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OTB | ESPN FPI Rankings | Paul Mainieri’s New Coaching Job | New Orleans Saints Update

104.5 ESPN’s Watch Live Channel is driven by Bayou Ford

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert and Jacob Hester talk about the latest CFB rankings, New Orleans Saints news, and the baseball transfer portal.

[Music] good morning it’s 7:00 a.m. here on Tuesday June 11th today in Ben Rouge you can expect mostly sunny skies with a high of 94 in hour one of today’s show we’ll talk college football ESP and fpi rankings we’ll also talk about the new head coaching job for former LSU baseball coach Paul maner you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram at _ ESPN and watch us on YouTube at the 1045 ESPN channel our we number one of all the bench live from the Mercedes-Benz AB rge Studios starts now we go Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Jacob Hester and T-Bob AB yeah yeah yeah yeah Off the Bench wither and T they said I got to come off the bench Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob yo yo yo yo what’s happening yo welcome in OTB T Taylor hanging out with you today uh I believe Jake may be here but we’ll see dealing with uh some uh some some some just stuff uh you know how it goes dude uh I mean remember uh just just some back stuff not a big deal uh all right uh so coming up on today’s show Taylor kind of laid it out there is it really going to be a high of 84 today though is that true 94 okay okay I thought so okay that that that that makes much much much more sense um got a lot to get to today though very very fun show uh Nick Underhill de snow GNA join us and the third hour so you want to come back with that stick around for that uh as always 1045b ESPN hit the like button uh if you want to get involved and um whatever you know come come talk sub to the channel blah blah blah it’s it’s it’s gonna be fun um min’s College World Series is set we’ll touch on that a bit as well tle sa got OTB mailbag top 10 quarterbacks uh and yes once again not to uh you know we we we carried through yesterday but uh we do have a bit of L baseball portal news just a little a little smattering a little touch a little Dash if you will uh what’s going on guys how we feeling this morning I feel great Taylor stop coughing you’ve been coughing for like you coughed like 10 minutes in the lead up to your to your to your opening and now you can you have allergies what’s going on no I woke up with like a scratchy cough it’s awful that was me in uh Chicago trying to do live television having like a brain aneurysm turning red trying not to cough during the during the live shots not good not good cuz once once it starts there’s no stopping it oh yeah like the moment I hang out there and you’re just panicking and you’re like trying to drink water try to do anything nah uh what’s up with you alre though how you doing not much um I was telling Taylor about this somewhat I’m gonna say it it’s a funny video that I saw this morning of a bowl that got loose at a rodeo in Oregon uh was running around and then it hops over the fence yes yeah the bull’s name was party bus D I mean how are you supposed to keep that guy contain right that’s what I’m saying you can’t keep the party bus down like whenever he’s in the little Arena or whatever what song is playing God Bless the USA I was this is perfect it’s an excellent Rodeo moment do we know what happened cuz the video abruptly CED off because the person get freaked out injur four people were injured the bull leaps into the crowd by the way yeah it yeah the bull leaps into the crowd and then it goes out into like I don’t know I guess we’re like the concession and stuff like that are and there’s this lady and she’s standing there watching The Bull and the bull like trucked her and sent her flying through the air nobody died I thought you were going to tell me that she like stared it down and that her and the bull like connected she like sh her The Backs down I was telling her before the show she watched it come at her it’s okay to laugh at this no one was killed and like you’re sitting there in an arena watching a single Bull and that bull gets out how do you get injured doing this how do you just stand there and do nothing watching well I mean I if you’re in the initial jumping path I understand how you get injured or if the bull chases you like she said the lady just standing there doing nothing yeah that’s on you she watched it come at her she does entered NPC mode a little bit just thought just thought that like you know that this sometimes your brain cannot comprehend what you’re seeing yeah and if I was in line or maybe I’m sitting there eating some Bowl peanuts thinking about my day had a weird time and all why would missing the bull first of all all of a sudden an escaped rodeo bull is staring me down I maybe I wouldn’t react immediately either because my brain isn’t really registering what exactly is going on yeah and it’s named party bus so you wouldn’t think that it hurt like it’s there to party you know yeah yeah I can’t believe this bull I can’t believe this bull would hit somebody with truck somebody what just saying it’s almost as if it’s like almost it’s like the lone thing that it’s been trained do for its entire career how could this have happened I saw it because they were saying that they’re not going to euthanize the bull no why would they I mean well I guess that’s what they usually do if the bull gets loose and starts going crazy and injuring people but they’re not going to euthanize it they’re just going to send it back to its home Ranch and get additional training and hopefully it gets cleared again in a few months hey they took enough backlash from harambe they learned their lesson I did not um I did not I did not expect to start the show here but here we are and so I got to give you the most amazing bull fact that I’ve learned over the past two years and and I do not believe this is bull poop okay um so I I have a friend who has uh he’s he’s few years older than me but he’s done uh running with the bulls him and his brother have in in Spain yeah I did not realize try to wrap your head around this those bulls that they use in the fights they’re running the Bulls have never seen a human being until that day really they’re probably freak they raised them completely devoid of any human site or contact not even the Handler I that that is that is my understanding that’s czy that is my understanding if I am flat out wrong I I’m sure that somebody in chat will tell me that I’m wrong but to my understanding they never see a human being until that day what in the world is going through their head they’re probably freaked out they know this one world and then all of a sudden they’re surrounded by jeering and cheering aliens and they’re running through the streets of this like insane alien architecture the next thing you know they’re being stabbed and somebody’s putting like like like like Spears in them and swords and then they’re dead insane that’s a terrifying death it’s it it is truly truly uh hard to wrap your head around but uh there it is your fun bull fight of the day that heard that said I’ve heard those bull fights are incredible to watch like for some people they’re never going to enjoy it because like the uh because you know the kind of you could say animal cruelty now they feed everybody with the meat it’s not like the meat goes to waste or anything but to watch those um matadors yeah sit there and I’ve watched some videos online but I still don’t think it does the justice what it would feel like in real life to watch those matadors sit and stare down those Bulls I mean look it’s like prehistoric that woman and apparently like the best matadors will really flourish it right and and and and and pimp it a little bit and like put on a show yes and put on a show and and they’ll like Kiss The Bull and whatnot o um as it’s trying to gore them yeah that’s crazy um yeah I’m into it I’m I’m into like bull riding and stuff like that so maybe that you know that woman probably had who knows maybe she had the mental makeup to be a matador obviously no fear in the face of the bull just lack the physical skill set and training man she got tossed in the air and did a couple flips um all right let’s get into a little uh from Bulls to uh a topic that many of you all will be screaming bullk spit when when we start to talk about this uh these are the 2024 ESPN fpi ratings uh now I think I think a a a useful exercise in this regard is to explain what fpi is the ratings for the uninitiated including forecasts for every team’s record its chance of winning a conference title and of course its probability to make the expanded 12 team playoff and win the national championship the FBI football power index is a power rating that tracks each team’s strength relative to an average FBS Squad teams are rated on offense defense and special teams with the values representing points per game so Georgia number one in the preseason FBI with the and the number next to them is 26.8 that means that Georgia is viewed to be 26.8 points better than your average FBS team um ESPN so they they come up with these numbers and and and and the the the the devil in the details here is that we actually don’t know how ESPN formulates these numbers what they weigh roster wise and how heavily they weigh it in order to come up with said numbers um I think that I think I I think from as you’ll see I I kind of feel like they rely on high school recruiting um maybe a bit a bit a bit much in in these equations but you may be saying oh I don’t care about any of that how accurate is it well let’s look at um let’s look at the 2023 preseason FBI which of course there’s going to be misses there going to be hits but 2023 had Ohio State number one with a 315 rating which well no um Alabama number two with a 282 rating I would say that’s pretty damn accurate there they actually were right ahead of Georgia and well they ended up being better than Georgia shockingly LSU was fourth in last year’s fbii and I thought this was kind of fun look at this little uh listen to this little snippet this comes from Adam Rittenberg of ESPN uh from April of last year uh this is right after they released the 23 FBI um and they’re talking about which teams do you think the FBI is most overvaluing uh he says I traditionally go with Texas here but I actually like the Longhorns to win the Big 12 and maybe even sniff the cfp words I’m sure to regret no Adam you’re you’re spot on um so was fpi fbii had uh in 2033 it had Texas at uh number five right behind LSU um but this is where it gets funny LSU seems a little high at four which you know agreed the Tigers defensive Personnel jumps out but will they have enough offense and overall consistency to navigate the SEC schedule oh you sweet summer child Adam you had no idea none of us did what was coming later that year I forgot that we actually thought that the defense was going to be the strength of that LSU team last year before it became one of the most insane weaknesses we’ve ever seen in our entire lives so look I mean again you go back to last year they got Texas 5 they got Michigan 6 USC 7 so Alis J us see really the big disappointments here but then it’s Notre Dame Penn State Oklahoma Tennessee like it’s not it’s not perfect um Washington was at 21 for whatever that’s worth but it’s still a pretty good metric and pretty solid way of kind of parsing out maybe on paper who’s better in the preseason and uh the difference this time around is that you have a 12 team playoff and already there in we start to see some pretty interesting um points uh that that revolve around that um oh by the way after you get the fbii number you simulate the season with a computer program 20,000 times and these are those percentages that it spits out uh for instance uh Georgia has a um 32% chance to win the SEC uh an 80% chance to make the playoffs a 31% chance to win The Natty and a 21 excuse me to make the Natty 21% chance to win said Natty uh one thing that the 12 team playoff has done is that last year you had I believe eight teams with a 20% chance or better of making the national championship or excuse me of making the playoff eight teams with a 20% chance or better of making the college football playoff now with 12 spots available you have 18 teams uh hitting that number nearly an entire top 25 so already you can start to feel how much more wideopen college football feels now what gets it’s interesting are kind of the different tiers within those 18 teams for instance outside of Georgia who do you think has the best percentage chance of making the playoffs have you looked at these I have it pulled up in front of me so damn um Oregon given a 76% chance of navigating the Big 10 apparently fbii really likes Oregon schedule um especially having Ohio State at home in Eugene and to be fair the Ohio State lost last time they went out there to Eugene uh and that was a lesser Oregon team and so basically in those 20,000 simulations what I’m guessing is that Oregon is beating them more often than not and it’s giving them undefeated Seasons quite often it’s it’s led to them uh winning the Big 10 quite often so Oregon giving a 76% chance of making the playoffs Texas at 68 Ohio State at 67 Notre Dame 60 Penn State 59 of course this is basically all made for Penn State and then this is the last team that is over the coin flip over the 50% threshold Bama at 57 so Georgia Oregon Texas Ohio State Notre Pinn State Bama all given a better than 50% chance of making the playoff anything any disagreements there thus far I don’t think Oregon should be too yeah I mean they feel a little high certainly uh I thought that was a little high I think Ohio State’s a little high I think they’re breaking in a new quarterback they lost a lot from that offense a year ago um and then if you’re looking at it I mean Penn State’s at six that’s pretty high for me as well um in terms of raw fpi I should say well actually let’s finish this and then and and then we’ll get into the raw fbii like who who’s actually ranked where because this is percentage chance of making the playoffs um so that’s kind of tier one then you jump down mou Oklahoma that shocks me I’m shocked how high they are in Oklahoma again maybe it’s High School recruiting the overall Talent the roster which they do have it’s just that when you zoom in and maybe this is something the equation of the robots don’t do as good of a job uh compensating for but if you’re in Oklahoma team that yes has a ton of talent a lot of Blue Chip Talent top to bottom but is working an entirely new offensive line and an entirely new quarterback um but missou Oklahoma and Tennessee remember how we’ve always kind of linked those teams together in terms of like okay one of these teams will get in likely well they all have a 37% chance according to the simulation so they’re kind of even they’re kind of one of them split it each time uh Florida State’s given 36% and then we get into the 20s and it’s Michigan at 28 Clemson at 27 and then LSU in Kansas at 24% I do not know why but uh the oh and Old Miss is given a uh 20% chance old is actually a bit low on this list um whereas last year’s fbii at 16 they reviewed to be a bit High they’re basically there once again uh yeah they love Kansas to win the Big 12 uh well excuse me that’s not true the the the big 12 feels wide more wide open than any other conference is more wide open it’s just a Candace is a very very slight Edge like for instance uh this are title chances by conference the SEC a 52% chance of getting the title of course right with Georgia making it 20% of the time uh the Big 10 a 32% chance with Oregon making it 133% of the time the ACC 6% with Florida State making it 2 and a half% of the time Independence 5.1 because Notre day makes it 5% of the time and then the Big 12 only giv a 3.6% chance of making the title with Kansas making it 1% of the time so the Big 12 is as wide open as any other conference they just think that Kansas maybe has a slight Edge um other things that jump out here on this paper uh so here’s the top five as tis Georgia again at 26.8 Oregon 24 Texas viewed to be 23 points better than the average FBS team they’re at three Ohio State four Alabama 5 Penn State 6 robots 11 some nitty Lions Notre Dame Oklahoma Tennessee mou Florida State Michigan then you get to LSU and the right behind LSU Texas A&M ahead of all Miss again is this because of high school recruiting powerful roster these are questions that will be answered in time I mean you are returning a very good quarterback and Conor Wegman but to me I would say the biggest surprise that jumps of the page here first is Oregon being as high as are though uh according to this they believe that Oregon will have the best offense in the entire country which I found to be a bit surprising given that you’re working in a new quarterback but with the system the Personnel Dylan Gabriel what Bo Knicks has put up numbers wise the last couple of years it’s not like something completely absurd or outside the realm of possibility um and again I I can’t escape how bullish they are in Oklahoma especially given that Oklahoma schedule in which uh seems like it’s going to be very very tough um I’m trying to think about some of the other uh biggest takeaways here ug the third toughest schedule in the country how about this so Florida is 20th in FBI right pretty good um however they’re only given a 58% chance of making a bowl because they play the toughest schedule in the entire country Georgia plays the third toughest schedule in the entire country um good news for Fran Brown and Syracuse they play the easiest schedule in the entire country so look it’s it’s some interesting numbers man we’ll see what do you think about LSU though basically fpi predicting a slightly better than eight and4 record for LSU LSU currently