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Mike Johnson is in the House πŸ”₯πŸ’― #eps70 #atlanta

Tune in Wednesday after noon at 5:40 to talk falcon football with DFU and Special guest Mike Johnson ! Past Offensive lineman for our Atlanta Falcons ! Hit that subscribe button rise up !! #like #share #subscribe #atl #comment

perfect perfect [Music] [Music] welcome to dirty Falcon fans Falcon Nation you are watching dirty Fanatics United on a Wednesday night at 5:40 in the afternoon this is episode 70 coming at you live as always I your host Phillip Cody my co-host if you are new to the channel hit the Subscribe button leave a like if you want to talk Fon football leave a comment uh this is your boy dirty FNA United Phillip Cody what’s going on man special guest in the building tonight people special guest so be sure to stick around philli Cody what’s going on uh nothing much other than a long week it’s you know just excited finally come on here you know you know last time we’ve been on here was I think it was Friday I think might have been Saturday not sure but it feels like a very long time so you know it’s good to be back Cody brother what’s going on man you’ve been doing some work behind the scenes Cody what’s been happening man man you know what so grateful I gotta switch my day off because like you said awesome guest today I’ve been so jacked about this since I got a hold of uh Our Guest Al say y’all know who it is I’m not gonna say it till it comes out but man I have been so pumped for this I would say I’m just I’m ready to go man I I’m ready to go yes sir before we get the special guest here in the building roll call here in the chat Dwayne Ruffin in the chat shout out to you sir hit that like button uh Miss Pam in the chat say hello Chase philli Cody and Mike Johnson everyone in the chat cheats gaming in the chat said what’s up fellas uh ju jaken likes bacon that name always gets me what’s up guys special guest is in the building man no reason to hold him any longer Falcon fans Mike Johnson here for dirty FNA United Mike Johnson what’s going on hey man happy to be here guys you hey I love y’all’s backgrounds man you got a nice little setup got a couple l in the picture man little little WWE belt I love it baby I’m all about appreciate it got it going on here we’re we’re very very excited to have you here on the channel man if you don’t already know you are the first Falcon to come on dirty FNA United so it’s going to be U something new for us here and um definitely a pleasure to have you here Mike Johnson man the busy busy schedule you have what’s been going on man how you been oh man look um just uh working on the radio trying to talk about these Falcons and everything that comes out about these guys I was actually at flow Branch a little bit last week getting up close and personal and getting a chance to see Michael penx and Darnell Mooney and all these guys and uh so it’s been good man I got two little toddlers run around here I just I just uh shuttled him out of the door for a little bit of swim practice and uh man so we’re just living the dream baby just living the dream that’s what’s up man I definitely definitely living the dream uh my dream to cover Falcon football that close in perspective but I definitely have some questions here for you tonight it’s going to be interview style podcast here for dfu philli Cody Cody obviously this is your special guest sir so you start the question there absolutely Mike uh first off like I say like it’s been awesome communicating with you you’ve been a total professional dude like and former offensive lineman obviously didn’t quite get to where you did uh so I was like of course we got to have an offens alignment on here man that’s a Brotherhood no matter what Brotherhood for the offensive line but first question to you Mike uh you know we’re you know we all grew up you know wanting to be professional football players man but you made it so what was it like you know to have your name called April 23rd 2010 the Atlanta Falcon select Mike Johnson from Alabama what was was that experience like yeah you know man it was um it was obviously a blessing I mean I think that would be a slam dunk to just come on here and say well you know it’s a blessing but I was living in in quite the Whirlwind at the time and honestly U it seemed like it’s kind of cliche to say but greatest days of your life just kept coming right I mean I think uh December of that year we beat Tim TBO on the Florida Gators uh that you know that that previous 2009 and that was like man it’s the greatest day ever uh and then we go to Pasad we beat Texas when the Rose Bowl uh I was named an All-American I went through the whole Gauntlet the Senior Bowl the combine everything so it was a whirlwind I think that’s the best way to kind of put it it was um I I I I had a visit to Flowery Branch and anybody that’s ever been around that complex we stayed the night before over at Lake lir Islands Resort right um they flew us the night before I was with a college teammate of mine Rolando mlan um and the Falcons had I want to say the 16th pick overall and he was a projector the top 10 um and he kind we were kind of I was we were curious what the uh you know Outlook was for him in the Falcons uniform but they wanted to fly him in as a possible first