Golf Players

Dunlop Winter Extreme Festival – Zwartkops Raceway

Livestream of all the action from the fourth round of the 2024 Regional Extreme Festival. Live from Zwartkops Raceway in Pretoria.

[Music] back [Applause] for this [Music] any [Applause] stand go need [Music] well it’s a very good morning for me Brendan Kelly joining me in commentary today uh Denver bigs uh Denver I think we are in for an absolute Cracker Jack day here at the Dunlop winter festival at quad pops Raceway yes thank you Brandon and it is going to be a cold fresh day but the racing will be hot that’s is for sure and we looking for forward to a great day out at the BM uh sorry the Dunlop extreme winter festival yeah lots of classes competing obviously the the mobile V8 Supercars the payar VW challenge then we’ve got the bmwm performance parts uh race series as well uh pharoh energy triple one GT Sports and saloons including super hatch and then last but not least the DOA uh formula V partnered with cim luri Tech so a really full day and uh as you mentioned uh quite uh the the wind has got quite a bite to it uh proper proper Winters morning on the high fi indeed and I was just down in my vehicle and the temperature on the gauge actually read 6 and 1 12° so I would say that they put the track temperature around 2 and 1 half somewhere around there very cold track so the guys are going to have to watch it in the first couple of laps just to make sure that their tires get up to speed speed obviously they’ve all got tie warmers and that sort of thing but they’re going to have to get to Race speed and get those ties up to temperature we saw in turn eight in practice a couple of cars coming off there and that is one thing they’re going to have to watch especially the left hand first left-handed Corner which is turn and eight um so that’s going to be a bit of a problem yeah we saw a couple of cars a couple of guys came un stuck in in practice yesterday so uh We’ve we’ve lost a couple of the guys we’ll get to those guys as they as we we go through the various classes but some of the big hitters that unfortunately uh that uh dropped out yesterday a lot of blown Motors gearbox issues as well especially amongst the BMW guys but uh we already lined up for the first race of the day and that is the payar VW challenge you want to go through the the gri positions indeed and in pul position it is Peter Hills right up next to him is ly Johnson Jansen and then we have Jonathan H and Theodore forar in third and fourth on the grid then Sha vinda on the third row and right up next to him is Kyle Watt and then we have Richard car on the fourth row of the grid and Brandon Hills up next to him then Marcel bote Trevor Hills six row the grid is Jayden Trump Yanni haer next to him David Austin and Clinton Kane on row seven I think you’ve got the wrong category there Denver you on formula V the first up is the payar challenge so let’s just uh know that uh Wayne Masters along on the first row of the grid alongside his brother Bavon uh Dean Ross and then Miguel Das on the second row and the third row over the grid Luigi Pharaoh so an action-packed race awaits we watching the lights waiting the lights go out and we are good to go for the first race of the day and a great great start getting there looks like the whole shot went to Wayne Masters and Bon Masters right up next to him and then Dean Ross so they line of stone as they head as the second class heads out Class B goes off and then we see the class sees off Under The Lights as well so as they head down into turn four oh a bit of ay bgy there between the two masters brothers and heading up down that b bit of a straightway as they head into that very fast right Ander at the back of the circuit through turn three they go and it’s the number nine of beavon Masters that has managed to get ahead of Wayne at this stage and a little bit of a gap growing but between him and Dean Ross so a gra and this is the first lap so bear in mind that a lot of guys are taking a we that absolutely sideways there from Dean Ross as they head down the hill and now we we need to be careful cuz this will be the first left-hander that they’ll be coming to shortly and as as you see a bit of a resulting damage from that Ari in turn two as they started Stuart Mack carrying some damage we oh it’s beavon Masters that has come and done that’s a a rare mistake there from Masters I managed to still very very cold track conditions and you can see it’s evident from the the the guys going through the corner sideways a couple of them going through there so uh I managed to catch up with um Wayne Masters he just gave me a heads up as to what’s happening in the series uh guys are running flowed heads now and especially amongst the group a guys so matching up on the on the heads just trying to uh level the playing fields there a little bit uh to keep this as competitive as possible and in class C we saw as they came through it was Andy Gosman leading it out in the class C’s now we’re going to see it we going to start to see a bit of a gap developing in in the class A cars because B Mar is lost on that left-hander that we were warning about and that’s a left-hander going onto the straight with the cold tires and yeah he lost it on there so we are up and running into the main part of the race now we on to lap two and in front we still see wayne Masters in he’s following by Luigi Foo and then Dean Ross holding on to that third he is now taken that place from Deon Masters sorry second Luigi perro took second from um be Masters and then Dean Ross has started himself into third with Miguel di in fourth there’s actually been a change of positions in the a class the running there Wayne Masters that leads Dean Ross having now got into second Miguel di is third beavon Masters having recovered up to fourth place then in fifth it’s Nicole Lombard and then the b class it’s Stuart Mack that leads from ja Hayes and then Shirin Raj Paul followed by devil Terron in fourth straight onto the cclass we go it is Jud beral young Jud beral the man from the polo rookie cup that just been overtaken Chris Tate having gone into the lead there andy Gosman in third followed by Mitch CIA down in fourth place so Luigi Farah having a great race out and there they are out in the front there Luigi FOH car number 10 and there’s a bit of a it looks like somebody slowing down there who is that we trying to catch a number and that is the number 29 and that are it’s Miguel Das yeah Miguel Diaz in the 29 car and he was in fourth place so I’m just wondering what is wrong with his car he had his hazards on so it looks like he’ll be pulling into the pits so that means that b MERS is going to inherit that uh fourth place back from him so B marson’s now trying to make inroads now after that Weir bit of an off that he had cuz he’s used being out in the front and out in front is where he wants to be it’s our class class a battle that we were watching coming down the main street down into turn one we can see the front bumper uh from that that Stuart Max front bumper line on the side of the track from that early little bit of a bgi that we saw so it’s Luigi FOH that leads out from Wayne Masters Dean Ross and then beavon Masters having got back up to Fourth Place ahead of Stuart Mack and as we see that battle going on in class B that one is getting very tight so that’s a good battle going on in class B between those three cars it is Stuart Mack that leads out Class B with Shar ha is just behind him followed by shiran rajal oh Bumper to Bumper side by side stuff touching Wing mirrors as they came through there and yeah back l in between number 58a Kia and number 69 with Jo Hayes and it’s a very close tussle between them as they head up to the top of the circuit hard breaking to that very tight right hander that double set of right-handers as they go through P the Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy that’s a good race and they are starting to catch up behind them as well so all the b car are starting to become a bit of a close formation so it’s a good dice going on there for class Stuart Mackin still enjoying things out in front just having a look at the life timing that just not quite matching what’s on the screen at the moment the b class it looks like it’s uh shiran rajul okay that’s the battle for second place in class B that’s what’s happened there Stuart Mack having broken away and opened up quite a nice big lead over shiran Raj Paul and Jac Hayes down in third place followed by devil teron yes and Josh Wolford also getting amongst that battle there so that that battle for class B is very tight while out in the front there that battle for Class A is quite open now it’s Wayne Masters ahead of Luigi FOH and there’s quite a big gap between them and third place man that’s Dean Ross in class A and he’s third on the track as well B MERS as we mentioned before he had that um offen at the last last quarter onto the straight so he’s making he’s trying to make inroads there but these cars are very evenly matched in class A and someone off the track there Brandon it’s hard to pick up from from here but that’s in turn four just trying dangerous place pick up the number of that car I don’t quite don’t quite get the number but we saw a moment ago we saw the size lead that Stuart Mack has got over shiran Raj Paul in the uh there the B the b class that’s our race leader in class B open up quite a substantial lead and and surprisingly big lead in in class B the guys are normally a lot closer but look at that class keep number 60 in class B as well that’s deal teron deal Ton’s looking very quick out there and he looks like he wants to get past the rest of these guys that are ahead of him and well Stuart Mack is not going to catch as we mentioned he’s way out in front in class B but sharan rajal and Ja Hayes better keep their eyes open because Deval teron is coming onto the class C battle we go and still enjoying over uh the lead there Chris Tate leading Jud beral beral down to Second Andy Gosman running in third followed by Mitch gsia and Andy Gosman also used to running at the the front of Cl so keep an eye on that on that car of his that’s car number 31 he’s normally leading that battle for for cl C so he’s one to watch in that class Wayne Masters now the lead that he has got uh just 085 out in front over second place man Dean Ross so things are going to start getting quite tight as we start running out of laps in race number one one this is a payar VW challenge at the Dunlop winter extreme Festival yeah and you you saw a lot of smoke coming off the back of B Master’s tires as you break for that quarter so you can make sure that that he is trying to make inroads onto that that uh third that Podium place in front of him and that person who holds the last spot on the podium place is Dean Ross onto the SE Closs battle we go and then as you see that Chris Tate his left hand Wing mirror dangling on the side of the car so the action certainly certainly hotting up right throughout all of the classes a b and c in payar VW challenge Luigi phoh well positioned there he’s I wouldn’t say an experimental car but that is a a VW uh Polo cup spec car that that he is testing they’ve turned down they’ve no no boost allowed but they’ve and they’ve just turned down the settings to match to match that car to the rest of the cars and see where it slots in so a bit of an experimental uh drive for Luigi faroh in the number 10 car and the front of that a group race has bunched up a bit now and we see way Mar is really trying hard now because smoke coming billing off his brakes as he tries to hold that place that he’s got out in the front of this race and it’s very tight between him Luigi faroh in that second car and Dean Ross in the third so keep an eye on that race that’s going to go all the way down the wire as been mentioned that Luigi phoh in it so he’s classified as a class X car which classifies him as basically an experimental car but he also can see that car getting inaugurated into the series I’m sure next year unfortunately the second of the cars got written off yesterday there was a big accident in practice yesterday uh five cars involved and then unfortunately two of the two of the cars complete writeoffs um I just managed to chat to uh to uh Josh Josh Wilford yesterday he was one of the guys that managed to get out of it unscathed just I think it was Mike babo that lost it and uh just the knock on effect from that so having lost two of the competitors early yesterday in practice right and that battle is going to go down to the wire that’s a batt Class A between those three Wayne Masters and me m sorry G Ross and Luigi ferero that’s first second and third those your podum Sitters in class A in this BW Challenge and it’s going to really go down the wire and you can see wayne Moss is really having to block and duck and dive to keep that spot that he’s got and that’s the top of the podium as we stand on the track Stuart Max still enjoying the lead in class B in the 51 car gap of uh where are we just on 7 Seconds that he has got over the second place man Shirin rajul but absolutely nothing in it between uh the class a battle up front there Wayne Masters just uh 0758 lead over Dean Ross and there’s nothing yet as we mentioned and Stuart ma holding on to the front of that class b battle and looks like nothing’s going to touch him he is way out in front of that class b battle but the batt is ring for that second place on the podium in the Class B’s and keep an eye that that’s between Shireen Sharin R Bal and Ja Devol teron also mons that with that bum pistol lying on the outside of the turn and that was a first first lap incident that that got left behind still absolutely nothing in the class C battle as well Chris State Chris Tate with a point z uh .333 lead over Andy Gosman so uh with where are we just I think there’s two laps left in the race me just update the timing screen [Music] here as we look at the front of the SE battle heading through and there was c43 having an epic dice looks like we’ve got a change of position possibly happening there that’s the cclass battle and Andy Gosman going into the lead we are actually on the last lap of the race Chris Tate managing to looks like he’s managed to hold on to that lead but that one going to go right down to the very last as they start coming towards the checker flag now heading down that towards that left hander that leads onto the straight away and coming up to some of the back markers IRS leaders and it’s still Wayne Masters in car number four and it looks like he’s going to hold it yes he manages to hold on to it so Wayne Master’s taking away from Luigi phoh and oh wait fantastic recovery drive there from beon Masters to get back up to second place we didn’t see that overtake mve where he managed to do that but somehow pulling a rabbit a rabbit out of a hat there across the line B get second Dean Ross finishes in third and Nicole Lombard rounds out Class A in the class b battle Stuart Mack coming through now still under immense pressure but getting across the line just just ahead of shiran rajul Jac Hayes finishing in third and then dial ton is fourth in class B onto the class C battle we go Chris Tate managed to break away a little bit now now from Andy Gosman looks like he’s got it in the bag in the 42 [Music] car check it flag out and it is indeed Chris Tate that takes the class C win from Andy Gosman Kyle Peterson will get third place uh Jud beral dropped off dropped out of proceedings drops down to fifth there Mitch csia take in fourth and then Philip Cruiser finish in in sixth followed by Cody Peterson in seventh place and then in eighth that’s the 24 car of Dimitri zerio followed by Tyron p in Ninth Place everything you say go out [Music] [Music] right folks this is what our official program looks like we’ve already had race one the pay by VW challenge coming up next BMW M performance parts race series classes d and e and joining me in commentary for this one will be Bernard DEA one of our regular competitors in the bmwm performance uh Parts race series the man that actually is in the hot seat uh so he’s going to move into position shortly and then we’ll get going with the second race of the day the we caught up with a couple of the drivers before we uh let’s have a look at those interviews we caught up with a couple of drivers yesterday and Dave Peterson chatted to a few guys CL e um how’s it going this weekend yeah good um chasing uh bit behind for the morning but uh ring now um engine just been rebuilt so it’s a bit of a take it easy day today and then hopefully tomorrow for qualifying I can be onon it and and up there with the the top of D guys you know so let’s hold thumbs and hope for the best we’ve been watching a bit of the practice looks like it’s quite a traic j out there uh yeah it looks like D’s getting more guys breaking in I seen already this morning one of the E guys broke in I don’t know if any others did and um the times were extremely fast so far this morning so I hope I can keep up with them securu Class E competitor in the BMW category um how’s it going this weekend yeah I know it’s it’s going all good hey um having a fantastic practice it’s just a little bit cold but no complaints it’s yeah it’s going all well and a lot of cars on track right oh no definitely the competition is really high here there’s a lot of cars we’re all super close so I’m looking forward to close racing on Saturday Michael trer new to class E with a new car our first time here at SW what’s it going like it’s going very well coming from a front wheeel um triple one golf going over to rear wheel drive BMW it’s a B of A CH but it’s going well totally different driving start completely different completely different I’m trying this weekend I’m competing in both classes so it’s quite a mind shift to get from the front wheel to the rear wheel all in one day right joining me in the commentary box now Bernard DEA as we mentioned uh Bernard welcome um we should be in for another absolute Humdinger here in the bmwm performance part series hi Brandon yeah well actually I should say thank welcome to you cuz it’s your first time commentating with us welcome H not not quite my first time I had a I had a short stint with Greg Maloney at uh at kyami it was my introduction to the BMW uh class and I’ll tell you what a what a baptism of fire it was I think there were 48 cars out on track all running something together 50 something there’s a correction there um so it was a bit of a baptism of fire but just having having spent some time with the guys in the pits yesterday uh what a fantastic bunch of guys and the com the camaraderie and and um just the the amongst the guys certainly stands out yes definitely you’ll notice a lot of the guys you know if they have issues they help each other I mean yesterday Uncle Mike cobbler he didn’t even come to practice cuz he stayed at the workshop and guys were going there uh old Eddie had to change his gearbox and he did it uh the only ra today un so there’s all that camaraderie the guys help each other got issues and they sort the cars out so yeah we all yeah there’s a few broken cars from yesterday yeah we’ve we unfortunately missing a couple of the the The Heavy Hitters Ray not Miller unfortunately gearbox gearbox he’s replaced all the way to F I think went to the workshop replaced the gearbox got I think 9:00 last night I was still here I saw the truck coming in with the Coro so he did qualify so yeah brilliant stuff there and unfortunately Trevor long battling with the with pneumonia I do believe so uh all the best for him wish him a speedy recovery and then uh Benny late as well unfortunately having blown his motor yeah I was I was coming around turn eight and as I was coming around I just checked smoke and then I saw 21 I Ben he’s he’s got the same C I feel bad for the guy it’s not nice seeing that but is what it is but he’s he’s optimistic he’ll be back uh get the car sorted and he should be he should go to Cape Town I great stuff and then one of the the group a cars Bob Neil unfortunately having having withdrawn as well yeah I think it just after effects of that big chanti in November and something wasn’t lack with the motor and uh during practice on last week wedes I think it was he ran bearings that changed the Mot but wasn’t happy so he had to his unfortunately so let’s have a look at the at the lineup the guys that we should be watching now in in this uh race coming up Pole Position cuis BMA oh he’s actually done quite well you know he I think he started racing last year if if I recall correctly and he’s moved up into CLA D and now he’s a front runner in CL D him and especially Nicholas hers they have a good ding D battle the two E90 330s and then we can’t uh discount georgees he’s we’ll call him the S cop specialist so I think he came in I was watching qu he came in sort of with 5 minutes left and then k b banged in and picked up so I I thought he probably thought he had the the pole position and then we’ve got some new guys that have joined the series recently like Roland Hopkins he’s doing well uh finished if I recall in in the last race last race that we had and one of his uh friends Michael K also from Rand Francisco Fontaine they’ve also joined the series he’s also racing in triple one so he’s he’s also joined the series it’s his first time out in a a beautiful E30 with a 3 to8 hour motor in it um so yeah we’re going to be a bit confused with all these cobblers we’ve got Shane kobbler we’ve got Mike kobbler which is Shane’s father and now we got a Michael so these are two miks so one I’m going to keep calling Mike and the other one Michael the 77 car of Eddie Rodriguez he also he also battled with gearbox issues he got it all sorted and he went to C Motorsports yesterday like I said he’s also relatively new to the series he joined this year brand new build by Koba Motorsport at e E46 330 so yeah he’s improved and he actually broke out yesterday from class E into class D and we also had another breakout Ole suudu um he’s also new to the series his first race was at karmy and uh he broke out from E into D just broke out so well done to him and I think you’ll you’ll find it better in CL D cuz you’ll progress and go quicker and quicker as he learns he’s in the BMW E36 the 328i correct uh quite an impressive looking machine that coming out now that a grayish whitish looking car with a pink on the Sid the one two2 car there correct that’s that’s o he comes from a carting background and he wanted to get into the long circuit so yeah they looks like they’re quite keen on the BMW race series and uh hopefully they’ll be around for a while the 122 car of oletto seu uh just the name doesn’t uh doesn’t sound familiar from carting days um so we’ll be obviously be watching with great anticipation to see how he progresses uh the 735 car Dave reesei uh yeah he’s uh yet to withdraw I just uh bumped into now when I came up uh he’s not feeling well flu symptoms and stuff so he’s opted to rather sit down he’s really not feeling well so we we wish him the well and that he recovers [Music] soon that 140 oh we just out of shot now that was the Michael kobber one of the new guys that’s joined in the series now this is his first race with us I must say there are some really really impressive cars out there I managed to get up close and personal to a lot of them uh during the course of practice yesterday and and quite a wide variety of uh weapons of choice out there on the circuit so I think we are set for yet another Humdinger yeah look even the quality of the cars the way they look and all that we’ve up the game the guys are are really putting effort into into their cars they’re looking good you know as you know we we started as a club series and uh have grown over the years we we officially now the biggest category in the country so we’ve grown over time and yeah it’s it’s gone gone well yeah by far the biggest category running in the country at the moment and and I mean massive massive crowd support where wherever the series goes as well um but I think a lot of it has to do with what I mentioned earlier on just the the camaraderie and and the amongst the the guys out there and the bright yellow uh taxi going going past there as well now uh Matt Matt Wadley in the it’s amazing how famous that Cosby come you get people coming to take pictures of that corner it’s it’s a wagon who would have thought and yeah it’s it’s got a it’s got an appeal to it yeah lots going on behind the scenes as well with uh Dunlop they it’s their charity drive and uh just a a massive a massive uh shout out to the VW challenge guys they have collected 230 blankets already there’s still more to come uh Dunlop with their Charity Drive collecting blankets jackets tinned food lots of activation going on in the Dunlop pit they’ve got a guess the number of balloons in the car and uh um simulators so get get along there there comes the taxi into shot once again the 330 car of Matt Wadley and just in front of him or in front of Zia there was uh we call him now Bond MK Bond Mark Bond yeah and also from our side we’d also like to thank D for all the efforts they’ve put into to this event here today so well done to them in great initiative and yeah looking forward to the whole day with all the hot Labs the tax is going to be doing some duties later and uh hopefully some people have some fun in the car yeah great initiative with the Dunlop Charity Drive uh there will be uh I think they said mainly teenage boys going out for um hot laps around the circuit later on we’ve got two two hotlap sessions during the course of the day so another fantastic initiative from Dunlop with their charity drive yeah and we do that as well at our track days our Taxi gets used to take kids from from charties and all that so and yeah we’re going to start the race we’re just waiting for the lights to go out and there they go [Music] he’s got the whole shot Kus cus has got the whole shot looks like Kus B there as they head down turn one down the hill into turn one kuas B with the whole shot as they start peeling through all neatly through so far yeah so we’ve got a rule with the white line rule where the guys front bumper can’t be passed the guy in front of use back bumper simply because of that we we’d rather have them go through turn two cleanly than bashing into each other and wiping out all the cars and that’s that rule at work there and is that just a first lap rule or does that apply for the first lap that lap there we go through diving through on the inside oh sideways cold tires Cold Track but he’s managed to make it work like I said y George is a SW specialist around you looks like a George eoni snatching the lead there from CIS Bower the 104 car 10 104 is Steph cavaler he’s actually rented that car if you recall that karmi had a big shunt uh same same Corner that Michael had his uh shun and we hope that he’s doing well and recovering well but yes uh Steph also went off there and they had to rebuild a new car so he’s hire that car from shame the number three car going through through the Ari feren beautifully prepared little car the BMW Z3 no that’s E30 oh it’s an e E30 sorry I Z3 and E30 the Box sh BMW there comes the Z3 now I think George has maintained the lead over coras followed by Nicholas at two hers then ran Francisco ftin uh in picture now we got uh Devol Smith from um Tech fuels in a beautifully prepared M3 turbo the conom is running a little bit wide there as does the 514 car ofus kuus BMA the 130 car having gone through deol Smith also very very neat well prepared car and these guys certainly put a lot of effort into the preparation of the car and they certainly look the part I see T Tian has moved up he’s s looks like he’s sitting in second in Class E and he started wave down if I recall correctly uh where did he actually start but yeah looks like he’s moved up second in uh Class E at the moment he’s uh just following Yuan Miller who had an extremely great race at the last event that man was smiling from ear to ear sah Sadat in the 32 car currently in third place in the class E battle it is Yan Miller that leads it from Tian F royan in second back to the front we go Georgia conides a nice little lead that he’s now starting to eek out there see Shane is blocking the the M3 there into turn four maintain his position but I think the turbo now just watch that turbo probably come P now see the longer legs there as the turbo kicks in it is still George economedes from cus BMA Nicholas herbs third Craig Herbst in fourth followed by Roland Hopkins in fifth and then Eddie RZ sitting in sixth place at the moment ahead of Claudia Jam yeah we got the Portuguese battle coming up now see o ol is just in front of the last man in class D which is Steph cavaleri I think he’s just battling a bit of that car obviously it’s a rental um so just getting getting to gr so that could it is a bit different to his uh original call that he had absolute procession as they come down the hill head back down to turn one we got Ari going through and O coming through now with followed by Steph again there’s the leader of clari yan [Music] Miller I think Michael crbl if I’m not mistaken is sitting in third now the new guy so wel MK you sitting in the pagent position Eddie Rodriguez in the 77 car under pressure moves across it looks like there could be an overtake move coming up there oh Roland a bit sideways we go Roland Hopkins completely out of shape there just a drifting the back end of the car off the circuit Hopkins still holding on to fifth place at the moment as the procession once again comes down the hill George Eon eomes leads from kuas Bower Nicholas hers Craig hers Roland Hopkins in fifth followed by Eddie Rodriguez that’s how the cross to complete another lap of the race we have got uh we have completed four out of these six laps and yeah we got the leader now going through George Eon go sorry I’m get that corrected six laps left in the race just having to look across the track there you can almost feel how cold it is out there the Winter Chill as we mentioned earlier on I I stuck my hand out the window after qualifying yes it was cold so yeah it is quite cold out there today but it’s uh hopefully warming [Music] up we got another move there coming from Claudia Jordin on Eddie I wonder if he made it stick we’ll see now no still slaughtering behind him taking it a bit wide there but safe yesterday uh cloudia did quite well he did did some great times yesterday I think he got into the one uh low 111s if I recall correctly no it was a quick out was one [Music] n there you guys the tack texy he’s chasing now Z see that he actually maintained the lead for the first three rounds of the series uh he relinquished it recently so yeah he’s also doing quite well he’s a regular now the series they see that they used to bot take here and there but now they’re regulars the the bug the bug bit bug bit and it bitten properly it is still Johan Miller that leads that class E battle Georg e conom is leading the front the battle out at front here comes the number three car now arifan hen sitting in 10th place and he’s trying to catch up to the other boxy so they can have a bit of a boxing match now um so yeah let’s see how that pans out that very impressive 31 car the color the color scheme on that thing certainly makes it stand out three turn seven but well caught I’ve Got a Feeling there’s going to be a nice little fight coming up now between him and kobas BMA and then they got the the E46 of Rand opkins just behind them Nicholas herps had just set the quickest lap time in that car there the 31 car but now having been just just eclipsed by George eomes having gone quick as at 11 1242 so time’s now starting to starting to drop as they get some heat into those tires out on the very cold track I see Craig dropped a few position and he’s uh lost touch of that group have seem to have broken away from him there’s that beautiful taxi trying to chase down Z sitting right in his slipstream as they go down the hill so Matthew wadley’s in the car again uh today he will also be piloting the car at uh Kilani when we go there for our next round and then the round after that is uh swops and then we’ve got Ki late in the year where Hans Bose from ATS and Dunlop uh you’ll be piloting the qu K Army got a mve here from Hopkins Under Pressure Hopkins around the outside looks for a way through there but Craig herbs closes the door on him they slow themselves down and Craig caught up up to them just saw that uh Eddie Rodriguez just running a slightly off the circuit there just running a bit wide exiting that turn as the focus once again on the 31 car you’ll notice as I go through that turn one there’s that slight little bump there that just just oh forming he thinks he’s in R fantain Roland Hopkins diving off the circuit that was from fourth place so so well and Y there he goes off hopefully you can catch up and just stay amongst the the rear end of the Class D guys Matt wle is still involved in