Golf Players

Jeremiah Sirles, Julie Rhule on Sports Nightly: Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Welcome to Sports Nightly, brought to you by the NDOT Highway Safety Office! Join your hosts, Jessica Coody and guest host Jeremiah Sirles, broadcasting live from the Akrs Broadcast Center in East Memorial Stadium.

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e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative earlier today the Big 10 announced that Husker high jumper tus Wilson was selected as the Big 10 men’s field athlete of the Year by the conference head coaches Wilson is the NCAA men’s outdoor runner up in the high jump after he cleared 7 feet 3 and 3/4 in at the Championships he is the first Husker to earn the Big 10 outdoor field athlete of the year tickets for the Nebraska volleyball Red White scrimmage went on sale this morning the scrimmage will take place on August 24th at 600 p.m. tickets start at $10 each with a limit of six per customer tickets can be purchased online at or at the Nebraska Athletic Ticket Office and finally some major league baseball scores that are already final from earlier today the Cardinals beat the Pirates 4 to3 Royals walked off the Yankees 4 to3 the Braves defeated the Orioles 6 to3 and the Tigers beat the national 7 to2 our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour one of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot Highway Safety Office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill and she stop big Allen Block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in Lincoln Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 five touchdown Dante Dowell chly throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shelly for three bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two- two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner Mak it an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers at Deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy Naga with nine8 seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw told me got knock it home here are your hosts Jessica cudy and Jeremiah serles on the Huskers radio network welcome in and happy Thursday evening to you everybody I am Jessica Cy with the big dog he’s back one more show Jeremiah surl is joining us he’s been with us all week it’s been a fast week I feel like it was just Monday yeah no this week’s definitely gone by quick I mean today was not as fast my wife’s been that golf tournament so I had the kids this morning I was like babysitter’s coming at 1 just had to get to 1:00 so this morning took a long time but then once she got there was fine she pretty good at golf uh she made the Derby so they they do the Derby she’s doing better she picked it up a couple years ago but she’s a natural like soccer player right a rotational athlete she picked it up much quicker she’s going to beat me soon it comes close I’ve beat her every time we’ve gone out on the big course she beats me on the part three courses though that’s fun though that’s something that you guys can do together that you share cuz and you you post pictures some that you take your family out there that’s a fun hobby to have together oh yeah the kids love it I mean Oliver loves it he’s in Junior Golf out of Firethorn he loves getting out there and smacking the ball around and yeah no they have a ton of fun if he takes after his dad he’s probably GNA be able to crush that thing I hope so I mean I hope he can crush it but I can’t crush it cuz every time I swing hard that thing goes like directly to my right so quickly it’s not even funny but no I mean I had one of my good friend Sam Tavis said that you know growing up I showed him a p him swinging a batter or he’s like hey as they’re young kids just tell them to swing as hard as they can like that’s a motor skill like you can find- tune it later but like they need to just get used to just swinging as hard as they can and then you’ll figure it out from there so I just tell i l see I’m like just hit it bro just hit it just hit it like it stole something man go for it well 402 413 2400 is that number we’ll open up the phone lines for you you can text in you haven’t gotten any calls this week but you have gotten a ton of text yeah we get a lot of texts we did have the one call from uh someone asking us about can’t remember what was they didn’t want to go on the air though would you rather Shake Denis oh right there there’s Carla one of our Favorites Pizza Carla um you know it was what was it would you rather shake hands with Caitlyn Clark or uh the worm Dennis Rodman Dennis Rod it was about Dennis that was on Monday yes but we’ve gotten a ton of text and I I see a couple that we didn’t even get to last night so we will uh address those as well but coming up the show tonight of course everybody’s favorite segment of the entire week Cole’s joke of the week are you prepared for that are you ready for I can’t wait I’ve been I’ve been thinking about it all day could barely sleep last night day uh again this is our last uh live show of the week because we like to do best of shows on Friday night so um yeah if you want to be a part of it join us there um and we have an awesome fun I’m so excited interview coming up for you an hour number to Julie Rule wife of head football coach Matt Ru is opening up a business it actually opens up tomorrow tomorrow here in Lincoln but wanting to put Roots down here in Nebraska and in Lincoln and and uh I’m really excited about it and she’s awesome so nice and you know with with uh every seems like staff member I talk to they mention her being around and and how important she is also to the family aspect of this football program yeah you know the wives drive so much of the family side of the football team right the husbands and every team I’ve been a part of with the coaches are in it’s the wives that are organizing the events or the get togethers or the pregame tailgates or whatever it is and you know you can feel very welcomed in an environment like that because when you bring a new coaching staff to a new city like nobody knows anybody right nobody knows what’s going on nobody knows so that environment is so crucial and I think Matt rule coming here understood that that is such a core value of what Nebraskans are right family oriented all that so I love that they’re putting Roots down I love that they’re putting an investing back into the Lincoln Community you because it was funny it was back when um Trev left and then I know people always think oh well is he going to go back to the NFL and then in one of his press conferen he’s like my wife’s opening up a business here you know I think a lot of people thought that that was really cool that hey you know that this is a place that they want to invest in and make home yeah I mean it’s an easy place to love you know every time I one of my good friends is in town who’s golfing with my wife we went to high school together and she’s like I went out for a run this morning and it was just I could hear the birds and like there wasn’t any traffic no Sirens I was like welcome to the good life my friend that’s what you said to me the first Mage like welcome to the good life absolutely there’s no place like it it’s not for everyone either though I I don’t know how it couldn’t be though right I agree all right well that interview is coming up in hour number two so uh stick around for that but uh some some news that have come out or news that came out today regarding the Big 12 and potentially Brett ymark the commissioner is in talks with potentially selling the name or giving rights to the name the conference name so sounds like they might lean towards getting rid of the big and keeping the 12 even though they have 16 teams but um you know when you you talk about the landscape of college football and and College athletics and where we’re at it’s been very clear that there’s two conferences that stand above everybody else in terms of Revenue which is what drives a lot of it and you know it seems like the reports are saying that if this happens if it goes through this gives a big 12 a a better leg up because they’re not they do not have anywhere near the TV Revenue money that the Big 10 the SEC has but this potentially could get them closer to the SEC and Big 10 I mean it’s the professionalism of amateur Athletics it’s it’s been in the work since nil was created I mean you’re talking about sponsorships on team logos now right I mean how many times do you see a practice in the NFL and you see right on the side of the practice jerseys sponsored right like that is coming that is coming like that is not a fallacy that is not a oh what if like no that is coming down the pipe and it’s going to be here before we know it and so the good businessmen and listen the people that own these conferences they’re billionaires with a capital B right they understand good business good businessmen get out in front of things they forecast they think how can I be the next one how can I be in front how can I be the trend Setter like all that stuff and so I think this is a perfect example of that if he sees the riding on the wall of I’m not the big I’m not the big 10 I’m not the SEC what do I have to do to be competitive I have to do something completely different completely off the wall that might just us give us a fighting chance and all of this there was a couple things that he pitched to help with that but you think about when Oklahoma and Texas is the summer 2021 they decid they announced they’re going to the SEC or the leak comes out they’re going to the SEC and everybody’s like big 12’s dead in the water and so I think Brett ymar did a really good job of keeping things together figuring it out and you know again moving forward like you said being Innovative and how how can we be competitive when we don’t have the same kind of Firepower as the Big 10 in the secc so I mean for him to piece it together cuz there were a lot of there’s a lot of criticism of Bob Busby I thought he was a little old school but for Brett ymar to come in and put it all together and and keep I don’t know he threw him a life ra i they were dead in the water and uh the Big 12 Conference and so I feel like he’s trying to find ways and and be Innova but I thought it was funny though cuz all these things were popping up on my social media about okay well what is it going to be named and immediately when I saw that I was like oh gosh like the bies 12 and then somebody made a graphic about it cuz bies is so big down in Texas oh I mean that’d be hysterical I mean but that’s it’s not far off right I mean they have lots of money it’s going to be going selling to the highest bidder but you know I’d be curious to see if we’re done with the realignment for a very long time right like I still think that there’s going to be some teams that jump ship and there’s still going to be some teams that get added and you’re crazy if you think the SEC and the Big 10 are done adding right they’re in an arms race through and through like who will be the number one right it’s like well is it the SC the Big 10 and I think we’re going to start seeing some teams start getting brought in for basketball right like I think you might see hey Kansas you want to come and join the Big 10 for basketball and bring your football team too and like hey North Carolina Clemson you guys want to come join the ACC like or the SEC like I do think that the two super conferences is eventually where we end up I don’t know how long it takes us to get there but these other conferences can do all they want but at the end of the day there’s just better football in the Big 10 in the SEC so you were a student athlete when really the first big shakeup started