Golf Players

Kalle Samooja on Success at Promotions, Journeyman Life and Finding the Podium | Episode 30

Kalle Samooja joins Jerry Foltz and Su-Ann Heng to discuss being the inaugural winner of the LIV Golf Promotions Event and his first taste of life on LIV Golf. The Finnish veteran discusses the journey of European Tour Qualifying School, his first podium with Cleeks GC at LIV Golf Houston, and his future goals in the league. Jerry and Su-Ann also learn more about golf in Finland and who Samooja’s son’s favorite LIV Golf team is, other than Cleeks GC of course.

YT Time Codes:
0:00 – Intro
2:34 – LIV Golf Houston Recap
11:19 – U.S. Open Preview
20:45 – Kalle Samooja Joins the Show
23:14 – Cleeks GC Celebrating Houston Win
28:05 – Winning LIV Golf Promotions Event
36:36 – Earning DP World Tour Status
42:13 – Race for Top 24 on LIV Golf
43:18 – Life in Finland
52:15 – Olympics 2020
57:24 – Home Life with the Samooja’s
59:00 – Fairway to Love
1:02:45 – Learning From Yourself
1:09:59 – Reacting to Kalle Samooja Conversation

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are you on a romance vacation with uh Blandy right now I am yeah he might be walking behind me naked when he comes from shower so who’s winning he getting smoked he’s getting smoked I love it I love [Music] it it’s another episode of fairw to Heaven this is a live God podcast my name is Su and hanging with me of course my co-host Jerry fultz and our producer woolly balls in the house back from his honeymoon made it back how was it balls yeah was it successful what’s a successful honeymoon wait wait wait let’s get a definition first um I mean what I mean seriously my list and your list will be very different balls in terms of what makes successful honeymoon first of all his nickname is willly balls you know it was a successful honeymoon tell us about it it was fantastic it was the longest vacation of my life and it was just very relaxing but happy to be back with the two of you more importantly then that is a successful honeymoon ladies and gentlemen happy wife happy life as they say um okay well a lot to talk about this week as with every week I don’t know how we freaking find all this [ __ ] to talk about but here we are um awesome stuff from from last week I’m a little jet lag flying back from Houston uh it’s gonna be a quick turnaround for me Jerry I’m gonna be back on a plane Monday uh heading south to Nashville um that’s south from Singapore well no South Like Us South like going to yeah not as far south as Houston but nonetheless um why did I mean I know you have Casey at home and that’s important but like you got off a plane you’re going to get over your jet lag and then you’re getting on another plane to come back a short drive from where you were yes correct I just you know two weeks back to back I can I can do um being away from my son but three weeks and then you know I lose a day and a half coming back here that will be three and a half weeks away from Casey and you’ve met Casey and you’ve been around Casey it’s difficult to not be around that kid so mom’s do what a mom’s got to do um Family First always anyways last week really cool stuff we had two very first time winners um in the team compet team competition as well as individual competition uh let’s start with the cleaks because that is a fairy tale story Jerry I mean two years they’ve basically struggled for all those two years and this year they’ve put together um not that they didn’t have a good good team before but this year certainly adding guys like Adrian Moran and of course halis Moya uh into the mix has really added uh the extra oomph to that team yes that was a German word actually o I think is a German word which is coincidental because their Captain Martin kimer is showing for the first time in ages showing the form of what made Martin kimer Martin kimer the two-time major winner he hasn’t won a golf tournament since 2014 at the US open at Pinehurst obviously everybody knows that this week by the time you’re watching this that will already have been under way and we’re hoping Martin plays well um I wouldn’t have given him a chance in hell a year ago or two years ago I but I don’t think smart money is is betting against him in any way this week now I don’t think anybody expects him to win but he might actually entertain that dream in his mind himself uh adding the DP World Tour player of the year as you know Adrian Moro stud of a player and you know him and you get and you get along with him great and you like him he’s a super nice guy we had him on this very podcast um he he’s a stud he’s just a stud he’s a streaky player but he’s a stud um and and of course Dicky B will always be the sentimental star of that team to anybody uh his age or older or even around that age and especially geezers like myself uh but C simoya I mean he has not played great this year but he certainly has hasn’t played bad our first ever promotions event he was The Medalist I guess the winner of it um and but more more importantly he Blends in so very well with that team I remember when Arlo we were going through a Sunday show I don’t remember which one it was and he and he you know how he always does the team score updates and he said cleaks are threatening for a Podium and I looked at him like what did I miss CS have been in the cellar for two years and look at them now they wanted a bit so cool I know it is a you know and when you look at the clees and this is something that a lot of people don’t get to witness uh you know we had the privilege of of staying at the same hotel as the players last week and uh so we would eat in the same breakfast area um and the cleeks without fail every single morning same time they will be dining together at the breakfast area every single day and uh you know I know a lot of them had already known each other previously uh being on the DP Wall tour or the previously called European tour uh so they’ve known each other for a long time but I don’t think they’ve bonded or really got to know each other as well uh obviously till all of them became a team uh but yes it’s a great story and uh good to see them playing well again let’s talk about Carlos Ortiz because he was a stud on Sunday I mean holy crap the only bogey he made uh was on the 18th um the only greed he missed I know the only greed he missed all day um I you know I got to follow him on that Sunday and uh I’ll tell you what he was in total control of his game his mind his demeanor everything from from top to bottom just in total control um obviously he was on our podcast and he shared very openly about his sort of mindset towards the game of golf and how he’s very much a holistic player he he really meditates he does his gratitude stuff uh which by the way John rum does the same thing too uh John rum journals does all that you know uh and uh I caught him a few times on that Sunday closing his eyes and taking really deep breaths and uh trying to I guess Center himself um mean I I caught up with Mike Kerr I think with for to play his caddy and I said hey how’s he feeling you know is he all right is he good and C just said he’s totally great you know he’s just trying to stay in the right now he’s not trying to get too ahead of himself he’s not trying to stay behind he’s just in the present and he’s really just enjoying the moment as it comes and um as we know Jared that’s the toughest thing to do in golf it is so hard it is so hard to do when you’re in the hunt for your very first live golf win with the caliber of players that were behind him you know uh and the finishing holes that he had you know 17 18 16’s not easy either um it’s so difficult to not get ahead of yourself yeah yeah it’s uh it’s it was so impressive what he said to you in the interview afterwards because he made it sound so simple because um you kind of went for the emotional answer and I thought he was right there but he he didn’t give it he just snapped right back out of it and he made it sound like I just stayed in my process that all that stuff you described the the centering the deep breaths the closed eyes the all of those mental exercises he does to keep himself for the place he needs to be is all about the process just staying in the process one shot at a time I went to a sport shrink uh seminar one time years and years ago I I think he actually might have considered getting malpractice after he saw me but he said uh here’s the here’s the trick about staying you know staying focused keep uh keeping your eye on the prize not getting ahead of yourself um he said all right here’s the deal thank of the most beautiful model you know and at the time it was a lot of people thought Cindy Crawford we were in a big Auditorium and he goes all right so at the end of the day um Cindy Crawford has agreed to go on a date with you and she has promised that it’s going to be the greatest date of your entire life nothing’s nothing’s off limits there’s one trick if you think of it one time between now and then the dat’s off that’s how hard it is to do what he did to keep to keep