab and I know she’s going to come back stronger so yeah um but um just one more thought on Rana sball then we’ll move on to to the SaberCats so that’s why you guys are here so um thoughts on Tuesday and um you know do you think pressure’s on them or pressure’s on you or what do you think I think the pressure goes both ways like they want the Revenge because they beat him last year so we just got to bring it our all yeah we’ve kind of been talking about this game all year like yeah just being able to like come back even last year and getting it again that would be awesome we just have to show up and play our right game a lot of the Freshman like we just walked into this team like we didn’t we weren’t participating in it last year so the us like we just got handed onto our backs and I think we just need to step it up and play our a game yeah yeah no I mean and you guys don’t play like freshman you haven’t and that Segways nicely into this travel softball thing because you guys don’t play that way because you don’t play like full of pressure at least you don’t see it I know there’s nerves there good nerves probably but you’ve played so much softball that you shouldn’t be phased by much of anything that you see in the high school level there’s always pressure but um how how much do you think that does help you guys having seen so much having loged so many innings miles and vehicles weekends away just all those things I think like traveling and facing like better pitching is definitely what like helps us moving forward like towards everything like even if we want to play college ball like that prepares us for it yeah honestly mentally travel ball has helped me so much like when I started softball I was so mental but going through travel ball I it’s helped me so much and now when the pressure’s on for high school ball I like can control my emotions and yeah a lot of that um I’m sorry I my brain just went play um I don’t think any of us would be the players that we are today if we didn’t play travel ball it’s helped like develop from the fundamental level to the diving plays like it’s just helped so much and none of us would be where we are without it so when did you guys all meet then oh boy I’ve on the team since I played travel for a different coach when I was eight and then I moved to SaberCats n you when my dad was asked to coach I met her in 10U and then we picked up recent 11U yeah yeah I met nadle oh boy we’ve been best friends since we babies yeah I don’t know that’s that’s a long time I met Sid and 10U I met Sid 11 CU I started eight but I’ve done a few different and then 11 you I joined their team yeah so tell me about the personalities of each other on this podcast if you could kind of dive into that a little bit I mean I kind of know a little bit but maybe not I know don’t know nearly as much as you guys do so let’s hear it s you can start um Reese is a little golden retriever over there she’s Smiley but she will uh she gets a little angry sometimes it’s not very fun to be around but it’s okay I love you um I don’t know that I love you you’re a great pitcher um your personality you’re very like bubbly and you’re happy but you’re also a little sassy yeah ree is definitely a hot head like she is definitely H Sid kind of keeps her composure pretty good she just gets quiet when she gets mad like if she gets mad she’ll just won’t talk to anyone but she’ll stay quiet reys just she shows her emotions a little bit you know what she’s gotten better though I have I hey you get to go last so you’re in the ideal position coming at you guys yeah nadle I don’t know she likes to take her anger out on me I would say she knows I can handle it so she just you know it’s fine yeah but she definitely picks people up a lot yeah Sid you’re very good like you’re she’s a great team player like all around she helps in everyway yeah and I think Sid as Natalie said she holds her composure really well yeah so what are the best aspects of travel softball like not I mean anything that you can think of on the field off the field what are the what are the things you guys look most forward to um I like the pitching because with travel there’s like a lot of or with school ball there’s like games that you have to play and there’s games that you get to schedule for travel it’s all games that you get to schedule so you get to play in like the highest level competition that you want yeah yeah I I honestly look forward most to seeing my team like I love playing softball but I love playing with my team the most like we’re all so close and you wouldn’t think we all don’t live super close to each other but we’re so close just from the time we get to spend together during the summer ball so I love seeing my team yeah I definitely think like seeing our team like with the chemistry and everything and then also like as we’re playing the girls we play are so much nicer like oh yeah the schoolall like we just meet more people I would say like your group grows and they’re like so the the teams you play against too or no yeah they like people on they talk to I would think that they’d be worse because they’d be really competitive but it’s not that way the school teams are worse why is that I don’t know I think I think it’s just cuz like we have such a big Target and they just there’s more there’s more rival rivalry in school ball like yeah people want to beat teams but travel ball you’re just playing to play cuz you love softball Trav it’s so much more fun and like the traveling like with your team like the hotel stays oh my gosh so so what what would mean more winning a travel ball trophy or a high school trophy like a high school state champion it depends on okay a high school state championship is