Golf Players

1974 UCLA vs NC State

This is The 3/23/1974 UCLA vs NC State game. An NCAA Final Four Semi. UCLA had thumped The Wolfpack in a made for TV Game on December 15’th 1973. This rematch would take place in The Greensboro Coiseum. A friendly confine for NC State. UCLA had an 88 game winning streak snapped in South Bend against Notre Dame on January, 19’th. Although the Bruins wouldn’t lose again their aura of invincibility had been pierced in the loss to ND. The Team that always blew everyone out had a few close encounters as Opponents grew a little more confident. NC State’s ACC tourney win over Maryland was one of Basketball’s greatest games ever. If they had lost they wouldn’t have made the tournament but they pulled through and this rematch was another of Basketball’s best ever. The Wolfpack ended UCLA’s run of 7 straight NCAA Championships. I claim no rights.

Indiana bony cow number 24 Center 7 F4 a senior from Newland North Carolina Tommy Burleson number 42 forward 67 a junor from Hammond Indiana Tim stard number 44 David Thompson a junior from Shelby North Carolina and the coach of the wol pack Norman Sloan in his back and that Thompson hit the floor you couldn’t hear anything UCLA and North Carolina State are just about ready we’ll be back for the opening tip off in a moment took me 20 years to get what I’ve got today nice house comfortable good-looking cars then Along Comes the gas shortage they say one of my cars ought to be a small car I say okay show me a small car that’s right for a guy like me they say look at a Buick I say Buick Buick doesn’t make small cars look at the Apollo they say so I looked and not only did I see that Buick sure does make a small car but I see one that’s got some room and comfort and something else that makes sense a 6-cylinder engine and a 21g gas tank put them together and you’ve got range the capacity to help get you there and back and that’s just as important to me as miles per gallon so I bought the the Apollo there’s nothing wrong with a small car as long as it’s a Buick Apollo the Buick of small cars all right the officials assigned for this second game Paul Galvin from the Southwest Conference Richard Wier from the Big 10 there’s the buzzer and here we are for dream matchup number two but this one what they say counts in the standards Kurt I hope that we can hear each other during this particular game it’s going to be something and the people are up for it and so are the players Bill Walton jumping against Tom Burleson these semi-finals and finals were sold out a year ago 88,000 ticket request on the first day the tip is the Myers and he keeps it in bounds they’re already booing this is a home state crowd for North Carolina State and the walon he’s got it Dave Meers hit him with a perfect pass two to nothing Walton puts on any kind of a show like he did against Memphis State the finals last year he’ll be devastating Bonnie tow Lu a plays a manto man bur being covered by Walton Walton hooks F Hooks and TI It Up to all and Curt it looks like a battle of the big men big red and big Tommy in there going at each other each with the first H for their teams well walon on a high post there’s a steal by David Thompson and calling for turning the ball over out of turn the ball or he ran out of bounds with it after he picked it off and did he call against a wolf pack will be one that will be totally unpopular with the crowd here today we just saw the North Carolina State Club Norm Sloan sit back down all cour press in the Myers Curtis Walt on the T with his hook he’s got it 4 to2 UCLA ill Walton hit two shots in a row there a steal by Greg Lee three on Two and a foul of Monte cow first team foul foul actually Kur it was a good foul you know we don’t shoot the bonus we don’t shoot the free throw unless it’s in the act of shooting tobery alertly saw that there was a three on two coming down and they were at a disadvantage SM play on the point is Tommy Curtis spider Meer the cross cour to lead they came up with a two guard offense this year stolen by Mony cow he pops it Walton clears the board and a foul call on Tom bison second team foul on North Carolina State here we go mon toow up for the 25t jumper it’s off the front of the rim Big Bill Walton goes up and you’ll see burlson foul him trying to take it away the all court press by North Carolina State David Thompson covering ke will B shot TR with the ball a correct call he walked away with it and you can see that Walton is offensive minded today there’s John Wooden saying please give me some room he needs all the operating space he can with his inevitable program roll up in his hands that’s one of his trademarks de wils on David Thon again wils held him to 17 points in the first minut th up in here what a jum good there their favorite play they’ll love that ball to Thompson and there is not one man on that floor that can come near to going up with it they say he can pick a quarter off the top of the backboard and leave the chain bab Meers Tim Gard hands it off the mo River a high game they’re just underway number one and two rank team Thompson shooting foul on Keith W first foul on UCLA UCL foul is on Wills 52 it’s David Thompson has the touch Norm Sloan just sets up in the mon toow Thompson’s hit 74% of his free throws 55% of his field goal attack he already scored the most points in the season for North Carolina State 26 and has the highest seasonal average 26 points a game Walton rebounds it Walton get that ball out of the Fast Break North Carolina State ahead 5 to four bab Myers Walton goes to the low close Tommy Curtis coming off a screen by Meyers bony to on Curtis Mo rivers on Lee David there’s lead breaking and that shot is good goal tending call anyway six to five b it’s by Lee 43 Greg Lee hit the shot 6 to5 UCLA 3 minutes gone Ry to against Tommy Curtis Tim St pushes it up Bill Walton has the rebound they start the fast break they’ve got a three on two WIS the shot is up no good underneath fire shot blocked by David Thompson what a block by David Thompson out jeffson that shot is hit by Mo Rivers 7 to6 North Carolina State this is a beauty of David th Thompson he can hurt you so many ways c a foul call on David Thompson first foul on him third team foul on North Carolina State Johnny wooden G Cunningham to his right his top assistant wouldn’t been through a lot of these this team has won 38 tournament games in a row over the last 10 years Keith W spinning the shot won’t go down Burleson has the rebound Mo Rivers at boster North Carolina State David Thompson fires he’s short with it wils takes the loose ball that’s break three on two he penetrates off to Greg Lee a foul of call on Keith wol second on wils no baskets now this will be a tough situation because it’s will wils that’s expected to do the job on Thompson David Thompson is being taken out Bill Spence is in I don’t think it’s for any particular reason except that Norm Sloan wants to get him over there have him take a look at the action maybe talk to him he probably doesn’t want him to get too exhausted right off the bat oh rivers to Tim spot spot puts it up and hits it 9 to6 North Carolina State greed Le Tomy Curtis out on the point with Le fence on Le lead lets it Go and cracks it 9 to eight North Carolina State four seniors on the starting five for UCLA the only starter to be back next year will be Dave Myers but they have some brilliant freshman in sophomore as usual erlon shot no good Tomy Curtis coming down Curtis beating and driving as he will a patented UCLA fast 10 to n UCLA 15 to go in the first half bur off the post and a foul on Bill Walton here we go big Tommy Bron faking left coming back right Walton all over him with the body and bson will go to the line shooting two well this game is starting off just as expected Furious and tight and the score right now with 1454 to play and a half UCLA 10 North Carolina State 9 Freedom Financial freedom freedom to live the way you want freedom to educate your children the way you want freedom to retire the way you want Financial Freedom it doesn’t come easy but you don’t have to go It Alone Merl Lynch has 29 ways to help you fight for it from tax-free bonds to retirement programs mirl Lynch wants to help you fight for your financial freedom for the second consecutive year a nationwide survey of independent TV service technicians