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#nba #underdog #bestball It feels way too early to be drafting NBA Best Ball teams but who cares, we’re doing it.

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welcome back welcome back uh so Underdog announced uh sneps is here let’s go uh Underdog announced their new NBA baseball tournament which some might be like that’s way too early I can’t believe we’re talking about this already but say the good news is last season felt a little like half-hearted by them uh especially with what they did with the regular season standings uh or like payouts and stuff so what I figured we could do today is uh start to get into it a little bit so I’m going to go over like the structure of the draft uh like the prize pool and all that fun stuff then we’re going to set rankings because I haven’t I haven’t even looked at rankings yet this is like way too early ranks but I feel like everything is fresh off of the last season so that’s kind of fun um and then what we’ll do is we’ll try to do our first draft uh and if you’re on playback with us yay get involved we love to see it if you are watching this on YouTube after because I’m gonna load this up welcome uh come join the playback room as well all right so let’s go over to um yeah s seriously uh let’s go over to Underdog over here before we do the ranks I’m just going to look at the contest here so uh the first thing that sticks out is the difference is they up the fee so it was $10 last year for the double dribble this upcoming season you’re going to see it’s $15 um which I don’t really hate I’m okay with anything between 10 and 20 I’m probably going to do we still see they have the 11% rake uh there’s uh 12 teams in the draft there’s 16 draft rounds uh but they got 100K up for first which I believe is double what we had from uh last season so it’s gone up from uh 50 to 100 and then it goes see 150 25 20K but what I think is more important is how they’re doing the payouts here so we’re gonna actually I think that’s going to open up a new tab so let me uh stop sharing that screen and share this one again just so we can see the rules because I do think the payout thing is kind of important here uh but same thing right so you’re gonna for the first you’ll the tournament will have two rounds with each round consisting of player groups as seen below uh one uh rounds one through 12 I’m sorry round one 12 person groups round two 6250 so what’s going to happen if you advance from round one you’re basically put into what’s called a Sprint so at the end of round one the top two performing entries in each group will advance to round two uh at the end of round two the top one performing entry from the group will be the winner and prizes will be awarded so instead of having to like go through uh a like a six week playoff with each week advancing your Playoff round it’s all kind of cumulative so it’ll be like as long as you get through the first group you’re put into like a 6200 person uh final round which I’m okay with I actually I don’t hate that at all um and as we saw with the price pool right so if you win your group you basically get your money back 15 bucks uh and then after that it it bounces around so that is kind of the the structure for it this year uh but let’s go let’s go back over to the lobby let’s build up some ranks let’s have some fun with that because uh I last year you know I I got got a feel for it later in in the uh drafting experience but I want to try to get a head start on this so maybe you’ll find this boring um but I don’t I find this entertaining when it comes to the best ball business so here you go let’s just like quickly look like a quick glance at bigs uh you see that there are five bigs drafted in the first round right now right it’s a 12 person draft the top 12 picks you have joic wemi embiid sabonis ad and then there’s a drop and then they’ve actually uh changed Zion’s ranking this year I believe Zion was considered a wing uh he is now considered a big but there’s a big drop off from ad to then you see Chad Zion and shenon Bam cat and then their bigs are like sprinkled in throughout you see you can find somebody like Jaylen durren Alex SAR who’s GNA be the uh maybe the number one pick uh you can get him around 105 we don’t even know who he’s going to play for yet uh we look at guards next guards same thing so you have two guards going in the first round right now Luka and SGA and I think part of the reason for that is because there’s just so many guards right because if you go look at by the 28th pick you see there’s Steph Curry down there scroll down a little bit further you can get like Jay dub Desmond Bane uh James Harden all in like the 50 range Kyrie Irving’s right in there as well um but I think what we’re gonna find out is the the real um the real scarcity is in the wing position so you see Giannis and Tatum are the only two Wings going in the first round then there’s a drop to KD Paulo then there’s LeBron seak Randall Barnes but right like what Mel Bridges who you know coming off of a weird year but he’s going 39th right now and like that’s like now the wing position where Miles Bridges Jimmy Butler Brandon Miller now we’re talking Jaylen Johnson in the 60s 60 round so I think thinking about uh drafting which we’re gonna we’ll get again we’ll start like building our ranks here in a second I think we’re gonna have to overvalue some wings a little bit early at least that’s how I’m planning on doing it uh but let’s get started right away also kind of crazy Wy WBY right now is going 2.6 I’m fine with that I like we’re going to see wemi like if you just saw that last like eight-week run he had he was just incredible from a fantasy perspective so I’m throwing wemi uh to and then I will go uh I’m gonna go like tempted to put Giannis three just because I’m not going to we’re we’ll take we’ll keep yanis at four um but anyway so pretty chalky for our first four the only other thing I will say I’m probably gonna do this probably going to go embiid SGA ad Tatum sabonis I think I’m going to move sabonis down a little bit I know he’s coming pretty productive year we saw ad have like a crazy ceiling and then I’m moving up Tatum a little bit because of the wing scarcity I’m also probably just going to click back with Kevin Durant here and then so now that that again we’re juicing up the wings just a little bit and then go uh Ant-Man Jah hiy Paulo uh Trey and then I’m Pro like I kind of weirdly want to go uh seaka before LeBron here um just because like it’s I mean I mean he’s so old now dude he’s so old this team kind of seems like it’s going to be in a [ __ ] show we can always overcorrect later so I think we’re just going to try to get overweight on some of these guys now so I’m gonna go Fox SE yakum um then LeBron ah Booker L ah maybe lamelo’s healthy this year lamelo Booker Scotty Barnes next