Idio disc golf shoes versus Altra Superior sixes. Most over-rated discs, and 18 hole Conocido plan

Stop by for a light hearted look at what’s happening in the disc golf world and around Phoenix.

I put my buzzz in the dryer this I just thought it was cold outside what are you talking about did you actually does it actually see usually I’m the gullible one that feel that makes me feel better 36 welcome back to 36 boom what’s up man hello Champions welcome back I turned the TV off so we’re not doing this I think I only caught us a couple times it wasn’t it wasn’t bad as bad but there was some cool stuff on behind behind the camera last week there actually was those was really cool stuff talk about last week yeah it was a want to get into it a little bit it was a great spectacle at disc golf that course is just fantastic how many great Sundays have we had this year I mean at at least six we’ve had a lot I think I think this golf deserves more traction than these like competitive tags and the cornholes making ESPN all the time I’m so mad that it’s not getting more traction it deserves so much more attention I have friends and we’re watching this on Sunday and they’re saying the same thing and they don’t know anything about disc golf they’re like this is pretty cool but now you know we know Ricky so we’re rooting hard for Ricky yeah and he’s right in the hunt it’s coming down to the wire so they have something to cheer about but at the same time it’s just quality yeah you know it’s very entertaining they’re they’re they’re athletes at the top of their profession and uh I’m enjoying the heck out of it and I think a lot of other people are and let’s get this mainstream shall we yeah we got to push harder right how this is one way we’re trying to do it locally get more people involved hope hopefully that goes to National I don’t know how else we can contribute well we we’re contributing in other ways we’re trying to put in that extra nine at cono so that’s a pretty big deal another course got approved right down the street from here at Cortez Park so that’s a pretty big deal you know there’s lots of things we can we can do to better our community being part of it is one thing but contributing yeah it’s a whole another step up so any way you can contribute guys and uh we did a redesign of the course today and you should see that on YouTube disc now as the proposal course yeah we’re pretty happy we changed one and two one two and three and three were formally one and two so we made three holes out of those two and we like them a lot and what it did is it made more room on the back nine for a situation where we wanted to keep a par four and then still maintain a really hard 17 as a par three it with Steven’s favorite we didn’t want to mess with Steph’s favorite but simultaneously it keeps everybody separate too so we actually took a hole out of the cluttered area basically put it where hole three and hole two and hole one are now where we had room yeah and it makes a lot more sense so nine doesn’t come up and finish at the end uh of the park where we wish it would but 10 does so you just have to play one extra hole if you’re only going to play nine you play 10 and you’ll end up right back in the parking lot and then 11 proceeds to go to the back nine in a different on the other side of the park so I think it’s great it’s a good course yeah I think it’s really great 16 17 and 18 are really fun finishing holes a lot can go on uh on those holes there’s less mandoos guys um seems to be a push back already on on mandoos and but Mando are there because it’s still it’s a city park at the end of the day we got to be careful you can’t be even if you’re a good player you can’t be bombing these things if there’s a lot of people out there and I know that that falls on deaf ears yeah it really does but it at the end end of the day the majority of players are really going to appreciate this 18 I think because it’s it it appeals to 950 and Below player MH they really will uh it’s challenging and uh and and it’ll move well I don’t think there’s any any areas other than maybe four now with the triple Mando that are really going to be areas where you might have some backup because if you don’t make that triple Mando and you have to throw it 200 feet off the te to get through the triple Mando it’s a pretty tight window yeah but we made it a part four Jay was insistent on doing that so if you do make it through chances of making a birdie are really good and um yeah if you play for an easy three you got to play placement golf for sure yeah yeah so we’re really excited about it come out Saturday which is the 15th 15th correct all right we’ll have it set up at probably by 7 in the morning somewhere in there yeah I plan on getting there at like 5:35 so we should have it set up by 7 and uh we appreciate anything you can donate towards the the the fund Valley Luna restaurant Big sponsorship really cool sponsorship has helped out um and you’re going to get half of your donation back with uh going to Valley Luna and having a uh a beverage or food or their