This Mistake Ruins Thousands of Golf Swings

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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so in today’s video we’re going to talk very much about the grip and there are a couple of certain no no of things that you want to avoid that will really hinder your golf swing so a couple of basic things when you choose to grip the club your lead hand is likely going to be the one that goes on First and what you’re looking to do is get the club pretty much through the finger line and get the sort of heel pad sitting on top of the club the first big no no is don’t go in the Palm this will limit your ability to create any sort of risk cocking motion whatsoever this goes on top Happy Days the second thing you’re looking for is an amount of lead arm rotation so your arm is going to move sort of clockwise to some degree of your preference and what you want to do is make sure that your lead thumb sits down the trail side of the handle like so now from here your Trail Palm can now sit on that thumb we’re going to come back to this point very much later what you then choose to do is pretty much up to you you can do a baseball grip you can do an overlap grip you can do an interlock grip as long as your thumb is down the other side of the handle so as long as my right thumb is down the left hand side of the handle that’s absolutely fine the other no no is if your thumb is aligned either too centrally or too much towards the right hand side for Ry golfer and that’s because it will close down the face which will really hinder your golf swing now students of mine will know that I am about as much unnecessary Motion in the golf swing as we can possibly avoid and one of the things that I don’t like to see is excessive wrist positions in the swing so much so this is why nowadays I actually hold the club the same as when I grip by Putter and the reason for this is because I sort of started to learn that actually I remember hit trying to hit some shots and I was doing some short game shots my pit shots and I was trying to take away all the wrist positions and I noticed holding it like I do a putter helped that very much materialize now you don’t need there’s going to be an element of RIS coock as I said earlier that will materialize one through your grip as long as you grip it correctly and two through a bit of momentum so when I talk about not using wrists I’m not saying that I’m literally taking the club back like this okay a lot of the wrist angles that are created in your golf swing happen very much through your Trail arm bending and through like I say some of the forces that go through the club so I really like to see a swing which is nice and wide keep the club as far away from the body the main reason why I like to see this is because it’s much easier to bring the club into a down swing position as opposed to positions like this so the question is what about the thumb well the important relationship is to make sure that your Trail Palm is pushing your lead Thumb in the back swing position to help you keep that lead arm straight whether you’re going to choose to have a what would be known as a long thumb or a really short thumb I wouldn’t necessarily suggest matters too much as long as that relationship between your palm squashes against that thumb one of the things that I would potentially say is that if you find adopting either a sort of shorter thumb position so a thumb position which is not so long down the handle like so and one that is shorter it could be argued that the shorter thumb position would resist any excessive wrist breaking and the idea is that if the thumm is slightly shorter it’ll kind of have more of an inclination to want to keep the club head away from the body which is why if I was going to give a preferential choice on those I’d probably suggest for the shorter version of the thumb however the important thing when it comes to about the grip is to make sure that you don’t get those thumbs into the wrong sort of positions and the other thing that is really important is that you make sure you understand the relationship between that right palm and that left thumb that’s the big thing when you hold that club and you have that last little look at that Target you need to make sure that right palm is pushing pressure down onto that left thumb as you take hold of your golf club and when you swing back you want to make sure it’s there what you don’t want to do is start letting go of the club because your grip pressure isn’t enough on the club get the right palm onto the thumb whether you choose to go short or long that’s your choice I’ll see you soon so hopefully you enjoyed the video but let me tell you something there’s a much much easier way for you guys to be seriously improving your game and online lessons have never been any easier or any more affordable if you head over to the website you’ll see examples of different programs that I offer but I promise you you’ll be absolutely amazed at a couple of things one how easy it is nowadays to participate in online lessons I work with students that send me videos from the course that send me videos from the range that send me videos from home you’ll be astounded how you’re probably not doing the things that you should be doing and how helpful it will be for me very much personally myself to keep a watchful eye on your progress I’ve also got a video library and some structured content over there as well to help guide you on your way but keep watching the tips subscribe for more of those but like I say there is an easier way to ensure you’re on the right path I’ll see you soon


  1. Hey Russ, is it possible to make a video on weak/strong/neutral grip and give your opinion/advise on why one would want to use or choose one of these types of grips?? Ty sir and thx for this video on thump placement.

  2. I have been interested in grip Thumb length for 30 years . Couples short, short thumbs tend to be with strong left hand and left thumb, weaker left grip,

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