like 100% oh my gosh but I mean if you’re really looking at it it depends the tournament you play like the teams that you face like if it’s an easy win then I mean no but if you like really worked your butt off like one tournament we had to play this team three times in the championship to win it and we did yeah that was an amazing win yeah yeah so I’m I’m going to change gears real quick I don’t want to leave out the moms on this because I I get in trouble for that so thanks to the moms for everything they do for for you guys and and all the moms out there so um but I have to ask you about your dad’s and because of their different roles in softball I’m going to start with Natalie though because I think it’s interesting because I think her dad does not leave the house without the Blackstone he’s like he’s like the designated Chef on on the road right yeah so what’s the what are the best things he makes and I know he probably just takes a ton of pride in it too yeah he um I don’t even know about the best thing he makes his name is Fred Rosel by the way yep I’d have to say like his I don’t know while she’s thinking moose shout out to Fred moose is cooking shout out him shout out to friend venison venison’s got to be the best fish his fish is good too it’s all good I don’t I can’t even pick a favorite I think I would have to go with venison just because I’ve eaten that since I like ever lived yeah we just started I don’t know he’s been cooking fish on the Blackstone recently more but he he hasn’t always and moose we just did when we got moose me moose me yeah when he went to the last I heard he surprised the team though you guys didn’t know that it was moose I was so surprised it was good though I’m sorry it’s good it tastes kind of the same like there’s not a big difference okay we’ll go to switch to city next uh with with Brian morsy the head coach of this travel team how would you describe that that gentleman um did I use the right word gentleman or not um I love him in the house on the softball field it’s iffy at time when I swing at a bad pitch it’s very difficult for me to look over at him at third base because I know he’s yeah do you look at him do you look at him during High school ball to does he sit in the same spot he usually sits in like so you know where to look area I don’t or not look I don’t not yeah I I tend not to look at him because otherwise my head gets a little but I mean in reality too how special is it just to be able to share these things with I do love to share it with him like when I hit my first home run and I got to pass him at third base like that was awesome that’s cool yeah and then of course there’s Scott Hammond who I’ve seen get animated in the first case first place coaching box me too reys what we just talked about this there’s been many of those I’ve heard he yells at Emma as well right oh yeah I’ve heard her kind of clap back in him chill out like that she tends to talk back I just kind of sit there and let him talk but then afterwards then I get angry then I show my emotions and kind of lets it slide off her shoulder yeah no but just in serious seriousness just kind of following upon the comment by Sydney how cool is it to be able to share these things with your dads and your moms for that matter just it’s a big family thing and I don’t want to leave the moms or even your siblings out of it because yeah some of them you might not you’re not playing on the same team travel ball wise with your sibling but um just how cool is it to spend that family time that’s built in just because you you’re traveling and you’re gone so much it’s oh my gosh it’s insane I love it I mean with my Dad we have a hate love relationship but you know what he’s got his STS he like he really cheers me on when I like get the goods and like stuff like that but then he tells me what I do wrong but most of the time I already know like the mistake I’ve made like I already know I’m like oh yep that have it yeah my mom she packs all my food like I need my literally Emma if I get angry with my dad she turns into my my extra coach then I ask her what I do wrong yeah because I I definitely handled my criticism better for my sister than my dad yeah like when she was on the team like he’d get like when she was able to play she would like we would coach each other more than my dad would have to coach us I would say yeah no sometimes it’s easier to hear from a quote Pier yeah yeah yes definely hearing it from your dad instead of mine like my can say the exact oh yeah that’s big on me too because my parents don’t really know like a lot about softball so Reese’s dad is literally like another dad to me like he’s my softball dad and yeah it’s nice but what’s great is they’re all supportive from what I can see from parents to the saber cats parents I’m sure that they’re very much the same way so both sets of parents it’s crazy they all every parent is there for like everybody’s kid yeah all right so any uh closing thoughts before we move on let you guys escape this room and bring in the next group no no all right well best of luck on Tuesday at Campell colge against Buchanan I think that’s a 2:30 start and best of luck with SaberCat season coming up it’s going to be a wild ride five we ride so good luck and thanks for being in in this media day today thank thank you absolutely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we’re back to session two of the catchmark sportset podcast actually not the official podcast but it’s a special podcast for the SaberCats 14U morisy travel softball team that’s a lot to say let’s introduce our guests we have in this next session we have Sydney Fleming from Trevor City West I’m doing this off memory Trevor City West correct yep