I did two years I did two years the Big 12 and three years in the Big 10 but when when the it starts the Rumblings and the what was it like being a student athlete throughout all that we were just kind of like I mean as long as we get to play I guess it really doesn’t matter you know there was a quite a few guys that were like man I came here from Texas because I knew I’d play in Texas at least twice a year right CU you knew you were rather going to go to A&M Baylor Tech or UT right you always went down to Texas twice a year so there was some guys that were like I wanted to go down there twice it’s part of the reason I came here you know know but at the end of the day it was like Hey football’s football it’s going to be a great opportunity I mean it was going to be fun because we were going to get the first to do it right Missouri bounced first and said we’re going to the SEC and then we bounced and said we’re going to the big 10 and so it was like this new adventure this new pioneering of hey we’re the only ones that are ever going to do this kind of jump we had no idea that it was just the Tipping Point of what was going to be this giant landscape shift just a decade later but yeah it was it was fun it was exciting but I was also very sad we weren’t going to play CU every year too yeah true so the thing I wanted to ask you about when you were going through this because nil has been in the works for a long time there’s been some lawsuits but you know I I chatted with Jonathan baitman the other day just outside the studio ran into him and just picked his brain a little bit and we are still not done with with some of the changes that are coming they’re still trying to figure out all of that but really all of these dominoes started to fall because of the nil issues and um bitman told me that one of the big things that really kind of sparked his interest in this is there was a a football student athlete that wanted to mow Lawns right or something and he he couldn’t do that so like some of the things that were restricted on student athletes um back in the early 2000s and and the mid 2000s or big part of why they were so mad that they couldn’t even do what a normal college student would do in the summer so I guess what was it like for you when you were going through that and and maybe wanted to have these opportunities that you were limited to yeah it was incredible back in the 80s the NCAA created the term student athlete which was essentially you weren’t even an American citizen like you weren’t you you did not have the same rights as an American citizen as a student athlete right I think back to the guy at UCF The Destroyer or whatever that started his own YouTube page while he was on the team started making money and the team like kicked him off they’re like you can’t do that I mean I can I distinctly remember like we were so hyper aware of making sure no one bought us a meal no one bought us like no one picked up our tab no one did anything like just Super Hyper aware of it because if anything happened the NCAA forever and always got to wield this giant hammer and be like die in eligible boom now they have noeth they’re just at everything but I remember just being Super Hyper aware of everything because we were so concerned that if there was even an allegation you were just immediately suspended and then they’d make up from that like I I just remember being like scared about it and now anymore you’re like I talk to college kids I’m like you in classes they’re like no I didn’t take any classes like I took a class so I could get my $800 stiping check every summer and now these kid like I’ll just make my 100 Grand and move on with my life they were they were so strict about they kind of like put the living fear into you you know they like is a free meal worth your eligibility and you’re like no okay I mean remember you couldn’t even eat with like if it was a if it had utensils then it was a meal like so oh my gosh I remember when we got we got bagels right and it was this huge deal that we got bagels we’re like oh my gosh we get bagels but they’re like but no peanut butter or cream cheese like what the hell yeah they like they’re like you just get bagels like we just have to eat dry Bagels are like don’t complain be happy with what you got I was like all right I’ll just eat my dry blueberry bagel and just hang out so I remember we went and bought like a giant thing of peanut butter from Costco and just kept it in the locker room wow yeah I mean it’s just wild to think about how far it’s come and it’s changed and you and I had a lengthy discussion about this on the podcast a couple months ago but just where do you go from here and again that’s still trying to be figured out with Title 9 and and all the other things that it’s going to be a mess and there was some legislation that moved forward today um which that’s what baitman told me is that a lot of it is waiting on the courts because it has to be overall so basically they want to avoid States taking in the matters into their own hands which is what we saw the first time around and giving States certain different leverages than than other states but um I guess for the student athlete and you know the theit where was I going to go with this I can’t even remember what I was going to say this is so complicated and it’s like you know breaking it down yeah I mean there’s so many threads to I remember I I remember what I was going to say just but the them becoming employees of the University you you had talked a lot about that being a concern but that’s what this bill is trying to avoid them becoming is corre is employees cor you don’t want to have your University student athletes be employees yeah right because when you start talking and man we could get into this for a long time when you start talking employee employer relationship you’re talking about a bunch of different things far as like workers comp being number one yeah right football is one of the only places in the world that is a 100% injury guarantee like if you play football you will get hurt like it’s not a matter of if it is just win right so now you’re talking about every single football player that comes through here every sprained ankle every dislocated finger like everything now you’re talking is a workers comp charge right so that’s one thing that the other piece of it you’re also talking about difference insurances and all those things you know so it’s still going to be under the veil of name image and likeness it will not go to pay for play I don’t think that is but I will say in 14 short months August of 2025 the professional professionalization of college athletes will be here because there will be a salary cap every team will have every school will have $21 million how they divy it up and that’s all going to come down to it where every student athlete is going to almost need representation yeah as weird as that is to say and like good for me trust me I need to put a house roof over my head too so you know because but every single team is going to need someone to help advocate for them because now we’re talking about contract we’re talking about terms we’re talking about different negotiations of things like it’s just going to be like dealing with a front office of an NFL or an NBA or an nitl team like it is like professional sports which is what the NCA is trying to avoid a little bit is is becoming that right there’s no way you took advantage of workman comp 100% I got workers comp in Buffalo I got workers comp in Minnesota like yeah but I mean it was my job yeah right like and once it became my job when I was in the NFL I had the exact same rights as the guy that works for the city and if he were to fall off a curb while fixing the curb he would get Workers Comp from the state right it’s the same thing but when you play for the University and if they don’t have a pay they still through nil you won’t have that right so again all of this this is basically why we haven’t talked about it on the show because it’s so complicated and there’s still so much to be figured out and again with Title 9 and the the women’s sports but it is big news today that they’re moving forward that because in the past it’s any legislation has just stalled and so the fact that it has moved forward a little bit and that’s one of the things that the NCA is pushing for is yes we’re going to share the revenue but we want to avoid having them be considered employees so and and the one of the questions that I get a lot is collectives in 1890 what where does that stand and right now they’re still going to be a really big part and maybe it changes a little bit and and once we figure all this out but 1890 still very very important and that was one thing that I was told to make sure that people understand that those the collectives and especially 1890 and what they’re doing to help you know kind of facilitate a lot of this is is really really still important yeah I mean in a lot of it just going to depend on the rules that get put on things right is there a cap that you can pay a certain player right like is there only so much that they can receive or is it and this is where I think there will be even more legislation where if the NCAA comes out and says okay you can only play a player x amount of dollars let’s be like well then that’s not name image and likeness you’re still regulating me like how come I can’t go out and make more money through the collective if that’s how I want to go make money right so there’s the collective will not go anywhere their main job will change right the main job of the collective right now is fundraising to pay the student athletes well now there’s $21 million purse to pull out of that so now you need to bring that to maybe hey we need another 100 grand for the soccer team to able to fill that or we need another 100 grand for the bowling team or whatever other team it is that isn’t football or basketball to or make sure that everyone’s getting paid what they need to be because Title 9 will come into play at one point in time of hey how do we say that this is equal and fair while also understanding that there’s a basis of Revenue that’s coming in off of the amount of time off TV and all that nonsense that goes there so fair and equal in that will be different because the name image likeness makes us that everything is just a complete flat scale and there’s no doubt about it I mean this state the the Husker Nation they care and are invested in the women’s 100% so it’s still going to be really really important but that’s the other thing is you can’t think just Huskers right this is Nationwide right and that’s I think that’s the other piece is everyone’s in like that’s what everyone’s in your own little bubble right like Nebraska’s like well we love everyone but I guarantee you that at Iowa State no one’s showing up to the the women’s softball like they do here right it’s it’s a landscape shift not just a state shift but I think that’s where the people in place here are going to make sure that the women’s sports are fought for more so than probably a lot of I think it’ll give us a competitive advantage in recruiting for all women’s sports absolutely agree I think that Nebraska is set up to when this thing all unfolds for the women’s sports especially will be in a really good spot all right we got to work in a break that was a lot that was kind of stressful to talk about but big news today so we wanted to to get that out there today okay we’re going to work in a break here on Sports nightly 402 413 2400 is that number to call in Huskers radio network uh uh Sports nightly hotline is brought to you by Woodhouse Auto family which is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your 