Golf Babe

EVE International Foundation led by HRH Lady Julia Osei Tutu Hosts a charity Golf Classic toll

[Music] [Applause] [Music] so today we have the eve Golf Classic um which is a charity golf tournament um to raise funds for the lady Julia um Eve wellness and Mental Health Center um it’s such a pleasure to be here in Kumasi organizing this um tournament uh because this is where the mental health facility will be situated um it’s going to be um a world- class facility that will serve bodia Shanti actually the northern part of Ghana and we hope that this event will draw attention to mental health in Ghana but also uh we hope to raise some considerable amount of money today for the facility so the eve Mental Health and Wellness Center has been championed by her royal highness lady Julia to who is the head and the patron of the eve International Foundation and the Medical Foundation as well she’s a golfer herself um and uh she was here this morning to Grace location um for the tea off she will be here this afternoon again doing the fundraiser um where she’ll be giving out prizes to the winners of the tournament but also talking much about mental health in general and what we we want to achieve as an organization how we we want to help the mental health space and provide solid an opportunity and a um how do you call it a venue for people who um are suffering from mental health illness and then women in general who want a place where they can cool off from the stressful um um lives activities a place where women can come and distress women can come and rejuvenate themselves you know uh and plan ahead so we would like to say a big thank you to our sponsors of this event but also those who have contributed so far um towards the building of the facility kgl um a big thank you to Alisa Hotel tank Palace plot Ghana um Vera water sic and many others who have come here today in solidarity um to join us uh to make this program a success thank you to you all [Music]

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