Golf Players

Special Guest: Kim Bokamper

On today’s Podcast, Mike and Ian are joined by Miami Dolphins Legend Kim Bokamper. Kim talks about his new podcast venture with Joe Rose called Out to Pasture, and he talks about what the podcast is about and the vision behind the show. He shares his insight on Don Shula and his playing days, as well as the upcoming 2024 Miami Dolphins season. Then Mike and Ian talk about all of the hot news in the world of the Miami Dolphins and play a Florida Man game. All this and more is on this episode of the Podcast. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates and insights on the latest Miami Dolphins and NFL news!

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you’re listening to the dolphin podcast Network [Applause] [Music] you’re listening to the dolphin podcast the most listened to daily Miami Dolphins podcast on the internet come on dolphins fans time to Fins [Applause] Up all right Miami Miami SC the greatest ofall team we take the ball from go to go like no one’s ever seen we’re in the air we’re on the we’re always hey what you say Miami you’re talking super cuz we’re the Miami Dolphins Miami [Music] Dolphins good evening Miami Dolphins fans how are you today and thank you for listening to the dolphin podcast I am your host Michael Lea joined as always by my partner in crime biggie Ian Berger and tonight we have a very special guest a man who has conquered the world of football broadcasting restaurants and is now looking to conquer the podcasting world the pride of San Jose State Kimbo camper Kim how you doing today I’m doing great I’m I’m just trying to figure out the podcast world not not conquer I to get you will you will get there into my background you guys got more stuff than than than I’ve got into my background here a little Tak many years it’s taking many years to get all this stuff behind me but yes but yeah you you have a new podcast with Joe Rose called out the pasture which people listen to on Apple podcast Spotify YouTube and anywhere you find your podcast and also on Twitter you can follow them at out toast yourp and the website outop so I guess my first question there Kim is were you a big podcast listener prior to starting your own and who came up with the name out to Pastor that is a great name for a well I you know I was a I guess I’d say a quasi podcast guy listened to a few of them and and everything and I actually had some people that that had talked to me about doing a podcast I just thought you know the podcast world is world is pretty crowded especially the Sports Broadcast world or podcast world so so I’ll tell you it may take may take a little while here to tell you the story so I I was having some health issues last year and during the season I had I was in I had a little heart issue I was in aib a little bit and I was lethargic and then you know just kind of struggling to get through the season and uh and at the end of the season when we’re when we’re in Kansas City for the playoff game which is a sore subject um sore subject in a couple of ways because it was it was uh it was really cold and so we were doing a pregame show out it was about 30 below 20 below whatever it was get that when it gets to that cold it really doesn’t matter with the numbers it’s just goddamn cold you know what I mean and so anyway I got back up into the booth and uh uh my cardiologist that I’ve been seeing called me he said hey how you doing I go not very good he goes yeah you need to you need to you need to to come and see me as soon as you get done I wish I could get an EKG g- strip from you you know so I said well I got this Apple watch this I got it here this Apple watch that um he said I said I can get I can get an EKG on it it’s probably not that that you know it’s probably not that good he goes no no it’s really good so I got to give him an EKG uh popped up on my phone I texted it to him so he had my EKG strip in uh in a minute and 30 seconds unbeliev so later down the road I’m I’m riding along and I’m going you know I said you know all these you know all all the guys younger than than me or or you’re looking at podcast for different things or looking at social media for you know the girl the the guys looking for the girls in the bik and all the other things that go on there and all their podcast I said who’s you know I’m looking on here I’m using it I’m using my my phone and my watch to save my life and so I’m going who’s you know who’s who’s who’s who’s talking to that that crowd my crowd I’m I’m 69 years old i’ be 70 here in September and so we’re kind of speaking to the Baby Boomers and and talking about you we kind of use the cliche of of you know we’re we’re in my mind I still feel like I’m 25 years old my body feels like I’m 80 and I’m trying to keep my body body out of my head and stand that 25y old frame so it means exercise and stuff like that so we’re speaking to the people that are there so you know to be on our podcast I’m sorry you guys don’t qualify you got to be 50 years old or older to be on our podcast that’s a that’s I got I got three months Kim and then I’m there then I can officially I got three years as of next month I’m gonna be 47 next month it’s kind of blowing my mind CL out to close anyway so I came up with the idea and and you know me and Joe have been friends for for a long time we grew up near each other he played at Cal I played at San Jose State I knew him then and then came to the Dolphins and so I just said hey let’s let’s try to do something uh that’s it’s going to be entertaining it’s going to be funny but it’s going to deliver a message to to people that are that are that are of our age and uh so we did that and I started working with H Seth levit who runs Jason Taylor’s Foundation I know you guys know him I think it seems like seems like everyone in the in the podcast world knows knows Seth to some degree and so we just started throwing names around and and I just came up with uh out to pasture you know like a you know they you know when you’re when you’re old and and you can’t do anything they throw you out to pasture so that’s where we came up with that name and and and it’s stuck so uh so we’re pretty we’re doing pretty well we we feel like we’re doing a good thing here and you know we we started out with Larry zanka you can’t do can’t do any better than that and and he kind of hit the nail on the head when uh with his pot when he came on the podcast talked about that you know guys that are my age and I I found went through this with with my heart thing I was so lethargic I I couldn’t get out of I couldn’t get up off the chair and go exercise and stuff like that you got to force yourself to it but so that’s kind of the Crux of how it started how we got the name and uh so now we’ve we’ve had zon we had Stan Van Gundy we had Johnny Bench uh OJ McDuffy we’re gonna do Dave Barry’s Dro in this next week the uh the writer um he’s an author and uh he’s been in like was in 500 Publications across the country uh very good guy then Joe thinman’s coming up after him I was gonna ask about Joe I was gonna ask if you’re gonna have on Joe Joe so Joe’s coming lot to talk about there that’ll be pretty good and then then we got David schula coming up to talk a little bit about his old man and stuff so we think we got some pretty good people there and we got a lot more coming up we’re trying to be we’re trying not to just be Sports oriented we’re trying to get kind of you know all the different aspects of of growing old and and and dealing trying to deal with uh with with aging you know an interesting thing Kim is we have a very large Miami Dolphins community within Twitter within Facebook within a lot of the social medias and what you find is that when we start talking about players back from the 80s the 70s or prior you know a lot of the people that are using social media today they don’t know some of the players from back then they’re like oh tell me more right tell me more about this and you know I love the fact that you’re getting online and you’re doing and of course we see you on TV right we see you doing all your stuff on TV and if anybody who lives in South Florida is listening to 560 you’re hearing Joe every single morning he talks about your high school I think think on a weekly basis um but I actually gave him a link because he’s like how do I get a a a milus t-shirt and I said I can find that for you I can find it but um but no I think it’s great that you’re really catering to a group that probably doesn’t have this type of Outlet right now you know that somebody who can really relate like you said you know for someone who’s almost 70 as you mentioned you know dealing working with an Apple Watch a lot of people would be frustrated with that but you said you know the health aspects of it is pretty unbelievable and people don’t realize the additional benefits that they get from some of these things so I’m