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BREAKING NEWS: Conor McGregor is OUT, Alex Pereira Is In | Good Guy / Bad Guy

On this Breaking News edition of Good Guy / Bad Guy…Anthony “Lionheart” Smith and Brett Okamoto join DC to discuss the massive changes to UFC 303. Conor McGregor is out with an injury and the highly anticipated Main Event against Michael Chandler is off. So, what does this mean for Conor? What should Michael do next…move on? Dana White announced that Light Heavyweight Champ Alex Pereira vs. Jiří Procházka 2 is now the new Main Event, top Featherweights Brian Ortega and Diego Lopes will step in as the Co Main Event, and an absolute BANGER between Light Heavyweights Anthony Smith vs. Carlos Ulberg will also go down at UFC 303. Find out what Anthony has to say about helping Jamahal Hill prepare for Ulberg, having to step in last minute to fight Ulberg and how he stacks up to a fighter of Anthony’s caliber.  

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what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of good guy bad guy I’m the voiceless Daniel Cormier wrestling camp all week I am now joined by BR kodo and Grandpa uh down there that’s Grandpa Anthony Smith sitting in his rocking chair CH sunnon is in Brazil he’s fighting Anderson Silva this weekend boys thank you for joining the show yeah happy to be here DC you got it DC maybe because you’re missing a voice maybe we’ll get a word in on I mean dude I thought to myself like if we were doing a full show extended 20 minutes because Brad love to hear himself talk I mean I never met nobody I’m the one who talks a lot on this show Oto but guys we are here for a reason last week there was supposed to be a press conference then the press conference never happened everybody speculated for a week we were all worried that the fight be off between Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler the only person that didn’t seem to know was Michael Chandler he was the one still training still prepping because he just wanted so bad let me tell you something they say when you want something so bad it never comes to you it’s like the girlfriend it’s like I want to be rich and then you live poor Michael Chandler wants to fight Conor McGregor so bad that ultimately injury happens Conor McGregor never pulls from injury Brett tell us a little bit about your first first reaction to hearing that the fight was off and that Conor McGregor was out because of an injury in the fight against Michael CH yeah man I mean this was just one of those situations where as someone who follows this sport very closely this is actually I hate to say it but it’s kind of a it’s kind of a fun thing to be a part of if you’re over in the UFC offices and you’re trying to piece together how to keep this thing together and you’re getting different news at different times yeah it’s probably a nightmare but for the rest of us it’s kind of it’s very interesting how it’s all unfolding you know they had this press conference Conor McGregor suffered the injury from what I was told very very much right up to that press conference I mean they would not have scheduled the press conference had they known this guy was injured obviously so the timing of this could not have been worse he gets injured they cancel the press conference but they’re thinking that the injury is not so severe he’s got a few weeks you know obviously it’s going to impact his training but as you mentioned DC he’s never pulled out of a fight he could get maybe this is something that he could get through he could still make it to the fight so there was some optimism there on that side as time went on that optimism started to shrink and it was Conor McGregor is probably not going to be able or is likely not to be able to do this but because it’s Conor McGregor you want to give him all the time in the world you don’t want to cancel the fight so you also got a $22 million gate to take care of course of course they want to keep that gate they want they have an expo they have all of these different sponsorships coming in they have people flying in so it’s not just your average event so there is a big big um desire desire to First keep Conor on the card if he can and give him all the time that he that that he can um and if he can’t then to keep some kind of event together so it was basically just starting to form a backup plan and how do you form a backup plan on this short of notice you just start calling everybody man you start calling everybody and there were people that were called that are not on this card um and there are people that are on this card that at first said I don’t think I can do it I mean Alex Paha I think we all know had an injured toe when he fought the last time at UFC 300 he’s still been been uh you know healing from that he was in Australia doing promotional work doing sponsorship work so there were a lot of conversations there was a lot of effort to to put this together as there always is man I mean I think about the times when Connor threw a dolly threw a bus and Max Holloway was stopped from cutting weight in New York I mean these guys are used to doing things at the last minute what made a difference here DC is