Golf Players

Could outcome of Cup Final impact Draisaitl’s future in Edmonton?

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Frank Corrado are joined by TSN Hockey Insider Pierre LeBrun to discuss what could be the theme of this summer’s free agent period, the availability of Winnipeg Jets forward Nikolaj Ehlers and could the Jets move on from the 28 year old, the St. Louis Blues naming Alex Steen as the future GM of the team. They also dive into the Stanley Cup Final, how important is goaltending going to be for the Oilers to have a repeat performance next season, the future of Leon Draisaitl if they lose and more. The boys are joined by TSN Soccer analyst Kevin Kilbane to discuss the Euro Opener between Germany and Scotland, who he likes at this years Euro tournament and which teams he’d stay away from, Canada’s chances against Argentina in the Copa America Opener and more.

final hour overdrive continues brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line of the final score Brian Hayes the oog Jeff O’Neal Frankie curado game three of the cup final tonight Pier LeBrun will join us here in a few moments on the cup final insider trading John Cooper will be the head coach of Canada moving forward um Alex stean your boy the GM down in St Louis in the future uh that one caught some people off guard that he’s going to take over in a couple of years and Doug Armstrong the president of hockey Ops and Alex stean will be running the show wow I was unaware of that steer yes that’s the trade the trade that just keeps on giving for the Leafs isn’t it like not only did you trade the guy he turned into an Elite Talent and now he’s going to be the general manager of the team yeah like it’s still going get the right shot and Lee stnc though coko and steer had to go get the right-handed shot had to have you’re right though Frankie you know some Le fans will tweet man he could have been our GM right could have been our GM look at and brown and now Steen leaves traded away their future GM of course can’t get it right um but that’s kind of cool so Pierre will join us here in a moment and uh you know this time yesterday we were we were talking with drgs and you know the Mitch Marner stuff came up and that’s gone viral not surprisingly and we’re going to find out in a few weeks by the way on the Mitch Marner thing and we got Kevin coming up at 6:30 there was a night they were doing soccer down in studio9 he was sitting there with Mark row so I was up in the boardroom doing sports center I go downstairs I say hi to Mark row and Kevin wants to talk a little hockey and he wanted to talk about Mitch Marner and he couldn’t understand like what what was going on like why do they want to move the guy what’s up with the contract all this kind of stuff so he’s he’s I think he’s got an opinion on Mitch Marner if we want to go there with him he he was telling me some stuff he goes in soccer we would pay him $2 million to just leave just here to and it doesn’t really work that way but I just want to clarify one thing totally different scenario there it’s soccer yeah yeah but one other element to it is we I’ve gotten some tweets saying you guys love like running guys out of town we don’t run anybody out of town no okay the team has some highly paid players and it’s not the players fault but it’s like you either get it done or you don’t and we if they win we pump their tires if they have no one’s pumped tires more than Haz and myself with these guys we’ll be your biggest fans but if it doesn’t work we got to comment on it we don’t run people out of town I need to clarify that yeah like the some of these people that are like oh good player you’re running them out of town we don’t run squat out of town don’t that’s silly I mean any commentary like that’s just goofy everyone everyone has a different opinion on how the team you know should operate and be built and that’s ultimately what it is their opinions on what we’ve seen the details that we have in front of us their history you know Mitch Austin Willie these guys have been here a long time they’ve been given op ample opportunities and they’ve supplied some incredible highlights incredible highlights they’ve been great players and great Leafs and good citizens you know these are not guys that have ever made you feel embarrassed to be a leaf fan or a torontonian or anything like that they’ve always gone about their business well it’s about elevating The Next Step Right which I think is totally reasonable for any Leaf fan around the world to be greedy and say I want what Florida is getting like Florida went to a cup final like their second year in the league and they’re backto back Tampa’s been in the league for like 30 years they’ve already won three cups and they’ve been to multiple Cup finals the Leafs have been around for 100 years it’s the greatest hockey Market in the world there is nothing wrong with any Leaf fan saying I want that and I deserve that as a fan and that’s what is driving these conversations from our perspective is how can they put together a team that is capable of doing that I don’t see how it’s going to work with all these guys making all this money and the fact is Austin’s not going anywhere and Willie’s not going anywhere correct do the math and it’s not necessarily about an individual player it’s a lot of times it’s the money attached exactly you see the depth with the Florida Panthers e has improved their depth noodles last week talked about their lineup when Kenny Holland first got there and they’ve improved their depth and if you have a bunch of guys making that much money it’s impossible to have depth and guess what impossible guess what if Mitch Marner does move on from the leaps at some point whether it’s this year or next year he’s going to be a great player on whatever team he goes to and that team may have success but objectively speaking we have to talk about it and it hasn’t worked the Leafs so like you said do the math like where do you go from here and it basically points to two things if that yep exactly that’s ultimately what they’re facing and again it is go time as of Saturday night it could be Edmonton loses tonight they’re facing a sweep Saturday night we we could be sitting here in like you know 56 hours from now we’re into offseason mode like draft