Golf Players

Ally McCoist And His Balls (Not Golf Ones) πŸ˜‚! | Tubes & Allan McGregor VS Jimmy Bullard

What a game of Golf this is !!
Rangers legend Allan McGregor and Tubes take on Jimmy Bullard at the stunning Kittocks course at Fairmont St Andrews. What a place.
Massive thanks to Golf Travel Centre for sorting this incredible trip out for us!

Book your golfing holiday with them here

Hope you enjoy

Golf Life x

welcome back to the channel and welcome back to a new video you golf life Legends yes boys boys boys wow look where he took us Al McGregor how you doing lad Legend how are you not bad my man how you mate brilliant thanks so much for coming on no problem brilliant brilliant we beat you by be Brant already got a turn you had a little chat I know I know there no s of the handicap sh absolutely not but how good is this ni beautiful is it a good day for it as well your sport up here having a check it’s like I think you got about six Co in about 30 miles really I come up here quite a lot when I can so really enjoy it unbelievable so this is the back n of the K course at F Mon and Andrews and it’s just unbelievable and what we doing me and Alan are taking you on I know that cuz you are on absolute Flames yeah Alan you’re n handicapper 9.7 ex checked it out don’t worry about that a few of boys to find out if he waffling but no it’s honest so we are going to play Scramble okay against you here on the back nine all right Max play yes and I’m absolutely I’m so giddy yeah we can tell you want to jump in the river I want to I want to go Vim hoffen in there um am I going to get choose the two boxes though you can choose the two box yeah right off the backs let gos all right sweet let’s have it massive thanks to golf Travel Center for sorting this unbelievable Tri cheers absolute Legends link down below if you want to book your holiday and get to see stuff like that unbelievable come [Music] on right here we go 10f this is beautiful isn’t it so nice he’s been in the era you’ve got to go for it yeah I know I know you only hear one it’s only 300 Drive rout for you here we go my he’s not sure is he fix his same oh oh oh oh [Laughter] the green Bad Boys Eagle par all the best Wonder oh we’ve got to go for it now that was I got to be one of the best shops I’ve ever played on golf life I just see at the bar that was filth oh go on pressure is it oh you got Mulligan no no no not on golf life you don’t lad coming and you’re under the cush straight after that it good luck son you pressured me into going for it I didn’t say nothing no as in where you’ve put the ball I thought I’ve just got to go for that yeah yeah don’t think it’s over though yeah it is yeah shut yes yeah you good there mate up and down we need birdies shot mate right Rangers obviously obviously your time there unbelievable was bro Lov it started training there when I was 11 or 12 yeah um was on the bench the first te when I was 17 made my debut amazing 500 OD games yeah so beauti we’re going to talk more about it later but proper Rangers right come on how far we got here 88 88 sure that looks good to me out it’s good in it golf shop pin ey yes partner great come on R judged out of there lad that wasn’t easy was it no it wasn’t easy that horrible horrible thick it’s only 15t that chose it’s good and see that partner that’s a shot H right we got here run go on we’ll run out of there let’s come out like yeah we’re on we’re on not as good as you but we’re on come on Partner one for Eagle mate he’s one this didn’t you this goes in I’m jumping in that water what come on the driver that’s some slap all l no bit more come on now we sink this in for bird we’ve got two we got two stabs at it Al’s requested I’ll go first come on left to right he’s right behind your line have a look at this fancy this didn’t you my part’s not great I’m not practic it this morning no let good what yes I love Scotland oh under pressure can he was the best part of his game M his pting is like why is that all of there I don’t get it get your ball out there man there I might keep it that’s outrageous behavior coming in JB I can is he’s not he’s not oh my goodness that free jab you you called it on the te didn’t you one up team McGregor how was that the game the game how they done that Scot don’t know to the stairs I’ll be back let the wind bring yeah okay cool I’m actually talking like I know what I was going to say sound like Nick [Laughter] Felder oh come come come come come come come come come come come it’s over is it it’s over I think it was tight was it you would have heard that no yeah I think you yeah I think it’s over yes sh partner say shot yes leave that to brother I’ll have that come on ah yeah yeah yeah good though it’s not a good scalp though it that’s a great shot Jim yeah it’s fair you not like that yeah I just tried to obviously leave yourself longer in the all right you go but it’s yes good right Al we found yours just down there Scotty can you see it just down there mine’s about 50 yards back you’re the governor what you want you the SK huh you’re the see