glad that you guys are talking about and it’s not just Sports I like that yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s been fun and Joe yeah Joel you we it’s a you know the whole the whole the whole milal penis thing is has become a thing you know I made some hats for his producer and and this and that so you know might try to sell some gear or something with but it’s you know it’s all inest it’s a good time and uh so yeah it’s it’s very very good we I I enjoy I enjoy being with Joe on the show and every time I get on there it’s always it’s always a good time do look so one our big task is trying to figure out how to get the people of of our age how to get them to learn how to get on a podcast you know I mean it took me and Joe it took it’s taken Joe a little longer than me I’m I’m I would say I’m Advanced for Joe and I’m probably a mile and a half behind you guys when it comes to getting on a podcast but uh we’re trying to get there in in in bits and pieces and trying to get the message out to some of the people out there we’re going out and doing some Grassroots stuff and and just trying to teach people how to get on a podcast and how to get on YouTube if you want to watch it that way yeah um and I think once people uh you know of that certain age kind of learn it it’s so simple you just hit a couple buns Ian your father he watches us every time we’re on live He’s figured it out so it’s like you know there uh yeah it it’s just more about the education aspect because you know I tell my father who will be 75 in January about podcast he has no idea it’s like I’m talking Chinese to him he has no idea what I’m talking about but then when you lay it out oh okay yeah yeah okay sounds good so kind of it down so if we get to if you if you can you just tell anyone to go to out to Pastor that takes to our website website will have all of our all of our all of our programs done and then at the bottom it’s a one click if you want to go to YouTube it’s a one click if you want to go to Apple podcast one click if you want to go to Spotify so we’re trying to make it one click easy for the people like me that are Knuckleheads and can’t figure it out and and there’s too many cobwebs in your head to to really go into the go and look out for it so we’re trying to make it easy for everybody let’s talk the Dolphins a little bit that’s enough of the we have some questions about the Dolphins and first one because you mentioned Larry zanka and I’ve been lucky enough to have him on our podcast twice um he went to Syracuse I’m a Syracuse guy so it was it was a dream and you know the times I’ve had him on when he talks about old stories from back in the day he he he gets right into it where he gets just as worked up it seems like as he did back in 1973 or 74 whatever so the first question I have you know you were a first- round pick in 1976 with the dolphins from San Jose State you go all the way across the country to Miami what was your first impression of Coach schula when you met him well so that’s an interesting story so um you know I I I first I first well let me give you my draft story so I’m you know I’m sitting there back in 76 there was no there was no internet there was no ESPN it was just you sitting in a room waiting for the phone to ring in 17 rounds you didn’t know if it was the first round or the 15th round or what time was going on so I so I get a call I’m sitting there and my brother with my brother and and his wife at the time and uh sitting in their apartment and I get a phone call I go in the in the room and pick it up and I pick it up and they goes this Kimbo camper I say yes is well this is Paul Brown from the Cincinnati Bengals we just drafted you in the first round and he said how do you feel about that I so I said Mr Brown I’m ecstatic and then he says can you cuss on this show yeah absolutely so then he goes [ __ ] you it was one of my buddies pulling a prank right great needless to say needless to say I uh I ran him down up the flag pole a couple of times then I went went back and then uh so then about 20 minutes later I get a call and this is coacha secretary I asked her twice because I wanted to hear if maybe he was putting a girl on there to try to you know and then I saw so sort of soon as I heard Don Schuler’s voice I knew it was the real thing and I would hear let me ask you this Kim was there any team that you were like I hope this team doesn’t take me no obviously Packers it was the Packers I grew up in Northern California and the Packers weren’t any good at that time they were a really bad football team and I got a call the night before the draft and uh they said hey we’ve got the the 25th pick I think in the draft um if you’re there we’re g to take you and I go oh my God don’t let me be there when they when they get there or or if I’m there hope they change their mind because I didn’t want to go to Green Bay but so anyway so so anyway so to move forward um you know they we used to play they used to play the college allstar game the college allstar game was a collection of college Allstars you had to have signed your contract with the league with your team to go and you had to go if you if they picked you it was a it was a deal between the the Chicago Tribune and the NFL that if they picked you and you’d signed your contract you couldn’t refuse you had to go so we’re there for three weeks and I really hadn’t met sh I met schula face to face on in in mini camp but briefly and so I’m gone so I missed the first two weeks of training camp uh and so the game’s over we I get in a plane at 5 o’clock in the morning get there about 7:30 they’re out in the practice field already I run in the locker room and I get my get my gear on I run out there and Bill ARS barg tells me hey go in and go in and see what you can do and I didn’t even know what position I was going to play because they drafted I was going to be drafted in a couple different positions so I go out there and and so I go run through my rad you know you do like eight reps or something then you come back and so I get down on the knee take my helmet I was like 90 degrees 90% humidity and all of a sudden he looks over me and goes hey boow camper what the [ __ ] are you doing I said I don’t know coach what the [ __ ] am I doing he said get off of your knee and put your helmet on no one sits on my practice field on the knee on their practice field and no takes their helmet off my practice field so that was my first really face tace you know really really coach schula introduction and uh I never got on the knee again for the rest of my career and I never took my helmet off again for the rest of yeah uh much like with Larry he told me this story like the first training camp he called him in the office and goes I would love to trade you but nobody wants you and Larry told him I don’t want to be here either so I kind of hope you could trade me and it’s like that first interaction everyone has has a story that’s probably not like endearing kind of like yours like get off your knee blah blah blah it just seems like everyone’s got one a little bit different than Mike McDaniel let’s put it that way yes a lot different and that’s actually my next question a little bit you know you played from 1976 to 1985 the NFL you played in looks drastically different than what we see today now they’re talking about um we’re at 17 games soon to be 18 games you couldn’t touch a quarterback nowadays if you do God bless you because you probably get fined in a peny there’s a new rule for kickoff off off seon practice schedule might be changing soon has the NFL made too many changes in your mind have they gotten too far away from its core or is this just the Natural Evolution of what needed to happen I think it’s a Natural Evolution but I think they’re kind of I think they I’d like to see him pump the brakes a little bit you know it it’s kind of got a little too too too much for me um look we had you know we had when I first got here we had six preseason games 14 regular season games my second year we played in the Hall of Fame games we had seven preseason games and and and 14 regular season games and we would to be in training camp for nine weeks uh but but we didn’t have anything in the off season we had a mini camp but that was it and so so then then players used to use training camp to get into shape for the season and they were they were tough practices I mean they were brutal um and if you could survive them you you really have done something now I I’ll say this the guys that are playing now had they had to have had had they had to do the things that we did they certainly would have been able to do it they you know because that’s just what you had to do we didn’t know any different we didn’t know there was anything any better than that or anything any worse than that so I’m not saying that these players wouldn’t have been able to play in the era that I played but I