Golf Players


In this video I will be talking about the best way to practice shifting your weight properly in the golf swing.

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in this video I’m going to show you guys how to practice your weight shift I think this is so important to be able to make the swing look a a lot more smooth and to produce a lot more power without having to physically swing it much faster so if you know how to practice this then it’ll be easier to implement and I think it’ll be make better use of what you do if you’re trying to work on this so this will kind of be like a follow along so the next time you practice you can turn this on and watch but I’ll just progressively show you how to start with some drills and slowly kind of implement or change things up to a full swing and and and apply the same feelings so that you can apply this to your shots or maybe even do some small shots so that you know for sure that you’re actually doing it correctly okay so to practice weight shift I first usually get some players to use or do some drills to get a feel for the right sequence and things like that awareness of what they have to do so I I have this board on the ground that kind of tilts kind of left and right as you shift your weight so this is something that just gives you a lot of feedback which is really important in your practice um just to ensure that you’re doing things correctly if you want to know more about this board I’ll leave a link in the description box for you to view it and also a link for you to purchase one if you’d like having this versus not having it can make a big difference um it usually gets people to feel things a lot more um than than without it so when you’re standing on it you can kind of see it’s kind of tilting left and right and you can do this this first drill without a club so I usually get people to kind of um just grab your shoulders like this Cross Your Arms you want to start on leaning it a little bit to the left side or your lead side first thing I kind of explain actually is you see how I can make the board tilt left and right without like shifting my whole body left and right okay and and that means that when I step I’m I’m actually just being able to shift pressure versus kind of swaying or sliding things sliding my body so we want to do it to where we don’t slide but we still shift pressure okay with your hand on your shoulder on the left side what you want to do is you always have to start with a shift a slight shift to the trail side first so you’re going to make the board tilt to the right before you turn Okay so the mistake first mistake I see is that people like turn and shift at the same time and that’s wrong so you want to always even the back swing and downswing you always do the tilting or the movement of the pressure first before you start your turn you don’t want to like turn and then move your pressure you don’t want to turn and move the pressure at the same time you have to move the board first before you turn in the back swing and then you move the board to the left first before you turn into the down swing so right away I get people to understand that the the the general sequence is a shift turn shift turn Okay follows that order you’re going to do this like a couple times or until you kind of get the sequence down but it’s a shift to the right turn shift to the left turn again you don’t shift and turn shift and turn at the same time okay or what’s even worse is if you turn shift turn shift that’s impossible okay that’s really bad all right so again shift turn shift turn okay I get people to follow that to start so you do that a couple times to get the sequence down shift turn shift turn so once you get that down and you feel comfortable then I I kind of progress to hands down so hands together now you’re getting closer to what it feel like to to grip a club right so you do this now what I see again is people move their arms and they shift okay so remember you don’t want to move anything until after you’ve shifted the board okay so you’re shifting to the right you turn shift to the left and you turn okay in the down swing again I see people do this they they move their arms and then they shift okay so don’t move anything until after you’ve shifted right I can’t say that enough I know I’ve repeated like 20 times already but shift turn shift see how I’m like my my arm is still here and I turn Okay shift turn shift turn so once you can get a handle of doing the sequence with your arms out then you do you just grab your Club again still no ball so when you grab your Clum again all the same sequence don’t don’t think about um like position of your back swing yet you’re only focusing on applying this sequence of weight shift only okay so you’re starting a little on the left side you shift turn shift turn shift turn shift turn one more time shift turn shift turn okay okay so that’s a great way to kind of warm up even without hitting balls yet to get the right feel and then with the board we can actually add a ball to it now again you can hit balls while standing on the board and I I know you’ll you’ll probably be a bit little bit elevated okay but the the point is you don’t have to hit like perfect gol shots with this okay the point is to just having the ball there might might change what you feel or what you do right just makes it a little bit more more realistic as we go along so with the ball on the ground and you’re in your setup position with the club remember when you’re standing on the board you’re starting your starting point is to lean it onto the lead side just a little bit okay you don’t have to put like 100% of your weight on there or anything just just just enough to make the board tilt left so you can do this very slow and take your time when you’re doing it but remember you’re Shifting the board to the right see I didn’t move my club yet I didn’t move my upper body yet so you’re starting on the left you tilt it to the right you turn you tilt it to the left then you turn okay you see how slowly I did that not not fast at all yet right you don’t want to go fast until you get really confident with it so again starting on the left side tilt the board right turn left turn and then eventually you can do that as many times as you’d like until you get a handle of it but once you do feel like you get a handle of it you can do it a little bit faster you don’t have to go full out 100% okay maybe just a little bit faster than what you’re practicing okay so you know to shift turn shift turn the mistake a lot of people make is when they’re on this board and they start to see a ball on the ground they’re too much in a in a rush to hit the ball you’ll notice that you have to take your time you have to make sure remember the rule is you cannot turn until after you’ve shifted weight for the most part everybody does the back swing correct okay it’s the it’s coming down where people make all the mistakes so the mistake I see is that they go back they turn and then they kind of move their arm and their weight at the