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COMPLETE Event-By-Event 2024 US Olympic Trials Preview | SWIMSWAM BREAKDOWN

Join us as we go down the psych sheet, event by event, and choose our picks for who will make the 2024 US Olympic team in Indianapolis.

0:00 Introduction
0:40 Women’s 100 Fly
3:35 Women’s 400 Free
6:41 Men’s 100 Breast
10:46 Men’s 400 Free
16:35 Men’s 200 Free
21:18 Men’s 400 IM
23:53 Women’s 100 Breast
29:44 Men’s 100 Back
31:08 Women’s 200 Free
36:28 Women’s 400 IM
39:00 Women’s 100 Back
40:50 Men’s 800 Free
43:56 Men’s 200 Fly
46:49 Men’s 100 Free
54:30 Women’s 1500 Free
54:46 Women’s 100 Free
57:30 Men’s 200 Breast
1:00:07 Women’s 200 Breast
1:01:52 Men’s 200 Back
1:05:03 Women’s 200 Fly
1:08:23 Women’s 200 Back
1:10:03 Men’s 50 Free
1:12:49 Men’s 200 IM
1:15:19 Men’s 100 Fly
1:18:03 Women’s 200 IM
1:19:34 Women’s 800 Free
1:21:00 Women’s 50 Free
1:22:11 Men’s 1500 Free

welcome to the 2024 US Olympic trials prediction podcast I’m Coleman Hodes and joined by David classy and we are going event by event down the psych sheet of the 2024 US Olympic trials and telling you who we think is going to make the US Olympic team David I’m so excited for this I don’t know about you but do I’ve been looking forward to this for months I haven’t even like fully perused the the psych sheet yet because I knew that we were going to do this so let’s uh let’s go ahead and get started event one women’s 100 meter butterfly uh top seed is Tory husk 5568 only 4100s off of her own American record um you’ve got four women who who are sub 57 on the psych sheet uh that’s husk gression Walsh Reagan Smith and Clare kerzan you’ve then got another five women who are under the 58 second barrier um to me this one’s kind of cut and dry I think husk and Walsh are the safe bets any any thoughts David what do you what who you picking that’s exactly what I have put down for uh for my onew as well you know Tory husk seems like she’s just on fire in this event right now she’s fast that helps and gret and Walsh I mean we saw what she did at NCAA in in the hunterfly and she’s been looking she’s looked strong long course I’d say the strongest um Contender is the like to upset that onew number three seed Regan Smith but I don’t really see her dropping in this event you know she’s coming off fresh off of altitude in that 562 which we’ve seen from last year that’s good for rean Smith that she normally goes really fast coming right off altitude and she’s not and I just I think I don’t think well even if or what was that I don’t see her actually she might do a prelims of this swim right maybe maybe even a semi but I don’t think she’s actually gonna swim the final because I think the next day is the 100 back prelim and Simi so I don’t like I don’t think this is event she’s taking seriously yeah um I certainly don’t think it’s one that she would swim at Paris even if she makes the team in it uh kind of like aalo Callahan in the Hun back situation um and then like a couple you know Clare kerzan is 566 but that her best time in this is is from I think 2021 um I think to me Alex shackle has the most potential just because she’s the youngest in that upper echelon field um and she’s been having a great couple years in the long course pool but yeah I think Tori and Gretchen I imagine hearing this summer is the youngest is probably some we hear from a lot from you uh Coleman throughout this breakdown of uh youth reign supreme at the Olympic trials and I think that you know like CLA kuren right there super solid swimmer really good hun flyer it’s pretty good example of the fact that when we’re projecting one two finishes here you got to draw the line somewhere and that’s gonna cut out some swimmers that you might be a fan of I might be a huge fan of but just not seen in the cards form or they’ll pleasantly surprise us at uh at trials absolutely yeah no I I agree and uh yeah you got to you got to make the line somewhere so uh moving on event number two women’s 400 free Katie Lei top seat at 358 no other woman is under four minutes we got um Bella Sims Leah Smith Clare Weinstein Paige Madden Katie Grimes I I think that’s where I would draw my line at women who have really legitimate shots at getting that second spot I think it’s safe to say Katy Lei is the favorite for number one who do you have for number two I have Claire Weinstein just because I think that looking at her progression she was seventh at Nationals last year but her PB is from the Westmont proom Series so she clearly is improving in this event then that’s what’s got her uh what she see that’s what’s got her the four seed now and just to kind of compare because we know very fast 200 freestyler when she went her seed time in Westmont she was a 1580 in the 200 free that telegraphs to me she’s got some room to grow got some room to get up into that second spot I like that pick uh and I I think it’s the the logic is sound I’m gonna so Bella Sims is your number two seat I would love to see Bella do really well at this meet but she’s coming off of her freshman year at Florida and I think I say this so many times freshman year it’s it’s a big year of change right she’s getting used to training at Florida she’s coming from the sandpipers um in Las Vegas where she swam in high school so I don’t expect to see her going best times at this meet or even this season just because I think she’s adjusting I think she’s getting used to things um number three seed Leah Smith had an injury earlier this year I I I think that just doesn’t give me a good feeling about her you know I I think she had to miss a good chunk of training um I’m not exactly sure where she’s at with that so like again to to get a second spot to make the Olympic team you have to be kind of on your game I think Weinstein’s a great pick I think I’m gonna go with Paige Madden though um who who was second the 4 free in 2021 I think that she is having a great season under Bob Bowman um I’m not sure when her I think she might have gone her seed time also this season don’t quote me on that but I think she’s shown um close if not that okay so like and I I think she’s she’s been in that final before she obviously knows what it takes seems like she’s in a good spot so I’m gonna I’m gonna go with the veteran on this one see right after I said that you’re gonna always I I picked the youngest and you pick like the oldest thei in the first page that I see here so you know I we’ll we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see how it all shakes out um but that’s you know that’s just what my guts telling me who who Who’s to say event number three men’s hund breast now I think this is like a really way speaking of old uh top seed Nick Fink only guy under 59 seconds on the site sheet then we’ve got Josh M we’ve got nine guys who are under the one minute barrier um Michael Andrew and Nick Fink were the two that’s not true Is It Michael Andrew and Andrew Wilson were the two guys uh who made the hunter breast in 2021 Michael Andrew is the fifth seed right now um I think Nick thinkink is is a safe bet at this point he’s been so consistent throughout this quad who do you have number two for this one I have um I actually have Noah Nichols at number two and now that is might be somewhat surprising because I believe that his SE time there is the only time he’s ever broken a minute um but he his inseason swims this year leading into it have been quite a bit faster than he was going up to his um his 594 before his PB before that was like one o.8 and he’s had a lot of long course swims that are right in that like one double mid to low range and his last two meets I think before Nationals last year he was like 101 102 and so so part of that could be yes once you go that fast it becomes a lot easier to go slightly slower than that because this is your new bar and it’s a lot easier to come up a little below that but I think that’s a good a good curve good trajectory good momentum momentum can be a lot going into a big pressure meat like that especially if you know that that pressure is just kind of consuming you a little bit it can be easy to go with wait I got this I I’m I’ve been dropping I know what I’m doing you know kind of that that mental Safe Haven to go back to if the outside world is getting a little getting a little much I it’s I like that pick I think there’s a lot of there’s a lot of great storylines in this field like people I would love to see get that second spot um assumably behind Nick thinkink I think Josh maeni to me has the