yep and Khloe Syler from Spring Lake yes and Kelsey Osborne from Oakridge did I nail it I get it right all right guys good well thanks for coming on um and thanks for being here for the media day what what’s the best part of of the media day so far do you think I think doing the hype videos I really liked when we did the our whole team I liked how we all stood there and then when uh crit popped off all the confetti and then we all like opened up for our coaches to go in I think just coming from school and not seeing like these girls are my best friends you know spend all of my summer with them so just being able to see them again is it’s really nice and we always have fun when we’re together so anything we do like we have fun today yeah yeah I agree with Sydney seeing everybody after such a long time is just so great I mean how not weird it’s a good thing like for you you’re still playing are you guys your season’s done then yeah you’re what grade are you in eight eight so you’re still coming up yeah we have playoffs on Monday okay so I didn’t know if you guys are still playing on like a school other kind of team or whatever I know Kelsey was they got to go back Monday tomorrow to Fremont to finish off that Regional yep um so first off we’ll start off we’ll talk about that a little bit um you got the win in the first game yesterday 134 over uh gr upis Catholic Central and and then it got a little crazy in that second game um they score alale scores four in the top and then thinking oh man and then you guys come back and score Nine without getting a hit yeah it was and all that stuff so what was that like just playing in those conditions um it was kind of bad because the pitchers really struggle trying to grip the ball and throw and just the bat getting wet and you kind of have to keep your grip very well yeah so if you guys finish that off tomorrow get a win in that I think I don’t know this yet but I’m assuming you get the winner of gayer and nanava maybe I think so and you played Escanaba one to nothing I think a nine inning game or something G or 10 in some gaylor’s a defending state champ both very good but you guys are good as well so yeah how much would you look forward to a matchup like that in the quarters I look forward to it a lot because I feel like that would be a very good game and uh so you guys what what have been the highlights of your Seasons then what would you say um wow that’s a good question um I think the highlight of my season was really just being the Freshman of Varsity I feel like even though it’s not like the biggest thing it was a big thing for me um also just being able to play with people that I’ve never played with before and even had some of my old travel ball teammates on that team so it was nice being able to play with them again and how did you guys do this year um we did better than I expected we were going to do um we have a young team so just trying to build um a program out of that and we had our new coach this year um she did she did good um You Can Tell She’s the new coach so she’s still just trying to get the hang of everything but I thought she did really well for her first year um I’m looking forward to next year because we have a big Freshman Class coming up for softball so we’ll be able to have more of a variety to pick from and bringing people up and yeah and then Chloe who who you been playing for then what team Spring Lake which which Spring Lake is it like a like a middle school thing or it like a I don’t know cuz some people have like a junior Elite and other yeah yeah junior is that what it is at the league so who are the teams you’re playing against then um pretty much anywhere I mean I think the farthest we had to go was Holton and that one I think that was probably our really we faced like a really good pitcher and she was one of them from travel ball that we in our organization and she was really good no you see you’re going to see that a lot with you know these Junior Elite programs even and um you’ll see certain programs are good all the time it seems like not that you can’t go from being not as good to being good you can but um you just see that a lot and then it translates to the high school level it seems like so but enough enough at all about stuff let’s talk about this travel ball stuff because that’s why you’re here um what how did you guys all get connected with SaberCats or with this particular team well for me for SaberCats it was my dad talked with Brian and they never even met before and they just like met each other I don’t remember where it was and they were like I think we should start like this travel ball team and start like getting good players and all these other players and it first started at my house and I wanted to pitch and so he was like I think I want to catch too so we started that and then that I think just brought all the energy into starting our travel ball I was on two through infusion before four so I played 3 years there and then 3 years here well this is my third year um I think what really got me to be here was a championship game in Traver City we played SaberCats and ever since then we just ran into them and then the year came where my dad was like how you feeling and I was like you know that that SaberCat team’s pretty good so my dad contacted coach Brian and I think within 25 5 minutes we got a response so then came down to tryouts worst try out of my entire life I was so nervous um but here I am and that’s pretty cool and then for you you uh I mean it’s called travel ball for a reason yeah you guys are always on the go but is it more difficult or really not a big deal coming from Travers City I think it’s worth it it’s 100% worth it for me I love these girls I love