Randall right after that then Brunson all right so now there we go we’re only 23 in right now 23 in right now but I’m okay with it again I still just want to get a little bit over uh over on the wing side of things here because again like after this Barnes drop off like I legit almost want to take Jaylen Brown Next I’m not gonna do that um I’m gonna go Zion Donovan uh also I think it’s kind of funny that Maxi’s a little bit further down here I’m gonna go Maxi next um and then I’ll probably click Chet after that um deante Dame Steph JB actually I kind of want let’s JB before because again the wing drop off is going to be just freaking massive um all right here we go I’m back with the shenon I’m back actually we’re gonna go Lori shenon uh man kawhai did like play most of the Season which is kind of nuts kind of n like again look at this drop off here we’re already we’re already in Def Frozen land Kawai def Frozen Mikel Paul George the coups all right we’re 33 in let’s keep let’s keep cooking here let’s get some more in here I don’t think we have to get a too crazy we’ll go def Frozen bam cat Kawai uh I kind of want a lot of Kate actually kawhai Bridges Paul George I think we can actually put um kozma up in there too I don’t obviously I’m fine with like uh jiren Jackson Jr and uh and Evan Mobley but I don’t want to have too many bigs and I I do think like more often than not you’re going to be drafting a big in the first round and if you’re using a first round draft pick right like what did we say it was eight bigs one two three four five I’m sorry five bigs out of the first 12 picks uh are are bigs and if you’re taking a big in the first round I don’t I don’t think you need to be taking another one for a while unless you’re just doing like a too big build here um so we’ll go yeah and I agree with Jeb what’s up Jeb uh that trying to find some of these um some of these cheapers cheapos as we get later into the draft is gonna be important uh I’m a little bummed balal kabali is already getting steamed up on the Internet a bunch uh but he is somebody that I was drafting a ton in the last round last year along with our guy keante uh and I I I would like to try to get way overweight on that guy now um also something to think about too if if you think think about what Evan Mobley did in the playoffs while Jared Allen was missing those games we might be in for like a Big Mo season I don’t know um all right anyways back to this year uh let’s see I don’t really trust the jayen green stuff yet I know that was kind of fun for like a three-week run here but I I do think I would click both of these guys before him and then we’ll get to harden and then I’m going to get Bridges and Butler before him before Vu and Rudy and then I think I’m just gonna click Desmond Bane Jaylen Williams Jamaal Murray and Kobe white all before these guys too um actually don’t really love LaVine so before LaVine Let’s do let’s just click All These Wings before LaVine um and then we can go LaVine Zinger Allen claxon also that poor zingga stuff is [ __ ] crazy man I mean I guess we should we shouldn’t have been surprised by that uh really love Denny heading into this year too I think Denny AB is going to be fun uh I’m gonna do Garland next and then those guys actually I kind of let’s let’s unclick let’s go Keegan over Michael Porter Jr for now just for now again we’re just we’re just testing the waters a little bit also Simons we’re I think I might take Simons before all all of those guys I think we’re gonna get a massive Anthony Simons here so we’re gonna put Simons in there I want to be overweight on Devon vasel as well and then and then I think we can just click these Bros we can just click these Bros what is yeah I retinaculum I don’t know I think it’s it’s something in his leg right something in his leg there uh we could throw but see like now we’re at Aaron Gordon right for wings at pick 78 I mean it gets ugly fast we don’t even know who Tobias Harris is going to be playing for next season uh it gets really ugly fast also I think Emanuel quickly before um Josh giddy I I think I’m just going to be out on most of the Josh giddy discourse here for a little bit uh we’re going to double click white hard miles Turner’s fine I’m not really interested in nerk um John Collins Jonathan kaminga then we’ll do some of this [ __ ] right there Jaylen dn’s nice I think we could boost up Jaylen dur I kind of like if you could get a big in the first round I might not take another one until we get to Jaylen dur also RJ Barrett listed as a guard it’s kind of hilarious um but okay we’ll get RJ next I do kind of like that Scotty RJ Emanuel quickly that team’s gonna be bad again but I do think there’s uh Merit and just scooping some of those Bros I like what I saw from scoot the last month of the year so I’m I’m hoping for a bounce back there and then here we go PJ Washington Kellin Johnson ogan anobi Jeremy soan all great picks here and then we’ll Middleton Grant we’ll just do all of those because again I don’t think we need I don’t think we need more guards actually I don’t really know where’s D’Angelo Russell gonna be playing hey there’s Mark Williams there’s a guy that boned us uh Thompson Bros I like that they’re getting drafted right next to each other that’s kind of fun um and then sex Godot Dante scam Thomas sure why not again there’s just so many bigs hi May uh Trey Murphy and haime hawz absolutely what other Wings do we have here sure Kelly UB we do hartenstein I wonder who pays him let’s let’s get these guys on here so I don’t forget I just don’t want to get too weird this early I don’t think I think in the later rounds is when that’s a little bit more necessary o Keon George I am excited to click again this this year uh here’s here we go here’s some gross [ __ ] Matas bues uh I didn’t think he was going to get drafted this I thought that was next year but okay I guess I do not know ball here we go kingan he’s gonna be an early pick we can just click these guys uh streu is Trace Jackson Davis is listed as a wing what did I did I miss a golden state report or they playing tjd at the three what the [ __ ] uh all right Trace Jackson Benedict mathan fresh off of injury here maybe we see uh Resurgence cam resurgent cam Johnson Trey Jones I don’t really care about we can all right let’s see Ty een I am let’s actually move Ty een up T I want to put him right above all of those I’m excited to click T Ean I don’t know who’s oh that’s the French man uh jayen McDaniels sure let’s just click these guys get them on here keep forgetting Marcus smartt is on the um there it is Bala kabali that’s what we want we want to be way overweight on Bala kabali here right there we’re definitely taking bolal over other rookies all right that’s it for now I don’t think we need to do I don’t think we have to get like two OGG Jackson Let’s no we don’t have to we don’t have to add all