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What type of moves could the Canucks make this off-season? – Sekeres & Price LIVE

Any trade is possible under trader Jim Rutherford. Would that perhaps include a deal involving Elias Pettersson? If you listened to the end-of-the-season presser, there was some disconnect on how Pettersson and the Canucks (Allvin & Tocchet) communicated about the injury. It’s also worth noting that Pettersson’s NMC won’t kick in until 2025 and that there was a reported offer on the table with Carolina before the extension was signed. If that’s too bold, is trading Filip Hronek worth exploring? We’ve heard Martin Necas connected to Vancouver, but what about Niklai Does dangling Arturs Silovs make any sense?

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e [Music] it’s a carison price for Tuesday May 28th 2024 comany from the nation Network studio built by Arbor Lee here at the iconic wall Center downtown Vancouver and if you’re heading to an event downtown Vancouver why not make it a station call the wall 604 331 1000 ask for the Securis some price rate Sun out dat Supply manic Harris alongside Blake price gr SAS hitting switches conducting things Big Show coming up that’s all brought to you by Applewood Auto Group Applewood Infinity in Richmond you’re place to get some great deals like the QX60 the 2024 QX60 you can lease at 99% that’s a great number for 24 months on all trims go take one for a test drive you’ll fall in love it’s all at the Richmond autool it’s all good and Applewood our poll question today surrounds the Le Pon is there any part of you that thinks an Alis pson trade is coming this summer yes or no you can vote at secaron price on Twitter or X and YouTube and this also doubles as our top story brought to you by Douglas just how aggressive are the Vancouver Canucks going to get on the trade market this summer more on that in a second but first let’s deal with the poll question um I I I voted yes there is a part of me that does Wonder this um particularly after the poor playoffs and poor second half particularly after the process that got us to the contract extension which of course as we all know was not to not El’s first choice I wonder whether he’s a Rutherford SL pocket type player and of course he has a no move Clause with the new contract but that doesn’t kick in until next summer so really and I know this is something that you’ve been talking about this is when you have to make the call on aias not just is he a good player do you want him here long term they’ve already made that call but can you win a championship with him particularly in the vein of Patrick Alvine and his opening remarks last week about not good enough we’re here to contend not just get to the second round it’s a really nuanced uh topic because hey uh you look at the Toronto Maple Leafs how many times we heard fan calls for a Willie neander trade for a mitch Marner trade uh and to this point neither one of those things has happened and yet with each passing year that there’s a lack of playoff success boy you got to do something yep um and it would seem crazy to think of having to move on from either one of those two players given how good both of those players are y but sometimes you do have to make those judgment calls and make some change now you could argue conects have already made some of those kinds of changes with the trade of B Horvat last year and let’s remember that for anybody for the vocal minority here who might be saying that’s a that’s crazy time they traded away a 50g goal Pace captain in the M you know in the middle of a career season because they didn’t want to ultimately pay for that even though he was the captain and was on Pace to score 50 goals that season um you know sometimes you have to make hard decisions I think the least are going to make a hard decision this summer I don’t know who but I think they’re going to have to make a hard decision and the thing with the pon decision is normally you just say well we’ll make those decisions down the road but with that no move claw window um this is your one time to seamlessly make that decision I’ll take you back just a year ago Blake bill zto of the Florida Panthers one of three finalists for NHL executive the year coming off an otherworldly season from Jonathan hubero and an appearance in the Stanley Cup final hubero was not great in the playoffs and zitto made the call no don’t think we can win with this guy and made the huge trade with Calgary for Matthew kachuck is that last year or two years to last year right now I will I will both sides this in this regard two years ago two years ago two years ago he had the incredible season last year they Advance further in the St to the Stanley Cup finals um after making that trade now can guys with no move Clauses later in their careers be traded yes but it’s a smaller opportunity right there because you’re GNA probably have to cow toow to where they want to go other teams have you over a barrel yeah at that point so we’ll see uh again there’s there’s lots of tea leaves being read here with the way that of course management and coaching talked about the player afterwards and minimized the injury that he had uh um so it’s a lot of connecting to dots I think it’s a long shot I think it would have to be the perfect scenario for sure but I also think this management team wants to make a splash now maybe maybe aonic trade would be Splash enough for them I don’t know so I think some some of the things you have to consider here Jim Rutherford is ruthless we have seen this in the past Jim Rutherford is not afraid to make huge trades Patrick alven has made more trades than just about any general manager since he got his hands on the wheel here think of all the trades that Canucks made earlier last season um to toet has a say and it’s clear that was a disconnect between toet and Alias with regards to this injury toet dismissing it as tendonitis and elas detailing it and you know as Frank Celli said on the daily Faceoff podcast and we’ll have Frank on later in the week um he thinks the Canucks were caught by surprise that Alias went and started detailing the injury in terms of January and knee and was causing me pain um in part because outside of Brock besser who was dealing obviously with a much different medical matter I mean you had Philip ronic Ray to fight Jeff Patterson about covering up the injury in maining the lie on his injury you had Quinn Hughes dismiss any kind of talk of injury with the you know age oldo everybody’s playing something so as Frank notes that Alias details it doesn’t reflect great on the other guys who didn’t throw that out there as a reason for playoff performance the other thing I’ll say and I have a whole bunch of people in my mentions and U Ry is the most recent why would they sign him to an 8-year contract and then trade him well they have to well you have to manage the asset at that point you have to manage the asset they needed him to sign that contract one way or the other yes I mean that’s that’s you did not want to walk him into unrestricted free agency next summer and frankly the signing of the eight-year deal makes him more tradable or at least increases his value cost certainty because you have cost certainty for the other team no knowing they’re going to have them long term as opposed to trading a restricted free agent heading into his final season before unrestricted free agency I.E the predicament they find themselves in here with Philip ronic if they’re going to entertain now trade not to mention things have changed since he signed that contract he was pissed poor in the playoffs he started detailing an injury while other guys for the most part stayed mum on theirs and you had the general manager head coach talking about the hard games in the second half in the playoffs and how you have to push through and prepare yourself to push through so Mel Mel and the comments on YouTube his value isn’t exactly all-time high right now no that’s that’s for sure no but it’s still very very high like make no mistake the the 31 other teams would like Alias PS the uh the other thing to consider is the age-old adage some of the best trades you make are the ones you don’t right and uh out of curiosity I went through an exercise Matt mhm be six months before Bo Horvat was traded maybe four months yeah we sent out a tweet should the conu trade bull Horvat pull that was a should versus this one which is you know would it surprise you basically um and that’s all we’re asking here yeah um but we sent out a straightforward should the Canucks trade bo horat boy there’s an awful lot of responses in there that say screw that trade JT Miller oh yeah and who knows I think I might have had a similar opinion at that point I like I’m very well mayf so the Canucks don’t they make it remember Miller doesn’t have his contract at that point um they don’t trade JT Miller they keep the money for JT Miller and tradeable Horvat instead and all JT Miller has been is the backbone of this team for the past 12 months MH so you got to be careful they you know players can change players can adapt and JT Miller has adapted in a different way than what people are asking of J of Alias Patterson but JT Miller changed JT Miller adapted and became exactly the kind of player you can win with when I’m sure somebody I’m sure there was a lot of fans somewhere they were like you can’t win with that guy he’s a cancer in the room and and made all these sort of proclamations and sure enough he ends up being the opposite of that when push comes to shove and when Rick tet certainly comes into the fold so you know it’s impossible no one’s got the crystal ball of whether they want to whether they will whether it would work out that’s