playing competitive ball um so yeah it the travel is worth it what about for you I mean how did it all start for you um so I had never played softball before and around 8 years old my neighbor she had already started playing and her dad came down and said wow that kid is really strong you should get her into softball so I started playing school and eventually we seen the SaberCats organization we were like oh maybe I should try that out I’ve gotten pretty good and then I tried tried that made the team and then I wanted to try pitching and I was like I have no shot there’s no way I had no mechanics no nothing and then travel ball just really helped me out through all that so the other day and back to the high school thing real quick oakd and R had a scrimmage um and then you had like a cookout or something how cool is that I mean I know the rivals and everything but how cool is it just just to try to make each other better and just try to bond a little bit it was very nice because and I just got to see some of my travel ball girls again yeah but we really got to work on some situations that we needed help on that’s cool it’ be cool to see both make continue to go on so um so about the travel ball thing um the previous segment we talked about the dads and the connections and all that stuff I don’t want to talk about the same thing with each group but um what is the like on a typical travel weekend what is the sleeping Arrangement like in terms of are you guys in hotels are you airb Airbnb and hotel hotel how many kids are jamming into one one room like well for some tournaments um like in Tennessee my family and the Rosel we got an Airbnb together so that it was it was we were able to sleep comfortably yeah but normally in a hotel it’s pretty crammed I mean I have two younger brothers plus both of my parents come so it’s normally a pretty crammed room normally someone’s on there there’s one room that everyone hangs out into usually until time to go to bed yeah yeah is that how that goes yeah I’m usually the first one to bed so I don’t know what they do after that yeah she’s the first one to bend first one up and first one ready yeah we’re all like hanging out and we’re like where’s Kelsey yeah we get some reps in yeah so what what’s the what’s the best part uh Chloe would you say of Trav ball I know there’s a lot of good parts but what’s the best for you I think the best part is just all of us being together like we all look forward to the hotel stays and always being together and hanging out and all that what about for you guys um I just really look forward to seeing my friends again because at school I don’t really have that so once I get to see him again it’s just it makes me feel like home yeah I agree with Kelsey I mean I have friends at school but travel ball friends and softball friends like you guys just have so much in common like out of softball most of us hunt Mo like so we just have stuff to talk about and it’s nice and uh so you kind of L me in my next question what other stuff do you guys do other sports other Hobbies Etc I personally do not play any other sports but I go hunting that’s pretty much it yeah I hunt I fish kind of with my brothers and stuff like that I hunt I fish and in the winter both my dad and I race snowmobiles together man you yeah you guys are rugged Outdoors people so yeah um but so we were talking about you probably heard it talking about the food that Fred Rosel makes and uh you guys are probably all about that if you’re hun hunters and fish Fisher women yeah um but what’s the best thing that he makes or the dads make or or the moms make what are the best meals that you guys have on the road um I like Fred’s venison it’s so good yeah yeah he like he um marinate his chicken and Venison and it’s just really good yeah I think even without like Fred like coach Scott’s his chicken is amazing that cheriyaki chicken that is so good yeah even Kelsey’s dad cooks too yeah so so the Finesse group that was in here not too long ago they must they go to Texas Roadhouse or something or Logan’s cuz they keep talking about the rolls the rolls and the butter the cinnamon butter that’s all they talked about so Kelsey and I actually go to Texas Roadhouse a lot when we’re traveling um like our moms will be texting me hey where are you at you want to go out to eat and Kelsey and I have a running joke cuz Kelsey always gets a kids meal everywhere we go so anytime she gets like a normal meal and then I’m over here with like my full rack of ribs and my loaded potato and I’m like oh boy let’s unbutton the pants down she’s one with sensible portions that’s what she’s going I got a little secret for you priority know what cover’s get the kids meal if you don’t already because it’s enough food plus you get the ice cream at the end just think about it I’ll to think just do it do it I mean I’m 51 years old and I still do it so they might look at me funny but I don’t care I don’t have any Pride so I usually get the little kids cheeseburgers there’s two like a bun split in half and it’s good sometimes she can’t even finish that she like I’m done so Spring Lake there is a a new it’s Dr r I think restaurant there have you been there yet no I have it’s a barbecue place check it out I’m not no they’re not paying me to say that on air but that’s a good place down in mosan I guess they opened another one there was that Brewery um was it old brothers no what was the name of that again um hold was I don’t think I remember man this is going nowhere now there’s a brewery that they I think they’re converted that into bar Place check it out I know what talking about I just can’t remember what it’s called yeah I’m getting old my memory so um but um how much you guys