Pinehurst is IMPOSSIBLY DIFFICULT | We played the US OPEN Course

Pinehurst plays host to this years US Open. It’s famed for its ridiculously long total yardage and its fast, sloping greens. Are Simon and Matt up to the challenge?

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welcome to Precision golf in this what we’re doing today is a little bit of fun slightly different to our normal videos know being a custom fitting and building Studio we’re normally be doing serious content regarding Equipment Technology uh and and how you utilize it for each individual player today uh Matt and myself Simon uh we’re going to be playing match play at Pinehurst being Us open venue this year um we’ve set the ground to firm greens to firm greens to 12 on the stimp uh and not the easy pimp I and thankfully we don’t have to putt so thought we’d have a little bit of a match play yeah if we were putting I’d be here till tomorrow I think yeah I think it would be quite embarrassing where the scores go but we’ll see what trackman Auto puts us because if if it knows us then we’re in trouble but uh Matt for those that don’t know him is quite a long hitter I am a little bit more normal um but only in that respect and uh we thought we’d say have a play the US Open course see where we go see who who wins good luck banter to be [Music] had right then play well don’t play too well that’s it right firm fast chicken stick 260 to miss the bunker it’s already bringing the bunker in get you thinking positively off the bat oh he h a good one to start right half oh very safe very s thing is with it firm Fairways I don’t know how far this is going to run out no this is very sensible this there be a lot of people paying you a lot of money for that one quite run that quite a long way right right let’s see if I can follow suit oh you did say you wanted to it 263 right I got three iron I know you took two iron come down one you might as well just aim at the green with them I’m going to go for same sort of spot you were BR no you have Bren don’t that draws back it’ll be good ah there she goes it’s almost like you meant it anyone would have thought we can play this game right now approach our B I have to think about the wind on this one now we so 160 uh where back right 160 slightly up hill a little bit into 3 miles hour so that’s going to be I’m not going long I’m going chicken I’m going eight on can’t can’t play for the one60 number it’s firm greens as well so actually it’s got a pitch so it’s a little it’s a little smooth eight I think this is this is the test so I know where I can land it yeah this cannon off the back tugged it a little it’s a good strike well not a lot chasing it oh it’s held up more than we thought you’ll be all right there oh no I lie that’s carried on the greens are firming really quick really really fast oh yeah I’ve got a triip [Laughter] one okay well that’s taught me everything I need to know yeah you’re 133 so I think I’m just going to go gap wedge so we not we not played them with the greens this or not played this course but the greens this firm and fast or slopy so normally on track man you can just fire them in with them being a bit softer they land and stick not the case today makes it tough that could be [Music] trouble disturbing decent ah very sensible this this is going to be miserable on here chipping on here is hard uh that is a horrible little chip as well we’ve got 11 11 yards that is just get it moving I I don’t know I’m going to to be more positive than that just oh look at this hey it’s a proper player shot that one I haven’t got that one in the lck I’m just going to put that out there now right what does Auto what does Auto give us gives me two parts yeah it doesn’t know me 38 ft two P not a chance right hole two what we got us has got to be I think the long one of the longer falls out there if I remember right got 76 I don’t think any of them are short yeah no there is that so we’ve got oh yeah yeah 507 into the wind nice proper hole this one this is going to be the uh holes like this are going to be the Difference Maker this this week coming I think for for the guys out there the long they hit it further than I do though going to be I’ve got got a long round ahead of me okay hit that pretty well it’s a pretty good effort don’t want that back for chasing that one down there ah at least you got shot in don’t want that yeah try and follow suit thing is it’s in here where there’s no actual consequence of hitting in the couldn’t do either side it’s actually easier to free up if I stood on that te I’ll be steering it a lot more than that right she comes back it’s good oh that is unfortunate you’re okay though it’s not in the it’s not in the scrub just different sound that’s his on course put it in play Swing 211 right so I’m interesting being firm in a bit of wind 11 three mil that’s just a smooth four on I think with it being firm he is uh he’s really thinking this one yeah yeah yeah you can hear the can hear the cogs yeah get your retaliation in first is a little right I think it’s safe is what that is oh no that it goes far enough I’ve just held on to it could be sand it’s got another that’s a chip that no one will want this week no matter where the flag is I think that’s the nature of this it’s mentally brutal yeah if you don’t if you don’t hit the green you’re in trouble yeah right one s six slightly down the hill back into it’s probably playing the number spins I think that’s a I think that’s an eight on spins 20% off oh yeah slightly less spins slightly less yeah let’s go eight on if it lands a bit short it will run up that will do just