that ding-dong battle further on down the field as Zahir Sadat in front of him well George going a bit wide but he’s got it well under control and they’ve now opened up a bit of a gap now as as you can see Roland has gone missing and the two herbs father and well son and father uh have third and fourth place in this race that’s our leader coming through leading class D that’s another beautifully prepared car in the finina colors which was an original in the day so it’s a Well very well prepared car well maintained by by uh George and Craig well top two having broken away completely now you can’t and BMA this a bit disappointing I was hoping that uh Nicholas would be uh in in amongst them there cuz they normally have like I said normally have a quite a ding-dong battle so hopefully the Craig can or Nicholas can catch up back down to the E-class battle Yan Miller still with the advantage over Tian FR royan and then Michael kobbler the quickest of the uh group E cars at the moment down in third place so with uh we have got just two laps left in the race we on the penultimate lap now as we focus on the 116 car coming through that is Roland Hopkins who’s got back onto the circuit after that spin but finds himself way down there was a possibly a move there from the 112 car Yan Miller and that’s now A Class E and A Class D fighting it out so the tail end of clause D with the front end of clause e Yan M looking quite comfortable there with The Gap that he has got in class D tan f royan as we said still in second place followed by Michael kobbler in third got a bit of a look see there from Yan Miller but he maintains his position that 125 of t f Roy and that’s the next guy that I expect to to probably break out into D he’s been flying and uh yeah I think soon he’ll be breaking out onto the last lap we go and it’s still all about George economides that’s out in front the Gap that he has got 1.1 second over kuisma almost a flag to flag uh win if he wins this one oh there St in the kitty L unfortunately think a bit of pressure maybe from uh Yan Miller and uh yeah lost it in turn two I think he actually lost it there yesterday as well no sorry it was turn four yesterday lost during practice Georgia conides coming through now check flag takes the checker flag takes the class D1 qubus Bomer in second finished followed by oh Eddie’s also off turn four off as well that’s the 77 car Eddie Rodriguez of Eddie Rodriguez has gone off as well so yeah the guys leaving it down to the last lap to go farming I see Michael kobas got past ton F royan asell and he’s now chasing down Yan Miller but he won’t make it in time now they’re almost at the finish line and there you go Class E winner again he’s going to have a big smile old man Yan Muller he comes from uh drag racing and he’s loving circuit racing at the moment Ah that’s absolutely fantastic as we see the stricken 104 car parked in the kitty litter there it’s Steph Cavalier so the class E battle winning at Yan Miller followed by Michael kobbler Tian F royan finishing in third fourth Zahir sidat and then in fifth place Matthew Wadley uh followed by zad ISM and then Mike kobbler and Karen n just well done to Michael CER coming second in his first D with the BMWs in claes are very well done [Music] all right that concludes the first of the bmwm performance parts uh racing series races a great action there if I speak under correction first it was 10 laps in race number one and then race number two will be 12 no it’s all 10 laps all 10 laps today 10 laps okay all 10 laps I did see somewhere that there was possibly going to be 12 laps no that’s the v8’s V8s do 12 laps we do 10 all of us all of our races are 10 on to the next class we go and it’s the OE formula V partnered with cim lubri fuel Bernard we’ll catch up with you a little bit later jumping back into the hot seat will be Denver bigs okay thank you see you later well there will possibly be a slight delay a couple of cars need to be recovered there’s one of them that’s the 104 needs to be just towed out of the kitty litter there by the look of things stf Cavalier having beached it properly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right the doe formula V is up next and Dave caught up with a couple of the drivers yesterday how’s it going this weekend it’s going pretty well the check’s pretty decent it was quite cold in the first session but it’s a lot better know is the cold weather having much effect on the grip of these cars a little bit but it’s starting to warm up with the tires so it’s okay now and all the boys treating you gently yes very gently I’m whooping them a Halo on your formula V that’s pretty interesting yeah that’s a it was a a long project that we wanted to do cuz we used to race in 26 to 2013 and then my dad had this idea look we need to modernize these cars it’s a safety thing and last year after one of the F1 F1 guys LEL had a had a bad accident and the Dr bar hoop collapsed we thought it’s going to be a a good addition for uh for these race cars so it was a six probably a sixy year long project but he we had got it done and the Halo is on and actually the car looks fantastic we get a lot of compliments on it and even while driving it you don’t actually see it so your mind just blocks it out but it’s it’s a nice a a sense of safety when you when you get in the car cuz it’s just something else and just you feel like you’re an F1 car H what how’s it going in the for be this weekend all right had a good start but cold this morning track is very slippery other than that car’s feeling good we’re getting a bit more to grip of the front end the front end’s a lot better after a bit of work in the front end so feeling happy with the car the way it’s feeling currently so we’ll see now the last session today and then give our best tomorrow morning qualifying the two races and see how it goes right you you heard it from a couple of competitors out there as they head down onto the grid to form up the grid and in pole position is Peter Hills in the formula V partner with the CLM luri full second on the grid is len Jansen then second R the grid yanos and Theodore for sha velinda is third on the grid with KL watts and then fourth in the fourth row Richard K Brandon Hills then on the fifth row is Marcel blno Trevor Hills Jayden drump and Yanni haeser on the sixth row of the grd David Austin Clinton Kane seventh melee Stewart Chloe Stewart eighth row then bla million hel Goa they’re on the ninth row and then we have rard vind and Casper de up behind them right they all settl into their grid positions and they’ll be under starters orders soon this is a 10 laap Race should be 10 laps of action in the do formula V and cim lubricants race number one red flag still up under Stars orders we go couple of the car still getting into place at the back of the grid and should be a really really interesting race let’s see what Peter Hills can do from the front row of the Grid in that manga racing Rema 2 that he is in he’ll be alongside lendel Jansen from the bull security uh Rema 2 as well and very very neat little racing cars really is a fun class running on the for of the Volkswagen formula uh the Volkswagen front suspension just went and had a look at the couple of the cars in the pits yesterday and incredible to see how these car cars have started evolving over the years and relativ right do we have the red lights and the St they going off and let’s just see if Peter Hills manages to get that yes and he does he gets that whole shot Peter Hills does but it looked like R vinda managed to sneak through into that second place watch these C tires on this cold track in that second turn that right-hander as we look and they seem to be all safely through thus far and you do not want to touch your tires in an open wheeler car because just ends up in disaster as turn three they head down and into turn four they’re already going under full race speed Peter Hills got the whole shot let’s see what’s going to happen heading up the hill towards turn five he holds on to it and it’s between lenel Jansen and yanos as as as the battle starts settling down as they head down towards that left-hander one of the cars actually rolled in practice yesterday um luckily the driver managed Escape it unscathed but can’t say the same about the cars we got one of the cars running incredibly wide there yeah as as we said Cold Track so these guys having to be a bit ginger in their first couple of laps especially around this left hander that we spoke to now it’s a second the left handers coming on the pit straight and still Peter Hills out in front and the field still there some smoke coming off the tires of of that car he heads down into that left-handed onto the straight that’s turn number eight through they go is Peter Hills ahead of Len Jansen then sha melind has got himself into that third place with Brandon Hills in fourth Theodor for Mark and he is in that fifth place with yanos holding on to six David Austin in the number 13 car down in 11th place he’s managed to make up one place Mike Stewart having also made up a place in the number 13 car we’ve got somebody that’s gone off the circle one of the cars to stop looks mechanical looks like a mechanical issue there as Peter Hills leads them through once again through that very fast right-handed turn that is turn four as they head up the hill Peter Hills has got his handful Len Janssen really wants that place as they go to Breaking for that right-handed turn five and Peter Hills holding on to it Len jansson looks very hungry for that second place it looks like a move coming from Brandon Hills on the inside on Sha vinda Sha vandelinda on the inside there we’ll see when they come down the hill if he manage to make that move stick Jaden Trump in the number 50 car just having gone out of shot there but it looks like we have had a change of position yeah Shan manland did manage to get into that that third place as they head across the stone Finish Line into that turn one that very fast left-handed sweep and it looks like a bit of a gap uh opening up there Brandon with Peter Hills and Lenn Jansen and then there’s a bit of a gap down to Sha vinda but that was a result of that tussle that he had with Brandon Hills so let’s see if he manages to make up that ground that Gap sitting at just point 2 of a second and lendel Jansen looked like he actually closed up even more so uh certainly under threat is our race leader Peter Hills and looks the problem there for is it Brandon no Sean felinda I think it was that put his hand [Music] up yes and there’s a swapping at places there so Brandon Hills is oh yellow Flags Okay so the guys are going to have to be very careful not to overtake because remember you get penalized under OB what the hand was up in the air for yeah so it is Sean r still in that third place so he managed to wrestle that back from Brandon Hills but that’s a good tussle that’s going on between them we can see the car to the on the far right of the screen there buried deep in the kitty litter the driver out of the car already and it looks like they under safety car the the drivers all slowing down they need to get that car out of the out of the kitty litter for safe racing so we’ll we’ll see the safety car coming onto the circuit yes we see the the SE sign which means safety car is hanging out in the Start Control so we’ll have the safety car out while they clear that car but it should be pretty clear uh quick to clear out of that turn five we see the Toyota Gazoo racing safety car out there I think that’s ptor n one as we see Peter Hills line up behind him and they’ll all be following the safety car there’s a recovery vehicle out in the kit clearing that car in that right-handed turn five by the Mercedes Academy a great job of work being done as always by the marshals and a big thank you to the SWAT Corps Marshals it is a it can’t be pretty out there BR I was just thinking about this oh good job Marshalls hey big hats up to you guys oh and the spinner under safety car car number 13 that’s the number 13 car of David Austin that got himself completely out of shape there hopefully but that’s often the that’s often the problem Brandon with this cold track and as you can see the guys weaving from side to side and you think they’re just trying to emulate the Formula 1 guys no they have to try and keep some heat into those tires because that turn one when they become under Stars ERS and the race conditions really treacherous with this cold track you can see the marshals with the Spade having to uh clear the the gravel in front of the tire so that car having buried itself properly there can’t pick up the number of it it looked like a 51 on the front but we don’t have a 51 on the uh the timing screen we’ll see he has literally dug himself in hasn’t he closer closer to the uh camera we’ll pick up the number of that car that uh buried itself there Peter Hills with LEL Jansen and Shan felinda that’s our top three behind them fourth Brandon Hills Theodor for Mark yanos Richard Carr Marcel bno Trevor Hills chaden Trump David Austin that’s our top 10 as they come through there’s our spinner from a little bit earlier on that’s the number 13 of David Austin and unfortunately due to that spin now he is now going to have to hang on the back of that um back of that grd he can’t make up his place that he had before so those are the rules of the road so he’ll have to he’s he’s got a lot of effort there and we see one of the cars coming out of the the pit as well let’s have a re a relook at that spin there the number 13 car just getting it out of shape David Austin coming through or it’s right at the back the back end of the spin I tell you what if they do have a f committee after the race amongst these guys he’s definitely going to have to drink a Sharpie I think is what they call it oh there we go we’ll get a better view of it now and oh just almost outbreak himself with the cold tires there almost running into the back of the car in front of him and leading to that spin and then we saw one of the cars had had peeled into the pit Lane one of the bright bright blue cars so we’ll we’ll pick up the number of of who that was yeah we’ll be able to see him at the back at the back of the formation now because like car number 13 David awon he’s going to have to start at the back of the grid as well those those are just the rules and the S safety car if you do go off the circuit under the safety car you have to join at the back well once again tempting fate there’s David Austin a little bit of a twitch still under safety car conditions so this is lap four remember that these laps still count down even under the safety car so even though oh okay the car is at the kidy litter that’s good to see having literally dug himself in the Marshall’s having to dig himself out normally they are much quicker and getting the car out the k but he was firmly wedged in there Alex car number 64 the number 64 [Music] car uh the 64 car doer doesn’t show on the timing screen so the car gets back out on analytics yes um yeah putting a bit of dirt onto the track but not too seriously so he’ll have to form up from the back as well okay so this will be the last lap under safety car which will be lap five so they’ll have five laps to go once they come under starter’s orders proper and Yanni also at the back of the grid as well so they’ve got a lot of ground to make [Music] up on a positive note their tires are going to be nice and warm cuz they’re practically under raise conditions at the back of this lot right the safety car should be coming in shortly we’re at the halfway stage of the race y you’ll find now that they’re going through turn four the safety call will start slowing it up um just to let the guys Bunch up a bit and get them properly formed up in fact they are quite spread out that’s quite unusual normally they they get themselves quite tight in their group to try and get some form of whole shot once the safety car peels off and then they go under Start his orders again so as they come across the start and finish line it’ll be lap six so there’ll be four it’ll be a four-lap Sprint basically so you can expect to see all sorts of mayhem out in front there because Len Jansen really wants that place you saw he was looking very determined in that second car and he wants that first place from Peter Hills yeah Peter Hills going to have to be on top of his game when the safety car moves off the circuit because you can see there lendel jansson tucking in right behind the back of that car and it looks like we have gone racing once again green flags out and it is little Peter Hills under immense pressure now hanging on to the lead as they went through lendel jansson still in second followed by Sha felinda still sh it was it was sha in third place LA and I I tell you what um we just saw going through turn two Peter Hills holding a very defensive line and we can see Len Jansen is very strong behind him as is Sha vinda Sha vinda’s closed right up on the top of those two so it is a good race cuz they realize they’ve only now got three and a half laps left so and Brandon Hills making the move there looks like running through on the inside of felinda oh he had his nose in there but uh Sean felinda not closing the door absolutely slamming the door on him yeah but as as I mentioned before that very defensive driving there from Peter Hill he is blocking all the great lines he realizes everyone’s tirres are not really warm yet from that safety call conditions so he’s he’s playing a clever game there Brandon he’s holding that defensive line which is the perfect race line and you can’t go off it because this track is really really cold and they head through turn one and now we see Brandon Hills is also looking very aggressive so Brandon Hills now is closing up on the back of sh Shan Vander Lindy he tried there on the entrance to turn three didn’t manage on turn two didn’t manage to do it heading down to turn three it’s it’s going to be anybody’s game basically between these first four in the front there and Theodor for Mar is also closing up and that’s a man in fifth place don’t count out Theo for Mark he’s going to be just hanging there in fifth and possibly pick up pie and finally got it through there so that was Len Jansen making that move on the inside of Peter Hills he saw him trying to defend that that line so pit Hills going outside there to the perfect line into that right-handed to turn five but I’ll tell you what LEL Jansen had that he seen that come here but look at number six Brandon Hills going around the outside now having a look around the outside of shaan felinda and we’ve see somebody in the background that had just spun so we’ve got another spinner as these guys try and get as much heat into their tires certainly going to be in for an interesting last couple of laps as they come across the start and finish line now onto lap eight so that is a penultimate lap will lenel Jans managed to hold up P Hills for that first place it’s going to be tight and sha veliz is also now in that mix he’s looking very aggressive as he looks to the inside on on that right hander doesn’t manage to get it on that turn two and that allowed a little bit of a gap to open up with lnel jansson and Peter Hills out in front there but we’ll see what happens under slip streaming as they go down that straight away Brandon Hills is he going to get that slipstream and manag to go on the outside of sha vandelinda we’ve had a change of position up front there again by the look at things just pet Hill Peter Hills having got ahead of LEL Jansen and Jansen will not want to lose this race he hasn’t been beaten so far this season he has really enjoyed a great season so great performance so far from Peter Hills certainly keeping lendel Janssen honest at this stage and the battle right behind there Shan fund Linda and Brandon Hills uh still going raging on there and Theo for Mark still very much in the picture as well and Richard car now joining the dance party there as well yeah so Theo ver Mar better watch out because Richard car is looking quite aggressive as they come around onto their last lap it is Peter Hills Holding On by heads breath there from Len Janssen but that battle that’s raging between sha vanderin and Brandon Hills and that’s the battle for third and fourth place is letting a Gap open as we see card number 33 that’s Brandon Hill trying to take that wide line because that man in third place Shan Rand the final of the podium places he is holding a tight line and a very defensive line all the way through to the end of this race H Hills looked left he’s looked right and around the outside now goes lendel Janssen can he no it’s not going to happen Peter Hills oh we’ve got another spinner there by the look at thing somebody’s gone off the in a big way he managed to recover it there and he’s heading back onto the track there could be it’s either they both in red cars it’s hard to pick up so so it must have be Richard Co cuz there’s the for Mark there and um it’s last G Saloon as they head down to that last the second last leftand as they head down to turn eight and it’s the last chance that Len Jans is going to have to overtake Peter Hills but Peter Hills driving very defensively and having a great race there to hold on to that first place by hairs breath there from lyel Jansen and in third place sha vinder manag to hold it off from Brandon Hills absolutely brilliant finish there Peter Hills managing to take the race win L jansson second Shan fer Linda in third Brandon Hills finishing in fourth Richard car fifth Yan K in Sixth and then Theo for Mark it was obviously him that dived off the track there coming across in seventh followed by Marcel blote but for the first time this season lendel Jansen having to uh relinquish that unbeaten title uh great drive there from Peter Hills in the Rema to and I must say as well for an open open wheeler class it it was some great racing because with this cold track with the cold tires and safety car it’s always very difficult to keep that heat in the tires and these guys did so well to keep these cars on the track I reckon the temperature on this on this track can’t be much more than 6 or 7° C so hey all credit to them some great racing from them no great racing indeed and uh this this class has really grabbed my grabbed my attention and um you know all of the cars running uh 1400 VW Golf Motors golf Mark 1 Motors so really affordable class and these guys going out having lots and lots of fun so that concludes race number one in the doe formula V Next Up will be the dlap hotlaps and that’s going to be interesting the hotlaps that will be going out there let’s see that was the uh the first of the hotlap sessions so we’re going to take a short break from the commentary while the hotlaps take place [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and while we’re watching the hot laps going around just a quick bit of information for you if you do have kids please be free and welcome to take them down to the ice rink Yes you heard it right there’s an ice rink here at SWAT Corps that’s next to scrutineering and and it’s free guys so if you want to entertain your kids if they’re getting a bit out of hand take them down and give them some skating lessons they sounds like a good idea and there’s a lot to do here for the family remember you’ve got the cafe at the top of the circuit there at the top of the pits and they have got the full fair and there’s a bar there so please Avail yourself and of course they’ve got hot coffee and chocolate so go help yourself guys there’s full catering facilities here at SWAT Corps rway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right judging by the sound of the cars outside the V8s have roared into life it looks like we are almost good to go with the first race in the mobile V8 Supercars while the track cars out on track complete their hot laps yeah Brandon there’s certainly a reason why they call it Rolling Thunder because the windows in our commentary Tower are literally rattling yeah it is I can just almost feel the tension and the excitement starting to build up and quite a couple of messages that had come through on social media big big thank you to everybody that is watching the live stream and a special welcome to Greg Maloney the man sitting at the aisle of Man TT filling in for him here this weekend just sending a shout out to everybody here so Greg enjoy your time over there and uh we look forward to hearing all the stories from you following all of the action live from the Isle of Manti but the action is definitely here down at SWAT Corps Raceway very nippy but still enjoyable as mentioned to you before there’s full bar and Catering on the circuit so please Avail yourself of some hot beverages and get yourself settled in because the V8 Supercars from mobile one are coming out and I’ll tell you what there’s going to be some exciting racing brilliant and an exciting initiative as well in the uh the V8 Supercars the mobile 1 V8 Supercars is they welcome a brand new sponsor in sonof Africa sonof Africa that specialized in home automation have uh got on board as a a series sponsor so all of the cars out on track will be running the son of a Africa uh home automation stickers as well and mobile V uh mobile one celebrating 50 years in South Africa and they’ got a long long relationship with the V8 still back from the West Bank uh West Bank modified days which became the West Bank V8s so lots and lots of history and some some beautifully prepared cars will be uh taking part here nice to see a nice strong field I think we had 11 11 cars going out um so Julian from familiaris in the lub lubet Deo racing Chevrolet Corvette uh that leads championships after dominant last round that was at red star in May and then the 55 car in the mixer as well Andrew Kate Kate racing and inspect Motors the man who specializes in bikes and watercraft he returns for the first time since the last round of last year’s championship and uh he will be taking part in the GT2 class the GT2 cars uh running rev limited uh the revs limited to 7,000 RPM uh with the GT2 cars limited to 7,200 RPM uh the GT cars allowed to run on allowed to run on uh new tires they get uh 16 16 tires for the uh year uh and the GT2 cars only run on Old rubber as we see the cars still with the hot lefts it’s the Jonathan mot super Polo going around there followed by the track taxi so the hotlaps still taking place there I think what we heard out the window was the V8s just moving down to form up on the dummy grid so we will get going with the V8 action it gives us a chance to carry on chatting about all of the competitors that we’re going to see out there the number three car Franco Deo the nhr mining Jaguar XKR he’s currently sixth in the GTI the GT1 championships uh but he’s uh I know he’s battling with a bad dose of flu as well of as car issues at the last round so we wish him all of the very best then we’ve got the 110 car and and 20 marks he rejoins the action in his reman Africa back to Chevy Lumina last season he launched a late attack and good to see him back nearly he very nearly took the GT2 class so let’s see if he can do the same again this year and uh watch expecting big things he still got five rounds remaining in the championship so lots of time to to make up then the 21 car familiar car of Terry Wilford the bright red Corvette he missed the last round of the Championships currently fourth and in the in the hunt in his fuks lubricant sponsored Ford Mustang and uh he certainly has shown that he has got the pace to run amongst the top three then we’ve got the 77 car of Shan holen that’s the white car with a little bit of mix of blue in it uh he’s sponsored by 959 panel beers and spray painters as well as top coat autom motive he’s in a Ford Falcon very very pretty Ford Falcon and it just looks more aggressive than the than the other cars that’s certainly a standout car he also missed round three he’ll be wanting to get straight back into the fight for GT uh GT2 honors then we’ve got Warren Lombard the bright orange car very familiar bright orange car uh he’s enjoyed Podium finishes in all of the Heats so far this year and he’s at four third places and two second places so definitely one of the top contenders and he’s in the Pep Boys automoto sponsored Ford Mustang currently lyes third in the GT championship and will be going out for two race wins this weekend quietly confident uh is Warren Lombard then Steve Herpst uh great to catch up with Steve Herpst the man that uh I first became acquainted to in Formula 1 Power booat Racing circles Steve and his brother-in-law Terry M that used to race Formula 1 powerboat racing around the country uh he is the current GT2 champion and he Pro instrum P PPG coating as well as Qi systems the chef Corvette and he this season currently in second place in the GT2 class he started racing uh V8s in 2004 and currently finds himself as the technical commissioner of the uh of the mobile one series as well then we’ve got uh Oka compan the allh he leads the GT2 class in his hurricane Automotive Chev Mustang a Ford Mustang and he holds on to the lead despite having missed the second race at the last outing so it’s going to be interesting to see if ala compan can hang on to that GT2 class lead then we’ve got the 71 car of isak SMI oh no isak having withdrawn sorry the 71 car isak’s not there in the ultimates uh Chev Lumina he would it was almost a guest appearance a class x uh drive for isak SP so it would have been very very good to see what he can do behind the behind the wheel of a mobile 1 V8 and the nice thing is you’ve got this big battle between the the the Chevy camp and the Ford Camp I think it doesn’t matter what country you race in when where’s the where there’s a viad super car there’s that always that that battle between well in Australia it’s the Holdens and and and the Fords isn’t it but but here at the shev and the the Ford with one lonely Outsider hey a jaguar yeah just the one jaguar in the mix there we’ve got the number nine car of Thomas Thomas Rib the mobile one backed Cafe 9 Automotive uh sponsored car he’s currently in second place in the championship so he’s 13 points behind our leader Julian fam familiaris and uh he’s in the X Patrick SED car the car that Patrick SED used to race Patrick well known in Eastern Cape Motor Racing circles uh currently uh residing in Port Elizabeth and whenever there’s action at alusan Patrick SED always always there watching the action and and certainly keeping up to date with what’s happening in racing circles and then the one of the other cont competitors unfortunately that’s uh overseas we we heard it was business commitments that’s Sam doll but he’s actually racing in uh three different three series uh in Finland at the moment so uh we wish him all of the best over there unfortunately missing this round and then another regular that uh that we missing is swatz from East London in his Chef Corvette Bon not having made the trip up from East London for that one and if the name Tomas ree is familiar to a lot of you um him of Porsche Fame correct so you normally see him Beyond The Wheel of a of a 911 Porsche and of course Cafe 9 which is a Porsche garage belongs to him so yeah from from a porch to a shf should be a song about that but anyway I think From a Jack to a King is where we going where we’re going with that one but uh also you know just catching up with these guys yesterday um during practice and and this morning before qualifying also such such a nice Vibe and and and everybody focused on on getting uh the mobile one V8s back to being one of the Premier classes in the country because as you mentioned the Rolling Thunder just it just attracts Spectators and that’s what people people want to want to see real Goosebump uh sound in the the Roar of a of a brutal V8 well as Americans say there’s no substitute for cubic inches really absolutely absolutely as we wait for the hot laps to come to an end the v8’s all lined up on the grid and it shouldn’t be too long before we get going with race number one in the mobile 1 V8 Supercars [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] right back to the action we go and Dave and his roving camera and microphone caught up with a couple of the V8 drivers and you can tell up Cape Town for this event how’s it been going for you yeah like it Dave enjoying it like it to be back in the pits with the guys enjoying the four wheels but uh bit of a beginner and getting used to all this big horsepower but yeah it’s La just to be on the track looking forward to a good rolling start tomorrow with the guys around you yeah you think motorcycles are hard to ride let me tell you these big V8s they light up for nothing and you got to hold it on the road oh very much like a motorcycle I guess in the gd2 class but this tell I believe we got a new class starting now in the mobile one V8 yes we have always had GT1 then to get more people competing we started GT2 now we’ve started GTX which is an