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Jeremiah Sirles, Fred Hoiberg, Corey Campbell on Sports Nightly: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Welcome to Sports Nightly, brought to you by the NDOT Highway Safety Office! Join your hosts, Jessica Coody and guest host Jeremiah Sirles, broadcasting live from the Akrs Broadcast Center in East Memorial Stadium.

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e good evening I’m Jeremiah surles and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative last night Nebraska baseball earned a commitment from one of the best players in the summit League kale frost a transfer from South Dakota state was a summit League newcomer of the year and Summit League player of the year last season with the jack rabbits Frost hit 343 and had 21 home runs and 59 RBI this past season in other news in other Husker news Nebraska volleyball officially announced their schedule today the Huskers will play 31 matches 20 against Big 10 opponents and 11 non-conference foes 18 of the 31 will be played at home some highlights from the schedule include a home matchup with Stanford on September 8th matches at home against UCLA and USC to begin to begin Big 10 conference play and a home match against Wisconsin on November 23rd for more information and to see the entire schedule visit Nebraska basketball announced the addition of two new grad assistants for the the upcoming season Josiah Josiah Al Alik and Tristan Simpson are both Lincoln natives who played at Lincoln Northstar high school and will be with the team this season in national news Basketball Hall of Fame Hall of Famer Jerry West died Wednesday morning at the age of 86 West was the third player in NBA history to reach 25,000 points was an All-Star every year of his career and led the Los Angeles Lakers to the NBA finals nine times winning one title in the 7172 season he was also a 12-time all NBA selection and NBA Finals MVP and finally on big Major League Baseball game of note tonight the Atlanta Braves and the Baltimore Orioles are scoreless in the top of the third the starting pitchers for this game are both former Huskers Spencer schwellenbach for the Braves Kade Povich for the Orioles our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour one of sports night leavs up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill she sto B Al block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in linol Dylan turn hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 five touchdown Dante Dowell shell throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot shell for three you bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner make it an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy kner with 9 8 s starts down the right side goes to the right Sid line 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw toy I got knock at home here are your hosts Jessica cudy and Jeremiah serles on the Huskers radio network I mean how about the big dog on the ticker tonight I wanted my moment I’ve been watching it the last few days I’ve been seeing it every time I come in I was like I want to do it I want to see if I can do it I got the radio voice I got the radio voice going I took that from Camden cuz yesterday we were sitting here like chopping it up beforehand he’s like ha good evening I was like that is incredible the ability to just switch it like that that’s I about lost it I about fell out of my chair when you’re like good evening you got to do it you got to turn theadi got to do it hey nicely done thank you just my real just you know I might I need a job I to say you can clip that off put on your resume reel you know so what we tell our interns so do the same build your brand you know you’re not just a a analyst you can you can be a voice guy too it’s like it was in the league jack of all trades master of none you never really know you just kind of roll with it oh hilarious well um how about the two huskar matching up in a Major League baseball game just it NE never happens really hardly in any sports but for to see those two guys going at it in the Major League Baseball I know it’s really special for this program think will Bol was on the on the broadcast but uh just so awesome to see yeah and one of my really good buddies Cody Ashley a former Husker baseball player here played in the league for a long time as the hitting coach for the Orioles so we’ve been talking about it in our group chat just kind of how fun it is and he’s like oh I had breakfast with bolt this morning so yeah I mean that’s super cool and you know most of the Jersey swaps that I have from when I played in the league were all from Huskers that I played against right there’s just something about seeing your your buddy on a professional level I mean if you’re lucky enough to play with one that’s really cool but if you’re lucky to even play against one it’s just really cool be like man we we made it like we’re here we’re in the show and like we went through the crap together through college and through the grind of it all and probably did things that we’ll just look at each other and be like no one knows about that right and here we are at the biggest stage going against each other it’s a really fun moment as a competitor to see your buddy doing at the highest level you know they work they were on the same team that special team that won the Big 10 title uh what 2021 but um yeah I it’s got to be good for recruiting right in any sport right and and you still deal with student athletes that are current student athletes when you start talking about choosing your college of choice I know that was one thing that was big for you but what places are going to get me to the next level how where does that rank among some of these guys when they make their decisions of where they’re playing college I mean there’s so many factors that go into a decision and it’s changing even more and now with nil but you know the biggest thing for me was am I going to play and are you going to develop me to have a chance to play at the next level right those those are the two fundamental questions in my mind when you’re asking about what makes me select a school right why am I going here now there’s money involved in those type of things but you know if you can point and say no look we develop guys that go and play at the next level not just bang around but are starters like we have that capability in our program that is a huge sale to recruits so will bolts produced several guys you know recently we had we kind of had some fun with it last night so Russ who is our guy are Studio manager here he is a huge Braves fan he’s from Georgia so die hard he’s always got the Braves on when they’re playing in the afternoon and Camden was gonna go for Kade because he’s a Nebraska guy Cole went with Spencer I went with Kate so we we were split down the middle who you which team are you on tonight who are you rooting for ker ker Spencer which everyone was on the Orioles can’t remember Kade Kade yeah I’m going K just cuz Cody Ash’s the coach of the Orioles too so you know I’m here for that so I’m I’m going to go with the Orioles you’re with us okay so the Jersey swap deal yeah what what did you do with all those jerseys are they hanging they’re all hanging in my basement right now um I need to get them framed I just don’t have enough space to frame them all in my house right now how many do you have probably like eight or nine yeah yeah I mean I got Amir I got Rex Spencer Long brentw Quincy and Nuna Amir Abdullah um is that something you guys like text before hey let’s swap Jersey yeah you kind of texted him before like hey make sure find me after the game let’s get a picture let’s get a jersey swap like it’s just fun to do I mean like I said it’s just one of those things where those are game worn that game Jersey right like I this was when I played against my buddy right and the crazy thing is most time they’re not even washed they kind of stink but like you don’t want to wash them because they still got the grass stains on them like they’re authentic right and it’s a Memory that you’ll always have and the plan is to eventually get them all framed in I want to get one giant frame like I don’t want to do the individuals like I want to do one giant shadow box that has all of them in it and then I’ll have another one that has all my different jerseys from Buffalo Carolina Minnesota uh Chargers and that type of thing does it stink does it fade no yeah I mean it’s good now it just like initially like you you unpack them out of you unpack them out of the bag and you’re just like oh yeah I took a Jersey home with me that’s hilarious uh I just I always have thought that’s really cool you know it’s something that you see on Sundays a lot too uh you know in the NFL but guys that didn’t play together as you mentioned that it’s that’s it’s really neat to see that but that there’s that connection there that you would you didn’t know that you would never know that you didn’t play together the way you see the interaction yeah it it’s just all about a Brotherhood and a family and just Husker Athletics in general you know this place is so special and so cool of the the community you bring you know when you come to Nebraska as a recruit you have no idea what to really expect you’re like just Nebraska like what are we doing and then once you get on campus here and you just realize you’re around all the athletes all the time you make friends AC crossplatform and my wife is the soccer player like my roommate married a softball player like and it’s just it goes around and round around like we’re just a giant community of athletes here and so whenever you see them anywhere whether it’s professional sports or anything you just kind of look at each other give each other a nod like hey go Big Red yeah go Big Red okay so and cam Taylor B was here he graduated which was really cool too we we talked to him but uh he was one he brought this up too and I’d be curious to see every stadium was there a Husker fan did it seem like there was some kind of tie that you he said just the support has been as good as it was when he was here when he when he got to Cincinnati yeah I mean especially in Minnesota there’s a ton of Husker fans up in Minnesota and not as much out on the west coast you know when I was in San Diego not many Go Big Reds or anything like that but man when I was in Minnesota if I wore anything with a Husker hat on it was always a go Big Red someone else was pointing to their shirt that they had the n on or yeah I mean the community is far and vast and wide so sticking with the note of getting to maybe the next level uh Pro Football Focus put out a a graphic today with Nash on it and just talking about how he’s R turning leading sack guy in the Big 10 um but in terms of where he stands right now where does he rank among the best defensive linemen we heard Tony white say last year he’s one of the best in the country but where does he rank among some of the best in the Big 10 and then what does his potential at the next level look like yeah you know he laid some really good groundwork for himself last year you know talking to some NFL Scouts that I know mean obviously they always bring bring up the Huskers who’s going to be good who’s going to be the guy you know and Nash right now from what I’ve heard has got like a really high level low low low round grade um to a priority free agent but I’m excited to see how cutting a little bit of weight doing the wrestling background how that can possibly lead to more disruption I mean he was one of the most disrupted players in the Big 10 last year from the nose guard position getting push getting after the quarterback singling up him on one-on-one with the the centers and just overpowering them I want to see if he took the next step technically in his game and if he does that he’s going to put himself right in contention for a draft pick next next spring is he in the argument for best defensive lineman in the Big 10 he’s up there I think he’s probably top 10 I mean he’s probably a top 10 interior defensive