the prize at the end of the rainbow the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow off your mind and stay focused one shot at a time that’s what makes it so impossible I thought it was a great analogy obviously it’s a little bit of sexist analogy but I thought it was a great analogy at the time um it’s impossible impossible to do she’s still H by way yeah yeah she’s not my hall pass though that’s still always gonna be tone but um you get the point it’s impossible not to think about it if you know that’s there that’s what a golfer has to do someone in Carlos’s position to get it done against that field especially when he came so close in Australia he lost in a fourman playoff in Tucson last year it was right there you know and so to really have that discipline to stay there you know and and really take a shot at the time is so difficult but congratulations uh to the clicks as well as to Carlos Ortiz uh not to be self-serving here of of our podcast uh but just uh just you know what I’m just going to name the four players that were on our pod uh re it’s actually very self- serving but please do this is on my list of uh The Rundown that our producer willly balls put so I feel like I’m obliged to talk about it so our last four player guests on Fair to Heaven it’s Carlos Ortiz he want at Houston obviously David Pooch uh third place at live golf Houston and by the way he also won his US Open qualifier bogey free so there’s that uh w i boogy free BL D Senior PGA champion and then he won the team championship with the cleaks yes and before that in Singapore we had Adrian [ __ ] uh who came in second in Houston and he won the team championships as well with the cleaks so just saying hashtag just saying just saying I’m just leave I’m just gonna leave it there honestly it’s all you but not long before that maybe the one before that we had Louis usas on yeah and he withdrew I want to rain on the parade here don’t r on the parade well it will be a statement if our next guest today um wins in Nashville just saying all right let’s quickly cover the US Open um we’ve got I think now how many players do we have 12 right I mean with Sergio getting in and rah unfortunately having to withdraw due to his foot injury uh we wish him all the very best it must be it was pretty bad in Houston um it might have just gotten worse who knows but uh he must be in a lot of pain for him to have to withdraw from the US his cap kept a pretty tight lip on it but yeah it had to be pretty bad from him withdraw from Houston actually but knowing what he I mean honestly knowing what what he knows his responsibility is to his team and how much they count on him um yeah that sucked for him yeah but I I I from from what I understand from The Limited information that came out of his press conference there and what little we got from his camp in Houston uh I I am talking to a few friends who are doctors that’s nothing to be messed with infection in your foot is a very very serious situation yeah absolutely so we wish him all the very best speedy recovery um and hope to see you back very soon Romy well we have Bryson Hatton DJ kind obviously going back to Pinehurst Brooks kka [ __ ] Phil cam Smith bur qualified Sergio who got in at the very last minute uh Eugenio who also qualified and David poo who also qualified all in at Pinehurst this week um all the best to all of our players and uh wish you the very best something else that was very cool that happened this week uh Jerry uh your buddy Mike Juan us G CEO um said that they are potentially finding an exemption for live golfers to get into the US Open a little easier based on performance as well um he says quote and unquote we’re going to talk about it this offseason whether or not they’re needs to be a path to somebody or somebody’s uh that are performing really well in live that can get a chance to play in that way there are no out of- bound Stakes on our field criteria and other wordss this major probably different than some others you can get in it’s not a closed field it doesn’t require a committee or an invitation if you want to play in this field you’ve got an opportunity to play in this field and we are proud of that I’m traveling with Karen we’re in the Hilton Garden in in Grand Rapids Michigan and I literally watching Zoe our dog all day so I watch Golf Channel all day and they’re live froms and I watched him on the set with George savus and I think it was uh Aaron oberholzer but and then I watched him later in the day with uh this evening just before we started doing this with Rich learner say those same things it was John Bowden Hammer who answered a question to am Lynch last week on golf Central or one of their news shows when he laid the framework for that Mike answered it um it’s I think it’s unavoidable and Mike had a great response he said he goes you know every time we discussed this in our committees we thought we’re a few weeks or six weeks away from an answer to see what the landscape of professional golf is going to look like moving forward we’ve been doing that for a year and half and we don’t have a clearer picture yet now reports are or speculation is there might be some kind of answer on the horizon we don’t know that nothing’s been confirmed and won’t be confirmed by the time our listeners hear this um so they know I mean I he would wouldn’t say the words but the words I’ve said since beginning is every all four of the institutions that run the four major championships the caretakers of the game and the RNA and the USGA uh the the the the the heroes of the game from uh from a daily consumption standpoint the PGA of America and of course the Masters which is a standalone entity that carved out this incredible Masterpiece of tradition in Augusta Georgia they all have a responsibility to their institutions to do that which they have always um coveted the most which is to Stage the greatest championships they can the four greatest championships of the year I don’t think they’re going to sit around and wait for the politics to play out any longer and thank goodness they didn’t I was hoping this had happened at this time last year it didn’t it didn’t happen in time for a couple of a couple of the Live players this year but Seth W kind of took that first big step when he invited Taylor guch based solely on his performance on live I just think that no matter what social media says and the narrative out there says I I I know that the the majors organizations independently know what is where the best players in in the game are and they know that currently maybe one or two or three or more are missing from their major championships and they don’t want to see that grow or continue and fans don’t want to see that either uh especially AJ Championship screwed in all this they’re getting screwed in all this yeah so this is all very very positive news uh not just because we work for Li but I think for the game of golf as a whole uh because you know what at the end of the day um fans uh do deserve to watch the best um in the field play together and they all go away yeah if they all go away then we’re everybody’s playing for nothing yeah um all right let’s talk about Pinehurst I’ve never been there Jerry so you are going to know better about this golf course than me uh but it’s hosted three us opens really cool stuff um won by Payne Stewart back back in 1999 uh Mikey camp cell5 and then Martin kimer obviously in 2014 I it’s a very difficult go course Jerry it’s got what is it what is it balls five or six par fours over 500 yards three par fours three par fours over 500 yards and one par five over 600 yards the fourth hole the fourth hole plays like 528 or something and not a blade of rough anywhere not a blade of rough anywhere kind of like the Old Masters never had rough what’s what’s gonna be key to success on a golf course like that Sherry oh God um watching all of the press conferences everything that I’ve watched for the last two days and listened to for the two days while I was driving up here to Michigan um after Houston um boringness it sounds like the most boring player is going to win now I’m not gonna make I’m not gonna make any correlation to the fact that Scotty Sheffer has has a game that people say is boring because it’s spectacular to me and to anybody who loves golf but it’s there’s nothing flashy that’s going to happen this week you’re not going to see bomb dries that cut Corners you can’t do it you’re not going to see you know these dramatic iron shots that spin back and drop in the hole you got these upside down BW I mean you got these you got these upside down as col no said cereal bowls for Greens on every hole you effectively have a landing area and a come to rest area of about a third or a fourth of the size of every single green before it runs off into the crap um so you have to keep it in the Fairway you have to figure out a way to get it if not on the green to make sure you miss on the proper side to where you might have a chance to get it up and down uh everybody said patience and and it’s