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scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to thank our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sap Brothers petroleum has provided us 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you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field I’m Jessica Hoody and I might be doing this segment by myself because sirl is consumed with some pizza we got a nice little surprise Carla youing that Carla thank you so much for the Valentinos Pizza I needed that today I was starving I kind of thought out of the corner of my eye I was like oh someone’s here I heard some commotion going on the second it walked in it hit my nose and I was like there is pizza back there and I cannot wait to hammer some oh Val Valentinos we are huge fans Valentinos sponsor our podcast they’re great folks and so and we all not just Jeremiah and I were hungry but Cole Camden we’re all relishing in the All Smiles in the Acres broadcast Booth oh so good Carla the best thank you so very much okay had a couple of texts um wanted to get to here before we do that the the the back payment of the you know the that the is part of the settlement deal you are not getting to be a part of that no they cut it off at 2016 I was reading through it when they were like and there’s going to be back pay and my heart started fluttering a little bit get some money and then they’re like and you had to play past 2016 and just shatter dreams everywhere but no I mean I need to talk to a couple those guys I mean mostly because I’ll have some clients too that should get a chance to get that so we’ll have to get that registered to see I mean that’s another there add another checklist to your duties I can’t imagine it’s going to be very much because it’s a lot of kids like if you’re back paying to 2016 that’s a lot of people so I know you get like a letter in sometimes I get that like hey you’re you’re subject you could maybe participate in this lawsuit then it’s like $150 you can get well so funny enough the the first NCAA payment remember they made out that first payment years ago for the video game yes the first one actually went to my first house that we no longer lived in and so they found me on Facebook and they were like hey are you Jeremiah Sur we live at your old house I was like yeah like we have a check for $2,500 from the NCAA for you where would you like us to send that I was like first of all how much was it 2500 bucks I was like first of all opening mail is federally legal sir second of all my address is this send that my way please yeah it’s funny that’s amazing okay Mark and Omaha uh has texted this before but he said another or a number of people were upset about a certain female women’s basketball player from Iowa being on display in Nebraska locations of Iowa based supermarkets I’m sure Iowa fans would not appreciate our QB being on display in Iowa locations of a certain Nebraska based restaurant what about states have uh why about okay I think what about States who have serious rivalries will there be nil limitations on locations I doubt it I think that I mean your nil Market will always be your state but when you’re a national Phenom look at Caleb Williams yeah yeah like when you’re a national and we’re talking about the three centers right the three percenters are the National phenoms I mean the reason the NFL makes so much money it does off TV is because of fantasy football because fantasy football stretches across all fan bases right because you have the Bears fan that drafted the kid from uh Keenan Allen back when he’s with the Chargers so now he watches the Chargers right and so it looks like that so yeah your nil base will always be here and I mean a business isn’t going to be stupid enough to bring in a rival person that’s going to like ruin their business right like they might have some fun with it at one point in time but I don’t think that’ll be that big of a deal you didn’t never see a Caitlyn Clark lifesize Caitlyn Clark in a hiy uh I don’t shop Hy we we’re Trader Joe’s people oh yeah Trader Joe’s my wife’s big on the natural thing so I don’t I listen my wife quit her job back in 2018 I told her two things I don’t grocery shop I don’t do laundry that was my terms and she agreed to those terms so we’re still living up to that today okay love it okay here’s another one from Mike where does the name of the conference go from here no longer 10 jumps up twice no more pack 10 either a geographic name like Route 66 no I I think and I read something uh an article too about I read so many I’ve read so many articles over the last like couple weeks trying to keep up with all this but you know the thing about the SEC and the Big 10 like they won’t change their names because it’s such an iconic brand whereas the Big 12 is doesn’t have as much I guess recognition uh the Big 12 and the like the other conferences Big 10 and SEC are pretty a pretty dominant brand they’re established right they’re they’re established you have the networks like all of that it’d be it’d be like rebranding Coca-Cola right like hey Coca-Cola We Now call ourselves red can like I mean why change like why change something when it’s great right like you’re great everything’s perfect don’t switch everything up I mean if you want to try and Rebrand great but talk about what do you think of big 10 like tradition right tradition what do you talk about SEC winning football like national titles those type of things are attached to those names and they will live in infamy as long as those names stay so I don’t anticipate any of those changes here’s another question for you what do you think of the Big 10 18 team format and getting rid of the divisions won’t that make the season less dramatic NFL division format is best set up I agree I I want to see an NFL division format I want to have an East and a west or north and a south or however you want to divide it up and then have Conference champions and move into a championship type atmosphere I mean when you just start it always just leaves it up for interpretation at the end of the year right if you have people that haven’t played each other or whatnot and if they’re same record and there’s no tied head to head tie break or any type of those things it just leaves too much up for interpretation all right appreciate the texts coming in on our Woodhouse Auto family hotline Woodhouse Auto families your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we making car buying on your terms visit us online at we are not ready for a break yet so don’t run off and try to get more pizza I’ve just got to get in the the reads which you will not do anymore I know yeah I did well here is the question of the day for Mike he wants to know is the big dog going to see DJ diesel AKA Shack when he in Lincoln june9 100% yes that got popped up today and I bought tickets I will be there are you kidding me I get to go see Shaq that is a bucket list DJ I wanted to see I cannot wait okay so you’re a Shaq fan I guess that’s is that an no I’m just I mean listen you have to be in the EDM Community a little bit DJ diesel bangs now this dude goes for it I’m talking Headbangers like my neck’s going to hurt and I can’t wait and I also want to just see his giant butt up there there like just turning the tables with his giant hands and just be like yeah that’s that’s that’s Shaq that’s one of the greatest basketball players of all time up there also just spitting beats can’t wait did you get like some backstage backstage passes VIP where is it I didn’t even know it was happening The Grove nice The Grove so I hope I’m a little worried I’m going be a little old but we’ll make it work listen I thought he was signaling to me that he needed to go get more pizza but he wanted me to make sure that I asked that question I can’t tell you how many people sent me this today I I cannot tell you how many people I because they know I’m into that they know oh my gosh yes everyone’s like dude Diesel’s coming to town I like I know I know he’s coming I sent a couple of my buddies who live out of state and they’re talking about flying in like it’s it’s a thing is Emma a fan of it I don’t think she’ll come to DJ diesel withun no she likes EDM I don’t think she likes DJ Diesel’s music all right well on that note Headbangers on that note we need another piece of pizza thanks Carla uh we’re going to step aside for a break much more to come um before we get this thing completely off the rails Husker fans check out the allnew high Perks program sign up for the totally free high ve Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks hve is an official grocery partner of husar Athletics and is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local hi ve today dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up Rav 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the Trail T and Forerunner and the Sleek vinah hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and your is cozy in the cabin check out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha Baxter Toyota of lav Vista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln from the University of Nebraska Lincoln I’m broadcasting major Connor Clark with campus news unl’s center for transformative teaching works with educators across all majors on new teaching strategies for a new generation of students the center for transformative teaching helps instructors grapple with AI in the classroom use data modeling to enhance student learning earn grants for exploring new teaching methods and provides crucial insights that power academic success hit us up on the text line text 402 4132 2400 with your Husker thoughts things that impair you come in many different shapes and sizes some are the shape of beer and liquor bottles others look like cigarettes but aren’t cigarettes at all these are the things we know imp par us the things our parents warned us about what we’re not always aware of is our new prescription or the over-the-counter medicine we picked up just for allergies or a bad cold see it doesn’t just matter how much of a substance you take if you are impaired driving is deceptively dangerous don’t drive impaired paid for by the ndot highway safety office if there’s one thing we like its choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether 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Conquest vehicle registration to qualify offer expire 71 2024 C deer for details welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by who big dog Acres uh the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every fi got a couple of segments left here in hour number one of sport silly before we will hear from Julie rule um how about Shane Jensen in the chat Kio is running away with the golf it is early I got the big dog in second Denny McCarthy pick was a stretch it was it was you know like that’s where I thought maybe I’d get a sneaky little pick in there but it was not but you know what it wasn’t a bigger stretch then was the Victor hin pick overall first overall Victor hin five over through nine woo l a boy Victor it was funny we were texted about it and uh he said I see I’m winning and you said yeah Victor H’s carrying the team Victor hav putting the team on his back yeah Brooks kepa kind of melted on the back nine he had a solid going yeah but he he was two under at one point um yeah I my guy oberg though the young stallion the young kid he’s going to rival Scotty soon you know I should have stuck with my gut and gone with Tony yeah Tony’s a solid he he never really wins but he’s always right there what would you shoot on that course oh my gosh I don’t know I don’t know if I break 150 like that course is that chip calore cow hat out of the