EPS 172 Eric Trump, Bustin’ Clays with the First Family!

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   Eric Trump, son of Donald Trump, and his family are avid outdoorsman, to say the very least.  But Eric doesn’t just enjoy busting clays, he enjoys all aspects of it, including reloading his own ammo and doing his own gun smithing!  Yes, you read that right! This is not just a celebrity that shoots now and then. How many celebrities know their own length of pull? 
   But this is not just about Eric and his passion for firearms. Eric and his family do a lot to help and support youth shooting organizations. Let’s not forget that his dad  is huge advocate for the second amendment!
   We also announce 2 contests, 1 for Ranger Performance Eyewear, and 1 for the NSCA free entry into the National Championship!

– Elite Shotguns –
– Fiocchi USA –
– Rhino Chokes –
– OtoPro Hearing Service –
– RE Ranger – (10% Discount = DEADPAIR)
– Atlas Traps –
– Dawn Grant - Dead Pair Promo-
– Vero Beach Clay Shooting –
– Taconic Distillery –
– Scorechaser –
– NSCA –
–  Chad Roberts – email- 

The Dead Pair Podcast –

the dead pair podcast is brought to you by Elite shotgun they stand behind you fueled by the welcome to the dead pair podcast coming in hot with everything you want to hear about sporting CLS Ben H each short ofine person would have to fight 14 kangaroos let’s get Anthony on the phone you’re making a big mistake okay yeah we’re talking to J Santo tonight well I have some thing but I don’t know how much everyone’s going to like it I was not ready for that with your host Jason Rambo you just didn’t want my wife to edit something else you did and Shawn Aly got to keep it PG-13 man often imitated but never duplicated it’s the dead Paar podcast and now it’s showtime welcome back everyone what’s up Mr Laron in charge Jason you got me on penss and needles here man you’ve been playing this game for the last week and a half two weeks who are we having on here tonight you just hold your horses we got more we got not more important but we’ve got important stuff to get to you first we have a turny talk right off the rip Mr Ally okay well I’ll take care of that it’s turny [Music] talk brought to you by score Chaser as always a big thank you to Casey Chase and her staff at score Chaser uh 2024 Delaware state championship June 27 2nd through the 23rd at Owen station Sporting Clays is now open for registration also the 2024 Road Island state shoot which will be July 13th through the 14th at addaville East Farm is open for registration you guys get out there get those uh time slots locked in because they’re going to fill up fast don’t forget about the dead pair blast oh yeah December come on December Florida palm tree sand Jason right you you you’re living there now that’s how good I can tell you all about it my friend I can tell you all about it uh now hope to see everybody down there uh again if you didn’t catch it in the in the previous podcast um we had someone anonymously donate an extra thousand to be split between uh d& class to add to their purse still looking for some more sponsors uh title sponsor did sponsor um we still have some slots open so if you want to get involved uh give us a call or call Vero Beach directly right right it’s a great shoot guys don’t miss it hey Sean allly we have a ranger giveaway we talked about it on on the dead PA Scoops live show that we did uh they have teamed up with bow and buck as you know from the one previous episode sent us a new pair of the Ranger glasses in an absolutely incredible leather case it’s got the bulling Buck frame on it so we’re going to do a little giveaway oh also and a shirt a ball and buck shirt shooting shirt that’s right oh that thing and it’s that’s sweet that thing is nice it’s very nice and healthy prize tag too so you know it’s nice yes we had a big response last time we did the shells in the bucket mhm so what do you say we do like a clear trash bag of some kind full of shells okay and the person that guesses closest to it or hits it gets it so um we’ll post that up on social media you can either respond on social media when you see the picture uh for the contest or you can send us a text and again it’s in the show description if you look down in the show description it says send us a text click on that comes right to Shan and I phone um you can answer the contest that way um so you can use that for questions for the coaches remember Brandon pal agreed to uh answer some questions for the coaches uh we have him Tracy Wright Chad Roberts John woolly Kevin deich uh don Grant Cory Cruz we got a whole host of coaches and if they’re not on our list tell us what coach you want we’ll get him on the horn we’ll get your questions answered hey hey real quick Jason on the ranger giveaway yeah when are we going to do the drawing oo let’s do it let’s give let’s be fair okay let’s do it a week from this release date uh and this is coming out the 13th um so we’ll do a week from the 13th which will be the 20th yeah yeah yeah yeah so we’ll draw the winner on the 20th we’ll be in studio that day anyway okay so let’s do that um so the contest will run for one week uh we’ll have a pictures up on our social media Pages Instagram and Facebook uh take a look give us your best guess on how many shells are in the bag and um the person that comes closest or hits the number wins the prize nice nice so so are you going to tell me who the heck we’re getting on the tonight or what I guess we still had another giveaway to get to oh we have the NCA free entry into the Nationals giveaway okay you know what I’m torn on what to do for that so we’ll let we we’ll let the listeners decide what the contest should be oh okay do you think that huh I like that idea maybe get a response from the listeners what do they think the contest should be what do you think well since it’s an nsca giveaway I mean should it be something NCA related should it be I was thinking about doing some trivia okay like what is the gun manufacturers won the most Nationals or the most World Champion I don’t know just throwing some ideas out there we don’t want to make it to where somebody can just Google it and figure out the answer this is true this is true I got a better idea okay how many current active members active members in the nsea now these are people that parti ipate nice in tournaments okay and we can get that answer from directly from the source and I don’t think that that’s posted anywhere on no that’s not public knowledge so that’s going to be that’s going to be a guess so yeah let’s let’s roll with that how many how many active participants are there in the national sport and Clays Association I like it let’s do that let’s roll with that all right so now are you going to tell me who we’re gonna getting on here in the phone here Sean allly we’ve had a lot of presidents on this show president and CEO of the nssf yeah uh even guy Fetti himself is a president president and CEO of knuckle sandwich yeah president of the NCA Michael Hampton president of the NCA Michael Hampton we’re GNA have the president of f on shortly we are we’ve had the president of uh gosh we’ve had a bunch of presidents on when you really think about it we have so what company are we talking about oh it’s not a company not a company close how about a country okay fasten your seat Bel and tighten your panty hose Sean allly all right I’m on my edge here the Dead all right this is pro quite possibly the the biggest honor we could ever have on this show welcome to the show Mr Eric Trump how are you sir Sean Jason it’s great to be on guys well I tell you what Eric it’s a huge huge thrill for both Jason and I uh to have you on the show I mean obviously everybody knows your name but hey you’re also a big Sportsman right you like shooting you like hunting I mean it just goes right in line with what we do yeah well I heard about the podcast I want to jump on um you know people probably see us on uh as faces that are on TV every single night and you know but if I’m not working and I work a lot I travel all over the