going to be boring golf but us opens for the longest time until the last maybe decade have always been about boring golf I mean Fair waves greens make a few butts for birdie here and there get it up and down for pars and and out lasting the field it’s patience it’s discipline um obviously a [ __ ] ton of skill yeah um I mean what what do you think I I’ve actually you know I’ve never been there um but I think with every major championship especially at a US Open you’re right you have to be patient you just do you gotta you got to learn when to take your medicine you got to be disciplined when you’re out of play and put yourself back in play you got to be so strategic when it comes to Second shots and and really missing it in the right spots uh that’s with every US Open and and of course I mean at any majure at any event you got to make those putts those 10f Footers those 12f Footers the ones that will give you those momentum uh the ones that will set the tone for your round uh the ones that will mess up with your psyche your psychology uh those parts are always important at a major championship it doesn’t matter if it’s a Thursday or if it’s a Sunday um those are the in my opinion that will obviously uh matter a lot but yeah short game’s going to be Kia at the US Open um love you Paul my buddy from uh that’s staying here just brought two more beers to me by the way love you Paul that is awesome look at you you one of our camera guys you got your own freaking bartender that’s awesome and I’m not even using a styrofoam cup this time I know I’m really excited for this week’s guest uh he is our very first medalist and our very first promotions event in Abu Dhabi in 2023 he is also our recent team winner from the cleaks please let him in k [Music] sya um are you on a romance vacation with uh Blandy right now I am yeah yeah um he might be walking behind me naked when he comes from shower so oh where are you guys where did you guys go we’re in New York now um Long Island um close to F’s head um in a nice little cottage and uh bonding is it just a two you yeah two of us yeah um oh that’s so cute rich with his friends and and we we enjoying our time here very nice uh tell us what’s on the agenda what’s uh what’s on the list of things that you you guys are have done or are doing and how long are you there for well we we we’re just here to to play golf that’s what the guys do so uh we hang out and play golf we I think the plan is to play almost every day and uh we played um two rounds so far and uh we’re gonna head out tomorrow to F’s head and and probably play another 18 holes so that’s how long you there for we’re here for the rest of the week we fly Nashville on Monday so it’s a it’s a weather is great great so they say there’s some pretty decent golf on long I you know I’ve only been there a few times but there’s like every great course that you’ve ever heard of seems to be there pretty much yeah yeah we played now two two Great Courses um deep dial and uh and creek creek today and and we’re gonna go and play fire head tomorrow and shinok on Sunday so I think we we spoiled here who’s uh who’s winning right now I think I think planned he got back his old poter today he was he was he was hot so I TR to I tried to give a good fight tomorrow is he still using that blue putter from the uh no no um yeah he was but then I I said to my our play Partners on yesterday that I think we’re going to go and pick up his new new old poter um today and then that’s what he was using so he’s back to the the big big Potter which H the big lab yeah who was supposed to be in the shower I love it I love it U how did you guys celebrate by the way um after that uh really awesome team win on Sunday in Houston oh we had a good dinner out with the with the guys couple steaks and and some red wine and and then you know they Clickers that went to the US Open they left early and we left pretty early here so uh we didn’t have a long long night out but but we really enjoyed it that’s very cool I thought I I because I heard um I don’t know I got to the airport early as well and IID heard that somebody had seen Martin and and uh I don’t know about Adrian they’re like yeah I’m I thought for sure they’d be flying out Sunday night but they didn’t they hung around partied and hung out and had dinner and celebrated with maybe they knew something that we didn’t so they they booked the Monday flights and and we had a chance to to uh to celebrate a little little bit but yeah it was very good fun and Adrian had a great week as well so uh so it was nice nice for the team to to have that evening and uh and hopefully the guys are ready for this week I mentioned uh before you came on our show about how uh you know I noticed because you saw us at breakfast D and myself every single morning at the breakfast area uh in Houston but what we noticed is you guys had breakfast together every single day as a team as a team that’s very very cool I think the time that we go in there you guys are the only team to be doing that um is it that way every single week for the clicks or did you guys just start doing that last week and then it just so happen to be the week that you won uh there could be a few reasons one could be that we all Chad lacked and wake up early and that’s why we we’re the only ones in the the play but no I think we we get along well and we’ve done I think we’ve done that all all year so far um if stayed in the same place that you know it’s sometime somehow with the schedule we we all kind of get our days around it’s it’s pretty similar so uh so it’s just you know natural for us and and like I said you know we we we’ve known each other a little bit you know everyone before even when I and and Adrian came on board so so it’s been very natural for all of us and and uh yeah yeah it’s been good good good fun you know along those lines because we hear like tqu those guys they all have known each other for forever it seems like and they have a really close-knit kind of thing they stay together in houses at a lot of the events when they rent the vrb houses you know they they might have a chef with them once in a while and then the Rippers of course are a really tight-knit group and I think all of them went on campsmith bachelor party with him I didn’t know that men did week-long Bachelor parties but you do when you live in that tax bracket um Martin kimer has said uh that that the addition of you obviously Adrian Moran is a kind of a GameChanger for the team and then you once win the promotions event and and you end up as a member of their team and they all know you and really like you and and they and he has said that the chemistry of the team is something really special do you you don’t have a a reference point for it he does because you haven’t been on another team but do you sense that same emotion uh the reference but I have is actually that that’s how we kind of traveled and and spent time on the European tour with with the Finnish guys so we had group of six guys and that’s what we did you know we we had breakfast together lunches together and dinners together and stayed in the same places so for me it’s been very natural actually to have this team format and and you know to you know get along with well with these guys and and spend time with with these guys and play practice runs and and talk about Golf and and other stuff so it’s very natural for me and I think you know there’s nothing kind of weird about it in my opinion even though it’s a you know individual sport but then you know know it’s just you know group of good guys and and uh you know we get along well that’s that’s the that’s the secret is there is I’m sorry is there an alpha amongst you is there a dominant personality is there a funny guy what what are the Rel what are the different personality mixes there well I think there’s bit of everything I think then if you take also the caddies and and managers and and everyone three Scottish caddies in your Camp yeah and and an interpreter yeah sometime when they when they guys talk to each other we need that dictionary but otherwise we’re good I always joke because every time Stuart or or wean or I’m like what like wean was trying to tell me a joke uh I think this was on Saturday and he had to literally tell me five times for me to really truly understand what he was saying um I just was it just completely was like what did you just say I don’t understand it’s so and then when they Talk Amongst each other it’s so fast when they talk to each other and it’s just like what what um but colie speak speaking of uh the promotions event uh let’s take you back there because um that was you know I got an interview on the 18th green when you when you won which was awesome awesome interview from both of you by the way yours was just motion I know ke but great job by you thank you you are you were very very emotional and uh could see and and sense real joy and almost in some ways even relief um when you won I guess you kind of knew what Liv was but now that you’ve been on the league for half a season