Invitational cost for people with cars that are similar but not quite the same so that we’ like to invite them to come and race with us to increase the numbers so for example Ben Morgan R’s got cars he suive cars we’ve invited them to come and race with us they might have 18in wheels instead of 16in Wheels those kind of things the Rolling Thunder is out on the track ladies and gentlemen you’re in for a treat because these are the big boys this is the big horsepower coming at you and um yeah if you guys are wondering what the difference between GT 1 and GT2 is as Brandon mentioned it is the tire rule but also the GT1 and the GT2 are limited in different rev range so um GT1 un limited 7,000 RPM yes and I can hear your mind’s ticking you’re thinking 7,000 RPM for a V8 is quite High yes it is cuz um yeah the the the V8s of old you’re probably remembering probably if you got 6,000 RPM out of them you were lucky and the GT2 7,200 so there only 20000 RPM but at the top of the riv range that makes a huge difference it will be a rolling start for the mobile 1 V8 say the Ford Falcon that I was talking about earlier on very almost a lot lower low slung and my money will be on that one so that’s that’s good to hear for the Ford fans out there but the man that’s in pole position is car number nine and that’s the one that you see behind the Toyota Gazo racing pace car and that is Thomas Ree and that’s a Chevy Lumina behind him is car number one Julian familiaris and he’s also in the Chevy and that’s a Chevy lbet D racing gwr Chev Corvette then in third place car number six that’s a Ford Mustang the first of the four is of Warren Lombard and that’s Pep Boy’s automotive and Franco familiar name in this former racing car number three in the Jaguar SKR as they come into start’s orders they’re heading down that straightway who is going to get the whole shop and the flag is off and Thomas re really gets that hammer down very quickly and gets in the head of Julian familiar and it looks like War lomot slotting into that third place with Franco debetto up behind him great start there from Thomas ree double waves yellows having gone out it looks like familiaris apparently we just having a look see they were double waved yet yeah it looks like they all got away cleanly they was just just getting conf using that as the start as the start flag just getting confirmation those double yellows is just to keep the guys all in a single file so they not bashing and bumping into each other gentlemanly stuff uh expensive equipment out on track but it is Thomas ree that leads followed by Warren Lombard and then Terry Wilford in the 21 car oh no there’s a change of position there let’s have a look who spinner somebody off into the that was that Falcon that you were that you were hoping on nothing no it’s AI it’s Oki compan in the 61 car uh that has gone farming but manages to recover it fairly fairly easily and back onto the circuit he goes so familiar lus holding on to that second place behind Thomas ree Thomas ree has really got the control of this race waren Lombard is still holding on to that third place but he is under threat Terry Wilford is coming Terry Wilford has gained a few places that c number 21 of Terry Wilford is now into fourth place Franco nto dropping down yeah Wolford running very very wide that last shot as our race leaders go through Deo in fifth place he’s he’s lost a position having drop down to fifth yeah he’s all over the back though he’s all over the back of that car of waren Lombard he wants that place back from him sorry I mean to Mao is all over the back of Terry wford I be your pardon but look what’s happening behind him yeah the car still just getting out of shape still need to get some more heat into those tires but our race leader Thomas ree under lots and lots of pressure from Julian familiaris as Warren Lombard Terry Wilford and Franco de Deo go through now down towards turn one they go and it is still Thomas ree with the advantage over Julian Familia there comes my car now the 77 car of Shan Hol and the Ford Falcon and you saw he was just shaking a bit from side to side down that straightaway and he was literally just trying to get some heat into those tires those tires are really suffering oh we’ve got a a red and yellow flag out so that means there’s some substance on the track you might find it’s a bit of debris from one of the spin-offs but that race store raes on going through turn floor up the hill to turn five and that’s still Thomas re holding off Julian familiaris familiar is closes up under breaking in is a turn five does he manage to pull it off no Thomas ree very defensive going into that that car number nine of Rees is very wide going into that turn six and seven as they head down the hill to turn eight and they’ve opened up a bit of a gap now between them and the man in third place Warren Lombard I think Julian familiaris in second place just playing the waiting game at the moment he is the quickest car out on track so sitting comfortably in second place just keep applying that pressure pressure and hopefully Force our race leader Thomas ree into a mistake and the first of the GT2 cars just to give you an idea of the the the the GT2 cars the first of those is Shan holar and as we see all of our race leaders heading through that turn eight onto that back straight and Thomas re is holding off that man in second place but familiar orus I agree with you Ben and it looks like he’s just playing the weding game there he’s he’s looking to see where he’s going to pounce because he is literally stuck all over the back of that man in front Thomas reap focusing on the 70 oh not the 7 the seven car of Steve herbster that car that changes color the beautiful wrap job of that it’s got It’s Gold and then it’s purple but there’s the action at the front of the circuit once again the front of the race once again and uh Warren Lombard now the quickest car out on track he’s quickest in the GT class and quickest in the GT2 class Sean holtzen so things starting to hot up out on circuit once again and waren lard just doing your personal best of 102 865 and immediately responded by Terry Wilford has responded straight away also 102 714 so the guys are starting to get a bit of heat into their tires and starting to show some Pace as we see the chameleon car changing C there that’s Steve hers but the action back on track now yeah that that race is T as they head up the hill to towards turn five and Warren lber is visually catching that that battle that’s going on for first and second place once again familius breaks up so close under breaking and you see he’s right tucked into the tail he those ties squealing as they go through there Terry Wilford now got the hammer down and goes quicker than any of the others so the guys now dropped into the 102s so definitely getting heat there and starting to push it a little bit uh harder and just having a look at the cars yesterday there’s actually a manual adjust in the cars that some some of the drivers have got you can either the the brake bias adjust yeah uh it’s got a break no the suspension you can actually adjust the the softness and the hardness of the of the suspension while you while you are busy in the race so uh just getting confirmation that Oka kapan had just come out of the out of the pits he’s running further on down the field so [Music] it was Antony Marx we apologize for that just getting the wrong information coming through Antony Marx that had come out of the pits OK kapan running in ninth place at the moment as we look at that battle heading through that right-hander that is turned six and it is ever raging I tell you what Warren Lombard is really closed up on this battle in front of him and there’s a back Mark in the way is this going to have any influence on the outcome of this race as we head down the straightaway now onto two onto lap six and Warren Lombard is close and there’s that blue waved as the back marker moves over quite G like and let the race continue unabated yeah great work by the camera crew following all of the action through there this is mobile one at its very best and having to look through on the inside War uh Warren Lombard no it was Julian famara so we got two two screens here and two different uh different race leaders so let’s go what we’ve got on on screen there Julian famara still in second place but it was he was just having a look through on the inside of Thomas ree as we saw number 77 that was Shan holzen he’s the first of the GT2 cars on your screens as the race leaders come into sight and they’re starting to Bunch up now as car number six Warren Lombard closes up on number two Julian familiar manhole hold second place again they’re coming up to one of the back markers and again we see the the cars bunching up as they head through that turn eight onto the pit straight as they head down and once again he moves out he sees a blue flag moves other way that is awesome as they go through that right that left-handed corner and he stays out of the way of the leaders that go through and except for the guys in fourth and fifth and that was Wilford and deat they got held up a wee bit there behind the back marker he had no choice he had to come out for that left-handed turn Deo having now gone quickest out of them so in the top five cars they’ve each had a turn of going fastest but the man keeping them all guessing out in front it is still Thomas ree followed by Julian familiaris in second then Warren Lombard charging hard in third place and a bit of a gap between the bright red car uh Terry of Terry on side finally finally managing to get through Julian familiaris into the lead he goes He relegates Thomas ree into second with Warren Lombard still in third place and Warren Lombard saw that and he’s also hungry for a for better than a third Podium place as they head down that left-handed turn eight onto the pit straight let’s see if that uh with familiar orus can open up a bit of a gap you saw he was all over the back of Thomas re the whole time was that just because out of a slip streaming effect or was he faster a we bit of a gap but not a lot but Warren Lombard now closing up that Gap is going to be a three-way battle for that race lead on lap eight but don’t don’t discount Franco Deo having closed up on the back of Terry Wilford he’s once again the quickest car out on circuit so there could be a little battle you can have he has a look on the inside now Deo has a look but Warren Lombard oh sorry Terry Wilford closes the door on him and no way through there as Warren Lombard now has a look on the inside of Thomas ree so with just two laps left to go certainly starting to hot up and we see um Hol going through Sean holen that’s our GT2 leader and he’s a lonely race out there in the lead of that g GT2 and he’s six overall in the overall standings in this race so far uh-oh beautiful to see all of these cars coming down yeah they’re really Bunchy up up to the main straight this is going to be a Humdinger last lap of the race we go and it’s uh we could have any any one of three winners here I would imagine it’s going to be a Sprint finish to Sprint to the finish for familiaris Ree and Lombard but what happened under that um that back marker it allowed famil orus open up a wee bit of a gap there between him and Thomas re the man in second place but again they’re coming up behind the back marker now will that allow the field to close up because it is is the last lap is it yeah we on the last lap right and they’re heading through up up the hill now under breaking for that and familiar orus has managed to get past that back marker cleeny so that’s just giving him that’s just giving him open cards free away you go and uh the back marker certainly coming into play there okay Thomas re managed to get finally past that back marker now as they head to the checken flag familiar taking it from Thomas re wam Lombard holding on to that third place and tyi Wolford into that fourth with d Mato in fifth Steve Herpst coming through where does he finish up in the GT2 class he comes through in third place so Sean hallaren wins the GT2 class Oki kapan second followed by Steve Herston third and then let’s see where the 55 car of Andrew Kate is still waiting for him to come across the line it will be his first finish ever in Mobile One V8 he gets Ninth Place and anony marks finishes in 10th that rounds out our top 10 in race number one in the mobile one V8 Supercars and you saw the endless absolute Race Craft there of Julian familiar is using that back marker to his best Advantage dive through on the inside and the entrance to turn five and they just held that Gap open and there was no touching him between Thomas ree had no chance it was too much of a gap and Warren Lombard holding on to that third so those are the first three Podium Boys in GT1 well that concludes race number one that was a 10 laap race race number two will be 12 laps and an inverted grid so that’s going to make it really really spicy for race number two in the mobile one V8 Supercars right the action continues right away as we move on to the next class and uh coming out to do battle will be the pharoh energy uh uh triple 1 GT Sports and saloons including super hatch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] TI you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the cars start moving out onto the track for the FOH energy triple1 GT Sports and saloons including super hatch Dave caught up with a couple of the drivers before the race Charles you’re up against some heavy compe including tell us how that’s all going well I tell you uh it’s a it’s a bit of a challenge because they are all turbo Turbo cars and um I have a naturally aspirated car so we’re racing class a um but it’s also nice to be to be in that kind of competition because it teaches you a lot uh it develops your skill I’m not the most skillful driver but it’s getting better every race and uh we thoroughly enjoying it tell us super how’s it going this weekend how it’s going it’s actually my first time racing on swad CS First Time Racing enjoying it track is good nice group of cars in the track you’re having a good time today this first time out not really no it’s fun it’s it’s all fun good luck yeah thanks a lot out on a triple one now the B from rear wheel drive BMW to front wheel drive po go yeah 100% we going out now triple On’s um must make the switch the mental switch first re whe to front wheel but yeah I’m ready let’s do it the triple one have really this year it’s unbelievable I mean especially in these times uh you know the guys have put a lot of effort in Luigi from his side um you know there’s a couple of new guys that have uh joined us like uh Mark and uh Bal Das and uh Luigi P of you know some challenged guys have come in it’s also helped step up the game in terms of the drivers so it’s really starting to become quite competitive in each one of the classes the times are quite tight uh so it’s it’s really good fun and uh you know looking forward to uh to the [Music] race well the action certainly going to be thick and fast a whole lot of cars going out I think we got 47 cars uh that were on the entry list going out for race number one and a massive massive shout out to Luigi phoh The Man Behind the sponsorship of the pharoh eneria triple ones the GT Sports and saloons including super hatches this is certainly going to be a Humdinger let’s have a look at what the start start grid will look like lining up on the front row will be George economides in the number five car he’s alongside Leonard Archer then on the second row of the grid Philip May lines up along the D zero car of Dy uir on the third spin already in Spinners already on the third that will be that’ll be another one that’ll be another um fans committee one the third row of the grid Mark toy finds himself alongside Troy marray Marr in the 86 car and marked a toy in the 74 then we have got Lucas bote alongside Andre delanga and then we moving on to the class uh the class B cars now Lucas bote lines up alongside Andre delonga and then we’ve got Yan yanis alongside Craig Priestley behind them on the eigh row of the grid it is Wayne leeski alongside Luigi phoh behind them Miguel Das lines up alongside Jonathan fif fiser and then franu franu Henning lines up alongside Wayne Rob we’ll hand hand over to Denver for the rest of the positions right the 11th throw on the grid is Melanie spur the lady in the race it’s car number 64 then up next him is Jaden Ken and car number 5312 throws Michael kobbler and car 40 Carl stalon 37 and then the 13th row is V voto Rus and voto Rus in car number one and that is the first of the Class C cars and Ali fan flet that’s car number 431 up next to him then born Kat that’s row 14 and they under Stars orders and off they go I’m going to apologize in advance uh lots and lots lot of cars out on the track lots of different classes so I’m sure there’s going to be more than one mistake but getting out in front Keegan Nathan in the 21 car that leads from oh no that’s further on down sorry Wayne laosi in the number 19 car that leads Luigi faroh and Miguel Das that is the CL no get it get it completely wrong Lucas pite note in the 51 car that actually goes out in front Craig Priestley in that beautifully turned out uh BMW was right up there with him and Fran Henning in third place yeah we saw that one of the first times I’ve ever seen kides lose lose that pole that whole shot George is normally so quick Off the Mark and that that golf turbo of his is idiotically quick um powered by that 2 L turbo motor and he’s he back in front though that’s that’s where we used to seeing him and very quick down the down that little bit of straightaway into turn eight onto the pit straight they go first time in anger and it’s a cones from Leonard archer in their BMW then we got Phillip May up behind him then D olier then Mark to toy so Mark totoy expect to see him making a little bit of Headway through the field and Andre dang has made himself a couple of places up that’s call number triple one dropping down Troy maray into that seventh place an incredible mix of cars here we’ve got everything from uh beautiful Porsches to lots of VW polos golfs you see that very very quick little golf going through there now and uh such a wide V array of cars so very difficult we focus there on the I think the triple one of Andre delanga having gone through there now yeah Andre Andre delanga driving one of the X X cars uh the x-class cars and that’s VW Golf so they sort of unclass well they they they’re in different class with the class X cars but class X catering for new drivers first time out in the series for them as we saw one of the cars getting parked up against the tire wall so something has gone horribly wrong there the 64 [Music] car yeah K’s already gone through onto the third lap so georgeon is still leading up this race in class three as we see car number 64 that’s coming through he is one of the Class D cars Melanie spur in the 64 car well positioned she is she has got Luigi phoh right behind her then it’s Wayne Rob and Miguel Das oh somebody’s Bonnet has come open blown open that’s the or the triple one car of Andre delanga the car that we focused on earlier and he’s doing an incredible job mayhem out on circuit we’ve got another spinner there looks like a little corser yeah it’s one of the class heat Cara one of the class it’s Kon Jaden Kon in the class C car that’s gone off and BMW Z4 in the mix as well chasing down a little box shaped BMW 3 Series and the golf of Andre delanga still going and still going well uh with its Bonnet open yeah that’s Mark to you toy in that BMW Z4 he’s one of the GT cars and he’s on the on the track he’s up to fifth place remember I said keep an eye on him how that guy see there’s someone driving with with his Bonnet literally covering his wind screen that’s incredible but double wav yellow there so they’re going to have to slow down and I dare say they’ll bring out a safety car yeah they’re going to have to bring out a safety car because that that got himself grounded in the kitty litter there the safety car coming coming out they need to get that car out out of the way but it’ll possibly give Andre delonga an opportunity to get that Bonnet of his clothes but I mean still going and going like the clappers with his Bonnet wide open so I think going by field at this stage that’s the most incredible form of drama but we seen that that tussle that’s raging on between mar mar toy it is incredible he he’s all over the back of that E30 in the d0 a little be box shap BMW great to see Dy always always involved in the action out there as delanga continues to circulate around the circuit with that Bonnet completely blocking his View and Melanie spur still in front of Luigi phoh so that that is that is a great battle that’s going on between those two and there’s that’s the beautiful thing about this um this class well this this former racing there’s yellows I think there’s not a corner that doesn’t have a yellow on it so where you are you supposed to overtake I don’t know because the rules are that you’re not supposed to overtake safety car boards have gone out so just waiting for the safety car to pick up our race leader I don’t know if delanga is going to see that in fact the fact he’s seeing anything with his monop I don’t know the reason I’m laughing so much it actually happened to me in a in a datson Bucky once and I I didn’t do as well as he is okay safety car officially out we see the Toyota Gazo racing car out on the track and colom is up behind him so colom is still leading up that with Leonard Archer up behind him Philip mayor is in third place on the track Dy Olivia Mar D to’s got himself up into Fifth and Troy Mar is done well now he’s up into sixth place and Andre delanga is holding on to that seventh um quite incredibly so with zero sighting let’s have a look at uh what while the safety cars out there an opportunity to have a look at the top three in all of the classes it’s Lucas basut that leads out Class A Craig Priestley in second and melpo in third that’s the class a battle then in class B Wayne leety followed by Luigi phoh and Miguel Das that is the top three there top three in class C it is Carl staltz vter Ru and Ela feta and then down to class D we go rob Clark followed by Keegan Nathan great drive there from Keegan Nathan son of Graham Nathan that’s the two two cars that are running in class D onto the GT class we go it’s George economides that leads out there with Leonard Archer behind him and then Philip Mayer in third place onto the super hatch A’s we go and it is ishma baloi that leads that one onto super hatch B it is Selen Naidu our leader there followed by kishan ready in second place the t2 class it is George Aldrich that leads and then the x-class Andre delonga with that Bonnet open followed by Ian alers come on it’s going to be an interesting couple of laps once the safety car goes off the circuit because what it is doing is closing up all of the all of the classes now all the cars in all of the classes are going to be on top of each other so it’s going to be a bit of a Sprint finish we’ve still got four laps left in the race so a long way to go still in race number one in the pharoh energy triple ones GT Sports and saloons including super hatch a and [Music] b there’s so many cars out in this the guys at the back almost Under full race Pace just trying to keep up with the the pace car in front I just still can’t believe that Andre delanga how he’s going around there with that Bonnet wide open see there is a little bit of a gap below the Bonet and surely he can’t have much of a a view of the circuit through that little Gap right pace car off so they going to be under starters orders as they come through turn eight onto the straightaway George Aames leads them out with Leonard arer still in that very close attendance and we saw what happened in the start of the race leard Archer managed to get past him but aonis holding on to the lead as they come streaming past so it is still eomes out in front lard arer Philip May D Olaf Mark totoy watch Mark totoy now he’s got himself into fifth place and in that GT car of his he’s going to be gaining places the first of class SE comes through vus looks like our man with the up the Bonnet that had lifted up has gone into into the pits he’s disappeared off the screen so possibly being brought into the pits to attend to that Bonnet that had popped open as George aonami still leads out that’s the 64 car of Mel spur still going very very well involved in the thick of the battle oh there’s some incredible DSes going on through the field there Mel spur having that huge battle with pharaoh and it looked like phoh might have got the better of that as they go through one of the Class B among stat and that’s Wayne laosi so this an incredible tussle that’s heading down there as we see that Toyota heading down leading that class class A Car of melur number 64 here they come down the straightaway now this is the best the best race that’s going on on the track at the moment a couple of Class A Class B cars all bunched together and they are having a whale of a time a it’s anybody’s positions for the taking there that battle from 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th brilliant brilliant dicing there and Mel spur certainly getting those elbows out got Craig Priestley put in lots and lots of pressure as well as Lucas B note very much in the mix there as well and Mel SPO doing pretty well remember that she’s she’s in a class B car so she’s she’s doing well to hold off the rest of the class air cars that’s holding Around Here Comes econom is down towards turn eight and he’s going to head on to straight about but look at the Gap that he’s opened up to the car in second place and that’s Dy Olia sorry I big up that’s leard Archer up behind him and a Condes putting in his PB his personal best of 2.34 that’s an incredible lap from George a Condes and you see why he’s open that Gap and here comes that tussle that we were talking about that M was involved with and it’s it it is an absolute cracker in among status car number 29 and that’s Miguel and he’s just behind Wayne Rob and Luigi phoh and in front of him in 10th place is Ian Ellis Lucas bazot that is that battle that is Raging on with Wayne laas amongst that lot as well B note having slowed down remarkably now Mel spur having got to the front of that battle over there that is still got uh oh we one lap left so already on the last lap of the race and it is sp the advantage the 150 car comes through now and we just see Leonard Archer heading through that left-hander but George economedes looks like he’s got this sewn up and nothing’s going to touch and Bor spit in the last lap which is never going to happen to him he’s he’s the SWAT Corps master and he absolutely WS it from the man in second place and that’s Leonard Archer and two .34 that was an excellent race time there from our race winner Mar to as I said made his way up into third place do olier in fourth Troy marur and Fifth and Mel spurn incredible drive from her to take sixth place sixth place and where was she in class let’s have a just have a look at the side she’s actually top of Class A so M Mel spur winning class a second in class A Craig Priestley and third Wayne Rob but a fast fantastic driving and it’s it’s actually quite a difficult class to to follow because of all the battles happening within the race but uh I’m sure it will get better as the as the day goes along let’s go through all of the classes we’ve done the class a class uh Class B Was Won by Wayne laisi followed by Luigi phoh in second third place was Miguel Diaz and then in class C winning there where Carl staltz followed bot Ru and bjor gabbit and then in class D Rob Clark with the B over Keegan Nathan that is the class D battle then onto the GT cars George economedes in that very very quick little golf winning overall and winning the GT class as well Leonard Archer finishing in second place in the GT class followed by Mark detoy in third and then onto the super hatch A’s we go with taking the race win there was ishma Balo and the super hatch B win going to senen Naidu followed by kishan ready and then onto the t2 class we go uh Jeff George Aldridge taking the race win there and then on the in the x-class it was uh Ian alers that took the win there with Andre delonga and he was still classified but having gone into the pits after having completed six laps so that uh includes the manic manic pharoh energy triple1 GT Sports and saloons including the super hatch class next up will be the bmwm performance parts race series this is the big one classes a b and c all of the big bangers coming out and we should have Nick Nick herst coming to join us in the commentary box e [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as our bmwm performance parts racing series cars move out onto the circuit for their first race this is classes a b and c let’s catch up with a couple of the drivers before the race Wonder Class C competitor sometimes it’s called Turbo Charge and sometimes it’s not about that yeah I don’t know it’s exactly like you say um the first session went well um got to know as cops a bit it’s the first time in this car with this uh on this track uh went well second session uh I felt there was no power and the Boost pipe um pipe came off so uh I felt how it would have been if it was a normally aspirated car um and I I can tell you it’s not it’s not nearly as fast as it should be your first race was Kyle Army it was such a full field but around swap now also there’s a lot ofs out there yeah it’s a it’s it’s a large field again uh on smaller track um shorter track so um I think it’s going to be much of the same um but that’s what makes it fun and I think that’s what make this whole whole series so enjoyable is the fact that the racing is as tight as it is um and everyone’s just here to have a good time so uh yeah compar Nick n Nick look like you got things going well not going up too much practice um yes it’s uh weather’s nice it’s nice and cool obviously turbocharge car so uh um came to enjoy myself and have a good weekend enjoy time with the guys um cars feeling good so yeah hopefully I can be to the times later today and get a good qualifying tomorrow and uh enjoy what tomorrow holds for us the series seems to be going from strength to strength of the market right yes um it’s nice to see new guys coming and joining and we getting a bigger uh group of guys uh which is always nice more competition and it makes it more [Music] enjoyable right joining me in commentary Nick Herbst Nick fantastic to have you here along for the ride and uh it’s going to be quite an epic race the the big bangers coming out yet some beautiful cars in the mix here thanks Brandon a great pleasure as always uh looking forward to this race in this cold winter day here at SWAT Corps yeah we just a couple of the interviews there and uh Nick Naidu that car of his one thing that really fascinated me I saw that that car KY armi I mean he still got an airon and he still got his radio in there he was playing Tunes nice and cool but uh probably be using the heater in the car today because uh track conditions still relatively cold how did you find them in in your heat I think it’s the first time we hav had to turn on the cooling and the extra fans inside there so yeah an interesting uh uh thing we don’t see very often great stuff as they line up it’s Ryan niker that is in pole position and Ryan fresh out of the South African endurance series weekend down in Port Port Elizabeth last weekend straight into the lead he goes and into the action he was alongside fablo fetto on the front row of the grid and we’ve got a move already there from Leon ler getting past Fabio fetto uh Fabio had a good qualifying um Leon ler had some trouble in qualifying so FAO got ahead of him there but looks through Corner two made that place up and he’ll start the hunt for Ryan niker in that beautiful e92 M3 GTR Fabio still there in third followed by Mr rer Smith we saw a big puff of smoke out of the back of the uh 50 car of Gary Martin the gree monkey motor garage car but that is the only diesel car in the in the the field that I’m aware of it’s fantastic to have him here they had some trouble yesterday what’s happened there got a big spinner somebody gone off at at corner 4 let’s see if we can identify which car that is if he’s gone back on track or whether we got some damage we’ll see but just having a look at the 208 car out on on track now Andreas mayor I know he’s battled that beautiful classic classic touring car colors I know he’s he’s had some technical issues this weekend yeah interesting to see if he can bring the performance back struggled with some shock absorber issues but looks like he’s putting the pressure onto neck marus over there so I’m hoping he’s got that sorted and he can be really competitive in this class B field now I can see uh uh Deon Robertson over there he’s putting great Pace in