food’s incredible they’re giving you $5 credit yeah for participating in this just to donate they’re literally caddy corner from us right here and 35th and bell and uh I eat there a lot I love it well you can tell I yeah yeah I think we both look like we eat it Val Luna a lot it’s so good fantastic Mexican food hope you guys um come out and take advantage of that yes please do thank you that was our Public Service message yeah we we ventured from Beaver state right into our own thing so that was really selfish of us we’ll go back to Beaver state if you like because uh I I thought it was great fo yeah the fpo my God we’ve had exciting finish after exciting finish every single one like to your credit earlier of was saying how many good Sundays we’ve had yeah the women holl and Hanley makes that 45 foot putt yeah so confidently to push to the playoff right my goodness it was good it was so good and I again and then spoiler alert we’re a week out here so hopefully you’ve seen it but uh the put she made there to get in it and then the put she made to win in the playoff but G putt to me it was either 16 or 17 that long one that’s uphill he went parar I believe 178 to finish out he made he made so 16 playing catch me he made a birdie putt on 16 that was so clutch yeah that’s right that’s right for the birdie and I was playing uh with Jordan um on Monday on Monday and Jordan’s played that hole and he said you have no idea it was 68 feet but it’s more like 8 5 ft because of the incline of that and the the it’s just like television just doesn’t show inclines and right Hills Justice really at all very well it flattens everything out so that was more like an 80f footer and he he that putt won him the tournament at the end of the day because they went on to make a great par in 17 and a great par in 18 and he gave us a little thrill on 18 throwing it into the crap right so if you haven’t seen it look up Joe Joe mes Pro do the edited version of that it’s absolutely fantastic well you could see genon switch’s game plan to say okay I’ve got the lead here I’m just gonna hang on to it all I got to do is play safe and that’s where he switched his game plan where he started to of course throw the bad shots if have you recognized Jes pro has pulled the Chase card in too yeah on their coverage yeah which is so needed it’s genius they’ve got they’ve got all the cameras out there already so all they got to do is do the post coverage stuff which is of course more work doing two cards but right it just makes it deeper and more entertaining oh I love it I’m glad I’m glad they’re doing it that way because you can see especially on a Sunday you can really see the people that are pushing from Chase cards which is now a common place right so that’s all good lots of winners from the Chase card yeah all good so I know Stephen and you are going to go through some discs yeah we got some overrated disc to talk about overrated discs and then we’ll be back with Stephen and I talking about uh our shoes that we wear on the course I’m going to bring up idio as uh my shoe of choice and Steven’s got uh it must be somewhere close because I can smell them yeah they’re right here okay I’d reach down and grab them but they’re a little far you know hopefully we’ll just uh we’ll put the fan on or something as we all right so we’ll bring Stephen in see you guys on the other side did you really Dr that’s crazy I’ve never tried it maybe guys are silly that shrink my mid-ranges down a little bit no did you actually think see now I’m back to the Goble one God damn it can’t win that’s what you get for calling me gold like it says goldo in the roof right there yeah okay all right for real this time the katana sucks agree this disc I don’t know why people ask for it I hated this disc so much between left right and Center I could never get this thing to fly as it’s supposed to so yeah screw the katana do you want to go next should we go back and forth we can go yeah okay I I definitely did not like this disc though yeah I found one in Las Vegas when I played there and it was trash I did not like it this and it felt like it was really angled dependent oh it’s very touchy nose angle high are angle very touchy you could make it Fly 10 million ways but not like consistently that way so that’s why I really didn’t like it my first one’s the nuke I pretty similar to the katana actually hate this really I think so it’s got a similar shape to it at least oh like it doesn’t it doesn’t really fly the same this was way more stable to me than the katana the thing I don’t like is it says it’s a 13sp speed and it has a 15-speed rim and it is the most uncomfortable Rim it’s like holding a pistol yeah another one that I don’t understand why people like and people I see people with nukes don’t hold back Stephen no I see people with nukes in their bag all the time and I’m like why do you have that if it’s a light nuke then I’m like okay maybe but still why do you have that in your bag it’s so overrated the big arms make him look good you got Bella and Ezra throwing them 600 some feet so of course