round pick that pick ended up going to Shawn Weatherspoon uh because Randa mlan ended up going a little bit earlier than that but it was just a whirlwind I was happy to stay in the Southeast I was born and raised in Pensacola Florida I went to college in Tuscaloosa so just going three and a half hours away from there uh was nice to say I was wor not gonna lie to y’all man Denver was a possib possibility the Patriots were a possibility Seattle was a possibility I was like I was like dude I ain’t ready to play in no snow so just having uh having that I was actually the final pick of Friday night right so honestly at that point I I had a third I had a third to fifth round grade and that was the very final pick of the third round so I thought okay you know we’ll just hey we’ll wait till tomorrow till the fourth and see what happens and um so yeah I was the very final pick I was already literally starting to clean up uh the snacks and things around me at my house and then my phone started ringing with a 770 number man so getting to talk to Mr BL it was a blessing it really was Mr blank man definitely a guy of character Mr blank everybody here on this channel could uh agree to that Mr blank is the man Philip question number two here for the man Mike Johnson himself take it away brother uh of course uh you know being a big fan of certain players like you know Matt Ry Rody white and then also like Todd mcer what was what was it like play playing with those guys um well actually I think each one of those guys um had kind of their own thing it was it was unique in each different way and and I’ll even go further than that I mean I remember my kind of Welcome to the NFL moment was lining up next to Tony Gonzalez uh and kind of making a a double team call with Tony Gonzalez you know I’m like lined up the right tackle and Tony puts his fingers in the dirt next to me and I was like and that’s Tony Gonzalez’s hand right there like that thing has seen some football so so uh obviously man I’m a little bit different than some football players I grew up a massive sports fan that’s one of the reasons I’m on sports radio now is because I just I knew everything about every professional and guys like Tod McClure they used to almost make fun of me because we’d watch film and I’d say oh that’s Justin so and so from Idaho and he’d be like how do you even know something like that but um Todd McClure man he was a consumate professional just a fun dude but you knew you could see the look in Todd’s face when flipped the switch it was like Hey we’re going to joke we’re going to have fun and then it was like hey it’s time to go and U Todd actually I can’t remember what our record ended up being my rookie year but he kind of he would look at me after every win I think we won you double digit games and he would look at me go tennis 10 and six I believe it was ni he would look at me and go you know this don’t happen every year you know he had seen some he had seen the ‘ 07 and all these you know crazy years of the past and he’s like man this don’t happen every year but it was awesome man I got I I I played a lot of mat Ryan over the years um one of my college teammates was John Parker Wilson who spent some time quarterbacking with the Falcons and um just they’re all all all good dudes man really I I can’t say that enough just Conant professionals and there’s a reason why guys like that stick around in those locker rooms and those organizations for so long because people like being around them and they know how to get things done 100% with that question being asked I would just like to add to it for a minute uh you know coming in the league as a rookie you always have you always look for that one guy to lean on that just kind of teach you the ropes uh obviously from in the past just from listening to what other people have said if you could just name one person who was your biggest Mentor your rookie season coming into the NFL I would say it was it was a mixture of Todd McClure well as a rookie it was mixture of Tod McClure and Justin block U block just um incredibly talented and I would kind of look at him and I’d say man you’re just so you’re so gifted you know how do you do things and and he would spend time kind of talking his way through it and he was one of the first people that actually in introduced me to uh individual strengths as an offensive lineman you know coming from from an Alabama program it was like doesn’t matter who’s across from you it does you know you get your job done and you do it this way and when you get to the NFL it doesn’t always work and so Justin block would say well you know I’m more accurate punching with my right hand and so sometimes I’m I’ll overset and invite the guy to my right hand and he was great by the end of my tenure it ended up being Tyson claybo a little bit more um he got let go 2013 2014 year but just all good dudes man enjoyed being around him still talk to a lot of them to this day man just we’ll text back and forth during the season and and catch up nice Mike next next question for you brother the win in the n The Natty and then being with Alabama uh throughout that tener being the the captain for that team what was it like you know with the c on your helmet you’re the captain of that Squad what did that carry for you uh that hon honestly