that class C category I think he’s the one to look out for today he’s leading the uh C cclass at the moment in the number 20 car fantastic to have Deon Robertson a wealth of experience out on track and uh not just uh oh red flags having gone out so haven’t seen what happened there maybe that car that went off is just parked in a in a dangerous spot there so our first race stoppage of the day safety car is not coming out but uh in fact it is a race stoppage and there we just get in so that’s the Truwood car we’re seeing on the side over there looks like a tangled with Leonard Archer from in that ACD vcom uh E9 335i uh right behind it that’s nishel Singh passing the the the vehicles over there now is that the original incident uh what we see that happened that happened after the after the red flag had gone out so possibly somebody just caught unawares uh with the slower traffic and Leonard Archer was facing completely the wrong way around so drama early on here in this class ABC race uh we still don’t have footage to see exactly what’s caused the red flag I’m not sure Brena if you can see what’s happening there we’ll see if Paul had managed to get get an action replay for us but or possibly just here on the radio is from the marshals what the reason was but completely uncited as to to what caused it but uh at the restarted Okay so we’ve got uh Andre um believe it’s skiers from ferin in that E90 race car now that car is looking like a little bit on the front left that experienced some damage there but uh that’s looking at the top of corner 5 I stand to be corrected but that’s beached heavy in the sand right now um and like yucky Jun um probably involved in that incident there so there’s our reason for the red flags the race stoppage the cvent car showing a little bit of front end damage there guys just having a chat about what happened there and a rather rather friendly chat doesn’t seem to be any aggression going out there and that I’ve mentioned it to to Bernard earlier when he was here just the K and the camaraderie amongst the guys once again an absolute standout for me in the bmwm performance parts racing series it’s a defining character there um sure uh you get a little bit of Red Mist when it comes to racing uh but at the end of the day racing in incidents are real things and uh they can’t be avoided in um in totality and they’re going to happen um specifically on an incredibly uh fully packed race we got uh 25 plus race cars in this category like we’ve got in class DNE um so the propensity for for incidents specifically on lap one is just so much higher so because we’re um not completing uh full two laps so we’ll go to a full restart all right getting confirmation coming through from uh uh Paul Bedford in the Obi van that there’s possibly fluid that has been dropped on the circuit possibly oil that has gone down on turn five and that has led to all of the guys spinning as as we saw guys facing completely the wrong way around so the Marshall’s heading out onto the track now to go and attend to what is possibly a bit of an oil spill at turn five they’re working really quickly there the guys I I imagine they’ve already thrown some of that cement down and I can see the blowers already operating so kudos to the the SWAT Corps team um there’s no delay in that they’re getting that sorted so hopefully we can get this race restarted um and hopefully a little bit less drama in the next uh couple of laps yeah that’s uh turn four where they’re busy so possibly oil turn four and turn five so uh as you say high drama in the early stages of the race uh just getting confirmation that it was the yellow car that the cureent car that looks like it has blown its motor and uh its engine expired in a big way and uh spil its oil what to say it guts but uh spewed its guts out onto the track and uh bit of a break while there’s a cleanup yeah it’s a sad outcome for for Andre um I know that he was putting in some very good lap times yesterday during practice the car was looking competitive um so that’s a disappointing end if that is indeed the the outcome that that car has met its engine demise um so yeah so we’re going to lose um one I don’t know if we have any other casualties in that class C category that we’ve got here in front of us uh but at least not too many vehicles involved but there going to be a lot of work for the SWAT Corps team going up to up to Corner five uh to to repair that that circuit in terms of reducing the the oil effect yeah just picking up the pieces of the curent car and uh just the the last shots that we had there was uh the the extent of the oil up the hill uh it’s there is a lot of oil that has been that has been dropped down onto the circuit so I think we we’re going to be in for an extended break and just a massive massive shout out to all of the marshals out there this morning I mean working in incredibly cold uh conditions when we arrived at the circuit at 6:00 this morning the marshals were already out and uh at their posts and getting getting ready for a good day’s racing so just a huge huge uh mass of gratitude to all of the marshals here at SWAT cops International Raceway it doesn’t look like the True Wood vehicle is getting moving we can’t really see from the footage whether that’s got any uh damage sustained um like you mentioned maybe a little bit after the fact you know the curent car going off first and potentially even on the on the follow-up lap uh with the double waved yellows or the the red uh potentially going off so we’ll see some footage on that later but I’m not seeing if that car is going to continue moving so it looks like we’re going to have two cars uh removed from the class C competition that is really a Pity because uh the class C Class C and and and we as we saw in class D earlier on that’s the tussles up front I mean we’ve got four five six cars um anybody in the mix and and all within all in with a shot so it is is really a a nice compe yet almost gentle gentlemanly form of racing absolutely right um in terms of the classes that uh you know the places to be uh it seems like Class C and class D have got those honors at the moment so Class C has has long been an incredibly rewarding and enjoying category in the BMW M performance past uh race series um and class D is showing some very tight tussles as well now so like you mentioned a bit of uh uh gentlemansharp but yeah respect for for each other and and and and the race that’s at hand and and often we don’t see too many incidents specifically of uh you know dangerous driving or things like that and you know how do you how do you curb the guys or or sort of keep them keep them keep reing them in because you know knowing races as I know races the moment that visor on the helmet goes down it is pedal to the metal and and to hell with the the guy next to you and you you’ll always get the let’s call them hote heads that uh come through and do they get do they get sorted out fairly fairly quickly in the in the series yeah our COC um Eldred uh he’ll certainly address any any reckless driving behavior and any you know Misfits unfortunately that don’t fit in with the with the club ethos and the and and the drive and and intention of the club so you know these things get uh get addressed um but unfortunately like we mentioned uh race first race uh plus lap one with a big field unfortunately it’s a recipe for for incidents and unfortunately I mean there it looks like we’ve got no driver Behavior issue but we’ve got a vehicle that’s let go in a mechanical way um and the the oil on the track just makes you an absolute passenger you’re skating on an ice rink and there’s absolutely nothing you can do and if you’re one of the guys just behind that uh just so much worse because it uh it comes up on you so quickly and there’s just so little you can do and you just have to take evasive action brace for impact and hope your your braking takes effect at some point on the track and with with class A if we could just shift the focus to to primarily the class A cars what how how much development is allowed is it open open game you can you can just go crazy and and whatever whatever floats your boat you you sky is the limit um so there really is not a lot of restraint uh constraints in the BMW M performance parts race series so effectively our our category is governed by time um as opposed to a lot of uh Hardware restrictions and and modifications so what you’ll see is we’ve got a great number of classes we’ve got everything from a to e um and I believe we are potentially even considering an additional class to continuously keep very tight racing in each class so you can have um effectively very different cars of different capabilities in a similar class because the ultimate race bace is what determines your position um in a particular class so here we’ll see uh the class a race cars which are um you know capable of competing on the international circuit I mean that car there right uh we see on our footage the Ryan Nik e92 M3 race car incredible machine incredible machine we were seeing lap times uh of the low 102s uh yesterday if I’m correct and it that kind of lap time is is is incredible super car super car territory and Ryan Nik am I right you say only 16 years old yes yeah Ryan’s one of our youngest drivers on the field um really capable and he’s been showing his uh his racing prowess over the last number of races he’s been with us I think this is now the uh third or fourth event um and he’s really showing uh race driver development had an absolute baptism of fire for him in Port Elizabeth last weekend in the South African endurance series and where he ended up on top of the tie walls in the in the Audi R8 but came back they got that car sorted out in next to no time and and came back and put in a very very solid performance for for such a young for such a young driver yeah it’s great to see this you know we we’ve seen a number of uh Young Drivers being developed uh you know to a limited degree uh in our category so we’ve had uh um Leighton um and another will come to my head in a moment uh but being developed before International driving um uh performance so um I know that Andreas was uh was was cheering on um our South African in Leighton in the I think it was the DTM or uh the M M2 Cup and the guy is doing incredibly well but the the competition in specifically Class B and class a um is is really unparalleled at certain extent you really can see a fantastic uh racecraft uh being exerted on the track there and a lot of the guys I mean joining in the the you know they’re not they’re not youngsters they they’re elderly guys joining and that they never raced before so here you’ve got you’ve got a mix of of super talented uh guys fresh fresh out of uh Caron that have done inter National carton mixing it up with the the more gentlemanly racer and and that’s that’s that’s the part that I find interesting here is to is to how you you I referred to them as hote heads earlier but you know a Carter is a Carter and there’s a gap he’s going to take it you you you know so I know Ryan Ryan Nik come through the the carting the carting um Fields as well so um our our carting at the moment is in a very very healthy healthy State and uh the they move down to Port Elizabeth next weekend for the rock the the next round of the rock Championship so we’ll be following that one with uh some uh careful attention the diversification is great so you know unlike where you start become accustomed to what your your your colleague and your and your co- competitor um how they race and and the typical Trends and styles of a of a young upand cominging racer you now have everything under the sun uh we’ve got uh you know a range of drivers uh in in age ranging from 16 um all the way to I believe it’s in the 70s I must ask Uncle Leon one of our our top competitors U who’s the top there in terms of the age category but no he’s certainly not shy in terms of pace um and and I would expect him to to put up a strong competition now uh for this for this race here that’s absolutely absolutely brilliant to hear and um there was a point I was going to make about uh oh the the uh VW the VW rookies cup that uh fast tracking the Carters into saloon car racing as well now and that’s that’s been hugely successful running in its uh in its second season and we see the light the likes of uh um Jud um Jud Jud Jud Gary Gary son bertal there we go Jud beral coming through and and mixing it up here um with the with the guys and and we’ve got a a youngster from Port Elizabeth Josh Mo 14 years old that’s uh in the rookies rookies cup already so it’s it’s certainly going to Fast Track the guys into the into the mainstream and it’s it’s it’s such a it’s such a great um initiative from micro and and the VW Motorsport team yeah absolutely you know there’s certain aspirations that everybody will have and I’m sure Formula 1 is is probably The Pinacle but you know we’re seeing the uh the examples the results of you know the funder Linda Brothers um Sheldon and and Kelvin and the incredible results that they’ve uh experienced in the DTM and and various other GT3 categories and it’s fantastic to see uh South African athletes featuring on the international stage um and to see where you can get to and and to be honest when you when you look at the competition and the and what we get to uh see in the GT3 classes uh that must be an absolute dream for somebody so you know this kind of bringing uh competitors up from a very early age and things from from carting into into Saloon race cars Polo cup uh formula V uh to name a few fantastic way to get an early start into Saloon racing which is at the top of the of the racing competition in the in the world I believe that uh Keegan Masters is with us today uh he he’s uh join we’ll hopefully try and get a hold of him and and bring him in to to come and chat to us but I mean two Podium two Podium finishes for him uh in the last outings in in the Porsche cup the international por one my favorite categories that yeah and I mean at at monarco of of all places and and he’s he’s he’s busy he signed a twoyear deal so he’s in it he’s in it now flat out and um it’s starting he’s certainly starting to to reap rewards and and and being picked up by the by the bigger teams and and the bigger sponsors so hopefully we can catch up with Keegan if he is here listening on the PA system that uh he can pop in and and come and chat to us maybe during the uh during the break a little bit later on for the hot Labs it’ be interesting to chat to him so it looks like that trood uh vehicle if we take a look closer now that the cvent uh E90 car of Andre skiers has been moved it looks like that’s got some front end damage over there the front bumper specifically uh potentially the hood as well um a little bit hurt so I’m sure that’s not going to be competing um so it looks like that’s the only car that I’m expecting that they’re going to continue to to attempt to move out the Cur car is is uh out of our picture right now I’m assuming that’s been returned back to the pit um so yeah hopefully we’re not too far away from getting back to some track action yeah we saw they had the super sweepers out on the track as well uh just in that that last camera shot that we were looking at the car there lots and lots of gravel on the on the circuit as well so there’s still I would imagine still going to be a few minutes of cleanup time before we get back into the action of the bmwm performance part racing series frustrating time to be sitting on the grid waiting uh what What’s going through your mind at that at that stage I was looking at it now and just pondering and you know there’s there’s certain times of the year um at different circuits where sitting in this car is a well in one of the race cars is a particular experience I think right now it’s probably the most comfortable to be honest as time goes by though I think the the wind chill is going to be having an impact but usually um we don’t have the Creature Comforts like air conditioning or or any sensible ventilation unless the car is moving at at significant speed so um with the real cold air in uh right now I’m sure those guys are at least a little bit more comfortable but nonetheless I’m sure they they can’t wait to get going again yeah unless you unless you are um Nick Naidu in the M2 with the air conditioner and radio he’s probably got the heater on there but also the cars having having been stationary for so long all that heat that they had managed to to build up into the tires has all has all but dissipated so it’s it’s back to back to the drawing board get that heat back in so get some heat into the into those Dunlop tires again as the super sweeper now having moved further up the circuit and you can the gravel that I was refering referring to you can see on the left hand side of the screen there that looks like quite a fun little vehicle there I think if they were having hot laps I wouldn’t mind have taking a lap in that super sweeper that seems to be quite a bit of fun that guy’s having clearing that circuit we saw the one tow vehicle return to the track now I’m hoping he’s going to be able to hook up um no he’s he’s he’s leaving the track there so I wonder if they need the flatbed uh to move that True Wood vehicle as well and that’ll that that’ll explain the uh the continuation of this delay we’re seeing right now um one more vehicle to to get off the track which is still in a very dangerous uh dangerous spot um and I’m sure that won’t allow any racing to uh to proceed until that’s addressed yeah hopefully we can get that car sorted out and and back on track I don’t think we’re going to see any more of the curent car out on the circuit um after it spilled its guts but more cement more cement powder going down you can just see the dust blowing across there so as I said I think we still a little bit away from a restart quite a bit of wind we’ve got here today we see that dust picking up and it’s it’s not moving at any glacial place um so yeah plenty of wind on at the moment it doesn’t seem to be impacting or having any significant impact um on the on the race cars right now so we’re not seeing a massive you know Tailwind headwind or or side draft uh but you know with the cool temperatures uh really helping these cars to to produce maximum performance so cooler temperatures mean denser air so the engines are able to uh to produce a little bit more power um so we’re going to see you know fantastic uh performance over here it’s always a um a ju to position we we’re you know combating whether we’ve got Peak Performance from the track and once it gets to a certain temperature it’s got a bit of rubber from the various classes that are racing uh you get you know the track Evolution starts happening and cooler temperatures specifically up here in the Hef um really do uh play an important Ro Ro of the the various tracks that you race what would you what would you rate as the as the best where where’s the best place to take the BMWs and go and race I think we’re spoiled for Choice here um in South Africa but uh it’s I don’t think kyami would uh would be done any justice if it wasn’t at top position um kyami is a fantastic track um it’s it’s very different and characteristic it’s it’s a lot longer the uh number of of highspeed Corners the Dynamics of the track in terms of cber and and and different types of Corners there just make for a fantastic experience for you know for the race driver I’m not sure if the viewing experience is is paralleled I know from my family you know we go to to Red Star Raceway out in Delmas and while that is fundamentally a bike track uh the viewing is great cuz it’s so flat and you can basically see everything that’s going on so for the the viewers you can kind of keep up with the action if you’re there you know at the circuit and experiencing everything live whereas uh SWAT hops there’s some decent viewing over here some nice uh positions which you can get to where is kyomi because the length of that track uh you you’ve got to choose your position wisely and you can only keep you know a couple of Corners in your in your viewing Point um and I think that’s what makes it maybe a little bit less attractive from a live uh viewing position but for the drivers I must admit kyami is just unparalleled it’s a abs absolute Gem and I think if we had to do that uh once twice 10 or 100 times a year um I I’d certainly be signing my name up every single time fantastic to see some bra fires already having been lit on the on the banks and and what one one thing that really blew me away this morning as I said we got here at 6:00 and there was already a queue of Spectators coming into the circuit obviously to get their favorite spot on the embankment and and even um cars that were left were left last night uh so lots and lots of fun and games happening over there and while the break is on if you want to go and have a look at the ice rink that they’ve set up um at the back of the the pits the raised pits at the back there they’ve got an ice rink for the kitties you’re more than welcome to go and have a look there it’s free free for the children to go and uh have their first taste of of an ice shink um so lots of activities happening and then the Dunlop the Dunlop Zone at the back here lots going on there as well they’ve got a guess guess uh the number of balloons in a car they’ve got a BMW that is full of balloons you got to guess how many balloons were put into that car they’ve got a a scale EXC track that’s been set up there as well they’ve got uh two simulators so you can go and put your skills against the best in the world in the on the uh the simulators there so lots and lots of action and not forgetting the uh the charity drive that Dunlop have been behind this weekend uh collecting blankets jackets as well as tinned food and and we found out this morning that the VW uh the payar VW challenge guys had donated 230 blankets already and there were still more to come so a fantastic initiative uh and a massive massive thank you to Dunlop for putting the charity drive together and then for all of the uh the people that have embraced the charity drive and contributed to towards it it is certainly a very very welcome initiative yeah fantastic outcome um and this is really uh it’s needed night right now if you take a look at how the temperatures have just plummeted in such a short span we’ve been having a a mild winter to be honest we didn’t see in May um any significant temperature drops or or huge cold fronts and and just over the past week or so we’ve just seen the you know the cold kind of set in and specifically with the wind today you know once we we get the footage roll back to to some of the spectators you see how everybody is just you know making an attempt to keep warm big jacket trying to break the wind so it’s it’s it’s tough right now to be a a loyal and and devoted spectator specifically when you’re supporting one of your one of your favorite race drivers um but nonetheless it looks like we’re still um going to see some great racing here today yeah it was a bit of a a welcome um relief for me when I arrived yesterday uh based in Port Elizabeth and I flew in early yesterday morning and left the pouring rain we’ve had almost a weeks worth of rain in in Port Elizabeth and I got off got out the airlane yesterday to a welcome 5° uh I actually went and put a second pair of shorts on because it it was that cold so yeah but when we arrived this morning it was bitterly bitterly cold and the the wind cuts through you and I me straight into your bones so it it is great to see The Spectators out there the Sun come through but the wind still a serious chill wind chill factor that it has got out there we’re probably at the best part of the day you know we’re approaching midday uh just quarter to one right now we’re getting some nice footage unfortunately of that of that True Wood vehicle uh not in a great shape um I’m hoping that’s not going to be too terrible for the uh Lee Thompson racing team to to address they look after the uh the true wood vehicles um but yeah unfortunate event over there I wonder if he if he was unfortunately a um a victim and a and a passenger of the um of the oil spill from that curv ENT machine yeah the damage to the front end of that car rather substantial it didn’t you the way it was parked up against the barriers you didn’t realize until we saw that footage of it on the trailer so I doubt we will see uh that car taking any further part we hope they can get it sorted out and see the second of the True Wood cars out on the track back so with that car returning to the pits U I’m sure we’re going to be getting underway um quite shortly uh we’ll see from the footage to see if there’s any more work being uh done to the track uh it looks like the the sweeper machine and the Marshalls have done a great job they seem to be off to the side already so I think we’re not too far away from our restart for the class A B and C bmwm performance race series and that’ll be a full restart so any any overtaking uh Maneuvers that were executed during that first lap unfortunately going to be replaced we can see the board go out there so they’re about to start yeah the 5minute board going out now so the safety car will just uh go around track inspection and then well 5 minute board was uh very shortlived well there we go cars straight out behind the safety car get back into their original position as Nick said and we are good to go racing classes abnc been an action-packed affair so far take a lookout for the yellow and black BMW E36 of Hein funder mava it’s got a a big um stalk sticking at the top it makes it look like a bumblebe so that is a a 360° camera so take a look uh on after the session I’m sure Hine will share that on uh on on YouTube and various other channels and we’ll see a great 360° view of his uh of his racing yeah the the the 360 cameras have certainly added a completely new dimension to to Motorsport photography and they are absolutely fantastic so we got Ryan niker leading from Fabio fetto Leon ler and third we’ve got reneer Smith just behind him leading the class B uh battle right behind him NE Maris from Andreas Mayer behind Andreas Mayer we got o Bion and then yaku storm senior [Music] leading Class C uh we’ve got Devon Robertson from nishel Singh behind him Leonard Archer who we saw was was facing the wrong direction but let’s uh stay tuned now into this restart with Ryan Nik get to take the honors away nervous moments for the drivers but I’m sure a lot of relief as well that they finally getting back to the racing action as the lights go out and we go racing you can just see the amount of cement dust blowing off the circuit so a couple of places around the circuit that have been affected by the oil as the number 20 car of Devon Robertson very much in the mix there already looking very racy I mean he’s looking at overtaking a Class B car there right now so Devon is putting huge pressure I’m not sure he’ll be able to keep it up the main straight but he’s going to be leading that class C with great conf right now so Leon has overtaken Fabio um putting the power down through the main straight so he’ll be charging after our race leader Ryan niker that’s uh um behind fun mava over there getting uh um into some interaction with Jan everin and I’ll be going up the hill lots of dust being pushed up into the air with all that oil being covered the 92 car second place that is Fabio fetto chasing down our race leader actually third place at the moment Leon loser I see there’s been a change of position there looks like Loa having moved up into second and Fabio feta down into third place as the timing screen updates now so it is Ryan niker that leads Leon Lo second Fabio fetto in third followed by reneer Smith neck uh neck mackus running in fifth and then that beautifully turned out car of Andre mayor running in sixth with Oz Pion in seventh and then yaku storm Jr in eighth Devin Robertson coming through in ninth and leads the oh no he’s dropped to second in the class C battle with yaku storm Jr having got ahead of him so that uh right behind him is the amtech car of rard Miller uh last year’s class D Champion um moving into a higher powered car um we still got green Flags around the track so it looks like we’ve had a clean restart uh we’ll need to get to to lap two before we prevent any full restarts happening again um but we’re still seeing uh some great performance over here um Brandon I think we’ve actually got Devon is it not Devon Still leading um our class C I wonder was that yaku storm J leading leading Class C yaku Storm Jr that leads Class C Deon Robertson in second and rard Miller in third and rard actually the quickest car in the in cclass at the moment with going on their lap times so catching a glimpse there of the DEA car still a very tight field there I see Yan everin looking at the inside of Hein funer mava making the pass over there but now they’ll go up the up the main straight and you’ll need a defend from that turbocharged E36 Andreas May a little bit further behind uh um neck Maris right now he was a little bit closer during the first start watching Mayo go through they’re just sliding it through the corner so TI is still a little bit [Music] cold yeah that restart is going to have that little effect I wonder how long it’s going to take before we you know get to full temperature we got confidence in the track and everything um the little bit of a slow exit there and I think we’re going to see the class C lead be taken by Deon Robinson Corner six and it looks like rard is going to be looking for an opportunity to try and get past as well yeah Deon Robertson up into second place in class and nearly dragged rard Miller along for not into second into the lead I meant to say and uh really dragging nearly dragging rard Miller along with him so great move from Deon Robertson to take the class C lead at the change between Corner 5 and Corner six now will he have the legs to to get a bit of a gap some breathing room over there or is that true wood vehicle of Yaki storm Jr going to make up some pace and try Take the Lead back looks like we got some space building between the class B race cars over there we see osion uh with a couple Vehicles Gap behind Andreas Mar Andreas equally behind neck mckas in class B with uh reneer looking with a fairly comfortable lead for that class B category yeah the lead that he enjoys at the moment in class B sitting at just over 2 seconds and our race leader Ryan niker a nice Gap that he’s got a 2 and a half seconds lead that he has got out in front over Leon ler Fabio fetto still in that third place but this is the car that the cameras always love that’s the 208 car of Andreas Mayer running in third in class B at the moment so we’re seeing this the time start to drop we’ve got our our leader uh doing a low 104 uh Leon just behind him in the mid 104s uh so we’ll need to see whether Leon is going to be able to increase his pace um to take the the battle to Ryan just watching Deon Robertson just got a glimpse of him heading through the corner and attacking the corners very aggressively now and then mayor once again in the 208 car coming through he has got oani right behind him looks like we’ve had a change for second as well that’s rup Miller ahead of the True Wood car of of yucky storm um but yeah class B still looking quite quite stable uh no no close tussles yet uh but we’ll start to see as as that develops the times are still going to start dropping we’ve got uh the class B category doing low 108 at the moment um whereas our qualifying was in the 106 range so uh we’re still expecting a little bit more Pace as as the race goes by and we start getting more temperature and lower fuel levels Ryan niker our race leader having just banged the fastest lap now 103 into the 10 it’s a 1039 so into the 103 as we go now second place that was Renee Smith that leads that’s dein Robertson leading Class C in the number 20 car oh look look is AC Action Replay talk about Groundhog Day for the storm Brothers the storm family so that’s yucky Jor at the top of corner 5 and that’s just where um y storm senior’s vehicle was it doesn’t look like he’s made contact with the with the barriers but pulled the car off there I’m not sure if he just breaks himself or whether the car’s got a mechanical issue we got double waved yellows going into into Corner 5 now with that True Wood vehicle um out there at the Escape road yeah I know that was that was really crazy to go to that shot and think what have we gone back in time but the action continues unabated Deon Robertson still leading Class C in the big boss Auto [Music] BMW so that’s a naturally aspirated race car right there both in in our picture we had Oz B oh Andreas Mayer on the side of the road is that corner two that looks like it’s in a a fairly dangerous spot there in corner 2 so let’s see what happens what decisions are going to be made so we got two vehicles off now one at two another at five four laps left