what we’re debating here uh tell us about our friends said Douglas and I’m GNA get to a couple of other takes on this topic well it’s uh been called Canada’s best mattress on Canadian Living and you get to find out with absolutely no risk the industry-leading risk-free trial of 36 65 nights if you don’t like it you get a full refund no questions asked all you have to do is order yours today at Army and you’re in you get the most comfortable mattress you can possibly imagine again with zero risk and with the summer coming do you have AC no don’t even have a sleep cool their foam keeps you cool through the night again order yours David on Twitter says I think what needs to be said that the media in Vancouver is reluctant to do is he should check his attitude at the door well we we talked about that last week yeah and I think it’s wearing thin organization as well as with some fans uh burs on Twitter says pretty telling that talk knew he had ton night and said he’s not injured he thinks he’s soft well yeah and we talked about that may8 press conference with toet who went out of his way unprompted to say no I know there’s speculation out there that he’s hurt no not hurt he’s sick he was sick that week missed a practice and of course taka talked earlier in the season about he doesn’t like guys missing practice he he feels like there’s a lot that can be accomplished in practice and he didn’t like the sort of rest and maintenance days thought they were getting a little too liberal with those Danny makes a good point here and says even if Rutherford gave the thumbs up I think Franchesco would Nix it because the public blow black as well as besides Miller he’s the most marketable player on the team well Hughes he’s not the most marketable in that you know they can’t Trot out him like they Trot out Hugh and Miller to speak on behalf of the team right so and that but I mean still beloved players with a lot of pson jerseys out there in Fresco has rabbit ear and and boy that would take a hell of a convincing effort I think y it’s but it’s a good point absolutely those are the sorts of Trades that rise to the level of ownership and those are sorts the sorts of Trades where well one of two things number one the owner can Nicks number two you have to think long and hard as an executive in the owner’s charge do I want to execute this against the owner’s wishes he may say hey it’s up to you guys you’re the hockey UPS guys but you know that if you know he’s not on board it takes some plums to hit the button yeah on that one and again you just you could get proven wrong the very next yeares on to another team and runs rough shot in the playoffs for them now two other things I want to mention here before we close the file on this for today and only for today I I do wonder whether there’s rekindled interest with the Carolina Hurricanes more on them in a second they are of course turning over their hockey operations Don woodell the new president ofe operations in Columbus or tulsky right now has the keys to the kingdom in an interm capacity although everybody thinks that tulsky will rise there as he’s been a big part of the growth and success of the Carolina Hurricanes plus I guess he’s gonna I would suspect that he will take whatever contract Dundon offers them and we know that’s part of the program in Carolina as well that the owner is not going to be paying top dollar and um and then secondly there’s an old hockey axium about you know whoever gets the best player in the deal wins the deal and to me that’s an Antiquated notion in a salary cap world yeah yeah we have seen I I’ll well I I’ll I’ll give you uh one of my favorite examples is well there’s two big examples both of them pivot around the auto Senators remember remember the Eric Carlson trade mhm everybody thought the San Jose Sharks had won the Eric Carlson trade right yeah getting him from the Senators Josh Norris Jake Sanderson you look at the hall yeah that the senators were able to get from the Sharks on the Carlson deal looks pretty damn good especially given what Carlson was making especially what he ultimately gave to the San Jose which was a great season individually obviously with that transcend hter Point Season but it lifted the team in no particular direction yeah the other go ahead I just stand on the in the comments here trade Alias to Toronto for Marr I mean a lot of people are are looking at that as just a h you know underachiever for underachiever but that’s not gonna happen I don’t think um then you take a look at what the Colorado Avalanche wound up getting for Matthew Shane also involved the auto is that one involving Kyle turus as well um Bowen Byrum Cav Gerard a first round pick that didn’t work out there so it could have been better it could have been even better and a second round pick that has not yet worked out but they got contributors uh including a couple of defensemen who helped helped them win a Stanley Cup and they could have had much more so you know the notion of trading the best player and losing the deal is outdated um in in a cap world you’re putting a jigsaw puzzle together and if you can get several pieces for a big standout piece particularly if that standout piece is at market value and you’re getting several pieces that are below market value haven’t been paid yet that’s the sort of deal that can work out and I bring that up only because needless to say if the Vancouver Canucks ever entertain a new L Pon trade you need a centerman back because you’d be weak at Cent at that point you probably want to fill your Winger void with that if not one a couple right and you may in fact want to uh help out your defense Corp as we know that we got several unrestricted free agent defensemen and a big RFA defenseman so it would be an Avenue to fixing multiple parts of the team if executed correctly and if the demand is what we suspect the demand would be your examples there were Duan and who who was the other one Eric Carlson Eric Carlson were you gon to go Jack eel because I was going to go there no I just go there I was just gonna say I was just gonna say like as much as those are all and all three if you want to include eel to all three are in the salary cap era I think there’s been a lot of learning during the flat cap of money management not the worst s yeah and I don’t know that you’re going to see the one for a bunch trades anymore yeah I I don’t I don’t know if people will open up the cabinets and say I’m willing to give you get five pieces for the one guy anymore hey Ryan O’Reilly from Buffalo to St Louis and everybody thought that St Louis won the trade and he turns out to win a Stanley Cup there so in one regard they did Buffalo got Tage Thompson back in that deal as one of five parts and in fact one of them may still help Ryan Johnson the young uh onetime first round defenseman there if your Michael trade Grady was what it was Alex tuck a conditional first which turned into Noah osen so there’s your Center Prospect a conditional second which turned into Riley Hy the Prince George cougar uh Point producer H for Jack eel and a conditional third so that one is not yet a win for Buffalo although Alex tuck is a very good player uh but could very easily turn into but Michael turned into a force in the playoffs they want a cup so it’s the sort of deal where even you can I mean there’s a world where you could argue they lost the deal and won the cup both of them or you just say both teams win the deal yeah uh which is probably an easy way to put it but he what’s eel’s cap hit at the time of that trade um oh he was making he was making bank he was making back like I I do wonder if in this climate now you are willing to acquire an 11 A5 million cap hit eight times 10 he was at a 10 mil per yeah yeah um you know you’ve got to be pretty damn sure that you’re acquiring a Difference Maker and while people no one’s going to debate that leas Pon is a great player you know I I think without a true playoff run now again they took a leap on eel eel didn’t have a true playoff run under his belt they took that risk yeah um one of uh we’ll see one of the players that has some smoke around them as a trade candidate and I know someone that has been mentioned in KS fan circles is uh Winnipeg Winger Nikolai aers by the way can I just jump in on the finish the E thing the the ties the bind eeko was traded right before his no move clause klicked in well and Jack eel also requested to trade yeah so Buffalo was dealing from a position of somewhat weakness Matt in Colorado sakic and them had held on to him for quite a while after it was clear that he wanted out you thought the law of diminishing returns uh would apply there and that you know the longer you hold on to a player that doesn’t want to be there the less likely you are to re value so you know that also has to be added as context in terms of the deals they made to bring in volume for equality and the deg grades worked out for them and there was some difference of opinions on his injury remember yeah very good hey another tie that binds here Grady good shout uh nickolay aers uh really good player 25 goal 61-point player played nearly 16 minutes onetime top 10 pick the NHL draft of course could have been a Canuck they chose Jake for Tannon thank you Jim [Laughter] uh and this of course isn’t the first good season that ERS has had in the National Hockey League in fact he’s got three this isn’t even his best this no um so really like the player and of course he would feel a need for the Vancouver Canucks what would daunt me about aers is he’s got one year left at $6 million before he’s the UFA so how willing would the Canucks be because that’s effectively an eggs in next year’s basket deal and I think because you have Demco and because you have