place obviously we have great hotels and you know residential buildings and golf clubs and everything else and I kind of run all that for Trump organization but you know if I’m not if I’m not working my wife can tell you I’m I’m I’m beyond obsessed I’m I’m I’m shooting um you know more sporting plays than you could possibly imagine a lot of competitive heat and trap um you know growing up I I grew up with a shotgun in my hands I I grew up doing a lot of the rifle stuff um doing a lot of you know some of the long range rifle competitions uh some of the PRS stuff um shoot long range almost every weekend uh certainly grew up with a pistol in my hand so um you know if it if it flies to the air at at at high speeds I love it um do a lot of archery a lot of bow hunting um you know it truly is my passion uh the outdoor is is um is my passion I think everybody that’s probably listening to this knows that you know Don and I my brother and I are you know awfully big Advocates of um of the outdoors of of Sportsman of of conservation um and certainly of the Shooting Sports um it is 100% my number one issue uh politically it’s just it’s something I care well I mean the US and patriotism and the American flag is probably my number one issue you know politically but obviously our Constitution and our right to bear arms and I’m certainly a guy that bears arms and um you know I love everything about the shooting sports I I’ve got my kids involved at a very young age um you know my my six-year-old son he’s out there with a little you know a little 1022 every weekend you know plinking away and absolutely adores it and I can’t tell you the amount of responsibility and discipline and everything it taught me growing up and um you know I could have easily been the wealthy kid that showed up at every bar and you know um did he legal drugs there’s there’s other people counterparts that I have I don’t need to mention names but you know who fell into those worlds and you know I probably had a worse propensity of falling into those worlds you know statistically than they did um and uh you know the outdoors and the Shooting Sports and hunting and fishing and um you know being in nature and um you know shooting and competing and you know loading ammo and all the other things that I you know I love um you know they kept me away from bars they you know got me up early in the morning they gave me that discipline and uh I I I credit so much of who I am and clean life that I’ve lived to uh you know to the outdoors and uh and really the Second Amendment and um you know and everything that we just talked about so big part of my life it’s it’s what I love more than anything and um you know it’s truly my my hobby at heart well Eric what what you just said definitely Falls in line with our beliefs me and Jason uh you know every year we have the uh the sctp Nationals here at the Cardinal Center in mango and about 33500 kids show up and they compete in uh all three disciplines of sporting uh ski and trap and uh you will never meet a finer group of kids and you can definitely tell the parents are doing their work they’re doing the learning making them learn responsibility gun safety how to take care of the gun and I’m telling you right now anybody out there would come to that event and be impressed to see little you know 10 11 12y old kids walking around with full-size shotguns and nothing ever happens it’s all perfectly fine well you know what honestly it’s beyond perfect they’re the best Americans they’re the best Americans and and I mean that’s sincerely you go out to to Shot Show right a place that’s often criticized by by the mainstream media and you know you you won’t find a better group of Patriots in the country than those people I mean these people that love this country love our flag love our constitution and love everything about our nation and um you know and and and would go to war for it in a heartbeat right I mean these are some of the finest people you’ll ever meet in your life with great businesses and great companies and you know work hard and um you know believe in faith and believe in you know um freedom and raising you know great strong families and um United families and so many other things but um anytime I can support the you know youth shooting sports I do it’s you know so oftentimes we we get hit up by the Boy Scouts the Boy Scouts you know now I think they call them Scouts of America I think they just did kind of a little bit of a woke names change but regardless of what you want to call it they’d always come to us you know asking for um you know donations and other things they’d hold you know events at our properties and I always used to say to them listen I’ll donate as much ammo as you can possibly shoot you know that’s my contribution to you don’t ask me for money I I will single-handedly donate you know all the 22 you want to shoot all the 12 gauge you want to shoot I’ll buy you a pallet of 12 gauge right now all right that that should last your your troop an awfully long time let’s let’s go I’m happy to make you know and half the time I i’ get the warm welcome I I can’t wait our our you know our troop is off you know awfully involved in the Shooting Sports and half the time yeah well we don’t really emphasize the you know the Shooting Sports in uh in our troop and congratulations I’m not the guy for you you know you know get a bone arrow in kids hands get a slingshot in kids hands teach them safety teach them how to do it right um you know grow the the next little set of you know men and women in this country and um you know and and do so you know along the core beliefs that you know that that we all love and uh and and I will support you in Spades and you know if you want to go off on a different tangent then you know kind of go somewhere else but um but it’s it’s so important I mean again I I I grew up from a very very young age because my grandfather my grandfather was an avid Outdoorsman and you know I grew up with that 1022 and you know I mean the best the best and even before that a little BB gun a little you know a little Crossman you know BB gun and getting the milk carton of BB’s everybody remembers the copperhead BB’s where getting the the milk carton of BB’s I mean that carton of BB’s back then made me happier than receiving a free Ferrari today would make me right and just that was everything if that was under the tree and you could always feel it because you know it made that little jingle noise and it was you know heavy as hell but and Don and I would just shoot those and shoot and shoot and shoot getting a brick of 22 back in the day I mean there was nothing that put a smile on my face more than that and um you know it’s uh I mean you could still smell the gunpowder right you know from from being a little kid right that first you know and and and and the smell hopp and everything else and uh you know those are those are just great memories well Eric you uh you mentioned Don now we get to see him every year down at the jacklinks cup um but you’ve been hiding out on us are we going to get to see you out shooting with us a little more often maybe well you know somebody’s got to run the company but um you know I just I joke I let I let Don have all the fun as um you know Don’s amazing Don’s an amazing Sportsman and um you know he loves it and you know Don probably does a little bit more Hunning than I do I probably do um maybe a little more shooting than he does but you you know he’s phenomenal at what he does and you know we both take it really really seriously and um again there’s nothing I I like more than shooting clays I mean shooting clay and long-range rifle are probably my two favorites um and and again if I’m not working that’s what I do so uh jacklinks is is very close to where I live I’m I’m now Florida resident I left communism um about two years ago three years ago I left from New York and and and honestly New York has some of the best Sportsman in the country they really do um unfortunately the city’s awfully messed up right now and the politics of the state