Golf Players

The View Podcast: Aaronson Interview Discussed & The Retained List

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The View Podcast: Episode 3
Ger & Locky cover the retained list and Brendan Aaronson’s Interview

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[Applause] he folks welcome back to the view podcast a slightly different variation everyone’s busy this week so myself and Loy wanted to have a chat about a couple of bits the attend list is going to be the biggest piece and Brandon Aronson’s recent interview about his return to Le United that he has done with the athletic lucky first things first how are you manate how’s your week been good good yeah I’ve been busy been trying to you know get the content out as quick as possible but also try and make it well it’s tough any preseason and you got to try to find different areas to try to get videos out but yeah I’m trying to do that I’m keeping myself busy mate going on a lot of runs recently trying to get fit stuff like that but yeah AP from that nothing bit boring really that’s why it I I started running last week as well because I put a bit of weight on and I’ve got it lose away for the wedding in November I have to get myself back in some sort of shape and I went running for the first day and I really went slowly and my knees my back my hips hurt for two days afterward my plan was I’ll go at lunch time every day for the next week like I’ll go do a short 3K and just build up and I’ve done one and I’m like my back’s killing me i’ got to give it a week now before I try again yeah don’t don’t rush yourself into it you don’t want to inj yourself just my brain still tells me I’m young and I can play and I can play football I can run around and then I go and do it my body goes what are you doing what are you doing mate we’re done we’re done back off but any I feel that at my Edge you’ve got all well yeah yeah yeah fair enough yeah yeah M mine was my hip though I remember like I met my partner on on TV on first dat and and one of the Clips in it was where she played basketball for Ireland and she said that she messed up her knees and I said yeah he’s play football and she goes what happened I was like on my hip and she goes that’s your hip that’s not good Grandad I was like yeah hip automatically makes you sound older you damage your hip you’re an old man it’s an old man injury isn’t it yeah that’s AIP oh hip yeah that’s what my dad say every after work on my back you know what I mean I’ve turned into that I really have turned into that all got I know yeah nobody tells you everyone says Ah you know you’d be fine you’d be grand and then you stop playing football I just forret my father always told me never pull out of a 50-50 tackle I wish IID pulled out of 90% of the 50-50 tackles I wouldn’t be in this much pain now in my later years was I was playing never got involved in him mate for it I didn’t care I’m not involved in them I love the cruncher though I Absolut my brother now my brother was a tough he was a Defender he was a tough tough guy to play against um but I love a slight tackle I I preferred 604s against me where I had to actually you know fly into the tackle to try and win it I used to enjoy them I don’t enjoy them even retrospectively now thinking back I’m like you you did this to yourself Paul you did all of this you did it to yourself that’s what it does to you this spot but that that honestly the the thing I love most we put a left back later on in my career career but um you make you make the Winger think he’s gone past you and then you just smashing love them ones you slide to the side of him get the ball on man beautiful yeah oh he love that leave a little bit on him leave a little bit then a little wink and you’re walking away and job done love it love it that’s why I love Joe RH on same idea smash it take the ball take the player as well get up go oh sorry mate and walk up do it didn’t he as well Calvin was good at that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah his timing wasn’t always perfect but yeah yeah when he got it right you got it right didn’t he bit over the top what it the OD red card oh well they happen lucky lot’s happening last week it just seems to be every week you come into it and think be quite weak for leads this week and then someone does an interview or something comes out we’re recording this on Thursday so it’s before the transfer window opens tomorrow or today if you’re watching this on Friday the window will have just opened and as I said on my news video this morning I’m not expecting a massive rush to the front of the bus stop to try and get deals don’t I think it’ll be a a slow enough process and there’s plenty of free transfers floating around that you might see being picked off first before anything else happens but the retained list came out we’ve talked to lots of other people about it lots of channels have covered on it um and the two of the the two kind of surprising names that were on there well three surprises one Cody drama and lead’s offering him a contract so they can get pick compensation incredibly smart piece of business and very intelligent thing to do Jamie Shackled being offered a new deal and Liam Cooper being offered a new deal and the wording that should be highlighted here as offered deals haven’t signed them yet H and bearing in mind Adam farshaw and Joel roblas were invited back to the club last year at this time and decided not to come back after a couple of weeks of considering it so it’s very possible and apparently Jamie Shackleton has offers currently right now and there’s a bit of interest in Cooper so they may never stay here but what did you think of the of the the retained list lucky and were you as surprised as he was when I saw the names yeah I I was first of all I was very happy of the S Byron one it just makes perfect sense he played a lot of football he was a big part for a lot of season wasn’t he so that will makes sense for another year of course yeah the Sha and and thingy one obviously you know I mean I’m not going to lose my mind over it like most people tend to do I think when people see retained and offer new contract they think oh they want to play every game you know that that’s not the case they want them at the club in case they needed I think that’s the role they would have been offered reduced we just probably reduce terms it would be very clear in the contract that’s been offered that look you probably won’t play but we want you part of the squad in casee we need you and you need them at football teams and it’s hard to get a player who is willing to do that do you know what I mean so people say we need better well you’re not going to get better in terms of a player that won’t play come to our club you won’t play but come to our club you know what I mean so if they’re there and they’re willing to do that of course you’re G to try and keep them so it makes sense for me I said this year look if we recruit well in the summer we won’t be mentioning them too to be honest no you know I mean they’ll probably just come in every now and again Cooper and you know Shaq’s really good trainer by all what we’ve been told you know he trains really hard sets the standard yeah you need that Cooper’s obviously a leader the experience the plays love him they’re good people to have and it’s not and people saying taking space of someone they’re not taking space of anyone you know come on we’re not going to we’re not going to bring in 15 players are we you know we need we need to be sensible and I think they are sensible if they stay of course they might not obviously but yeah I’m all right with it you think about the amount of players that were released from un 21 setup this year a lot of gun yeah a lot are gone and if you think about from a and looking at from a managerial or coaching perspective you need a match Squad to prepare against so you don’t need 18 players that you have in a mat day Squad you need minimum 22 possibly 30 players in order to have an effective match CL because when you’re doing some of your match drills your Strikers could be off working on on stuff there your defensive coach could be working with the Defenders on something else and you’ll need bodies to come in and fill in there it’s not a nice term to use but F or padding is essentially what you’re looking for and and I suppose the role that Charlie Creswell kind of played for leads last season we heard far talk an awful lot about him being an important part of the match day preparation and like yeah but he wasn’t playing a lot of football you could very easy see Liam Cooper and Jamie Shackleton being in that match day preparation Squad that they would set up against so if you’re playing Burnley next year right this team are going to set up how Burnley set up and we’re gonna our strategy that we’re planning on doing I’m gonna run it against him a couple of times and see how it goes and that’s kind of where it is for me from a Shackleton perspective I completely understood from a managerial point of view because as you said he’s a he sets a standard when the manager says right get your laps in before we start talking and doing anything go get warmed up get your chatting out of the way he’s the guy that just goes running and everyone else has to follow you know that he’s that guy and everyone who’s played football knows who that guy is who usually goes off running for like right we have to go going we have to run now and you’re all after in a queue you know that’s that used to be me when I was younger me too until I got older then I was hanging at the back but yeah yeah or talking to the manager knowing full well we’re about to kick off any second they start I’ll start chat to the coach about something um but I think