best shot just because he made the hundred last summer he’s represented the US like he kind of knows what it takes and he is his trajectory is going up um rather than someone like Michael Andrew who has a ton of international experience but you know missed the world Champs team last summer um and hasn’t had the best quad of his career I would love to see Michael make it and I I I hope he does make this Olympic team um but and I I know that he knows what it takes to perform when it counts but we haven’t seen him swiming a high level uh certainly not this year so I don’t we don’t really know what we’re going to get from him and I and I think mith meeni would be my pick um just because not only because I I think he has experience on an international level and making a team um but because his trajectory is is looking good for this year um coming off of the summer he had last year yeah and I would love to see Foster make it but I just I I really wanted to pick Jake Foster I think it’d be awesome for him and Carson to be on an Olympic team together I would love to be surprised there uh I was I was uh between uh Nichols and methi so I I do respect that pick of methi there and yeah go going back to Michael Andrew he’s someone who normally swims really fast in season unless he’s radically changed his training which I haven’t heard anything out of him sounds like he’s doing pretty much what’s always worked for him because if it ain’t broke but he hasn’t been going ask as fast as he has in other years so I don’t really see in the cards for him to drop several spots from seed in order to uh in order to make it back onto that Olympic team yeah so well you know we’ll see how it goes that’s the men men’s Hunter breast next event number four men’s 400 freestyle David Johnston top seed at 3457 we’ve got uh nine guys who are under 348 I I think a legitimate question uh is not only who will make it but will two men get under the a cut I I think that and this it’s not as much talking about placement I think it’s more about event management kind of like with Reagan Smith and H 100 fly because I think I got uh Kieran Smith get in the a cut get in the win in second place I have Carson Foster let me explain this one because I know that the swim swam official picks did not put him in uh as swimming it he has swam it way more this season actually swimming it in season whereas he I think uh his last two years of swimming it he swam it at like as Speedo sectionals and a speedo sectionals exactly one year apart no swims in between he’s been swimming it in season that’s where I believe that’s where his 347 comes from and his best time 345 that that’ll that should be a good bet for a second spot and he I also the thing that really pushed me over for it is because one I just want to see it I said this after his 143 split in Doha I want to see him do a 400 free he seems like a 400 freest Styler that’s trapped by all these other events sometimes because 200 free shows some good freestyle Talent he goes up to a 400 IM he can swim 400 meters of Different Strokes just focus in on the same stroke and him Hing and haing between the two free and the I am makes me think that him and his coaches think that his freestyle is in a really good spot so I think he’s going to go with the four 400 I am over the two free but if you already think your freestyle is good you may as well add that 400 free you didn’t swim it at Nationals last year because of an event conflict with 400 IM not a problem this year it would be really really interesting to see if he swims 4 free on night one makes the team if that impacts his decision on day two of 400 IM versus 200 free because I think I think if he makes it in the 400 free he’ll swim the 200 free right because I he’s he told me in that he has a lot of a lot of confidence in his tun freestyle not only in the US but on the international stage his freestyle has been feeling very good and so you know the tuner free is I think more open in terms of winning a gold medal than the 400 IM is because of lion marshand right I don’t think I don’t think Carson thinks he will beat Lon in the forer I am and forer free one day 400 I am the next day is tough right but you have lots of guys going 4 free 200 free and I think that’s you know he he certainly puts in the work for that that would be that’d be pretty epic to see him go from a 400 IM to a four free two free be pretty sick especially at this stage in his career right because that’s something you’d expect like an AG grouper to do and be like yeah you know we’ve been doing this let’s try this or you know even like uh an older high schooler maybe but you start racking up some World Championship Hardware in your in your 4 I am then to to ditch it that that’d be that’d be pretty cool that would be pretty cool okay I’m gonna make oh man I I’m I’m picking kieren Smith last time I didn’t pick kieren Smith for something he yelled at me so I’m caving to peer pressure Karen Smith that so much he’s like hey what the hell he G he gave me some crap for it um I’m I’m going Florida sweep but not in the direction you might think I’m I’m choosing Bobby Fink okay I I think Bobby Fink uh H has we’ve never seen him throw down a really good Foreigner free and I think he has the ability to and he saw what everyone did last summer he saw Sam short go off in the for fre he saw Ahmed Hai go off in the not only these guys doing the 400 free well but doing the 800 free well doing the mile well there’s so many guys who who are doing it at a very high level now I think think wants to get in on it I think and he I think he wants to go for triple gold and I think he’s he’s gonna make the forign freestyle so that’s that’s what I’m saying for the forer free that would really cool to see that would be yeah oh could you imagine if think get second and then doesn’t get the a [Laughter] cut please get two a Cuts guys I don’t I don’t care who makes it just I mean Jake Mitchell’s time trial was was one of the greatest swims to come out of the 2021 Olympic trials but like I don’t think we need a repeat you know like we don’t need a sequel special if we did it again right yeah like we’ve done it once let’s move on now in order to top it you need to like break the world record or something EXA right imag first ever 439 in a time trial dude that’s W that that is where it would happen though you know how I feel you know how I feel about um yes this we’ve made this abundantly clear by now that I don’t think it’s GNA going to happen in Paris but it could happen in a time trial all right event number five oh men’s 200 freestyle very timely uh I mean Luke Hobson is the only guy seated under 145 I think it’s fair to say Hobson’s getting an individual spot but I mean we can even go to top four on this who who do you have for top four or top six I don’t care I’ve got top six written down so I’ll just oh yeah let’s go um so I do think that Kieran Smith is gonna not Kieran Smith Kieran Smith gets second behind Luke Hobson um what I was trying to open my mouth to say is I think Carson Foster does scratch after semis I think he goes a time that in semis that would have placed third that’s kind of where I’m feeling him like maybe like right behind Kieran Smith in something where it’s like yeah in a race he probably would have challenged that’s kind of how I’m feeling um and then for the next four spots I got Drew Kibler Jake Mitchell Aaron shackle and Jake mahe Jake M yeah where Jake M I’m feeling feel like he can sneak in yeah no I think that I think those are solid picks um I think Luke Hobson K so we’re we’re going under the assumption that Carson Foster scratches after simis I that I think that’s fine at least I am I’ll go with that too okay um just so we’re operating in the same universe um Luke Hobson Kieran Smith I like those two picks for the although I’m wondering if Drew Kibler is gonna is gonna like for real swim the 400 free because if he doesn’t if he like swims prelims and then scratches or just scratches Al together like I kind of like Drew Kibler for that number two spot o over Mr Kieran Smith because he’s a little more fresh uh and rested but either way um we just went over how Kieran Smith is gonna yell at you my I know it it scares me but my top six Luke Hobson Kieran Smith Drew Kibler um Jake Mitchell Henry McFadden AKA Henry mcdad I think uh he he had an up and down um freshman year at Stanford but he looked great last summer and like all year in the NCAA his 200 free his last 50 was Stellar he has such a good back