a good eight have I joined you is the question no it was kind to me oh Delight oh is that running off at least it’s oh welcomed fine host nearly hold it now I got a a nasty little chip here we were saying yours was a tough chip that that was looking that was looking so good for 99% of its Journey let’s have a look at what we got here God knows I mean this is right he’s cheating getting a Terrain the terrain view out early I I don’t think that’s going to do much good 40 yards pitch is about 20 yards yeah fly halfway in Hope yeah yeah he’s literally that as well that is very good that is very good that’s the difference between these proper players and US indoor Sim golfers is they can play those shots I haven’t got that the thing is you kind of play it you play it with blind trust in here out in the real course You’ be looking at don’t go long don’t he just shot you like the grid to show you how difficult the shot is or nope I know the answer is veryy this is you’re going to pull out that cheeky little super flop yeah I think I’m going to have to this is the one that goes up my nose oh it’s too strong it’s too much that’s gone off the other side it’s problem with these high tar shots should have been should have been sensible and joined you I was the one that only mikkelson would do and given Mickelson currently that’s about where it was finished let be more sens when did he win he won round here he yeah but that was a long time ago was that when he used two drivers no that was when he were the Masters oh that was Masters wasn’t it oh I’ve Got The Yips today boys hit the pin you know what you can have this one I’ll be so kind does it does it want you to hit another shot no I’m not doing it uh which is the button for is it in yeah I think it’s oh is it not I actually got to hit another one that you might have to hit it on the green be till tomorrow this is the actual reality of of an am playing these conditions is on the green off the green on the green off the green I’ll see if I can catch it for a for a pickup uh can see there go there we go is that you literally could find yourself going one side of the green to the other to the other to the other um and what’s going to be so impressive watch is how how good the top players are at putting it dead um with the amount of slope and how fast and firm they are uh that’s what I got to if you’re not taking driver out here I’m going to have Stern words this was stroke play I wouldn’t be hting this you’re one up after well well I I don’t want to talk about the attempt at chipping there from me so you are very much a safe one up if you’re not hitting driver here in a match play what are you doing that’s on the line to be good as well uh no I just felt it over that’s why you don’t I’ve open I’ve opened up the green yeah oh you’ve just about stayed in play as well was OB I didn’t even realize I didn’t know there was OB over there Jo just it at the green for you surely haven’t given me chat for taking driveo all right let’s try and not to see this one start 30 yards right of Target line shall we no okay he’s coming back oh at that that could even be oh he’s left himself you’ve got a fiddly one out of the bundo I’ve got 155 yards out of it so uh I think I’d prefer your 155 to be honest 90% 10% 165 165 uh I’m going to because of the spin I’m going to going to batter a nine on out of that he thinks he can get nine on one well because it’s 170 it’s back it’s back of the pit back of the green and and not lot of spin he thinks he’s got it thinks he’s got the muscles in the bag today it’s not that far to get the front of the green the man I’d love to see this land short and stay short oh no he’s he’s right it has got there it’s a man that’s clearly played a few track man rounds [Laughter] just cuz I play with my brain it’s very boring playing with your brain right 50 yards it’s not a bad lie no not horrendous got all the green to work with just going to put the excuse out there I’ve only played once this year and I haven’t done any real practice you could chunk this on the front edge and run oh just watch me that mildly clean or was that that could spin that’s just moted on go on Just Fall Into the Bunker for me no thought it was going to be nice is these are running at 12 yeah and they’re slopy so actually some of the slopes are running at like 16 so which means that going as low as that was never the answer really it’ll be interesting to see how they play them when they play them okay tough out of the sand to play a spinny one but they play off the Fairway one to spin or whe they flight it up I think we’re going to see them play it very differently to normal if they’re as firm as firm as fast as we’ve got [Music] them very nice oh and it stayed up there it’s thought about coming back so only two goes to keep it on the gr 50 yard it’s progress I’ll take the four two power one po p scores are still the same mine just wasn’t as pretty right Str x one okay probably going to be everything that isn’t a par three is driver is probably 546 is that a par 4 that’s a par four 546 off the backs wow okay I needed my weer miix this morning it’s a little down here it will give you five yards back okay it doesn’t look very wide is there a wide hole up p apparently not okay didn’t hook that’s didn’t hook is it going to is it going to hold on or is that Fairway going to oh first cut might be able to still get this 246 left got it yeah 311 got 160 ball speed clearly all that gym Works paying off do it with his forearm gym work yeah this muscular physique of mine right actually try and concentrate and not think about Simon trying to lift