I don’t know that I’ve ever been more honored to it for anything I mean the day that you’re selected as a captain and Nick Sabin does it a little bit differently than some other schools where he kind of has a captain group of about 10 or 12 during the season and his reasoning is I don’t want to excuse anybody from being a captain or being a leader throughout the year right and then when you get to we had our we had our banquet the day after the SC championship and they Nam the captains um but it was it was an honor I mean it was an absolute honor and and really just thankful for a guy like Nick SA kind of teaches you how to be a leader because it’s not something that really came naturally to me and it’s all about accountability and and you know taking guys under your wing but um I had a chance to to kind of in the end um you know Mentor a lot of good football players a lot of good draft picks and and and guys we had at Alabama so for them to vote to have me you know permanently be a captain and at Alabama you put your handprints in the side walk and your cleats and things like that it was um it was extremely emotional I’ll be honest because you you kn those guys looked at you like that yeah 100% Cody take it away brother yeah absolutely Mike uh you know getting back to to blocking like it was it’s kind of neat like you said it’s different from you know blocking at Alabama blocking for the Atlanta Falcons you know just different guys and stuff clearly so my next question for you is who was that one guy either NFL college that you just knew that you were in for a rough day and who was the guy that you just knew as soon as you put your cleats on you were going to have him in the dirt all day uh I don’t know that there was anybody the second part of that I don’t know there’s anybody who just said I’m have in the dirt all day now there were certain teams you know right I can distinctly remember in college uh you know when I was like a freshman or sophomore College not every game was nationally televised that time you still had Jefferson pilot you still had SEC like pay-per-view or ESPN pay-per-view or whatever and I distincly remember having I think it was UC UT Martin come to town and I remember uh you guys uh you might not realize but you go on these these TV timeouts you have when they’re on Commercial you go on TV timeout and I remember the first series walking out and after like the opening kickoff or they you know or they kicked it back to us or punted us we had a TV timeout and I’m standing across from the sky and he goes hey man what’s going on and I was like what do you mean and he was like what what are we waiting on and I was like dude it’s a TV timeout and he was like what and I was like yeah you see the referee in his arm and he’s like is that what that’s for he’s like dude I was sitting here going what in the world but yeah so I mean not not bad players but it was funny because you kind of look and you go man you’re out of your element uh no as far as good players um college man I I block Glen dorsy a few times back when he was like a you know a Heisman Contender man he was unbelievable um NFL wise uh Justin Smith from the 49ers just I mean like hitting cinder block wall um James Harrison blocked him a couple times in the preseason hello um just any of those guys really seems like from that division are just absolute studs but man I would say I would say Justin Smith honestly I got to block Justin Smith playing tight end a little bit in the uh NFC title game in 2012 when he was with the ners and yeah I know um but I mean hit it was like hit it was like hitting a tree stump man hitting him and uh so he was he was he was a good player heck of a player hey look Mike brother yes sir um you know playing for you know the most winning coach as of right now in our franchise which is Mike Smith how was that like you know I have a lot of respect for Mike um to to be quite honest with y’all um one of the one of the biggest regrets I have in my career is is that Mike Smith drafted me and then you know five years later got fired I I I think everybody in that Locker loved him and that’s one of the weird things about the NFL yeah and that’s one of the weird things about the NFL is when a coach gets fired that brought you in you feel this sense of responsibility like man this guy trusted me and uh you know battling through injuries I wasn’t able to do what I wanted to do for him and it actually um I had a moment about uh let’s call it eight or nine months ago when I saw Mike Smith really for the first time since I played and we were at Arthur blanks golf tournament and he sought me out and walked over and U I almost didn’t approach him I was like uh you know I didn’t know I haven’t talked to him in forever and he sought me out and he was like Hey I’ve seen um you know on Facebook I’ve seen your beautiful family and I just wanted to say I listen to you on the radio every now and then and and congratulations and and uh you know I hope you’re doing great and it was honestly it was incredible for me to have that conversation with Mike Smith and he um he very much kind of he wanted to know about some of the reunion stuff that had gone on you know we had just come off top CL being put in the Ring of Honor and he he wanted to come to that I think he’s a little bit