he feels that one as in he’s a good standard and and the kind of high Tempo player he is is good to train against and it’s good to have in a training because it it can increase the tempo and that was very important for Le last year was Tempo so I understood from that degree I was surprised that it was I did expect to see him leave because I at this point in his career the kid needs to go and play games but I can understand it from maybe a safety net perspective Le’s going look just offer the two that contracts they’re on they’re bound to be massively reduced terms because they were on Premier League contracts and they won’t be getting anything close to that now so the money is not going to be big S Byrum’s not costing us a huge amount of money either they probably end up in the match day Squad but not on the bench you know if you if we recruit well as you said so but um the big point is they haven’t signed anything yet and they may not ever sign anything they could very easily turn down the offers and go elsewhere which is apparently they’re considering their options right now which is which is fine so I think the initial outrage by it is probably misdirected I can understand people to a degree but I think once you let’s have a look at things in July and assess where we are then I think it’s probably the more sensible approach to this and then then we can react if nobody comes in that’s it it’s hard to really what is it until the window’s finished we don’t know like imagine we offed them contracts they accepted and we brought no other players in you know then you’re thinking what well they’re our second Reserve so if anyone is injured they’re straight in and they could play 30 Games a season but you know let’s judge it like he said after the window’s done will we bring players in who we keep because is hard to do all this squad stuff without the window actually opening we don’t have a clue what’s going to happen um yeah we we you need Squad players you know J they’re vital and imagine I know you’ve coached imagine having a lad who’s willing to just train every day and put the stats in training it’s so rare in it because everyone wants to play and I’m sure Shaq does I’m sure he might want to go somewhere else and play and if he does fair play he’s still only 24 by the way which yeah he’s still he not old is he’s you he’s not 27 28 so we’ll see what happens there but yeah so yeah fine by him honestly I’m not offended by at all it it makes sense from a club perspective and Daniel farer clearly needs numbers like you said yeah we don’t have many we’re a small SW I I did like the square balls take on it as well I think I think it was Moscow who said it that these are two leads Lads like Cooper has had a huge amount of time with leads shackleton’s come true to the setup maybe it’s just a safety net offer look it’s not a lot of money Lads it’s not a long contract but it’s there in case you can’t get anything else we look after you and T far’s words about of Jamie Shon we look after Jamie you know it’s like it’s there you can take it if you want but you won’t be guaranteed game time you won’t be getting a huge amount of money but it’s there in case you can’t get anything else right now keep it taking over you know and that might be just what it is and some people say we’re not a charity case and we’re not but there is also sometimes you should do the right things by players as well and this gives them an opportunity to take their time about the offers they’ve got out there knowing there’s an offer there if they need it so it stops them rushing into something that could be a bad decision you know and I like that I do like that yeah yeah that’s good that’s good yeah I agree I agree the next thing that popped up Lucky um was we found that Brendon arenson was coming back to which I think shocked everybody everybody I never thought I’d see him in in a lead shirt again I don’t mean that from a negative perspective but Brendan was the first player to leave leads pretty much as soon as we’ve been confirmed as relegated which for me suggested there was negotiations going on before we had been relegated which that’s the bit that sticks with me that I don’t I don’t like because we were still fighting to get up and we were talking about players not trying and not giving 100% And then you find out players already left before the seasons gone you’re like well he’s been in the squad but he’s gone off he’s had a not a great season at Berlin finished very well last six games he he played all of them only started two games sorry only finished started and finished two games all season um and locked up two goals and two assists in the campaign as well but he very positive about his return to leads what what’s your initial take before we get into the interview that he that he’s done with the atletic what’s your initial feeling on Brendon arenson returning so yeah like you said it was a shock honestly when when it came that quickly we kind of think of it oh okay but I like the fact that it’s come quickly whether the decision- making process whatever that was it has been decided right now before preseason before the transfer window and that’s good to me that shows that whatever the decision is it’s been made and I like that and now Daniel farco knows he’s got the player there to work with and now he can figure out how to work with him so that’s a good thing for me yeah it was tough like like you said he never spoke to fact did he he left with ages before he came I believe and you got it’s hard but you’ve got to put yourself in the person’s position he was a guy that wasn’t probably rightfully so to an extent getting battled on social media every week saying you’re this you’re that a player that lost form was so DISD dreamed when he came under Jesse Marsh of this football we’re going to play and after the first five or six games we got found out in that sense yeah and I think he didn’t expect the level the Premier League would be at I don’t think anyone did I think everyone underestimated it and he must have been in a bit of a tough place at the end of that I know it’s hard to say because you know we’re lead fans but at the end of the day the individual clearly felt that he needed to leave hence why he went as soon as possible he wanted to get out of it and maybe he thought it was a premier league thing it was a leads thing but then the reality struck when he went to Germany and he went to went to Berlin Union Berlin that actually it’s a him thing because even in Berlin like you said he’s still the same issues still the same things pisting and that’s a different League still a very good League by the way the Bundesliga and you’re playing in a Champions League side it’s competitive a team and I think Bren Brendan mentioned this a team that is a very physical side the way which they play they rely on physical battles physical Jewels off the ball and stuff so I think it was a rushed move because of the situation and he just wanted to get out as soon as possible again you got to figure out what was going off the field you know we’d have no manager everyone else around him saying like his mates now Adams are G I’m going to leave anyway and all that he probably felt a bit lost and didn’t know what to do and probably thought he’s better than the championship I think that’s fair to say um but I think the reality is hit him this year some of the stuff he said about I have learned and he’s he’s now developing from that I like a player needs to learn I look at every player at leads this year and you go through Arie gray how much has he learned this season rut has learned you know somerville’s learned Dan James has learned U’s learned how to be a captain and figured that side of his game out it’s all about learning for me and he’s at least shown that and that’s something and I think Daniel farker likes that he’s clearly whatever maybe there were no offers but the decision has been made now that he can be part of the squad I think Daniel farer will like him I think there is I think he’s had conversation and he’s gone oh actually he can fit in my team because let’s be honest you I know he’s got a lot of downsides to his game but his dribbling is ridiculous when he wants to be his ball control is a joke his his passing is crisp and clean and has always been crisp and clean he’s he’s from so from that perspective I I he’s fine I think he’s a very good passer the ball he will he’s positive in terms of when he gets the ball he tends to be forward he tends to get it and go forward all the time with it the strength is the piece that that’s that’s the question mark and has been supposed to talk to death at this stage about his strength but he’s covered that in the interview that he’s done as well but I also think maybe it’s just something connections here about the personality of the player as well because he seems to make his moves early like you think about it when he joined leads that was done and dusted before his season ended with like with with salsburg he was already done and dusted and he was coming to leads so I think as soon as we win the open we announc that Brendon season finished s that was immediate then when the season finishes in the Premier League he’s immediately gone to Union Berlin and now that it’s just the season has just finished in Union Berlin and he’s announced I’m going back to leads next season so he seems to make a decision on his future immediately when the season is rapping I’m going I’m doing this and then goes and does it my hope is that he commits to this because my my fear is that there’s another Max vber incident in this where he says yes I’m committed and then someone comes in with an offer close to the deadline he’s like actually this longan Claus is still active