Golf Players

Crossing Broadcast – June 6th, 2024

with Harry Mayes

YouTube Chapters
5:00 – Harry Mayes comes on
7:00 – Intro to 50 Hot Takes
8:20 – Harry defends track
10:50 – Will Torts be back?
12:30 – Acceptable Phillies Flags
14:00 – Verified Social Media Accounts
16:50 – Fear-mongering Social Media
17:35 – Eagles Moratorium
18:50 – Sports Reporter Wonderlic test
20:00 – Map Knowledge Requirements
20:45 – Philly Sports Complex Private Funding
23:10 – Social Media Food Takes
23:40 – College Budget Cuts
25:00 – By 32 you’ve done everything in Philly
27:15 – Suburbs don’t have traffic
28:00 – No Phones at Concerts
30:15 – Americans are spoiled by concerts
31:15 – Boxing Takes
32:30 – Howie’s Cap Wizardy
33:40 – “Smear the” needs to come back
34:30 – Kim Mulkey
35:30 – Having a hotmail email
36:45 – Millenial Managers
38:30 – Kay Adams was better on GMFB
39:30 – Gen Z takes
41:45 – Classical Liberals
42:10 – Lifetime Flying Bans
44:50 – Camden Venue name
45:20 – New England takes
47:15 – Body Positive Misunderstanding
48:45 – Kids’ show takes
51:50 – Trashing Philly Airport
52:30 – Temple Alum in Philly Media
57:00 – 25% Rule
58:15 – Use of Offensive Words
59:30 – South Philly Italians’ Sauce
61:45 – Eagles fans need to be better
62:30 – Betting Against your team
64:45 – Eagles loss ruining your week
65:30 – Spouse takes
67:30 – Gentrification Takes
68:45 – Music Takes
73:00 – Outro/NBA Finals Bonus Take

[Music] [Music] he [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey what’s good everybody Welcome in Crossing broadcast on a Thursday afternoon it’s a beautiful Thursday afternoon wherever you may be muggy uh rainy perhaps later we shall see uh we have Rush Joy coming on the show a little bit later uh he’s got important meetings that he has to do for the company to make sure that we make money and we have jobs uh but in the meantime we have a very special guest on the program it’s Harry May joining The Crossing broadcast what is going on back there Harry what’s happening Kevin man good to be here it’s a it’s a real honor to be on this show to be honest with you stop but it’s not that much of an honor no it is actually and and are you hiring do you uh do you need anybody over there because uh I’ve got time yeah my my budget is pidley yeah I need more of a budget I whatever Russ is doing on this meeting right now I need him to figure out how it gets more budget to Crossing broad right yeah we all need that it’s one of the last bastions of real journalism out there crossing Broad and and you’re com you’re bringing me on to discuss one of the greatest annual pieces uh on the website so it’s an hon no thanks well you know I’ve I’ve always said that Crossing broad is a Bastion for fair and balanced journalism in the the Delaware Valley right uh so yeah no and you have been on this program before I was not on it at the time I do remember because I was like dying of covid and I was like just like prone on the couch I could not move at all so I think Pagan had you on yes that was a while ago yes and of course uh Harry does the A’s uh podcast I have been on your shows a bunch of times with j yeah to talk to talk about this column among others yeah so I you know I thought we’d do something different this time Phillies are kicking ass they’re going to London they’re going to play the Mets this weekend it’s kind of slow you know elsewhere which is why I dropped the hot takes column kind of at this time of the year to give some people something different to talk about so I thought why don’t we bring Harry on we’re gonna go through the entire list here or at least most of it and Russ is gonna join us and we’re going to go over the list too and we’ll get into the sports topics that are that are contained in the list but yeah if you didn’t see it on the site it’s 50 hot takes for the Philadelphia sports fan commemorating 10,000 post Edition that was kind of the gist here yeah because I I knew I was coming up on 10,000 um wow and I was like let’s do something special for 10,000 so uh yes an extra spicy Edition I I believe um of the hot takes com yes I started Crossing bro in September of 2017 it was the day Harry that Nelson aalor and uh Carson Wentz went down to Landover and they beat the then Redskins the the team formerly known as the Redskins and uh lo and behold they went on to win the Super Bowl that year so it’s my first day at Crossing broad before Carson Wentz uh before whatever happened to him happened to him that seems like a hundred years ago doesn’t it it does seem like 100 I mean how many lifetimes is that just so much happens anymore where where it’s like wow that was only like seven years ago it seems like an eternity I did not have any kids back then right I had plenty of time to just sit on my ass and play video games you know so it’s it does indeed feel like it was a lifetime so yeah if you average that out over seven some years it’s 1,429 blog posts per year wow that’s a lot man not all of them not all of them pullets are worthy necessarily but uh I was back I was on sports radio back then that’s how long ago it was it was a long time ago wasn’t it well joining us to talk about the good old days it’s Harry Mays yeah Bruce Springstein will be here later The Glory Days yeah well I took Umbridge with the first one you got my attention right out of the right out of the box are you a track guy are you a track and field guy I was uh in high school I was a cross country and track guy I was the captain of my cross country team my senior year we had a really good squad and uh in my senior year in track I was a a member of the fifth place Pennsylvania State uh track meet uh medal winners in the two- mile relay so I was a track guy was a distance guy but the reason is I I was I love basketball and I used to play basketball in fact I was a before the I predated the three-point shot obviously but my move was I would go down in the corner and I’d hit what is now the corner three you know I was like Tobias Harris on my like mik basketball team and the problem is I stopped growing so I had to get out of basketball and I gravitated to track because my mom wouldn’t let me Mom and Dad wouldn’t let me play football oh okay so it was one of those kind of things yeah I see okay all right okay we do have a super chat real quick from Ford here he paid five dollars to say Harry you’re a legend I am in Phoenixville and I believe you once were too I was yeah I was part of part of me is still there I believe right on Bridge Street well listen you know Craig our producer Craig is a is a runner too he posts his little Maps he does you know and uh at least my experience in Boyertown track Spring sport was just like you know a lot of the people who ran track didn’t play the other sports you know was like well maybe all they can do is run in a straight line right well you had the great vensky relays out there I I went to Boyertown to run you are yeah and Harry is a Burks County guy yeah so I I do you are familiar with that uh that region it was Bas it was baseball and then everything else in Burks County right yeah well yeah Boyertown had that great Legion team Legion yes they still have that they do yeah Boyertown where the where the baseball stadium is bigger than the actual football stadium and is that crazy probably the rest of the school yeah they did the legion thing every year yeah yeah well anyway that’s my take on track my second take was about the flyers I don’t think John torella is gonna be here after this year I think he will Coach this team and I think Matty michkov will come over and I think they’ll like be on track to to sign some free agents I don’t think they’ll want to play for him so I think torz is gone after this year I you know it’s interesting I don’t know the answer to that um you know I’m sure Jason would be able to weigh in more intelligently than me but they I mean this is what they do in hockey they they just go through coaches every two three seasons and I I’ve always pondered you know why that was and I spoke to people that actually played hockey you know on the junior level and so forth and they all told me the same thing like it’s because when these guys are coming up through the ranks as young players they get a a different coach basically every two years and the message whether the message gets stale or not they have a different coach so it’s sort of like it manifests itself at the professional level too so you’re probably right yeah it’s like the uh the Jaylen Herz offensive coordinators of hockey you know there’s a lack of a lack of continuity here you know yep y he’s done a great job well he he has I mean but here’s my thing it’s like you know you sure you can get like you can take Garnet half away and Ryan paling uh couple fourth liners and have them playing like second liners but can John tarella coach coach like the superstars who are playing in the NHL finals now yeah you know like could he coach this Edmonton team or this Florida team yeah tell you scintilating match up by the way I’m sure the country can’t wait to see the Panthers I’m actually looking forward to it are you yeah I am I mean I know the rest of the country is already tuned out and flyer fans mostly have tuned out but I can’t wait to see Conor McDavid go up against this Florida team that Florida team’s good they are just the way they’re constructed they’re they’re really good I love it um number three in addition to the 2023 blue wild card banner I think the Phillies should take down the division banners as well um I think it’s corny I say you fly flags for Penance in World Series only because you know