Golf Players

Ep. 158: California Love

Imagine it’s Week 4 of the 2024 season, and the UCLA Bruins are coming to town. On tonight’s episode, we talk with BLEAV in UCLA co-host James H. Williams. James will give us the low down on UCLA and get us up to speed on this year’s team. We also look to talk LSU baseball, NBA and NHL Finals, big boxing weekend, and much more.

00:00 – Intro
04:18 – LSU Baseball/Transfer Portal
07:00 – RIP Jerry West
08:45 – Jimmy Graham thinking retirement
10:41 – Boston up 2-0
17:54 – James H. Williams Interview
1:08:00 – Panthers up 2-0
1:07:30 – Wrap Up
1:09:10 – Tank Davis vs Frank Martin
1:10:55 – Joey Chestnut banned due to sponsor

e e e the views and opinions expressed in the Golden Boot podcast are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Golden Boot podcast as a whole y’all ready to get rolling quiet on the set [Music] n [Music] n [Music] hey welcome back another hot episode of the golden boist your boy P I got myself uh in the building tonight uh my man a not feeling well but we gonna hold it down get everything right for him get y’all informed and everything uh hope everybody’s doing well uh let’s get ready to enjoy the show we got we got a special guest in the building with coming in tonight uh we’re gonna be talking with Mr James H Williams of believe in UCLA we G find out about the Bruins uh that game set to take place uh we do have a time for that game now well no we don’t we got a estimated time 2:30 7 o’clock I’m pretty sure uh that’s gonna be a seven o’clock game no prime time but we’ll see um but man we got a good one in store for y’all tonight uh y’all gonna have to talk uh nice to me now y’all gonna have to talk nice to me now father of a top 100 impct player listen it’s all nice to me y’all G have to show me a little bit more respect around here uh but no man definitely always proud you know I’m saying go CS but we gonna hold it down and talk about this LSU football tonight um first man big news in baseball big news in baseball LSU gets another commit from the transfer portal this one coming by the uh by way of a opponent somebody we already played played a pitcher from Watford cohens uh now we didn’t actually face him but you know we did get to see him uh pitch outstanding pitcher uh the kids got some electric stuff on the mound um and now we’ll get to see it in Tiger uh well I’m sorry in Alex Box I was going to say Tiger Stadium we’ll get to see it in Alex Box uh definitely looking forward to that uh it was a it was originally announced that Camden wicker also committed T LS Sho but but but that was an error uh still waiting I wouldn’t mind getting getting both of those kids though uh definitely wouldn’t mind getting getting Wicker in here uh but but but uh so far Jay Johnson has been killing it in the portal addressing some needs uh next thing we need man we definitely got to get some um we got to find out what’s going on with uh with Bradwell if Brad Bradwell is is going to leave but of course that’s probably going to be a draft draft day thing we find out what you know what position he’s drafted and uh determine most likely determine if he’s coming back also still waiting to hear about Brady Neil still waiting to hear about him uh looking forward to him hopefully he can come back give you some you know depth I know a lot of fans have a little angst about Neil uh I personally thought he was a a pretty good catcher uh he did well on the base pass as far as throwing uh players out uh injuries injuries have been a major concern though he’s been injured both years uh and his a lot of people have take up uh grievance with his stance his catching stance he has that that knee down not the you know the squat down and a lot of people feel like he lets a lot of you know pass balls or wild pitches you know get to the back stop um but but but you know if he can come back that that def definely bolsters your roster gives you you know experience back and you know saying decent bat and uh we can he can always work on that uh defensive uh he defensive stance also you know we know we got some other players coming in uh freshman um to play catcher as well so but but it’s good to know what we got going with that so we’ll see we shall see uh moving on though man I I do want to say uh condolences man to condolences to to Jerry West uh and the West family uh the LA Laker great uh lovingly known as the logo uh because his silhouette is used as the logo of the NBA well they NBA doesn’t say it but we all know it’s Jerry West U Mr Clutch you know was another one of his nicknames just because he you know big play you know know situations but man Mr Jerome Allen West born in 1938 you know we lost to him uh today so sending all loves and prayers to to Jerry West uh Jerry West was was a very vocal uh player when it came to talking about integration of of teams and talking about uh you know I’m not GNA say necessarily civil rights but speaking up for for his you know African-American teammates uh Jared W Wes was very pivotal uh but over his career played 932 games 27 points uh 5.8 rebounds 6.7 assists uh 47.4% field goal rate of course you know they didn’t have three-point line back then so who knows what these numbers would have been uh but his free throw percentage was also 81.4% so yeah man Jerry West you know West Virginia great Lakers great you know gone at the age of 86 another big topic on the books Jimmy Graham Jimmy Graham is uh pondering retirement I don’t know if y’all saw that yeah Jimmy Graham is hasn’t necessarily made a decision uh ESPN reports that he’s still kind of you know Mullen over said he hadn’t closed the door on football yet uh but ironically he’s out here he’s I mean still staying fit he’s uh training for to to try to break a world record um with a a fourth person I guess R te they’re trying to um break the record of swimming across the Arctic Ocean uh currently the record is uh and this is a th000 k uh the current record is 15 days 5 hours and 32 minutes and yeah they’re looking to to try to break that record that’s that’s insane uh says he’s also looking to do like some bike racing and stuff like that uh longdistance bike racing uh next year so yeah yeah I mean he hadn’t closed the door on it but that’s interesting um Jimmy Graham uh arguably you know the best type in in Saints history uh Jimmy Graham man 197 games uh he had uh 70 719 receptions 8,545 yards 89 touchdowns so over his career he’s uh 1,382 point8 fantasy points so that’s a new stat that they keep up with I guess uh but Jimmy Graham man uh like I said in New Orleans Saints Legend So next up man let’s talk about the NBA Finals is going on as we speak uh let me see what the current score is uh right now what’s good Tyler uh right now the Boston Celtics are up in a series to nothing um going but you know close to the starts of the second quarter M’s up 3130 but back in Dallas with a game this close you know the Celtics have been pulling it off uh I’m not saying the series is over but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I was you yeah the uh this series a actually called this series um he called it uh after what’s their name jokic and the uh Denver Nuggets after they got bounced he said that this was this this playoffs um run was uh Boston to lose I personally don’t think so well didn’t until the start of this series and Boston has done everything to prove ant right and show up and Dallas has been around not necessarily showing up so very interesting so I’m just checking to see uh guest should be joining us in about 10 minutes um yeah man we um I don’t know what to say man about Boston and Dallas uh Kyrie Kyrie has not played well in Boston I don’t know if it’s the in Boston part that’s that’s causing this but Kyrie has not played well he’s not been himself the Kyrie we’ve seen over this playoff series also Luca being kind of banged up uh there’s a clip out there with Luca playing defense and it is terrible it’s been awful Luca has been I just I mean Matador defense you know o i mean anybody everybody they’re they’re attacking him and going right around him him um so yeah uh they got to definitely got to step that up um like I said it’s a one-point game in the second quarter that doesn’t bow well for that doesn’t bow well for for Denver I I’m sorry not Denver for for Dallas uh speaking of man this series man um this series with the Mavs and the Celtics reminds me of the Timberwolves Dallas series where the Timberwolves would have it keep it close they