weights as funny as that will be you say funny I said painful is that going to try that’s going to come that’s play Arrow straight straight into the Trap that’s the breeze hel it that’s actually not a bad Miss though you know it’s at least it’s bit of sand at the side rather than say again pin back to 46 2 46 uphill into the wind good luck a 300 plus yard driver um uphill into two mind you it’s it’s going to run out is that two two onon or are you thinking four is going to be enough bearing mind it’s only 90ish per. uh 90 that’s still 20 yards that’s two it’s two on it’s still 260 that’s how I fit off the first T all right two bunkers right where I’m going to need to land it as well God no wonder it’s stroke one yeah when when you get to play them even on the The Sims you really see you really see how the the guys that hit it a long way are the only ones that ever compete at courses like this you know you’re not going to see someone like Brian Haron up there this week I wouldn’t think well also and I’m not a short hereit to by am you know Amador standards how long this course is yeah you know I just button Drive I got a nuke two AR in and even then I haven’t made it 250 and they probably going six AR 222 might have to be five IR here on the flag Matt’s clubbing will be less he’ll hit it further the most than 95% of the GU playing and if he really wants to open it up than all of them five iron I think just a nice stock one land it on the front half and let it Chase up say you talked such a good game on that one good is it taking the spin off play it as well that’s a great shot oh fair play you get rid of the chipping and I’m [Laughter] fine pretty you could yeah pretty useful take the short game out I’m pretty useful right what have I got 34 yards there’s the marker for you inside of that please 30 yards out the sand without as much spin or power on the firm greens he’s played it well H taken floated it too much floated it too much I might get one back here got scared of going long I might just get on back yeah i’ would hope so you five about 10 foot oh there gave me the one part it really doesn’t know my [Laughter] very impressive oh that means I now have to go first on everything I don’t get the the uh cheat of watching you go first engage off of that you’re don’t really gauging much are you oh look my driver’s going to carry yours uh so 290 to carry the bunker up the That’s 580 oh downhill it’s downhill by a foot no by three foot sorry yeah okay it’s just over that trap on the left 295 you’re left with 294 see if I can get within 250 of it so relative to full power where was that most of the way there oh I’ve missed it left that was probably 95% okay yeah 190 ball speed speed yeah that was probably 95 98% of the way there so I’m going to have to play this to the right of that bunker I think yes want me to move it or are you just no I’ll just aim it slightly right wind off the as well just to really make you want to hit it in the bunker try and lassu it he got the start line F enough I don’t think there’s a need for you to ask me whether that was full power or given the fact you almost fell over I’m going to go I did Cover the bunker cover the bunker yeah chicken limbs doing quite well I mean you’re still going to have three wood in let’s be honest 268 yeah oh you might get away with two high what we slightly up the hill pins at the back again slightly up pill wind’s not hurting yeah I think it isz just you just can’t go just can’t go long that’s kind of yeah this is a landed no more than 240 and hope it runs up and if it doesn’t then it’ll still be on the green power positive [Laughter] thinking oh yeah you can’t think actually trying to I don’t think stay right stay right I don’t think anyone this week will be thinking scoring shots at any point during their round I think be how can I stop the bleeding as this one is going to very much bleed oh it’s still going that’s on the members tea box that [Laughter] one well I got it green high yeah you got the number 237 we said 240 was the carry number right 236 out the nine hybrid that’s what club it’s giv oh to see you hit one of those go higher than it would go forward 240 so it’s 210 10% off so two it’s got to be five on again probably same as the last 240 10 10% on that’s 260 equivalent yeah I think it’s five on right Edge and just let it go equ 250 simple oh the same you me well yeah yeah you will be no you won’t be quite as far down it was the number absolute Cannon yeah right 46 yards I think I’d rather the 46 yard shot than the 20 yard shot are 15t uphill uh is that horrible that far up and that short with no ability to spin it this is a horrible shot this one I love you who making me feel really good about this shot play with a mind oh is it it good though has he got enough on it to get it to the front yeah look at oh too much here we could be here a while just a little l lightwise it’s always difficult to trust yourself to flight it high enough stressful enough when you’re not even there yeah we’re playing a fake version we can’t trust it you then add in all the spectators around the side and you’ve got absolutely no hope yeah then all I’m thinking is don’t sit it that’s all I think over every chip is that going to hold no it’s off should have put the Grid on mind you I think it’s still you dead sheep let’s see it there you go ah that will do it that’ll be white been useful to know that before I played this shot yeah it’s yeah it’s a it’s a very talented way of playing that shot M that that decelerating stab it’s well controlled I’ll have you know eight I say I haven’t played this much this year so