right around the corner free agency right around the corner and if heavy lifting is going to happen you have to know where that money is where it’s allocated and how much flexibility you have uh here’s Pier LeBrun our TS Sun hockey Insider I know you’re all Cup Final you know it’s all about the Cup Final considering you’re in Edmonton but how much Buzz is happening on the off days about what’s going to take place around the league once we finally get through the Cup Final yeah absolutely and which is why we did an insider trading yesterday from the Cup Final because uh it’s starting to happen and a lot of convers ations at the scouting combine in Buffalo between agents and teams and teams with teams um leading up to what’s around the corner for sure um and yeah there’s not a lot of time in fact um the Oilers front office uh as we speak are having their Pro meetings in the middle of these two games here this week because they have no other time I mean they’re not they can’t wait till after the Cup Final so you know they’re doing their uh their Pro meanings as far as analyzing the trade market as analyzing what it might take to resign some of their guys and analyzing potentially what’s out there in July 1 it’s got to be strange to be doing while your team is heading into game three of the cup final but uh the Panthers did the same thing last week um while games one and two were being played or I guess you know while games one and two were being played in South Florida the Panthers had their Pro meetings and they talked about what they might be doing around July 1 and at the draft um so they had no choice these two teams because the final is so late in June Pierre who is this the year of in free agency like I think last year a lot of the the bigger kind of burlier defensemen they got a few more dollars they got a you know a few more years of term it felt like that player was at a premium last year who’s going to be at the biggest premium this year as far as types of players go yeah well I definitely think it’s it’s it’s still the year of the defenseman because there’s so many UFA defenseman compared to a normal year this is the most the longest list I can remember in probably a decade of of Ufa defenseman being in the Market at the same time a lot of the top forwards got locked up over the last year you know guys signing extensions you still have Jake gensel uh the hurricanes made him a pretty strong eight-year offer um and obviously he didn’t sign it and I think they’re keeping the door open to Carolina Jake gel’s Camp is but all things being equal I think Jake gel’s going to headline the group of forwards on July 1 um but otherwise there’s there’s a lot of D I mean um and I you know if you’re trying to rebuild your blue line I mean right here in the Cup Final Brandon mour I don’t know if Florida can keep him not if you know they do all they can to keep Sam Reinhard up front I don’t know how the camp money is going to work to try and keep both I think one stays one of them goes and if vour goes um you know that’s probably top three guy right there in the market I mean Carolina has both Brady Shay who had 57 points this year and BR pesi as pending ufas I think PES is definitely going to Market they’re still trying on Jay but the list goes on um in terms of options on D um which you know I know you guys obviously are very focused on the leash so I can tell you the leash front office in their Pro me Pro meetings have certainly gone over that UFA list as well and not to mention a guy that brought tring used to have and Chris tanov um you know he’d be on the leas list as well if tanov doesn’t resign in Dallas here in the next couple weeks with pi LeBron orsn hockey Insider you guys were talking about Nikolai eers as well as you know maybe a possibility of you know being available or something that Winnipeg might look at he’s he’s a pretty good player too yeah and you know that’s the other whole you know we talk about what are teams talking about right now there are a lot of players around the league out of the year left on their deal um but by the way Mitch Mar has a year left on his deal I don’t know if you guys knew that than but um SOA dealers and uh the Jets are are listening on him um you know they’re also you know they told this camp that they haven’t closed the door and trying to extend them a year out either but you know if that’s confusing to anyone it shouldn’t be what’s happening right now is teams of those guys of the year left are making sure they understand the trade market while at the same time trying to figure out whether or not they can find you know find a common uh you know Common Ground on an extension so both things are happening at the same time on a lot of these guys but elers is one of them and you know just what happens the Jets are one of the many teams that have fown Carolina on Martin niches who’s RFA July 1 and who wants to change the scenery out of uh out of Carolina um so yeah a lot of fascinating possibilities there right now Pier I’m not specifically blaming you alone but in years past you’ve promised that the draft would be Bonkers with movement and to be at times come on Pardon Me Ed it has been busy at times come on what do you want but you you’ve used the word Bonkers like all kinds of things would be in play yeah might we actually see that this year so here’s what I would say I I think that as a totality of an off Seas no dog I do think it’s going to be pretty dramatic I don’t know that it’s all going to happen when we want it at the draft I think that there are some things that are going to need to play out uh in July and August that won’t necessarily happen right away for various reasons um so I think you can get news All Summer Long here um you know reminiscent I guess of two years ago when the Matthew kachuck deal happen pretty late in the offseason right um I think that could it could I have a feeling with some of the conversations I’m hearing that not everything’s going to be settled by the end of July 1st that that this might play out a bit on several fronts um but we’ll see if I’m right with pi LeBron ARs and hockey Insider and I guess Alex Steen will be right in the middle of this like what are we making this appointment as the future GM in St Louis but it’s not going to start until