I’m out of here and gone you know and that’s just not a good that’s not going to sit well with people and ability or not um and it’s an interesting piece as well I keep going back to the inconsistencies and what we’ve been hearing there’s there’s there’s a person on this channel who’s held me to task over the last couple of weeks about the fact that I said that the long players that had gone out had these long causes active again next season that was the belief that was the information that was on them that as long as Le were out the Premier League these Clauses were in their contract then thetic come out Phil Ha comes out and says it’s only Mark Rock and it’s only Jack Harrison that have the loan exit Clauses and you’re like fine okay right and then this guy has held meet the task and I’ve gone I’m only sharing the information that I’ve got when I’ve when it’s available wait and see theny letter come out and go actually no sorry brandan also has one in his deal and it’s actually Brendan and Jack that have it and not rocket at all even though they’re negotiating Al loan or rocket or potential permanent move at rocka as well so there’s inconsistencies on these Clauses and who has them and who doesn’t and Brandon has said he has waved to this Clause it’s not as simple as to say I’m waving my Clause youve you’ve got to commit to that legally then to say either take it out of the contract not sign something new or an amendment goes into it you sign that whatever the legal ramifications are of that and I’m not a solicitor so I don’t know but that would have to be done or he’s just saying it’s it’s inactive right now and we’ll see what happens in hope that he’s a man of his word and he appears to be a man of his word like he appears to make when he makes a decision he appears to stick to that decision that’s that’s fine but there is some clarity that’s going to be needed around that as the window goes on of what happens if a good club comes in with a loan offer for arenson closer to the window what what from both sides do the club look at getting the wages off the books and does he look getting a better move and that’s I don’t know where you stand on that but that’s my my concern is is that yeah I hope not but we don’t we don’t we don’t know it could happen it happened with war but I think this has been more of a the been more of a deal about this they’ve really tried in the media to tell us that he wants to be here with wber they weren’t really that I think wber made a bit of a comment didn’t he about it once you know I want to stay here but he never did like a real interview there was never all this hysteria around it it was just him in preseason staying I want to stay but then obviously a team came in from a and he left I I’ll go out on a limb I I I might in the backside but I do think he will I think he’ll stay I think I think what Brendan’s seen and you look at the players that went down last year and look what the authors some of for example some of went down had a good period in the Premier League in five six games where he was really good but prob similar to Brendan who had a good start now some ofil value is a joke you look at nto as well he’s lost a little bit of value but he’ll still have the similar clubs looking at him look at Dan James whose Valu is increased Archie Gray’s values increased even probably aadu you know you can go down the team Road on have better offers now probably I think he might have realized that for the offers he’s going to get this year maybe lower league Bundesliga like lower league or maybe even like Belgium or the a de places like that that actually going into the champ Austria going to the championship is actually good and actually there is a path to get back to the Premier League there if you develop look at the Players like I just mentioned like they’ve all improved from the championship and they’re better footballers now than they were 12 months ago and maybe there’s a realization with that I was talking to Chris you know Chris F shout to Chris yeah about how us players see the championship and he mentioned yeah well you got to look at the US and the way they they do it the the relegation stuff doesn’t really happens but it doesn’t happen it’s not the structure so the fact that you can go down to a league below is like you know not playing in that League it’s all about the premier league isn’t it you know what I mean but I think maybe he’s obviously chats with people and he’s seen how going to the championship can actually be a good thing for you as a person a player that maybe he’s given the offers he’s going to have this year said right those offers are not going to be they’re not going to give me enough you know going in the championship I’m part of the team I could be in the Premier League next season there’s clear there’s a clear pathway for me to develop hence you know some of R even developed so I’ll stick with that and I think from him I think it’s a good decision I wanted him to stay last year but he went straight away I think he would have it would have been good for him last year but even this year it’s not a it’s not a World Cup here either which is a big thing so he doesn’t have to fight for that Nationals team side he can develop this year and from that development going into next season get to the Premier League might be a much better player go to the US go right look I’m ready to start for you guys so there’s a lot of things you have to think about with him but I honestly think it’s a good thing for him and I think he needs to work hard now on on his aspects of his game that needs to improveing I gen I genely do believe he can be a success if he works hard on those things yeah the the raw ability is there there’s no doubt that that’s there and again removing the emotion and everything else from it yeah it’s there there is up there but there is an unfinished product there now the way he’s talked about his conversation with Daniel far is that he sees him as a kind of leader figure there now he’s 24 years of age and he’s 24 he’s same age as Ethan Ido who captained leads last season so he’s going to to step up to that level he’s going to be expected to be you know one of the more senior players in the dressing room at a relatively young age and that still is a very young age but he’s gonna have to be but I think he’s also seen some of the Redemption arcs as well like he’s seen Willie’s Redemption Arc and people singing his name again he’s seen the the phenomena that is Junior fero’s Redemption Arc last season and leads fan singing a song about him which I don’t think anybody ever T and for me one of the first names on the team Sheet by the end of the season and definitely for the playoff final and was probably our best player for the second half of the Season not the last 10 games so maybe he’s looked at that and went I can get what I want in terms of like adoration and and being loved by the club I can still get that here and there’s a it’s a more solid club Behind the Scenes now the ownership model is better it’s more relaxed there’s Americans in charge of the club as well so there’s you know cultural piece there that he can you know have people at least that that understand his background and the maybe then you know and I I still think he it’ll be a tough year for I think he’ll have a physically tough year because looking at what nto and Somerville went through last year he’s gonna have lumps kicked out of him next year he’s gonna be a Target he’s gonna be single day thing people are gonna Target him because he goes over he didn’t get free kicks in the Premier League for doing it he won’t get him in the championship for doing it so he’s got to adapt his game to that and but if he’s up for the fight great and that’s going to be the point he’s gonna have to fight for this and and I personally believe if he does the work and if he proves that he wants to be here and and it’s believable his work quite El leads was never ever questioned was never a question mark over how much Brendon Aron worked you couldn’t but if he can prove it that he wants to be here I I don’t see any reason why you won’t see an awful lot of people get behind him and me too I have a Brandon Aron shortt in the other room of us shirt with Brandon Aron at the back of him from the World Cup that time I really liked him when he first came in and thought and the fans were singing my American Boy like so there was there was clearly a he was doing something at the start season then it just spectacular off the boil but it did for everybody at that point but yeah he’s he sat down with the atletic and I think it was needed to be done because we needed to hear some real answers from him and real um detail on what him and Daniel frus spoke about and and the first thing he says that he has unfinished business that leads and a point to prove I think I know that the and but I’d like to know your take on on does he have a point to prove lucky or is that just a nice thing to say uh well we know he’s he’s you know he’s going to say that isn’t he you know he wants to get the fans back but I think that I think he’s right in saying that and it’s good that he recogniz as that but obviously we know he’s been told you know what to say you know stick to these words the fans are like that but it is true you do have to prove yourself because you know you did leave straight after you got relegated you didn’t want to stick around to see what happened you know you left and you do have to prove yourself and he will nonto to prove himself you know even even Jo junor R who did stay had a bad start to the season until the I switch game where he turned up until then people were still saying he’s not a footballer and all this stuff you have to prove yourself and in a way