Quinn under contract for two and three more years I I I do wonder whether they would be so bold as to push in to next year particularly since they made the zadorov trade they made the lyol trade there were a lot of people in the market going okay is this your best opportunity are you going all in and they jured they didn’t have the stomach nor the cap space to go further than that I think a trade for eers is more something along the lines of leaki and and uh hoglander hoglander something like that because I don’t see her own then you’re robbing yeah long term yeah I mean you’re you’re going for high end I mean now he is eligible for a contract extension on July 1 and if you really loved him and we’re willing to do that before he plays a game for your Club that’s a different that’s a a different acquisition you’re getting long-term value at the very least you’re getting long-term player control knowing it is going to come with a price tag after this coming season but I just there’s part of me that wonders whether Alvine and Rutherford are kicking themselves for not going further all in this year when it became so abundantly clear that they were at least one guy one scorer off the flank the other problem the other problem with nickers here four goals in 37 career playoffs yeah not great not great if what they’re looking for is some more certification of goals uh in the playoffs I don’t think he’s going to be top of list for right which of course also begs the question if you bring up lecki where’s their stomach for trading futures this summer wasn’t there at the deadline they they were willing to go to brevich a first round pick some mid- round picks for linol and sedor off but they weren’t willing to go lacki they weren’t willing to go Tom we Lander they weren’t willing to go another first round pick well honestly given what they’ve got to pay coming up with the oel buyout in a year’s time where it g gets up to four and a half a guy like leaki is gonna be huge in that oh so is wheen it’s basically like you’re paying leaki at that point to be that player and Mone so is wander so like wander has got to be a guy a top four guy for you particularly after Tyler Meer not next year but the year after I would think so you do have to give to get if you’re the Vancouver conu and all the fans want to see better right shot defenseman want to see better Winger but what are you giving up because you need wander and leaki in two years you just do you you yep because I don’t have a ton of supreme confidence in ATU ratu or anybody else down there to be skilled players maybe to be bottom six but I don’t see a ton of high-end Point getting skill on the horizon outside of leaki right so then let me ask you this if you’re not going to take the big swing this summer because you’re looking at your future cap situation because you only have so many prospects that you think are going to um make the club here over the next few years and and be Difference Maker or play in forward roles is it going to be another summer of using Rick toet and ability to bet on yourself on a short-term deal as a drawing card basically work along the margins where they had great success last year it must be said I think they will try to do that again yeah you think it’s going to be that more than a bigger swing and a and a more of a revamp I think they’ll try to I think they’ll like let guys like lafy go and try to try some of that I I think some of that is happening regard irrespective Blake well I guess what I mean is do you think they’ll just try and take care of their own business ronic Meyers then maybe somebody else out of um uh linol Joshua I think those do then try and and then fill in around it with the likes of the Pia suitors with the likes of the Sam laties with the likes of suitors under contract lafer is not right so no but I yeah that profile that profile player the guy who’s waiting still in August for a contract yeah I mean I think those will still happen um zadorov lindol and ronic no they’re all question marks and I think think two of those three could be here I don’t know which two it will be though um so I think that money gets spent to some degree but hey if all three players are hellbent on getting the absolute top dollar and play in the field and all that then there will be consequences and obviously it’s an RFA situation for ronic but again if his side is hellbent on Top Dollar on a long-term or even a medium-term contract then the conects would maybe be forc into a situation where they have to trade that player so it’s it’s going to be interesting the the oel buyout is looming large here because in combination now here’s the miracle play and it’s a miracle and I don’t believe this could happen if they can find a way to get most of if not all of the mckv contract off the books that’s a pretty valuable almost $5 million the more I think about that one the more and or I’m against a buyout oh no no buyout no no there’s no no chance for a buy out there no no it’s a trade it’s a TR I I I certainly don’t want to peel good assets to just move off the contract I would count more on a bounce back before I’m peeling a second round pick to get rid of really yeah y yep he’s a decent defensive player I agree for he’s got some speed and this club is not chock full of that I agree with Alvine that it’s a confidence matter I think a summer and a reset would do him well I also agree with Alvine that the failure was on management the coaching staff to put him in that role and not build a better team whereby he could play a lesser role they also don’t have a lot of sweeteners left they’ve traded a lot of yeah I mean that’s I mean you’re already not picking until the third round in this draft you have traded out third round picks in 2025 in 2026 so yeah I I I I’m not big I’m not big on the buyout because particularly in combination with emman Larson then you’re looking at a ton of dead money yeah and I’m not fussy about moving out more picks to get off a contract would be okay moving out more future picks to bring in a player but not to get off a player but one can one can beet the other you peel a pick and you got 4.75 million to work with my goodness and if that’s a free agent well that I mean that’s two-thirds of Philip of Elias lindol right you do that you can all of a sudden go back to Eliza yep we meet your number here’s your number then you have greater need on the wing and yet another BL replacing that player on the margins with one of their PW Suitor like like that you can do that two I I understand Blake that I understand that he’s replaceable at a cheaper Freight that there’s no doubt like much cheaper Freight yeah right it’s just about like like these guys stop short of another pick for Jason zooker MH so you real you going peel another pick for for for two for two months of work though right for two months of work yeah Fair fa versus a player that you want to invest in for years as those of you on YouTube and other video platforms can see Blake and I are wearing our Vancouver Canadians hats today and we will be on the Tuesday of every home stand the rest of the way now as for the game today the club is hoping to make uh a call on this by 4 pm. invite you to go to Canadians there’s an option there to get alerts text message alerts if you are a ticket holder season ticket member or someone who’s going to be holding C’s tickets in the spring and summer here they’ll send you directly a text and let you know the status of each day’s game and uh understand if things can’t get going the that tonight and it is still raining here in downtown Vancouver it is supposed to lighten up in the evening yeah so fingers crossed for them but today of course they scheduled Superstar appearance from Buck Martinez and if it can’t go down today uh I do believe that all parties are going to try and make this happen at a later date it’s a six-game home stand the nuner is on Friday family fund Sunday and there are only a few hundred tickets left for Sunday so get them and just around the corner June 11th the dog days of summer bring your pup to the park and let them soak in the atmosphere at Nat Bailey get your tickets 604 872 5232 or Canadians uh I wanted to get to this from no string of the daily Hive and outside who’s by the way has done terrific work there great hire Rob Williams and Well Done Noah uh tweet about archers she loves he had a great uh playoffs but one obvious weakness is tracking pucks from distance tweak goes on to list nine goals where he was beat from distance just 29 total goals allowed but he was last in average goal distance of any playoff goenda is going to get that fixed I think the Canucks are blessed with one of the great if not the best golender coach the world over he’s already done exceptional work with the likes of Jacob marks from thra Demco and now Along Comes arer she loves and good work is happening there already but we have also noticed that a bunch of Canuck fans are wondering musing boy she lost value pretty high right now huh playoff hero coming off last summer of course he leads laia of all countries to the bronze medal at the championships cheap contract upand cominging goenda solve your Winger problem a top six guy or bring in a right shot defenseman well especially considering they’re very high they’re very high in Nikita too behind yeah yeah so it’s not like you now don’t have a prospect goalie they would still yeah anyways do you have any time for that show I would need to know what the prices are as we have talked about the go tenning market has not been a robust one in recent years with most teams satisfied with what they would perceive to be at least average goaling with most good teams thinking no our gender average he’s a low cap hit we’re good with that um