looking forward to that to the sa cat season I know you still have still have business to attend to yeah with Oakridge but and you with Spring Lake but how much are you really looking forward to just kind of getting with these girls each weekend yeah I’m really looking forward to it like even in playing in school ball like I like it but even my dad and I have been talking about we are ready to start TR ball up like just the amount of love in like everybody like accept everyone I think that it just makes me feel like I’m at home and I won’t get left out I think I’ve been ready to start travel ball since the fall I like I miss being able to play all year round but I think what I’m just most excited for is just playing with my teammates again you know there were like times in high school where someone in the Outfield or something like would do something and I’m like yeah Chloe and then I’m like wait that’s not Chloe that’s not Chloe Center I can’t can’t say that so I’m just too used to travel ball I guess I like it so much and I’m excited to win championships and being able to just be happy and excited all together nice I think there’s a just different level of compassion for the game in travel ball these girls work so hard get all the Reps in and then we come together and we’re just a force we’re awesome together any other thoughts from you guys before we cut you loose and get the next group in here anything else you want to talk about no all right well well great job thanks for being on and and best of luck with all your different softball involvements that you got going on so thanks a lot for being on yeah thank you yep [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back we are here in the catchmark podcast Studio as part of the SaberCats 14U Mor SE travel softball team mey day that’s a lot to say um but thanks for being on with us uh we have our third session and we have a couple coaches and one of the standout players I will’ll start out with a player because I know she can’t wait to start talking but Jan Burmeister of Shelby correct yep welcome hi don’t be nervous you’re good you’ll do well and uh we have uh head coach Brian morsey how’s it going it’s going great thanks so much for having us yeah thanks for being here and then we have Coach Chad Syler as well yes sir thanks for being on out can I have you slide a little bit to your right Chad just we get you centered in the frame a little bit there you go yeah you can’t see it so you didn’t know but nope so let’s start by saying how long has this um SaberCats thing been going with this particular group and I know you maybe add players subtract players people come and go occasionally but how long has this for the most part this unit been intact Well Chad and I started coaching together uh wreck ball when our kids were seven years old and then I got the opportunity to be uh the sabat 9u coach a couple years later and before accepting it I called Chad and said I’m only doing if you’re coming with me and your daughter so we started it at 9u and I still have four kids on this team that were from that very original 9u team and then a couple more I think Jana joined us at the 10U level and I think I’ve got two or three more kids that I’ve been with for that long as well so yeah it’s been together for quite a while so do you ever um when you’re on the road ever play any pickup basketball games because I’m sure I know who the first one picked would be Jana would definitely be the number one draft pick I’m going to start with that let’s start with that just because I’ve I haven’t seen but I’ve heard the stories I’ve heard it from multiple people you got to see this girl play basketball so what do you think about that g all all that praise that you’re getting out there um I don’t mind about everybody talking um I just play my game and as long as I enjoy it then I just keep playing so was that your sport or are you a seasonal person where softball season I’m a softball person basketball I’m a basketball player um softball and basketball are always going to be the same for me and the love from both games I can’t change that so so how tall are you then I’m 5’8 I think what positions do you playing basketball um I usually play a forward um at the season coming up I think I’m going to turn into like a three okay and then what what about softball what do you play uh first base okay yep and um what is it about both those sports that you enjoy so much um I think just the relationships with my teammates or if I’m having a rough day I can go practice the sport and it can make my day 10 times better cool and then uh so what do you think about these guys that you got in know him a little bit how would you describe each one of them um okay so coach Chad um he can be serious in times but he he’s really funny and he likes to around a lot and um for fly balls I’m not big into that so um he usually hits us fly balls and um when I do catch the ball because I don’t always um yeah I don’t know he’s really funny about it and he just makes me enjoy actually catching flyballs and for coach Brian um I he’s always at third BAS and I’m always trying to pick him up whenever I’m running and I’m not the best base runner um but I love seeing coach Brian at third a lot so and he really helps me with the base running because I don’t always read the pitch as well so he’s really useful all right guys f up is she being hard on herself or what uh well I think that’s what makes a great athlete she’s a phenomenal athlete so she’s being a little hard I think she catches fly balls all right I mean she’s used to hitting fly balls much further than catching anything but yeah no yeah I’d say she’s hard on your but I think that’s what makes a great