what so we’ve got to get over the wall should be all right no you reckon you want me to jump down no I’ll jump down I don’t want you to do anything with your legs um should we go for that right let’s go but what all I’m thinking is we can hit a wood off that I know but I’m a great HS off okay we that one ain’t the Masters boys oh it is oh it is you better believe want me didn’t I I’ve got I’ve got a feeling all the golf life Legends I’m going what are you doing rather than yours you chose it now you can change your M no no no course you can’t come on such a cheat we got six iron seven yeah you just got to get it over in you need to get it up oh that so close to the war bunkers up there no just on the ra [Applause] took a bit of granite off we’re dinking straight over this trap boys talk to me yeah I think I think it’s I think you’re going to the left of that bunker I think a it’s too far left no beautiful stre great strike Jim great strike this game is heating up already but we got 156 into the green we’ve got two shots here obviously I’ve gone seven IR full turn baby oh that looks good gorgeous little cat shot CH yeah P ey we Dancing Yeah we’re dancing all right is that 7even 7 hour not pressure that team no not I’m just looking after you my man left Struck it get down it’s all right it’s all right right 79 yards you’ve hit one in there 20 foot chose that’s my partner that’s what he’s all about fly 80 window at the left coming in these ones that got to start getting close tubes eat eat you worms got g in it oh you bit gravy bad shot how your put I really want to have a little chat on myself terrible feeling the pressure seriously that’s all I’m ask it looks like it them to me said go for a we walk clear the air mate oh my God how it not in serious that’s really unlucky M how many edges do you want to it D oh unlucky mate ah good laugh tubes that’s incredible is it great P your pting game so much better two Grazy Ed two bird is Grazy this game we Double D on my I’m thinking I’m I think this is the line here see that little Mark there that far wow they want I trust you they want this so hard oh my God thought there that he’s pting come on out so pure you feel that there you going to finish that off huh you going to get that way you can have that pick up yeah pick it up he’s got a free whack pick it up don’t be sh how many edes that’s turned he gone it’s gone right the left is it you thought it was in oh lucky mate right I did a what a PO uh once again thanks so much for joining us absolutely Buzz even after two hours I’m absolutely loving it uh we talked about Rangers earlier you are a Rangers leg Legend uh over 500 appearances what one meant the most to those good question it’s a difficult question cuz there’s so many good memories um I think any time you win a trophy is always good yeah um and you beating your Rivals is always good as well so yeah yeah um had some good European runs yeah um got to UFA Cup Final a couple years ago unfortunately couldn’t win but still what we done in that season was incredible the teams we beat um in this day and age where the the budget the club’s got to get there was incredible yeah and the testimonial um which you thoroughly deserved was quite emotional was it oh it was um just G around there at the end knowing that’s the last time you’re going to play there and all the fans stay it was was a great send for me and my family oh lovely was there a few old feces there turn up for you yeah there was a few my mate hotton was there a few family and friends obviously a couple of the boys that play this so amazing oh nice but surely you’ll return to Rangers in the future as as a f I’ve been in a few games this season no no but like as a role at the club they love you don’t they is that something you’d like to do going forward like coaching managing if the question go ask I thought coaching chat about this earlier I don’t know I feel like um I want to want to do it rather and people say no you’ve got the experience you should do you know what I mean so that might that time might come you know soon but constant too man look it looks un year not unbelievable so have you have you officially retired now is it well pretty much I’ve not played for you not actually come out and said need I just I keep myself myself I love it yeah I love it co go um was it always goalkeeping for you it was I wait my first training session at 7 and I had an field top and a goers top and field top was in the washing machine so I just s the go to chel and that was the start it to be fair I’m glad CU see this running about andas no F goalkeepers do the bleep test and stuff like that though I got a back up at 34 and the sudden she’s like you don’t do any R your car the bike house like that no he made the surgery right that there he’s like surge slip that in but what age did you realize that I’m all right between the sticks don’t know um think I was 11 or 12 could back then I could kick the ball miles so that was a big back in a day um about 11 or 12 probably you seem quite normal for a usually keepers