you mentioned it is just the amount of money involved you know it just changes everything when you’re talking about a star as big as Conor McGregor all the fights the fights the new fights that we know of one of which involves grandpa on his porch right there came together yesterday I believe yesterday the day well the day before the fights were all announced By Dana White so that’s sort of your timeline I think the interesting part is that no news delivered by Dana White in terms of how long Conor will be out and whether or not he will still fight Michael Chandler you know uh when I did this multiple times I was kind of going like but then you would like start something else if you weren’t so good-looking nobody would want to hear you talk story A lot happened over the last seven days I get it I get it it was a long explanation and you need to do it in that way but trust me at one point I’m thinking if this guy wasn’t good-looking I know it’s hard for you to go that that long without talking it is diff so it was like I would my boy Brett okamoto now Anthony you’re one of us right and Brett I’m just joking but you’re one of us Anthony where we’re podcasting and we’re talking about what’s happening when all this is happening nobody knows nothing but Brett and you you can probably speak to this a little bit how did everybody know something but not say nothing this is one of the most rare times where as you said honor McGregor’s out Anthony or at least he’s hurt nobody’s telling that he’s hurt they’re calling everyone so everyone’s calling somebody else so we all have an idea that something is really bad but it never came out how did they keep this so quiet for what was 11 days yeah DC I don’t know Fighters are notorious they’re telling each other stuff and I think that’s one of the most impressive Parts is that a star the size of Conor McGregor is her and I think when there’s smoke there’s fire we all kind of figured out like all right there’s something going on here there’s something not good happening uh we started hearing that they’re reaching out to people but even me like I feel like I kind of got a pulse on everything pretty tight like I kind of it’s not too often so something happens DC we don’t already know that it’s going to happen we know about fights before they’re announced we know when people are hurt I couldn’t get anything out of anybody they kept that’s crazy they could they kept it so tight lipped and that’s when you know it’s bad like y you can kind of re between the lines like okay no one’s talking no one’s telling me anything everyone’s acting really weird uh so that was kind of my indication like okay this is way worse than than than we’re probably thinking it is yeah it it was crazy watch so po pop po pop um do you believe that we will ever see Conor McGregor again because CH thinks that this is essentially him saying I’m retired because he doesn’t know that the Conor McGregor today is going to be willing to go through whatever rehab he has to go through in order to get back especially coming on the heels of what he went through after the leg injury Ben asrin said he’s out because he never really wanted to fight do we ever see Conor McGregor fight again pop po you know this is probably an unpopular opinion right now but I think we do because I think he’s gonna catch so much crap for this and and I I think that the media the media coverage the fan outrage the anger they the $22 million gate there G be a lot of mad people right now I’m not on Twitter anymore but I can’t imagine it’s great so I I think that he’s going to feel a sense of owing something to somebody and and I don’t think Connor likes that feeling he he he’s going to have to come back and he’s going to have to give him one more um I don’t I don’t know that we see it this year though I really don’t I know that there’s talk about A’s talk about August or September and I and I just don’t know I if he’s got a legitimate injury yeah that’s stopping him from fighting we’ve seen him go in versus Mendes hurt we seen him going versus Diaz hurt like pretty hurt not just a little bit banged up he was pretty hurt so worse than that enough to pull out and not be worth taking the risk uh we all know Conor’s personality he’s a risk taker and and he really enjoys that so if it was bad enough to keep him out I don’t know that we see him this sule you know he actually put a video out of talking about if you’re not injured a little bit you’re not necessarily training for anything that really matters right and ultimately that was taken down but it was just speaking to how nobody’s healthy when they go into a fight now the reason I’m hating Anthony is because my God you got a beautiful porch man that is a beautiful porch now Brett I will ask you this Michael Chandler has now waited almost two years to fight this man what does Michael Chandler do next does he have to just move on or do you believe that he still holds the line he’s like hold the line you remember that movie Braveheart hold the line you think CH is holding the line you think he is come on he’s got to move on right Bren yeah well I think Chandler is going to do what he has been doing this whole time and he is going to take