Unlock & Master the “Natural Strong Grip” for Better Golf Driving

Hello golfers! 🏌️‍♂️ Welcome back to RC GOLF channel for our latest golf tutorial! In this video, we dive into the secrets of the natural strong grip and how it can transform your driving game. Whether you’re struggling with slices or looking to add more power to your drives, this lesson is for you.
In this video, you’ll learn:
• What is a Strong Grip? Understand the fundamentals of the strong grip and how to position your hands correctly on the club.
• Benefits of a Strong Grip: Discover how top golfers use a strong grip to enhance their swing.
• Analyzing Elite Swings: Watch detailed slow-motion analyses of professional golfers and see the impact of a strong grip

📈 A natural strong grip helps control the clubface throughout your swing, preventing slices and promoting a powerful, straight ball flight. Practice these positions and see the difference it makes in your game!
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natural strong Vol [Music] grip welcome back to se Golf [Music] Channel let’s analyze the swings of these top players pay attention to how their strong grip influences the club face and the consisten of their drives in this video you will learn what is a natural strong grip understand the fundamentals of this overlooked natural grip what are the benefits of a strong grip watch this detailed slow motion video analyzes of top golfers the strong natural golf grip is when both hands are turned more to the right for right-handed golfers and to the left for left-handed golfers this natural grip can help you generate more power and control over your shots here’s how to set it [Music] up here’s where your grip should go first of all let your arms just relax when centrifugal force put on this arm it goes away from you you start here but forces pull the arms away which is going to open the face of the club creating a bad [Music] recipe let’s fix it so a natural strong left hand grip for you would be this the back of the club goes right in the second knuckle then your fingers close and your hand folds down and over the club a natural strong grip it has natural and during the swing the club face is [Music] squared the left hand goes like that and the handle is much more in your [Music] fingers the right hand is like you were to fall to the ground the right wrist lines up to support with Force but now the force isn’t coming this way it is coming back through that shaft so the right wrist goes on the back of the left thumb and that wrist is pointed straight at the Target set up with that natural strong grip for Success natural strong grip this natural strong grip will help you control the club face better throughout the swing watch how the strong grip keeps the club phase in a closed position which helps prevent a slice [Music] [Music] understanding how your hands work in golf is critical because your lead hand is more of a chopper it works more on this way and your Trail hand is more of a pusher in a thrower you don’t have to have a lot of this rotation going on [Music] with a natural strong grip your back swing might feel a bit different focus on maintain the v-shapes pointing towards your right shoulder throughout the back swing notice at Club parallel to the ground the left wrist in a shaking hands position [Music] during the first step of the back swing turn the left shoulder under the [Music] chin as you take the club back your wrists will hinge more naturally creating a steeper swing plane this is good for generating power at this point take your arms up [Music] at the top of your back swing your left wrist should be in a slightly bouted position due to the Natural strong grip this ensures that the club face is in a closed position going down shift weight left and move the left hip back creating power to speed the club starting the down swing your natural strong will help you keep the club face Square to the Target [Music] line focus on leading with your lower body and allowing your hands to naturally follow [Music] [Music] observe how the hands stay ahead of the club head promoting a powerful upward strike on the ball notice that the club face is closing after impact from this point focus on rotate your body while your wrist unhinge naturally [Music] at impact the natural strong grip helps ensure the club face is square or slightly closed reducing the chance of [Music] slicing at the moment of impact the club phase should be square to slightly closed this position at impact act promotes a powerful straight bul flight at this point speed your arms [Music] up after impact the strong drip encourages a full natural release of the club and allowing your hands to rotate with your right hand rolling over your left and finishing with a high follow through remember a natural strong grip can be a game Cher for your golf swing it helps control the club face adding both power and accuracy to your shots practice these positions and see the differences that it will make in your golf game [Music] [Music] thanks for watching

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