Golf Babe

Chiara Tamburlini targets top spot in Order of Merit | Ladies Italian Open

Chiara Tamburlini is heading into this week’s Italian Ladies Open currently in fourth place on the Order of Merit and with a chance to go to number one on the Order of Merit

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[Music] it’s been a great season for you so far on tour you picked up your first win you’ve had second place finishes top 10 finishes so just tell me a little bit about your your year so far um yeah as you said it’s been a couple really good results and um I feel like I’ve been taking a lot of the right boxes you know working on the right things it’s sometimes difficult and I’m still learning this now it’s like you get to this new tour and people do things differently from what you’re used to um and it’s easier to get a bit carried away as well so I feel like that’s honestly the main thing that I’m working on now as well is to just kind of stick to what I did beginning of the year when I was really just like doing what was right for me and then now I feel like the last couple weeks I’ve been maybe a bit influenced by what others do and I just want to get back on track and do what I know is best for me so you feel like you play your best golf when you’re just going out there and having fun and not messing around but you know just just enjoying the golf course and enjoying being a professional yeah exactly and that’s I think what um brought me some of my successes um this year as well is just enjoying it like I like to chat with people I like to talk with my playing partners with my caddies and you know just really this is a privilege what we are doing um and I feel like when sometimes when you get a bit too tight with it um and too like focused and too much in a tunnel vision like of course I’m focused on the golf course but like you still need to have like a bit of a um take it a bit easy in in light as well cuz if not I feel like you start spiraling and start you know like kind of being too tough on yourself and that’s not really that doesn’t really help how did you how did did you reflect on your win after after winning in Jo Johannesburg did you did you enjoy it or did you just sort of move on and forget about it um no I I totally did enjoy it um and I mean it as you said like it gives you this confidence that you can win but what I felt as well like at the same time it gives you the expectation that you can win and do really well every week and I mean so I feel like it’s and I’m still yeah ever since the win there was some shaky weeks like Obviously good weeks but also not so good weeks um so I think it’s definitely a bit of a learning for me there too um I’ll be honest and to kind of balance those two like the confidence that I’m getting from it but also the pressure that I’m putting up on myself from it is something that I’m need still working on yeah how do you approach it this week I mean obviously you want to do well but I guess at the same time like you said you don’t want to put the pressure on that’s right I mean obviously cool to be in that position and have the chance but um yeah I’m going to just try and have fun um my mom’s going to be on the bag and that usually really helps and I’m just going to try and be really positive and I mean she’s she thinks like some of the shots that I might think are just mediocre she thinks they’re quite good um so that’s really cool to also you know like have that perspective of it and kind of give yourself a little tap on the shoulder for things that you kind of expect and then she’s like well that was a great shot and then like be like okay yeah that was actually really good um and that just kind of feeds some positivity and good momentum and that’s kind of my goal for this week yeah well that’s what mom’s are for exactly good luck this week thank you thank you very much

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