his lead from the UFC he trusts his uh relationship with Dana Hunter Campbell all those guys who are telling him like okay how long is Conor McGregor going to be out is this still the fight he’s going to take his lead from that and if they’re telling him yeah you know he’s only going to be out for a little bit this is still the fight I believe Michael Chandler has waited this long he’s going to continue to wait and part of the problem DC is that who else is he GNA fight that’s always been the issue is people are like oh he should move on he should move on what would he have moved on to over the last couple years a fight against Arman Z fight against a fight against one of these up and comers mat gamr Zin why Chandler why is Michael Chandler won one of those fights at this point in his career stop stop st so let me ask you thisen though oh my God see this is it this is this is what I’m talking about and I think I feel like you’re agreeing with him uh Anthony here’s the problem Justin gatei wasn’t too good to fight v z charlesa wasn’t too good to fight cqi and we have seen in this division a bit of a turnover where guys are taking chances to fight the young up comers Chandler too good is Michael Chandler too good they didn’t have a fight lined up with Conor McGregor man but okay so so here here’s the answer your question though here’s the answer your question yes I do think he should move on I do think he should move on it’s going to have to come to a situation where it’s like what are you willing to move on to um the reason I think he should move on is is to go back to your last question the yes Anthony I don’t think Conor McGregor will fight again I think he’s kind of showed his cards I get it injuries happen so I’m not holding an injury against fighter ever but time can go by so fast in the Conor McGregor world it’s already been three years since he fought he he suffered a very serious injury I agree with Anthony that if he does fight he won’t fight this year and so then it’s just like the clock is ticking we know this guy enjoys life outside of the Octagon he doesn’t live professionally which is fine that’s his right I’m not I’m not holding anything against him I just don’t see a world in which this guy like this was it this this was the one this was the right opponent and he still seemed disinterested it never seemed like he even really wanted to fight Michael Chandler man so it’s just like all what what now he’s going yeah I I think it’s very important to watch how how Conor McGregor reacts to this setback if he stays in the gym and he’s showing signs of like he’s tracking his rehab and he’s showing us him getting healthy well then maybe my optimism will improve but if if he starts you know posting pictures on a yacht I don’t think this’s ever gonna fight again go back to his life it’s over if he goes back to his life sure nobody will which by the way if I was Conor McGregor that’s probably what I would be doing I’d be on a freaking yacht I would not be in a gym trading for a fight against a killer like Michael Chandler okay so I’m not holding think against him I just don’t think he ever fights again so what does that mean for Michael Chandler I personally think if you’re looking at the division and if you’re looking at if if you’re an exec at the UFC you have Michael Chandler fight Justin gatei again they they’re both coming off of a loss that fight was a good fight it was three years ago and Islam makev has said that he wants exciting fights he doesn’t want rematches he has never fought ji he has never fought Michael Chandler so from a hierarchy standpoint yes scam Rod deserves a fight but from a a promotion standpoint gaii Chandler you have them fight you promote them as a number one Contender I think that’s what they do yeah that’s that’s smart you know that you’re that smart yeah that’s got a smart guy right there all right enough of that that time to move forward UFC 303 got a lot of additions last night one being Alex Pereira taking on your prasa for the second time now Brett I will admit for a couple days I heard some different names being voted as possible Replacements but I knew when speaking to the people that I was speaking to it would ultimately come down to Dollars and cents whether or not those people would be main Eventing I also know that Alex PR is probably the easiest guy for the UFC to work with because he’s a kickboxing guy that just fights were you surprised that that’s where it landed right it’s like uh Jeopardy or it’s like roulette where you dro the ball and it’s bouncing and bouncing and bouncing and it sit somewhere it’s sat on Pereira versus Yuri how early did you think that that would be the fight I think that’s one of the first calls that the UFC made um so no I’m I’m not surprised I think when something like this happens you start to look at who’s available you start to look at who you know could obviously make weight that’s a big deal um on something like this um Yuri was there ready to go I mean Yuri accepted the the day that they they called from what from my understanding so it was just a matter of you know how’s the toe with Alex and and this the travel situation um but I want to flip it around DC because