named one brand of color TV by more than 2:1 over the next best brand as needing fewest repairs zenith and again they named one brand more than any other as being easiest to fix Zenith maybe that’s why more TV service technicians continue to name Zenith as the brand they prefer to own at Zenith the quality goes in before the name goes on that last foul was just charged to Bill Walton in the first meeting between these two teams in December Walton got an early foul trouble three fouls in the first 9 Minutes wooden’s unhappy with the officiating he’s been yelling out at him he’s not the quiet man you think he is he’s an intense competitor he comes on as a quiet country preacher but he is really a competitor stats Kurt uh in rebounds UCLA open up Tilla State Burleson shot no good he hits 68% of his free throws he and Bill Walton each have one personal one out of three for North Carolina state in the line David Thompson checked back in and this game is tied at 10 [Applause] all Le against MO River on Meyers they’re trying to front Bill Walton verus lets his shot go is good and it’s 12 to 10 UCLA he’ll take it anyway I tell you he really got a great bite of the rim on that time underneath the Burleson his shot is good to tie it up the 12 all Burleson has five points Walton has four points the battle of the two giants that’s deep roll the shot is no good he walks he Shuff on his first step North Carolina States ball they’ve lost only one game the last two years they’ve gone undefeated in their conference for the first time in the conference history two years in a row Bill fence a shot is there 14 to 12 North Carolina State you know you tend to think that North Carolina state is a two-man team but they really have good personnel and they can go to the bench off the lead Lee driving passing to Walton blocked by David Thompson David Thomson high in the air to bla Rivers d and a foul call on Greg Le David Thompson at 64 comes from nowhere here we are we see Greg Lee faking passing under Bron to Walton Walton goes up and there’s David Thompson 6’4 going up and blacking the shot of a man I never saw a man his height jump like he does he’s got the greatest leaping ability I’ve ever seen tremendous SKT Mo Rivers this is his first free throw two out of five for North Carolina State one more for him and North Carolina state has a 15 to 12 lead with 1335 to go in the first half won that first game pass is thrown away it’s off Burleson’s hand and Tim stard coming back into the game and they give bill or Tim Tom Burleson a [Applause] rest Burleson has two fouls and they get him out so he doesn’t get in early foul trouble fourth foul on North Carolina State Tommy Curtis a long jumper won’t go down David cson up to thir [Applause] more with it off to MO River Thompson has three points Monte cow missing outside Greg Lee for the rebound Greg Lee brings it down jumper it’s no good once again David Thompson leaps up clean the board off there’s a dribble by the shot is up oh good and that foul is called on Mo Rivers five on North Carolina State first foul on Rivers Norm FL is settle down settle down now the officials are calling the game very very close G because it is an exciting game there’s a lot of bumping going out there and they don’t want it to get out of control fiveam fouls of North Carolina State four on UCLA 15 to 12 North Carolina State ahead Ed in there covering Bill Walton there [Applause] Walton walking fall on Bill Walton started has a job in there he’s 68 he’s got the big body you know good strong build he has to keep Walton on there while Tommy Burson is on the I’m going tell you there was some pushing and shoving underneath St against Walton turnovers five against UCLA two against North Carolina State River shot just off the lip of the rim Bard has a rebound David Thompson his plays almost a pure game he doesn’t put on a fancy show very workmanlike on the court he just does his thing he goes about it and does it marvelously well Carolina State being deliver [Applause] pson trying to get him to come out and pick him Hy to trying to feed off Walton’s up for the rebound foul called un sted 16 foul on North Carolina State on starter they started going in Walton goes up and look at the rain jonan spreads out with the Left To Cut That ball and he’s Follow by stard Tommy Curtis brings it down they have 1120 to go in the half Walton beating wil wil up for the short jumper misses it you don’t see him miss that shot very often Bonnie cow into the North Carolina State four David Thompson All America two years in a row unanimously Rivers The Spence back to Thompson jumper dor rebounded by Tommy Curtis back breaking Greg Lee up Le shot W down scard has the rebound and North Carolina State ball UCLA can’t buy a point right now [Applause] Rivers short with it Walton blocked out sced allowed Dave Myers to come up with it wal trying to screen for both drive up he goes and he’s got it keath wils in a drive to make it 15 to 14 North Carolina four points for silk wils four for Walton four for Greg Lee High of the game is Burleson with five and he’s on the bench right now 10 minutes to go in the first half at the halfway [Applause] mark David Thompson playing [Applause] outside now trying to come off the pick by Thompson KY driving underneath Lee Kim stard out of the corner got it 17 to 14 North Carolina state for Big Man St that has a great touch on that little 15t jumper and he can’t leave him alone it’s quite a baseball pitcher too a Meer Bon on a high post Kei wils up with his jump shot Lee misses a PP Mo Rivers clears a rebound tries to fast break it but couldn’t get away now he’s off the fence and gold sending call and Bill Walton Walton says I know it I know it that ball had come off the backboard here’s Mo Rivers coming down looking up Court finds Spence Spence drives a hook see the ball is off the board and on this down with flight when walon hits it four points for Phil Spence North Carolina State ahead 19 to 14 Myers up with his Junot and right now Carolina State out rebounding Thompson trying to pass he should have taken the shot himself foul called to Mo rivers and now we have a bonus situation for UCLA second foul on Mo Rivers seven fou there an official timeout and we’re going to get a substitute but right now there’s an official timeout and North Carolina State vastly improved since they first met UCLA as leading 19 14 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] since there are times you need a gasoline station even when you don’t need gasoline your independent Texico retailer also stocks a complete line of quality automobile accessories including top grade Tires and longlasting Batteries just in case at Texico we’re working to keep your trust coming up next after this NCA Basketball Tournament game will be the Heritage Golf from SE find Plantation Hilton Head Island South Carolina First telecast ever of the Heritage Classic Johnny Miller’s in the lead and he’s had a hole in one today and we’ll be showing that to you probably at halftime and CT in rebounds North Carolina State as our GRE bounded UCLA 11-10 I’ve assisted them 6 to3 and Inter Turnal UCLA 5 North Carolina State 3 Tomy Curtis the senior from Tallahassee Florida has it 83% of his free throws in a bonus situation it’s 19 to [Applause] 15 UCLA has a second one 19 to 16 North Carolina State Marcus Johnson a freshman is into the game number 54 Dave Myers taken out toson throws it away UCLA’s [Applause] ball and another sub coming in Andre mcarter from Philadelphia sophomore who set out all last year is in and Tommy Curtis is out UCLA trailing by three they were a three-point favor even though North Carolina state was ranked number one it’s hard to go against the defending national champ Bill Walton draws UCLA to wiin one Walton has six points has a press on now stard out of the corner no good Keith wolz clears the board brings it down playing in his next to last game for UCLA go Walton Lee Tommy Curtis Greg Le up on the rebound Phil Pence grab it the mar Carolina St 725 to go in the half Thomson jump shooting and he’s not hitting here’s Thompson again he’s got that did you see him up in the air that time he went up hung looked around took a look at the surveyed the floor and then put it in Five Points for David Thompson Walton off the high post underneath got by Johnson no