the championship’s probably the best place to do that because it’s not as good as the Premier League obviously and I just think a player with his technical ability could just be too quick for a lot of Defenders and and we like that as a fan base a guy who can run past three or four people you know and get the crowd going yeah we like players like that and if he does that first game or two three games in and all right Brennan’s here now that’ll really help him because when was the last time he was really praised and it’s probably at the start of the Premier League season he’s probably then yeah first half of the season when Jurgen klopp talked about him and there was a lot of links that Liverpool might actually make a move for him in January straight away and cl was admirer of them and yeah and since then far C where finished yeah since then he went to Berlin not really praised that much there maybe in the last few games he’s a player that needs to find a place for me like we’ve had in the past with amp do places like that people like that he needs to find a place and he has to be committed like you said I think he will be I think the fact the decision and hopefully sticks to it has been made now is good that shows to me hopefully commitment whe we’ll see but yeah but like you said like I I don’t if we’re gonna touch on the physical stuff and all that now or get into that yeah yeah we can talk about that now actually he has said that he is working with a nutritionist and has put on six pounds of weight and that the physical side of the game in Germany was something he had to worked on and he said that uh the ex I’m think of the exact term that he used the lesson that he the biggest lesson he has learned over the past two years is he has to increase his physicality which I’m delighted he said because I keep saying it’s a lack of self-awareness if he doesn’t see this but now he has seen it and he’s working on it brilliant yeah and that’s this is something like personally I’m really passionate about because I was I my body is literally the same as him I’m a small little man like Bren Aron and I get it I get it all my career I’ve had that and at the end of the day usually without s a big headed a lot of the time I’d be better than the people so the guys that are on the pitch that are saying you know you’re this you’re that when you run past them and they can’t get near you don’t matter how little you are but the the key aspect is he willing to learn and he’s willing to understand at this level that is a requirement you know you look at I look at Somerville for example who in the Premier League was small lad and he’s this year you look at him now and he just looks a little more defined a little more a little bigger and that’s and it’s important B for me J because people say he needs to go goore weights and stuff I think it’s the opposite I think it’s resistance trading I think he needs to get his body yeah he needs to get his car strength right he’s not gonna he’s he’s the type of person I can tell you for experience trust me people like Brendan are never going to be huge it’s just not in our wheelhouse we’ve not got it in us we can be fit we can be you can be strong by being SM Raheem steering is a great example of that he was really and he was Tiner Dan James yeah even Somerville to an extent it’s all about conditioning for me and you using what you’ve got to make yourself stronger you know he’s got he’s got the the muscle there it’s about developing that muscle and making that muscle more effective and that’s what he needs to do he needs to work hard resistance training all that stuff and all that boring stuff but there’s that side of it and then there’s the mentality side of it for me where and I see him on the pitch this what noise makes the idea of I need to go down to win a free kick as opposed to trying to stay on your feet to run forward non did it endlessly and how annoying was that play with that ability stay on your feet if you get you get took out keep going and he through conf through losing confidence in the Premier League I think his mindset was if I’m G to get touch I’m gonna go down because then that takes responsibility a way of creating an attack and you’re winning free kicks so the fans might think I did a good job but we’ll see through that you know he’s got to get that side right he has to build that car strength and that kind of conditioning I don’t think he need people say he needs to hit the gym in at the end of the day he’s good at what he is because of the size he’s quick he’s got his agile his balance is brilliant if you put too much muscle on you’ll lose that you lose yeah so he needs to get the right balance and he’s seen a nutritionist which is excellent that’s really good to hear work on himself a lot the end product is a thing for me though J that he needs to work on the most I think and just on that far far as well like the Premier League I seen this thing and it’s annoying me like the championship’s more physical than Premier League the word physicality is annoying because it doesn’t mean how strong you are it means how good an athlete you are really the Premier League is a much better physical demand than the championship Championship is longer it’s elite Prime Elite athletes at the top level of the game yeah yeah you have people that are strong in the championship but not quick in the Premier League they’re all absolutely massive and quick that’s what Bren struggled with yeah now so there’ll be the strength side there but brenham’s got that pace and like you said if you can just build on that that that that core strength and in them Jewels where coming together where he can just get in front of him a little bit and use his body to protect the ball he’ll be a much better player and that end product will be something he’ll just have to consistently train and try and improve because it’s hard to say get an end product like he’s do to try not to miss you know but that’s out him um but yeah to cut cut that shot yeah um if he works on the things he needs to improve on and he works hard and Daniel farker puts trust in him I honestly think there’s there there’s a place in him for this squad and he can be a big part I do believe that hard work and a good attitude can change an off a lot of people’s opinions very quickly and you know and Har and battle and fight and and look Park all the other stuff now it’s been talked about it’s behind us now he’s coming back to reality it’s happening so focus on what he can actually bring to the team and in the conversation he said he spoke to Daniel far and Far gave him some reassurance about how he fits in the team brandan said it was an awesome conversation and he’s very excited about the role that Daniel farer feels he will play I’ve been thinking about this and I’ve been trying to figure out what is that role because my fear is a georgino rotter at number nine and a Brendan arenson at number 10 and I personally think Brendan arenson is better coming in from the right hand side than he is from a central position then I go back to think about how Daniel Fara has played with Norwich and he plays with essentially three1 behind the one and Brendan could have very easily filled that role coming in off the right hand side being a bit more narrow kind of what Willie did last year towards the back end of the season I think he could do that job very very well but the output’s going to be important with that as well but he said that he it’s that Daniel sees him important role where do you see him fitting into this lead now I would also want to say lucky has done content on Brandon arenson as well which is linked Below in the description go and check that out as well and at the end of this video on the little recommendation popup window pops up I’ll put the video there as well so you can click on and go straight over to it and check that out if you want it but from a tactical perspective and from a Frack system perspective where does he fit into this system and what can he bring to this team that we don’t already have or can he fill a gap that we might lose see these are the things we love to talk about from that coaching side it’s it’s really fascinating so in my video I spoke about how so for me I just quick to talk about off the ball really quick before we get into the player I think centrally off the ball is much better because he leads the press for for for um in Berlin Union Berlin he led the Press even though he wasn’t in the nine he was Central to start of the press and you look at our 10s and the players we’ve had there periro and Rutter they’re not presses they’re just not so him there centrally off the ball might be a thing but I think for me J like you mention the norch side I look at the role Todd cwell had in that promotion season Todd cwell didn’t always get the numbers I think he got about eight goals seven assists or something like that but for me and the ones I’ve watched and I did a video a while back on that I watched some video video of him and he had this free role he played on the left but he it was hardly on the left it was hard on the left he would literally go right back Center back to get the ball wherever the the player needed to be progressed Todd campwell was there progressing it and I look at Bren arenson and how he drops deep to pick the ball up and runs with it I think that could be a role for him so whether he starts him on the right the left the middle I think the key and what makes arenson excited and what what he said in his thing that he was excited about it I think he’s going to give him a free role I think he’s gonna trust him with that I don’t think we have that player at all I think you look at geino I think he’s a little too joro for that he gives the ball away