lineman you know off the top of my head I know there’s that kid from Michigan that’s an absolute I think he’s number 78 he looks like he’s a 40-year-old man like he’s like well man you look like you’ve been through like kids the wife the house but he’s like 19 but he’s a grown man I mean he’s a freak Show but you know and then there’s uh a guy from Purdue too I’m thinking of right now I’m blanking on his name but I mean he’s definitely contention with the interior wise of being one of the most dominant and most consistent defensive linemen in the Big 10 this year I brought up the Pro Football Focus you’re not a huge fan of that right I I think Collinsworth is a genius for doing it and I think it’s great to find a way to give the public a chance to kind of see grades and see access to players but it drives me nuts that the people that grade those in my opinion don’t really know football the best but it’s great for stats I mean nothing better than PFS when it comes to like percentage of snaps played where’ they play it at snacks or snack or sacks pressures hurries those type of things those it’s phenomenal for all of that and like you mentioned it’s there’s really no competition nobody’s really doing it you can’t I mean they were first to Market and it’s like what are you going to do just copy them like and cuz when they launched they launched across they left no stone unturned right they were like Hey we’re a One-Stop shop for everything grades snap counts like if anyone wanted to try and come and rival them I really don’t know how you would even do it and how are you going to take on Chris Collinsworth the dude is pumping himself on Sunday Night Football like every Sunday night intro has the guy underneath it of where his PFF grade and how he ranks out I mean he’s he’s very very intelligent for taking that on but it’s not the end all be all don’t hang your hat on everything I mean you’ll see guys that’re like oh you was the highest graded PFF player and it’s like he didn’t get drafted like he like you know like it has nothing to Corel with like the high level of football like yeah he graded out well but he may not be a great football player and there have been times that they’ve had high grades in games that you’re like no way like even in a in a single game they’ll come back and say highest graded o lineman you’re like that’s not true I mean they’re and they’re hard on o lineman they’re tough because we we have no positive stats like right there’s no like oh he got a pancake that’s a plus right it’s only like oh man he got beat four times I better knock his pass protection grade down from a 90 to a 64 I got beat four times what it like they’re really really hard on offensive linemen which is probably another reason I’m not a huge fan yeah probably what was your pfff grade my highest ever I got an 88 one game oh wow my lowest ever I think I was like a 45 it was not good it was bad it was bad oh that’s hilarious okay we’ve got a lot to get to here on tonight’s show we’ve got the US Open coming up this week we’re gonna have a draft and pick our winners and uh see who’s going to take home the prize over the weekend bragging rights here I have Greg’s pick for the weekend as well but uh We’ve also got what do we have in hour number two oh Cory Campbell is going to be here he talked to the media today it was pretty cool the media got a chance to see the new facility so we’re going to uh dive into that listen to some of that press conference get our give you our takes on that but coming up next you got to talk to men’s Hoops they finally have the roster all put together so we had coach hoyberg stop by so we’re going to talk some Nebraska Men’s Basketball coming up next and as always if you want to be a part of the show tonight you can give us a text on our Sports nightly hotline brought to you by Woodhouse Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kep me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love chiropratic is safe and effective for all ages make chiropractor your first choice to reduce pain and improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more 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me Jessica it really has this has turned into our busiest time of year right when the season ends then uh chaos I guess kind of starts with uh you know different guys parting ways and you know then trying to fill roster spots with a group of guys that really fit with what we’ve tried to do the last couple years and you know just starting with last year’s group it was just it was one of the most enjoyable teams I’ve ever been around and no agendas it was a team that was very unselfish they just came uh to work with a business-like approach every day and I think you saw that on the court that’s what that group was all about and we’ve really done a good job I think of filling uh you know the roster spots that we had available with the same type of player and that’s what I really talked to my coaching staff about was trying to get the same type of guys that this fan base can rally behind and and uh and be a fun group to cheer for and we had our first workout today actually and it was uh three small groups the communication was off the charts uh the guys were out there making plays I can tell it’s going to be a group that has a high basketball IQ and um you know we’ve got two guys that aren’t here right now so Braxton Mia uh is still finishing up school they’re on the quarter system out at Washington and then ber actually leaves today to go back to Turkey to start training for his national team that he’s got back in Turkey uh this summer but I’m I’m really excited about this group I I can tell already it’s going to be another fun team to coach okay before we dive too far into the team you had a big announcement today a couple additions to your staff Josiah Alec going to stick around and be a part of the staff and then you’re bringing back Tristan Simpson who’s also a local kid too to to be a part of this yeah I you know first of all with Joe it’s going to be great to have him around our program and have a guy you can even hear him today he just he’s recovering from a surgery so we had another ankle uh surgery a couple weeks ago in Charlotte one of the leading experts in the world on on his particular procedure and you know to have him around our team as he recovers I think is going to be very beneficial you had one of your guys on the from the roster from a year ago that is was one of the best leaders that I’ve ever been around so it’s going to be great for him to teach the new guys uh he won’t be on the court for a couple more months just because because of the rehab that he’s going to be going through but he’s going to be over on the sidelines you can see him over there he had his notepad he was taking notes of all the different things that we were doing on the floor uh and then Tristan he he’s been absolute rock star for us since he came on board a couple weeks ago and uh you know a guy that was coaching an Indian Hills junior college a year ago and it’s great to bring him home and you know he’s just a wonderful wonderful kid and uh again two great guys to add to our to our staff so you you talked about the group that you had last year and the pieces that you got coming back and it was a cool funny video that they did with Joan Gary and Bryce Williams like hey let’s run it back but with those two and then Sam how good was it to have that Trio di to kind of build a team around when you start talking about bringing guys in from the transfer portal well it is it’s important to have guys back that have been through it that can help and even saw today Bryce did a great job of stopping in the middle of the workout in explaining something to Conor recision you know just as far as terminology so to have guys that have been through it is uh is is very important um you know the other guys Aaron Ulus who was a part of our team and part of our practices but was not eligible to play a year ago so we do have some continuity even the Walk-Ons way had back you know kale um you know was a guy that was very close to being on the floor for us last year we just uh you know stayed healthy for the most part all year but he’s a guy that uh again will give us great leadership ability Jeff Grace Henry Bert uh you know guys like that that have been part of the program that can help uh the young guys along the Freshman Nick Janowski Bren frer who’s dealing with a wrist injury right now uh but those young guys I mean and as I said our team meeting to our older guys yesterday it doesn’t seem like long ago even our fourth and fifth year guys that you were sitting in these two guys seats and you know help them uh you know help them acclimate because there is so much uh going on with a huge learning curve for those freshman players so our and our guys have really again they bought into that from what I’ve seen so far and I think it’s going to be like that all year but yes to answer your question Jessica having those guys that have been part of the program and then the players that we added uh we’ve got six seniors uh this year we’re going to have another old team and that benefited us greatly a year ago um you had mentioned Aon uis I know you guys love the way how he approached things last year on the scout team and and in practice what’s his status he’s good to go have you guys got word on that yeah he he’s good to go he he’ll be uh fully eligible from the very first game uh this year um and uh yeah you know so to have uh Bryce Jaan Aaron you got three uh you know really good uh senior uh leaders and again Bryce and Jaan obviously on the floor for us a lot of success a year ago Sam um you know had a had a really solid year uh defensively for us a year ago and you know he’s really been working on his shot been very diligent with that here this summer uh but yeah when you look at the pieces we’ve added Jessica um we’ve got guys that have exper they’ve come from winning programs uh when we made the tournament a year ago the only player on our active roster that had played in a tournament game was Jawan Gary you know this year you’ve got a lot of guys you know the returners plus uh you know some of the players we got coming in that have played in winning programs that’s very important when it comes to that time of year when you come off of that you get back to the NCA tournament and you have you know those guys that experience it how much does that fuel a team going into the offseason well it is and our our big message to our team this year you know we got there a year ago now we need to take the next step now we need to take this program to where it’s never been before and I think our guys are up to the challenge it’s a team where there’s going to be expectations uh going into the season from a team that got third in the Big 10 we were One Call Away from beaten Illinois in the road being this number two seed in the Big 10 conference behind Purdue obviously was in the national championship game a year ago so we’re coming off of some success and now it’s about taking the next step and again I’m confident with this group uh that we’re going to put ourselves in a really good position the other news uh with your players that are coming back rank mask and a miss the season had surgery he played hurt basically all season last year I have seen him walking around over here he seems to be in great spirits and I love the release when he came back he he wants to come back he he seems to really love it here but can you take us through that that decision process of of having the surgery and and him wanting to eventually come back and be a Husker again well and and you’re 100% right I mean he was so good uh you know early on in the season then had that knee procedure in December and then still had I thought a really solid season for us and you know let our team in assist let our team in rebounding uh Illinois game in the Big 10 tournament was too bad he got into foul trouble in that game cuz he had a rolling in uh in early on uh in that one so um you know again you’re going to have another guy on