we were talking about uh people were like why did they raise the banner this year and then I’m like well they got a banner up there for 2011 too you know that that 110 win team or whatever that was but that team lost to the Cardinals in the in the playoffs right I mean so did what did they really accomplish I mean is winning the division more worthy of a flag than getting to the NLCS uh you know know you make make a good point here but I mean the Lakers raised an inseason tournament Banner a few months ago at the for the well they don’t even play at the Forum anymore but you know what I mean like we’re not the Yankees where we have 27 World Championships they do they do this in order so they can have a night at the Ballpark where they put the banner up and then hopefully they can sell the building out yeah now with the way this team’s playing right now you don’t need to do that for for to sell out the building but uh yeah I I get your point but we just don’t have enough uh World Championships yeah in baseball well maybe they can maybe they can fly some more as blund Flags or something maybe we could squeeze some more advertising into the Outfield at Citizens Bank Park you don’t but you got seven you got seven ads on the digital board that used to be the uh you know what what if asins wants to sponsor Crossing broad uh welcome I would put I would put on my Lumberjack gear and I’d get a chainsaw and I’d be in front of the camp you go out in the backyard do a video Pagan would be strapped to a tree and he’d be cutting down a tree absolutely he would not man on the street man literally in the tree man in the tree oh man um okay I like this take I got a lot of positive feedback to this when I say you should not be allowed on social media unless your profile has both your real name and your real picture I agree should be federal law and it would put an end to Anonymous losers and trolls I agree but we we can’t even use an ID to vote in this country you think we’re going to have to do that for social media post but I agree with you wholeheartedly I just will say real quick to because I don’t like I think when Elon took over Twitter you know we would all like joke about the blue check marks or whatever you know oh you’re official you got the blue check you don’t have at least with that system you knew who was legit and who wasn’t right because they were verified and like you knew their identity and all that um yeah Harry Mays does have a blue I paid for it though yeah well we had to pay for it too on Crossing Brook because you can’t get into elon’s Revenue sharing program without it oh okay so you know Pagan does his thing on Twitter like at once a month I’ll get an email saying like you made $37 right you know for and and so that’s how it goes but now they had the gold check marks right or whatever for the official but you know I’m like I’m looking at like I’m trying to read up about like Gaza or something right I don’t know who the [ __ ] these people are I don’t know who’s legit and who’s not right so I don’t think you should be able to uh to be on social unless you’re like like we know who you are and whatever right I agree with that yeah I put a post up today commemorating the 80th anniversary of dday you know with a little GIF of you know them storming the beaches yeah you know you know how many views that thing has in two hours a lot less than a thousand no really I’ve got almost 40,000 followers but if I put something in there about race I guarantee it would have 50,000 views that’s the problem with with social media yeah yeah well maybe we’ll get Bruno on here we’ll do a separate there you he would light a fire yeah I was Jo I was joking with my wife too my wife listens to pH and um Nick Nick kale has Tony on every Wednesday but Tony just does most of the talking you know I’m like I’m like did Nick set this up just so he could have a day off yeah yeah it’s a whole hour basically where he doesn’t have to talk you just hand the you just put the phone down and you let Tony talk and he I think it’s genius you know it is it is yeah plus they rig it so they they bring him on at I think maybe 8:35 or something and then they keep him into the 9:00 hour so they get 34 hours out of it’s total genius I know it’s brilliant I have to I have to learn how to work smarter not harder I’m trying to do that with the new AI story of the week so there’s one story that the robots do for me but oh okay maybe we’ll expand on that take number five is kind of similar to that I think the biggest internet frauds are the alarmists oh yeah who constantly claim that World War II is coming they say it after everything Russia Ukraine Israel Iran yet no World War III um you know Iran could fire a missile that actually makes it to Israel and they will log on immediately to yell World War III is coming it never does warmongering for engagement should result in prison time I agree I agree and hopefully it never comes obviously but the the grifters are all over the place in social media and in my email I delete probably 400 No Lie emails a day Kevin from all these Financial you know Wall Street grifters and political grifters yeah trying to sort of take advantage of you know everything that’s going on right now I would put all of them I’d put all of them straight into The Bagster yep um number take number six there should I think there should be a moratorium on Eagles talk in Phil in the Philadelphia media from uh this like an arbitrary kind of date but maybe rookie mini camp through the start of voluntary OTAs because honestly this is not like me [ __ ] on the Eagles or too much Eagles talk but I think you I think we’re all better when we get a break from it let’s get it back to the Eagles let’s get let’s get it back to the Eagles that’s Matt nagan calling my phone right now tell get it back to the Eagles I think he’s listening right now he retweeted your Tweet say that I was coming on so he might be listening but yeah I have actually proposed to him the balls on me that sports radio should just take the whole month of July off yeah like it should be required that the WIP guys the you know the fanatic guys all have to take the month off because it’s the slowest month of the year and you’re you’re trying to drum up Eagles conversation when there really isn’t any uh so I yeah I agree with you I’m all for more a torium you’re you’re um you’re going to get better Eagles talk when training camp does begin if you don’t have to slog through [ __ ] nothing Eagles talk the month prior like it’s almost like a refresher right let’s get rid of this entirely and then I’m going to come back to it with some zest you know what I’m saying exactly more kind of thing yeah um maybe a controversial one here I propose a yearly test for sports writers like a journalism wonder if you if you fail you’re denied a credential you have to pass it once per year in order to retain your access kind of like a refereeing or medical license however there’s a doctor who told me you don’t have to renew your medical license so I really I should take that out of there but if you’re a ref when I refed you had to go every year and you had to like reach like so you know the rules and so you can make the right calls and don’t piss off the parents in the stands you know yeah so I think this would ensure that people who go to the games and report on the teams actually know the difference between a pick and roll and a dribble handoff I I totally agree with you did you get this uh from Joe to camera this take does he is he a beli in that Joe de camera when he was at the fanatic this is no lie would give he had a test like a quiz that he would he would require all the interns that were coming in to work there they had to take the quiz and get a certain score on it I don’t know what the score was um I don’t think it was a perfect score but they had to know a certain amount about sports and Philadelphia sports in order to work there I I genius do not think that’s there’s anything wrong with that God forbid yeah um I I am I do stand corrected Philly fan noted that uh Physicians retake the boards every 10 years okay so it’s not so it’s not but they do have to renew it you know it’s like sending my grandmother to to retest her driver’s license when she turns 85 or whatever right yeah um I should write that down that’s a hot take for the next column uh number eight there should there should be a capture for anyone giving their opinion on Israel and Gaza it’s a map and you have to correctly point to Israel or Gaza and Gaza and then it unlocks and you can start typing oh yeah I love that yeah you got to know where what you’re talking about at least where it is on the globe in order to give a take well we’re geographically challenged to part of the reason for that is because we live in such a big country we never go to other countries anyway so of course we’re not going to know much about geography but yes shouldn’t be able to give your opinion on some [ __ ] if you can’t even point to it on the map you know exactly um okay hot take number n people don’t realize this but between the Sixers Arena proposal the recent Wells Fargo Center upgrades and the comc Philly sports complex Redevelopment plan there’s more private money financing those than pretty much every other big Sports project in this entire country going back 10 years now we are a clear outlier and nobody has a clue about this I didn’t know about it yeah so um Wells Fargo Center 400 million in those upgrades that they recently did that was all comast money and then the Sixers spent $1 million of their own money to redo