like 2026 what’s he been doing up to this point Hayes well he’s been working in the Blu front office this whole time um and and you know it is unique you don’t see a an organization often announce these type of things to years out but it is also the same team the blues I don’t know if you guys remember this years ago when Ken Hitchcock was still that coach they announced before the season one year that Mike yo would take over as coach a year later they announced it a year out and so Mike yo stayed on as you know associate for a year to Hitchcock and then took over a year later so I guess that’s how they like to do things but you know not to get lost in what the news today is Doug Armstrong the current GM also signed a new extend as president of hockey operations so it’s not like he’s going anywhere it’s just that you know um he’s he’s got both titles right now and he’s going to give up one in two years so um you know president of hockey operations has very quietly under the radar become sort of the softer landing spot for a lot of hockey guys instead of the day-to-day grind of GM that makes any sense um I think you’re going to see more and more of that Pierre switching to the final it goes without saying it’s a massive game for the Edmonton Oilers and I think a lot of us expected the Oilers to find a little more offense and some of that offense should have been on the power play how do you feel like the series has been officiated I know at the start of the series maybe you or others may have felt there might be some pressure considering how good Edmonton’s power play has been coming into it you feel like the series has been officiated properly yeah well I mean listen if you if you would have told the end coaching staff before the series started that through two games that uh that they would have seven power play opportunities they would have probably been doing cartwheels because you know there were some pretty dry nights in the Western Conference Final early on against Dallas in terms of opportunities so I I think they would have been all over that and they’d be pretty surprised if you also tell them that they’d be going 04 in those seven power play opportunities because this is easily the most dangerous uh and lethal power playe in the National Hockey and now what you have to ask yourself is you have to believe your eyes and you look at the data too but um this isn’t an 07 where it sucks to life a of you because nothing’s happening they have had looks man like they they had five high D danger chances in game one they had three gold Post in game two and their p played so it’s not like nothing’s happening it’s just that it’s still 04 and it’s the Cup Final and it’s a results business so I I got to tell you I’d be surprised if they didn’t score a power play goal tonight um this is the most reliable part of their game The endon Orleans of all the things that they do and yes the PK has been unbelievable in these playoffs but more so than their five1 five more so than anything else their P play has been their bread and butter and I’d be pretty surprise if they get opportunities tonight if they don’t connect finally moname me do you think it was silly for Florida to come in yesterday like if they’re garbage are we going to be saying are you going to be asking after the game you think that was a factor or are they just old school where they’re like they’ll play you on the street they’ll play you in the backyard they’ll just drop the puck and they’ll be ready to rock well I tell you there’s definitely something about this Florida Panthers team I thought kachuck and Reinhardt were hilarious this morning at their availability of you know they they just I think they feed off you know maybe a lot of a lot of teams not liking them I think there’s a tremendous chemistry on that team and you think about this team like you know know they played round two in Boston that was a wild series right all kinds of stuff happening and then they played at MSG in the second round and the third round like I know tonight’s going to be absolutely electric here uh in this building probably maybe something a lot of these players I’ve never seen before in terms of the anthem and Edmonton and and and the the atmosphere but I don’t think I don’t think there’s anything that can phase as Panthers team like they are so locked in as far as as you know being comfortable in any situation and uh again I’m wouldn’t surpris me if thr others want tonight but my point is it’s not because the Panthers are are going to you know suddenly not deliver their aame um I I think I think they thrive in this atmosphere and you’ll see that over the next couple of days here yeah I’m with you on that and we we talked about this earlier today you know the ability to go to back-to-back Cup finals where Edmonton could be facing that question in a couple of days you know can you get back if you if you spoil this opportunity and especially if it’s if it’s ugly probably irrelevant of the way it breaks out or breaks down but if it’s ugly if they get swap the you losing five you know they’re all going to come out and say the right things great experience great season we fell short but we can learn from this we’re going to build upon it it’s incredibly difficult to do that and I think it’s probably even more difficult to do it if you don’t have that like out of this world stud goenda went to three straight Cup finals they had vasileski in net he never missed a game guy was a machine Bob is a machine I don’t think steuart Skinner is that guy like I think Skinner’s a good goalie young goalie still working it out yeah that that would scare me Pier like it’s it’s almost as if you know if you don’t have that that freaking nature that’s going to drag you there himself in net this could be a one-off who knows when you get back yeah I don’t know if I agree with you I mean I listen I agree that Bob’s the machine and and everything you said in the lead up there but I we’ve seen the last few years that you can win a cup without having a top five guy I mean um you know Aiden Hill won the cup to Vegas last year and he was phenomenal but then he wasn’t even their playoff goalie this year you know Darcy keer w a cup for Colorado two years ago so I think I mean I think it’s always better if you can have that