the sidelines that’s that’s really going to help with leadership uh you know knows what this program is all about uh but yeah when we went through all the different options for rink he uh uh you know decided for his long-term career and and you know we were 100% supportive of his decision to have the procedure and the guy that did a surgery is a guy named Brian Cole who’s the team doctor for the Chicago bull so obviously I knew Brian uh very well and he is the leading expert in the world on cartilage regeneration which is the procedure that rank had so he did it and the good thing about rank’s procedure is uh the knee was totally intact once they opened him up and that should help him on his recovery and get him to a full uh recovery and get back uh fully healthy next year which we’re all excited about oh that’s great okay let’s talk about some of the newcomers we we’ve talked about the Freshman a couple different times so let’s uh dive into the guys you brought in from the portal starting with the the senior point guard a veteran point guard and Raley Worster that’s always nice to have a veteran point guard yeah Raleigh in talking to people that played against him and and people with the teams that he’s been on they all say one thing he’s just a Flatout winner and he does whatever it takes to win games he’s he he very likely will be the first Husker ever to finish a career with 1,000 points 500 rebounds and 500 assists he’s just a really good all-around player and you can already see he just uses leadership and um you know he’s been working hard on his shot we detected a couple things uh that hopefully will make him more consistent in that area but he does so many things uh that impact winning he averaged over five rebounds and five assists uh the last two years and almost double figure point so yeah really good U addition to us in the back court Andrew Morgan the 610 senior forward from North Dakota State I asked Sam grizel about him he said really talented play hard and play the right way you found that’s really important for this program to do it the right way on the court yeah and a guy that just I mean you look at his production a year ago and just over 22 minutes he averaged 13 and a half points and over six rebounds and you know he’s got in foul trouble a little bit too much that’s what limited his minutes on the court but he is really really talented he’s got good lift uh he’s tough and uh he does have a nice skill set you know we’re going to work on fixing a couple things to make him more consistent with his outside shot but uh he’s got a really really nice skill set and in the summit League he got double teamed pretty much every time he touched the ball on the Block so you know there’s u a guy that I think can play through the elbow give us a little bit what rink uh gave us but he is really good on the low block another guy that Sam grizel knows really well too uh Justin bis the Lincoln native he went to southw Southeast Community College last year during his freshman year but his numbers were really impressive and seems to be an efficient score yeah he’s very efficient high flyer U you know will give us absolutely a level of a athleticism that we’re going to need and you know we needed to bolster our front front Court especially with losing Josiah and with rink uh out this year so you know getting a guy like Justin he’s going to give us athleticism at that part he and Braxton you know I’m sure you’re going to ask about here in a minute but they give us a really good athleticism two guys that can play Above the Rim and also protect the rim on the other end Conor Cen he’s uh from Wisconsin or played his first two years at Wisconsin really really great freshman year he’s potential to be an elite shooter right yeah one one of the best Shooters I think in the country and you know he hit four of them against us in our loss to Wisconsin on the road this year in mad and he uh just to you know give you a little context his freshman year he had an all-time freshman record for three-pointers made at Wisconsin and uh you know casay last year made 75 threes we all know the shooter that he was Connor is freshman year at Wisconsin made 69 so he he can really fill it up and you know guy that’s got a quick release but yeah he’s going to be one of those guys every time he shoots it you know you’re surprised if it doesn’t go in if he’s open another guy with big 10 experience is Gavin Griffiths who played his freshman year at Rucker and I feel like if there’s a type of player that really thrives in your system it’s it’s Gavin Griffith his his skill set yeah long over a 7 foot wingspan and you know he was one of the top prospects coming out in fact I came down to ruter in Connecticut were his final two choices coming out and he uh he fits how we play he just he’s got a Flawless shooting stroke and you know with when you’re 67 68 uh and you shoot the ball like he does with a high release um you know that opens up a lot he really finished off the season playing his best basketball a year ago he went through some ups and downs early in his freshman year but finished on a real high note and uh shot almost 40% from three in average double figures so he’s you know finished the year with some confidence and I expect a big year out of Gavin all right let’s dive into bra s Mia now the seven-footer I know a lot of fans were asking where can we find a seven-footer you got one providing you some size inside I I at any level I’ve never had a guy like him he just yeah and his two years ago he was all Pack 12 uh defense and last year he played with a misdiagnosed broken thumb and had some issues uh you know catching the ball as all of us would if we had a broken digit so he uh uh you know is a guy that can catch lobs he is uh Elite rim protector you know that’s what I’m really excited uh about braaton but yeah a guy that can put heat on the rim and with the shooting that we’ve added to our program uh you know he’s going to draw that defense in and that’s going to open up things for everybody okay hopefully I can pronounce this right ber bu Buel no how did I I didn’t say right Buel you said it better than I can I saw Kent had something where he was look look it up on Kent’s Twitter feed he’ll come ber ber yes but he yeah so I’ve talked to a lot of people about bar he’s one of the top European prospects I think the second actually uh International Prospect coming in two years ago when he went to UCLA and I’ve talked to numerous people U Leon rice is a good friend of mine coach of Boise State he coached against him in the world games the previous year he said he was by far the best player that they played against um you know another guy that I think fits how we play with you know with the freedom and the free flowing offense uh he’s got a really nice shooting stroke Lefty and he’s got great footwork in the mid post and on the Block and he can really pass so yeah just a a a a very unique skill set for a guy that’s 6’10 you know when he was here on his visit he’s actually a little bit taller than rank if that gives you any type of perspective on it but yeah great size and a very unique skill set for somebody um that uh that that plays a front Court position adding another Lefty that can shoot right it seems like you you got a lot of players that can help you stretch the floor which is what you guys like to do we do and then Nick Janowski is a freshman is a guy that can really shoot the ball uh you know frager like I said he probably won’t be ready until pretty close to our fall workouts uh just being careful with his with the wrist injury that he had uh but he’s you know like Jawan a couple years ago when he heard a shoulder it really forced him to work on his form shooting and that’s what Braden has been doing he’s put on already uh you know about 12 pounds of muscle and he is uh you know I I I’m really happy about you know when you look at the overall mix of our team with some older veteran guys and that’s some young players that I think are going to have very good careers uh here when it’s all said and done uh so yeah I really like our freshman in both lefties I guess is how I got to that point there’s just something about a lefty shooter You’ bragged on your staff a little bit at the beginning of this interview and and just the job that they did helping assemble assemble this roster when you go when you guys go in and dive into the portal and attack hey what are our needs can you take us through that process and how you guys go about it CU it’s probably like a puzzle piece isn’t it yeah it it is it’s it’s it’s a very hard Dynamic to our job right now with everything that we have going on um in the landscape of College athletics right now and I’m really pleased with the type of player that we brought in because as I said the number one thing we wanted to get is is guys that come in here and play hard and play the right way and you can see that we’re going to have that type of group and again unselfishness um you know fitting in with a group group and and you can you can see that that’s that’s the type of guys that we have on this roster so it it really is and then you obviously have to have a skill set that fits with what we do and how we play and you know now our job as coaches and I’ve always tried to approach it this way when we put the group together what system can we put in that fits the strengths of this team and you know defensively we we I thought had a system that fit who we were a year ago um you know once we get braon on the floor you know we may play a little bit different we’ll probably start the same way with an aggressive uh pick and roll coverage uh but we may be in some drop as well with Braxton because of his length and rim protection uh you know as far as offense it’ll be a little bit different look we certainly will have our Staples but I think there’s a little bit of a difference with the skill set of this particular team than what we’ve seen the last few years so now you know I played a lot of different ways over the course of my coaching career just based on the overall skill set of our players and now it’s about finding that right system and it’s going to take a little little while but the good thing is we’ve got 8 weeks this summer and then uh you know 5 weeks in the fall before we start official practice Yeah I was going to ask you how much you enjoy this the process of hey here’s a brand new team how let’s figure out what’s what works best for them yeah it’s an exciting part of it you know now that we have this group put together you know a lot of work and a lot of stress goes into putting the roster together but now that we’re pretty much set now it’s about figuring out what the right system is we’ve been doing that with with our coaching staff and uh you know studying other teams that maybe have similar type um you know players on the roster with similar skill levels and then you know how do we apply that to ours so we do studies on NBA teams we do studies on you know the top efficiency teams on both sides of the ball in college we watch a lot of international uh basketball and now it’s about you know finding the right system without overwhelming them you know you can put a million things out there not be good at any of them or have a little smaller package and hopefully uh you know perfect it so that that’s that’s what we’re doing right now a lot of projects and you know putting the right system out there for this group last thing I got for you you know the last couple of Summers have been really really critical to the culture that was build and and how close-knit this team was and and playing into the season that they were able to have what goes into it for this group with so many newcomers how they need to build that here over the next couple of months so that they they do have that collectiveness once they you guys hit the four for preseason yeah again a big part of putting the roster together was Finding good culture guys and you know again I know I’ve said this a lot but I point to that group two years ago with Sam griel with Emanuel bandel uh Derek Walker you know