these guys right now and the reason being I don’t want to like I don’t want to get I don’t want this to take an hour so I’m gonna enter a double dribble right now it still says that I am in uh that I’m like on a VPN or some [ __ ] which I’m not they’re trying to hold me back but I’m going to enter a contest now if you want to draft with me I don’t know how long this is I should have entered this before I was doing all of my uh actually it’s only waiting for two more that’s fun it’s only waiting for two more so if you want to jump in get on in here look at a sickos drafting basketball June 11th we’re drafting basketball baby that’s nutso um do we think uh poor zingis misses this game I wonder if they just hold him out game three being like let’s give him an extra day of rest we have a two- lead maybe maybe we can have him for game four I guess what we you no I don’t think he’s out for the series he’s moving around too well if I didn’t see the video of him just like smiling and walking around during practice I I think I’d be a little bit more concerned but he looked too jovial come on Jeff you’re somebody who reviews the tape you know you’re like a zuder film guy put that tin foil head on why is he smiling uh SS this does not involve the playoffs so this this will be over before before the playoffs this is just regular season so you don’t have to I mean you worry about tanking like if a team shuts their guys down in the regular season but you don’t like get extra points for your team make in the playoffs all right let’s go back to the ranks here while we’re waiting for that to fill that’s what I should have done right away all right let’s get back to it here back to these Wings what about shad and sharp I feel like people people forgot about Sharpie since he missed so much of uh of last season there I know that video didn’t make sense to me I like I can’t tell if they’re just if this is their version of playing mind games on uh Jason kid uh in the same way that kid was trying to do it with them Missoula in the heart of War it is kind of funny that Missoula after game two was like he’s fine he’ll be good to go it’s like there’s no way anyone has have has reviewed him like he hasn’t been examined yet you have no idea you talking about Missoula um The Art of War is funny or the art of Missoula all right Grayson Allen there’s I’m I’m gonna buy the Grayson Allen regression numbers here what about a IO dumu Caruso I’m fine with those guys draymond’s fine there we go put Grayson in there again there’s just so many so many wings I’ve never heard of there’s some GG Jackson although I wonder if people are going to be overdrafting GG because of uh be like forgetting that the the Grizzlies were missing and like 45 guys and so that his output had a lot to do with that also Jordan Clarkson’s probably going to be on another team nicoa toic I thought just Tor a ligament so I don’t know if I’m gonna be drafting him too much um let’s see what else kongu that’s Jeb’s favor bro oku cam Whitmore sign me up for some Whitmore some nard um I think maybe some some yic some yovic numbers all right now we can just click these guys to get them on there don’t really know what to make of Jonathan Isaac he like just could not even in the playoffs like they they don’t use him as much as you would like I’m sure I’ll get suckered into drafting a ton of Mitchell Robinson again this year Gafford holiday and a bunch of my favorite sleepers are too big now yeah I know we got to find our new um we got to find our new ones we got to find our new our new sleepers I think I’m I’m hoping people aren’t going to take a ton of balal kabali I that that’s the guy that I want balal and Denny I want to be overweight on oh we’re just waiting for one more to start hell yeah hell yeah brother I just need people to stop posting photos of him shirtless because for two reasons I don’t want other people to get excited and I don’t want it to be like the Ben Simmons effect you know speaking of Ben Simmons there he is um let’s do that yeah think tyus Jones that’s a good call Jeb I’ll probably get suckered into Patrick Williams again too um also Lonzo seems like he’s gonna be good I wonder what lonzo’s gonna be doing yeah I think tus is gonna get traded I but I also thought tus was gonna get traded this year so so I don’t know we got pre sucha let me save this before I forget forget how deep this draft goes too what is it like one okay we almost did it all we got we were only 10 away if we’ve ranked 182 guys yet all right where is did I already rank tus I had already ranked him okay so 113 113 what is his ADP yeah I just can’t tell if him getting traded is good or bad right because if he goes back to uh backup stuff you know what I’m saying like I don’t know if he’s got I’m trying to think of what teams would make a move for him to be their starting point guard right um I mean yeah I would love it if the Spurs would be fun I I like the idea too of him like bouncing his brother you know I love that idea of him bouncing his brother hold on let me see all right still one more one more to start and then we’re ripping this draft here we go let’s grab a few more guys here we get wend Carter Jr on the board get some of these other Bros l against dorts I wonder if he’s on another team next year not going to be suckered into any Malcolm brogon nonsense tell you that right now or Zack Collins for that matter we get enough bigs on there uh jarus Walker sure Vince Williams J why Vince Williams Jr is a guard yeah Mike we were just talking about it I don’t know though the video is surprising the video of him just being a jovial happy man prancing around is a little surprising so I can’t I can’t really tell I can’t really tell my gu I my guess is that he misses game three and plays game four but for everybody saying that Doris Burke was overreacting and was a clown can shut the [ __ ] up because she was right I thought that was the weirdest reaction to everyone being like I don’t know why they’re making this a big deal I do he’s he’s walking like a deer that just got hit by a car but I do like that he tore something I haven’t heard before maybe he can play through it you know all right we’re at 188 I need to let’s put a couple more on the board here uh Brandon Clark sure I all right Jeff STS coool so he’s got he’s got one real comp that he’s not going to share with other traumatic yeah we’ll see they I think if it was going to be series ending they would have already told us you know I don’t think they’d bury the lead for that all right I don’t want to take any of these [ __ ] towards the end of the year end of this I do think like Precious is kind of sharp if you think hartenstein leaves also precious is um unrestricted or restricted I can’t remember uh let’s see anybody else down here that we like what about Chris Murray sure again I’m gonna just keep referring back to uh the video