guy and I think if Edmonton has that guy you know maybe they’re not down to nothing although I don’t really think a lot of it’s on skner right now it’s really offensive struggles but I understand what you’re saying I I I thought where you were going at first with your line of questioning is that you know the Oilers win or loser days away from some major major decisions here I mean Ken Holland’s contract expires at the end of this month and it doesn’t look like he’ll be back as GM um they got to go to Leon dry settle in a hurry here right around July 1st and say are you open to extending when you’re out and if the answer is no what does that mean for this off season for the Ms and Oilers um and it may not be no by the way but what do you think he’ll say Pierre I think that you know I think that how this final believe it or not I’m serious when I say this I think the way this this vyl plays out could have a barometer on the answer to that question then I think even if the answer is yes yes let’s talk I think that the number potentially could be jarring I mean this guy has been on a bargain contract for a long time it’s time for him like for me if I were them I’d be putting out a 50 million a year number out there if they’re talking extension but here’s the third option no one talks about because I think everyone assumes if if if dry Sidle says you know I don’t want to really I don’t really want to talk Ben right now trade I don’t know I don’t know that it’s 100% you trade him like what if it’s let’s run this back and if we lose them in a year for nothing we lose them in a year for nothing but what if you if you’re the Oilers you decide to take another stab at it with one more year of dry SLE McDavid I don’t know so how you getting better in the summer I guess like what are you going to do this Summer that makes you better than you were this year would be the question after absolutely and I think some of that is on the blue line and some of that is in is in you know their bottom six depth up front I mean they have they still have tweaks here this lineup that they could make to make this team better but I I my point is that it it’s really unbelievable they’re in the Cup Final tonight’s going to be special and yet we are literally days away from some potentially momentous decisions here for this franchise yeah very significant and I do think the way the final plays out likely will have an impact on how dry sutle will answer that question and I I have no doubt that Edmonton will give him whatever he wants um the question is does he want to stay there long term we’ll find that out and you know my point about the goenda nature was about how tough it is to get there two years in a row Pier not the oneoff of course there’s one-offs there’s a lot of one-offs not you don’t do that twice you know the only that that was obviously look what happened this year look what Tampa did it’s tough man it’s tough that’s all I’m pointing to is if Edmonton can’t get it done then they get all these question marks man there’s no guarantees it’s going to break your way next year or the year after that and you know this is McDavid got to get one gotta get one man and and remember that McDavid himself and Leon Dr idle himself the two headed Superstar here after they lost to Vegas last spring they themselves not the media here they themselves brought up the fact they felt this season 23 24 season was cuper bus for this version of this team and that that narrative has hung over this team all year and and in many ways it’s kind of why would you want to bring that kind of extra pressure on yourself but they did and and you know they got the team to the final and I think the reason they spoke that way is for obvious reasons who knows what this team looks like in a month so um that’s why there’s so much writing frankly on the puck dropping in two hours here good time well go enjoy that it’s going to be an electric atmosphere tonight play the 50/50 for us and if you win we’ll take 10% and we’ll go from there I just want to let you guys know too James duy way better behaved today um you know there have been no incidents in terms of oh how did you view the Farhan incident let’s hear I mean I was it was like a moment in that kerw Enthusiasm episode Larry David where I wanted to continue to chat to Paran longer because I hadn’t seen him in a long time but James was ordering me into the elevator because we have to go to our gate it was very awkward I have to say it was I had a tough day dealing with it yeah hard just disappointing one quick follow up on that Pier like I know you’re running to the gate do you not have like a preferred boarding Zone that you can just kind of stand in boarding Zone one don’t you I don’t know that’s any of your business well it’s a good point that is big leing somewh that’s that’s a rebuttal that is off buckle and big leing someone yeah H yeah well we do lot for our jobs right so yeah all right we’ll leave it at that we’ll leave it at that Pierre enjoy yourself tonight thank you buddy all right guys see you later Pierre LeBron or TSN hockey Insider Father’s Day this Sunday in GF town has everything a dad could want with the biggest and best assortment of Brands and products listen to First up and overdrive tomorrow for your chance to win a $500 GF Town gift card for your dad or follow us on Instagram at TSN 1050 for another chance to win check out GF Town’s Father’s Day gift guide today to find the perfect gift isit and start shopping now Kevin kilman coming up on the Euro starting tomorrow the Scots they’re probably after it right now gearing up for the match tomorrow Scotland Germany kicking things off Canada Argentina Week Tonight Copa America we look ahead to that with Kevin as well and our Best Bets still to come brought to you by FanDuel overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN 2 all right Best Bets brought to you by FanDuel later in the hour game three the Cup Final tonight and as we’ve been saying all afternoon I think people in Edmonton jacked for the game tonight big party atmosphere right I think pretty nice weather out there Thursday night game three cup final you can’t ask for much bigger or better than that unless you’re Scottish and it’s Scotland Germany tomorrow afternoon right Euro’s starting I love that