so investing paying big assets like I’m scoring Winger to get that goalie I don’t see that from a team um you’d have to be very bereft of any goal tending prospects I think and I don’t know which team that would necessarily be so if if you could show me that there is that that possibility yeah I would be open to it but I don’t believe that that’s possibility I don’t believe that market exists as opposed to the market for other players we’ve talked about well I think you’re gonna see Jacob marom and UC Saros traded this summer um now those are of course Frontline right pedre goalies yeah golender I wonder if there’s enough teams with Goal tend need that if they miss out on one of those two guys they would turn their attention to a different profile of guy like an arur she loves I I would my kneejerk is against that for a number of reasons um number one there’s nothing wrong with being great in goal a and having a backup who can play 25 27 games and get you victories and I think that’s what they’ve got to move to given Thatcher’s injury history and I think this kid can do that for you next year uh not to mention on a good contract he’s an RFA to be but you’re not going to be paying Archer Shi off’s a lot of money he’s still very much Club controlled here yeah over the next few years and then secondly and uh I had a big thatr Demco fan yelling at me about this last week but you have to prepare for the possibility that in a couple of years now thatr dmco says it’s been a trip Vancouver but I want to move on whether that’s because of team performance or because he’s an American and wants to go closer to home whatever the case may be well how still very well could be you know archers she loves could still be your goal tender of the future and that future could start as soon as the 26-27 season I’m not so worried about Demo’s want to be here just yet my mind hasn’t gone to that point but my mind has gone to his durability yeah and the need for not just an average backup right a guy that you fully believe can win you a game now I don’t know we saw KY Smith was for a large part of this year a few blips I don’t know that Archer shilov necessarily stole them many games in the playoffs he kept them in games for sure but I don’t think he’s single-handedly won the many well the 40 save effort was yeah Fair you know so the 40 save effort was a was 42 was extraordinary game but yes was it a stealing of the game probably not the in the typical definition not in the typical definition I wouldn’t say so um you know I I I would be leaning towards just s stamp Pat because again I just don’t think you get sun moon and stars firm um at this point anyway no I think U I think you’re right uh Western Conference Final poor Troy from Richmond he’s off for ankle surgery I was hoping at some point we would see Troy from Richmond in the Oilers lineup but yeah not not that’s really too bad also now in the division Dan bman your new coach of the Seattle Kraken I know you had mentioned that they need sort of a a face and voice and I guess dance you know he’s a pretty effortless Communicator um there’s a there’s personality there he’s not quite Paul Maurice but I think he fits somewhat of that bill for the Kraken the bigger question is when you talk to people about Dan B is just the sheer X is an O yes that he’s more a managing the personalities head coach than he is a tactician now that said he’s for guys want to Stanley Cup he’s gone back to the A e e apparently we’re back up and rolling now okay good seemed really fast good fix Grady love it when Google Chrome crash Don wadell is the new president of hockey operations in Columbus he gets the GM and Alternate Governor titles as well and as you wondered Blake yeah John Davidson sort of pushed aside here to a senior advisor role uh the comments coming from the owner Mr McConnell about you know the more he talked to Dawn the more he you know believed he’s the guy to take him to the next level so it’s it’s also clear that JD wasn’t exactly doing all the interviewing here as well and it looks like JD has now paid the price for last summer and the hiring of Mike Babcock and what he went about with young players asking to look at their phone and it was a long run it was a long run and now you wonder whether a had coaching vacancy will follow uh or if Don woodell is going to keep Pascal vanan the head coach there who took over for Bob coock and immediately wanted to show I’m a tough guy too and I’m going to start benching all our best young players yeah I think uh he’s an old school coach and those approaches have uh not worked so probably an opportunity to do something a little bit differently there from top to bottom in Columbus because let’s face it they haven’t shown promise of any sort in a long long while so fans there well so much so that uh I I wonder are they just going to add another top pick this year with wherever their pick winds up or are they so pissed off there that they and they’re fourth best odds right now 9.5% of winning first oh sorry that we’re past the lottery they’re picking fourth um you know are they going to just sit there and um take another Prospect good draft get a good player there or willing to jump start the proceedings a little bit right and trade fourth overall or trade one of the young players they do have whether it’s Kent Johnson Port Moody’s Kent Johnson or your Che the defense there are a lot of assets there that they could possibly move if they wanted to jumpstart the proceedings and uh just wanted to wrap up and say we uh have filled out most of the coaching vacancies in the National Hockey League in what has turned out to be a world still waiting um Winnipeg of course has hired Scott arneal uh Seattle now filled jersey with Sheldon Keefe at Tron Maple Leafs with Craig baru could there be more from here again Columbus who knows we’ll see San Jose we have yet to hear from San Jose but what has been a Whirlwind calendar year for coaches in the National Hockey like two thirds of them have turned over and incredible the rehires have been pretty Swift it seems like a lot of clubs have prioritized getting their coaches I mean they don’t have a lot to say in Draft Day and in Acquisitions uh for PL for uh for July 1 but uh I mean there’s been a lot of quick hires here so no one wants to be left with uh which no chairs and I bring that up because I think this the ability of Rick toet here with this group is only going to get more more pronounced and more and more advantageous to the Vancouver Canucks particularly if Alvine is correct and what he said last week that you come to Vancouver you’re going to improve as a player so even if it’s on a one-year deal I bet on myself one-year deal this coaching staff but particularly our head coach is going to make you a better Pro and make you a better NHL player going forward whether that future is here in Vancouver or elsewhere the pitch they’re going to be making I suspect Blake to a lot of these on the margins players as they once again have a busy and important summer of getting better in that area regardless of what they do at the top of the roster it would be very interesting to well we could pull pull our listeners and viewers here for sure at some point does a Jack Adams award lead to better signings in the off seon like do players seek out do players comforted to know that there’s aach of the year I don’t think they seek out I do think is it a tiebreaker well I want to go here or here ah Coach of the Year there does it does it have any swi talking to agents talking to GMS over the years one of the big considerations for free agents is who’s the coach and where would I fit in his lineup and in his system I think that’s massive and and and I do think as Max laier told us several weeks ago that when you have a coach with talk its history in the league as a terrific player and if you’re too young go back and look at some of the clips of Rick talking us a Philadelphia Flyer like what a player like and you know forever um was it the 87 Cup Final they lost against Edmonton where hexall stood on his head but that was a good Flyers team in fact a very good Flyers team but like they’re going Dave P Derek Smith down the middle against Gretzky and Messier and the Flyers push that Oilers team like to the limit in part because they just had Sons of Guns that weren’t going to weren’t going to quit we’re going to give no inch and talk it among them you know so a guy’s got to hit history in the league but you know also as laier told us like the truth is on his face there he’s got a disjointed nose he’s got scars everywhere like he paid so when he’s asking you to pay the price you know that comes from long experience he’s paid the price himself more so than the coach of the year or in combination I should say in combination with um they would probably do themselves all sorts of favors about if they announce the practice facility sometime in the month of June well there is that now huh because you you were talking about what is part of the equation for a player when they’re they want to know okay what’s the living situation like how far is it to practice there like remember Folks by the time you’re UFA you’re in your late 20s and a lot of those guys have young families already at that point they don’t want to be on an hour and a half commute to practice oh that’s there okay then we can live there they sketch it all out when they’re looking at their suitors and and what it looks like the GS aren’t hurting themselves that’s for sure let’s just say that they are certainly not hurting their case if they can announce a nice practice facility in the month of June big time and before someone puts me on EAS and O Derrick Smith played wing for the Flyers it was Peter zzle in the two