their locker rooms the Sixers Arena proposal is 1.5 billion dollars in private money as well even going back to when the link and Citizens Bank Park were built kind of at the same time uh the city had like a 2% tax I want to say they put on like rental cars right okay so even though there was a a public private split in that the money was paid for basically by people visiting Philadelphia we’re going to tax you on the [ __ ] that you use when you come here it’s kind of like when they built the new Raiders stadium out in Vegas they did like a hotel tax okay you know well the people who live in Vegas aren’t staying in like staying in those hotels probably you know so it’s all the people coming out from wherever visiting Vegas right we’re footing the bill but we really like the city of Philadelphia really has not paid a lot locally for all of the stadiums that we have we are a total outlier when it comes to not having to deal with all that stuff um yeah yeah and I got a story coming out I think tomorrow that that looks a little bit deeper into like all that stuff you know stadiums around the country how they stack up to the Sixers proposal and what requires public money what Ed public money right and what doesn’t you know like Buffalo Bills for example I think their their new High Mark Stadium like $650 million that the state is chipping in right okay and that’s Pula right the the owner yeah I think the Penn State guy he’s a big donor for Penn State yes something like that I remember Kathy hawle or whatever her name is the governor in New York he would got some like hok yeah 650 million in state money to keep the bills here of course the threat is always like that they’re gonna leave right you know what’s his face Ted leanis you know threatened to take the Wizards in the capitals to to Nova right not Villanova Northern Virginia Northern Virginia yeah and uh they got $500 million from District of Columbia to stay there right so yeah see this is journalism like that that this is good stuff where else do you go from criticizing track and field to getting like real public private public financing of stadiums give me your best public financing tap right number 10 um social media food takes jump the shark years ago I don’t know who needs to hear this but catchup belongs on a cheese steak nobody [ __ ] cares right totally this is what corporate media does Harry it’s like you work for ESPN or some other place where you’re like whitewashed you know and you can’t really say anything edgy or whatever she like well I put mayonnaise on my fries H right yeah pineapple does belong on pizza oh you’re being so edgy on Twitter totally agree anyway um oh here’s a spicy one I think number 11 there’s nothing wrong with budget cuts at large American colleges everybody in Academia or on the political left complains about this but not a single person in the United States needs to go to West Virginia University to study Jazz that’s what juliart is for here here totally yeah you listen to some of these Majors people have I looked well I I went to West Virginia and we were we got all these headlines you know about a year ago because it’s like you know austerity measures at WVU budget cuts you know professors losing their jobs programs being cut and I’m like well that sucks but let me look at the programs that they’re cutting it was like Russian studies Chinese studies Jazz whatever look if you’re the kid growing up in like Beckley or something and you dream of being on the stage I mean maybe you got a path in Morgantown but I mean there was just a lot of [ __ ] like you can find that elsewhere right good institutions I don’t think every big public state school has to have every program every single thing yeah right yeah you know totally you know Penn State doesn’t have a journalism program it’s just like an English creative writing thing that’s why a lot of Journalism majors in this area they go to Syracuse right they go to uh North Northwestern col Missouri Columbia yeah anyway austerity talk for you there um number 12 once you get to age 32 you’ll have done everything there is to do in Philadelphia interesting how did you derive at uh 32 well uh person experience personal experience yeah I mean we had my I had my first kid when we when I was 34 and then we moved out you know like a year later okay um you know inevitably back to the suburbs our family’s out here and all that but we we don’t have any my wife and I we don’t have any like there’s nothing in Philly where it’s like we have like fomo about that you know there’s no like oh we didn’t we need to go do this or I need to go that we went to every bar right went to every restaurant we went to every concert venue we went to like we did it all man um so I we didn’t when we left we there was nothing where it was like you know I regret not doing this in Philly because we did it all you well yeah and you could always go back and do it too from the suburbs right well yeah I mean it’s not it’s not yeah I mean we’re a train RW we can drive in you know um but I don’t I don’t feel like when I was like 24 I was skateboarding shirtless down south street right like I did did that well you maybe you should there’s too late for that you know never too late for that uh but I went to all the record stores I bought I bought all the stuff I did you know I went to all the underground shows and everything I just don’t feel like there was anything that I that I didn’t do I I think I’ll wait till next year’s Pride Parade to go shirtless on a skateboard down south street just don’t watch out for the Palestine protesters really weird there for a little you know I do get I do give them credit though because that could have been much worse than it ended up being you know oh yeah totally but never like I’ve never visited like the historical stuff in Phil like the Independence Hall and all like the Constitution like no I mean I’ve been there for event for events but I never really went and like toured it okay so you were probably too far out in Burks County to be part of the field trips that got you down there Elementary School yeah correct I think the the one field trip that we took was to Washington DC and I skipped it I skipped we did DC we did the Liberty Bell we did Independence Hall we did all that stuff yeah that’s that’s the best part of yeah you do have to go see those things yeah I do I should um I got killed for hot take number 13 despite what Karen on Facebook would tell you there’s no traffic in the suburbs it does not exist I don’t think see my whole point with this take is like if you sat on 76 or if you sat on 95 Nothing Compares but then I got people from like Delco and Chester County saying have you ever sat on 322 going out that direction yeah I have so have you ever gone into kcha around 4:30 in the afternoon on a Thursday it’s unbelievable it’s not a great take I might have to amend this one you might maybe I’ll just silently delete it and just pretend like it never it never existed you know maybe I’ll pull an Elliot short parks and just never talk about it ever again like it never happened Karen on Facebook will ask for an apology for me well you can bury that at the bottom of some innocuous post I like number 14 though I got a lot of positive feedback to 14 there absolutely should be a full B on cell phones at concerts uh some kind of targeted EMP device that disables all technology it forces you to live in the moment and enjoy the show Yeah it’s gotten to the point where I haven’t been into a concert I think the last concert I went to was one of the Metallica shows the the indoor show I saw him outdoors and then indoors okay and everybody had their phone up in Fr like you know videotaping everything and I’m it is annoying it just I agree with you yeah and I’m not I I don’t want to be like one of the things I said is like I don’t want to grow up to be the GR grumpy old dude that I hated when I was a kid right um but this is not a this is not that it’s like fundamentally has changed how people view these things you know right like you used to come in band used to come on everybody was jumping up and down they knew the lyrics or whatever now it’s just now it’s just people standing right and the other thing is I’ve done that once or twice and I’ve never gone back and watched the video it’s not high quality anyway so what am I doing this for yeah you know there’s gonna be like a DVD or like a high def recording that comes out officially like you know um Metallica live at uh vodan in Germany or or whatever right so so why are you you feel the need to film it on your phone you know a better version of it that’s coming out what I do Harry is like I’ll take a picture or two in between a song maybe like a little like clip for social media and I just put the phone away right you know yeah and then I go into the mosh pit or whatever because it’s not it just doesn’t see my my thing about this is like whether it’s sports music comedy whatever and you can relate to this because you are somebody who’s like who as as like radio town has been on both sides of this uh these are like reciprocated events the energy that you get from the crowd or the enthusiasm that you get from The Crowd Goes to the performer absolutely and that that improves the performance and it makes it want to give it back to them no doubt about it like when you’re doing a like a remote broadcast in radio back in the day like if you were at a place that would popping and you know the the crowd was digging the whole thing and interacting with you it was a much better show than if you went to one like we go to to bars