good keep WT on the rebound his shot no good Walton has it Andre mcarter hits it 2120 La is out rebounding North Carolina State the last three minutes no Rivers into the North Carolina State four car David Thompson J and foul the foul Keith wi B Burleson checking back in going out as Tim Stoddard second foul on Thompson 635 to go in the first half Norm Sloan with that quiet jacket this nearly has knocked those television tubs out today UCLA calls a [Applause] timeout well we have 635 to go in this half it’s North Carolina State 21 UCLA 20 I thought most products for guys had to have tough masculine names and I found out the best shampoo for my hair is Johnson’s Baby Shampoo I like the shampoo often and I used to worry about that but I know Johnson’s is gentle if it’s for babies it’s got to be gentle I can use it every day and Johnson’s gets my hair really clean so it looks fuller hey you’ve got great hair so full and soft Johnson’s Baby Shampoo is gentle enough to use every day from Johnson and Johnson the Pap’s promise we challenge you to taste and compare paps Blue Ribbon with any other beer you’ll never go back to the Beer you’ve been drinking the same high quality standards that made us America’s first premium beer in 1844 are still used today to bring out our good oldtime flavor and our quality means the best tasting beer you can get paps since 1844 the quality has always come through Major League Baseball Saturday April 6th Henry Aon Atlanta Braves against the Cincinnati Reds defending western division champs of the national league and Monday night will move to Atlanta when the Dodgers play The Brave and maybe he’ll have a chance on one or both of those games to see Aaron do it one and one Keith wils son of a Baptist Minister brilliant student one of the alltime great players in UCLA history he’ll have a bonus now that can put UCLA ahead this game is proceeding like the first game back in the December at halftime North Carolina State LED UCLA 3332 Walton played only 20 minutes of that game Kei looks makes it 2221 UCLA UCLA has scored four unanswered points 620 to go first half Arquette won the first game they’ll play the winner of this game for the nas title Walton clears the board again again Greg Le brings it down Andre marter shuffled Mardo was so surprised on that play to find himself completely open to know whether to take the jumper or drive and wouldn’t sits there and not to and they do one or the other but you can’t do [Applause] both joh wooden by the way was a great driver himself at Purdue they tell me he could fake and blow down in that middle as well as anybody ever played the game David Thompson passing off to burlinson 23 32 give Thompson the credit on this watch Thompson beautiful pass shovel off to burlson who just catches him in there and lays it in this man’s a player he doesn’t even have to score been blocking shots meeting there’s Andre marter Off the Mark Burleson block Walton out and took the rebound North Carolina State ahead by one point this is not going to be one of those easy NCA games for UCLA they’re going to have it very tough there today and they knew it coming [Applause] in 54 to go in the half Thomson up he hit it 24 or 25 22 Now Thompson is starting to get his shooting Rhythm he hasn’t had it earlier but if he gets it look out seven point David Thompson got missed outside wilch misses it Walton comes down and steps it in Bill Walton Mak the 25 to 24 eight points for Bill Walton he scored only 11 points against North Carolina state in the first meeting toson had 17 which is very low for him he’s average 26 a game Thomson outside again hits 2724 thomps nine points for David Thompson Thomson has made 55% of his field goal attemp this year GRE Leia David Thompson the board Kur I wish we could zero in on his arms here here he goes watching way up he has 38 1/2 in sleeves he just Scoops it out of there and no one his hands are the hands of a Connie Hawkins or a man 68 just fantastic basketball toes [Applause] plus Instinct and as Johnny wouldn’t say we have a building your team player that’s great Thompson hits it David Thompson has hit three baskets in a row 2924 11 points for David Thompson North Carolina States in his Zone ke wols the shot W Walton tipped it [Applause] in Bill Walton tipped it in I did they allow that basket look look at that look at that wall just reaching down to tap Monte to in the head Monte to is the smallest player in America 57 that foul was on David Thompson his third and they get him out Thompson has three fouls Walton shooting one that’s good 2927 North Carolina [Applause] State 11 points for Bill Walton he and David Thompson High but David Thompson’s on the bench right now with three fouls see there he is he’s getting in that early foul trouble the way Walton did in St Louis in December Monte C long with h that sort of a for making SL but he can hit him that was a rain maker could he really put that one in the air Greg Lee hit the out by 3129 coming down North Carolina State we got to work the station break in here I will as soon as I can FCC regulation bur on the fivet trying to spin it in 33 29 nine points for Tom buron 3 minutes to go first half Walton great pinpoint passing by Greg Lee Greg Lee set that up he did that against Memphis State in the finals and we pause briefly for identification this is the NBC television network this is TV2 WXII Winston Salem Greensboro High Point take it away Kurt gouty and Tom Hawkins Ross Porter back with you Greg Hawkins have just come into the North Carolina State lineup placing shot of burlson off the pivot Walton clears the board gets it out to Greg Lee ammy Curtis driving up and no good Burleson has a rebound 220 to go co River ony to Bill fence oh River good 3531 North Carolina State remember UCLA has won seven national titles in a row wils got good 3533 they have won 38 tournament games in a row a remarkable record even more remarkable than their winning streak of 88 games because that 38 game winning streak with in tournament play and a sudden [Applause] Victory 130 to go in a half with David Thompson out you see that North Carolina state is much more deliberate burlon looking off to Pivot no good Walton has the rebound out to Greg Lee with his Outlook pass lead Marcus Johnson The Freshman drives and misses the shot and pH Spence has it North Carolina state has the ball they’re ahead two [Applause] points and now Norm Sloan says spread out spread out spread him apart 55 seconds to go this is a four four corner offense right now it’s a it’s a big box with toe in the middle and this is really a stall Dean Smith at North Carolina you popularize this ball control a man in each Corner a man on each sideline forming a box and they leave the middle open and Monty to’s the middle man if the middle gets open he’ll drive down the middle very effective to keep the ball the ball and hoping to confuse the defense so that they’ll spread out and give North Carolina State a last shot going into that basket 18 seconds remaining they’ll get the last shot they watch that clock 12 seconds to go they’ll start the work now in a minute 9 seconds here they go Seven Rivers tring traving call 5 seconds remaining Dave Meers coming back in for UCLA Johnson going out Marcus johnsoning well let’s see if UCLA can get a shot away in 5 seconds four three Dave Meers up he hits that Dave Myers h a spectacular 45t shot to tie the game at Halftime what a finishing flourish for a great first half between the number one and two teams watch this shot Tom Haw here is Davey Mars being guarded by Phil Spence up about 35 ft out and he’s going to bank it Kurt Cur Plum oh boy that’s something well that’s the end of the first half in today’s National Collegiate basketball championship tournament game our scor is tied UCLA 35 North Carolina State 35 the score tied 3535 number one in two teams in America going at it Marquette ranked number three Walton turns around pop it 3735 Bill Walton now has 15 points high in the game oh Rivers down for Thompson back in for North Carolina State game starting lineup into Thompson and he loses the ball he got too far underneath the backboard that lob pass play they use with him Greg Lee Walton Walton’s up no good buringer has the [Applause] rebound a very hard bounce pass by Tommy Bron that monel could not control so UCLA gets it on the