would lead and then it come to the end they would blow it uh that’s what we’ve seen out of Dallas um actually Dallas got blew out game one outside of that they’ve had you know like game two they’ve had it close and then lost it uh right now they’ve got it close whether they hold on to it or not I am I am not sure but yeah I’m definitely um definitely of the mindset that Boston is going to take it uh they take tonight uh and go three 0 it’s only a matter of time so uh what up key key says um yeah porzingis is out uh Kristoff porzingis is out uh say Ms gota take advantage but yeah yeah he said the uh the NBA ain’t letting the sweep happen L uh for raiding Dallas need to not let a sweep happen for Ratings or or for anything else uh it looks like they just g o l this thing Let it go because it’s just been I don’t know Dallas don’t I I don’t know what they can do Al Horford is taking a drink you know saying fromont the founder youth uh and as we we speak Boston just went up uh 3533 um I’m actually checking on I was watching soccer earlier United States versus Brazil and um we’ll get to that in a second uh but yeah Boston is is just I don’t know um but yeah I was looking United States versus Brazil and United States tied it up in the well Brazil came out and scored early United States tied it up and it’s just been it was just hold on at that point they were fighting for their de life um I don’t know if the United States soccer team will me soccer team if they’ll ever catch up to the world and and be um and be relevant when it comes to soccer again uh what up man hope you feeling better brother uh he says uh Drew holiday for VP yeah speaking of that this series The Boston series I am trying to figure out what is going on with Jason Tatum that man been on a milk carton all series somebody find him let them know that you know they playing basketball in you know in Dallas right now I don’t know if he caught up but yeah y’all help that man out cuz he has done nothing um but I know a little early uh Mr James you good you ready to ready to roll I don’t know if he can hear me backstage good okay all right um I’m g go ahead switch to my guest get my guest in here but first i’m G give a shout out to our sponsor over at bet online we’ll be back in one minute is your number one source for all your sports information stats news and scores get the latest odds lines and player injury reports for this year’s NBA and NHL playoffs bet online is always your sports information headquarters this season we have you covered for all your sports wagering needs we have everything from NBA NFL MLB and NHL to golf tennis UFC and boxing bet online is the fastest and easiest way to get your betting info including live betting options and your favorite casino and card games that you can play right from your home head on over to today or use your mobile device to get in on the action be sure to use the promo code bav to receive your 50% welcome bonus on your first deposit bet online where the game starts ladies and gentlemen would like to welcome to the Golden Boot from believe in UCLA co-host and also reported for the OC Register Mr James Williams thanks for joining us how you doing this evening what’s good my man can you hear me okay I can I can hold on I’m sorry is I use we use a two-man operation so hold on let me there we [Applause] go a haircut I’m in California it’s the off season right so we’re trying to uh oh uh oh uh oh give it up for the offse so so it’s the offseason so we gota we gotta get in everything we can so I’m checking in from a Target right now okay okay we had a Target right now but but we here uh no but thanks for having me on I’m sweating a little bit it’s a good 91 degrees out here in Cali but we can’t complain I guess so dry heat that’s that dry heat yeah y’all can have it out there but but I’m good I’m vibing how about you man I’m good uh man normally I have my co-host with me uh he feel he felt ill so uh I know how it goes yeah definitely want to you know on behalf of him thank you for for joining us and and being with us tonight uh gotta talk about UCLA and I told him what my first question was gonna be uh I gotta ask how did y’all feel about the [ __ ] blue shs yeah um you know it was it’s interesting because so obviously you know I’m I have my phone I’m tweeting and stuff so I see it like right away I think maybe before the game starts during the first quarter I see it I mean the guys on the field the coaching staff they didn’t really know anything about it till the next Monday until Monday um well chip said he didn’t find out till Monday but I’m sure someone told him on Sunday after of the game um but yeah the players really didn’t know anything about it they tried to kind of turn it into an nil deal a little bit you know but it was what it was uh they were kind of just looking at at oron at the time and like you know he’s always gonna hait UCA because he was coaching at USC so so there’s always going to be that tension and to me that it probably wasn’t anything different than what he was saying at USC because uh when K Orton Jr was the inside linebackers coach last year during USC week he was saying stuff that I’m sure he was saying when he was back playing so you know they they have their saying I’m sure that wasn’t something he just came up with on the fight but um they tried to run with it as an nil deal but it didn’t turn out to be much it kind of died off pretty quick um the thing with Chip Kelly who obviously isn’t there anymore as the head coach but he was just all about business and and really didn’t let them get distracted by anything like that um but the fans got to kick out of it yeah yeah I thought I mean I thought it was funny I was like man coach you you know can’t say stuff like that but I thought it was funny it’s funny and I mean but if you’re if you’re coach oh you gotta win that game yes yes you can’t be calling no one [ __ ] anything and then lose the game no it’s different if you lose you can’t call anybody [ __ ] anything and get beat the way you got beat so you know what look I’m not going to lie so I had been covering the team up to three years to that point um three or four years I lost count but that was the biggest game just in terms of quality of opponent obviously outside of your Oregon your USC right biggest quality especially in non-conference play that’s about as good of a quality as an opponent as U UCLA has had since I’ve been covering the team so that I went into that like this is gonna be a big game this is gonna be one of the bigger games I’ve I’ve covered up to that point um you know the rose balls pack the rose balls always getting knocked during non-conference play with the fans not wanting to show up I think there was the bad weather there might have been the hurricane situation in Louisiana then so you did have fans coming out that way but you know it was a packed house so it was hype I think it was on ESPN it was it was a nationally televised game I thought there was no shot that UCLA was gonna win and what this is like a year a year two removed from the championship yeah this was yeah 2021 two years yeah you had Stingley Jr you had all those guys and Eli Ricks coming back home Eli Ricks coming back home I remember watching him play high school at modern day um and yeah it just you know so obviously so because UCLA won a lot of other people would say well that wasn’t the ls not not that I’m saying LSU fans are saying this but that’s not a you know that wasn’t a good LSU team or look how they finish the season and I’m like damn we don’t let the UCLA have nothing but it I still count as a quality win I mean obviously it was what it was for LSU and they had the coaching change and whatnot shortly thereafter I believe but you know it it was what it was it was one of the better wins for UCLA only of course the following week I think they had a byee so they’re really sitting on that win they got smacked around by Fresno State the next week so yeah that’s UCLA for you yeah I I I TR I really thought it’s funny because uh Talk of the that before that game uh Chip Kelly Hot Seat um he’s he’s gonna this is it you know he loses his game he’s out of there you know y’all played Hawaii the week before yeah you know DTR can’t pass um all all you’re gonna see is if you shut down and Run the game you’re gonna win the game and lo and behold DTR has the game of his life yeah uh shanet runs wild you’re tight in I I don’t know what happened but he still SCS Greg do yeah