Golf Players

Davis Riley Swing Analysis

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Davis Riley earned his second PGA Tour title, winning the 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge, holding off players like Scottie Scheffler and Keegan Bradley for an emphatic win.

In this video I dive into the details of his swing to help you understand what makes it work, why everyone thinks he has the best swing on tour and what you can learn from Davis Riley’s golf swing to improve your own game.

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Davis Riley was this year’s winner of the Charles Schwab challenge he managed to hold off Scotty Sheffer and others to a um a fairly comfortable Victory Davis is widely renowned as having one of the best swings on tour so I thought we’d dive in to uh to have a look at it and see see what we can learn from it so jumping straight in Davis like everybody has a near perfect setup drawing the normal lines that we see week in week out his backside sits ever slightly behind his heels he has got quite a lot of hinge in his back so we we do we are seeing this line is quite out over his toes but it’s not the end of the world feet shoulder width apart his hips and his shoulders are stacked on top of each other which is nice he does have a small tilt away from the target at a address but nothing much he’s um he’s ready to swing and uncover the ball now moving away one of the things I really like about Davis’s swing is how wide he is so his right arm stays very straight through that first position into the swing he’s hinged his wrists ever so slightly like he’s really reaching away but I really love how wide he’s kept his right arm interesting to see Club face there same angle as his spine angle so Club face is dead Square through that first position as we move further into the back swing what we’re going to see is is Davis doesn’t have much of a shift to his right side in his in his back swing his right hip moves pretty much straight back so as we reach the top his hips have actually moved more over to his left side he doesn’t really have a traditional like weight transfer from setup to his right leg he just pivots really well which gives him a massive hip turn and an absolutely enormous shoulder turn just a quick break to say if you do like these swing lances please do like and subscribe it really helps me grow there are quite a few of these building up now I have been doing these winner swing analysis for a while so if you’ve not seen those go check those out as well which basically gives him like a really really long swing the distance his clubhead has traveled from a dress all the way up to the top with given how straight his right arm is is absolutely enormous I love the way this right arm sits there I I wish I could do that myself I’d love more people to be able to do that but that position only works if you’ve got an enormous turn and that enormous turn is is only really possible when you pivot your hips like that so we see at the top the depth to the club hands above his right heel that’s fairly textbook and I love that he’s got this flat left wrist and square Club face at the top from here Davis has got perfect arm structure he’s got a perfect hip tilt perfect shoulder tilt um he’s got an enormous turn I can see loads of his his right hip and loads of his left leg at the top he really looks like is about to absolutely smash the ball from the top what we’re going to see is Davis probably won’t have as much hip slide as someone like Scotty Sheffer does purely because he’s already towards his left side Scotty does shift back and then have a dramatic slide forwards where Davis because he’s pivoted so centered he probably won’t move as much as someone like Scotty would but he’s still on the way down at least four inches forwards of where he was at the top which is obviously forwards of where he was addess so we are we do still see that shift of four to five in from a dress to impact in the hips from down the line Davis’s hands move so pretty much straight down at the ball he gets his arms out in front of him which is really good the club face is pretty Square we see the club shaft matching up with his right forearm which is great he’s he’s really got his right wrist loaded one of the things that I really like is in transition Davis doesn’t narrow his right arm he keeps that width that right arm has stay just as bent as it was at the top into halfway down and then into delivery a lot of players get to the top wide but then drop the club narrow that right arm which sort of gives an artificial lag effect which can cause lots of issues with Club face control and strike um we don’t see many tour players do that but that is something we see teaching amateur so Davis is sort of Mega wide at the top he’s Mega wide halfway down and he’s maintain that awesome width into the into his delivery position where that right arm’s in front of his right hip which is perfect his right arm’s pretty straight but he still loaded that right wrist so that club’s behind his hands and he’s still got that lag where his hands are ahead of the ball perfect he’s Del lofted the club that’s what allows him to hit the ball so far that’s what allows him to accurately control his distance control um he’s hit that Hall of Fame impact where his lead arm is above his Trail arm his his right arm still bent his right wrist is still bent he’s maintained his posture angles this is absolutely textbook from there what’s interesting with Davis is he posts his left leg probably better than most people I see he goes from a position where left leg is sort of forwards and bent and then as he moves into impact that left leg straightens and actually moves back you don’t see that an awful lot but that’s a mechanism for him to like create Club head speed so if that left leg posts then that forces the arms and the club head to whip through quicker you can sort of see how that knee goes from forward to back and that’s like a release mechanism which just G gives him more Club head speed as he swings through that club face comes back looking really Square that’s that sort of underhand hoben release I talked about in that release video that I did a couple of weeks ago so if you’ve not seen that go check that out and then he’s sort of in and through massive turn on the way through maybe because he’s trying to hold it off the harder you turn the less likely the face is to shut so what can we learn from this well as always we can set ourselves up in the back swing to make good down swings so I really like how much hip turn Davis achieves to the top I really like how wide his right arm is and I really like how neutral his left wrist and face are I think from here there is a lot to go wrong but I think it’d be quite hard to go wrong from here um from here it just needs to maintain the width in that right arm hold the right wrist angle and and just release it through and this is a really good swing there’s loads to copy here we can’t all swing it like Davis Riley but we can do the fundamentals right and the fundamentals being making a huge centered turn to the top setting our arms in a position where the club face is is square and loaded and then really shifting left and hitting it hard on the way through thanks very much for watching the videos if you can please like and comment to boost the engagement And subscribe if you don’t already that’ be great if you you like what I put out in these videos you like what I say about technique I can actually help you with your game no matter where you are in the world so if you just want to click the link in the bio it’ll take you to skillist which is an online coaching platform and there you can look to see what I do and actually I can help you with your game so analyze your swing give you some drills and tips to help you improve so we can work together to help you lower your handicap but anyway let’s get back to the video


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