sideline out of Bounce most coaches don’t like a bounce pass because sometimes get that spin on it comes up and cuts into your hands that makes it very hard to handle sometimes you have to use it but they prefer you didn’t only if you have to still the simplest and the best pass is a two-handed chest it’s quick you can snap it in Walton just did it there bve Meer shot drops in 3935 UCLA they Trail most of the latter part of the second half now they have a four-point lead USA famous first boys traveling call on David P North Carolina State coming out of the locker room for the second half been involved in quite a few turnovers and I don’t way nor Sloan for saying come on over to the bench and let’s talk about it and Norm Sloan calls timeout tries to settle his team [Applause] down so UCLA has taking a four-point lead and right after this North Carolina State UCLA game the her Golf Classic coming up from C Pine Plantation on Hilton Head Island South Carolina first time it’s ever been televised Johnny Miller’s the leader he shot a hole in one today and the’ll replay his hole in one when they go to Hilton Head Island for the Heritage Golf class a hole in one we got to rush back to the hotel and see that see you don’t see those too often and a program note from NBC on Wednesday enjoy an evening of film entertainment on NBC’s double feature night of the movie James Garner stars in The Rockford Files followed by his three girls and booket starring Cliff Robertson and Diane Baker it all begins Wednesday night at 8 s Central Time right here on NBC North Carolina State’s already committed three turnovers there John Wooden he’s been the Crow A lot of times and NCA turnning to play more than anyone else and he’s used to the pressure of it foul on number 25 Monty tow take fou is on to 25 that F out there’s Tommy Curtis in the Greg Le and you’ll see to come over try to swipe this when and knock Lee off his feet T at 56 and A2 5 S whatever you want to call him is a tough little devil out there well he played last year with a fractured nose pinched nerve in his leg and a broken wrist and still played during the season Walton beaing nearly threw it away Walton on a very high post lead to Walton turn around jumper short Walton has the ball back again up he go Banks it in 4135 UCLA 19 Point 18 17 points for Bill Walt David Thompson now has to go to work North Carolina State maner toer stter shot blocked by Walton foul call and Dave Meers is on Meer 34 assist first there money to looking the overhand pass he had to Tim scotter scotter goes up and he’s followed by Dave Ms although the shot is blocked by Bill Walton so sted goes to the line for two first one is no good stard not only a great baseball piit you that was a tight endend in high school football he looks like he’d be a tight end too he moved well he’s 230 and nley has good hands or he wouldn’t be playing basketball 41 to 36 U laa Qui Le brings it the clock 18 minutes to go look out there’s a steal by David Thompson Thompson Roars in and hits it 41 to 38 th David Thompson out of nowhere Steals and goes all the way for the North Carolina State Deuce you ball they’re putting on a trap now Walton on his fake lean away got no good batter clears the board has it over to Monte cow 1730 to go in the semi-final game the winner will play Mark kept for the national title Burleson sealed by Greg Lee today Myers and and HPS it 4338 [Applause] UCL 17 minutes to play six points for Dave Myers spider H CL driving the Burleson short bur up bur again foul on burles for shoving underneath third foul on him and here we go with some aggressive rebound Burson misses once twice takes it back up still can’t get it in gets it again and he’s leaning over the back jaab Bill Walton and call for his third foul of the [Applause] game two team fouls at North Carolina State one on U Curtis shot he line dri that one by Curtis 4538 UCLA here in greensbor North Carolina and the North Carolina State f worry bur on the pivot Monte pal way out on the rebound is Greg Lee Tomy Curtis is got up good 4738 UCLA eight points for Tommy Curtis 4738 UCLA eight points for Tommy Curtis [Applause] trying to hit David Thompson foul call and Keith R for push it foul third foul of Keith will that was that same old back door play they tried to Lop it to Thompson but W WS was right there in the way so Thompson goes to the line Bill fence has come in they say no he did not have control he was not uh in the act of shooting so North Carolina state will take the ball out underneath their own basket each team has two team fouls they throw that one right through the hands of burlingon 4738 UCLA with a nine-point lead wils driving up oh good Walton follows it in 4938 Bill Walton and he really wants to put it on points for him and they tie him up Mo Rivers tied up by Dave Meyers Bill Walton putting on another one of his classic Championship performances well the timeout UCLA goes in his huddle North Carolina State the score 4938 UCLA in the second half North Carolina state has committed five turnovers Tom Hawkin UCLA just one CT the name of this game was possession and North Carolina state has to take care of that ball they’ve committed some very costly errors down there UCLA capitalizing taking it to the other end and putting two points on All Rivers and Tommy Curtis will Jumpman tow long one by Thompson Walton up with a rebound Tak It Away by burlingon 4 9 to 40 is burlon SC per it is going right up here’s Burson coming down wton comes back into to him puts it in his Ms and burlson drops it in nine-point lead for UCLA fou on Mon tow third team foul on Norm Sloan Club Norm Sloan has been named coach of the year in three conferences the southern of Florida the southeast or the southeast of Florida the southern Citadel and here with North Carolina state in the Atlantic coast island that’s quite an achievement wil short buron has the rebound North Carolina State coming down they behind by nine game was tied at the half Mo Rivers up Bill Spence up he missed an easy one traveling call and Keith will it was really intimidated by Walton but it didn’t hurt anything because state gets the ball [Applause] back Tim stard replaces the center Tom Burleson he has three fouls they want him for the latter part of the game they want to be sure they have him David Thompson up no good Thompson flips it back in and it’s out of bounds it’ll be North Carolina State ball that was was good Hustle by David Thompson because that one was going out of Bones a tremendous leap to throw it back in that’s what hustle can do for [Applause] you 494 UCLA Thompson out in front to solder fence foul on Tommy [Applause] Curtis you now the thing that North Carolina state must the most conscious of right now is not to try to get back into the game all at once they’ve got 14 minutes and 16 seconds to get back in Spence is going to the line but they’re going to say that Spence again did not have control of the ball they’ll give it to no the state underneath the basket Burl is back in each team has three team fouls PA Rivers plays it in David Thompson Kei wols on him burles on the pivot he’s back in hooking off scores 4942 Burleson has two buckets in a row now to bring North Carolina State back them Burleson has 13 points he played on the Olympic basketball team at Munich Burleson for the United States feed off is to Curtis shot blocked by Burleson Thompson keeps it in bounds and he loses the ball over to Dave Myers and Myers Travels With It Davy could not get control David Thompson got a little fancy coming down the floor went behind his back and had it slapped away and Myers trying to pick it up and converted in the two points for UCLA the other way couldn’t control [Applause] it pass to Burleson batted away by Dave Meers sted out by oh good Burleson good three in a row for burlin six straight points for the big F and he’s bringing the wolf back back 15 points for Burleson Bill Walton off to Tomy Curtis up good Tommy Curtis having an excellent second half 5144 you see good Tommy Curtis having an excellent second half 5144 you see Tommy Curtis having an excellent second half 5144 UCLA 10 points for Curtis Mo Rivers right back for the wolf [Applause] back THS playing out front Monte tow he hits it 5146 UCLA had a 11-point lead it’s been sliced to five 1245 remaining in the game Marquette beat Kansas in