I’m still trying to find a feeling of uh how this game works oh that’s a man that plays every week it was uphill things accelerated up the hill but you know is it is it going to be kind and give us those putts no oh you unlucky that’s quite likely for me you had quite a bit of yeah8 Ft across the slope not a chance got first part what’s this this is going to be 200 and something yeah you’d think so all right 230 I think this one’s got a it’s going to chase off four I’m going to bring it in so what you thinking what 250 on the and just try and run it up the front yeah yeah the breeze isn’t hurting so no it’s just that little bit across it’s How brave do you want to be to the right inadvertently probably oh be good that is I shouldn’t have called that out loud that is turning over still going to do pretty well oh that’s taken a well now I’m thinking I’ve got the wrong Club in my hand seeing how much oh stop my wow six get away with it just I thought I get away with it just giving me a three pup but no instead you’re going to have to Chip and then T 250 to I know I ripped it oh you’ll be ding you got to gauge the the bounce as well and trajectory and it’s almost like a lynx that’s why I’ve gone six just to try and play it a little shter than what that land did and hope for the bounce a stripe show it drawing we drawing back we’re drawing back that that could be exceptionally good or it could miss the green left stop please yeah yeah yeah very good there’s the advantage to going second and and potentially the six versus the four Ron that’s coming with more you th000 RS more spin yeah, 1500 RS more spin um and about 50 ft higher knowing how how much High I hit it than you can you click on that grid just to depress me with how much slope this is going to have U okay it’s not as bad as I was expecting it’s just going away from me a little bit though so this is hit it halfway and hope this one yeah yeah it’s completely that it’s well out oh that’s motoring by that’s Halfway Around the M25 that one well that’s that’s probably 3 foot too long yes yeah that wasn’t far wrong and that is never to be seen you got an up uphill shot yeah at least this one should be a little easier and I know it’s going to come right to left a little bit so 11 yards oh no not a lot okay just stop the hill 11 see 11 11 yards 30 ft Okay match play i’ have it go oh I just completely miscalculated what 11 yards like 30 ft I think I carried at 25 of those oh look it’s coming back back spin heavy Back Spin that could be in the bunker delayed Back Spin this this God no wonder the chip went [Laughter] long yes I’d like to Hope i’ get this one back I think even a three could win it for you two pile yeah yeah I’d never make a twoot from 50 I’ll take it right show us the way what Joy beholds us one round the corner a trees are in the way for your block draw block 303 to the corner okay oh I’ll see if I can hit a cut around the corner let’s have a bit of fun shall we threeway downwind the sense balancer is just hit the one eyon safe but sense B isn’t in my repertoire at any time yeah but you could you could quite feasibly carry the corner the problem is if I carry the corner I’m going to have that awkward 30 yard chip that we’ve seen me bun to a tight left pin yes we’ve seen me attempt that twice and know that a really sensible that is so straight H that would have got on I’m the upside is it doesn’t bounce very far when it get so it so 300 to the corner it’s got to be for you that’s yeah it’s just the same line isn’t it no no I need to start at a little left and hit a little fadey one small fade I can heal one that’s the old low heel High spin savior or is it put him in the bunker short o I think I’d prefer to be there than where I am deserve to lose more than it did uh I on grass so 129 crosswind into a flag that you’ve got no right in going to see h um 30 take the spin off this is actually driving a gap wedge on there it’s the answer driving a 50 is that yeah aim a little bit right of that into the center and just hope it doesn’t drift too much oh that’s turning rid must have been on a slope you are making this difficult for yourself not even in the bunker you are making I’ve got a horror show next I thought I was being sensible that must have been on a no such thing as sensible started on the right line right 99 3/4 just trying H at 90 and let it let it skip up have I joined you no look at this oh oh spawn bag nine yards off and up slope that was that was sensible that one I didn’t know I had that one in my locker oh this is horrible I don’t think you could play this shot well know I’d be playing it off your chin yeah I right okay oh he played it very well oh was buried in there oh maybe cuz it was on the it must have been on the up slope right do you get grid no no right so unfortunate he’s played that lovely though if I known I’d have played the previous one is that is that two and two do we think it’s two two and two s Fair I need the longer hes to get back here second easiest hole on the course can’t wait for it to still be 500 yards 499 power four piece of cake where is it got you aiming at it’s got you uh it’s got me aiming at the flag it’s trying to tell me something so you got 300 to get past that bunker on the right and I can hit my as you so called it block draw so kind second easiest hole I’ve gone for the block draw just forgot to draw it that’s how to not make the second easiest hole easy oh you might bit of a Houdini Houdini trick you might get out of that one I spent enough time in the trees I know how to get out of there right so it’s aiming a bit right would you like me to