sand and he landed it like just on the green and and they’re like oh that’s going to keep going it just slowly rolled off cuz I have zero ball control right I can’t spin it or anything like that like if I hit it it’s going how much of an advantage are the ladies teas oh my gosh my wife no I’m saying on that course and I could probably answer that question better yeah I mean I love playing scrambles with my wife CU she can drive the heck out of the ball I’m like let’s walk up there 100 yards then you did it perfect that’s that why my dad says he likes playing with me too uh you get a huge Advantage massive massive Advantage okay one of the other parts that I really wanted to get into I’ve had a list of things that I wanted to ask you about all week but we’ve had so many things come up and we’ve had great text all week long so I appreciate it but you know one of the the parts of the settlement that they’re talking about is limiting the football roster size to 80 85 Yeah so basically getting going away from the Walk-Ons and there’s a lot of football coaches that are not happy about this I was talking about on the show the other day about Oklahoma’s program and they wanted to add more when they were going to the SEC so I know SEC has a you know why do you know why they’re doing this why so here’s why okay again nil started out with the best intentions yeah just like the rocket did right that got turned into a missile nil started the best intentions well like anything really smart people got in a room and said well how do we take advantage of this and what team started doing is they’re going to say hey I’m going to put this grad transfer I’m going to put this player on walk-on and there’s going to be an nil deal that just happens to cover his scholarship money right happens to pay for his tuition right and so you’re essentially allowed to have more scholarship players on your team than you actually have and that’s happened across all sports and everywhere and the NCAA is looking at that going okay kind of a competitive Advantage for the rich rich schools that can afford to do that and it’s really tough for the smaller schools so how do we regulate that because you can’t really regulate that besides just eliminating the Walk-Ons alog together which I don’t love I I mean Spencer Long one of my best friends in the world was a walk-on who ended up being a third round pick like and this place is littered with stories like that of guys that came in his Walk-Ons became major contributors and became major I mean NFL type players and I’m sure it’s across every sport that’s like that so I really don’t want the walk-on programed to go away by any means but I think the NCAA has no idea how to regulate some of the Riff wff that’s going on like outside of it without just cutting it completely you said that it started with good intentions that’s the problem is that they didn’t they didn’t allow for it to happen when it if they would they could have avoided a lot of problems had they kind of they managed it a lot better from the start I mean managed it at all like I’m I mean not even Managed IT better just instead of just being like okay no no this is not happening July 1st floodgates it’s legal it’s like no no infrastructure so long they they try to dig their heels in and had they worked through that a lot sooner and maybe than it wouldn’t have been the wild wild blast and we’re not trying to put the geny back in the bottle yeah I mean that’s the thing is and my partner says all the time you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube right once you’ve let it out and things go now you’re opening yourself up to litigation if you start trying to take rights away so so what does that do then for especially a football program only having 85 guys on the field I mean a lot of programs are like that yeah I mean that’s the thing we’re again our bubble we’re very used to having a walk-on tradition 110 plus guys 150 plus guys at times but most of the schools that compete for national titles are not limited to that no they’re not I mean that’s what I was saying about the SEC like they carry huge rosters rosters too yeah and I think it’s good I mean the more people you can have on the roster the better it makes practice go by easier you’re can have more chances for young men young women across the board but you know it makes it it makes it tougher with depth right it’s hard to have depth when you if you graduate a 30 to 20 person senior class and you’re saying okay well there’s there’s 25% of my roster right you’re like holy crap and now you’re talking about having to fill that every year with more recruits and it makes it harder to manage but you know it makes it a little bit more like NFL style where you’re very small close-knit I think they’ll find a way around it I don’t think it’ll say hey maybe you have a club team or I don’t know you know like I think they’ll find some way to get around it to where you still have the Walk-Ons but it’s a it’s one of the big parts of the settlement um case is that they are going to try to limit the roster sides I just there’s too many too many big players in this game I think to and that have made it known that they’re not happy about it to for that to go through yeah I mean it really just depends how the NCAA how much they want to fight it yeah like is this a is this a bargaining and that’s that’s the piece that we’ll get to see as it more unfolds is you know both sides are going to throw out radical ideas in order to get okay we’ll we know this is like in their camp they’re going we know that taking the Walk-Ons is a radical idea but maybe we can say hey we’ll give you the Walk-Ons back but we’re going to take away something out of your pile right and the negotiation has started it always starts out wide and slowly Works its way into the middle but you throw those type of things out so that there’s some give and take with that kind of stuff what’s crazy is said a lot of this stuff we haven’t even we’ve barely scratched the surface on all of this and it’s all supposed to go into effect in 2025 like how in the world are they going to get done 14 months is not enough time to lay the groundw all of these things I just don’t know how it’s going to be a to be put in place by see NFL team or you’re going to see college football teams have front offices right it’s going to be built like the NFL you’re going to have your coaches then you’re going to have your GM and then you’re going to have your your scouting Department right cuz now that you have scouting departments not just for high school but now for the portal right cuz if you think about this too this is another piece we can get the weeds even a little bit more here we you you got a minute to make a point the NFL you have at least to be a contract before you can be a free agent for four years right well in this new system in the NCAA you will be a free agent every single year every single year right you can be reup as a new like with your new percentage of the contract or you can transfer so every single year you’re going to be a free agent and decide what you want to do it’s going to be nuts so the portal is not going away is what you’re saying no gosh no which I think a lot of people would like to see oh my gosh Port Portal’s going nowhere okay all right on that note Husker fans check out the all new high ve Perks program sign up for the totally free Hy Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score bigsavings today at perks Hive is an official grocery partner of hoscar Athletics and is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local hve today if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F1 50 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 and 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activi ities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at go hit us up on the text line text 402 41324 00 with your Husker thoughts if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 and 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 20 23 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more ACR solutions for every Bill we should start doing that every time I’m I’m here for it how I read my stories with my son at the end of the night little blue truck said beep that boy all right so just a couple more minutes left here and hour number one and coming up hour number two we’re going to hear from Julie rule but some pretty big NFL news that you were pretty excited to talk about Trevor Lawrence brand new deal for uh $55 million a year 5year deal I think 125 guaranteed at signing with uh 150 what is somebody do with that much money whatever you want that’s the answer whatever you want what would you buy with that much money land yeah land yeah I mean I buy land is any when land in guns probably but I mean what’s crazy is it so now he now becomes the highest quarterback paid per year Trevor Lawrence right you ready for this number two is Joe burrow then jarro Goff at 53 million Justin Herbert at 52.5 Lamar Jackson at 52 Jaylen Herz at 51 Patrick momes is number 10 wow Josh Allen now number 11 at make 45 and 43 annual per year and it’s like keeping a it’s like the arms race right because it was the tone was set and then now everybody’s trying to keep up every year I mean and that’s why like Justin Jefferson Just Got Paid 35 million a year right you know who’s sitting there going Jamar Chase is like my turn next year buddy and he’s going to be 36 right you’re always going to have to have a market set then everyone’s always going to try and go more and more and more I mean it’s crazy the amount of money some these guys are making who is the best quarterback at the NFL I mean is it Patrick Mahomes clearly like not even there’s not even an argument it’s it’s Pat is there an argument for number two I think I think there’s an argument for number two who who would you say or who’s healthy Joe burrow a healthy Joe burrow you know I think I mean when he’s lights out and he’s not dealing with a calf or a wrist I mean he is super super special you know and then you can go down the list I think that Josh Allen is probably sitting at number three for me is that because you like him or no I just think he’s incredible but you really do you I do love Joshy boy you in the soft spot that a soft spot for I watched him grow up in front of my eyes so I do have a soft spot for Joshy boy and then you mean Lamar Jackson’s up there too you know I think most overrated is probably Dak Prescott Aaron Aaron Aaron Rogers we’ll see if he can come back off the Achilles I mean Kirt cousins is one of the highest paid quarterbacks in the leag coming off in AES too and he’s total milk toast I mean the dude’s so boring okay so right now I guess handicap the teams for the NFL like who would you right now has oh my gosh so I mean I think going into the year the 49ers are still the best team in the NFL I think Talent roster wise you have to put the Eagles up there as well and then on the AFC I think Baltimore is going to be terrifying now with derck Henry in their backfield right I mean you were talk about the threat of Lamar Jackson now you had just the Thoroughbred Clydesdale horseback they running the football Kansas City will always be dangerous as long as number 15 plays quarterback for them uh you start talking about some bad teams though I think that the Patriots are going to be bad bad I think the Patriots the commanders um the Giants are going to struggle again too unfortunately you know but the top the top is going to be really really good the middle class is always kind of so so it all just depends on quarterback play you know I say it every year any given year there’s about 20 actual true starting quarterbacks and then