the first game a foul call on Tommy Curtis two sted 67 about 230 lb comes out of nowhere to slap that slap it away there he goes he goes down the floor you see Tommy Curtis reach in around the face the foul started and here we go again the wolf facts got the ball four team fouls on UCLA three on North Carolina State stard wal Walton up for the rebound Walton had nine rebounds in the first half he needed 15 more to break Kareem jabbar’s alltime rebounding record at UCLA solder’s ball mole Rivers now down Court Burleson push shot down with the ball is Greg Lee Keith W short one with short fouled by Mo Rivers Keith wils will go to the line three fouls on Mo riversoul fourth team foul on North Carolina State each team has four North Carolina state has three players of three fouls David Thompson has four Thompson burles rivers and Monte tow Keith wils makes the score 5246 UCLA this is the team that lost three games this year and everybody said it was a terrible season I mean you know most clubs would be thrilled to death if it could go through a 25 and three season lose three games and everybody panics now they’ve had such Excellence but hard to keep matching it Burleson double team the shot no good Thompson going up and the ball’s off Thompson’s hands and out of bounds UCLA’s ball 5346 UCLA score was tied at halftime 35 all Walton turn around shot good 5546 Bill Walton has 21 points the high of the game 13 in the first half in the second half you remember against Memphis State in the finals last year he hit 21 out of 22 he will go down as a top field goal percentage shooter in the history of UCLA and for one season in alltime college history maybe Walton up for the rebound leads it out to wils Walton is cleverly blocking out Tom Burleson now with his body Phill fence checks in number 30 Burleson is going out UCLA is ahead nine points 1059 to go Dave Meyers jump shot he hits it 5746 the spider scores his eight points he’s been a diamond in the rough he was not heavily recruited let go go head shot hit the side of the backboard stard goes for it starded again good [Applause] 5748 and a timeout call by UCLA 1031 remaining in this game there’s your score UCLA leading 57 to 48 [Applause] Kurt gy and Tom Hawkins back at court side UCLA has built up a nine-point lead they retired at the half 35 all Marquette defeated Kansas 6451 in the first semi-final game Marette will play the winner of this game for the national title Monday night 9:00 Eastern Time on NVC television good here’s the tail of the stats UCLA 10 of 17 58% North Carolina State 6 of 1931 that tells the story foul on stard 15 foul on North Carolina [Applause] State there’s Kei ws and you can see him trying to get around St did not have position Bill Walton comes out to help by the way he has 15 rebounds in this game and he needs nine more rebounds either today or Monday night either in the constellation of the championship game Walton got short Burleson takes it off the board he’ll need nine more rebounds to break Kareem jabbar’s all time R David Thompson has 15 points Karim jabbar’s all time number David Thompson at 15 points 67 to 50 UCLA 950 to [Applause] go wils in a high post spinning off got is up no good Bon with the rebound oh double team there and could have fed wall Monte toow good on his side 57 to 52 UCL La six points for little Monte C Tomy Curtis just ran over to and knocked him down Curtis a long shot no good rebound by C mole Rivers is open Rivers hits it 5754 North Carolina State can explode they can score and punches now the North Carolina State home court home court for them with their own fans going wild buron on the rebound North Carolina State ball again as done to work in the board he the LA Leed by 11 they throw it away Greg Lee has it Lee down to Tommy Curtis two on two Curtis waiting R bake FL control look bake play control foul and Keith w f te foul on UCLA and St has been looking for that call all game he finally got it got right in front of four fouls on keepow knocking down four fouls and that’s trouble we’ve got 831 remaining in this game and C the voices you hear are not UCLA voices it’s the partial crowd here in Greensboro North Carolina at the Greensboro Coliseum take a look at that last play here’s Keith Wich as he started going up then he positions himself right in front ke continues his drive and picks up his fourth F actually his best shot was right away that’s right right now he could have pop that as stter was coming up on him instead of the was coming up on him instead of the fake that would have been instead of the fake that would have been a better shot for him but he’s out there and we’re not okay cook we’ve got 831 remaining we have UCLA with the three-point lead 57- 54 and North Carolina state will have possession of the ball when we come back I’m sure that Norm Sloan right now wants good sharp passing and see if he can’t work it into David Thompson or to see if gon can work on it now Keith RS as more fouls coming back to action and I don’t know if they’re going to leave him on Thompson or not but I’m sure if he’s here that Thompson will try to work him for the foul at 1040 left UCLA had an 11-point lead those car scor eight points in 2 minutes it’s a power team it’s not a pretty team to watch they just get it done and it’s an explosive team that can suddenly knock off 10 or 12 points in a row on you just just explode on you an emergency report to the office each team has five team fouls North Carolina State B David Thompson burles Tim stter no good Dy Curtis has it nearly stepped on the Baseline Greg Le Walton he has position he’s up he traveled Johnny wooden rolling that program now really concerned he’s really rolling that program he’s crinkling it and rolling it around Rivers down Court North Carolina state rank number one this year UC number two which one will go for the national fin on Monday Bill Walton rebound he needs only eight more rebounds to break greine jaar’s all time record he’s almost sure to do it either today or on Monday night Greg Lee the Walton turn on jeer 7 20 to play David pson missed it underneath that it out money cow misses and and Tommy Curtis has the ball they steal it from him solded up good 67 to 56 all of these North Carolina State fans are going wild nine points for St 10 points in a row b Myers throws it up it’s good the f oh my 5956 UCL 5956 UCL 10 points for Dave Meyers we’re approaching 6 and 1/2 minutes to play David Thompson he hits it 59 to 58 17 points for David Thompson well this one is as advertised a fou [Applause] coming up next the Heritage Classic and in turnovers 13 against us laa 12 against North Carolina State good one of the problems that the UCLA Bruins have had all year is protecting leads in the late stages of the game they haven’t had the killer in think of past UCLA teams Tommy Curtis this is the Greg L de SM up with the jumper good he hits it by 6158 Keith wils has 12 points and he has four fouls on him UCLA by the way has only one timeout left North Carolina state has three timeouts left bur Thomson and Ja and go Ronnie to does go and he’s got it the the little man makes it 61 this he’s a is he is a marvelous small player 53 to go Walton faking up and no Walton again out to Curtis Keith W Dave Meers Thon on Meers they switch P it off W WS up and has hit the top of the backboard El 6261 and C they know it’s coming they know that they’re going to try to lob that ball into David Thompson but he had such great leaping ability he is virtually Unstoppable UCLA 16 [Applause] foul UCLA stepped into the lane and Thomson will get another free throw th UCLA had him by 11 they’ve let him up four out of eight free throws for North Carolina State Thompson makes it 6361 North Carolina State ahead they put on a tremendous rally Tommy Curtis out on front BR Now Greg Lee 445 to play UCLA National Championship Reign is in danger and their record of 38 wins in a rad Myers up and ties the game Bill Walton set him underneath 63 all 430 to play 12 points for Dave Meyers Ronnie tow David Thompson [Applause] Kur this is when the true test of a champion will be born out this is a pressure Time 4 minutes to go North Carolina State being very very deliberate they’re going to make UCLA come out to get them 4 minutes to go the game is tied 6363 they’ll either have a new National Champion or UCLA will be fighting