athlete and you’re you’re faster than you think on the base path I don’t know about that one fun fact about Jane on the base pass uh one thing not a lot of people know is that uh even though she lives literally on a farm she hates dirt she cannot stand dirt and so she’s the only hitter you ever see in softball that she doesn’t wear B gloves until she gets on base and then she puts batting gloves on in case she has to slide into a base and it’s really funny the team has a lot of fun with it and one time in the game uh she was stealing from first to second and there was no play at the base and but Chad just started yelling just to make her slide CU she didn’t have her gloves on and I am the one who carries her gloves she presents them to me when she gets up to bed I don’t like the texture of dirt why don’t you go feet first never thought about that uh we went up to Gaylord and we saw I don’t remember his name but um the only time we slide feet first is if there’s uh it’s like a you know um at home plate time yeah so so um I mean those things aside um I’m G to talk to the dads here and how special is it to have daughters on the team but one step further how cool is it just the Dynamic you guys have with families and it’s almost like one big family it feels like when when you guys have your I’m sure your travel weekends what is that like how would you describe that I would say all 11 of them I consider my daughter and it’s yes it’s great having uh my daughter Chloe I love doing that love having that aspect of um just being able to Converse in the vehicle sometimes it’s not necessarily the greatest time to do it but um and then the us spending time at home in the side all that but to work with all these girls back when we were younger we did a lot more work with them now it’s more so we we run our practice and then it’s travel travel travel um but we’ve all grown to become such good friends as far as the parents go families we do things outside of just softball whether it’s fishing or hunting um or boating or anything of that matter um but the girls I mean they’re such a great group they all everyone has their own little Quirk but they’re all so loving and compassionate for each other that it makes it easy as a coach yeah yeah I I agree with Chad I I think you said it great that that they’re all our daughters we treat them all that same way as well uh truly truly feel like they are I take it a step further and include the parents as well uh Scott and you and I were talking a little bit earlier about know literally one of my favorite parts of the weekend is every evening after the games all of us meeting up in the back of the parking lot and Fred Rosell and Travis osor and firing up the Blackstone and everyone brings a dish to pass and we usually hang out there for hours just having he talking all the kids are playing games and it’s just a great fun time every weekend I look forward to it no it’s really cool excuse me one of the things I thought was interesting too from the first group was talking about playing the travel ball opponents and that I don’t want to say laidback but school ball was maybe more I don’t know there was more rivalry there maybe it’s just because it’s a regular set thing and communities and travel ball you’re facing people from all over the place but I figured you’d have maybe more competitive people in that group but what is that Dynamic like and any of you guys can uh respond to that question I personally think there is way more competition in the travel ball um but I think the respect level is is much higher everyone respects the game yes sometimes it gets a little out of hand but for the most part um the the ladies respect the game can you hear me oh yeah speak up a little bit I think okay for the mic there you go there we go there you go I need to repeat all that over yeah yeah so so basically just um you know hopefully my mic was doing things and my voice was going all weird so no just about the um the competitive nature of travel ball but maybe there’s that we talking about that respect level that that’s there too way way higher respect level in travel ball just all across the board I mean the players the coaches I mean Brian and I have built relationships with coaches that we compete against on a regular basis and we talk to off the field all the time we go and watch their teams play sometimes for scouting purposes but uh because we might end up playing them in a championship later on but we support everyone and so everyone knows the length that it takes to get to where we’re at today for these ladies to get there the commitment of the parents the commitment of these girls on the team the commitment of the coaches so it’s a d different atmosphere uh when you show up and you drive 13 hours to Chattanooga Tennessee to go play some of the best to best teams everyone knows they’re playing against the best so might as well give them the respect yeah what I figured out uh several years ago is that um your really good athletes want to play with and they want to play against the other best athletes out there um I think it was maybe after our 11U season I had the bunch of girls over and I was asking like favorite Tournament of the Year least favorite Tournament of the year and their favorite Tournament of the year was some pgf down in Ohio that we went to or something and I think we lost in the quarterfinals or something it was great competition and their least favorite tournament and I won’t say which one it was but we won the tournament but the competition wasn’t wasn’t what they wanted and they wanted to play better teams and so ever since then I’ve really taken that to heart with scheduling it just you know I I basically scheduled to try to