big Greg do yeah he’s with the Broncos now yeah so um man that game I I I’ll say it um it haunts LSU fans um and this this this game here fan LSU fans have been looking forward to this game here for you know that get back for a while I you know I I think you know I think they’re going to get their get back maybe I’m a little early so they’ll be telling the UCLA fans that but no um it’s you know obviously Chip Kelly’s not there they got to Sean Foster as the coach maybe we’ll talk a little bit about that in a minute but I I think I mean LSU should win this game especially if they’re playing at home right so you know UCLA they’re kind of rebuilding I think the thing when the last time us UCLA and LSU met at the Rose bow there that was kind of just everything that was kind of a slow start for chip and DTR was like kind of in and out as a freshman starting so by the time LSU ran into UCLA they were kind of already in Prime for in in Prime form you’re getting a welldeveloped seasoned DTR up to that point shanet was playing with a chip on his shoulder transferring in from Michigan so yeah those guys were you kind of caught them at a good time it’s been a lot of up and down and that was an up for UCLA when they when they met met LSU so I wouldn’t you know it kind of was what it was but I think I think LSU to get back yeah uh let’s talk about uh changes you know you mentioned um Chip Kelly’s gone uh your defensive coordinator you know got got plucked across the you know I say ac across the stre street yeah that’s what they no that’s what they that’s what the players say they they say across the street they don’t even mention school they just say across the street yeah you know he across the street um uh you Dante Moore I don’t even know if he’s there anymore he’s not no yeah so and and it was kind of maybe better for everybody involved to be honest because so the thing with just their quarterback situ right so Chip Kelly’s gone that that kind of hurts in itself because not only is your head coach but he’s your offensive coordinator you do bring in Eric benmy um who should kind of ideally get the offense right you do have a guy in deshaan Foster who was a player there spent the last five years as a position coach at UCLA um bleeds blue so the the players about behind him they demanded him as the guy they wanted as coach or there probably would have been a m Mass Exodus there in the transfer portal so all that stuff’s figured out but now it’s really kind of Ethan garber’s is time to shine the unfortunate thing is he should have kind of had that last year and been coming in on year two with some sort of momentum but chff Kelly wanted to mess around last year he was doing like three games starting Dante Moore as a true freshman he was playing the Ken State transfer calling who’s now at Virginia Tech Ethan Garber started the first game starts the B like comes in the second half of the bowl game and turns that game around so there was just a lot of inconsistent play at the quarterback position you know obviously the year that LSU played him last year uh last time DTR had been the guy for three or four years up to that point he was he it was his job they were they were just messing around last year with the quarterback situation so Ethan garbers is the only one of those three that returns um should be the St um unless something crazy happens but you know we still have to kind of see what he what he has I mean they’re going to Hawai they’re going to LSU so he’s gonna have some tough games ahead um but that offense it kind of just starts with him and what he’s able to be and you know he’s had some some good flashes but at the same time I don’t know if they fully know what they what they have yet and at the same time when you’re bringing in Eric benemy he’s having it Ethan garbage has been there three or four years now but now he’s learning a new offense all of a sudden so you know we’ll kind of see what it is it’s going to be kind of slow uh going I think at first and I think but later on in the year they may pick things up yeah I I may be in the minority uh I love a bemy um I know a lot of people uh don’t necessarily give him the credit for some of the Chiefs success um you know he goes to Washington last year ironically I kind of look at even with the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl look at that and say if you look at how they did it that should that should give you a little you know vietamese presence you know was missed definitely it wasn’t as dumb it didn’t come across as dominant as when he was there right that’s kind of the vibe I kind of got yeah kind of winning on Talent alone there yeah I I I honestly felt like up until the Super Bowl they won strictly by defense but that’s I’m not going to argue that one I I know some people will come back and debate me on that one um but what what are you hearing about I guess his adaption I guess you could call it um there you know going to the college ranks um I guess yeah I know it’s a different philosophy uh maybe not so much a different philosophy I mean that was kind of the biggest things I was worried about I’m like okay you’re bringing this guy in from the NFL you know he’s up there coing Super Bowls and what not now he’s coming back to college what is this going to be like um sorry for you’re banging in the background um but um um but yeah he actually coached at UCLA many moons ago and was a recruiting coordinator there so he kind of had the recruiting you know bug already he he was kind of familiar with that um I’ve seen him out at a couple camps already he’s kind of hit the ground running pretty successfully uh from that standpoint their offense um from what they’ve kind of said and you know I’m still trying to learn it and pick it up just I’m so used to what chip was kind of doing um so it’s new for me too and I’m I’m not in the Huddle so I’m trying to learn from afar sometimes I’m looking over the top of the parking structure trying to make sense of this offense but um it’s kind of it’s it’s kind of a West Coast offense is what they’re leaning on um they’re kind of progressing well as as an offense um they wanted to start slow but they were happy with the progression that the guys were making um and a couple weeks into Spring ball they were they were pretty pleased with the way things going and we’re actually moving a lot faster than they thought they were going to be able to so they’ve been comfortable with it um Eric Vimy is passionate I will tell you that uh you can hear him a mile away chewing somebody out um but when he talked to the media he comes across as this soft spoken gentleman who knows what he wants um what he’s looking for in his players what he expects from his players um so I think overall I think they got a good guy the biggest thing for me is especially for these recruits that are interested in viam and and saying Hey I want to go play for the guy who coached Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce is I don’t know if he’s gonna be there in two or three years because whether he’s a head coach at the college level and that’s where he gets the start right get get that head coaching start or if he’s back in the NFL in some capacity I don’t I’m kind of I don’t know if they’re just slapping a Band-Aid on it right now that that’s what it is going to be to me until I see something Beyond um two or three years I think he has a two-year contract so after this year they’re not going to leave him hanging on a one-year deal so they’re going to have to renew him we’ll get a better sense after this season of of what what to make of what his tenure is going to be there but he’s got of hit in the ground running the offense is going well they’re confident with him um and it’s kind of it’s a labor of love there’s a lot of tough love going on right now um starting running back potential starting running back TJ Harden hasn’t looked great uh just from a conditioning standpoint point during spring um so there was some some you know and Eric benamy was a running back deshun Foster the head coach is a running back so they’re gonna be on him they have been on him there’s been several times where he’s he’s kicked the starting uh running back off to the off to the sidelines and say hey get somebody else in here because he don’t know what he’s doing or he’s not running at full speed so he’s not like playing favorites or anything he’s just coming in there blind testing everything and just shooting just shooting from