of him smiling and prancing around um so here we go here’s here’s some hopium right now I just don’t think I don’t think he would be all giddy like if he uh if he was really hurt not that he’s not really hurt he’s definitely really hurt but if he was if he was dunzo you know Jordan Hawkins what other weird Wings Taylor Hendrick Did I Say giddy oh yeah [ __ ] you pton Watson if kcp doesn’t come back I don’t know come on we need one more sicko to join all right let’s save this before we forget oh I did some W drafts too how many did I do today just 13 a lot of Kayla McBride 69% nice the uh these contest been filling pretty fast considering um four-person drafts they’re doing a good job of like posting them pretty early but only a couple games tonight right who who’s playing Washington Atlanta Minnesota Las Vegas Los Angeles in Seattle I feel like Los Angeles has played every freaking game yeah Jeb let’s go baby hell yes Jeb all right let’s see if we recognize any names Maddie Harrison’s in that Maddy are you in the chat let’s go Maddie uh jebs here you oh I can’t some of these names who else Andy Sports legand Michigan you love to see it all right I got the 11th pick that blows Jeb with the fourth pick look at Jeb with The Red Badge what are the badge Bros strike again baby strike again yeah that’s true that is true Weissberg all right there was something else that I was gonna say before yeah I think we should try to come up with a list of dudes like uh around 10 and Below or I guess eight and below that we like so all right what did I say I have 11th so I’ll have the 11th so that is like all right so that’s like ant hiy depending on how people have people ranked I am curious like how I because I don’t know how many dummies are drafting right now that’s the only concern but who knows like I can’t tell if it’s sharp to be drafting this early or very stupid maybe a little bit of both I just love that wem’s going second already we’ll see if Miguel does it but that’s beautiful that is beautiful but it is crazy to think that we’ve got five bigs going in the first round now yic wemi embiid ad sabonis Jeb I was struggling too like obviously I like the this these are my first four too I was kind of thinking of putting Giannis three for some of these drafts I might wait and see but just because of how deep guard is I mean obviously Luca Luca is Luca and you want to have him but but just because that Wing stuff but like sabona is going five enjoy bro we’ve already had four Bigs off the board four of the first six picks I wouldn’t mind I wouldn’t mind an ad8 start yeah that that’s kind of where I’m at too Jeb I do kind of think I think I am going to lean Wing I think what I’ll try to oh Adam Kev he is a sharp by BT dubs um yeah you think so I mean I feel like let’s because I feel like L Luca his last couple of Seasons right he’s played he’s played 70 games 60 am I on the clock hold on I’ll look it up after oh man Paulo gone too all right I we’re we’re going to start with I don’t really love k here but just for the for the reasons that we said we got to take we got to take a wing here and then we’ll take one of whoever’s left between ant jaw and Tyrese halberton um I’m actually fine with both of those yeah I’m fine with halberton all right KD Hy start so I’m actually Cur so all right Luca last three seasons 70 games 66 games 65 66 61 and 72 so that so he’s never played he had one his second year he played 61 games besides that he hasn’t gotten lower than 65 let’s look at Giannis yeah Jeb I I don’t know I don’t know what to do with Trey yet either I I feel like we I need to know where he’s going to land all right so Giannis 73 63 67 yeah honestly they’re pretty comparable I didn’t realize he played 73 games this year I guess cuz he got hurt right at the end it felt like he missed way more um um was pretty close but yeah the Trey thing I I agree because depending on like what team Trey goes to I feel like he could be just a monster and I don’t think he’s going to San Antonio it seems like they’re out on that I don’t think it’s going to be the Lakers either but like look at the wing drop off between LeBron and Jaylen Brown like and then it’s just a [ __ ] ghost town you really have to get a wing you need at least one Wing in the first two rounds and I think you need two in the first four and I think if yeah like again Scotty Barnes going 17th man yeah Jeb that’s probably the right pick I think I would I think I like ‘s upside a little bit more uh but I think I think I’m going to go like flipflop those two all draft and long between lamelo and Brunson but Booker clear third for me as Maddie takes him so what did Matty start out with Luca Booker yeah that’s why I think like taking Luca I I I don’t I’m not saying you shouldn’t have taken LCA but like seeing this play out right now where like if you take Luca third when you get to your second pick I mean I guess maybe you’re thinking that you can get Jaylen brown or Lori Markin in with your third pick here but it just puts you in a tough spot for that second round you kind of have to go start guard guard also if you want to be like optimist about um porzingis getting ruled out I like um Everybody kind of has to shut the [ __ ] up about this being the easiest path of all time like maybe they just beat him without him yeah there you go if W said it it can’t be wrong right shout out Dan Hurley jebber you gonna get JB with this second pick I I think I would love JB or Zion here oh Maddy Harrison little sniper alert from the rafters scope and lens Jeb down bad I hate I hate this start now looking at my team I’m gonna have just like the flimsiest wings of all time wow Steph the chef Curry Jeb you’re usually an agis man what’s going on dude it’s true it’s true no I like I like Steph I don’t I all all of those are so close you know would love to I would honestly really like to get l no that’s not true I’m taking if Zion Falls to me I’m absolutely taking Zion and Adam Kev might not take him because he’s already got a big here if I can get like man Zion and kawhai let’s just get the oldest [ __ ] team out there right KD just Health injuries Galore dude we’re going for the Moon that’s it that’s all that’s all I need baby as long as they sit the last 12 all right kawhai off the board I mean I’d prefer Zion and Lori anyways that’s good though weburg I want my I want my team under good contracts like I don’t want them getting monster deals all right I’m still taking Zion here Zion dropping to 35 is nuts that’s nuts like this is a steal what did I have him ranked as I I don’t even think I can see I should be showing the grid by the way my bad let’s see what kired one cursed one what they do Catman come on leave me dear I would absolutely take dear here especially because I don’t need him in the playoffs you know I just need him to show up in the in the regular season ah all right Paul George