has it exceeded your expectations or was it exactly what you thought it was yeah I would say it’s been beyond the expectations because you know you know kind of what to expect you know you’ve seen a lot of the courses traveling everything you know kind of what it comes but but then you know when we started going to to First events Maya Koba was you know unreal in my opinion all what what was happening around that week and and uh you know how well everyone took me in even you know the clickers but all the other teams and and you know wish me luck for the for the season and so on I mean it’s it’s been it’s been I think amazing journey so far and and um yeah hopefully it last long uh the promotions event it was kind of crazy because nothing I mean there was so much happening I could barely even keep score uh Jerry was in the booth with dom and I think that putt that you made on the 17th that long putt from across the green um did you have any idea the impact of that Putt in terms of your chances of getting in well yeah yeah we we fled the leaderboard with with M John and and uh of course I needed to you know we knew that something has to happen in the last last two two two three holes and uh once I once I went to the ball on the green on 17 I kind of felt some something’s going to happen on that green you know I said to John that go and tend the flag I can’t really see that but I don’t want to leave it in to leave any chances that the ball would would bounce bounce out of out of the hole so once I hit the ball I knew it’s going to be good it’s going to be close at least um yeah it was nice to see that disappear and and then you know going down to 18 I saw the guys um they were yeah they were in the same at the same score as I was so I said to John we just need to birdie this and we we we’re going to be in live so we didn’t even talk about winning the tournament we just talked about being the top three and that was that you know birdie would have guaranteed that so that was the job that we need to to complete on 18 had that not worked out your life wouldn’t have changed you would have gone back to exactly where you were playing before um but it did work out you were the champion suan gets to talk to you and interview you and some real strong emotions come out um I have referred to your career as a journeyman career I don’t know if you’d argue that or not I had a very similar career although I didn’t actually succeed you have um and it was uh your life wouldn’t have changed had you not made it your life did change when you made it was that the source of the emotions we saw in your interview kind of yeah but you know always winning a tournament it brings back some emotions and and uh you know kind if you hold them back for the for the whole whole tournament whole you know stretch of last holes and and you know my life changed a little bit um I would have had a good season on the European through anyways but but now you know live was something that I was really looking forward to play on and uh and you know that was the goal when I signed up for the promotion event and and when you can you know achieve your goal it’s it’s always you know you feel feel great about yourself but you know then you remember the people that really support you and and have you know helped you to get there so that’s probably where where it kind of where the the emotions step in oh yeah I I mean I remember talking to John your caddy uh on that Sunday on the putting green and he told me something that we had not not that we didn’t know that but he told me how many weeks you had been on the road I mean we played the promotions event uh what first week of December uh so you had already played a full season and and the amount of travel that you did being away from your kids being away from your wife and your family um I’m sure that was was part reason why the emotions came out and came through on the 18th uh what has been what has it been like uh outside of golf in terms of family life and and have your family been out and about to any Live Events and and has that been better has you have you been able to spend more time with them yeah of course I’ve had more more time with the with the family with the off weeks um you know I played 28 weeks last year plus few few training camps so so it was more than 30 weeks on the road so this year it’s going to be I think maximum 20 20 weeks if you count all the international series events and so on um yeah and I had a had a chance to have my my oldest one um out in Singapore with my wife and and that was their first live event uh they could not have picked any any better tournament so uh yeah they really enjoy really enjoy really enjoyed it it was it was fun to have them out and and my son he’s even though he’s five and a half he he walked first two rounds and then 10 holes on Sunday so so he’s a he’s a big clicker fan U wears the clicks hat back home every day and and he follows golf quite a bit actually he knows all the teams all the captains so so he’s favorite who’s his favorite besides you obviously of course there you go yeah besides you well yeah he follows follows uh CS obviously um but then he always talks about pink codes which is range go so I think the logo stands out that’s why he likes them and uh yeah he he just knows the the guys by by the names so um but yeah you know Saturday he jumped in the in the buy with me and and I was sitting next to Phil Michelson and he gave you know Knuckles and said to like hi I’m Phil what’s your name and and my son you know he just introduced himself and didn’t really know what what was going on but you know he will hear later that he was a he was in a buggy with a with a legend so that is awesome that is so cool I know how how many kids and how old yeah three three boys 53 and one so um it’s a busy busy h hoold yeah wow wow wow wow wow and you’re and you’re 36 now 36 now yeah now being you know being in buggy with Bill Mickelson is cool for anybody who’s watching this or listening to it U it’s just cool the fact that he knows your name he knows our names is extremely [ __ ] cool um but you’ve played against great I mean you’ve played at the highest level you’ve played in some Majors you you you earned your way up you earned your way through the ranks up to the DP world tour at a time when they still had a lot of Their Stars playing and they weren’t all leaving for the PGA Tour you lost in a playoff to uh to a a group of players that included none other than Rory mroy um it’s not new to you but is it new to you the experience you have being welcomed into this and I don’t want to sound cliche and and a a cheerleader for live but there is a family atmosphere out there and and and it sounds like from our first ever promotions event they just opened their arms and said hey come welcome congratulations you earned your way here come and get it yeah I mean I can’t remember who was the first guy I met met in Maya Koba but you know Sergio came to me and said it’s nice to have you on board and and I enjoy the year out here and you know Phil and who else at Miami when I came for the photo shoots and and I mean yeah the atmosphere is is beyond what I expected and you know you have a lot of you have nice guys obviously on the on the European tour and and you know I get along with a lot of guys but but here it is like you said more like a family a little bit of cliche but but yeah you get along with with everyone out here and um and you know the caddies caddies are happy managers are good good to everyone and and yeah I really enjoy the time speaking of your career you know you spent maybe a lot of people might not know this about you but you spent nearly a decade trying to get onto the DP World Tour European tour yeah and kind of and then you and then you finally won uh the highend open and obviously then finish fourth that’s a long grind um you know to to to really pursue uh professional golf at a very very high level what is it in you that makes you want to continue that makes you want to grind it makes you want to go through all those really difficult times being away from family from friends um and and do that year in year out for that many years and then obviously finding success uh at the end of the tunnel well I’ve actually never seen it quite that way because when I turned Pro um early 2011 after World Champs I had i’ a pretty decent amateur career um I got my card to the Asian tour I just I was just a young guy that loved playing golf so you know I was my options were to play in Sweden and Denmark on the Nordic League or go and play in bigger tournaments in Asia so of course I picked that one and there was a kind of a pathway to the European tour that was my first kind of vision um then they started to lose tournaments and then I decided to come back to Europe but you know I’ve never really kind of thought about money when I play this game it’s just to find a way you know to good tournaments I enjoy playing good good courses good tournaments you know always tried to play the some of the major qualifiers