the h but they love him they love him they love the tough love so as long as everyone can stay in sync with with what they have going on in Spring I think they’ll be in good shape yeah uh talk about the offense tell me about the defense how’s the um I I don’t know if you say new defense um I guess technically you know it’s it’s so you do you do lose the defensive coordinator deanton Lynn who’s the son of Anthony Lynn who was the head coach of the Chargers believe he’s with the 49 ERS now um they they’re still running a 4-3 with AKA Malloy who’s the defensive coordinator he was AA Malloy was the defensive line coach and the defensive line was the premium positions there on that defense last year with Leu Lau who was the first defensive player drafted uh in this past draft you had the Murphy twins who were wrecking Havoc as well on that on that defensive line so everyone’s bought in from that standpoint with the Kaa and what he’s been able to do um I don’t think they’re going to change the offense that much because they’re going to have their biggest return they’re on defense a lot of familiar faces are returning so I don’t think you want to change a whole lot up there um especially when you’re changing a whole bunch as it is on that offense but um it should be just full cylinders they’re gonna they have they’re strong at linebacker Kane Madrono is is a guy to watch out for Fei Olio is another guy who transferred in from Cal last year had a pretty solid first year I expect him to step up the biggest thing now is he may have to play movement from inside linebacker to Edge because when you lose yuu you lose the Murphy twins you lost so for all the guys in the secondary and the linebackers that you’re bringing back and you’re having that experience you lost so much and it’s hard to replace the guy who was taking 13th overall in the draft and prior to what they were able to do in the transfer portal which I’m still kind of questionable about they didn’t have any guys that played in a UCLA jersey with any sort of game experience on the on the edge right so it was just like what are we going to do here um so that that’s the biggest question mark without a doubt is what are they going to do there um the secondary was a little bit shaky last year but made some strides compared to what that secondary has looked like in the past um they do have some returners there so I would expect them to take another step forward ideally um the biggest weakness for them it show as much last year just because you had the pressure that Leu lau and the Murphy twins are putting up um up front and kind of with that pass rush was in Prior years it was they were giving up the Deep play they’re giving up the Deep ball they were losing left and right to those big explosive plays um so if they can avoid that I think this defense will be in good shape again defensive line is the biggest question moving over to the offense I talked about Ethan garbers I think if they have him locked in and have him as a full go they should be set there TJ Harden I think despite what I said earlier about him not being in shape and and the wheels kind of moving slow there I think he’ll be a full go and I think they’ll they’ll get the best out of him when they need to um the offensive line had been fairly questionable um as well last year and that might have been part of the quarterback struggles too last year um they did lose a lot of talent the previous year so that would be two years ago now on that offensive line that went to the NFL um so it’s kind of a patch job it’s been a patch job they did get some guys in the transfer portal and most of those guys weren’t even there for spring so that you got some late arrivals coming in so it’s still up in the air what that offensive Line’s going to look like but if they can get the offensive line going and and moving um the way they expect and would hope for them to be uh I think this offense has a good chance they did get Juan Castillo as their offensive line coach they bring him in he was with the commanders with Eric the enemy so they did have that connection there and do have that chemistry there um so Juan Castillo is Gonna Know What To Expect uh from Vietnamy and the offense having worked together um the strength of the strength of the offense would definitely be the receiver room J Michael Stant is has the potential to be an NFL draft prospect here in the upcoming year definitely a name to look out for um was a guy who didn’t get as many touches just because again the quarterback situation was such a mess um but then he was he’s also the number one uh receiver there so clearly he was getting the double teams the strength with put there on him um and you did have another guys who did step up there who are returning Logan Loya um is a guy who’s going to come back I believe a super senior season at this point a guy to also look out for on the other side of Jay Michael Cent is Rico Flores a a receiver who transferred in from Notre Dame last year spent just his freshman year there decided to come to UCLA we’ll see how things look for him but he’s been looking promising um and then they have another another short slot receiver is on the shorter end uh Titus I’m not even going to try and say the double last name because I’m going to butcher it um but he was a guy who’ been with the team for two or three years now for whatever reason still undisclosed as to what the reasoning was but um did not play all of last year but should be back and has looked great and I think they’re gonna have to try and find a way to get a lot of these receivers on the field I think I think it’s a good PR to have but again it’s all going to lean on what gar is able to do as far as getting those guys the ball um coaching changes um aren’t the only change that you guys are going through changing conferences you’re going to the big 10 yeah forgot about that um tell me the the I guess the because we we did talk with uh Cooper Perkins of of beli in USC um and he kind of told how kind of USC kind of feels about it uh what about you C how do you guys feel about the move so so how we how how how they feel about it is I think you okay UCLA fans they might get mad at me about this I think they’re trying to avoid being called the little brother in the situation obviously USC’s the shiny kind of project there and I think the word was is USC didn’t want to go with Oregon or Washington so the word is is that they drag the UCLA along UCLA is not saying that um they’re saying no we wanted to be there we want to be competitive ya y y they’re saying all the right things um you know we’re never going to get the truth on that on what actually happened there but they’re they’re in good spirits about it we’ll see after they they take their lumps here early on again I think the biggest thing for me is when they were switching conferences you mentioned it earlier Chip Kelly was on the hot seat it seemed like every year he was on the hot seat um but when you heard they were switching conferences it just made me think oh they’re not going to make a coaching change because the last thing you want to do is have a coaching change on top of a conference change and he had they they they did the stalemate for the longest time um and then chip finally took the Ohio State offensive coordinator job so they made him pay the buyout instead of U UCLA having to give him money so Chip finally steps aside DeShaun Foster comes in it was bad good as a job as I mentioned with trying to keep the guys there and keep that roster going so I don’t think they they take a step back and just starting from scratch with the roster and their talent um but I’m worried about the trout I think they I think I was looking at the schedule I don’t have it up in front of me I think they play back toback on the road Big 10 games I think is that Washington not Washington Wisconsin and Nebraska yeah I’m pulling it up for you now you pull it up it might be like middle of the Season Wisconsin Nebraska something like that um if I have that right but outside of that it’s it’s it’s actually ruers and Nebraska ruers which is the other side of the country yes so just take that for what it is I mean I’ve only been on a plane a good number of times and I’ve gone from California to Florida and I’ve been tired just from that so trust me the thing for me is I think they’re usually even on Friday showing up Friday evening being ready to play Saturday usually in the evening because they’re that West