are awfully messed up but um you know so some great great ranges some great plays um but I went down to Florida and I’m I’m awfully close to that location I should does have Florida sporting plays a lot they have a a great facility there and you know Pine Creek is another great facility I mean we’re we’re surrounded if if you live in South you know kind of Southeast Florida you are surrounded by phenomenal sporting plays and great facilities we’re we’re very lucky to have them heck yeah heck yeah absolutely Vero Beach is one of our sponsors and one of our favorite clubs to go down there if you ever been there uh it’s a wonderful place and we’d love to show you firsthand if we could let’s go guys saddle up I love it don’t threaten him with a good time yeah um Eric has the family always been involved in busting Clays I mean I know you you guys shot BB guns and 22s and all you know a lot of hunting and stuff but have you guys always been involved in some way shape or form and clay target shooting so it’s a little weird story I went to a boarding school in Pennsylvania and um and they had a they had a shooting program uh they had a great program but I had a roommate there and his family is very involved in the the gun industry they owned a company called JSC which was um Jerry Sports Center is largest you know distribution of of you know guns in the country and so my my already hobby that I had which was shooting BB guns and in L 22s really got kind of put on steroids um you know and I got kind of got access as a young kid to um you know world that you know frankly New York wouldn’t have otherwise given me that you know that access to and you know my grandfather got us into it he died at you know relatively young age um you know for us and then we got catap Ed based on you know friends that we knew and just our our love for the sport and we started taking it really seriously and I started shooting in all the Vintage cups the you know a lot of side-by-side bches in the country shooting the old you know Hammer guns you know and all the different gauges and that was a lot of fun the foxes and Parkers and you know and everything else and they were great shoots did a lot in New York um just great sandanona and and um you know Michelle make and tamarak some of the Great Courses um you know New York and a bunch of the other ones um and and just absolutely fell in love with it and um you know I had a lot of great mentors in the game um the owners of rst shot shells a great mentor of mine and spent a tremendous amount of time shooting with those guys and uh and then just kind of took it to a different level you know any anywhere I could you know I could go to pull the trigger I’d go uh any range in the country that would have me I I would go to and at the same time spent a lot of time shooting at you know some of the thousand yard ranges Williamsport in Pennsylvania and um you know became friends with a lot of a lot of the great kind of rifle gun smiths in the country and started building my own rifles and doing some of the machine work on them and that’s still a hobby that I carry today and um and yeah so if it flew through the sky or if I could shoot it a long range or or I could shoot at a short range I mean it’s just you know again something something I loved and then you know obviously I got into a lot of the waterf stuff and the Upland bird hunting and you know I kind of love all that and um again um I I don’t really discriminate if if it uh if I can shoot it um I don’t care if it’s a BB gun um or a 50 or um a shotgun I don’t care if it’s a you know 410 you know model 42 you know pump is probably my favorite thing to Sho plays with you know these days oh wow you know or or if I can go out and you know shoot a big boy course and you know super long hard nasty targets and man I just um you know I love that world well let me put you on the spot then okay I know that you you do pistol you do rifle and all that stuff if you had to pick one and again no no no judgment here if you had to pick one thing to stick with what would you be doing uh discipline yep yep oh God I it’s it’s between the two it’s between long range rifle um I love shooting steel frr and and obviously the shotgun I love and I love every aspect of shotgun right again I I love just you know modern great over unders I also love um you know vintage side by sides right I mean I I grew up shooting you know 16 gauge Parkers 20 gauge Parkers um I grew up shooting a lot of the old Hammer guns and and absolutely love that some of the subar stuff you know the 410 I that I love shooting subar there’s nothing that makes me happier again you know I just mentioned it but you know shooting shooting the Winchester shooting the 42s the little 410s you know shooting ski with them and having a blast you do that in you know in nasty wind and you know it can certainly humble you um and you know so I love I love all those games but you know don’t get me wrong I also love lazy plays where you sit down and you know you shoot flurries with a buddy of yours where you just put shells in the air and you do so as fast as you could possibly load and over under and you know High fun targets you know and and so listen guys when it comes to Shooting Sports I don’t really discriminate um aspect of it yeah you know there’s there’s an element of plays that’s fun and social um you know then I also have the dorky side of me which is you know I I load for over a 100 rifle calibers everything from the the 14 calibers all the way up to you know 375s and above and um you know I’m kind of a little bit of a mad scientist in terms of of hand loading and have kind of you know you know tried everything and you know kind of played with everything from you know the smallest wild cats to um you know some of the crazy long range stuff and and um you know I I really enjoy kind of you know the science behind it as well it’s probably my anal personality and so um you know I it just all of them fit me in in in different ways but it’d be hard to turn away a shotgun I mean it really would be um you know especially everything that goes into it I love goose hunting I love duck hunting um I love shooting Quail you know fortunately I live down in Florida now and the quail hunting is phenomenal you know at the same time I you know I could I could list a lot of the positive attributes about the rifle stuff as well gotcha so let me ask you this out of the shotguns thing out of the shotgun side obviously you got trap ski sporting feet task all that stuff do you have a a favorite discipline out of just the shotgun and Clay Bird Arena oh definitely sporting sporting um 100% you know I I went from you know shooting predominantly Sporting Clays um and then I started doing a lot of kind of you know true disciplined um you know trap and skate um and I enjoy them the games you know after a while kind of get rep repetitive right I mean I’m not sure how many 25s and SK you can shoot in your life before you get a little bit you know boring and you know don’t get wrong I love it but I also my buddies make fun of me right I’m I’m a guy who shoots around a ski and you know a minute and 50 seconds you know you go out and you know you shoot five rounds of ski in a row and you’re done in in 12 minutes and my buddies who were like can you slow down a little bit I go no there’s there’s no time for this if if we’re going to shoot we’re gonna shoot you know we’re gonna shoot a case we’re gonna shoot a case in a half and we’re gonna get the hell out of there right there’s no you know uh kind of you know dinking around I’m not I’m not good at the this slow Shooting Sports I like you know I like to move I like to shoot a lot I like to put a lot of lead in the air um and I like to have fun right you know there’s nothing worse than going out and you know shooting 100 rounds and taking five hours to do so because you’re with a slow group who’s you know kind of putzing around it’s you know the guys I shoot with all like to shoot fast um have a great time um so we we we certainly shoot for volume and I know that