of crackers SE drink yeah I did the other week you were talking about my spam mass of a spam on FaceTime dick that says one normal as well but we are one up I’m absolutely loving this thanks let’s keep it going come on yeah here we go 124 41 290 reach that bunker down there down wind go on give it a slap I’m actually know what really reach it to be honest look at the size try to get going up he’s ripped it but it’s right might find it little bit a little bit of pressure on tubes Struck it just right just P yes get over get over get over You’ be all right when you yeah good rolling up we are over look at that she’s just got away with that still going you see you know see the Gap in the cheese was even fun of course it was no it’s all right is it yeah the fair it bot with the mound yet I do fear for a big and be oh no four four sorry I tried to absolutely leather that sorry partner oh yes he ripped get done come around it’s a great shot mate it’s not a bunker there is it no don’t think so mate I think you’re good down great shot mate part my knee could go further than the ball in right 170 I got eight on just got to try and get it over that trap that’s your Lucky by the way it’s lovely that’s over it byab oh Jim Jim get down go oh go I said no said no he brilliant I said no it’s a Scottish you obviously never understood my accent a horrible we it’s a great shot what short game like should find it man something again it’s just inconsistent isn’t it yeah yeah yeah got to practice it all the time I’ve been struggling with bit of the I just want to get this with four five foot yeah you can’t miss two five Footers man it why big man comeing you got a little 56 58 man yeah little flopp it up there just run the green let roll down yeah talk a good game don’t it yeah super just a bit left she’s quick is she look at this thing oh now that is a moody little shot isn’t it what you thinking tub we it right in it yeah didn’t it didn’t that move I thought it was going another way before oh commitment problems don’t like giving you any pts here did they take sorry what’s happening like Library misread that all together one of these needs to go yeah we got this I’ve not had that oh Jank fmer in about here yeah a bad putt that was uncky unluck it whole Square whole [Music] Square what you got jumbo 185 I got a seven it’s down the draft huh more of the right than anything got a pitch that 185 got to pitch it 180 178 yeah a you dog Jimbo that’s terrible it’s windy up there is it make your mind up Jim I’ve done the same Hang Man same as me it’s windy up there partner wind haing off the left I tried to cut it into never been the shot kicking in this I think that was the wrong Club as well by the way what’ you think seven did you hit seven I hit six so you reckon seven maybe yeah what have you got six I take it’ll be all right come come then oh sure oh now that bit of a moody like that man got a bit of wind helping me into me float one up wow this is not easy can roll roll roll effort it’s not bad mate you hardly touched that by the didn’t yeah it’s not much go on mate go on [Laughter] out oh no ni stop stop all right up and down mate we’re parting this for getting this we’re going one up look at that ball right how I’m seeing this seeing it pretty straight what do you think see when yours was rolling yeah so there it was one left to right but that’s obviously that’s B the green it I don’t know if it goes a little bit to the left it does look pretty straight to me yeah that’s the line it is straight come on mate hope you miss this Al I know you’re doing m the feeling is mutual don’t be short they need to be short blard to go one up it’s a bad t- shot man unlucky M moves that way uh it moves that way at end do it can’t read him still all square what a can’t read what’s it old school squ Square it’s game on is it to nothing in that trap so but just don’t go strong all right Al be right yeah I keep oh no got it don’t know what’s down there though is that for the SE great shot absolutely brilliant that’s brilliant mate what a great oh that’s all right AR it no driller oh what bird is it oh oh you I was a bunker in there 180 wind with it’s got to be a little softer oh no it’s come out horrible way yeah it’s poor sorry mate sorry whatever come around that’s not coming around any come around oh right we need to get up and down here massively massively coming in JB put the pressure on these weasels ah you put the pressure on me great shot oh Jim that’s superb mate what a great shot mate I like that a lot I like that that is an unbelievable goal shot I could stoed in the hole didn’t it go up get up sh partner shot beautiful yeah beautiful come on got it no he’s not un like him it I take I think that’s a different part she’s never started it I enough did I massive massive thank you to Fair mon St Andrews been absolutely pucker the last couple of days food Hotel brilliant thank you come on yeah you know talking come on PO son great partt mate left flip all square all square all square on the 15th oh yes something consistent go