unsure of the reception he might get and I tried to assure him that oh man always yeah he’s always I I I I get that vibe from a lot of Falcons fans and I know that you know sometimes I sometimes I let my own emotions come into play when I say things like that but talking to him I was like Mike you know it’s yeah the people love you um and and L back finally on your 10 tenure he was he was such a per coach for that situation that he was put in with his organization so um it was it was really incredible to see him last year and kind of I don’t want to say close that chapter but just kind of have that that full circle moment with him of getting to to talk to him about what he’s doing these days and how he feels yep mik you talk about the battling the injuries going through all that and in your early career what was that like um you know you said you was live you was on top of the hill man you got drafted you was coming in and then you you battle the injuries and you still continue your career but then ends up short because of the injuries Mike right where was your mindset with that and how did you get through th those tough times you know um I had uh I went through my rookie year battling Nicks and bruises here and there nothing too crazy but just trying to learn how to be a pro right and at the end of my rookie year I was like okay you know I think I got this I I I’m starting to learn kind of the ins and the outs I remember going one-on ones and really having a couple good days against you know prey Jerry and Vance Walker and guys like that and um so my second year started I ended up having uh what’s called a Liz Frank on my left foot and which is a pretty bad injury can career Ender you know for a lot of people I was like you know I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna destroy this injury you know I’m GNA 100% just rehab my butt off and and kind of attack this and then a couple years later on that same foot I end up having a a broken leg uh you know dislocated ankle all this surgery and I was like I’m going to attack this and then just a little while after that had the same Liz Frank on the other foot and I tried and tried to battle back and it just it was not in the cards man so kind of to your point you’re on top of the mountain and you I I can honestly say though that I gave everything I had to try to make it work and that’s that’s one of the reasons I sleep well at night it it wasn’t in the cards but um it’s one of those things you just you have to have the right mentality and in the end it’s hard to accept that you know for 99.999% of people football will be done with them before they’re done with football and that’s just the nature of the bece so I was extremely blessed to be in the position I was in uh it it sometimes I look back and get a sick stomach about it but uh nonetheless man I try to keep the positive attitude and still I still love the game of football and I still love talking about them Falcons baby yes man it’s awesome I mean you got your name called man that was that was my dream since I was five years old and you did it man so I mean you did Cody Cody before you get to your next question brother uh the chat here has some questions from Mr Mike dsgb Hall in the chat says what up dfu question from Mike how is it playing against the ANS uh DG my down south Georgia Boy Hey listen um man the Saints are interesting for me because like I said I grew up in pensac Cole a lot of saints fans a lot of saints fans and obviously grew up playing in college down in B Rouge a couple times so I was very familiar with the people of New Orleans um actually went when I played in the Sugar Bowl wi year went to a Saints game that was my first NFL game um now here’s the thing the highlight of my career probably is scoring a touchdown in the super dou uh and let’s be honest man I that we went through this whole week of practice right actually a it a few weeks of practice and I’m playing tight end a lot it was like they were very clearly trying to get me in the game plan uh dirt cutter was hey he just dirt cutter was a big fan of mine for whatever reason and Dirk was like hey let’s put Mike in here let’s put Mike in here let’s let Mike do this I mean I’m even at one point I’m running the point in the trip set you know in a two-point stance uh blocking like ocor or somebody from the Giants oh my uh yeah I mean it was just crazy so we go through this pass play where I’m supposed to clear the safety out on a pass route for Tony Gonzalez coming across the backline and my offens line coach who was Paul dun he’s like hey just so you know you ain’t getting that ball and I was like I’m good with that you know like that’s fine I don’t look I think it’s just cool that I’m out on a pass route yeah uh and so I ended up running the route well the safety didn’t even look at me he was like I see Tony Gonzales on the other side like why would I follow this big dude out into the flat and Matt floated the ball to me and um I distinctly remember thinking I’m so glad this was in the Super Dome like if I don’t do anything else in my life I just scored a touchdown in the Super Dome against the Saints and by God I have made it and so like I said I grew up my whole life being around Saints fans and and fans and all that for that to happen on that stage um in that