like the era because it was it was a it was a it was a rough and tumble game uh you could take some hard shots on people defensive guy you could take some hard shots on people you could take some cheap shots on on people and and not not you know not get penalized for it and look you know is is a defensive lineman a defensive end in particular outside linebacker that Blitz like I did a lot of times you know you you you you battle and you battle with a a big guy to try to get that quarterback and the payoff is getting that big hit on him where you can hear the you can hear the the air come out of his lungs when you hit him that that’s the payoff these guys don’t get that payoff now it’s it’s it’s not the way it is but I think you know look obviously a lot of it goes to um health and and the and the you know there was no concern when we were playing there was no concern for our health after we left the game none whatsoever now they’re they’re they’re controlling the game and patrolling the game so that these guys don’t have some of the issues that the older guys have and I think that’s a that’s a good thing have they gone a little too far maybe a little bit you know I always say there there they spend millions of dollars trying to create a safe helmet yet they won’t let him use the helmet so it doesn’t make any sense why invest the money if you’re not going to let them use the helmet I mean so this year I know they’re allowing players to put those practice Yeah the marshmallow things on their head which I don’t know how they’re going to do that because you know one thing about football when you see football the helmets are iconic and I don’t know how you do that with something that looks like a marshmallow in your head you know you gotta have the logo you gotta have the logoo I mean that’s that’s it I mean you the uniform you know that’s it’s one of the things about fans is you know the you know you see it all the time you know everyone’s creating new uniforms on social media everyone wants the old uniforms they want the new uniforms they want to change the color and so it really is part of the game and and I think it’s part of the things that the fans really enjoy so I don’t know how that’s going to go with the because the helmet is such an iconic thing it really is and I’ll tell you too it’s um you know as you mentioned it’s all about safety nowadays right so that’s why I think all these rules are in place but at the same time you know we talk about where would Dan Marin be if he were playing in today right where you don’t get touched and he’s not his knees aren’t going after after every game right and but I was thinking to myself and you can maybe help me with this how frustrated would Don schula be if he were the coach in today’s world of football you know I don’t think he would be frustrated you know one one of the thing one of the things about Coach schula he was adaptable you know when when when I first got in there there were run heavy team you know they had they had Jim Langer a Hall of Famer they had Larry little a Hall of Famer they had Bob cinberg they had Wayne Moore the right side they they mixed some guys in there they had big fullbacks and all those things and it was a grinded out grinded out type of a game then he gets Dan Marino and all of a sudden it becomes a highflying team and know when we had Larry in our podcast he talked about Chula taking a disadvantage and turning it into an advantage and the one thing he used on our thing was the first time he came in there was 90 degrees 90% humidity and he said coach schula found a way to make it a positive he said we’re going to practice four times a day we’re going to do this and that and they’re going zong said what are you going to try to kill us and but but but as the as this preseason went on as the season went WR they realized that he took that heat and made it a positive when teams came down here to play they they just couldn’t take it and and and like even during my career it was the same thing we’d see teams come down here and we’d be we’d be tight going into the fourth quarter in the fourth quarter they would they would just die you could see guys just we were playing the Pitts we were playing the Chicago one day and they had one year and they had uh I think Walter was was still there it was a Sunday afternoon 1:00 game hot as hell they’re in their black jerseys and they had two fat guys on the on the on my side reie Sor and Noah Jackson about 350 pounds and they worth the 350 pounds that these guys are now they were yeah fat and so I remember it was the last play of the first half they broke the Huddle and turned around and both of them simultaneously puked on the ground and I looked over Doug betters I said Doug this game’s over with right and so you know so so he found a way to make a so so I think if he would have stayed and played this year he would have figured out a way among along every step that that’s progressed to find that thing that you think is a negative like not being able to not being able to land on the quarterback you know have to roll off of him and all those types of things he would have found some way to make that a positive and and that’s just the way he was excellent and so I’m actually GNA follow that up because Don schula was a great great coach the best of the Dolphins have ever had and now we’re talking about a new coach for the dolphins not new he’s on his third season Mike McDaniel and you kind of touched on him a little bit ago but what are your thoughts on him because you know for from a fan perspective there’s a lot of positives right he’s he’s he’s a players coach in our in my eyes he’s you know he’s he’s all about encouragement and inspiration not as much about beating you down when you’re doing wrong but what are what are your assessments of him what do you think he next for this age of player of kids you know I I I you know there’s a there’s a part of me that thinks that this this generation that maybe coming in behind them maybe even part of the generation’s playing now um you know kind of grew up in the in the participation trophy generation you know yes I always say you know you got the kid gets in the car he’s got a a metal around his neck and he said dad why did you get the medal oh you played good I said well they scored eight goals we didn’t score any so why do I get a medal you know but no negative so so but I think look I think I I I you can even see some of the old older coaches that have been out there for a long time Mike Tomlin some of those guys they’re starting to adapt to that not not being the you know not being the beat the guy down you know and you know because coach Shula was like I’m he he knew the guys that he could beat down and when you beat you down he knew you were G to come back like a like a madman right and the other guys he kind of laid off on him but you know I think now it’s it’s a different thing and I think Mike is I think Mike is one of those guys that does it very well you know right off the bat you know when he when he gets the job he gets on the plane he’s calling Tua hey you’re my guy I know whatever problems you’ve had we’re going to play and and so he he and I you know I see him doing that again again to me it’s very it’s very foreign to me but I’m seeing as a collective in this league there’s a lot of coaches that are adapting that you know there’s a good example last year with uh with Vic fangio you know a lot of those defensive players like we’re we’re we’re happy to see him go you know I played with Bill arnsbarger for for nine years and I think he ever said two words to me if he wasn’t cussing me out for doing something wrong right but we won a lot of games you know and so he go so be it you could call me whatever you want as long as we’re winning football games and I I think Vic was that same kind of guy no personality whatsoever and he was just about you know working hard winning games and doing within his his his his scheme and and I think it ruffled a lot of feathers for guys that weren’t used to that and so so no he moves on now we’ll see what Anthony Weaver does I think Anthony Weaver from what I’ve heard from him is probably more aligned with the the Mike McDaniel and these other coaches of this era not that it’s bad you know and look again going back to what we were talking about earlier the game being a little tougher and this and like this and that you know look it’s now it’s a high-flying game now now you’re you’re you’re down by 20 in the fourth quarter you’re still in the game you know back then you you you were done and so you know there’s there’s more big plays there’s more exciting plays and so the game has changed but I think the game’s probably probably more entertaining now than it was back then if you were to if you were to look at an old game now you go geez look at this thing’s like boring different people have no idea how different it