too much in that position um and I like you know what I’ve got s Geor on the wing I think cutting him down seen on the right hand side yeah absolutely yeah and the output’s an interesting point ly as well just say listening to describing that I’m just thinking is Daniel fary thinking Brandon Aron is buend maybe because he would have to log up those kind of numbers now the problem with Brandon Aron historically I think it say on Joe is outside of mls in salsburg he hasn’t delivered in terms of numbers like two goals two assists last year two one goal and one assist for leads like knock that’s three goals and three assists in two seasons and Max vber in a munching glabb side that was in and around the exact same position as Union Berlin were last season got two goals and three assists and he’s a center back so he actually outperformed arenson in front of goal at a similar level with teams that are of a similar standard Brendon have to put numbers on the board we talked last year about Daniel about Daniel James being effective not necessar the most skillful player in the world but he was effective he was chalking up assists he was getting goals for me Brendan arenson will have to be effective next season he will have to chalk up Daniel James Willie nto cre Somerville type numbers Somerville is a probably outlier in terms of you probably won’t get anyone will get those numbers next year but look yeah Dan James perspective for me I’m looking at Brendon Aron and between goals and assists he has to be in double figures for me next season I don’t know how how you feel about that so you mentioned Bend bendia and yeah Bend I think had like 15 goals 15 assists That season from the right for me though it is that cwell side cwell was on the left bendy are on the on the right and they had two or three different players in the middle of that season I think he is that cwell side because cwell like you said with about the numbers cwell didn’t have loads of numbers he genuinely didn’t I think he had about seven goals and six assists which looks bad but actually it was probably in terms of progressing the ball there Progressive player so he might be that type of role um and we might I think we bring someone in who gets the the bend numbers I think that could be if Somerville goes will try to bring in a bit of a a bit of a star at this level for that side for me anyone like that honestly you know you look so many Wingers that we could bring in but we still got so we’ve got Dan James whose numbers will be similar I think he had a brilliant season Rutter I think will improve I think he’ll get a few more goals and if we keep him I’m convinced he will be an animal next season seon experience of this year behind him definitely Joe per will chip in with goals mat Jose we’re hoping will score more goals we need that Patrick Branford might get a few again if he’s fit so I think we have goals and if we lose Sommerville I do think we’ll bring someone in who can provide that but we still don’t have that Progressive player for me really like I said I want georgino in the final third I think that’s where he’s deadly I think look at arm midfielders guev aadu they’re both Sixers but you look at Archie gray there’s development there maybe he can be that Progressive player but we don’t know that yet because we’ve not seen it and then Kamar who’s not a progressive player but who’s neat in possession and can get forward if he needs to for me Bren arenson is that guy who wherever he plays he’s going to be key in ball progression I know I’m kind of making him out like a key player here but again you’ll have you’ll bring in players and it’s competition and whoever outperforms will play that’s the key he’s not a guaranteed player at all he has to work for it but yeah I just from what the games I watched Berlin this season his best play was when he was deep and he drove forward with it and I don’t think we have that profile I really don’t that’s it’s not quite a box to box but it’s the second half of the perk to the box it’s that working between the lines between the 18 yard line and the halfway line and being active in that in that area there where yeah we probably don’t have that but as you said and talking about Dani farus said far’s talked about this as to arens in leas in the interview is about a key role in the team so farer clearly sees and fr has watched him and says he’s he sees a a position for him and again touching on something ball said it would be the first time that Brendan arenson outside of Berlin which is still similar to Red Bull but it would be the first time he’s played a non- red bulles system and it’ll be very interesting to see how he adapts in that system and and what he can add to leads that’s it I there’s a lot of things you need to consider in this said I get it like he did leave us and all that stuff but right now I’m like right whatever the manager wants him in it’s accepted early as well it didn’t drag on like warber dragging on I know he’s at the Euros but still I’m not having a conversation all that rubbish we need to know what your choice you don’t own the contract exactly but brand Harrison at least look if if he leaves us this will this will this will look like s milk in a few weeks what if he leaves but right now there’s been a decision made it’s clear it’s GNA be here next year as we speak which is good let’s work on that and that’s key we want players in early that we know want to be here and are willing to work like I said it’s not a World Cup here so I don’t think he’ll affect him internationally really I really don’t Jos Sergeant does he gets called up for USA doesn’t he he’s a US MNT let’s be honest about it playing I mean this is the first time the USA will have an 11 that are not all sorry that are all playing one of Europe’s top five leagues it’s the first time they’ve ever had that so but Josh s gets called as you said he’s Championship player you know like Tim R got called up for years when he was in the championship like so it happens it happens they they do p that and again if if you look at it what’s been said and just repeating what’s been said before you have the top five leagues in Europe and arguably Championship is sixth in that or very close to 50 I mean from a competitive perspective you could put the championship ahead of the French league because that’s just PSG that’s that’s the end of it you know so you could from a competition perspective you could say that now it’s always the view as the second league in England therefore doesn’t have the same gravitas as what the premier league has or any of the other top five leagues but that might change in the next 12 months this new deal with with with the the efl we’ll see a ton of games now from the efl be shown in America next season which hasn’t happen before so that brings more exposure into that league as well so you know there there’s a lot of there’s a lot of good things there for being the champion and I think from a development perspective it’s a good League to be in to earn your stripes you’re because you’re you’re gonna get kicked in this league it’s not gonna be easy yeah he described himself the championship as a grind and I read that line and I went you have no idea mate you have no idea trust me yeah you think you you think it’s a grind wait until you go to 40 games in and got to go away Oxford yeah but that’s it like you imag there I think The Branding of the championship is changing I really do I remember the championship 10 years ago used to be a literally a big big guys League you know you’d get League yeah yeah yeah long balls but now most teams play possession football are counterattacking football you know it’s it’s look at the Young managers that are coming every year look at breeding ground yeah yeah I know Remy marit as well who I absolutely love by the way he’s been linked with the sundon job like young managers are coming here and it’s working for them and season later they’re getting jobs at bigger clubs McKenna is another example of that yeah who who came for the championship and really established himself it’s a great league and young players I look at the England squad most of them players there came through championship at some point look at Warton he was here last season he and this is what Brendan will be seeing and going actually it can be a good League it’s a good league in the sense that it is a test which clubs like if you can play 46 Game season they like that but it’s also like you look at Somerville it was a physical League yeah but it was also at times too easy for him which allowed him to have these great games where he took four or five players on in a run and stuff like that so it’s kind of a good balance um and Brendan just needs to that’s he needs to focus on that yeah look I get it’s controversial to want these players back and there’s a conversation the others that I’m not really bothered to be honest but I genuinely see him Brendan a player and I always have maybe that’s because it reminds me of little me you know playing football maybe there’s that side to it you know getting told you’re got this you’re that and I really wanted to succeed because of that we do and if he stays here now this season and he does what he’s said in the previous what he said in these interviews recently about he’s going to be here he’s going to put effort in he’s gonna perform for Le to get us back to the Prem then I’m fine by me and that’s it that’s the goal get out of this league get back in the Prem the big thing for me or should the point that sticks for me is and I’ll be very clear on my state on this I’ll never Bo a leads player I might get wound up about them but I’ll never boo a lead’s player and I never you know abuse a lead’s player like I will stood in the