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MLB Left Fielder Greg Vaughn Joins the Show! | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 171

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MLB American former baseball left fielder Greg Vaughn (Milwaukee Brewers, San Diego Padres, Cincinnati Reds, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Colorado Rockies) joins us on today’s episode of Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero.



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[Applause] [Music] hello everybody what a weekend of sports we just had hockey Hoops horses and hard ball welcome to punch lines the punch is for the jokes and the lines are for the folks who like to gamble I’m Frank Niko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and I am pumped for today’s show butd not quite as pumped as this kid in Florida for the Stanley Cup finals you’re and supporting the Panthers what is this this is a Monumental moment in my life I have been here since day one of my birth 2011 happily host the let’s go that kid that is he’s a future Florida man is what he is right there that kid right there is going to do something in Florida I love him that’s why it was titled A Florida boy the Florida boy I know very good Ryan and uh look I was pretty pumped because I listened to Eddie EK who gave out door knock and rooted him home hard like former big leager Jason worth who’s one of the owners of the horse get off the nice shot nice job Jason worth hair flowing some could say Jason Worth’s main was longer than the horses so here’s what happen oh let’s introduce we should behind the plexiglass it’s going to go Jason Mor’s frame is going to get a little bigger oh okay here in a second yeah it’s going to pop up with the door knock winning 17 to one baby you did it he looks like he’s he’s in a uh lard Skinner tribute band with that hat oh my God someone will laugh at that in the comments these people here in this room won’t not hip enough behind the plexiglass like a DMV employee but far more pleasant is the producer this program Ryan B McCormack the be stands for Belmont which as I said his family friend Eddie o gave us on the show last Thursday Ryan what’s up on big Monday today uh well we got a Monday staple and Monday Montage from our Dre Dre special 3g’s Monday headlines which we all created last Friday um and then we’ve got a bunch of posts with uh punchlines we got a bunch of stuff uh and we have a very special guest ladies and gentlemen we’re in the thick of baseball season Major League Monday is what we’re calling today four-time All-Star clubber of 355 home runs in the big leagues Greg vau will be live in the studio he lives local lives close by we met him through Denny he loves coming on the show I have the f bomb dry erase board ready I got it what does he have two he’s he was just our our founding member with only one he was the founding M that’s right he was the original he’s the OG uh news headlines that are happening I’m looking at it again Dan Hurley turns down Lakers six years $70 million offer are you surprised by this that’s the right call it is uh he’s building something special there right and you Connie can go for the three Pete yeah you also don’t have to deal with LeBron’s Madness and retires bronnie could you imagine he might have to deal with both of them yeah no there was no way that Hurley’s culture was going to be set if he went I know and this also frees up if Tibido doesn’t get it done in New York this next year and the Knicks job becomes open he stays East Hurley goes to the Knicks he’s an east coast c he’s an East Coast coach with that energy I don’t he just doesn’t fit in to La this is a guy who wears the same underwear for a whole tournament that’s not very La Pat Riley wore $5,000 suits here was the hot take by Frank mergie that he sent me uh very early in the morning our time the Hurley Laker thing is not going to happen it is and was just a smoke screen until the finals are over and reic is available both sides win the Lakers look like they took a chance to go after a bigname coach and can say they tried as they got some heat for going after inexperienced reic and Hurley gets more money from Yukon and also NBA teams on the East Coast will’ll give him more looks now he will be coaching the Sixers or the Knicks in to Rack me so that was Frankie’s there was also uh another one saying that like w being able to drop the bomb of Hurley could be a Laker that kind of stuff or coming out with he’s not taking the job it’s a bigger thing for w to announce as well exactly so it’s a win-win win all the way around there it is it’s big win speaking of wins Chicago White Socks I mean not speaking of wins they did break their losing streak on that game they were favored remember on Friday they were favored yeah g crochet was on the M he’s great obviously obviously he’s trade bait uh they’re saying he’s their best pitcher we had a video on Friday we showed a van going to the game Thursday night it was socks versus socks I believe Boston won 14-2 14 two touchdowns and a safety but ladies and gentlemen I show you right here this is officially a campfire milkshake souvenir cup an if your mic is yeah how good tell us an how good was the uh the campfire milkshake that we’ve been uh enamored with it was so amazing it was so amazing and I I risked a good stomach ache in order to in order to drink it but I mean I didn’t get one and it was so good it was a great night I mean I would thought that the stadium would actually be a little more empty it was it was pretty full yeah it was a nice summer night it was a great it was it was really beautiful out there summers in Chicago are pretty amazing oh wait and we did now wait a second yes there was uh it was also they throw t-shirts to the crowd and which I guess your odds are good when you go to a game at Guaranteed Rate because there aren’t a lot of people oh it’s it’s out here on the monitor you you got it which might be a safer throw for you so anyway they were throwing t-shirts all right we’re going to throw this I got it these hands are you kidding all right so Ann did you catch this my sister-in-law did okay sister-in-law caught this and has not opened this there are rubber bands on it or if you’re from Pittsburgh do you know what they call these in Pittsburgh anyone to take a guess rubber bands I never called it this myself but they call them gumbs it’s a gumband hey you got a gumband I’m like what so anyway anyway so I’m unfurling this we an has not looked to see what the shirt is so we’re doing this live on the show that’s a lot better yeah if it’s like something all right here we go I’m opening it up and it says Mazda Park all hold on what’s this say better at the Ballpark that’s not bad that’s not a bad shirt yeah and is this like a TR this is a big shirt it is a very that’s not not bad there you go watch I can make the microphone oh no I’m not going to do that I’m not going to break something else on this set there was there was a little controversy what was the controver there was a little controversy like once the T-shirt was caught and my sister-in-law grabbed it and then somebody grabbed it from her and she yanked it right back and then this little kid behind us starts crying and the guy’s like I if I catch another one because he already had one oh by the way if I catch another one I you know I’ll give and he tells the little boy he’s like I’ll give it to you and then and then I’m like well why don’t you just give him the one in his hand I made us look like the bad guy got to bring it for the show we got yeah this is this is quality content this we got white sock souvenir we got to do this on the show uh back to the horse race real quick edio was on the show he he he liked mine frame the 10 horse but he did say door knock which I didn’t realize Jason worth owned or I would have even been so here’s what I did so of course uh Courtney we had to bet the gray horse sees the gray which won so I put she wanted five on just win in place so we put five on that one the pr put in a mind frame BET right so I watched the race and it’s over and I go a door knock one I go damn it I go this is the one Eddie o liked right so I open up and I take a look I did bet it five bucks just a win so I won like 90 bucks nice yeah and minus the I I profited like $77 on the Bellmont but it’s only because of Eddie so if he needs a cut I owe him if he wants 10% I owe him $7.70 yeah he he liked mind frame but he said dorno was the key to the yeah he really did and I couldn’t I was so happy I I’m like wait I bet the six and I had five to win on it so there you go so Eddie Eddie o giving out winners again picks on the show are on fire uh what did we do over the weekend did we do picks on Friday I don’t remember did we do a farlay yeah we did the far oh the farlay oh yeah yeah my leg was the one that that lost it Paul had the Dodgers we threw Paul in there yeah Alex had uh the WNBA under first half first half which I had an extra half point it was a push she thought but I actually won yeah and then I gave out Pittsburgh