is I watched the uh Super Bowl against San Francisco which they lost in 84 like a week ago it was on the NFL Network the game is totally different it’s totally like it’s slower paced run up the middle a lot nothing happens it’s very it was trying to get to third it was trying to get to third down trying to get third down and short that’s what was get down to third down and short then you can either run or pass and that’s where you make your big plays now now the first down look I remember like it took me a while because I’ve been doing the sidelines for a long time it took me a while to realize that you know you can get you you can get the you can see the lineup card you can see who the first string is but when that game starts you may have four wide receivers on the field y you know instead ofstead of two instead of two wide receivers a tight end a fullback and a tailb now you get now you get all kinds of different things out there which makes the game you know more just more active and more look again very entertaining game every defense too is always always in nickel they just live in nickel now they’re all in nickel and dime start in nickel the linebackers there’s there’s no there’s no Brian ER Locker any in there any there’s no Ray Lewis is in there there’s no is in there they’re all like they’re they’re all fast they’re all about 225 to 235 most of them aren’t over over 63 or 6’4 you know when I was playing linebacker was six I was 66 Larry Gordon in the other side was 6’5 you know we had big and then you know and so yeah it’s a it’s a different but it’s look again it’s a you know I like the defense because it’s a speed defense yep you know I like I like I like Edge rushers because I like to see guys sack the quarterback and put pressure on the quarterback and I like to see on the offensive side I like to see quarterbacks like a pat Mahomes that can escape those those those guys that are coming after them yeah um so that’s upcoming season um they’ve lost a lot of players in Miami but they’ve added some players as well so it’s and you know I think it really comes down to can they replace Christian Wilkins and can they replace Robert hun everyone else they’ve lost they’ve kind of replaced in some way I call like a wash lose a couple linebackers sign a couple linebackers nobody’s drastically better than the guys they you know lost it’s all about a wash but those are the two positions they really didn’t I would say even out so what are your thoughts on the upcoming season and just I was a I was a huge Christian Wilkins fan huge and and and I every time I talk to him about him said why don’t you give him a contract give this guy a contract give this guy contract you know and and and Zach seeler comes in and and you get Zach there and those two guys first of all they were the closest of friends they were never apart they were always talking whether it was off the field or on the field and so you had a symmetry between those guys much like we had because I the guys I played with we played together for eight or nine years and you knew these guys you know and so you know I remember times when I could get in the line of scrimmage I could look over at Doug betters and he knew exactly what I was thinking he didn’t have to say anything and I think that they had that kind of synergy now without Christian Wilkins here you know and I think Zach’s a great player but is some of that Synergy that’s there that they had I don’t know if he can capture that and have that that that again in the production that those guys made they you know Christian I always said Christian Christian created a problem for every play that the off offense play he was in the back field it was a running game the guy had to Bubble around him to get around it it was a pass game he was getting his hand up there getting someone making a mess and then Zach coming in behind him it was just a great pair so look they’ve got you when I went toh to the one of the the mini camp practice I look at the roster and they have like they got 11 defensive 11 defensive tackles no defense heard of any of them right about 14 linebackers yeah so it’s it’s a different it’s a different situation but that leads to me to believe that they’re going to play a three four defense and kind of get that nose tackle get a big defensive ends and then just Blitz from all sign you know Blitz from every every everywhere you can with the linebackers that are quick and and Shifty enough to do that yeah so uh is this the year where we finally end the playoff drout you think 24 years been too long man it’s been too long yeah it has been too long it it has been a long and look I’ve suffered through I’ve suffered through every one of them it’s uh you know but so so my my thing they need they need to win the division they need to be a number one seed they need to have home field advantage you know it’s so difficult especially in the AFC East if you’re if you’re the Dolphins and you don’t have home field advantage you’re either going to New England you’re either going to Buffalo or you’re going to who was there was there other guy in there Jas City with if you play if you go up there and playing a playoff game it’s going to be cold it’s going to be bitter up in Buffalo it could be bitter in New England probably not bitter in new yorky it’s going to Bey cold and and what people don’t realize if if the Dolphins get a home field advantage here where the teams have to come here they’re coming from the cold where they’ve been in two months meanwhile it’s still 80 degrees and 80% humidity down here you know that’s we the two Super Bowls we went to we had the home we had we had we’re the number one seed we were at home for all the games two games in we’re in the Super Bowl and and there you go you know so you know that’s a big part of it and and and to do that they they’ve got to learn how to win late in the season and I think that’s you know I I think what Tua has done over the years I think he’s a I think every year he’s he’s you know the the first first year was the injuries well he got that figured out right maybe got a little heavier maybe got a little thicker and so now to me what he’s got to do is he’s got to prove then everybody’s talking about this he’s got to prove that he can put the team on his shoulders in the fourth quarter in a big game and and bring and bring you into to the and bring you into the to the winning side of it and and get you that seed that gets you you know to get you home fill even if it’s the first game you know you you could at least get that first one and then you know get get then then you then you got that monkey off your back and and who knows what happens from there yeah and a lot of it’s so interesting because I’m sure you’ve heard that Tua is a very polarizing figure because you have many Miami Dolphins fans who love him who will fight to the death to you know support him and then you’ve got others who say let’s pick somebody else let’s trade for somebody else and I think what some people don’t understand is that good quarterbacks don’t grow on trees right and also sometimes you’re not going to get lightning in a bottle like a Patrick momes where they’re gonna come out of the gate strong and they’re gonna lead you to a Super Bowl after their first season so you know it’s my opinion is that he’s you know he’s up there in the top three four quarterbacks that the Miami Dolphins have ever had and you just want to let them you don’t want to let him go you don’t just want to let him walk you’ve gone through since Dan Marino it’s it’s and he is and look whe what whether he’s gonna be you know a Hall of Famer whether he’s gonna be you know just a very good quarterback whether he’s gonna be an average Joe he is the best quarterback the Dolphins have had bar none by Leaps and Bounds since Dan Marino so he is the best hope that the Dolphins have had since Dan Marina left to be that guy that puts him on his shoulder and takes him into a Super Bowl now people may not believe it but but you know just look and I don’t know what he’s GNA do look I don’t try to I don’t try to project what guys are I I let them play and then I then I talk about them afterwards I’m a CN say guy I don’t want to put you know I don’t want to put any anything on anybody’s shoulders um but you gotta let him give him a shot look he’s he’s he’s trimmed down which is going to make him a little more agile that was a problem with him last year getting out of the pocket maybe squirming out a little bit maybe he’s more there but you know the other thing to me it bring because you know I did that one year was one year I was playing defensive van I was about two 250 and I read a book on a plane from to San Francisco one year uh and I I I bought I read it in the newspaper I bought the book I read it by the time I got to San Francisco it was about diet it was called eat to win and it was it was to get your weight