How Using a Head Cover Can Fix Your Golf Swing in 5 Minutes!

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all right so it’s going right now one of the first things that when I look at your golf swing I see when you start trying to take the club back okay you don’t get a big turn now I can see the right leg extending and I can see you trying to get that turn but there’s issues with how your lead leg moves that makes that difficult now when you don’t get that big turn that gets you up to the top no depth you come down you try and tilt back out of it and you just hit these blocky shots all day so what I want you to feel is when the trail leg is moving up and extending which is good the lead knee is not going to work out to the golf ball like that but instead going to roll in and the pressure is going to move to the inside part of that lead foot as this goes up so set up for me real quick when we go back I’m going to move your knee here 3 2 one start going see how that’s coming more in M instead of dead straight out now you see how much your hip is turned here MH that’s really good movement out of your Trail hip okay that’s going to make it so that you can actually get your chest up here and rotating versus just staying on top of it and not getting much turn at all now we’re going to have to do some stuff in a second with how your arms move but that trail HP movement is going to be huge for you so set up for me real quick go ahead and give me a good good turn there you go beautiful let’s do another one beautiful one more really feel that turn great work so that’s loaded up well now you’re on top of the golf ball so one of the things we talked about off camera was how in a golf swing I want my players moving around okay I don’t want you having a lot of lateral movement if I move laterally let me borrow your club and I move off that golf ball boom I’ve moved my low point back so one of the things you said you really struggled with was contact okay now if I’m moving off and I’m chunking the golf ball a lot which I saw in those 10 balls you were hitting when we were warming up you know you move this way low Point goes back here you’re bringing the chunk into play but what I want you to feel is when you’re turning back you’re staying on top of that golf ball you’re centered okay now we always need to move pressure forward I’ve taught a lot of good players that move off the golf ball if you do that well I don’t have a problem with a player doing it but if you’re coming to me and saying I’m chunking golf balls I’m having contact issues the easy fix is to just get you centered over that golf ball and then thinking of forward versus having to time up moving into the golf ball and moving forward from there you know what I mean so just try and simplify that movement so when we get in here and make the turn set up and grabb that club we just want to feel that we’re going to stay Center let’s go back beautiful now you see how your head staying more over the golf ball go ahead and turn for me beautiful now you’re still doing it a little bit this is something we’ve talked about before when you’re rotating through the golf ball we want to feel extension okay we want our chest to be up and down when we finish you still have a little of it it’s since the last lesson it’s gone down significantly you used to be way down here with your chest but feel as though you’re completely working up into a tall position through the strike go ahead good turn through much better that’s one good swing do it again great so I’m watching your swing you’re turning better you’re getting up into extension one major concern I still have is this Trail arm and how it works when you go back you’re pretty much just pulling that elbow up okay you’re tugging the club by just yanking That Elbow way behind you and you’re getting stuck in the down swing okay I want you to feel that that arm is going to stay more in front of you and that elbow’s going to stay more in just real simple right there that elbows more in to recreate that feel I want you to try and jam this in between your arms here beautiful now get set up beautiful there we go let’s take it back to P2 Club parallel see how that arm staying in M okay now we’re going to feel some lift keep turning now you’re in a really good position if I take this out we can push those arms out away from your body a little bit you got good depth you’re in a great position and you’re ready to turn into that golf ball and not lose control with this right we want to feel that that elbow is getting Neath our lead arm not being on top of it in the back swing okay okay you can get there every time you’re going to be in a good position hey guys if you like this video please like and comment I come out with new content every Saturday Sunday Tuesday and Thursday thanks a lot you guys

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