might offend people on this uh you know who are listening to this this but oh no not we like we like we like putting lead in the air if you’re not putting lead in the air what the hell is the point of it that’s why we do it that’s exactly why we do it so exactly so along those lines are you like are you a big fan of like going to corporate shoots and charity shoots and things like that par participating in sporting plays uh tournaments in that regard I I assume you’ve done that before right about a million of them um I I do um I enjoy them I’d probably rather shoot truthfully I’d rather shoot in more casual setting you know sometimes the you know the corporate shoots are long and you know we we’re all pretty good shotgun Shooters um I know you guys are and you know I am and you know sometimes you go to you know you go to a corporate shoot and you shoot a 99 on a course and you come out and say guys I’m I’m not I’m not sure can you can you have one target please that’s more than 25 yards and you know have it not just be floating right in front of your play you know please do something with it you know you just give me one Hard Target and um but listen they serve a purpose I I used to hold a lot of um sporting play shoots for for St Jude a charity that I I care deeply about and we used to do those down in uh you know San Antonio we did them at the the National Shooting Complex down there and um and and a bunch in Louisiana and so um don’t get me wrong there’s there’s you know if you can raise a lot of money doing something that you care about deeply um it’s an awesome day um but I think if you know if you’re truly shooting there’s there’s nothing more fun than get grabbing you know three four good Shooters loading up the back of a a golf cart or a gator with you know four five six cases of shells and just going out and having a blast well Eric I’m glad you brought up St Jude because that kind of leads into my next question I had for you um Sean and I are huge Advocates on this podcast for introducing new people to the sport and getting them out shooting um and the youth kind of hold a special place in our heart now I know you said you you donate to um boy scouts or whatever they’re called now Scouts of America and obviously do something with St Jude but do you support any other youth organizations or anything you know honestly I I I think I think people in the sport need take you know a bigger responsibility right we all have mentors I I I had three or four mentors in the Shooting Sports um I told you the owner of rst shot chills dear friend of mine and you know he saw me as a a young kid he saw I had a lot of potential in the sports he saw I as a you know really good shooter and you know every time I I left this place I you know I have a couple cases of couple cases of shotgun shells would always find their way into the back of my you know my truck right I was I was too young not too many people in my family were were into it in the way that I was Don and I obviously were but you know and and just you know the guy was always encouraging me just to take it further and further and further I had those same people um and on the rifle side of what I love to do right you know guys had you know shot at Williamsport some these thousand yard matches who you know come over my shop you want a chamber rifle you know come over and I’ll teach you the gun smithing aspects of it I’ll show you how to you know um you know bed Barrel action I’ll show you how to you know Inlet I’ll show you how to do all these things and you know they didn’t need to do that they didn’t need to do that for a young kid and you know they did it because I was really really into it and I lived and and dreamed this stuff and was my you know biggest hobby by far and um you know I I think every single person I mean aside from just kind of the formal aspect of it I think you know everybody has to take you know some kid under their wings um and really get them into the sport get them in a young age you know give them give them the ammo give them the resources you know teach them the discipline teach them the safety um do so in a holistic safe meaningful way um you know if if they’re really into archery put a bow in their hands and and and get them really shooting and and get them outfitted and uh if they’re into the hunting stuff then you know really take them into the woods and and get get them going there if they fall in love with sporting plays Will you know guess what bring them out and it’s kind of the responsibility we have because if we don’t do that you know God bless we’re gonna lose the sports and oh yeah you know we’ve got enough external problems to the shooting sports right they’re trying to make ammo effectively unaffordable you’ve got States Communist States like California who were you know trying to serialize every single you know round and you know you need every single background check in the world to buy a you know to buy a box of 12 gauge I mean it’s they’re trying in every way shape or form they’re trying to tax ammo they’re trying to shut down public ranges they’re trying to shut down state ranges they’re trying to shut down private ranges they’re trying to you know kill you with noise restrictions I mean you know every single day it’s lead Fallout and this and that and you know what what’s a disintegrating clay GNA do to the ground and I mean they’re they’re just trying to make our lives hell um on every front and you know you do that and then you know you take that and combine that with people who aren’t getting youth involved in the sport and I by the way I think we’re actually doing a decent job but I think we be doing better and I think we could individually be doing better agreed um and that’s how you see a sport disappear versus you know if everybody can mentor a couple kids no different than I had a couple great mentors um you know you can grow them into to people who will live and breathe it for the rest of their lives and and like I said at the very beginning of this call I I can’t tell you the benefits that that will reap in those kids’ lives um in perpetuity I stayed away from drugs I never touched a drug in my life it was because of the shooting sports I stayed away from drinking um because of the shooting sports right I I I you know I was the first one up in the morning I the responsibility the discipline the this the that you know the the fun times with with friends the fun times around a campfire etc etc that you know a great memories some of my best memories you know in my lives were because of that and um I could have gone down you know uh an awfully different path especially as a kid originally from New York City um you know who you know frankly could have lived a very different very wildli and and the Shooting Sports really kept me together and you know I think I’m being very long-winded in saying this but um you know not only is it great for the sports it’s great for those kids and it’s great for their development their personal development and and frankly the next generation of Americans absolutely well that’s something we really push hard here every episode um is we always say take someone new shooting take them to a tournament whatever but we also have the dead pair challenge which is take one new person a month shooting and that The Snowball Effect in the right way that that creates you know you you take a guy out shooting next thing you know and the wife’s going or the kids are going or the whole family’s going and that’s the great thing about our Sport and I really do believe I mean the youth are the future of our Sport and if we don’t get them in the right path we could we could lose this sport so I agree with you 100 per. I have never guys I have never taken anybody out um man or woman who hasn’t come back with the greatest smile on their face I can’t tell you how many people I’ve taken out that that were we’re just not naturally I’m not sure I’m a little scared I’m a little this I’m a little that you put a little 22 in their hand and you know you let them shoot at a