Coast team they get on the West Coast time slots um but now you you know you might get a ruers morning game at Ruckers or something but yeah I I mean you gotta leave you gotta leave on a Thursday evening or something you need to you need to you need to get a night there you need to use that Friday you do maybe a a light walk through but you need to let those guys rest and get acclimated um how you going to do it you know they’re saying all the right things they’re going to uh put money into having the mental health aspect cover that goes with it having the academics covered I don’t know if that means having tutors on the plane there was some talk on whether they were going to do some sort of satellite camp or remote um sort of like it’s having this location in the midwest maybe where they’re practicing there out of the week there’s been some talk there’s been some talk about that I mean heck it would make sense I wouldn’t be a fan because I don’t know if I’m watching practice that week but you know I think in general they need to look at what’s best for the players um I think the players without a doubt would have said yes they would want to be in the Big 10 I think it’s actually in terms of recruiting aside from having guys like benmy and DeShaun Foster there to to lead the recruiting efforts there I think the Big 10 factor is a draw right before a lot of people knock Kelly for his lack of recruiting and kind of always going for that low hanging three star uh kind of fruit there but now with with this big 10 the Big 10 money um but also just you know being able to play against Ohio State in the future playing against um Michigan and whatnot you’re getting kids from those areas now I think they got a kid from the transfer portal or they offered a kid from like New York they weren’t doing that three or four years ago they weren’t going they weren’t going any further than AR Iona to to recruit a kid last um so those are some of the differences that we’re seeing right away right um I think we really aren’t going to know until we find out what exactly the travel is going to look like for them and how they’re feeling coming back from that I think they do I keep saying this but now that I’m hearing the national media folks saying that UCLA has one of the tougher schedules now that they’ve kind of evaluated um everyone’s schedule and put it into perspective even though they don’t play Ohio State or Michigan they still do have Penn State they still do play Oregon if I’m not mistaken they still play USC they do have LSU which I Circle as you know normally the the the previous non conference games had been like Bowling Green Hawai and Utah or in Fresno State so now you’re playing LSU at LSU and then you’re going to go to Penn State later I think if you still have the schedule up you can you could read it off there there’s I do got point of clarity uh the the back-to-back Road games uh there is a bye-week in between there so there is a okay they do have the by week uh which is Works their favor for them but you have that there it’s it’s a tough I think it’s LSU Oregon and then it’s Penn State like it’s not good I mean the one thing you point at to you could point to is that last month the season say well they don’t really go out of the West Coast much but hell what’s the team going to look like by then yeah I yeah cuz you you you play Iowa at home then you go to Washington I forgot you’re playing Iowa too that defense car somebody up yeah uh you’ve got uh USC of course in the Rose Bowl and then uh you get Fresno State at home as well so which is a trap game there at the end yeah that’s a trap game there at the end in its own right so it’s gonna be tough a lot of people are asking for predictions I’m not you know I’m I’m thinking like five wins six wins Deshawn Foster saying he’s eight wins or it’s a disappointment and I’m like hold on hold on play yeah see that’s probably that’s my next question um what do success in year one look like in your opinion for UCLA so I kind of look at this this is still kind of a year zero I mean you’re getting it’s the the biggest thing is not only do they have a coaching Chang let alone the the conference changed but as I mentioned Chip Kelly and UCLA dragged each other out so long they waited until after the hiring cycle yes and we’re in what the middle of January before maybe closer to February by the time he was actually gone and they literally the athletic director Martin Jin told the told the athletes hey give me 72 hours to try and find a coach what coaching are you know has ever been 72 hours that’s kind of crazy so it was everything was kind of rushed so they’re recruiting the they DeShaun Foster already has 10 kids committed to the program for 2025 Chip Kelly signed 10 people at for the 2024 recruiting class so they’re already ahead of schedule on a lot of that stuff imagine what they would do if they were had a actual full off season a full year so the way I look at it just kind of a year zero for take it for what it is now again as I mentioned deshaan Foster is not playing that game and I think that’s the pride in him and a guy who’s an alumni for that University for that football program he’s has an eight win Mark or it’s a disappointment he said that publicly he that’s not me putting words in his mouth that’s what he said or it’s a dis eight wins or it’s a disappointment he said we have to at least match what we did last year or it’s a disappointment and I’m like I mean yes but you are playing LSU you are playing pen state but yeah I mean I’m not gonna I’m not going to knock them for for the belief and the you know I’ve been I’ve been I’ve played football I get it but six wins Max I think I think Fringe baly they’re either in or they’re out right I I think I think they’re they’re fighting to get into a b is where I look at them right now well maybe because they shock the world not saying they’re going to win the national championship because they shock the world and maybe you know be a little bit more competitive than I would expect them to be sure but with new head coach new offensive coordinator a change at defensive coordinator even though you’re familiar with that guy a new conference just a lot of change it has to be a year zero with all that change has to be year zero yeah yeah I I think what’s so unique about um this um especially the change in conference it’s not like you went from the whack to the pack pack pack 12 you literally are all the way across the country um it’s it’s uh yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s crazy I mean LSU is one of those teams obviously who probably pretty comfortable with where they’re at I’m not expecting them to change conferences anytime soon but I mean it’s that’s how it’s going to be for everyone everyone’s going to be traveling across the country to play somebody um I don’t know how much longer before like teams like the SEC I keep hearing the national media uh on these uh football radio shows saying you can’t rule out the possibility of someone like the SEC cutting out the fat and getting rid of some of those bottom tier teams if you want to have these Elite conferences right you may have to cut the fat on some of that but who knows but you start doing that it it can get messy college football hey I just take it one day at a time man yeah one day at a time the first school everyone mentions is Vanderbilt Vanderbilt has the the hidden advantage of like being I think a u R1 research School the academic side of things right U and being I think a private school that that has it it they have that going for him yeah so that’s why I you know I think the SEC will look at him like you know what we’ll tolerate it I mean and and they’re not bad baseballwise either you know so that that’s kind of the thing with UCLA real quick is they’re the AC they’re an academic school but they have that that knock on them that they’re a public school which they take a lot of pride in be the number one most applied to public school in the nation yada y y but I mean yeah USC is doing whatever they want because they’re a private school yeah you know some of these other Schools they’re private schools so they can do whatever they want UCLA is kind of having to try and play things by the book and that’s why they’re kind of two steps behind everything it seems like um but with the nil seems to be picking up for them a little bit things are starting to even out I think a lot of people were waiting for chip to be gone before