who do who do you guys value more in from of fantasy Paul George or Mel Bridges like maybe Mel has a bounceback but I feel like Paul George Paul George is like pretty good this year all right there we go so that’s the start right now hie KD PG and Zion two Wings through four all right is there any team with no wings yet look at this guy look at Seth that badass starts yic Chad and deante you got Miguel with wemi lamelo and Dame time madd’s got Jaylen Brown Jeb with Giannis then you got this bro here uny D free free band says embiid Fox and Mitchell no wings here see like these teams without any wings are just going to be in trouble I love this start from Adam Kev again I think he finished like top five this year in the regular season one this past uh best ball he started ad Scotty Barnes and kawhai so like gets the elite big gets two wings and now like I mean when you still look at the guards that are available there’s still like look at this I mean you there’s so many to choose from still Weissberg is that where you think he’s ending up you feel like pretty good about that still can’t figure out what the Clippers what Paul George what really like what the whole city of Los Angeles is going to do also if you’re a visitor and your first time hanging out in the team hold playback room do me a favor just hit the hit join room hit join room be a member it costs nothing it’s free but it makes my egoo it feeds it you know all right Jeb who’s who’s next for you you let’s see you going to get the cou he’s got a Giannis Brunson Curry start here for the jabbers the Couz baby off the board my my my Celtics group chats are just losing their mind right now they’re just like learning stats for the first time uh this one by Buddy Nate just said just heard kp’s onoff courtet rating so far on plus 26 off minus 17 I guess this is worse than I thought I was secretly hoping hoping for a short series two because I’m going away um I think basically I think game is game five on a Wednesday night next week I can’t remember what night it is uh I’m going away next weekend and I was I kind of wanted the series wrapped before I went away I’m not really going away I’m going to New Hampshire to hit or Maine excuse me to hit some golf balls also I love air man this dude’s so funny although I miss uh Jake and air didn’t one of them get cancelled I forget you had a reply to that one Jeb oh that’s funny Jeb that that’s a banger Jeb uh speaking of bangers we we had one uh we had one today we got back in the reply Guy game so I could try to make some more money off of uh Elon but F fired this bad boy out there today oh Jeb back on the clock here so Jeb with Giannis brunon Curry czz oh also Brandon Miller off the board for Matty Harris Maddie I like this I like this strong uh run here so JB France and Brandon Miller not bad not bad yeah that’s what like if he doesn’t get the max or like what his max extension should be um he’s gone right like especially because they paid kawhai that yeah Jaylen Johnson’s going to be another quick uh click Jeb I think we’re going to have to sneak up to get him a little bit I would like I would like some version of Jamal Murray would be very open to Kobe white as well and then Jabari do we finally get a Jabar although you know what I think I honestly prefer Denny over Jabari I don’t know how do you guys feel about that Denny vers Jabari Smith mean I know Jabari had some ceiling games he’s pretty inconsistent good rebounder but well there Jamal’s off the board yeah that’s that’s that’s my concern with Houston I mean he really was inconsistent too I I like I like his game I feel like he’s set to be like a a a good role player on a good team you know what I mean like somebody that’s like solid on a good team I know Houston hasn’t been good yet but that seems to be his Destiny all right what I would like to do here after kired one so kired one takes Rudy and then this might be a little bit of a reach but this is what this is where I’m going next a for wait he went back-to-back bigs he’s got three bigs already cat Rudy and Jared Allen what the I I feel like kir one is building a a playoff baseball team right now he’s drafting three whatever anyways uh Anthony Simons welcome aboard I think I’m going to take Simons over um over Kobe right there no definitely not Zack LaVine I’m team never Zack LaVine um I also don’t know who lavine’s going to be playing for I don’t know I mean the Bulls seem to really like what they had with their back cour and like speaking of too many miles to feed right Kobe White’s been great but LaVine comes back I don’t know if that Waters it down a little bit and then you add IO dumu is in there Patrick Williams is gonna be back I just lonzo’s supposed to be back too I mean who knows for how long lonzo’s going to be back but I don’t know I don’t know what the Bulls are going to do man they’re such a weird like no man spot it feels like I mean every year it feels like they’re supposed to trade a bunch of people and every year they don’t yeah maybe I just think the one issue they’re going to run into is I just feel like his value is so low right now I mean that’s pretty much why he didn’t get traded this past year I know I know part of it was the injury but even prior to him getting hurt again they didn’t even like they didn’t even make any moves like I mean that there was no no real interest it seemed in him all right jebs oh Dem Vel off the board We Love Dem Vel I’m a Vel truther all right Jeb who’s next Jeb Jeb missed the Kyrie pick I like it keegans there we go Maddy Harrison I’m Maddy I’m proud of you man you have not taken one Detroit Piston yet like that takes real real gumption who just somebody oh wait somebody’s tagging me in the so rare Discord wow all right I thought for sure somebody got spammed all right so wait you I don’t know if you’ll regret it Jeb look at how many bigs are still available like Matt Matt just got his first one there Nick claxon I think what you have to do though is just take a couple of shots at guys right I know you already talked about uh like Gafford and stuff like that but this range and I mentioned Jaylen durren too I think that’s like a fine first big um espe and also like DeAndre Aon man I I feel like Aon was dominating there down the stretch oh great Point fron is a Michigan man I apologize yeah and hartenstein too I mean he’s either gonna get paid a lot by the Knicks or he’s going to get paid and if he I think he has supplanted Mitchell Robinson as the start there uh I think going forward the Knicks won’t be able to roll out Mitch Rob the like starter minutes and then if he goes to a team like OKC if the Knicks don’t pay him I don’t know I still I still kind of like that I’m though Jeb I love Mark Williams I still like Mark Williams um I haven’t heard anything on the injury front though so I don’t know it seemed like they weren’t rushing him back last