situation and the ball coming from Matt and just that’s a special feeling when you’re able to beat New Orleans especially with when they had Drew and Sean and all those guys yeah Drew Drew was one of one of the best in history to ever play at that position another question here from you from Pamela Johnson she says what was it like to play for Nick Sabin oh man an absolute blessing to be honest with you um I know that he’s kind of a polarizing figure or was pass um and I know that look man I I I am a guy in Atlanta that does radio and I know I talk to Georgia fans nine times out of 10 when I turn on that microphone so it’s I gotta be a little bit easy about talking about Nick Sav a lot of times but it was an absolute blessing man yeah I mean look and I actually talked to Randy MC Michael who you guys know is he’s a former Georgia tight end that works with me and he and I did a couple shows together a few months back and he actually played for Coach Savin in Miami and I just asked him I said you know hey what was it like on your end playing for Miami you know for Nick sa in the NFL he said man it was a blessing it an absolute blessing you know he’s just um he’s just the kind of guy that is so good at telling you exactly what you need to do at all times I mean there is no gray a and when you mess something up and you’re watching film and um you know you’re not doing things right or something didn’t work he can point to exactly why it didn’t work offense defense kicking um I mean he even us filmed during offseason conditioning he would be filming you going hey you didn’t make your time uh you know you didn’t make your time right there and uh you know you should have stood up straight behind the end line or sprinted through you know just just crazy so it is a blessing man he he taught so many lessons about um looking in the mirror and having accountability self-accountability that I I can’t even put it into to a volume I still carry it with me to this day and I’ll I’ll plan on passing on my kids nice Cody take it away brother yeah yeah so I guess my next question is what was what is your so obviously you had the touchdown catch against the Saints which is I mean puts a smile on my face that’s why I I I remember that play I remember thinking no way an offensive lineman touchdown against the Saints how debilitating is that for New Orleans so I mean Mike awesome so is that your favorite MO is that your favorite memory being a falcon or do you have another memory that really stands out to you you know either your first game putting on the uniform and the helmet or or what would that be um I mean on the field that’s pretty far up there I I will say the first time I put on uniform um I didn’t dress out I think for the first couple of weeks my rookie year and I ended up putting on the uniform at some point I don’t even know but I remember um they put me on the on the wedge on kickoff which is not that fun but I remember I remember standing in the middle of Georgia Dome you know and I’m I’m at like the the 30 yard line or whatever it is or maybe it was the 20 and seeing the towels you know kind of going and the flags and everything else and thinking this is incredible you know I mean I distinctly remember that feeling of lining up and getting ready to run backwards on the kickoff and kind of counting out my guy on the kickoff cover team and I think we were actually playing Carolina if I’m not mistaken and I was thinking to myself man this is just incredible so good memories on the field as far as as far as just any memories at all man I I do remember the first time going out and getting a beer with the veteran players celebrating somebody’s birthday um and that was really cool uh actually you know because like I said I was a big sports fan so be able to sit around and chop it up with Matt Tony Rody um guys like that it just it was kind of surreal for a little bit you’re like man I I I don’t want to be that guy to ask a bunch of stories but man you guys got a lot of stories you know so I had to had to put the uh the rookie Fanboy hat down and just be a cool teammate but yeah man cool memories for sure nice Philip go ahead brother uh you know you lived the dream of being the player um tell me what it was like from being a going from the player to the one speaking about the players you know like on the radio and everything you know covering everything uh you know funny story about that man I actually um I the first thing I wanted to do when I got out of football was was do radio it’s the only thing I wanted to do um so I took a job I actually did some work with Brian feneran uh and he’s one of the reasons I got into it and I worked for free for like a year just I was like you know I’ll do whatever I can do to be able to kick in this door and I ran into kind of a brick wall I worked with uh I worked guys at dog Nation SEC country for a little bit and that ended up shutting down I worked um I worked for another radio station out of Florida that ended up shutting down I worked for the AA the alliance League Birmingham iron Atlanta Legends uh and that ended up shutting down so I I got to a point in my life where I was like man you know I really want to get married and have a family and do all those things so I went I went back to school to get my Master’s Degree and I wanted