piece of Steel 15 yards away and and all of a sudden it’s you know making this great you know dinging sound and and they’re absolutely hooked I mean you know smile ear to ear and look guys it’s not it’s not dangerous if if if done correctly you can be very safe about it you know um you know there’s there’s really great people in the sport you know there’s um and and they come out with a very different impression man that was a lot of fun like I’m I’m so glad we did that thank you I have like a new appreciation for something that I didn’t quite understand other than you know the the the nonsense media narrative that’s that’s spun every single day and right um you know I I cannot tell you how many people I’ve I’ve done that to you know just take somebody out with the 22 I guarantee you they’ll get them hooked for life or at least they’ll have a different appreciation for for you know the things that we all all love obviously plays is a little bit more specialized but you know just it’s it’s not hard no Mr Trump you would get the biggest smile some of the coolest emails we’ve got they they start off the email you dirty rotten you know whatever whatever you know how much money you’ve cost me I went out and bought guns and shells and vests and then they’re hooked and they love it you know um but you mentioned something a minute ago about mentors when it comes to clay target shooting have you ever been coached or had a coach that you work with yeah a bunch you know but but less on a formal basis I mean I I picked up a shot at a an awfully young age like awfully young age and and and I’ve been shooting shotgun ever since and um you know I became you know pretty proficient to say the least and don’t wrong all of us can go out and get coaching and and I certainly could and yeah um you know I wish I could have shot um you know competitively for for a very long time unfortunately my life is a little bit crazy I’m I’m out you know you know by Night fighting communism and you know fighting for the things I believe and politically you know you probably see me all over the place and uh by day obviously I’m I’m running a really big company big big real estate company and I love that and you know I don’t have the time to you know today if I if I miss a Target I laugh right and and um you know God bless the guys that go out there and want to shoot you know perfect hundreds and you know if they can I I’m not sure if I either have the patience nor the time or the discipline for it anymore but um no I I you know I think on the flip side I try and do a lot of coaching I try and you know take a lot of people who are who are a lot less proficient and and get them proficient and get them into it and uh that probably does more for me than you know breaking maybe an extra clay every you know that player to every hundred one my mind’s not necessarily always always in it I’m trying to do it more for relaxation than to you know you know than to prove you’re perfect and so um I understand both sides of the game I certainly do but um you know my world is less about the coaching today and and and more about the the smiles the enjoyment and uh and having a lot of fun and and don’t get me wrong I think my friends would tell you you I’m incredibly competitive and and there’s very little you know it’s very rare that you know you start on station one at ski where I’m not you know I’m not running my mouth telling everybody that right I think that’s that’s the trump in me but at the same time I I really do do it for fun and enjoyment um you know these days awesome well hey Eric not to change gears and I don’t want to get too political here but you know the one thing that that I talk to a lot of people about is that you know the times have changed a lot I remember I mean not to not to you know paint me and Jason as old guys but back in the day when we went to school it wasn’t uncommon to see guys roll up at high school with gun racks and guns in those gun racks cuz in hunting season guys would go out go deer hunting you know bird hunting rabbit hunting whatever from school right from school yeah and nobody had a problem with it nobody ever had an issue with that and then these days you know we try to paint Sporting Clays and all the other Shooting Sports in a good light but obviously the media is doing a good job of painting everything in that negative evil light um you know in your thoughts do you think it’s like a sign of the times of like just the changing world that we’re living in is it more of a city city Folk versus country folk type of a thing or what what do you think has been the biggest change or the biggest mindset twister of guns and why that so many people think they’re bad but the people that are actually participating it know that they’re not bad listen I think it’s arrogance I think it’s a media narrative um that that paint them in a bad light I think everybody that comes across them understands how safe they can be and that you know the the good guys that own guns and they do so legally don’t cause any of the problems I mean that’s that’s a pretty a damn wellestablished fact you know I’ve got several hundred guns and I cause zero problems um you know and I’ve also had I filled out you know more yellow forms than any person you know in history and as of you guys obviously and you know I’ve put more rounds down range than any person in history and I I love it and I enjoy it and I do it legally and I do it safely and you know I do it properly and as you guys and we cause zero problems and you know you’ve got a lot of places that don’t crack down on on the people who do cause problems right and who who don’t do it legally as as we all do and you know and uh they don’t do a damn thing about that which kind of always makes me you know question the politicians you know motives but you know I’m kind of seeing two sides to it guys you know there’s I I think if you look at really the legislation that has gotten passed in the last even a couple years since since my father was in office I mean look how much you know you know U just you know right to carry laws in the various states have been established I mean you know constitutional right to carry I mean I I would have never guessed sitting here seven eight nine years ago that you would have had you know what is it now 28 States or something like that that has constitutional right to carry I mean it’s it’s it’s a ton but you’ve had a lot in the last couple years and and I think a lot of that’s because of you know frankly my father I think second of all you you’ve seen so much nonsense you’ve seen crime spike in the cities you you have people who literally after some of the summer rights and you know in 2020 and and you know just other kind of nonsense that you see in the papers you know don’t feel safe like they did anymore I mean I’m seeing more people going to gun stores saying hey I I need a gun like I I need a gun for my own protection I mean I have a I have a neighbor um elderly lawyer the last person in the world and I joke with him all all the time the last person in the world who ever own a gun he comes to me a couple weeks ago he goes Eric I need to get a shotgun I need to get something I just I I don’t feel safe in my house without a gun anymore in the crazy times that we live in you see conflict around the world you see you know the Middle East bubbling up again you see what’s happening in in Israel and what happened to Israel You’re just you know and all of a sudden you know people are going back and saying you know what maybe there really is something to you know to the Second Amendment and the right to protect ourselves and you know I mean maybe maybe our forefathers actually had a right and and so you also see a Resurgence um in that way where I I think you have more first-time gun owners than ever before in history in the last you know four or five years um absolutely you know and and that’s sad I me we I I wish I wasn’t I wish it wasn’t the case that you had those events around the world that spurred you know people worrying about their safety