there’s 12 guys that probably shouldn’t be in this league and then you know again we just have a minute left but a big thing after the spring game was with the pat Mahomes and the comparisons with Dylan Rola and you want to tailor the the expectations a little bit but there are some tendencies that you you physical similarities the way they move the way they kind of act I mean like I said if he starts doing the finger thing we’re going to have to have a conversation but you know they do look very similar in the way they go but please don’t try and start comparing this dude to the dude that is just the greatest quarterback in the in the NFL right now and winning Super Bowls winning Super Bowls not yet let him go win some games first yeah but you are excited about I so excited and not just him I mean and even HRI harber may I mean him yeah I I’m excited for him I mean you watch him and you can tell he’s just a different breed he’s a different guy different arm talent I mean it’s just not fair some guys giv it all and he’s got he’s got the armed talent to be very special all right uh keep those texts coming in for us on our Woodhouse Auto family hotline Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at all right coming up hour number two actually this very next segment on the other side of this break we’re going to have a sit down with Julie Ru so keep it here on Sports nightly much more to come with the big dog here on Sports sly [Music] hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts experience the difference and save more when you shop at one of our three convenient Woodhouse Ford locations and right now it’s more affordable than ever to get behind behind the wheel of a new vehicle when you visit a Woodhouse Ford dealership going on now save up to $110,000 off MSRP on the 2024 Ford F-150 Super Crew XLT with approved credit $299 dock fee do it signning offer expires 708 2024 see dealer for details get ready to rule the field and revolutionize your farming game with Valley The Game Changer in irrigation and agtech solutions with time and labor saving measures ground truthing results and effective input reduction Valley provides the perfect game plan so you stay ahead of what’s in the field from the best in irrigation and Cutting Edge agtech solutions to personalized support Valley is your winning team visit your local Valley dealer or Valley today dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up Rav 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the Trail T and Forerunner and the Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and yours cozy in the cabin check out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha Baxter Toyota of levista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln e e e e e e e e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative earlier today the Big 10 announced that Husker high jumper tus Wilson was selected as the Big 10 men’s field athlete of the Year by the conference head coaches Wilson is the NCAA men’s outdoor runner up in the high jump after he cleared 7 feet 3 and 3/4 in at the Championships he is the first Husker to earn Big 10 outdoor field athlete of the year tickets for the Nebraska volleyball Red White scrimmage went on sale this morning the scrimmage will take place on August 24th at 600 p.m. tickets start at $10 each with a limit of six per customer tickets can be purchased online at or at the Nebraska Athletic Ticket Office news in the NFL as the Jaguars and quarterback Trevor Lawrence have agreed on a 5-year $275 million contract extension the contract includes 200 million guaranteed and 142 million at signing the 55 million a year tied Lawrence with Joe burrow for the top Mark in the NFL and finally some major league baseball scores that are already final from earlier today the Cardinals beat the Pirates 4 to3 the Royals walked off the Yankees 4 to3 the Braves defeated the Oriol 6 to3 and the Tigers beat the Nationals 7 to2 our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 18 1990 hour two of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill and she’s sto bck alen clock number 11 the team 16 their body bumping in Lincoln Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante Dowell Sil throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shelly for three B you husers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch C strike three breaking ball outside corner make it an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seven now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy knocka with nine eight seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it on [Applause] beable I don’t believe what I just saw toldy n knocking home here are your hosts Jessica cudy and Jeremiah serles on the Huskers radio network welcome back hour number two sports nightly here on this Thursday evening coming up tomorrow officially there will be a new business that’s opened their doors here in Lincoln and the owner Julie rule it’s a name her name is a one that we’ve heard often from coach rule talking about just the role that she’s played as the football coach’s wife I’ve heard her name so much from the staff and and just how critical she’s been in the family type atmosphere that you feel around this football program she wears has worn many many hats throughout her entire career but felt like the timing was right to put some Roots down and invest in a business here in Lincoln she’s been hard at work getting it ready to open up I’ve actually got a chance to experience it cannot wait for it to be officially open but this week I had a a chance to sit down and chat with her and dive into all of that and the decision about why now is the right time and what went into her decision so very excited to be sitting down and chatting with Julie rule a new business owner here in Lincoln opening up this week thank you so much for spending some time with us absolutely I’m glad to be here so want to dive into all things dry bar and everything but before we get to that let’s start with the most recent news some different recent news you’re a recent mom of a high school graduate and now a college freshman with a Bryant recently graduating how is that and how excited are you guys to get him here in Lincoln we are so excited to finally get him here in Lincoln he is thrilled to be a Husker um excited to attend orientation weekend that’s coming up here soon um he’s thrilled to kind of get himself infiltrated in the team and being around Dad it was a tough year last year having him um you know so far away but it was also you know a great year too that he could finish out a senior year with his friends absolutely well since you guys have been here I mean your entire family has been really involved with a lot of different things here you’ve been at the women’s events your girls have been to multiple games why has that been so important for the entire family to to kind of Jump Right In and get embedded with a lot of different things here well I mean first of all when he took the job we were so excited to be back in a university setting um not only do we feel like we have our football family which we love um and have grown up with a lot of these families um over the years but we love being part of a university family and you know for our little girls especially it’s empowering for them to see all the different sports to support women’s Athletics to recognize that you can be different shapes and sizes and yet our bodies can do amazing things so um we’ve loved supporting all the different teams teams getting to go to the different events um they’ve they’ve had a blast and it’s been a while you know since we could do that so they’re always saying Mom Dad what’s going on this weekend what’s you know what game can we go see so it’s kind of more we’re trying to taper them back and say okay guys we can’t do everything you know every night but um they are proud to be Huskers that’s amazing so when um coach his first press conference he talked about a time when you guys came here drove around and that you you felt something special here and and you did too when you left what was it that Drew you here that you felt like okay this this could be maybe something special for us right that undercover it um no it was really great you know we’ve taken other jobs sight unseen and you know had no idea what the community was like what it looked like um just to feel it see it I think was so important you know for me it’s really kind of coming back to my roots I grew up very rural north central Pennsylvania um on a very large acreage we had an operating Orchard um my father was a professor of uh forestry and Wildlife Management so um for me it was like wow I can you know connect again with how I was raised and and raise my children in a community that’s so loving um and compassionate about their Huskers were you did you grow up a football fan um I my parents went to WVU so yes I was definitely encouraged to watch the West Virginia MERS and cheer for them especially when they played Penn State um and you know funny Matt and I started dating in college um and at first when he told me he was a football player I really wasn’t um interested too much um just you know oddly enough I was like well what is this going to be about and you know when he told me that that was his dream and passion to become a football coach you know I was like sure that’s great let’s do it you know um kind of going in totally with no idea um you know what that involves so when did you realize okay he’s pretty pretty good at this coaching thing uh you know all along I feel like Matt’s skill set allows him to be an amazing mentor to young people um I think being raised within a family uh where his father was a minister um his relatives were coaches uh he grew up in New York City where it’s a real Melting Pot of people he has that uncanny ability to be able to connect with and reach individuals and I think what I appreciate and respect about him is that he truly genuinely wants to see these young people reach their true potential and not only reach it but maybe over over come that and see what amazing things that they can accomplish absolutely you know talking with a number of the staff they say how much it’s a family field that’s why they love being a part of it and not just go but with you as well you’re you’re around as well when and how I guess did you guys realize that that was going to be an important part of of how he builds a football culture and program and and your role in that yeah uh when he got his first opportunity to be a head coach at Temple um we sort of decided to sit down we reflected on various places we had been prior to that um what were things that we loved maybe things that we didn’t like and really kind of how we wanted to set the tone and family is so important to us I wanted our children to feel like they could go into the office with Dad um you know the other coaches you know are just as much as part of their life their children the players you know and my girls kind of started to coin this phrase you know yeah that’s my that’s my football family you know um and some of the you know staff’s children they view as like their cousins you know they’ve truly truly had this amazing opportunity to grow up together you do a lot of things that uh behind the scenes with a lot of the moms too how much do you enjoy that I mean you had the tackle event last year we saw some great tackling I know you guys did a community servicing this year how how much you enjoy that and getting to know the moms of these players right well I think it’s really important for everybody to take part and feel like they’re part of this football family um you know whether it’s you know family