to be around the game so I ended up coaching for a little bit and uh I just I got a text message or maybe it was an email one day from the people at 929 and they were like Hey we’re looking for somebody to do game day coverage and I was like oh my God it sounds awesome like I I do this to myself on Sunday in front of my TV like are you kidding me I’d love to talk about it and that all kind of um circled back into a job actually on the morning show and just kind of everything hit at the right time but guys I say it all the time when I’m doing radio I living the absolute dream I mean living the absolute dream I love being on radio I’m a morning person I love waking up and having the microphone on at 6: am and telling people why I think Michael Harris is in a slump at the plate and you know why why Desmond Ritter didn’t get to his second read in the flat and U you know what do they need to do with Trey young I mean I I love I I love all well how you know how long is uh joros yakam makis GNA be with the United I love it all man I am living in the absolute dream and U I couldn’t be more thankful uh for where I get to sit every morning so it’s an absolute blessing man I tell you what it’s a pleasure listening to you every morning on the way to work Mike I say Mike’s Mafia by by the way Mike’s Mafia for Life buddy for Life question for you of this era of the Atlanta Falcons obviously you cover them pretty close you were just at fly Branch watching them uh who do you think could be that standout player this year the maybe a player that’s on a contract year uh maybe Kyle pittz AKA or maybe Drake London or bejan who could be that standout player in this new scene for Zach you know um I I will say I saw a couple people that looked really good and really in shape um I’m not gonna guess what Kyle pittz is going to do and honestly I had I had personally had my ups and downs watching KY p last year because he looked he he looked a little bit reserved sometimes when they asked him to do tight end type things right and so I would being an offensive lineman I’m looking at it going come on dude come on you know like hey um but I when I got out of practice last week I’ll give yall a couple names first of all DeMarco Helms looked like statue he looked like an absolute statue man I looked at him and he’s I mean he’s wearing like long sleeves and his triceps like bulging out of his long SLE look awesome um uh McLoud Ray McLoud receiver they just sign looked as explosive as you could here’s the word I use for him acceleration his ability to accelerate was unbelievable AJ Terrell looks like a guy that’s trying to get a contract extension I’m just gonna tell yall he was it was funny because I went into this drill watching Kirk and and Michael penx and everybody else and by the end of the drill I came out not being able to look look away from AJ Terrell I was like he is all over hear all over the place and then uh the final one dude just beon honestly he looks um he looks a little thicker yeah yeah I love it I love it he looks a little thicker than he probably did as a rookie and I mean like in the legs he looks you seen it we’ seen it in Savannah he was I mean he looks like he’s been doing squats every two days for the last six months baby I mean he looked U he looked good so those those guys man um those are guys that really jumped out to me at practice there was other guys that you know were performing well but just the ey test I was like oh oh baby these guys look like they’re ready to go love to hear that speaking on AJ Terell cornerback to a big looming spot uh everybody’s speaking on it what could expect there is Clark Phillips really battling for that spot or could it be uh one of these veteran guys that we brought in you know um my money is going to be on Clark phow and yeah um and and honestly laying eyes on him um he’s just such a competitor dude for every physical limitation that he has it always comes back to the only downside people can say about him is that he’s smaller you know and and I think that honestly I think that Raheem and Jimmy Lake and those guys look at that and they they look at him compete I was not that impressed with him and like his first action last year as a starter but man in like the fourth and fifth games he played and played big roles I mean he’s coming up and rum support thumping people uh you know really got physical with Mike Evans towards the end of the year in that game just awesome to see man he was u i I think he’s a guy that there’s other options don’t get me wrong I mean when you look around at some of the other people that have been around with the Hues of the world the alfords and things like that but um I really my money is gonna be on Clark Phillips until he shows me he’s not ready Cool I love to hear that’s where we’ve been leaning we’ve talked about it on our previous shows Phillips is who we’ve expected to be quarterback too Cody um I believe we got what two more questions here for the man Mike Johnson one more take it away brother yeah Mike I would say so like with Coach coach Rock coming in you know new team not really new team but new attitude new not really a rebuild but a re I hate us the word retailing but more of that like he’s bringing a different energy man but it’s it it feels like that 2016 team with the Brotherhood