Golf Players

‘I don’t think I’ve had more fun on a golf course in a long time’: Hughes on his third round

Mackenzie Hughes followed up his incredible six-under 64 on Friday with a three-under 67 on Saturday to sit four shots back of leader.

all right McKenzie Hughes another very solid day out there I’m sure it was uh boosted by the large crowds that were following you pretty much every step very loud but how did it feel to you today you know I felt pretty good I I think there was times where you know like I said the the hair on my on my neck and my arms were standing up and I was you know feeling jolts of energy from the crowd and uh that was really cool um you know in particular the rink hole or uh my birdie p on number 10 uh birdie number four from about 85 ft or whatever it was so I think some of those moments really stand out and I think I did a pretty good job of handling all the the noise and the distractions going on out there and kind of leaned into it and embraced it and like I was saying before I don’t think I’ve had more fun on a golf course in a long time you said yesterday you wanted to try and play free try and play just in the moment take the crowd out of it were you able to kind of keep that flow going today I say I did I did a pretty good job I I mean I’m going to have to do an even better job tomorrow but I think I I did a really nice job of that and um my focus will be there again tomorrow to to not try to win this tournament but to let it come to me and and uh kind of stay out my own way so that’s uh that’s easier said than done but uh I know what I have I know I have what it takes and uh tomorrow will be a big day obviously with lots of uh adrenaline and and nerves but uh it’s going to be a lot of fun you put on the sweater of Bill bath the friend of yours who who passed away recently on the 13th hole that’s not something you usually see in the middle of a tournament like that but are you feeling his presence here carrying you forward yeah for sure I I like I said I’ve been thinking about him a lot for the last uh month and um still doesn’t really seem real that he’s not uh here with us and uh whenever I look out into the crowd I mean I’m reminded of when I was here last time and there was lots of chance for me but probably even more so for him and uh my family and friends all just adored Bill and yeah kind of missing those cheers and uh so kind of bringing him out there with me with the Jersey is kind of a a neat way to honor him you’re going out in the second last group with Ryan Fox what’s the game plan that you’ll take with you to the first te on Sunday honestly it’ll be just like I was today um I’ll try and get off to a nice start um and you know a lot depends on what Robert does if he gets off to a blazing start he’ll be tough to catch but I think I can only control myself so I’ll just go out there and and do my thing and see kind of see where that puts me will you allow yourself to think about the wh if tonight yeah I mean I it’s too hard not to so I’ll I’ll allow myself to do that and then uh kind of refocus and you know my mind will always jump and then I’ll jump I’ll bring it back and it’ll jump and I’ll bring it back and uh again even standing here it’s hard not to you know wonder what that might be like but a long way to go and um you know Big H to climb good luck on Sunday all right thanks Bob for


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