Scotland’s starting um I where’s it being played it’s in Germany like it’s that means they are there’s going to be a lot of Scottish fans in ger Germany ready to rock and parte and I don’t like their chances tomorrow they’re pretty big Underdog but uh they’re back in the dance and they kind of come and go Scotland like sometimes they’re in sometimes they’re out they don’t make the World Cup very often but uh lot of support lot of support a couple of whiskies and five or six beers Stevie he’s Scot she’ll so jacked tomorrow oh he’ll be he’ll be on some kind of panel or something won’t he yeah he’s on the panel of course game’s on TSN tomorrow but if they win you talk about a you know someone that is very objective he talks about football he loves but if they win he’ll have pints on the on the pan I think he might on the panel I think that should be a lot I think he needs he should have the William Wallace like Scottish flag painted on his face pintes full post game yeah ask we’ll ask Kev will Stevie hit it hard tomorrow night if the Scots take the Germans down I think we know the answer to that though we can just play the clip play the clip JP we know what’s up with a couple of whiskies and five or six beers that’s just that’s just warming up too that’s early in the happy makes it sound so casual like it’s like that’s just the leadup into the main event you guys remember when you were single and you were just about to get ready to go out that’s what Stevie Caldwell has five or six beers and a couple whis that’s right that’s exactly what it and you make sure you start with the whiskies too just to get the engine Running Y just to set theine rocking yep little pace car little pace car action two finger little pace car action what was your prear move hay me you seem like you just hammered six cores lights had a shower and went to the bar yeah that that would be it beer showers were big man remember theate you you did shower beers sometimes shower beers were that was I think shower beers are unacceptable I I it’s just come to light the Last 5 Years like I used to love a cold beer I never had a cold beer in a shower totally not even at the rink like not not a rink shower beer no dude I would I had little spots around the locker room where me and some established gentlemen we would sit down and have a beer after a game like a training room or something not that that’s any better than a shower but a shower Beer’s the dumbest like just get out it is so it is like a a woman must find out about a man doing a shower beer and be like you really need a beer in there he you want to hear something that I got judged for big time and I don’t know if you experienced this during your playing days you know if you’re sitting around the dressing room and it’s like you got to go into the shower right but you don’t want to go alone you’re like you start recruiting some of the boys it’s like are we going to shower up like who’s who’s going in like are it’s was on my own timeline you doing your own thing it I’m doing my own thing in there and making sure everyone’s you know working on the action it just felt like if the like the action you needed to be around the action I hear you so you’re working on plans postgame you don’t miss anything basically were saying yeah I hear you uh I can’t wait to see how it’s going to play out tomorrow though man I’m telling you Scotland beats Germany I I I can’t even imagine stepen calwell postgame I want to see it I’m pulling for it I’m rooting for it here’s a man that can probably paint that picture for us he’s played internationally he’s one of the great players that this Show’s ever had one of the great athletes we’ve ever had we love it that he’s back here’s our TSN soccer analyst ahead of the Euros tomorrow Copa America right around the corner there he is Kevin kilin how you doing Kevin good I’m good thanks guys you’re just listening to you talking about Stevie there with his uh what was it his pre-match pre-match routines is that what do you think his routines are Kev tell us his routine and if a victory tomorrow what will it be oh pre well pre-match it might just be a couple it might just be what would you say five five drinks or five pints and three whiskies is that is that what you said yeah well that’s what he said and that’s probably what we would suggest too yeah it seems reasonable yeah um I think I went out with Stevie about maybe two or three weeks ago I was with my wife in the city it didn’t end well that’s all I will say yeah and I I got I got the training got the train in and um I I think I did miss the first train back home that I was due to get I think it was like say 900 p.m. train back and I ended up getting back into the house after staggering onto the train at probably 11: p.m. so that was kind of how it went with stevia a well that’s the way it should be and and I’m listen I I have Scottish background I’m rooting for the Scots tomorrow I don’t love their chances but they can pull that one off against the host country the Germans I mean that would be pretty electric way to start the tourney yeah I I don’t I don’t have too much hope for them as well I I’m rooting for them big time I have to say that um they certainly with a number of the players you could quite easily say they could get into Germany’s um Squad maybe not the starting 11 maybe one or two might but they’ve got a really strong Midfield Scotland I think you could quite easily say that they could put it up to to Germany it’s just where the goals are going to come from how they’re going to create these chances and that that’s the only worry and do they stop Germany scoring that’s another worry as well defensively are they going to be able to contain them but they’ve they there’s a lot more optimism I feel coming into this tournament than there probably was three years ago for the last eurs there’s there’s um there’s a bit of momentum building I know they’ve not necessarily been in the greatest to form in the friendlies but if you look at the competitive game Scotland are are in the right place I feel Kevin I’m sure you know there’s a large Italian contingent here in the greater Toronto area so maybe from a selfish point of view need to ask what do you make of this Italian team and what does all the Italian Community here in the GTA