sitting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 thir 13th in the country viewed to be 13.6 points better than the average FBS team they’re behind Michigan ahead of Texas A&M actually ahead of Clemson and Old Miss as well are they accurately rated uh we’ll see we’ll see all right uh when we get back I want to talk about some schedule news that we got yesterday uh we got transfer portal coach maner taking the job at South Carolina keep it locked right here on OTB Off the Bench with Hester in T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger go to 925 8552 925 8552 is the website if you need a company that is uh well going to fix any your plumbing problems got 24/7 emergency servers they get a massive Fleet that is always ready to serve your needs so it doesn’t matter what the problem is man because they’ve been doing it for 50 years and of course everybody’s licensed Bond insured and they send you information ahead of time about who’s coming into your home so look anything breaks down uh sink shower whatever water heater Don’t Think Twice call centr Plumbing um but it’s not just when things go wrong if uh you know a great gift idea would be to um maybe explore like a bathroom remodel right for whoever is into the interior design in your relationship give them that and they’ll love you forever for it maybe get a tankless water you never run a hot water it’s all Central Plum get the 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge app powered by Bayou Ford and tap the microphone icon to send us your thoughts in an audio message your message click be played on air during Off the Bench with eser and debob the hunt Palmer show and after further review with mt mus Golf Coast Office Products is a nationally recognized Savin office equipment dealer based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong GF Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and Savin have the perfect fit for you call 225 75626 44 that’s 756 2644 for Golf Coast Office Products there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a 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br teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails in Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild and even sore you imagined we delivered Matt musona inviting you to join us for Tuesday’s AFR powered by Sunshine your hometown John Deere dealer in Louisiana Paul maner headed to South Carolina will have the latest and Shay Dixon joins us for a recruiting report 3 to6 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge reluctantly crouched at the starting line engines pumping and thumping in time the green light flashes the flags go up turning and burning they for the cup maneuver allar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESP and Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the [Music] tiger up and they get out of town the arena is empty except for one man still driving and striving as fast as he can the sun has gone down and the moon has come up and long ago somebody left with the cup but he’s driving anding and hugging the turns and thinking of someone for whom he still Burns he’s going the distance it’s going on y’all welcome back OTB uh let’s just tease our pallet a little bit uh let’s let’s let’s think about let’s do the equivalent of uh what like Foodies do when they just watch Instagram videos of people eating food and think about how tasty and awesome it’s going to be because we did get some news on when some of these big time college football games are going to fall coming up this um coming up this fall look I I will say this guys I’m I’m feeling a little weird about the last segment because it is so numbers heavy right and it’s a little dense and it’s something I find to be very interesting but I don’t think I’m doing a great job of communicating um said interest that said or the interesting facts that said I mean I would say if if if it sounds kind of cool to you I would say check it out online and and I think you might get a bit more enjoyment there uh one one the kind of interesting things and this is the last kind of numbers heavy stuff here but uh one of the kind of interesting pieces that they have in there are your highest leverage uh college football playoff games right so which ones have the biggest percentage swings on who will actually make the playoffs and of course because like we’ve seen the last couple of years it’s a some big 10 games near the top because it’s such a top heavy conference that like yeah Michigan Ohio State kind of Michigan pen State Ohio like all those tend to be kind of deao playoff games right but how about this third on this list missou Alabama right behind Ohio State Penn State Michigan and Ohio State so week nine missou Alabama viewed to be one of the most important games of this college football season week 11 you have Florida State Notre Dame um Texas at Michigan immediately in week number two viewed as one of the big boys Z and you go down this list LSU only showing up uh about it looks like about 15 with LSU Alabama but how about this Notre Dame Texas A&M week one already immediately in week one we’re going to be getting some uh some big games that will affect the the very end of the college football season by the way we actually know how the how the playoffs uh are going to time out now the first round of playoff games are going to be December 20th with the national championship coming uh January 20th one month to rule them Mall the the other bowl games will be pretty much holy affected but yeah check this out tell me tell me this doesn’t seem a little tantalizing in terms of it’s December hopefully the weather’s cool um Christmas is in the air everybody’s B bopping around walking around in a great mood and you settle down maybe you even got a couple of days off of work the kids are home from school you know the delicious baking smells are wafting through the air and 7 p.m. December 20th presents under the tree Christmas a few days away uh Christmas lights uh dancing at the edge of your vision you settle down for 700 p.m. ABC playoff game that will be hosted at an actual college football stadium probably have yourself a couple of drinks then you wake up uh oh can I get a day check when is December 20th day wise are we talking Friday what are we talking here because then December 21st at noon or excuse me 11:00 a.m. so you stay at the night before awesome game oh that’s a Friday okay even better Saturday biger to even better then you wake up Saturday morning and you get your coffee and you got a little college game day on the TV and at 11:00 a.m. you’re treated to another college so playoff game this time on TNT a little Mimosa action a little Mimosa little Kenny sha Ernie Chuck I said this I said this I think TNT I do not think they’ll do this but I think they would be dumb to not just do the Inside the NBA team on college football don’t change a single person you want to maybe add a football voice sure whatever but I’m not there for the basketball Insight like I don’t need like I the the the least favorite Parts about that show is just hearing sha bra people about not having a ring and blah like it no no just let them be them only just let college football be the vehicle I don’t do it but whatever so that’ll be TNT at 11:00 a.m. then at 3:00 p.m. you’ll get another game and then at 700 p.m. on TNT again and then at 7:00 p.m. that Saturday night you get another ABC playoff game all in college football stadiums tell me that does it feel tantalizing so we get into the quarterfinals and that that’ll be your more traditional uh New Year’s Eve Fiesta Bowl and then on New Year’s Day peach bow Rose Bowl Sugar Bowl um and then a week after that January 9th and 10th you get in your orange and cotton bow so now interestingly all New Year 6 Bowls have value all new year six because remember we said ironically the only bows that don’t matter um nowadays are the major bowls that aren’t playoff games well now all six are playoff games which I don’t know why i’ never realized that until actually doing this exercise but good on them I’m sure the bowl games are happy about that uh so there’s your semies and then finally January 20th on ESPN s or 6:30 p.m. good start time there 6:30 p.m. uh the national championship I think that that’s awesome dude month-long football tournament are you kidding me let’s go and not really ending that much later not interfering with the rest of bow season just adding to bow season I’m I’m never going to be sorry about seeing more excellent college football um sounds pretty awesome no well think about the football overload as well I mean NFL playoffs are going to be sprinkled in there as well because of Super Bowls the second week of February so it’s like you have all you mentioned that busy schedule was college football I mean you got NFL playoffs mixed in there as well and you extend college football for what 2 and a half weeks cuz it usually ends around January 7th 8 January 9th is where I always so now okay in my brain that’s because we lost on January 9th actually so I guess anyway week and a half but yeah I I love that uh yeah it seems incredible dude a a a full month now sounds beautiful when is Army Navy is that the 20th so I have seen some drama over that but I didn’t look up the dates I know that army is now having a share uh with the day which um I I need to do more research before I I guess talk about publicly but that seems fantastic other scheduling news that we got here recently uh the Red River rivalry R Triple R going to be October 12th instead of being at 11:00 a.m. going to be at 2:30 so moving a bit more into Prime Time there in ABC uh in terms of Black Friday we got a pretty good slate though I don’t love this initial change uh Black Friday will open up with Minnesota Wisconsin at 11:00 a.m. on CBS which that sounds like the perfect way to open your hungover belly full of turkey you want to get your your your your your Thanksgiving gumbo uh the next day started up like you don’t want a game that you have to be fully locked into Minnesota Wisconsin is the perfect background Big 10 vehicle for that moment from what I see the Army Navy game is on December 14th oh okay well then I then I I got to look at who’s moving in before I fully form a take there um but but on the surface I do agree that I don’t know why you’d have another game there if you don’t have to but we’ll look um so Minnesota Wisconsin then the egg Ball moving from Thanksgiving night to Black Friday afternoon in that 2:30 slot how do we feel about this uh I know that Thanksgiving is the NFL’s day but more often than not lately I feel like those games have not been very good and I have found myself much more entertained by the egg bow and I love it being at night love being you know having a belly full of food and and being kind of drunk because I’ve been drinking all day but not being too drunk because I wa too much food of me to be too drunk and then existing in some weird kind of in between Lial world where I’m watching the egg ball I I I don’t love that it’s going to be taking place under the sun now I would like it better if it was Black Friday night right like that Friday night game I don’t really care if it’s the day of or the day after Thanksgiving I mean that whole week for me is football whether it’s in on the Thursday of Thanksgiving you have the Black Friday games you have Saturday Sunday playoff games as well like I I’m I’m fine with it being on Friday I don’t like the the daytime game though um so then after that one after the Egg Bowl you’re get Iowa Nebraska at 6:30 on NBC let’s go and then George George Tech who who who yeah no no nobody cares at all um I think it sounds pretty cool man but yeah I really like this new College footall playoff setup uh when we get back we maybe go through a couple more games uh and then oh wow Jake uh made it in studio we weren’t sure if Health was going to hold him out he’s trying to battle through here uh but when we get back more OTB keep a lck Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob go to trash Rangers trash is the website where in just 3 minutes you can select your number of cans uh you can see what it’s going to cost you can see your pickup days and um yeah you can make the switch if you live in as cion or lives a parish you’re your for forunate because you have the ability to choose who gets to handle your Waste Management you can go with the local company that’s efficient that’s reliable it actually gives a damn about the locals about you you’re not just some um Ledger on the balance sheet or or you know some mark on The Ledger sheet for some national company they don’t really care about you where they’re keeping all the trash here in Louisiana taking the profits out no not at trash range they’re local they’re the best and because of it they give you a next level um customer service you ever any issues like and for I even 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thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of success and looking forward to 50 more forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment it is what we as Farmers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in joha flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at Sun equip.ent Trust is giving our customers the power to bank anywhere anytime during this challenging event and we’re right there with you our mobile Bank app is a smart join us for the Tuesday edition of live at lunch from Mike Anderson seafood Wesley at Nicholson and Esco joins us from Los Vegas and the field for the College World Series is set live at lunch 11:00 a.m. Tuesday on 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge new New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger Jake welcome in man very sorry that you’re dealing with uh you know the health issues and everything man absolutely brutal you’re you’re a fighter for coming in you definitely did not have to but we are we are glad to have you here it took me a minute to uh to get here took me a minute to get out of the car and Slither up here but I was out um you know wouldn’t got me a championship belt AKA a back brace and we’ll see we’ll see how it goes yeah well um best of luck uh I don’t know that’s the I mean that’s the biggest fear uh anything back related just so debilitating I can’t really fathom um yeah and it’s um H you know you play so long you play for you know I however long of your life 26 years of your life you played football and then putting your daughter in her car seat is what it gets you a yeah age is uh hell of a thing yeah I don’t know um well at least if you’re laid up this fall you left some good college football to watch we’ve kind of been breaking down uh we brok down the new playoff schedule looked at ESPN’s fpi a little bit which has some interesting takeaways i’ I’d like to get some of your thoughts on but I don’t want to rehash it right now because it’s so numbers heavy I think that the audience may be a bit sick of me um one other funny scheduling Quirk that we didn’t get we talked about Black Friday uh CBS man how do you think CBS feels about breaking off the relationship with the SEC and instead going with the big 10 because here are the first three excuse me the first four CBS uh 230 games right the bang like the games that make us feel um they’re going to open with akan at Ohio State now they’re actually going to do a double header that day and they’ll follow it up with UCLA at Hawaii uh now the Agron House State one is easy to be derisive about but we’ve seen this with bam a lot all right early on light schedules I’ve seen a lot of Bama against like the Citadel on CBS at 2:30 so this is not as unprecedented sounds I think what would be more disappointing to me is like the next week it’s like Iowa State Iowa which is fine and then it’s Notre Dame at Purdue the following week after that with an IAP being Colorado and Colorado state which again are all fine but I mean I don’t know am I am I guilty of regional bias to say that those don’t sound nearly as exciting as the SEC matchups that would occupy those same slots no you just said akan in Ohio State and UCLA in Hawaii I know again to be fair though I’ve seen Alabama play really bad teams on CBS a lot of times I thought CBS like picked it up like around week three and we didn’t see any of those I I don’t remember I don’t know I mean my maybe I’m I don’t know if I’ve like created this memory like like Brian Williams in the helicopter crash but like I feel like uh I’ve seen Alabama plenty on slower weeks they just put them because they know they’ll do ratings and they play like I don’t know you know I’ve seen them play Mercer like twice yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly for sure but okay but you’re right Agron House St objectively garbage but take it out of it take that out of it UCLA at Hawaii I say that I was like that’s fun but 230 CBS Notre Dame at Purdue Purdue’s bad yeah Purdue is gonna be real bad Notre Dame’s gonna smash Colorado at Colorado State I mean last year’s game was awesome to be fair but I don’t know man it just all feels like uh it’s it’s it’s weird it’s like these games can be good but it can also feel like you’re watching division 2 in some sort of way what’s the biggest game that they have on on that they’ announced already the next week USC at Michigan which again I don’t know how good of a game that will be um could be though Michigan’s so much unknown so much turnover UFC I don’t think will be good uh but it is kind of interesting from a stylistic standpoint UFC a bit softer a bit more wide open obviously Michigan’s kind of tough-nosed um Persona feels like uh that’ll be one interesting watch those two Clash but yeah those are the only announced games right now I don’t think they’re going to do near the ratings that they used to do I’ll just say that no no absolutely not yeah I