were three of the leaders on that team and they really helped flip uh you know what we were looking to do from a culture standpoint and then last year’s team just really built on that and I think this year you’re going to see the same thing and you know it is it’s we have a culture day every week uh you know starting uh tomorrow actually is when we’re going to have our first culture day talk about our core values uh you know talk about everything that we need to do as far as unselfishness and communication uh that we’ll do throughout the summer you know to build the culture to to get it to where we uh where we need to have a successful season all right coach hyber I appreciate your time and uh great job breaking down all those guys there’s a lot of them yeah there is yeah great seeing you just stay cool out there it’s hot I’m going to try um I I really am excited about this groupt that you guys put together seems like you guys got some good pieces and some more good character guys which was so fun last year interviewing all those guys it really is and and I you know I know what this fan base is all about and to try to get guys in here that are blue collar hardworking uh play the right way unselfish you know we want to continue to build that to give hopefully a product that this uh fan base can be proud of all right coach appreciate it and we’ll chat with you again hopefully here in a couple yeah thank you uh we got to step aside for a break here on Sports nightly Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric 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competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled Sapp Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics in to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a union Omaha pro soccer match at wner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play a round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at welcome back to sports night here in the Huskers radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Dear John Deer dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field welcome back s just doing it all for wearing all those hats that was for you Shane Jensen on the chat uh he also had another question for you while find it um oh he he said this um the big dog started something on Twitter SLX people are boycotting Nathan’s Hot Dogs I was going to start off the show with that again like have you calmed down about that or no but have you seen the news of Netflix the Netflix special you got a face off I believe it’s September 3rd kobashi versus Joey Chestnut in a head-to-head con hot dog eating contest inject that into my veins I will be front and center on my TV I might even have a hot dog and solidarity to watch those two Mammoth people in the eating industry go toe-to-toe I don’t think I’ve seen you as passionate about a topic other than the offensive line I mean what I my phone obviously listens to me and so all day all last night all day today I’ve just been getting Joey Chestnut news like crazy and also I’ve been checking his Twitter account he’s gained like 20,000 followers wow and that’s why I kind of said this may be an inside job like this may be an inside job by Nathan’s Hot Dogs to try and drum up some drama and then be like ah we’ll let him back in they’re going to let him I I really think that’s what’s going to happen seeing the backlash that they’re getting I think last minute they’ll let him back in for sure okay sammon Omaha on the text line said Is it true Tom Brady wanted to do a Jersey swap too but sirl said thanks but no no unfortunately no but I did go shake his hand after we played him I was like yeah you don’t know me but I grew up watching you one of the greatest thanks and he was like oh nice to meet you and then that was it I did that with Tom Brady and Payton Manning and Drew Brees I just went up afterwards I was like I’m never going to have this opportunity to just go shake your hand right I mean probably not again and that was just one of those things like I’m gonna I’m GNA do it as weird as it is I’m GNA do it so who I guess I mean not going to like be like a fanboy but I guess what player that you play against or face up or played with that you admired the most their game that was like you weren’t all the to be on the same field with yeah you know practicing with Dwight freeny when I was a rookie and being like dude you are like the sack Master like I’ve watched highlights of your spin moves over and over and over again and I remember when he hit me with the my first spin move in practice I was like almost honored I was like oh I can say I got spinned on by Dwight freedy like this is a legend and he was a strange cat too he brought all his own food and for three meals a day all he ate was Bon or bison and veggies I’m talking three meals a day and he cooked it in his own weird little apparatus like it was strange bison’s really healthy though right super lean super super to eat yes um Shane said after I said that you’re doing it all that was his request for you to do the ad read uh he said what did he I’m just lost it again he said um where was it I just had it oh big dog does it the big dog does it all big dog does it all okay BDA I do have another question for you here on the chat we will get to from Mike but we needed to get to our final break here of hour number one so take it away again you you you’re doing the other read Husker fans check out all the new hi ve Perks program sign up for the totally free hi ve Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks Hive is the official grocery partner part of the Huskers Athletics and is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local high ve today back with more from Sports nightly coming up get ready to rule the field and revolutionize your farming game with Valley the GameChanger in irrigation and agtech solutions with time and labor saving measures ground truthing results and effective input reduction Valley provides the perfect game plan so you stay ahead of what’s in the field from the best in 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Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers hey Huskers it’s a new day in Nebraska manzer equipment merch farm equipment and West Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and turf coach rule is bringing Innovation and high performance standards to Husker football and true a is doing the same to your farm with gamechanging fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska Husker fans check out The allnew highve Perks program sign up for the totally free high ve Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks Hivey is an official grocery partner of husker Athletics and is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local H today sirl said one segment doing the reads and I’m out yeah you get one you get one take one and one take one that’s all you get so there you go that that was for you Shane and that’s all he’s going to do okay let’s get to a couple of questions for you on the text line John and Omaha Jeremiah Love You on the show what are your thoughts about MVP Adrien Martinez do you think the year he has got him look in the NFL uh wish you would stay on the team really enjoy give my best to Jessica thanks appreciate that John John and Omaha yeah John well first of all I don’t know if know I represent Adrien Martinez he is a client um of the agency so yeah I think he absolutely gives a shot in the NFL we’re talking to multiple teams um you know they look at him and what’s great is he actually had an opportunity at the end of the season last year to sign what’s called a Futures Contract with an NFL team which is where they want to sign you and bring you in for the offseason program and we ultimately decided to turn that down and go to the UFL so he could get tape tape is King you have to show you can do it more than just a preseason like and he went out there and did exactly what we asked him said dude go win MVP and he did it and you know got the championship game this weekend huge game for him he’s got a bounce back after the rough outing last week where they put caral in but I mean just talking to him he’s so mature he’s grown so much as a player and it’s fun for me to be able to watch when I remember watching him as a freshman here now working with him in a professional capacity has been a really cool thing for me I also think what’s been cool too because this is not normal this day and age how many Husker fans are rooting for him and the support that he’s gotten after he transferred to K State but the fact that you know Husker fans are still so interested and invested and and excited to see his success I mean that dude literally almost died on the field like every year I mean I I called the game when he broke his jaw right I was there on the sideline and I can remember watching on the side like holding his mouth and being like dude I think this dude’s in trouble and they’re like oh yeah we’ll just wire it shut and you just go out there and do your thing I mean the dude is tough he’s developed a lot more as a passer I mean I really do think he has a chance to be an NFL roster next year so he he’s played well pretty much all season I mean again he’s all over my social media it seems like every time they play what happened last week you know he struggled a little bit early had two bad turnovers and you know they struggled against that team the week prior it’s very rare you play Team back toback you know so he struggled a little bit the week prior sloppy football and sometimes a head coach just needs a change right a spark and Matt caral happened to be the spark um for them that week but I do think Adrian’s going to get the start this week in the championship game y’all were not surprised expected this from him yeah absolutely we we knew I mean watching his growth once he left K State and again this is not bashing Nebraska or K State we got him with a really specialized quarterback coach who was basically told us like his technique and his his his mechanics were a mess and once he got his mechanics and his timing and his rhythm put back down I mean he was playing the best football of his career in the UFL this year I mean he just looks more poised getting through his progressions getting through his reads he’s doing great stuff couple minutes left here uh what potential NFL team could be a good f for him might take a look at him and might give him a shot yeah you know I’m not that’s tough for me to talk about right now that you put me on the spot a little bit there um but I mean I guess like his skill set because that’s a lot of it too right I mean I feel like yeah I mean I’ll tell you this we have we have about five teams that are calling to interest you know and I’ll just say it’s teams with with not strong quarterback rooms okay right and that’s the teams that we target as an agency right you look like for example I’m not going to call the Steelers who have Russell Wilson and Justin fields and you know you look at teams that go okay who’s the solidified starter but how much are they in love with their depth right and you know the other piece of it you look okay who else is in that team’s division because Adrien is such a unique skill set I mean if you’re in the AFC e or AFC West like and he wants to be like a momes running around right or if you’re in the AFC North and you want to mimic Lamar Jackson running around who better than to have Taylor or Taylor Adrien Martinez on your practice squad so that he can give your defense a great look okay final minute here of hour number one another question for you question for Jeremiah who was the most hostile fan base you played against in the NFL oh the Raiders I mean when I was with the Chargers I was with the Raiders that was when still they were still playing in Oakland we had a our bus got its window Shattered by a beer bottle like like I mean it was wild it was nuts and I mean the Raider black hole was a real thing and those dudes were different would people say the bills and you were on the bills but would would they aren’t