half that I think it it’s gonna show in Long course um and so I like him and I’m I’m going Young Guns here I like maxus Williamson I think he’s gonna have great long course season and I I think it’s his time to get on a team and I think that’s gonna be his uh one of his best shots for sure I I was going back and forth between uh Mah and Williamson at the uh at the end there trying to figure out and I I went with Mah just honestly I don’t really know what the thought process was I just went with them um but I do feel like Williamson is gonna creep in to a a lot of finals and be in contention for some spots and I will say between I feel most solid in the onew there Luke Hobson Kieran Smith I the next four after that realistically I could see going in any order I think it’s G to be one touch all going to be together and it’s going to be like oh I didn’t realize he B got him on the other side of the pool there’s there’s 22 guys who are SE at 147 or better and I mean honest you know it only takes a second a second and a half drop from that and someone is going to have that drop right and whether that gets them a number six seed or not you know maybe this will be the year where it actually takes a 145 to get top six I don’t think so but you know we’ll see oh hey guys special guest yinyan Lee what’s up I’m doing good ready to talk about trials 20 minutes late well we’re only five events in so it’s all good you’re uh you’re joining us at a great time I was gonna say after after that point you just made about you know it only takes second and a half I would like to switch my six uh pick to University of Wisconsin’s and my former Club teammate Chris Morris what do we 203 yeah well we’re just finishing that though Chris Morris 21st seed 1476 it’s possible but let’s let’s go to to men’s 400 IM event number six um assuming Carson Foster swims the men’s 400 IM to me this is fairly cut and dry Carson and Chase are the perennial favorites but what do you guys think what I put I felt so boring yeah I think this was an event that I was thinking about because every year since Tokyo I’ve been wondering like when is Chase Kish gonna be gonna be done and like this is not me saying I want him to retire but I don’t know he’s just he’s just aging but he’s been really consistent and like in the past I thought oh this might be Bobby Fink’s time to drop a good time and maybe take over but he’s not swimming the event here so yeah I’ve got to be boring and pick Carson at first uh chase at second but I don’t I don’t think I’m as confident about this as most people are cuz there there are some upand coming names Jay litherland probably in the same spot as his career as Chase kis they trained together but I wouldn’t rule him out David Johnston’s right there and I don’t know and this is nothing against Chase kish’s progression because I think he has been 410 this season has usually drops pretty good in season times but I don’t know there’s just like one meet where you run out of gas we saw that happen we kind of saw that happen with Haley Flickinger in these past few years like she’s she’s been really consistent but all of a sudden she just like ran out of the gas and like called the quits and I think I don’t know maybe it’s Chase kish’s time soon but it doesn’t seem like it now yeah we’ve seen we’ve seen Jay litherland run down someone for an Olympic spot at the last two Olympic trials and it would be so epic if he did that for a third time in a row I’m not that would be crazy to his teammate the one that he got second behind both times that yeah I can’t predict it because Chase has been incredibly consistent this season and he’s good Jay hasn’t been but Olympic trials is the place for that to happen right yeah yeah okay next event women’s hunter breaststroke uh Lily King top seed 1047 only woman under 105 we’ve got two women under 106 at Lydia jacobe and Caitlyn dobler and then we’ve got three sorry two more women Emma Weber and Kate Douglas under 107 um I mean Lily and Lydia for me it’s gonna be a close race I think but you know I’m gonna go with what I know Lily’s not losing Lily is not not qualifying for an Olympics in IND ianapolis and I think Lydia has has looked good enough to safely say she she knows when it’s go time and she’s gonna get her hand on the wall yeah seems like there’s two pretty clear favorite actually no no I’m gonna go with Lily King and I’m gonna go with Caitlyn dobler pulling for the upset she’s looked really good in short course this year went a best time hasn’t um yeah she also went 1067 in Long course and she’s just been progressing and progressing over over these past few years just like getting getting faster and faster in the 100 in the 100ra breast her her her breast joke question let’s see so 1062 uh at Olympic trials in 2021 10 1061 and then one 105 in 2022 and then 1054 in 2023 and I think that that kind of stuff it’s sort of like with Bobby Fink and the 400m like she just keeps creeping up and up and up and someone like Lilia jacobe she has looked better than dobler in season this year but jacobe I feel like she’s been inconsistent at Major meets since Tokyo and she hasn’t really hit the stride that she hit at Tokyo she hasn’t broken 105 since then I believe and I think if there’s a time for an upset then it’s going to be Olympic trials and I’m G to be contrarian here and pick an upset well I I also think Lily King is going to uh Lily King in Indianapolis is just I’m not bold enough to bet against that yeah I am also gonna go for an upset though but I’m not going to be a tiebreaker here because I have Kate Douglas because she has not really focused on this event before this season she swam a 1085 in 2019 and then has a massive Gap until a 1070 at the Atlanta Classic in 20123 and then has been 107 106 106 106 so this seems to be the first season in a while at least where she’s seriously taking this event seriously and she already sitting at fifth seed 1066 right in the range to kind of strike up and get into that second position and I’ve I’ve seen people doubt Kate Douglas before and it Go poorly and I do not want to put myself in that position okay okay my issue with Kate Douglas here is that I don’t really think the Olympics are a great time to pick up new events especially if you’re someone like Kate dou who already has to decide between so many events and I think it has hurt her in the past I feel like to do too much at once but now that she’s finally getting into that 100 free 200 breast 200 Ryan Rhythm I don’t really think she wants to disrupt that and I personally think she swims the 100 breasts to have a better 200 breast that’s why she swims it at smaller Meats why she trains for the 100 breast but for for an event like Olympic trials I don’t think she’ll end up swimming the 100 breast I do think though it can be beneficial to have that as because she doesn’t really have anything before that and so that can be a good even it you know to swim it through even through finals and just see what happens I don’t think 300 yards of breaststroke is going to take that much out of you through three rounds and kind of to knock the cobwebs off a bit you know like Shake okay this is my first big final swim in this Olympic pool getting a feel for it get a feel for the crowd and just that I think it’s beneficial to get that almost not necessarily loosen up swim because you’re still competing for a spot but something that’s not an event that you know people have super high expectations for me in and I can just you know if if I get third or fourth no one’s gonna be like oh she’s washed it’s gonna be oh good good swim right oh yeah you’re right she doesn’t compete for the first time until I guess if it weren’t for the 100 bre she wouldn’t have been competing until Tuesday which is day four and if she had the 100 breast she would be first competing on day two yeah I feel I see like a prelim swim here you know get the cobwebs get the First Swim and maybe prelim semi you know but it’s also like making the Olympic team is not guaranteed no matter who you are and it could be an event where she’s like I want to make the team and then if I make it in all my other events too maybe I won’t swim it but like making the Olympic team is a big deal and putting the pressure getting the pressure off your shoulders of actually doing it it matters so we’ll see what happens but let’s move on to event number eight men’s Hunter backstroke all right Ryan Murphy Hunter Armstrong Justin R and Dustin Lasco are your four men who are seated under 53 