but we started off like a house we Beauty no it’s perfect yeah I think that’s long fiery that yeah that’s bullet that very nuted cracking Shar at left yeah just on the path left a you you was dialed in there boy you knew you needed you want to hold it a bit longer St go on I’ll draw you that do and yes turn oh my God that’s good oh please be good please be good oh my God this his best shot he’s ever r with me that’s just like Z Scotland where is your in oh my God Angela soft cut in there have a look for word get up go on go oh Alan McGregor you big sexy man he’s on the p a he what a shot what I like to see good shots brilliant mate all right oh up the golf life sff it’s the only life we know golf half on bir would be good would it right got 105 just pointed at wh one down it’ses 105 so I got 54 bit down wind no slightely a tugged it get right Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy outside there six sign it’s just like so about the short game now mate putting for do son putting for do it’s not close enough a it’s a Blinder got it no tell unlucky Jim unlocking it J J will stle that way as well I I don’t think so it doesn’t look as b f doesn’t do you want to go again first no wa not yeah go on you’ve got you’re in the Rhythm this is big I think it fors to the looks like it goes that way what are you thinking I’m honestly mate I’m thinking I’m thinking straight see yeah it’s just straight uphill like golf life Legends like this but she mumbling yeah it was straight did it go that way yeah I think yeah t thanks mate sorry thought it was a wind in my ears I couldn’t hear that jum boy get the Spam out go on the spam come oh no not another ball that’s me open ball yeah there I had a chance I’m s did you know that no you had a child I could have been notching You’ have got net rash against me you would you been in the bench anyway I bet that’s blinding no amazing but is there one old FM Derby that stands out for you for atmosphere that you know the fer ferocity of it probably important one was there was one uh 200 11 near the end of the season must have been April or something and uh Cela the W that sort of basically won the league and I managed to save a penalty with 10 minutes to go did you and then we went on to win the league so oh just important set yeah yeah is the atmosphere in the training ground so the buildup to that game completely different to any other game because pressure you really don’t like each other do you and it’s like it’s a massive massive game is there a different sort of um I think there’s a we bit I suppose when you’re a player that’s just another obviously not another game but you prepare the same as you do every other game and see a lot of the times though you’ve sometimes you got a European game before it so you’ve not got that weak run into to get H prepared for it it’s only a couple of these and tell me if I’m diving too deep here I’ve heard from both sides of the clubs like say you got a pool table and I I heard from their side they come with a blue cloth they change that it’s got to be a green cloth and when they come with yours green cloth you change a blue cloth well I think that’s just standard you’re not having no green about I don’t think so the blue a blue P table BL table tennis table Yeah right okay everything blue corn well fair enough you’ve been you know obviously at Rangers for years and years and years who’s the biggest character you’ve come across cuz there’s been a few that you played with I’ve got one did would you never Goa I was a young boy I trained him right so I was about 14 so he used to never had a training room so you used to go I BRS get trained so Easter holidays or summer holidays us to go in and train the first time yeah so I’ve onon a bus myself obviously sat down G are s next to me he’s got a big baggy wet ja extra double extra LS or something goes in his pocket PS at a rolling sausage starts eating on the bus going rolling sausage guys and I bro I just love him obviously I had him as a manager and an assistant yeah and great used to play cards me him Kenny Muller andys good C oh great car Hearts you must have played Hearts yeah proba but just his part and he’s obviously his name going on the TV now as well and he’s a good golfer as well he he’s a good golfer he says he’s been off 15 for 25 years slipp trying to get him on here spin but what’s the funniest thing you’ve seen Ali McCoy do because he was a proper you can say on he was assistant manager so me Kenny mcdell Kenny Miller and myself used to play two touch so me and Kenny would go against him so it was be ass if you lost right so this is a couple years before he was a Rangers manager so me and Kenny have obviously won so him and Kenny what SKS ass boss hanging down me and Kenny M BOS off asses and being K saying an next Rangers manager got absolute cracker coward sitting there what the love it what we got we’re one up with three to play all right back on gol the cow [Music] come on now right let’s do this what we got our yage 166 yeah got a V8 iron right then draft in it