in the race we got Andreas mayor that is off and that car that car just to me just looks the the classic touring car colors and uh absolute hot break to see it stopped on the side of the track not seeing any movement there and the and the same of the Truwood uh vehicle so I suspect if if if the uh COC is comfortable with the location of those Vehicles will’ll probably continue simply under under waved yellows um and allow the race to continue yeah we’ve got down to three laps left in the race we got a close tussle happening here between Fabio fetto um in in and rer Smith leading Class B right now very close between those two last laps Fabio fetto was a 110 now that obviously be attributable to the yellow flags but Ria Smith right behind him they’ve got uh green flags there into Corner two so I suspect that they are comfortable with the location of andreas’ Super touring car on the side there um not putting anybody in danger uh nor himself or the vehicle so there’s Devon Robertson and he’s chasing down osbon so that’s going to be a naturally aspirated battle right there uh both of those cars just sound absolutely fantastic you’ll hear OS bion’s car come down the main straight and listen to that s54 sing at high RPM with that beautiful sequential gear box our race leader Ryan Nik are going to start mixing up with a couple of the back markers now we have got uh two laps left in the race on the penultimate lap of the race we are and there the car with the 360 camera mounted on top of it guys just moving out of the way let the faster car through great job from the drivers as Ryan niker goes through on the inside should we start in the last lap of the race now when he comes past us he’s situated in the main control tower in class C it looks like from our timing we may have missed a um an overtake here we’ve got Yan everin in second uh in class seed behind Deon Robertson uh and that’s where Ray not Miller was was previously in front of Hein funder mava so it looks like he’s made up some positions there we’ll wait to confirm that from our [Music] footage yeah the class C battle Deon Robertson that’s still leads Jan everon up into second with rard Miller in third hin funer mava down to Fourth so we’ got Leon as well uh moving through the back of the Class C category um and we’ll start to see uh FAO Fida and Rene Smith and see where that battle um is L so relatively uncontested uh challenge here for for Ryan niker um it looks like he was able to manage the times and put in a great pace so far um moving through the traffic Leon still in in in uh not too far on the distance but it doesn’t look like it was ever too close in his rear view mirror or or side view mirrors so Ryan Nike is going to take the honors over here from Leon lire uh with Fab fetto pulling up a third for for class A and it looks like reneer Smith will take the honors for class B second in class B would be neck marris he just needs to bring it home now Oz bani will be the following of the finishers as our race winner comes through to take overall honors Ryan niker wins the class and O first overall followed home by Leon in the number one car waiting for Fabio fetto to come across the line couple of the back markers having gone through still waiting for fetto look how close that class be competition is we’ve got neck Maris on the back bumper of reneer Smith um are we going to see a move in here doesn’t look like it so R Smith is going to look after the class B honors but neck marker is putting the the pressure on right till the very end and Fabio keeping ahead of those uh that duo waiting for our third place man in class B oz bajani to come through but Deon Robinson looks like will finish ahead of him and take the class C win Robertson wins Class C from Yan everin so Yan everin got got his way through we started to see moves ahead of Hein funder marava um and he must have got R up Mill unfortunately we didn’t get to see that through our footage uh but quite a few overts to get that second in class but great Pace from Deon Robertson to take the class C honors and it looks like that class be battle started to heat up towards the end unfortunately we lost our uh our Championship leader right now Andreas May with that super touring car pulled off um on the side of corner 2 together with a True Wood vehicle at the top of corner 5 well there’s our full list of finishers was a rather lengthy race with all of the the delays that we had but uh once things got going lots and lots of action right through down all the classes Vernard DEA managing a 12th Place overall where did he finish it was a sixth place in uh Class C for Bernard all right next up on the so we’re looking for for to the grid walk now so we’re going to be setting up those Class A B and C cars are going to be lining up I think it’s three in a row um and then we’ll bring through the class d& um car my car will hopefully be there um to to add to that and then we’ll bring in through some more of the categories and this will give an opportunity for the for the spectators to come and uh take a walk through uh you know kind of look in touch and and and take a look at the race cars in detail all grouped up nicely together yeah 100% correct and we’d like to invite all Spectators to please make your way out onto the grid take part in the grid walk the marshals will be cleaning up around the circuit and it will it’s a nice opportunity for you to get up and close and personal and come and have a close look at the cars and uh meet the drivers and really enjoy the action on the grid walk firsthand [Music] y e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] this [Music] of [Music] Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi folks a quick note to all the expectators hey thank you for braving the cold weather and coming out and supporting SWAT cors Raceway I hope you’re enjoying the racing today but secondly those cars that you see formed up on the grid you are more than welcome and more than invited to go and have a look at them meet the drivers get some signatures Meet Your Heroes of the track have a look at the race cars it is open to all Spectators so please all the cars are lined up there please Avail yourself go have a look it’s going to be a lot of fun meet the drivers have a chat to them about their cars they’re more than willing to accommodate the information about it the grid is open now so please guys help yourselves go meet the folks [Music] [Music] [Music] keep for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as more and more cars heading out onto the circuit folks once again we encourage you to uh join the Dunlop guys out on the track all of the cars that are running Dunlop tires or the classes that are running Dunlop tires out on the track at the moment and once again a massive massive uh thank you to Dunlop for putting their charity drive together uh collecting blankets uh jackets and Tin food for the needy it is a very very welcome initiative and we ask that you all please support it uh always a need for blankets uh jackets as long as well as tinted food as well and it’s a really a a rare opportunity for spectators to make their way out onto the circuit and really get up and close with all of the cars and the drivers and a fantastic opportunity see the Drone up in the air at the moment capturing the moment so head down to the uh main main straight now outside the of the pit Lane and come and have a look at all of the cars on show [Music] guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] look [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sh wow take it [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] right for [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] that’s over 100,000 kilm yeah I live on a farm so that’s why it looks like that luckily the engine is bullet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good people of SWAT Corps we have the payall VW challenge up on the line and ready to Roar and leading the championship at the moment is car number 42 they have Chris Tate and he’s a class C car so keep an eye on him and of course Wayne Masters who as per surname he is the master of this track I think he’s done more laps around this track than economedes and that’s saying a lot of things so he’s up at the front of the grid next to him is Bon Masters and then then we have Dean Ross he’s third on the grid then Miguel Diaz Luigi phoh and Stuart Mack making up the next row is Ethan Kia Sheron rajpal and then up behind them is sh Hayes and Deval Terron then number 77 also in the class B cars in Walker then tanai in KU and then Francis alrich and Nicole Lombard Nicole quite down on on the grid uh she’s in the class a car but expect to see her making inroads and the first of the class seat cars on the grid is Andy Gosman and car number 31 then Jud biral and then Christopher Tate Josh Wolford behind them Kyle Peterson Philip Cruiser Tyran P MIT could here and then Cody Peterson and Demitri zero and bringing up the back of the grid but it’s going to be some T racing keep an eye on that battle in the front between the moners buros and of course unfortunately we missing Mohammad kodia um he rode off his car yesterday in practice so sad to see Muhammad out the race but I’m guess he’ll be back and rebuilt for the next [Music] one right down the starters orders and Ricky to rock they’ll go around for a warm-up lap again and then we will be hot lap racing right back to the action we go and before we get going with race number two in the payar automotive components challenge uh let’s chat to some of the drivers St Bas driver Nicole Lombard D in class A here on the VW challenge Nicole how’s it going this weekend good so far we had a red flag last practice session so didn’t really and a lot of traffic so didn’t get to get hot lap in so much but it’s nice to be out on the track again been a while and having a Class A Car it’s bit of a handful around you isn’t it yeah it is Lots Class A is a bit confusing at the moment there’s about five four different kinds of Class A cars so but yeah nice Fast Track some good sweeps and a Class A Car it’s fun this for the the plan uh the plans overall is to win but it’s tough competition out there and cl has really grown yeah that’s even from the beginning of the year it’s grown by three more or more cars and uh finding it competitive is it easy to drive out there with each guard are they well experienced uh yeah some many of them are well experienced and it’s quite a challenge Andy Gman I’m looking at some damage on your car there I presume that’s from a previous race and why is it not prepared I’ll tell you Dave Thomas few man Thomas few especially when you’re getting older you know um but uh what’s happened is the panel beater panel beater broke his arm and his leg so we haven’t able how’s it going this weekend it’s going right uh the young guys have really caught up they doing like half a second faster than us this weekend so far uh we got to do a bit of work and see how it goes but the young guys are really coming Christopher Tate and Jad Bol really very cool and then there’s Carl Peterson Cody Peterson and tyan P and all the guys we’re having a great time we got nine qus on in our class and we’re going to have fun well fun indeed it should be we are almost set to go racing with race number two car just trying to get some extra heat into the tires uh just had an opportunity during the short break to uh take a walk around the pit area and was uh pleasantly surprised to see how many Spectators have come in here today to support the Dunlop winter extreme Festival so a massive massive welcome to everybody that has come out and uh thank you for joining us here and once again a massive thank you as well to everybody that supported the Dunlop charity drive the seani Plastics car what’s happening there Jud beral jumping out the car he’s uh completely disgusted with things by the look of things slammed the door closed he’s obviously got a problem so I’m sure we’re going to just have a slight hold up uh before we get going for race number two throws his hands up in the air possibly a gearbox that’s gone on that car but uh certainly not a happy young man see Gary biral in the background there they’re going to push that car off The Circuit by the look of things absolute heartbreak for young J beral getting pushed off the circuit he has been most impressive in the VW rookie cup we mentioned them earlier on so about to go under Stars orders we go now this should be yet another nail biting affair right who’s going to get the whole shot is it going to be Wayne or Bon Masters and just keep an eye on Miguel Diaz Mel normally gets a good good punt off the line as well the 2-minute board is up the the lights on and off they go and a great oh a sad start there for Bon Masters sure very sluggish off the line there but Wayne getting the whole shot as the class B guys take off and it looked like Stuart ma got the better of that lot as the class a guys head down into turn two as the class C guys get away and Andy Gosman get oh no Andy Gosman was a bit slow so it looked like Chris Chris T getting excellent start there for Christopher Tate that youngster having it and of course leading the championship at the moment as our race leaders head up into turn four that very fast right-hander for the first time and they safely threw on those cish tires and heading up the hill towards the tabletop and turn five and Wayne Masters looks like he’s got uh measure of that one doesn’t he it’s another brilliant brilliant opening lap there from Wayne Masters streaking out out in front Dion Ross in second and Miguel Das in third place that is the the top three as well as the class a lead in fourth place it is the the it looked like number 51 that was Stuart Mack in the class be heading it out and he’s also he’s also got himself a fair lead in front of in front of the man behind him so that looked like Shireen ypal as our leaders head down the straightaway into that that left-hander that tight left-hander which is turn one and it is still weight Masters out in front ahead of Miguel Das and beavon Masters who got that lousy start as our class B guys come through and that’s number 51 Stewart Mack getting that up right the car SE guys heading heading through across the start and finish line [Music] there Carl Peterson in second place under pressure going through it looks like it’s Christopher Tate that’s looking for a way through on the inside right there it’s the 43 car of KL oh sorry the KL Peterson in the 43 car under pressure from the 42 of Christopher Tate that’s the class C battle but back out in front with our race leaders leading out Class A it is Wayne Masters under lots of pressure from the 29 car of Miguel Das and then it is Bon Masters that is up into third place followed by the 177 of Nicole Lombard oh that’s a great start there from Nicole she’s made up a lot of places from her her grid showing and Luigi phoh holding on to that fourth on the road as our race leaders head down the straight now into that left-handed cor but look at beon Mar Bavon Mar looking very hungry he’s all over the back of Miguel D he wants that second place back and maybe a first he wants he wants to take that away from Wayne Masters b14 heading through that’s our second place man that’s Shireen rajal he’s up behind Stuart Mack Stuart ma starting to open up a little bit of a gap there Brendon absolutely that’s the battle for class B honors and uh back to our race leaders Wayne Masters Miguel D B Masters and Luigi phoh pharoh the quickest of the cars out there having just gone through uh fractionally quicker the all those cars going through 114s uh but uh it is Luigi phoh at the the quickest of them as Bavon Masters now eclipses him goes through in a 114 433 so absolutely nothing in it between the times of the top four five cars at the moment oh there’s a tussle there through that turn five someone someone taking it a bit wide there clipping the curb there the 69 carve jaqu Hayes all all sorts of pressure from to yeah there was two to run all over the place but yeah he managed to hold it together and he’s held on to that that lead that he’s got in the class Francis Aldrich in the 169 car very very much involved in the action there as the cars head down to turn one now down the hill they go there was D ton there and Ja is all over and Ja is just in front of him side by side going through the corners this is going to be a nailbiter the class b battle is where the ction is all happening yeah the class B always seems to be the pick of the bunch in terms of close racing those cars so evenly match so so are their drivers and it’s just epic to watch them as they go through that turn that turn four everybody is hungry for the lead there everybody is absolutely hung so at the stage of the day with that camera shot with the sun reflecting off the wind screens that it becomes incredibly difficult to pick up the car’s numbers so just bear with us when we get it wrong as the 77 moves up now on the inside possibly making up a position that’s Ian Walker going through on the inside of deal teron makes the move work Shireen rajal in the number 14 car leads that pack [Music] [Applause] through but look at St back in class B that man is head out class be and he’s got himself a good Race distance in front of the rest of them stew Mack is really really holding on tight to that R race lead and he’s putting out some good lap times there but the fastest on the track at the moment is Bavon Masters he he’s cracked it into the 113s at a 113 716 and that is that is pretty good going yeah the first of the drivers to go into the 113 so track conditions warming up nicely as the 31 car of Andy Gosman now Class C leader goes through focus on him now nice little Gap that he has got over second place Chris Tate that Gap sitting at uh just over 2 seconds in the class C battle with Kyle Peterson in the 43 car down in third place and Chris Tate really wants to make up some of that ground in clossy that he’s lost to the man in front of him Andy Gosman but Andy Gosman that’s young that’s a young blood versus old and he gosman’s got some huge race experience around this track and look at this tussle that’s heading down that’s beavon Masters and Wayne Masters involved in that battle in the number nine and the number four cars and beon having actually got into the lead quickest car out on circuit at the moment is Bavon Masters oh he had the advantage there the better line going into turn two smoke pouring off the back back tire of Wayne Masters as he tried to outbreak Bon but didn’t manage to do it and in fact he’s actually lost another place now Luigi far looks like Luigi has made up a place there so the action thick and fast out front in class A it’s anybody’s race between these four it is tight Luigi phoh has got a big smile on his face now cuz he now into that second place but look at Wayne MERS is all over the back and let see what happens under breaking for turn five as predicted Wayne MERS goes to the right does he manage to do it wow some extremely late breaking there from Luigi FOH great driving but they’re almost neck and neck on that tabletop as they head into turn six but Wayne has to take a back seat and let Luigi go through there’s not enough space there for two cars what it did do it with that late breaking it that Wayne had to perform there the it’s allowed Miguel D to catch right up to the back of him so Master’s Wayne that is under pressure from the fourth place man at the moment back onto the B bclass action we go and it is still Stuart Mack shiran Raj Paul and Ethan Kia involved in the ding-dong battle the the Gap that uh Stuart Mack has got let’s have a look now when they come through I think was sitting at about 3 seconds so Mac not involved in the battle it’s the battle behind him rush CIA and Hayes as well as a walker that involved in that one yeah there’s a bit of a gap St developed now between Ethan Kia and car number 58 he’s a third in the class seas and Jac Hayes they’ve opened up a bit of a gap so the the these groups starting to form in the various classes now as the guys lay the rubber down and the track starts warming up and their TIR start warming up but back to that battle that’s raging in front there between the two masters Wayne moners back in the lead again he relegates the number nine car his brother beavon to Second Place what’s happened to Luigi phoh he’s down in third now down in third so positions changing up front and Miguel D he’s he’s probably got the best seat in the house here he’s just watching all this all this infield fighting that’s going on between and he might be there to pick off the bones at in that vulture status that he’s got got three laps left and it would probably be a wise thing to do uh as some back markers already going to start coming into play as well so it’s it’s going to get really toasty now as we uh start running out of laps so it’s just so beautiful to see close racing like this happening in this VW Challenge and well done for payar the manufacturing auto manufacturer that that is sponsoring this a big thank you to them but who is going to take it between the two masters or is it going to be dark horses in the terms of Luigi FOH and Miguel Das as we see that back one of the back cars in the a class coming through that’s Nico Lombard that’s Nicole Lombard one of the fav six but doing really well that’s our cclass leader Andy Gosman but just before we went out a shot with the a class um almost certain Luigi Pharaoh had a dive around the outside of Masters we’ll pick up when the cameras focus on them back to the cclass we go that’s the 31 car that’s andyman way ahead yeah the the lead up to 2.3 seconds for him right the CL a battle is now caught the back markers are the back markers going to have any bearing on the outcome of this race they all dive on the inside and that’s a dangerous to take flying vigorously but it’s Wayne Masters that leads them through there beavon Masters just behind them phoh still content with third place at the moment followed by Miguel Das in fourth oh that was some great driving there you see they had experience the Wayne Masters he done so many race laps around this track it doesn’t doesn’t be mentioning as they head through turn threee that very fast rightand on the back straight beavon all over the back of Wayne’s car under breaking what is going to happen in turn four they managed to hold it line of stern and Luigi FOH just playing that waiting game as well he just wants to see what happens between these two but there’s not a lot of time left there’s only one and a half lap one and a half laps left to make the outcome of this race yeah the top two having now broken away from Luigi phoh looks like they have now thrown the hammer down and going to disappear into the distance but uh the action happening thick and fast behind them as uh we now get to virtually the last lap of the race when they come past now we’ll be starting the last lap White Flag will be out as Wayne Masters has to go defensive once again and Luigi perah was actually you got the worst of that back marker incident um the two Master Brothers D through on the inside and he didn’t manage to close it off before the guys cut the door on him and that’s that allowed a bit of a gap but he’s catching it quickly as b51 goes through that is the first of our class B that’s Stuart Mack across the start and finish line he’s just so way ahead of Shireen Sharin Ral it just doesn’t bear mentioning yeah that lead that Gap sitting at 4 and a half seconds in class B so a big big gap that he has opened up but uh let’s see what happens are we going to see a the last of the late Breakers from beavon Masters off it as tight they go that who who’s ever seen that to a breast and look at Luigi phoh Luigi phoh is getting in there under breaking for turn five what happens Wayne Ms has got it Bon has a look on the inside Wayne Masters goes a bit wide and Luigi F having a look on the inside R Paul having gone off into Kitty L the number 14 car so yellow flags in that area but coming through now last couple of Corners can Bavon Masters hang on to the wind he’s got Bavon all over the back so Wayne Wayne hang on to the onto the wind there we go almost neck and neck across the line Luigi phoh finishes third Migel Das in fourth place Nicole Lombard should get fourth in the a class and here comes our CL B leader Stewart back across the Finish Line way aheading CL b a great ride from him and Ethan CER following him and that’s six on the on the road and followed by Ja is now coming into into our picture and that big Gaggle that’s Shar ha Ian Walker dealon and Francis Aldridge all finishing across this the star Finish Line as we look at our class C leader and of course that’s Andy Gosman Andy Gosman also a long way ahead in that class c31 car as he has to that turn eight that turn seven left-hander and down to our last corner and there’s no ways that the man in second place in class E who’s our Championship leader that is Chris Tate the Young Chris Tate driving an excellent Drive they coming through second in class C great drive from him it has been a most impressive drive from Andy Gosman taking the class C win Chris Tate gets second third place is still up for grabs is it going to be Kyle Peterson that can hang on to third he’s got phip Cruiser applying lots of pressure and Peterson crosses now finishes in third place cruser is fourth fifth place should go to Tyron P followed by Mitch Kia then Cody Peterson and Dimitri safiro that rounds out the top eight Class C there’s the final finishing list of the race number two in the payar VW Challenge and the fastest time of lap time of that race was 1133a 716 that was set by Bon Masters in that hunt trying to catch down Wayne Master but what a race in all classes well done guys and gals yeah there was some impressive dicing going on between the classes there and just hats off to all of the payar VW challenge Automotive components uh races a brilliant brilliant display of driving out there in and in some rather tricky uh track conditions uh just not getting warmth into the tires on the Cold Track coming up next will be race number two in the bmwm performance parts race series classes d and e and then joining me once again will be Bernard DEA for [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks all right all right back to the action we go and it is race number two in the bmwm performance Parts racing series joining me as mentioned it is Bernard DEA that sits next to me Bern let’s just get a chat quickly about uh race number one for you guys with the oil on the circuit it looked like quite an interesting Affair out there yeah when when I came through turn four and I just check clouds of of dust and cars facing one way and another way and they’re like forming all over the sh it was a b hectic y so uh in lap one of the first start of the race uh as we came through turn before two cars ahead of me was under Fu and he went wide and I could actually see everything getting ripped off from the front of his car his bumper and everything got dropped off in the kitty litter and unfortunately he came back on track and drove all the way up to the top and then spun on his own oil and then everyone else behind him yeah when there oil on track it’s not fun so yeah that’s what happened with with them and then we had the long wait obviously for the cleanup yeah an extended uh weight there and it must be get frustrating but it’s obviously it it needs to be done but while I’ve got you while I’ve got you next to me um I’ve been watching um a bit of BMW Club TV and I’ve noticed that you’ve got a uh you you I’ve seen on track now you’ve got a a c on your car but according to BMW Club TV is a dry not again I’m going to cut the fee that I pay him no um maybe my co could be in class B with someone like Devon Robertson driving it or late in fur one of those guys but for now I’m in class C so but I have done my personal best this morning oh brilant so I’ve got into the 109’s yesterday and then I did a 1094 this morning so yeah I am uh improving but R not I’m going to catch you hopefully that answers the question to the uh person that sent that uh that question in so final warm-ups trying to get some heat in into the tires the track conditions have they they’ve obviously warmed up a bit the weather has has improved it’s he it was like qualifying this morning we were the last to qualify our group and the track was okay it wasn’t slippery it was actually decent um it was just now we obviously with our race going up from turn four up until 5 you either stick left or right and I found I did one one lap on the left side when you break up there on top there it’s just so slippery so I was just stick to the right hand side and yeah take it a bit slower through there just to be safe and we’ve we’ve lost a couple of the cars uh from from race one uh a couple of guys having having withdrawn yeah unfortunately we lost obviously um uh yaku stum he he had a I don’t know if he hit someone there but he’s out uh Leonard Archer and nishel Singh bumped each other nishel still in but Leonard Archer’s rear wheel is looking somewhere else um who else was out Andreas I think he’s still in he said he’s still in um lorum senior’s out I said I think that’s it uh not sure now I can’t recall exactly he’s out all right getting ready to start race number two classes d e so this is and E this is the fun part now because uh we ‘ got the the top five that they get inverted for the race two obviously they’ve got to be all on the same lap so all of these guys are on the same lap so they inverted so race two is going to be quite a huming I think because now Mr George E conides Mr Sops he’s got to get out to the front and he’s got to go through at least four cars so it’ll be a nice fight now uh George certainly having a busy day as the lights go out and we go racing once again race number two in bmwm performance racing series class D and E the 122 car of oletto sakuda oh somebody’s got a problem there pulling to the side of the track immediately that was our pman our pole sitter clao Jam in the 44 car I hope he can move the car off there otherwise we’re going to have to have safety car probably through there well that’s one car less for Georg eomes to get P so now we’ve got the old man in front Craig herst followed by I think it was GIS Bowman then his son Nicholas oh and he he stopped in a dangerous spot there doesn’t seem like he can get the car to move hopefully it’ll just be a safety car we don’t want to take up too much time now so hopefully just a safety car get him off the oh and another one Craigs into the dirt he goes yeah yeah you see those two e90s like I told you earli on these two have a la of fight together uh Nicholas hers with the advantage but I think George George is going to probably try and overtake both of them yeah but late baking was from Nicholas Herbst oh these guys pulling moves on the opening lap still fairly cold tires so some great driving turn two there’s no car there in their way George eon’s quickest car in that opening lapa 11 1669 697 uh the cars great work by the marshals they seem to have moved cloudia out the way at least yeah great work indeed the marshalling here has been fantastic see the car now parked down the embankment there so great great stuff from the marshals once again they really have been good so after the almost three breast now through turn four and I see Shane’s keeping up with his little box here K is just squeezing his nose in there so very much involved in the action and as you mentioned Shane grer in the 71 car along for the ride as well so oh slowing down everybody slowing down yellow flags yeah double waved yellow’s going out so now no overtaking but they’ve Bunch the cars up quite a bit so hopefully there’s no overtaking going on there oh Craig herbs seems to be stuck the kitty litter over there see the stricken number 30 and if you look at class E Matthew wadley’s now gotten past Steph M uh Steph um cavali and he’s actually in lead of Class E in the taxi yeah Matthew Wadley leading Class E Tian F royan in in second place there in class E with Michael kobbler running in third so the cars all in single file this will just add another dimension close the field up once again but then it must be safety car I haven’t seen a safety car board I just saw the double waved yellows is there a safety car board anywhere uh there’s the bo there’s the board out there so safety car board has come out so that will Bank them up but the Marshall’s right bang on point once again got the car hooked up already oh needs to turn the wheel the other way come on Craig other way there we go all right he’s got it under toe now hopefully the Land Rover hasn’t left any oil on the track but yeah so now they they’ll probably now pull in the safety car I’m sure after this this lap cuz now their car will be out the way still got the lights on on top so we’re still under safety car at the moment that’s actually sad for Craig cuz he