seconds and then we’ve got another uh well top 13 are under 54 seconds um I mean I think it’s safe to say well Ryan Murphy and Hunter Armstrong seem like the top two favorites do we have any Challengers not really if Lasco were to challenge it would be in the 200 I don’t see it in the 100 yeah yeah that was another one I felt very boring putting down mik yeah Murphy Armstrong same same as last last cycle if Shane had been having a great season maybe maybe maybe Shane is well um but he currently he’s at Ninth seed and with 535 so yeah don’t don’t see it happening there Shane kasa’s story lines at this meet are gonna go crazy I don’t know what he’s GNA do but there’s gonna be a storyline how many final jokes will be made in the live Recaps of prelims and finals how many they should add a b final oh okay we can we can keep that one going later so men’s Hunter back pretty pretty set in stone for previews event number nine women’s tuner freestyle uh we got Katie leeki at 1549 only woman under 155 we’ve got three other women under 156 at Clare Weinstein Bellis Sims Aaron gimmel the next seeds are Alex shackle Leah Smith Hannah palowski Paige Madden and Simone Manuel um all at 156 or 157 uh we’ve got two more women Katie Grimes and Addison saiki uh under 158 who do we got top six here what do we think someone else go first I need to collect my thoughts David no Tom free I think that um the Dei is gonna get the individual win back I think that Weinstein getting it over her over on her in 2023 was kind of more oneoff that year um one thing I noce in terms of Lei being remarkably consistent um is that she was looking at her in season swims was a 154 and 97 in San Antonio she was a 154 and 96 in early March last year that’s Katie leeki for you yeah clearly she’s able to Pace out over a season as well as over a race um and then I do think that basically Lei and Whit are going to flip and they’re going to be one two in the opposite order than they were last year and then I have in third because I am apparently a sucker for comeback stories I have Simone Manuel and I think that Lei is going to not contest the event individually bump Simone up where do you think Simone’s gonna go I don’t know I mean she didn’t she just just went a 1570 at the Grand Challenge which is actually it’s going to take 155 to get third so you think Simone Manuel’s going to go 155 that’s Aaron gel and Bella Sims they’ve both been 155 before and I think they’ll be around their best at this me and you think Simone mil Simone Simone Manuel is gonna beat out both of them I think because we haven’t seen her do a 200 free Since switching to cuz she surprised a lot of people by staying with Bowman with the move because she trains more primarily with him he’s made some good good 200 free swimmers in the past and she’s looked Rock Solid ever since she’s been back in competition and you know what I I know normally the upset picks are for the young upand comers I say we’re doing an upset pick for the the veteran returning uh to form all right Yan who you got okay I agree with David I think Katie Lei is going to get her lick back in this event uh win but she’s not going to swim it individually and for second I’m gonna go with Aaron gel joining uh her former not not even former they were never training Partners but NCAP I’ll just say that and capam yeah and Calum I’m also GNA Go with Anna peplowski as my third spot because she obviously had a huge drop dipped under 157 I think she’s GNA she’s gonna do better than a seven Place finish obviously had a big NCA swim actually you know what I’m gonna swap gel and peplowski I think peplowski is gonna get second gel’s gonna get third Weinstein fourth Sims fifth and then and for that last spot I’m going to go with Paige Madden she’s been she’s been doing great under Bob Bowman has went went just went a PB in the 400 free and she’s she has the experience of being on that Tokyo relay and I think she’s got what it takes to make her first international team since then and this is not me saying that Sim Manuel won’t be close but it’s just this realiz so so competitive and I just don’t think this is her bread and butter all I’m saying is one thing that Simone Manuel is known for is when it comes time to race defying expectations so someone can get her in an outside Lane she can Pace that perfectly Lane one we’ve seen Simone do it before the tuner free I’m less sure about especially for an individual spot but in no particular order well I’m gonna say k Lei wins I think Weinstein Sims uh peplowski Madden Manuel oh and G gimer shackle for for my God shuffles it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a crazy heat um I’ll go with I’ll go with shackle uh but it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a great event we gotta move on though uh event number 10 women’s 4 IM I think this will be uh a little quicker Katie Grimes is your top seat at 4:31 five seconds later we’ve got Leah Hayes then Emma Wyant uh Leah Smith Justina Coan um is at 440.97 as is Leela bognar so only four women under that 440 barrier uh what are you guys thinking I think Katie Grub’s pretty much a lock for that first spot no one’s disputing that and I think second spot also pretty clearcut between Leah ha and Emma Wyant but I’m gonna go with Wyant just because she’s probably fueled from that DQ last year she she’s been looking great in short course and I don’t know she she just has she just has more momentum and I don’t think this is Leah Hayes’s top event yeah David here you got basically the exact same Katie Grimes Emma Wyant and I think that you know Wyant exactly coming off of that DQ as long as she’s not throwing in any any dolphin kicks she’ll be good for second um and her in season swims have been so predictably in line with what she’s done in past season swims she’s been at her best and so that’s not throwing any alarm bells that she’s going to be radically slower and bump her out of contention for top two looked up oh sorry I just looked up the 400 IM rankings and I see like a 424 and I’m like did they accidentally put like a men’s swimmer like in here but no no it’s summer Macintosh yeah well the the world record is not close to our psych sheets for us trials that is for sure um but yeah I think Katie gmes and Emma Wyatt look look very poised to make um their Olympic births in this event um Leah Hayes I think has a good shot but Emma is coming off a great season at Florida and has has I’m guessing a fire burning in this event for her for sure I only just realized talking about summer mcintosh’s world record that at the top of the psych sheet has the world record 425 and then pending world record 424 I just never read that on there I think that’s interesting it’s kind of funny I yeah I guess you don’t not officially ratified yeah right uh that is that is pretty funny all right event number 11 women’s 100 backstroke we have got one woman under 58 seconds we’ve got three more women under 59 seconds uh Reagan Smith top seed burkoff Kuran and smiga are in there under 58 seconds I think that might be all you need um I’ve got Reagan and it’s between burkoff and kurzan you I’m gonna go burkoff um I think I think she yeah I I don’t need to justify myself I think it’s gonna be Reagan I think it’s gonna be kathern burkoff she’s had a great season she had a great season long course season last year um and I think she makes her first Olympic team yeah I’m gonna go with burkoff I mean Reagan first and then broke off second just cuz I mean could be clar cros and she had a great World Championships but I’m just sticking what I think with what I think there there’s really not much to say here I’m just gonna fall right in line with the same thing bragan Smith Katherine burkoff hopefully we can you know bring the heat now that Australia has had two 57s that burkoff can drop to 100th and go at least to 5799 yeah a lot of there’s going to be a lot of eyes on this race because the the whole u USA United States a backstroke thing is under the United States of backstroke title is under threat they got to do something about that well I mean us women do not have the backstroke title currently and have not had it for quite some time with Kaye mchu and pretty much being very dominant in that event but you know there’s still Paris so we’ll see uh next up Men’s 800 freestyle oh this I think we can all pick Robert Fink or Bobby sorry Bobby think uh as as making the team in this but yeah after that you’ve got um 13 men who are under eight minutes oh the the 13th