sometimes at 10: in the morning they’re not even open yet and you’re starting to do a show it was like you couldn’t get a Vibe yeah yeah exactly so I I feel very strongly about that one as if anybody can’t tell um this kind of goes along with it number 15 I think American crowns are spoiled um because performers come around so often you know why a crowd in Santiago Chile is awesome because a band will only go there once in every five years they don’t take it for granted the way that we do yeah that’s a good take I I never would have thought about that but yeah like when you see these big soccer stadiums filled with 100,000 people going nuts for whatever artist I mean they’re they’re they’re like maniacal about it yeah it’s like some some band goes to the corners of the Earth for the first time ever live in uh Jakarta Indonesia you know like uh the the Muslim uh dictator allowed them to come in and play there for the first time ever it’s like oh [ __ ] we never get this right yeah like like remember when the bands back in the 80s would go to Russia like Billy Joel performed in Russia and Len you know it was it was insane a Aussie and Metallica that video is up there like live in Moscow you can tell I’ve gone down many YouTube rabbit holes over here I’m gonna tie 16 and 17 together sorry boxing fans there’s no reason to watch it when MMA exists and number 17 I think boxing rest needs need to lose the stupid bow tie you know it’s not a it’s not the prom right what are we wearing a bow tie I never got the bow tie thing you’re right about that but I’m not I’m not an MMA guy no do you like boxing I liked boxing when like Tony and I would do HBO stuff and they’d fly us out to Vegas and you’d actually get to go to the fight at the MGM Grand and your your seats really were pretty good it was pretty cool to be in the arena there’s nothing like like I’m sure the MMA it’s the same thing like when you can sense The Knockout literally that you know the hairs on your arms just start to stand up it’s the energy is pretty insane I think the MMA crowd is a little bit more educated than it used to be you know 10 years ago when people didn’t know too much about it 15 years ago like it was just a bunch of like uh you know idiots at the bar drinking Heinekens like oh I want to see some guy get knocked out you know right now I I I I have paid attention to like you know jiujitsu and grappling and you know what the Russian guys are doing right so I can appreciate I understand what I’m watching right with the Clash of styles you know and takeown defense and striking defense and um all the various submissions and whatnot so I feel like I it clicked for me and I made an effort to understand all the other stuff and it wasn’t just guys throwing punches you know yeah I I I obviously haven’t taken the effort uh number eight 18 Howe roseman’s cap Wizardry is really just using a credit card um for instance the Eagles still have two more years of Jason Kelce dead cap that they have to eat I want to say it’s like 15 million one year 10 million the other year something like that is isn’t that incredible what like all these teams now it’s like dead cap money means nothing to them no they just artif what they do is they kick money into the future and they lower their cap right now right um as a way to just fit more guys in and in perpetuity they just keep kicking the can down the road it’s true it’s really all it is but what makes what what makes Ho’s um strategy actually Wizardry is is getting people to buy in right getting guys early when is the last time Harry that you heard somebody say um this Eagles player refus to restructure his deal it doesn’t happen because they’re like this is how we’re gonna do it everybody’s going to capitulate and this is how we build it it’s like culture it’s part of their culture part of the culture yeah speaking of culture um a game that was very popular Boyertown Jr how you smear the redacted um I think it should come back with a more appropriate name it was a great game combination of rugby football and wrestling I don’t know if people played this back in the day but you had a you had a ball right and we would be out on the playground the entire goal of the game is you just had to take the ball and you had to hold it as long as possible people could do anything they wanted to get the ball back they could tackle you they could rip it out of your hands they could put you in a headlock they could do anything um and we played this every single fraking day wow in junior high this didn’t make it to robonia no okay see I had no idea about this tap it was smear the Q word can’t say the Q word anymore oh yeah okay okay right I don’t think I I don’t think I should say it on this show right because maybe YouTube will flag it or something who knows yeah yeah I got you but it was not R rhymes with steer yes rym it was not homophobic it had nothing to do with anybody’s sexuality I think we just repl that word to mean like the dumb guy holding on to the ball and getting tackled by like 50 people okay um so if anybody in the chat played that game when they were let me know um number 20 the biggest nothing Burger story of 2024 is anything involving Kim muli um breaking news coach that wins is also an [ __ ] she’s not the first and won’t be the last Kevin uh by the way says we used to play what was it called Craig cream the carrier okay oh there you go okay this is very hyper local um Kim Moi who gives a [ __ ] right winning coach’s gonna be harsh who’s gonna say some dumb [ __ ] yeah get in line exactly I mean you know these college uh coaches whether it’s men women or whatever they’re they’re like tyrants in a lot of their in a lot of their uh univ you know what I mean like they basically run the state too you know do you think that Gino rm’s longevity is because he was sensitive with the players and showed emotional intelligence no it’s because no it’s because he won yeah yeah Pat what would people think about Pat Summit right 20 years ago you know I feel strongly about these next two there’s nothing wrong with using a hot mail address um we were on the internet when you were in daycare show some respect I remember reading something back in the day Harry where I’m 100% serious about this I remember a recruiter wrote something saying that if you put your Hotmail address on a resume they’re not goingon to take you seriously wow which I think is [ __ ] because we’ve got we have been around longer interesting yeah I never thought of it that way I mean I but it it’s it’s funny because when I do see somebody with a hot mail like I I do a golf pool like a oneandone pool so I need I’ve got like 50 people and all their email addresses and there’s one in there with an AOL and I’m like it jumps off the page at you when you see that same with hot mail you’re like dude this guy hasn’t hasn’t upgraded his email service in 30 since the internet but you know what you’re looking for har you’re looking for that fine line where something becomes like outdated and then it turn one one one day it just becomes vintage yeah okay I’m trying I think like I think that’s where hot mail is now it’s like oh respect man you were on the internet in 2004 why you love this yeah it’s a classic rock number 22 um I think Millennial managers have the highest level of emotional intelligence why because we took a beating from shitty Boomer bosses and we built our entire Leadership Model on the premise of not being those people um we suffered so you don’t have to I’m blowing a little bit of sunshine up my own butt with this one but they ask Kyle Pagan I’ll bring Kyle pagan on and he can say what it’s like to work for work for me you know I’m very very hands off let people do their thing what is emotional intelligence I didn’t know what the freaking phrase was until stupid Jeffrey lurry wrote a read a book on it I think emotional intelligence is just a a very basic way of saying like knowing when to insert yourself knowing when to back off okay and understanding that people are different and you there are different techniques that are required to get the best out of them you know what I’m saying Kyle Pagan for example is like a brilliant content creator right yes he requires very little oversight in fact I try to not give him oversight because I’m like I know you just got to pick up a microphone and get on in front of a camera and do your thing right what am I GNA tell you that’s gonna help that right you know that’s good so it’s kind of knowing when to push and when to pull knowing your talent yes and all the bosses that I had growing up we all up my ass 247 micromanaging micromanaging and like boarding over you all that stuff yeah um speaking of micromanaging let’s let’s add Russ to the show Russ Joy is here what’s up Russ micromanager extraordinaire you said you need to know when to insert yourself and you brought the guy on with four kids that’s that’s very fitting well there you go yeah okay so good work of you we’re firing through these things as you can tell so no long- winded monologues from you moving forward okay I I’m just here so I won’t get fined okay cool I like this take I think it’s pretty good number three uh 23 K Adams was better on good morning football uh when she wore throwback NFL sweatshirts and she was one of the guys yeah well she was better on good morning football because I could see her now I don’t even know where she is well she’s doing the FanDuel uh TV she does her show for FanDuel okay um but it’s just her and she’s like flirting with Shams and she’s like doing all this like quirky like one V one [ __ ] where she’s