I know you’re kind of acting host but I want to know your thoughts on it if uh if he’s taken a little bit too much of a risk here because we have seen historically guys who fight frequently Champions who fight frequently we love them for it but eventually it catches up to every single one of them so is he doing the right thing here you know I think I think the benefits outweigh the the uh the risk and I think ultimately that’s what that’s what uh fighting is right you you you do enough good things to where at some point it resonates with the people it always resonates with the company and then you just continue to get rewarded for it that’s what Alex pra does there’s no reason that he should be and he’s not he’s not a superstar the level of Conor McGregor in those guys but he is about as true a star as we have in MMA right now in terms of guys that are consistently fighting there’s him there’s Israel adna and there’s a couple other guys that can truly move the needle outside of Jones McGregor those guys are superstars he’s a star because of that and there’s no reason for that to be the case unless he did what he did fighting everybody fighting every everybody whenever they called him and winning at the highest level when it doesn’t seem like he’s supposed to so right now honestly this is on brand for Alex Pereira this isn’t something that should surprise people because that’s what he’s done even his first title fight was in a year obviously he had history with Izzy but then he turned it around and he fought him again and then he turned around and after losing his belt in April he was in the fight with with yam bovich in July right and then he was back the Octagon in November so it’s like he he’s very consistent with his performances and he is very active in terms of fight career so this is on brand for him and I believe for Yuri it’s a chance to try to write a fight that you thought that you could win I don’t know that if I’m projka this is the fight that I’m taking right now because I have no time to train for to prepare myself to beat the guy that beat me in an impressive fashion so there’s a lot of changes Yuri has to make and while looked good in the last fight I don’t know if he has made those changes Anthony you could probably speak to this like do did you think Yuri looked different in the last fight or do you think he was kind of the same guy as he heads into the fight against Alex Pereira like what do you expect in that fight you know I think DC I kind of I kind of disagree with you a little bit I don’t know that more time helps Yuri perasa I I don’t I don’t know that he can change the things he needs to change to consistently beat Alex terrera he he’s he’s a wild man if he changes that he loses a lot of what’s excuse me what’s great about his style what makes him him the the other side of that coin is that he’s very hitable and that he’s he’s he’s there to be hit he’s in the pocket he’s he’s not the most defensively responsible guy in the world but that’s what makes him yeah that’s what makes him who he is but that’s why Anthony Anthony WID because he’s so wild he can’t check kicks he’s never in position to check one kick and in the first fight Alex beat up his leg so early that he had no chance to really fight him like that that’s what I mean by do and the same thing happened versus rage rage tore his leg up early in the fight racket touched him a lot and and if you look at that and you say okay well Al Alexander rage landed a lot of shots landed a lot of left Hooks and a lot of leg kicks now this up that level you know 10 times that in terms of damage and and power and that’s that’s Alex Pereira so could he beat him yeah absolutely something crazy could happen and he could end up in a scramble he could hurt him it’s possible I’m not saying this is an impossible task but I just don’t know that more time is going to help him any more than just going in and doing it right now I think this is best case scenario maybe Alex isn’t been training at the hardest maybe his cardio is not exactly where it needs to be and and and you guys mentioned you know we’re looking for people that are willing to take short notes fights that are stars that can make weight the make weight thing stands out to me because last time I seen Alex Barrera was an absolute monster I think that’s going to be the biggest fight he’s going to have that entire weekend he was Big K does this fight Anthony make Alex like the face of the UFC especially if he can win in the way that he did because that would be UFC 300 biggest fight car we’ve had knocks out Jamal Hill he knocks out y Pro hoska because more eyes are on him now because of UFC 300 could this guy become the face of the organization yeah yeah absolutely and and as as you guys know the the face of the organization kind of changes year to year but I think this definitely puts a stamp on him for this year and then the two years ago he you know he had an incredible run I mean like you said if you want to do something that not every not everyone else is doing you got to do something not everyone else is doing when Dean Thomas and I are playing Matchmaker in in our own minds like who could it be my first thought was