zel right it is I’m just looking at the team though no like Tim Kerr was a terrific player for a short period of time a big Power Forward short area goal guy Scott melon B who was a young player on the 87 Flyers turned out to have a marvelous career um toet Zess Brian prop was a damn good player Murray Craven is some here in Vancouver a good player for Ruby but I’m just looking up and down this roster and the defense was quite good I mean Mark how Crossman Brad Marsh McMan but I’m just looking up and down this tough team a toughest Nails team I’m looking up and down that team though and I’m sitting there going in the hell did they take the Oilers to seven games when you look at the Hall of Famers that the Oilers just trotted out because there’s not one player on that roster that wouldn’t slash you or cross check you oh my god were they tough and hexel was the meanest of the bunch yeah you want to no part of Ronnie hexel by the way talk about short or really any spring uh small area scoring Zack Heyman off of his belt last night oh my God like he’s just a backboard that’s all that he is’s just a backboard the total distance of Zack himman Gos in these playoffs but he didn’t use a scoring instrument he’s just his belt last night I saw somebody putting out Robertson really woke up for them right like he Dallas had gone through two rounds here without their best goal scorer actually doing much in these playoffs so he woke up some kid put out a viral video you know just in his basement with ball hockey net of you know you know highlight reel of all of heyman’s goals in the playoffs and he’s just like lying down off his butt you know like it it’s it’s unbelievable all right Blake spin our man on the daily faceoffs playoff parlay challenge you can play as well in fact we encourage you to games. this is free takes two seconds it takes two seconds you’ll get a menu of eight different selections from that night’s game or yeah I guess we’re down to game game now yeah you side one side or the other EC PC nightly winners win gift card daily winners or sorry round winners win cash Blake’s been playing for us I by the way e know yesterday I forgot what I got on Friday I had six that’s pretty good I was near the podium right and that’s the early part of this round right Friday so you’re telling me we got a fight in chance I like it um I forgot to put in my picks on the weekend I’m probably out of the round now yeah it distracted was working anyway for today um gr you hearing this I expect to bounce back for the Panthers uh it’s a 2-1 series they’re they’re at home they’re going to get one of these games at Sunrise so I’m going um a lot of good news here for the Panthers taking the game um taking the unders still staying with unders for the most part uh first goal to Florida highest scoring period the first I think they come out flying barkov assists on the over panan assists on the under paner goals on the under and Sam Reinhardt goals on the over to finish all off so uh for my picks go Panthers tonight even though I do have a soft spot for the ring games. let’s get to today’s menu jpad is going to join us it’s brought to you by Greta 50 West Cordova fantastic spot whether you want to watch the game whether you want to post game or whether you just want to play in the [ __ ] in arcade because it’s fantastic Greta 50 West Cordova JP’s going to join us and uh we just left so much on the room floor last week when unpacking Alvine and Rick toet with Jeff I mean we did 20 25 minutes with him but wow there was so much left there so we’ll talk pson we’ll talk hoglander we’ll talk trade we’ll talk hurricanes and whether there’s a fit there we’ll talk about team roster building the three centers or is that going to be possible with what you have to do on the wing plenty to get into with Jad time for our bet 365 bets of the day the segment brought to you by bet 365 proud partner S carison price we talked about the alexe lafran year goal in game two sorry game three of Rangers Panthers I mean just hanging in the Loof it was that beautiful eight goals in that game so the floodgates kind of opened I do wonder whether we’re gonna see more offense in that series now I know you’re were just talking about defense in it I think there’s reactions right you you get a high scoring game it’s offset by a little one yeah that’s fair um but lafer should be riding High confidence-wise he had two goals in game three and he comes with some value to score in game four I’m getting him at plus 300 so I’m going there after winning on a Conor McDavid goal last night I’m going back to that well with a skilled player laughran year to score at plus 300 wow that’s a that’s a lot of uh that’s a lot of faith in laughran year who’s of course had he looked fantastic I mean yeah he looked fantastic um in game three he’s starting to really grow like I I know it was a little slower than probably most people wanted for a first overall and for a guy who got was as bhood and got as much run as he got heading into that draft but you watch him now when you go okay you know you see it coming along I mean I’m I’m not sure he’s been gonna be a consistent 40 goal goal guy or anything like that but I think he’s going to be a darn good offensive player it’s all said and done I’m going to stay with my uh go Panthers um K Go’s another matter I’m going assist on Alex barov boy is he a good player and I’m going with two assists and it gets me plus 425 well that’s I me two assists what it’s just a lot of assists just what he does it’s not a lot of assists it’s just two of them two assists you get one all you need is one more that’s the way that works it’s not so many if I said what quite a bar I mean that’s 16 some assist the season come on if I said one assist you’d be like yeah okay so I’m asking for one more of those it’s pretty easy bet 365 open an account today yeah so the thing is here folks after he gets the first assist then he needs another assist but then that’s over it’s just the next one after one he can have three he can have four BL still wins that’s a lot open account with B 365 today bet on a huge market so whatever the sport whatever the moment it’s never ordinary at bet 365 use code van bonus altogether when opening that account jpad is next in a season like this you never want to miss a single second of what’s happening on the ice and you want to be around your fellow fans right well gret a bar YVR at 50 West Cordova the perfect spot to do so hey if you’ve got tickets a great place to pre and post they’ve got drink specials every single day and if if you don’t have tickets well stick around and soak up the atmosphere with all your fellow fans play all the great video games and air hockey great air hockey setup as well at gret of our YVR we’ll see you there 50 West Cordova the Vancouver Canadians are back at the N catch fireworks giveaways and Friday newers all Spring and Summer Long get your tickets at Canadians Northlands Golf Course download the free app and book te times with a touch of your thumb and while you’re on course open the app for hold by- hole GPS and track your score 6 to9 90day reservations jump the queue lock in your date for $10 per player booking fee limited daily availability check it all out golf we’ve all heard of the overdose crisis also known as the toxic drug crisis but did you know that it affects Men disproportionately last year 78% of people dying here in BC were men and the majority were 30 to 59 years old it’s not easy to struggle with addiction and the stigma around it can make it harder for people to reach out for help there is help and support every journey is different and the thing that helps one person know it might not be the same for everyone so when someone does Reach Out be compassionate and have open non-judgmental conversations we here at secaron Price want to be part of the solution if you are someone you care about is struggling you can find supports and services near you at help starts here.g of.bc doca and you can also watch powerful real life stories of recovery on help Starts Here website joining us now reporter host of rink wide Vancouver Jeff Patterson stops by and Jeff we had to get you back because there was just so much in that Patrick Alvine Rick toet yearend presser last week and we did 20 plus minutes last week and and still didn’t get to all the topics we we’ll get to our poll question Alias Patterson here in a moment but as you sit here and you watch the Western Conference Final with Edmonton and Dallas one of the things that Alvine mused about is what style of hockey is going to win next year what kind of team do we have to forge Visa what we have to get through in the Western Conference do you think that they have to to some degree build a team that can get through the Edmonton Oilers or is that too specific for you going forward yeah I think that seems a little specific to me the Dallas Stars are a wonderfully built team they’ve done it uh you know without super Hy draft picks although mirro heisen in obviously was a top five pick but otherwise they’ve had a ton of success uh both in the first and in some later rounds they have gone you know deep in terms of their scoring they’ve built up a defense core and obviously they’ve got great goal tending you know that looks like the model but everybody can say they’d like that it’s a lot easier said than done the Oilers obviously are topheavy I mean everybody knows that and I think we’re seeing that some of their flaws continue to be exposed here uh certainly the cans were able to chip away at them in the Dallas stars look like they have found some soft spots in that Edmonton lineup as well so I don’t think you’re building anything to specifically defeat the Edmonton Oilers as long as McDavid and dry