and and um you know I then I get a vision that I want to go there then I tried to achieve the goal that at that point it was when I came back to Europe it was to to get to the European tour and I knew I have the I have the game I have the the qualities to get there so you know once I got that job done you know I played there five years this would have been my six year now uh then the promotion event came I was like well that’s one of the that one of the steps I want to try and try and Achieve and once I signed up you know it came pretty clear that I really want to actually get there I spoke to my manager who’s who’s been a managers who’s been part of the clicks managing marketing so I I knew quite a lot about leave live tour so so um to me it kind became quite clear that that that’s that’s kind of my step forward on my career if I want to play against the best players in the world but what what really motivates you though what motivates you to to because I mean I I I personally had a pretty crappy career uh so you know and I and I really just hung my clubs up after five years maybe even less than five years and I was like screw this you know 10 for me 10 for me I I did 10 on the fairy tour I won one corn fairy event and 197 tries and finally just said enough because I had a chance to get in the TV um you didn’t you you you’ve kept your nose to the grindstone to use overused American expression um and you’ve accomplished all your goals what kept you going well I think once you see well to me it’s always been like if I can see I can improve I haven’t achieve my best version as a golfer I think I’ll still keep going and and you know playing here with Blandy who’s who’s a bit on the older side to me but you know he he still can play I won’t all of you said that oh he can hear it he can hear it but he he understands you know he he probably laughs about it when he when he sees me next time but I mean he can play some great golf there’s no age limit in this game and and as you can you know as long as you can see that you can improve in this game I think you kind of you just push forward and uh to me live was obvious you know move forward you know I want to play more major in the future you know that’s where the best of the best are Liv is buch of best players in the world um majors are are full of you know great players so so you know it’s just you know the game game and the well love of the game that you pushes you to to you know be better I love the game but it didn’t push me past three years four years after going to Q school after going to Q School like three times and just failing I’m just like H whatever I’m done I can’t do this anymore it drives me absolutely insane it is so hard and so for you to do that for such a long time and and really grind through it um and stick with your dreams and succeed and succeed yeah and succeed that’s the key A lot of people do what Kelly has done not many do it how how well he has done it is very very inspiring great still haven’t achieved my goals on on live tour so there’s still a lot of to lot of stuff to get get done what what are your immediate and long-term goals I that’s wanted to ask well when I got to tour I I I said to my caddy that we both want to be on the podium in the individual tournament and then we wanted to spray champagne in the team event so we’ve done that now so um we want to be we want to be in the in individual Podium by the end of the oh well I don’t know actually actually I haven’t really thought about that yet so but you know live is live is where I want to play um so I need to get my my spot somehow secured so uh when the that that’s where the podium steps in so I need to get some podiums now yeah speaking of which you know top 24 uh again into the lock Zone it with the caliber of players that are on the live golf league uh it is very competitive out there where now pass halfway through the season uh individual yeah only five left and so is that something that you know you discuss a lot with your manager or your caddy um and and does that weigh on your mind every week when you te it up and does it put any sort of additional pressure on on your game in in terms of Performing honestly I haven’t even discussed that with my cadd or manage at all so I’m just here to play some good golf and and enjoying the journey and you know what happens end of the end of the season happens so I just need to prove myself that I can play on this level and that’s it that’s the only thing I can do so um I’m just trying to enjoy every week I I play out of here I’m Gonna Change subjects rapidly and and quite dramatically if I’m in Finland and I say hi to you and I a finish is it it’s finish not finish right finish yeah yeah okay sorry I didn’t say I didn’t say if I’m finished if I’m finish and I I’ve never heard that before not what I said no because we Ed it out um if if I’m if I’m if I’m your neighbor who grew up next to you how am I pronouncing your name samoya perfect was good yeah we go we’re going with with c samuya yeah but that’s the English version that works well right we English we we English size if such a word exists uh for basically everything except suan is insistent on David Pooch for some reason it is David Pooch first of all I had to say I had to say David on our coverage because farity who’s David farity was responding every time I said David who’s like next to hit and David fairy once was like yeah H um now first of I want to clear the air because it is going to get edited I did not say finish that’s not what I said I said finish finish finish not finish beish so I help me out here I’ve never been to Finland uh if I were to go to Finland what don’t let her in well he will H’s a nice guy he’s he’s he’s a very nice guy and so he’ll he’ll be damn it [ __ ] um what what can I look forward to when I go to Finland great question well there’s a lot of poers and uh is Jerry there that’s what everyone thinks um I mean it’s a beautiful country doing the summer but pretty dark during the winter so um Arctic what it Northern Lights in the at the Arctic Circle Winter time that’s that’s beautiful that’s where a lot of people travel there and uh yeah but I I enjoy summer more actually the winter the winter is too long long dark and miserable so um that’s probably when I why I started playing golf also to get away from the winter so um but I mean snow is nice I I’ve always loved snow Sports and and that’s what I do do with my kids when I when I’m home and I ask ke I I would destroy my wrist with the with snowboard so uh but yeah and sledging SK skating skiing um so yeah yeah there’s a lot of stuff you can do doing the winter what is sledging like downhill downhill with the Sledge what’s a sledge like what you put you slide on yeah okay yeah gotta a sled gotcha sleding got it I didn’t know that sorry he’s had a few beers just ignore him um no no no sledding yes yeah um what’s what’s a traditional finish meal like what if I would to go to and eat something what would it be polar bear pizza no pizza Italian Pizza and Kebab I love it um I’m assuming meat and potatoes right yeah it’s it’s something similar yeah well I I would say the little on the Exotic side is is a reindeer um so eat the root of the reindeer root of the what is the r red nose and some potato yeah that’s probably the most exotic we have um a lot of fish and and meat and you know vegetables everything but not not not a lot of taste in it not a lot of taste in it so you bring your bring your own spices you’re gonna be a terrible tour guy when I go I know I will not be calling [Laughter] you KY you you I I saw in some of the some somewhere in an article that you look up to moiko illin quite a bit um who how big is golf in your home country and who how how the hell did you get into it with all the other things that young men are supposed to be doing that’s a that’s a good question um golf is actually fairly big sport in Finland like if you look the amount of um golfers there is it’s one of the biggest like uh sporting associations in in the whole country so it is a big sport we have I guess almost 50 courses um 150,000 players in a five and a half million population so it’s fairly fairly big sport um season is short six seven eight months um courses are some of them are better than the others but um that’s the thing you know when when I was younger we spent a lot of time in Spain and when I played international team a lot of camps in Spain and and turkey and and in the warmer countries in Europe so so yeah you have to travel outside the outside the country if you want to want to get better but you know the the trackman simulators help nowadays a lot so the youngsters can can get the numbers dialed in and there’s good good ways to get around it and then then you work on your physique physique quite a lot you know gym work is is I think important as well and and then you know if you can’t be on the grass all the time your mind is fresh when you get on the grass so it helps what do you do what do you do in the winter time do you go somewhere