down get you more endurance and make you stronger so I did that program and I went in training camp at 239 the next year and Coach schul is saying hey man you look great you’re running fast you’re doing this you’re doing that and I thought man I’m gonna have a big year and then I realized I lined up against a 350 pound offensive tackle and and that 239 pounds didn’t quite work so well so I’m not saying that’s going to happen to Tua I’m just saying I tried the same thing he did I was in quite a different position as him yeah and and it didn’t work for me so I quickly started trying to get as much weight as I can but look I think I think him for him as long as he believes that that’s what’s best for for him then he’ll be encouraged by it himself he’ll be confident in himself and let’s see what the see what happens see where the chips fall yeah absolutely and Bo we thank you for your time tonight two things here in closing I want to point out I don’t live in South Florida I go down there a few times a year and every time I go I gotta here’s two things Bose’s signature wings and Bose’s ultimate cheeseburger are the best in the State of Florida which you built with those restaurants is simply amazing that is my first stop as soon as I before I get to the hotel sometimes I’m flying I’m at BO campers the wings and the cheeseburger all the other stuff on the men to I’m sure but those are my two things every time I go down that’s number one number two those are my say my two favorites too so the best mastered it it’s great here’s the other thing the next time and he might be someone to have on the show you talk to Mr Ross Mr Stephen Ross we got to get back to the old logo this new logo it served its time it’s nice it served its time we got to go back to the old logo we got to go back to history this is the that is the logo when this franchise hat its most success that is the logo that everyone thinks about when they think about the Dolphins and it’s been too long it’s time we go back the fans want it the vast majority of fans want it I first became a Dolphin fan in 1971 um Christmas Christmas Christmas night uh the Dolphins were playing the Kansas City Chiefs in the longest game and and this is how bad I was back there it was Christmas night and I was at a buddy’s house playing poker right and but we’re watching the football game and and I was a big Kansas City fan I you know I loved Willie lanir you know I loved Lenny Dawson I loved Ed Pac I loved all those guys and then I’m watching I go wow man those uniforms are nice you know and then I saw Larry and then I saw Jim kick and then I saw all these other guys so I became a Dolphin fan that night and I’m with you 100% those uniforms are the best uniforms ever in the National Football League and and think they should I think they should get them back so and my and everybody hates me because I have this conversation but I say if you bring back those old school logos for for permanent which I don’t know if you really can but let’s just say for this argument sake permanently if you don’t have good seasons does that water down the significance that they have that logo we had bad Seasons with that I used to like the old uniforms with the with the they used to love those uniforms they played like crap but I still like their uniforms you know what I mean even the Chargers the Chargers every time we played a home game on a Monday night game a Prime Time game whatever it was coach schula had us wear those Aqua jerseys at home for the night games because he knew what they meant when we beat the Bears in s in ‘ 85 and and kept them from an unbeaten stream we were wearing those aqua jerseys and that uniform I think they should come back I’m 100% into that okay so we’re all on board the next time you talk to Mr Ros you have a ear we don’t all the people in the chat are are saying how much they love the fact that you said that b so thank you for adding that yeah you’re a new favorite guest right now you agree about the logo I love you guys are easy you’re not Tough Enough everyone be sure to check out out the outto pastor podcast on Twitter at outto Pastor pod follow them there and go to the website out out get you to our website outop pasture outop Pastor I’m sorry too much out the pasture someone already had it I couldn’t get someone already had who the heck would have that you know some old guy but yes it’s on YouTube Apple podcast Spotify wherever you listen to your podcast that’s on all the platforms we’ve had on a lot of great guys can’t wait for the Joe thyman show that one’s going to be fun that’s gonna be a good one but Kim thanks so much for a few moments of your time tonight my pleasure nice to see you guys pleasure thank you we’ll be back with you again sometime yes absolutely anytime you’re welcome thank you thank you bye oh Ian that was a lot of fun huh yeah good interview there that was great but uh I’m gonna have to watch his podcast I think I could probably do it before I’m 50 listen to the Larry show because I love the Larry zanka show and I love everything Larry zanka is you know he’s one of my all-time favor even though I wasn’t alive when he played he was uh someone I was a big fan of and uh every time I get a chance to talk to him that was a a lot of fun so um listening to him was uh great and uh Joe thyman is the one we really he’s got to get Joe thyman on so that’ll be a lot of fun there as well let me uh okay okay so um I didn’t get a chance because we had a guess I don’t want to keep them waiting but Today’s Show is brought to you by kesare kesare is the place to go for officially license apparel for the Miami Dolphins the Miami Heat the Hurricanes maybe soon to be Stanley Cup champion Florida Panthers and all the professional college teams in South Florida looking for a looking for the latest Jersey a special gift or the newest hat to hit the market for your favorite South Florida team check out kesare for their overwhelming selection of sports apparel located at 2655 South University Drive in DAV Florida kesare has it all not in South Florida no worries visit to shop their inventory from the comfort of your own home and yes they will ship internationally as well KES is the Spot Miami fan shop that’s and wherever you’re listening to this podcast be sure to subscribe whether it’s Apple podcast Spotify podbean pod Chas or YouTube smash that like button we appreciate you if you’re watching us live on YouTube and in our chat but you won’t want to miss an episode just in the past you know 24 hours we dropped an interview um we had interviews with Jim Florentine the comedian Tom had him on Marissa talked to Joe foron ball had him on obviously Kim bamp tonight and this weekend we had a special Father’s Day show with a special father of Miami Dolphins player that’s all I’m going to tell you right now tease it out there so check that out so I I was gonna say just real quick about K’s we I have been a frequent Shopper of can’s wear and sometimes you know I think some people think well the only place you can get some good items is through like uh my Fanatics or Miami Dolphins they have some different stuff at and they really do they it may not be the same like selection like it’s a it’s bit a little bit smaller when it comes to the dolphin stuff but it’s different and also it’s like sometimes I’m looking for some stuff and they have it at canes Weare and they don’t have it through fanatic so uh it’s definitely worth checking them out because I’ve definitely gotten a hat I’ve gotten some shirts out of them it’s been great yeah check out the website um and we have the link up on our on our website as well well so here’s we’re going to do for the second half of the show excuse me there’s not a ton of Dolphins news but I got about three or four things we’re going to talk about real quick and then we’re going to end up with a Florida Man game because why the heck not it is mid June and there’s not much to talk about um number one and let’s get your thoughts a dolphins signed Marcus May earlier this week to be the third safety I did a show on it when the news broke when it comes to Marcus SM here’s the deal when he’s actually on the field which hasn’t been much of late past three seasons I think it’s like six games 10 games and seven games when he’s actually on the field he can play he’s he he’s a pretty good safety problem is he’s been suspended for substance abuse he’s always getting arrested 2021 he tore his Achilles it’s one thing after another he kind of fits in that Robbie chosen model of every team’s got one guy who just you know always in trouble but when he actually plays he’s exactly what they want as a third safety they were never going to sign they were never going to sign Justin Simmons I know a lot of fans told Justin Simmons is a starting safet to you want starters money the Dolphins were looking for a backup they wanted a backup safety you get Marcus May with