same time you can kind of see I’m I’m moving my arm my weight okay or what happens is that they go back perfect and then they they swing their arm and then after they hit it the the board moves okay which is also incorrect means that you swung down with your weight still on your right foot so remember you have to make sure that that board gets to the left first so that means you have to almost feel like you’re you’re delaying or a lot longer than you think that’s the mistake that people get aware of so the next progression after this focuses on the timing at which you move your weight okay but again I’ll just demonstrate this one more time I might show it in slow motion so you can see perhaps when I’m shifting my weight but this swing right here when I do this okay you’re going to go shift turn shift turn and and the weight shift at this point I I explain happens much earlier than you think you don’t want to actually get to the very top and set and then try to move everything left okay remember you have to be in constant motion for it to be smooth okay otherwise you’re just going to it’s actually quite tough if I get everything on this side and I have to forcibly try to move everything to the to my lead side okay so make sure you go as slow as possible so you get the you have to first get the sequence correct no matter how slow you go okay remember shift then turn then shift then turn all right so we’ll go on to the next progression so now the final stage of the progression I’m just starting with my feet together now um the alignment sticks of the clubs are kind of just outside the border of my feet this is like kind of a step drill um I also kind of went over this a little bit in a previous video this is great at the end of the progression just before you kind of apply this to a full swing you don’t have to do this with a ball yet okay I usually get people to do this without a ball but they they still have the club in their hand now but the starting point is to actually step okay then you turn then you step then you turn Okay so this is this drill is more specific about the timing of your weight shift whereas with the board on the ground you’re just getting feedback as to if you’re like how much you’re moving your weight or if you are moving your right weight in the right order now the the struggle is not so much the back swing everyone gets the back swing so now in the downswing I see people swinging and stepping okay or they step and they swing but they don’t actually move their pressure when they’re stepping those are the two big mistakes that I make or that people make what you want to do first is when you step and move the pressure a little bit then you turn you can see that when I’m stepping on this opposite side you can see that I’m I’m almost I’m still doing my back swing when I’m doing it that’s what uh I try to teach people when they do this progression here so when you go to the step and you turn most people go to the very top and then they step but that’s too late okay so again it’s really important for you to understand that the weight shift happens a lot earlier than you think when you step to the lead side and you’re still turning right you can see that I’m actually moving my body in like opposite directions again so I’m turning to the right but my my weight and my my step is towards the target it’s to the left so that’s what people don’t get when they when they do this okay so step you turn and you kind of see that motion here okay and when I’m stepping I have to feel that pressure moving into that lead foot before I swing the opposite way okay the proper way is going to look like this so you’re going to step turn step turn Okay 100% of my weights on the left side in the follow through again do this a couple times do it really slowly you go step turn step and I’m you can see I’m still kind of about 70% of the way back and then I’m stepping and I’m turning okay so again we’ll do it properly one more time and you can maybe replay this in slow motion just so you can have a better sense but you can watch this as many times as you’d like but I’m stepping turning stepping turning okay so you can really see that step turn step turn Okay so again once you have a handle of it then the hardest end of the progression is with a ball there right tends to change whenever the ball’s there so with the ball on that on the ground now You’ apply it same thing step turn step turn Okay one more time step turn step okay you’re going to really have to feel like you’re taking your time trying to hit the ball most people are too much in a rush so you got to feel the weight shifting first before you start to turn remember that’s the key here okay so you went through all the progressions all the drills so now nothing no weights right so now you’re going to go into a normal POS standing position over the ball and now when you shift the weight you’re you’re not stepping anymore so you got to really feel that weight moving AC between your feet okay so when I’m taking my back swing again I’m shifting that little bit of weight to the right foot first and then I’m taking it back then I’m sh shifting my weight to the left and then I’m swinging okay so again if it looks if youve done everything correct I’ll do it really slowly but shift turn shift turn now the faster that you swing obviously that sequence happens a little bit faster okay so if you’re practicing it really slow and you got a handle of it try to practice the same sequence but at your normal speed so the timing of of this weight shift will be different when you’re swinging it harder okay so when you’re swinging it harder maybe after I hit this you can kind of see it in slow motion but you’ll be able to see after I hit that shot or when I replay it in slow motion you can kind of see that that same sequence is there I have this little bit of shift off the ball I turn and then that shift back to the left and then I turn hopefully if you go through this progression um you can start with getting a a general sense of it and it progressively gets more and more specific and more realistic


  1. Brilliant!! – I actually made my own board a few months ago- but this video – breaks it all down perfectly- fantastic!!! – the modification on the step-into-it drill is great – best I have seen – Thanks Jonathan!! 🙂 – I am going to reset and start slowely again until I get it right ! – Perfect video for syncronisation too 🙂 – this puts it all together and swing can flow now.

  2. The amazing part of this video is the perfect ground clip you make while elevated at least an inch off the ground. That is what we hackers cannot do. The complication of this rhumba you are teaching securely unnecessary and confusing. Starting on the left side and pressing up with the left leg accomplished 95% of this. Your teaching is becoming more and more complicated and timing dependent.

  3. Amazing videos, Jonathan! I’d like to request a video on hitting woods please? Stance, ball position, swing thoughts etc. thank you!

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