Golf Swing TIPS #shorts

This great golf swing tip will help you improve your backswing and ensure better ball striking and increased distance off the tee. When you address the golf ball your trail arm should have a little bit of flex in it. Then, as you make your backswing you want to make sure that the flex in the trail arm has remained constant until it is forced to naturally fold in to place. Maintaining this position is the key to creating a consistent golf swing.

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#golfswing #golfer

so one of the tips that I want to give you here is when you swing back right arm for me being a right-handed player try to maintain the feeling that that arm has stayed quite straight As We maintain the straightness in our Trail arm it forces the trail shoulder to be pushed behind our neck this position also will will create more width within your golf swing which equals more power and more consistency gets the right shoulder behind which means the left shoulder is going to come under

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