oh I gave out the Pirates yeah you had the Pirates and then my Guardians team total of over three and a half they had two we’re going for three and out at the plate out at the plate I saw that one and that that would have tied it a three probably wouldn’t went into extras and most likely ghost Runner get him home at least four would have been it I know when he got thrown out at to play on the double play it was a a Fly ball to Right double play I’m like it’s not going to happen to end the inning too yeah the eighth I believe because they saw the ninth but anyway we had three out of four legs on that so we’ll give Reno Paul credit he joined in on the PA farlay yeah he can take over for me no no we’re going to hit one of these we were so close and it’s always sucks when there’s one losing end and it’s you cuz it’s happened to me and you like feel like you let Alex and rying down but that’s all right we’ll get back all right on the show today like I said coming up is uh Greg vau but we also have our comedy clip now look I had a clip that I found that I thought was the funniest coolest clip Ryan then sent something me to me last night and we had we had to say this is funnier so here we go James Harden was at a wedding uh so okay hey Jimmy varar jumping in Jimmy oh okay we’ll play this clip this is James Harden real quick his girlfriend end up catching the catching the bouquet look at his face she was in the back of the room y the odds of that ball traveling that far and Harden took off to Houston threw it a line drive too it was yeah it wasn’t really easy to catch but so James Harden uh that’s one way he’s going to get a ring all right Jamie did you have something want to say you want to come in on yeah come in on the mic very important all right this is important we Jimmy varar with something all right here’s some gumb see thank you Jimmy see nowhere else in the world did they call the Yun have y exactly Y no one in the world calls these gumbs but Pittsburg why is that why do we then when I was a kid you used to put it like this and put something in there and shoot paper shoot each other then your mother would say you’re going to hurt somebody’s eye and then we used to do this too you pull the bottom and then you hit someone on the arm that hurts gumbs see you later thank you Jimmy varo bringing in some gum G band I’m telling you this is It’s the weirdest thing I don’t know why yeah why did you I don’t here well now that I have four look there’s mama papa and the two kids gum bands we’ll find out the origin of gumband someone maybe someone from Pittsburgh is watching can tell me they call them that no all right you don’t remember uh let’s see here oh those are kisy pin Wheels those are iconic says J.R from the ballpark no are those uh are those something to do with kamsky yeah did you know that I didn’t know that the pin Wheels on theing the S right yeah yeah okay very good uh where were we oh so the other funniest clip of the day I thought was uh you know we had the big series over in London Phillies and Mets they split the series which is nice ended on a weird double play two three put out two three double play um and the and if you heard the British version it was really funny the guy called it really anyway so they did a mascot R mascot race Pittsburgh we have the progis in DC they have the presidents everyone’s got something different this is what they did in London for the Metson Phillies so let’s go Ahad and talk about who we had here uh so obviously that’s a a guard there’s King Henry VII Winston Churchill and then a uh a palace guard and then Queen lead singer Freddy Mercury freaky fast Freddy so he’s down he’s he’s way out he’s waving but I mean come on we are the champions right he’s got to win this so here he passes the guard comes up on the outside don’t stop stop me now all right here he goes and he passes King Henry VII gives him little smack talk and they got the teeth right those are actually the size of Freddy Mercury’s teeth those are the real size yeah we are the champions excellent come on that if you had to get a picture taken with one of the mascots which one would you want Freddy Mercury you want Freddy Mercury wearing that outfit that he made famous in uh the live concert uh excellent and it’s still going whoever was in the Freddy costumes got some moves The Fanatic and the met Mr Met outstanding so that was uh the clip we had two good clips of the day let’s talk about some lines of the night uh lines of the night last night uh probably this is like an NBA thing do you want to go first or am I only NBA I can’t remember what your uh yours is the only NBA one mine is actually looking at baseball okay we’ll stick with baseball since we were just talking baseball more looking at the series between the Dodgers and Yankees okay so the three games series ended up getting to Aaron judge’s 10th career game against the Dodgers in his 10 career games against the Dodgers he is batting 389 jez eight homers 11 RBIs and a 1.57 4 opss he now has 281 career homers two more than any other player in their first thousand games and he’s only played in 91 baseball games wow 92 last night you know as of I think May 2nd I read he was hitting like in the he was under 200 yeah he started really slow he was under he was in 197 and The Tear he went on in May and continuing through June yeah is going to end up historic he is just on fire of course the Dodgers took two out of three but judge uh yeah he’s special and like I said when Nagel was on the show when I heard him hit a homer at PNC the ball sounded it was like instead of the whole crowd went oh like it was that different of a sound so good line of the night my line of the night we’re going to the NBA we haven’t even mentioned the NBA because the series seems it almost feels like it’s over but it’s not I feel like Dallas could steal in at home but Boston is by far the better team all year they’ve been the better team uh and I think one of the key additions is Drew holiday so goad throw that he had 38 points 19 rebounds eight assists and of course the key stat being zero turnovers through games one and two of the NBA finals last player to do that a guy named Michael Jordan pretty impressive he’s been playing well I haven’t I’ve kind of been bored with the games I’ll be honest yeah uh so I went through and looked at some stats from the series so Luca and Drew holiday are the only players to have 25 plus points in either game one or game two okay Luca is the only Mavericks player to score over 20 in either game he had 30 30 points and 10 10 rebounds in game one he had a 32o 11 rebound 11 assist triple double in game two becoming the youngest triple double in finals history Drew holiday had 26 points and 11 rebounds in game two a double double Jaylen Brown is the closest to the highest scoring Celtic he had 22 points in game one right the Mavericks in games one and two are shooting 13 of 53 from behind the three-point line this you’re not going to win 24 a half% so that’s terrible and then they are shooting 28 from 43 28443 from the free throw line 65% and the assist totals the Celtics have 52 assists the entire starting five has over five assists in this series okay the Mavericks have thir assists Luca has 12 of them Kyrie has eight and no other player on the Mavericks roster has more than three assist are always a good indicator of how well you’re moving the ball and who’s scoring that’s just that’s like a run differential being able to make shots the Mavericks have not been able to do that at all they haven’t I mean I feel like they can win a game at home Mike wilbon was saying he AG he he misses the 232 format I do too they’re doing 22 one one11 I like I prefer this way I just I grew up with two32 in baseball it was always uh um that game seven I mean that’s all I followed was baseball so it was always 232 and it rotated each league one year American League one year National League I think it didn’t it didn’t matter who had the better record it just rotated really I’m pretty sure it didn’t have to do with the all like winning the All-Star game that wasn’t until like the N that wasn’t until later on it was always just one year was National League one year was American League we’d have to look it up I’m almost positive yeah so I don’t even think the best record it was just National League was the year you got four four games at home I lik when the All-Star Game had a little bit of a say in it needed it right it needed it then there was a little something on the line um now the allstar game again is you know all all allar games there he is all Allstar games are getting heat but the uh baseball All-Star Game he’s trapped in the middle now wow he did that like an airlock that was really impressive my man uh let’s just uh bring him in it’s to ladies and gentlemen Greg vaugh is here ladies major leager Greg V what what is going on what happened to your arm and there’s a ball of some sort yeah you know what the oh to squeeze my balls a couple times a day and it begins great Von is here ladies and gentlemen uh good seeing you man thanks for coming thanks for