everybody wants to throw them from there but if you can throw 75 80 miles an hour and you have you have big hands I’m not saying anything to you it’s not overrated for you for all of us mere mortals you should not have a a nuke in your bag at all so next up I have the judge I think the Judge gets too much love i’ I’ve seen people throw them to very very good effect this is just my personal experience I’m only one man please don’t pitch for it and torch me in the uh in the comment section I don’t like the judge I don’t like the Beed putter um I think it’s awkward all the premium Plastics end up doy which kind of sucks um yeah I’m not a fan I know you putt with them and throw them I will but you’re very particular about your Plastics I do not like that judge yeah so I’ll agree with you on that but okay uh the classic blend ones and the hybrid or classic hybrid ones money and I throw the classic blend Raptor on and that one’s money too the Raptor felt perfect all the like putter Plastics pretty much are are decent and I like big beads so yeah I I could get on I know a lot of people rude super rude all right next up is going to be very similar to the nuke it’s the Venom and these are also beef cakes especially these z1es um I see a lot of people with these I think this is like a true it’s either a 13 or 14 speed run but it’s it’s definitely smaller than the nuke I thought it felt like an 11 speed when I first met it really okay let me look this up but anyways I’m curious about that I just don’t get when people have that it’s the same thing as as the nuke take it out of your bag you cannot I mean unless you’re just using it for like a utility I get it if it’s just like a super overstable it’s windy and it’s negative elevation or something like that what about like a four-hand only player I feel like you could I don’t know for I think for utility disc I actually like the venom more than nuke but that’s it I see bag like four or five of them and I’m like why do you have that well to to discraft’s credit on that every plastic travels different every single run that we’ve had has been just a different flight of Venom um different feels in the hand too like we got the color shift Venoms and they were they felt shallow compared to this this feels like a really deep disc this thing feels huge compared to other Venoms oh that’s a 12-speed rim but it it came out at first it was a 12sp speeed though right wasn’t that original flight numbers I have no idea I’m pretty sure it was I had one and it was a 12 yeah you can tell though like the rim does not feel as bad as the nuke but it’s still stupid overstable it’s it’s crazy it’s yeah so next up I have the contender for the most overrated disc ever made Under the Sun um this disc is so freaking weird adomi mid-range with a really jagged edge and a bead this this thing is so incredibly awkward I don’t understand why people like the Rock at all I think it’s the worst feeling mid-range in in the store wow that’s saying a lot there’s some bad ones in there like I’m thinking of a few that are worse than this really right off the that um I don’t know actually but I mean it could be there felt it it’s bad I’ve never even thrown a rock though and I’m just like I think this is why because they feel like garbage I have and so when you throw it it feels like it doesn’t have a whole ton of Glide so it like puts the brakes on out of your hands right when you throw it it’s really like I found it to be kind of flimsy out of the hand and I know it’s one of those discs that shows you what’s wrong with your game my game’s fine I’m like 900 rated you’re perfect you’re so good so good at this game dude no I just it did not work for me and I was not a fan I don’t really like the Casey Pro or the DX Plastics especially in the mid-ranges it feels weird and the the Dome feels weird like it’s I don’t know it’s an awkward disc I don’t get strange and I don’t think the Rock 3 was much better but I thrown The Rock 3 that’s the closest thing to that I’ve thrown no but it’s at least flatter on top yeah it’s the same shape just flat almost the same flight numbers I picked out the zone and the only it is almost the same the only thing I like about the zone is this stamp I think if you’re a Zone thrower this this stamp is actually sick it’s pretty sweet I think it’s Crystal plastic too yeah I just I don’t know I just never liked I don’t like the rim I don’t like the feel I didn’t like it on forehand I didn’t like it on either I don’t know it’s weird I like my anvils and I like my Slammers and this was like right in between the two like it’s really really close it’s shallow I mean like but everything about it just was weird it didn’t fly good for me I know they say they’re really really beefy upshot disc I didn’t find mine I had a z that was like the eye diey with a flag super beautiful disc but then I would throw it and it and it like smoothly panned out of like anheiser shots and it was very very smooth it was more like a mid-range than an upshot disc to me CU if I put any kind of power on I’m blowing past ofas so yeah