year I know he had like a setback but Charlotte was also trying to lose games so but he’s got nobody to compete with right once he comes back he’s going to play a lot of minutes um and he looked good he was awesome that like first month of the Season he was awesome so I don’t think he should be your first big though meaning like I you need to have some other options there I think Derek white look at this still no bigs from Jeb Jeb is balling I might take a big this next pick here also guys I watched uh I watched the new episode of clipped I will say it got a little bit better clipped got a little bit better episode three I’m still not it was just like less um I don’t know it’s just bar Burton wasn’t shirtless I thought that was like a good good step in the right direction but I actually am buying Lawrence Fishburn is Doc Rivers I know the voice thing is a little weird but it’s not bad I think Emanuel quickley is a pretty solid pick by that guy Unk um also DeAndre aen did come off the board I missed that mat Harrison with Austin Reeves there you go so I am what one two three two picks away let let’s see what we got here might I might go Wing big here again because I still think we can get some good guards to to fill in actually you know what that’s not true I don’t think that is true all right I I think I’m gonna take RJ Barrett I might go I might go RJ uh I like that mik I like that they they have to win tonight they’ve been slipping a little bit let me see I can give you some W picks though hold on I let me wait till I make my next one I like Skyler diin Smith over 30 fantasy points Ryan Howard over 14 points and rakia Jackson under 21 fantasy points all right here we go so here’s my oh wait [ __ ] scoot went huh all right we’re gonna chake Jaylen Duren I don’t I don’t man that kind of felt like no man’s land right there I really liked uh I kind of wanted to take another Wing there but I I just feel like there’s so many wings that are the same now but to and like to Jeb’s credit there are so many good picks in this range where I still think you can get like I think we’ve got like another 15 to 20 dudes that we can take and feel pretty comfortable with before we really start reaching so back to the grid here for the people let’s let’s check let’s check out our guy Adam kev’s lineup he’s got uh ad Scotty Barnes kawhai then went Triple J so didn’t get his first guard until round five then went Bane kaminga and Colin seon we got Jeb in the house with Giannis Brunson Steph czz I like that start Kyrie Keegan and Derek white matd with Luca Booker two guys that hate each other Jaylen Brown fron Brandon Miller Nick CLA and Austin Reeves I like it I like it I still think you don’t need that many bigs though like I guys if you have three bigs already that’s that’s too many especially when two of them are on the same team like this like kir one over here just too many bigs man it’s funny the Lakers thing seems to be a real [ __ ] show right now I was just seeing this tweet I mean we already knew it was it was the case but it’s just like settling in a little bit more how we are just a couple weeks away from the draft and they have just nothing nothing in place also how about Shams going around uh show to show today just dunking on W went on the ESPN network for Pat McAfee and made fun of them I wonder if like McAfee did that intention I mean I know Shams always goes on that show but there’s something funny about that like do you think WJ was talking to like the execs that be at ESPN being like hey what the [ __ ] man but I’ve been enjoying it I mean kind of beefs he beefs a lot with them oh I missed picks I’m sorry what Jeb took Drew holiday wow holiday fell all the way down there that’s actually a good get there and then YF nit man I still can’t get over this porzingis injury yeah I love Trey Murphy also like it got me thinking about herb Jones a little bit more too like I wonder if I’m herb Jones right I am just standing in the corner and launching threes all offseason long right yeah this is the video I was talking about he looks good he looks good maybe he’s fine maybe he’s fine maybe again I’m said what if this is just like payback for Jason kid they’re like redoing the gamesmanship oh you like we don’t even know who’s G to play what if they did like an I am spartus and everybody everybody reported a torn thing Jeff all right let’s see what Maddie does here with the next one quick click quick Click by Matty Harrison he had OG and an obq the F up all right Jeb Jeb’s either going Mark Williams Jeremy Sohan or Isaiah hartenstein would be my guess let’s see what he does PJ Washington also knowing you Jeb though you were going to pick one of those three and then you were like [ __ ] zakaran oh I got a good email from Lyft he just told me Lyft told me that Father’s Day is coming up where would I be without you Lyft you’re out on Sohan huh you g to beware the Sohan man Manny Harrison apparently also out on Sohan okay okay fellas you xenophobic dicks mdy how do you feel about Jaden Ivy realizing I got to take another guard here soon and it’s getting ugly fast dude I don’t know who Nicole arbach is like I get what I do get what you’re saying here at Weissberg um I do get what you’re saying but I am an Aubrey Plaza Stan you know so I can’t condone it because I I love I love AUB Plaza too much all right I know I’m on the clock Matt don’t yell at me Jay iy Jay iy oh I hate this team man that was the wrong pick I should have taken a wing there because I wanted I wanted to take Keon George with my next pick I should have taken a wing so I could just take Keon next I still can’t get over Trace Jackson Davis being listed as a wing that’s insane like in what [Music] world all right we we got five guards now so we got hi Simons RJ Ivy and keante KD Paul George Denny Zion and Jaylen dur also one thing I just want to throw out there I because I know like in that pick specifically how like wow I took that guy 12 picks before uh ADP um I don’t think I think ADP means dog [ __ ] right now it’s way too early like so the I like nobody knows what they’re talking about it’s like within range you know what I’m saying so I don’t I don’t think you have to be too like I don’t think you have to overthink it too much like you were saying about Lively Jeb like yeah man I I get it he doesn’t like his numbers don’t project the same but like I he’s clearly been their best big outside of like games one and two of the finals this whole playoff run he’s only going to get better right so I like that I like betting on that um yeah I’m all for that but I don’t think you have to be too scared about ADP all right so we’re in the 10th round right now we got 16 of these bad boys I would take hardenstein over Gafford excuse me had a sneeze there boys and girls yeah I think I would take hardenstein over Gafford where where are the um what do the projections say