of which is Luca mihovich uh who is I think 15 at this point but you know could drop 11 seconds to make the team but uh who do you guys like for for the second spot in this outside of Bobby Fink I really want to see Luca at least make that final I don’t know if he’ll be in contention for top two but just being able to see in Prime Time him even was an outside Lane hopefully smashing a national age group record um would be pretty cool I have I feel like there’s so many in a race that long that when there’s so many people right in with a couple seconds it’s not unreasonable for someone to get one over on someone else I’ve got David Johnston though I think I’ve got Luke Whitlock being the surprise young swimmer that qualifies top swimmer this year and my main concern with him is that he’s young and sort of like doesn’t have the experience of swimming at a high stage but the fact that the 8 is the 800 free time finals or is no prelims finals never mind I am wrong uh I I was going to say time final sort of like if he swims a really good time in prelims and then is in finals and could choke because of the pressure that could happen but I think this is this is a but my point still stands this is an event that’s pretty wide open for the taking after Bobby Fink and Luke whitlaw could surprise us High School senior Florida commit could join his future future training partner I would love to see Ross dant the the number two seed um make this team and make his first Olympic team make his first like major you know plan a gold medal team um of like a world Champs or an Olympic games uh he was really close to the last trials it seems like he’s been knocking on the door uh every trial since and he he had like a solid season this year and I think he’s he’s been training at the NC State distance crew which is very Stout and you know I I would love to think that he’s due for a big meet and I hope it’s G to be this one for him but uh that’s that’s that’s my that’s my pick on Hope um but yeah I think behind Mr thinkink it is pretty wide open Event number 13 men’s 200 fly you’ve got you’ve got some options here we’ve got nine men under 156 Luca Orlando is the 10th seed um we’ve got Thomas Hilman is the top seed Carson Foster Zack Harding Trenton Julian Mason low Jack dalren Aon shakle Dar Rose Chase Kish Luca Orlando honestly I feel like any of those guys have a legitimate shot uh I mean Gabe jet is the 13th seed um I feel like there’s someone who’s even lower that also like I’m like yeah they could do it but uh I mean I think Thomas Hilman wins this event um after making the world’s CH World Champs team last summer I think he’s gonna he’s gonna be Stellar um I think I’m going to pick Luca Orlando which is not like a crazy pick but he is the 10 seed I’m going to pick Luca to to get second just because it seems like he’s doing better under Bob Bowman he’s been we think injuryf free for a while um and I think he’ll have he’ll he’ll get close to um his best time of 1538 and get his hand on the wall for second and make his first Olympic team I my thunder Coleman I was gonna have the same picks luk Orlando Redemption after finishing third in Tokyo he will make the Olympics and I have Thomas hman as well yeah Thomas Alman feels like a really easy um first pick and I’m actually going to I originally had written down you know Carson Foster just one two on the psych sheet they’re just like in the women’s two free like I said flipping from what uh last year’s National was I’m actually gonna pivot to Zack Harding feel like the that’s he’s someone who knows the 200 fly quite well and you know that last 50 yeah yeah he’s out of it he’s he’s aging out oh wait there he goes it’s a that’s a it’s a gutsy pick but you know he’s he’s been sticking around he’s had a solid pro career and I think he will certainly be in that final and if he is in that F I mean we all know what the 200 fly is right I mean it’s like who can manage the last 50 the best it’s not even who can swim the best last or fastest um last 100 but it’s like who can manage the pain the best um and so you know especially at a trials meet sometimes it’s not very fast and all it takes is to get home on that last 50 and pass five other people who have uh just started riding The Struggle Bus so that’s it’s the best race in swimming and uh I’m sure it’s going to be a good show in Indie event number 14 oh men’s Hunter freestyle I know I keep having the same reaction to every event but this is going to be an incredible event as will the women’s hun free be uh okay six men under 48 seconds we’ve got 22 men under 49 seconds that’s crazy a lot of depth in this event a lot of options and 2 49 o it doesn’t fall off after that all right uh give me give me your top two not your top six give me your top two for the 100 freestyle Jack Alexi Caleb dressle okay David in that order Jack Alexi Caleb dressle in that order I’ve been going back and forth I feel like I I always keep Alexi number one and then just kind of keep going no I think dressle gets third I think no I think he gets second no I think second now I think the 100 fre is dressel’s quote unquote weakest event and I think it is an event where he will get progressively better and better throughout the summer so I don’t think trials is his time yet oh God Jack Alexi Chris Juliano I I I think the 100 free is his weakest event I think he gets better throughout the meet I think dressel’s top for I think Chris Juliano has an incredible trajectory over the last 11 months and I think he has a great base and so I think his second 50 is gonna be rocking uh and I think I think he passes dressle in the last 10 meters I don’t want I want dressle to get the second spot I would love to see him swim it in Paris but 474 in February like that is hard to argue with for me but you know Olympic trials is a different Beast dressle has has done two of them before and made the team um and while while Chris Giuliano has not so we’ll see um do you guys want to do top six do you want to give me your next four or is it just too painful I I I’ve I’ve got some picks I got so I have Juliano on Third and the thing that made me AET because those drest and Jud I know was who I was going between uh when I was just kind of going back and forth and literally like scratching out on a piece of paper what I thought my pcks were and I’ve like rewrote it multiple times um the thing that made me eventually push dressle over is that I think I’m getting the feeling that that 474 might be closer to his ceiling because it was at acc’s when he was clearly in Peak form don’t know how much it wasn’t an inseason training load meet he didn’t do it at you know it’s not like dressle swimming it at a pro Swim series he went 474 would’ be all like World Records toast now if he ever did that um and it was a time trial which I think because it’s not necessarily when it comes to getting those spots it’s not about how fast you can go it’s about what order you touch the wall in and if there’s someone who’s really good at managing those waves in finals I mean do was obviously great because he managed to do it for second last year but dressle is very very good at it I don’t know if I can think of an instance of him gaining from prelims or semis to finals outside of it being an obvious tactical decision like 2019 is world record and the 100 fly that was to manage the triple and that was pretty much known that was the plan right but outside of I mean we see a lot of top level s slimmers in some cases world record holders in events that as far as we can tell it’s not a load management thing it’s just hard to be at that absolute Peak and I think you know like you mentioned the pressure of Trials and how it like dressle is good at managing this in general he knows it at trials and I think that’s enough for him to probably out touch just I’m not saying he’s gonna blow away everyone else behind Alexi I think just get his hand on the wall first over Juliano and then behind that I got Ryan held he’s finally not going to need to be sitting there watching the roster count to see if he gets to make the team fourth definitely in for the relay and then I have Luke Hobson and Johnny kulo who Luke Hobson is I mean he’s 476 split at 2024 worlds much slower relay leadoff but his relay splits were looking pretty good and the common wisdom about a 200 yard free is that it doesn’t necessarily showcase your 200 meter free but it does do a good a pretty good job at telegraphing where you’re going to land in a 100 long course meters