Alex prayer because he’s the only one seemingly willing to risk it all on short notice and and and do it you know at the highest level with the most eyes and a lot of those guys aren willing to do that Max Holloway maybe would michan Ali doesn’t take short not the spikes Jon Jones doesn’t take short short notice fights dup plus e doesn’t take short notice fights I mean these are all the big names in the sport right now and none of them are willing to do the things and risk it the way that Alex is yeah it takes R to become the uh face in the organization and if he does this man I think think he’s going to Skyrocket so Brett the new co-main event Brian Ortega takes on Diego Lopez now Ortega was a guy that was struggling for a while beautiful armed triangle against yaa Rodriguez in Mexico City um Diego Lopez has been on an absolute tear what do you make of this fight well first off I love it I mean stylistically it’s a great fight if you’re a fight fan you like this fight a lot and uh I like the momentum the book guys have you know you set it up right DC Brian was a guy who was struggling a lot and let’s be honest like I think the narrative when he went down to Mexico City was that Yer was going to beat this guy you know that we had kind of seen that fight already and it had ended quickly because Brian got a shoulder injury but it was going y’s way in the beginning and yer even though he had lost in a title fight was looking so good so there was a it was kind of naysaying about Brian you know it was like ah this kind of Crossroads for Brian he loses this one then where does he go and then he comes out and he submits yir Rodriguez so he’s got a lot of momentum Diego Lopez he was like one of those guys that uh where when is his big fight going to come who’s going to accept it you know and I think he gets a big opportunity here because Brian Ortega accepts this fight because of the circumstances you know he’s willing to take this fight because it’s a big big spot and I got to be honest man one of the first names that come to my mind when I’m thinking about this fight is Alex vinoski and does what does this mean for him man because I really truly think that I would be nervous if I was Alex bokanowski because this is the type of things where one of these guys has a great performance and all of a sudden you get jumped man which sounds crazy because vinoski is arguably the best featherweight we’ve ever seen only lost to elot deoria in that in that division um and now he’s looking at potentially getting jumped by one of these guys so I’d be a little nervous if I was banovski as far as the fight itself I just think it’s an awesome fight and it comes with a lot of stakes and I’m not surprised both guys agreed to it you know you talk about volkanovski I think for him the concern would be if Lopez wins now you got another kid right in the top and you might have to end up fighting him just because now he can’t go back in competition right once you’re welcome into the top five now you continue to fight inside of the top five Anthony I am the type of guy that likes Messi and you know what I do it to you guys constantly I run I tell you something I go tell somebody else something I’m literally trying to cause fights it’s what I I like to do it cuz I when y’all come together and realize I got you you I like when y’all say oh I got these seed that’s like my f God that’s one of my feels anyhow I’m living in the cess pool that is ex uh called no popop they don’t call it Twitter no more but it’s called yeah so I’m living in the S Pool that is called X and the idea is that they’re feeding Lopez to the Wolves by fighting Brian Ortega do you think that’s the case or would you consider Lopez the guy that has so much momentum that is kind of in his Corner because it’s not like Brian Ortega beat a young guy he beat a guy that’s been around just as long as he did and now he’s fighting this young up incomer who’s just riding this crazy wave of momentum no I don’t I don’t think we’re feeding Lopez than anybody I think we’re I like when this kind of thing happens like we’re putting him exactly where I believe he belongs and and it’s at the top of the division and we we’re seeing him ABS other than uh msar he’s running through everybody yep uh I love the matchup he’s killing people he’s so good and he’s a superstar the way that these people react to him in these Arenas is insane for as long as he’s been I don’t know but he is the fans have grabbed on to him because I I think he’s got a he’s got a great image he’s got the the crazy mullet he’s got a a high flying Style and and I think people really have gravitated to him but in terms of a skill set he’s dangerous on his feet and it anybody who goes into a five of Brian Ortega the kind of the whole idea is just stay away from the ground and hope you can be safe on your feat I think Diego Lopez would would welcome a ground fight with Brian Ortega and I think that’s why it’s so exciting I think that the UFC’s putting him exactly where his skill set is maybe it’s not where he belongs in the rankings uh but I think where his skill set is showing up to this point I think this is a great opportunity for him to really prove himself what hey