all his issues they get a backup safety so I like the signing give us is Zack CR is a big Zack is Dolphin talk all the way Zack crance is Dolphin talk we’re gonna get him back on a weekly schedule here I gotta talk to Zack talk to Stephen D we got to figure something out Zack France is the guy and we’re gonna get him back on the weekly schedule um just my thoughts on May just so you know it’s you know I think it on the safety side you don’t know what you’re going to get out of Jordan puyer you know and I think we’re hoping to get somebody who can play all games right all 17 games I see says he’s in that’s awesome and then um so I think May is gonna be that guy that can help if for some reason Jordan’s not able to play every down every game it’s not gonna be every down that he’s gonna play but the majority of downs um so I think it’s he’s probably more that security type blanket um Marcus May did say he wanted to go to a Super Bowl caliber team hey they you know saying every every free agent has said that this year I think it’s now becoming a thing that just goes in one year out the other they all here’s the two things every free agent says I went there for less money they all say it now which means I don’t believe any of them anymore and they all say I went there because they want to win a championship they all say it to the point where it means nothing anymore when they when all these players say it hey it’s still still is a great tweet to put out when a player says he’s coming to your team he picked your team out of all of them instead of all these other options that he had so we’ll see yeah I mean Nick need is still G to be an option but I also understand he’s training I think to be I think they’re talking about him being some sort of hybrid I think he’s learning the quarterback roll a little bit keeping learning the safety role so we’ll see he was a corner so yeah he’s probably trying to learn safety you know right exactly and we saw with wad you know he wants to be moved around which obviously was the big disconnect with Vic and what both said you know I’ve been saying this on this podcast for the past ever since we lost Vic I don’t say lost because he left and we sort of made him leave um for you know and I know the fans always side with the player so if you know you got a handful of players out there saying putting up their little means throwing their subtle Jabs at the coach that we didn’t like them for all the injuries they had that side of the ball boy did they have a ton of injuries last year 10th in Total Defense seventh in Rush defense and I think 15th in pass defense and that was without Ramsey for the first half of the year then they lose Jaylen Phillips then they lose chubber he was later I know but they lost chavon Holland for like five to six games in the middle of the SE they had so many injuries and that defense showed up and was a top 10 defense for the most part by the Numbers at least um so yeah you can hate the coach but the numbers don’t lie and with Weaver I’m hoping for the best um having a good personality and being friends with a player doesn’t mean you’re a good coach he was in this role once before in Houston and he failed miserably with a Hall of Famer in JJ Watt um so we’ll see how this goes um I think there’s enough Talent on that side of the ball where it won’t be horrible but again as both said Christian Wilkins is gone and there’s like seven or eight guys at ever heard of and I know F I’ve heard okay you’ve heard of them because you’re in the bubble Die Hard F this stuff every day talk to your rank and file fan like Jonathan Harris is like four sacks ever it’s like these are just guys at the end of day are you know lucky to be in the league on some level um we’re gonna talk to everyone no he’s saying play to it at safety I think he’s too skiny now to be safety that’s the problem no look I don’t want him hitting the I don’t want him hitting anybody I don’t want him taking any hits so to uh and we’re not going to spend a lot of time the deal isn’t done yet obviously we all know because once it does it’s going to be like you know Nix and resign types new people are going to go lose their minds I know when it’s gonna happen too I’m G to be smack dab in a meeting that I’m facilitating it’ll happen at the worst possible time and it’s gonna pop up on my phone and I’m just gonna leave the worst possible time yeah um it usually does for me who has to get stuff up on the site in like a time when it’s like news like that it happens at the worst possible time um as as I said on the show the other night um for those who listen I think what night was it Sunday night I I lose track um the only there’s only two there’s probably two to three reporters who’ve gotten this right since day one they are Jeff Darlington Adam schfer and Ian Rapaport and Jeff Darlington said the quiet part out loud last week which a lot of fans just refu either don’t actually hear it and they just you know listen to not even a full sentence just hear like trigger words um or they’re willfully ignorant and don’t want to hear it and it’s what we’ve said what I’ve said here since the season ended back in January they’re going to pay him he is their future I don’t know the amount I don’t know the years but it’s not like well let’s should we let him play out his F that debate’s not taking place it never has so they’re gonna pay him I don’t know if it’s going to work out it might be a mistake I’m not saying it’s going to be but that’s living in reality here on planet Earth they’re going to pay them so once you get you know some people are going to be way too happy some people way too mad once you get past the emotions just look at this stuff logically nobody knows if it’s the right decision nobody knows but once you live in reality that’s what’s going to happen and if it’s the right decision you’re going to be happy as a fan because the team’s going to win and things are going to go well and if it’s the wrong decision well we’re GNA know that pretty quick and within the next uh 24 months or so they’ll all be fired and they’ll all be gone so it’s like we’ll find out one way or another but it’s going to happen so if you still think they’re going to let him play out his fifth your option is you’re just wasting your breath wasting time thinking about it and and I I honestly believe he’s probably going to get paid top five top seven total package as of in today golf contract it’s all said and done he’s getting a golf contract that’s it right so so top five top seven today but next year when other quarterbacks are up for renewals and have more by a buck or two well exactly instead of being in the top five top seven two is going to end up being in the top 10 top 12 and then as as each year goes on it’s going to keep get it looking like oh well that’s not as expensive as it did looked in 2024 2025 it’s just the way this worked when tatah Hill got resigned when he got repped many moons ago he was one of the top paid quarterbacks when he got signed when he got resigned but then the following year he felt to be like the 10th or the 12th quack the way it works yeah people just lose their minds when it comes to him and it’s just I don’t know fans I always say fans of dolphins bring this stuff on themselves they do it’s like they don’t treat him like any other player and if they did um I think a lot of fans would have a much more enjoyable life actually it’s just I really do it’s like don’t worship the guy don’t put him on a pedestal and for the guys who like unhealthy hate him on the other side you’re both sickos at the end of the day I mean it’s just what it is so here’s what I’m gonna say and and I’m gonna be a little honest here you know me I’m always optimistic and there are some people out there that say and I kind of agree with them they say well what what has Tua gotten us yet nothing and I agree nothing we haven’t went to we haven’t gone to the playoffs but with that said I think you can also say he has had some moments that have said this guy is a great quarterback this guy does great things this guy has the skills to take us to that next level and I think this the both can be said the both can be said and you know as I as I mentioned to Kim earlier you got to give the guy the opportunity to be able to do it and I think well this year is going to be that year in the next season as well and especially now that he’s lost a little bit of weight he can be a little bit more agile I don’t think he’s gonna be as I don’t want to say he’s not gonna be cautious because I still think he’s gonna be cautious to make sure he doesn’t concussion issues don’t come back um but I think you might see him running out of the pocket a little bit more not too frequently but a little I yeah I I’d be very careful with that I think what the whole thing with the weight thing once again something that’s totally overblown um what it told me was at the