but it’s got Raheem spin on it so my question is where do you think the Falcons finish in the NFC South with the talent that you have seen what do you think the record’s going to be and does this team have the talent to make a deep playoff push even a possible Super Bowl push or at least an appearance or close to an NFC Championship game um yeah I think I think they have the talent to make a Deep Run I really do I’m not just saying that as a Falcons guy I think there’s two things um that that are kind of hinging for me first of all I think we have a very good offensive line I want to see what this offense line is asked to do under Zack Robinson because I think they were very good at what Arthur Smith was asking to do y they had a they had a million repetitions at it because they ran wide Zone every two plays you know I mean it was so good and you could see the wheels spinning with a guy like Matthew berson and talking to Jake Matthews in the Huddle and he’d be like oh did you mess that up don’t worry we’re gonna run it again probably next play you know like we’ll get back to it so I want to see what Zack Robinson asked that group to do that’ll be different are they going to run more power plays are they going to pull the guards more is Chris lrom going to get on the edge a little bit more so I think that will be one thing that would be very telling for me in the preseason and also I want to see how quickly these uh rookie defense linan come along I mean um I I think they’re they they look great don’t get me wrong I want to see you know how Zach Harrison does in year two I want to see where rukoo is being used I want to see if raayan Tri can crack that lineup and be a pass rusher because I really in the end I think that the success of this team is going to hinge on that defensive front and those young guys I really do I think if they can come along quickly add a little bit of you know pressure on the interior and on the edge and kind of get back to the scheme that you saw from the Rams the last couple years then right um then I think the sky is the limit because watching Kirk and watching that ball zip around and watching Darnell Mooney and Drake and Drake looks good and and just um all the makings are there uh for for a lot of different positions so how quickly can that defensive line come wrong and really I guess the whole front seven when you look at Troy Anderson coming back from injury and guys like that but it’s there man I’m excited I’m I’m I was excited going in last year and um I can’t tell you I I I can’t wait I mean what are we six weeks away from training camp I’m already chopping at the bit to uh to be able to get up there and break it down man so it’s gonna be year I got a random question for you uh honor ETI um three years now in the league um we’ve yet to see that you know you traded up for him in the second round you were hoping to see that guy the doctor the sack Master ETI um what do you expect here in year three for eetti in this new role with Jimmy Lake that’s a great question uh I I think that I think in my opinion one of the reasons they didn’t go try harder to get a pass rusher I know there’s been people that said they tried to trade back in the first round and get you know Dallas Turners the world I think they see something in all and I think last year when you watch him kind of start to come on his role from week one to week 18 it expanded significantly uh and his ability to really B I know clus Campbell said it last year he’s one of the more natural pass rushers on the team um and so I I don’t want to project anything for him because I don’t really know schematically what exactly he’ll be asked to do but I do know that that this team is going to have to rely on him as a as a DPR yeah and um he’s shown the ability to get it done I just hope that that trajectory just continues to kind of explode and we see the best version of him we’ve ever seen 100% Mike Johnson it has been a pleasure to have you here on dirty FNA United thank you sir Cody Phillip any words for Mike Johnson before we head out uh I don’t know Star Struck huh appreciate you guys man I appreciate you guys I have fun coming on man you guys uh you got the uh you got the contact man you hit me up when we get on and Shop up there in the year absolutely M I say yeah no that’s that’s my biggest thing Mike I’m you know it’s awesome to hear you come on the radio and actually get us sit down and talk with you man it’s it’s like you say this is this is like the Highlight for me like uh you know I you know like you said you know s I’m kind of having the moment you must have had sitting around Matt Ryan and Tony Gonzalez because you know we’re you know we’re not too far in age you know and but I’ll tell you you know I watched you play and you know I watched your film and so you know tried to model after you so I mean this was huge for me man so like big shout out to you thank you so much for coming out and you know and taking time man I know you probably got to you know get ready to go to bed you got to be up at six 6 tomorrow morning so I’m not far off man I’m not far off but I mean awesome man I I appreciate it so much this has been a blast and anytime you if you ever want to come on let me know I’ll hit you up for sure to come back on because this is this has been awesome