mean Notre Dam produ a thing like I know that that they’ve played that for a long time but they’re not going to do Alabama Tennessee they wouldn’t do LSU Old Miss they’re not going to do anything close to that I mean Colorado Colorado State Colorado did big numbers last year maybe Jay Noll and and Dion went back and forth maybe yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying it was a good game but I don’t know it’s not yeah actually no that no that did crazy numbers last year though right did like 10 million yeah so that actually probably will do great um other notable games that we now know when and where they will fall just think about week one so we already mentioned Notre Dame at a and A&M being one of the most impactful games the entire season right there in week one that’s going to be 7:30 on ABC or excuse me 6:30 on ABC hell yes we’re also going to get what I could only describe as the the flirida toilet bowl Miami at Florida 230 ABC Jake two awful teams that are both desperate for a big win that need to gain confidence Christa fraud versus Napier let’s go kristofh Rod vers Sun Belt Billy who will emerge Victorious this is going to be the Hot Seat Bowl yes because whoever loses this is going to be well you guessed it on the hot seat Billy’s probably already there crystal ball would be there if he wasn’t if he wasn’t like a Miami guy I think that buys you like an extra year typically they they’ve just been bad and they found ways to lose games a year ago not kneeling the football yeah and then for Florida if they don’t make it to a bowl game back-to-back years in the year that they made a bowl game game two years ago they lost and had a losing record there’s no like it doesn’t matter who’s coming in it doesn’t matter the circumstance it doesn’t matter the schedule like Florida’s Florida right and the expectation is to be great they fired Dan Mullen and he went to three straight New Year 6 bowl games yeah before he had one bad year like they might not have liked his recruiting but he was still winning yeah they yeah I mean yeah I I that that’s going to be that’s going to be like you said the uh the the the hot seat bow there uh big early game here let’s go to break when we get back uh still a ton to get to a couple more of these then I want to we got we got to talk about Coach maner uh we’re going to talk about our girls Chris and n and Taran cloth we were going to rank top 10 quarterbacks OTB mailbag got Saints talk it’s all coming to keep you locked right here 1045 ESPN Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob Allstar Toyota Baton Rouge Allstar toyot bat we also got to still talk about the ACC and NC State punching their ticket as well Allstar to to Baton Rouge 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want to be where we want to be is in joha flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at Sun [Music] gol Coast Office Products is a nationally recognized Savin office equipment dealer based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong GF Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and 7even have the perfect fit for you call 225 756 2644 that’s 75626 44 for Golf Coast Office Products there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the onar you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz [Music] Vans I’ve been doing business with lubber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professionals but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly he it’s hunt join me for a Tuesday edition of The Hunt Palmer show presented by Pluckers the College World Series field is set Sherie aack talking Saints from mini camp and Glenn West from go 247 talking tigers hunt Palmer show 1 to three weekdays 1045 ESPN Baton [Music] Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN baton rou New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger I know we’ve ended up having like a full college football Power Hour here I did not mean for it to be this but we’re here so we’ll just finish it out and then we’ll move on uh next hour but um uh so we talk about the notable week one games already and week oh by the way shout out my father-in-law Mark Barry he’s in the uh in the chat right now we had a very good time last weekend so my man’s uh you know years decades in Tech and you know High you know high power sales stuff blah blah blah finally retires what’s he gotten super into baking bread my man’s a Sourdough Master now rise was I was not expecting baking bread that’s not I thought crypto was coming out of your mouth no no I mean it makes sense though right you you you spend in all these like stressful like fast like NeverEnding grindy jobs and then and then you know you just want to slow down a bit and and commit yourself to one of the more ancient art forms I hear it’s very um therap Zen it feels very Zen outside looking yes and uh and his sourdough is incredible oh my God the the bass loaves the the well I didn’t get the jalapeno one but the um in terms of like a sweeter loaf to cinnamon raisin you throw that thing in the toaster uh so uh thank you Grand dude uh I’m still eating those those loaves they’re they’re delicious um Okay the reason why I brought this up he’s my wpu guy we watched all of uh all you know all those games last weekend together well uh ww is going to be on the big stage immediately week one Penn State West Virginia um it’s gonna be going opposite of ug Clemson what’s the more exciting game there I mean ug Clemson’s the undeniable bigger Brands um who’s closer to one another though do you think between pen State now I know pinate beat the hell out of West Virginia last year so probably that’s the case as far as location or Talent no Talent which will be the better game because they’re both pretty I think Georg is probably going to smash Clemson Clemson’s defense is supposed to be like it is most year really good uh you’ve got mafa back at running back K is okay at best well I was about to get to I don’t know who is going to play at receiver for Clemson like they don’t have anybody that excites you here in the preseason like even somebody like Bo Collins is now playing for Notre Dame and he was like an okay receiver for for you probably your best option so with georg’s defense with them knowing that mafa is probably going to be totting the rock like 25 times I don’t see Clemson having a lot of success in that game I can see like a 21 to three I mean probably look probably both games not going to be that exciting but all but but remember West unia finished sneaky good last year nine and four with one of those losses being an absurd Hail Mary to Houston that should have never happened like we we’ll see what they can do but they’ll be big noon week one and then big noon week two already guys we’re getting to the big boys Texas at Michigan let’s go week two um Colorado Nebraska on NBC week two that only excites a couple of no Colorado Nebraska’s tight dude you know Colorado that’s going to be Matt ru’s first real big opportunity to prove that this is a different Nebraska team year right yeah remember Colorado beat him because Nebraska could turn it over approximately 18,000 times like they did every single game last yes he fumbled the ball literally 18,000 times yeah that I mean it got to a point where it’s like does he have money on this uh yeah legitimately I think people started to wonder that uh sneaky big Tennessee NC State how about NC State I don’t know where to put this in because like I don’t it doesn’t really fit in the show rundown anywhere NC State yeah shout out wo wolf pack um so NC State last football season beat Clemson Miami wake Virginia Tech and UNC to finish nine and three after a bad start and they lost their bowl game 10 wins would have been nice but then the men’s basketball team wins the ACC tournament makes the final four the Women’s Basketball team reaches the final four and last night the baseball team beats Georgia in Athens to go to super regionals and give the ACC four teams in Omar like sneaky incredible year for the wolf pack dude about the fighting Philip Rivers good on him dude text pr17 and tell him you know congrats man enjoy it all right hour two next we do college football for now keep it lock to TV off the bench with Hester and T-Bob a Baton Rouge AC heating electrical needs you want to go to agent where you can get service to the highest degrees okay and that’s real and don’t just uh talk to talk they walk to Walk that sidg though like you go toward their facilities and you see it everywhere uh because it’s not just an advertising slogan that they handed me uh it is their mission statement it’s the core ethos uh and the center of everything they do which is why they have such unreal um reviews online so check it out for yourself and remember with storm season here approaching I never know when it actually begins um explore a whole home generator they give you a free estimate let you know exactly where we go how do all going to work and you and your family can be protected for storm season go to ACM of Baton Rouge check them out acutemp when things heat up you don’t 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musona for years you’ve heard me tell you about insurance network of Louisiana helping you find better coverage for less money but it’s not just for your home and auto they also offer commercial properties so retail stores professional offices like doctors Dennis attorneys clothing boutiques Insurance network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for Less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local so call today at 29345 or LA [Music] [Music] good morning it’s 8:00 a.m. here on Tuesday June 11th today in bed Rouge expect mostly sunny skies with a high of 94 an hour two of today’s show we’ll talk the top 10 quarterbacks in college football we’ll have a little OTB mailbag and some New Orleans Saints action you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram at _ ESPN and watch us on YouTube at the 1045 ESPN channel hour number two of Off the Bench live from the Mercedes men bed Rouge Studios starts now we go Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Jacob Hester and T-Bob AAR yeah yeah yeah yeah Off the Bench wither and T they said I got to come off the bench Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob yo yo yo yo yo welome back OTB hour number two hope you’re having a great morning today you’re on Off the Bench couple things to get to uh I want to talk about on Three’s top 10 quarterbacks but I let me take a little break from football for second so you can do that and we got OTB mailbag coming up next you get your questions in uh T-Bob Jake alre Taylor all hanging out you Jake gritting through uh injury legitimately playing hurt like as hurt as you can play in radio like the only physical thing that would kind of keep you from doing this job would be something with your back and and Jake’s out here toughing it out so we love to see it um uh Paul maner how about it coach Paul maner LSU great um great coach better human being he’s one of the guys that I think you’ll you’ll kind of see that as a constant refrain when it comes to people talking about coach maner and I would say yeah that’s definitely been my experience with the man he’s always been so gracious with his time so incredibly kind to everyone that I’ve seen him interact with he’s been a massive part of LSU fundraising efforts recently he’s worked very close to with Taff the last couple of years he obviously helped uh with the transition of power to Jay Johnson being very humble in that regard giv that you know there had to be for as much as he was talking about how he was needed a break his neck was hurt and everything else there had to be some you know some ego and some pride there that that he that he put to the side and and kind of in order for the greater good uh he’s a man who’s very involved in dreams come true a a charitable organization that helps lisiana kids dreams come true that I also love um and so the point is it felt like coach maner was just going to maybe retire and and and be one of those um kind of LSU people I I guess behind the scenes just almost an ambassador you could say for the program for the school well looks like the old dog’s got some fight left in him yet as uh the South Carolina Gamecocks have announced that Paul well have they announced yet it was reported by D1 baseball yesterday it’s been confirmed by uh multiple Outlets including the advocate uh coach maner going to be the South Carolina Gamecock head baseball coach uh when you saw the news what was your initial reaction uh it was complete surprise because of everything you laid out and what coach maner was doing lately and we’ve seen him at different events and you know he’s LSU through and through and he’s been helping raise funds and and do all the things engulfing like a madman engulfing like a madman obsessed with golf and I also like I see him all the time at the loc uh local grocery store like just hanging out just shopping just killing some time and always stop and have great conversations with him but I thought like he was fully retired like just because the things he was doing is typically things you do like when you retire he wasn’t baking bread but yes besides that so yeah I was I was surprised and this is not like him going somewhere because he’s like you know what I’m not enjoying all this free time let me go like scratch this itch one more time I’ll go somewhere where small and just you know kind of just ride off into the sunset have some fun like when Calhoun Jim Calhoun retired from Yukon that’s what he did where’ he go just like small super super small school and just get back to basics a bit Yeah and just enjoyed you the basetball equalent of baking bread exactly yeah so for him to go to South Carolina a place that 15 years ago was winning back-to-back national championships they were in the postseason this year it’s a very proud baseball program where their former coach is the ad there like all those things it’s a big job it’s a massive job it’s one of the top 15 college baseball jobs out there well and how Wild is it that you’re going like that’s a very good point that I hadn’t really considered about uh kind of the enormity of the job that you’re taking on and you’re taking it on at a time and I can’t shake this you have four teams in Omaha out of the SEC you nearly had five and none of the five would have been Arkansas Vanderbilt or LSU I mean this and you have Texas and Oklahoma being at it I mean this conference is so mind bogglingly insane when it comes to the sport of baseball that like this is not going to be yeah like Jake this not going to be an easy job like like like to to make people happy with like what what’s he going to have to accomplish there in order for get Gamecock fans to be pleased like like Regional host like can you find your way to 16 wins right it’s it’s going to be tough now coachme is a great coach and he obviously still has a fight left in him and I and I was very happy for him on a personal level because you only take this job if you still got that fire to Jake’s point right and so just in taking the job we now learn more about his motivations than I than I thought I knew right like I had some things wrong about where he was at personally and so I’m happy for him this has to be filling for him but uh I’m a little intimidated I mean I’m intimidated for Jay Johnson and LSU looking up and and and and seeing what you have to keep Pace with and and what you have to navigate much less Coachman AR starting over in a new place like South Carolina and so like this year they didn’t host right they were what they were two SE 13 and 17 and were they two or three either way they didn’t host right and their coach got fired like there’s an expectation to be a top 16 seed most years maybe not every year but most years at South Carolina again like they’ve won national championships not that long ago back toback and they had some downtimes but even going back to two years ago remember that series at South Carolina and H how high leverage that was for LSU and and Paul schemes was out there and it was two games split the third game got rained out and there was a lot of juice around that series because South Carolina was a good program so this is one of those places where Good’s not good enough yeah greatness is what they expect and so it’s a lot like coach maner and he understands it he’s been in the SEC for that long scared obviously he knows what it is but it’s not like you’re going to a junior college you’re not going to a Southland Conference Team you’re going to South Carolina in the SEC with every expectation so alre this brought up some uh Mac Brown PTSD in you from your Texas day he’s growing up a little bit because like Jake saying it’s a big like it’s not like a little school that he going to it’s an SEC school that is a top caliber team in baseball I mean y’all just laid it out they gave us a run for our money when Paul skem was out there but um yeah it gave me a little bit of some flashbacks but I love coach Paul maner that’s why I felt kind of like oh my gosh I I’m happy for him too it’s a little complicated emotionally yeah because like you said it’s in the SEC so we’re going to be competing against him and I will cheer for Coach maner against anybody save foris he now exists in that category we all have those teams yeah they like oh yeah I’ll cheer for them until they come up against my team but yeah I’ll cheer for them from afar against anybody else and I’m honestly like a little surprised cuz like Jake I thought he was retired retired yeah I know me too that’s what I’m saying like again and that’s the biggest Revelation in all of this and taking the job and taking on that challenge he reveals that no he’s still got a lot of vim and vigor left in him yeah I guess that trip to Hoover because you remember