Camden in the playoff final and screamed at the screen but will to get off the ground and stop waving your arms get on with the game you know that drives me nuts but oh yeah definitely i’ never abuse a player and and and Brendan won’t get that from me you know I if he is successful for leads it means that lead will probably have had a very very good season will be there or there boats at the end of the year same with Daniel FR I want him to be a success same reason I back Jesse Marsh for very much longer than I should have because if he was a success we were a success you know what I mean it’s and that’s why you do it you go well I want this guy to be a success so I’ll give him all the support that I can possibly give him to be a success because then we are and that’s that’s the hope and I think if he does that I think if he comes back and he does the work every we talked about already if he can do it all that great you know the window goes on with any more talk of a lone release Claws from him fine ideally I didn’t want to see any of them that walked out and that this is just an emotional perspective it’s not from a footballing perspective but and people have I’ve walked out on clubs I should say that that should be very clear I’ve finished the season with clubs not when theyve got relegated and walked out I usually would stick around for the following year try and help them get back but I’ve left clubs because I wasn’t happy you know and you think you you know a text message I won’t be back next season done you know like that’s that’s that’s one of my regrets as a player was one of those ones and but I remember going back two or three years later in the club welcome back with open arms and you’re like great let’s go back and play football here now that’s that’ll be fine so players can do it players can leave we’ve had players that we’ve that have left leads before and have come back you know so it’s not it’s the first time it’s happened the circumstances weren’t great Max V was a bit different like and the people Max who say he’d be an incredible defender in this Championship yeah he would he would there’s no argument about that um he committ last season and then on us yeah that and the comment about I’m not speaking to the manager I didn’t like any of that it was an arrogance about that wasn’t there he’s the Euros but it’s literally like maybe an hour conversation with the manager on the phone at night when you’re in your hotel you know what I mean about what what do you want to do please tell me now it’s kind of like he’s just waiting and seeing we’re trying to build yeah we’re trying to build a squad quickly you know there’s going to be a lot of outgoings there’s going to be a lot of stuff changing we need to know what players are committed the fact that he’s delaying that that that frustrates me a bit I don’t like that personally I’d sell him I’d sell him because you get a taker for him he had a very good season at gladbach last season gladbach weren’t good last year but he was and he was their stand one of their standard players all year and they were arguably a lot worse when he wasn’t in the team and he was out injured so um just because of the comments oh well I’ll deal with it in July no you won’t deal with it in Ju because if we get an offer next week for you you’ll deal with it next week we ring an offer go talk to that club you know and that’s the reality of you can say that yeah it’s not about him can’t be can’t be about him not From lead’s perspective and again people say well if you look from the players perspective like yeah yeah I get that and then people talking about players leaving and going for more money and like you’d do the same thing you’d go for more money as well yeah but I’m not earning 75 grand a week and I’ll Be A Millionaire or a slightly less millionaire is that’s what you’re talking about either way you’re going to have a very good life for a lot of money so oh yeah you know I’m not going to cry over you getting a 60% wage reduction that still puts you on 35 Grand a week do you know what I mean I was just gonna say J as well Aronson’s at a tournament he’s out with the us right now he managed to have the conversation but he did say he wasn’t going to he did say a few weeks ago that he was he didn’t want to talk about it till after the cup America but obviously frus contacted him yeah the difference between him and vber are vber and Fara talk last year and they’re both German it let him down didn’t he’s Austrian sorry yeah but they’re from a similar region yeah or in my job we call it the Dak region right he’s from that area and so they had a conversation he he agreed to stay he did the photo shoot and then left the following morning you know leis in a stair taking a photograph with a kid and signing a shirt and then going straight to barn with you know that kind of stuff it’s like there’s no need to do that if you want to go go and go with a blessing you don’t need to lie and then do it you can just say like I’m it’s not for me I want to play top level fine okay off you go you know the argument but well it’s more money and you do the same thing doesn’t was for me because you’re gonna be earning a hell of a lot of money anyway and the reduction in salary is not going to Dent your life that severely you know we’re talking about huge money here so you know all these guys on Premier League contracts Brendan is coming back as one of the highest paid players in the squad and we’ll have will be for me we’ll have to step up and be AB one of the biggest players in the team because of that you know he’s a 5 million pound player playing in the championship Geor was a 35 million pound player playing in it you’ve got to step up and deliver at that level so whatever the Premier League he has got to me for me he got to be one the standard players in the championship next season if he can deal with the physicality of the league the ability is there for me he can be a very good player am I over the M that he’s coming back no will I get over it probably and we all will yeah yeah and and yeah that’s football isn’t it that’s the um we’re always like like not n did his stuff and then a few weeks later we were singing his name did all this stuff you know he left really early if he comes back and plays we’ll be loving it because he’s the type of player that gets you off your feet as well yeah mate it’s football people make decisions maybe he regrets it Maybe not maybe this is the only the only thing he can do maybe he’s not going to get the offers he wants so he has to come back but the case is he’s back and he’s accepted that it seems so fine yeah he’s not doing what W’s doing and kind of delaying it he’s saying right I’m back then fine I don’t want to go back to Bel Austria or Belgium so I I’ll stay here I guess but he’s here that’s all that matters to me so yeah yeah and we’ll see how it goes over the next couple of weeks they’re back in preseason training next week although arenson won back to after the copper so be back into of July before we see him um did watch him last night when he came on for the last 15 minutes against Brazil for the US could have won the game he he had a chance to to win it did okay he did all right um but he was was knocked off the ball a couple of times but again that’s coming into a game The Last 1550 minutes but he did a couple of nice things as well and again you can see the passing range and you can see the the positive direction when he gets the ball he’s always on the turn heading towards goal so lot of positive stuff there we’ll we’ll um we’ll have to get over it but I think if Leeds are chalking up wins and getting three points and a sit in top of the table be a very easy thing to get over at that point you know and then yeah go back into the Premier League together lucky anything you want to wrap up before we finish up on anything you want to say no mate I think we we’ve um we fingered it all there I think I think yeah we’ve got to be we’ve got to be fair to him we’ve got to be critical like you said there’s a lot of pressure on him as an individual like you said he’s one of the highest earners was 25 million like georgino when he came and for the most part of the Season he did impress he did what he needed to Brendan’s a little old than georgino he’s got more experience he said what he said he’s got to come in in press now he’s got to do the job yep and as I said at the start you can check out Lo’s video down below you’ll see that in the preview there and it’s also this channel is also linked down below there go check him out if you want your Tactical analysis your breakdowns of stuff there is no better man in the business than that man right there and it’s not just me this says it my uh my friend Steve buddy who was white snake bites on YouTube and says it on a regular basis and I and I watched Steve so yeah Steve says you should watch Lucky You should watch Lucky go watch Lucky so yeah it’s an interesting video go check it out and then I will be back on Monday morning for more leads news I’m sure it to be loads now because the windows open I say so that video I just want to say quickly um that was my second take because I didn’t have sound for the first one because there was drilling outside and all you could hear when I spoke was drilling so that was the second time I did it yeah I have done videos where I’ve spoken for 15 minutes and then I’ve watched the review back and G there’s no audio microphone wasn’t picked up at all wasn’t switched on nightmare nightmare folks have a great rest of your day and weekend my dog heard me say goodbye and Murphy’s popping in hello yeah there you are and I’ll be back on Monday morning more leads news enjoy your weekend and I will talk to you later see you bye


