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Should the Jets be frustrated with Aaron Rodgers? | NFL | SPEAK

Aaron Rodgers missed mandatory mini-camp, and New York Jets HC Robert Saleh spoke about his absence saying “Aaron and I are on the exact same page.” Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, James Jones, and LeSean McCoy ask if the Jets should be frustrated with Rodgers.

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Should the Jets be frustrated with Aaron Rodgers? | NFL | SPEAK


y’all know if there’s an Aaron Rogers conversation speak is your home for it because they’re the only show every day you got Aaron Rogers former teammate on the show to talk about it he won a Super Bowl with Aaron roders James you heard my frustrations yesterday I think it’s completely unacceptable that he was not at mandatory mini camp every other quarterback in the National Football League is at mandatory mini camp but Aaron Rogers is not I think it’s completely unacceptable I’m frustrated but it’s not about me should the Jets be frustrated with Rogers man this is crazy man this is really no they should not be frustrated with Aaron Rogers since like I said yesterday Since Aaron Rogers has become a New York Jet he has done everything right besides four plays pop his Achilles in four plays but when you talk about being a teammate right we’ve seen him at basketball games hockey games whatever it may be all the voluntary stuff that we are not talking about Aaron Rogers has been at all the voluntary stuff nobody nobody is talking about there been plenty of people around the league miss a lot of practice days whether it’s voluntary mandatory whatever it may be and it’s not talked about he has done every sing every single thing right since he became a New York Jet and we are getting on airon Rogers by three days of mini camp to where you don’t even really participate like that and last year it was so important they cancelled the whole thing so for me listen you can’t please everybody but this is not a big deal at all we talking about mini camp we talking about practice and we just practiced a 100 times together with OTAs so this is not a big deal for me at all joy should the Jets be frustrated should they be frustrated no I’m frustrated um I am not frustrated with Aaron Rogers for once um I don’t think this is a big deal uh now they canceled it last year because they had the Hall of Fame game so the season started a week early and that was their explanation for why they didn’t they didn’t want to have it right but I’m saying like there’s a little context for why they didn’t have mini camp whether you thought was the right thing to do to cancel it or not it didn’t really end up mattering because he tour his kiles anyway play look any help somebody else he the Jets haven’t been to the playoffs in 13 years if they don’t make the playoffs this year Robert Salah might be gone amongst others he has a 18 and 33 record the best that he’s done since he’s been there is seven and 10 they are not a good franchise Aaron Rogers and everyone in the building is trying to change that so you can argue the margins are where you get better and that everything counts you know nothing is everything everything is something I can’t get outraged over two days of mini camp but I could see the the Jets being frustrated not because he’s not there but more because of what him not being there has caused like the attention that it’s brought it is New York this is not Green Bay people have questions you’re dealing with the New York media the expectations are high where is he at why isn’t he there why didn’t he plan his wherever he is around this mini camp All Those Questions need answers and look you get paid a lot of money to answer questions to the media it’s not the worst thing there’s better there’s worst ways to make a living so you know I don’t have a whole lot of stress I don’t care about this at all but I could see Robert Salah being a little frustrated about it well I mean I just looking at James here just give his take is like somebody’s a little biased here now I really don’t care because I mean like many camps and OTAs aot you doing all these different plays you’re practicing them and during the game you’re not going to do that right so players on the team a team full of players I know A-Rod and myself I was there I didn’t know a lot of some of the dudes names because they not going to be there you know how it is like some guys that come here for the the camp bodies right right goty come here for this week he’s going next week so I get all that that’s how it doesn’t matter to me but I will say this in all my years of playing football talk about it quarterbacks or Hall of Famers or Elite guys wherever you want to put them at quarterbacks don’t miss mini camps and OTAs and stuff like that they don’t really do that that’s not their thing it’s like a coach missing it so I guess I can see what people may may look at this like yo it’s it’s a concern I really don’t care because I’m that type of player long as a going be there for the game and real camp but for James just act like it don’t matter at all it don’t it’s crazy because no quarterback n has ever done that since I’ve been around I mean maybe different Jets fans should absolutely be frustrated um because they should look at their team and now realize their team has turned into a reflection of Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers who is he as a person at least that we he thinks that he’s smarter than everybody else remember when they asked hey have you been vaccinated or I’ve been immunized he thinks that he should be the general manager he was saying wait why didn’t the Packers construct the roster like this hey Jets y’all should get Lazard hey Jets y’all should get Cobb hey what did Lazard and Cobb contribute to the Jets team last year he thinks he should be the head coach remember when Lesean McCoy’s Bucks beat the Packers to go on to the Super Bowl Aaron Rogers questioning Matt laf flor’s decision though it was the right decision if not for a phantom Pi call on Kevin King and now what do they think the Jets have the longest playoff drought in the NFL but realize they don’t need mini camp every other team needs mini camp every other quarterback needs mini camp but oh Aaron Rodgers youve reached the stage of Enlightenment only you Aaron Rogers have realized Patrick Mahomes yes he hasn’t realized yet that you don’t need mini camp Lamar Jackson he hasn’t realized it Joe Burl Josh Allen they haven’t realized