let me tell you something Brett I gotta tell you something this is I’mma pull the curtain back so the other day I’m watching TV and I’m sitting there and I’m watching this young face you know on television and I mean he is just waxing poetic and he the technique everything’s perfect I get a text message from Charles Barkley he goes DC would you get a message to Anthony Smith I’m like yeah what do you want me to tell him he goes tell him he does an amazing job I mean the the improvements this guy has made on television is now making what Charles is like hey you got to tell this young man that he’s good on TV now Anthony you’re good on TV but you’re also good in the Octagon you’re back you’re fighting Carlos alberg you’re the guy that’s been around the game hey so hey so you know what Anthony I’m asking you why you’re fighting alberg the young upand cominging guy in that position whereas Brett think it stupid because he said Michael Chandler was too good to fight an upand Comer so what makes you more what makes you less than Michael Chandler and why you’re fighting Carlos Hallberg at least in the mind of guys like BR kodo well I think if I had a Jon Jones fight or something on the line I probably wouldn’t have checked down to a Carlos zberg but yeah um I I didn’t really have a reason to say no DC you know I’ve been living in this whole like one fight at a time thing and not try to look too far ahead and not focusing on the title and so I just had to put this fight into a box yeah and I didn’t have a reason to say no it I was in Camp with Jamal he was here in Omaha with me um I’ve been training really hard I felt ready I was already trying to get a fight uh in September I was kind of was leaning towards Rath possibly so that I was already kind of like in that get ready for a fight mindset and you know Jamal was here he was injured he went back to Vegas he got some some Imaging done was hurt and I think I was just the natural progression I was in Camp with him I was in shape I’ve already been thinking about orberg you know trying to help Jamal um I think it was just the natural call that they would make and and I just didn’t really have a reason to say no I I kind of feel like I’m living in this Regional seem like DC like I’m kind of I step back away from all the all the the chaos the mess that is Twitter the the fight world like I show up I do my research I get on TV I work the event and I leave and I don’t I don’t really take part in anything else happen around it so here I am I’m just training I’m staying in shape I’m ready and a fight pops up like I don’t have to think about it for eight weeks I’m already in shape I just get to show up weigh in and leave like I’m I’m just I don’t know it’s really fun to me but what you do what you do when you show up you do what you do your homework BR say BR I just thought you I just thought you were say like like dude this this like I mean this wise Anthony Smith is sitting on his porch in a rocking chair I mean what like just like you know I’m staying out of the mess I’m clearing out the noise like you’re getting old Anthony you are getting old I know I can’t help it it’s just it’s experience it’s not age it is Anthony can ask your question though in regards to this fight or I want to ask Brett BR when you look at that fight you’re breaking it down right you watch Anthony you watch Carlos alberg is alberg ready and I I know Anthony’s on the screen with this so you have to kind of be political or you could tell the truth is alberg ready for this level of fighting because in the last fight this new Anthony Smith the guy that releases everything B amazing in Brazil but I mean the guy Al also just wanted to give you Guillotine I did you I don’t understand I don’t understand how good of friends you two are because this dude’s like take the neck I was like what the hell I was like he’s gonna get guillotin and right away Anthony takes his neck but BG ready for this right I I think that’s the question that we want to find out about alberg right is that he he came into the UFC with such a lack of experience you know in mixed martial arts I wouldn’t say it’s even close to similar to the Alex Perera thing but you can kind of draw a little bit of comparison right where it’s just like this guy’s a kickboxer but what what’s he I mean you get thrown into MMA and it’s just a different world especially if you’re competing in the UFC so it’s like is he going to be ready for it and I think right now we’re seeing this guy get some confidence we’re seeing this guy he’s had some experience now in the UFC and so so it’s like okay well where’s he at you know and so that’s when they start looking at a Jamal Hill fight you know I mean he was going to fight he’s going to fight a guy who was holding the belt not too long ago so is he ready for this you know like certainly yeah I mean you know to to borrow what Anthony said about Diego Lopez he’s where he he should be this is this is the kind of fight that that that he needs to be in you know and if if you beat Anthony Smith that means a lot in this division but you also know that if you got a hole in your game Anthony Smith is going to find it he’s goingon to he’s going to show it to