that they just ran out um but at the same time you know I think for the Shooting Sports I think it also makes people you know realize the importance more so than you know than than ever before not just because because of the sports but because of you know um again just our our Pure Second Amendment right this country and yeah and so you know there there’s there’s mixed feelings on it I I I do believe that Sportsman are the greatest people in the world that caused no problems and would be the first people to totally run it evil for this for this nation and um I have I’ve never met a better group of of people than the people involved in you know the outdoors and um you know the sports that that we all love yeah uh and again I’m going to reiterate what Sean said not trying to get too political but you know I think it’s obvious no matter where someone stands on their favorite candidate or which side of the aisle they’re on there’s a clear choice this November for the Second Amendment I mean people that love this sport have to have the Second Amendment in order to participate you know so you know to the to the naysayers and I I don’t know how but there are naysayers um to your father unfortunately that are still Sportsmen it’s like well how do you how do you get through to their thick skulls so well you know you’ve got Kennedy is actually maybe even worse than Biden is on in terms of guns right I mean let’s start there I mean some of his positions over the years have been disastrous um you know forget about it you know you you’d lose your second amendment rights and you know that’s and then you have Biden right I mean I’m not sure if Biden knows exactly where he is right he called him he remember a couple years ago you know I’m not going to take away your ar-1 14s I mean it’s it’s it’s kind of it’s remark ably embarrassing um you know obviously he met AR-15s but he called them ar-1 14s um but it’s uh you know obviously wants a strip of the guns and you know just this week I think they did new you know um you know gun prevention and criminalization Department as part of the White House or something that is a you know fancy name they came up which is effectively another way of saying you know we want to strip your guns but you know don’t just be fooled by those Antics be fool you know watch very carefully it’s no different than what they do with oil and gas right it’s they make permits hard for gas you know for pipelines and you know they make thrilling permits hard and they start taxing you and they do this and that I mean that’s the same recipe that they’re using for firearms right it’s yeah how do we close down your range how do we put noise ordinances in place where you know all of a sudden you know a a little local ski and Trap Club you know has to go under because it violates some noise ordinance of a town um you know how do we you know do something about lead or as I said before you know um you know Clays that are you know it’s any way that they can get they will right how do we tax ammo and make it punitively you know expensive how do we you know make components hard to get um how how do we make it you know New York State when they put in this you know the the Safe Act in the state like you can no longer buy ammo online so guess what you have to go to a store but you know so much in New York state doesn’t have gun stores near their house right if you live in the southern part of the state it’s very hard to find right so now all of a sudden you can’t go out and conveniently buy ammo but you can’t buy it online and you know it becomes five times as expensive and then they shut down the locations to shoot and all of a sudden they make it impossible to get that next Generation into the sport because again they make it non-accessible they make it expensive they make get tuned in every way shape and form and and don’t don’t let anybody tell you that that’s not a cognizant effort of of the other side it is that’s that’s their plan that’s what they’re trying to do I mean they play this long game and they’re they’re good at it and and we better combat it and and if we don’t again we’re not going to have our Hobby and so right um listen the choices it would it would be hard to believe that I’d have to Vin anybody who loved the second amendment that you know that that we’re on the right side of it I mean I think pretty much everybody in the industry knows either Don or I you know personally in some way shape or form you know it’s it’s we’re pretty tied in and and and I think you know I don’t think there’s probably any two people in the world I love this industry more I mean this is you probably hear the passion in my voice right now but it’s what we do if we’re not working it’s you know we’re we’re shooting and you know you take that and you compare that to Hunter Biden who you know whose wife throws loaded p and you know dumpsters you know outside grocery stores right it’s it’s a slightly different type of firearm owner um on on both sides of the political aisle and and um you know I love it with all my heart and and believe me it’s it’s an item that I would I would do anything to protect well we’re gonna do something fun now Eric um this is something we do on a show called rapid fire and I know you you love so many different disciplines of shooting so I’m going to ask this this is based on your equipment if you’re going to go out and shoot a sport and Clay tournament okay so the first thing is gun what gun would you take what making model dt1 I I’ve shot at dt11 for a lot of years a bre guys have been dear friends of mine and um I’ve shot the obviously the G Goofs and I’ve shot the bres and I’ve shot I’ve shot just about everything but my dt11 I have hundreds of thousands of rounds through it and I would absolutely grab that gun that’s my like that’s like my right arm and that’s 32 inch barrels yeah I have 32 okay Factory chokes or or uh aftermarket um I’ve shot uh bry’s and I’m shooting mullers right now and I love I love the Mueller chokes Jim’s a Jim is a great guy he great a great product and they’re they’re awesome awesome awesome chokes and and the Bry are great as well so I both what’s your go-to constriction I’m generally shooting mod you know for the most part don’t wrong sometimes I’ll cheat and and I’m shooting you know I I I typically shoot one gun I know people make fun of me I shoot a Sporting gun for just about everything I don’t care if I’m shoot crap I don’t care if I’m shooting ski or if I’m shooting sporting right I have a lot of friends that switch between guns and they’re bad with all of them and uh I kind of believe in in in one gun that you’re good with right and you know stop stop worrying about shortening your barrel for ski and everything else and so um but uh yeah dt11 Muller chokes I shoot the Double A’s um maybe I I take that a little too far they’re expensive but they’re they’re awesome shells um you know and a lot of times I’ll just leave mods in there with the mullers it’s actually the number two they go they go by a little bit different system than you know the traditional IC mod Etc but um well you stole part you stole part of my next yeah you stole you stole part of my next question is what ammo do you shoot so we know you shoot doublea’s what recipe you shoot like a I typically shoot the I I I shoot the you know typically the 1 ounce I I don’t actually believe in speed right they have they have some of the competition loads like the 13300 feet per second stuff you know give me a 1230 load or 1 12200 or even 1250 and you know they’re fine it I I don’t know I’ve had more funny things happen with with you know some of the kind of you know hotter not necessarily High brass loads but I just I don’t think they’re necessary and sometimes sometimes I think sometimes I actually think I shoot worse with them to tell you the truth okay are you a seven and a half or eight guy I’m an eight guy okay um don’t get me wrong I but you know typically my recipe is I’ll I’ll take either a box of eights and nines and you know put one in each pocket and you know that’s