hostile though like they’re crazy they’re crazy but they’re not like hostile the Raiders were hostile like throwing stuff with the bus as many double birds as you could count on the way in like they were they were hostile it’s kind of surprising cuz they haven’t been good in a while that they’re still that but like Vegas is different Oakland Oakland was a different breed now like I mean that was the one where you’re like hey don’t don’t send your family like just tell them to watch this one on ABC don’t travel this one yeah all right good stuff uh again another quick first hour but we still have plenty to come here and up and hour number two we’re going to hear from Cory Campbell strength and conditioning coach update on the weit room progress for housec football and we are going to have our our US Open golf draft we already picked spots for the draft we’ll tell you how we did that stick around hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sa Brothers petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sa Brothers has been around reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled Sapp Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catching Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit mono Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and actor to do the things I love chiropratic is safe and effective for all ages make chiropractor your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska e e e e e e e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative last night Nebraska baseball earned a commitment from one of the best players in the summit League kale Frost the transfer from South Dakota state was a summit League newcomer of the year and Summit League player of the year last season with the jack rabbits Frost hit 343 had 21 home runs and 59 RBI this past season another Husker news Nebraska volleyball officially announced their schedule today the Huskers will play 31 matches 20 against Big 10 opponents and 11 against non-conference foes 18 of the 31 will be will be played at home some highlights from the schedule include a home matchup with Stanford on September 8th matchups at home against UCLA and USC to begin Big 10 conference play and a home match against Wisconsin on November 23rd for more information and to see the entire schedule visit Nebraska basketball announced the addition of two new grad assistants for the upcoming season Josiah Alec and Tristan Simpson are both Lincoln natives who played at Lincoln Northstar high school and will be with the team this upcoming season in national news Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West died Wednesday morning at at the age of 86 West was the third player in NBA history to reach 25,000 points was an All-Star every year of his career and led the Los Angeles Lakers to the NBA finals nine times winning one title in the 1971 72 season he was also a 12 all NBA selection and an NBA Finals MVP and finally one big Major League Baseball game of note tonight the Orioles lead the Braves two to nothing in the top of the sixth the starting pitchers for this game are both former Huskers Spencer schwellenbach for the Braves and Kade Povich for the Orioles poic has pitched five in two3 Innings while allowing no runs on five hits with six strikeouts schellenbach has pitched five innings he’s LED two runs on four hits he’s walked two and struck out two as well our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour two of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill and she sto B Al block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in Lincoln Dyan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 five touchdown Dante Dowell Chile throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven ISO six to shoot Shelly for three bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner make it an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seven now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva brettell and a two to nothing lead for the Cornus Tomy kna with nine 8 seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw toy Naga KN and home here are your hosts Jessica cudy and Jeremiah serles on the Huskers radio network welcome back our number two of sports nightly uh we have a lot of fun stuff coming up for you this hour uh but if you want to be a part of the show 402 413 2400 that is our Woodhouse Auto family hotline Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at okay before we stove into dive into some of the Corey Campbell highlights from his press conference today had another text for you that we didn’t get to in hour number one but it’s from Mike asking which um which position group are you the most concerned about and maybe concerned isn’t the most but I guess which one is the most iffy I guess at this point going into fall Camp yeah it’s got to be inside backer inside backer has got to be I mean we lost a solidified core in there and you know very few guys coming back that are long-term starters so I think that would be my question mark I mean but to be fair this time last year I was saying the D line and they ended up being the strength of the team so who knows maybe can see some rising stars that really step up to the plate and just knock it out of the park Mike agrees with you he said personally it’s probably inside linebacker but it’s just it with any team any sport when you lose leadership it’s just always concerning and and look at what Luke and Nick did for so long but you do have John bulock Johnny B uh coming back but it’s just when you have Staples like that that’s always a little bit concerning no matter which sport who it is when you lose that it’s okay how how who’s going to step in and try to fill that void it’s uncertainty it’s a blind projection you’re looking at this guy going he I know he can do it in practice and I know he did it at times last year but when you go into the season as the guy it’s a whole another different wor of world of pressure and expectations and and sometimes I can get to people and as a coach you just have to try and prepare those guys to own their moment and you know that’s kind of where we’re at the inside backer position is I think it’s going to be by committee too I think it’s not going to be us like it like anyone on this defense it’s going to get rotated yeah I mean it’s like you better get ready a lot of for a lot of teams a lot of broadcasters you don’t really have to learn that many names but you better learn the entire anybody that plays defense you better know who they are yeah you better know I mean and even then I remember there’s a couple times last year I think M it was Mak Bor we like who is that we like all a sudden like he was in we’re like looking like oh there he is and Van Popple too you’re like he just kind of got thrown in there you’re like I didn’t know he was going to play Man James Williams like there were multiple times that we were like okay all right so at least we know what to be prepared for going into year number two Tony absolutely okay and and that’s what’s great though but I think and what this when I talk to players what they have really enjoyed is that hey it doesn’t matter they’re not locked into hey this is who’s playing every week if you are taking care of business even if it’s Midway through the season if you are practicing well you’re going to get your opportunity yeah and that’s what’s great about this is you can tell when fresh legs run in there I’ll tell you this as an offensive lineman when you’re on a long drive and you’re kind of sucking win you see a fresh group of guys run in there you’re like oh my gosh here we go again yeah and Tony white was great about platooning guys last year keeping guys fresh so that no one’s out there tired right if you’re tired you can make mistakes or you’re not you don’t have that quick burst if you can keep your best players in there I mean that’s why I think Ty Robinson being able to be spelled a little bit right so you can get 40 snaps out of him instead of 60 right you’re going to get the best version of him for those 40 snaps it’s also nice too with the four game red shirt rule you can play guys and and still red I wish we had that I mean I I would have gotten good four games in me and I felt like I’ve so much further ahead right so much more ready to step in and not have your first game experience like out there on the like holy cow like you’ve done it you get a road game in too I love that rule because that’s exactly what you talked about last night it’s just not knowing what to expect so if you had that opportunity it’s it’s just huge for these that would have been M I love that rule I also like too that they moved it to where it can be any four games so like even at the end of the season if cuz a true freshman most of the time is not going to be ready to play most of the time most positions they’re not going to be ready to play at the beginning of the Season especially the ones that get here in the summer yeah if you get here in June and they’re like you ready to go August 27th you’re like no but maybe by the end of the season the last four games you know and also like Maris Buford who’s coming off an injury it allows him to play at the end and then still have his and a bowl game now me you’re seeing more and more guys opt out and get ready to go for the NFL and type of thing like if you want to get a young player in there to get in that’s a perfect time okay let’s get to some clips from Cory Campbell press conference today he met with the media give an update on everything that’s been going on in the strength and conditioning program so the first question that he was ask is just the biggest difference in year number two working with the team um I think one of the major things is confidence right year one was a lot of convincing them or getting them to believe in themselves that they were good enough to win and year two uh I believe that they know they’re good enough to go and win um aside from that where in year one it was a lot of building the culture right um as coaches showing them what we wanted um but now going in a year two they have a very thorough understanding of that culture and what the standard is um and and we look for it to now be more player Le right pushing those seniors those upper classmen to be leaders not only in their position groups but across the team um and then really really teaching those young guys what it means to be a Husker um from a culture standpoint and understanding the standard of work the quality of work that it’s going to take for us to go out there and win fall so that’s a big difference in year one and year two just their confidence in themselves that they’re good enough to go out there and win and you know winning in the fall it begins now um you know it began in the winter w w with training um you know we put those guys through tough situations so that when they get in those tough situations in the games um and the fall that it won’t be the first time that they’ve seen that you and I have talked about this time and time get on the podcast the strength coaches are the true culture Builders of a football program they spend the most amount of time with the kids they see them every single day like that staff has to be topnotch and I was lucky enough to have James Dobson here who’s I think is one of the best and you know I’ve been around Corey at Firethorn a few times I’ve got to see and I think he’s phenomenal I think he’s great and you know he touched on you know when you get here as a new staff not only you trying to instill a new culture but you also are trying to instill new ways of doing things right here’s how we lift here’s how we warm up here’s where your your stations are all those things and so when you can get into year two and you have all that installed now it’s more about the work than it is how to work and that’s a major major jump for these guys it’s also a really hard time right and so it’s also like bringing guys together and making sure you’re balancing hey we’re going to push you really really really hard but also like maintaining that you’re