free I would say he had a pretty good 200 yard freestyle uh at NCAA and so that could be showing that he’s got you know lock loaded ready to go a really fast 100 meter freestyle fair enough Y in seventh brutal is he even G to be able to swim to me it sounds like this this is a bit of a lost cause anyways that’s another story but yeah I think I’m going to go with Matt King provided some great relay splits last year they’re gonna need him um Chris Giuliano Ryan held and then for that last spot I’m gonna go with Brooks Curry I think he was on the outside looking in last year barely and I think he’s got the experience and he was Us’s one of Us’s top two swimmers in 2022 think he’s got what it takes to make the team again this year all right let’s see for my top six let’s go Alexi Juliana dressle uh Matt King I am also going to pick Johnny kulo and for my sixth spot I’m gonna give it to Dustin Lasco let’s go with that about to bring him up as we’re all kind of going over him but I’m glad you included him just to hit everyone that’s uh that’s a 47 it’s obviously problematic to see him go like two o and 200 long course backstroke at whatever meet was in May or something but like I’m going to assume Cal knows what they’re doing and like pending sickness or injury from Lasco like you know he I don’t think he threw down anything super special last season before trials and then he made the team in the 100 free and the tuner back and I think again if he’s on form or if if all everything is good with him healthwise I think he can do that again so that’s what I’m going with let’s move on uh women’s mile Katie Lei and Katie Grimes an easy one okay after that like such a nice refreshing we don’t need to discuss that that much and then boom we are back to the woman’s 100 free okay top six I’m going first I think this is an easier one though so like I okay I’m going first I think it’s easier Kate Douglas Abby whel Tory husk Gretchen Walsh Simone Manuel I think the sixth pick is really where it’s where it gets tricky I’m going with Katie duf for my for for my number six um she’s looked really solid in season this year I think she can do it but I think those top five are pretty much across the board who everyone is picking as their top five because they have all looked Sensational this in season this year um David who let’s let’s go with you next let’s see I got one two um gotta go with the 52s right cake Douglas Abby whitel I feel like that’s a solid pick Abby Whit so I personally have a habit of underestimating her and then um just look look really foolish but normally I never say it publicly so I’m not publicly humiliated so this time I need to actually say Abby whitel um okay wait hold on sorry I know I know my order I said that I I’m picking Tory husk is second but I think Abby makes the team sorry go ahead then I got Tory Husk in third and I think I’m gonna put uh Simone Emanuel fourth Maxine Parker Fifth and six is too difficult um you think Maxine Parker is gonna beat Gretchen Walsh I forgot to write Gretchen walshin yeah H that is going to really reorder things I think I just thought I put her somewhere and then didn’t well then that solves my dilemma of six I’m gonna put Maxine Parker six and then gret and walon there this this is worse than when we forgot about Kate Douglas at one time all right I just I have a different variation of what David has I have Kate Douglas first I have Gretchen Walsh second Tory husk third Abby whitel fourth Simone Manuel Fifth and Maxim Parker 6th yeah so like yeah again I think the top five are in whatever order I think everyone’s kind of like those five are gonna make it um and but it would be so epic if Simone gets an individual spot I’m just gonna throw that out there I like I’m not going to bet on it but it would be so cool if she did but uh okay that’s the women’s Senter free that that wasn’t so bad men’s Ste her breast event number 17 uh Matt Fallon only guy under 208 then we’ve got three other guys who are under 209 at Foster Josh maeni and Nick think I think those are the main competitors although after that we’ve got will lone Daniel Roy Cody Miller and Charlie Swanson who I think all have a a Fighting Chance at least um what do you who who you got tuner breast men’s tuner breast historic a pretty finicky event at Olympic trials though so what are you guys thinking here I’ve got Matt yeah David C Matt Fallon and then Josh minini I think I want to see Foster in that second position this is kind of why before I was saying that I’m like oh you’re like you got two breast I’m like oh yeah I didn’t pick him um I I want to I want to see it though I just in feeling I feel like Josh methen is gonna have a solid two in her breast and then I think will aone is going to place third again oh God why’ you do it David because could you imagine the article third straight Olympic trials dude third three for three three for three Jesus Yin I’m going with Matt Fallon first Jake Foster second because if I I’ve got to put him out there got to put the pick out there and I’m glad you did yeah I think after getting uh going into the final as the top seed last season then and then solidly getting eighth in the final I think Matt Fallon is gonna overcorrect and blow away the final um this year he I mean he’s looks great um this quad really um and so yeah Matt Fallon first I you know I think it is between methen and Foster just because Nick Fink and will Leone are old um and so I don’t think they’re going to last through three rounds of 200 breaststroke and then have enough to get second it would be awesome to see Daniel Roy get second just because he was on this comeback Road and then he barely got into the meat we weren’t even sure if he was gonna swim and then he did and it’d be great to see but I picked Josh maeni in the 100 I would love to see Jake Foster get second but my official pick is going to be Josh maeni um in the 200 but again weird things happen in this event so I I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else does oh and then we’ve got women’s tuner breast stroke Kate Douglas has the American record I just did the preview for this I’m going hey Douglas and Lily King I know some people think Lily King get upset but she she she always shows up at trials and there’s just too much of a gap between king and the rest of the field between Lily King and Alex Walsh yeah it’s it’s still two seconds oh no I’m not buying the Alex Walsh hype but what is Lily King gone this year 223 but she also was 220 around that time last year and still won at trials fair enough David who you got Kate Douglas is safe as safe as pick as any as favorite as you can be going into um Olympic trials where upsets do happen but her number one I think that if this was Olympic trials in Omaha it’s Alex Walsh we’re in Indianapolis it’s Lily King is the home field pool Advantage really a thing I think it is for for liy King it is Lily King does not lose in Indianapolis uh that might be a proven fact but it’s certainly I swimming stats on this yeah yinin you’re gonna hear it uh in in Lucas Oil like Lily King has a home field advantage um and it might like anyone else maybe it’ll like affect them one way or the other but like Lily King swims really well in Indianapolis um and for that reason I am picking Kate Douglas and Lily King okay men’s 200 backstroke right Murphy is your only competitor under 155 Dustin Lasco is under 156 you’ve got two guys in Jack Akens and Daniel deal at 1560 Ian gums 1563 Hunter Taps 1564 um Carson Foster entered at a 1569 that’s interesting um I I think Ryan Murphy and dtin Lasco you know I think D had a great year he broke Ryan Murphy’s nc2a record in the tuner backstroke I think he had a great long course season last year and once again I’m not really worried about his End season swims Cal knows what they’re doing pending hit sickness or injury Dustin Lasco is healthy I think he gets the second spot I’m gonna go with Ryan Murphy and Jack Akin Akin did an Olympic Gap here he I actually talked to him to break this news he said that finishing third at trials sort of like allowed him to take a step back and reflect on what his priorities were and he he really like spent the year focusing on Long course I think this year is his time he also herniated a disc in his back between acc’s and ncc’s NCA last year and sort of came into came into Nationals with that injury he was better then but being able to like train and focus on Long course for a year injury free will help him D Coleman basically just said