typically my way of changing chokes if I have close bird I’ll throw in the nines if I have farther bird I’ll you know I’ll I’ll throw in the eight and you know instead just you know changeing chokes at every station if you’re shooting sporting plays and that works awfully well okay um I’ll certainly keep a box of seven and halfs for far bird if I’m you know screwing off but yeah depends on the okay um what glasses do you shoot with I shoot with a pair of Oakleys that I’ve had forever they’re the radar range they stop baking the glasses and once in a while I’ll go on eBay and I’ll literally find a pair because they’re they’re awesome they just fit me well they’re comfortable um I don’t shoot coated lenses I shoot is clear lenses I don’t care if it’s sunny if it’s dark um I just I I shoot natural light clear lenses and um and they’re fantastic okay are you a vest or a shell bag guy I’ve always been a vest guy um I have a bread of vest that I’ve worn for 15 years literally the leather has it’s it’s worn through I mean literally you can you can effectively if you’re shooting a t-shirt you can see the T-shirt through the vest I that’s how R it’s got some mileage on it I don’t really want to wash it because I if I wash it it’s just going to fall apart it’s going to like disintegrate um the same time I don’t want to throw it away because it’s too superstitious and I’ve w a lot of stuff in it and it’s it’s pretty awesome but uh I just started shooting the bear Pelt vest I’m not sure if you’ve seen those they’re like they’re like t-shirt material and when I moov down to Florida it’s just they’re awesome they’re awesome so bear Pelt they’re great guys they they made me one with a little Maga hat on it I have MaGa on the back of it I don’t have my last name I have MaGa on the back of it and um they uh they did some pretty cool stuff and um certainly if you live down the South if you live in Florida where it can be you know 95 degrees with 100% humidity you know shooting in in in that material versus kind of a you know kind of a sturdier vest is uh it’s awfully nice so I fall in love with them is great shout out to that company they’re a great company great people and um big fan of what they do yeah bar barel was partnered with us for a couple of years they are absolutely wonderful people and they make an incredible product um okay so last question and this one’s we try to find that like lucky rabbit’s foot right so we ask what’s in your bag and we’re looking for something odd you might carry in your shooting bag that people might not think you know otherwise yeah so well well maybe two things the first one’s not that odd the second one’s probably odd um the first one is um I I love the injectable ears you know the ones that they shoot the two-part boxy into your ear and kind of you know mold molds in and I just you know it’s I I hate shooting with electronic ears because you know the batteries always go dead and you know they scratch and they’re just annoying and so I I shoot with those and they’re pretty conventional I hate shooting with muffs even with the rifle stuff I hate shooting with with muffs if I can avoid it so kind of the you know the custom formed um ears are are awesome so I 90% of the time it’s certainly with shotgun I always shoot with those um the unconventional thing my bag is definitely a golf club so there’s a company golf company and obviously we’re big in the golf world but it’s called forg and they make they make golf gloves and it is singleand it’s single-handedly the best shooting glove so I shoot a camouflage golf glove on my on my left hand my left hand only I hate having something on my trigger figure I’m also so tall that I’m five but my my hand a little snobble of the of the for end is kind of in between my my two middle fingers oh yes and so my my front my front two fingers are actually on the barrel my index finger is kind of pointing down the barrel so it’s in between the barrels you know kind of pointing at the Target and so obviously barrels get get hot but the the best love I’ve ever found for shooting was actually a 4G left-handed camouflage Golf GL and so I I keep that in my shooting bag and it’s uh it’s pretty awesome and people are like what what brand shooting glove is that I go it’s I I I pulled it out of one our Pro Shops one of the golf courses I’ve literally worn through it I love the love um you know it’s become a little superstitious for me but um but again just the left-handed love my you know my my my barrel hand and uh it’s uh I say that’s a unique item in my bag well okay don’t hang up when we’re done recording because between our sponsors Elite shotguns foke USA r performance eyewear Odo proo hearing Technologies and Rhino chokes we have a lot to talk about so don’t don’t hang out we’re done well and the other thing is too I know exactly what you mean Eric about that snobble because I shot a dt11 for years and last year I went to a Coler and I I’m a big guy too I’m 6’4 about 360 uh that snobble yeah gosh that thing is a is a LoveHate relationship um so I know exactly what you’re talking about with a dt11 I I actually love it you know it’s funny often times the guys get the round you know kind of round for ends and I I hate it I actually like it it sits right in between your fingers your your you know your your left hand is is positioned the exact same way every single time my hand lines up perfectly you can slide it out I also kind of shoot a little bit low gun and I know that’s that’s unconventional I do it a little bit for everything like I kind of hate the mounted gun I actually think you get you know I just I think you’re more apt to not pull your head off the gun if you actually Mount from a you know it’s just the way I shoot but but anyway it’s like your hand just goes right right to that little that little SCH nozzle tip right and it it works but y i I’m 65 I shoot a 15 and a half inch stock you know I shoot a pretty long gun and uh and uh and I love it but that dt11 has been a Workhorse I mean that that gun I had a great guns my my first Breet it was just a it was a silver pigeon it was a and I’m telling you I got it when I was young I worked all summer saved every dollar I could bought that shotgun for myself um and I must have put 750,000 rounds to that gun I mean I I can’t tell you how many pallets of shells I put through that gun I mean just pallet after pallet after pallet I I still have it to this day and that gun just plops open I mean there’s nothing left there’s no F it’s I mean I literally wore that you know and it’s it never failed me and when I went to that dt11 it’s um it’s just a Workhorse it’s like they are tank brick and um it’s been a it’s been a great gun for me him it really has been well Mr Trump listen you know I can’t imagine what your family’s going through being drugged and out of court plus this is an election year I know how busy you are and the fact that you spent some time to spend with you took time to spend with us we are com we are extremely honored there’s no words that can describe it so um thank you very much for spending um well we’re a little over 40 minutes now with us we we greatly appreciate that well Jason Shan I really appreciate it guys love love the hobby love the sport uh love what you guys stand for um you know keep it up with the this awesome podcast and uh let’s go to ver I’m I’m not too far away from there I’m about an hour away from there and so let’s uh let’s go break some Clays and have some fun get some good laughs and um have a good time I’m all about it I live down in Florida now so I’ll probably send pictures of you and I to Sean just to tease him so Eric don’t hang up but thank you very much sir we appreciate it hey guys Jason and I really love bringing this podcast to you week after week but it does take a lot of time and a lot of resources to make it happen and without the these very special people we couldn’t do it on a week-by-week basis hey Toby Tom playay help these guys remember who they need to support yes sir they can support foke USA Elite shotguns Vero Beach clay