end of the season to of the organization the coaches staff they sat down and they realized the reason he didn’t get hurt last year wasn’t because of the extra weight it was because of he learned how to get rid of the ball quicker not hold on to the goddamn thing so long Y and also that he I think the Tua Jitsu actually worked on some level whatever the Tua Jitsu was and everyone laughed at it and stuff which I always said it can’t hurt I mean is it going to help I have no idea because nobody knew if it was going to help but it ain’t going to hurt Nothing by Lar might as well try I think that helped a little so tuaj Jitsu helped a little and also he just got rid the ball quicker which is the most important thing you know everyone fans of dolphins are often you know on like extremes Butch Barry’s a God he’s the greatest coach our offensive line stinks we got to upgrade it which one is it is the guy great or did it stink I I mean so you know I know we were 31st in pass block win rate and all that stuff but um he got rid the ball quick and it didn’t seem to matter and you know clearly by the lack of investment in the offensive line this year they seem to think well if he gets rid of the ball this quick why are we paying guards I mean seriously it’s like if he’s going to get rid of it this quick why we pay and we might not agree with it as I say it’s not it’s not for us to agree or disagree it’s more about us that’s reality and that’s their mindset and if that’s their mindset we don’t have to agree we can question it we can second guess it we can first guess it but look how they built this team they don’t put a dime to that offensive line and they don’t want to so I have one last question on this subject have you officially changed the name from jiujitsu to Tua Jitsu is that like the new thing I’m G yeah I mean it’s official that’s what I call it it’s should tradem Market maybe I don’t know I’m sure someone look because we’ve had issues like this in the past with names and stuff if someone else already said it first I apologize I didn’t hear you say it though so I’m not stealing it if you want full credit for it Go by all means don’t send me hate mail don’t slide to my DMs I don’t you know some people it’s funny some people think like I follow everything that they do it’s like I don’t even know who you are and you’re yelling at me I have no idea I I barely know who you are and you’re yelling at me saying I stole something I don’t know you I don’t watch every you know tweet or every show you I so if someone else already said it they can steal it’s theirs I I don’t know if anyone else came up with it so I’m not claiming ownership just is what it is um Tyreek Hill this is an interesting fellow um you know the guy this guy first off Drew Rosen house is a legend I always said if I ever come with any real money where I need it and agent for anything I’m going straight to Drew obviously not as a player but just anything in life because you know Tyreek you know the shocking the Deb I always do my um what’s the guy from ESPN there for basketball Brian winhurst the day Jaylen wad got paid that’s when we hear Tyreek Hills wanted a new contract since the season’s ended why is it I’ll tell you why it is because he’s seeing everyone else get paid and he he probably don’t want to screw over his friend’s deal so once that was official he’s like yeah pay me too here’s the deal I said it then I said it now Ian I want to get your thoughts you look at that contract Tyreek signed and there’s a reason he’s saying all the right things there’s a reason Drew rosenhouse isn’t being bombastic when he’s on TV with Josh Moser and stuff they have zero leverage they have absolutely zero leverage the Dolphins don’t have to do a damn thing now that they might here’s the deal 2026 faith maybe a little bit more yeah there’s no good faith in business that’s a lot of crap here’s the deal here’s the deal 2026 he counts for 45 million on the cap none of it guaranteed he will never he will either have a fully new contract then or he’ll be off the team so it comes down to 2025 because he’s because he’s under contract this year 2025 no guaranteed money could the Dolphins if they wanted to be nice and guarantee a teeny part of that in 2025 to sort of a few breadcrumbs his way saying okay this will guarantee you’re on the roster this year of course and then 2025 and after that all bets are off they could the problem is Drew and Tyreek don’t want a teeny bit guaranteed they want the whole goddamn thing so they probably wouldn’t even agree to that which makes me think this is going to be interesting because you know on the field this is where we have to talk about stuff that sometimes uncomfortable on the field Tyreek has earned every stinking Penny first ballot Hall of Famer arguably you know top five wide receiver of all time we’re talking rice Moss he’s not one or two he’s he might be in that list the top five he strikes the fear of God into opponents and defensive coordinators when they see the Miami Dolphins under schedule this week do not sleep well from Monday through Saturday that’s okay off the field it’s true it’s been an utter disaster and I don’t know how you can guarantee 40 50 60 70 million over multiple years in this guy Jaylen Wadd says the right things never does anything wrong off the field you want to give him what do you get 76 million or so fully guaranteed go for it you feel comfortable to a tongue of IO you him 176 probably somewhere you feel comfortable perfect absolutely Tyreek Hill the past 18 months of his life I’m not going to run them all down everyone kind of knows it if you’re listening to a show like this I don’t know how you feel comfortable giving this guy another 40 60 80 million fully guaranteed thinking it’s going to be fine cuz it’s just been one thing after another I wonder if they could put certain language in the uh in he would sign no way the union won’t allow it Union will not allow I mean I don’t know enough about contct try but they’re not gonna sign it um because he knows if he’s caught he’ll get that from someone else who won’t put that on him but it is what it is we’ll see what happens there just know that the that the Miami Dolphins don’t have to do anything the only reason they would is just to keep them happy and but they don’t have to do that either um so we’ll see what goes on there last thing real quick here before we uh end with a Florida Man game Patrick Paul signed his rookie deal not much of a shock because all the stuff is slotted there’s really not much to negotiate only left unsigned rookie chop Robinson I’ll expect that in the next week or so because again there’s not much to negotiate these things are all slotted now so I would think chop Robinson next you know four five six seven days would sign Patrick Paul um you know Patrick Paul he’s GNA be he will be I can safely say the most watched person in this training camp um cuz when he was drafted the we all know what was said about him looks like Tarzan but walking off the bus that’s a guy you want on your team getting on the field there’s a lot to do to get him up to speed to the NFL so um I’m not saying he will be bad because I don’t think he’s going to be awful I wasn’t as down on him as many others but there’s a long way to go to get him ready and if he can be ahead of the curve uh that that’d be a very good thing can he beat out Kendall lamb to be the number two left tackle that’s essentially his job right now and if he can that would be huge accomplishment um and if he can’t that’s okay it’s not the end of the world but all because when you’re a second round pick all eyes are on you and they passed up on three or four other offensive tackles that went right literally right after him like right after he was picked in the next like six seven picks like four of them were offensive tackles so they made a conscious choice to take him over the others and that’s what’s going to be very interesting interesting to see how that plays out over time but also this year um in training camp because look I’m a Patrick Paul guy um I I like it I like the size I like the speed I like the makeup but he you know there’s a lot of fundamentals that if you haven’t learned in all those years of college I understand the worries let’s just put it that way I’m just interested to see what all these guys look like and I know Patrick Paul’s gonna have a lot of eyes on him but uh I want to see what chop Robinson’s going to look like uh Jaylen Phillips he uh if I remember correctly he he yelled at Omar the other day during one of the mini camp sessions he said look at this limp and he was like I guess walking around without any sort of Limp so it’s going to be interesting to see where he yell at Omar week one if you’re playing or not I what that’s the most important but also don’t rush that’s the thing don’t rush it either you know be honest about where you are in your in your