Developing the softest shots #dangrievegolf

okay good right Sun so we need to get a little bit more cupping of the wrist a little bit more there and then I want you to have less Force through like your Arc your hand arcs a little bit wide this side okay so we need to narrow it more so I want you to feel like you’re going to cup it here get a bit of width here with with the hinging and cupping of the wrist but then feel like it’s going to be shorter in here that makes sense so it’s more in there whereas you’re a little bit bit wide at the moment so you can see it’s in there and that’s what gives you the control on the spin okay in here so it’s um let’s get you set up there put Club here on don’t worry about it you won’t hit it but it’s just going to help your arm stay closer to it there you go all right there you go nice let pops up so much softer yeah look how this looks class here now see you dra there it’s not way out here yeah


  1. Dan, overall I've been applying your chipping methods for about a year, and I've been applying your pitching methods since March. More often than not, I hit a good shot, but occasionally I hit a complete shank (low and almost straight to the right). This tends to occur more on shorter, trickier shots inside of 30 yards. Any idea what most frequently causes this? Overall, I love your stuff!

  2. Had hand surgery in January and lost 100% of my chipping game. Your vids are slowly helping me get it back, thank you

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