dinners whether it’s a community service project um just kind of fun competitive things you know we did a a kicking competition um uh last last year as well um The Tackle your son event um you know the breast cancer awareness game that’s something that’s very very important um to both Matt and I given our family histories um and then you know really sort of we like to reach young people so these community events trying to Target young people here in Lincoln and give back um you know one year we did a summer reading um tote bag that went out that we donated to elementary schools here in the area um this past spring before the spring game we did weekend um sort of nutrition food packs that you know children that are suffering from food insecurity they they could go um from their principal and get one of these bags that the moms um help put together with Loving Hands oh that’s very cool uh you mentioned the food and the family dinners and you were a nutritionist and then were went to uh got worked on get becoming a chef as well and Coach R has also talked about you guys are both Foodies and that’s also it seems like everybody I talked to that’s a big part of the recruiting of this family culture everything just the breaking bread together as brothers how why is that important and why is it that food kind of brings together people and especially this program well I mean when you sit down together and you do break bread together that’s when conversations start to happen um and you know we always invite a different player group uh once a week during the season to have dinner with us at our home um we want the players to know that if there’s ever an issue they can come not only to Matt but to me but to know that we want them to feel like they’re part of our family um and I think that’s a great way to go about doing that yeah for sure so mentioned there’s a lot of different things that you’ve done um you know throughout your career what is it why are you interested in so many different things I guess what what draws you to being well-rounded in a lot of different things well I mean I think you have to be passionate about something um to really kind of uplift it and bring it to attention um you know reading is something that’s important to our family because we have dyslexia in our family and um that’s something that my children you know have struggled with um and learning that they learn differently and recognizing that and encouraging them to know that that’s okay um not everybody’s going to learn the same way but man when you can’t read that really can tear down your confidence so you know those those reading packs reading that’s something that’s really important to Matt and I to really kind of help young people achieve that skill because that can make a difference in your life um you know dramatically so you know that’s something that we’re passionate about breast cancer you know both Matt’s mother um unfortunately my mother lost her battle with breast cancer um that’s something that is very important to us to sort of promote awareness and celebrate those women that have had that battle and have survived um you know and then of course naturally with my background nutrition you know food insecurity is something that’s real it’s everywhere um in various jobs that I’ve had in the past um you know I’ve had young people you know their only meal can sometimes be that school lunch program and that’s heartbreaking you know they come in they’re starving how can you focus how can you learn if that’s the only meal that you get in a day so wow that’s incredible okay so let’s talk about dry bar and um why you came to the decision that you wanted to open up a business here in Lincoln and and why dry bar exactly well I’ve thought a lot about this um you know I mentioned before my mother went to WBU um I come from some trailblazing women um starting with my grandmother um Thelma who had her own real estate business in West Virginia at a time when women probably only whispered about opening a business Then followed by my own mother who was my rock um she had her own insurance business um so I grew up surrounded by these strong women that showed me that you know through grit determination perseverance and gosh darn it hard work you can do anything and so you know I knew when the timing was right I wanted to do something uh of my own um have my own business and you know show my children that amazing life lesson and when we were moving here I recognized that a dry bar did not exist and I’ve been you know an avid customer for client for over a decade um it’s a magical experience where you know they really sort of focus on doing one thing being the best at it you know it’s a premier place to walk into get a blowout and get your hair styled and you know have that confidence when you walk out not only do you look good you feel good good too uh so it seemed like a natural fit in terms of what business I was you know good friends with another shop owner and she was very encouraging and was like Julie you should do this so um that kind of pushed me too to open up this business um and I have to tell you it’s been uh a real treat and joy to do don’t get me wrong there’s ups and downs like with anything but I’m really excited about the team that we have there um The Experience um that I can provide to the women here in Lincoln for those that might not be familiar with what dry bar is can you Absolut break down for us yes so it’s a 45 minute service that women can come in you get your hair shampooed then you get it round brushed blowed out and then you pick a style from this amazing lookbook that the franchise has created um to decide you know are you wanting something very sleek and smooth um do you want something with volume um do you want that old Hollywood style an updo a braid um you know there’s a lot of different looks that you can go with but most importantly it’s a happy place that you can walk into um and feel you know supported empowered and walk out feeling great how much have you enjoyed the process of it and getting into it it’s been awesome I have to say it’s a journey um it’s been stretching at times there’s been things where I’ve been like oh wow um and other times like you know I’ve had to say to myself I’ve got this you know this is going to be it’s going to be awesome so it’s it’s been fun it’s been great for my daughters to to witness it and my son I mean it was a full family all right we got to get this retail product stocked on the on the wall and um everybody’s kind of been in it helping get the shop ready when coach R said that you were opening up a business and and just a response from Husker fans it seem like they were so excited that you know again you were investing in the community what’s been your response to that and and just again the the um response from Husker Nation it’s been great you know it was important I wanted to create Roots here um I wanted to be able to connect with the community as well um and you know kind of fill that bucket for myself I am very driven I like to work um I wanted to do something um as well because we all know how much coach W Works absolutely you know I always like to ask this um for people of in multiple different professions but what what advice would you give to maybe a young woman that’s maybe looking to maybe get into business or maybe own a business but just what have you found that has worked well for you throughout this process um you know I think hiring a great team um surrounding myself with good humans and you know that’s sort of been my motto um in life you know if you’re a good human you surround yourself by good humans gosh what you can overcome and and do um in life so yeah I’d say um the team definitely is a big big part of that absolutely great advice okay so if people are interested where do they go how do they get involved how do they find more information absolutely so we’ve been in two weeks of sort of training our staff um and on Friday the doors are actually um going to be open to the public uh we’re located in South Point Pavilions um we’re right beside the Pure Bar um and then there’s a Vince nail salon um you can walk in you can call the shop um to make an appointment um stop in um we’d love to see you I’m excited because uh there’s some night games at the beginning of the Season I’m already going to sign up and go in and get my hair done before the games but tell us about the hours and just um maybe how what that looks like scheduling wise and and what the experience is like and there’s lots of things that you guys provide absolutely so we are 7 day a week operation Monday through Thursday we’re 7 to 7 Friday we’re 7 to 8 Saturday 8 to 8 and then Sunday 9 to 5 um we offer all kinds of um additional add-ons you can get a scalp massage a braid um you can do special conditioning treatments and shampoos we actually have something called a Shirley Temple where little ladies can come in um and get their hair done um Matt is thrilled at the idea of coming in for a scalp massage so I have haven’t warned the team yet about that but um I think he’s going to be an avid goer um and you know we have 10 stylists we have amazing front desk receptionists that we call bartenders to kind of play along with that you know dry bar um you know franchise name um we do offer a complimentary beverage with your service um which soon could will be wine and Mimosas um for the adults um that are coming in um but really great stuff and product as well that you guys are going to provide absolutely so not only do we use our signature dry bar Hot Tools but we also have an entire line of product um that we will use on your hair and you have the opportunity to purchase um to keep you know your style going for several days and you guys have the social media all up and going as well yes we do um so you do a lot of different things your mom you again are football coach’s wife there’s so many things how do you balance it how do you get it all done in a day um I like to multitask it’s fun for me I like to be busy um I like the energy I like having my hands in a bunch of things um it just keeps me going I love it well thank you so much for your perspective and for chatting with us was so great and um again we’ll look forward to big things to come from dry bar oh thank you so much it’s been great to talk with you oh what an enjoyable conversation you know I I’ve told you that I’ve sat down and talked with a number of of the staff that her name comes up and just her presence and and how kind she is and how important she is to that family atmosphere and and she was as kind and sweet as can be and so it was inspiring as a woman you know to hear her talk about it it the timing was right and I wanted to have something of my own the kids are now in school and I you know I had the time and I want to put Roots down here in Lincoln yeah I mean and I can definitely relate to that you know em and I both come from I’m from Colorado she’s from California we both came here for school and we’ve got to live in San Diego Minneapolis Charlotte Orchard Park New York which was never on the table you know but just to know that you always came home and this place felt like home right and Lincoln specifically felt like home and you know I even have friends that come in and visit and like I have a friend staying with us right this weekend and she went for a run this morning and she was like I could hear the birds and there were no sirens and like no speeding cards I was like yeah I mean it’s just a different pace of life here and you know it has everything I mean I can be in a deer stand in 15 minutes or I can be in my Duck Blind in 40 minutes I can go golfing like I just love the pace of life in Lincoln I think they’re