it but you Aaron Rogers you’ve realized it and now the Jets they too have reached Enlightenment though they have the longest playoff drought in the NFL and tied for the longest playoff drought in all of the four major American Sports but the Jets have realized that they don’t need what every other NFL team seems to think is necessary but no not the Jets not Aaron roders that’s why I have an issue with it James Jones because Aaron roders is once again acting as though he knows something nobody else knows he did it from 2020 to 2024 he’s done it on the football field he’s done it off the football field Oh Aaron roders a great Mighty wise one he’s acting like he’s the smartest person in the building but if you’re ever the smartest person in a room you’re usually the dumbest person in the room cuz why’d you went to room with a bunch of people that are less intelligent than you and that’s my issue with Rogers and the Jets they should be frustrated cuz they’re looking at their team and their team has turned into a depiction of this individual Rogers got to show up when these games in this training camp come around that that that that that’s all I’mma say I’ve been around Aaron Rogers for a very long time he’s a really close friend to me and to be honest with you he wouldn’t even really want me up here defending him like this he probably say JJ hell with everybody you know what I mean so I ain’t going to say hell with y’all but you up gey cuz this right here is is crazy we are talking about a two-day mini camp changing the course why hasn’t anybody else the course why hasn’t anybody else canel it James Jones listen why even if you haven’t cancelled I’ve been a part of a lot of mini camps and I only could speak on me being under coach Mike McCarthy at mini camps as a starter a veteran whatever we took no reps we were there to clap hands ra ra you you doing good you look like you lost weight you’ve been working out all that good stuff right if you a contract dude and you’ve been holding out or whatever if you didn’t get your deal done you weren’t there if you did get your deal done we finally see you that’s what that’s for we didn’t take no reps so mini camp really didn’t mean that much to us talk days the Tom Brady skip I remember obviously he had some personal issues and during training camp but the Tom Brady on your Super Bowl Journey no Tom ain’t doing that Tom there wait we I mean you you a have no reps to mini camp like I mean couple reps but you did have some reps we have some reps but though like but like aon’s really so if you was I don’t I don’t mind what he did I don’t really care right long as you’re there for the real C but if you’re asking me if he’s a looked at as a great leader right I don’t hear people say that about Aaron roggers when you ask when you ask players about Aaron Rogers that played with him oh wow I didn’t realize that yeah I mean just let think about it they’re GNA say like yo he’s super great talent one of these all of fam but they don’t only talk about him as like leader right look at some of his his other than James been one of his best receivers cuz James a little biased right but I like it about James cuz I heard that somebody say something about me he going to be like that so I like that I’m guys like Greg Jennings oh wow Pro Bowl receiver really really good really good player do you know what he said about him James huh wasn’t good we just like that jichael Finley good tight Endo you see what he said did hear what he said lot of bad things all I’m saying is when you look at some of the great quarterbacks of this game right you hear about the work ethic you hear about the preparation you hear stand the third there’s some guys that be great quarterbacks yeah but you don’t hear players talking about how hard they work or or how dedicated they are how it’s a lot of guys like that like A’s in that group I think Big Ben’s in that group right the other dudes like the Joe Marana and Steve Young’s like the Tom Brady’s like the pay M when you hear their guys talk about them they always talk about how hard they work how disciplined they are how focused they are how much of a leader they are so my thing with A-Rod is I’m not really mad at him of this because the players I talked to and really seeing what they said he’s not known as a leader right a good player though this this what I will say about 12 because leadership comes in a bunch of different ways right so what’s a leader do you Shady a guy that uh that’s a great example of what we should be like right um he’s um he helps everybody out on the team right got he’s never has a weak moment that we can see he’s always encouraging he’s never um shine away from being the leader right and the best thing is this he’s never gonna ask us to do something that he’s not willing to do that’s a true leader gotcha all right so everything you just said is Aaron the dude that I’ve been around now when you talk about when you talk about motivating and talking to people or you know this one teammate said this oh the relationship might be Rocky Aaron Rogers gonna be the first one in that building Aaron Rogers gonna be the last one to watch that film the first one in there to watch that film Aaron Rogers is going to be on that practice field if it ain’t Aaron has been the call me text me after good game game whatever it may that’s the type of dude he is so when you talk Le the last part is if we don’t do well after the game the press conference it was his fault it was his fault I watched Tommy right it’s all our fault the press conference came I got to be better I didn’t play with to day I did this I did that we like no you didn’t yes he did so when you say all that about a that’s cool but I seen right cuz I know you played with him so I can’t take it away from you but what I seen is the young receiver since last year in a Green Bay yo it was they fault cuz you seen that right you seen him say that okay cuz most leaders don’t do that I understand man you’re not pleasing everybody you’re going to nitpick everything when it comes to certain people it’s just what come with it just finger po not Nick just finger pointing finger point whatever it may be I know the type of dude he is man I wish you play with Tommy dog so you can see the difference I’m glad I play with 12 not bad he’s not bad guy if you want more championships you know what I’m saying you go you know what mean if you want a real leader you go to him I’m glad I got one though they get one got subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1