like um let me see what you have to say about this I’m like I just liked her better when she was like the girl next door yeah I liked her I like her no matter where she is I just want to find her yeah well well she flirt with Shams now that he was wrong about JJ reck well I don’t know she now get eyes for w you know does the receding hairline does that does that get her you know who knows is is K Adam gonna try to Riz WJ on the uh on the next version of her show that Harry can’t find on the internet um J number 24 and 25 gen z uh two Generation Z takes number one they don’t know how communicate uh pick up the phone and call someone anybody who texts you and says is it okay if I call you is a dork jenzy also doesn’t know how to cook enough with the door Dash seriously enough with the [ __ ] door dash for real yeah pick up a Potter a pan you know you don’t have to be prime Emerald agazi but just pick up a Potter pan my wife does all the cooking in this house okay and she does a great job at it um but I don’t even know how to order door Dash uh for that matter but the the other one the the calling to me I’ve got a couple of friends that always call and I find it a real annoyance and an impingement on my lifestyle when I have to look at the phone and say Don do I want to pick this up why couldn’t this son of a [ __ ] just text me the stupid thing that he wants to tell me so I disagree with that one the call is a is a big like with texting you can just do it and put it away like the call I have to listen to you for 10 minutes well you could just not answer the phone well that’s true yeah I could put it the voicemail but eventually I’m going to have to answer it that’s true because the guys you call call back I I catch a lot of heat with our company because I’m a big call guy I’m not a big shoot you message on Microsoft teams and so you know the the meme of Ben Affleck with the cigarette and standing outside and like there there are the memes out there of like when somebody says hey can we hop on a quick call like that’s me I’m I’m the guy who just would prefer to call and hash things out instead of you know send 40 messages about it but I think for me I do enough typing as it is I mean for Christ’s sake the whole point of this blog post was that I reached the 10,000 blog Mark so sometimes I’d rather talk to people than text them but it’s just more specifically a a gen Z kind of thing like they’re weirdos because they grew up with pads and phones and stuff they don’t know how to just look at somebody and communicate with them you know yeah make eye contact and have a regular conversation how you doing man oh I’m great you know how’s the wife or kids great you know like that kind of [ __ ] they don’t know how to do that so no you’re you’re right about that but if it’s if it’s something that takes 40 text messages yeah then you then you got a call should have been a call could have been a call should have been a call yeah number 26 is a political take most people in this country are classical liberals uh though they might not realize it or want to admit it what is a classical liberal you may ask basically it’s it’s a very watered down version of somebody who says that they are socially liberal and uh fiscally conservative you know yes I used to say that yeah a lot of people say that but they don’t really know what it means right okay so I think a lot of people are that they just don’t know you know yeah you’re probably right I like this one number 27 um lifetime flying band for people who immediately stand up and open the overhead bins as soon as the plane lands drives me insane I’m I’m like sitting the whole time I until my row gets up like I will sit you’re like waiting for communion in church you wait you wait with reverence now what’s what’s the bigger violation though the people who get up and open the the overhead bins were the people who immediately clap as the plane is slowing down on the runway oh I haven’t experienced that many times but when it happened the first time I’m like what are they doing yeah I’m okay with the Clapping because I think it normally means you had some turbulence and people are just happy that you landed the damn plane okay you know isn’t that almost condescending though because it’s like most Pilots don’t crash the plane so applauding for them for doing something they do and are expected to do is almost condescending in sense like you don’t applaud for the lunch lady when she gives you that extra pan roll on Mac and chees day at poia high school you thank her you wish her a merry Christmas but you don’t necessarily applaud her in the line do she have a hair does she have a hairnet and jiggly triceps the the tricep has to be jiggly or or it doesn’t count like it’s a j there no if you have a firm tricep and you’re working in a cafeteria something’s gone wrong something has gone wrong at some point as a matter of fact it should be part of the hiring criteria you submit a resume you shake hands you go through the whole process but really really what the superintendent is trying to figure out the principal and everyone else are trying to figure out that what they’re really doing is they’re trying to have you hey can you point over there can you point there what they’re trying to do is get an accurate measure of the jiggle of the tricep that’s what it’s all about guys well they should get they should get Cathy or and cesal tinan to be in charge of that I mean if you’re a if you’re a weather person if you’re a meteorologist those arms are dangling all the time they do more tricep extension than anybody else in the Delaware Valley um I had a teacher in middle school that I can remember I won’t say what subject she uh she teaches not like she watches or listens to the show but just in case she does uh she would do these vigorous handshakes it was like part of class vigorous handshakes and that tricep would would like go back and forth it looked like a speed bag it looked like Mike Tyson prepping for the Jake Paul fight and just and like if you weren’t careful like you had to watch where she was shaking your hand cuz if if she pulled your arm into the aisle you knew that the person on the left or right was screwed like you were kind of in you know like in SeaWorld they have the blast zone right where the water comes out you were kind of in like the tricep Zone anyway Tri Zone wow going on back there I’m gonna skip number 28 because I decided I don’t like it anymore uh number 29 you’re required to call the music venue in Camden whatever it was called when you saw your first show there so if you went in the 90s it was the E Center if your first show is at the Tweeter Center then it’s the Tweeter Center it’s not ever will be the freedom mortgage Pavilion is that what it is now I assume yeah I didn’t I had to look it up because I couldn’t remember it was the Susan Bank Center I think it was the that’s what I think of it as BBNT that was a bank yeah yeah always always a bank you know or some [ __ ] so yeah yeah so right Jillian’s right it’s the Tweeter Center for me yeah me too I’ve got two New England takes in here uh I think Boston’s a great City honestly full of History quality food walkable plenty of things to do [ __ ] sports fans with terrible sense everywhere it’s really not that much different than Philadelphia and 31 continuing with the New England theme the most underrated City on the East Coast for me is Portland Portland wow never been there it’s great I’ve been to Maine but not Portland the ratio in Portland of like cool stuff to do breweries restaurants things like that versus the actual population of the Town yeah is way skewed to the former I’m like there are not enough people living here to use all this cool [ __ ] and do all this cool [ __ ] right but it’s like really like low-key pretty it’s very but it’s also very like granola yeah like very hippie kind of you know well New England kind of is like like Vermont is like that it is like that yeah it is it does have a Pacific Northwest vibe to it which I really wasn’t expecting when I went up there the first time but okay I love Boston man I love yeah I do too I love B but hasn’t The micr Brew thing kind of run its course like every city has 15 micro Brews now it’s a little it’s a it’s close to Jumping the Shark yeah I mean I because like when I travel I will always ask ask typically if I go to a restaurant is there a local IPA you know because I want to just taste it and say you know like I had it but every town has 15 of them I know and their [ __ ] is the problem because they get they get like watered down I me literally watered down you know what I’m saying it’s too there’s too much um it’s like it’s oversaturated right you know what I’m saying where everybody wanted to get in on it it’s like all of a sudden you know yeah see this is one for next year’s right there yeah yeah yeah when the brewery has eight beers on top and seven are IPA yeah I think I I did a version of that take in the first eight of the hot takes col um anyway where am I at from here 30 something 32 oh I really like this one a lot of people misinterpreted the body positive movement to think that it was okay to eat Big Macs every day and be 50 pounds overweight you know maybe with Morgan Spurlock dying a couple weeks ago maybe I should have picked a better example here for this right yo so Morgan Spurlock was apparently a horrible human being to uh to deal with and I won’t say what school it was hro horam but he was a speaker there like a decade and a half ago it was when I was in high school but not at that high school I just know a lot of