need to know about this team and how optimistic would you be um Italy have no chance um that’s that’s what that’s what I’ll say straight off you there what a comment I love it from the top rope from the top rope um I don’t see right going into it going into it three years ago um they wouldn’t have had any real standout Superstar within the side but they had a really good team that’s the way that I felt so certainly the 11 I I felt probably prior to the tournament they didn’t necessarily have the depth but they proved everybody wrong me included with how they played the the they got so much out of the the the SEL or the team the certainly the 1 to 11 one to4 I would say was probably the biggest strength with Italy but they had they had keini they had bonucci they had veratti real Top Class players I would feel they don’t have that now they don’t have anyone that I can really put on to the the real High pedestal that I’m thinking who’s going to be the standout player now looking at Italy in major tournaments of the past they are probably my second favorite team I have to say that I I I’ve loved the Italians since 86 I love seeing the the standout star or or the breakout star from the tournaments they usually have one if I’m going back to scalae 90 and and so forth they they’ve they usually have a standout star that that really makes the Breakthrough and that could be the case it could be skaka maybe in this tournament the Striker from uh from Atlanta who’s had a very good season but his goal scoring record at International level hasn’t necessarily mirrored his form at Club level so there’s one or two that I would look at the the you know barela in there from from Euro 2020 they still got geino they still got Donna Ruma um the PSG goalkeeper but I just don’t think this they’re anywhere near the top eight teams top six teams in this tournament and that that’s my worry for Italy coming into it what find interesting you look to make a wager here you jump on FanDuel and the the shortest odds are England England’s odds on favored to win this tournament we know their history when it comes to the Euros when it comes to obviously the World Cup and they’ve been knocking on the door here for the last you I’d say four six eight years but they don’t seem to be able to break through why might that be different this year uh I I actually don’t see it this year I thought the chance was probably three years ago again of course they went in front in that final against Italy and then just couldn’t sustain it I I think the team’s probably in a little bit of a different different stage right now I think they’re they’re probably building they’ve introduced one or two youngsters over the last few uh over the last maybe couple of months there’ll be a few new faces that maybe some won’t be familiar with and that’s that’s maybe what you look at they still got Jude Bellingham they still got Harry Kane they still got Phil for and Dean rice has had a great season at Arsenal defensively probably is a worry that’s what I would think uh I don’t think they’ve really got anyone that’s fully established Jon Stones yes Kyle Walker yes but outside that maybe experience I think they’re still looking to one or two relatively inexperienced players that they’re going to have to pick alongside those players so that would be the worry if an England fan um on how they’re actually going to do in this tournament I I I don’t see it I think they’re coming in with a negative uh a lot of negative press they lost to Iceland in the last friendly which was a a terrible result from England’s point of view so if you’re looking at England certainly in isolation I would say no but England may have proved proved their own press wrong in the in maybe tournament gone by and and gone on on a decent run but I don’t see anything for England Beyond a quarterfinal in this one with Kev Uh Kevin kilan we’ve got the Euro starting on TSN tomorrow Germany Scotland kicking that tournament off so you’re not sure about the Italians not sure about the English who are you sure about who do you like this this tournament um there there’s there there are a few teams I like Portugal I like Holland coming into the tour the Netherlands in this tournament uh I really like Spain I think Spain will take some beating in this tournament and that’s not just the form if again if I’m going back to the previous tournament with Italy I think Italy run a run of around about 30 Games unbeaten coming into it and although we talk about friendlies and the friendly matches and we say we can’t really judge them as much we have to judge them on competitive games Spain have been good in the competitive games and they’ve also been good in the friendlies and I think they’ve they’re building something they’ve got a good mixture of youth youth and experience I think Spain will take some stopping and I also like the horse Germany I think bringing Tony Cross back um Stevie fancies Germany he thinks Germany are going to do it he he he fancies them really strongly I don’t necessarily think they’ll win it I don’t know if they’ve they’ve got enough defensively as well I they concede a lot of chances and their goalkeeper Manel Neuer has met as some real high-profile mistakes in the last couple of months so I don’t know if they’re fully right at it I think they might get to a semi perhaps at best a final I can’t see beyond France or Spain myself personally I think France have have got the real superstar in killing mbappe that we we will all know about now and they’ve got probably a depth of talent that could pick from 35 players so I I think France and Spain will be be the ones to beat here well that’s uh probably a good sign for Canada who A Week Tonight play Argentina in the cop of America and they were in France friendly against them last week and they got a nil-nil draw um it’s a friendly I’m not sure how significant that is in your eyes but you know what do you make of the Canadians going into this tournament and I guess it it can’t it couldn’t start much more difficult than this they got Messi and the uh Argentinas or Argentina to to kick things off a week tonight yeah it’s it’s it’s a big start for them that’s that’s where they’re looking at um of course Messi is you say we we know that how Argentina maybe approach games it’s almost