yeah hopefully just over the bunker and let it go I’m saying that up for my professional here it sounded good oh it sounded brilliant do you know what that’s got the legs that could be absolute perfect oh over that’s a shot that’s going to roll down as well in it hopefully well you got seven I’ve got eight just need to carry that bunker should R but I’m thinking Alan’s a lot stronger and harder than Me Harder did you say yeah much harder who’s the hardest player you played with actually hardest was you there when he was there guso I was a young boy again lunatic good Tom’s interviews are good or night be fa yeah oh Cho that is my partner go get up it’s a bit weight it’s bit soft no a it’s all right I hope mine just spun like that he coming in no so so stiff how bad’s that Jim is that over the wall is that over the wall W what a shot is it the being in a gym too much unbelievable what a terrible shot oh no one two one two so embarrassing try to be too cute a he a oh no coming in great shot nice this W ocean in beer what you thinking Midas did you know I’m so undecided about this the more I look at it the more I think it’s actually the other way I’m thinking go I don’t know why but I’m thinking the left of a you sure no I’m not you have a stab I’ll H it straighten then we can take it for there or try and H it St you think it goes to the so find out cuz I can feel it must be going right to left for the way I’m standing that’s two in a row in it two in a row Mr Alan McGregor awesome unbelievable mate unbelievable really really good right partner two up two to play D me D me m got me where you want me Absol honestly mate thank you so much absolutely love this video been a pleasure M if you golf love you enjoyed it let’s keep it going last two a one of the straightest shot tracers look at that that is brilliant that is brilliant mate Top Class thanks mate oh do chbs you never that idea no that will do you I mean we’re using big LS but I’m happy it’s going straight that’s could be B yeah he’s he’s got to go for startled hat this is just down the fair we come on JB don’t get ruled in still put the pressure on I’ve got if I get it back we play playoff ho yeah yeah yeah come on then H it’s lovely beautiful J it’s massive is it it stays up there forever oh where’s that gone that’s that is power that’s mine that is power that’s it a path isn’t it just want to say again to feont St Andrews thank you uh because this place is unbelievable and a massive thanks to golf Travel Center for sorting this because we are so so lucky um so thank you very very much get yourself down here it is good very very good right what we got Al we’ve got 133 what are you going for picture got wedge here a wedge the ah let it roll on hopefully it did put me off a we bit too got in his N I tell you what now this is pressure CH tubes yes Jim Che yes Jim no you right tubes pressure pressure save on it show me your ceg congratulations h d me to start come on that one no the duck fell that was the duck that was my no more no more shouldn’t do that let’s play Come on B shut yeah it’s all right you’ll get up and down from there bit fluffy is it but fluff on it started see accent it does me bad coming in what is seriously it’s like a penguin man that I should love this channel so immature come on JB oh that looks good effort it’s got to go don’t go get up get up oh just come out fluffy ass told be a bit fluff struggle today getting it close Angela people on my back swing see if we can wrap one in not bad eff it mate we coming from the right to the left then oh oh oh oh oh dear oh dear that’s the one that’s the one oh wow hold on boys take it away game over sure yeah well done good Legend thank two good boys class MRE what an absolute top one of the best videos we’ve done that I think it’s absolutely brilliant cuz you got massive thanks Andrew for having us because this yeah thanks for having us guys Place blind for thank you mate rematch soon got to do that again yeah yeah please like subscribe golf life baby love it


  1. My internal voice had a Scottish accent for the rest of the night after watching this πŸ˜‚ class video !

  2. Fairmont StAndrews is a smashing hotel, very relaxed and relaxing. Played the Kittocks a few years ago when an American colleague wanted to visit St Andrews while in Scotland, decent track πŸ‘πŸ».

  3. Superb video lads in quite a fantastic scenery πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ

  4. Alan McGregor. A true Rangers legend. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

  5. A lot of fun. Allan McG hit some great tee shots. I love how JB starts asking questions just as Allan or Tubes are setting up to tee off or hit their second shots. JB makes me laugh – that wall though shouldn't even be there!

  6. 12 hole 170 yard 8 iron out the sh1t harsh downslope no problem straight on the dance floor go on the bully

  7. Mind that time Rangers liquidated and Alan McGregor walked away from his contract because..well you liquidatedπŸ€«πŸ˜‚πŸ€

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