starting to get a feel for that too I think people might not realize that especially because I mean again your wife played soccer here and came from out of state but I you didn’t have you could live anywhere you guys could live anywhere and you just live here her whole family has since moved out here her mom her dad her sister and their four kids like they’ve all moved out here my parents I don’t think will ever make the trk this way they love the mountains too much but you know it’s just something about once you get here and experience Lincoln at its best and you can see why people like to call this place home would you have thought when you came to play football here that you’d spend the rest of your life here move here put Roots here never I mean if you would have told 18-year-old Jeremiah like you’re going to be here and have a family and three kids and leave the Suburban life in South Lincoln I’d be like oh okay bud you know but no I mean I I love it here I can’t imagine my life anywhere else okay so again um that’s the dry bar we had some people some of the men in the chat didn’t know what that was so we had to explain it but it’s a really neat experience like I said I got a chance to go do it on Wednesday believe I’m I’m one of those men can you explain to me what a dry bar is well we just we just talked about giv time I’m giving you a hard time you can you know get maybe a Mother’s Day or or an anniversary present and let birthday’s coming up here you go August uh but it was a really great experience shout out to Lexi who uh took care of me great care of me but it’s a awesome um you know concept and experience and so and I just I think it’s really neat that that’s something that she wanted to do and and be a business owner here in Lincoln so again dry bar it’s a hair experience there’s a lot of different things that you could do with the hair but it’s uh it’s a really cool experience so I wanted to make sure and explain that and let people know exactly what it was but thank you so much to Julie R for sitting down and spending some time with us all right we’ve got to get to a break here on Sports nightly um what what were we doing again we doing hi ve which one is it I well I was like I had the wrong sheet out okay uh sarie County sarpi County where great food drink shopping and concerts and fun await you stay play and plan your getaway at go hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career chiropratic care helped my athletic performance on the field and kep me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make chiropractor your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska practics for Farmers productivity isn’t an option it’s everything and at Valley we feel the same delivering gamechanging technology and irrigation solutions that Advance agricultural productivity with the results to prove it from our leading irrigation technology to expert advice you can always rely on Valley to bring out the best in your farm at Valley productivity isn’t an option it’s everything visit your local Valley dealer or Valley today want to get all the latest Husker news straight to your 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improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska [Music] roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up RAV four and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the Trail T and Forerunner and the Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and yours cozy in the cabin check out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro in Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha Baxter Toyota of lav Vista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproofing basements to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sa Brothers petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sa Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sap Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John oh oh sorry trying to find welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast and which just sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John de dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field welcome back to sports nightly I was trying to find this quote on the chat that says uh from Justin he said I may have to go party at the Grove with the big dog I’m am quite an EDM fan EDM fan it’s a it’s a sub genre of music and it’s funny my kids listen to it right so they love it so they listen to a DJ named marshmallow right and so like they always want to listen to like put on marshmallow but then it’s hilarious because then like he goes to preschool and he’s like we were listening to marshmallow talking to his friends and they’re like we don’t we don’t know what you’re talking about little boy oh my God I had no idea that you are like this big I was big into it you’ve gone to festivals y four so I did EDC in Vegas two years in a row and then I did Electric Forest up in Michigan which is a 4-day camping Festival as well so that was all pre-kids now I have kids can’t do that anymore man you learned something new every day okay so breaking news since we’ve been on the air um coming from the Husker volleyball account we had coach Cook on the show the day that they announced his contract extension and that he was going to use the bonus to by this once in a-lifetime kind of horse that’s from a ranch here in eastern Nebraska and I was asking him about the name and it he just kept calling it 415 that’s what the name was his number 415 and so I was like but I don’t think you can call him that right we got to find a better name than 415 right yep so they just put out a tweet we’re we are still on the Tweet fan we’re not going to say x with a picture of coach and the horse it’s a really pretty horse by the way and here is what it says he’s a Palamino quarter horse from Ericson Nebraska that can run like the wind but most importantly needs a name John Cook is officially commissioning you Husker Nation to name his new roping horse in return whoever submits coach’s favorite name gets two tickets to see a Husker volleyball match this upcoming season drop the epic names below yeeha so if you have some suggestions for Coach Cooks new horse’s name go on Twitter and and make your submissions you got one do you have one well listen I told from the start so they call him number 415 but his like birth name is like this long kind of like a race horse you know it’s got this long and in the middle of it is hot rod so I said we should call it hot rod that’s a good one I think we should name it g a t also known as goat hey there’s a couple of suggestions that were already pretty good that I liked um one of them was dreamer because coach Cook always says dream big so I like that one and what was the other one Cole that I said I liked or Camden did you guys 923 oh yeah 92 not I didn’t know if that was a good one but I I thought that was uh pretty pretty good um there’s going to be a lot there’s going to be a lot of submissions I feel like yes uh someone said Revival because he’s a huge Zack Brown fan and he Lo that’s like his favorite song that’s a good one um so there’s several submissions already so get on there um yeah and that’s fun that’s fun it’s it’s a pretty horse like I said you you’re are you into horses no I mean my aunt had 100 acres growing up and I used to ride horses but then I got really big and the horses didn’t like me getting on top of them anymore they wanted to ride me and I was like ah it’s probably probably for the best I don’t jump my 300 lb frame up on top of you anymore oh that’s hilarious okay uh Sam and Omaha said name it sunny no that is reserved for one special dog you can’t replicate Sunny uh no she was up here and you you’re a fan of Sunny yeah I like with dogs it’s fun you can pick them even though she’s a small dog when I first brought her in as a puppy you were on the show and you said I hate little dogs I I don’t like puppies in general you like puppies no I like dogs trained dogs puppies are not fun you got to take them outside they pee on everything they chew stuff up you got to beat them and rub their nose in it like I don’t like puppies I love when you can be like sit and that dog sits and that dog stays I love train dogs Sunny sits yeah she shakes she can be a bear she she can be a bear explain to be a bear and she goes up like this yeah she’s smart little cookie big big tools College World Series starts tomorrow yes are do you have you been up there we took Oliver and aen last year to I think it was Vanderbilt Wake Forest I only remember it was the game where the pitcher looked like he was on some type of drugs on the pitcher Mount remember the guy that was like moving and like constantly like touching his nose I was like what I mean the guys in the back know what I’m talking about but like I remember that game cuz I was like this dude won’t stop moving like he’s a psycho but it was also like 110° and then we just sat and baked in the Outfield and I probably spent $100 on snacks in order to keep keep the kids docil but we will go back again it’s a fun it’s a fun day it’s quite the experience okay so more than more importantly this kind of became a huge deal over the last couple years with the uh Rocco shot challenge jello shot challenge you know is blown up I do not know this Rocco you haven’t heard of rockos have you seen rockos it’s like right across the street from the ballpark okay and it got national attention it started and then it like built and built and then last year it was like huge so they have a jello shot Challenge and it’s you can take a shot and then put it next to one of the teams that are in the running for the College World Series so there’s Florida State Virginia North Carolina Florida Tennessee Texas A&M Kentucky NC State and they’ve already got it rolling and you can already kind of go down there because they had media day today but currently Kentucky is in the lead with 126 already but of those teams which one do you uh probably pick as a favorite to win the shot challenge this is this is the equivalent of like someone picking their March Madness bracket based off their favorite color so I’m going to go with to me it’s like who is the ratest fans and that’s that’s what I’m trying to think too I’m trying to think I mean the sec’s got some Rowdy fans like so I think k I mean Kentucky likes to have themselves a good time so I could definitely see them pulling away with this guys instead of picking teams to win the World Series let’s pick shot challenge winners who we got um maybe Tennessee Tennessee oh Rocky Top likes to party could be a good one I’ll say Tennessee Cole said Tennessee as well yeah it’s got to be an SEC school it has to be as much as I do not like them I think I’m going to go Texas C&M because I think they’ll travel well I think they’ll be up here they are crazy they like to party so I think I’m going to go Texas A&M you think Trev comes up oh yes yeah he’ll be up here you think he buys a shot he might he he likes to win treves to be competitive so he might go buy a shot um but you know it’s kind of funny too also that some of the teams that don’t travel as well sometimes the people in Omaha will Embrace somebody else and go buy shots for them so that is true if you go up there you should just try I tried to go in there just to experience it Greg and I were talking about it on the air last year and then I went up there just I didn’t go to the games I just just wanted to experience all the stuff around it and um you know the what is it the FanFest all that kind of stuff and I tried to get into rockos just to see and I there was like a huge line CU it’s it just blew up over the last couple years yeah I mean once you get a little