people who went there he apparently mocked a mentally challenged kid who was sitting in the back of the auditorium and didn’t know that the kid was mentally challenged and then somebody apparently like said to him like hey [ __ ] like knock it off and he still kept doing it so apparently if you were in high school around that 2004 to 2008 Range and you were there at Hao horam High School you have a uh apparently a uh what the hell is the the a keystone moment a touch tone moment what’s the what’s the thing there Kevin what’s the there’s there’s a phrase for it like one that’s a fundamental fabric of your being kind of memory so anyway I didn’t know I didn’t know he was an [ __ ] yeah he did the super he did the super siiz me documentary he died a couple weeks ago but anyway um did he the point of the body positive movement was to like accept and love like all types of bodies it wasn’t to make like unhealthiness acceptable it’s not it’s not like oh I’m obese I love my body you no you’re you’re not supposed to be like that right exactly right um great these are two esoteric kind of ones only for people who have kids I think monster zinc is the top five all-time Disney movie I think Bubble Guppies is the best children show currently running and it’s not even close I think the Creator should win multiple Awards especially the music director I got all these Bluey people up my ass on Twitter because I think blue is the greatest thing of all time I like bluee I don’t think it’s the greatest thing um ever I ran a poll asking people to decide which was the best one Bluey won like 91% to 9% and as Ford comes in and says Bluey is the best thing I know that that is a horrific take like that we should actually get to deduct 100 posts from your total and run this [ __ ] back in like a few weeks when you get to 10,000 again that is that bad of a take need a severe penalty yeah all right well I me I’ll do a separate I’ll do a breakout column on that defending Bubble Guppies and criticizing also I don’t know if Monsters Inc can be determined to be a top five Disney movie since it’s a Pixar film and I know that they acquired Pixar not though because there’s the Disney animated Studios Moana is a Disney movie not a Pixar movie you can’t just go back don’t appropriate Pixar films and try to call them Disney Now Kevin that’s not how this works everyone knows the the real ones no if it’s on Disney plus it’s a Disney movie that’s how I’m choosing okay don’t they have Marvel tune but yeah so as we all know Harry everybody loves seeing Disney’s The Avengers yep we all saw Disney’s Avengers end game no it’s in the Disney tab in Disney plus where they put the Pixar and the Disney [ __ ] together they didn’t put it in like the St they didn’t call the Star Wars movies Disney movies you know they are separated by the by the tabs and I will I will shut down Russ on a on a on the site when it comes yeah I can’t have add anything to Children let’s get it back Bubble Guppies is also a of of insane absolutely insane to now we got Glenn chiming in here what is this told what am I told about you folks ripping Craft brewery not kcha hwan though no oh yo recck room in uh in Phoenixville fantastic I was there a few weeks ago did a date night there it was great see kaj Hawkins is like one of the OG ones around right and then they expanded to the couple but then it’s like the little small one that opens up that has like eight eight of them eight beers and like it’s six of them are shitty ipas like it’s too much you know like like enough with with that already um okay I like this one um trashing I think the trashing the Philly Airport is a snowballs at Santa of Aviation talk it’s it’s an average it’s just average it’s not a good airport but it’s not airport um it’s been this way for a lot of for like 15 years I think anybody who thinks Philly International is like the worst I think needs to travel more because I just think it’s like utterly average what is the worst like that you have experienced cuz I don’t travel all that much like isn’t Chicago’s the worst oh well LAX yeah I mean okay I haven’t been there in a long time constantly under construction and the food is terrible um but I think people who do the Philly Airport thing they fly like once every five years and they just know it for being really really shitty like 20 years ago there’s always a delay for your flight and things like that yeah so they think it’s the same thing that it was 20 years ago I’m like no it’s not shitty anymore it’s just average you’re probably right one of the best airports is Tampa yeah I have never had a bad experience there and I’ve traveled there a lot okay we fly from Lehigh Valley to Punta Gorda I mean there’s like there’s like six planes that go there in any day of whatever perfectly fine no issues you know but there are terrible large I mean even like Atlanta if you got a connection in Atlanta you gotta like walk six miles yeah like inside the terminal to get to the next thing so I I think the the airport thing is a little uh little bit much um that yeah I was curious to see how Harry would react to number 36 too many Temple alumni in Philly sports media well let’s go through them I mean I’m no longer in the media um but I I wasn’t a a media guy at Temple like I didn’t study journalism John conab okay Elliot Shore Parks Rob Ellis Kyle Pagan um half I know Pagan went there yeah Pagan half of the guys on wiip half the guys on the fanatic like I forgot about ESP yeah every other every other dude in Philly media would went to Temple nothing wrong with that but I think like what Pagan does now is he just shits on Villanova all the time on the site oh okay to the point where I gotta pull him back I’m like all right well like yeah hey I got emailed by Villanova guy here maybe we’re going too far with with bash in the mainline see I never I never shat on Villanova I just made it clear that I couldn’t root for them when they were in the tournament because I’m a temple guy like I wasn’t G to be a fraud and just on the Villanova bandwagon because it’s a local team because their success made it harder for Temple basketball to to get players yeah yeah true I just I just think that there’s like you know the whole villain over split are they a city scool they not a city like yeah look Kyle Pagan look at this typical Villanova douche oh okay yeah not a like there aren’t guys at Temple that do that that you’re right there are no douchebags at right no St Joe douchebags right the douche is exclusive to the mainline which by the way everybody thinks the mainline is all up and and whatever go down south and experience old white money in the South uhuh it’ll make the mainline look like Fishtown yeah you’re right like those are you want to talk about real snoody people go down there or go back up to the other parts of New England go to like Cape Cod yeah and check out the Wasps up there go to a tailgate at Old Miss an Old Miss ta yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for real go to The Grove right right and tell me how those people stack up to uh so and so from Wayne you I’m from Wayne see I mean exactly double shots at poor Harry can can we just all admit here that the whole Philly school thing is just stupid it’s a dumb argument it’s exhausting and for anybody who didn’t grow up in the city it shouldn’t matter like none of your schools are that meaningful in any way like Temple’s a fine School lal’s a fine School Drex is a fine School Nova has a good basketball team and some really great programs and good academics and an NBA that I intended on going for and never did but like these aren’t these aren’t like the Bastion of of Education like Penn all right Penn’s an ivy league but like what are we doing here you know like I think a lot of people from this area just need to remove themselves from places where there’s business and really good restaurants other than like one or two I think they need to move north to skookul County and live there for a couple of years where there’s no mall where in order for you to go see a movie you have to drive a half hour to reading or a half hour to Hazelton where there there aren’t place where you don’t get an abundance of restaurants and commercial stuff you pick Roma or you pick poos for your Italian you go to the Hong Kong Buffet to go find Ricky like you just need to understand what life is like from 50 years ago but it’s available to you in posible Pennsylvania you have to go there and experience that and then and then you won’t feel this animosity for other City Schools there’s no reason you listen there there’s nothing Harry maybe you can find the school but like in skookul County everybody makes fun of Penn State skookul we called it Harvard on the highway that’s where all the people who like weren’t supposed to go to college would go to college until they maybe drunkenly found their way onto Main Campus on a Saturday for a game but like I don’t even know if there’s a place like that here yeah but like there should be and that’s that should be the thing that unites all of the city schools they should pick on that one school you can’t just pick on Nova the people are like oh no was not a Philly school it’s it’s like the place that you all wish you could go to so like what is that school is there that school in this area that everyone can just unify and laugh at it exist I mean Villanova plays in the Wells Fargo Center and they have banners hanging from the Wells Fargo Center you know and they recruit Philly kids and kids in the area you know I mean is St Joe’s more of a a Philly school than Villanova because