what happened to your what is it elbow arm no it’s my shoulder oh okay yeah I had my uh second reverse shoulder replacement uh 14 days ago okay and how long are you going to be in this thing too long too yeah that seems I mean like wow and then what’s that is that like a padding there yeah to keep my they want to keep my shoulder my in front of me right you know what I mean they don’t want me to extend away from my body the first one didn’t work how about that all right so this is the second attempt second and uh I mean is is there pain is there I mean uh yeah lots of pain you know the the mental side of it killing me you know what I mean so no but you know it is what it is what can you do no golf and you sleep with that yeah man thank God I have a sleep member cuz I’m straight up and down dude I know those are the B I have I actually I have like the hospital bed too so um of course I haven’t slept in in8 months but anyway I really enjoy having because it helps with snoring it helps with all sorts of things well like I said I had too many the other shoulder surgeries I had I used to sleep in the theater you know what I mean in my theater chairs this okay but now I’m in sleep member man straight up and down yeah you recommend the sleep number I I recommend don’t get this don’t don’t screw up your shoulder and how did you how did you do that I mean is it from your playing days yes from my playing days I mean you know Milwaukee didn’t have that beautiful indoor Stadium they have now yeah it it’s a County Stadium you County Stadium you know beautiful opening day 33° you know what I mean it could it could be 80 at BP in June yeah you come out for the game is 42 you know what I mean it’s it’s crazy man all right so that’s what happened on the shoulder just yeah yes sir and you’re on the wall of Honor in Milwaukee I didn’t realize that I noticed that last night when I was looking at some stuff that’s a big honor right yeah I mean like like I said uh I think everything’s honor you know it was a priv it was a privilege to play uh I was blessed to play you know what I mean and to uh get recognized for some accomplishments you know it’s pretty cool especially when you have a grandson because I’m the coolest thing in the world besides his dad you know what I mean so you know you know that’s that’s what it’s all about and it’s your son his name is Corey I believe yeah my oldest is Cory then I have my daughter Jana who rides horses and then uh little Greg yeah so we’re you know proud of all my kids they’re all doing well and uh Major’s the grandson major major major oh major okay major I mean I tell you what what he’ll be here in two weeks I guarantee if you put him up here he knows more history about everything than half the big Leaguers NFL players and NBA players how old is he 10 see that was like I studied books when I was 10 so I that’s all I I did was study baseball books and all that and that’s what he’s a big fan and it must be a thrill for him to know his grandfather played in the major leagues yeah but you know like I said he knows the I he might know I mean he knows the history like if you ask the current players such he he can tell you all current current former Hall of Fame Negro League players I mean all that stuff you know our buddy Denny Nagel by the way Denny’s the one uh when I met Denny Denny actually knew the history we would do trivia like like you know most career home Denny knew his stuff and I don’t think that’s as much nowaday with the players they’re just there for themselves and getting the money it doesn’t seem like they they appreciate the history and the guys who really laid the groundwork for them to make this money well I you know it was different because when I came up and I got signed they kept us around so the guys can you know meet us and see what it was like to be a big league or play in the city uh and you know develop personal relationships also you know what it’s like and you know I mean it’s tough to play in the big leagues you know what I mean yeah oh no the percent any sport yeah any yeah absolutely um so listen we were we’re in the middle just telling everybody uh today is our 171st episode today is June 10th 2024 it’s National IC tea day and National ball Ballo I usually drink iced tea I’m drinking a soda today oops I should have been drinking iced tea uh ballpoint I have to have a blue ballpoint and we wanted to look back in 100 shows ago all right so what we do this is episode 171 we look back at episode 71 Ryan you’re wearing a hockey jersey 71 I’m wearing the same Jersey I was wearing in that episode my number 71 for the Vegas golden knights William Carlson but it’s a signed one too that it is okay very good all right so I think I don’t mean cat he’s a front runner he has a different Jersey every time I come I’m telling you he’s got we place are the Cubs in he had a c he had a CB shirt on the other day man I I only have my one Pittsburgh short with meh all right we’re going to take a look at this video this is 100 shows ago we rolling the graphic 100 shows ago graphic right all right here we go so we take a look back Greg that was me eating a banana with mayonnaise like will Levis does for the Titans and here’s me breaking a monitor with the golf back swing here’s a look at 100 episodes ago so anyway we have to make a bet and Ryan came up with an idea now Alex obviously is a big gold KN fan too I’m the penguin fan here so the bet that Ryan came up with that we’re going to do is well I think mine’s a little little far out I think I think we should go with Alex was hers the first oh that was hers Alex’s idea was that well no Alex is the one we’re going to do right right right you his far out ideas do you want to say so for episode 101 for episode 101 which will be March 1st one of us has to dress up as a Dal has to dress up as a dation right oh I like that remember that’s the day that I have to run my eight and a half been a mile by so maybe so maybe maybe that’s I could have you could put the doation you could use all four legs I don’t think I don’t think that would work on my end but I I I love that I love that you got to do it took the domination one a step farther whoever loses has to also get fixed so Ryan is having a baby she’s due so you’re just under the wire so this I say STP STP STP STP stop STP stop STP stop yikes all right Greg B was just showing me a shoulder scar picture and yeah so there you go I had to dress as a Dalmatian I bought that suit off Amazon returned it to next day sorry I’m letting you know I what am I going to keep that come on whatever happened to Jeff running that mile Jeff had made a prediction that by April 1st he was supposed to run an8 and a half minute mile and then he kept pushing the date back so it never had we’ll have to ask him uh when he’s here on Thursday well I have to ask him about that all right uh very funny video K nice job putting that together always nice to see me humiliated on the show but our favorite thing our favorite videos Drew dog is over there now Greg this is Drew dog in the corner we’ve added every time he does a great monage we add a g so he’s now three G’s how come he doesn’t have a big shair though how come he still up you know I can’t I know I can’t see him at all I’m just trusting that Ann tells me he is there but he works very hard on putting together these things we have now called the Monday Montage which is highlights from last week it’s usually about three minutes so if you missed any of the shows or you watched them you just want to see the highlights again here we oh wait oh oh we might have an issue standing by Okay Talk Amongst yourselves uh by the way so Ann went to a white socks game and she got the campfire milkshake so she brought the cup back C and we got she caught a shirt too and it’s a what did she get did she get him free yeah this was free I would say because how many games have they won this year yeah well they F you know they were they had lost 14 in a row and then on Friday they were actually favored here at the South Point everywhere and everyone’s like team lost 13 in row and their favorite well they won because they had that crochet crochet yeah g crochet their best player best pitcher he pitched and they beat Boston who’s not having the best year either so Ann are we ready or no oh wait in okay well well we can we can we can it’s going to ready give me 30 seconds we can pivot 30 seconds uh also we have a new feature Greg since you’ve been here at 12:36 every day we do picks picks at 12:36 now I don’t know if you have a pick or not but Ryan will have one and I’ll have one I don’t know have you been betting lately have you been watching NBA and hockey what have you oh yeah but you guys got give me my team so I can think about a little okay yeah yeah we’ll get you got 12 minutes you got 11 minutes to think about there’s my guy that comes from over there yeah right Chris is off today yeah Sanders is off I think he said last time you were in you hit a parlay here or something I did yeah you did I did did you do you bet horses or what do you what were you bet no I you know I value my