the defendant title on Monday night number one ranked North Carolina State against number two ranked UCLA High game 335 to play UCLA hasn’t come out after him they’re in the four box offense four corner offense two men out in front of the corner two men in the corner along the Baseline now they come out after him Mo Rivers David Thompson Johson driving Myers stays right with him we’re approaching 3 minutes to play the game is tied 63 all you notice that when Thompson gets that ball they double team him they don’t want him going oneon-one with anybody UCLA has blown an 11-point lead looked like they were going to roll away with it North Carolina State really came back 240 to go foul on Greg Lee and now a one andone situation that’s the 17 foul on UCLA foul second foul on Greg Lee this is where coaching comes in you’ve got two men sitting on opposing benches trying to outwit each other out guess each other he missed it Walton pulls the ball down and nearly lost it foul called on stard timeout Norm Sloan says they have two timeouts left UCLA has one timeout left fouls on Stoddard third foul on him 16 foul now in North Carolina State and as they go into their timeout huddles with 236 remaining at the tie game Kurt looking at this situation I’m sure that John Wht is saying to his boys that he doesn’t want them out there fouling because they are in the penalty situation North Carolina state has one foul remaining before they get in the one-on-one situation so it is tough it is tough right now I would have if I were North Carolina State’s coach Norm Sloan I would have them hold it look for that good shot make UCLA come and get me and try to pick up that foul and try to pick up some Mitch matches or some Miss switches down underneath so that we can get the early basket 6363 236 remaining here’s the scoring Bill Walton is 21 Dave Myers is 12 Keith wols is 12 Tommy Curt is 10 Greg Lee two for North Carolina State David Thompson is high with 19 burlinson is 15 bny tow is eight MO River seven and Tim stard nine every man in the starting lineup for UCLA is three fouls Keith wils is playing with four fouls and no one else is in foul trouble Walton has only one on him it’ll be UCLA’s ball 236 to play Marquette beat Kansas 6451 in the other semi-final they’ll play the winner of this game Monday night for the national championship 9:00 Eastern Time on NBC ke W try to trap him falls off to Tommy Curtis now let’s see what UCLA does will they try a little freeze Walton BS it up good Bill Walton he’s deadly than shot 6563 Bill Walton with 23 points the high of the game oh what a shot by David Thompson he’s up above he was 2 feet above the basket he put that in with forarm 24 5565 David Thompson has 21 points that’s quite a play that La pass into the that’s about his fourth of the game Boline Springer brings like a bamboline in his leg never saw a man his high jump as high H Walton this is a tie game but the minute 30 to go all tied up number one team against the number two team in America First Dream game was 18-point decision but this is the real matchup today 1 minute 15 to go here’s the LA’s ball tied 65 all Greg Lee the Walton Walton tied 65 five ball Greg Lee to Walton Walton beating out to Greg Lee Johnny wooden right on the edge of his chair one minute to play ‘s the LA’s ball Mo Rivers goes out after Greg Lee Bill Walton spinning up no har clears the board North Carolina State Fall with a chance to come down and maybe get the last shot of the game and win it last time Us La lost at an NCA tournament was in March 63 of proo Utah to the University of San Francisco 76 to 75 they have not lost in 10 years in an NCA game Tournament game 26 4 seconds time out UCLA timeout North Carolina State each team has one timeout left oh there you go 23 seconds score tie and the first time with 10 minutes and 20 seconds to play UCLA had a 57 to 46 lead then North Carolina state scored 10 in a row and now with 23 seconds to go it’s a tie game and North Carolina State I would say is in a good spot definitely in a great spot you can go a couple of ways mon to isn’t bad driving in for the hoop Tommy Bros can handle it outside and of course David Thompson a threat from any position on the floor all right they’re going for the last shot of the game 18 17 16 15 seconds tied up this will be a classic of NCA tournament history this game B ster watching the clap up he goes no good UCLA’s ball and they call timeout they call time they got the timeout in the gun went off but wait a minute they blew that buzzer John wooden’s coming down so we tried to get our your attention and we have a timeout with two seconds two seconds to go the game is not over now could let’s lead up to that timeout they left started over in the corner said all right you take that long jumper the pressure’s on you let me see if you can hit it started fired up there it bounced High rebounded by UCLA UCLA called time out two seconds to go so we’ll see what they can do with the two seconds and you got to know where they’re going to try to go with it into Big Bill Walton UCLA has had usually easy games in tournament Play Drake gave them a struggle a few years ago and a finals at Houston Villanova gave him a tough time but not like this and then in the regional tournament at tucon they had to go North Carolina state has two timeouts one for UCLA they get an extra timeout in the overtime [Applause] each Thomson lets the shot go as short de look as a rebound Tomy Curtis brings it down [Applause] High game overtime period 430 to go in the overtime now 15,800 plans in the Walt he loses it out of [Applause] bounds a poor pass into him North Carolina State coming right [Applause] back buron getting ready turn good 6765 North Carolina State leadi Burleson has 17 points an Curtis coming [Applause] down Le a long one he hits it 67 all 345 to go in the overtime you know Lee has spent most of this season on the bench he hasn’t played that much so this is a real Moment of Truth for him that’s the start eight points in the game Walton bur foul on Dave Meyers here we go David Thompson Missing on that L pass there he couldn’t control it bson trying to go up you see Davey Mars come in and hack him across the fourth line one and one one and one situation for Tom Burleson TI game most valuable player in the Atlantic coast pass tournament misses his shot Keith wils brings up for the rebound UCLA in possession a tie game in the overtime 3 minutes 20 seconds to go in the overtime period there’s a steal by Tim St North Carolina state has it now they’re going into the four corner offense three minutes to go in the overtime it’s tied up four corner offense he’ll sit on the ball this looks like the replay of the end of regulation right out again set up four corners and a middleman outside this is a skillful way to freeze the ball Rivers off to [Applause] Burleson 2 and 1/2 minutes remaining overtime the game is tied 67 all crowd quietly watching now waiting for something develop Rivers out in front to Monte toe there goes Rivers back out the tow again pass inside to Burleson out in front to Rivers 2 minutes to go just under two minutes High game 67 all detention mounting the UC La be the thrown as national champs they could be well they might hang on to go into the finals trying to win their eighth National Title in a row and they’re 10th out of the last 11 1 minute 30 to [Applause] play game five they have closen this ball now for nearly a minute and a half without taking a shot used North Carolina state had the ball in a tie of regulation of 23 seconds to go but couldn’t get it in David Thompson out front they’re going to get the last shot it looks like Le they press here UCLA can’t afford the foul 55 seconds to go TI game they’ll play for the last shot 50 to go as you see boy watch that clock that’s it right now we’re in overtime is tied up number one against number two two top teams in America Marquette may have arguments on that Monday night 34 they’re going down for the final shot or to get a foul 30 25 wonder what they’ll do here will they try and hit David Thompson inside he’s out right now they try and feed burles 156 go last 15 seconds of overtime is tied up North Carolina state has frozen away 245 they had the ball with three minutes to go they’ve not taken a shot let’s see who they give it to now David Thompson burles bur’s