the TV kept showing him and Skip Bertman and Todd Walker all up there talking ball maybe that Lit the fire yeah like hey sou Carolina y’all make a move I’m here well and look people take sabatical for reasons and after they’ve been doing jobs for decades like also he did have health problems he had those debilitating neck problems you take a couple years off those get better you work through them and all of a sudden you’re like wait I feel good again like I can get back to it so you know you could you can piece together the puzzles with the benefit of hindsight but I’m happy for him I was sad when he retired so yes like I’m happy for him but I was kind of taken a back if you remember this is about the third head coaching job he’s interviewed for he interviewed for the Miami opening there was a room Notre Dame was going to rehire him when they were looking for an opening so I mean this is about the third spot he’s been linked to and he finally got the job um yeah forgot about that uh I will say this uh this feels like a much better hire than like a less Smiles at Kansas where that felt a little brother-in-law him and Jeff long were just boys it was more like a splash higher than maybe like a very um you were catching a falling knife I don’t think you can describe uh coach maner is catching a falling knife well not only that like Kansas was so bad as a program right like he’s basically like hey Les we’re familiar with each other you’re a big name maybe you can put some butts in the seats like Jake mentioned like South Carolina is a really good baseball program and they have been for a long time I did see that Terry Rooney is going with him yeah that was the last piece that I wanted to mention here um pitching coach so Terry Rooney this year came back to LSU to be the LSU associate director of program to Elan and recruiting uh he was the pitching coach at LSU for 0708 he was with pulmanary uh three years before that at Notre Dame and now he’s going to go be the pitching coach at South Carolina we believe it hasn’t been a th% confirmed but it’s essentially um uh confirmed so uh good on you coach and uh best of luck man except for against H but I hope I hope I hope you beat the West Johnson in Georgia the scheduling gods have to put South Carolina in the box next year right yeah I would hope so I would hope so that that would that would feel we you know story lines that feel obvious um and that’d be emotional and I and I think that he would get a uh oh yeah he would get a some claps yeah resounding Ovation right yes um oh stepen Miller with some more instate coaching moves saying uh T Mor say coaching moves Nichols State head baseball coach uh taking the job at Arkansas State according to D1 baseball is kindall Rogers man Nicholls almost had their first ever NCAA tournament win yeah and they blew it would have been one of the largest comebacks in tournament history poor third baseman man um all right uh I do want to remind you all about MMR group the MMR group I should say the nation’s largest privately owned electrial initation contractor uh look if if if you are in college and you’re listening saw it um well check it out you need some guidance you’re 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uh on three had their oh by the way real quick shout out Taran clo Chris and nus uh officially qualified for the perisian Olympics something that you know we said would happen years ago but still that really never like I didn’t know would they stay together would they find their fortunes apart would one end up being better than the other and whatever you say somebody’s going to make the Olympics you’re like okay cool yeah sure but they actually did it credit to him I can’t wait I’m getting I’m getting a little sneaky EXC excited yeah I love the Olympics yeah I’m super excited I’m a little sneaky I’m definitely more Summer Olympics win Olympics yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t really mess with the Winter Olympics winter got some good stuff I don’t want to speak in totalities yeah yeah but summer when you think Olympics you think summer yeah you don’t you don’t necessarily think winter um what are the best summer Olympic events I mean all the running’s tight because they’re so not not not the distance running for me personally yeah all the Sprints I mean come on um swimming’s good it’s always exciting cuz us is always good at it when you get to the final we’ve had some Legendary Moments there uh I like skateboarding I love it but I mean I love skateboarding you said soccer Jake soccer yeah the US qualif yeah because it’s been a long time since the US has been in the Olympics so the I mean the women have been in there obviously they’ve won gold medals but now the men’s team’s going to be in there as well you know nice roster they put together and you can have it’s under 20s but you can have I think it’s I think it’s four players that are over 20 on your roster wow that’s funny just randomly uh the obvious answer is gymnastics yeah I love gymnastics I also like to watch like the the diving God gymnastics actually might be my favorite 96 Atlanta Olympics gymnastics car strug that was even know core memory for me being 11 years old she like what broke her anle yeah and she did the she finished the full routine she broke her ankle she still does the Vault lands it perfectly one- footed for gold one of the most legendary sporty moments in history um I mean we can’t ignore I don’t really care about the basketball that much anymore oh I don’t yeah I used to the Dream Team I too yeah growing up uh curling is winter yeah I thought that was Winter cuz they’re on Ice yes I believe I could be wrong but I’m but I’m pretty sure there one of the Premier Olympic ones or one of the Premier winner on so for sure um is there anything else in there that we’re missing is there baseball it’s baseball back no it’s not but that and softball think I think baseball’s back this leag summer beach volleyball bro oh yeah beach volleyball is always great I can definitely get into some ping pong some Olympic pong I mean but also my YouTube algorithm feeds me a lot of ping pong videos I mean beach volleyball now that we know two contestants in the actual Olympics Oho I’m going I’m going be I’m going to be fully fanboying clo and nus during uh and plus like who knows foreshadowing Omens portance if nus does really good in the summer maybe nus will do really good in the fall you know the nus bus not starting October you know not starting Sunday in Vegas instead starting this summer in Paris think about it it’s big brain thinking right there yeah like if if Christian n goes gold maybe Garrett NM goes Heisman so they’re not doing baseball anymore I thought they I thought they brought it back this cycle no but they bring softball back at least yeah softball came back in 2020 okay and man I miss like whenever I used to watch it back in the day with like Jenny Finch and Cat austman and all that do they still do the uh do they still do the power walking is that a Summer Event they might yeah that’s the funniest event to me because it’s like how do you push something where you’re not allowed to go as fast as you can go but you still have to go as fast as you can go yeah like you ran you’re out get out of here dude you ever see the way their legs move when they do that too it’s weird well they got to they got to like keep their hips like it feels like you can’t like bend your knee too much because then it looks like you’re running so you they just kind of do this little like hip Shuffle and everything um is that the only time it’s okay to be a narc well hopefully you won’t have to Arc right I mean I’m sure the judges are watching like Hawks the entire time guy walks by you a little too fast hey slow down hey I don’t know I don’t know I feel like there’s honor Amongst Thieves when it comes to power Walkers let he who has not broken the knee cast the first stone you know like like some how do you judge what’s too fast that’s what I’m saying I’ve no it’s that’s why it’s always fasinating me I don’t I don’t actually know that’s what I’m most excited for power walking do you feel like you could could qualify for the Olympics and power walking hell no I wonder like how fast they’re like What’s the time I don’t know what the time or the distance is I just know if you ask me do you think you could qualify for the Olympics the answer is no I mean with flat no it’s a flat it just took me 17 minutes to get from my car to the studio so no according to a 2019 study most people can walk a mile in 15 to 22 minutes yeah however oh wait no this is not answering my question again you got to understand though anybody competing Olympics and speed walking is doing this year round yeah constantly yeah they’ve got it down to an exact size okay Bilbo who’s our track and field correspondent said speed walking you can’t have both feet above the ground at the same time so you are never allowed to have both of your feet off the ground above the ground but off the ground 6 minutes and 31 seconds per mile what running a running no there’s no way so these they’re doing 631 miles and not getting both feet off the ground for example in 2021 the men’s gold medal winning time was an hour and 21 minutes which is a pace of 6 minutes and 31 seconds per mile okay okay okay hold on here okay we got to go to break Tom Bosworth holds the world record for the fastest mile walk with a time of 5 minutes and 31 seconds bro what I’m out here with like a 170 heart rate trying to push 10minute miles and these dudes around here just walking him in five yeah I don’t know how that works okay let’s go to break mailbag coming up next and Taylor give me some video okay I’m GNA need some speed walking video here to see what this actually looks like that is insanity uh we do have a breaking LSU baseball transfer portal news to get to when we come back as well for real for real like for real for real like actual big trans news just saw the chat more Tob coming up next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger like we may actually have to push back mailbag uh mailbag a little bit uh K toz window coverage K Oz uh look if you’re building a home don’t forget about your window coverings okay uh I’ve told you all the time in terms of like you know how we talk about Fighters being pound forp pound window coverings may actually be the most important uh detail of your house pound-for-pound and and what seems a little innocuous can change everything and if you’re exploring maybe wood over or or faux wood well understand look real wood is lighter more durable it’s more efficient it’s about the same price as well um what about them honeycomb Shades you’re you’re a shift worker and you need your uh room to be able to go from well lit to you know pitch dark seconds to damp it sound and everything check out those honeycomb Shades check out what K toz can offer you K toz window coverings ktz kto get the 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge app powered by byou Ford and tap the microphone icon does send us your thoughts in an audio message your message could be played on air during Off the Bench with eser and debob the hunt Palmer show and after further review with mad musco G Coast Bank and Trust is giving our customers the power to Bank anywhere anytime during this challenging event and we’re right there with you our mobile banking app is a smart way to manage your money and time G Coast Bank and Trust the bank that cares about you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] w [Applause] Jerry and Benny Payne began Central Plumbing Company out of their driveway in Tanglewood subdivision 50 years later and four generations down the road we continue to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or Hospitality Central Plumbing is here 24/7 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of success and looking forward to 50 more forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment is what we as forers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in John flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by sunshine GF Coast Office Products is a nationally recognized Savin office equipment dealer based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong G Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and 7even have the perfect fit for you call 225 756 2644 that’s 756 2644 or Golf Coast off products there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile Matt musona inviting you to join us for Tuesday’s AFR powered by sunshine your hometown John Deere dealer in Louisiana Paul maner headed to South Carolina will have the latest and Shay Dixon joins us for a recruiting report 3 to6 1045 ESPN Baton [Music] Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger all right there LS I really want to see the speed walking but first we’re going to push back mailbag uh because we got some big news guys wait a second is Ethan Petri in the transfer portal from South Carolina anyway uh big news as it appears that Paxton cing has announced that he is entering the transfer portal um Paxton cing is someone who before SEC play both last year and this year seems like he seemed like he was kind of bursting onto the scene only to kind of fall apart once SEC play began uh an elite Defender who just kind of increasingly lost his way at the plate a guy with a ton of talent what was it who were the two recruits that we were talking about the other day was P cing somebody else who were like um uh the the the top recruits that you got a few years ago like was it Bron shoed the NFL D the the MLB draft I can’t remember Jaden new maybe it was new maybe it was new either way Paxon King was a premier MLB Prospect coming out of high school and it’s not look the guy’s body is incredible and he runs like a gazelle and again it felt like he could hit remember at the beginning of this year Jay Johnson literally to came on here one day and told us you know I think you’re witnessing the birth of the you know the next great LSU Superstar and it just all went ay once SEC play began it’s such a mental game that it’s almost like you could feel him mentally uh you know the situation exacerbating him getting deeper and deeper and kind of more and more loss and I think when things go that badly Jake you know sometimes a fresh start is needed and so it feels that maybe Paxon cling singing the same thing yeah I think you look up and the outfields already set for LSU as well with brown and lson and if Pearson comes back like we think and so like where is your playing time going to come from and he does have a skill set there’s no denying that but also skill set only gets you so far you have to have a plan you have to take that skill set and put a plan into action and it didn’t look like he had a plan at the plate for the last two years certainly this year t how many times did he come up with less than two outs runner on third you’re fast as hell that’s that’s your best tool right is your speed and you don’t put the ball in play right and so many times like you were wanting him to make the adjustment shorten his swing just put the ball in play because you’re putting pressure on the defense because of how fast you are and just never made that adjustment now the field was always there like that’s why he was a defensive replacement in almost every single game because he was a guy that could certainly take runs off the board but I mean the bat just never matched what it was supposed to be and the plan of action never changed from trying to hit bombs to just getting on base man don’t cry because it’s over smile because Lyn Rollins at least got the call cling Kong uh multiple times last year only once this year but God’s to love those cing Kong calls maybe that’s why I always thought he was going to be really good because those calls were so good but uh how big of a deal is it again I think your starting I think your starting Outfield was already set I think that it is I would I would I would say that uh and I don’t think y’all are maybe as high or I don’t want to put words in your mouth I think that again I I I I still see the potential impacts in cling and so it’s like a potential L but after 2 years of not just the potential being unrealized but kind of the backsliding that took place I don’t know that he’ll ever like I don’t have a ton of faith I don’t have a ton of faith that he would have ever unlocked it here again it feels like a situation where he he you know it’s probably best for both parties he probably needs a fresh start himself go get new eyes on him new coaching and and you know you connect with coaches in different ways sometimes guys can bring you to Heights and explain things to you that other guys couldn’t get through to you and so maybe he just needs that maybe he goes to South Carolina you know and go and go with coach maner and and see if if he or wherever he wants to go right he he just needs some fresh eyes on him and it’s probably best for him so but but but yes functionally for LSU Jake like you laid out you kind of already have uh your Outfield potentially next year set depending on who Rises and falls and again with two years in the books two years of evidence and losing playing time well I understand why you kind of want to transfer also because you’re you really feels like you’re running the risk of being buried on the depth chart at a year when you know if you want to accomplish your baseball dreams you have to go find playing time yeah he’ll left plenty of suitors there’s going to be multiple opportunities because the potential’s there yeah there’s going to be multiple opportunities for him to go to big programs right he’s going to have ACC Big 12 SEC teams certainly that are going to want to try to do what you said because it’s just like the first round quarterback that doesn’t work out yeah there’s a coach out there believes that he can