they start getting reinvested in the program and I think it’s starting to show a little bit so it’s turning around it might be a slow turnaround um but UCLA is off in the right direction with DeShaun Foster at the home yeah uh our good man Andrew P Hood Martin brings up a good point say there’s a possibility the UCLA game winds up as a 230 game knowing September in Louisiana that game can feel like 100 degrees and uh I don’t know if you’ve been to the South but not a whole lot um 100 degrees humidity versus 100 degrees dry heat is completely different y’all got it y’all got it um no so like that was kind of the deal with then playing Hawaii at the Rose Ball at 2 p.m. it’s it was like a noon kickoff or whatever close to noon and no one’s showing up to the Rose Bowl because the sun’s beating down on them and Cali folks they you know if they’re gonna stay in the sun they’re going to the beach they’re not going to the Rose Bowl so that was kind of the big knock on him right but I think the team will be up for it will it factor in no doubt about it the humidity 100 degrees you’re traveling all the way to Louisiana um yeah I I it’s definitely going to be a factor that again that’s that HomeField Advantage right there in summer card for for LSU I honestly feel it’ll be a disservice if the U UCLA LSU game is not a night game in Tiger stadium I feel it would be a I feel like it’ll be a complete disservice to people watching it at home the players uh that’s just an experience uh that that everyone should have I believe um I guess so um we talked about expectations um talked about schedule I have a I have a question for you gotcha how about that um what is the expectation for this game for for from LSU’s perspective uh when playing against UCLA obviously they want they want to get their their win back there but yeah is it I mean is this a make a break for them is it the end of the world if they lose again like what is what is the vibe of this game I I’ll be honest with you I don’t think a lot of LSU fans outside of hey we want to win this game get the get back I don’t think a lot of LSU fans have really thought about it a lot past that point just simply because uh there’s so much question around the defense uh for LSU for LSU you know trying to revamp that um that whole defensive staff uh not necessarily knowing if the Personnel um is is going to be up for it uh because I I I personally I’ve been disappointed in how LSU responded with the transfer portal uh well with recruiting and the transfer portal to address certain certain needs um on offense and defense mainly on defense um I know a lot of people are kind of let’s see what we look like against USC and then we’ll you know saying proce Uso right yeah yeah yeah um I think a lot of fans expect they win they’re counting say hey we we should win that game yeah but nobody’s really talked about it saying you know you know hey expecting this this and this uh that’s simply because like I said you know you guys have questions LSU fans have a lot of questions around that defense and I mean let’s not I’m not trying to say the offense is in is is perfect we lost a Heisman winning quarterback lost two top you know first round running um I’m saying wide receivers uh the running back room is thin uh the offensive line is is by far the best unit that we have on the team so it’s just simply a question of does it all come together do we have time to to get there you know or shall I say do we have enough talent to get us by until we get to that point we need to be right to sustain so yeah it’s I think the the big thing we’re not playing you guys week one we’ve got three games before then or two yeah three games before then so it’s gonna be interesting I mean hey and USC is a hot mess too who are we kidding usfc is a hot mess too so I I don’t even know who the favorite is in that game it’s so early obviously but I mean they got a new quarterback going on as well but speaking of quarterbacks um just kind of curious what was your thoughts on not only what Jaden Daniels was able to do there but what were you expecting from him when you find out he’s going to transfer from ASU and he’s coming over to LSU I covered him in high school he’s from the area I live in um so familiar with him quite quite a bit um but just kind of curious because I mean he’s a skinny old little thing especially when he was in high school uh and you see him getting banged around by those Alabama players so yeah what was what was the thought on Jan Jane on his ex it’s funny because hearing when Jaden was first coming in the knock was he can’t throw the intermediate ball that was that was a knock coming into uh when he was coming to LSU goes through spring um people still saying it season starts and people are complaining he he won’t throw anything deep so um um some people complain that uh he’s just a running back that’s at the quarterback position um but I mean let’s be honest Jaden saved LSU on several occasions the Florida State game his first game uh if not for a a botch extra point you know he’s a hero instantly we W um the jump y yeah you know 99 yard Drive um he jayen grew on a lot of people uh I I mean personally from jump I like what I saw out of him uh he reminded me of I know it’s crazy to say this he reminded me kind of of Joe burrow in the fact of he the way he saw the field not necessarily in play he I didn’t necessarily think oh he’s the highman tropen winner sure you know year one but I you know the way he saw the field you know way he was able to adjust um coming in not necessarily knowing your wide receivers that well you know U but you can see them growing together and and and G gaining that trust and and I loved what I saw out of him um his story arc is is like something Marvel wrote up um you know so it was it was phenomenal um great I I met his mother at as a matter of fact at the Alabama game in 2022 uh great great you know personality um just you know just I I I loved everything you know about the kid you know and I think he’s going to do well in in the NFL fact I’ve got a couple bookmarks of you know where some people have said some things and I can’t wait till you know you know he gets that Circle back on those yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t blame you yeah so uh definitely looking forward to it man seeing what he does um but yeah before before we get ready to get out of here man it’s I I have I have one question I’ve been asking everybody have we brought on all right what new feature or what feature are you looking forward to in the new NCAA I’m glad you asked that actually I’m just excited for the damn game to be I was trying I was in I was in some video um meetings uh for for for the newspaper and you know they’re like oh this video game I’m like no no no no no this is a big deal yeah this I haven’t played this game since high school I said this is a miracle that the game’s even coming back out um so I already bought my PS5 I I’m ready I’m playing Spider-Man games until this game comes out I already got the game pre-ordered um but for me I was always trying to I was playing the road road to glory and stuff like that I wasn’t I wasn’t I wasn’t ready to step online because I knew I was just gonna get taken to the Woodshed yeah um but at near the end of it there I would mess around and I got into an online dynasty mode but I was younger back then I probably didn’t have a full uh a good idea of what was going on but now that I’ve covered football have a better idea of just the ins and outs of it I’m that’s what I want to do I’m I’m I kind of trying to thinking about starting an online dynasty but I don’t know if I want to be responsible for it yeah is is the thing but I think it’s the online dynasty is what I’m most excited about um but just for me too as a reporter I would say the biggest thing is being able to play as other teams like during LSU week I would probably spend some time playing as LSU to get familiar with the guys on that rock right because other than that I’m not really I don’t know I only know who Jaden Daniels was because I knew him from high school other than that I heard about Derek Singley Jr when they played UCLA um so was familiar with him a little bit but I think that’s the biggest thing for me is just getting familiar now that we got names on The rosters in the game and not just jersey numbers um I I think that’s significant but for me it’s probably online dynast online dynasty I was a little bummed out that you can’t