lose you know if if we win a tournament it’s going to really mean something for us right y that makes total sense you want it to be worth your while and you want to get those competitive juices going you want it to be you know that’s how these people are wired so um on that topic who is the most competitive player on this team and what you’ve seen what you can see um I believe that everybody is very competitive on our team nobody likes losing and yeah we all compete against you know each other um with school sports well we all don’t but we tell each other about it and I think we are all very competitive that was a good point itical answer what do you guys think I kind of agree with it yeah I mean I don’t see really anyone on the team like that just a stand out is like no I’m going to absolutely win every single thing that all the girls do that MH no and I think you’re right they they all do it in different ways yeah some of them are quieter about it some of them are a little louder but no they all they all want to win no doubt about it so you talk about uh five weeks of just you know a lot of traveling of course just yep what can you uh maybe delve a little bit more into what what you guys got on the schedule and what what the summer is going to look like for you guys yeah sure so we are we’re a true 14U team um but in order it just made sense this year for us to primarily compete as a 16u team so four of our five tournaments that we’re doing we’re doing College exposure 16 new tournaments um and there’s one big sort of I don’t know Regional semi-national Tournament down in um Indianapolis uh that we’re going to compete in a 14year division but yeah so for the next starting in about another week or so uh we’ll be playing you know basically four days a week uh for five straight straight weeks so it’s going to be we’re going to be busy put a lot of miles on the Tahoe oh yeah I’m bet and then what are you probably don’t have much time because you’re playing so much Ball but what are some of the other things you guys do are there ever any like anything planned activities or is just there not just much time to do it I wouldn’t say we have a ton of time I mean families will plan certain things Top Golf uh go look at rivers and when we’re done you talked about some of the other stuff I didn’t know if that was more like once The Season’s done you know hanging out with other people oh season’s done no but but I was you talked about earlier you talked about when voting and all this other stuff hanging out but like in season though I don’t know if there’s much time is there not really Brian and I watch a lot of softball tell you that much yeah if we’re not playing we’re watching softball so how much have you guys learned just from being coaches in treble ball learned about the game everything as far as I mean well that’s a great thing Brian and I are like we’re very confident we’re very competitive individuals but we’re also humble enough to know that we don’t know everything so him and I put in a lot of work um researching because you never know some things are right some things are wrong so we do our research we watch a lot of games we break down games we we rewatch our own teams games to pick apart little things of what could we have done differently what could we have done better um where could we have shifted girls things like that um and then just us carrying around bag chairs even though we might have a three-hour break we’re going to go watch teams play so we can pick up on things that other coaches are doing yeah how they’re handling situations and we’re like wow maybe we should Implement that so yeah learned a ton yeah no Chad Chad’s right and I had a a division one college softbook which I went to a clinic about a year ago and uh and he sort of s said it sort of best he said he’s been coaching for 30 some years college division one college softball and everything that he implements today he’s learned within the last five years like the game’s always evolving everything’s changing and so you got to be willing to open your mind up to different strategies ideas um because it’s always it’s always changing what have you learned about s I’m just kidding you’re not are you in those coaches meetings no so what do you I mean how do you recharge between games like what do you do do you take a nap or are you something what do you do to keep yourself energized and ready to go for the next game um we all go to the parking lot and eat some food from Mr Rosel and Kelsey’s dad anything else are you big big nap taker um I am but I try not to um so my go-to thing Starbucks yeah Starbucks really gets me going I’m convinced that really helps me with my best game you guys you just say that your dad will take you there you support that she has to have it before every game yeah it’s it’s hey I played baseball for years and Superstition is a thing so oh if it’s her Superstition got to have it MH all right so any other thoughts from you guys before we sign up on this podcast I just want to thank you for having us here Scott this is a a spectacular experience that you put forward for these girls and uh I very much appreciate it thanks appreciate you taking the time out especially on Sunday afternoon oh no this I know this works in in your guys’ schedules so I’m glad we could work this out and that you guys enjoyed it so much and that nobody got hurt in the video portion of the meting today so I appreciate that well I was happy I was happy with that so but thanks a lot and uh best of luck to you guys this summer with your travel season thank you thank Youk you thanks thanks a lot [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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