get the most out of that first round quarterback he wasn’t maybe you know given the best in his first stop right wrong or indifferent and we’re going to take him and we’re going to figure out and unlock what we thought was there all along and so he’s going to have his opportunities it’s just not going to be at LSU he realized that so now he moves on yeah so um you know it’s it’s you don’t get better losing to Pax and cling uh but you also don’t get demonstrably worse but it’s easily the biggest what’s a bigger name to hit the portal him or Cam Johnson cam Johnson both about equivalent coming out of high school in terms of uh where they viewed by the MLB as really really Premier prospects that were flirting with that line of do I go to college or do I go to the pros yeah but in terms of what the team needed cam Johnson yeah I think so because he’s a guy that a lot of people were like hey if he could get his control figured out like he could possibly factor into a starting role like there were a lot of people who he he was given opportunities this year and didn’t take those opportunities so that’s why he’s not on the postseason roster which I’m sure didn’t sit well with him but he at least got action you gave him the opportunity to go out there and you know you could lay a plan out for him to get back onto the the field for you he just you know for whatever reason and look if nothing else uh Jay Johnson is going to like he’s not going to cuddle at the spense of the team and so yes if you get left off of like a postseason roster that is highly disappointing but it’s because Jay Johnson knows what bullets he has to bring to the fight in order to give LSU a chance to be successful and I would say when you look at how they handled themselves in that Chapel hell Regional against an unquestioned top five team in the entire country that on paper was much much better than you like like on paper that UNC team was Miles better than you and yet you were still two out to I would say that he made the correct roster choices in doing so like will helmers left off last year gets brought this year comes through for the boys when they needed most the saddest part of this baseball season may be not honoring that incredible will helmer’s performance by finding a way to win that game but uh but still yeah I I don’t I don’t doubt Jay Johnson like what you’re gonna take cam over h helmers no I I don’t doubt Jay Johnson’s um roster management there God I just remembered about that first inning and how absurd that game looked and then the fact that you held them for that first inning whatever doesn’t matter and they’re moving still hurts on omahan I know I know still hurt it still hurts I was like I could be at the box right now like it’s like you get those like little random flat it’s like when you do something that’s very cringy yes and you try to forget it and then you’ll be doing something like random you’re like oh God why did you do that oh I just remember question how many players transferred away from LSU baseball became Stars elsewhere I don’t know top my head I have to think about it I I can’t think of it it’s not a ton no well but that’s that’s any transfers in a lot of ways because football’s a little bit different though just because the Portal’s so crazy in football yeah but also guys like tanks are kind of the exception uh not the rule where generally if you’re transferring it’s because things have gone ay I’m trying to that’s thing like LSU brought in more quality transfers Than People transfer it out yes but again this is all that like that that that that’s how how am I trying to say this this is a function of the Dynamics because LSU is one of the Premier schools in the country so the only time people transfer for being too good is when they want to make a leap up LSU and baseball represents a leap up over almost any school once very an out or lost favor like a ex exactly at the lead program a lot of times and they want to go somewhere else they could find that play So yeah that’s that’s just a function like LSU should always operate in that regard where they’re going to be losing guys that have been kind of disappointing maybe but then gaining guys that have kind of uh shined elsewhere I actually cannot think of any yeah again but but but again that’s that’s because like that’s because of the Dynamics of the situation um you’ve had guys you know transfer to UL Uno uh dreano went to Houston I’m just I’m trying to find one that I’m probably forgetting about that’s blinking but I mean who knows I don’t know how those guys did it those smaller schools either right like maybe they went and had a lot of success but why would we know I’m not watching Houston baseball regularly so I don’t know um all right when we get back you may do do want new mailbag continue to push it back what we want to do do you want to do more transfer portal I don’t think there’s a ton more we we we got another name in the transfer portal that we had in here to add else you add another picture we get to that then we’ll do mail back get your question in the chat 1045 years man Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob go tomies g a tomies it’s uh tomies Windows Doors and siding uh you need Hardy plank or vinyl siding wood or vinyl windows you need any type of door you need to get Tomy okay uh make them one of the bids in fact that’s how confident I am that you’re going to be blown away by Tommy’s uh attention to detail by Tommy’s plan for you by Tommy’s customer service by his Charisma 27 years Tommy’s has of experience in this game and you know after two decades of working for somebody else you know what I’m going to start my own business I’m going to do things cuz there’s things that do a bit better things that do things my way and uh he’s accomplished that but don’t believe me again put it to the test I’m not even telling just use them out right make them one of your bids have them out to your home and let them prove to you why they are the correct choice for your job invest in yourself invest in your greatest asset your home with Tommy’s Windows Doors inside him our listeners fire off their opinions on the gyms firearms. net hotline at 49914 keep listening for your next chance to shoot us your thoughts with the Jims firearms. net hotline on 1045 ESPN baton roue is [Music] I’ve been doing business with lubber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients uh our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professionals but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Ashner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live you br teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails in Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild and even sore you imagined we delivered gold bre your number one Park system in the nation electricity is all around us and our families depend on it every day is sparked by the power of a cold drink or a warm meal a movie night and a comforting light at the end of a dark hallway from sunrise to sunset playtime to bedtime our team is ready to take care of your electrical needs even in the case of an after hours emergency the light in your life shines brighter with Mr Electric hey it’s Matt musona for years you’ve heard me tell you about insurance network of Louisiana helping you find better coverage for less money but it’s not just for your home and auto they also offer commercial property so retail stores professional offices like doctors dentist attorneys clothing boutiques Insurance network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local joined us for the Tuesday edition of live at lunch from Mike Anderson seafood Wesley at Nicholson and Esco joins us from Las Vegas in the field for the College World Series is set live at lunch 11:00 a.m. Tuesday on 1045 ESPN Baton [Music] [Music] Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob SPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger burn like cigarettes I a girl with the right who is Fast welome Back is this cake yes and a Long Jacket hey I’m so proud of you for knowing that is cake sing the Jedi song you know what I’m talking about all right I don’t think we’re gonna have enough time for mailbag here um but uh let’s get into some more transfer portal news uh Taylor you had a basketball p yeah uh Coleman Hawkins played his college career in Illinois he was actually in the NBA Combine pulled his name out a couple days ago he’s a number one player left in the transfer portal he’s going to be visiting LSU on June 17th and it seems like he just had a visit of Kansas State he wants to check out LSU though I mean 12 points a game six and a half rebounds he shot 45% 38% from three as a 610 forward so I mean uh he’s got size and he can stretch it uh shooting the three so see if Matt McMahon can get it done hell yeah um other Transfer ptal News uh alisu baseball has added righty uh South Florida pitcher Chandler dorsy um big kid 64220 is dorsy uh not overwhelming numbers I mean like very good a 360 ER in 30 Innings um first nanjo transfer for the Tigers this off season so again I you know adding adding kind of to the mix here there hasn’t been a a massive splash I wouldn’t say in the ptle yet but you have added arms at a time when you’re losing arms you’re replacing them with new ones so just just keeping youall up to date on what exactly is going on yeah those baseball moves they’re starting to play out a little bit but it’s still a little slow paced it will pick up and you know you’ll be in Omaha and you’ll hear of teams adding remember LSU added at this time last year brazwell from South Carolina that’s true he was somebody they went and got him as LSU was trying to make their title run so we’ll start getting more and more of these I think day by day when are we going to know when uh when are we going to know when guys are declaring for the draft or not Taylor do you know off the top of your head way to disappoint me again all right we’ll just do mailbag for this and then next seg let’s do a little rtb mailbag special delivery I have this special delivery for the bench and look it is marked most urgent who’ll be writing to you the internet what the is the [Music] internet with me with the challenge of Summer content if you all consider strategic plan to pick off Murphy Sam and jod listeners what would be some actionable items we’re going to assassinate Murphy Sam and jod um the question is do we do it ourselves or do we pay one of y’all to do it you have to pay you can’t have blood on your own hand I want to feel Murphy s Jody’s blood trickled through my fingers when I them from behind with a piano wire so I don’t know when you have to declare but the draft is in July so they pushed it back oh did they from when no no no July now remember it used to be used to be like right now right yeah yeah #b mailbag do you expect heavy penalties in the Barrett midm Market Morning Show ratings for failing to adhere to the minimum daily Caitlyn Clark hot Tate requirements we did one yesterday she’s a loser for not making it on the USA olympic so so the irony of this is who wrote this has been very happy that we haven’t talked about Caitlin Clark but he’s also said it a lot so he’s kind of ironically ended up with that thing you know be careful fighting monsters Les you become one yeah where he’s ironically talking about how God I hate talking about Caitlin Clark as of consistently bringing up Caitlin Clark as be mailbag uh is elu shot record Oman Jeopardy being broken absolutely not not this no chance no chance because nobody’s going to have Todd Graves or Gordon mccan roll in and just buy a t well not only that like Tennessee was in it last year they performed bad like I thought they were going to do a lot better than they did Florida’s never been particularly good at it and then miny state who’s yeah who’s going to be the teamm doesn’t drink yeah A&M drinks like fuzzy naval and stuff they’re not taking jello shots isn’t that kind of what a jello shot is a little bit yeah kind of uh uh # mailbag did Hebb get his hair to do the same way to do that the same way Cameron Diaz did in Something About Mary [Music] yeah took my jacket off and then I did my hair hash goe mailback did you see Drew and Cam’s video riding Tiana’s by you adventure together I did not because I still don’t want to be spoiled on the ride as a whole I’ve only allowed myself glances of the animat elonics like even when they had the side by side I didn’t watch the whole video because I don’t want to I don’t want to see it all was it good though anybody watch it yeah I cam Jordan and um oh yeah you see in the group yeah yeah Cam Jordan Drew Brees Roe Tiana together that makes me happy those two being together yeah it’s cute has go be mailbag have you seen the new Bad Boys movie I don’t think I’ve seen past bad boys too yeah me I saw the one they made what like two years ago is that four life that’s probably like five years ago now whenever it was yeah there’s three four life is there a fifth already I know another one’s coming out I think this is four right no no they had bad boys four life right yes but I think yeah but I think it was actually the third there’s no way I think they just called there is no way bad boys for life was the third bad sure it was unless there cannot that why mess that up like that um cuz that was like they’re saying in the movie it was bad boys for life so I’d wait for the fourth movie to name it yeah no Al they’re wrong they got to be wrong no here it is look bad boys in9 5 Bad Boys 2 and 03 bad boys for life in 2020 and then Bad Boys ride or die 202 seems like a missed opportunity why not just bad boys was 1995 yeah yeah 95 yeah bro Martin was hidden Oh Martin was Fant great show in their defense it’s a poor title but it is fo and not the number four so I don’t know if that again you’re missing the point tiller shut up I understand what you’re saying shut up right now let’s close out hour or two some more mailbag when we get back Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob God that’s unbelievable that I I all in all the marketing for four life I just assumed I had missed Bad Boys 3 somewhere somewhere along the way was it good was for life good was what was it as good as getting Gordon to fight for you if you get an accident is Gordon fighting for you in an accident Bad Boys 2 the equivalent of the scene where we smth is like back against the wall with guns point at either side one of the coolest movie scenes ever you know if you were ever to find yourself in a Hummer trampling favellas in Brazil and you get run over by like an 18-wheeler well guess what you call 225 8888888 you get Gordon you get it done or because you’re in Brazil you might need to go to get and fill out that free consultation form get somebody’s going to fight for you stand up to the big insurance companies get you do what you deserve follow on social media at get Gordon that’s get Gordon get Gordon get it done today in times of need get a full list of phone numbers websites and other important emergency information on the Demco stormwatch page at 1045 when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Asner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live [Music] you the best kept secret in town is out discovered T Lula at the Renaissance Hotel on Blue Bonnet [Music] [Music] Jerry and Benny Payne began Central Plumbing Company out of their driveway in Tanglewood subdivision 50 years later and four generations down the road we continue to to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or Hospitality Central Plumbing is here 247 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of success and looking forward to 50 more forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John de equip it is what we as Farmers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in John flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at Sun ised Sav office equipment dealers based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong G Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and S have the perfect fit for you call 225 756 on join me for a Tuesday edition the hunt Palmer show presented by Pluckers the College World Series field is set Sherie aack talking Saints from mini camp and Glenn West from go247 Talking tigers hunt Palmer show 1 to three weekdays 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge [Music] Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with eser and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger my own house party cuz nobody came I know when make in high school I used to love 741 God I thought this song was so cool I don’t want to waste my time come another casualty Society is this Canadian 741 Canadian are they Bilbo says wow Canadian music SMH um I love a lanis moris set but yeah they’re Canadian by the way that clip that you sent of the Edmonton Oilers girl during the interview um she is as can everybody kept saying that I I I don’t agree but whatever A little cring I just thought she’s just like I just thought she well I mean you know it is kind of awkward subject matter it’s just a bunch of guys be like are your boobs real that’s why I was like and they asked they were like is that rude to ask and she was like no I think I would have been like bro no is famous like that should have been the first question they asked it like third my biggest takeaway is just that she’s just like a a she’s just a real hockey ball yeah you know what I’m saying like she is a Canadian tough outdoorsy hockey ball that like she is she is as Canadian as hockey lover as it as as it comes um I didn’t think she was cringe I thought they were May a little cring I think she she seemed whatever but like they the people that were interviewing her seemed very cringe uh has they go to mail back what’s up with bat Rouge people calling each other coach I don’t know dude I’ve never I’ve never