  1. Brilliant Ger and Locky i am not happy with Brendan coming back but Daniel Farke wants to use him in the team and Daniel Farke does make players better. Brendan has a lot to prove for Leeds United football club and us the Leeds United fan's the second division in this country is the best second tier in world 🌍 football for me it's brutal and every week you play in full 🏟️ stadium's nearly every week and in this country our away fans travel in force 👐😍.I just hope Brendan takes this chance with both hands i do hope he can toughen up if he doesn't he will get the sh-t kicked out of him. Like I say not happy but give him a chance unfortunately I don't want Max Wober back thanks Lads good pod marching on together we all love Leeds keep fighting 🦚🇮🇨🤍💛💙

  2. Aaronson's return is a practical thing as much as anything else. Right now we're not in a position to do all the business we'd like and have to make the most out of the resources we already have. Plus it's going to take some balls for Brendan to step on our hallowed turf in a Leeds shirt – he will get booed a little. Could be the making of him. Let's hope so. If he performs the fans will respect him and all will be forgiven.

  3. Ger the voice reason question has gnonto got a sell on clause in his contract something @ the back of my mind something tells me upto 35% hence thats why we got him on the a third goes to gnontos previous club to leeds.bare in mind he was a 5game international @ the time.low impact training from now on cross trainers the bike& swim.your no spring chicken ger,time & tide waits for no man.theres no pockets on shrouds..