going to go up no good up for the ball down comes Greg Lee and we’re going into a up for the ball down comes Greg Lee and we’re going into a second over David Fon I wonder if they’ll start that freeze again Bonnie pal has the ball it’s my guess C that they’ll play normally up until about the 3-minute period after the mo Rivers 67 to 67 outside Thompson Missing a foul on burles Tom Burleson commits the foul at four on him here’s a jump shot that’s off up goes Davey Myers and Bill Walton and then comes burlson across the back of Myers and he’s called for the foul Bill Walton shooting one and one but many people don’t know about Bill Walton he’s an outstanding student and uh the day they played Dayton he studied for exam 6 hours the night before in his hotel room he and wil and Greg Lee are all outstanding Sol Walton has the bonus shot coming up UCLA’s ahead UCLA has made eight out of eight from the free throw [Applause] line you noce U La gets their arms up in air that’s that be ready for the rebound that one’s good 6967 UCLA 430 to go Walton has 25 points he’s the high oning to drive beating Burleson burles no no basket I think they’re going to see was on the rim st’s hand hit the rim basket interference B here we go we see Tommy burlson coming underneath and landed back on the other side over Bill Walton and here comes St yeah he hit the [Applause] rim Greg Lee down for UCL they’re in the lead Now by two points in this second overtime period he’s being chased by Mo Rivers he will help Walton goes up Walton hits it 7167 UCLA 27 points for Bill Walt on the game 340 to go second over time L River shot no good Walton lost the ball out of bounds off burson’s hand UCLA’s ball in in that third overtime against Dayton UCLA scored 11 points in a third overtime period to win it ctis down underneath the wops he hits it and he’s fou 7367 UCLA and you should see they show that Tommy look at him he goes through rivers and Tow beautiful bounce pass interior passing to Keith WS who puts it up for two sted foul in four on stard and Keith w at the line 14 points with the Su de L UCLA has not missed the free throw today nine out of nine North Carolina States made 6 out of 11 74 67 UCLA that foul on Tommy Curtis UCLA foul is on Curtis 22 third foul on Curtis Ronnie to goes to the line a good little baseball player at asman to he’s the leader I mean he’s he runs this club he’s the quarterback of he hits it 7468 UCLA 323 to go in the second overtime and he cracks them both 7469 now North Carolina State came back once before let’s see if they can do it again Lee out to Tomic Curtis foul on Monte cow Tomic Curtis goes to the line three on Monte cow it’s fourth fourth on it shooting one one one and one for Tommy Curtis he’s the Cocker on this G always chattering oh they’re deadly on these free throws 11 out of 11 11 points to Tommy Curtis UCLA is not miss free throwing today there’s their first Miss shed rebound 7569 UCLA David Thompson up oh good Thompson kcks it in 7571 David Thompson has 23 points just under 3 minutes to go the overtime fouls on Tommy Curtis he runs right over Monte tow Curtis and here we go Tommy Curtis guarded by money tow watch tow positioned himself himself anticipates Curtis move and picks up a charging foul or foul F four fouls that was a player control foul four fouls on Tommy Curtis Tommy outside Thompson no good Dave Myers rebounds Johnny wooden out left and North Carolina state has one timeout left UCLA’s ball they’re leading by four in their second overtime they just had a seven-point lead a new interception they Scramble for the ball out of bounds off UA John Wooden didn’t like that turnover interception they scrambled for the ball out of bounds off UCLA John Wooden didn’t like that turnover North Carolina State behind 11 points in a second half rallied they’ve been behind seven points in the second over time and now they’re rally they refuse the Buckle Ronnie to jump shot and that rebound is good by Tom Burleson the two-point gain now 7573 there he is Tommy Burson coming in and tipping over Walton Anderson coming in and tipping over over Walton and Davy [Applause] Meyers 19 points for buron Walton’s the high of the game he has 27 another another steal oh Rivers a it 150 to play second overtime North Carolina State scores a basket they can tie it up burlon on the fether Benning a foul on Bill Walton and burlson was smart on that when he actually drew that foul watch him go down come back to his right he’ll fake gets Walton in the air and when he sees that he goes into his acting act and uh actually drew that foul very good play by buron second foul on Bill Walt burles at the line now he gets the bonus shot if he makes it it’s a tie game again tied in regulation tied at the end of the first overtime and again UCLA has led a big lead get away from him seven points in overtime a big lead he missed it with scard haard Burleson out SC Tapped Out Mo Rivers has it Walt is trying to tap it out to Tommy Curtis 125 to go in the second overtime mow short Dave Myers with the ball and that foul is on Tim stard that’s five on [Applause] him2 is out there’s a shot started fighting for it Cubs Dave [Applause] Meers and started played one well of a game there he is with his hand played one well of a game there he is with his hand head in hand in the tow Norm Sloan gives him a ping nice game you can see why he’s a three-way man tight end in football what a he he must really have a good fast ball that side he’s got and a basketball player Dave Meers shooting one and [Applause] one David Tom Bill Walton on the board for the rebound rebound a minute 10 to go second overtime North Carolina State once Point behind Phil Spence came in to replace Tim [Applause] stard Bon up for the jumper he hits it North Carolina State ahead 7675 and a fantastic David Thompson now has 25 points just and a fantastic David Thompson now has 25 points just the junor another year to go presses on UCLA now Walton outside to Dre Le no good Keith WS has it foul call on WS at five on him five on Keith WS he was called for pushing off on the rebound and WS standing at the center of the floor with his hand extended indicating that he committed the foul and off he goes to him coming up by David Thompson he has just 5 Seconds of go put North Carolina State ahead by 1 7675 and now he has a one-onone David Thompson the youngest of 11 children 77 to 75 and this next point but perhaps do UCL he hits them both 7875 North Carolina state is rallied there is a near steal by Mo Rivers 27 points for David Thompson 29 seconds to go UCLA three points behind or their run of NCA tournament wins 38 in a row is over and their run of seven straight national titles is over marus what there’s by Bon well this ought to do it for him 25 seconds to go now to Thompson over the M pass 15 seconds the foul the foul on Tommy Curtis five on Tommy Curtis North Carolina state has just about won this game and UCLA’s long range looks like it’s coming to an [Applause] end a mad house here these are mostly North Carolina fans of course rooting for the Home State team North Carolina State dorm Sloan is about to score the greatest victory of his career unless UCLA can pull America Johnny wooden Robie saying how can we grow this lead KY makes it 79 75 and all hell is going to break loose here in about 12 seconds to hit them both you’re going to have a new National Champion N9 seconds the pass to Bill Walton it’s up it’s good 80 to 77 they got to get the ball 2 seconds one 1 second let’s see what happens number one you North Carolina state says you watch us they’ll take this defeat with Grace they’ve been sh by their coach win with Grace and lose with Grace and John wouldn’t insist on that all year long North Carolina state has suffered on the effects of the first loss to UCLA they were embarrassed now they come back and they have had the fight back from an 11-point deficit and look what they’ve done as North Carolina state has ended UCLA national championship rain armm SL going down what a game two overtimes North Carolina State wins it 80 to 77 they’ll play Marquette for the national title on Monday night 9:00 eastern time here on NBC this is Kurt gy with Tom Hawkins Ross Porter playing so long one of the great games ever played in NCA tournament history we’ll be back in Greensboro North Carolina Monday night at for