as if the other nine Outfield players just get around Messi and just basically just work like Trojans just to get Messi on the ball and and get Messi in comfortable positions in in in the final third of the field um that’s where they are but I mean judging Canada on those two games I thought there was enough positive signs even in the 4-nil defeat against against Holland I I thought there was enough to suggest that they could actually go on and give Argentina a good game and then we see the performance against France and if you watch the last 20 25 minutes of the France game you saw a really confident Canadian team you saw a team that was able to take it to France creating i’ I’d say created openings not necessarily create big big chances I think France probably did have the best chances on the day but it was more on Ismail Corney the youngster in Midfield and his ability to to control the Midfield alongside Stephan aako and Jonathan David up front having a real inference and the the you know even Max Gro in goal just the performance that he put in it really give me a lot of confidence watching Canada in that game to say not necessarily beat Argentina but there’s certainly a chance to get something get a point from that game that will set them up for the Peru and Chile games well that would be music to the ears of Canadians and Jesse March I’m sure for that matter the new head coach of the national team so we got a lot of soccer coming up a lot of footy coming up on TSN we’re going to see Kevin a lot we’re going to see Luke a lot we’re going to see Stevie a lot we can’t wait for it uh enjoy it starting tomorrow enjoy the grind we’ll do it again soon thank you Kevin thank you thanks guys all the best you got it Kevin kilin um who knows what it takes to play international football that’s for sure how come I just had a famous Irish soccer player on I’m a Flanigan O’Neal and the Irish never come up in soccer well they’re not in the tournament no I get that but it’s like never Ireland soccer power I thought they’d be dominant like jump on the Scottish bandwagon man jump on Scot way dude no way not scotson can’t they field a squad over there in Ireland like let’s get a squad together I know I know well listen your boy Rory maroy 5 under par in the clubhouse co-leader there you go go dude these guys are making some holes look absolutely ridiculous like it’s the way they drive like Bryson Des Shambo a few moments ago hit a drive that was 379 yards like it’s a 580 yard power four and he hit like a driver in a sand wedge it’s just like what it’s also crazy like looking at some of the videos that popped up of this course prior to this tournament like guys dropping a ball on a green and it just rolling away and then the rough situation it’s crazy what you know if you get hot what you’re able to do at that don’t K yourself though they’re going to fight back they’re going to say okay you want to shoot 500 here today watch what tomorrow brings and they will not screw around that’s the yeah that’s what they’ll they have to I think they will because I think it was Tiger Woods that said that earlier this week that you’re probably going to see the best scores on Thursday so I think his prediction was whoever’s in the clubhouse with the best score on Thursday that’s the bar no one’s beating that in other words five under is probably winning the tournament like that that’s the way they feel and in pinor historically has done that there have been players under par on the Thursday and then no one’s under par basically the rest of the way right now I will say this I’ll believe that when I see it cuz these guys are freaks like this course what do we always hear in modern golf the course there’s just nothing they can do anymore because of what you just said these guys are hitting the ball 380 yards you can’t say well Payne Stewart did pain Stewart was hitting 255 in 99 topping out topping out at 255 these guys are hitting the ball3 yards past that you know I I’m I’m not sure that the Carnage is going to be as extensive as people think not when you put those shorter clubs in those guys hands but you give them sand wedges they’re going to do damage man well look at who’s up there like can’t lay he doesn’t crush the ball he hits the ball he still moves it though he does but maroy oberg dambo feno like those guys crush the golf ball crush it and don’t kid yourself you can’t like you can’t just crush the ball and spray it all over the face like you have to be pretty accurate and those guys are accurate or accurate as well excuse me absolutely I just saw ludvic alberg um I’m pretty sure he went 14 for 14 hitting Fairways today yeah there you go 14 for 14 let me find this deep yes 14 for 14 and I think he was 16 for 18 greens and rag like that’s just that’s absurd robotic that’s that’s legitimately a robot that’s that’s ABD playing golf like that uh coverage of the US Open on overdrive brought to you by Subaru Canada do it all this summer in a Subaru with the fully loaded summer event visit your local Subaru dealer to book a test drive today we’ve got news from the Utah Hockey Club we’ll tell you about the Utah Hockey Club in game three tonight and Best Bets brought to you by FanDuel we’ll get to that next today’s Best Bets powered by FanDuel make your picks and assemble the same game parlay and seconds in the FanDuel Sportsbook app putting my faith back in the Oilers tonight minus 137 money line on Edmonton I’m on Edmonton to make it a series all right to win what do you think they’re going to do to win hazy B tell tell the world I think they’re going to break through on the power play tonight I think that’s going to happen I think McDavid and Dad will come out flying I think they get on the board within the first 10 minutes and I think they’re going to have to grind out a win like 3-2 I I think it’s close um I could see overtime tonight I don’t think they’re blowing the doors off this team but I think they’re they’re a good enough team they’re a proud enough team they’ve had a couple of days I know they’re banged up but the Oilers I don’t I don’t think they’re going out with a whimper man I don’t I I think they’re going to win tonight I hope not too but I I’m on the Oilers tonight uh Best Bets powered by FanDuel fanduel’s goal in the first 10 minutes is