  4. I saw that episode of first date and i recognised you. Delighted to hear ye are getting married. Always wondered if she was the one whenever you mentioned your missus. Fair play and good luck to ye both

  5. Great work, guys. I see Aaronson on the left and Rutter right with a O'Hare or Szmodics types in the middle. I'm good with that as long as we have depth and options on the bench.

  6. Get busy living Ger,work hard,play hard,life's too short,nobody gets off this planet alive,including fitness fanatics,eat what you like !!!! 😂….

  7. Ha ha – Past the age of 40 we’re all dealing with something new on a daily basis – it builds, after 3 veritably massive birthdays I’m now proper ‘goosed’

    People say that you don’t stop cos you get old, you get old because you stop. Trust me when I say that’s bollocks. Your mind and body become estranged quicker than you’d ever imagine.

    But hey, it’s not the years in your life. It’s the life in your years!

    All you need to do is get to the end of it being able to say… “That was fun, wouldn’t mind another crack” – now there’s a life goal. 😂

  8. Great stream guys. Id be making it a regular feature with the both of you. Informative and knowledgable from two likeable guys. Keep up the good work!

  9. think the only reason were keeping him is because he cost to much in the first place and we will lose to much selling him lets hope he does well and we can can get rid in January we dont need anymore juduses

  10. I was hoping that Leeds would have all their ducks in order and ready from the very first day of trading. Confirmation of this for me would have been an announcement of our first signing or transfer in. I know that the 49ers know what they are doing, but lets not play the long game. I'm obviously too inpatient, I can't help it. I want the 49ers to secure our fist choice targets this time around before they get picked off by other clubs, that's all.

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