well projections have Gafford um but I think yeah I still would lean hardenstein the only the only could take Gafford now and switch that to hartenstein in later drafts JB only because we don’t know like what Haren Stein’s landing spot is you know and so if he doesn’t stay with the Knicks and goes somewhere where maybe he’s you know going he’s gone from playing 30 minutes to like 22 you know what I mean although Gafford who knows how many minutes gafford’s playing or to web’s credit where he’s playing haime hak Jr Jeb takes the the big black center from New York Isaiah hartenstein I still can’t get I can’t get over that was a fun reveal also did did the Tibido episode drop um on H the roommate show I think that’s so funny that Brunson and hark got Tim t uh Tom Tibido on there it’s hilarious whoa uh breaking news here breaking news here resigned from uh NBA Top Shot news wow breaking news Jeb aren’t you guys still boys yeah I I I really liked him when I met him in person yeah he unfollowed me too but they all of them did besides Jacob and Dumbo oh there we go clinging Harrison takes clinging let’s go is that the first Rook no so who took SAR SAR was the okay so the first rookie went in the 10th round and then he took the next rookie all right yeah Manny I think uh a lot of people well I know like Simmons and rasilla were like what if he goes first overall like what if OKC tries to draft him or Houston tries to draft him but yeah it does seem like he’s gonna play I I don’t think I’d want him next to wemi I don’t think I don’t know how you guys feel about that but I don’t think I would want that man how many people do you think are left at Top Shot though for real I really would like I would really like nobody would talk on record I know they wouldn’t but I would love to do like a documentary on it I really think people would eat that [ __ ] up because the people that love it would eat it up and the people that hate it would eat it up people would watch that stuff to make fun of them myself and like to make fun of me I just think it’d be so good Jeb got herb Jones like that pick we got another rookie in Mattis Bellis he was off the off the board Marcus Smart’s off the board what other what other guys we got left here oh come on get to me get to me welcome to the team B there we go we love it we love the pick see now this says it was 20 picks before ADP I do not give a [ __ ] I think that’s wrong I would this is the I think this is why like why would you take race the rookie before kulab I think that’s crazy I think that ADP ends up around 135 130 before before the start of the Season would be my guess now with my next pick I have no idea I no idea what we’re going to do Benedict mathin no we get too many guards I think we get too many guards although I do like Benny mathine actually I might take Gafford here and then this might be my last big yeah thanks Jeb oh Tesla’s here you’re in Germany right now Tesla what are you doing Tesla you’ll be happy to know I took RJ Barrett he’s on my team man I want to know I God yeah I just want to talk to everybody who’s left their jobs like we need to we need to know we need to know what’s going on you know who I haven’t talked to or heard from in Forever is like Dumbo I know you guys have a weird relationship Mike forgot I still have to like technically make a pick them for today over on I think I’m be done uh grinding gold as hard as I have been uh for until like the the drop happens in two weeks think guy was getting killed the last couple of days uh who took yaka purle that was a good pick I was looking at taken yaka purle and then I saw Gafford was still there it’s so interesting seeing people take rookies like kingan makes sense to me too but like Rob Dillingham I just like I don’t know this draft is just so weird there we go Shad out Keon George I actually do think this is one of like the cooler cornier things that the NBA does I like that they send these young guys to go like do reporting for NBA um for the finals I think that was really cool like Javari Smith asked Tatum a really good question last week I I like that stuff all right Jeb got his other print zubach you love zubach I didn’t see the Jabari Parker question I saw the I saw the Jabari Smith oh is that what you mean the Jabari Smith yeah I thought that was I like that question I thought that was honest that was I enjoyed that on to round 13 well mdy Harrison loves rookies look at this guy look at these guys backtack rookies all right let’s do some uh roster review here Harrison with Luca book JB frons vogs Brandon Miller Claxton uh who else sorry I lost my spot Reeves Yousef nurkic got OG I like getting OG that late seems really good that seems like a steel bogdon wonder where bogdon is this year and then kingan Shep and let’s see he takes right now I dare to take another rookie nope Mitchell Robinson and then Jeb here with Giannis Brunson Steph czz Kyrie Keegan Derek white Drew holidays got the whole Boston back court PJ Washington play the drop hartenstein Herbert Jones zubot let’s see Jeb you taking brolo here Draymond I know you hate Draymond kuso the Great White Hope baby so my construction here right now we’ve got five bigs four wings I’m sorry five guards four wings three bigs I think think right so you have KD Hy Zion Paul George Denny Simons RJ durren jayen Keon kabali and Gafford one of the things I like about kabali with Denny too I mean they can obviously play together but I also like having um yeah I like having like that’s some injury insurance on the Denny pick too yeah GG Jackson is nice a little bit they just have so many guys over there now like Marcus Smart is back like they just I I have no real feel for this Memphis Squad um but I do I do like Gigi Jackson I love cam Whitmore I love cam Whitmore also kind of like Nicole yovic man he was showing some [ __ ] in the uh in the postseason there like I know these I honestly think that ah cam [ __ ] off the board damn um I think I am gonna take yic here and GG Jackson I think are going to be my two picks I don’t really know too much about race we’ll take GG first and then yic after that but I like what I saw from yic in that that first round um first round matchup I liked it yeah I know he’s gonna go top five I just like uh what I don’t know like the kind of impact who are the top five picks like Atlanta so he goes first does he do a lot with Atlanta uh the Rockets like that’s not really a good landing spot I mean I I know people could do some trades and and get them the Spurs who picks third know the Pistons are fifth yeah we’re gonna we’ll take yic here next and then I think I only got two picks left right just 15 and 16 then we then we call it baby Washington that was the one I was I was missing still can’t get I believe the Hawks got that first pack that’s still so funny all right I don’t like love this team but I don’t hate this team