it’s 50 feet inside the the city limits City Limits you know it doesn’t matter you know I mean J Wright is a is a Bucks County guy I think it’s such a like you know a nothing Burger you know but um true let me uh skip ahead here real quick um I propose a 25% rule for ethnic jokes um for example if you’re 47% polish you can do a poock joke um but if you’re only 23% polish now it’s racist and you’re cancelled oh I like that I I never knew how to spell poock now I’m not sure if that’s that’s not right no right anybody in the chat from Port Richmond yeah anybody from Warsaw in the chat the priest at my church is from Poland I’ll go ask him I love that my wife’s part polish the the only thing I would qualify for because I’m like 80 something percent Irish I can only do Irish jokes so I can do Mick jokes you know I don’t know my percentage because I never did the 23 in me or what any of those things but I’m German and English yeah um Craigs there go oh there’s a c in there’s a c yeah all right there you go thanks we have a producer here to tell us how to spell the derogatory polish words well done Craig well done yeah I P potato jokes yeah okay this was probably the most controversial one on number 40 I said if you used a word before it was deemed offensive you should be allowed to continue using it wow the grand this very controversial now I gotta be careful Bo Town Boer Town might not exactly be the best Baseline for that Kev well no but let me tell you this I’m going be very careful about how I say this cuz I want to get canceled but we used a lot of words interchangeably at Boyertown to just mean some version of like you’re a douchebag or you’re stupid or whatever yeah um then people kind of came out and said this is like homophobic this is offensive or whatever we don’t use that anymore but we didn’t use them that way right like if you were used them the right way we used them the correct way right everybody knows there was a correct way to use them like if you’re if you’re like that that like a stereotypical like um you know football captain right and you’re dating the cheerleading captain and You’ got your varsity jacket yeah yeah I mean like we would call that person you know a three-letter word we would call that person the bundle of sticks word you know but not not because it was a homophobic thing he was just being a douche right he’s got the jacket he’s got the cheerlead whatever he’s a douche so we would use these words interchangeably to to mean things that were not you know did not have any kind of phobia attached to it right um all right 41 the most annoying thing about South Philly is when the Italians criticize you for buying pasta sauce at the store um your mom only made it uh from scratch oh good for you I’ve got two kids in a full-time job I’m buying pasta sauce from the store I see Russ Russ rolling his said who gives a [ __ ] man nobody cares if you if you make your pasta sauce on the stove you can go get it at the store it’s the same damn thing yeah Mike melli this was one of his things he’d call you a medigon yeah but Mike also got offended at the little guy with the hat too right that’s true that’s true the guy on the pizza box I just fundamentally have a problem with fake Italian ISM in this country and in this area it genuinely bothers me is somebody who is half Italian well the real Italians come from Pottsville well I mean well who are some of the fake ones the fake on fake Italian well there’s this whole I mean listen there there there’s kind of like the weird sort like the the the verbiage the metagon stuff bothers me calling it p calling it you know like no like don’t don’t [ __ ] with my Italian all right like don’t don’t take my language don’t take the language of my ancestors and smear it through like the streets let’s not do that all right have a little bit of respect for some manotti let’s learn that ravioli is actually plural and that the singular form is raviolo how about we do that can we start there is that okay am I expecting too much maybe I am can we just talk about spaghetti is plural spaghetto is just one piece can we learn a little bit of our language a little bit of our culture and then you can bring it back it just bothers me it really does it TR does spaghetto spaghetto now spaghetti spto oh is it like a Paparazzi versus a Paparazzi papar a singular Paparazzi papar singular spaghetti is a spaghetto all right yeah there you go like we’ve all we’ve all learned something today what it’s all about here on Crossing broadcast sometimes we do an exercise sometimes we have a linguistic lesson that’s what it’s all about all right just just a couple more here um Conor McGregor I think he gets waxed by Michael Chandler this summer if the fight even happens it might not happen now U number 43 I think there’s too much dick riding of Eagles players from Eagles fans um and in the media as well sometimes we are guilty of this we need to do a better job as Andy Reed once said I think a lot of I think now because you have like social media lot these big fan accounts that have a lot of followers it’s like I stand with Jaylen Herz you know that question from Jeff mlan was unfair you know right it’s a perfectly fine question nothing wrong with that question I think like people are like defensive and supportive of the players to a fault where it’s like oh yeah and they use the reporters as the as the bad guys you know trying to stir up controversy you’re trying to split the locker room yeah my favorite accusation Harry is like you knew exactly what you were trying to do yeah what trying to get an answer yeah get an answer out of this guy so doing his job I’m just glad I’m not a beat reporter it’s like the worst time in the world a beat reporter you know y all right so um now I’ll go in the opposite direction uh number 44 there’s nothing wrong with betting against your team um you’re ensuring a positive outcome either your team wins or you win money I don’t think you’re a fake fan if you bet the Cowboys to beat the Eagles in Dallas I think you’re a pragmatic fan yeah I agree with that in fact I I’ll remember the last the one big time I bet against Temple basketball I and and I advised my buddies to do the same because Pepe Sanchez had a bad ankle he had that high ankle spring and they were playing Cincinnati in you know back when they used to be in a good conference and is this Bob Huggin Cincinnati yes Bob Huggin Cincinnati and I bet against Temple and they freaking won the the ankle was the biggest load of [ __ ] ever Cheney played that thing up to a T and I bought it hookline and sinker and L probably I think I was probably back when I was betting Nichols I lost $550 on that [ __ ] game yeah but how much would you pay to have Temple beat Cincinnati that’s a good point I didn’t look at it that way but now that you say that I would have paid $550 we open with Penn State at home this year I would right I would give my left arm to beat Penn State in Morgantown I would give I would give my head wouldn’t that be great yeah so how much but I’m gonna put all my money you’re damn right I’m gonna put all my money on Penn State yeah and and they’re probably Penn State fans that agree with you because they want to get rid of Franklin and they probably feel that that would be the start of really getting rid of James Franklin there’s a lot going on with this game Harry I’m very intrigued by it but I’m putting all my money on Penn State because you know why either we beat Penn State or I make money right I call it the emotional hedge I like it the emotional hedge that’s a great take what what do you think Russ I think that for Kevin using the term dick writing before I think it’s fitting that he’s Captain fence Rider and this is the ultimate fence writing I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket we can call it pragmatic if you want no Russ hates pragmatism he thinks that you have to I am not opposed to saying that it’s worth sometimes betting against your team I don’t I don’t actually disagree with the point I think that there’s a little bit of pretentiousness in this take but I will accept the fact that like sometimes it is better to bet against you bet against the Sixers in the playoffs you make a lot of money well that’s just being smart you know I don’t think there’s an emotional part of that um number 45 was a controversial one yeah I think that if you’re in a bad mood all week because the Eagles lost on Sunday you’re a loser wow that’s strong you know like what it’s Thursday um you’re moping around at your [ __ ] job like oh lost you know yeah but a lot a lot of people don’t have you know jobs that they really enjoy doing so they’re miserable to begin with and the Eagles give them that one thing that they look forward to during the week and if they lose and especially lose to a certain team like the Cowboys it it ruins their it ruins their week I guess it does I guess it does I just think the threshold should be like Wednesday like you gotta flip it like Wednesday and you got to look forward to the next like in sports radio you quit talking about the game that was and on Wednesday day it’s about looking forward you can’t be a miser Rob for all five days give it like two and a half once you get the hump day okay then you can start thinking about the Dolphins coming up here okay I’ve got two takes about spouses here okay number one if you let your wife boss you around and make a honeydew list you’re a loser make sure to establish this early in the relationship because there’s no coming back number 47 I think is actually a really good one that I I thought