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Wagner dialed in as he tries Cantlay, Fitzpatrick shots | Live From the U.S. Open | Golf Channel

Johnson Wagner is locked in while trying to recreate Patrick Cantlay’s hole-out from the sand and Matt Fitzpatrick’s chip shot from past the green on Pinehurst No. 2’s hole 11 in the U.S. Open. #GolfChannel #USOpen #JohnsonWagner
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Wagner dialed in as he tries Cantlay, Fitzpatrick shots | Live From the U.S. Open | Golf Channel

we mentioned there’s Johnson Wagner uh they can’t L jump started the round of that 11th hole Johnson what do you have down there for us well this whole location at 11 today I find to be the toughest on this screen I also find this screen to be probably the most benign on the golf course very flat not a whole lot of pitch around the green on the surrounds except for this left side can’t Lay’s ball landed right in here and chased over into sort of the left side of this bunker now maintenance has been out here flattening the surfaces so don’t blame me if I tee this ball up a little bit actually got a pretty good lie the thing that makes this bunker shot hard and as Paige alluded to it’s really hard to spin the ball out of the sand it’s really nice sand it’s easy to get down into it and get it out with height but it’s hard to really nip it and Patrick can’t lay I think there was eight balls in this bunker today half of them got it up and down nobody else hold it like Patrick oo that was pretty good pretty happy about that I think with Patrick as well I think it had to have a big effect on him seeing his friend Xander schafle win the last major championship and I think Patrick kind of is looking at as sort of a a kickart for him to have a little more major success I was also walking with featured groups today for peacock I had Tiger Woods will zuris and Matt Fitzpatrick Matt was in the right Wire Grass off the tea landed it on the back edge of the green it raced over into the right on the edge of the grand stand right about here which this is the hardest shot on this golf course around the greens to this whole location he ended up getting relief to this spot tried to putt it up the hill it came up right to the edge of the green and came all the way back down right into this area right here I’m not brave enough to hit a 60° off of this into the grein Y one of these areas is his divot just a couple players in this location and you can see how they’re roughed up a little bit that it’s very into the grain now Todd Anderson gave me a nice lesson the other day with Billy horel my problem is I’m dragging so I’m trying to release the club right there while keeping my shoulders High I don’t know if I’m going to try to keep my shoulders high but I’m going to try to release it here and I’ve made the decision I’d rather scull this thing across the green attempting to hit a great shot so I’m going use a little power of the mind right here embrace the ground all right not my best sh I mean I’m very happy with that not my best technique had a lot of interaction with the turf but I feel pretty good oh feels good to get feels good to get a win tonight guys oh Johnson done it you done it Johnson what’ you think of scoring overall feel like I just won the US Open Championship I I I thought it was really good rich I I thought you know I the group I was in the low round was Fitzpatrick and he was three over Tiger Woods shot four over and I I I should know this better but zotor I believe was six over this golf course if you’re out of position hitting shots into the greens you just kind of bogey yourself to death out here it’s like these my group got on the bogey train I was shocked when I saw how well guys were playing and to get it to 500 par was surprising but when I got back in our trailer watching guys like Rory and Bryson this afternoon if you hit it in the Fairway and played con you know aggressive swings to conservative targets scoring was you know able to be had and I will say I’ve been out here on the screen for a while watched a bunch of Maintenance come through and I tell you what the USGA is doing this thing right they were a a young man was syringing the surrounds on the hot spots for quite a while they put some water on the green so I think they’re in a good spot here they they don’t want this golf course to get away from them because they they just want to live right on the edge make it challenging but reward really good golf I want to go back to what you said about the bunker and what we kind of had discussed or what I discussed earlier about the sand uh today I watched Colin morawa from a greenside bunker actually chip it over and down the hill off the green on par 39 what is it about the sand texture that is making it difficult for these players to get spin here so we’re in the Sand Hills of North Carolina right and and the soil underneath if you’re just to dig down a little bit in this whole area is sand and so a lot of this sand is just naturally what is under the ground and so I think when you have it reminds me of a hoopy masch club built on Sand and you feel like it’s bottomless underneath and I just think it’s the texture of that sand and the depth of it makes it very easy to get it out high and hit really good shots and also Paige I think it’s a little soft I saw Matt Fitzpatrick on number one in the left bunker his ball rolled in and it was stuck in the little trough that his ball made when he went in there just very quickly uh Johnson um I saw a lot of players today taking divots with their chip shots so they’re obviously using the Leading Edge they’re trapping the ball in there they’re not really using the bounce of what we see Xander chaule was one of the few that I could see chipping using the bounce and not taking a divot can you just explain a little bit about that um I think people might be interested in uh in in the two different uh uh Styles and and and techniques I think a lot of players are very uncomfortable like where I just hit that Chip Shot from you’re going to take a divot you’re the Leading Edge is going to dig into the grain uh will zures today he had a couple uh spots where he actually got on up slopes over Greens on four and on 13 He chipped from those down grain spots but anytime he was into the grain which was quite often he pulled the putter I just think you have to be very comfortable having that solid contact and a lot of players feel like if they go ahead and hit ball first they don’t really care what the divot looks like after and I’ve got to give a shout out to a young man uh Jackson subber he got in the field on Tuesday when John ROM withdrew I was walking with my son last night up the 18th he wanted to see the build out and how cool it was his first time in a US Open and Jackson subar was on the on the 18th Fairway we walked over introduced ourselves he couldn’t have been Kinder he got into John ROM’s tea time played with Jordan spe Hideki matama he went out and shot one under par today as the first alternate getting in Tuesday night I’m really happy for that young man yeah that is a nice story uh took advantage of that opportunity uh day one headlines maroy shoots 65 Pinehurst generous Johnson Wagner’s back you safely say that is back well Johnson thank you we’ll talk to you tomorrow


  1. So basically , it’s not that hard … if you saw this guy from the side like that and didn’t know he wasn’t even middle aged … I would have guessed he was 50/60 with that body , it’s just odd 😂

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