time I I don’t like sitting here watching something that can be in Australia and sit here all day long no I I really don’t bet on Sports you know unless it’s like a a championship game or something like that something you know you’re going to watch you know what I mean knowing Xander you know I bet on Xander when he won so that was that was a good one okay you know you know so uh I’ll bet on Xander again I like for the next one this week he’s going to have his work cut off for him cuz your boy on fire the US Open right I know Scotty sheffer’s been uh you know I’m a Scotty sheffler but I’m a Xander fan more okay 30 more okay we’re going to be doing a special here I believe a US Open special yes that’s on Wednesday I know there was some discrepancy on Wednesday Barry will be in so we will have for the big uh big events we always have a special that’s shot here with some experts so they’re going to be talking Golf US Open special I believe Wednesday at 3 I believe that is correct that’s what we’re going to do so make sure you come back to South Point Studios we appreciate you guys watching at 3:00 at 3:00 Pacific time it’ll be live here so I can live I can get my sheet and then could you could do that you could do that Greg you have car launcher on here you can do what you want uh looking at some live comments let’s see here uh lucky let’s see reic is the guy he’s fantastic on that podcast with Braun uh okay question for you and what milkshake was better The Campfire one or the one from Kate’s corner here cuz we know everyone Raves about the Kate Corner shakes I’ve never successfully been able to get a Kate’s Corner Shake yes the line’s too long I it is a long line everything here at bu yes I I don’t I Jr had a question for for Greg perfect it hit it um asking if you had any Pete Rose stories oh yeah he can hit you know what the hit K I mean no I mean he played hard you know he could hit and uh you know he like like I said I mean he’s the man I mean from Cincinnati I mean he he likes talk hitting also you know what I mean he still does yeah he still yeah he likes talking I admire him I think it’s time I mean I mean he’s paid his dues you know what I mean he really has I mean just put him in this Hall before he passes away because it would be sad and and that’s my point you know what I mean Dave Parker you know what I mean I’m doing something on my podcast life after Sports 23 trying to get a campaign I mean what else they’re pushing hard for Parker I know and he deserves it yeah I mean he was the baddest man on the planet for 10 years late 70 he just it was so good and and fast and big and the best arm W batting titles total player yeah but back to Pete like I said I mean I I think you know the Hall of Fame committees they do just by they eventually do it but they do it when they’re in the grave so the guy you know what I mean why why not do it while he’s still here he deserves it I mean he he’s the best of the best and I played with a lot I played with Paul mer Tony Grim R out I mean I play with some guys that can hit but he has 4,000 you know I mean exactly he has 4,000 hits and you know when I was a kid I’d go see games and you love to boo him everyone on the road booted him because he was so good right and I remember seeing him play for the Expos which he looked weird in an expo uniform he didn’t play long in Montreal um because you remember him as a red even as a Philly right but in the Expos it was a game in Pittsburgh and he did we were sitting on the third Baseline and he hit a ball into the Gap and he did that Pete Rose head first dive in a third right at us and it was the coolest thing and everyone’s booing and screaming and I was booing cuz it was like that’s what you did pet Rose you booed him but I know when I played Little League I did everything he did I ran to first base on a walk if I got the last out I’d spike the ball which Pete Ro remember that if Pete Rose made the last night he played first base a lot and you get it he’d spike the ball and everyone hated that and I used to do that I love watching him play and he’s does he live in Vegas yeah yeah he’s yeah he he’s here you know and like I said the sad thing about it is I swear to God I remember him being a little Le ER or high schooler yeah one I bad I was Ricky Henderson the other one was rockar you know then I was Mike eer you know hit man yeah and it’s sort of sad now because these kids have batting coaches at eight years old they never even get a chance to find out who they are yeah I had the whiffle ball bat I could do the whole whall right I could do I could the Willie starel I could do there was a guy Jose Cruz for the Astros held his Bat up like this I did the ukis oh yeah Kevin ukus yeah he did that weird thing I mean Joe Morgan the yeah yeah what about Batista I don’t remember he stood like this with the battle yeah I love it yeah no I did them all yeah we did them all um all right so what do we want to do are we good with the he has to reexport okay we’re gonna wait we can we can do we can’t see him we can do it at the end we’re gonna do it we won’t forget now hold on we’re gonna do Monday’s headlines real quick so here’s what we do Greg uh Ryan myself and Alex who I believe you met once we uh we try to predict something that’s going to happen over the weekend and see if it comes true on Monday this is the Dune 2 popcorn holder by the way wondering I saw the puzzled look on your face all right here was my Monday headline I was trying to predict what would happen Aaron judge and Sh Otani each hit four homers over the weekend okay that was that I went I went bold on that did you watch any of the Yankees Hernandez what’s that if you had said t osar herar and judge had three by the way yeah okay so judge had three so Otani had none but did you watch any of Series yeah you know what that game I did say I watch you know it’s hard for me to watch a lot of them but I did watch that game you know it was boy that that that was a good game I mean that was baseball to me you know last night was baseball and the vibe in the stadium was just great I mean it was a playoff atmosphere but how about the Takeover do we have any the Takeover stuff we’ll do there but like the LA fans taking over Yankee Stadium that was crazy right who would have ever thought I don’t know was there a Facebook chat room that said we’re going to New York and we’re going to out cheer Yankee fans oh that atmosphere was great and those could be that could be the World Series right you know they had good they had baseball men in The Dugout also they had baseball men in the dug out also so one of those guys right at the top along aside they have the highest payroll you got to spend money to you got yeah trust me as you know as a pirate fan Dodgers sweep Yankees this was Alex’s Alex was close Dodgers had the lead last night uh they didn’t do it but Alex was close who else we have Ryan is this yours here no this is Jeff’s Sierra Leon finish is second in the Belmont because Jeff B him to win sier Leon finished uh uh third I think third and then last but not least Ryan yours is the very tiny one you said that’s D oh that’s Sean Luca triple double with buzzer beater winner in game two well he had the triple double he did have a triple double the Mavericks didn’t they did not win where where’s yours I don’t think you pulled mine out I did or didn’t it probably was something to do with the Cubs oh wait exactly it was it was not it was not wait maybe cuz I I would have had to say they’re about to get sweat by the Reds yeah here we go CC Shan Caitlyn Clark has record performance versus Mystics she had 30 points she tied her career high that was her career high she tied her career high but she is she was the first player in WNBA history to have points eight rebounds six assists seven three-pointers made and four steals in a single game so are we going to go ahead and say that you’re the first person to correctly I think that’s a record night there you go Ryan you’re on the board correctly predicted I think it’s kind of weird he knew all that though going into it well yeah my headline we put these in on Friday we put these in on Friday although I didn’t see you physically put this one in I’m just saying this feels like something you might have come in got here early and put in but CC shines Caitlin cark has record performance versus the mystics we’re keeping it that’s a winner did he say who’s going to win I didn’t say who was going to win the game he just said she was gonna have a big game yeah all right oh we have the Montage all right let’s dra all the Monday Montage then we’re going to spend some time uh with post punch lines with Mr Greg Von so here we go highlights of last week edited by the one and only Drew do [Music] crank uh we’re going to go ahead let’s get to our Monday Montage we have a piece of skiping my line again oh skiping your line again oh my God what’s the over under on seconds it takes for him to start crying when they after they say his name under 10 seconds I mean you know he’s going to just pulled back from Maryland yesterday and I watched the three