aim that at the Fairway yeah it’s all right thank you oh so that the heel again the idea is you hit the bit in the middle of the club face normally helps it’s a long way from back there he a long way from back there 216 out the sand 26 okay that could be worse that could be worse ball a little below my feet 216 to T 30 brze with right four IR yeah the plan land it front edge or land it just in front somewhere yeah I think you’re going to need yeah it kind of just shy front edge I think you’re going to need to aim a bit left based on that ball below my feet it’s a lovely strike he’s called the shot has it overcut no it’s perfect be kind oh what a shame is pineur is not kind being being kind of the greens are on medium rather than firm I can’t I can’t hit one better than that you played the shot you wanted you can’t complain 144 You’ got you’ve got away with it yeah I’m still going to have to it one low because of the overhanging with with your foot movement it’s good job you’re not playing off pine stra look like Scotty very quickly 144 okay try and land this about 110 and let it Chase up oh I’ve joined you oh I’m going to the next tea already is that a [Laughter] concession already looking for anything eh yeah yeah definitely there’s only one in it 45 I’m assuming it’s all away from me so yeah if I can keep this on this is almost Texas wedge isn’t it yeah this is just put it and hope for the best really that’s slope around but you don’t see that on the coverage on the TV I feel uncomfortable hitting this indoors let alone out there that nicely struck oh is a n Bits from being very nice yeah that was very close to being very good I don’t envy these boys this week I really don’t they’re going to have it very tough so imagining it will be firmer and cut tighter than what we’re having to play to at this moment in time so I’m going to play a little right of this 19 yard so landed at about seven or eight yards you’re going to see two variations how to play this you’re going to see the correct way to play it and then you’re going to see me flip a coin and hope for the best how was that nearly D green I didn’t name didn’t a far enough right I should have put the Grid on didn’t a far enough right that’s just scared me yeah and I think I think that’s the thing you’d be all you’d be doing is trying just trying to keep it on the green when you there bear in mind with with these pins we put them on medium toyed with the idea of difficult and then decided that we didn’t want to look completely foolish oh that’s deined I thought Landing only looking mildly foolish I thought Landing that just on the top would be perfect yeah I think I’d put this I’m not convinced it will pick it up though a a bit left you want the Grid on no just you think I’m really thinking about holding it I’m just thinking at the and at the path in the distance and hope dungeon run very good sit sit there going be a lot of people do that there’ll be a lot of concerned professional faces next week I think Ser two it’s a good job it’s match playing otherwise we W on these score was published oh this one we had to go thisin at the back pins at the back it’s not where it was the front of the pin if you were left of the pin he came back and went off the green you’re right up in it stay there right 204 into a bit of breeze it’s playing 210 you can’t what’s the carry you can’t go5 190 okay so 190 playing 200 or we 210 do we say to the pin yeah God you got to holding it when you get it there yeah is is this I just hit it to the right but the problem is we know you hit it to the right half of the green it won’t stay on I’m going to have to Flat uper five just to just to get enough carry and try to stick it this is going wind one of two ways either going to be shot of the Year miserable or miserable or yeah or career shot yeah it’s a shot of the Year candidate right here pulled it I think you got the flight no haven’t pulled it oh hello get go there oh look at this oh how do I follow that one God you’re going to be very pleased with myself after you’re going to winding me up about that one for the next month at least five and a half difference is you’re hitting about an eight and I was I’ve got I’ve got seven seven okay just to try and give myself the chance to flight it rather than power it in there contact it might just turn over yeah is that short go oh it’s short on that line just shows the margin of ARA though it’s got to be it’s got only a pitched about two yards short but just three yards left and and now you got that looks pretty vertical ah this is the you better go off the front M will it pick it up only because of the height above the screen so we got a forward match so for wed shots for the little flop one so that it doesn’t bounce back oh pretty pretty golf shot he’s still still chipping oh played it too well you didn’t realize you had such touch I can normally only do that when I’m messing around rather than when it matters good I’m seriously questioning whether it’s going to three p me or one p me at least they gave you the one p so just completed the front nine and uh I might be one up um so for those of you that we’re going to carry on the back nine for those of you that like the video subscribe hit the like button do all those things watch all the other videos on the channel we got plenty of content for you if you like this leather snow we’ll do more of this and uh yeah hopefully hopefully I can stay ahead through the back nine look out for the uh look out for that that half of the video later in the uh later in the week [Music] [Music]


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