was leading the race Craig was our our race leader yeah so be interesting to see what happened there that he spun himself out of contention I’ve got a feeling that car on the left there that’s Cloud you he seems to have got it going again but now where’s he slotted in he’s just gone out of picture [Music] now there we go Steph Steph Cavalieri in the rental suppose we can call that Avis now best car to drive is a rental there’s there’s Cloud pulling off he’s going to take the shortcut and into the P right so Wy still weaving the car trying to keep some heat in the tires for the start of this uh end of or hopefully for the end of the safety car period which still has it lights on so we’re not sure if they’re coming in or not looks like another lap Shane cobbler and that very neat little box box shaped BMW little three series BM behind the ptor North Safety car there go and look like he’s possibly pulling that’s AR feran in the orange pulling into the pits as well so it looks like we’ve lost AR hden in the number three car safety car board still out you can see fedan in the back parking in the pit Lane and we still got Corin right at the back with little 318 so she actually does quite well it’s little 318 it’s it’s underpowered compared to all the other cars but yeah she’s still going around doing well so hopefully hopefully we going speak to arri her boyfriend maybe he should give her a 325 she has got a new engine on the way I chatted to her yesterday and she said that Ari is busy with a new engine for her so uh she’s uh hoping to really be able to mix it up with the boys with the new engine in the car yeah and we’ve got another Lady Marian eminus unfortunately she’s out she had a knee op so she’s actually here at the track she made it to the track but she’s like in a wheelchair so hopefully she’ll return she also has a boxy so hopefully she’ll return to racing by probably just off cap I think she’s has to sit out for a couple of weeks so hopefully we’ll get her and then possibly next year there’s a safety coin next year we might get a an additional lady joining the series so they’re going to start now as soon as they go through the start Finish Line then the race is on there’s a green flag so back to the racing action we go Claudia jamman going to have his hands full oh that’s he split at the back that’s now on the ground from Roland Hopkins so hopefully that won’t affect him too much now let’s see where is it it’s hanging a bit so hopefully he’ll be able to finish a race hopefully it doesn’t fall off and damage another car Class E we still have Matthew Wadley in the lead followed by tition if I’m not mistaken tan F royan in second place in class E that is correct and then Michael kobbler running in [Music] third so a substantial little lead that K Kus BMA has managed to open up over Nick Herbst and Georg eoni is still in third place and still the quickest car out on circuit at the moment and hitting them sideways starting to hang the back there but can he he’s going to tr economides you see how nice that is they leave each other some some space here for each other to go through the corner side by side I don’t know how much space was left there it was like I’m here move out the way so georgeon is making up a place moving up into second place now well he’s he was quite fortunate that two of the cars in front of him decided to leave the track so he’s made it made life a bit easier for him so now he’s only got one more car to to to overtake and corus this morning here had the fastest lap so Kus can can he’s able to stay in front [Music] oh he’s starting to pull away that Gap starting to stretch that a little it was sitting at 6 of a second so we’ll just keep an eye on uh the Gap there but uh fantastic to see the little box shape BM mixing it up with the rest of them there the 71 car of Shane krer very much in on the action and it’s not that easy of a car to drive if you speak to him that little boxy it’s actually a difficult car to drive it’s not as easy as the last of the late Breakers George fights his way to the front yeah George is now the leader back in front so now kuus and um nich herbs I think they’re going to have a great T in as well and see Eddie’s trying to join in at the back there another E46 330 so most of these cars yeah have actually got 330 I think all of them yeah even the E30 they’re all 330 Motors in these cars Eddie Rodriguez comes along for the ride as well in the 77 car so we’ve still got four laps racing we just passed the halfway stage so uh I we in for quite an interesting finish here lots and lots of pressure being being applied out front there kuus BMA wants that lead back again running right up against the back of Georgia [Music] conides I see Matthew’s got a little buffer there still he’s still got step behind him so he’s got a buffer in class E so he’s got a coin between him a class de car so he’s got a slight buffer now hopefully he can maintain one and a half second lead over tition F royan in class B so great drive there from Matthew adley he certainly tell us about it later I’m sure let’s see he’s got the Light breaking here now the box is catching slightly and there the Nicholas is also catching BMA in the in the breaking I me it’s great to get to to this stage of the race and it’s still anybody’s uh anybody’s race for the taking seven cars involved in the action out front so it really uh what what you guys are doing are you certainly doing right and and providing a very very uh uhac I must say class D and E has come to the party especially class D they’ve come to the party and they they have great battles Class C as well uh there’s a big um a big contingent of Class C cars if if I had have all of my Class C cars on the grid is 28 of them so they also have good fights there there’s a big gap there now after uh Steph I wonder what’s happened to the rest of Class E see there’s now big gap yeah big gap it has oh Yan Miller’s now got him past and past ton yes Yan Miller’s moved up into second place tion F royan down to third Matthew Wadley in the taxi still leads the class E battle and you can see that equil almost equal the Taxi’s got a 330 motor so too does Steph cavaleri in the car behind him both 330 [Music] RS that wagon’s got such a following nowadays like I said earlier everyone loves this thing it is a crowd favorite uh down in in Port Elizabeth we’ve got a BMW um not a BMW a Volvo 850 estate in the classic touring car colors and the people absolutely love it it’s just different to see a station wagon or estate vehicle out on track and going so well we used to have a uh another one but uh I don’t know what happened to that card was a 330 with a turbo in it so it’ be great if we could get that car back and have two wagons or if someone had to put an M3 M into one and have a bit of fun looks like second place man kuis BMA has managed to just close up a little bit on George conides the Gap still sitting at the difference between them point six of a second now they’re defending George has a Defender pulls alongside no not quite man the Gap was there and the advantage good a good George has closed the door on him straight away up the hill so clever defensive driving there from the number 15 car of George economides Run It Wide shuts down kuus Bomer once again second place it is still Nicholas herst in that multicolored car with Shane kroer right behind him that this color is actually an odore from I don’t know how far back but one of the BMW Motorsports art cars so he’s he’s copied that R uh uh [Music] delvery we are on the last lap of the race so the next time George economides comes around checker flag will beckon will he still be in front looks like we set for more position changes further on further on behind him oh he gets the back of the car all out of shape does George economides a bit of a moment there for him but recovers well from it and now he’s going to oh he’s running out of fuel why is he moving the car from side to side it could be it could be that he is has got a bit of a fuel issue can kuus bowma capitalized now I think he’s going to defend for his life now I think kuus is too far back Never Say Never but look at the Battle behind now um Under Pressure Nicholas hers got Roland Hopkins all over him as well so just the last couple of Corners left in the race and Shane is waiting to pounce if they make a mistake is this the last Corner this is the last Corner onto the main straight to take check flag there it goes Georgia cones takes the race when corbus Bower is second and Nick hers Nick hers gets third followed by Roland Hopkins in fourth fifth place will go the way of Eddie rodriges and Then followed by De Smith and our winner in class E is none other than the taxi Matthew Wadley oh we never going to hear the end of that one Johan Miller finishes second in class E followed by tition F royan Michael kobbler in fourth and then fifth place going to Zahir sidat sixth is uh zad ismile followed by Mike kobbler in seventh and then eighth place should go to Karen naaba what a wonderful race nice clean there was no incidents I’m so grateful there was no incidents and they had a nice clean race besides obviously cray going off but no no one bashing into each other so that’s good news yeah the the guys do tend to keep it nice and clean and tidy and that’s one thing that has been super super impressive for me this weekend is um the guys going out there just having fun bringing the cars back in one piece there have been a couple that have been damaged and uh lots of work to do before the your next round yeah uh well our next round’s in Cape Town so we got two months we’ve given a nice long break we got 2 months to Kanani so hopefully we’ll have quite a few cars that’ll go down obviously it’s quite an expensive outing for us uh we normally just race up here inting and we used to do Pisa but unfortunately pakis is no more uh for now um so hopefully yeah we’ll get a nice uh 30 car field would be nice if we could go to Cape Town a great stuff and when when can we expect to see you down in the Eastern Cape again um so I think the idea is Cape Town this year next year probably East London and then we’ll start back again at PE because we did PE last year last year correct and I love that track it was such an awesome little track I really actually enjoyed that track I’d love to pick it up and bring it up here yeah I know Dean ball the man that has done fantastic work with building building the race cars down there um whole host of them I think he’s on number 20 21 or something now and um really really impressive uh and and the cars also going out there and Performing well and the guys also just having lots and lots of fun out on track yeah I believe he’s got a couple of BMS that he’s done and some of the guys that came to join us from uh PE and East London or uh last year there was a few and then um old Moray Ellis came to join us at at kyomi I think he’s still got a smile on his face yeah driver of the day yeah he walked away with the driver of the day award but some super quick cars and Dean ball has got a has has has got a car to um are you in front of the camera sorry Dean ball has got a car to um to compete with you guys as well yeah he bought one of our cars so it’s gone down there now okay so he he keeps threatening to come and join in on the action all right I’ve just been handed a couple of numbers and I I do um expect them to be lucky draw numbers is this for the for the uh the hot laps so if you can check your ticket stubs I’m going to start reading the numbers out do you still need me no before I go I just like to say a big thank you to dunb for an awesome event that they’ve hosted here today I think the crowds really loved it I’m sure they love the grid walk and all the hot Labs that they’ve provided to all the Charities so big big thank you to Joanne and her team from Dunlop and obviously Hines from ATS who we deal through to get our Dunlop rubber big thank you to you guys and obviously all our other sponsors especially BMW in performance parts title sponsor and everyone else thank you very much great stuff Bernard has been absolutely fantastic having you here wealth of knowledge and and the man that heads up the the bmwm performance parts uh series uh keep it up uh and we look forward to catching up with you in the very very near future thank you cheers cheers thanks very much all right folks we have got some Lucky Draw tickets the ticket stubs for the hotlaps as the formula V’s go out onto the track the first of the numbers make sure you check your ticket the first one out is number 3967 3967 and then the second one out is 2 423 followed by 4230 uh 423 0 and then we’ve got an easy one uh 5080 580 the next one out is a 4843 48 43 and then 4823 then we have got 4515 uh 4515 next one out 4944 4944 I haven’t heard anybody shouting bingo in the background yet so the next one down to the last two 4805 uh 4805 and then the last of the numbers uh two 442 two42 I will read them out again after the conclusion of the uh next race that is the doe formula V partnered with cim lubricants moving back into the hot seat next to me Denver bigs has been great having you along for for the ride today Denver it was as I mentioned earlier on big shoes to full without Mr Maloney but I think we have managed to cope quite fine at the stage waffled our way through it as we always do right next up the formula [Music] V’s the de formula V’s part with cim lubri the guys warming up their tires and getting themselves all sort out in their grid positions and let’s go through the grid as we have it in po Position will be Peter Hills next to him will be Len listen to me LEL Janssen let me try that again and then sha vandelinda is third on the grid up next to him is Brandon Hills Richard K fifth Yan Kos up next to him fourth R The Good the Theo for Mark Marcel blut then Trevor Hills jadden Trump melee Stewart Clinton Kane and then bla neon and David Austin who had the the wee bit of a spin on the first heat let’s hope for a better heat from him Hela Goa then rard velinda and then bringing up the rear is Casper de and yaner so the top five places all in remas so that’s good showing for the Rema chassis out here today and just having a look at the the the wind on those flags that on on the start line it is still viciously pumping up there just as well there’s no motorcycle racing here today but this is not going to affect these low slung open seaters too much as they under starters orders now we waiting for the red light the red light is on who’s going to get the whole shot oh some creeping there on the grid list to see what the COC says about that but it looked like Peter Hills got the better of that as they all head safely through down a turn two and that’s where the action normally is but yes they behaving themselves oh sorry that’s a warm-up lab [Music] nver no we are racing at this stage and it’s Peter Hills that has got out in front once again that dingdong battle that him and lendel Janson had in race number one hopefully we’ll see a lot more of that and possibly with Shan felinda very much in the mix but he’s oh that’s I think that was that was L Janssen showing his face there nose cone has disappeared thean fer Linda’s nose cone that came off there so that’s going to affect his handling so I didn’t see any any contact anywhere in those opening couple of corners but uh luckily it just blew off and went straight off the [Music] track does make them look a bit weird the formula B without a nose cone doesn’t it as they head down the hill into turn eight for the first time in Anger as they head down to the straightaway it is still Peter Hills out in front then up up right in close attendance we have got LEL Jansen then sha rinda without that nose cone Brandon Hills Richard car yanos Theo for Mar and Marcel blot that’s as they head through there as a little bit of a dive through on the inside there from number 17 and yeah some close racing as always it was cl Stewart having a look on the inside trying to get past Yanni ker yeah chlo Stewart running with the rookie sticker on on her car um and she’s had a great drive so far and uh going incredibly well for the young lady in the number 17 car the lead that uh Peter Hills has got over lendel jansson sitting at a three of a second on the last lap it almost looks a bit bigger than that now as they come through Brandon Hills in third place with Shan fer Linda still in fourth place minus the nose cone behind him Richard car Theo for Mar Marcel Yan and Jaden Trump and we starting to see the effects of that missing nose cone on Sha vinda’s car he’s dropped back I’d say about almost half a second from the from the lead group and that lead group is Peter Hills Len jansson and Brandon Hills as they head across the start and finish line and he’s starting to come drop a little bit back in the clutches of Theo for Mark as we see the for Mark has got he’s got a bit of hangry in his in his hands there because he can see the next man that sha rinda in fourth place he wants that fourth place away from that man in front of him who’s missing the nose cone and we saw as he headed down that that straightaway at the back there it did affect his top speed in the last lap lendel jansson was the quickest car out on circuit and he’s dive through on the inside and he’s gone through yep he’s inside Peter Hills he’s managed to get through on the inside of Peter Hills and look at Brandon Hills Brandon Hill well going through Brandon on the inside of Peter this is going to be interesting but uh Brandon backs out of the corner let’s Peter go through so new L new leader now with lendel Janssen having got to the front as we mentioned earlier on he hadn’t been beaten up until this event and losing his first heat of the season to none other than the number three car of Peter Hills as they head down the straight across the start and finish line to complete lap number three sorry lap number to as they head out and we see as as they’re going through that corner that infield fighting has allowed sha walinda a little bit of a chance to catch up on that lead group of three so Shawn r l is ever grateful for the the tussle that’s going on between Jansen Hills and Brandon Hills so that’s allowing him to close up a we little bit and let’s just see behind him it was it was Theo forar who was making inroads onto that onto that lead that those guys have got but that Gap has opened up again yeah Theo for Mark running in place just behind Shan felinda and felinda as you mentioned earlier on definitely a little bit slower without that nose cone obviously affecting the handling and the aerodynamics of that car as once again defensive driving having to come into play as uh LEL Janssen tries to hold on to that lead Peter Hills applying all sorts of pressure Brandon Hills right there and then the noseless Shan funder Linda in fourth place still yeah we saw that Peter Hills was taking a very wide line on turn five cutting from the outside to the inside but the problem was is Brandon Hills was on the inside so he he couldn’t exercise his right trying to get past Len Jansen there was clever driving by him so let’s just see if he pulls the same thing in turn five as he did last time as they head down through that very fast right hand onto the back straight L Janssen has the measure of this race I’ll tell you what he’s so tight he has got extremely very tight lines and he’s got a beautiful eye for a line has he just the top five all nice and evenly spaced out the gaps between them and we have still got eight laps left in the race so a long way to go and lots can still happen look at Theo forok Theo forok being a little sneaky Fifth Fifth Place Runner there we go we see that that wide line that Peter Hills was taking again ah but L jansson saw it coming this time he he saw that coming he saw that coming from from Valhalla yeah Peter Hills carried a lot more speed through there but then had to obviously back off as uh lendel jansson just saw him coming and closed him down but all that defensive driveing you see what’s happened now it’s allow here for Mark even to catch up so this is great now we’ve got a we’ve got a five Place battle in fact a six Place battle now for for that lead spot so it’s anybody’s race this is Formula B racing it it is it is tight yeah and why I said six place is just keep an eye on Richard car Richard car is having he’s he’s driving a great race and he’s putting down some tidy lap times but the personal best is the for Mar and that’s a 110 408 for Mar currently running in fifth place set in the quick times and oh Brandon Hills just having a look there momentarily just sticking his nose out to see what’s happening looks it sorry about that um brenon it’s all Rama cars out in front there so it’s a good showing chassis is showing for the Rama chassis and look at the for Mar he’s closed in again so he’s just keeps keeps punting those those quicker lap times and it’s starting to pay off because all the guys in front of the front four in front of him all driving defensively I just wonder if yanos in the 27 car starting to run out of tires we’ve seen him sliding It Off The Track once or twice on the last lap so possibly becoming a tire issue plaguing the 27 car of yanos there’s a bit of a puff of smoke up dust in the background possibly having gone into the dirt once again and we see sha vandelinda having to take very tight lines missing that nose cone understand that does affect his aerodynamics quite a lot as well as his top speed down the straightaways and that’s allowing the the for Mark to close up on him and we can see every time he comes um the gap between them was it was less than a second and it is is closing we’ve got a new race Hills having got back into front lendel jansson incidentally in the last lap having just banged down the fastest lap but uh it was all for not as lendel uh as he I mean gets overtaken or got overtaken by Peter Hills so have to do all the hard work again Brandon Hill still very very much in the mix in that third place in the 33 car just sitting pretty holding holding B in his time we’ve still got six laps left we only at the halfway stage of the race now so this one as I said earlier going to get very very interesting and I Reon that Brandon Hills has got the best seat in the house he’s just holding station in that third place he’s he’s right behind them he’s close enough to attack if the front two guys make a mistake because they keep swapping places and that’s allowing him to maybe sneak through on the inside in the dying moments of the race and we starting to see also further down the field there’s there’s a bit of tie degradation going on as we see number 73 and that’s up man that had a bit of a a bit of a spin on the last time um as they head through there some of the back markers coming through and that’s Clemson Kan in the 73 car and all these all these guys are the same class it’s just different uh different chassis manufacturers that’s the glory to go for here as we have a look at Brandon Hills having a look on the inside of Len Janson does he pull it off he leaves his breaking really late is he still there no he gets the door shut on shut on but that’s allowed Peter Hills to open up a bit of a gap I think I just I’ve got a funny feeling that this one could end in tears for one of the drivers or maybe possibly two of the drivers because they uh are going to put it all out hang it all out on the line five laps still left in the race and we’ve seen starting to make a move now yeah and I think turn five is is seems to be the corner that these guys favor you that’s that allows him to do that late breaking because uphill as one of the back markers very nicely moves out of the way and that that was very gentlemanly of him and wisest thing to do because these guys are driving in Anger fear for Mark ever closer that Gap is is down to comma three now so keep an eye on that red car Fe for Mark that’s the number nine car at the back of this lead Trio as Brandon Hills has a another look on the inside that’s car number 33 Brandon Hills that that Deo gleen that that Rossy green car of Brandon Hill feels he’s hungry you can tell he’s hungry and he might be the Dark Horse in this race absolutely still nothing in it between the top four and with back markers now coming into the mix as well uh it just adds yet once again another dimension to the excitement factor that is starting to build here with just uh four laps left in the race a the back marker once again moves out way some very some very tidy driving there from the back marker and that was yaner by the looks of it as our race leaders head across the St Finish Line to complete so they’re now onto the penultimate lap and now you can see lenon Len Janssen now is winding up the wick he’s right all over the back of Peter Hills car he’s onto that gearbox into turn two but look at Brandon Hills Brandon Hills is also looking very aggressive sha vind unfortunately it’s it’s such a sad thing to see that nose cone missing because he would have been in this mix and I see the for Mark might have cooked his ties as well cuz he’s backed off a bit yeah it’s actually three lefts three lefts still we need still need to start theep P ultimate lapers Peter Hills having gone through set in the quickest time now so and jansson’s through on the inside Jon through and and he’s taking Brandon with him Brandon let’s see is going to come down to the last of the late Breakers was that brilliant brilliant driving there from Brandon Hills snatches the lead and then shuts the door firmly in his face that was excellent driving oh len young through theide side by side they go as I said it’s going to get interesting and and the man with no nose go and Shan felinda still very much in the action as well he ain’t giving up on this race and Theo for Mark just sitting back waiting so we start the penultimate lap of the race now and this is going to be two laps of non-stop action up front guaranteed but look at Brandon Hills I mean he got passed in the inside in turn six and look at him he’s it’s when when we talk a gap it’s probably only about two callings but in Formula V ring that’s an eon that is that is Lifetime and look at him he’s he’s he’s through turn three and he’s legging it yeah the gaps it in at half a second already so you just wonder I I wanted to earlier to comment earlier and say it looks like he’s possibly got the longer legs out of the top three cars and he’s he’s certainly showing it now just bed his time very clever driving from him and uh the moment he got in front he’s now just managed to stretch that lead a little bit he look at sha vandelinda on the outside can he pull that off into turn yes he does that was heroic he managed to keep the wheels on the black stuff I don’t know Len Jansen relegated to force space I never thought they would come out of lot of dust in the background looks like somebody’s gone farming in a big way oh let’s hope it doesn’t affect this race because this race is Juicy I’m telling you it’s going to go all the way down to the wire Len janson’s all over the back of of that car of Shel sh sha vandelinda he wants that third Podium Place back from him here for Mark making a late come as well start in the last lap of the race or we are already on the last lap of the race and it’s all about Brandon Hills Peter Hills in second place Sean felinda in third and the man that up until this race meeting was unbeaten suddenly finds himself down in fourth place and N Jansen having a look on the inside as they went into turn three did he pull that off we’re going to see as they come down the straight he’s obviously going to have the better Advantage coming down the straight without that nose Con on Shan’s car yes he does so he got his Podium placed back so into third spot but I don’t think he’s close enough anywhere near close enough to Peter Hills to make any inroads that better than third place but he better be careful because sha vand helinda is a Hungry Man and he wants to prove that he can out drive him any day down to the last two turns of the race we go and it’s going to be an incredibly great drive here from Brandon Hills having set the quickest uh time on the last lap comes through around the corner sees the checkered flag oh what an epic job BR brilliant Drive the hand up in the air brilliant brilliant driving there from Brandon Hills taking the race win Peter Hills finishing in second lendel Jansen getting third Shan felinda somehow managing to hang on to a fourth place finish followed by Theo Theo forar in fifth then it was Kyle watt in sixth Marcel bote finish in seventh and we’ve got a spinner that’s the number 13 of David Austin David Austin has spun there I think in the same Corner as well isn’t it it looks like in the same Corner again so um we with the Finish Yan having gone through it looks like battling to get that car just saw a bit of a flame shooting out the exhaust there for David Austin so but get that car started but H Denver that was absolutely absolutely epic racing and you know these these little guy these guys in these little cars certainly put on a brilliant show Absolutely and I’ll tell you what in terms of technicality I think credit all credit must go to Brandon Hills and here’s the thing in the last lap of the race he broke into a 109 how incredible is that so 109594 in the last lap that is just absolute great showing and Well Done Brandon that was was really good tactical driving and listen all credit to Shan mandal Lind he managed to hold the front of that car on the black stuff without a nose cone I know we’ve kept halfing on about it but you have no idea how the aerodynamics of these cars affected just by the loss of that piece next up ladies and gentlemen be the pharoh energia triple 1es the GT Sports and saloons including super hatch and once again I’m just going to run through the numbers for the ticket stubs for the people that have won themselves hot laps around the circuit the Dunlop hot laps competition that’s running so the numbers that we have got check your ticket stubs now uh 3967 2423 4230 5080 484 43 4823 4515 4944 4805 and then the last number 2442 so check your ticket stubs and uh if you are one of the lucky winners you make your way to the Dunlop uh Hospitality area and uh get yourself ready for a trip memorable trip around SWAT cors Raceway here at the Dunlop winter extreme Festival [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] all right onto the circuit we go now for the second heat of the FOH energia your green energy partner triple1 GT Sports and saloons and uh Denver big is going to take us through the first half of the start grid my goodness there’s so many there’s so many cars in this series is probably going to take us off now to go through the start grid but it’s George aonami of course in pole position and Leonard arer I’m hoping that they’ve got those uh woses that they had out is out apparently okay all right so it’s Philip mayor SEC uh in the second row with Mark D toy next in so that’s going to be interesting remember Mark D toy I think started in seventh or somewhere like that and he got himself into fourth um in the last Heat so keep an eye on that Zed four remark to Toy That’s the black car number 74 then on the third row we’ve got DOI olier then Troy morray um then up behind Mel spur and Craig Priestley then Wayne Loki Ian Ellis Luigi phoh Wayne Rob and then eth throw the grid is Miguel Das and Fran Henning ninth row is Carl staltz with V vter ruis and bjor KET and Chris Smith in 10th on the grid on the 11th row Michael kobbler lines up alongside Ela faneta behind them on the 12th Row the 171 car of michao Sullivan is alongside the number 13 car of Rob Clark then row 13 we’ve got a Jonathan fisser in the 212 car alongside D21 of young Keegan Nathan and then behind them row 14 car number 11 Naidu alongside the 44 car of George Alish on the 15th row of the Grid it’s the 227 car Marius malerba that lines up alongside kisen ready in the 36 car GD row number 16th of the grid car number 57 Henry funfa lines up alongside the 66 AR car of ishma Balo then the 17th throw of the grid car number 18 George uh aselin lines up alongside Lucas basate note behind them on the 18th row it’s the 53 car of Jaden alongside the triple one of Andre delanga and then the last row of the grid row number 19 car number 63 ishma peek lines up alongside sha veers so uh should be 38 or Now 37 cars lining up for the start of race number two right of course you got your different classes so um the first six cars up to 86 is the GT class then starting with car number 64 which is Mel spur down to let’s see uh Wayne lotsy in in ninth um those are the class A then you got that X car the formula X car of a Ellis then the first of Class B on the grid is um in position 11 and that’s car number 10 that’s Luigi phoh she Luigi phoh must be tired at the end of the day is there is there a class he doesn’t race in very very busy day for Luigi and uh a massive massive thank you to Lu for uh the sponsorship of the pharoh enia triple1 GT