Sidler are there and under contract they’re going to be a formidable Foe and we’ll see if one year they can ultimately surround them with the right pieces but you I think it’s important to remember like this is a Canuck team this year that won a Pacific Division that had four teams that were all well above a 100 points like the Vegas golden kns were a wild card team the defending Stanley Cup champs and we know the S of the issues they had as they navigated their season but even at that I mean they were a wild card team that finished with what 106 or seven points um and that’s why it’s important like nobody really talks about the Los Angeles Kings but you know the pieces that they’ve got there yeah a couple other players dowy and copar are aging but they’ve got some nice young pieces as well I don’t think the kings are going anywhere so you know the conu are right now just in a cycle where I think the Pacific Division stands to be a a tough division to win and ultimately to get out of and they saw that firsthand this year do you think that in the Eastern Conference or in another year in the Western Conference this is a Conference Final team that this team could have gotten farther in another year when the West wasn’t so strong because we said this at the outset I mean the the eight teams that made the Western Conference playoffs were playoff teams through and through yeah I mean this is where we play the what if game like could that Demco have won them one game against the Edmonton Oilers yeah perhaps goting ultimately wasn’t their issue but they didn’t have the race to play in that entire series obviously Brock besser out in game seven you know goal scoring wasn’t an issue in the first half of the Season everybody knows that the Canucks stylistically chose to try to defend their way to victories down the stretch and into the playoffs and and had a ton of success using that method But ultimately you know it felt the deeper that Edmonton series got certainly game six and seven when you had the Oilers on the ropes and the chance to eliminate them it felt like the game plan was try to win those games one- nothing now they eliminated Nashville with a one- nothing win so maybe in their minds that was the blueprint but the minute the Oilers score all of a sudden you need two goals now to win playoff hockey games and we saw that uh late in the Edmonton series offense was tough to come by now power play could have cured some of that and I have to think that that is going to be an area of focus for the Vancouver conu through the offseason and into next year uh you know they’ve got the component parts that power play just has to dig in and be better ultimately but I think that they’re fooling themselves to some degree we said throughout the season that scoring Wingers were an issue and then they traded one of the few that they had to Calgary to get delas Lind home and they wanted to address the the position down the middle but goalscoring Wingers remain an issue uh for the Vancouver cans and so ultimately you know I I think given the challenges they had with the injuries and just the every team has warts in a salary cap era it felt like the Canucks you know some of them were underperforming players and ultimately uh just a lack of goal scoring from the wings I kind of feel like pushing the second round to the limit to a game seven might have been as far as we truly could have expected this Vancouver conu team to go that said they boiled it down to one game winner take all to punch their ticket to the Western Conference Final so yes they were that close but I do think they have to recognize that there were still some shortcomings uh that held this team back a a and uh 100% right Jeff it’s just when I hear Alvine talking about how he liked the three centerman and they got within a game of advancing through Edmonton because they had that depth in the middle because they were able to match up defensively and so I I think they really liked that Arrangement and yet can you play that Arrangement and still have enough cap space because that’s going to mean keeping Elias Lindholm or finding another good centerman can you play that Arrangement and still have the cap space to add the Surly needed Winger right to finish some of those chances that seems like the $8 million question here uh because at this point having a if you’re going to deploy Miller Pon and lindol as centers one of those guys is your third line Center you know is it a struggling alas pson are you gonna have a nearly 122 million third line Center the economics don’t really add up there I certainly hope and I mean that is the big it doesn’t matter what the Vancouver conects do the off season uh getting Alias Pon back to Star form is the most important thing for this organization moving forward but you know Elias lolm provided value in the playoffs like he was good for them in the playoffs produced offense killed penalties to faceoffs did all the things that you wanted from Elias Lindholm but yeah I’m just not sure that you can stack three centers at that price point and you’ve got cost certainty with Miller and Patterson you don’t know what lyol is going to come in at even if he wants to be here and take a discount this is a right shot Center guys that’s going to be one of the most sought-after pieces uh on the open market there’s a team out there that’s going to give him what he wants just that’s the way the economics of free agency work so I I just don’t know that the bank of canu can get back into that mix now it also presents a bit of a a smaller issue for the Canucks if if Lindholm goes and we don’t know how they address that but they’ve got Pia suder who can play the middle if they retain Teddy bler we’re back to a world where they have no right shot centers and we heard Bruce bu lament that Rick toet at times lamented that before they made the the Lindholm trade uh you know Neil Zaman is a center but he’s a left shot guy as well and isn’t particularly good on Faceoff so you know I just think from a coaching standpoint you want flexibility if you’re building the optimal lineup you know you wouldn’t have a a you know pitching staff of all righties you just wouldn’t do that and this is the big leagues like I think that was a flaw in the way that they worked for a couple of seasons and so again just to be mindful of as they move forward here if lindol doesn’t come back uh they’re going to be back to a point where they’ve got nothing but left-handed centerman R and and on the center Front like you look at La and how they built they added duah and they didn’t get enough out of dubba but they were one two three uh down the M you look at Vegas and how good they were in their cup year they had three exceptional centerman and then you in this playoff format you’re probably going to have to get through two divisional teams right each and every years so I can understand why aline’s talking thinking you know struggling with do you know do we have to redeploy the assets that we otherwise would take and use that Center and put on the wing after what was a glaring problem for them and yet it’s a little bit to steal one of toets races robbing Peter to pay Paul here um because if you get weaker in the middle uh this is a difficult division to match up with at Center Ice Jeff uh Rick to admitted that um you know he needs to adapt a little bit to to find more offense and and and be better in open Play If you will and and in transition um but with that said how much of what we saw with Alias Pon because the the timing is almost exact of when his struggle started and when really the defensive tactics of Rick toet you know started to solidify uh you know how would you quantify the percentage of the system impeding Alias Pon versus just Peterson’s own self struggles well you know five on five it may have had some but there’s no excuse for this power play like they all should have been able to jack their their point totals just based on a power play being somewhat productive and you know when leus pson skated out of Pittsburgh in mid January in the midst of that run where he and Sam Reinhardt led the National Hockey League with 14 goals in the month of January guys like it’s May January’s not that long ago and Alias Pon led the National Hockey League or at least shared the NHL league Le lead in goals like he’s done it it’s there you know he’s got to figure out where it went and whyatt went away they’ve got to surround him with better players there’s no doubt but for all the five on five struggles there are no excuses for that power play not be more productive and ultimately it could have been the Difference Maker so uh you know there are factors without a doubt the fact that uh they continued to roal Pon out there with il mckv uh you know it feels criminal to to some degree uh you know Neils hoglander had an incredible season but so much of his Pop came early as a bottom line guy you know when he played higher in the lineup and into the playoffs even he struggled a little bit like there just wasn’t a ton of chemistry with pson and hoglander uh even though it felt like the coach was trying to force that but he didn’t have a lot of options obviously so uh yeah I mean look Pon was on Pace for 111 points in the middle of January clearly didn’t get there you know Quinn Hughes was on Pace for 100 Point season and should have got there too if that power play uh had been a little bit better but you know JT Miller got to 100 points in this system under Rick toet now he and besser obviously were in lock step all season long and he had a finisher there but you know it didn’t hold JT back uh I’m not sure that you can say the system itself was responsible for the downfall of Alias Patterson um speaking of I will ask you the poll