  1. I didn't remember that NC State used the 4 corners offense. I hated the North Carolina Tar Heels because of the way that they would do the 4 corners offense sometimes for 10 minutes straight. Talk about boring basketball

  2. Awesome , David Thompson , Kieth (Jamal) Wilks and Bill Walton.all at the top of thier game. I was in high school and a huge hoops fan. This game haunted Bill Walton for some time.

  3. I am 3 minutes in and the called Thompson for "turning it over" by stepping out of bounds. Turning it over back then also meant a dribbling infraction. It would be interesting to see today's players play within the confines of the traveling and ball handling (what we called palming) rules from that era.

  4. These games I used to watch during my High School years I was in the 11th grade watching the late Bill Walton and David Thompson in 1974, bringing back good memories of my teen years.

  5. Look at the energy and passion. Kids without NIL or getting paid, getting a free education, free ride and treated like rockstars. The game was just more exciting. My Terps being eliminated by Smith's defensive inbound play… RIP Lefty

  6. Shout out to my old little league opponent and high school friend Maurice (Mo) Rivers. They went on to beat Marquette for the championship. I was proud of them.

  7. RIP to one of my favorite people on earth. The great Bill Walton who once said something like Derrick Fisher could be best defender in the NBA if he wanted to. 😂 His comments were either genius or idiotic but never in between. Gotta love him.

  8. There goes THE UCLA'S championship streak. Funny 🤣 how that works. Many people were STREAKING❗everywhere in 1974.

  9. It's hard to believe how poorly they shot back then!! NC has some of the worst display of ball handling I've seen. There's some high schoolers, could have wooped them? 🤔?🏀

  10. I remember watching this game live on TV when I was a kid … seeing it again all these years later makes me wonder: especially since this was a Final 4 game and John Wooden had so much class, WHY wasn't there a post-game handshake line between the players and coaches ???

  11. Wow, thanks for posting this game. I remember it relatively well. Along with the Maryland NC State game(s), great games. I do recall, Walton, and ND with Shumate, and when was it Austin Carr, hit the shot.

  12. Walton and UCLA had a bitter defeat that night. But look at the NC State lineup. The least of them, power forward, Tim Stoddard, was an outstanding MLB pitcher.

  13. 😂NcState played in Manila after they won the NCAA , first time i saw David Thompson his alley hoop playing against Philippine national team

  14. First national title game i ever watched at 10. Thats when the game had spirit was inexpensive . Only 32 teams made the field there was no bubble game deciders conference tourneys players being paid playing for 5 different schools .

  15. "Although the Bruins wouldn't lose again their aura of invincibility had been pierced in the loss to ND." Actually they lost to the 2 Oregon teams in Feb., the Lost Weekend

  16. When you had games and match-ups like this (DT-Walton), how come Bird-Magic several years later got marketed as the start of big-time college hoops?

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