episode Netflix Ashley Madison documentary couple scen where I’m like you got to like pulling his last name is a month of the year okay what are you what are you Rudy May Rudy May no is it Rudy May on that list no it’s Rudy York they’re doing this new pop culture Jeopardy right it’s teams of three oh God I was thinking Yi and Ryan would be a really good team you could get us up oh by the way I’ve never sat like this on the show with my hands like I think you look great that one of your your myot it might be my photo outside there just something about that jacket that makes you pose like that now I would go in and bring that sign in but I’m sure as I would bring it in I’d hit a monitor and Break It come on come on come on let’s see he’s got Dallas all right he’s got Dallas Dallas you took Dallas Dallas and all I got to go make a b $10 on the Mavs to win the series Steph furry said so so let’s do if you’re going to do a veggie burger the Gordon ramsy burger place over at uh Planet Hollywood you got to wait in line sometimes for a burger but it’s worth the wait I’ve heard some bad stuff about his steak restaurant in Paris oh that’s like my favorite why what have you heard they’ve got a rat problem oh come on yeah it’s pretty bad well that’s the last time I’m ever going there in my little world uh cuz it is all about me uh no better time in the world than uh than pucks and ponies right now by the way Vinnie Viola is that his name yes it is he’s got a guy and he’s got another guy look I’m Italian I’m nicaro Vinnie Viola I’m doing this bet just because of name Vinnie Viola my God one day I figured out what the hell I’m gonna stop at McDonald’s and I’m going to have a vanilla milkshake and a apple pie so I think that night I think that night I had probably three or four points and I’m like jeez I mean you got to keep it going here I mean think for 14 great games I think I found myself to every McDonald’s in the United States and Canada to make sure at about 11:30 a.m. I was having an apple pie and a vanilla milkshake we will succeed like red panda at halime at the Boston Celtics Dallas Mavericks game there’s red panda Jeff parl favorite did you see that uh red panda performed at halftime of yesterday sou back to London let me hear you do an English accent Ryan no say back to London come on mate still want to go back to London do you want to are you having a laugh okay go ahead he’s not going to do uh hello mate how are you that’s what going on his teammate there you go hello what did you would you want to play over in London that would be kind of cool right to go over and play a series yeah if they paid for it I go you know what I mean I mean now I spent a lot of time in Europe my daughter rides equestrian so so she rid Dr so right so she’s in Europe a lot cool oh wow yeah I go I watch her and then I go to the golf course okay nice nice uh I’m looking at the time it’s time for PX of 12:36 roll it oh sorry roll the graphic p p it’s p no pe’s post Oh Come On’s 366 and yes Greg that is my voice I didn’t know singing with Jeff parls a couple of us that Jerry autot tuned H all right so picks a 12:30 Greg do you have well he doesn’t have a pick right now maybe he’ll think about a pick what am I picking like like a winner for today like do you want to look at the lines and anything Conn I should have brought some shines well we have hockey are you following hockey at all oh yeah yeah I’m following hockey okay Panthers are minus 130 tonight five and a half over under in hockey I take the under but I take the Panthers 125 under and the Panthers he’s given a parlay 125 125 here here at the South Point minus 125 all right there’s a pick from Greg vau major leager all right and Ryan do you have a pick uh I will be going with the Baltimore Orioles to sweep the Tampa Bay Rays in Tampa oh Corbin burns on the mound so there Corbin Burns and then what was mine because I we had a graphic for something I was going to do right oh yours uh the Houston Astros yes we like this watch check this out Greg so this one’s from Brooks gate he has put together a list of the Houston Astros in their 67th game of the year the last 12 Seasons this being their 13th season so they have a chance to go on a 13 season in a row winning their 67th game of the year and they play the Giants tonight they play the Giants tonight Kyle Harrison on the mound for the Giants um who’s on the mound uh arti yeah for when I see arti I think Dave retti I where at where uh the game is in San Francisco at 6:45 tonight so it’s a night game Houston is favorite on the road I have minus 115 or so let me I take you take the he’s G uhoh Greg’s going to go against the streak lucky 67 isn’t it crazy that people sit around and figure this stuff out like the 67 I mean like I don’t understand hows right when we were kids it was like oh they’ve won four or five and you know they’re they’re hot but this guy finds out that on the 67th game of the year for the last 12 years Houston has won I mean yeah but you like the Giants oh yeah like the Giants oh my God I have to bet H we got to bet Houston because we got to talk about it tomorrow so anyway uh weird stat very interesting call me up if I be un don’t call me if I lose so okay deal deal deal deal deal so what what else have you been doing the summer Summer’s in full effect I’m this is my first summer in Vegas it’s 107 out or whatever it’s insane I’m not used to it yet up to how you stay cool in this heat well I’m a northern California kid so right you’re used to a breeze yeah we get the Delta Breeze in Sacramento but hey man when you get old I don’t mind the heat I swear to God I mean unfortunately I haven’t really been able to do much uh December 4th was my first surgery okay and I just had my they had to redo the whole thing on what the 20th of the last month so you know uh it could be hot it could snow it could do whatever it wants I’m inside for the most part no but you know I don’t mind heat you don’t mind it no it depends you got to do your stuff early though you know what I mean that’s what I’m finding out my dogs get me up early so I’m finding out that yeah take them for a walk at 9: cuz you can’t have them sitting on that that pavement where were you just since you mentioned Sacramento how do you feel about the A’s moving there for 25 through 27 yeah I I think it’s awesome I I think uh Northern California I mean specifically Sacramento but the centry Val Central Valley period yeah it’s amazing as far as their sports teams you know before we had the Kings it was the Warriors you know what I mean but now we we were all Kings fans yeah and then it split between the Giants and A’s but I I grew up uh it was the warrior it was the 49ers it was the Giants you know and I I mean triaa our AAA team outdrew Oakland you know what I mean really yeah me River Cats yeah rivat oh yeah for sure we’re over a million and me and KJ Kevin Johnson you know I remember Kevin Johnson yeah we were in the same class and when he became mayor you know yeah that’s right he’s like I mean he’s a big reason we got the kings were going to relocate and you know he did the big push to get him to stay there but he said I mean we got to find a way to get the A’s here you know what I mean but they have territorial rights so the Giants the Giants aren’t willing to give up those rights or I think they would have been in Sacramento you know a long time ago well Ryan is born and raised here in Vegas he doesn’t want the A’s he wants their own you know he wants a new franchise here if it goes well in Sacramento is there an outside CH there’s not it’s they’re coming to Vegas but it’s not 100% right well if they do well in Sacramento there’s no reason that they couldn’t stay in Sacramento but I don’t you know it’s hard to compete with the hey man there there’s rich and then there’s wealthy you know what I mean there’s a big difference you know so it’s it’s all about the corporate stuff right but I was reading something I was at home uh for the Charing event this past weekend okay you know uh sex trafficking you know what I mean it’s big to my heart to nice even though I couldn’t play golf or do anything but to give my support and they were saying that they a keep throwing out a few more things that they want from the city of Las Vegas you know the deal’s done and then oh yeah add this to it add this to it and I heard the people people aren’t too happy so you never know what can happen you know look look at the smile on Ryan’s face man Ry Ryan who do you want well in an Ideal World I would want an expansion team you’re talking about giving expansion team to Nashville or giving one back to Montreal if you’re going to expand the league bring a team to Vegas I mean the knights proved bringing an expansion team to the NHL if you hom grow it here the city will go around it I mean this this town is a they’ve proven that with the Knights this town is a KN town and the a is true I have to say you know there’s not a better sports city in the world than than this right now for me you know what I mean I mean you have your New York and your Boston and LA but as far as enthusiasm