the world so I think that this fight makes a ton of sense and uh you know for Anthony to be on the same card as the title fight now you know and him and Alex petta seem to like have this competitive thing going on you imagine that if you went two in a row Anthony and Herrera wins and you guys have your little he can’t wrestle he’s not he’s got holes in this game you could be living in a whole new world and I know you don’t want to live in that right now it’s what’s happening right in front of you but this is a massive opportunity um for you you buy it do you buy it when you watch olberg not Anthony the fal we talked about this in the locker room not Anthony the guy that is fighting Carlos Albert Anthony the guy that has to break down Carlos alberg when you watch him as an analyst do you see a guy that can compete with you uh I I don’t I don’t know that uh that I see a guy that can compete with me in a full mix Mar Mar Arts fight that that’s that’s kind of what I see I I see him in in I see him in competitions with people that that somewhat favor him a little bit um it’s a lot of really high level Strikers that he’s been in there with a lot of hard hitters but not a lot of guys that are going to mix it up a whole bunch just not no one’s grabbing his neck and hanging on him pushing him up against the fence and banging knees to his body ripping elbows and then shooting and coming back up and striking I don’t think he’s fought a a super highlevel mixed martial artist that can fight him anywhere um if you let him get to his spot though and let him feel comfortable and you know you can see the swag when he starts to feel comfortable he’s got a really nasty long jab he’s he counters really well he wants to draw out your counter to his jab nice check hook really powerful really smooth um and he does you can tell he spends a lot of time with Izzy because he he has a a few things that that kind of mirr what Izzy does he hinges at the waist you know he doesn’t necessarily check when kicks but he he’s willing to throw the back um I think he’s good I think he’s really good I think he’s good where I think he’s good when he’s in the spot that he wants to be we’ve seen him before get a little he doesn’t up to this point I don’t know that he’s changed it but up to this point we haven’t seen him really Thrive and swim well in deep water we we’ve seen the loss with Kennedy and zuku where he was kind of running Kennedy over and you can see that young guy thing start to happen where I’m doing everything that I’m supposed to do everything is landing I’m I’m not supposed to still be here and and then you can see him start to break a little bit and then he Withers and gets a little bit tired what at this weight class if if you’re not really focused on managing your output and knowing when to go and knowing when to kind of take a step back a little bit um we’re too big you’re GNA wear yourself out especially especially as a striker there’s as a striker there’s nowhere to hide you know like I think you’re known for your endurance but if you start to get tired you get a taked down you can L work while you’re recovering there’s really not that many spots to do that while you’re on your feet so um I I I think his skill set when he’s at his best is as good as anybody in the world in that one spot everywhere else I think we’re gonna we’re going to find out but if he has a hole I’ll find it and I’ll drive a truck through it you know Carlos Alber has an opportunity to really make a statement in his Division if you can get to Anthony Smith it will be much harder than some people may think guys UFC 303 has now changed but now maybe we don’t have Conor McGregor but the fight card itself is still tremendous with the new title fight with artega versus Lopez with Smith versus alberg and all the rest of the fights on the card it is still going to be a great International fight week you know sometimes the best plans don’t work out but the thing that replaces it is just as good I know we might long for the Conor McGregor that we used to see back in 2015 16 17 but that guy’s not here anymore so now we get guys that are fighting at the highest level at the top of the sports still trying to headline a fight card on very short notice so respect the fighter respect the people stepping up because they’re do with this not only entertain you but to chase absolute greatness Nobody Does that anymore greatness is almost a thing of the past because people don’t chase down like they used to Alexa is trying to Yuri’s trying to alberg is trying to Smith is trying to Ortega and Lopez are trying to so I will see you from Saudi Arabia guys I’m going to Saudi Arabia in the head the main events all I mean can I get a refund guys can I get a refund in the United States not going to work out that way but ultimately we’re on ABC next weekend for for Robert Whitaker versus Alice scov but and then we all go right into UFC 303 from the T-Mobile aren international fight week Brett Anthony thank you guys for joining me on good guy bad guy and guys until next time we’ll see hey make sure you watch old chill fight this weekend he’s taking on in a box match I can’t believe this all right guys until next time peace