still having fun and we’re still no there’s no I mean I guess not fun but like just balancing out how miserable it can be at times in the off but still maintaining those relationships I guess with Cory Campbell it’s it’s just a lot to balance yeah it Balan and also just making sure that you’re like listen man this is why we’re doing this right we’re not just doing this to beat you down we’re doing this because it has a purpose it’s going to translate to this which then leads to the field which leads to you being a better football player when you lay out the path of why you’re doing the hard things it makes it less hard and more about like want to and drive you heard him talking about being a team-led team and uh a player-led team coach roll said that in my postgame interview with him in the spring game or or in-game interview have you been a part of teams that were more coach L vers team Le and just I guess can you compare when you’re embedded in it how is it so different yeah lucky enough I mean here at Nebraska was very player-led you know you need to be you need to be policed by your peers you need to be held accountable by your peers because that’s a culture Setter because if you’re as a freshman and the Juniors and the seniors are invested into you of how you’re developing how you’re going because it’s like we’re going to need you maybe at one point this season or this program is going to need you that instills the culture that then follows that when that freshman’s a senior he’s going to do the same thing right and that’s how you find a really good player Le team my senior year we had four or five starting senior offensive lineman we ran the whole team like the whole team ran through us I mean and we did we we implemented a rule too like it used to be if you were late to a workout then that one team was punished and I was like no if he’s late we’re all punished like we’re all accountable for everyone’s actions here okay uh up next from Coach Campbell he was asked about the new wait room and how big of an advantage it is for Nebraska and what the transition has been like to the new weight room I’ll say that you know um and really it’s just your approach to training like I look at it as an advantage because of the tools that we now have at our disposal right um you know in this weight room being in being in the in the one previously you know we we kind of saw the holes we saw the gaps you know and things that we needed to we needed to equip our players with to be able to train them the way in which we wanted to so that they so that they can go be successful in the fall um so you know I I will say that’s an advantage because I have a lot of tools that you know I didn’t have in the other room and the other room was great don’t get me wrong um work is still work you know you got to train hard wherever you’re at um but us having access to um different machines us having the ability to train um more guys right our roster is getting bigger um you know we have uh 145 guys um and just the ability to have um the to train the athletes um where they’re not on top of each other you know they have adequate um access to equipment where um you know we can get we can get a large group in there and we can train them as a large group and then we can get a small group in there and they have just they have access to the space um so that they can get the the training that they you know so well deserve it’s amazing what a decade does cuz I can remember when I got here in 2013 and it was like we have the biggest weight room in the world it was like oh my gosh there’s so much space like so much room for activities and now he’s like yeah you know we a little cramped over there in the other time like and that’s just the nature of how big things got how much space but I mean I got a chance during spring game or spring football they let the old players walk through facility and mean that weight room is absolutely incredible and I want to come see it when it’s full like I want to hear what that like what that sounds like when 150 guys are in there banging weights and there is something to be said about everyone suffering bring together you know and I think it’s great for the strength half too I mean when I was playing we used to have a 7:45 group a 9:00 group and then you had a 3:00 group and then the 4:15 and then you had the the Development Group at the end so now you’ll be able to get everything together everyone will be able to see everyone how everyone’s working like nothing will fall through the cracks so it’s funny because my first time on campus uh when I was getting a tour of it my parents were here we were looking at everything and when it was Brandon Meyer we went to the wait room and you know my dad’s also seen OU facilities that were brand new at the time and when we walked to the weight room here your the weight room you got my dad was like this isn’t big enough he could not believe that it wasn’t big enough it’s enormous I mean for me it was still I mean and you then you go to the NFL some of the weit rooms I had in the NFL were embarrassing I mean I’m talking not even as big as our acre Studio here I mean you cut this thing in like a third and it was like all right a hotel five of you can squat at one time and then the next five and then the next five like they’re just so different cuz the NFL is about paying the players not the facilities okay so more on the size of the weight room he was asked specifically can you get 145 guys in that room at once can I yes do I no um you know Fridays during the summer um we we take a team approach to our training and that’s the only day we do it I don’t I don’t like groups that big because you know I’m I’m very I’m very big on the details right and I want I want the guys to have eyes on them I want them to be coached I want them to be corrected um you know so I don’t I don’t love to have that big group in there but at that same time you know we play football as a team so on Fridays we’ll bring um the veteran players in as one group the the the incoming freshman I don’t bring them in at the same time in the weight room but we meet and do whatever uh postlift conditioning is that day we’ll meet as a group for that um for example on Fridays we run the stadium we we run Memorial and we do that as a team right because I want the seniors to see the Freshman I want the Freshman to see the seniors but in terms of getting them in the weight room those incoming guys aren’t as far along right you know I’m still doing a lot of teaching with them a lot of um a lot of rudimentary things so that again they understand what the standard is they understand what that quality of work is so um although we may be able to um to have 145 guys in that weight room at one time I don’t do it um you know we we we got to get to a place where everybody is is able to get the quality of work that they need to go out there and help this team um win football games in the fall so yeah you never sacrifice size for details right you never sacrifice like oh we can get everyone in here so let’s do it and lose track of the small things making sure guys are squatting properly making sure guys aren’t skipping reps and all of that and you know I saw they have like a electronic system that watches you I mean we used to have to get grab one of the strength coaches to watch our last set so they could sign on check off and and now you just like press a button and wave to the camera and be like I’m doing my last set and then you just move on with it which I think is super super cool they also track too like they have the cameras that are live that check the technique right if you’re doing it right or not yeah okay so um we want to save plenty of time to be able to talk about this one the most important question he was asked today was about the offensive line um we’ve got the big dog sitting here what was the plan for those guys this summer and how do you decide what’s of the most importance with the o line this game of football especially the style in which we play as starts and the trenches right that those guys have to be strong they have to be Stout um and they have to be well conditioned um you know so My ultimate um responsibility right is to you know not only ensure that these guys are healthy but to give the coaches what they need on that field of play um so myself coach Ru we sit down like coach Donnie and and and Coach Coolin they’re in the weight room every single day like they’re watching those linen they’re watching those linemen train and um you know I’m in constant communication with him like hey coach what do you see what do they need to improve that um the the good thing about my staff is um each each assistant is kind of responsible for a position group right and within that they go and they meet with those um coaches at the position groups and they ask the questions right what do you see um your group not being as effective at and then we bring all that information back to the table and we figure out you know hey how can we attack that from an snc standpoint so that we’re giving the coaches what they need we’re training the players up how they need to be trained um and with that group in particular right you know like I said got to be strong got to be well conditioned got to be able to move got to be able to bend right so our program signifies that um always going to train in a full range of motion right be strong there because on the field of play you’re going to find yourself in some awkward positions um but you also got to be able to to to move those guys out of the way up front right so um you know as you look at the game of football anything that we can do in the weight room to train the qualities that are going to allow them to be effective at their job on the field we’re going to do that bigger faster stronger that’s all I need to hear him say that’s all I need to hear him say bigger faster stronger that’s how you become a better offensive lineman we we do not have this quote um but he said something about like you know we’re starting to look like a big 10 football team you have a great perspective on this cuz you were a part of the team that switched from the Big 12 to Big 10 and you said it was a huge wakeup call when you started playing in the Big 10 yeah I mean the the people were just bigger right and the defensive line were built differently they were built to have Wisconsin run power at you 45 times a game and we on defense were built to rush Colt McCoy and Sam Bradford 60 times a game and so when your three technique is 255 lounds going to against 640 lbs it wasn’t a good time for us at a lot of times but you just it was such a different style of play like it’s just different and you have to be big up front in the Big 10 because at to win games in November you’re going to have to run the football and you’re going have to stop the run so being bigger faster stronger is crucial okay last up final clip we have from Corey Campbell is he was asked about if he could detail how the players training workload will change from now in June to July and then to August right um so when when you look at summer training um it’s kind of broken up into two phases right we uh we have this this phase in June and then we get a little bit of a blow um they get a little bit of a blow around Fourth of July and then we come back and we have that period right before Camp um so the period in June um the weight room volume is a little bit higher right we’re we’re we’re we’re more uh focused on um max strength at that point and making sure that these guys are are cond are very well conditioned when you get into July right the weight room volume comes down a little bit as the volume on the field goes up right because at that point you know we got to make sure that they’re ready and able to um to sustain what we’re going to ask of them in in uh in Fall Camp so uh our sprinting volume goes up our running volume goes up you know out there on the field weight room volume comes down just a little bit because as we transition into fall Camp right like they got to be ready to uh to to go and attack