understood it but oh my God they love calling people just like a just like a thing Buzzy and Doug um yeah and it’s like the true Baton Rouge natives that’s how you know that’s how you know it’s always b um # when go into the movies are you sneaking anything in the best thing I ever snuck into a movie was a full uh box of Chinese food yeah sesame chicken low main which by the way I saw a video on Twitter yesterday but I think it came out of a Panda Express um Test Kitchen I don’t know if it’s widely available all right but a little Panda burrito interesting lowain chicken some other stuff all wrapped up in a tortilla who says no Chinese food’s impressive we’ve done we’ve done a In-N-Out two burgers two fries oh I just had SP two burgers two fries two drinks I did a diaper bag one time submarine from and then you just have a diaper ready to go after you finish those animal style fries yeah no doubt uh wait what I did an Italian submarine from a place in newly so stuck in celebrity theater um shout out celebrity I think they’re uh no no no forget no no we’re not not I’m I’m in a toxic I’m in a toxic relationship um alry you ever suck anything in nerd nerd loser another yeah what are you just so afraid to break the rules yeah I’m a rule follower no I don’t know I can’t think of anything we used to sneak like McDonald’s dollar menu probably one of the worst was when I eat too many Edibles and went to see lord of the Rings alone when they re-released it and I started to freak out and then I felt like I was freaking everybody else out that was just a real uncomfortable spot to be in hour three Nick Underhill next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob reju restore me refuel me reju me uh you want to feel younger Better Stronger Faster uh like you used to fight the effects of untreated aging well where juv me can help in all these regards you got mood memory problems energy uh confidence uh irritability uh 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all always working for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Ashner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live you [Music] the best kep Secret in town is out discovered Tula at the renissance hotel on Blue Bonnet Bayou Ford has the new inventory to get you in a new Ford truck or SUV today or customize your next vehicle just the way you want it all new Bayou Ford vehicles come with a 1 million M powertrain warranty the crew at Bayou Ford is going to do right by you bra teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails and Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild and even sore you imagined we delivered gold bre your 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years later and four generations down the road we continue to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or Hospitality Central Plumbing is here 247 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years [Music] good morning it’s 9:00 a.m. here on Tuesday June 11th today in bed Rouge expect mostly sunny skies with a high of 94 in hour three of today’s show we’ll be joined by Nick Underhill of new orleans. foot at 9:00 a.m. then at 9:15 Devin snow hops on the show as well if you missed hours one or two of the show you can catch them in the on demand section at 1045 5 you can also follow us on Twitter or Instagram at _ ESPN and watch us on YouTube at the 1045 ESPN channel hour number three of Off the Bench live from the Mercedes-Benz Ridge Studios starts now we go Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Jacob Hester and T-Bob a yeah yeah Off the Bench wither and T they said I got to come off the bench All-Star Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob yo yo [Music] yo sup welcome in OTB s it uh hour number three right now it is my distinct pleasure to talk to man that be talking to you every Tuesday and have for years now at 9:00 a.m. that is the owner operator and face of new orleans. foot an excellent writer in his own right um uh I’ve been a proud noff subscriber for many many years now it’s about the price of a cup of coffee for a month you know and you get unparalleled access into your favorite NFL team him Mike triplet the entire team doing really good work you can also sub to him on YouTube everything else go check him out it’s Nick Underhill Nick Underhill Nick what’s up hey how’s it going man uh doing well um why is all of chat telling me to ask ask you about tattoos did you get a tattoo did you get a finger tattoo a face tattoo ask about my tattoos yeah I don’t I I I I don’t know did you I got a couple go ahead yeah I got I got a couple finger tattoos you know um I don’t know I guess that’s kind of like the uh I’m never going to go back to work for anybody else so I’m just gonna do this and wait so these are new these are new finger tattoos yeah they’re they’re two of them are yeah two of them are I got I got three uh yeah I don’t know man I don’t know it’s just kind of kind of like you know just the the the I don’t know man it’s just kind of one of them things that uh personal motivation um they tell you you can’t do it so just I’m gonna do it and I’m gonna I’m gonna succeed my own way and I’m not I’m not going back you know so um I’m locked in man so no no one can tell me what to do except my wife um she likes them so I’m good you know so yeah bro you look great by the way you’re looking pretty spelt today Nick um which I mean to be fair from when we first met I think I would say both of us had had have had kind of a blow up uh from maybe our earlier days but um but but yeah it I guess that’s kind of interesting I’ve never really considered that like yeah when you go to work for yourself all of a sudden societal expectations do not apply for you anymore so this is this is you uh like the way to you have to get a face T basically that that is the way no no no no how committed are you Nick cuz once you go face tat you are all in like that is this is a heavy bet but face tat is all the chips to the center and there is no going back to normal society yeah I mean I don’t think I’m I’m badass enough to pull off a a face T like I can I can maybe get away with the finger like I’m On The Fringe of that but the face T like I don’t know I don’t know like I can’t like I just I don’t have enough I don’t have enough there like I’m getting you got to have ultimate Swag Like ultimate confidence to pull off a face t uh cuz otherwise you’re going to walk around you’re just going to walk around self-conscious 247 I already said if I had made the NFL I would have uh I would have gotten like a sleeve or a half sleeve but last such as like you can still do it man you can still do it h no no no no no no I’m I’m I’m I don’t know yeah no I don’t think so um all right uh let’s get into or on Saints uh otaa is continue to go on and this may be a bit of a faxa so I apologize okay um but one of my other favorite Saints writers um along with NF I love noof has always been uh Jeff Duncan wherever he’s been at and he had a headline um that kind of proposed an interesting question that I would like to post to you and get your opinion on and it was uh do you are the Saints right now because when you look I think they have like the least amount of bets on them to win the Super Bowl um nobody feels particularly High about them they’re they’re over under win totals at seven and a half in a 17 Game season are the New Orleans Saints right now in your opinion after a couple weeks of OTAs here getting his eyes on this team are they overlooked or are they overwhelmed is this a team where there is some value some juice to be had or are they just as bad as the kind of hive mind is pointing them out to be I I just kind of like rolled my eyes a little bit at myself because like this is the time of year like I I I buy in every year like right I’m kind too dude I feel you I feel it like and I know I’m gonna end up being wrong about it but I mean I feel like I I I have like a semide decent sound thought process here like if if the offensive line is even a little bit worse but you bring in better coaching you have an offensive identity you have a a plan um their single high for a a single player high in rushing yards last year was 80 80 yards was was the high and I think they only had somebody go over 70 maybe two other times uh off top of my head you know I feel like they could probably be a team that could get a 100 yard rusher um I feel like they’re going to do a better job of like building off some of the stuff and we saw at the end of the season last year just kind of what play action could do for for a shaky offensive line um there’s a lot of May on the defensive line it doesn’t feel like all of them can go wrong like if one of them is a yes like you’re better than you were last year at that at that spot and that’s like between Chase young Cam Jordan I think I you know cam Cam Jordan being just realistic like I think if he gets just healthy like he’ll be slightly better I don’t think there’s like a turn back to clock like this is the foundational piece of your pass rush but like I think he can be a little better than he was last year Isaiah fosy if he can give you anything if pton Turner can give you anything if one of those four things things is yes you’re going to be better on the defensive line than you were a year ago um I am concerned about wide receivers still I don’t think they did enough to address it and I don’t know if my perception is real or not and I think mini Camp’s going to be be good for it I mean I think at the beginning of this this process like at Perry looked really good in the first practice and then the next two kind of got quieter and it’s like okay well why’ that happen and is it because they’re installing more and like he’s kind you know that just it’s it’s kind of slowed him down a little bit or did we just him on weird days like we saw three out of nine practices like I think seeing all three of these kind of kind of will help I I’ve been um I have no impression of Kendra Miller so far which I think is kind of a bad thing at this point and if I had to make a projection today and obviously there’s going to be a lot more new information between now and the in the opener but if you just said you got to make a decision today based on what youve seen I I would have Jamal second and Kendra Miller third on the depth chart but I mean obviously so much can change but I think it’s been a little bit slowo for him so far so I’m kind of down on those things but I think overall like I think if they’re the same uh I I think if they’re worse on the offensive line but you add in better offensive line coaching taking some of the other factors like that has to be kind of the same right like it feels like it I don’t see how they’re going to be significantly worse I think they can win amount I cannot have them as worse I I I cannot believe they’re going to be worse I think they could win the same amount of games and and you’d feel different about it like I think I think it could be the same same outcome somewhere in that you know that 500 range and you can’t be 500 anymore so there’s a variance one game each way like if you’re somewhere in that range like I think you could feel better about the outcome just based on how it looks like if you took last season and just flipped it and put it on its head and they started out how they did them finish and then it would be like oh well Derek Carr got hurt and there were some of these like other things and you know it slowed down and you lost Alvin CRA for for three games and you know I think it would just look different and the feel would have been different but it started off like ass and then got okay at the end but like you kind of never got that taste out like from how the season started and you know I think they just got to kind of figure out um you know how to start a little bit better but I think it could be the same and you feel better about I don’t see him being that much worse like I don’t know the way the schedule sets up it could hit a rep quick and it goes off the rails but it’s just kind of I don’t know I it feels way too negative to me and I think it’s just kind of somewhere in the middle like and I think that’s the conversation with everything with them like dere car right now is somewhere kind of in the middle Dennis all is as the Saints coach has been somewhere kind of in the middle like and being mediocre in the NFL is kind of the worst thing in the world cuz there’s just kind of how do you get better if you’re worse there’s this idea that you can get better by being worse is often not true but being in the middle is the most frustrating thing in the world so I get the feeling locally um but I just don’t I don’t think it’s this just this cocktail of crap that like it kind of seems like everybody thinks it is right now like I think it’s just I think it’s mid like I think it’s just right in the middle and look objectively again like it’s easy to handwave away the last six weeks of offense uh from last season because of the frustration but it’s like okay if you could do that in that system which we we kind of all agree wasn’t really setting yourself up for successful like you should be able to have more in this system so look I get it right this is a Saints team where the main questions are arguably o line pass rushing quarterback the three most important like elements of football but but there are reasons to believe you can maybe answer those questions positively uh here heading into mini camp excuse me how do we feel uh about you know with a couple more weeks of looking at it and kind of continued Evolution what are the players saying about Clint kubak is as we we we we you know for these offseason conversations kubak is the Panacea he is the reason that you’re going to hit your wagon to if you want to believe that this Saints team can overachieve yeah I mean look everybody’s up you know it’s it’s the vibe around it is significantly different than than it was a year ago and you know the one thing that I kind of like it stands out like you just hear it like you hear coaching you see people getting corrected you hear people getting yelled at and like you know that just kind of wasn’t really happening last year there there’s more more enforcers on that side you know I think uh kubak just more vocal than than Carmichael um you know I uh Keith Williams the wide receivers coach is just kind of he’s kind of like that Curtis Johnson Curtis Johnson kind of was the guy that could like just check people and you saw it and you know I think that’s I think that’s important I think you kind of need some of those people around and I think they were missing that on that side of the ball um you know I think he can kind of be one of those guys and he does it like in a you know with a smile kind of so it comes off like the right way uh and look I you know he he coached um Fresno when Derek Carr was there and I think that’s important too like I think all that stuff adds him but I think the staff uh you know I think there’s a lot of optimism I think I think there’s just a different feel like you know you’re out there and it just feels different last year being in that locker room it felt like incredibly heavy like there was just you know you felt the cloud there was a sense of Sorrow almost like and just every interaction of frustration how does it get better the fact that they came out of it at the end of the season is is still shocking to me six months REM remov looking back at it like I I don’t know how they figured it out um but they did but it’s a different it’s a different feel right now and then you know we’ll see if Alvin’s out there I think he will be um I know for sure lore’s going to be there that’s big that kind of takes a little bit of that that cloud away a little bit so I just think the vibe around the team in general is just it’s it’s it’s better like it just feels different it feels it feels like you know a fresh start like that’s exactly what it is and and I think that was badly needed here yeah yeah after nearly two decades so so that’s kind of answering the o line question to some extent and the quarterback um exploring the pass rush look I’m excited for Chase young uh if if there’s anything to update there injury wise feel free but yeah I mean yeah I think there’s uh I think he has like a checkup soon and like they’re supposed to be an update um but yeah it’s still kind of kind of up in the air but look I know like he’s around people say his attitude’s good like all that stuff so I mean you know at least that aspect of it sounds good so what but but but another piece I mean is the Isaiah fosy piece and it’s funny because fosy and Penning are are are in similar boats to me in terms of guys who um you got to feel like there’s I I don’t know maybe if the ceiling will ever be what maybe you once thought it was but there’s more there on the floor uh to be had uh and and youall have a piece up right now talking to Isaiah fosy and trying to kind of overcome um the the quote mental block that sty me him uh what is fosy doing to try to uh find the success that just completely eluded him in year one him him struggling last year was kind of one of the bigger surprises for me because he has the pedigree like Notre Dame production against real teams you know that’s yeah this wasn’t like one of your Marcus Davenport or pton Turner’s like uh ra draft picks like no this was because we always complain like why I get the guy who just gets a ton of sacks like well he did yeah yeah like in that you know P Penning is is in the same boat but like he’s more understandable because he comes from like it’s a small school and you look back at it and you’re like yeah like like there were probably things there that that got overlooked just due to the height weight speed uh factor of it and you know fosy felt like yeah he he was robit like he had ways to win and he was winning against