  1. Win or lose, smith got community's respect. And a boatload of cash hopefully.
    He is a lionheart

  2. Dc, you were a true champ. No question. But pereira is playing a different game.

    He will be the guy who saved the world.

  3. Just my opinion… I think he doesn’t want to lose so he can step into a title fight at the end of the yr, which I’m not mad about. I would LOVE to see Islam retire that POS!!!

  4. I agree with Brett, I don't think Conor fights mma again. I think Conor wants to do boxing in Saudi because they pay so much

  5. I’m thankful the whole mma media, and the Conor fan boys, can just stfu and move on now. 145/155 Connor or nothing for me. Anything else is a waste of time and money

  6. Wish they found a replacement for DC I can’t stand listening to his voice in this. Other guys are great

  7. I think the the co main and main of 303 are great fights to make up for what happened. Def excited for that co main with Ortega and Diego. That fight is gonna be insane, as well as the main event. The UFC always makes it happen 👏

  8. I agree with Eddie Alverez’s. take Mike probably earns 700k flat or with various incentives. If he’s getting PPV points which is obviously the case and the Mcgregor fight sells 1 million PPV’s Chandler’s going to walk away with ballpark 2.5 million which is 3 plus fights for him under what Eddie was saying is probably his current salary give or take. He’s waited this long he should probably just wait but that’s easier said than done considering what the dude has just gone through. It was always high risk and Chandler’s faith is God’s plan is what got him here, I just hope for his sake God & the UFC sort em out the right way considering his absolute dedication and steadfast determination to finish what he started. People can criticize all they want but he never gave up on his goal. All fighters are somewhat delusional but in this case it’s more than that , it’s climbing the mountain and getting to the top. I really feel for him, the only thing I think Mcgregor could have done differently is eliminate the to toxic substances, booze, dope and late nights and not just leave it to a 8 week camp. I know they stopped and started it a much of times but that’s the problem being as big as Mcgregor everything has to line up in order for the UFC to maximize the money they make off the fight and pay his purse. The sphere does look pretty interesting:) god help us and get Micheal this fight.

  9. As Chandler would say "See you at the (fight) drop" It like waiting for a lottery ticket that's NEVER gonna come. Chandler will never fight anyone else, because he knows he will drop in the rankings. There are no more Fergusons around..

  10. Conor and chamdler fight was stupid anyway chandler isn't no big star like he thinks he is . Most people would rather seen Conor vs Islamn Nate Justin Charles or even Dustin again before Chandler all those guys already beat chamdler anyways except islamn but islamn does have the belt or he'll even edwards at 170 anything besides Chandler he's just not a draw that's why Conor didn't get excited about it

  11. I think the ones that have been called to replace the fight are going to be paid handsomely. And I start to respect smith for taking on whoever

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