else do you go and practice somewhere else well i’ I’ve played pretty much all year round and I try to play a bit more during the winter because then that’s where you have the best conditions so I don’t really you know when I’m at home winter time I don’t there’s there’s no chance to practice Outdoors obviously so I I hit some balls indoors and and um get ready for the tournaments go to Dubai a bit earlier and and then that’s the that’s the way to get ready how did you get interested though from the beginning what do you remember your early your early the early years of when you fell in love with the game uh yeah my I have a twin brother um so I started to chip around our backyard so my dad gave us some some wedges and and then we started to you know hit a bit more and and he he was playing he a he was a scratch handicapper so so he got us in Into Golf and and maybe he wanted some new playing Partners so so um and our mom started at the same time so it was like a family Family Sport for us and then you know we we’re always competing with my brother he was a he was a good good partner to play with and and we always were competing so so we kind of push up both both to get better so um yeah was that was the way we we we got into the game and and um he still plays a little bit but but he’s he’s more I’m guessing you kick his butt now yeah I’m thinking so I’m thinking so are you guys identical twins or no no fortunately not so yeah I think we we’ve been like best buddies since the beginning so but but yeah I think it was a good thing that we were not identical so so yeah fortunately for you or fortunately for him I think fortunately for both um yeah it was a bit tough in the school people teachers didn’t really couldn’t tell the the difference but I think we we are very very different so um it’s like comparing me and Blandy we we are pretty different you would tell the difference yes you guys are pretty different um speaking of Blandy he’s kind of become this bit of a folk hero I’ve been the cheerleader of the I mean I’ve been pumping those tires uh for over a year now but I I I just I love the guy and I love what he represents I know you do too you love the guy personally he’s probably sitting right over there he can’t hear us I don’t think um what what give me some of the annoying things about him give me some dirt give me you know it’s a bad habit something about him that makes me not rever him as much as I do he’s looking at blendy right now oh he can hear now we can’t even get an answer so’s over there eopp we have we have to skip this topic we’re gonna we need to talk about this later we’ll do this in in Nashville yes yeah maybe blenny can come on tell us a little something that’s annoying about him I think there’s a lot of a lot of stuff that’s annoying him yeah hey Blandy you’re 52 years old right that’s right oh oh dear oh dear um okay let’s talk about the Olympics really cool you got to represent Finland in 2020 in Tokyo I know with covid and everything that time um it made things very complicated uh made things very isolating uh in many ways but other than that though what was the experience like flying the Finland flag at the Tokyo Olympics was that one of the coolest things you’ve done or the short version is not I prefer I prefer all the majors over Olympics um it was kind of nice but you know you didn’t really experience anything else than a than a golf tournament so I would have liked to play in Paris but you know that chance was kind of taken away from me so hopefully some sometime in the future I have a chance to Play It Again really the Olympics isn’t something that’s the coolest thing you’ve done well no no when during the co it was it was actually wasn’t wasn’t wasn’t too nice um the hotel we stayed in wasn’t wasn’t anywhere near to the standards we we used to and and then the well the course was great tournament was good but you know no audience whatsoever um right and then you weren’t able to go and see other sports yeah we flew in and out so should have stayed in the in the village to at at least experience something so um but yeah we just kind of flew for a tournament and flew out so um yeah then we were on the road again so yeah Co made everything suck it did yeah it did definitely yeah the one good thing from Co is is zoom like we’re doing this from I mean Co made bad TV acceptable so now a podcast is supposed to be listened to now they’re all we have to record them all for video and we don’t have to all be in the same place or have a satellite truck outside it made you know made marginal looking TV except that’s the only and the fact that I learned how to bake bread that is pretty [ __ ] cool I was gonna say bread in Co everyone became a fitness Guru a chef and alcoholic and I got two or three yeah alcoh alcoholic being the main one I think I think so everyone’s so K oh go ahead yeah call you’re at you’re 36 now um you have a 53 and Oney old son uh which is I mean the only thing that really matters in life as as I’m sure you would attest what uh what do you what do you want them what do you want to impart on them what do you want their lives become what do you want them to not necessarily do but um what has what has a dad do you want to impart upon them as life’s wisdoms that you have learned through your life either in or away from golf it’s a I don’t know pretty tough tough question to answer because we I don’t really know what what’s ahead of us so so kind of especially with the oldest one we we experience a lot of new stuff every day every every month every year so you know we just try to try to educate them as well as possible and and hopefully I’d like to them to find the sport they love um Sports gives so much good for the kids and and you know you get a lot of friends and and um you know some some things for for for the rest of your life so so that’s you know what what sport has given me and and and most of my friends they come from some sort of an athlete background so so I think I hope they they’ll find a sport they love and and uh of course we’re going to uh all support them for on their on their Pathways but um yeah I mean it’s just the the way of of you know life we want to want to try to get them understand and appreciate all the things that you know we have have in Finland and and um you know hopefully they can see the world a little bit also and and um you know enjoy enjoy time together what qualities did you glean from your parents to make you the person you are and the tenacity you have and to to reach the success that you have well they they’ve always been hard workers my dad he’s 71 he still works you know he’s a dentist and does some long long hours he can’t get can’t start you know can’t retire or he doesn’t want to retire so it’s one of those qualities probably that you know I’ve inherit inherited that I’m just you know working hard every day and and trying to get be as good as I can and and that’s probably one of the things that you know I want to pass forward that you need to need to work hard in your life and and then you achieve achieve goals what what he wants so um you have to have good goals achievable goals and and you’re most likely going to achieve them very nice can can he help Jerry with his teeth or he can my brother’s also dentist and my sister so so yeah fly over to Finland and they’ll fix it I’m on my way I’m on my way and then I’ll go to Turkey and get another hair transplant perfect I’m on my way yeah oh we’ve seen you speaking of being a parent now we’ve seen you on the golf course and how you’re like and who you’re who you are around your team around uh your manager going on the Range or a hard worker but what are you like as a dad as a father are you like the strict dad are you the cool dad what type of a father uh what what how would you describe yourself as a dad I think I’m the the softer one in our household because my wife takes care of really my wife Tak the whole whole whole hard hard part so so I’m there to probait the the the easier easier parents so um and I the thing is I’m not always sure about the the guidelines we have so so I need to listen to my wife what’s the deal so um yeah the boys and the boys understand the game they first ask my wife and then they ask me so if they don’t get the right answer my wife then they come to me so um but yeah they and they love you know like I said all the sports with me and and when I’m home I’m sad for my wife I’m the number one when I’m home so um she’s number one for the 200 days and I’m I’m the rest of it so yeah it’s good good fun that always varies wait no I’m dying wait because we we’ve danced around I’m dying for fair weight to love come on oh yes this is a great segue this is my great segue um I don’t think we did it with Blandy did it I don’t think we did um he can join join us here we got yeah we gotta get to that we got to get to that with Blandy because he only recently got married but uh you KH uh this is our segment called Fairway to love I love this segment because uh we get to talk it’s embarrassing that’s why it’s