real people and I thought he was going to come in and you know that was my thing when they picked him like well he’ll come in and probably you know have production right away and he’ll get better over time um that mental block I guess is a real thing though and it’s it’s something that he struggle with big time last year and you know I think part of it for him is just figuring out how to struggle you know when you when you’re kind of Highly touted guy you go to Notre Dame like you probably haven’t faced real adversity ever and then trying to figure that out is something that you got to figure figure out and I don’t know he says he has we’re going to see I mean I would be shocked if if he if he doesn’t give them anything this year though like I would be shocked to a repeat last season and granted there were injuries but even when he was on the field it just feels like I don’t know I I’m not I’m not willing to believe that there’s nothing there yet you know I think he’s still someone that that can be good like I think he he’ll be part of it and even if it’s just like four or five sacks like that would be a nice little come up for the team they wouldn’t have to manufacture those four or five sacks like if you can kind of get them within the flow uh and then you know your your third down package if they decide to go four down like if he’s productive that gives them another option another body type you put him on the edge maybe you kick one of the bigger ends to the inside like it just opens things up a little bit so you know I think it’s I think it’s highly important I think he’s going to give him something if pton Turner can be healthy like I still believe there’s something there I I don’t think he’s a a complete Talent bust like it’s a it’s an availability bust I I think if he can find a way to stay healthy he can give him a little something I’m not betting on him though um no that’s young just a big question man yeah wait till it prove it so so how yeah how are you feeling about the chase young situation it’s it’s I don’t know I I have no idea that was like it was you know it was like remember when they signed Dez and it was like the high and the low like great back to back the one of the greatest saints that never played oh it was so good dude God yeah this is but this is a guy like in his prime but like it followed the same the same parallel like it was just like oh man they got Chase Young like this could work this could be the answer and then wait a minute did they get Chase young like is he gonna play like what’s the deal like I think he’s going to play I I you know I still I like the signing I you know I think Chase young has more to lose than the Saints like if Chase young doesn’t give him anything like it’s it’s a few bucks like big deal he’s gone he moves on like I think Chase young has to find a way to get healthy he has to find a way to be consistent so that he can make the money that his talent dictates he he should make but you know it’s the things with him has been like you know buying in consistency I think the way this is set up like he has to do both those things he has so much to lose if he doesn’t so I think he’s going to get healthy I think he’s going to get on the field I think he’s going to find a way and I think he is going to be part of the the temporary solution like and then if he is you resign him or you tag him and you know if you look at the two-year average if you tag him and you say okay got two seasons and you kind of do the divided by two like it’d be a worthwhile Endeavor at that point and it buys you another year to to maybe draft the defensive end that that you’re going to need because Payton Turner’s comeing to the end camp Jordan’s kind of at the end you don’t really have great answers with fosy Granderson’s a good piece but I don’t think he’s kind of with you’re hang hang your hat on but like maybe it ends up being chase young long term but you know I think they’re in a good situation there I think he’s gonna he’s gonna do something he’s gonna give him something they didn’t really pay him anything you know I think he’s going to exceed the the dollar value on his contract it’s just a matter of like by how much yeah so much uh to lose and also so much to gain for Jace Young uh well Nick thank you so much man uh as always waking up with us here every single Tuesday 9:00 amm new orleans. foot is the site again guys if you’re not subscribed already and you’re a Saints fan what is we doing go check it out new orleans. foot and also subscribe to the NF uh YouTube channel thank you so much Nick you have an excellent morning my friend yeah you too man take it easy take it easy brother um alandre you say you have a tattoo I have three okay you have three tattoos so let me see you have a butterfly tattoo you have a uh a black outline tattoo of a flower and then you have what live laugh love on your shoulder this is all thing that chat is telling me that’s what they think that I have and I don’t know what about me says that i’ have live laugh love anywhere on my body but no those are all wrong somebody said Kors light and that’s actually hilarious uh do you have a lower back tattoo I don’t good I do uh well I know I’ve seen it um a lot doesn’t look bad um says inter here maybe it’s what yeah exactly may maybe it’s just what’s going on when I’ve seen it that has me in the right head space but uh no Taylor actually does have though like the the Thorns around his bicep uh that’s that’s that’s guy the my bad yeah the barbed wire around his bicep a tribal tattoo Taylor with a tribal tattoo would be objectively very funny and inappropriate and stupid yeah uh um I could have a travel tattoo no I mean you yeah you could you know I could you could have any tattoo you want yeah you do anything you want really saying that would be so funny dude you just showed up be like Taylor I don’t think this was a good idea you know on on a few different levels I think you should not have done this your body your choice but I don’t think you should get this tribal tattoo um no Scott I don’t think Taylor really has a lower back then too I’m sorry uh is it a cross Fon says Al so he actually nailed it oh that’s exactly what I have there you go a cross and a rose for real not together but yeah okay separate um when we get back uh see we catch other guy hold the mail keep lock off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger Taylor’s tattoo reads property of Jerry Jones established what year were you born 1996 there you go property Jerry Jones EST period 1996 uh go to Coleman roof Coleman roof in in construction Coleman Coleman Louisiana’s most reliable most respected and most complete roofing company guys I keep telling you every single day for your project the only answer is Coleman roof because they can handle any project residential commercial it doesn’t matter they can handle any type of roof they can do it anywhere in the state and anywhere in the Gulf South Reg region and they also do construction so you have a home fall in your uh home fall in your home uh you have a tree fall in your home during these recent storms uh well they’ll actually rebuild the house and the roof right the interior as well like you okay something more maybe you know a bit less insane uh you have a leak gets into the insulation into the drywall messes it up well they rebuild all that and fix the roof plate come on com com get the 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge app powered by Bayou Ford and tap the microphone icon to send us your thoughts in an audio message your message could be played on air during Off the Bench with Esther and T-Bob the hunt Palmer show and after further review with mad [Music] musco The Windsor Senior Living Community in mandville Louisiana is a beautiful vibrant apartment community geared towards seniors they are nestled right in the heart of mandaville where seniors live a more Carefree lifestyle in spacious apartments with the peace of mind that comes from having a little extra help call The Windsor at 985 62484 to schedule a lunch and tour come see how the Windsor can be your passport to peace of mind [Music] the B cap Secret in town is out discovered T Lula at the Renaissance hotel on Blue Bonnet gol Coast Office Products is a nationally recognized Savin office equipment dealer based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong Gul Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and 7 have the perfect fit for you call 225 756 2644 that’s 756 2644 for Golf Coast Office Products there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a 5 star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz [Music] Vans I’ve been doing business with lubber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients uh our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professional but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole it’s Matt musona inviting you to join us for Tuesday’s AFR powered by Sunshine your hometown John Deere dealer in Louisiana Paul maner headed to South Carolina we’ll have the latest and Shay Dixon joins us for a recruiting report 3-6 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge [Music] Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger H y’all what’s up welcome back OTB rolling right along so I think we’re going to catch up with Dev later um we’ll save top 10 quarterbacks for tomorrow uh and maybe okay oh what happened to that I had a tweet about the ACC in here okay I’m trying to think about what I think most interesting we have a lot that we can still get to I should mention this because we haven’t yet um uh mayor Kent trell has declared today Back That Ass Up day in New Orleans so 25 years ago today juvie Manny Fresh Lil Rain released uh what would go on you know it be pretty popular at the time but one of those songs that has actually had more success overtime becoming a bit of a cultural phenomenon so uh I hope that everybody celebrates back that ass up today um or back that as of day today like I I don’t know how exactly you you would see to celebrate uh but I don’t know like maybe when you’re opening a door turn around just pop into it just pop that thing back there and open it with your butt and set of your hands like there’s many ways that you could honor back that asup day but just know today is back that asup excited you know we were talking about Super Bowl summer cleaning up New Orleans I’m glad the mayor was like let’s get the most important issue figured out first you put the national day in there or Citywide day if you will I enjoy it dude no this is a big moment for the city I know it’s the mayor’s team going for kind of a cheap little PR win here but don’t let like all the real life problems just take away from what’s a fun fun little moment and welld deserved for a couple of cities heroes in juvie and Manny fresh shut up um so if you a big fine woman enjoy today okay because I love you I’ve always loved you to be fair um but today’s for you okay or a big fine man you know for that matter um I mention NC no I don’t want to do that actually let’s go with you know what let’s do this Tay Tay you ready for a little Tay Tay NFL story of the day day yeah we can make it happen it’s time for taytay’s NFL story of the day your daily dose of NFL news from Taylor sharp all right we got some uh coaching news in the NFL I mean usually off season is coaching changes season but Mike Tomlin the NFL’s longest tenur head coach yeah he’s going to be in Pittsburgh a little bit longer he signed a contract extension yesterday evening um a three-year extension puts him in Pittsburgh till 2027 he’s entering his 18th season at the Helm of the Steelers we always talk about the Steelers being one of the most wellp put well-run organizations in all the professional sports they’ve had three head coaches since 1969 uh yeah no I was about to say so this is something that um it’s funny during the Sha pton years when he had those run of seven to n seasons and there was starting to be a lot of heat about uh you know why not maybe moving on um this is something that was reported on very widely that the New Orleans Saints kind of view themselves in the same light as a Steelers which you could say is a bit comedic given uh you know the Steelers success versus the Saints history uh but that that’s that kind of levelheaded almost be slow to react you know be too slow like let something completely play out as Oppo even even if it ends up continuing to be bad as opposed to maybe reacting uh rashly and for what it’s worth I think I know people aren’t going to hear this because it’s kind of why you still have Dennis Allen as well but like objectively I would say it’s paid dividends for the Saints Johan Payton made it through those 79 stretches LED you to one of the winningest 5year stretches in franchise history maybe the winning is from a raw uh regular season wins standpoint and so like it is it is a that that that that um that putting your thumb on the scale for continuity and consistency there’s something to be said for it like and yes I know Steelers fans are a bit disappointed like you talked to a lot of Steelers fans in fact the only couple that I know kind of hate Mike Tomlin now but they only hate him because familiarity breeds contempt right like like it’s it’s the old Marvin Lewis conundrum where okay okay you take over the Bengals they’re God awful you make the playoffs seven years in a row that’s incredible for where the Bengals were but you never win a playoff game in that same way the Steelers never completely fall off they’re always in it they’re always 500 or better but they have never achieved the heights that they did early on with uh with the Super Bowl team that Tomlin had right after he took over from for cow so I mean look we we know about Tomlin right like he’s never had a losing season as an NFL which is insane though which is actually wild because at the end of Big Ben’s career delin Hodes got snaps at quarterback I mean last year Mason Rudolph LED this team to the playoffs they got ousted in the Wild Card round of the playoff last Kenny p as a rookie who a lot of people didn’t even think was going to play as a rookie LED them to the playoffs in 2021 they didn’t make it in 2022 but they still finished with a 500 record cuz Kenny picket was in and out of the lineup you hadn’t had a true offensive coordinator since Todd Haley about four five years ago now whose fault is that is that Tomlin is that the front office I think it’s a little bit of both the only thing is he hasn’t had a playoff a win since 2016 that’s kind of his that’s kind of his biggest thing the last four appearances he is 0 and four but look at the quarterbacks he’s had look at the offensive coordinators he’s had he’s a defensive mindest coach his defenses are always incredible I’m a Mike Tomlin fan like if somebody today was like Taylor pick one guy to coach your NFL team I’m probably picking Mike Tomlin I mean that’s I might go like Ball but I do feel you yeah yeah I both of them but like they just they run their organization so well he’s actually he’s got 173 regular season wins he gets 20 more he’ll have the record he’ll pass Chuck null Chuck null has 193 so like what he’s done is incredible da in the chat continues to prove himself to be an idiot uh he says Tomlin had a Hall of Fame quarterback most coaches do well with a Hall of Fame quarterback again like Taylor’s kind of alluded to here probably the most impressive thing that Mike Tomlin has done has been continuing to win and stay relevant and make the playoffs with duck Hodges Mason Rudolph Kenny like these aren’t just okay these are bad quarterbacks in a league that is solely defined by quarterback give Mike Tomlin another great quarterback and and and see what happens okay and also go look at guys like they coached Philip Rivers there’s been plenty of coaches that have not done well with very good quack never had a losing record I mean is is great as the Shawn pton Drew Brees era was in New Orleans you just talked about it right like he had a couple seven and nine years in there he had a couple down here tomlin’s never had that even when he didn’t have that Superstar under Center and he’s been to two Super Bowls a lot of those coaches like a McCarthy a Shawn pton a Tomlin all these guys that have that Super Bowl win and they’ve been consistent I forgot tomlin’s the only guy to ever make it back to his second onear oh okay I was going to say I okay okay hell yeah I two Super Bowl appearances a Super Bowl win never had a losing season I mean I find me somebody who’s who’s better than Mike Tom that’s that’s still out there that’s you know coaching for 18 years NFL here’s my story of the day day NFL will officially start doing digital measurements on spotting the ball in the preseason and will make a decision at the end of preseason whether or not they move forward you know me uh I’m not a fan of kzone in college baseball you wanted the MLB that’s fine I think I’m a fan of spotting the football this will apparently alert the referees right away if a first down has been reached it takes a lot of the ref’s plates which I think is actually probably great for them it allows them to Signal things faster potentially speeds up the game and and you know how in college you get a first down the clock stops that’s all well and good but like in the NFL it doesn’t you have to respot B this help to spot him little quicker I I’ll be very interest to see how this plays out in the preseason I I I could be a fan of this I could be a fan of this even though you know me I’m I’m a little worried about the human element being taken out in some regards from sports but not not not in this specific case [Laughter] um that’s back more Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob Community Steel company Community steel Community steel [Music] oops sorry you need steel you need metal buildings Roofing