day one um you know in in July that’s when we do a lot of our testing um you know from a weight room standpoint from a conditioning test standpoint so June is June is a grind July is as well but uh we back off on the weight room a little bit from a volume standpoint and we up it on the field um a little bit more from a running volume standpoint going into going into July and then when we get to fall Camp right football is the main thing you know we still train I I I don’t believe in the word maintain right you either getting better or you getting worse so we’re still going to train but the volume at which we do some things um takes a little bit of a regression as we add more volume to the athlete from a football standpoint I hated July so you you were saying that during ju July was awful cuz it was just so much running yeah right like I love winter winter was my favorite it’s I could not believe it that you like January workouts oh it’s just all strength you’re just in the weight room just cranking weight and just throwing stuff on your back and pushing your body to the point in the weight room and then in July they’re like all right fat boys get on the line and you’re like oh my gosh the worst thing imaginable running did you throw up oh I’m a huge puker I oh I puke every Monday at the gym every Monday at the gym it’s like it’s gotten to the point where like we do the assault bike so have you ever done the assault bike no we do the assault bike and we race calories on it and I’m I hammer myself and every time I get done I walk outside and I puke it’s got to the point where like the groups they’re now they’re like Mondays right I’m like Mondays but yeah I’m a big puker oh so July not no bueno for for the no buo I hated July one of the things to they did today Kristen kogan the director of uh performance nutrition for the football staff also met with media and she did a cooking demo as well which is really neat it’s become a part of the recruiting visits but um you know we heard Coach Campbell and and Christen Cen talk about the Freshman how immediately they’ve bought into the nutrition part of it because sometimes that’s a big adjustment for the young players that you know yeah they they know how to lift weights but it’s learning the understanding the nutrition part of it but it seems like this day and age of and with everything that’s provided here it’s pretty much right when you get on campus you can pretty much accept it I me I think we have like nine nutritionists so yeah I mean it’s a massive point of emphasis in this program and it it has to be you can train like hell and be great in the weight but if you’re not fueling yourself properly you’re not going to be able to reap the rewards of your training or you’re going to break down and end up hurting yourself so nutrition is such a major role and the science that has come so far even in the last decade with nutrition and supplements and protein powders and all the different things is just remarkable okay we got to get to a break we went extra long there but we have lots to get to we’ve got a draft to get to here on Sports nightly Greg sharp also playing along with us so we it’s important so we got to get to a break so we have plenty of time sarie County we’re great food drink shopping concerts and fun await you stay Play and play in your getaway at go dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up Rav 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the trail tamman 4Runner and a Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole sweet of 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three players and then it’s whoever wins the most money in your Trio of golfers yeah your pool you will be the winner so we will announce our whoever wins this thing on Monday might I just you know I’ll be the weekend winner I’ll just go ahead and project that uh but anyways we did have one roll nobody’s going to get Scotty no Scotty’s off the board a cheat code CU basically unless he gets arrested then maybe I saw the that the police around there they were putting him up on the hey this is who Scotty Sheffer is so they know not to arrest him okay but we so we’re going to do a snake draft we gave Greg the first pick we’ll let you know who he picked but tell everybody how we got to the other order yeah so we had to have a way like you had to guess right so we set up a nice putting green here in the radio network in the closest to the Box the closest to the pin got it I was old Hammer hands so I get to go last cuz I just blew it right on by I feel like you did that on purpose cuz you get to pick back to back I promise you I didn’t I just I have hands like Stone so actually Cole won the putting contest so he will pick second after Greg so we ready to do this thing let’s party do it Camden is also playing as well so I’ll try to keep up with everything here um Greg picked Victor havin for his first the number one overall pick is Victor havin you know Mel I’m doing my milk hyper that’s a bit of a stretch it’s a bit of a stretch for the first overall I mean he did win he wor the FedEx last year he’s been playing well so we’ll see Greg I’m a huge Victor Hing guy so um I hope he doesn’t wear the ridiculous shirt I hate when he wears the outlandish things I like Victor normally I pick him so I almost feel like Greg picked him because he knew I probably would pick him no uh he he actually tweeted me texted me that early in the day because that’s what we always do before Majors so Victor hin off the board Cole You’re Next I will take the best swing in all of golf with Rory maroy fresh off fresh off the divorce not happening to he’s got remarried love his heart’s full he’s got extra burned to his heart yep okay I’m all about it Camden who you got um I’m gonna go with Xander shley that’s who I was gonna go with okay so I okay let’s see here I was gonna go with Xander I didn’t think uh Camden doesn’t even watch golf he said he didn’t even know who was in the field so I really did not think he’s going to pick Xander bet he looked at just the odds and listen he’s playing really well too been pretty consistent give me Colin morwa all right I like it Colin came up he went toe to- toe Scotty and still got beat I’m going to go with the Dark Horse I like ludig oberg oberg’s been playing great he’s right behind it’s his first year on the tour and he’s right behind Rory in the top standings he’s have a great going I like him too cuz he’s tall so i’ like to watch his swing but he’s a great one I’m I’m big on the oberg so you go back to back yep I’m going to go overberg and then you’re going to hate this pick I’m going to go Bryson I knew you would I’m going to go Bryson big brys big scientist just swing away he’s got pitching wedge from 185 out give me Bryson to Shambo okay I’m also trying to update uh Greg as we go here you know what you you already said it I’m not going to be a surprise here give me Brooks kka no I knew it you you’re you’re Brooks groupy you are a Bryson groupy I’m a Brooks hater I’m not a Bryson groupy I’m just a Brooks hater I just like Brooks okay Camden you’re up next um I’m gonna go hii Matt suama nice okay uh let’s see here sorry I’m trying to keep up as we go so now it’s Greg’s pick I think he’s following along did he pick oh Greg went Greg went Max hom I also really like Max hom but he’s gonna have to because he Mama’s off the board okay um so we’re gonna have to give Greg GRE Greg’s gonna have to go a second here he’s off the board Greg he’s off the board I think I’ve got a pick before Greg no we’re snaking so Greg’s got back toback picks okay so he we’re wait to see if he responds here that’s wrong cuz I was second yeah oh oh yeah we did Skip you so you can’t pick maxom you can’t pick maxom Greg Trump he wasn’t even was youry anyway wasn’t in the running all right am is it my turn who is it I’m GNA go the best I went first with the best swing Eng golf I’m going to go now with the best hair in golf and Tommy Fleetwood that’s a good pick that’s a good pick all right so then Greg Scott Max did he respond did do we have another one not yet not yet uh oh okay but it’s not Greg yet it’s yes it is I don’t know it goes back down so Camden went Cole went now it’s Greg back to back and then we go back up okay so Cole will be next after Greg’s pick y okay so he’s he I think he’s listening but Tommy fleetwood’s a good pick he’s sneaky he is Tommy fleetwood’s a sneaky pick sneaky pick consistent so if he we’ll give him till um we’ll give him 30 seconds if he doesn’t respond do we all agree we’ll give him Tommy Fleetwood if he wants it we’ll give him whoever he wants okay all right oh gosh now names are getting names are getting thin now names are getting thin now has he respond yet okay just let me know if he responds he has not um let’s see okay let me think I got to think on this now all my all my top ones are gone you know Tony fenal is always in the hunt I feel like he is he’s a top 10 lock usually he’s a top 10 lock usually he’s a really good one as well there’s been some good golf played this year yes there’s been some really good golf play down the stret does just Justin Thomas have it figured out no never I don’t think so Justin Thomas I mean if I had to put people to stay away from it’d be Jordan Speed and Justin Thomas those two are like trap picks right like you think maybe they’ll got it figured out from when they won it like 12 years ago but they just don’t okay so if we are looking just like at the odds so you know if you’re not responding or if you like set it to Auto pick in the fantasy draft you just go with the next closest one yeah so I guess we’ll just move forward and give him and I think it is let’s see here who’s left I think it’s cam Smith Cameron Smith that’s probably right that’s a good one yeah so that’s the next odds so we’ll just give him that okay all right Greg gets cam Smith I like it okay and then I’ll have my last pick this is your last pick yep Patrick kentley okay I think that’s Ridder cup stallion last year even though the US absolutely pooped the bed yeah they got they got AIT they got to get that going that that was embarrassing all right Camden um we’ll go with a Dark Horse let’s go Jordan spe we were just sitting just telling you not to pick him he might not even make the weekend listen I am I I could totally just go with something to expect but I also have done a little bit of research here and I also have a connection I know that his caddy and it seems like his game might play well here at this golf course so give me Denny McCarthy M that’s that’s a Darkhorse pick that’s a Darkhorse pick all right we’re not talking winner we’re talking winnings wins winnings all right am I up last pick yep last pick in the draft I’m going to go with I’m stuck here between two okay let us know who it is I’m gonna go with Windam Clark I like it I’m take I’m gonna take Windam Clark you know if he can get his mental game figured out he that was that big special on uh the Netflix when he was talking about how he’s working with that mental health coach or whatever and doing his thing if he can put it all together he’s a very quality golfer and he’s Colorado boy Colorado guy so I go Windam Clark with the final pick and the winning Pick just so you guys so Greg texts back and gives us somebody that’s not picked not picked and he didn’t want he didn’t want cam Smith we will let him swap his out okay I like it I love it should be fun again uh we are going to calculate the total winnings of our three golfers and whoever’s Trio earns the most money the most winnings accumulated is the winner gets the crown who has the best team see it over there in the corner who’s got the best team the crown I have the best team obviously of course you’d say that I mean it’s natural okay well oh it’s going to make it fun oh I mean I am so in on watching Golf and my kids love it like they see Scotty they’re like that’s Scotty sheffler and they they can barely pronounce it right but they they love Scotty obviously big Scotty household but yeah I mean there’s nothing better than sitting on a Sunday and just kind of chilling