embarrassing it’s not embar well it’s not embarrassing we we get to you know in the romance of things we we make uh these amazing athletes that we get to interview a little bit more nervous uh than you normally are on the first tea uh so Ki fair to love tell us give us a scoop how did you meet your wife give us the most romantic version please because the last two they’re like oh we talk to them and they like us so so please give us a little bit more romance well the the thing is we’ve we’ve been together now 18 years so we we we met in high school so 18 years I think there’s there’s enough Romans there so wow it’s been a long long journey um how did you guys meet how did you guys meet we were in the same high school so and who who talked to who first yeah you just you just you just know you’re in the same yeah we yeah we we met each other there and and there might have been might have been few drinks after few few drinks and we we started talking and and then you know I had a few few dates and and you know that’s how it starts before Tinder you strike me as a very um I guess a very shy introverted guy did you then get the liquid courage to talk to her or or are you just a different person when it comes to romance oh I don’t know long time ago it’s a long time ago I I kind of remember I kind of remember I just love the fact that you drank in high school in that that’s I grew up in Vegas same thing there think yeah yeah a long time ago but yeah that’s pretty much how it went but yeah then you know she started in a different different city than I did and it was a little bit bit like a long longdistance relationship already when we started so um yeah and then golf came along and you know but you know things has gone going right way and what did you propose that was a boring thing yeah I must admit I what later later on would I would have done more romantic proposal um it was just back back in in tur where we live and and uh then we then we met some friends and and got a good night out but yeah I was a bit on the boring side I must say what’s a boring proposal I I I mean well it could have been more could could have been more romantic I must say yeah but well no I hate the the kids now who have and film everything so they can like get hits on social media for the proposal the the point of it is it’s it’s you have a woman to be your wife for as long as you both shall live that’s not boring and as long as she says yes success isn’t it yeah it was a success yeah it was a sucess I’m curious though does she think you could have done it in a more romantic way no maybe it was me that I I’ve thought afterwards I could have been could have been done better uh okay okay so she she is very happy and she loved the way that you did it enough enough we’re enough enough poor K oh K oh go next now I’m calling time next yes next next all right well we’ve taken up uh enough of your time I’m gonna close out with the final question you’re now 36 years old you have three kids um you’ve you’ve been with your wife now for 18 years years uh what would you tell your 20-year-old self that is a good one um I don’t think there’s a lot of things that I would have done differently um there’s a couple detours during my my career that have made my journey maybe longer than it should have taken um so but those are there’s a few things that but I think everyone runs into some you know some issues during their careers and and U that’s probably the thing that it should have been a little sharper here and there um maybe had a little Clear Vision where I W where I want to go when I’m 25 30 not just you know play the game because it was fun you know to maybe make some sort of plans and and and coaching could have been a bit better and so on but you know if I look now where I’m at the moment you know I’m happy where I am so so would it have been any different it’s hard to say so I mean that’s why I’m pretty pleased where I am at the moment I got one question and that was the last question but this is my last question is humility a common trait in amongst beish people sorry s cheap shot what did he say it’s no you you’re very you’re you’re very humble you have a really strong sense of humility you you’re you’re kind of a cool guy who’s accomplished quite a lot in a game that people love but you you don’t you you you deflect every single time we kind of ask you to brag and is that is that something that’s a like Australians are all self-deprecating they all make fun of themselves are are the Finnish people um very soft spoken and humble yeah yeah I think I think we are um if you look at the best hockey players in the world for example they they always talk about team not about themselves and and uh it’s probably similar I think a lot of I think Finnish athletes could brag a bit more um there some of them lot of in my opin a lot of individual athletes are are too humble in in Finland they they should be more self-confident and and BR a bit more but you know I I’m I’m self-confident but I don’t need to brag with with what I’ve achieved and I think I can achieve more so that’s why there’s nothing to brag about so um that it is something that you know wein are kind of thought in in in in school already and and kind of through our parents and they normally what their parents have gone through after the second world war and and then when they started to build the country you know it just made the made them humble and it just kind of passes forward and and and to their children now to our generation so so everyone is kind of humble and works hard and and just you know keep their head down and and goes forward so I think that’s kind of what’s behind it that’s aning answer thank you I’m gonna do a d Boule at the bar every single night I’ve got one more question for you oh one more yeah one More’s too many 10 not enough one more Dom that’s what we’re gonna call him from now on um he’s gonna he’s gonna listen to this and he’s gonna be like f you guys so like I said with everything you’ve been through um what’s what’s the one thing that you’ve learned about yourself um in this journey we call life what’s the one thing you’ve learned about yourself I as a 36 year old I think you can achieve a lot of stuff when you believe in yourself and you have good goals that’s a that’s I think what I want to pass to my my kids also that that if you know where you’re going you have a good chance that you will achieve it um that’s why you have to aim high and maybe I should have aimed higher when I was younger so um that’s that’s probably the if there’s one thing I I can can kind of regret a little bit at this time of my career that you know you should have aimed higher and worked harder even harder so um but you know I still have some years in my tank so um maybe I’ll I’ll uh have a couple of glasses of red and and make bigger goals and we we’ll discuss discuss that about on the Range tomorrow with with Richard oh oh wait wait I got another Dom I got a Dom one I got a Dom one more God I can’t believe I forgot about this we showed you Sunday and I’m you’re I’m gonna piss you off and you can you can slap the hell out of me when you see me in Nashville we showed you live the first time we showed you on Sunday that we showed you live and I’m sure you’ve heard about the shot um it didn’t go where you aimed it went 90 degrees from there um this I’ve always contended the next Iron shot after that is the hardest and then we showed you later in the day just pureing some iron shots it’s been a long time since I played competitive Golf and it’s been a long time since I I hit that shot in competitive golf because it’s but I have how hard is that next full iron shot well it kind of came out of nowhere um I’ve I’ve hit few during my career but yeah I haven’t had that habit for a while so it wasn’t a big thing to to Carry On from from what happened so um but yeah like like you said I I was flushing it after that so that’s that’s the thing I I’d rather remember than the than the one shot that went up it right nice Jerry that’s how you’re GNA end our [ __ ] podcast no I have to ask I have to ask because what is wrong with you I know I’m an [ __ ] but and now he’s going to go play at a beautiful Golf Course tomorrow with Blandy and now that’s what he’s gonna be freaking you know Blandy sitting over there who didn’t see the shot who’s probably heard about and he’s gonna be standing behind the caddies sure heard about it so yeah [ __ ] happens well colie you’re still you’re only 36 it’s not too late to continue Aiming High hi uh welcome to the family we love having you on our live golf league you’ve been such a great addition and um thank you so much for spending time with us I’m just going to throw this out there uh because the last four guests including Blandy that was on Fairway to Heaven uh went on to having some pretty decent success uh the best the best weeks of their year of their year yeah just just say it so I know you talked about Podium hey Nashville baby we’re going to see K and John on the top of that of that Podium just