Mike absolutely I appreciate it absolutely no worries once again Mike thank you sir appreciate your time brother we’ll be in tou rise up philli Cody man what a guest man what a special guest thank I got prise Cody praise Cody man shout out to Cody for making this happen Cody stepping out of his Zone uh messaging the man he listens to every morning on the way to work shout out to Mike Johnson um I will be 100% honest with y’all I knew who Mike Johnson was but as far as his background all this until I really dug in and got to looking at who Mike Johnson was I mean you just seen who Mike Johnson was he’s a great guy dud greaty took took the time out of his day to come and talk Falcon football with three random Falcon fans shout out to Mike Johnson man Philip Cody u a movie I really don’t have much more for tonight man that that was that was a pretty lit show and I I hope the viewers appreciated that that we did for y’all here at dfu um definitely if you haven’t man go go subscribe to to Mike Johnson Man follow him on on all his handles get him out there uh get his radio show popping off man shout out to Mike Johnson before we get out of here uh let’s look at the comment section uh my guy Terry Wilson in the chat said great interview Matteo said Cody H the man hash dfu man Cody I don’t think you realize how big of a window you just opened up for DF man this feels like a movie oh it’s it’s just gonna get better guys man I’m excited that he liked it enough that he’s like hey man anytime you know hit me up that was in the middle of the Season just hit me up middle what the hell is going on I you know how lit it’s going to be when the Falcons are 6 and0 and we hit up Mike Johnson to talk Falcon football man baby pH it’s a blessing man it is definitely a blessing shout outs for tonight brother man I I want a shout out to God bro man this is just like a movie man um for some people this ain’t big but to me this this is all I’ve known from all my life man it’s just Falcon football every Sunday just since I even before I was even talking and walking I literally have memories of just sitting and watching my dad you know react at the games and just watching everything man you know so you know just shout out to that man you know this is a blessing shout out to everybody that’s in here that shows support you know that came in from like us showing the post you know like the special guest um we are trying to get more special guests but that is in due time we will we’ll share that for another time but uh shout Y Man and always man rise up yes sir Cody shout outs for tonight brother dude big shout out to Mike Johnson man like I got such a I’ve got such a smile on my face and on my heart dude like that like that was the hardest I’ve ever had to knock geek out on you know because man he you know even though his career was cut short because of injury man he got to live the dream he got to have his name called you P Ryan the only thing we around here Matt Ryan is sign autographs right I ain’t gonna lie to you if we pull Matt I’m not be talking the whole show I’m G stutter bro that is my doo absolutely man I will say but you know big shout out to Mike I mean that was that’s just awesome I’m I’m so excited guys uh you know but yeah like like you know go go follow him guys go listen to him on 929 the game he’s a great listen it’s easy ride into work you know follow him I mean he did something big for us so you know I want you know everybody that can or isn’t already follow him go go push Mike Johnson Mike Johnson is an awesome dude awesome dude for him to come take his time and come do this uh but shout out to you guys for coming on a Wednesday man it’s not you know I’m sure it was a little weird for everybody to see a little pop go off Wednesday night but you know thank you all for coming and watching I’m glad that you got a you know that man it was just a it was this one was special I say absolutely special but shout out to the viewers shout out to you guys for coming on and doing this and again and thank you again Mike Johnson for coming on and and doing you know Falcon football with us facts yes sir man once again much respect to Mike Johnson for taking time out of his day I want to give a shout out to my co-host Philip and Cody uh for being the do hard Falcon fans they are here for dfu a big shout out to my guy Cody for making this whole thing happen and we told you ride with dfu just ride with d if you were gonna get somebody here on the channel for you and guess what Mike Johnson was just in the house man shout out to Mike Johnson um probably his number one fan now I’m not even going to lie shout out to um shout out to the Falcon fans that tune in like even Cody said uh we appreciate y’all Man without y’all we don’t have a podcast none of this is possible um and for it to be a Wednesday night man the audience is popping off maybe it was just the Mike Johnson magic but it is popping off here on the podcast tonight shout out to everybody if you’re new to the channel man hit that subscribe button you’re listening to dirty Fanatics United it’s your boy dirty Fanatics United look them up on YouTube Facebook Twitter we’re there you’ll find us shout out to philli Cody C money we out of here man awn down Mike yes sir [Music]

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