shooting sports score Chaser Dawn Grant odor Pro Technologies Rhino chokes re Ranger tonic Distillery and Atlas Trap [Music] Company you son of a [ __ ] Jason Rambo how could you keep that from me Oh Hey listen I can’t take all the credit for this I want to give credit to Paul Coughlin cogin excuse me of tonic distilleries yeah he’s friends with the man he helped put this together he made it happen he made it happen I mentioned it at the world sporting and he’s like well I can get him on I’m like and I about fell over oh well Paul if you’re listening thank you man that was freaking awesome sincerely yeah I mean what an awesome interview an awesome individual awesome family oh he ain’t no Faker I mean I mean dude anybody that knows how to chamber barrels and stuff you’re you’re kind of a Firearms Enthusiast a little bit little bit but you know what’s you know what I really liked and this tugged on my heartstrings um he said he worked all summer and saved his money for his Silver Pigeon that he bought now I don’t think Dad is shy on money no and the fact that this man worked and earned his money to buy his gun I mean I just I have so much respect for that and I also picked up you know obviously when he was giving away help to the Boy Scouts yes and St Judes and St judees he gave ammo not money he said I’ll buy you a pallet full of shells yeah so that’s going to the right people exactly that’s awesome it’s not going out the back door and somebody’s pocket I mean dude when I got done talking to him it was like well this is a guy we would just sit on the tailgate and you know BS with after a shoot yes he’s just a regular dude I know right I mean how awesome I mean what a great individual and unbelievable unbelievable okay I know this is coming so I I need to squash it now we are not we promised everyone we promised ourselves we would not get political and we don’t mean to be political but if you love this sport Sporting Clays or any kind of clay target discipline that’s why you’re listening to the show yeah without the Second Amendment you’re not doing this sport I’m sorry you’re just not yeah you you have to be realistic in the fact that as time has gone on uh the mindset of the country has changed it has and we really need to make sure that we protect the rights that we have to enjoy the sport that we love right I mean dead simple all it is so if nothing else let’s put everything else aside and I’m asking everybody to be selfish if you love the sport you got to vote for the sport yeah and there’s there’s two Clear Choices going into November I guess is my point you know I mean you can either vote for somebody that wants to take away your rights the Second Amendment or somebody that’s for your rights yeah and before everybody sends hate mail again I know there’s going to be people that disagree and they don’t like you know Donald Trump as a person and that’s fine but again what’s going to make your life easier as a sporting CL Enthusiast as a sporting CL competitor yeah ex exactly that’s what it boils down to yeah yeah I mean do you enjoy the high cost of ammo do you enjoy regulations and permits to get ammo and firearms and all that or would you rather be able to go enjoy your sport without all the hassle well again I mean there’s there’s two mindsets on this we’ve talked about it at nauseum and and you know it’s not a gun problem it’s a people problem for God’s sake that’s what it is so like lover or hate the man he deserves respect I think he just gave us a very honest and showed his true Persona uh Eric Trump of who he is who his family is and what they stand for and you know look it wasn’t this this podcast was not about getting votes it was but hey we got we got a member of the first family that enjoys this Sport and how cool is that right yeah cuz I want my son and my grandson to be able to do this 20 30 40 years down the road right but think about that you missed my point no I did not we had we just had a member of the first family on look my mind’s still blown that’s why I was angry that’s why I called you an SOB but I know but dude I mean you can’t keep that kind of crap from me well dude I wanted to surprise you you did okay but I would have I would have I would have rather had a little bit of foresight you know cuz I wasn’t prepared I was not prepared but that was awesome though dude it was it was it was real man this was probably one of one of the best podcasts I think we’ve done a long time it was it was definitely a lot of fun and and I’m sure people are you know wondering what was said because we told him not to hang up when we were done recording and he didn’t and we kept talking to him and we’ve got some cool stuff planned so yeah uh not going to give away the goose because look that man’s got a schedule like you wouldn’t believe um you think it was hard getting guy Fetti on here W um you know getting Eric Trump on was was no no small task because of his schedule it’s not that he didn’t want to do it it’s just because of his schedule so yeah and again big thanks to Paul cogin for for helping us do that and and thank you Jason for doing the leg work behind the scenes to make everything happen because I’m sure that wasn’t an easy thing to accomplish you know what though that man made it easy well and I knew when we got the call from his assistant I’m like who who what who’s she who’s she yeah right but no it was fun um I hope everybody learned a little something from it you know Sean Ally we tell everybody a week take someone new shooting take them to tournament we just had to remember the first family that endorses that that that does that and and he told the story he said look you get somebody out there with a 22 or BB gun or whatever and they do it and then puts a smile on their face you’re done but how many times on the show we said you know when they when you take someone new and they break that clay target that the smile is just Irreplaceable and he said it himself I know guys that’s what this is all about if we’re going to make this sport bigger better greater down the road everybody needs to do their part so again dead pair challenge take somebody new shooting every month really one person a month yep post those pictures up uh we’d love to see them on social media everybody keeps texting me these pictures don’t text me put it on social media put it on our Facebook page that’s where it’s going to be seen and again lead by example period yeah absolutely period absolutely SE Al this has been a lot of fun man and you know we’ve got a lot of sponsors we got to thank for bringing this show to everyone you know um Elite shotguns foke USA Atlas traps uh Ranger performance eyewear odor Pro hearing Technologies Rhino chokes uh of course Vero Beach clay shooting sports uh don Grant score Chaser and a very very special thank you to to Tonic distilleries who helped put this podcast this episode together amen so and uh big thank you to my wife for all the hard work she does on editing these things I know with sha and I being separated between Ohio and Florida uh it’s been a real major task uh heck even with me being here in Ohio with you Sean just getting everything all the files down to her and her editing and sending it back and it’s just been it’s been a nightmare but you know what she does it thanklessly and uh we appreciate you babe thank you very much thanks Jules love you well hey look Sean Ally this has been a lot of fun we’ve got even bigger things coming if you can imagine that next we uh so everybody hang in there uh until next week Mr Ally we can’t wait to see you all back here on the dead pair podcast we’ll see you next time on the dead pair podcast the dead the dead pair podcast is brought to you by Elite shotguns and Vero Beach clay shooting sports and is fueled by foke USA the dead pair theme song was written arranged and produced by Toby tolay big thanks to the following sponsors REI Ranger odor proo Technologies Rhino chokes Dawn Grant score Chaser tonic Distillery and Atlas Trap Company dead pair

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