question Jeff is there any part of you that thinks an alias Pon trade is coming this summer I I don’t feel it uh I just think you work so hard to unearth these kinds of players this is a 25-year-old who’s better than a point a game in his NHL career of over 400 games so we’re not talking about a season or two he’s played five full seasons and he had the one that was cut short where he was limited to 26 games you know he has bounced back before he had the wrist injury they shut him down he comes back he becomes a 102o player a couple years later I do think we’ve talked about this’s a perfectionist and I do think that this is going to eat away at him and the fact that people are doubting him now uh you know is the noise level going to go up because the expectations are going to go up yes absolutely that comes with the territory of being you know the the highest paid player in the history of the franchise but I I do think he is driven to get back and as I said it was there and you know I was just looking at his season the other day guys and and I had forgotten like he had 19 points in the first 10 games he was the first player in the NHL to get to 25 points this past season like he got off to an incredible start and then there was a little bit of a dip and then there was that January was the third star of the month and had 14 goals and 21 points in 13 games uh so it’s there and he’s just got to figure out you know was the KN that much of an issue is the KN a smoke screen was it the teammates the linemates whatever the case uh but you know you’ve made this investment as an organization in him and committed to him I I do think it would serve them well to find him a lot better line mates than he was forced to play with for much of the second half of this season I can’t relate to the contract being a distraction uh waiting to sign a you know a contract of that magnitude that wouldn’t stress me out that would only excite me and energize me but but is did the contract play a role in this do you think I think at the time I mean he you know that press conference uh on that Saturday morning to announce he talked about the noise and the fact that you know I do think that there was all that chatter that maybe led him to making the decision because for the longest time it looked like he did want to punt until the end of the season something happened um and I’m with you like you know if he feels that like they broke him to sign this contract he’s get 92.8 million out of it he’ll be okay uh in the long run that way but you know back to your question Matt about considering a trade I don’t see it and I look I recognize the situation I’m not here to defend his playoff performance at all that was unacceptable he was in uniform on a nightly basis uh they needed more from him and he didn’t deliver so uh but it just it feels like it would be a rash decision again you work hard to get these types of players uh I think it’s a pretty small list over the history of hockey where 25y olds with 102o season on their resume are being dealt and I doubt you win many of those types of trades in the long run so I get Jim ruford and his impatience and you know I know what toet said about having sort of toughen up and play through things uh through it all uh when this guy is on he is one of the best players in the National Hockey League they just need to figure out how to get him back and to be on uh on a nightly basis moving forward here to be a Difference Maker for the Vancouver canox of course uh it was a offer or interest and we’ll never know how genuine it is from the Carolina Hurricanes that was reported as one of the reasons why Pon got to the bargaining table when he did this past season despite saying for all those months wait till after the season um Carolina being connected with the Vancouver Canucks again here Jeff ypar [ __ ] andami Martin NES what do you think you think there’s the opportunity for these two sides to get together on a deal whether it’s Pon whether it’s ronic whether it’s beyond those two players yeah look I understand why they were being linked here uh and Carolina you know for all the praise that organization has received over really the last decade as one of the best run and managed groups and best coached groups with Rod brinmore they fall short every year they just do and maybe it is time that they step back and and try to figure things out and they’re going through a management change and so a lot of times we’ll see a new manager come in and try and put a stamp on the team and and make a splash but we also know that you know this isn’t a team that just does things flippantly uh that’s not how the Carolina Hurricanes operate and so you know if they’re moving off a player uh you know I think it’s fair to wonder why uh to make sure that you do your homework there look Martin aash is an explosive player uh he’s a flashy guy but he took a big step back this year like he was a 71o player a year ago and it looked like that was going to be the breakout season now the goal total didn’t drop that much I think he went from 28 to 24 so the goals were there in line but uh his overall point production dropped off by 18 this year so you know I think it’s important to to look at the reasons there um but in saying all that you know what do the anank need they need scoring help that’s what he is he’s a Winger that has finish uh you know does he would he fit into a rick toet system of structure because uh what I know of the player and what I’ve heard people talking about this week is you know improvises at times a little bit of a freelancer I don’t but the the good goal scores sometimes you got to go off script a little bit to to make some things happen so uh we know what happened Onre crco though he did yeah a r doet system and I’m not saying that would happen but to me that’s just you know I kind of look at the through line there and think okay you’re going to have to pay to get a player like this you bring him in is he going to be the right kind of fit uh for this coach and his structure and his system well and that’s a very good shout Jeff and one that I yes I too would share the concern on that the other thing is we do have a head coach who’s doing a deep dive into his system right and wondering about how do we create more Rush chances so I I take toet for his word I think he’s going to be a little more flexible going forward frankly there’s a part of me that wonders whether guo might succeed in talk at 2.0 uh if it’s coming this this this fall but I think that’s something that Rick toet is gonna have to relent on a little bit going forward and it sounds like he’s already there uh in terms of having the discussion and with himself the self evaluation do you guys remember how many goals KZ Meo had as a Calgary flame had 14 go a good number of he scored so you know getting a player back like that um freelancing be damned um somehow some way whether it’s a trade with the Hurricanes Jeff or not there needs to be an acquisition and that’s sort of the the Crux of the of the poll question as well is there has to be a big splash here somewhere like I don’t know if they they they can just roll the dice on a guy that they think might be able to make a Neil’s hoglander kind of jump like I think they need a certified Winger don’t they no absolutely they do and it’s interesting just you know in terms of raw numbers Nate scored 24 goals this year well so did Neils hoglander so you know if the and the Hurricanes had been linked to hoglander in the past if that’s kind of price like you know we don’t know ultimately what Nash is going to demand but he’s in for a massive raise uh just keep in mind that Neils hoglander scored the same number of goals this past season at essentially what will be one sixth of the price so I would hate to see them move off you kmo in his 39 goals and then he’ll H glander in his 24 on a team that is looking for guys that ultimately have the Finish to put the pck in the net but you know these are the massive questions that are facing Patrick cine and Jim raford and that staff but it feels like they have earned the benefit of the doubt the offseason that they had a year ago addressing the needs uh the way that they took Anthony boiler and repurposed money uh to go and address a need on the back end and get Nikita zadorov now they sort of have to do that in Reverse uh because I just don’t think they’re going to be able to keep both zadorov and ionic so can you take whatever money you were going to spend on those guys and turn that into a scoring Winger um you know they’ve got their work cut out for them but that’s what it’s going to be a fascinating and I say offseason but really so many of the decisions are made in the first couple of days of July like we’re just over a month away from seeing ultimately you know how this group shapes the Vancouver Canucks for next season and Beyond yeah well and the NHL draft as well right uh that is typically as a trading ground yes is typically and one month to the day right June 28th is when the NHL that’s the crazy part as Jeff points out we’re five weeks away from probably getting a pretty good face of next year for the Vancouver con how far away we sure are and uh we’ll be talking about it all Spring and Summer Long including on rink wide Vancouver Jeff because you guys uh are going to be going this summer just tell them what you’ve got planned coming up on rink wide yeah I mean the season’s over but we’re not going dark entirely I’ve got to get some dental work done uh this week so we may not push out a pod this week but it seems relatively quiet on the Canucks front Al that can change uh in heartbeat obviously but yeah I mean we’ll continue to weigh in on the you know the news and notes that uh filter out through the