the most electric bet in hockey and can be included in a same game parlay on any NHL game please play responsibly 19 plus physically located in Ontario so the Utah Hockey Club will be playing in the National Hockey League next year Utah Hockey Club doesn’t make sense doesn’t makes sense Utah Hockey Club why would you why would you want to screw around and have two different names cuz you’re going to change it in a year you had enough time you could have done the poll immediately and then said okay we’re the mammoth here’s the jerseys it’s awesome now you’re going to waste a whole year being in the Utah Hockey Club I look I don’t care what they do I get it they’re on time but they could have just done this differently I don’t understand well also like the colors you know they’re fine like there’s there’s they’re they’re not obscene they’re not repulsive they’re not silly they’re not goofy but it just it kind of looks like a beer league type of look you know so why why burn the first year with that look just doesn’t sense I guess they feel they’re going to be popular in that market anyway because they’ve arrived they’re there people are jacked you know and they’re buying time like I don’t think this is a surprise like they’re they’re they’re killing some time here is what they’re doing trying to think like if if you’re calling a game or you’re doing the panel for a Utah Hockey Club game you know now you have to you’re just seeing are you seeing Utah Hockey Club or you’re just seeing Utah you know how so many times we say the Philadelphia Flyers like we’re just saying Utah I guess now it’s just Utah Hockey Club Le hockey club tonight down at Scotia Bank yeah Hockey Club is in town I can’t wait to see it um we got some breaking NFL news here the and Trevor Lawrence have reached an agreement on a 5-year $275 million extension including 200 million guaranteed 142 million at signing that means now the highest paid quarterbacks in the NFL on a perear basis this according to Adam shether Trevor Lawrence now at the top 55 million Joe burough ties with him 55 million Jared gof 53 Justin Herbert 52 and A2 Lamar Jackson 52 jayen Herz 51 there’s one name that is not a part of that list that sticks out which which name would would that be did you say Patrick Mahomes I did not I did not so this guy’s going for a three repeat this year and he’s making a lot of money but he’s not one of the six highest paid players in the league based on per year basis guess who’s going to Trump all of it in a couple years Patrick Mahomes no the kid in Texas yeah he might CJ very well could I mean momes can and will whenever he wants to right oh they R it say we’ll give you whatever you want course but he’s gonna he’s going to do what Brady did all those years and still make a ton of money and endorsement deals but he’s going to move money around and try to keep pieces didn’t they already just do it recently they said no we got to give you more yeah they did cuz the original deal they’re like all right this isn’t enough um but yeah I mean Trevor Lawrence is obviously a really good quarterback hasn’t won a thing though and now he’s kidding you know 275 million on a five when your time’s up you get paid that’s the way it works as a quarterback in the NFL these are all good quarterbacks Lawrence burrow gof Herbert Jackson Herz they’re they’re they’re real those are elite elite quarterbacks Danny dimes for another day Danny’s a a step below that don’t even get just a step hay thinks he deserves 45 a year a step below Dak will be a part of this list by this time next year too I’ll bet d will sneak into the top six all right good see you Frankie thanks for doing this buddy yeah thanks for having me it’s Frankie curado thanks to everyone behind the scenes for helping out today we appreciate it everyone for tuning in TV radio Podcast web we appreciate that we’re out of here enjoy your evenings enjoy your games tonight we’re back tomorrow at ghost Scotland and ghost Stevie Caldwell 4M we’ll chat then for


  1. Toronto media definitely does run players out of town. In fact, Toronto is high up on NHL players lists of destinations they do not want to play in. Media treating every player like a science experiment gets tiring.

  2. I sure hope it will. Go somewhere where you can actually win. This franchise is clueless when it comes to putting together a genuine SC team.

    This is one of the most hilariously garbage SCF I've seen, and it's because of Edmonton. Wish Dallas had made it through at this point. What a gong show.

  3. I have listened to this commentary year after year after year on this show..
    Just accept the reality you're faced with! The leafs are reg season cash cows and a playoff debacle. Just accept it. They have zero killer instinct. Zero!

  4. When Pierre speaks, if you can make the screen stay still,that will be appreciated. My eyes are sore with the side screen turning and turning 😅😅

  5. This is hilarious to me , because it’s Edmonton , the media doesn’t say the obvious they squeaked through to the final but in every round they ran into lucky circumstances ,,, the Oilers will have a tough time getting out of the 2nd round next year,,, and let’s be honest that D core and goaltender is one of the worst ever to make a Stanley Cup Funal ,,, PLEASE STOP comparing the Las Vegas and Colorado cup wins , those teams had Defence cores that the Oilers couldn’t dream of having! Oilers have 4 D men that I’d play as a #6 at most and they are playing in their top 4 ,,, plus Bouchard is fantastic in the O zone but in his own zone ,,, ouch, put a bit of pressure on him he just gives it back!

  6. I’m not saying Italy will win the Euro , but tell me what was his prediction last Euro, Italy contrary to England who fold under pressure, usually Italy rises up when games are meanifull

  7. You know what they say about opinions haze don’t you? They’re like assholes. Everyone has one, but some are definitely shittier than others!

  8. both players will want to leave this beer league ahl team lmfao getting completely embarrassed and exposed

  9. Hayes is such a schill.. Those comments about FL being mandated to travel have aged terribly. FL left Edm to deal with CAD media and snuck in under the radar. Genius.

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