out and watching the final of a golf tournament it’s just so relaxing listen if um M long distance cousins end up being consistently I’ll pick them every time every time I will but you can’t pick for family here this is this is for winning you don’t pick for your heart out of this like if I pick for my heart Tiger Woods I want Tiger Woods no Tiger Woods he looks like golf is draining the life out of him slowly it’s almost like can if he makes if he makes the cut will his body let him continue on play made the cut at the Masters and then I mean he could barely walk up the 18th and you know it’s it’s a hard thing to see one of the greatest athletes in that sport of all time if not the greatest and the struggles that he’s had physically but the fact that he still goes out there and makes the cut with guys when he golfs in five tournaments a year is incredible okay we got to get to a break here on Sports nightly woodh house Auto fam is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at Discover the future of luxury with the Cadillac lyric at Woodhouse Cadillac experience the thrill of instant tour work and seamless acceleration all with zero emissions shop all our lyric inventory in store or online today at Woodhouse Cadillac where Innovation meets Elegance Lisa 2024 Cadillac lyric luxury 1 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petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sap Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust sap Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sap Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to ser Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland hey Huskers it’s a new day in Nebraska manzer equipment merch farm equipment and West Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and turf coach rule is bringing Innovation and high perform standards to Husker football and true a is doing the same to your farm with game-changing fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska for Farmers productivity isn’t an 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Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha Baxter Toyota of Lista or bter Toyota of Lincoln hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already ready the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game Husker fans check out the all new high Perks program sign up for the totally free hiy Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks H ve is an official grocery partner of husker Athletics and is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local H ve today all right we just got a quick segment here but Greg also said that he is good with Cameron Smith Cameron yeah Cameron Smith yes so the trios are yep okay so uh we had a battle of husker pitchers going on when we started the show tonight and Camden has been tracking it he’s got an update for us yeah so when Kade poic left the game the Orioles had a two to nothing lead um now they’re in the top of the ninth and the Orioles have a 4-2 lead um but Povich went six Innings didn’t allow a run allowed just five hits and struck out six then schwellenbach had a pretty good game as well he went six Innings lowed four hits two earned runs two walks and three strikeouts that was his debut right Povich no second start second second start that’s a great start though yeah it was both their best starts by far their career and their two and three start Siege you know you know they’re after the game they’re be like no that was my that that was me like that today was my show no that was my show like you know there was a little extra juice in the in the throws today I heard an interview that SP schwellenbach did with the Atlanta affiliate Bley affiliate and she asked him about playing Kate and he said that right when cuz Spencer got called up first and Kade texted him right away like congrats man and so happy for you and then it was like a week later that Kade got called up and so Spencer texted him and they’ve texted every day since and then when they see they’re on the schedule together they’re like oh man we might play each other and then Spencer said dude it’s happening so I could not only imagine like what that was like for them yeah I mean that had to be such a fun moment to get to realize that and text each other and then you know was like all right boy it’s on right like there’s that friendly like oh we’re happy for each other but at the end of the day they’re both extreme competitors at the highest level like it was definitely extra extra for those two today okay we went a little long in our traffic so we got to get to our final break we’re back to wrap up hour number two here on Sports nightly coming up hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game when you switch and save with Progressive you can use that money towards going to see your favorite team in the playoffs Progressive cannot guarantee that you can go see your favorite team in the playoffs drivers who switch in safe with Progressive could save on average but we cannot guarantee that your favorite team will make the playoffs or if you finish with a winning record they could easily lose more than half their games and finish in the seller because they sink badle and haven’t made the playoffs in years savings very possible playoffs highly doubtful switch and see if you could save at Progressive Cas insurance and Affiliates not available in all states we cannot be held liable for your favorite team’s terrible and frankly embarrassing performances now orever hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts de roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up Rav 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the trail tank pman Forerunner and the Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and yours cozy in the cabin check out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha Baxter Toyota of Lavista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln if problem gambling is burning up your money there is a way out help us free and confidential for Nebraskans and their families there’s no judgment just help visit life after final segment here of sports nightly and the guys in the chat have been just pestering me to make sure and ask you this so there’s a big thing about they’re obsessed with the balloons and they talk about it every day in the chat somehow somehow some way balloons come up in the chat so I told them a couple weeks ago that it’s they have to go a full week without talking about the balloons they didn’t make it they didn’t make it they talked about balloons but they want me to ask you are you Pro balloons yes you like very much I’m I’m big Pro balloon guy I mean it it’s a staple right it’s a staple and listen and I said this off air until NASCAR stops driving in a circle the highest burning octane fuel imaginable for 500 miles I’ll worry about the balloons in the environment I want the balloons back my kids want the balloons back nobody doesn’t want the the balloons back so hey chat you keep going I’m I’m behind you 100% you you will sign it I will ring lead I will lead the charge for the balloons were you a part of any teams though that didn’t score for a while that never no we always scored we always scored so I mean I just wonder what it’s like just holding on the balloons for the whole time just sitting there like oh my gosh are we ever going to let these go like I’m might to take this home I remember that my first year sometimes it just like you just see balloons the wounded soldiers that are just floating away you’re like no come back okay so we have not talked about this all day but the volleyball schedule has been released and they did it in such a neat way on social media I don’t know if you saw it but the Izzy with the Corn Crib who is in charge of all their digital she is absolutely a genius and she had them how they were going to release who they were playing like mold into clay like their U mascots into the clay yeah whatever clay and they it was pretty impressive they got some pretty good clay makers or whatever it is but it was really cute and so check that out if you haven’t seen it it’s also on our YouTube stream or YouTube channel as well but couple big notables so opening weekend volleyball has Texas A&M Corpus Christie uh 7 o’clock on that Friday night football’s at home 2:30 against UTP and then volleyball have 7:30 so we’ll have one of those double headers there uh on the first weekend Colorado weekend which John Cook is so excited about like he brought it up he’s he’s just so pumped about it um he they play at 2 o’clock on Saturday before the the Colorado game and that’s going to be you know that’s going to be a huge recruiting weekend for a lot of the teams oh massive every every single team will have recruits in that weekend okay and then the Big 10 opener I’m just skirting by this as always Nebraska’s got a loaded non-conference Stanford Louisville so they always challenge themselves in the non-conference but they’re opening up Big 10 play September 27th and 29th with UCLA and USC at home it’s still I I don’t know it’s just until like I think we start playing competitions I don’t know if it’s going to sink in with me yeah it’s strange when you’re like conference play Oregon you’re like USC us your brain just starts like steaming like wait that’s West okay sure go ahead and then the other notables at Wisconsin Friday November 1st and then the whole match against Wisconsin November 23rd which is also the home football football game against Wisconsin TBA on both of those game times and so I imagine they will figure out how to make both work but um they could even move it I think they can even move it cuz football could be one of those games where they even wait a week or six days before they determine what time mean talk about some crazy weekends in in huskerville that’s one of those where if you’re not going to the game you avoid downtown like the plague right because this place is going to be popping so okay Colorado obviously is a big one at the top but what other game right now a lot can fold and change is do you think is probably going to be the most critical for the Huskers other than the Colorado game just at the H like the game one I mean game one is such a springboard for it’s so much better to come back in because you put so much effort in so much work in the off season all through training camp to get to that week one and if you can come out one and0 it I can’t even describe to you how much better it feels than going 0 And1 and I never went 0 And1 in college but I have in the NFL and it is just it’s deflating it really is deflating and confidence is key especially for a young team with young players and key positions if you can just get that first win that first monkey off your back of like okay got one in the good column let’s go back to work I think the UTP game is going to be Monumental for this program okay in the final 45 seconds so which big 10 game do you think could be like okay we got to Circle this one Wisconsin I think Wisconsin I mean they’re going to be they’re going to be much different this year with Luke fickle year 2 spread them out out running gun right I mean and I I it goes CU Iowa Wisconsin Right Wisconsin’s right there for me I’m not a big fan of so I mean that’s always a game that I have Circle okay all right that is going to do it for us what a fun two hours fast two hours the big dogs back again tomorrow final night this week because we’ll have a best St show coming up on Friday we’ll have Cole’s joke of the week Julie R we’re going to have an interview with her as she opens up the business opens up on Friday they her Dry Bar Salon so uh lots of fun stuff coming up tomorrow in the US Open we’re going to to see who’s in the lead tomorrow night so appreciate you guys tuning in and we will talk to you tomorrow night thanks to Camden and Cole and S the big dog we’ll see you tomorrow night hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make chiropra your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers 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