Sports and saloon including super hatchers and I suppose if you if you’re sponsoring the class you’ve got every right to be as busy as you want just having a look there’s another busy man in the number five car George economides who’s had a great day and this little Mark one golf of him has been super super impressive so far this weekend and man is it quick so it’s a 2 L turbo um and is super fast but I think Georgia is another one of those Souls that has had kazillion laps around SWAT Corps right under starter’s orders the lights are off and let’s see if anybody can beat a colomes off the start line um because that man is a super whole shot man as the rest of the classes feed down we see the the very quick class a car going through that rile car Class A and it’s Mel spur that’s leading the class B group going through and that’s good to see one of the feris six heading up the class in this former racing we always welcome and econom is heading down into turn four that very fast rander heading up the hill econom is super quick and he’s getting that golf turbo of his um sponsored by wealth Avenue heading up the hill to turn five and one of the first of classy cars inside there and that’s Carl stals I think um as they head up the hill now towards turn five as the car starting to Bunch up now we see that uh very quick 924 Porsche as well oh the action happening thick and fast positions starting to change cars running side by side bumper to bumper Michael ker goes through in the number 40 [Music] car solid sorry the class is starting to Bunch up there as we see the class leaders starting to come through but econom getting them out as the class B guys and Class C guys come through and remember the great dce that they had the last time out George economy these leads from Philip mayor in the 23 car who’s in second then it’s Mark totoy in third place in the 74 car the people Porsche of Philip mayor going through and then the BMW Z4 of mar toy impressive looking car he’s starting to catch he is indeed but right behind Mar toy none other than D ol in the zero car the little box oh running out of tal Philip Mayer just straight into the kitty litter looked like he outbreak himself completely and should be able to recover orbe it a good couple of places down oh and we got More’s 19 you just wonder if uh where way Luchi that’s gone off there as well and you just wonder if there isn’t something on the some liquids has been spiled on the circuit that has uh caused the guys to go off but uh everybody else seems to have got through relatively okay just looking for the triple triple zero car up into third place for Dary will so with uh the yeah remember brenon that now that the Long Shadows are starting to hit the track the the track is starting to cool so that’s going to affect the tire we and as well as the tire grip as we see number 70 going through that is that very quick Porsche and that is chrismith so chrismasth doing well in class C there and um yeah chrismith the quickest of the Class C cars at the moment 169 from him so we’ll keep an eye on that battle happening down there he’s got V Ru um ahead of him and then Carl stals that leads the class C Challenge and a couple of class X cars going through that’s car number 91 one of the X car and that’s Ian Ellis and he’s he’s basically heading out the class X and that’s a very quick VW golf of Ian Ellis he’s right up behind that repol Toyota and um he’s getting held up there I think a little bit there by that by that repel Toyota so he’s all over the back of that but yeah that’s super quick car that that golf yeah the little Polo the 93 Polo of franois Henning that’s uh just ahead of the 91 car very tight racing between them but Henny Hol that heading in a class class a car so that Polo it’s a very quick polo for a class A Car um but yeah I’m sure we’ll see that uh that very fast car of Ian Ellis getting past that VW go once he hits the [Music] straight George economedes the quickest car out on circuit and rightfully so as the race leader 108 for him now 108 3974 Oni so really got the hammer down but really fantastic to see these little golf Mark ones out there and going so well that’s the triple [Music] one yeah it was his Bonnet that flew open in the first race that’s Andre delanga kept us all entertained in race one with the Bonnet that was open for the duration of the race yeah he’s doing a lot better now that he can see where he’s going isn’t he just that’s the action happening there but the Mel spur just a waving to Craig priy behind her yeah that’s that’s Philip that’s Philip B he he was the one who had the spin up at turn five so he’s got a lot of ground to make up but makeup he has he’s got past number 64 he’s got past mil Mel spur so he’s heading out towards look he’s he’s got himself into fifth place there but I I doubt he’s going to catch toy marray who’s a lot lot further down the road but look at the speed of that porch that’s quick still got five laps to go so a good portion of the race Still Remains yeah and you see this the the the distance that he’s already made on M spur that that is quite a quick Porche this one of the old 924s yeah it’s a 924 and very neatly turned out and it sounds yummy as well um I’m not sure whether it’s turbo charged or not but it’s yeah it is it is a well turned out mol considering it it’s AGI take a stab at about a 94 somewhere around that era so yeah Philip mayor doing a good job behind the wheel of that so race leader still Georges as we see that very quick uh Porche of Philip Mayer Who got past Mel spur so he’s he’s off and chasing the man in fifth place and that’s do olier but he’s got a long way to go because there’s something like 6 seconds between them as we see Mark D toy that’s our man in second place um heading heading through in the camera shot there with our third place man that’s Troy Mar and D Olia in that d0o car that’s a very quick little E30 BMW our race leader continued out in front oh I I was going to say there’s a car going slowly in the background but it’s a car on a trailer leaving the circle yeah that had me going as well I must admit don’t feel bad is the lead that he has got sitting at 7 Seconds now over Mark detoy so a substantial Gap that he has managed to pull in that very quick little golf mark one of his and again another faster fastest lap of his and a 108 368 I mean that is incredible and understand you saw the back markers he had to get past in that previous lap I just want to see what what lap times this man produces when he’s got a clear trap like the man in in camera shot now which is Philip May that Qui 94 P Mel spur still with the advantage over Craig Priestley Priestley in the 46 VW polo you’re pry having a good outing in this in this second round of the triple 1es and um yeah he’s got himself up into seventh overall which is pretty good showing that’s car number 46 that’s a white car of Craig Priestley um good outing this time out for him Mel spur has certainly made me sit up and take notes we watch KY Army she put in a great performance at KY Army but today she’s just sort of pulled out all stops and going incredibly well and hasn’t she developed such a such a strong confidence behind the wheel of that motor car you can see by our lines her breaking points it’s all on point um I don’t know whether it’s practices or just just yeah she’s doing so well and that’s mpur so that’s the first lady in the race and she’s in sixth place on the on the track as we see that car number one and that’s the C-Class car of verto Rus and I think verto is still first in class C isn’t he just uh let’s have a look at class C it is Carl staltz that leads VTO R is second Chris Smith in third followed by Ela faneta in fourth bjor gerbert is in fifth place ahead of Micha Sullivan in Sixth and melur Diving through on the inside and that is a good move there she dive through on the inside of Philip Mayer so that was a good move under breaking that was a classic that was a classic SWAT corpse move that so she’s showing a lot of maturity behind that wheel already Sako being overtaken there by the Porsche as we focus once again on Mel spur this has been a great dingdong battle up front Craig Priestley all over the back of her car once again and right behind Priestley Wayne Robin the 225 car pulls up alongside him and possibly going to be an overtaking move looks like going to lose that place doesn’t it he has indeed he did he has indeed looks like the little Ford Focus has uh or the fiesta has got oh no it’s a focus has got through managing to gain a place there over Craig Priestly so up into Seventh Place goes Wayne Rob yeah another classic SWAT Corps overtaking maneuver up the hill under hard breaking into turn five and he got through on the inside basically the car in the outside has got nowhere to go so it’s some great driving there melur drive ding through on the inside of one of the the back markers and using that back marker to good Advantage again that is such a mature move I am so impressed by this lady clever clever driving there blue flags getting waved vigorously but eom coming through economedes is flying through wow that car of his is so quick I mean look how far up the field he is he’s back marked so many people already and let just look at hey look at the fastest lap of the race Troy Mar in that third place 107 n that’s the first 107 we’ve seen today out of this class so an excellent drive there from Troy Murray and that’s a man in third place flag having gone out just incidentally Troy Maria going to get a penalty for that because Fest you’re allowed is a 108 so it takes Georgia KES takes the race when Mark detoy finishes in second Troy morr finishes in third place but there’s probably an impeding penalty coming there waiting for Dy will to cross the line he crosses now followed by Philip mayor and and then our lady driver great performance from Mel spur going through in sixth place Y and some Spirits are driving there from Wayne Rob that number 225 car into Seventh Place fron Henning coming eighth Craig Priestley knocked down to ninth and Ian Ellis in that X car in 10th Place Mel spur incidentally wins Class A Wayne Rob would be second in class A followed by franois hen in the third of the Class A cars uh class B goes to Luigi pharoh follows followed by Miguel Das in second and then Michael kobbler in third place Class C uh waiting for the class C cars to just across the line line and there Carl stalls crosses the line now gets the race win over voter Ru in second and is it going to be chrism yes it is indeed chrism that finishes in third place then class D is Keegan Nathan great job getting the better of over Rob Clark this time around and then onto the uh GT1 class oh no it’s the GT1 class the mobile supercars have suddenly popped up on screen already so we’ll unfortunately won’t be able to give you the super hatch uh results as they they came through but fantastic fantastic driving there from all of the drivers in the pharoh energy triple 1 GT Sports and saloon car series all right next up is the done up hot laps and um I think brendon’s just going to call those numbers out one more time just to see if you want have a look at your ticket stubs haul it out your pocket or your purse and who knows you might have won a Dun Up hot hot laap and if you have head down to the dun up uh Hospitality area Hospitality area that’s at the end of the pits next door to the cafe yeah you can’t miss it all the uh yellow Flyers the Banners are all up there uh there’s lots of activations going on you can guess the number of balloons in the car there’s a scal electric set set up there there’s a two racing simulators so lots going on at the Dunlop Hospitality area let’s have a look at those numbers once again uh 3967 followed by 2 423 then we’ve got 4230 4843 48 23 uh 45 15 and then 4944 4805 2442 and then the last number 5080 if that’s uh one of your if those numbers match on your ticket stub head straight down to the Dunlop Zone and jump in for the hot laps that are about to happen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the action continues unabated at uh SWAT cors Raceway for the Dunlop winter extreme Festival race number two of the mobile one V8s about to happen cars already out on the circuit and uh it has been for race two it’s a little bit of a change up from race number one and in inverted grid for the top five CLS in each class and it will be 12 laps not 10 laps as per the first heat so a little bit more action expected in race number two in the mobile one V8s V8 Supercars the grid positions as we have have got them on the front row it will be Terry Wilford alongside Warren Lombard second row Thomas uh second row Thomas Rib alongside Franco Deo and then the next row Julian familiaris alongside Andrew Kay and then seven uh then it’s Steve herst alongside OK Kon and then we have got the 77 of sha holen alongside Anthony marks on the back row of the grid so five rows of the grid will be used 10 cars going out to start race number two and just when the cars started up in the put boxes I just had a look out of the commentary box window and how fantastic is to see and exactly what those people are doing there at the moment the amount of people standing there with their cell phones busy filming the cars just proves once again what a massive massive draw card the V8 Supercars are brought to you by mobile one and that one in particular the 110 car of anon Marx he uh the late clutch replacement for for that car early this morning didn’t make it out onto the uh start grid started from the pit Lane and at at least we see him joining the action now in race number two yeah with this inverted grid brenon it’ be interesting you see how the likes of Thomas ree who starting in in third place on the grid and Franken Deo how they do in that whole shot for the line honors because they coming down now uh the P car pulling off uhoh we’ve got an early uh an early spin Sor early spin on the warm up the tabletop marks it was between fifth and sixth but you see how slippery his tires are as they are in the store disorders now the red lights are on who is going to get the whole shot that power listen to the sound of those VA Thunders as they head down into that turn one well the guys take it fairly gingerly because cold tires with all this horsepower I mean that that is 500 horsepower going down onto the Tom M there Terry Wilford Got Away incredibly well nice Gap that he’s opened up over Warren Lombard so as you say feeling their way around the first couple of Corners uh just getting to getting to grips with the colder conditions uh the sun starting the sound of that roaring thund as it heads down the straightway it is just too beautiful absolutely Goosebump stuff for Franco de Mato in the number three car as a look on the inside of Thomas ree pulls up no I thought he was going to pull up alongside him but Terry Wilford having got away well at that start and just a little bit of a twitch in the back of the car for him and then positions 2 3 4 five nothing in it as they head through Julian familiaris in the number one car at the back of that pack and again that big sideways there from anony marks um there seems to be problems with the handling of that I I seem to guess oh some big breaking there that’s the 77 of Shan aliz and the Ford Falcon ra spirited breaking as they might say as our race leader Terry Wolford heads into that left-handed turn one followed up by Warren lomard but um Terry wolford’s got himself a not a big gap I’d say two callings oh but a bit of a bgi there as number 110 comes through oh no that’s the back marker of marks Steve hers leading that group the GT two battle there yeah as Terry Wolford showing a clean pair of heels going up the hill towards turn five under breaking now you see Warren Lombard with some late breaking and there’s a bit of a dice between Thomas Ree and Frankin Deo they’re almost neck and neck as they head down towards turn six but y Thomas ree having to back it off a little bit as he gets the door closed firmly in his face Terry Wilford looking well set out in the lead Gap that he’s got over second place man Warren Lombard sitting at almost 2 seconds 1.8 seconds and then Steve herst enjoying A6 second lead over okay comp compan in the GT2 class but look at that dice that’s going on for the lead and that’s the one that we can see on our screen right now that is the one between Warren Lombard Franko and Thomas ree it is hot every single person wants the best points that they can get out of this series Terry wford showing a really clean pair of heels and waren Lombard catching a wee bit and he’s left Frankin de mat and Thomas ree to fight it out oh we smoke coming from our lead car wford has got a problem Wilford seems to have a problem unless he just outbreak himself from a long way out but a big puff of smoke out the back of the lead car and somebody’s gone into the dirt is it possibly I wonder if that wasn’t Tim wasn’t possibly Wilford with a problem and let’s just hope that doesn’t have an effect on the outcome of this race in fact it is it looks like it is our race leader Terry wford that has uh gone off the circuit just wait there he’s parked there there was a lot of smoke out of the back of the car so I Poss I would assume there’s something terminal wrong with that one and he uh has ended up deep in the kitty litter now I wonder if he’s in a dangerous place whether COC will deem that as a dangerous place let’s hope not let’s hope this this race carries on as it is because now it is hotting up so Warren Lombard is the new leader and that’s car number six out in front there the red car and then you’ve got that wee bit of a gap of 1.8 or so seconds to this dice that we’re seeing now and that’s Franken Mato Thomas re and Julian familiaris familiaris all over the back of Thomas ree’s car at the moment but now focus on our race leader Warren Lombard comes past just glances over to where Terry Wolford is parked in the dirt and Ben I saw a change of surface that that yellow and uh red flag that you see being waved there that denotes a change of surface so I’m wondering if there was a wee bit of oil dropped or something um by Terry Wilford as as he makes spite at the top of the hill there but the good thing is is that the race is still running under yellow caution flags at that corner so at least it’s still going now Steve hers coming past in the chameleon car as I like to call it one moment it’s purple the next moment it is gold beautiful uh sticker wrap job on that car the number seven car of Steve herbs he leads at uh no he doesn’t he’s down to fourth in the GT2 class uh and 20y marks leads the GT2 class in the number one the 110 car our early spinner on the warm-up lap finds himself leading the GT2 class in second it is uh o capan and then Sean holen in third with Steve Herbst in fourth followed by Andrew K in fifth and it looks like Terry Wilford am I correct and seeing that he’s gone across the start and finish line um he’s showing up on the screen so but he’s two laps down but okay the safety car is out yeah no it doesn’t look like Terry is moving’s still two laps down he’s still buried deep in the in the dirt it’s unfortunate to see him going off the track after that brilliant start that he had and he was continued continued to open up that Gap he had an it was over 2 second lead that he had as we see the 77 carard the Ford Falcon of Shane Hallen going through the they very very impressive car that is just waiting for our safety car to pick up on our race leaders it will be Warren Lombard in the number six car that will slot in uh right behind the Toyota safety car e Gazoo racing Petoria North sponsored safety car that we have got here today let’s just hope it doesn’t take too long to get that car out of the K oh there it is yeah he still firmly wedged in there once again the Marshall on top of their game get into the scene of the accident in a big way in a in a very quick way they’ll have that car under toe in no time and we’ll be good to go racing still seven laps left in the race so a nice long part of the race still left as I said at the beginning this is a 12 lapper race number two was only 10 laps so race number two with the inverted grid a 12 lapper just to mix things up a bit and it’s so good to see Anton marks who got that carb has sorted and he was leading the GT2 um class before the safety call came out so well done Anon got that car sorted now and whatever Handley maladies he did have they are sorted because he is he’s doing well yeah early morning they realized that the uh clutch the clutch wasn’t working and had to get that replaced so his team having done a great job getting the uh clutch replaced just just didn’t make it out to the onto the start grid for race number one started from the pit Lane and it’s been a great comeback performance from the man that leads the GT2 class here today on 20 marks in the 110 car and a goodl looking car it is indeed Rob we just waiting for the the Land Rover to pull that um V8 super car out the kitty lit so we can get the race underway before we lose too much time and to any marks in the reman Africa that’s a Chevy Lumina so it’s the there are two three three luminas in the field here [Music] today but it looks like the Terry Wolford car has been safely removed from the circuit there it’s in the pit Lane now so safety car should be coming around on the next lap still got six laps left in the race so when they come in we should have five laps it will be a five laap Dash to the Finish will Warren Lombard be able to hold off the figh in Franco Deo and Thomas ree as well as the number one carve Julian familiaris guys trying to get as much heat into those tires scrubbing them from left to [Music] right don’t forget the two people who got the most to lose in this uh former racing is familiar as he’s heading up the GT class and compound he still leads the GT two class so those are the guys who want to hang on to the their Championship leads as they stand at the moment in the mobile one V8 superar class yeah Oka compan in second place at the moment uh in this race so I see that you were correct there is some fluid that has been spit I see the cement powder that’s been put down there so Terry Wolford when we saw that puff of smoke out of the back of the car that was obviously his engine waving goodbye and uh dropping oil down on the circuit and that was the result of him ending up in the kitty litter [Music] right we should see the PA car pulling in after this lap so it means they’ll get going in Anger again and that’ll be competing lap seven but it be interesting to see R now that Mor lombo is going to lose that lead advantage um that he’s got um whether Frank de and Thomas re will be able to catch catch all and or pass him yeah I was just watching Franco Deo who’s now in second place just the way that he was uh bringing the car through the corner it was like very aggressive and carrying lots of speed through the corner so I think uh you’re are absolutely right now with the restart Franco Deo would run to tuck up right against the back of Warren Lombard’s car and possibly get the jump on as they head down the hill into turn one safety car lights are out it should be coming off the circuit now we should be good to go green flags will be waving as the safety car peels into the pits and Warren Lombard very wisely putting the hammer down early so he can get himself clear of that field that was some good driving but you see those early break lots of his so the guys are still a bit wary of those cold tires as they head down in that very fast turn one you don’t want to lose it there because that is a very fast Corner as we see the class of the GT2 cars coming through and Antony marks getting the jump on that across the start and finish line oh there’s some there’s some very close double there for turn two look like Sean hen wanted to go around the outside of ok compound but having none of that that’s but look out much closer to Mato is behind Warren Lombard brenon yeah just Lombard very very early on the breaks there allowing Franco Deo this is where Deo was so good nice camera shot that we get there so as they start really getting up to speed four laps still to go uh we’ll see how Deo tackles that corner next time around but was carrying certainly carrying a lot more speed through wanting to close up on our race leader Warren Lombard it’s Thomas ree that’s still in third place Julian familiaris down in fourth and then marks in fifth but leading the GT2 class just having a look at how early um waren Lombard’s break lights came on there I’m just wondering if he wasn’t pulling a Sor van Mur on the crow that was s’s favorite trick he used to used to lose obviously from rally driving he used to use his left foot just to tap the brakes to give give that false impression that he really was breaking but no he’s not so maybe he’s P they call it sandbagging I think but he’s he’s he’s got the measure of the race now he’s not so cautious you see those those break last coming on really halfway up the hill heading towards turn five I think he’s sandbagging personally uh no he’s not he’s very Ginger through that corner there I think there might be some problems there brother who who is that it looks the profile looks like anony MOX no no it’s the chameleon that’s Steve hers I see the color the car changing color that’s the number seven of Steve herbs that uh has gone off the circuit uh okay the car starting a bunch up now War long is definitely a lot slower you can see that by the way that the cars behind him Dio and Thomas REO bunching up behind him and it’s anybody’s race that’s turning out now whatever Melodies that um Lombard has got out in front there seem to be telling because the the guys are closing up behind him it’s going to turn into an exciting race we’re on lap 10 there’s two more laps to go and we having a look at De he starting to show and knows there so Warren lard definitely slowing up that’s that’s where Deo is so good I mean that corner just the line that he takes through that corner he manages to close right up on our race leader Warren Lombard Lombard having put in the quickest lap time uh but only just just quicker than Franco Deo so I think we’re in for an exciting last lap when they cross now we will be starting the last lap of the race and the back Mark in the way that looks like K in the way there and they all get safely P him um but yeah Lombard getting the best of that passing maneuver pass across the back marker and they’re on to the last lap now so will lomod hold on to it I think he’s got enough of a lead Pace to do it Dio is is very determined and he’s going to do some really strange stuff and we look at Thomas ree is very up close but look at Julian familiar he on the oh it’s a fantastic overtaking move there from Julian familiaris and he man to get past Thomas re but re is not didn’t even have it they almost go neck and neck to turn for that is not going to compute certainly making familiaris work for that third place is Thomas Ree and Lombard is under threat now from Deo Deo and look at re on the inside of familiaris and he pulls it off whoa a bit of a tangle there and familiaris got into the dirty stuff so that that Disturbed his breaking and that was a great move by Thomas ree Dio didn’t manage to get past Lombard and Lombard leading it into the the last corner and I think he’s got it sewn up and into the B and off he goes across the start and finish line great drive there from Warren Lombard taking the race win from Franco Deo Thomas ree gets third and coming across the line in fourth it’s Julian familiaris the number one the man that leads proceedings at this stage in the championship and the GT2 class coming across the St Finish Line and Antony marks having a good comeback kid Mark there Shan holen through into second place in the GT2 class and six on the road okay compan the championship was a championship leader so we’ll have to check where that lies now he’s in third place in the GT2 with Andrew K finishing his second race nice yep absolutely that’s going to be uh I would say historic but I think a very very happy Andre K finish in both Heats today for his first time first time ever so great performance from him and can’t wait to can’t wait to see what he can do when the mobile one V8 Supercars move down to Kanani for the next round of the champions chip so some spirited driving there from waren lard I think I think we called it right with a bit of sand backing on the on the brake lights there not a silly idea it worked for sorl for how many years yeah it did indeed so let’s move straight on to the next race of the day and it’s it will be the last time that we see the BMWs out on circuit this will be the uh bmwm performance part race series es a b and c and we wait for Nicholas herps to jump into the into the hot seat in the commentary box so we have got the start grid on the front row of the grid it is going to be the number 92 car of Fabio fetto alongside Leon loer then we’ve got the very quick Ryan niker in the 93 car alongside Oz bagioni on in the 25 car that’s the second row of the grid the third row of the grid the 48 Car of neck mckas alongside reneer Smith then on the fourth row of the grid it is Andreas Andreas mayor alongside Nick Naidu then next Row the fifth row hin fera in the 94 car alongside rard Miller then row six it is Jan everin alongside de Robertson then we have got the number on the seventh row the grid Bernard DEA alongside Neil Reynolds uh DEA in the number 80 car and Reynolds in the 57 car and then eighth row of the grid Troy Cochran alongside uh yaku storm Jr then we have got Gary Martin alongside nishel sing that is the ninth row of the grid that makes up our full grid of uh classes a b and c in the bmwm performance parts racing series [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see that the car’s out on circuit we’re back with our live pictures [Music] classes a b and c in the BMW M performance parts Racing Series race number two [Music] [Music] [Music] oh looks like absolute heartbreak there pulling out of the race by the look of things we were hoping to see Andreas mayor out there but after the problems in race number one obviously not happy with the car and uh moving back into into the pit area joining me once again Nicholas herst Nick race number two for you guys another action spe aair lots of drama yeah a bit of a family affair in the beginning um so uh poor uh poor claudo got a an issue with his gear stick lever um and and left the uh the doors wide open to start taking the the lead Craig took that comfortably and then on the uh uh as we start racing Craig suffered a uh break dis failure at the top of corner 5 putting that car into the kitty litter and bringing out that safety car so it was racing before that but yeah it was looking to be potential hers one and two which would have been great but unfortunately break disc failure um really thed that uh opportunity tough racing uh close racing again um I had to do a lot of Defending I would have preferred to have done a lot more uh attacking but yeah we had some great racing and kudos to to Georg KES for for winning both uh both heat um and some great driving from uh my fellow E90 race driver cuas Bower we saw Andreas Mayer pulling into the pits there any idea what problem he’s battling with there unfortunately I didn’t get an update um on on exactly what the issue is afflicting that car um so I’m hoping to get some some better details afterwards right Fabio fetto on the front row alongside Leon ler this one should be interesting uh from the moment the lights go out Ryan niker on the third row of the grid the very very quick Ryan n no not in the third row on the second row of the Grid in third third place alongside Oz Bion so it should be quite an interesting drag race from the moment the lights go out it’ll be up to Leon to to keep the the lead together let’s see if he’s uh ready to to hold it together Fabio is going to do his best to to see what he can do over there uh but those two big uh big Power Class A cars are going to become roaring just behind him and uh we’re going to see huge pressure coming into the first couple corners right W chin waiting for the lights to go out they go out and we go racing and as you said it’s Ryan niker very quick on the money there closing up on the back of Fabio feta as they head down to turn one Jan everin looking racy as ever putting a move on the outside of uh um is that the Miller car um competing for that classy honors again so we saw Deon Robertson in the last race taking the honors are we going to see something repeat there obviously with the reverse grid so he’ll be starting from fifth position and having to work way back up Fabio still leading the race over there yeah nice little lead that he has got and you mentioned Deon it’s just he’s an all round all around competitor as the warden car fights its way through see there’s a little bit of cement dust out on the circuit we’re going to have a great battle coming up there we’ve got Jan