transfer from your road to glory to Madden like you were back in the day yes A little bit that was a little bit of a bummer but um I don’t know what about you what are you what are you most excited about so I’m glad you you said that because I remember I would take two days and I would actually go through and input everybody’s names oh no yeah so I knew like I would go conference by conference and then people start uh doing the lockers where they would upload it and you just them yes yes that’s what I did yeah yeah so but it’s funny because you you know you’re trying you know you don’t have a keyboard so you’re you’re back and forth on on the PlayStation and it’s not and it’s not in quiry so you’ve got go all the way right it was a chore for sure I imagine um you’re better than me I would I couldn’t do it I ADHD so it would have taken me a week listen it was I would just jump around and I learn like you that’s how I learned I would learn LSU’s roster that way you know um then I would go and play I I would get you know play and get so familiar with the teams um I started playing like I would get Southern Miss and play against you know my cousins they pick Miami or or some other team and I’m beating them you know and stuff and I’m like hey this kid is gonna be a baller this that and other so um I’m looking forward to that because ironically we were talking about the other day you know how you have a team that’s not necessarily your they’re a favorite team but they’re not your team EA Sports uh this game I was a huge Boise State fan hug Boise State back in back in like and this was before the the Oklahoma upset so you know like Jared Z bransky and those guys uh right I I I was a huge fan and it was simply because of the game you know playing with them in inputting those names to Blue Field and stuff so right no no that’s a good point uh so when I was doing Road to Glory back then and another bummers they’re not doing the little high school series before right um but when I did that and then you get all these little offers coming in you feel good about yourself um I was going I picked Cincinnati once now obviously this before their run they had recently with s Gardner and all them um and then one time I messed around I messed around and I was running with temple so I mean I wasn’t picking uh who else I’m not no one’s picking temple on purpose unless you’re from Temple you know so yeah I actually um one of my when I uh because I I did AR I went to the Army uh later in life um and during like um is after basic training you do AIT so you have a little bit more free time not as much um but I was able to play you know I had my PlayStation and I was playing um I end up playing with Ball State and I was a three time National Champion with Ball State messing around with Ball State and I messed around and lost a game and I was like you’re not ruining my perfect record I restarted it I was like you know what like it got kind of boring because and and I’m such a I’m such a sucker I was playing on easy mode so it was kind of easy like I wasn’t trying to challenge myself um but no I I had such a good time on that game um I’m looking I’m looking forward to I think part of me like wants to play with like UC UCLA is not my favorite team um I grew up in a USC family but since I became a reporter I I don’t really claim teams anymore but um understand I think I would I think I would play with UCLA but at the same time I don’t know because I kind of like the idea like like you’re saying like I’m picking Temple I’m picking Cincinnati and they’re not sniffing the top 25 no matter what you do you can have your you could be the star running back and you can run for 2,000 yards you’re not getting into the Heisman race until like the third the third to last week of the Season or whatever right you know you got to go above and beyond to overcompensate um so that was always kind of the little bit of the challenge there was even though you’re winning games you weren’t getting your respect right and it wasn’t until about the second or third year where they they start giving you some some slack and at least making you a top 15 team and working your way into it but it was fun I had fun with it um I think obviously as video games have advanced and just the culture of it right everything’s more is so online based now I think I’m really I’m willing to dive into it a little bit more uh than I have but I think me and you we definitely we definitely got to get a game yeah we definitely will definitely will I’ll probably uh so I I’ve got the I’ve got the privilege I get to play with my son he’s he’s going to Houston this year so I I’m looking forward to it I’ve been I’ve been talking a little trash and so so was he probably wasn’t even in the in the age range to even play it last time no no yeah so this is was he playing was he playing Madden and all and all that still he he plays Madden now um but just the college football of it the college football part of it yeah I’ve got a eight-year-old who didn’t even know they even had a game a college game back in the I know that’s how I know I’m getting old I’m like what do you mean y’all don’t know yeah so I’m definitely I I you know D Ed O benon no guy yeah yeah yeah no I’m looking forward to it but man listen I definitely appreciate you coming on um we always give our guests a chance to uh oh where is my mouse okay tell the people where they can find you and and everything you want them to know awesome thank you very much uh yeah you can uh follow me on Twitter at jhw reporter I’m also on Instagram at jhw reporter as well um and you can find all my work at or where we’re talking all things UCLA USC and just national college football in general I am a top 25 voter so if you want to Heckle me throughout the season feel free the Kansas State fans are already on me from last year because they love me two weeks into the season then they hated me two weeks after that so it’s a good time all right thank you so much for coming on uh I’m trying to do this uh like I said we’re usually a two-man operation so ladies and gentlemen Mr James Williams we have to bring you back during the season man and chop it up man let’s do it during game week I’m down all right sounds good everybody Mr James Williams again thank you for coming through thanks my man appreciate it all right all right sorry about that y’all know it’s it’s how hard it is when when ants not in uh definitely enjoyed that man learned a lot you know hearing a lot about UCLA um looking forward to that game man what are y’all thoughts man I might have to open up the phone lines uh see what y’all think uh about everything we got a few more things to talk about before we before we officially get up out of here but uh oh uh oh let’s get it let’s get it trying to get the phone lines ready all right um oh man that’s funny uh Danny say an is faking he’s mourning over his Aces n he he out he hurting he was hurting uh Danny uh it was bad when he called me I was like uhuh I knew then so uh ke keeping us up to date say angel ree got 20 and 10 uh that’s what’s up that’s what’s I forgot to ask uh that I was gonna ask him what uh James what he thought about the the Lakers search coaching search but uh anyway uh phone number 22538 1234 uh let’s talk a little briefly talk about hockey real quick the Florida Panthers Florida Panthers they up to nothing in that that one I think that series is pretty much over um found out something interesting Canadians no Canada team has won the NHL Stanley Cup in 30 years go bigger I have I I would not have expected that um but yeah yeah so uh Florida Panthers uh up two nothing I don’t know when they play again I think they might play again tomorrow um next up we it’s a big boxing match this weekend tank Davis takes on Frank Martin um Frank Martin is uh hold on let me pull up I meant to pull up his stats I say his stats his record uh let’s look at his he’s uh 18 and0 with 12 Knockouts um said he’s he’s he’s fought fought about 994 rounds uh 66% uh knockout rate Southpaw stance uh 5’8 68 inch reach so yeah it comes in um this is a highly anticipated fight I’ve got I think I’ve got I got tank in this one by knockout uh I don’t know if anybody got anything different um yeah uh no key I think that starts tomorrow possibly I think if I’m not mistaken I don’t know if it started today or not I had heard anything about it um let’s see what else we got all right uh let’s see Joey Chestnut Joey Chestnut is out of the hot dog eating