exactly what I was thinking Ryan Murphy D Lasco and Ryan Murphy feels like a super safe pick you know he’s been here enough times he know he knows what he’s doing in a 200 backstroke and like you were saying I am not gonna doubt a cal Cal’s ability to manage season and their taper and I’m certainly not gonna doubt it in a backstroke event yeah I I think Lasco and Akens are are both great picks for this um I think the the top three or four spots or sorry the top the top two or three behind Ryan Murphy it’ll be close between a few guys is what I’m trying to say women’s 200 fly oh goid woman’s I am I feel like the the 200s are like really overwhelming really under underwhelming compared to the hundreds in my opinion I mean besides the oh and woman’s back stru also be F I mean it’s I you know think more people it’s easier for people to focus on a 100 right like it’s really hard to be good at a 200 long course I also think swimming is trending down in terms of training like people used to put in meters and meters and meters and I think people are training less than they used to and I think that you know obviously just translates better to better hundreds um but yeah I agree with you that the 200s are underwhelming compared to the hundreds all right speaking of 200s we’ve got a lot of them coming up women’s tfly uh I’ll go first Reagan Smith makes the team in this event as does Alex shackle I’m picking youth in that regard uh I think she’ll have a great meet she’s already been 2071 Dakota Luther uh has around the block in this event certainly but I think I think I think shackle youth will prevail ultimately um over someone like Tess holey Lindsay Looney uh or Rachel clinker Tess Tess Hy is still pretty young as well she’s a freshman in college um but no I’m gonna go with Reagan Smith and Duda Luther and Luther because she’s been around for quite some time when a time at Nationals that would have made worlds like last year uh the pro championships I mean that would have made worlds last year and I think yeah she’s been 2067 second seed I think she’s gonna pull it off I think rean Smith wins it but um I really do like the trajectory that Alex shackle is in so I got her at number two because her um last year she was uh 2079 and then she went a personal best at Speedo sectionals in March 20713 and then was just off of it in the middle of May 2076 at the Indie May cup that’s some solid trajectory to be able to go that close together that that signifies to me that that first personal best isn’t necessarily like a major you know like a a fluke I was really feeling my fly Rhythm that day and it was you know just you know I’m never gonna be able to replicate that again wasn’t any kind of weird rest for some reason for Speedo seals um and being being that consistent that close and that just shows that I think gearing up for enough of a drop to get into that second position at trials oh no I’m kind of worried about youth swimmers in meets like Olympic trials and the Olympics cuz like if there’s a meat to choke Under Pressure it is this kind of meat and I I just have more confidence in some of some of the older swimmers when it comes to events like these that that’s I think it can go both ways and I think we’ll see examples of it in both I think youth can also be like oh so uh bushy tailed and brigh eyed that like they don’t really know they don’t really know to be nervous right and I think Alex shackle has had experience racing in a trials meet before she raced at World Champs last summer so I and it and I think older swimmers can get tired and like not not have the same endurance they had especially with semi-finals in a 200 as they did when they were 16 or 17 so I agree with you yinyan again I think it can go both ways I think in this event I’m I’m going youth David’s going youth Union’s going experience we’ll see how it goes it’s also wom go ahead it’s also the tuner fly you do what that with that information whatever you want facts the 200 fly is the 200 fly okay women’s 200 backstroke I Reagan Smith and Clare keran I think kerzan doesn’t make the team up to this point but I think she punches her ticket in this event she has looked great in the long course tuner back uh for the for the last quad um that she’s certainly got her work cut out for her Ryan White Ked Noble female Fe Kennedy Noble Phoebe bacon and Isabelle stoden I think all pose very real threats but I’m going Smith and keran yeah I’ve gotta agree with Coleman here I think the 200 back has been the event that cler Ken has been working towards for the past few years now in her progression as a back stroker which is really weird to say considering that she first emerged on the scene as this like 53 Phenom and now she’s moved towards the backstrokes but I think this is this is now her bread and butter it’s like the opposite of Kieran Smith kind of like IM two back struer going to like like mid distance the other side that it’s all revolves around the 200 back um and I have the exact same pick rean Smith Clare Ken CL Ken had a wonderful DOA 2024 worlds and I think you know she definitely move up upped her stock a bit in all the backstroke events and I think the two 200 back is the strongest I 100 back is still too hard to crack I feel like obviously no 50 back and I think that two back is the one where we’ll see those improvements come through and allow her to earn an Olympic birth in the event easy all right next up Men’s 50 freestyle yinyan you got some picks for this one I think Caleb dressle Jack Alexi simple but Caleb dressle comes out I think this is going to be the race where the world goes oh my God Caleb drussell he’s back he is back back what does what does Caleb go to make the world go he’s back he’d have to go 212 for for me to be like oh Caleb’s back no I think 20 I think he goes 214 and I know that’s kind of conservative for him but it’s gonna be the fastest he’s gone in a while but like he’s gonna win the race like convincingly and okay yeah fair enough David um I think I got Caleb dressell and who do I have I had in my mind and then immediately lost it uh and Jack Alexi can’t I mean reigning worlds well not reigning because DOA but 2023 World silver medalist hard to have uh hard to go against that and I think dressle we haven’t yet seen him because in season doesn’t really have that much explosiveness that much just pop off the start we’re g to see that once he gets his rest and is we’re going to be reminded of why we spent years talking about how he has the undeniable best start in the world you go oh yeah he he’s already got a lead and he just popped up we’re gonna see that dressle back in back in action and I think I do agree with your line for um for dressle being back I think 212 is what where I think if he goes 212 anything he’s he’s back he’s here he’s arrived um I’m I also pick Caleb Jessel I’m I’m gonna pick Ryan held he’s the top seed I think he’s more comfortable in this event than the hundred just in that he’s got the raw speed he’s training with Herby he’s a season veteran at this point and he’s got age and Jack Alexi has looked phenomenal but you know I I think Ryan held can do it in this event and I would love to see him make the team along with Caleb in this event so I’m going to pick that I I think Jack Alexi is a very safe pick but I would love to see held get it because I at this point I think held is very capable in the 100 free but like I didn’t I didn’t pick him in my top six and may I hope he proves me wrong but we’ll see okay Min 200 I am uh Shane kasos is your top seed 156 ho Carson Foster 1561 Chase Kish 1565 and then a pretty big drop off Maximus William is Williamson is fourth at 1572 uh keep on going back and forth with my youth selections like I I us the youth argument in favor of picking someone and I use the youth argument against making someone but th this this time I’m going with youth I’m going Carson Foster wins Maximus Williamson gets second I do think he will make the Olympic team and if there’s an event that he’s gonna do it in it’s the 200 IM I have the exact same pick I have Carson Foster Maximus Williamson and I think kind of going to what we’re talking about before with in the uh 200 fly with you know Youth and in terms of maybe not succumbing to as much fatigue over time that is really going to add up at the end of the meet and so I think that you know someone like Chase Kish who might be in the conversation for that second spot where’s his body gonna be at in terms of that recovery and fatigue once you’re at