offseason and ultimately as we work closer to the draft as you guys said uh no first rounder no second rounder this year so uh we could all be playing the waiting game on uh you know the second day of the draft unless the Canucks are able to recoup some pick somewhere along the way but there’s never a shortage of news and storylines talking points and uh you know I think we’ve proven that today that even though the games have been over for more than a week now still so many hot button issues in and around this vancu gak Hockey Club oh uh incredibly so uh this is a huge summer for them being let’s face it a little ahead of schedule but you know now comes the heavy lifting it is harder to get from the final eight to the championship level than it is to cut get from the depths of even where the Canucks were down the league standings uh into the sty Cup playoffs in the second round great stuff Jeff best of luck with the dental work we’ll catch up next week my friend thanks guys Great Clips is the official hair salon of the National Hockey League their 37 salons in Vancouver and the lower mainland all canadian-owned and operated download the app and find the nearest to you when you’re up next for a cut you’ll get a ready next text Great Clips it’s going to be great secaron price from wall Center presentation Applewood Auto Group you can text us 7784 29680 to the great club’s text message inbox it is time now for the golf report brought to you by The Whistler golf club and the PGA Tour arrives in Hamilton for the RBC Canadian open in morning yeah after the death of PJ Tour player Grayson Murray an incredibly sad story he was playing in the event last week the Charles Schwab he withdrew on the 17th hole he had played pretty good golf up until that point withdrew on the 17th hole and seemingly uh went back to where he was staying and took his own life he had struggled with addiction in the past and it just sent a Thunderbolts through that tournament and through that field as many were playing with heavy hearts and watery eyes and for the guys to that played with him Peter Mady breaking down in tears the next day and he’s not even a best friend of Grayson m he said didn’t know him that well but just to know that he was there with him in his final moments yeah uh malat was just overcome on TV it was tough to watch can’t imagine and of course uh the RBC Canadian open has been the site of two consecutive Bombshells on the business side of men’s golf two years ago the establishment of the live tour Greg Norman poaching players from the PGA Tour and and then of course last year where we learned that the PGA Tour after crying foul going to Congress even different senators and Congress people and saying this can’t be announced a tentative deal with Liv golf which still has not been executed boy we’re a year on Blake I’m very surprised that it’s lingered this long of course there was a deadline I’ll be at a soft you know contrived deadline of yeah of the end of 2023 to get a deal done but you know we’re now 5 months deep into 2024 and still no re no resolution to The Great Divide between the PGA Tour and live and because of that we are seeing weakened fields on the PGA tour now doesn’t help when you lose players of John ROM stature Brooks kka Bryson dambo that all said it’s a pretty good field for the RBC Canadian open the players really like Hamilton as a venue for a number of reasons it’s an old school golf course it’s somewhat like Shaun a SE in that a lot of the top players go to Hamilton and go great the course itself is going to eliminate a good part of this field players don’t like the easy course at least top players don’t like the easy courses because they feel like that brings a larger swath of the field into play right when there’s tons of birdies and Eagles available Glenn Abby for example with the short par fives you had a lot of players griping about that course because it just really wasn’t a test anymore of of the PGA Tour professional particularly not at the top of the field so this week in Hamilton you got defending Champion Nick Taylor and boy what an encore that would be you have two-time winner Rory mroy and remember the scenes two years ago just the absolute party there at St George’s were mroy won Tommy Fleetwood Shane Lowry Tom Kim Adam Scott sahit tala Sam Burns Cameron young are all going to be there and and by the new standard that’s that’s a pretty good top of the field that’s decent consider it’s not an elevated event that’s that’s that’s going to be that’s going to be amongst the better fields for a non-elevated event no Scotty sheffler that’s too bad he’s a big drawing card Le know Ander shafley but you know all things considered pretty good 25 Canadians in the field this week we mentioned Taylor Adam hadwin if clubs make it oh my goodness he’s been tweeting about this folks they’ve been on the ground for I think 24 hours in Denver the last check and they Air Canada is telling Adam hadwin we we don’t know just move on we’ll tell you when we see when we find them so we’ve all been there Adam we’ve all been there yeah no exactly remember we went on that Canucks listeners trip once to New York City in Boston my luggage didn’t never arrived well it arrived in Boston on the day we were leaving [Laughter] Captain Dennis of a Canada wh to the show finally tracked it down for us several visits to TJ Maxx to refresh the underwear yeah well you you introduced me to uh what is it 21 which was which was a lifesaver uh in Manhattan I’m sitting there going oh my God I need clothes in Manhattan how expensive is this going to be so anyways we’re with you Adam we hope your clubs I hope he’s got a backup set well I mean usually the the manufacturers would come out of the woodwork still that’s not manufacturers usually have a truck there and clubs and all sorts of backup maybe not tweak exactly to your specifications Fair uh amongst the other British Colombians they’re in the field series Adam Fenson of course um I know Roger Sloan plays out of Calgary now but he’ll Merit Roger Sloan we had him on the show a couple years ago he loved meritz Roger Sloan uh Kimberly’s Jared dtoa and then a couple of vancouverites I want to shout Jake Lane who’s a regional qualifier out of the Pit Meadows Golf Club and then Vancouver’s Stuart McDonald he got a special exemption into the tournament for his strong play on the PGA tour Americas he won the Peru open he got into the PGA tour field at the Mexico open and finished in the top 25 so he’s into the RBC Canadian open and of course we have seen some of these Underdog Canadians take us on rides have Journeys yeah at the RBC Adam hadwin back in the day comes to mind more going more going back when there wasn’t strong David Morland remember went on a run there but you never know so you know our fingers crossed we had a hell of a ride last year with Nick Taylor a putt for the ages one of the seminal moments in Canadian Gulf and it would be really neat if there’s a Canadian there late on Sunday contending yet again looking forward to the golf tournament that’s the golf report today brought to you by the Arnold Palmer design Whistler Golf Club it’s now open for the 2024 season and play into rave reviews tea times for anytime during 2024 can be booked online and if you have a group of 12 or more you the group organizer plays for free for more information or to book online Vis A Whistler hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube I promise more content coming they call it the kids call it subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now


  1. Relocate the team to Houston. Get the stink of fentanyl and laundered money in a real estate bubble off the team. Trade lil petite petey

  2. Are you sure you don’t have the crystal bowl here? Sure seems like you think you do when listening in. Also, OMG how much negativity comes out in this podcast. It is depressing

  3. Straining tendonitis in a knee will produce compensatory strain in other areas. I'm just a silly layperson, but this is not arcane medical knowledge. The very fact that he'd played on it since January tells us that it didn't get better, and it sounds like it did, in fact, get worse. There was more pressure on P. to talk injury because he was the centre of media attention for such a long time. Had he not spilled the beans, there would have been a lot of hullabaloo about that.

  4. Let the guy show you what he can do when he’s not hurt. Oh wait a minute. He already did. This is why Canuck fans cannot have nice things.

  5. I hope that all the swedish players ask for trades and leave Vancouver. Everybody knows how much pain Petey where in better than him self.

  6. No sober GM is going to trade for Arturs Silovs, after having missed out on available high end goalies in a trade, to solve their starting goaltender issues, is complete nonsense. What are you guys smoking? First time caller Dan! Silovs is a very good prospect, who hasn’t played a single season in the NHL. If he stole the series against the Oilers, he still would not be a rational choice as a #1 goalie difference maker as a starter elsewhere.

  7. If you traded him for a package including Necas then were able to sign Lindholm and Necas for roughly the same money I would take that.

  8. I think this will age as well as the ‘trade Boesser, trade Miller, trade Garland’ pieces over the past 2 years

  9. THANK YOU! Im not the only one who isnt sold on Pettersson. He lacks the guts and physical play for post season. I also think a Pettersson trade would set up vancouver for long term success. Keep Lindholm and aquire another young middle six in the Petey trade. Get a haul of prospects to fill dcore and wingers and recoup some picks.

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