because it just seemed really straight yeah like just that’s the thing I didn’t like about it I wanted something and like then the Zone OS was too overstable like way too overstable well that’s why they made the Zone OS was to give people what they wanted which was beef and then it was like just a disgusting amount of beef need like a Zone kind of stable kind of os K yeah okay you can come for me in the comments on this one I get it I know everybody loves the grace I do not I don’t think this is as good as my wraith um I know it’s the best wraith sensor wraith but I put a wraith back in my bag recently and realized how freaking good that disc is um this is an old pre-flight number wraith and they don’t quite make the Plastics like they used to um but I did not find the grace to do what I wanted it to do the orbits were pretty overstable and glidey so I would use them like a like a destroyer um and then the stock stamps I would grab a 169 G and I would get a nice like Smooth flip up with it and then fade but I wasn’t getting quite the Glide that like this one had so I couldn’t throw it as far as this one even though this one was noticeably more overstable yeah it’s probably a me problem I know feel free to Flame me I probably deserve it no I I’m I feel like I’m a little bit more partial to Trilogy and I did not like the grace either and I you didn’t like the grace not at all much much rather throw a wraith and I have a star wraith at home and it’s it just flies better and like it was the same thing these were a little bit more stable yeah but the well the Royal Grand ones a little more understable and I I had one turnover so bad it went like two houses in over a road and then two houses in was there wind yeah a little headwind but I still Threw It on Heiser like left and that thing just was like I’m like what just happened so it was it was also really inconsistent because I threw on Heiser to the left of this hole and it just flipped and went crazy so yeah wasn’t a huge fan it just didn’t fly it was like the same distance as my escapes pretty much and at that’s not good for an 11 I’m just like I’m not going to bag this overrated you heard it here first and this is I think probably the only ones to ever say it the most overrated disc out there we’re not putting this in the episode is the Berg we’re not doing it the most trash overrated disc ever it’s not well I think overrated I think overrated though definition would be something that a lot of people think is good so you guys are proving my point did you think of that on the car ride over here you not wait use it I’m stepping in here because I think the Berg is not overrated a Burg Ambassador I mean I’ll call Ricky yeah Ricky said he didn’t like it rick PA to say that Rick’s a biased opinion this is the best op shot disc ever made I think it’s the best and Stephen doesn’t like it because it feels wheeled no it’s too straight downwind oh yeah the K3 ones are kind of straight dis with that they’re they’re they’re no matter what angle you throw it on it’s just going to fall it just sort of Falls so throw throw it at the basket you’re probably going to hit it and then roll away because this thing’s a tire it’s literally a tire a tire I would rather throw a tire than throw a bur it’s so offensive mate you dirty dog sorry sorry here let me put this back how it was so we’ve got the um a little shoe talk to go over right now and uh I’m what I I I will say this um I had to put in some doctor shs in here to give it a little bit more art support okay which I like and also a little more cushion on the heel we do a lot of walking in this game right so I find that to be uh an easy thing to do the uh insole that comes with this Indio pops right out you can put that in and I put the uh Indio over top of it and the reason I like doing that is because I find it easier um my foot although it’s sort of a medium I wouldn’t say I’m narrow but it’s still I find that these get pretty close together and by putting that in it gives it just a little bit more okay width just so that your laces aren’t like pulling it all the way together and I feel that’s a lot better now the first three rounds I played with these I hated them okay I really didn’t like them at all they didn’t feel comfortable they felt bulky it felt this it felt that now I’m four into them and it’s the best shoe I’ve ever thrown in um I’ll never wear tennis shoes again as long as they make these shoes and I know now they have like a high top that oh yeah that just came out yeah I saw that on cupcake he posted on Instagram okay they were coming out with a new one yeah yeah they look they look they look cool too and they’ve got some sort of fancy uh lace with them yeah and another thing like these are made for dis golf right so you have the two areas on here that are meant to bend and torque which I like a lot so you’re not going to put extra stress on that sole of the shoe in a way that it’s going to crack it or wear it out early um and that’s why I feel like the more you use these shoes the better they get uh that’s personal preference