excitement I mean this is the place to be I mean it’s this is it you know I’m happy Gary Payne’s a good friend of mine I’m happy that I’m happy that Seattle will probably get one have to that’s they’re top of the list and I think by the way they mentioned Mexico City as a possible NBA thing David silver dropped that Adam or David Adam David Sil is from 902 and0 Adam Sil he’s from 902 and0 sorry Adam Sil said he brought out Mexico City the other down there and everyone’s like who Mexico City uh because everyone expects Seattle but he’s like maybe Mexico City which I I I played the baseball game uh oh you’re blown up you played baseball in Mexico City yeah during the season during the season we uh we played it was the funniest thing ever so we played you’re Padres Padre’s I think we’re playing the Mets okay or the Dodgers I can’t recall but you know we have breakfast and we have big PR dude I never seen [ __ ] fights at 8:00 a.m. breakfast you know what I mean blood flying everywhere no something just made the Monday Montage for next week by the way D dog excellent job on that but are you serious that’s how you wake up oh yeah yeah hey hey I wasn’t you know I passed good you know what I mean but no it was a good time I mean they you know they’re they’re great fans they’re passionate you know what I mean well and football’s big down there too I mean and by the way Mexico City is like the sister city for the Steelers like the big Steeler contingency down there in Mex yeah that’s every year you know the NFL draft they have each team has like a a foreign city connected to them now like I guess Green Bay in Philly or Brazil is that why they’re playing in Brazil maybe I don’t know I’m not sure yeah but Pittsburgh is Mexico City uh Keith ly has a question for Greg Von he says if I’m not mistaken Greg Von played in the first turn back the clock day in Old kamsky in 1991 does that sound right to you it’s turn so far back he might be is that I think that’s where they they don’t play music right they kind of do like old timey they do the announcements with like bullhorns on the dugouts you know he is correct because I remember I had a baseball hat but it’s like the size of my phone you know what I mean with a little little bit of little brim yeah yeah yeah yeah you know that that was that was a good time you know what I mean I I I love that about you know baseball you know we we would do that once a year you know you establish but now they got they have so many jerseys man now I don’t even know I don’t know who’s on what team is which sometimes we because all these City connect jerseys they have we usually do the reveals because they do big deals about revealing that trip and sometimes I’ll I’ll have sports center on and I’ll be watching highlights I’m like I don’t what team is this because like like San Diego has like that pink and green one you know you know yeah I mean a first of all the Padres the the yellow and brown is the way to go I know you wore those Navy orange ones that was that was our turn back to clock the yellow and brown you so good yeah it was turned back to clock and then camel was every Sunday for for the military yeah yeah so you you know you establish your Traditions but like I said some of these teams I was watching Toronto I didn’t know what color was that I didn’t know what that was some of the teams it doesn’t make sense all right so listen speaking of your past did you have something okay I had some questions for Greg Von about your career we have a few questions about we did this we do this with Denny we do this when we have players on the team I know Denny said he yeah he got me out all the time yeah right he did say yeah he did all right so here’s a couple questions I have for you uh what PCT did you have the most career at bats against it had to be americ League something career bats by Central let me see career career career there’s somebody on the white socks or I think he was with the twins mostly oh Scott Erikson no Erikson’s coming up uh Kevin Tony oh yeah I had good rewards with him yeah yeah yeah you had good numbers on everybody now the other one was uh um you had okay you had career high four doubles against two two pitchers one you just mentioned Scott Erikson and the other one was a reliever in the AL Central reliever reliever reliever he had like 30 saves from him before five years in a row he was really good really yeah I remember him I think he I’d say like three or four years in a row he had 30 saves give me the first letter of his team you played on C so it’s Cleveland Cleveland H Cleveland had good closures all the time really ran really like the most common last name in America I think he he moved around a lot common yeah like Smith and then there’s another one no I know it wasn’t Lee Smith he was in Chicago no no it was Doug Doug Doug Doug Jones Doug Jones Doug Jones Cleveland I remember yeah that’s he had a couple good years for Cleveland right in a row he had a lot but you’re going so far back I I can’t yeah all right now you had some for Greg Von right yeah yeah so I found a stat do you happen to know how many different hitters or how many yeah how many different s hitters have hit 50 home runs wait the graphic’s up so he can’t see it or don’t well you give me that little monitor I I need yeah okay this one this one’s separate from the graphic just for context do you know how many different hitters have hit 50 home runs in a season I would probably say maybe 32 so it is it is 32 holy crap you are one of 32 players in Major League Baseball history to have 50 home runs in the season but you are also one of eight players in Major League Baseball history to hit 40 plus homers in back-to-back Seasons but on different teams only two of those have done it 40 plus homers in back-to-back Seasons you are you hit 40 um 45 plus yeah you hit you hit 50 and 98 with the Padre’s and 45 and 99 with the Reds do you know the other player to hit 45 Plus in back-to-back seasons for two different there’s only two in major league history you’re one of them were you aware of this yeah I was aware I’m the only one to ever hit 50 and get traded you know you told us that story yeah that’s another good job Greg see you later you know what I me thanks for the 50 bye-bye uh who are the other players you told me before the show I’m trying to remember well so wait wait wait wait did you say 50 uh so no he oh this is 45 plus 45 plus I I would say two different teams I can’t remember who it is oh maybe I can I Mike is Jean Carlos St one of them he is not he hit 38 I believe in 2018 once again Prince not Prince Fielder Prince Fielder did not do it God I don’t you told me before the show and I don’t remember is he still playing no okay it’s not JD Martinez no but he is one of the players to hit 40 plus right JD was on that list so 45 in back-to-back Seasons Greg Von and one other guy is he a lefty is that an outline of him yeah he’s a lefty God I don’t remember who it is should we you want to take a guess and you want to wait is a lefty yeah because he has that little silhouette there played first base DH and third base Jim Tomy a Jim Tomy Jim to man that guy they say he’s like the nicest guy yeah hey between him we can we can Sol all of our political problems if we put Jim Tomy and Sean Casey or Sean Casey Jim Tomy there we go we would everybody would get live in harmony everyone will get along look at that yeah he had 52 with Cleveland and 47 with the Phillies or Jaylen Brown too for the for the Celtics we’ve been talking about jayen Brown all the time that guy’s smart he might be he might be the smartest man on the planet we’re gonna we’ll probably do that tomorrow or Wednesday with Alex we’re going to list all the things that he does but speaks languages plays chess he’s an amazing guy man yeah but I’m just saying Berkeley guy right oh Cal Bears there you go he’s Atlanta boy though you he’s from Atlanta Cal you know but you think about it he even when he made that choice out of high school Kentucky Kansas right no he said I’m going that way because going yeah you know I want to be able to you know use my brain and exercise it and be okay yeah well we’ll get more into Jaylen brown but he is an amazing uh amazing guy all right we have some posts now right sure all right Sound the Horn in ah it’s post time that means it’s post and punch lines where we find some funny videos funny things on the internet mostly Ryan doing this Ryan does a fine job now we’re talking about hockey we mentioned you like the under what was that it’s fine it’s just fine what’s just fine apparently my job what do you mean no I I’m just you do a great job no I know but you said I do a fine job you do a fine fine is good like I was just I was just he dresses up well too you know Jersey on yeah he dresses up well he’s the best all right he does a fantastic fine fine like Letterman used to say fine being EXC all right anyway so we have a kid that predicted some something right yeah so game one talking about Monday headlines yeah Stanley Cup finals this kid went on a a news it was interviewed by a news reporter predicted game