health and because we don’t want him to take a step back if he gets onto the field too early and some of these players you know they just got so much pride that they want to get back as quickly as possible and do whatever they can so um but I’m interested to see what these guys look like come really I mean it’s ke getting closer and closer here we are the middle of June um training camp starts what July right 27th I think ju July 27th yeah 4th or something something like that I don’t know the exact dat but it it’s somewhere in that like window Ian right now it’s June 12th you know what one month from today is don’t you July 12th yeah it’s my birthday mean you have one month left to shop birth it’s a Mike birthday we’ll have on OJ and Seth and all that stuff yeah it’s m one month from today we are annual OJ and Seth I love it I love it yeah so we’ll have some fun with that next month as they come on every year for my birthday we have some fun but uh yeah so uh yeah training camp will be here before we know and I’ll say this too you know I know every that whole thing there with Omar and Jaylen Phelps Omar was the only one who said it Brian Brian baldinger um I forget which he was on um CBS Sports I forget which one he played at Cliff he goes yeah I was at the OTAs last week Chum and Phillips were limping around they looked horrible was justar it was everyone who was there and people who don’t have any dog in the fight who have no reason to lie or exaggerate you know I had the video up on our website now you probably got to go back a little bit to find it probably like a week or two back Brian baldinger I forget what show he was on but he was on his show and he said yeah I was there those two guys are limping around it didn’t look good he goes so I don’t know we’ll see um we’ll see see what happens okay let’s end here we’re almost at the hour mark so we got your game now this now I was trying to you know obviously everyone knows a Florida Man game Florida man stories are notorious those crazy stories only happen in Florida but other states have their wackos too as we always say High School um man if we had one but I know I don’t yeah unfortunately I don’t but the other story I found was from an opponent we were going to play this year in the Indianapolis Colts so we’re going to play Florida man versus Indianapolis guy um story here is I have two stories one is happened in the State of Florida one happened in the state of Indiana this is for Pride not prize no Googling Ian hands up and here we go Story number one a woman dialed 911 twice in January to complain that she was supplied with a bad with a bad baggie of meth and AR rest affidavit shows the female in question oh she handed the drugs over to the cops at her home and hopes they could test their authenticity the bad meth left her feeling as though she was having a heart attack she explained to the police the female admitted a snorting a line of the substance and felt something different when it touched her skin and nostrils a female is willing to admit her illegal activity as long as it meant retribution to her sketchy dealer for her candid honesty the female was slapped with a meth possession charge a felony that carries a maximum 30 month prison sentence that’s Story number one that’s a good one story number two we have a theme here tonight A man may be questioning his wardrobe I actually have a picture of this so I’m gonna put it up on for those watching on live on YouTube I know it doesn’t help the people in um listening I’m gonna put the picture up because it won’t give it away U here it go A man is questioning his wardrobe Choice after being arrested for methamphetamine and marijuana while wearing a t-shirt reading who needs drugs no seriously I have drugs the man was arrested at a department store according to the police who posted a photo of the man wearing the shirt on its Facebook page the man has been charged with one count of possession of meth and another count of possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams Story number one Indiana or Florida Story number two Indiana or Florida you can play in the chat no Googling we’re having fun here Ian what’s your guess I’m wondering if anybody has any guesses in the chat yeah in the chair you can throw them up there I have an idea I think I’ve heard one of these what’s the thought process here what’s the thought process process played out for us well I mean both of them have to do with drugs so it’s it’s hard to it’s hard to say one or the other um got Danny he seems one Florida to Indiana I I just I my thought process is similar to Danny’s because I think that we we get a little bit more interesting type individuals in Florida than they get in Indianapolis so and I think I think I read that some once before in the State of Florida so I’m going back to my memory I could be wrong it could have happened in Indie and so I’m gonna say number one Florida number two Indie I’m gonna go with what Danny suggested what what do you say well Ian unfortunately you are wrong on tonight’s show uh which is you look Danny’s right it’s all Danny’s fault Danny you let Ian wrong oh no I’m just kidding um so the woman who called 911 that happened in April of this year okay uh I mean the event happened in January but it it was reported in April of this year um yeah her name is Sarah Harris once again I don’t mind saying the name because another news Outlet published it so can’t sue me Sarah Harris of Indiana um was the one who called the cops a my dealer sld me bad meths can you go after him for me uh you’re gonna hand us meth yeah I bought it okay you get a 30mon possible prison sentence thank you for that and the other one is John Balmer that’s the man in Florida this is an older one this happened in 2015 actually um you know the shirt just you know says it all right there that shirt I’m gonna put it back on the screen I mean who needs drugs know seriously I have drugs and he gets arrested for selling drugs I mean look that’s next level right there I don’t know if you know that is next level and just the shirt the face the picture look what he’s standing in front of you see the cop in the reflection standing in front of a claw machine if you’re not watching this on YouTube go to our dolphin YouTube page at least fast forward to this part this picture just says it all I was trying to actually see if I zoom in and get a little hint on on what what where that happened but standing in front of two claw machines and there’s a cop in the back I in the reflection this is priceless in Peak Florida right there if I do say so my my home state thank you so much thank you you know it is what it is but and I will be down there soon enough I booked my uh for one of the trips I booked the uh hotel and flight this past weekend with my friend Tom ery as you know awesome and we are set for October and I’ll be booking the second trip uh here shortly in the next few weeks or so um for the uh trip at the early December Jag no you December Jets that’s right that’s right Arizona and jets games I will be down there for so there’s that also I don’t know if it’s going to be tomorrow um it will be this week I will be putting out the information for the 2024 Dolphins talk Mill military fan of the Year contest so check that out on the website and we’ll share it on Twitter as we always do looking for a couple winners this year um if you served in the military or if you’re serving now and you’re a fan of the Dolphins that’s always key you can submit an entry tell us your story one or two sentes you don’t have to write me a novel a few sentences and why you think you should win and you know the hardest part is always picking the winners I don’t do it myself I enlist Josh Aaron Ian and Tom and we do it as a team and we try to pick two people and hey Shake I can’t wait to meet you either um and yeah we try to pick two people and give them um a A Day to Remember at a couple Mami Dolphins games this year so be look out for that I’ll be tweeting it out on Twitter at Dolphin talk and it’ll be up on our website dolphin so yeah we haven’t had a show in a while time yeah this this was a good show today this was a great show Kim Bo camper is the best Kim Kim that Shula story was awesome first time you met Shula I asked that question to all those guys because every first time they meet him it’s something great like that so great story there um check it check out the website dolphin be sure to check out the podcast again Apple podcast Spotify podbean we’re on all the platforms I’m not going to list them all you know where to find us and follow Ian on Twitter at Ian 693 follow myself at Dolphin Instagram threads Twitter everywhere folks have a great rest of your week we’ll talk to you again after a while folks don’t forget we must put an end to Highway profanity Fins Up everybody have a good night


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