comp competition this year uh as a matter of fact he’s not just out he’s banned uh Joey Chesnut is now is is being sponsored by a vegan hot dog uh company that is a competitor to Nathan’s Hot Dog and they are out so they have Nathan’s Hot Dog who does the Hot Dog Eating competition has banned Joy Chestnut from this from the Hot Dog Eating competition so very interesting very interesting uh what’s up man L you good yeah can can can I play you want to say something I want to substitute for ant for substitute for ant oh what you gonna say come on nothing I just going join want join to sit here okay you you about an hour late man I could have used you earlier um substituting for an uh so we were just talking I was just talking to a guy from UCLA um we talked about the last question I asked him was about the NCAA college football game that’s coming out ask him what was his favorite feature and stuff like that from for the game um and I told him you know you know I was excited about it because Jan’s gonna be in the game and we’ll get to play with J Shawn um now quick question you weren’t even born the last time they made this game I’ve seen it you’ve seen it you’ve seen it on Play on YouTube and stuff like that right so okay imperialism and what imperialism imperialism okay um what are your thoughts on the game good good good what are you looking forward to most looking forward to [Music] uh the stats stats building stats and stuff uh the franchise franchise franchise or the uh Dynasty mode yeah Dynasty mode okay uh what team you gonna play with Houston and LSU Houston and LSU okay um okay that’s good choice that’s good choice what else you uh think of uh you got any other sports news I know you keep up with sports uh Boston let’s check the score on that Boston Celtics and the uh NBA playoffs uh third third quarter Boston is up by 12 79-67 um yeah that that one’s I think that one’s they’re about to go three 0 and they’re gonna end up sweeping that series um any thoughts on the NBA Playoffs so you really hadn’t paid intention no okay I don’t watch NBA you don’t watch NBA like that okay um tonight speaking of the Connecticut sun in the WNBA the Connecticut Sun beat the Chicago Sky 83-75 uh Angel though had one of her best games had her best game a one of had her best game of the season uh she was eight of 10 from the field four for four from the free throw line uh 20 points 10 rebounds uh one assist two steals so yeah she had a great game Cardoza uh came in ens had a double double herself she had 10 points and nine rebounds uh so yeah what is Kennedy Kennedy didn’t didn’t Kennedy didn’t do much so but yeah that’s um they gotta get Kennedy a start as a starter they gota that’s what they gotta do they gotta make Kennedy a starter um so key did answer look it up and got says College World Series starts on Friday uh so looking forward to that uh in the College World Series Baseball series LSU is out but uh you got four SEC teams and four ACC teams in the College World Series you got four SEC teams and four ACC teams that are competing so it’s a 5050 chance that a sec team or ACC team wins it all so it’s gonna be interesting gonna be interesting who you want to win ACC or ACC SEC all right all right um you got anything else oh yeah you got a baseball card yourself don’t it yeah oh uh oh G put your stats up there Dylan’s got his baseball card from this baseball it’s hard to see what the uh oh it’s blurry y’all can’t see it but he’s got his baseball card uh so anyway man if y’all got y’all got anything else before we get ready to get up out here if not we’ll be back on let me check the calendar to see who we got coming in on Sunday if we have anybody on Sunday uh oh Sunday we don’t have anybody right now um we may we may get we may get um may get Old Miss in I’m not sure I’ll double check and let you guys know um if we can get Old Miss in or um not Old Miss I’m sorry Florida we may we may get Florida in there um Stanford Stan good good call good call Danny good call thank you you know I don’t be remembering stuff um Stanford game uh is it men and women both will be playing Stanford in the ACC SEC challenge I know the women will I thought I saw the men as well did I read that right or am I making that up somebody uh I don’t know if y’all help me out in the chat real quick FSU for the men okay all right I thought so Stanford for the men too all right so dece 5th uh women will be playing Stanford um the men will be playing Florida State that’s gonna be a little bit of a challenge itself as well um yeah uh Danny Danny Danny I’m glad you said that Danny let me let me make sure I Mark that down so I can do that you’re back all right give me one second I’m making a note um gotta Reach Out try to get a guest on for Sunday that we’re trying to trying to do okay you know the guy who’s uh you always ask me about with the with the belt in at the softball games H yeah they want uh gotta reach out to see if we can get him on the show okay talk to him uh what else you got man sportswise you got anything else you want to tell them how you got me killed in fortnite no no spall is it’s a esport Well we were in esport I mean technically uh that will be in the um so let me ask you a question then yeah yeah you I’m ask you a question um what are you most looking forward to in um this upcoming football season whether it’s your game yours or or or uh College being QB being QB okay okay you gonna try to be QB this year all right put that down ban him B he said ban him oh he asked how how did you get me killed you want to tell him how you got me K ban I’m not gonna ban him because he just want to know how you got me killed I’m not gonna ban I’m not gonna tell him that I always tell you don’t run off and and leave me but then you just just did I I’m not I’m not telling him I’m telling you I’m not GNA tell him that you ran off stop because that’s loud I like it we take it in the living room all right okay but yeah he ran off you just told you ran off and and let me get shot at I’m G leave don’t don’t leave me don’t leave me all right uh B and QB what else uh what else you looking forward to what about playing you you playing safety again or you LS you win championship LSU winning the championship all right what you think the record gonna be do they lose any games or they gonna UND defeated least like they go how many games are so it’s 12 in a regular season and I think it’s uh 15 total 15 so or maybe 16 I don’t know but how many games you think you know they’re going to win about 10 and two think they go 10 and two make the playoffs and win it all yeah okay okay I like that I like that you got you got any two teams you think they’ll lose to who maybe Florida State no play Florida State this year oh who’s in pull a schedule up for you I forgot I have the schedule but I don’t it’s on your phone ain’t it yeah but I don’t know where my phone is probably like hold on here I this will make it a little bit easier for you I think they might lose to I know they’re probably gonna lose to maybe um Old Miss okay and I think they’re going to go 11 11 and one you change to 11 and one you think Old Miss is it yeah okay all these teams especially vanderville is probably gonna be a free win for Vander I mean for LSU you say Vander to be a free win okay all right so like yeah so uh he want to know what you got me for Father’s Day a hug okay okay thank you thank you all right all right you can go now father I was I didn’t father’s huh I didn’t know it’s coming up this Sunday Father’s day is this Sunday you gonna give me a Starbucks card that I gave you I appreciate that it’s fre all right appreciate that love you love you all right bye bye all right all right ladies and Gent go ahead and get up out of here uh appreciate everybody for tuning in uh hanging out with us um thank you to James for coming through hold on let me get my let me get my let me get my theme music going what my them music there you go James will from uh leing UCLA for coming through chopping it up with us tonight um one thing thank all y’all for tuning in man didn’t have to be here but you did you were we appreciate that uh we’ll be back on Sunday hopefully hopefully with that special guest that Danny want us to get like that we at this show was presented by don’t forget to like follow And subscribe on Twitter at Golden Boot on Instagram at Golden Boot on YouTube at the Golden Boot pod on Facebook at the Golden Boot pod

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