right now yeah that that’s a good call too wburg I’m so curious what the Spurs team is going to look like because they dra they draft four and eight right and I want to know what they do in free agency like I also am curious like are free agen free agents interested in going there like I want to know like what kind of impact wemi is like did players play against him this year and be like man I need to get on that team and I know people I know players like pop for the most part everybody but Stephen Jackson so like I I just wonder oh you got a sniped Don oong I’m telling you man Adam Kev is like truly one of the sharps out there he’s got Bane sexon monk the Pod God Shaden sharp topic Scotty Barnes Kawai kaminga assar Thompson Castle and what was his bigs ad Jaren Jackson andu but yeah I’m curious what they what this uh free agent Market looks like and and who’s actively because that’s what everyone says oh everybody wants to play with joic I mean we haven’t seen too many free agents go out of their way to try to get their way to Denver but not that Denver had a ton of cap space anyways but uh I’m just I’m wondering what what they what uh free agents look like for San Antonio so Jeb goes for Jordan Clarkson he’s going to be on another team I saw Jordan Clarkson trying to flirt to get to Boston uh and then you see mdy Harrison with Grayson Allen all right all right all right see somebody D DM me oh Andrew Lair just learned I won a Wy I I ended up for those that I don’t know if any body watched the so rare video but I ended up listing the wmi um knowing that it’s probably not going to sell I think what’ll end up happening is like offers come in that are a lot lower um but I do like I just keep the the only argument for me to keep it is that you’re like wemi there’s not a lot of wemes out there because they on the rare field anyways because there’s none from year one only 50 and year two um but but they didn’t uh like so they they get a competitive Advantage like I’m not competing against a lot of uh wemes but like anyone’s saying oh but it’s a collectible and it’s this rookie like listen dude I’ve done this before man I’ve been down this road before Oh the swing man’s back in Action hell yeah is he doing a so rare show or is it is it him and the boys and the lads catching up mate over a pint bollocks all right so we’re eight picks away sorry let me go back to the grid Maddy getting uh perennial All-Star Harrison Barnes there I can’t believe he’s still on the Kings not that he’s bad I just it seemed like they were primed to make a move last season before last season really and they just never did let’s see what the ERS does how many bigs you got now you got zubot and hardenstein you going to get one more maybe Brook Lopez brolo you look at how late you get brolo that’s great that’s good wow also I think Kelly Ox a little sneaky this year too might try to get one more big here so what’s our construction right now 563 I might go I either want to I want to either be 763 I don’t know yeah Draymond has been nuts I saw he had um I saw he had what’s his name on uh Looney right he had Looney for some finals reaction stuff which is Looney going to be on the Warriors next season it is Draymond with like a last pick though is pretty nuts right like a or last round pick I will I will take him here if he falls I usually don’t like having four bigs I usually like to stay three but because Zion is my first one and he’s probably gonna miss like 20 games durren Gafford I probably don’t need a big here but I’m gonna do it let’s see all right Draymond I mean that’s a pick 179 I’m fine with that might take a dart throw Lonzo ball here too kind of like pton Watson anybody else like we just completely overlooked isn’t carlington Carrington getting a lot of Buzz right now not Dylan Brooks that’s not who I wanted to click let’s see I know him on the clock let’s get Lonzo yeah that was weird that was weird Weissberg all right so as we wrap this up I’ll wait for my Bros to finish their picks but this is my squad here to wrap up KD Tyrese halberton Zion Williamson Paulie George Denny ABIA aneris shons RJ Barrett Jaylen dur Jaden Ivy keante George Bal kabali Daniel gaffer gigg Jackson Nicole leovic Draymond Green and then the last pick Hail Mary Lonzo Lonzo ball um let’s hold on one second so we got Jeb and Maddie to finish up so Jeb here with Giannis Jaylen Brunson Steph Curry Kyle kosma Kyrie Irving Keegan Murray Derek white Drew holiday PJ Washington Isaiah hartenstein Herby Jones zubach kuso Jordan Clarkson Brook Lopez a lot of good still like a lot of good options here though like I really do think Kelly oen I mean I guess a lot of those numbers are inflated because yakob Perle wasn’t playing I feel like Kelly oen still going to have a pretty decent role I’m assuming he’s still on um still on uh Toronto right I don’t think he’s a free agent you think purle gets traded yeah they they just have a weird obsession with purle though all right let’s see Jeb’s last pick Buon of the bogdanovic’s I like that Matty Harrison here recap his team Luca book Brown fron Brandon Miller clack God Austin n OG bogdon of the bogdanovich kinging Shep Shep Mitchell Robinson Grayson Allen Harrison Barnes Sone F Paco of the Detroit basketball Pistons uh MADD you’ll be happy to know there was a I did a trivia question where it was like about the 2004 Pistons beating the the Lakers and the answer was Detroit and uh when I like I asked them to like give me the answer and somebody yelled Detroit and then I finished it with B and they like made that guy’s night because he was like I can’t believe somebody else knew that so that was for you that was for you and all the other Detroit Pistons fans lived in New York City H all right gang we’re GNA call it there that’s draft number one in the books we’ll do a couple of we’ll probably do one of these a week or something like that uh don’t forget uh no NBA bid tomorrow morning I don’t think we’ll have one in the morning maybe something in the afternoon and then uh we got game three right here uh on playback which by the way if you’re watching this on YouTube after the fact click the link come join us on uh playback and I didn’t promote promo code hold at all during this entire stream but if you watch that whole thing without signing up for Underdog sign up promo code hold 100% deposit bonus match up to $100 I think so all right good [ __ ] everybody let’s uh pray for porzig torn Med whatever that thing is


  1. I literally thought the Double Dribble was a Coding error…it said 2024 and I just assumed lol. Glad they are getting serious about NBA Best Ball. LFG!

  2. Haha love it! Still sweating the dance, but I'm in. I like this structure wayyyy better than last years tho. Evens out the finals game counts too, so there it minimizes weekly game counts for certain teams.

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