  1. It sounds like that one dude on the panel is the only frustrated person in America about Aaron Rodgers😂

  2. James Jones would've had possibly multiple rings playing with Tom or at least a lot of shots at them, Aaron got them one and that's pretty much it. Tom's a vastly better leader at the QB position

  3. 2 QBs have had unexcused absences from mini camp since 2020, both are named Aaron Rodgers, if it's not a big deal and nobody cares, why does everyone else do it

  4. no not yet but if he has a poor training camp and preseason they might have to make plans to move in another direction quickly.
    he has not played a full quarter so we cannot be critical of his play as the qb.
    they do need him to be more cooperative with the system so that he has familiarly with his receivers.
    lite contact but he should be on the practice field because of who is and not use this as an example that its the receivers who don't know the plays and not that he's playing poorly

  5. Aaron Rodgers is Selfish. That's why JJ is up there wearing blinders. He is not a leader. He is the type of person who blames others. Please what you are describing is a friend not a leader

  6. Omg, James should not be involved in any ARod conversations. He has admitted that he cannot be unbiased when it comes to his man crush. His comments about anything ARod-related are so predictable. You don't even need to watch the segment to know what he's going to say.

  7. To everyone saying it's not a big deal – this isn't about whether mini-camps are important, Aaron Rodgers needing practice, or the impact on wins and losses.

    It's about the leader setting the tone from day one, showing every player, coach, and fan that we will be professional, accountable, and work hard, no matter how small the event.

    It's about demonstrating to this dysfunctional franchise what true professionalism and dedication look like.

    It's about showing that we will be focused, dedicated, and determined, whether it's mini-camp, training camp, practice, a 1 PM Sunday game, or 2 minutes left in the Super Bowl.

    That's what this topic is really about. That's why its a big deal.

  8. I swear joy & McCoy go together lool they always stick together wen it come to Rogers

  9. People behind the scenes must be hearing people complain about jones and his unrelenting love affair with ARod… Cause Shady and Acho called him out on it.

  10. All these former players can't judge anything. Aaron Rodgers didn't do anything for the jets and jones claim Trevor Lawrence got paid too soon
    Aaron rodgers is history

  11. Aaron can throw 40 ints this season and his boyfriend james jones is gonna defend him more than his own kids 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  12. Shady just forever in love with TB12 for his second participation trophy SB ring. What a guy. Two SB rings in back to back years and he has the same number of snaps in both of them that we did. I love how he cherry picks Jermichael Finley and Greg Jennings as coming out talking smack about Rodgers as a teammate but nobody mentions guys like Devante Adams and Aaron Jones saying he's a stand up guy who they both credit for getting their opportunities. But that doesn't fit the narrative right so we'll just sweep those under here. Get real pine rider.

  13. I like how James can be honest with other players abilities, talent but when it comes to Aaron Roger's, he makes a lot of excuses and doesn't say the real truth, like Shady do

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