spraying champagne perfect oh that would be awesome that would be awesome but yeah that’s why we’re here working hard this week so hopefully hopefully we’ll get up there aome well thank you so much for thank you so much for your time and uh we we’ll see you in Nashville thank you guys thank you see you soon bye blendy bye see you Kelly bye bye bye good one Jerry good [ __ ] final question he shanked the [ __ ] out of it and balls can roll that in if people are watching I thought you know what I thought you were gonna ask him I when you when you started it I thought you were gonna ask him about his hole and one in Hong Kong oh [ __ ] though that everybody’s done that I haven’t I’ve never had a hole in one uh once again I can’t comment uh but uh yeah what a what a great guy and uh you know it is [ __ ] softspoken and humble yeah I know he’s the opposite of you Jerry yes he’s that’s true that is true I have no reason to be humble yeah no well you have every reason to be humble no humble people humble people reason to brag and they don’t I have no reason to brag therefore I need no humility yeah I I um I loved what he said at the end about how he felt like he could have aimed higher um in in life um you don’t hear that from from many people you know the honesty and the the the openness and the I guess the ability to admit to that you know know um that’s huge and it says a lot about a person in my opinion anyway um the only the only people I’ve ever heard that from are every girl’s dad who I’ve dated they should have a [Laughter] tired well that’s something I tell Karen uh when I text her exactly I’m like really that’s your bar k come on you can do better than ball wait balls is waiting to chime in over here he’s done he’s ready for bed um anyways that was that was uh as always another great episode um and the ability to get to know these guys you know a little better than when we started and that’s the whole purpose of why we do this is so that we as well as you who are listening in will get to know um some of these players and and truly their personality and really who they are outside the golf course so thank you collie for showing us that and we’re I mean seriously um you spend a lot more time around the players than I do because of the shotgun start and the formats and all that I don’t get as much access to them as you do um neither one of us spent a ton of time around C so this was I think we were both excited about being able to interview him to get to know him a little better and the cool thing is just what you iterated that the fans get to know them the same way and so those fans in Nashville that will have watched or listen to this now have a rooting interest have a reason to I mean he’s a likable extremely likable guy the humility is off the charts um and and they’re gonna you know and those people out there who really admire that quality are going to be like they’re gonna have you know rooting him on and feeling like they know him and the sounds like the kind of guy he is he’ll appreciate that and he’ll acknowledge that and that’s that to me is that to me I know I’m a Cheerleader I’m a live shill or whatever that to me sets our league apart a lot and that that is I think the the magic the The Secret Sauce the magic ingredient for why um why the family atmosphere the the team concept the the everything about our league that sets it apart is what’s going to make it take it to the level that we all know it’s going to get to and by the way he is um he is such an inspiration as as we pointed out in that interview because to really go through what he did in just about nearly a decade you know and and trying and failing and trying and failing and trying and failing that really takes a toll on you mentally uh don’t even talk about the finances don’t even talk about all the the things that come with you know failing and and in professional golf it’s not cheap right uh but the mental side of things you know to to go to Q School to then fail to then go to Q school again and fail like after two three four tries it starts getting a lot I mean if if most people even get to that point uh of of going the third time the fourth time he did it for just about a decade and and now on the other side and made it on the other side yes and so um what an what what an inspirational Journey uh I wish I had the same tenacity the same resilience as he has because uh maybe maybe not maybe I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you Jerry who knows but by the same token that life lesson you maybe maybe you realized that no matter how much dity you had you weren’t going to make it you don’t know I mean I don’t know your situation I know mine um you bring a very similar I’m go I I am going to kick ass to your current job and you are kicking and you do it great and you’ve grown so much in the process you you have a tenacity to you that can’t be denied and that’s why you’re our Sue and hang so a Jerry’s being nice to last nice thing I’m going to say to you for the rest of my [ __ ] life for everybody behind the scenes please mark this time this date time stamp it this shit’s going down in his stream because Jerry folds is being nice to me holy [ __ ] um all right that’s a wrap on that note on the high note that’s a wrap uh another episode of fairw to Heaven thank you so much for choosing us as your podcast we appreciate you um all of you who listen in we truly truly appreciate your support everybody who come up to us at events to tell us how much they do love the podcast we do appreciate you so much um and it is quite touching it’s very touching to to hear all the great feedback from people and um it you know Jerry and I we count our blessings how much fun we actually have doing this podcast and I was at a rest area Karen and I drove from wherever she picked me up in Philadelphia on Monday she was doing the lpj event in Atlantic City driving up to Grand Rapids we spent two days doing it we it’s a long ass drive um I was at a rest area and I TR and I always travel now in my Fairway to Heaven t-shirt and I in a rest area I mean that’s like where you pull off the highway to go pee and there’s truckers and there’s people parking to do the exact same thing and some guy I’m walking toward the restroom by the cons by the little vending machine and he goes Fairway to Heaven that podcast is awesome I didn’t say anything because I had to go pee I didn’t say I didn’t say yeah sueanne’s the coolest or that FZ guy is pretty cool don’t you think that’s what I would should have said um I just said that’s cool I think so too and I went but it was that was wild to me I mean we’re new our I mean if you look at the metrics our numbers aren’t huge depending on what I don’t know how people consume the product but a guy saw me in a fairway to heav a podcast and I think we’re the only Fairway to heav podcast I’m not sure but and I look like a golfer I would think I had a golf hat on and uh and he said that I’m like it’s pretty damn cool that is really damn cool it is very cool and uh you know rest area I know that’s crazy but uh they V it’ll give some love to to everyone who who listens in and and chooses us really thank you so much and I mean it from the bottom of my heart um we appreciate you and uh you know we wouldn’t be doing this if you guys if no one listened so thank you so much for listening to fairw of Heaven as of this week we will be back on the Liv golf YouTube page please find us there um do subscribe to the Liv golf YouTube page as well plenty of content on there including all the Fairway to heavens and uh yeah subscribe thumbs up leave us a comment we still have our very own social Pages at fth forli golf on the X on Tik Tok and Instagram please do follow us DM us and uh show us some love baby um well till next week I’m really excited because as of what I heard I am so pumped I’m pumped every single week for our guest but I am I can’t believe we have this guy on our podcast next week I am I haven heard who it is so flipping just excited and nervous so his name’s Ed nervous who is it go away [ __ ] off who the hell is it I haven’t heard a thing I won’t be telling you or anybody on air right now you’re gonna have to tune in to find out Cliffhanger baby all right and we will are we gonna show pictures of our day on the Broadway we’re going we’re going the the talent teams going on a but Broadway pub crawl a butt way that sounds more Broadway Broadway Avenue downtown Nashville pub crawl yes yes yes we’re gonna we’re gonna get some really great content um of our very freaking just stupid broadcast team uh who’s gonna be in terrible outfits uh roaming the streets of Nashville if you’re in Nashville and you spot us uh do say hi don’t yeah don’t hurt us just don’t hurt us yeah don’t hurt us but come and say hi I mean bring a beer or Margarita whatever they drink in Nashville um all right that’s a wrap that’s a wrap can’t wait for next week really excited thank you so much for tuning in and we’ll see you in the Nash bye


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