the tail end of the meet compared to you know if it was at the beginning of the program might have a different story but I think that a that’s plays in favor of the youth argument which is why I’m going with Williamson for number two and then Carson Foster feels like a very safe number one pick is Michael Andrew swimming this he’s entered in it I don’t see is he swimming it we can’t we can’t want him to swim it it’ll be really funny entered at a two 2th okay uh you all are fools Chase Kish is obviously getting second I don’t care what Maximus Williamson is on Chase Kish is a seasoned veteran who is had a sensational season and he’s going to go out on top well I mean he might not retire after the season who knows i’ sorry for even bringing that up there’s no basis for that but he’s he’s gonna get second that’s what I think but uh Carson Foster Chase Kish maybe not even in in that order Chase Kish might win but I don’t think so all right men’s 100 fly oh this is going to be good uh um Dar Rose is top seed at 50.4 then we’ve got Shane kasos 50.8 dressel 50.8 Hilman 511 how many guys under 52 11 guys under 52 seconds on the psych sheet I think this is Caleb dressel’s strongest event I think we’re gonna see like his most impressive time here I think he goes like 50 50.1 or 50 flat think he wins and D Rose get second yeah I got D dressle has always been so good in the 100 fly even when he’s having a bad year I mean last year at uh at nashille he was still in the a final in the 100 fly and in 2018 when he was having some lackluster results after some injury and time out of the water he was still swimming really fast 100 flies and he say third with an inseason swim from a swimmer who is notoriously pretty slow in seon I think dressle is gonna be fast I think he’s winning it and I think D Rose was uh one of some of my favorite performances was like Dar Rose’s relay leg in Fukuoka was a pretty good okay if we don’t have dressle we’re good and I think that he’s gonna continue that momentum and have a I think it’s gonna be uh dressle and Rose pretty clear of the rest of the field relative to the overall depth in the event I think it’s going to be surprising how far ahead they are I think they’re gonna be a solid one two I’m going Rose then dressle but I’m pick same picks as you guys I think it’s gonna be Dar I think it’s gonna be Caleb oh what do you think Dar goes to beat to beat Caleb what do you think that they’re gonna go 50 50.3 and I think Caleb goes 50.5 you think Caleb drops three1 off of his San Antonio sum yeah I think he’ll be better in Paris but I think uh I don’t you know I don’t think he’s gonna be Sensational at trials I think he’s gonna be good but I don’t think he’s gonna be Sensational but who know what do I know have you considered Dad Dad strength I well have you considered that he’s a dad now and that might be detrimental it was to Michael Phelps uh compared to like where he was the summer prior anyway we need to move women’s 200 IM Alex Walsh Kate Douglas well I think Kate Douglas wins and Alex Walsh gets second and they both drop like ridiculous times yeah I mean they both just went 207 at NCAP that’s fast they’re GNA go faster they’re right it’s kind of how touched on this briefly uh in our mini breakdown about the uh the Aussie women and the two free how when you’re both are training next to each other you know in this case 200 IM pce day and you know folks work like that that’s got to be crazy with them and I think that they’re just going to be just lighting up uh Indie and I think it’s Douglas and Walsh David the crazy part is I don’t think Kate and Alex TR together like ever because I think Kate trains with Todd and I think Alex trained with um Blair before she went to A&M but I could be wrong but uh I don’t think they train together if they do it’s not very often well I need to watch more practice and pancakes um yeah I think it’s Kate and Alex I I hate betting against Tory husk I think she’s gonna have a great meet I think she’s winning the 100 fly I think she qualifies individually in the 100 free honestly I I hope she swims the 50 free instead of the 200 Im so I don’t have to bet against her in this but I am going to pick Kate and Alex um either way next up women’s 800 freestyle this is a little bit of a hard one behind Katie Lei um Jillian Cox is your top seat CLA then it’s CLA Weinstein then it’s Katie Grimes I’m gonna pick Katie Grimes uh she qualified for the Olympics in this event last season she’s qualified oh I don’t know if she has qualified for it at world but I mean she hasn’t been she’s been kind of underwhelming in this event at previous trials I think she’ll have a better 800 than she has had at previous trials and I think she gets second in this yeah I have to agree with that I actually have uh obviously the deie number one uh and then I am after I was kind of looking at Weinstein and the 400 free I feeling pretty good on her and I have her getting the second spot over Grimes just because for that same kind of I feel like that’s GNA if you’re kind of working up to that 400 you know improving that I feel like we could be seeing some improvements follow through with that 800 as well so you have you have Clare Weinstein having a very good meet yes I felt very good on Weinstein just after I think it’s probably because one of the first picks I did was the 400 free and I was like clearly she’s gonna be on fire clearly okay scared of we are down to our last two in events of the US trials women’s 53e man this is a hard one so Kate Douglas has entered in it I doubtful she’s swimming it yeah Tory husk also entered in it there’s I think there’s a solid chance she doesn’t swim it in favor of the 200 IM and then you have Abby whitel greten Walsh and Simone manual I I think those are are the clear favorites um maybe you have someone else but I’m oh God it’s hard for me to say this but I’m going Gretch and Walsh and Abby whitesel and I think Simone just misses out it’s pretty hard to argue with those picks but I will argue and I’m gonna say that it’s gret and Walsh and then simem Manuel but and I think it’s going to be close I think I think it’s going to be kind you know it’s going to be a touch it’s gonna come down to the touch and I think that it’s Simone’s gonna have have this the tiniest of advantages to get that second spot yeah yeah it’s it’s gonna be a great race to end the meet on on the women’s side men’s mile I think Bobby Fink is a safe number one um David we’ll start with you who do you have for number two I have Charlie Clark just because it’s sometimes feels like the the annoyingly obvious pick with you know just looking at the seed times right how he’s pretty clear ahead of the uh the rest of the field um with the the sea times but looking at yeah I feel like that’s a safe pick I think think is going to be well ahead of the field here and I think it’ll be a pretty epic race for a second I enjoy good distance battle I like watching when there’s multiple people who are all in kind of like paying attention to the the splits flat and how far behind they are in the graphics go oh wait he’s starting out with that guy I I’m having the time of my life right there watching me watch a distance races probably um I probably look very frantic because I’m trying to keep track of too many Swimmers at once but I enjoy it all right I think that’s a fair pick Charlie Clark has the experience he’s a lot faster than a lot of people in the field it’s hard to argue against him I like Charlie Clark as well yeah I mean his seed ‘s nine seconds nine seconds ahead of Michael brener who’s at number three um I I think he is also looking to make his first big big you know World Champs or um Olympic team certainly Olympic team and so uh yeah I think Charlie Clark will have a chip on his shoulder been at the last two World Champs He’s just never made an Olympic team O Okay well looking for that first Olympic birth so that is your complete 2024 US Olympic trials preview thanks for listening to the end if you made it this far and we will see you in Indianapolis


  1. You don't think Caeleb Dressel, the 100 free king and current Olympic champion, is going to qualify top 2 in America?

    I thought you were smart. What did Dressel do to you?

  2. that Chase Kalisz speech made me cringe, it was so inappropriate. Waiting for him to crash?

  3. For future reference, David Clossey needs to turn his mic up. Too much "I predict that ^^&&*I((hfgjsdikfg makes it "

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