one the final score of game one all right roll the video crank up the volume please we’re going to beat them three to zero n y easy cuz who’s getting H past Bob like that’s the real question the game your team looks like a small Pat mcrai he just needs the black T-shirt and say he goes shirtless it’s Florida they go shirtless he is a future Florida man actually another Florida boy Florida but he predicted three nothing and he was sitting behind the bench y this kid’s got some he’s got some money somewhere he knows he knows or he’s a time traveler and he predicted the game he’s three nothing and he goes I’m gonna put his dad’s a bookie and he knows what’s going on something but I love that little kid and uh we got to look for him in the game tonight probably be behind the bench all right what do you have next for us so still Stanley pup stuff oh St not Stanley Cup Stanley we had talked about on the show before that they were going to do a a dog uh competition for all the teams in the in the Stanley Cup playoff um all to be adopted um and so they they had yeah these are all dogs up for adoption which we love yeah they had their Stanley pup final um and then they stany pup see this fun names so there was David pupstock Brady Sharpe Sergey babski Anders leash Adam foxhound Nikita poov instead of coov poov you can roll it in um Austin Matt chws Alex oetkin Nathan m mckibble Joe pelski okay guy that just okay so here we go so here are the dogs what are they doing exactly they’re just trying to get the puck in the net as you would and okay yeah so that was the game winning goal um with the lamp that was by I believe Nikita poov um there was also Conor McDoodle an Copa tarf uh Roman Yori Quinn chws Mark bone was the knights representative and then Connor Yeller Puck I feel like they sat around with like a case of beer and pizza and they’re like oh we got to think of dog names to these NBA guys like what would we have a dog Greg vau what would your dog name be it could be Greg B Greg volcano there we go Greg volcano my dog named Frank niiko could be Baro Baro Frank Baro and Ryan kic uh Ryan we should have really thought about this before the show huh yeah so how it feel to be in my shoes I’ll still I get everything last I’m really not dis inell not intelligent you are Pete Rose is a nice P not a nice person and a liar that’s Keith La says that Jesus well I didn’t ask for a background check she’s going to Hall of Fame everybody everybody oh that’s from Keith L Keith comes on the show he actually uh dealt and he worked in casinos and he was there when Pete Rose got thrown out of a casino head first through the doors no way yeah he told the story I’ll send you the clip we have a clip of it uh we’ll send you the clip on the story but yeah he saw pet Rose use his head like like in the movies well see you didn’t ask me if he’s a nice guy right right no we we talked about baseball you’re right Tai Cobb apparently not a nice guy but a hell of a ball player yeah I mean they’re people everyone’s people you know everyone’s people you know what I mean there was there a real jerk that you played with that you would mind sharing maybe someone who just no one like I know I always hear AJ Pinsky was a guy no one liked now he’s in broadcasting he seems kind of likable well I true story went B I was probably facing Dr Death Scott Ericson you know Scott ER Dr Death I mean he’s having an event at the Palms in a couple weeks okay and I can’t golf but he you know he told me to show up right I think he was pitching and pinsk he was a rookie and he just kept talking the whole goddamn time I mean up at the plate and I you’re ready hit yeah right and the pitches the ball and then he goes oh we got to have that and then he goes hey you know a strike is a strike I if you’re GNA bleep it out cuz I I know am am I still on the leader buug you’re on you’re on the board you’re the we have it right there you’re the the first ever you were the first ever you’re at the top of the list does this count if I say this uh and uh green light green light go for it all right I said man shut the [ __ ] up because you you know what I mean trying to hit yeah you know Tony pñ he did I me he was the best Peña was a pirate P was the best he’s like all right Bonny here it goes fast right down the middle I’m tell you here it comes R fastball down the middle and you’re like goddamn Tony you know be quiet because you know he’s a good dude be quiet fastball right down the middle but you didn’t believe him you didn’t believe him you know but reverse psychology on you yeah yeah you know everyone did that but he didn’t go to school you know what I mean but uh but yeah pinski I I I don’t know he could have been a nice guy but he just talked too much yeah you know he’s talking D you’re at bat he’s talking talking talk and then he’s blowing the Umpire you know what I mean so it’s like it’s like can he say umpire can he say umpire I think you can say umpire yeah you know what I mean but he’s working at the whole game yeah and you’re trying to hit and I just told him hey man we G have a problem yeah all right that’s what I again but now he’s like broadcasting so now he’s talking even more but I’d always heard like he was just apparently the big jerk then there was that epic fight he had at home plate can’t remember who but someone really clocked him there was a famous fight AJ pinski at the play but I can’t remember all right moving on what do you have next Ryan uh well so I was going to go from the dog clip into a squirrel clip why not um at at the Mall of America they had a it’s in Minnesota yeah they had a uh squirrel surfing and people really uh enjoyed it oh that’s all right whatever you knocked over don’t worry okay so there’s a squirrel surfing at the Mall of America which I’ve been to by the way shot there A lot of times there’s three gaps that’s how big the mall is three gaps if you go Hey where’s the Gap they go which one there’s Jun and yeah right there there there’s an there’s an amusement park in that mall it is I’ve been there right it’s it’s huge it’s massive yeah yeah there’s like I think there’s two TGI Fridays we would shoot there for like a week and you would get lost so easily and when I was there one day at the local card shop a young catcher for the twins AJ pinski was signing cards I just remembered that uh AJ pinski no I didn’t it was a long line he was like his first couple years but I remember while I was there but that Mall’s ridiculous it’s huge but the surfing surfing squirrel pretty cool so Daniel PCO in the chat says Kyle Farnsworth versus pinski but then this one is that the fight he’s trying to reference yeah this one says it was Michael bar Michael Barrett versus pinski in 2006 it was someone slid home or something and and jacked him up well it wasn’t Kyle Farnsworth because he’s a pitcher yeah he’s a pitcher did you see the picture of him the other day no who Kyle Farnsworth yeah it like he’s going up for Mr Olympia did you see him oh no really oh my God he was already he’s already like new Jack right yeah but no it’s different he’s different now oh wow oh no we’ll have to look that up I like facing him though he was uh so Aaron oconor the very funny Aaron oconor said Frank nicot terer Terrier thank you Aaron Aaron and’s favorite like that one and Greg wmer voner like a wymer Riner she put vau in there Greg okay so Aaron way to go Aaron nice job what kind of what is that though W are those like slick gray dogs they’re like those they’re awesome they’re like all gray with the short hair they’re really cool dogs very intelligent dogs I got the the picture of Kyle Farnsworth okay oh my God what you had that in your you had that that was your screen screenshot screenshot is wow he’s really yolked yeah yeah wow all right we we’ll figure out that fight Jr is right the fight was with Michael Barrett of the Cubs big yeah it was a it was it was the socks Cubs socks Cubs fight Jr who works out at the Ballpark where I’ll be tomorrow have you been did you go to the ballpark ever yeah that one way over there yeah yes all the way over in Summerland you know what it’s crazy because from my house in California it took like 30 minutes just to get to the highway right now I can be to the farthest point of Vegas in 25 minutes 25 minutes that’s a nice thing yeah I’ve been there I did a camp for ML Major League Baseball out there oh yeah but I’m not going well I know the gm2 if they have a box and it’s air conditioned I will go okay all right well that and Ryan DS the endgame video and does uh everything over there and I do the on onfield mcing stuff Graphics yeah so I’ll be there again tomorrow with Martell it’s fine it’s a great night you’re outside all night yeah we got to get there earlier and then we stay and you know the kids play the games I remember when Cory played for the 51s you know I I would come out here man they have to be n i mean the last the they’re all night games from now right um there’s one more day game right one one more Sunday Day game game I think o that’s where the kids get to run the bases and the kids are going to be like take