sheet metal trim plin tubin all your accessories uh what if I told you they were all local right here in Gonzalez high quality what if I told you they all manufactured locally and that uh well actually there’s a live and local human sales team that you could work with um so you drive over there you know you you you you meet with the team you see the product you touch it you feel it before you buy it uh when you work with them you’re not just another uh number on the on the balance sheet you’re you’re not uh ordering through online online order forms getting answering machines no again guys you have relationships so whether it’s your personal steel needs your business steel needs you’re getting served to the best possible degree and you’re getting the best prices because they buy straight from the wholesale they make it all themselves Community Steel company Community steel our listeners fire off their opinions on the gyms firearms. net hotline at 49914 keep listening for your next chance to shoot us your thoughts with the gyms firearms. net hotline on 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there mercedesbenz vans [Music] when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Asner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live you forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment is what we as forers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in joha flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey it’s Matt musona for years you’ve heard me tell you about insurance network of Louisiana helping you find better coverage for less money but it’s not just for your home and auto they also offer commercial property so retail stores professional offices like doctors dentist attorneys clothing boutiques Insurance network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local so call today at 2 93450 or La Jerry and Benny Payne began Central Plumbing Company out of their driveway in Tanglewood subdivision 50 years later and four generations down the road we continue to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or Hospitality Central Plumbing is here 24/7 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of join us for the Tuesday edition of live at lunch from Mike Anderson seafood Wesley at Nicholson and Esco joins us from Las Vegas in the field for the College World Series is set live at lunch 11:00 a.m. Tuesday on 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge Allstar Toyota present EV Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger I’m just picturing Taylor in like a you know how like on Friday you just feel a little more confident you got a great energy Taylor’s rolling around LP and his white Oakleys listening to this song ready to take over ready ready to rock the weekend I don’t know the song but I did have a pair of white Oakley at one point I was literally about to say I don’t even think t knows Pretty Fly for a White Guy I mean I’ve heard the say it and I don’t I don’t know the song This has big Dreamcast uh Crazy Taxi uh energy does anybody can anybody confirm whether or not this was on the Crazy Taxi soundtrack on the second Dreamcast how do we get this this recording of you and Victoria why hey are the NHL and NBA series over already yeah wait are they no I mean like not not like no they’re not actually over but are they functionally over Panthers take a 20 lead Domin come back score four unanswered last night Celtics I mean I don’t know Celtics Dallas is what Kye or lost 12 in a row now to the to the Celtics or something they had to have one of those games in Boston cuz I don’t know if they’re good enough to win both at home and if they don’t win both at home they’re done remember though series never starts till somebody wins a road game yeah just saying um I only use this as a bridge to get to Dan Hurley uh because I love that Dan Hurley just trolled the Lakers and turned them down um I don’t think we ever got to read the Hurley quote yesterday that I wanted to get to but it was very funny he was basically like you know Lakers give me a great offer but I love what I bu you I’ll let you know Monday and uh he ended up letting us know and he’s going to remain at Yukon bit of a very public snub for Los Angeles Lakers I I would say kind of the latest in a line of snubs maybe this one’s a bit different though because it’s like a college coach it’s not an accomplished NBA coach you’re going after and you did but but okay here’s what I would ask you they offered Hurley over $10 million a year right I think it would have made him the fifth highest paid coach in the NBA like 10 s it was for six years as dumb as this sounds is that a lowball offer compared to what they said I mean some people said it was going to be 15 16 million a year yeah a lot of people thought this was going to be a$ hundred million contract potentially you come with 6 years 70 million I was surprised when I read it um why do you think Dan Hurley did not take the job given that again even the 10 million yukon’s not going to be able to get close to like what what what what’s he makeing Yukon right now do we know his salary 6 year 32 million that he signed a year and a half ago so but they’ll probably he’ll get bumped up like I’m sure one of the things in making him turn this job down was a significant salary increase but it was six year 32 million um I mean look I I I’m someone who always does believe there’s something to be said for contentment I still think Dan Hurley has NBA aspirations I think this is more about I mean yeah the money and everything’s is is maybe an element maybe felt like I feel like this is more like you kind of look at the Lakers and it’s like how attractive of a landing spot is that right now well also they don’t have the patience right like you Frank vogle wins a NBA Championship now granted it was the bubble and everything but he’s fired a year later yeah your best player is 40 years old he’s probably gone after this year Darin H made it Western confence Finals and fired a year later and and you’re gone in a year and he was still in the playoffs this year I mean call it what you want but he was there he was in contention nobody since Phil Jackson has made it three years has made it more than three years as a Lakers head coach yeah and I mean you’ve had who you’ve had Mike Brown you’ve had Luke W know LED you had Frank vogle who won the champion you Darin ham I mean you went through a lot of coaches Anthony Davis played 72 games this year that’s great outside of that he’s been injured his entire career what do you really have on that roster that you’re like Rory build on yeah haimura well I think it’s a couple thing like I mentioned yesterday where I’m like it’s kind of like I feel like Dan Hurley doesn’t think he’s hit his ceiling at Yukon yet like he told W heed agree that he wanted to go win a third straight national championship and um it’s also kind of what y’all said yesterday where LeBron is he gonna be coached by Dan Hurley I mean I I would also agree with that I’d be very intimidated by the idea of being LeBron’s coach and don’t hit me with like he tweeted she erratically like the offense I think there is a massive massive gap between LeBron tweeting he likes your all I mean LeBron loved David blat didn’t he like LeBron’s loved plenty of coaches that he brought in finals going that season yeah only to later uh even though I mean I do think that making the switch from blat to tyo was the correct move there and to be fair tyoo just got a big extension with the Clippers so he’s he is a great coach um whatever the point is you know I think the Lakers are a bit under actually the actual point is H suck at Lakers yeah you fraking nerds have your little cocky ass California Sunshine tanned up faces rubbed in your own excrement can’t even hire the Yukon coach can’t even bring him out to the sunny state of LA out of the freaking freezing cold boring of Hartford Connecticut how far the mighty have fallen also that 2020 Championship doesn’t count it’s a Mickey Mouse ring nobody cares about it like literally nobody cares about it or acknowledges it okay so y’all suck and uh well yeah that’s it that’s the only thing I guess positive you could say about the Lakers on the outside is like this is something they don’t normally do they don’t try to hire the guy that’s not easy to get right if they would have fired Darin ham 3 Days Later been like Hey we’re hiring JJ reick because he’s young and hip and can relate to the players that would have been a Los Angeles Lakers hire all day long like I guess a little bit of credit to him for trying to hire Dan Hurley now if this was the Oklahoma City Thunder with their young talent I think Dan Hurley takes the job to your point I think the Lakers are not the Lakers are not the spot to be he he has said publicly he wants to be an coach I don’t think it’s in this spot but no I mean I guess credit to him for trying to land the big fish it would have been a long shot no matter what but far too often they’re just like let’s get the easy guy let’s get an easy yes and they did not do that this time uh and you shk out very publicly you got turned down you got snubbed oh poor Genie I was saying yesterday that I think it’s so funny that he took advantage of all the me too he like went out there that’s why I love Hurley he trolled the hell out of him he took his whole family Billy Joel concert another concert some people saw him at as well I don’t know like he spent three days out there and when he flew back when he flew back to Connecticut without agreeing you knew it was over he’s like okay I’ll call you yeah freaking nerds um all right when we get back close out the show little ask bch Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob Pinnacle exterior construction struck by is this is not your Soviet concrete gray We Made You pool no this is like there there there’s an artisanship here a beauty here that I think is going to blow you away so if you want a pool you want Pinnacle go to PE that’s full list of phone numbers websites and other important emergency information on the Demco stormwatch page at 1045 [Music] [Music] forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment is what we as Farmers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in joha flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at Sun go Coast Office Products is a nationally recognized Savin office equipment dealer based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong GF Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and 7 have the perfect fit for you call 225 756 2644 that’s 756 2644 for Golf Coast Office Products there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz van [Music] I’ve been doing business with Luber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professionals but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Asner join me for Tuesday the hunt Palmer show presented by Pluckers the College World Series field is set Sharie aack talking Saints from mini camp and Glenn West from go247 Talking tigers hunt Palmer show 1 to three weekdays 1045 ESPN Baton [Music] Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the Tiger y’all happing y’all ask the bench brought you by coold C La busy hard sheltzer and blue moon light sky C your sweet ask the bench uh do you think there’s Advantage for teams with no state income tax and free agency Florida NADA Tex yes yeah absolutely that’s that’s been something that multiple athletes have have cited uh I think it’s also a disadvantage for places like California everything California probably makes up for it with like a little bit of like you know like La cool weather all that kind of BS but uh yeah I mean you’re telling me if you’re going to sign a multi- multi-million dollar deal that income tax when it factor into your decision-making um ask the bench where can I find Breeze and cam on the Tiana ride Instagram yeah or Twitter Twitter yeah search it it’s everywhere right now uh ask the bench what is my top five must dos at univ Orlando with the family next week Taylor You’ve Had a bit more experience um I would say I don’t know how old your kids are my kids are young they love minions so the minion stuff was kind of fun um I I mean I don’t know if you’re a Harry Potter nerd you have to do the Harry Potter St oh must I did not like minions in the past but it’s grown on me through my kids I love minions yeah they’re not bad they’re so cute they are cute they also have a brand new give us your top five veloc coaster veloc veloc coaster if you’re older I mean all the roller coasters there in Islands of Adventure really velocci coaster Hulk and all that um Harry Potter go there um Castle ride better than Green Gods green gots is going to have a longer weight so you could put that one off a little bit confession is what I don’t love the Harry Potter rides I don’t I think they’re all right’s two of them yeah there’s two of them that are pretty fun but the rest of them are okay and that really disappoints me that they took away dueling dragons you’re telling me because I thought dueling dragons row was one of the best roller coaster experiences of my life so they have Hagrid’s motorbike Adventure it’s a roller coaster now care I want row where it looks like I’m going to hit the other people dude you’re not going to wait less than like an hour and a half for that route at any I’ve done it once and I go to Universal like twice a year yeah just get the Fastpass though yeah get the fast what are you doing a little broke boy Taylor um I mean we do Park the to be to be clear I’m I’m I’m completely joking like I get it everything you got to do what you can budget wise but if you can swing it budget wise 1,000% get the fast pass I don’t worry about the fast pass at Universal cuz like I’ve already done everything there so if the line’s too long I just don’t go do it at this point uh ask bench are socks and sandals weird like slides or S like thong sandals slide thong sandals are weird socks and always have been slides have gone through moments I don’t know if they’re cool now but pretty recently they were cool slid they’re weird on slides or sandals what I did a slide slck combo yesterday okay there you go see slid slides and sucks Still Still loud okay e got says his kid love Jurassic Park then you’re going to have a great time do all the Jurassic Park stuff St being nice to Taylor you’re right shut up Taylor um ask the bench energy drinks over coffee hell no no yes give me black coffee all day every day that BBC baby I love it big black coffee ask the bench do you find those wolven chard’s tied on your tin uh tight or your tiny feet not enough for it to bother you uh so I should be clear about my relationship with wolf and Shepard one of my best friends from high school is the guy who started the company um that said I do not ask him for any free products I get no free products I freaking love these shoes I love these shoes I got uh a pair of brown dress shoes for my suit and a pair of black dress shoes for my tucks and they are the most comfortable dress shoes you will ever put on in your entire life um so that is a free promotion as the bench ever get coffee from sbw yeah sbw is pretty solid yeah they’re good yeah I like them Good Vibes bunch of young kids they kind of talk a little B kind you know sometimes they mean well it’s friendly though you know yeah it’s not yeah I just I’m just mean uh ask the bench what shoes do you wear to a theme park I wear Orthopedics any type of like comfy sneaker running shoe jogging shoe anything like that yeah like I wear I I guess a few years ago is I always get like a new pair two weeks before and I break him in but yeah no two years ago it was pair of hokas then I got a pair of Brooks last time out I’ll head over to Varsity and get fitted here a couple weeks before October yeah no I know the part the the talking is part of seven Bruce yeah it’s just too much for me sometimes it can be but I kind you know I kind man I enjoy it I go like 5:30 in morning I just make uncomfortable I’m like hey you’re pretty goodlooking how old are you no matter if the male female doesn’t matter T’s not joking I said hey uh you’re pretty are you over 18 thanks for the cold brew wink love you see you later Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob All Star toot bat allar TB they’re over 18 actually I don’t know what the dealership is I imagine is uh it’s located off the airline in Goodwood though so it’s convenient to get to no matter what and guess what I don’t care how old that car is I don’t care if that’s a brand new little baby car you want to get inside it Chris Hansen ain’t going to show up at your door cuz you purchased it okay so uh I don’t care if you want a tundra Tacoma Sienna whatever the case may be go check out Allstar Toyota of Baton Rouge and if you need a brand new car maybe a Toyota certified used vehicle where you still get Excell warranty coverage but at a better price now you just need a rent cuz you go to Universal and you want cheaper per day rental pric traditional rental companies again your One-Stop shop is there at allar and remember the allstar to service center all makes and models welcome does not have to be a Toyota does not have to be from Allstar so come on listeners Allstar Toyota is college level go check them out today allster Toyota baton GF Coast Bank and Trust is giving our customers the power to bank anywhere anytime during this challenging event and we’re right there with you our mobile banking app is a smart way to manage your money and time Gulf Coast Bank and Trust the bank that cares about you [Music] [Music]

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  1. How do you stop a hot hitting team from hitting? Easy, call strikes a foot off of the plate. Then you have batters swinging at pitches out of the strike zone.

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