bit of national attention and then like it’s a destination thing I mean it’s like the diners drives and Dives like as soon as like one of those restaurants makes it on there they just explode or a Dave’s Pizza review from bar stool so I mean they were probably ecstatic when it happened okay we got to get to a break I didn’t realize how late we are okay Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at eBay Motors is here for the ride go ahead feel your engine admire that perfectly installed exhaust your vehicle’s moving along this freeway like it was made from fresh installs and a whole lot of love with eBay Motors you get over 122 Million Parts to keep it running and with eBay guaranteed fit they’ll be the perfect fit every time plus at these prices well we’re burning rubber not cash keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusions Supply if spring allergies keep you trapped inside then you need nage nasal care to keep you breathing clearly and enjoying all the beauties of 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with your Husker thoughts hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make Chira your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska fire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game Husker fans Springtime in sarie County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at wner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward Sapp Brothers petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sap Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled Sapp Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers if problem gambling is burning up your money there is a way out help is free and confidential for Nebraskans and their families there’s no judgment just help visit life after we got a couple segments left here of sports nightly on this Thursday night evening but kind of Friday night for us here in the Huskers radio network we have Dennis on the text line said a new horse name it rising star or Blaze go Blaze I could go with blaze I could I could on board with blaze and then someone else said uh cook should name his horse Perfect 10 since this is once in a lifetime now it’s coming in so fast I can’t keep up hold on let me pull it up um cook should name his horse Perfect 10 since it is a once- in a-lifetime horse Perfect 10 also maintains a link to its 415 name since 4 + 1 + 5 equals 10 that’s from Husker step oo I like that one some deep thought you put a lot of thought a lot more thought than I put into goat um this person said um North Carolina for the shot challenge or I think it for the shot challenge they might just want him to win it all or win the whole thing I I’m not sure maybe both let’s I I I’m for that and he and they said someone different never A&M I don’t want Texas A&M to win I just think they probably could be a favorite to win the shot contest because they are cuckoo yes their fans are cuckoo yeah I mean still one of the most hostile places I’ve ever played in my entire life yeah and they travel well and they’ve been up here and so uh Carla are fave Carla with the Valentino Pizza my pick for CWS shot contest Kentucky with A&M a close second my choice for US Open is morawa I like it I like it that’s on my team uh enjoy your weekend Happy Father’s Day and have fun and relaxing time with your dads is this Father’s Day yeah oh don’t forget dad I thought it was next weekend don’t forget Dad no it is next weekend wait is it the 16th already yeah no it is this weekend I I like iune G what it is June’s gone I mean I I I was scheduling stuff out I’m already scheduling stuff out for July I’m like oh my gosh my Summer’s half over well my dad will be here this week that’s what I’m getting yeah do you pick a golf course yet I still haven’t you’re going to be uh you’re going to be hard pressed to find a tea time that’s not like 5:00 p.m. on Friday morning yes it’s Father’s Day weekend I’m going to do it tomorrow tomorrow I’ve been so busy trying to do a bunch of stuff around here I’m someone in the chat remind her cuz I Promise You by tomorrow someone someone Someone remind her okay we have you have a time limit on your ability to or your time that you can answer this okay but we did have another text from Mark in Omaha he said do you think n will play a part in college athletes staying in college longer it was a two-part question but let’s just let you answer that do you think niil will play a part in college athletes staying longer especially with all the money that’s coming in because they could potentially make more money right as College athletes and they would maybe not NFL but some of the other sports they could make more money I think I think NFL and basketball will always and forever be hey if you can go go right you have a fine out amount of window to play in the NFL or to be in the NBA and make booo bucks but if you’re if you’re I mean if you’re in the other sports I mean red shirting taking an extra year or even if you’re a guy that’s going to be looked at as maybe a low round draft pick right take that extra year right if you’re a junior think about declaring early take that extra year make that extra money give yourself more springboard heading out of college and you know I think it really will affect guys staying I also think there may be potential for litigation down the road of who says that 5 years is the max you can stay in college right why why why who are you to regulate how much money I can make as a college athlete right like why is there if the NCAA doesn’t exist in a few years because we go to this professional model why would you say I can only stay for five years oh my gosh more threads more threads to pull it’s wild okay Mark in Omaha let’s change the subject said FYI honey on pizza iset oh hot honey hot honey on a pepperoni pizza like a with a little bit of kick to it it’s one of my favorites there’s a place in Omaha that has a hot honey pizza that’s phenomenal I can’t think name of it noted I’ll have to try that okay uh we got to get to a break we got to give Cole stroke of the week plenty of time everyone’s favorite segment so keep it here Husker fans check out the all new high ve Perks program sign up for the totally free high ve Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks Hivey is an official grocery partner of huskar Athletics and is your onstop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier happier visit your local hi ve today [Applause] did I forget something no just wanted to tell you I love you oh don’t forget to buckle up drive safe 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$299 doc me you with signing stock number GG 24279 offer expires July 1st 2024 see deal for details welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John de dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field Cole likes that little addition I do I always like when we give a little bit extra you know we We Them often around here and so it’s nice good to change it up to new energy of Acres around to oh my gosh they the best Kevin is awesome okay you know what time it is and Sir is so he’s looking forward to all day up this morning with performance anxiety for you I’m ready Cole’s joke of the week he also needs a sponsor if anyone’s interested we need we need a sponsor for this as well this this a short joke this week okay why was the duck arrested is this a Scotty sheffler joke no no no why was the ducked the duck arrested he was suspected of selling quack nicely done I like it I like it you got you got away from the joke book this week that’s right yeah yeah but we’ll probably be back running out of material uh so s how how this works is people send in their ratings of his joke every week do you have where would you rate at one through 10 that’s a solid six and a half okay and and he that’s a success for him six above six and above right is is your goal yeah it’s passing what’s your highest we’ve seen 10 he had 10 you can never give a 10 cuz once you give a 10 well he started off with like threes and then he got better better better once you give a joke a 10 like you have to top that joke to get another 10 I I would say in my defense you should have heard some of these jokes okay that’s fair I didn’t hear them but I’m just saying like to give a 10 is saying like you’re setting a new bar you’re setting a brand new standard that it has to be better than that in order to be I think a great score is like an 88 to a n okay well here you go which I also think people like him so they give him higher higher marks you know that’s fair okay so we have Shane Jensen gives you an 8.78 Husker in Handover a six crypto always breaks it down 9.5 for delivery nine for originality uh 9.5 for funny and a perfect 10 because Kio is my gangster her hero thank you Krypto Krypto krypto’s the goat too great yeah and then Justin gives you an 8.68 Andy gave you a 10 uh Ethan 4 hours to Lincoln can’t just hand out tens that was a quality dad joke that’s a nine D gives you an eight these guys are generous Jeremiah on our text line we’ve got 7.5 from Dennis Anonymous 7.5 85 I mean yeah I mean okay you got to give the shout out to the if you’re getting these how bad were the threes like cuz these people are generous like these are generous scores like Cole they like this segment okay uh Carla our favorite Carla very good Cole got to give it an 8.5 um you got a 7.5 Dennis gives you a 7.5 and art and Los Angeles always wants a b joke and so um he said with Cole’s joke it was knee slapping funny thanks Cole I can’t walk now but he didn’t give you a rating 10 that’s that’s like a seven joke right there like gives you an 8.75 Mark says gives you an eight did you record that joke on duct tape oh LOL that’s good um we need to get we need to get a rubric here we need a grading scale we need a grading scale for the jokes so it can be easily right so it can be easily like this is why you got this right like I hear you you get an eight because of this this this this is why you got a two right and you never give a 10 I don’t think Carter um the Z swist rate you not send in his own joke but he said why can’t cows wear flipflops they lactose they [Music] lactose that’s a fairly good one to oh there we go all right I think um I think that’s it no I think that’s the one okay well thank you so much for being here oh my gosh it was it flew by great week so fun greatek we’ll look forward to you’re going to be back here in a couple weeks I’ll come back on in July and hopefully Craig will be able to join us too but thanks to C and Cole all week we’ve had a busy busy week next week uh we’re going to have John Baylor John Baylor going to be uh stopping by and helping us out next week so have a great weekend Husker nation and thanks for listening in all weekend go Big Red hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproof in basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers a few drinks at home after work a couple of hits at a party with some friends over-the-counter drugs for a minor illness a new daily prescription and you’re not quite sure how it makes you feel it doesn’t just matter how much of a substance you take if it impairs you driving becomes deceptively dangerous don’t drive impaired paid for by the ndot highway safety [Music] office hey Huskers it’s a new day in Nebraska manzer equipment merch farm equipment and west Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and turf coach rule is bringing Innovation and high performance standards to Husker football and true a is doing the same to your farm with game-changing fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catching Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and 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