should have got more feedback you’re not actually mad at your spouse you’re mad in general and your spouse is the only adult in the vicinity to take it out on that’s interesting I like that one that’s what Happ that’s what happens with me all the time like I’m not mad at my wife right my kids are being in a pain in the ass I’m tired so I just yell at her because she’s the only adult that I can yell at you know right or i g walk to the store and find another adult to yell at or if the Union lost or if the union loss I’m miserable for all five days I’ve never heard of the honey de list I don’t like that yeah I I actually feel gross by uh association with that being a thing put into the Universe I will point out the fact that you know K’s a little bit of a hypocrite on that one I think cuz I I seem to remember there being something that Kevin didn’t there was something Kevin didn’t want to do initially and then he ended up acquiescing oh no don’t don’t you dare [ __ ] bring that up don’t don’t don’t just I’m just saying that you know pot calling the kettle black a little bit there one Kevy poo well I mean having a deciding to have a second kid is a little different than like are you’re gonna take the trash out yeah you know so say so we figured that one out and what is a honeydew list honeydew this honeydew that it’s like a list of [ __ ] that your wife gives you to do like I need you go to Home Depot go get you know yeah go to Home Depot like if you if you do a honeydew list for your wife you are a [ __ ] I don’t do honey list do not give an inch oh sorry all right well um anyway I have to go jump on to that other call I’ll come back if you guys are still going Harry we only got three more anyway I’m Not Gonna Keep Harry any longer anyway we’re gonna try to keep it keep it to an hour here so number thank you Russ appreciate you see you Russ all right ciao um if you live in the city yeah if you live in the city in a house your parents paid off 20 years ago you’re not allowed to cry about gentrification interesting go yell at the neighbors who sold to the developers now we lived in Fishtown for five years I lived in the city for 10 years we get people would give you a side eye every so often you know yeah like you know we lost a parking spot here or like our property our value like went up and now we got to pay more in taxes or some [ __ ] don’t yell at me man I just bought the house that the developers made go go be mad at you know um Barbara who lived in sold off to the developer sold off yeah yeah I agree that’s a good one that pisses me off I mean gentrification I get it you know but I mean everything changes man you can’t yell at the people who bought those houses or the coffee shop that moved in like underneath of course you’re gonna do that you know and the people crying about it oftentimes like the kids who live in their parents house that they’ve lived in in Fishtown for 80 years they got it for free they got it for free you didn’t for nothing right don’t come at me and talk to me about gentrification if you didn’t pay a single dime of that mortgage exactly getting heated here all right two we’ll wrap it up with two uh music takes here I think Tom Petty’s worst songs don’t come around here no more um it should be retroactively removed from the Southern Accents album I’m a huge Tom Petty fan and have been since the mid 70s when his first record came out and I was in the sixth grade and heard American Girl yeah and I totally agree with you that is that is pro that is without a doubt his worst song it is so bad yes was he on LSD when he I think he was okay yeah I think he was I think he was that’s the only explanation because it’s like him in the madh hatter thing and they’re doing Wonderland video and like this weird like it sounds like Ravi shangar is running the sitar in the background well wasn’t the guy from the rhythmics part of the production of that Rec that record yeah I think he was yeah and he’s a weird Dude too he a very weird dude and there are weird sounds in that and then like you get to like three and a half minutes in and then it turns into a Tom Petty s it turns into a regular song yeah and you’re like okay somebody remembered that this is Tom Petty it’s not like your rhythmics right yeah the mushrooms wore off you know or whatever whatever was in that tea drinking in the video yeah the the acid trip ended at 3 minute 47 Mark it’s always a horrifying time when that when when you when you crashed after that the worst yeah not that I would know anything about yeah I would now this one’s interesting yeah the last one yeah happy uh Happy 79th birthday to Bob Seager wow but oldtime rock and roll is probably his worst song I would rather listen to Spring Steam while being waterboarded um every time the radio stations play oldtime rock and roll they should be playing Rosalie instead now I listen to that Rosalie song that you had I never heard that before but it’s a good tune it bangs doesn’t it yeah it’s a very very good song uh that was that predates my relationship with Bob Seager but I thought always thought his worst song was and they played on the it was on the live record yeah Catman do oh it’s a [ __ ] terrible song it’s awful so it’s really awful and there was some DJ I forget who it was on on the old ysp back in the 70s and 80s that would always play that [ __ ] song I’m like this is terrible terrible yeah it’s just like the way he sings I’m roll down to C going down to Catman de it’s awful Terri God the terrible you know I’m glad that we’re aligned on the Seager take I decided to leave the Bob Seager take for last you know okay yeah I thought I’d piss off so many people that they just stopped reading you know but um I I just like the thing about oldtime rock it’s a little bit of the Springsteen thing for me are you Springsteen guy uh you know I was back when you know like Asbury Park greeings from Asbury Park Born to Run you know uh uh what’s the other one the one right after that before the river once he got to the river I was kind of out on him okay okay Darkness on the edge of town that’s the the last good one to me my main thing with like Springsteen was like I first of all I hear like 700 in instruments going on in the background guys like noodling on a [ __ ] piano right there’s nothing rock and roll about the piano right unless you’re like Chuck Barry or Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis right I mean if you’re lead instrument like you’re playing like a piano lead uhhuh whatever and like God bless the saxophone player for spring Clarence Clemens right Clarence the big very very talented guy but like I don’t listen to rock and roll to hear a [ __ ] saxophone solo wow know what I’m saying so I think oldtime rock and roll has got a ton of piano in it and it’s like at the Forefront uhuh and I’m like I I don’t know I don’t that’s that’s what bothers me I think the most but I do hate Catman do Catman do stinks yeah that’s a terrible song it’s a terrible song so all right well that brings us to the end of the list a little bit of uh Bob Seager a Bob Seager takes for you yeah to end it yeah but yeah like I said here at the end of the post on a more serious note thank you everybody for all the support over 7 years and 10,000 posts if nobody clicked on this stuff we’d be flipping burgers right um yeah we write a lot of goofy [ __ ] but we work hard at it iron sharp and iron love that yeah so Harry thanks for sticking around the entirety of it appreciate it this is a verye yeah A’s podcast Harry May Jason Martz uh swing it and ding it as well what else what am I missing what want to tell the people um that’s it for for right now just looking for other stuff to do and trying to uh to get better at golf okay well ask Russ and if Russ got any of that extra budget yeah for me let’s talk then we’ll talk okay thank you thank you thank you brother we’ll see you all right all right thank you to Ford thank you to Danny small thank you to Craig thank you to Josh white Ford is up my ass wanting to have a take on the NBA Finals I don’t have a take on the NBA Finals I like what do you want me to say about the NBA finals well the Celtics are going to win or the Mavericks are going to win my take is this uh who are the best players on these teams they guards they start on the perimeter right I mean Jason Tatum and and Jaylen Brown can post up guys they can do some work on the inside if they have to but look at these two teams the way they’re constructed Superstar guards excellent ball handing perimeter play ask yourself if the 76ers will be able to do that with Joel embiid ask yourself I mean I don’t know if he stays heal can he initiate on the perimeter the way that these teams do I don’t know that’s what I’m looking for the most look at these two teams look at the finals and say look at the way that they play you know identify who’s got the ball in their hands the type of shots that they’re creating with five minutes four minutes three minutes left in the fourth quarter um who’s scoring the points and what are the other guys doing what are the role players doing I don’t know if joeel embiid as the centerpiece of a team gives you what you need to win the title just based on the style right I don’t know if you can ride fouls and rips and face UPS from 12 feet to a title um maybe you disagree with that we’ll watch the NBA finals and and see if we change our mind on it but that is to be determined that’s why we watch the games thank you uh thank you for this uh for this episode everybody we’ll see you next time right

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