I’m I’m really picky when it comes to this stuff too so if I like a shoe I can tell you that it’s it’s probably a pretty good shoe but this is a really personal preference and and uh there’s no right or wrong to any of it uh they all get the job done it’s just this one for me feels like it’s made for disc golf I like the fact that it’s got a little the extra toe yeah doesn’t wear out so I feel like I I’m probably going to get a good summer out of these yeah without any issues now I have worn out the back of this heel so if anyone from idio is watching I don’t know what you can do about that but I wore that out in four months mons jeez so I find that interesting but my feet are a little flatter than a normal so uh that could be what happens yeah I think the one thing that kept me away from buying these was that they’re waterproof that’s the one thing I actually don’t like because when they’re that low I just feel like you step in the smallest puddle and then it just fills your shoe and doesn’t drain so that’s that’s literally the only reason I hadn’t bought these um but you live in Arizona I know I I picked it up in Georgia but that’s just stayed with that’s one of those military things that I’m just like yeah I I cannot stand waterproof well you have to have dry feet yeah yeah you have to that’s yeah that’s a crucial thing but yeah uh if it’s I I’m actually really excited about the high top ones and I’ll probably buy a pair of the high top ones cool the other thing I think I because I I give one negative I’ll give it a positive too I think it’s probably much better like quality on the bottom here it’s heavier but like you can see on the bottom of mine it’s worn out we’ve had them about the same amount of time but mine’s worn out like way more than these have these almost like the soul looks almost brand new compared to mine yeah like the bottom of it but like this whole toe is almost gone well I’m like a ballerina when I throw yeah very light on my feet so not as light as J no yeah these ones the one thing I can tell they’re they’re a lot lighter but they’re also a lot more flexible so if you don’t like flexible which something like you see like Calvin right when he Tor that front foot how that I don’t even know how that shoe stays a shoe by the end of 18 holes and that’s and that’s what Jay was even saying earlier he said that my my putt looks similar to his so I’m like maybe that’s why I like these but these are the zero drop you’re more on your toe yeah I’m way more on my toe I’m like flat or not flat but straight leg and on my toe that’s probably exactly right Jay’s Jay’s right and that’s probably why I like these a little bit more yeah but there’s zero drops what’s the name of these Ultra oh sorry yeah these are Ultra Superior sixes and to me that’s the brand Ultra yeah Ultra Al T I think they’re the exact same price actually as what these are this is Nate seon’s one so these are a little over like 120 or 130 yeah these are 129 okay so yeah um about the same price um I think they’re both good it really just depends on you um the one other thing I liked is this has like a bigger to box than the rest of the shoe so I feel like my feet really plant into the ground and it’s their smallest cushion that they have for a trail shoe so it’s like 23 millimet I think um but it’s still zero drop so it feels like a Barefoot shoe that still has a little bit of padding so you can step on rocks and different stuff yeah and it doesn’t like poke through like some of the other not poke through but you don’t feel it like some of those other we have a lot of edgy stuff here right in the desert a lot of people like the barefoot shoes I think this is like the compromise if you if you kind of want something barefootyoga padding or uh rubber on the toe in the front too it’s so important and so that’s that’s why I picked out the superior six sorry I’ve seen a lot of people wear ultas playing disc golf like I was telling Damien I played a tournament two weeks ago and like three people including myself so two other people on my card had alas on Wow and I and they weren’t these exact ones but these ones I think if you were going to get them specifically for disc golf the superior 6 because of the extra rubber on the toe box and everything else are probably the best ones for dis do you think the company knows that this is a thing I don’t know I want to reach out to them I want to get my signature series ultas but that’d be cool like I’ll get you one the SS that’d be cool that be nice but yeah it’s already a superior six so you could go with that o yeah that’s perfect all Ultra I’m going to reach out to you after this all right and we know you guys are watching anyways awesome segment see you guys see you [Music] o


  1. Xero Ridgeway Low, barefoot style light hiking shoe with a rugged toe cap and it doesn’t look like barefoot shoes

  2. I had the Altra Lone Peak 6 and the soles didn't even last a month. Now I wear Vivobarefoot Magna FG which is still holding up after 6+ months of use.

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