me home it’s 120 out here all right what that’s when the pool comes in Ah that’s right the pool I haven’t seen anybody in the pool yet they have a pool they have a pool in the Outfield that you can get for private events and stuff yeah yeah see really we’ll talk Greg’s interested we’re getting to the point where every single game there’s going to be a group in the pool in the pool yeah all right we got we’ll figure can I hang out in the pool well we might have to figure we might have to do a South Point Pool night we’re going to figure this out we got enough games left in all right Greg’s V Greg Von is in I’ll bring the wine for that 23 wines oh yes the Greg Von wine okay so going back to something for the yes for the Stanley Cup tonight uh there was somebody that does these videos where he shoots a a pingpong ball into a red solo with a hockey stick um this one yeah he did with a hockey stick uh in spirit of the Stanley Cup finals so the question was Will Conor McDavid win the Stanley Cup he tried it with one cup no 10 cups no okay how many cups is this guy 100 cups no and to 1,000s it’s just got to go in one of them for dramatic effect slow-mo and it’s going to bounce all the it doesn’t go in and and so the Florida Panthers according to this guy are going to be your Stanley Cup champions wow he has to move he has to by the way who the hell has a thousand red Solo cups a lot of this guy’s videos are doing that same thing just with different topics yeah is he sponsored by Red Solo Cup yet because he should make a phone call and get a deal with red with red Solo cups man that is awesome but you obviously he made some of those shots but obvious I mean yeah come on but it was funny all right uh what else you got um so going to NBA um there was a guy that does content where he antagonizes people okay oh watch this guy mouth off to Charles Barkley this guy tries to get beat up it’s the guy with no championship rings he sucked that basketball zero Rings he has zero Rings you’re Jordan’s son imagine not winning an NBA championship oh what a dick so you know what I went down a rabbit hole on this guy’s site right I don’t know what his name is but that’s that takes balls well conveniently the Jersey he’s wearing is also going to be a guy that does not have a ring yet LCA yeah oh yeah LCA well he went to New York with a Pacers Jersey on and he was mouthing off to the Knicks fans and the Knicks fans yeah that’s not a good idea that’s not a smart you know that’s like back not here but in Oakland yeah if you were a different Jersey to a rider game yeah you you might as well write your oh no and you stayed in that black hole or whatever yeah kiss the baby it’s over is that Terell no it’s CAD Co kiss the baby it’s done uh a Steeler fan got really messed up there once yeah like I’ve seen a lot of I’ve seen girls that where jerseys they go in the bathroom 25 minutes later MTS are going to get them out you know what I mean Jesus yeah yeah but it’s not like that here in Vegas come see a Raider game here in Vegas Vegas is lovely much Lovelier all the road teams come here all their fans come Pittsburgh’s coming high price tickets all right I think you have one more well I two more yeah I figured you would enjoy this one uh Pittsburgh native uh so Demar Hamlin had a celebrity basketball game okay Demar Hamlin great story from Pittsburgh died on the field came back to life uh so he had a celebrity All-Star basketball game at North Al that’s my high school and he ends up hitting a game-winning shot the score currently is 117 117 about pull up three by the way the defender ankle broke right here watch it again was that you no it wasn’t was that you no but that’s my high school that’s where I dominated on the court yeah I’m sure by the way if they have ropes that still drop from the gym ceiling I never climbed it remember how you you were supposed to but but but you know that that was a test when we were in high school yeah no I know I know you you had to run the mile the push-ups Pull-Ups so what I would do is run the mile really fast before the teach because the teacher would stay out to make sure everyone ran a mile and I’d get in and then he’d come in I’d be like that rope burned my hands climbing it all the way up to the top never climbed it I don’t know I don’t know what to think about that I got an award from my high school my high school gave me an award last January for uh all the things I’ve done in the Arts like this and I admitted I admitted in my speech that I never climbed the rope and they took the award away no they didn’t they let me keep it but yeah I never climbed the I didn’t I mean I was like I couldn’t do it that was you probably could you were an athlete yeah but I mean pull-ups pushup smile I could do the I did the I ran really I was a fast runner so I ran so by the time the teacher came in I just would be like oh man W that rope gets easier every time but remember like you had shorts on and and coming down was worth oh my God the burn yeah see you don’t know about the burn because you never went up I but I’m just saying the burn was oh no if I pulled my pants down right now I time for me to go no no no on my back of my legs hold on I went to the dog park there was a guy training a young dog and they had that like 30ft rope that they were letting out it was a husky puppy and my dog wanted to play so they’re playing and I’m talking to the guy the 30 foot rope which was like thick twine gets wrapped around the back of my legs and the dog takes off and the back of my leg the Rope just goes I have two scabs like this W like I went I screamed what Greg said earlier and the guy’s like oh I’m so sorry I’m like it’s not your fault so I get home and I’m putting Neosporin all over him I could show that we could we’ll get a picture of it if anyone wants what kind of dog part you go to someone has a 30 foot rope well it was H this one like Somerset Hills over here uh in Southern Highlands there’s like rich people’s dog well that’s where I’m saying temporarily yeah but anyway the but the dog and and just this it looks nasty but if you want to play some NEOS spor on it Ryan that’d be nice oh my God hey so who’s going to film that Caden all right uh we have a final one it’s a baseball one right we that scar up against Greg’s no Greg scar is way more horrific but I will show you my back of my legs I know we’re overtime but I had one last clip this is a guy he’s a Baltimore fan goes to watch a game in Toronto now did you ever play in Toronto when the hotel was there oh yeah I’ve seen a lot of things in that hotel it was it was there when it was brand new okay right so there have been incidences where there have been people naked naked and like oring having sex in the stadium and people could see it this guy right here this oh this was a walk-off win the Blue Jays on Friday night and this is the quickest anyone can ever go to bed after a loss by his orial team so here he is here comes the walk off hit and so the guy was rooting for his Orioles Blue Jays win they’re celebrating so he wants to beat traffic he’s got to get to bed how long will it take him here he is two seconds three takes his R Jersey up down a few steps swears and he’s in less than 10 seconds less than 10 seconds and I have a feeling he lost some money probably on that game and he was in bed boom there you go you guys want I could show I could come up here pull my pants down and just the back of my pants I box her briefs on okay we’ll get a pict anyway Greg Von what are you up to the rest of the afternoon where are you heading I’m sto at the sports book first and go the hter on the hockey game okay the under on the hockey that was your pick Greg Von pick under on the hockey game G Astros and the open US Open yeah and you think Xander I’m I want Xander but sh they’re my two favorites okay but no and Xander I got to go to Xander okay oh you know him yeah oh you think I’m just voting for him I didn’t know all right listen we always appreciate you coming in I I hit you up yesterday and said hey you want to come up and talk baseball you said I’ll be there and we really appreciate it man anytime I’m G to bring major here so I want you guys to yes bring him I want you guys to quiz major and we qu done bring him on major coming on we’ll quiz him yeah I want you done and you think I’m K bring them uh great show Ryan thank you for everything Ann’s back Kaden and Drew dog Drew dog excellent J do we give Drew Doug a big chair I don’t well here’s the thing I’m Gonna Leave This up to Greg vau whose first name starts with a g do we give him a fourth G for how good that was yeah I think you can there it is Drew dog you got a fourth G Greg Von gave Four G’s hey Drew can you stand up sorry see what you look like please there he is all right there he good there he is he’s back there all right thank you for watching and tomorrow Matt NE is here correct all right Matt NE is scheduled here Ryan and I will be here thanks for watching punch Lines line stands for live in Nevada every show thank you punchies [Applause] [Music]

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