I Tested The L.A.B. Golf Broomstick Putter

what’s going on everybody I’m injured this week so no golf but I thought what better time to do some testing on some Putters than this week so we have a lab putter to test oh let’s just get the cover off but it’s not just any lab putter we’ve got the broomstick now this thing is quirky this thing is not the typical putter I would ever choose but man I am so curious and so interested in trying to test this out so without further ado let’s go roll some putts all right I’ve been so curious to try this putter let’s see let’s see how this works here probably shouldn’t have picked a slidy one so let’s see I have no idea I’m still trying to figure out how to grip this thing still trying to figure out how to hold this thing we’re just going to we’re just going to go intuitively for now I I have watched a couple videos but I truly don’t know what I’m doing we’re just going to see this is the first pot I’ve ever hit with this thing oh that is interesting okay that is interesting probably should have picked a straighter putt but that’s fine for the sake of the video oh that is okay that is so slow okay wait a second let gravity do the work let gravity do the work let gravity do the work huh let’s try some shorter putts first that is so different my goodness that is so different trying the different grip get right over the ball okay short putts pretty good yeah that makes sense on short putts I can very much understand the appeal here I looped I loopy looped that one one second let’s try hand up elbow at the Target that makes a little more sense all right let’s try some lag putts here with it just going off feeli going off fi you know I was worried my speed control was going to be horrific but that’s actually pretty good I was not expecting to get these even remotely close or potentially get them way too hard but actually she judging the speed control oh I hit that way left but let’s see that was a that was a pull so you can pull it with this thing let’s see if I can make all the Shorties all right okay so first impression very interesting not as weird as you would think definitely it it looks weirder than I think it feels to do it if that makes any sense like I think when I see guys doing the broomstick I kind of look at it and go in what world would I be able to pull that off like it just doesn’t feel as intuitive however trying it out actually not that difficult I watched one of the videos online of different strategies from the founder on how how guys do the broomstick so I had a couple ideas in terms of grip and setup but a lot of the things he kind of said too was there’s some creativity and freedom involved in it because not a lot of people teach this style of putting so I do find that kind of interesting as well so we’re going to raise the stakes a little now in the testing and I’m going to put the lab putter up against my Cleveland which has been kind of my go-to of all the putters I just seem to keep coming back to this and I’ve been putting really well with it lately so I’m going to make a little putting course here on the green and we’re going to do a little shootout between these two and see who comes out on top all right so we’ve got nine locations nine different putts lowest total score I’m going to go through each circuit twice so that each putter gets a two chances at it and lowest score wins smash that off the toe all right that’s four putts I pulled it wow you can pull putts with this thing so far we have no one putts with the putter no one putts oh come on finally there we go turn there we go back to back one putts I blame that one on the Wind oh oh my gosh okay so two one putts two three putts and a bunch of two putts round one with the Cleveland that feels so weird after using that oh my gosh not sure how I made that putt but that felt very odd o oh there we go well the Cleveland won that round pretty handily but we’re going to do one more round just to just to double check the test the slow no come on hammered that oh my that’s not good got a little more work than we wanted on this lag putt come on turn turn nope come on come on nope not enough it’s downwind I oh my gosh I’ve three puted this hole okay let’s try and make the last putt here come on try and make the last putt let’s try and make the last putt end on a positive note nope okay take your time with the short one take your time there we go well that was rough uh I don’t even think I need to do the Cleveland again it works better for me by a mile the thing is is that this doesn’t feel bad this feels like a great putter off the face phenomenal it’s not I I just can’t aim and that was the other issue when I tried the DF 2.1 I just found that wherever I thought I was aiming and where it was going was not the same thing and I was really struggling with that and I don’t I didn’t love that I feel kind of similar with this like with this I where I’m aimed versus where the ball goes is not the same thing now that also could be a fault in me and my stroke because I’m not saying I have a perfect stroke or perfect alignment or maybe the way I read it and maybe that’s why I you know a putter with a ton of tow hang is just a better option because I’m reading it with some hook to it or or the way I’m reading is just different and I think maybe with this technology I just don’t know if it pairs up well with me as a golfer haha maybe you putt like this maybe you go super upright okay okay we’re going to try one more time this is going to be a ridiculous experiment what if we try putt the whole time like this this might be ridiculous but you know what there’s no rules no one’s telling me I can’t putt like this but I’m just thinking I like the counterbalance and I like how upright this is so why can’t I just grip it like this lock out my arms and just hit straight putts o that was pretty good that was pretty good is this like psychotic to do this like I know this isn’t what it’s built for but I don’t know I can’t use it the way it’s built but this I feel like I can get that square all a so now if I can hit my line oh I got to hit that harder but that that’s the right idea like it’s this these putts right here like I got to be able to make this if I’m not making this then it kind of doesn’t matter so we got to be making these all all day we got to be making these all day this is like the bread and butter here lock out the arms that’s pretty good all right let’s see how it does on the lag putt lock out the arms oh okay are we on to something here are we on to something is this or is this psychotic I don’t know let me know in the comments feel like we might be on to something okay we make that okay this is where again we gotta we got to do something here okay this is where if we do everything correctly come on come on and turn yes all right here’s another one this is where we got to we got to make our money we got to make our money here make our money make our money come on lock out the arms right there just a straight putt no pull that we’re not going to three putut it we are not going to three putut it we are not going to three putut it we’re going to there we go we did not three put it okay last one come on let’s make let’s make the putt let’s make the putt let’s make the putt come on come on come on come on yes yes okay interesting that last test though that technique may be slightly somewhat psychotic I feel like if I’m going to do it that would be the way I’d have to do it now I think this might need a couple days to breathe so I’m going to do a followup to this video to kind of see if a couple days of practice like this if I can come back out here and beat the Cleveland with it if not the Cleveland stays in the bag but at least this is good to know I don’t think I can do this traditional broomstick style but I do think there’s something about this being so upright and me being able to take advantage of that and using the extra length as a counterweight that could be very cool and I think there’s a world where that plays a role here so stay tuned because this experiment is not over but thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you on the next one peace


  1. I put a Mezz max counterbalanced putter in the bag this year and absolutely love it. Definitely intrigued by the broomstick just too big of a change for me!

  2. I think to have any success and consistency with the broomstick you MUST put a sharpie line on the ball… then place the ball super precisely to the start line…. Walk backwards and double check that line…Then TRUST TRUST TRUST that sharpie pen line.

  3. Lie angle of the broom is 79.5. Very upright. Get fitted for a standard length LAB – you may be a little upright from standard. Once you try a DF3 or Mezz in your fitted length/lie, you will never look back. 🙂

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