everin and David Robertson and those two are are absolute veterans in terms of racecraft so it’s going to be interesting to see exactly how these two pan out in terms of the competition right now Deon Robertson in class sitting down in fifth place at the moment so a lot of work for him to do to make his way through the field similar job for Renee Smith so after winning Heat one um he’s got the big work to do to come back from from fifth position and try take a a two from two so he’s sitting uh comly behind Oz Bion now with neck Maris leading out Class B Ryan niker having made up a place up into second he has gone Leon Loa having dropped down he finds himself in third and neck mackus also having moved up a place and Oz bajon having moved down so that’s at the conclusion of the first lap of the race and the quickest car out on track at the moment as predicted will be Ryan niker 11 107 from him he has now gone into the lead so disappearing into the sunset for Ryan niker in the 93 car so Leon leop has lost out in that uh in that first part um leading from uh from Ryan but unfortunately losing out in that position before them getting past Fabio fetto in class A so he’s going to have the work really cut out from if he wants to bring a win today he’s going to have to get past Ryan de Robertson already up into second place in the C-Class battle so he’s already made up made up a whole chunk of places so wasting no time at all the race craft and experience coming to the front there and fighting his way through so he’s got hind fund the maver in front of him there um he’ll start to put pressure pressure from from that side we’ve got Jan everin who’s fallen behind Nick Naidu in that beautiful BMW M2 race car uh let’s see if he’s able to uh to bring the challenge back for the honors in that class Ryan niker in the leads the class A almost a 2C lap that he has uh managed to open up over the rest of the field once again and uh not to forget Class C we’ve got Gary Morton’s in that diesel powered BMW M2 race car he’s putting huge pressure now onto the back of that tussle between rof Miller and Jan everin um and I’m sure he’s going to be looking for the earliest opportunity to get through there yeah currently sitting in sixth place is Gary Martins rard Miller as he said Yan everin just ahead of him everin going down the inside I’m not sure if that had to be a defensive move or not uh but he’s still behind Nick Naidu over there after the previous couple laps jle with Devon Robertson so he’s going to have again work cut out for him he’s going to to get past that M2 um and try keep rard Miller when that amtech E36 car behind him well just a bit of steam coming up there I think it’s the diesel the diesel car of Gary Martin I just noticed a big puff of steam from underneath the Bonnet so hopefully nothing too serious going on there I noticed one of the cars yesterday an automatic gearbox in it as well somebody’s trying something different no that’s right I mean the new age automatic gear boxes are just uh incredibly fast so gone to the days where automatic didn’t have a a life at all even in amateur Motorsport right now you simply can’t can’t match it so we we’ll start to see a lot of those uh entering into The Fray overtaking move late on the brakes there but just not quite making it work there for rard Miller everin not giving a bunch and he’s going to push him to the inside but rard will certainly have the pace up the hill Deon Robertson closing up on the back of the 94 cor now hin forar defensive there crosses across to close that line down everin continues the defense over there it’s a great battle going on right now between R Miller and Y everin looks like R going to have the inside line and he’ll move to take that position really cutting the curbs there was rard Miller that time around cutting the apex of the corner trying to gain any little bit of Advantage there we saw Devon sitting on the back bumper of H fun mava so he’s going to be looking for the next opportunity we saw some dust popped up there I’m not sure if Deon just pushing a little hard there he goes he’s gone move move uh move complete and he’s got the lead of Class C and that’s into lap lap three lap four right now yeah six laps six laps left so lap four that we are in so yet again the as you said the the experience and racecraft certainly coming to the four for Deon Robertson a little puff of smoke out from the car as he got onto the brakes there and uh this actually powder cement powder as they head up the hill incredibly tight pack here we got the video really focused on the class C battle we’ve got you know 1 2 3 4 5 almost six cars uh just Ling for position there Jan everin get past Nick Naidu in a late Corner five little challenge um he’ll be go hunting after those two turbo charged E36 is now in the form of rard Miller and Hein funder mava they Trail Devin Robertson who leads Class C I see Hein funer maver dragging some body parts so the action has obviously been a little rough out there as well Robertson starting to break away from them now 1.08 second lead over the second of the uh Class C cars that’s hin F in the 94 car but back to our race leader leading our class A that’s Ryan niker Ryan looking after a very nice race at the moment no evident pressure from Leon ler right now so I wonder if he’s going to make a very much a repeat of race one with a comfortable uh race Victory but if anything goes wrong Leon’s going to be right there to snap up the victory Fabio feta still sitting in third place with neck MCAS in fourth so we got rir made up to to second position in class B so it’ll be between him and neck marus to take the honors over there OSB shortly behind that so A small Class B field right now only three vehicles uh but right now neck Mar holds the honors for for leading that category we have got uh still got four laps left in the race and the lead that Nik has got that battle is starting to heat up we see Fabio fetto three and a half seconds Fabio fetto in the picture right now and look how close reneer Smith is to neck Maris for that class B lead pulls up alongside slots tucks in behind him he looked a lot closer than that camera I think neck must have been great on the brakes over there yeah it looked like it the number five car Rene Smith put in on a great display slightly bigger gaps growing in that class C battle so I wonder if they’ve established their their true Pace positions right now but it looks like rard is still in the hunt for that classy honor so he’s going to be going after de Robertson Devon hasn’t built the biggest of gaps just yet so there’s still opportunity for anybody in class C um so any mistakes right now are going to be absolutely punished with a whole train of Class C competitors right behind him yeah Robertson’s lead sitting at 1 and a half seconds so it can still be done being hunted down by rard Miller so from our timing neck m still leads that class be challenge with reer right behind him they are really neck and neck um I’m sure we’re going to be see some changing of position between those two over the last couple of laps yeah bajani still in third place followed by oh no our fourth place man didn’t uh didn’t come out that would be Andreas mayor that unfortunately didn’t make the start of race Number Two Robertson running a little bit wider there that time around using all of the track and a little bit more what do they say the curbs and everything part of the racetrack you may as well use [Music] it so next still looking after that class B honors right now uh reneer is ever ever close um so opportunities are going to be snapped up as soon as they uh become available um let’s see how many laps he can hold on for it’s really difficult right now having a car that close in your rearview mirror we’ve got about one and a half laps left and that Gap just4 of a second so it’s going to be quite a tight finish in uh Class B the 48 car that’s Nick Maus that leads Class B and then right behind him Rene Smith in the number five car Bo we’ve got somebody that’s gone off in a big way car number 33 Yan idstein that has gone off I imagine gone farming in a big way [Music] he was sitting fourth in class C so that’s y back on track over there but uh quite a bit further behind so I’m sure he collected it but he’s just in front of Bernard de running um in 13th overall right now behind Bernard we’ve got Troy Cochran um in that awesome sounding BMW E36 and just behind him Neil Reynolds in that valve hospital bmwe46 we have already started the last lap of the race see who oh oh what’s happening there is that oos Bion with a problem looks like he’s slowing down I’m not sure if that was the correct vehicle over there but we had two cars pass him uh at very slow pace over there but there’s our race leader coming through now that’s the 93 car coming through to take what should be the checked flag yes it is indeed so winning Class A as well as the overall win going to Ryan n Leon ler is second overall and second in class A so Fabio will collect third over there and neck marus has looked after the class B um challenge over there from reneer Smith reneer will come through in second um we’ve got Devon Robertson still leading Class C um let’s see how tight the battle and how close the gaps are at the end yeah the Gap was 1.3 seconds so it looks like Robertson should comfortably uh take the class C win over rard Miller there they come now so that’ll be a two from Two and uh great racing throughout today um Robertson is no no newbie to racing and his racecraft is really showing in these couple Heats today yeah it has been a great performance from him rard milit take second in class class C and third place would imagine hin fun mava crosses now in third so second it was neck Maas that took a first overall in class B and in second place Class B Rene Smith and then oani should be the next of the finishes waiting for him to next wait for oz bajani to come through to take a third third overall in class B so Ryan niker wins it first overall Leon Loa second Fabio fetto takes third then it was neck marus reneer Smith Devin Robertson class uh Class C car coming through in sixth overall followed by rard Miller great ding-dong battle that they had so that concludes our action from the BMW Series once again a massive massive thank you to Nicholas hers for joining us in the commentary box and giving us an extra insight into the going Z out there and exactly what makes the BMW M performance parts race series actually tick and uh it is as we’ve I’ve mentioned more than once today a really really fantastic class and all the best for the rest of the season and we wish you all the best as you head down to the Fest cape in a month or two’s time thanks Brandon looking forward to it um and we’ll continue to watch some great racing here at the big Z [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] all right moving on to the last race of the race meeting here at SWAT Corps Raceway the Dunlop winter extreme Festival it has been a fantastic day of racing and the last race the super hatch Invitational should be yet another Humdinger front row of the grid we’ve got the 93 car of Fran Henning he lines up alongside Yang Keegan Keegan Nathan and the second row of the grid Mike Sullivan alongside Kiren ready then we’ve got Rob Clark alongside senen Naidu uh George Aldrich alongside Arthur Thorn and then Ismael Balo he lines up along or no he’s alongside Arthur Thorn then Mark detoy will line up alongside Francis Aldrich so a nice mix of uh cars in the action here providing lots of entertainment for the very appreciative crowd that have come out to support the racing here and just a massive massive thank you to all of the spectators that have watched the action live and then thank you big thank you those are the people that uh deserve a massive Round of Applause enjoying all of the action around the circuit in rather chilly windy conditions out there the wind has dropped off a little bit uh but as soon as the sun disappears so the chill factor will once again pick up but they’ve enjoyed a great day of action pack racing across all of the classes the Super V racing has been brilliant the mobile one V8 Supercars to me a particular highlight and then all of the BMWs lots and lots of BMWs and then the payar vws as well great great racing across all of the classes as we wait for the lights to go out and they do indeed and who a brilliant start there somebody was uh oh know AI baji bumper bumper is the or can’t pick up his number as he went through there but it was down possibly the number 11 car we’ll pick up the number as they head through turn two I tell you what Kon ready getting a a good jump off the line there in that in that uh very quick little Honda Civic hey um some pretty TR pretty Drive tidy driving cuz he was only fourth in the grid and got himself slotted into second place so it’s FR hen out in front from that man that we were talking about cursing ready in that in that lonely Honda amongst all the bws by the look of it yeah Keegan Nathan from the front row of the grid finds himself down in fourth place so he was one of them that got uh caught out there he just slots into his fourth place there frano Henning that leads in the 93 VW polo and really having a good dive did you see that on on the entrance of turn six that I haven’t seen before I tell you what and uh my goodness that was some spiritual driving he actually made it work he pulled that one off oh look look on the inside there there comes Nathan is it um I just want to check the number that is the no that’s the opal that’s Satan Naidu that was the guy that had the brilliant start I mean he caught them all napping and finds himself in second place now so our race leader franu hening suddenly down in third place but brilliant driving there from krison ready that move certainly uh caught our race leader unawares and it’s actually quite cool to see to see this in the Superhead series um because it’s normally it’s normally a VW showing isn’t it and now now you’ve got um Kon ready out in front there in the Honda and then Sean Naidu um in the opal and then France hen I think he got caught with his pens down proverbially because he got duffed up he got seriously duffed up in that uh in that start couple of laps Arthur thorn in the 32 car having made up a couple of places he finds himself in sixth place so oh challenging for the lead there momentarily was uh the 19 oh it’s challenging for second place sorry our leader yeah Hing trying to get his place back he wants to get his place back again he’s probably slamming the steering wheel because he got caught sleeping yeah I think he was nurturing his ties a wee bit I think yeah everyone’s obviously in these late in these late hours of the afternoon the the track surface is very cold and these guys are a bit weary of um of the tires tearing up and cold tie temperatures but I think he was a bit over cautious he’s having a looks look on the inside of Naidu as he heads down into turn three but he’s not not able to do anything about it so he’s going to have to pull that move again under breaking for turn five cuz that that seems to be the place where he’s the strongest yeah kison ready with a hammer down setting the quickest lap of the race 11 17.27% Naidu and then franu Henning uh pushing trying everything oh it looks like Henning has got that second place back again so things happening up at the front side of the of the race the sharp end of the race as we see the 168 of FR go through yeah and I tell you else who’s looking hungry is Keegan Nathan um he had a bit of a slow start in the first two laps but look at him he’s now onto well not onto the back but he’s catching up closely to um Sur nen NAU sorry and I think there’s going to be some action there as well because um yeah I know his dad he he’s probably learned some tricks from gr as yeah serious pedigree there for Keegan Nathan and fantastic to see the Next Generation starting to move through isn’t it great I mean y gra Nathan’s got a wealth of experience behind a PO Cup car and um he’s handed down some good jeans in the form of Keegan Nathan and as we speak Keegan is right up onto the back of Sean nadu’s car and I can tell you what there’s going to be a change in place pretty soon if he keeps his Pace up because um oh and look I’ve just had a look at the timing screen France Henning has just popped his PB and that’s a 11666 so they’re going to be breaking into the 115s pretty soon yeah Pace certainly starting to pick up now we’ve still got uh 12 laps left in the race so and nice long one for the super hatch Invitational class and Nathan all over the back of sit NAU now and Rob Clark is also starting to put in some decent lap times there that’s a man in fifth place that’s car number 13 and he’s starting to put in some decent lap times now so keep an eye on Rob Clark I think as their confidence grows uh Brenan the these guys now their ties are getting a bit warmer they got a bit of confidence in the car sliding less as I say that have a look it looks like Keegan Nathan’s on the inside of NAU and does he managed to pull it off no he has to slot in line of turn he got the the door closed firmly shut firmly in his face in turn eight and we got a good race going on there between Rob Clark and Fran uh Francis alridge so the there dice are starting to light up all the way down the field which is great Mar D toy in eighth place at the moment in the 33 car [Music] it’s good to see Mar toy amongst this lot as well but um ready has got problems on his hands because France hening has got his teeth back and he oh having having said that having a look on the inside is Keegan Nathan and he pulls it off y he was always going to do that move that’s for sure so that was in the entrance to turn five which a brave move at that speed and heading up the hill now look at the he’s already open up a bit of a gap between him and U and he’s going to be in the hunt for that first place I can tell you that for free right up against the back of him now and 11 laps left so a long way to go and I guarantee we’re going to be in for lots of action is this the move that we’ve been waiting for late on the brakes has a look through on the inside does the 93 car of Fran Henning but not managing to just get close enough kiss ready keeps him honest for yet another lap kis ready is is has got such a smooth driving style in that Honda Civic I don’t know whether it’s a car or the driver the combination of both but he is looking so smooth in that car and it’s good to see youngsters mixing it up like that but I’ll tell you what he’s going to have to drive his heart out because France hini is now a very determined man he wants that pole position back again and cuz he lost it through some cautious driving in the first couple of laps obviously scared of those cold tires but you what to finish first first you have to finish and that is the rule of racing but look how late that really was breaking going into that corner oh my goodness turn four he almost forgot his breaks he breaks so late but now having a look pulls up alongside that’s going to be the last of the late Breakers who’s it going to be H he gets the door closed on him but still keeps it nicely positioned Kon ready it was so late on the brakes here my goodness he’s he’s got some late breaking Maneuvers I’ll tell you what that there there’s a lot of people who be taking driving lessons from him he forgets where his brakes are coming down to turn and8 onto the pit straight they go um it’s that’s the dice of the that’s the dice of the day I reckon between those two Mar toy in the 33 car all over the back of Arthur Thorn they involved in their own little tussle further on down the field w a bit a bit sideways and a bit all over the place was Arthur Thorne he knows he’s got some huge pressure from the BMW that Mark the toy is in and that’s the battle for 7eventh believe it or not I mean this is how spirited the driving is all the way down the field but it’s great to see and Mark toy is certainly all over the back of Arthur Thorn’s Arthur Thorn’s car certainly keeping him honest and is SL kison ready that leads out over Fran henin in second as the battle focuses further on down the field Arthur Thorn and Mark D toy back to the front we go seems to have closed up the top at the top of the field Rob Clark in the number 13 Castle going well he’s in sixth place this is our battle for the lead K ready doing everything in his power to keep the hard charging Fran Henning behind him and having a look on the inside is franois Henning is he able to pull that one off no once again ready is the king of braks I tell you what oh and a bit sideways they coming out out of turn eight onto the straight starting to force the mistakes now just looking the the balance of that Honda Civic just seems so so so great and uh he can certainly lean on it through the through the corners Y is it it is really low slung and low down to the ground and that’s a good center of gravity that he’s got but France Henning looks the most composed out of the two of them um and I think he’s putting on a bit of pressure there Ready’s looking a bit untiy in the corners is breaking his Supreme and that’s that’s exactly the problem that FR hining has he cannot beat that man on the brakes he is king of brakes we got to we got to I don’t know we’ll call him fodo fodo ready from now on 44 car George alri down in ninth place at the moment that’s a B1 168 and that’s France aldrid he’s got himself into third place we missed that move and I’ll tell you what that’s some Spirit to driving and Henny is through Henny is he’s made it pay he’s made it pay he that’s endless Pursuit and endless harrowing all over the back of R and I’ll tell you what it it had to pay dividends sometime Francis Alish in third place the reigning champion in the VW class last oh bit of a last year sorry you’re just uh getting it a little bit skew there almost had me uh swallowing in the throat lozenge that I’ve got in my mouth when he just ran the back wheels over the curb that was kis ready let’s have a look when they come around what the what the Gap is between them while you’re looking there I dare say that krison ready might have overcooked his tires there was some Spirit to driving years um but you know he started getting a bit out of shape at at towards the the end of those last couple of laps and I think he might have overheated those tires remember a cold surface for those of you guys who don’t know the cold surface like this really tears up tires it is it is punishing on ties so I think that kison you what he should just back it off a little bit just follow just follow France for Henning back it off a bit and let those tires recover and Mark D toy is Sue on Arthur Thorn so Mark dto is eventually got past Arthur Thorn and well done for Arthur for holding off that challenge for a long time yeah the lead that Fran hening has over Carrison ready sitting at just on a second 9.53 so comfortably in second place there but I think you spot on with the tires he’s just backed off the pace slightly quickest man out on track is uh franois Henning as we have a look at the 21 car of Keegan Nathan once again Nathan in fourth place behind Francis Alish who’s in third and just having a look at their two lap times they’re pretty similar um Keegan Nathan a spot slower than Aldrich is in terms of lap times um but he needs to up the PA if he wants to get the podium place and please believe me he’ll try uh like I said he’s made of Nathan blood he’s going to he’s going to try and get um get some Podium placing out of this race there’s still quite a lot of time to go so six laps yeah six laps still to go so he just needs to put in constant lap times and we’ll see what it is next time he comes around and up behind him is the battle between stepan Naidu and uh so stepan NAU C NAU I’ll get it right just now and Rob clarkk sorry it’s late in the afternoon Naidu with the number 13 car of Rob Clark hunting him down there Keegan Nathan just went through and shot there in the red and white car I’m I’ve just noticed something that’s a that’s a Honda Bard with a boot in super hatch am I missing something I don’t know there’s something in the rules that that missed me but anyway it’s all Point racing I love it it’s close racing I love close racing but Fran hening now putting in another PB 11541 so France heading is I’ll tell you what he’s he’s not giving this race up he’s putting in constant hot laps and that is the way to win a race but kison ready he’s not letting him get away with it I think he’s he’s doing exactly what I thought he should do and that’s just back it up for weebit let those tires recover and then put in a charge at the end of the end of the race that’s number 66 going past that’s ishmail booy and he’s down in 10th 10th uh um spot at the moment ahead of Micha Sullivan and we just wanting to see um oh I was going to have a look at Keegan’s lap time yeah Keegan Nathan still in a 169 and France Aldridge Francis Aldridge is in a 164 so yeah I think Nathan is going to up up the pace if he wants to make inroads into that Podium placing that ald has at the moment in third kir and NY already having closed up a little bit that Gap now down to excuse me 7 of a second so oh it had got to 7 but now he but TIY through that turn just when he had made up a couple of hundreds of a second all gone to nor once again yeah I think those those tires have cried enough um he did let them recover a wee bit but you saw coming out of turn eight there it was very untiy and um yeah I think those tires have cried enough personally [Music] but he’s not giving up and I love that about him he’s not giving up anything you see that extreme late breaking but that again on a cold cold surface like we got there that is just tearing up those fronts and we saw the under steer coming out of turn eight that’s where that car is battling now that under steer is doing him doing him nasty but I just love his breaking I’m going to change his name to foto foto ready we’ve got uh just over three laps left in the race and it is still all about about uh our race leader Fran Henning that leads out in the front over kisen ready in second France Francis aldri in third followed by Keithan uh Keegan Nathan in fourth [Music] place okay back back to that battle that I was that I was looking at looking out for in in third and fourth so France Aldridge 11625 and Keegan Nathan was a one oh he’s dropped off 1175 okay there’s a lot of differential and I’m seeing a bit of D there somebody just ran ran a bit wide in turn eight yeah I’m wondering if it wasn’t um kison ready um remember that Francis alrich that ran it wide young Keegan battling to turn it in there you notice that maybe outbreak himself turning a little bit uh a little bit too late you can see that off that that off track incident has made that Gap suddenly a lot bigger franois Henning he looks like he’s definitely got the make of this race um that Gap has opened up now it’s almost a second so really trying as oh look he’s sliding it into turn six there through that left-hander those that side of the car is okay and let’s just have a look as he comes through down into turn eight because this is a Telltale sign on his car um oh thanks D camera changed but we started the or just just about to start the second last lap of the race onto the penultimate lap we go now and we see Nathan into turn eight um tying it up there there comes Rob Clark into turn eight and followed by sitan Nadu and then Mark detoy and Mar detoy has caught up quite a lot in the back of um sitan nadu’s car um I don’t know if he is close enough to do any difference to it um that sixth place has he has got but yeah it’s all good he has definitely closed that Gap up it was sitting at 5 seconds it’s down to just a 1.8 now so Mark DET toy on a bit of a on a bit of a charge well if you look at his lap times he’s in a 11 16.7 and cadu was a 11 18.2 so that’s quite a big differential in in left times as we see our 10th 10th Place man that’s Ishmael booy that’s car number 66 come come across the start and finish line through turn one and turn two he goes and he’s having a bit of a lonely race out there at the back of the field and here comes our race leader into the last turn onto the pit straight for I think this will be the last lap of the race last start now and if yeah and if you look at Carrison ready he’s he’s just too far back to make any difference so I think he should wisely hang on to that second place settled settled it down now just uh bring it home in in one piece he’s had a good had a good run certainly kept our race leader Fran hening honest for a long time made him have to work incredibly hard for that first place and talking about working hard there San NAU is definitely having to work hard because he’s got a very very fast Mark to toy up behind him chasing him down and that’ll be that’ll be for sixth place in the race so C and I do having to put in a l ditch a l ditch effort to keep that sixth place from Mark detoy who is is is lapping in a full second quicker than he is as our race leader comes now in through turn five and turn six into turn six franois Henning an Immaculate Race by him he took it easy in the in the front in the first couple of laps lost a couple of Paces conserved his tires but it paid off in the end because on this cold track ties the king into turn 8 he goes and he’s going to be coming up to take that chicked flag and a great race there from number 9 3 France hening very very impressive drive from France hening taking the checker flag kis and ready kept us all entertained he finishes in second place third place going to go to the number 168 car of Francis alridge and then fourth place going to go to Keegan Nathan who’s going to be the next of the finishers should be Rob Clark yeah Rob Clark comes across in the Honda bad set 9 behind him marked a toy just not managing to to get past them and then Arthur Thorn heads out sees the checkered flag he ends what has been a relatively long race for the super hatchers that was that’s what the results look like France Henning from Carrison ready and Francis alridge and Keegan Nathan in fourth Rob clar sit Nadu Mar toy Arthur Thorn George ishma baloy and DNS from Mah Sullivan very mature drive there from Keegan Nathan certainly a man to watch for the future well that folks uh that concludes our race day a massive massive thank you to our title sponsor Dunlop for putting this event together the winter extreme Festival to all of our class uh our classes that have been out there the mobile one V8 Supercars the payar VW challenge the bmwm performance parts race series uh the FOH eneria triple 1es GT Sports and saloons including these super hatchers uh the do doe formula V partnered with cim lubricants a massive massive thank you to all of the sponsors but I think one of the biggest sponsors the biggest thank yous that need to go out there today is to all of the marshals that have been out on the circuit they have done an incredibly job in some trying conditions uh the the competitors have kept them relatively busy out there to work very hard so just a massive massive thank you to to all of the marshals and then the guys behind the scenes all of our race officials race secretaries everybody that has got any sort of role in the background a massive thank you to all of you as well to Dave Peterson and Paul Bedford for putting the uh the live streaming together fantastic job once again guys big Applause to them and then a big big thank you to my guest commentator it has been an absolute pleasure pleasure and to you Denver big big big thank you and hope to work with you in the very very near future once again it’s uh it has been an absolute pleasure the prize giving is going to take place they said in about 30 minutes uh after the last race it will be up at the uh pit box so we look forward to catching up with you at the pit box a little bit later maybe have a a quiet uh social drink and just uh we B yeah just discuss all the war stories that have happened out there so to but a massive thanks have got to go to these Spectators that that they came today wow what a turnout H yeah and in and again some very chilly conditions I might add correct well done guys a big thank you to you for supporting M racing and I’m a huge thank you for that and also to to Dunlop once again for their Charity Drive having collected uh at the stage over 300 blankets uh a host of jackets as well as tinned food as well so and and a fantastic initiative and thank you to all the spectators as well the competitors and The Spectators that have supported that initiative we hope to catch up with you a little bit later at the prize giving for those that are going to stay for that but that’s it from us from me Brendan Kelly it is goodbye until next time and myself D big stay safe out there and stay safe on the road folks cheers good one thank you thanks Paul thanks a that was it was fun it was it was e

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